#chapter 12 will be out tomorrow when i edit it but this is a preview lol
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kawareo · 9 months ago
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You ever noticed that Cazador apparently visits Flymm's Cobblers?
Little promo for new chapter for my prequel fic Unsaved :)
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vodkabite · 5 years ago
One of your oldest fans here. Been out of readings fics for a while but came back around because free time and thought of dropping by and checking in with my favourite writer. I hope things are going well on your end. Stay safe. I dont like to read the previews because I want no spoilers before diving in - I trust you as a writer. But i see you have a few very interesting fics in the pipeline. I hope you post some work, soon.
Hello! Yes, I’ve been keeping safe and I hope you and the rest of my readers are too. Things have been picking up on my end thankfully, hoping to write as much as possible to make for the time lost when I was sick back during the winter.
There are a bunch of side stuff I want to write,  there are currently 3 in the works that I have lined up. They aren’t finished yet, but here’s a list:
2k for Roman Holiday - currently writing as right now.
9k for Scarborough Fair - pushed back.
0 for a WWII oneshot.
As for the main fics, specifically everyone’s favorite, Our Little Secret, I’m reaching 18k. With the Intro, and the 1st Chapter of the Act 1, already being done. The 2nd Chapter is almost done as well. There are 5 acts in total, with 10-12 chapters each. I’m also clocking act at 50,000 words because I’m waaaaay too long winded, so there’s a lot of editing and rewriting being done to fit within the limit. This is also so I don’t steamroll over the subplots and of course the slow burn.
I’ll be posting a lil’ somethin’ something’ tomorrow, my page has been inactive for a close to a year now (goddamn!) and with all this coronavirus stuff happening, I figured, why not?
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fieldfullofbangtan · 6 years ago
Idols Dream: Chapter Eleven
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☁️ au: idol!au
☁️ chapter word count: 2.3k
☁️ chapter summary: Kris’ MV drops, it’s your big break and omg a giant teddy.
The music video shoot was honestly the most fun and exhausting thing I’ve ever done. Kris and I goofed around on set like two idiots but in the end after 2 weeks of constant shooting we were absolutely dead.
“That’s a wrap guys! Good job everybody and thanks for all the hard word. If everything goes as planned the video will be up the day after deadline!” The director yelled out as everybody started to get ready to leave, giving eachother praise for all the work. 
Me and Kris stayed on the set and we both breathed out like a weight had been lifted off our shoulder. When we started filming the MV everything was going as planned and the date of it dropping was released. Not only was the release day made public but they also posted a few teasers on Kris’ social media platforms. Since it was his first release in a while the news spread like wildfire and now everybody is anticipating it.
Unfortunatly thanks to some clumsy folks on set the shoot took longer than expected and we were all on edge because of the possibility of it not being finished on time. We worked 18 hours straight a few days just to make up for the lost time. So when we heard the director tell us we would most likely make it before deadline, it felt like a choir of angels appeared before me.
“We did it!” Kris finally said after processing the good news, he held his hand up waiting for a high five.
“I’ve never been so stressed about a deadline before” I breath out and dramatically use one hand to lift the other to give him a high five.
“Oh trust me, there will be plently of deadlines just like this one in your future” 
He probably said it to warn me or prepare be but all I feel is exitement. I’ve never been so happy while ‘working’ before. Even if the hours were long and tiring I always looked forward to being on set or in the studio. I never really believed the ‘Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”, but damn it’s true. 
“So what now?” I ask Kris after we’d changed into the clothes we came in and started to leave the building.
“Deadline is in...” Kris checks his phone, “like 48 hours. I say we sleep until then.”
I re-count the time since it sounds so short. I look at my phone as well. Wednesday 22:25. The video is suppose to be edited and reviewed, then posted on Friday at midnight. 
“49 hours and 35 minutes actually.” I smirk at Kris and he rolls his eyes but can’t help smiling.
Kris gives me a ride home and it almost feels weird to say goodbye since we’ve been wokring together for more than two weeks at this point. 
“We can take tomorrow off and just recuperate, but how about we meet back at the studio on Friday? We could watch the release together” Kris is tired as hell but still manages to show some exitement.
The video will be previewed before it releases but only by the CEO’s and editors. I’m not allowed to see it. I’m not exactly sure why but I’m guessing it’s to minimize the risk of it being leaked.
“Sounds good” 
He gives me a thumbs up and I start to enter the building. I hear him drive away much slower than usual, probably because he’s as exhausted as I am. Walking into my apartment a new wave of exhaustion hits me and I zombie-walk to my bedroom, collapse on the bed and fall asleep.
The time flies by, probably because I spent most of it in bed sleeping or on my couch watching netflix and eating. Jackson couldn’t come over since he was still trying to handle the situation with his ex, poor dude has been stressing over that for weeks now. During my free day I finally had the time to call my family and Jess, I told them all about the release, the shoots, my sister interrogated me about Kris and it was just wonderful to finally talk to them again.
Friday crept up on me, I again slept through most of the day but at 16:00 I went to the studio to meet Louis and Kris. Exiting the elevator I’m met with the familiar sight of the cute receptionist.
“Good afternoon Ms (Y/L/N)” He smiled. “Are you exited for tonight?” 
I hadn’t processed it yet since I’ve been way too tired to even think these past two days. 
“God I don’t even know... I don’t think I really get it yet” I chuckle and continue to the studio.
I’ve been here so much there’s no longer a need to knock before entering. Louis and Kris jump out of their seats to greet me and look kinda like two happy children seeing santa on christmas. 
“Guys what’s going on?” I laugh, Kris is rushing me to the couch while Louis hands me a full bottle of champange.
Louis looks at me like I just disrespected him and his entire ancestry. “What do you mean? It’s you first release ever! Aren’t you exited?” 
I shrug, it’s like my mind isn’t getting it. As if the past weeks of work we’re so exhausting my brain has just shut off all emotion. 
