#chapter 24 of 559
Inuyasha Manga - Chapter 24 of 559...
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The mask has found Kagome's jewel shards...
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In a seriously creepy image, the mask is not free floating. It's still connected to the poor woman who was bringing it to the shrine. She's standing in the road near the base of the shrine steps she has extended her face so that it's long enough to reach Kagome's window. Super creepy. SUPER CREEPY.
Two people in a car don't notice the woman in the middle of the road until it's too late.
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The car STRIKES the woman, knocking her through the air and sending her grinding against the pavement. One of her shoes gets knocked off by the force of the impact. The noise from the accident awakens Kagome.
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The poor possessed lady's body is all fucked up, but the mask is still alive.
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She gathers herself up and hobbles down the road. The people in the car don't know what hit them.
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THE NEXT DAY, Inuyasha is bored and has such incalculably strong middle school boy energy here:
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MEANWHILE, Kagome arrives at school. Hojo actually asks Kagome on a date. Kagome realizes she's never been on a date before... (Apparently adventuring alone across the Japanese countryside and killing demons with Inuyasha doesn't count as a date. 😂)
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JUST THEN, Kagome realizes she's going to be in the PAST on Saturday and can't go on her date! Except...SHE COMPLETELY FAILED HER MATH TEST and she has to take the retest on SATURDAY. Uuuuuuuugh.
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As Kagome is walking home, Inuyasha appears, YOINKS her up, and takes off back to the well!
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...THIS...COMPLETE...JERK... He's like an 11 year old.
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Kagome literally begs Inuyasha to stay in the modern age for 3 more days.
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Uh oh...Inuyasha has gone too far. He for real makes Kagome cry. He makes her ANGRY CRY.
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Inuyasha actually feels regret, but Kagome is past wanting to talk to him.
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Atta girl, Kagome. Legit kick his ass to the past. (JKJK)
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That night, the mask drags its wrecked possessed body to the park where 4 school kids are beating up an old guy. The mask splits down the middle to reveal some drool-covered teeth...
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...and the mask starts EATING THESE KIDS.
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Meanwhile, Inuyasha is stewing over getting thrown through the well by Kagome.
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For the record, I think Kagome did overreact to Inuyasha making her cry, but I do like that in some ways Kagome's angry response kind of makes Inuyasha more sympathetic. This whole arc so far, he has been a total jerk, but now he doesn't feel like as much of a jerk because Kagome has ALSO been a jerk. I dunno. They suck at communicating right now, but at least they're also kind of on equal footing with pissing each other off.
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bookoformon · 1 year
2 Nephi Chapter 24. "The Messenger of Nations."
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Israel will be gathered and will enjoy millennial rest—Lucifer was cast out of heaven for rebellion—Israel will triumph over Babylon (the world)—Compare Isaiah 14. About 559–545 B.C.
1 For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land; and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.
2 And the people shall take them and bring them to their place; yea, from far unto the ends of the earth; and they shall return to their alands of promise. And the house of Israel shall bpossess them, and the land of the Lord shall be for cservants and handmaids; and they shall take them captives unto whom they were captives; and they shall drule over their oppressors.
3 And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall give thee rest, from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve.
4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that thou shalt take up this proverb aagainst the king of bBabylon, and say: How hath the oppressor ceased, the golden city ceased!
5 The Lord hath broken the staff of the awicked, the scepters of the rulers.
6 aHe who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth.
7 The whole earth is at arest, and is quiet; they break forth into bsinging.
8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and also the cedars of Lebanon, saying: Since thou art laid down no feller is come up against us.
9 aHell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming; it stirreth up the bdead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.
10 All they shall speak and say unto thee: Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us?
11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave; the noise of thy viols is not heard; the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.
12 aHow art thou fallen from heaven, O bLucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thy heart: aI will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;
14 aI will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the apit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and shall consider thee, and shall say: Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?
17 And made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof, and opened not the house of his prisoners?
18 All the kings of the nations, yea, all of them, lie in glory, every one of them in his own house.
19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and the remnant of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcass trodden under feet.
20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people; the aseed of bevil-doers shall never be renowned.
21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the ainiquities of their fathers, that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
22 For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of Hosts, and cut off from Babylon the aname, and remnant, and son, and bnephew, saith the Lord.
23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water; and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of Hosts.
24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand—
25 That I will bring the Assyrian "leveler" in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot; then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.
26 This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations.
27 For the Lord of Hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul? And his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
28 In the year that king Ahaz "he has grasped" died was this burden.
29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, "Land Of Grief-Stricken Dust-Rollers, Land Of Burrow-Diggers" because the rod of him that smote thee is broken; for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.
30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety; and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.
31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved; for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.
32 What shall then answer the messengers of the nations? That the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.
Exaltation of oneself at the expense of the poor, called "decadence" is a sin. In the prior chapter quoted from Isaiah in the Book of Mormon it says a replacement regime should swoop in when the former one can't make it happen, in this one, it says then must come the eradication of poverty.
God turns the land of grief, dust and famine into places the needy can lie down in safety and slays their oppressors. All who respect God's Authority are expected to do the same and ensure the root causes of such oppression never occur again.
If you are a president or a prime minister or crown, any kind of head of state, there are laws mankind expects you to follow in this regard as well.
It is called the Responsibility to Protect. Heads of State that neglect to respond to the Responsibility to Protect must not be allowed to continue in office as this signals the world that oppression is acceptable and it is not.
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Kiss Me Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fJZpSA0
by RollisiCarisi
When Clarke gets injured, she goes to her girlfriend for a special kind of healing. Clexa.
Femslash February Prompts: Day # 24: Heart
Words: 559, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 24 of Femslash February 2023
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Additional Tags: Femslash, Love, Femslash February 2023
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/fJZpSA0
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gatewaymiral · 2 years
Imagecast vinyl overlay gerber
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Cambridge City Manager Finalists () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 549-550: () by Robert Winters.
Once, Twice, Three, Shoot! – Decisions, Decisions – Cambridge City Council meeting () by Robert Winters.
I Met the Finalists () by Robert Winters.
All in a Day’s Work – JCambridge City Council Agenda () by Robert Winters.
Yi-An Huang selected by Cambridge City Council as next City Manager () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 551-552: J() by Robert Winters.
Giving and Taking – JCambridge City Council meeting () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 553-554: J() by Robert Winters.
Exit, Stage Left – JCambridge City Council meeting () by Robert Winters.
7th Annual Cambridge Jazz Festival – Saturday, July 30 and Sunday, July 31 () by Robert Winters.
Ad Hoc Selection Committee Announces 15 Charter Review Committee Members () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 555-556: J() by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 557-558: J() by Robert Winters.
Summer Simmer – What’s Cookin’ on the City Council Agenda () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 559-560: Aug() by Robert Winters.
List of all CCJ Forum posts (2009 – present) – reverse chronologically with author’s name () by Robert Winters.
Cambridge City Charter Review – Resources () by Robert Winters.
