#chaotic child tim drake
imfineipromiseitstrue · 5 months
okay so my fave hc for Tim is that most of his teeth are fake. I mean that kid grew up in a home by himself and you’re telling me that all his teeth are healthy? Have you ever tried to get a kid to brush their teeth? Especially if they don’t do it regularly? Absolutely impossible
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chocor0se · 6 months
when tim is working as the ceo of WE in public half of the time he’s the perfect figure, looking fancy and being respectful while also being intimidating when he needs to be. the other half he’s so tired he just starts cussing at annoying people and flipping them off.
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 11 months
Give me Lex Luther and Tim Drake being passive aggressive frenemies.
Them meeting at galas and bragging about whose company is doing better at the moment. I want Tim to be an absolute menace to Lex. it’s his pastime, if Lex Luther there he’s messing with him. And Lex just hates that a 17 year old is messing with him and only him! They get back at each other, start rumors about each other, degrade the others tech on live tv. It’s great, I can just imagine Tim at a gala with Clark (don’t ask why idk) and they have this interaction
Clark: “oh look, it’s Lex Lurther….” >:|
Tim: *excited gasp* “Lex Luther!!” :D
Clark is so confused like that’s a villain? Why are you happy to see him? He’s done bad things??? And Tim is just happy that he gets to mess with Lex during this boring gala.
it’s a delightful Au to think about, the interactions would be just 🤌
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
Always funny to me that Dick Grayson put so much effort into disguising himself every single time he entered and left Starfire’s apartment so no one would know he lived there, only for a 13 year old kid to show up at her apartment asking for him by name. And then when Dick isn’t there, Tim just breaks into Dick’s previous apartment he hadn’t lived in for months. At that point why bother with the disguises if a 13 year old is always figuring out everywhere you live.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 7 months
Tumblr media
They're Bonding!!
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impyssadobsessions · 2 months
This a double/triple length chapter ;3. Took me FOREVER. Sorry ;3 Raising Phantom (40084 words) by Imp_y Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton & Jason Todd, Jazz Fenton & Jason Todd Characters: Danny Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Batfamily Members, Barbara Gordon, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Vlad Masters, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Joker (DCU) Additional Tags: Family, Age Regression/De-Aging, Sexual Harrassment, she got saved before anything happen, Fun, Chaotic Batfamily (DCU), Wayne Gala (DCU), fake implied sensitive themes, Art, dpxdc, uwu faces are a thing, no beta we die like danny, Action, Comedy, Suspense, Angst, Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Jazz Fenton Needs A Hug, Explosives, Gun Violence, Child Danny Fenton, mention blood and injury, Trauma
“ There we go.” Jazz patted her leg, flinching instantly. She had used her body weight to break the pipe off the wall and tied it to her leg with the rope that had previously tied her to the chair. It wasn't the best makeshift splint, but it'll do. She let out a breath, then pulled herself up to her feet using the pipes still fixed well onto the wall, hoping they wouldn't break. It hurt a lot, at first, but slowly grew dull when she became sturdy on her feet. She balanced herself, mostly putting weight onto her good foot, before eyeing her surroundings. The Joker still lay flat on the floor. The chair legs had hit him square between the eyes. Maybe if she shot chairs instead of lasers, she would have been more helpful to Danny when he was fighting ghosts. Not that it mattered now. An exit-she needed to find one, but first. Her eyes went from the door, to the blinking lights, and down to the Joker's trousers. Her face scrunched up. The remote. Whether it actually did anything or not was up in the air- but... if it did. She had to have it so the Joker couldn't blow up the place before she could escape. She hobbled over to the Joker carefully, kneeling down on her good leg. She eyed him for a moment. His tongue hung out the side of his mouth, head hung back. His body was still with only his chest falling and rising. Make this quick. She reached into his pants pocket. Gently, she felt around for the remote with her fingers, trying to avoid hitting any buttons, and then carefully slid it out. She let out a sigh of relief as she glanced over the remote. Good. Now to- She screamed when her wrist was suddenly grabbed and pulled away from her, making her fall onto her hip. “A pick-pocket too?” Joker's voice darkly chuckled, “What a perfect little bat bait, aren't you?” She pulled back at Joker's grip, but he had already slammed her hand into the ground. Her eyes widened as Joker rolled on top of her. She pulled back her knee to keep him from being able to sit on her and kicked him as hard as she could. The Joker flung backward onto the ground. Jazz scrambled to get onto her feet, the remote still in her hand. When she noticed the Joker getting back up, at about the same time as her, she quickly reached for the nearest piece of furniture- the table. She put all her weight into slinging it at the Joker, making him stumble back. She bolted for the door, using her body weight to bust it open. She heard the Joker growl darkly before the door slammed behind her.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
The brainrot is hitting hard today…
On the topic of the Drakes, I usually prefer the unconventional but loving parent type (Bruce x the Drakes is my favorite rarepair) but the idea of a de-aged Toddler Tim having no idea what to do when Jason or another Bat does the “ur a baby I’m gonna pick you up” move because his parents stopped picking him up once he started walking is so heartbreakingly wonderful to me.