“Huh, not the reaction I was expecting. I could barely sit still when I first debuted with EXO...” Kris looks at me confused as he sits down beside me on the couch.
“Don’t worry” Louis sits down on as well. “It’ll hit her” He nods and smiles at me.
We just sit back and chill. When dinnertime came Kris and Louis start arguing about what to eat and I had to play referee and pick. They truly behaved like two kids and I can’t lie, it’s entertaining. 
Midnight crept up on us. Kris’ phone started to buzz, alerting him that we were 5 minutes away from the MV dropping and I could feel my heart start to beat faster. Jess started to spamm me with texts about her refreshing the Youtube page and the situation finally started to sink in. This is actually happening. A little over a month ago I was nobody, and now I’m in an MV  with Kris Wu. The worlds going to see this. This is my big break.
“Ready?” Kris turned on a projector that displayed Kris Wu VEVO onto a projector screen. As he pressed refresh for the forth or fifth time the video showed up.
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Just seeing my face on the thumbnail sent a shiver down my spine. What shocked me more was the title. “ft. questionmark? But I’m not in the song?”.
“It’s just to signal that you’re someone important, and not some random model for a music video.” 
I nod, I guess that makes sense. Usually people don’t really focus on anyone else than the artist.
“Not that anybody is gonna think your some random person after our run in with the paparazzis that one time” Kris chuckled, “But anyways, you ready?”
“I guess...” I pretty much whisper as I grab onto Louis’ arm as a way to make myself feel more stable.
Kris clicked and the video started to play. For the first 30 seconds Kris was the only person on screen. Louis and Kris started talking about something related to the MV but I couldn’t stop focusing on the video. Any second now... I’ll be on screen any second no-
There I was, sitting on a couch in the purple-neon lit room. The emotions I was clearly lacking a few hours ago came all at once and I felt so overwhelmed I just burst out in tears.
“Damn y’all look so good” Louis hypes us up only to realize I’m beside him sobbing like a baby.
“Hey... hey what’s wrong?”
Louis’ audible concern makes Kris turn toward me and notice my state as well. He paused the video.
“Do you not like it?”
I was too embarrassed to lift my head and too overwhelmed to say anything. I just shook my head.
“What’s wrong then?” Kris continued.
I took some slow deep breaths, trying to calm my sobbing down as they patiently waited for me to collect myself. After one last breath I finally said “I’m just... so happy”.
The boys both visibly calmed down. I dried my tears with my sleeves but they just kept pouring down. 
“I’m sorry I don’t know how to stop it” I manage to laugh through my sobs.
“Now that’s the reaction I remember having” Louis pats my back. “This is totally normal, you just gotta let it out. After a while you’ll be dyhydrated”
Louis says it jokingly but a part of my thinks that’s my only option. After getting my O-K to keep watching the video Kris turned it on again. It was surreal and so rewarding to see something we worked so hard on become this complete thing. 
Jess called me as soon as the video was over. 
“Oh my fucking god dude” I heard as soon as I picked the phone up.
I couldn’t help laughing because I could see her shocked face in my head.
“What do you think?” 
“That was...”
There was a moment of silence and due to the boys curious looks I turned on speaker.
“FUCKIN’ AWESOME” Jess yelled and we all shared some amused and proud looks. “But why does it say feat. questionmark?” 
“We’re trying to keep (Y/N)’s identity a mystery for a little longer” Kris said, “Get people talking”
“Well it’s working, are ya’ll seeing the comments?”
Kris pulled up the comment section beneath the video. 
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The video had only been up for a few minutes but the comments we’re flooding in. To my disbelief the majority of the question we’re about me. People were speculating whether the “?” was my artist name or if it was a man hunt. They very quickly figuered out that ‘the girl in the MV is the same one from Kris’ paparazzi incident’. 
“This’ll be fun” Louis smirked as we kept on reading very frustrated commenters, all trying to figure out my identity. “We won’t make them wait for too long tho. Just a few days”
“Oh right we haven’t told you yet!” Louis and Kris share suspiciously smug looks. “You’re releasing your first singel this week.”
“You are relea-”
“No no I heard you I’m just-... What?”
Kris chuckled at my confusion, “We talked about it and we think you should release your first singel by the end of this week, then when the hype is at its biggest you drop another one, and then the full album.”
“Wait you guys are serious? But we’re not even close to finishing!”
“We’ve already worked that out. We’ll do it in stages, so we finish the first singel this weekend, and we’ll just drop the rest when its done! I promise it won’t take too long.”
That’s true. I picked 14 samples and we already have 12 base songs, I’ve written lyrics to 10 of them and all we have to do is finish the last bits and perfect everything. If it goes smoothly we’ll be finished within a few weeks.
“Ok I’m in.” I say after enough thought. 
Louis claps his hands together, satisfied with my answer and starts to shoo me out of the studio. “Well then you better go home and sleep cause if we plan on being done we have a long day tomorrow!”
I follow their orders and go home. I’m in deperate need of sleep after my emotional explosion from before. Usually Kris and I leave the studio at the same time so he gives me a ride home. Tonight however Kris needed to stay with Louis to sort out some promotional stuff so I had to walk home. Not complaining though, the July weather in Shanghai is best at night, so a 20 minute walk is actually really calming.
Arriving back at my apartment I was again met with my apartment door being unlocked. I’ve been forgetting to lock it a lot these past few days, unsafe I know, but a lot has been going on and my brain just can’t seem to catch up.
I pray to whoever is listening that I haven’t been robbed and open the door. It’s dark and everything looks normal, I slap my wall a few times and manage to turn on the lights. 
“What the-” 
As I enter my bedroom, the biggest teddybear I’ve ever witnessed in real life is just sitting there, on my bed. Walking closer I find a bottle of champange in it’s lap with a little note hanging off it.
Sorry I couldn’t be there for your big break. Hope the bear makes up for it.
