twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 7: The reflection can be collected of feedback from all groupmates
Creative Writing helps me to enhance my creative thinking by making children story book, drama script and many more. it shapes my creativeness for my own good.
In creative writing, i learned a lot about writing fan fiction, flash fiction, essay, short story, and drama script. But we also had difficulties in doing all of it I'm happy that i've overcome does challenges.
The creative writing It has taught me not only about my self as a writer, but about myself as a person. It has been amazing to watch my writing style improve in all of the areas that we worked on. Before taking this class I never saw myself as one for writing poetry, but now I think that poetry has become one of my favorite writing styles. Through this class I have become a lot better at writing poetry and at incorporating a theme into my poems. I learned that not all poems have to rhyme, and that some of the best poems do not rhyme at all
Creative writing improves my ability to come up with alternatives and encourages creative minds and practice using my imaginations.
The human mind is an enigma, and so, creative writing is a product of it. It is amazing how the mind connects a story and writes it down wonderfully! Creative writing is a skill, polished to perfection through the years to make the execution of the story much more easier for the readers to indulge and fall into. It is a way to express yourself and your thoughts, charming or saddening.
-Joshel Dela Rama
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twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 6: Children Story
Ningning ang batang hugis tingting
Written by: Luna, rieder, Zeus and Altair
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twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 5: Drama Script
Wrong House
written by: rieder, Luna, Altair and Zeus
blog post by: Joshel Dela Rama
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twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 4: Flash fiction
Written by: rieder
I realize we guaranteed every we would remain together always, yet I want to quit murmuring things into my ear consistently. You kicked the bucket a long time back.
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twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 3: Tanaga
Written by: Luna
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twingkey5 · 2 years
Blog entry 2: Short Story
Written by: rieder
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twingkey5 · 2 years
blog entry 1: Any writing activities(Eng,Fil) that you have done during Gr11 or Gr12
Written by: Luna
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