Plan E Cambridge School Committees (and Mayors) At A Glance - Comments?Ĭambridge PR Election Archive Cambridge Chronicle – “The ‘new charter’ has been abandoned”Īd Hoc Selection Committee Announces 15 Charter Review Committee Members (July 1, 2022)ġ5-member review team to take first look at the Cambridge town charter (July 13, 2022, Cambridge Chronicle) Plan E Cambridge City Councils – At A Glance (Mayor in bold) - Comments? Fractional Transfer – 2021 Cambridge City Council Election (posted Jan 15, 2022)
HOW TO BREAK A POLITICAL MACHINE – Collier’s Magazine, (posted Sept 24, 2020, updated Mar 27, 2021) In case you were wondering about how to make Cambridge’s PR elections independent of how the ballots are counted…Įlection Method Comparison – STV/Cincinnati vs. The Advent of PR in Cambridge – originally published in the Cambridge Civic Journal on Feb 12, 1998 Political History of Cambridge in the 20th Century – by Glenn Koocher (Nov 2004) edited by Robert Winters (July 2006) Rules for Counting Ballots (1941 pamphlet from Cambridge Election Commission)
General Laws Chapter 54A (Proportional Representation) PDF version Spreadsheet of votes in 19 elections to adopt Plan E House Report of the Special Commission on Taxation and Public Expenditures – Part X (City Manager Government and Proportional Representation), – scanned from originalĭefeated in municipal election: 19955 For, 21722 Against (47.9%-52.1%), 4615 BlanksĪpproved in municipal election: Nov 7 Cambridge Chronicle reports 25875 For, 18323 Against (58.5%-41.5%), 7513 Blanks General Laws, Chapter 43 – adopted by voters Nov 2, 1915ġ938 Mass. Insert from 1911 Charter Proposal pamphletġ915 Charter (Plan B) from Mass. Inside front cover of 1911 Charter Proposal pamphlet With Amendments of 1853 (adopted Dec 5, 1853) Amendments of 1857 (adopted May 1, 1857) Amendments of 1867 (adopted Nov 5, 1967) Amendments of 1869 (adopted Nov 2, 1869) Amendments of 1870 (adopted by City Council) Amendments of 1873-A (adopted by City Council) Amendments of 1873-B (adopted by City Council) Amendments of 1877 (adopted by City Council March 14, 1877) Amendments of 1878 (adopted by City Council) Amendments of 1890 (adopted by City Council May 3, 1890)ġ891 Charter of the City of Cambridge (scan from Revised Ordinances 1892, published by City of Cambridge) – adopted by voters Dec 8, 1891ġ911 Proposed Charter (scan from original pamphlet of Cambridge Charter Association) – not approved by voters – 5272 For, 6073 Against Original 1846 Charter of the City of Cambridge (scan from Revised Ordinances 1892, published by City of Cambridge) – adopted by voters March 30, 1846 Original 1846 Charter of the City of Cambridge (retrieved via Google) – adopted by voters March 30, 1846 Of the City of Cambridge from 1846 to the present and possible modifications for the future. And, no lamination is required to achieve 3 to 5 year outdoor durability.Resources for those who wish to objectively view the history and evolution of the charter For starters, you can print on any color of printable vinyl with solid spot color, giving you endless design options. Clean, eco-friendly, sign vinyl printing without the daily maintenance or media profiling of inkjet! What could be easier? Thermal transfer digital printing does not have the media limitations of inkjet ink and printers.
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primnroses · 3 years
— every time sakura is shown in the canon manga
In this post I will present every appearance of Sakura Haruno in the canon manga of Naruto written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. This post is not directed towards Sakura Haruno in a harmful or disrespectful way. This post is for information purposes only. I give my permission to use or share this list if you may consider it opportune.
I will not count the anime in this list because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. The fillers take advantage of certain characters, especially female, for profitable purposes and are, on occasions, rude. I also want to share that I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto. You can find the stats of the other kunoichis here. Please read the information about the stats in the masterpost before checking them.
I will divide Sakura’s role in the manga in 15 parts: 1. Sakura in the background with no prominent dialogue, either in a memory or a flashback. 2. Sakura with prominent dialogue 3. Sakura fighting or using her genjutsu abilities. 4. Sakura using medical ninjutsu. 5. Sakura saying Sasuke Uchiha's name. 6. Sakura saying Naruto Uzumaki's name. 7. Sakura praising or cheering up Naruto. 8. Sakura being praised by other characters. 9. Sakura crying. 10. Sakura lying. 11. Sakura saving or risking her life of another character. 12. Sakura saved by other characters. 13. Sakura ad Ino Yamanaka's friendship or in the same panel. 14. Sakura acknowledging her weaknesses and mistakes. 15. Sakura in the most important moment of the series: Fourth Shinobi World War.
Sakura covers 332 chapters of the manga, from chapter 1 through chapter 700, which makes up for 47.42% of the total. This positions her in first place in the kunoichi statistics in the manga. 
1st Sakura Haruno 2nd Ino Yamanaka 3rd Hinata Hyūga 4th Temari 5th Tenten 6th Karin Uzumaki
This leaves 368 chapters without her active presence.
DISCLAIMER: I would like to share that Sakura is my favorite character. Therefore, this publication will contain more information than the other kunoichis, not only for that matter but also because she is in more chapters and her story covers more aspects of her life. In addition, she is the most hated character and I want to point out everything, bad or good, about her personality.
Sakura debuts in chapter 3 along with Sasuke in her class. She is introduced by Naruto. From this point and on this is her rate of appearance:
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1. Sakura is shown in the background and does not talk in chapters: 86, 102, 122, 134, 136, 138, 139, 177, 219, 227, 319, 337, 352, 356, 363, 371, 404, 406, 414, 425, 426, 454, 467, 505, 516, 520, 541, 552, 559, 569, 592, 612, 615, 616, 636, 639, 652, 696, 698
This represents 11.74% of her appearances in total.
The chapters in italics represent Sakura in another characters’ memories or flashbacks.
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2. Sakura speaks/has a more active role: She is active in 293 chapters. 
This represents 88.25% of her appearances in total.
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3. Sakura fights or uses her genjutsu abilities in chapters: 5*, 6*, 7*, 10, 19, 24, 51, 52, 53, 54, 62, 71, 72, 73, 114, 117, 129, 246, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 286, 421, 452, 482, 540, 632, 654*, 662*, 676, 689, 690 
This represents 11.14% of her appearances in total.
*6, 7 & 8 Sakura is training but she doesn’t fight. I will add it but not count it.  *654 Sakura fights Obito with Konoha 12 in the chakra cloak. *662 Sakura fights the Gedo Statue off-screen. I will add it but not count it. 
The chapters in italics represent failed attempts to fight.
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4. Sakura uses medical ninjutsu in chapters: 238, 254, 253, 270, 271, 274, 278, 297, 343, 421, 429, 442, 484, 515, 522, 539*, 611, 613, 629, 630, 631, 633, 663, 664, 665, 666, 675, 699
This represents 8.43% of her appearances in total. However, if I include the number of chapters in which Sakura has kept Katsuyu summoned (634, 635, 638, 641, 644, 646, 647, 649, 650, 651, 652) to heal the entire alliance, it would cover 11.74%.
*539 Sakura doesn’t use ninjutsu but she heals the injured.
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5. Sakura says Sasuke’s name in chapters: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 89, 93, 106, 109, 111, 116, 129 131, 132, 144, 153, 172, 173, 174, 181, 182, 183, 218, 236, 285, 286, 288, 289, 296, 301, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 354, 364, 380, 395, 452, 453, 454, 458, 469, 470, 482, 485, 631, 635, 641, 675, 676, 678, 679, 680, 682, 685, 690, 692, 693, 697
This represents 29.51% of her appearances in total.
The chapters in italics represent Sakura saying Sasuke’s name in other characters’ memories or flashbacks.
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6. Sakura says Naruto’s name in chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 57, 61, 62, 63, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 101, 103, 104, 105, 117, 131, 132, 144, 172, 173, 174, 178, 181, 183, 218, 236, 245, 246, 267, 278, 280, 284, 286, 288, 289, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 301, 302, 305, 307, 310, 311, 338, 350, 364, 405, 409, 429, 430, 438, 442, 443, 451, 453, 454, 458, 459, 468, 469, 470, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 538, 558, 573, 628, 630, 631, 641, 649, 662, 664, 672, 673, 675, 676, 679, 680, 682, 685, 686, 687, 688, 690, 697
This represents 37.65% of her appearances in total.
The chapters in italics represent Sakura saying Naruto’s name in other characters’ memories or flashbacks.
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7. Sakura verbally praises/cheers Naruto in chapters:  4*, 5, 13*, 17* 21, 25, 27, 39, 42, 43, 48, 49, 54*, 62, 63, 74, 75, 76, 77, 100, 105, 144, 245, 246, 260*, 261*, 409, 430*, 451, 469, 487*, 573*, 628, 630*, 634, 649*, 651*, 682*, 688
This represents 11.74% of her appearances in total.
*4 Sakura supports Naruto’s idea to prank Kakashi. *13 Sakura thinks that Naruto made a cool move. *17 Sakura thinks Naruto has matured. *21 Sakura says it is amazing that Naruto climbed high. *54 Sakura thinks Naruto is courageous and has taught her a lesson. *260 Sakura impressed by Naruto’s jutsu. *261 Sakura impressed by the level of training Naruto went through. *430 Sakura is impressed that Naruto took down one Pain alone. *487 Sakura admires Naruto’s strong determination. *573 Sakura says Naruto saved Konoha and now tries to save the world. *630 Sakura says Naruto gives his all to fight the War. *649 Sakura admires how Naruto fights while keeping his friends alive. *651 Sakura cheers Naruto and friends to defeat Obito. *682 Sakura can’t believe the Sexy Jutsu worked.
The chapters in italics represent Sakura admiring Naruto but not verbally expressing anything.
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8. Other characters praise Sakura’s abilities and intellect in chapters: 10, 17*, 18, 24, 36, 37*, 42, 57, 72, 73, 90, 116, 236, 238, 245, 246, 252, 253, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 274, 277*, 279, 297*, 331, 474, 482, 483, 521*, 539*, 540, 632, 634, 649, 675, 676, 678, 684, 685
This represents 12.95% of her appearances in total.
*17 Kakashi uses Sakura for explanations and says she has been well taught. *37 Rock Lee says Sakura is an angel. *277 Naruto says Sakura and Chiyo were able to defeat Sasori. *297 Captain Yamato says Sakura’s kind nature is enough to help Naruto. *521 Zabuza says Sakura has grown up. *539 Morio gives Sakura a love letter. 
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9. Sakura cries in chapters: 27*, 31, 33, 34, 47, 50, 56, 66, 68, 93*, 117*, 172, 176, 181, 183, 218, 236, 261, 279, 280, 296, 297*, 310, 319, 350*, 429, 453, 454, 458, 459, 469, 474, 484, 486, 634*, 649*, 662,* 680*, 693, 699
This represents 10.24% of her appearances in total.
The chapters in italics are repetitive. All of them, except chapter 68, reference chapter 183 when Naruto promised he would rescue Sasuke. Taking these chapters into the result would be 12.04%.
The chapters with an asterisk represent Sakura tearing up. Not labeling those chapters as crying and not counting repetitions would reduce the number to 7.53%.
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10. Sakura lies in chapters: 69, 236, 298, 299, 469, 470, 482, 483 
This represents 2.40% of her appearances in total.
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11. Sakura saves or risks her life for another in chapters: 10, 11, 15, 26, 38, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 129, 252, 253, 270, 272, 273, 274, 421, 442, 474*, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 685, 693, 699
This represents 9.03% of her appearances in total. However, if I include the number of chapters in which Sakura has kept Katsuyu summoned (634, 635, 638, 641, 644, 646, 647, 649, 650, 651, 652) to heal the entire alliance, it would cover 12.74%.
*10 Sakura protects Tazuna but Sasuke interferes.  *474 & 693 Sakura wants to save Sasuke from the path of darkness.
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12. Sakura saved by others: 10*, 26, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 73, 74, 116, 138, 176, 266, 267, 268, 269, 274, 292, 296*, 299, 308, 429, 452, 483, 484, 487, 632, 676, 679*, 680, 688, 690
This represents 10.24% of her appearances in total.
*10 Sakura is about to fight for the first time to protect Tazuna but Sasuke interferes. *296 Kabuto heals Sakura’s injury. *679 Kakashi saves Sakura from going after Naruto and Sasuke.
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13. Sakura in regards to her friendship with Ino Yamanaka or in the same panel as her: 39, 42, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 71, 72, 73, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 328*, 337, 538, 612, 616
This represents 9.33% of her appearances in total.
The chapters in italics represent Sakura and Ino about their friendship and development.
*328 Asuma tells Ino to beat Sakura in love and ninjutsu, referencing their rivalry.
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14. Sakura acknowledging her weaknesses/doing or saying something wrong and learning her lesson in chapters: 3, 7, 19, 31*, 34, 36, 38, 53, 54, 64, 67, 71, 105, 118, 181, 183, 236, 296, 297, 308, 310, 458, 459, 470, 474, 482, 483, 484, 487, 632, 676, 678, 683, 693
This represents 10.24% of her appearances in total. 
*31 Sakura says that a shinobi must never show their emotions. 
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15. Sakura in the War Arc: 515, 516, 520, 521, 522, 538, 539, 540, 541, 545, 552, 558, 559, 569, 573, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 638, 639, 644, 646, 647, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690
This represents 19.57% of her appearances in total.
Within the War, these are her stats:
- She does not have an active role: 14 chapters (21.53%) - She has an active role: 51 chapters (78.46%) - She fights: 8 chapters (12.30%) - She uses medical ninjutsu: 26 chapters (40%) - She says Sasuke’s name: 14 chapters (21.53%) - She says Naruto’s name: 23 chapters (35.38%) - She praises Naruto: 8 chapters (12.30%) - She is praised: 11 chapters (16.92%) - She cries: 6 chapters (9.23%) - She lies: 0 chapter (0%) - She saves people: 18 chapters (27.69%) - She is saved: 6 chapters (9.23%) - Sakura and Ino: 3 chapters (4.61) - She shows weakness: 5 chapters (7.69%)
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arielle-reads · 4 years
Nessian Appreciation Week - Day Three: Favorite Quotes
The other day I re-blogged a post that had EVERY SINGLE interaction between these two (which was so amazing--thank you to the person who took the time to do that) so I also think I’m going to go an unconventional route here and choose a scene from Wings and Embers.
Cassian snarled, inching closer, his hand gripping hers—then paused. As if the question sunk in. As if reality sunk in. He blinked. “I’d do it for anyone.”
 She knew he meant it—and that he would. 
Perhaps that was what unnerved her, made her want to slice at him. The utter sincerity. That he honored his promises, and did not make them lightly. That he saw and spoke the truth, and when he’d seen her that first day, he’d weighed her . . . actions when they’d lived in that cottage. 
Her cowardice, selfishness. The rage that had consumed her, so that she wanted them all to starve, just to see if their useless father would bother to save them.  And then little Feyre had stepped in, and Nesta had hated her for it, too—that Feyre had done the unthinkable and kept them alive. 
She didn’t know what to do with it, that rage. It still burned and hunted her, still made her want to rip and roar and rend the world into pieces. She felt it all—too keenly, too sharply. Hated and cared and loved and dreaded, more than other people, she sometimes thought. Could sift between them all in a matter of moments, like she was trying on different sets of clothes, and no one could tell or care. Except him. He could see it, feel it. 
That first afternoon, he’d looked at her—not at the face and the body that human men marked, but her—and he had seen it all. She’d wanted to hurt him for it before he could reveal those things to everyone else, find a way to break him so he couldn’t—
I think one of the the biggest threads woven around all three of the Archeron sisters within this entire series is that they wish to be truly seen by someone, anyone.  Sure, Tamlin falls in love with Feyre in ACOTAR and takes care of her in a way that he thinks is best but ultimately we all know how that ends up.  No one has ever truly seen Feyre until Rhys comes along.  He sees her potential, her best parts and her worst parts, and loves her with every fiber of his being and does his best to lift her up, always.
Elain is misunderstood for nearly all of ACOWAR.  She is withdrawn, a shell of her former self, and it isn’t until Azriel finally guesses that she is a seer, that she even seems to become lucid for more than a few minutes again at all.  In Chapter 24 of ACOWAR after Lucien tells her he can’t hear her heart she says, “No one ever does.  No one ever looked--not really.”  I’m sure we’ll have to wait for her book to see who ends up being the one to see her.
And Nesta.  Nesta, the sister who Feyre says has a wall up against feeling because “ . . . Nesta feels everything--sees too much; sees and feels it all.  And she burns with it.  Keeping that wall up helps from being overwhelmed, from caring to greatly.” (ACOMAF pg. 559)  While we know she loves Feyre, the only love we can easily see her give is to Elain.  In my opinion, that’s because Elain is easy to love.  She struggles with her feelings for Feyre because Feyre was the one to step in and save their family when she was little, not Nesta, the eldest.  She can’t freely and openly give love to Feyre without coming to terms with their past because they haven’t ever had the chance to hash all that out together.