Can’t lie I was pretty salty about him not being here tonight, but the giant bear did make it suck a little less. He went to Hong Kong earlier today to visit family, lucky bastard. Since Jackson, Kris and Louis are the only people I hang out with we’ve managed to get pretty close, I just wanted to share this moment with them. 
I let it go and accept the bear as an apology. There will hopefully be more moments like this so why dwell. To my disappointment the bear took up way too much of my bed and I had to move it so that I could sleep. Sorry Teddy, maybe next time.
I reach for my noisy phone on my nightstand but fail miserably as I roll off the bed. Thank god for me moving that bear because it caught me and spared me from a pretty hard fall. I let my eyes adjust to the annoyingly bright daylight shining though my windows and finally look at my phone to see what the ruckus was about.
“Ooooh shit.”
My instagram notifications we’re blowing up, I was getting maybe 10 follow requests a second. My username isn’t even my name, and my profil picture is a meme, how in the actual hell did they find me?
Louis called a second later.
“(Y/N)? We have a problem.”
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hirstories · 7 years ago
What a year! FMABB17, and beyond...
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Hello my lovelies! I dug through all the muck that I’m wading through at this moment to give you a preview of the crack I’ve been working on. 
Yes, it’s just as you see. I finally lost it. 🤣
After finishing the Coveted rewrite, my brain kind of imploded. And one freaky night I had this wonderful epiphany. I knew I wanted to participate in this year’s FMA Big Bang (#fmabb17) but the story I had originally intended to write was going to be too long (would be hard to finish on time since I was moving/being homeless for a few months). So then I was watching Sailor Moon Crystal and when I saw Luna...I dug out the one story that would perfectly match with having a talking cat. Ironically, I took some inspiration from real life (yes, I know lost of interesting people) and created this mess from it.
Some umbrella tags I have for this story are: Gen (since it really isn't romance), Humor (because I tried to be funny), Supernatural (because I don't want to label this as “crack”--though it kind of is). My wonderful artist @dzioo mentioned to me that the story is quite suspenseful, so I slap the Suspense tag on this too.
Are there pairings? of course! You have Ed x Win (because they don’t get enough love in the fandom), Al x Mei (which I think the small bit of romance comes from these two). 
Characters? Ed, Winry, Al, Mei, Pinako, Paninya, Mr. Garfiel, Dominic (and his son, which I don’t remember the name) and two main OCs. And Edward’s body (you’ll know soon enough 😉).
The cover. I intended for the cover to look cartoony. Yes, this was my attempt of drawing a FMA cat. Guess who this is!
I plan to post what I have, which is 7 chapters (4 chapters that have been beta by the wonderful @bayalexison). I have 12 chapters total for this story. 
<rant>Why I haven’t finished editing the entire story? Well, for starters I was mooching off friends and relatives for a few months. Second, after purchasing a brand new house, Irma passes over us as a Cat 2 hurricane (yes the freaking eye went over my freaking house!!!). Nothing happened to us (God only knows why) but things did happen to my BFF so she and her family stayed over for a week. Then hurricane Maria decided to thrash the island of Puerto Rico. For those who don’t know, I’m from Puerto Rico. All my family is in Puerto Rico so imaging the stress of having been unable to know of their whereabouts to not being able to help them as you want to. Imagine all the freaking stress of my frigging year!!! </rant>
So I plan to post the entire story. I asked for an extension, and I have it. Hopefully I’ll finish what I started (it’s all I can do for now).
What do I ask of you? R&R, reblog!!! Freaking comment!!! I’ve been through some much BS that love is greatly appreciated. Lather me with comments, my lovelies! My privileged self needs them--will make the impotence and self-loathing (I really do feel like a piece of sh!t because I can’t help those who I love) more bearable. Besides, this story is one of a kind and I don’t think I’ve seen something like this in fandom (especially in the FMA fandom), so you might be in for a treat?!?!
Tomorrow or Wednesday I’ll post chapter 1. I might post weekly or maybe every two weeks until I have everything finished.
I do hope you guys like this story. It will be posted on AO3 and FF.net.
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cbilluminati · 8 years ago
IDW has some great books dropping this week, and we have your early look at them all. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 2-1-2017.
America’s Best Comics: Artist’s Edition HC
Writer: Alan Moore Artists: Arthur Adams, Hilary Barta, Gene Ha, Kevin Nowlan, Paul Rivoche, Chris Sprouse, Rick Veitch, J.H. Williams III Cover Artist: Chris Sprouse
Alan Moore was the braintrust behind America’s Best Comics, one of the most acclaimed imprints in the history of comics. Comprised of four main titles: Tom Strong, Top10, Promethea, and the anthology Tomorrow Stories, the ABC line paired Moore with the finest artists in comics. This volume will present a beautiful overview of the ABC line, including complete stories from Promethea #10 (Eisner Award-winner for best issue of the year) and Top 10 #7. Additionally, a fine selection of shorter stories featuring Tom Strong, Jack B. Quick, Splash Brannigan, and Greyshirt will be included. Plus a stunning gallery section. The best stories by the best artists in the best format!
HC • BW • $95.00 net cost item • 216 pages • 12” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-757-4
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for November release!
The ABC line won a total of 12 MAJOR Eisner Awards, including: Best Writer (four times), Best Artist, Best Single Issue (twice), Best Serialized Story, Best Continuing Series, Best New Series, Best Anthology, and Best Graphic Novel!
   Back to the Future #16
Writers: Bob Gale, John Barber Artist: Emma Vieceli Cover Artist: Emma Vieceli
WHO IS MARTY McFLY?!? And why are there so many on the loose in 1986?! Marty and Doc finally get some answers, but they might not like where those answer take them… and they’re definitely not going to like WHEN it takes ’em!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
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Box Office Poison Color Comics #2
Writer: Alex Robinson Artist: Alex Robinson Cover Artist: Alex Robinson
Sherman’s frustration with his job grows and grows… while the story of Jane and Stephen’s relationship is revealed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Winner of the Eisner Award for Talent Deserving Wider Recognition, the International Comics Festival Award for Best Debut Graphic Novel (Angouleme, France), and voted by Wizard Magazine as the best indy graphic novel of all time.
“A salute to comics, an exploration of the human condition, and a solid, absorbing, and riotously snide tale about at least half of the things that make life important.” — Tasha Robinson, The AV Club
Each issue will be presented in color for the very first time!
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Chester 5000: Isabelle & George
Writer: Jess Fink Artist: Jess Fink Cover Artist: Jess Fink
1889: an age of industrial revolution and sexual frustration. Isabelle is a lonely orphan, reprimanded at every turn by her strict matron. George is an inventor on the cusp of a brilliant discovery. Together they find love, but in an age of violent mechanization and military secrets, can their passion survive?
After the smash success of CHESTER 5000’s first volume (the tale of a Victorian woman and her robot lover), beloved web-cartoonist Jess Fink returns with another triumphant story of boundary-breaking love, sex, and technology. Discover the origins of your favorite characters along with all-new thrills. All the drama and adventure of the silent film era is here, enlivened with modern whimsy and erotic charm.
HC • BW • $14.95 • 184 pages • 6.5” x 7.5” • ISBN: 978-1-93656-169-8
Bullet points:
“A woman-friendly, couple-friendly book destined to become a perennial in sex-positive toy and book stores.” — The Comics Journal
Fink’s storytelling is as likely to pluck on your heartstrings as get you all steamed up.” — The Guardian
Adults Only (18+)
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Donald Quest #4 (of 5)
Writers: Stefano Ambrosio, Chantal Pericoli, Pat McGreal Artist: Stefano Zanchi Cover Artist: Stefano Zanchi
“Rock Racers!” As evil Emil Eagle reaches the Trembling Anvil—Feudarnia’s last, best hope against the Meteorbeast invasion!—desperate Donald is trapped in the villains’ Dragon Moon lair, forced to fight Pegleg Pete and his gang in a thrilling battle of wits!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
As Donald’s great steampunk miniseries rolls on, the whole Disney rogues’ gallery is here—from the Beagle Boys and Magica De Spell to Pegleg Pete and the Phantom Blot!
Variant cover by Andrea Freccero!
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The Electric Sublime #4 (of 4)
Writer: W. Maxwell Prince Artist: Martin Morazzo Cover Artist: Martin Morazzo
Arc finale! Featuring famous works by Rene Magritte, Georges Seurat, Edward Hopper, and Pablo Picasso, this is the blood- and paint-splattered chapter you’ve been waiting for!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the writer of Judas: The Last Days(IDW) and the artist of Great Pacific and Snowfall (Image)!
The X-Files meets Alice in Wonderland, by way of The Da Vinci Code!
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Ghostbusters Annual 2017
Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Dan Scoening, Rachel Stott, Corin Howell, Erik Evensen Cover Artist: San Schoening
Join us for this special double-sized annual, featuring Ghostbusters past, present… and future! Learn the origin of Slimer! Witness a crazy bust in the Midwest with the Chicago Ghostbusters! Find out what Winston Zeddemore was up to during the Scolari Brothers incident in Ghostbusters 2! And peek into the future at the next generation of Ghostbusters… and much more! Be there or be slimed!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
The secret origin of Slimer and much more!
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
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Ghostbusters International, Vol. 2
Writer: Erik Burnham Artists: Dan Schoening, Rachael Stott Cover Artist: Dan Schoening
The team is still on the move as they head to Puerto Rico and Ireland as ghosts all over the world need to be busted, while Egon chases a mystery about a powerful Scandinavian spell book. Collects issues #6–11.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-834-2
Bullet points:
“One of the best paced and best written series out there. Artist, writer, and colorist working together in perfect harmony.” –Big Comic Page
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Haunted Horror #26
Writer: Various Artist: Various Cover Artist: Bernard Baily
The second sickening installment in THE HORRORS OF IT ALL! Featuring terrifying tales as chosen by Steve “Mr. Karswell” Banes! A surprisingly vicious issue highlighted by a terror-ific Bernard Baily cover, as well more severed head stories inside than you can swing a sharp edged stick at! Yes, if this one doesn’t scare you—you’re already dead!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
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Jim Thompson’s The Killer Inside Me #5 (of 5)
Writer: Devin Faraci Artist: Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Vic Malhotra
Jim Thompson’s sinewy, brutal, and beloved novel comes to a disturbing climax. Small-town deputy Lou Ford seems a little slow and a little boring on the surface, but underneath hides a sickness that has reared its ugly head once again and left a trail of bodies in its wake…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant covers by Robert Hack (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina).
“Probably the most chilling and believable first-person story of a criminally-warped mind I have ever encountered.” —Stanley Kubrick
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Jem and the Holograms Annual 2017
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artists: M. Victoria Robado, Maria Jose Barros, Svanna Ganucheau, Katarzyna Witerscheim, Gisele Lagace Cover Artist: W. Scott Forbes
The Starlight Girls have been writing and drawing an “exquisite corpse” style fan fiction comic that re-imagines their favorite pop stars — Jem & The Holograms — as pop-stars by day and renegade space heroes by night. Follow the adventures of Jem and The Holograms as you’ve never seen them before — superheroes fighting to save the universe from the evil Majestrix Pizzazz and her…army of Mecha-Spider-Pizzes!?!? OMG.
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
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  Jem: The Misfits #2
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Jenn St. Onge Cover Artist: M. Victoria Robado
OUR SONGS ARE BETTER Part Two! The band is getting a whole new taste of fame via an intrusive “MISFITS!” reality TV show and it’s pushing on everyone’s most vulnerable buttons – none more so than Stormer — who’s reliving her early days of fame and the nasty things that came with it. How did Stormer not only survive but blossom in the often toxic court of public opinion? And will she be able to do it again?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Learn how The Misfits first came together!
Will a Misfits Reality Show be the thing that will finally tear them apart… forever?!
Misfit’s first ever series of their own!
Variant cover by Derek Charm!
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Judge Dredd: The Brendan McCarthy Collection
Writers: John Wagner, Alan Grant, Al Ewing Artist: Brendan McCarthy Cover Artist: Brendan McCarthy
Ground-breaking artist Brendan McCarthy has been at the fore-front of independent comics since the early 1980s as well as the TV and film industry, including co-writing and designing Mad Max Fury Road. This oversized hardcover collection showcases all of his stories and covers for Judge Dredd including “Oz,” “The Day the Law Died,” “Dr. Panic,” “Atlantis,” and more!
HC • PC • $49.99 • 200 pages • 9.25” x 12” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-824-3
Bullet points:
Lead Designer on Mad Max Fury Road!
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #50
Writer: Ted Anderson Artist: Andy Price Cover Artist: Andy Price
“Chaos Theory” Part 3 (of 3). Discord’s new form threatens to take over all of Equestria! When the Elements of Harmony prove ineffective, the final gambit rests in Starlight Glimmer’s hoofs!
FC • 40 pages • $5.99
Bullet points:
The landmark 50th issue of My Little Pony!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Sara Richard!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever, Vol. 8
Writers: Ted Anderson, Christina Rice, Tony Fleecs Artists: Brenda Hickey, Agnes Garbowska, Tony Fleecs, Jay Fosgitt Cover Artist: Trish Forstner
Five tales of friends and fun! Rarity tries to help Maud Pie discover her inner enthusiasm; Twilight visits Cadance in the Crystal Empire; Little Strongheart asks Rainbow Dash to go on a quest with her; Fluttershy meets the most adventurous adventurer ever: Daring Do; and, Applejack must discover the secret history of Cherry Jubilee! Collects issues #29–33.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-839-7
Bullet points:
“The Friends Forever line of MLP comics either work amazingly well as character pieces.” — We The Nerdy
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Popeye Classics #55
Writer: Bud Sagendorf Artist: Bud Sagendorf Cover Artist: Bud Sagendorf
More brilliance from the raucus retro-cool Popeye comics!  Five great features with your beloved Popeye characters: The one-eyed sailor himself, Swee’pea, Olive Oyl, that rascal Wimpy, O.G. Wotasnozzle, and the bad guys this time, the terrible, terrible Misermites!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Sarah Rose!
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Star Trek New Visions: Sam
Writer: John Byrne Artist: John Byrne Cover Artist: John Byrne
James Kirk faces the greatest challenge of his life when his own brother is accused of murder!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 4
Writers: Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor Artist: Kevin Eastman, Sophie Campbell, Mateus Santolouco, Cory Smith, Andy Kuhn Cover Artist: Dan Duncan
Recovering from the events of “City Fall,” the Turtles seek sanctuary in the countryside, but questions remain unanswered and tension festers among the brothers. Meanwhile, in New York, Shredder tightens his grip on the city in their absence and Krang’s plan to destroy the Earth is ramping up, but Baxter Stockman has plans of his own. Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #29–37, Utrom Empire, and the 2014 Annual.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 344 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-820-5
Bullet points:
All of the TMNT comics in recommended reading order!
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Transformers: Lost Light #2
Writer: James Roberts Artist: Jack Lawrence Cover Artist: Jack Lawrence
Rodimus and Co. find themselves in a dangerous place. Even more dangerous than on a planet that exploded from the inside. That’s already pretty dangerous. But where they are now? Oh boy.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Uncle Scrooge #23
Writers: Francois Corteggiani, Jonathan Gray, Lars Jensen Artists: Giorgio Cavazzano, Daan Jippes Cover Artist: Giorgio Cavazzano
“The Third Nile,” Part 1 of 2! A McDuck quest into Egyptology for Scrooge, Donald, and Ludwig Von Drake gets hairier with the Beagle Boys hot on our heroes’ trail—and prehistoric caveducks ready to pounce!
FC • 40 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #427!
Thinking man’s thinking man Ludwig Von Drake is back with Scrooge and the gang for another journey into insanity! (Hoo-hoo!)
Variant cover by Fabrizio Petrossi!
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The Wind in the Willows (Illustrated by David Petersen)
Writer: Kenneth Grahame Artist: David Petersen Cover Artist: David Petersen
Experience the timeless story of Toad, Rat, Mole, and Badger in a beautiful new unabridged, hardcover designed and illustrated by New York Times Bestselling author and Eisner Award-winning creator David Petersen (Mouse Guard). Painstakingly illustrated over 3 years, this exquisite and lavish edition features both color and pen and ink illustrations throughout.
Begun as a series of letters from Kenneth Grahame to his son, The Wind in the Willows is a timeless tale of animal cunning and human camaraderie. Since its first publication in 1908, generations of adults and children have cherished this world of gurgling rivers and whispering reeds, serving as home to the most lovable creatures in all literature—Rat, Mole, Badger, and the irrepressible Toad of Toad Hall; with his goggles, overcoat and love of fast cars. Follow these little adventurers through gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, and their Wild Wood.
HC • FC • $24.99 • 256 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-343-9
Bullet points:
Direct Market Exclusive: Each hardcover will feature an exclusive tip-in plate illustrated and signed by David Petersen limited to orders received!
Complete and unabridged! Original art dust jacket, cloth cover with gold foil stamping, 20 color illustrations, 50 pen and ink illustrations!
Advance solicited for October release!
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Weird Love: Jailbird Romance
Writer: Various Artist: Jim Mooney, Pete Morisi, Vince Colletta, Manny Stallman, Pete Costanza, Henry Keifer, The Iger Shop Cover Artist: Ogden Whitney
“Forget funny Valentines… some of the most off-kilter 1950s romance comics, titled Weird Love…. the mind boggles!” —The Hollywood Reporter
With an introduction by Heidi MacDonald of The Beat! Your mind will be blown when you read: “Jailbird Romance!,” “Never Love A Man With A Harem!,” “Hobo Girl,” “Innocence Was My Angle,” “Backroads Romance,” and “I Tortured My In-Laws,” plus many more!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 160 pages • 7.5” x 9.75” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-782-6
Bullet points:
“Get your sweaty little libidinous palms all over these testaments to twisted torridness!” —Dan Greenfield, Dimension 13
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Yakuza Demon Killers #4
Writer: Amit Chauhan Artist: Eli Powell Cover Artist: Eli Powell
The devastating price of power! In this shocking conclusion, Tokyo is the final battleground for Earth’s future, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. The Yakuza come face-to-face with their greatest threat, and it will come from an unexpected place.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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You Might Be An Artist If…
Writer: Lauren Purje Artist: Lauren Purje Cover Artist: Lauren Purje
With a BFA, solo exhibitions, and work experience at a New York gallery, Lauren Purje has spent plenty of time in the art world…consider this her cry for help.
You Might Be An Artist If…collects several years of her comic strips about the ups and downs of life in the arts. Her wry and relatable sense of humor animates every page, tying together flights of fancy, bitter grumblings, motivational pep-talks, self-doubt, procrastination, and inspiration.
Capturing the moments that remind us why we take art seriously — but not TOO seriously — Purje’s comics are a perfect handbook for anyone living the creative life.
HC • BW • $19.99 • 144 pages • 5.82” x 8.26” • ISBN: 978-1-60309-406-1
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 2-1-2017
IDW has some great books dropping this week, and we have your early look at them all.
IDW Publishing Previews for 2-1-2017 IDW has some great books dropping this week, and we have your early look at them all.
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outright-geekery · 8 years ago
IDW has some great books dropping this week, and we have your early look at them all. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 2-1-2017.
America’s Best Comics: Artist’s Edition HC
Writer: Alan Moore Artists: Arthur Adams, Hilary Barta, Gene Ha, Kevin Nowlan, Paul Rivoche, Chris Sprouse, Rick Veitch, J.H. Williams III Cover Artist: Chris Sprouse
Alan Moore was the braintrust behind America’s Best Comics, one of the most acclaimed imprints in the history of comics. Comprised of four main titles: Tom Strong, Top10, Promethea, and the anthology Tomorrow Stories, the ABC line paired Moore with the finest artists in comics. This volume will present a beautiful overview of the ABC line, including complete stories from Promethea #10 (Eisner Award-winner for best issue of the year) and Top 10 #7. Additionally, a fine selection of shorter stories featuring Tom Strong, Jack B. Quick, Splash Brannigan, and Greyshirt will be included. Plus a stunning gallery section. The best stories by the best artists in the best format!
HC • BW • $95.00 net cost item • 216 pages • 12” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-757-4
Bullet points:
Advance solicited for November release!
The ABC line won a total of 12 MAJOR Eisner Awards, including: Best Writer (four times), Best Artist, Best Single Issue (twice), Best Serialized Story, Best Continuing Series, Best New Series, Best Anthology, and Best Graphic Novel!
   Back to the Future #16
Writers: Bob Gale, John Barber Artist: Emma Vieceli Cover Artist: Emma Vieceli
WHO IS MARTY McFLY?!? And why are there so many on the loose in 1986?! Marty and Doc finally get some answers, but they might not like where those answer take them… and they’re definitely not going to like WHEN it takes ’em!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
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Box Office Poison Color Comics #2
Writer: Alex Robinson Artist: Alex Robinson Cover Artist: Alex Robinson
Sherman’s frustration with his job grows and grows… while the story of Jane and Stephen’s relationship is revealed!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Winner of the Eisner Award for Talent Deserving Wider Recognition, the International Comics Festival Award for Best Debut Graphic Novel (Angouleme, France), and voted by Wizard Magazine as the best indy graphic novel of all time.
“A salute to comics, an exploration of the human condition, and a solid, absorbing, and riotously snide tale about at least half of the things that make life important.” — Tasha Robinson, The AV Club
Each issue will be presented in color for the very first time!
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Chester 5000: Isabelle & George
Writer: Jess Fink Artist: Jess Fink Cover Artist: Jess Fink
1889: an age of industrial revolution and sexual frustration. Isabelle is a lonely orphan, reprimanded at every turn by her strict matron. George is an inventor on the cusp of a brilliant discovery. Together they find love, but in an age of violent mechanization and military secrets, can their passion survive?
After the smash success of CHESTER 5000’s first volume (the tale of a Victorian woman and her robot lover), beloved web-cartoonist Jess Fink returns with another triumphant story of boundary-breaking love, sex, and technology. Discover the origins of your favorite characters along with all-new thrills. All the drama and adventure of the silent film era is here, enlivened with modern whimsy and erotic charm.
HC • BW • $14.95 • 184 pages • 6.5” x 7.5” • ISBN: 978-1-93656-169-8
Bullet points:
“A woman-friendly, couple-friendly book destined to become a perennial in sex-positive toy and book stores.” — The Comics Journal
Fink’s storytelling is as likely to pluck on your heartstrings as get you all steamed up.” — The Guardian
Adults Only (18+)
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Donald Quest #4 (of 5)
Writers: Stefano Ambrosio, Chantal Pericoli, Pat McGreal Artist: Stefano Zanchi Cover Artist: Stefano Zanchi
“Rock Racers!” As evil Emil Eagle reaches the Trembling Anvil—Feudarnia’s last, best hope against the Meteorbeast invasion!—desperate Donald is trapped in the villains’ Dragon Moon lair, forced to fight Pegleg Pete and his gang in a thrilling battle of wits!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
As Donald’s great steampunk miniseries rolls on, the whole Disney rogues’ gallery is here—from the Beagle Boys and Magica De Spell to Pegleg Pete and the Phantom Blot!