even with de-aged Tim fics in general, i prefer when he’s a feral raccoon, but just that specific scene is so addicting.
a whole fic exploring the personality of a three-year-old Tim with limited parental context and his dynamics with Jason in particular is mwah.
and then a week later, he’s deaged again but as a 6-year-old and the family has to deal with a brat with too much time on his hands and too little supervision.
3-year-old tim as a victim of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
6-year-old tim as a consequence of neglectful, bordering abusive, parenting
also, bonus if 3 y/o Tim just cam saw the graysons fall and only recognizes Dick after Nightwing does something flippy. “Flippy Dick” being his first words since deaging (i think i saw the nickname in a good parents!drakes post ironically)
Yes! I do adore the angst of the Drakes loving Tim, wanting the world for him, and failing. The black and white "Drakes are bad parents" is great for healing and comfort, but the grey area is where I feel a lot of people are with their own parents. The Drakes trying but never being enough is so intoxicating to read. There's usually only bad parents and good parents for the Drakes.
I also love when the Drakes and Bruce share parenting Tim while the kid fights that at every turn. It's hilarious.
For Kid Tim fics, I can't really stand when he's turned into a "so cute but so sad" version. That child is a gremlin. Therefore, I love when authors hint at angst/abuse, but Tim doesn't realize that something is wrong. For him, that's normal. Why would he know the difference?
The nickname "Flippy Dick/Dickie" is cute and I adore a chaotic 6 year old Tim. A lack of supervision for children (who have issues with impulse control due to their brain development) equates to Tim doing whatever the fuck he wants and not respecting authority. He gets to make decisions for himself because that's how it's always been.
On the same note, fics that have Bruce noticing Tim's lack of supervision and then forcing restrictions on Tim freak me out. Yes, a child should not be making such decisions and should not be alone at such ages. However, Tim, in these AUs, has years of experience doing so. Forcing him to follow Bruce's rules without choice disrespects the systems Tim has built up to protect himself. He should have continued autonomy. The goal is to support him. They should allow Tim to slowly integrate himself into the Wayne family as someone ensures he's getting food regularly, has an adult to rely on, and has all his needs met (however Tim chooses to meet them).
If Tim chooses to relinquish his control over every aspect in his life for some help and relief, then absolutely. Despite this, Tim will need to be treated as closer to an equal than a child due to his experiences. He is still a child, but he's been making choices for himself for a while. He should have the respect and autonomy to continue making decisions in regard to his own being.
I guess I got on a rant, lmao. Anyways, de-aging fics that highlight Tim not being able to hide his chaotic nature as well are amazing
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Unknowingly A Meta AU? owo ? Tim with a Dream Manipulation power he doesn't know he has? Because it can effect HIS dreams. And no one ever mentions it.
His parents? Wearing all sorts of gifts and old jewelry from various sites. They are gucci. Completely untouchable. So the few times Baby Tim DOES show up in there dreams as a kid, when they are in house, they write off as "weird but pleasant".
After all? Who doesn't like to dream about playing with your kid? Going to a fantastical theme park or something? Having a family picnic? It's JUST a nice dream, right?
But! Not everyone has such protections.
And Baby Tim? Gets fixated. Curious. Falls asleep wanting to KNOW. Perhaps, thinking about one member of the Wayne family or another. And since his range is growing? Wayne Manor is juuuuust close enough. Barely, at first. Then easily.
And it's innocent at first. Of course it is. He's just a small child, full of questions. Was Mr. Batman like him as a child? Where did Mr. Pennyworth come from? What was living in the circus like? And so? They dream.
Bruce, playing with a child his age, on the lawn as his parents watch on fondly. Alfred, back too his youth, full of mischief as he runs the streets of his little English town along side friends long dead. Made young once more. Dick, laughing, underfoot, as he and his new friend run roughshod all across the setup site. His parents fond but exasperated.
Such meaningful dreams.
Private, though.
No need to mention them. