#chapter 01
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mlpgr0undzer0 · 27 days ago
MLP: Ground Zero -- Chapter 01
"It Came From The Sky. Welcome To The End." | A MLP cosmic horror infection AU | 1,090 Words
Please note going in: AU designs + no beta reader
Chapter CWs: Thoughts/Attempted Suicide
Princess Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth in her tower, the sound of her hooves echoing off the stone walls around her. She was exhausted. This plague, whatever it was, had taken over her beloved Ponyville. 
It had taken over her friends. Their families.
Only three months had gone by since the infection forced the surviving ponies to flee their homes and seek shelter within the walls of Canterlot. It was safe, the Princesses made sure of that. Celestia, with the help of Starswirl and Twilight herself, keeps a shield up around the entire city. Some guards take shifts helping when and where they can– working as doormen to keep certain ponies out and certain ponies in.
It was late. Nearly the witching hour. The sombre quiet of her chambers left the princess alone with her thoughts. She wished Luna could visit her dreams and at least tell her what to do, but she didn’t have any dreams to visit. She barely slept anymore. The only rest she could have was when her body gave up on her and she’d give in to exhaustion. Her friends had tried to convince her to take a break at least for a few moments. Unhealthy, they called it.
But she couldn’t.
Canterlot needed her. The remaining residents of Ponyville needed her. Her subjects needed her. She had too much on her mind to rest. Even without sleeping, the nightmares still invaded her thoughts. She felt so useless. Calming the rising panic without Celestia to guide her was impossible! She never knew what to say to the crowd of anxious ponies.
So she withdrew herself. Allowing guards and her advisors to address the public.
Celestia had locked herself away only weeks after Twilight had arrived. She barely ate; only ever leaving her room to gaze at Luna’s still figure or talk to a few of the brighter ponies about possible cures for her sister.
Twilight had tried asking what happened to the princess of the night, but Celestia could barely explain. No one really knew what kind of material encased her form, not even the one who’d cast the spell. It was an accident, or so he claimed. She wasn’t sure she could believe that. 
With a sigh, the purple alicorn walked over to her table. Notes, diagrams and scrolls littered the surface; all barely illuminated by candlelight. The thoughts were loud and heavy, as was the silence. She’d been fighting them since she arrived, but now she was beginning to agree with them. Her mind suffered a constant barrage of negativity that she could barely argue against. The soft glow of her horn added to the dim lighting as she hesitantly lifted an object from under the table. 
Various reasons for why she was a pitiful excuse for a princess or example upon example of just how she failed her subjects clouded her mind and pushed down any hope she managed to hold onto.
A quiet click was heard as the princess shut her eyes.
Her will was wearing thin and she couldn’t bear to think about it anymore. The thoughts were too loud and the worst part was that they were right. She wasn’t strong enough to deal with this. 
She wasn’t meant to be a ruler–
A knock on the door startled the princess, causing her to drop the loaded crossbow. The clattering sound alerted the pony outside and they immediately opened the door. The princess quickly kicked the crossbow under the armoire that stood next to the table.
A unicorn with a dark magenta coat stood in the doorway. The two of them made eye contact before she slowly walked into the room and shut the door behind her. She could tell by the tears falling from the princesses blue eyes that something was very wrong.
“Are you alright?” She raised her hoof to gently caress the other mare's face. Twilight welcomed the touch, leaning into it as she shut her eyes.
“No…” She answered truthfully. She couldn’t lie to her.
“What do you need, Princess? I can stay if you want me to”
The alicorn opened her eyes and looked over her friend's face. She looked so worried.
“Please?” Twilight’s voice cracked as her ears laid back against her head; pleading.
The mare nodded and lowered her hoof away from the other's face before leading her over to the bed. The pair laid down, curling up with each other. Twilight needed this. She hated being alone now more than ever. Having someone stay with her meant the world.
“I’m glad you’re here, Tempest.”
Twilight draped her wings over the dark pony and laid her head across the others forelegs. The unicorn smiled with a slight chuckle.