Variant cover by Andrea Freccero!
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The Electric Sublime #4 (of 4)
Writer: W. Maxwell Prince Artist: Martin Morazzo Cover Artist: Martin Morazzo
Arc finale! Featuring famous works by Rene Magritte, Georges Seurat, Edward Hopper, and Pablo Picasso, this is the blood- and paint-splattered chapter you’ve been waiting for!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
From the writer of Judas: The Last Days(IDW) and the artist of Great Pacific and Snowfall (Image)!
The X-Files meets Alice in Wonderland, by way of The Da Vinci Code!
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Ghostbusters Annual 2017
Writer: Erik Burnham Artist: Dan Scoening, Rachel Stott, Corin Howell, Erik Evensen Cover Artist: San Schoening
Join us for this special double-sized annual, featuring Ghostbusters past, present… and future! Learn the origin of Slimer! Witness a crazy bust in the Midwest with the Chicago Ghostbusters! Find out what Winston Zeddemore was up to during the Scolari Brothers incident in Ghostbusters 2! And peek into the future at the next generation of Ghostbusters… and much more! Be there or be slimed!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
Bullet points:
The secret origin of Slimer and much more!
Part of IDW’s 2017 Annual Offensive! Over-sized and action-packed key stories in a deluxe format!
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Ghostbusters International, Vol. 2
Writer: Erik Burnham Artists: Dan Schoening, Rachael Stott Cover Artist: Dan Schoening
The team is still on the move as they head to Puerto Rico and Ireland as ghosts all over the world need to be busted, while Egon chases a mystery about a powerful Scandinavian spell book. Collects issues #6–11.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 132 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-834-2
Bullet points:
“One of the best paced and best written series out there. Artist, writer, and colorist working together in perfect harmony.” –Big Comic Page
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Haunted Horror #26
Writer: Various Artist: Various Cover Artist: Bernard Baily
The second sickening installment in THE HORRORS OF IT ALL! Featuring terrifying tales as chosen by Steve “Mr. Karswell” Banes! A surprisingly vicious issue highlighted by a terror-ific Bernard Baily cover, as well more severed head stories inside than you can swing a sharp edged stick at! Yes, if this one doesn’t scare you—you’re already dead!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
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Jim Thompson’s The Killer Inside Me #5 (of 5)
Writer: Devin Faraci Artist: Vic Malhotra Cover Artist: Vic Malhotra
Jim Thompson’s sinewy, brutal, and beloved novel comes to a disturbing climax. Small-town deputy Lou Ford seems a little slow and a little boring on the surface, but underneath hides a sickness that has reared its ugly head once again and left a trail of bodies in its wake…
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant covers by Robert Hack (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina).
“Probably the most chilling and believable first-person story of a criminally-warped mind I have ever encountered.” —Stanley Kubrick
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Jem and the Holograms Annual 2017
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artists: M. Victoria Robado, Maria Jose Barros, Svanna Ganucheau, Katarzyna Witerscheim, Gisele Lagace Cover Artist: W. Scott Forbes
The Starlight Girls have been writing and drawing an “exquisite corpse” style fan fiction comic that re-imagines their favorite pop stars — Jem & The Holograms — as pop-stars by day and renegade space heroes by night. Follow the adventures of Jem and The Holograms as you’ve never seen them before — superheroes fighting to save the universe from the evil Majestrix Pizzazz and her…army of Mecha-Spider-Pizzes!?!? OMG.
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
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  Jem: The Misfits #2
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Jenn St. Onge Cover Artist: M. Victoria Robado
OUR SONGS ARE BETTER Part Two! The band is getting a whole new taste of fame via an intrusive “MISFITS!” reality TV show and it’s pushing on everyone’s most vulnerable buttons – none more so than Stormer — who’s reliving her early days of fame and the nasty things that came with it. How did Stormer not only survive but blossom in the often toxic court of public opinion? And will she be able to do it again?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Learn how The Misfits first came together!
Will a Misfits Reality Show be the thing that will finally tear them apart… forever?!
Misfit’s first ever series of their own!
Variant cover by Derek Charm!
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Judge Dredd: The Brendan McCarthy Collection
Writers: John Wagner, Alan Grant, Al Ewing Artist: Brendan McCarthy Cover Artist: Brendan McCarthy
Ground-breaking artist Brendan McCarthy has been at the fore-front of independent comics since the early 1980s as well as the TV and film industry, including co-writing and designing Mad Max Fury Road. This oversized hardcover collection showcases all of his stories and covers for Judge Dredd including “Oz,” “The Day the Law Died,” “Dr. Panic,” “Atlantis,” and more!
HC • PC • $49.99 • 200 pages • 9.25” x 12” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-824-3
Bullet points:
Lead Designer on Mad Max Fury Road!
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #50
Writer: Ted Anderson Artist: Andy Price Cover Artist: Andy Price
“Chaos Theory” Part 3 (of 3). Discord’s new form threatens to take over all of Equestria! When the Elements of Harmony prove ineffective, the final gambit rests in Starlight Glimmer’s hoofs!
FC • 40 pages • $5.99
Bullet points:
The landmark 50th issue of My Little Pony!
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Sara Richard!
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My Little Pony: Friends Forever, Vol. 8
Writers: Ted Anderson, Christina Rice, Tony Fleecs Artists: Brenda Hickey, Agnes Garbowska, Tony Fleecs, Jay Fosgitt Cover Artist: Trish Forstner
Five tales of friends and fun! Rarity tries to help Maud Pie discover her inner enthusiasm; Twilight visits Cadance in the Crystal Empire; Little Strongheart asks Rainbow Dash to go on a quest with her; Fluttershy meets the most adventurous adventurer ever: Daring Do; and, Applejack must discover the secret history of Cherry Jubilee! Collects issues #29–33.