That being said, even though she has the easiest relationship with Elain, Elain is....Elain.  The soft, uncomplicated middle child.  I’m the oldest of my own family so I can say with certainty that even though Nesta has always done her best to love and ensure Elain’s happiness, she wouldn’t have wanted to burden Elain with all of what she feels.  It would have been too much.
But then Cassian comes along.  She doesn’t even have to say one thing about how she feels too much and he is able to see through every. single. one of those walls she puts up.  And she hates that.  She hates that this male sees all of her and that is why she lashes out at him the most because she doesn’t wish to be exposed.  But Cassian would never do that in a public place where others could hear.  I do think, however, that this is going to be a conversation they have with one another while she’s at her lowest.  I hope that Cassian tells her that he sees her.  He truly sees her and understands her and has felt those same things himself.  That there’s nothing wrong with feelings these things and while she’s alone with Cassian she can let out all of her rage. Her fear.  Her hurt.  That he would never judge her and will only be around to help her feel these things.  Because of course, Cassian has always been the only one to truly see her.
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Sunday Stumped Day 32
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day!
Sometimes we straight out  get stumped. So every few months we will pick a Sunday when we’ll post  of a list of asks that we need your help on.
If  you know the answer to any of these asks please shoot us a message/  ask/  with the Post number and the fic details and we’ll add it and give  you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16, Post 17, Post 18, Post 19, Post 20, Post 21, Post 22 , Post 23, Post 24, Post 25, Post 26,  Post 27, Post 28, Post 29 , Post 30, and Post 31 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with.
551. liahnel said to everlarkficquestions:  
Hi, I'm trying to find an old fic. It took place while Peeta and Katniss were both in 13. Katniss had to pretend to be in love with Gale instead for the rebellion. She had to do scripts with him but she wanted Peeta. I can't remember anything else. I hope you guys can help!
FOUND! All the World’s a Stage - Abagail_Snow (Thanks, @oakfarmer12 and @kiinghanalister!)
552.  weepingmilkshakesandwich said to everlarkficquestions: 
You're literally an angel for taking the time to put together and maintain this! Are there any fics where Katniss introduces Peeta to her friends or family?
553. oakfarmer12 said to everlarkficquestions:     
Hey, I’m looking for a post mockingjay story where Peeta has lost his memory. I think at one point he assumes Haymitch is her father. I don’t think he gets his memory back in the story. But he falls in love with her all over again really fast. Thank you for any help!
oakfarmer12 said:                                            
Hi! Is it possible to expand my description of the #553 fic? Peeta comes back to 12 and sees ‘a girl with a dark braid’ (or something to that effect). She gets upset at seeing him, and he is immediately like ‘oh no, I need to comfort her!’ and I think he starts bringing her bread.
FOUND! Lost - NurturingSilence  (Thank you, @eggplant8!)
554. carousallie said to everlarkficquestions:      
I’m trying to find a fic to no avail. Peeta is Annie’s therapist in modern times and the hunger games are her delusions/dreams and I don’t remember much else but I’m desperately looking for it.
555. weepingmilkshakesandwich said to everlarkficquestions:    
Any fics where K or P has a ptsd or panic attack or something like that in public, and the other one comforts them and everyone else is shocked?
Girls In White Dresses by Dracoisalooker76
Where the World Ends. - jennajuicebox (*Thank you, @hope4hea!)
556. petbaile-blog said to everlarkficquestions:           
Hi I’m looking for a story about katniss and peeta I only remember bits and pieces of it but they get back from their first games and katniss confesses her love for peeta. And peeta brothers is alive and katniss get reaped alone to go into the quarter quell, while peeta in district 12 watching. And at the end she destroys the arena and is burned and ends up in district 13.
FOUND! By Your Side - geekymoviemom
557. writerreaderbeliever said to everlarkficquestions:       
Hey ! First, thanks for your work! I am looking for a fic : It is post-mockingjay. Katniss and Peeta are together and just had a kid. Katniss has to go to the Capitol (I can't remember why) and Gale thinks Peeta is abusing her and sends Peacekeeper to their home.
558. its-hopeless-romantic said to everlarkficquestions:   
Hey, are there any everlark fics that involve skydiving?
559. 19fundiesandcounting said to everlarkficquestions:  
Hi, I’m looking for a one shot where Peeta has a dream that he’s still in the Capital being tortured and when he wakes up he realizes he killed Katniss while having the dream.
560. severelymaximumllama said to everlarkficquestions:    
Do you know a fic (one shot) where Peeta is a pilot and makes a Christmas tree with his jet (and a little help of his fellows). Thanks and Happy Holidays!
FOUND!  Lighting the tree - maxwellandlovelace (Thank you, @jennagill!)
561. everlark30 said to everlarkficquestions:  
Hi you guys are so AMAZING!!!! I was wondering if there are any fics about Peeta knowing any kind of martial arts?
562. ochri said to everlarkficquestions:     
Hi I was wondering if you could try to help find this fanfiction. It was originally on fanfiction.net and it was about post MJ peeta and Katniss. In one of the chapters I think it's the anniversary of prim's death and she starts peeling at her fingers and Peeta carries her to the hospital.  Sorry that's the only thing I can rly remember. Thanks in advance!!
563. mrspeetamellark said to everlarkficquestions:         
I’m looking for a fic where Katniss is a dentist and Peeta is under anesthesia and confesses his attraction to her. Thank you 😊
ficlet by atetheredmind (Thank you, @allie-rose!)
Do any of these fics ring a bell? Please let us know!
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queenestarcheron · 4 years
acomaf review
so i recently reread acomaf and i made a post about everything that i liked/didn’t like (more of the latter). i also started another one so some of that is repeated in here. i have referenced page numbers but they are all from the uk paperback edition so i don’t think they will be the same for everyone. it’s all chronological. there will probably be typos since i wrote this on a whim pls ignore them. this is quite anti rhys so if that bothers you just ignore this and pls don’t attack me for my opinions.
(pg. 24) feyre says "I don't know if I can handle them calling me High Lady." implying that she doesn't even want to be in a position of power in prythian. is that the trauma talking? tamlin also says that there is no such thing as high lady which makes no sense bc high lord power is hereditary so it should be able to go to women too. also this makes rhys making feyre high lady make no sense.
(pg. 29) poor lucien i cannot believe his brothers did that to his girlfriend
(pg. 48-49) feyre threw a shoe at rhysand and all im saying is that, if nesta threw a shoe at cassian, they would try and flay her alive
(pg. 73) rhys says there can be high ladies... but there never was one?? how does he know they can exist? it doesn't add up. again, if a person could just be given the high lord power, then what is the point of having the high lord bloodline
the 90 pages in between are just feyre getting upset and rhys saving her from the spring court
(pg. 163) i am diSGOSTED "You know I'm always happy to tangle in the sheets with you Amren ... I know how much you enjoy Illyrian-" seriously?? i don't think this is a normal friendship dynamic. also we hear about how dangerous amren is but cassian literally just made this comment and she did nothing. and we dont see her do anything to others at all. the only thing to suggest that she's a powerful being was the end of acowar
(pg. 169) amren calling the illyrians "barbarians" does not sit right with me
(pg. 209) "They might not be happy about it, but I'll make Nesta and Elain do it" you'll make your sisters risk their lives and status? to help the fae? the race that enslaved humans for centuries? okay feyre. everyone's right, youre a great sister
(pg. 215) rhys offers feyre sex with cassian? how are the nesta stans the ones that don't gaf about cassian when his own friend (who he considers a brother) says this about him? i don't think after 500 years of knowing him and liking him nesta would say any of this
(pg. 229) cassian gets mad at rhys for endangering feyre's life for no reason and then rhys says "you would do the same" like nO SIR NO HE WOULDN'T
(pg. 246) feyre says nesta looks older in her eyes. she's obviously been affected by her sister running away with the fae and her and elain even thought she was dead. don't try and tell me that she doesn't care bye
(pg. 255) cassian's dinner table speech about how feyre died for the fae and nesta should stop being a bitch. um, sir your people enslaved hers for CENTURIES? and you want to play the fucking victim? okayyy sure. have fun with that
(pg. 280) rhys doesn't make his people play the tithe but he lets them live in tents in snowy mountains? while he lives in comfort? and im supposed to support this guy? hard pass for me
(pg. 288) rhys stalks about keeping velaris a secret and says "My people do not seem to be suffering much from it." basically ignoring the people in the hewn city and illyria as his people? tehy are all hated by the rest of the courts and apparently rhys is just cool with that bc velaris is fine.