“Glad to be here” She responded with a small nudge to the princesses forehead.
The two of them stayed there quietly, just enjoying eachothers company. Both had been far too busy in recent days. The princess was trying her best to keep the city in check, while Tempest took on the role of General for both defense and disposal. She assured Twilight when she took the role that she didn’t mind falling back to what she knew from her time in the Storm King's army, though she understood the concern. 
Twilight traced the forms in Tempest’s black armor with her eyes. The moonlight reflected off of it in an almost calming, pale blue glow. The unicorn hummed quietly. The tune wasn’t familiar to the princess, but she didn’t mind hearing it.
“Where did you learn that song?” She asked with a curious look in her tired eyes.
“It’s an old lullaby my aunt used to sing to me when I was a little filly”
Twilight nodded lazily with a quiet hum; shutting her eyes and snuggling the smallest bit closer. Tempest didn’t say anything in response to the movement, she just continued to hum the song for her princess.
As the alicorn drifted into much needed sleep, the mare looked down at her fondly. A sigh left her lips as her eyes moved along the floor and over to the armoire across from them. Despite the darkness, she knows the outline of a weapon when she sees one. No matter how hard Twilight tried to hide it, Tempest knew everything was starting to take its toll on the youngest princess. That just meant the unicorn had to work harder.
Looking back to the mare sleeping across her forelegs, she smiled and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Goodnight, my princess”
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upgradewater · 1 month ago
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dragon ball dots
🟠 page 73
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bebebisous33 · 11 months ago
Jinx/Banana Scandal/Doctor Frost/ BJ Alex: Guilty Truth ⚖ or Dare 🤥🤡 - part 2
#Jinxmanhwa #Jinx #징크��� #JINX @_MinGwa #jinxchapter50 #jinxchapter 51 #JooJaekyung #BJAlex #Ahnjiwon #BananaScandal The essay "Guilty Truth ⚖️or Dare 🤥🤡 (part 2) is finally finished. I hope, you'll like it. You need to have read the first part. Retweet/like it as support. Feel free to comment. Thanks.
Please support the authors by reading the Manhwas on the official websites. I am also using doctor Frost and Banana Scandal as references. This is where you can read the Manhwas: Banana Scandal, Bj Alex, Jinx and Doctor Frost. But be aware that the first three Manhwas are mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents…
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iryomito · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Dislyte (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aurelius & Zhong Nan (Dislyte), Aurelius/Zhong Nan (Dislyte) Characters: Zhong Nan (Dislyte), Aurelius (Dislyte) Additional Tags: Avalanches, Natural Disasters, Miramons, Angst, withering flowers, As you can see I suck at tags, But I Am Trying, Hurt/Comfort, Danger, starlight miracle, functioning in an odd way, Action, Fighting Summary:
It was one of those days in Raine Tundra, where the weather was freezing to death, and the heavy snowstorm covered everything in sight, only the most reckless -if not the craziest- would go out roaming in such condition, meeting their certain death.
He was staying inside the cafeteria, casting his gaze on the window next to him and watching the scene outside while sipping on his warm coffee, before turning his sight again to the newspaper in hand, surrounded by both of his baby ghosts, who seemed strangely calm, instead of taking turns to bug him while he had to shove them away in irritation.
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patronspatronesses · 9 months ago
Chapter 01: The Teams.
1. Buatlah GDM tim, invite kedua akun Briton's, lalu tentukan ketuanya. Ketua diharap melapor ke DM @BritonSociety untuk dimasukkan ke GDM khusus ketua, maksimal pukul 12.00 WIB.
2. Setiap selesai game, poinnya taroh di Spreadsheet biar gak usah ngitung manual.
3. Tindakan AFK dilarang keras di Briton's. Apabila tidak dapat mengikuti suatu sesi event, harap selalu melapor kepada ketua melalui DM di tiap sesinya. Akan lebih baik lagi jika memberitahu anggota lain melalui GDM juga. (Share ini ke GDM tim)
4. Seperti biasa, ada +30💎 untuk ketua tim, dan -30💎/sesi untuk tiap AFK.
Ketentuan Nama Tim:
Makhluk dari mitologi Yunani, selain dewa, demigod, dan manusia.
Tim 1 : @pailiiu @yunia @Wonbelle @Jzake @Jozgwon @Hanbing
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu: @belmle — Minggu: @yisweo @hzeeseung
Tim 2 : @hpnni @Sahna @seungmtin @pagesoobinv @wonjungx @ahyneo
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu: @ICHENLE — Minggu: @xuanjlnr
Tim 3 : @baeyiy @rugka @Gyuvun @tamhyun @Jongseongo
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu: @kiyminji @enamiiasa— Minggu : @Jelongin
Tim 4 : @Yejicate @Gfselle @sunghooin @maaeda @mfinghao @YOKARllNA
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu @eutseok — Minggu : @sunwookam
Tim 5 : @isealee @Ninmi @Jiwoozng @mutthew @rickyszen @soowjin
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu : @leehafn— Minggu : @leeftelix @naeoirezi
Tim 6 : @yizhwo @MLNJUM @yeuhjin @invak @xonbin
Cuma bisa hari Sabtu : @byeofn @wonwoop — Minggu : @pharitva
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percontaion-points · 2 years ago
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Chapter 1
As she went to find a good seat to wait in, she felt a twinge of guilt; it was just so tawdry, somehow, stealing from a library. But getting a library card here was out of the question for a number of reasons…
So this character is supposed to be this highly trained spy. Yet she’s stealing from a library? Like girl, if you don’t know how to give a fake address to get a library card… You probably deserved that hit on your head. 
Common sense, and she probably would have seen through the ploy without help, but it didn’t hurt that the same ploy had been used once in a novel she’d stolen.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but like… you don’t have to steal books from the library. There are literally places where you can exchange MONEY for BOOKS! What a wild concept, am I right? Somebody should open up one of those places. 
Maybe tomorrow, after her tired brain had rebooted. Surrounded by her web, she slept.
Chapter 1 summary: So meet Chris. She will have many name changes over the course of this book, so don’t worry about remembering this name. She’s some sort of spy/assassin who was burnt, and is now on the run. 
We join her story as she schleps 3+ hours to go to a random library, where she will check her email. She does this because working at McD’s isn’t going to keep her in supply of things like fake IDs and chemicals. She gets an email from an old co-worker that she used to like, but she’s instantly suspicious. He claims that they’ve “changed the policy”, but also says that people are going to die if she doesn’t help. Without thinking about it, Chris arranges a meeting with him in the near future. And then she leaves as quickly as possible, since she’s certain that they’ll converge on her location within seconds. 
Following this, all and any plot goes flying out the window, despite the fact that the 10 page chapter isn’t even halfway over. On the way home, she thinks about how sometimes she thinks that death might be restful. But she’s obviously not looking to be murdered by her former employers. This line of thinking is way more interesting than what comes next.
She takes 6+ hours to get back to where she’s been living. After info dumping about the obvious security she’s put around the house (bars on the windows and such {literally none of it is important}), the book then will not shut up about her not-so-obvious traps to stay alive. Her setting up a fake dummy in the bed, and preparing a mysterious mystery chemical that’ll release a toxic gas, and her sleeping in a gas mask in her bathtub. 
Never mentioned is why we, the readers, should give a shit about ANY of this. 
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heretherebeturtles-comic · 11 months ago
Here There Be
(100% not official in any way! Just a fan having fun!)
The Summary would go here... if I had one! Just know that trouble is stirring in New York City and our heroes are in the thick of it.
Heads up! This comic takes place after the series/movies, there will be spoilers!
Age Rating: Teen - canon typical violence - minor blood & injury - mild swearing (they say shit)
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Navigating the Comic
Chapter 1 - Cover Art
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Chapter 2 - Cover Art
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
Chapter 3 - ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (in progress)
Questions or thoughts? Feel free to drop them in the ask box!
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Behind the Pages
Hi there! You can call me Beetle [they/them]! Most things posted here will be cross-posted to or from my main art blog @theelvishfiddler.
The art might fluctuate in quality and style as I experiment with new techniques for inking and colouring. As they say, the only way to get better at making comics is to make comics... and I am so easily enamoured by long comic projects.
I’m just one guy making this in my free time! Progress and updates will be slow ( >_<) I appreciate the patience!
PATREON (< clickable) Beta Pages, Early Updates, W.I.P.s, Sneak Peeks, and the artist's other art/projects.
Ko-Fi (< also clickable) It's a Tip Jar! Supporters also gain access to beta pages!
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pink-yuri · 5 months ago
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♡ You Are My Angela ♡
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months ago
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Akutagawa thinking Chuuya looks good no matter what he wears and explicitly telling so to his face with increasing passion is doing things to me
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niccoguedes · 6 months ago
LOUIS record: 04/09/1973 [...] [...] [...] XX.XX.198? - Water Tower Place, Chicago (ORD)
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O Favorito do Demônio (03/20)
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upgradewater · 1 year ago
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dragonball dots - ch01, pg 15~17
updates on fridays!🟠🟠🟠
| beginning (pg 1~3) | pg 4~6 | pg 7~8 | pg 9~10 | pg 11~12 | pg 13~14 | pg 15~17 | pg 18~20 |
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jtl-fics · 3 months ago
Some TBD to make my day a little better??
11/20/24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | TBD AU
Andrew does not kill his brother.
He does ignore his brother and does lean in for another kiss from Neil before the two of them go to the hospital for Andrew to be re-checked in. It’s certainly not the last kiss he gets to give Neil that day, or even that hour. He’s remembered that there is no better way to get his brother to stop talking to him than to make out with Neil. So Aaron stops trying to talk with him, keeps his eyes firmly out of the backseat, and cranks the music up enough that it hurts Andrew’s head but not enough to stop kissing Neil.
Time moves quickly after that as he endures various tests and his observation period. He makes it clear that he does not want Aaron or Katelyn in his room and makes it even clearer that if they try to have Neil leave then Andrew will leave against medical advice again.
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picsofgavinreed · 2 months ago
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percontaion-points · 2 years ago
Firstlife prologue & chapter 1
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Bonus Chapters
From: A_P_5/23.43.2 
To: L_N_3/19.1.1 
Subject: Tenley Lockwood
I don’t know what’s happening. This is literally how the book starts: with several emails between two characters. I had to scroll through all of them (one email per page) simply to make sure that this wasn’t going to be the entire fucking book. It’s not. Chapter 1 starts after this. 
With all due respect, I’d rather fish out my internal organs with a coat hanger than stay here.
I don’t know what’s happening, but big mood. 
Your mother’s name and where to find her.
Bonus chapter/Prologue/Whatever the hell is going on here summary: So as I mentioned, we opened on a bunch of emails. The first set is between somebody named Archer Prince and his boss, General Levi Nanne. Archer has been tasked to convince the main character, Tenley Lockwood, to join their side. Archer thinks that this is a load of garbage, and complains about it. General Nanne is like “SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!”
The second set is between Killian Flynn and HIS boss, Madame Pearl Bennett. It’s the same thing, but Killian 100% wants to woo Tenley over basically with seduction. He’s also way less chill about the entire thing, and is certain that Tenley would simply become “another cog in the machine”. He also wants to rip off Archer’s arms and beat Archer with his own arms. Pearl isn’t amused by Killian’s plan, and tells him to beat Archer in his own free time. 
All of this would probably be interesting… IF THE READERS KNEW WHAT THE GODDAMNED HELL WAS GOING ON. 
Chapter 1
I’ve been locked inside the Prynne Asylum—where happiness comes to die —for three hundred and seventy-eight days.
I’m suddenly having really violent flashbacks to the Shatter Me series. Opening on a girl locked in an asylum telling us how long she’s been in there? Check. 
Also, the reviews warn me that despite the fact that there’s a war going on, neither side knows why they’re fighting. Which also checks out with the Shatter Me parallels. 
I hope that these are the only parallels, but… The fates are usually never that kind to me. 
There are no windows in the building. At least, none that I’ve found. And I’ve never been allowed outside. None of the inmates have.
Last night I was caned just because. 
I see that we’re opening strong on some torture porn. 
Maybe because my name is Tenley—Ten to my friends. 
I thought that the review with the gif of “Listen up 5s, a 10 is talking” was a joke. No. It is 100% not a joke at all. This is literally her goddamned name. 
Dr. Vans, the head of the asylum, likes to taunt us.
Judging by everything told to us in literally two pages, I’m going to go ahead and say it: I don’t believe that man has ever gone to medical school. 
Something we’re never given? Razors. I keep my legs and underarms smooth with threads I’ve pulled from old uniforms.
Ah yes. Because when I’m being imprisoned and my human rights stripped, the number one thing on my mind is: are my armpits baby smooth?
The author could have written literally anything, and she gave us this dumpster fire of a line. 
“I’m Bow, your new best friend.”
I can’t even pretend to be surprised that the great mind that gave us Ten as a name is also giving us Bow. 
Yes, Bo is a name. But when you add in the w, it turns it from a human name into an adorable accessory for a little girl. 
She cups her breasts in a mimic of me and beams. “Boobs are awesome, yeah? Literal fun-bags. I don’t know what you girls are always complaining about.”
 “Don’t you mean us girls?” Her hands fall away from her fun-bags. 
“Dude. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the equipment and getting a little some-some of my own goods and services. Seriously. I’m so hot even I want a piece of me.”
If this is Killian or Archer, I’m honestly laughing so hard over either of them being put into a girl’s body. Love triangle? Forget love triangles. Give me more of whatever the hell this is. 
A rare few people, like me, have no idea which side to back. We see merits to both sets of beliefs. We also see downsides. 
We are called the Unsigned. 
For us, there are rumors of a third spirit realm, the place we’ll end up after Firstdeath. My parents used to tell me horror stories about it, stories whispered in the dark of night. The Realm of Many Ends, where nightmares come to life.
Side one: War
Side two: War
Yeah. I’m still in chapter one, and I can understand why people are like “You both suck. There should be a third option.”
I know that this is supposed to be a heaven/hell comparison, but I’m honestly seeing a lot of political parallels in this. 
I cast Bow a humorless smile. “Welcome to Prynne.”
Chapter 1 summary: Now that we’re in the actual story and not whatever the fuck was in the beginning… We’re given some measure of explanation. 
Basically, this is a world where life comes in two stages. The titular firstlife, where you’re born, and age. And then you die, and you begin your second life. However, before you die, people want you to sign an unbreakable contract with blood that you’ll join one of two factions: Myriad (aka heaven) or Troika (aka hell). There is supposed to be a third option that’s somehow worse than the two of those. But if you ask me (and our main character, apparently), being whipped for all eternity because you refused to pick heaven or hell sounds better than being forced to fight in a war that you 100% don’t support. And dying for the second and final time sooner rather than later. Because of that war. 
Anyway, so there’s a lot of torture porn in this chapter. I’m really over it, because you know that MC is going to leave soon, simply so that the actual story can start. She gets a new roommate, a girl named Bow. But I’m pretty sure that it’s Killian. She/He’s nuttier than squirrel poo, and knows way too much about life in the asylum for Ten’s comfort. 
As the girls leave their room for breakfast, they get at it with another inmate, Sloan. 
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pink-yuri · 3 months ago
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♡ Sugar Girl Drip ♡
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year ago
We should talk more about Akutagawa seeing Dazai in Atsushi and being revolted by him, that's such a juicy concept to explore
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