TPB • FC • $19.99 • 120 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-839-7
Bullet points:
“The Friends Forever line of MLP comics either work amazingly well as character pieces.” — We The Nerdy
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Popeye Classics #55
Writer: Bud Sagendorf Artist: Bud Sagendorf Cover Artist: Bud Sagendorf
More brilliance from the raucus retro-cool Popeye comics!  Five great features with your beloved Popeye characters: The one-eyed sailor himself, Swee’pea, Olive Oyl, that rascal Wimpy, O.G. Wotasnozzle, and the bad guys this time, the terrible, terrible Misermites!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Sarah Rose!
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Star Trek New Visions: Sam
Writer: John Byrne Artist: John Byrne Cover Artist: John Byrne
James Kirk faces the greatest challenge of his life when his own brother is accused of murder!
FC • 48 pages • $7.99
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 4
Writers: Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Paul Allor Artist: Kevin Eastman, Sophie Campbell, Mateus Santolouco, Cory Smith, Andy Kuhn Cover Artist: Dan Duncan
Recovering from the events of “City Fall,” the Turtles seek sanctuary in the countryside, but questions remain unanswered and tension festers among the brothers. Meanwhile, in New York, Shredder tightens his grip on the city in their absence and Krang’s plan to destroy the Earth is ramping up, but Baxter Stockman has plans of his own. Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issues #29–37, Utrom Empire, and the 2014 Annual.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 344 pages • 7” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-820-5
Bullet points:
All of the TMNT comics in recommended reading order!
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Transformers: Lost Light #2
Writer: James Roberts Artist: Jack Lawrence Cover Artist: Jack Lawrence
Rodimus and Co. find themselves in a dangerous place. Even more dangerous than on a planet that exploded from the inside. That’s already pretty dangerous. But where they are now? Oh boy.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Variant cover by Joana Lafuente!
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Uncle Scrooge #23
Writers: Francois Corteggiani, Jonathan Gray, Lars Jensen Artists: Giorgio Cavazzano, Daan Jippes Cover Artist: Giorgio Cavazzano
“The Third Nile,” Part 1 of 2! A McDuck quest into Egyptology for Scrooge, Donald, and Ludwig Von Drake gets hairier with the Beagle Boys hot on our heroes’ trail—and prehistoric caveducks ready to pounce!
FC • 40 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #427!
Thinking man’s thinking man Ludwig Von Drake is back with Scrooge and the gang for another journey into insanity! (Hoo-hoo!)
Variant cover by Fabrizio Petrossi!
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The Wind in the Willows (Illustrated by David Petersen)
Writer: Kenneth Grahame Artist: David Petersen Cover Artist: David Petersen
Experience the timeless story of Toad, Rat, Mole, and Badger in a beautiful new unabridged, hardcover designed and illustrated by New York Times Bestselling author and Eisner Award-winning creator David Petersen (Mouse Guard). Painstakingly illustrated over 3 years, this exquisite and lavish edition features both color and pen and ink illustrations throughout.
Begun as a series of letters from Kenneth Grahame to his son, The Wind in the Willows is a timeless tale of animal cunning and human camaraderie. Since its first publication in 1908, generations of adults and children have cherished this world of gurgling rivers and whispering reeds, serving as home to the most lovable creatures in all literature—Rat, Mole, Badger, and the irrepressible Toad of Toad Hall; with his goggles, overcoat and love of fast cars. Follow these little adventurers through gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, and their Wild Wood.
HC • FC • $24.99 • 256 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-343-9
Bullet points:
Direct Market Exclusive: Each hardcover will feature an exclusive tip-in plate illustrated and signed by David Petersen limited to orders received!
Complete and unabridged! Original art dust jacket, cloth cover with gold foil stamping, 20 color illustrations, 50 pen and ink illustrations!
Advance solicited for October release!
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Weird Love: Jailbird Romance
Writer: Various Artist: Jim Mooney, Pete Morisi, Vince Colletta, Manny Stallman, Pete Costanza, Henry Keifer, The Iger Shop Cover Artist: Ogden Whitney
“Forget funny Valentines… some of the most off-kilter 1950s romance comics, titled Weird Love…. the mind boggles!” —The Hollywood Reporter
With an introduction by Heidi MacDonald of The Beat! Your mind will be blown when you read: “Jailbird Romance!,” “Never Love A Man With A Harem!,” “Hobo Girl,” “Innocence Was My Angle,” “Backroads Romance,” and “I Tortured My In-Laws,” plus many more!
HC • FC • $29.99 • 160 pages • 7.5” x 9.75” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-782-6
Bullet points:
“Get your sweaty little libidinous palms all over these testaments to twisted torridness!” —Dan Greenfield, Dimension 13
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Yakuza Demon Killers #4
Writer: Amit Chauhan Artist: Eli Powell Cover Artist: Eli Powell
The devastating price of power! In this shocking conclusion, Tokyo is the final battleground for Earth’s future, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. The Yakuza come face-to-face with their greatest threat, and it will come from an unexpected place.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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You Might Be An Artist If…
Writer: Lauren Purje Artist: Lauren Purje Cover Artist: Lauren Purje
With a BFA, solo exhibitions, and work experience at a New York gallery, Lauren Purje has spent plenty of time in the art world…consider this her cry for help.
You Might Be An Artist If…collects several years of her comic strips about the ups and downs of life in the arts. Her wry and relatable sense of humor animates every page, tying together flights of fancy, bitter grumblings, motivational pep-talks, self-doubt, procrastination, and inspiration.
Capturing the moments that remind us why we take art seriously — but not TOO seriously — Purje’s comics are a perfect handbook for anyone living the creative life.
HC • BW • $19.99 • 144 pages • 5.82” x 8.26” • ISBN: 978-1-60309-406-1
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 2-1-2017 IDW has some great books dropping this week, and we have your early look at them all.
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