(pg. 326) all i want to say is that cresseida deserves so much better
(pg. 361) okay lol jurian was "obsessive" in his pursuit to free his people. why couldn't he just be chill about it? his people could wait you know. he didn't hav eto go batshit crazy. it's not like they were servants their whole lives and were being treated like they weren't people.
(pg. 377) okay so this is when cassian comes back from giving nesta the letter (wings and ember) and he says something about how the family is full of "bossy, know-it-all females" my mans you invaded HER PERSONAL SPACE and asked her intrusive and inappropriate questions. she literally did what any other woman would have done.
(pg. 386) rhys fully says "neither side is innocent" when talking to the mortal queens BOI THE FAE KEPT THEM AS SLAVES WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND STOP TRYING TO SOUND OPPRESSED OMG
(pg. 393) they are talking about how miryam and drakon fell in love when she was still with jurian and apparently it's jurian's fault bc he was too obsessed with liberating the humans? you can say what you want about them fighting for the humans but it's clear they really don't give a shit
(pg. 398) feyre hears mor's story and says that she understands why rhys can't forgive nesta. she actually just compared what mor's family did (trying to marry off mor and nailing a note to her body and leaving her at the autumn court) to what nesta did (was mean to feyre when their family was in poverty and didn't stop feyre from hunting). chilee wut
(pg. 415) the court of nightmares scene and all i want to say is DID ANYONE IN THE HEWN CITY CONSENT TO SEE THAT. also their high lord using women like objects isn't exactly sending his people the best message, especially the youthful ones. like if their ruler is doing it, then why shouldn't they? rhys is kind of making it worse for women ( at the very least he isn't helping AT ALL)
(pg. 443) mor says that she hates the illyrian mountains and says that they should be "burned to the ground", completely forgetting about all of the people there, the culture and the fact that she has 2 and half illyrian friends
(all of chapter 54) rhys tells us his sad backstory and a bunch of excuses but never apologises for his actions utm. am i supposed to excuse sexual assault because he was emotionally distraught? bc im not going to do that
(pg. 548-553) nesta stands up A LOT for the humans and tries to convince the queens to give them the book. we see a lot of her humanity in this scene. don't tell me she's just a cold bitch please read with your eyes and see for yourself. ALSO THE NESSIAN BIT ON PAGE 553 LETS GOOOO
(pg. 559) feyre talks about how nesta feels everything too much and i just want to ask where this feyre was in acofas when her sister was off in the deep end with her ptsd
(pg. 589) jurian is called a monster for literally no fucking reason omg give my guy a break
(pg. 606) lucien helps elain when she is fae and on the ground soaking wet. this is all before he finds out that she is his mate. this is why we stan <3
please feel free to comment on/challenge anything ive said. you can try and come for my favs if you want but it probably won’t change my mind. i might do acofas later. 
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My Top Posts in 2021
Okay but like... Sally smiling and cooking as Percy and Annabeth watch a movie in her living room. She leaves them to it, reminding herself to pick up some more milk and paying no mind to the conversation she can hear.
It's not that she wishes to, it's just something she's learned to do over the years. Having a son... Being married to him definitely made her aware of her surroundings at all times.
It's nothing important but she does smile at there laughter and Percy's impressions of the characters. She'd join them soon enough.
Though there's something that niggles at the back of her brain but she shoves it down. There's nothing wrong with some playful jokes, absolutely not. God's Sally you're going to go gray if you keep thinking like that. But than she hears
"What? I've already seen this bit."
"And? Hear I am trying to listen but your too busy texting... Is that Rachel?"
"... Yeah, she's coming over tomorrow and I was just telling her about the movie because she wants to see it."
Sally pauses, from where she was cutting apple slices. She knew she hadn't mistaken the anger in Annabeth's voice, hadn't mistaken the way Percy felt smaller... Almost apologetic for seeing a friend?
"So you'd rather hang out with her?" The "instead of me" was almost tangible. Her mind went to the nicknames, all about her being wise and Percy being... How even Percy himself has admitted that he liked Rachel but couldn't speak tk her if Annabeth was there..
And maybe it was nothing fine... but Sally Blofis née Jackson had survived 12 years married to a demon and she knew things she wished she didn't.
"I'd like you to leave" said Sally, forgetting in that moment she was still holding the kitchen knife. Annabeth was startled, but nodded quietly thanking her for letting her stay and left seconds after. Percy looked like he wanted to question his mum, after all she never let guests go without a meal.
But when he looked at her he frowned, she looked tired and worn out in a way he hasn't seen her in years. "Mum?" He asked, concerned and protective all at once.
Sally tried to smile but it didn't reach her eyes and beckoned him towards her, if she was wrong there'd be apologises and apple pie... If she was right, than she'd hold her boy for the rest of time and ask Posiedon for the Medusa head.
(@derpy-grackson made me think about Sally in this)
148 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 21:07:10 GMT
Dear Fanfic Authors
It’s okay if your chapters are short. 
It’s okay if you have to split things into parts. 
It’s okay if it takes you a while to write your chapter.
It’s okay if you spend more time thinking about the story than writing it. 
Don’t be afraid to have OC’s.
It’s okay if you need a break or go on hiatus. 
It’s okay if you can’t keep writing this story anymore, if you’ve fallen out of love with it and need to stop it than and there.
It’s okay if the idea’s been done before, no two stories are ever the same. 
It’s okay if you write on a website others don’t like. 
It’s okay if you use head cannons. 
It’s okay if you follow canon or completely disregard it.
It’s okay if your old writing makes you cringe. 
What you guys do is a labour of love and you aren’t appreciated enough in your fandoms and communities. Writing is hard, and you guys pour your souls into it and deserve to be recognised for it. So from one fanfic author to another, be proud, you make art even if it doesn’t feel like it. 
152 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 23:45:21 GMT
Random thoughts: We don't talk enough about the fact that Jason follows rules and keeps his promises because he's scared he'll be abandoned if he doesn't.
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And not only him... The guy wants to protect everyone. After being abandoned and raised as wolf, he wanted to protect others 🥺.
Imagine people just teasing him thinking he's so rigid and strict, that he can't gave real fun because he follows the rules to the letter...like you have Percy who everyone compares him too, who's seen as better by the camps because he's got mischief running through his veins.
Percy breaks the rules to protect his friends.
Jason follows them so no one will be abandoned or punished.
... Makes me think Jason considers his very existence against the rules and being abandoned afterwards was the punishment.
160 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 22:09:02 GMT
I've never seen this much positivity around Islam, to Muslims and seeing Ramadan Mubarak and all these wonderful posts regarding Ramadan from both Muslim and Non-Muslims on my dashboard is just so beautiful and sweet and thank you to all of you.
196 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 16:30:36 GMT
Also can I just interject in the angst fest that Jason is the only one of the 7 who's parent doesn't care for them at all.
Pluto saved Hazel.
Mars gave Frank a blessing that makes him temporarily invincible after being impressed by him.
Athena is so very proud of Annabeth and respects her
As does Poisideon to Percy
Aphrodite cares for Piper in her own way
Hades and Nico doesn't even need to be explained (I know he's not part of the 7 but I'm making a point damn it)
Thalia was kept alive by Zeus which bypassed the will of the fates (similar with Bianca and Nico)
What the hell has Jupiter ever done for Jason other than literally send him to the wolves? He bypassed the will of the fates to save Thalia... He didn't even shed a tear nor was he upset when Jason died.
267 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 16:51:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hanmajoerin · 4 years
I’m just gonna say it, y’all, Yashahime isn’t what I expected and there are elements to the series that I would have handled differently but to be honest, if I was at the helm of this all of you guys would be shitting on my version too.
My expectations–my hopes and dreams for the InuYasha cast after the end–it’s all so different from yours. I’ve read your fanfictions, I’ve seen your OC children. I respect them even if they’re not the characters that exist in my head. I respect them even if your ideas of the world after Kagome returns take three different turns than mine. This is exactly why I am urging some of you guys to brew a cup of chamomile tea and wait, at least until we have all 24 episodes of Yashahime at our disposal. I’m not the biggest fan of them, but Sunrise deserves the same respect as all of you do. And before you get all defensive and upset, don’t think for a single second that I have forgotten what InuYasha: A Fedual Fairytale did to the relationships of every InuYasha character. I feel their poor representation of InuYasha and Kagome’s relationship in the very atoms on my fingernails to this day.
Still, I have 193 animated TV episodes and four feature films to point at and criticize. And believe me when I tell you that the amount of college papers I could compose regarding the disservice that was done not just to my favorite couple, but to all of the characters that I’ve spent the past fourteen going on fifteen years of my life growing up alongside is kind of crazy. Yashahime has four episodes. F O U R  E P I S O D E S.
For some crazy reason, Rumiko Takahashi loves the cast and staff that worked on InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale–they take annual vacations together for Christ’s sake. It sounds like Sunrise has a plan for this sequel and just because the four released episodes include elements that I didn’t anticipate doesn’t make it fair to rule out the possibility of the series’ potential as a whole. Takahashi claimed to like it and that woman is coo-coo banana crazy, but if she believes in it, I have faith too.
But something that I wanted to remind you guys about is the fact that sequels don’t happen in the Rumic World. That’s why Yashahime existing is so fucking insane to me in general. Takahashi wanted to make a new story instead of “InuYasha Two” and as a writer who tends to not be a fan of sequels myself, I know where she’s coming from. I also wanted to remind you that we are not watching “InuYasha Two” either. We have Hanyo no Yashahime. This is a series about the daughters of some characters we love carving a path sprinkled with a little bit of familiar stuff and a little bit of new stuff. The whereabouts of our favorite characters from the past (unless you’re a Sesshomaru fan, we found that guy today LOL) is the series’ greatest mystery. Sunrise is dragging us along without an ounce of remorse as the new generation uncovers it. And it’s painful, but that doesn’t make it fair to disregard the potential of an entire work so early on in its run. If you decide that the story is simply not for you and you’d like jump ship? Totally different. It’s absolutely fine. It’s expected! But if you’re discrediting any kind of potential? No way.  
What’s been confirmed so far is that Moroha has little to no memories of her parents even though she knows who they are. Today we saw her grandmother ask for regards to be sent to her mom. Instead of having an emotional breakdown like we (with our 559 chapter history with Kagome) wanted, Moroha showed the largest amount of discomfort yet. She faltered, she admitted that she didn’t really “know” her mother, and scratched the back of her head uncomfortably. Nonetheless, she agreed to send the regards. This was Moroha acting in-character. Seriously, this quarter-demon is a fucking spitfire like twenty-six hours a day; she may have bared her butt to the family, but she hasn’t shown them any signs of emotional vulnerability. Two different things. 
Speaking of two, I’ll fight anyone who says Towa didn’t deserve that scene with Sota. In Yashahime, Sota raised Towa for a decade. Towa was his first baby. Towa is so much more than just the daughter of Sesshomaru, she is Sota’s daughter. His baby girl. And he sees so much of his big sister in her, especially now that Towa’s departing on an epic journey to gather her twin’s memories like the shards of the Sacred Jewel. It felt nostalgic to Sota. It felt right for him to share this moment with his daughter instead of his tiny gremlin niece who jacked his credit card and came into his life a few days ago 😉. And it was positively monumental that for the first time, Towa called Sota “Papa” instead of “Sota Papa.” It was in-character for the lore of the show. Maybe not our hearts, but in the reality of the show and therein lies the difference. 
Please don’t take this post as a declaration stating that you cannot be upset. Sunrise can’t make us all happy, that’s preposterous! We just need to be fair. It’s been a test for me too, in some ways, but I’m genuinely enjoying Yashahime for what it is. My blog is always going to be here for fun stupid posts, sentiments fics, and anything InuYasha. I want to continue participating in the journey that is Yashahime with my followers which is precisely why I’m encouraging you to watch the series with a calming cup of chamomile tea at your side. I’m encouraging you to remember that the main cast and main supporting cast of this sequel simply do not share the same history that we do with InuYasha and his friends. We need to acknowledge the characters for where they stand–their history with the world we’ve been shown–not where we stand.
I know it’s hard, my dudes, we miss our family. I want their safety and happiness just as much as you. But, I promise you, it’s going to be okay in the end. Kagome already told us so.
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officialinuyasha · 4 years
InuYasha Facts we've analyzed.
InuYasha was born on a lunar eclipse in December in the year of 1294. By Kagome Rae Dragomir's (and partly me for a historical accuracy year version) calculations based on lunar cycles and alamanacs.
Subscribe to her here - https://www.youtube.com/user/kagomelovesinuyasha
Facebook Post - https://m.facebook.com/groups/456192481415512?view=permalink&id=958983061136449
Tumblr post - https://officialkagome.tumblr.com/post/172468163585/ive-been-seeing-everyone-sharing-that-inuyashas
Kagome was born April 30th 1981 based on Japanese school terms, the correct time period, and lunar cycles and mention days gone by.
Video - https://youtu.be/K4S4C8Necf8
Facebook post - https://m.facebook.com/groups/456192481415512?view=permalink&id=1044823702552384
Tumblr post - https://officialinuyasha.tumblr.com/post/179857366355/kagome-higurashis-birth-day-calculated
Kagome was in the Feudal Era up until defeating Naraku. April 30th 1996-March 24th 1997 being 10 months and 24 days. Based on Japanese school terms and the days it took to defeat Naraku. Kagome has known InuYasha for 4 years, 4 months and 24 days in Chapter 559 "Since Then"
Facebook Post - https://m.facebook.com/groups/456192481415512?view=permalink&id=1129651784069575
Tumblr post - https://officialinuyasha.tumblr.com/post/623136150996074497/how-long-was-kagome-in-the-feudal-era
Rin was with Sesshoumaru for a little over 9 months but definitely less than a year because they meet after InuYasha's first human transformation. Episode 35 which is after episode 13.
(Exact dates in the Post is coming soon)
Kaede has been taking care of Rin for 3 years and 6 months since chapter 559. Sesshoumaru has been visiting her every so often.
The Well grants access based on -feelings- as stated by Kagome in chapter 558.
(Post coming soon)
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asfaltics · 4 years
and swerving legend
  must now; For now he shall be       1 of a contrary Opinion to what I was just now, for now I am so far from       2 any thing should be said of it. For now For now very are so far from [   ] more [   ] For its mighty rivers, so Rivers       3   it must needs follow that there be more now : for now is the defection and swerving       4 legend, or its song. All silent now, for now       5 parted now for now       6   as we have, now for now it is about half-a-foot deep, and still goes on increasing       7 by shedding his own come now, for       8 now; for now and then by exhausted energies, the waking the future       9   whose name I now for : now [   ] the get — a major somebody ?       10 to come now, for now       11 No better time then now, for now th’art in good clothes       12   Now — For now NOT NOW Now — For now against himself / Now — For now I see       13 your appearance just now, for “Now that I have seen you I shall leave at once”       14 a lease as we are sure of now, for now It was I we are sure of a seven years       15   hours now. For now we are separated, not by is coming, and now       16 dismist : “now” for “Now”       17 now for now i. (There are) now 6 bordars. It is 1000. (There are) 12 acres of meadow, [   ] then and afterwards      18   that laugh now! for now! for       19 I feel very well just now ( “for now” and “I feel” came next, but are crossed out)       20 one feels that it is now; for now as       21  
1 ex “The Bloody Brother, or, Rollo. A Tragedy” Act 3, Scene 2, in The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher vol 3 (London, 1711) : 1599 2 ex Arabian Nights Entertainments ... Translated Into French ... by M. Galland ... and Now Done Into English. The Fourth Edition, Volume 6. (W. Taylor, 1724) : 30 3 ex OCR cross-column misread (and inscrutable doubling of “for now”) at A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some now first printed from Original Manuscripts, others Now first published in English. In six volumes. To which is prefixed An introductory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke) intitled, the whole History of Navigation from its Original to this time. Third edition, vol. 1 (London, 1744) : xxxiv BL copy, recent scan (March 11, 2020) 4 ex Sermon on the Epistle for the twenty-third Sunday after Trinity, in The Sermons of the Right Reverend Father in God, and Constant Martyr of Jesus Christ, Hugh Latimer... to which is prefixed A Memoir of the Bishop; by John Watkins. Vol 2 (of 2; London, 1824) : 183 5 ex Introduction to Canto Second, of “Marmion,” in The Works of Walter Scott, Esq., vol. 84 (Pocket Library of English Classics, No. 118; Zwickau, 1825) : 48 6 OCR cross-column misread, at E(dward). Bulwer Lytton, Night and Morning : A Novel (bound with Zanoni; Lucretia, or, The Children of Night; and Godolphin; New York, 1850) : 40 7 OCR cross-column misread involving “Surgery of the War” and “The War,” from our special correspondent, Heights above Sebatopol, January 4th, 1855; preview only at The Lancet (Saturday, January 27, 1855) : 111 in full at hathitrust 8 snippet view only (OCR cross-column misread) at Sharpe’s London Magazine of Entertainment and Instruction, vol 27 (1865) : 284 9 OCR cross-column misread, involving scenes 3 (The Piazza of Covent-Garden) and 4 (Horner’s Lodging. A table, banquet, and bottles.) of Wycherly, “The Country Wife, A comedy” (1675), in The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar. With biographical and critical notices. By Leigh Hunt. A new edition. (London, 1866) : 97 10 OCR cross-column misread, as Messrs Kerr and Broomhall joust on the cost of stationery purchased by the Clerk of the House, in The Congressional Globe : The Debates and Proceedings of the Second Session Fourtieth Congress... and a supplement, embracing the proceedings in the trial of Andrew Johnson. Part 5 (Washington; July 24, 1868) : 4427 11 ex For the Young. Letters from Children. “Copies of children’s letters to the chaplain” (C. L. D. School), in The Christian vol 3 (London; October 31, 1872) : 574 12 ex “May-Day” (Act I), in George Chapman (1559-1634 *), Comedies and Tragedies, Now First Collected with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author in three volumes. vol 2 (of 3; London, 1873) : 334 13 ex preview snippet, to Mrs Horace Howard Furness, A Concordance to Shakespeare’s Poems : An Index to Every Word therein contained. (Second edition, 1874) here combining that snippet, with its referred-to passage at page 207 there was Horace Howard Furness (1833-1912 *), collector and scholar of Shakespeare, compiler of the “New” or “Furness” Variorum editions of Shakespeare; and there was Helen Kate (Rogers) Furness (1837-1883), whose inherited fortune made that collection (and much else) possible, see James M. Gibson, “Horace Howard Furness: Book Collector and Library Builder” at this UPenn Library page. Mrs Furness died of what was diagnosed as “acute neuralgia.” Her concordance extended the earlier work of Mary Cowden-Clarke (1809-98 *) her Complete Concordance to Shakspere : Being a Verbal Index to All the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet (London, 1845) 14 at The Leisure Hour : An Illustrated Magazine for Home Reading (September 1, 1877) : snippet view but Chapter 10, “A Doubtful Friend,” of His Only Enemy, by Mrs. Arnold (author of “Better than Gold”) at hathitrust more — Mrs. Arnold was a pseudonym for Sarah Ann Jeffreys (1836-88), whose remarkable story is sketched at the Victorian Research Web (Troy J. Bassett, At the Circulating Library: A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901. (accessed 16 March 2021) see wikipedia for a description of The Leisure Hour. 15 ex Proceedings of the Common Council, City of Boston (July 1, 1886; Boston, 1887) : 749 16 OCR cross-column misread, and misread “hours” for what is “hour,” ex “The works of St. Augustin” (On the Gospel of St. John, Tractate 18), in Philip Schaff, ed., A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, vol. 7 (1888; New York, 1908) : 130 17 ex OCR cross-column confusion involving “Now let Thy servant die in peace” and “Now, Lord, we part in Thy great [blest] Name” in John Julian, A Dictionary of Hymnology : Setting Forth the Origin and History of Christian Hymns of all ages and nations... together with biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators... (1892) : 818 among the contributors is Susanna (erroneously given as Susannah) Winkworth (1820-1884), English translator (of German theologian Niebuhr and others) and philanthropist, elder sister of translator Catherine Winkworth. see wikipedia 18 snippet preview only, in section “The Holders of Lands,” in The Victoria History of the Counties of England : Essex (1903) : 559 19 ex OCR cross-column misread/jump from The American Standard Bible (left column) to The Authorized Version (right) at “International Bible Lessons, uniform series.” Second Quarter. Lesson V. May 5 Poverty and Riches — Luke 6. 20-26; 16. 19-31, at The Church School Journal and Bible Student’s Magazine 44:5 (Cincinnati, May 1912) : 361 20 ex Hughlings Jackson, “On Affections of Speech from Disease of the Brain.” from Brain (1880), reprinted in “Hughlings Jackson on Aphasia and Kindred Affections of Speech,” in Brain : A Journal of Neurology 38 (July 1915) : 147-174 (166) John Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911) was a renowned specialist in epilepsy (wikipedia) 21 ex snippet view (only, at google) to YMCA, International Committee, For the Millions of Men Now Under Arms Number 5 (1915) : 48 (at archive.org)
on (not quite) recollecting a dream  
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thehierophage · 4 years
Why I celebrate the Qiyamat
by Osman El Malik Khan
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“On the 17th day of Ramadan, the anniversary of the murder of Ali, in the year 559 [8.August, 1164], under the ascendancy of Virgo and when the sun was in Cancer, Hasan ordered the erection of a pulpit in the courtyard of Alamut, facing towards the west, with four great banners of four colours, white, red, yellow, and green, at the four corners. The people from the different regions, whom he had previously summoned to Alamut, were assembled in the courtyard— those from the East on the right side, those from the West on the left side, and those from the North, from Rudbar and Daylam, in front, facing the pulpit. As the pulpit faced west the congregants had their backs towards Mecca. ‘Then, says an Isma’ili tract, ’ towards noon, the Lord [Hasan], on his mention be peace, wearing a white garment and a white turban, came down from the castle, approached the pulpit from the right side, and in the most perfect manner ascended it. Three times he uttered greetings, first to the Daylamis, then to those on the right, then to those on the left. In a moment he sat down, and then rose up again and, holding his sword, spoke in a loud voice.’ Addressing himself to ‘the inhabitants of the worlds, jinn, men, and angels,’ he announced that a message had come to him from the hidden Imam, with new guidance. ‘The Imam of our time has sent you his blessing and his compassion, and has called you his special chosen servants. He has freed you from the burden of the rules of Holy Law, and has brought you to the Resurrection.’ …When he had completed his address, Hasan stepped down from the pulpit , and performed two prostrations of the festival prayer. Then, a table having been laid, he invited them to break their fast, join in a banquet, and make merry. Messengers were sent to carry the glad tidings to east and west. In Quhistan, the chief of the fortress of Mu’minabad repeated the ceremony of Alamut, and proclaimed himself as the vicar of Hasan, from a pulpit facing the wrong way;’ [and an anti-Isma’ili source records that] ‘that day on which these ignominies were divulged and these evils proclaimed [sic!] in that nest of heretics, Mu’minabad, that assembly played harp and rebeck and openly drank wine upon the very steps of that pulpit and within its precincts.’ In Syria [at Aleppo] too the word was received, and the faithful celebrated the end of the law.” (Bernard Lewis, The Assassins . pp 72,73)
Lewis’ account is one of the more concise available, although he deems not to comment on the significance of the event, or its practical interpretations.
Qiyamat means, literally, “Resurrection.” And in Lewis’ account, he uses the word Resurrection. But what is it a Resurrection of? I can put it only briefly and clumsily. Like the rest of the Creation, The Truth exists in several different levels. In the matter of the Qiyamat, this begins to unfold first as the levels of exoteric and esoteric— the outer and the inner Truths. “The Law,” revealed and expounded upon openly in the messages of Prophets, is the basis of the exoteric, “outer” Truth. Within these same revelations and text, however, is a second, “hidden” current. (This is hardly the place in which to outline any of the inner truths outside of Qiyamat, however.) The Imam— the manifestation in the flesh of the Word and Will of Allah— of the time was hidden, whether in a physical sense or in a hyper-physical sense, as in occultation; and Hasan II (pbuh) was, in turn, the communicant for the word and will of the Imam.
The declaration of Qiyamat from the Imam, via Hasan II (pbuh), was that the exoteric, the rule of “Law”, had run its course. It can be debated via epistemology, ontology, or a few other -ologies, whether the declaration was a creation— a lifting of the Law then and there— or a revelation— a pointing to an eternal Truth. I tend toward the latter, but no matter. In any case, it was a revelation in the sense that it uncovered a new understanding of Truth. No longer was faithfulness bound into the physical realm, no longer was the experience of the Truth of Allah mediated. The scholar Henry Corbin has dealt with the Truth of Qiyamat perhaps more than any other scholar of our time. He uses the term and concept “Imam-of-ones’-own-being” to describe the praxis of the abrogation of Law revealed by Qiyamat. In effect, the mediation between common people, religious leaders, the Imam, and Allah is removed. The Law and other physical, exoteric expressions no longer separate man from Allah. Each person exists as his or her own Imam, his or her own messenger and manifestation of the Word and Will of Allah.
The impact of these events is multifold. For the Nizari Isma’ilis of the time, who witnessed this declaration of a spiritual millennium, it further enforced their belief that they were the true Fedayeen, the true warriors of the Faith. It also, in praxis, served and serves to disintegrate various divisions that are supposed to exist between “separate” faiths or applications of faiths. The laws and regulations and responsibilities that religions place on followers, naming themselves and their laws the hand of god, are no longer of any importance beyond the symbolic, since every human, through Qiyamat, actively becomes his or her own representative of Truth And Qiyamat is the unveiling of a great passion, the recognition of the Beloved very near at hand. Incidentally Hasan II (pbuh), Lord of the Assassins, was himself assassinated by his brother-in-law, who refused the gift of the Qiyamat. Eventually, the Qiyamat was pushed further and further aside, until it became merely a symbolic principle.
But in the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, commonly called the Circle Seven Koran, the Truth of the Qiyamat lives on, itself resurrected and revived in this time. In Chapter One, the Noble Prophet Drew Ali writes, “Man is a thought of Allah;” affirming that man is not merely a creation or construction, but a manifestation of the Word and Will of Allah. In Chapter Ten, the relevance of outward law and ritual, beyond merely a symbolic practice to aid in the attainment of wisdom is negated: “When man sees Allah as one with him, as Father Allah, he needs no middle man, no priest to intercede. He goes straight up to Him and says: ‘My Father God, Allah!’ And then he lays his hands in Allah’s own hand, and all is well. And this is Allah. You are, each one, a priest, just for yourself; and sacrifice of blood Allah does not want.”(vv.22-24) And in Chapter Seven, Jesus tells his friend Lamaas that “Allah and man are one,” (v.23); and he later goes on to say that “Salvation is a ladder reaching from the heart of men to the heart of Allah. It has three steps: Belief is first, and this is what man thinks, perhaps, is truth. And faith is next, and this is what man knows is truth. Fruition is the last, and this is man himself, the truth. Belief is lost in faith; and in fruition faith is lost; and man is saved when he has reached deific life; when he and Allah are one.” (vv.27-31) The realization of Qiyamat, not only by the intellect or the heart, but by and in and through the core, eternal essence of the human, is the reunification of the human with Allah. “Then every man of earth will read the words of life in language of his native land, and men will see the light, and walk in the light and be the light. And man again will be at one with Allah.” (Chapter Two, vv.27 & 28) The Beloved is no longer even to be viewed as the causeless cause of things other than the individual; but rather the Beloved can now be observed and adored even and especially within each person. Qiyamat is the end of Forgetfulness. It is the Remembering and the Resurrection of the True Self.
These are the words that bolster my belief in Qiyamat, found in the world of Medieval Islam and in the writings of the turn-of-the-century Prophet of Moorish Science. But they are themselves only physical manifestations, temporal and temporary. The center of my belief is that Creation is Perfect. Not in dialectical contrast to imperfection, but rather that its existence— all of existence— is most purely In-Itself, that every state is In-Itself perfected and True; and all dialectical impositions by the human brain are— while still existing perfectly— inconsequential, or at least of no more consequence than anything else, all existing as equally perfect. Wholenesses and Divisions all are perfect and True, perfect all times and none. The Wholeness of Creation is perfect, as are the Divisions of it. The Beloved is of course also Perfect in Its Wholeness, and as such inescapably unified and pervasive beyond any possible definitions. It is from this perfect Wholeness that my belief in Qiyamat sprouts. Qiyamat is the Rememberance of Perfection.
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1822 Tuesday 18 June
8 1/4
11 1/4
Came upstairs at 11 - From then to 4 3/4, read 2 or 3 chapters (according to the references) in Tacitus annals; and read the 1st 149 pages of
“The history of Wales, in 9 books: with an appendix. By the reverend William Warrington, chaplain to the right honourable the earl of Besborough.
“Wherever Nature, tho’ in narrow space
Fosters, by Freedom’s aid, a liberal race;
Sees Virtue save them from Opression’s den
And cries, with exultation, “these are men;”
Tho’ in Baetia or Batavia born,
Their deeds the story of the world adorn”. Hayley’s Essay on History
London Printed for J. Johnson, Number 72, Saint Paul’s Church-yard 1786″ Printer’s name not mentioned - 1 volume quarto pages (including from page 559 of appendix) 628.
148/261 Read Monday 24 June 1822
Dined at 5 1/4, and at 6 1/4 off in the gig to Crownest, to take a walk with Miss Anne Walker having talked of it ever since my walk with her last year - only her sister and herself at home they could not both leave the house, and Miss AW and I were tête à tête. Went along the fields to Wyke thence to Bailiff bridge, thence thro’ the fields to Smithhouse, and thence to Crownest - out 1 1/2 hour met Mrs Walker near Cliffhill as we went and saw Mr Walker for a minute or 2 after we got back - Mrs Mary Walker fell (not in a fit) but accidentally yesterday evening in the hall at Cliffhill, and broke a little bone or 2 in her thigh - Mr Sunderland thinks she will never be able to walk again without crutches or a stick - 
Got home in less than 1/2 hour at 9 1/4 - my uncle and aunt out walking and did not come in till 9 3/4 - I was looking at Hotspur, and went to them in the road - Fine day. Barometer 2 1/4 degrees above changeable Farenheit 64* at 9 3/4 p.m.
Miss AW obliged to me for walking with her, very civil etc etc but she is a stupid vulgar girl, indeed I scarce know which of the party is the least vulgar and have no intention of taking more walks or letting the acquaintance go one jot further - I asked her to come to Shibden and walk in our valley and here I hope the thing will end - [regarding her venereal disease: 3 treatments and no discharge] Came upstairs at 11 5/60 near 1/2 hour reading the introduction to my small Nouveau Guide des Etrangers dans Paris -
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/6/0017
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stony-ao3-feed · 6 years
Christmas Eve
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V7x37e
by marvels_blue_phoenix
It's Christmas Eve at the Avengers tower and everyone is feeling very festive and excited
Words: 559, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of 24 Days of Marvel
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor, Thor & Loki
Additional Tags: Cute, Sweet, Fluffy, Family, Love, Kisses, Cuddles, movies - Freeform, Presents, Infinity War and Civil War never happened
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V7x37e
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pius2017 · 3 years
Identify how the hospital is using nursing research in the patient care setting
Identify how the hospital is using nursing research in the patient care setting
Identify how the hospital is using nursing research in the patient care setting Read Chapters 24-25, pages 559-619. CASE STUDY: Barb, a nursing student, is attending a quality assurance meeting at a local hospital. Her assignment is to identify how the hospital is using nursing research in the patient care setting. Teri, the ICU nurse educator, describes how she read several research articles on…
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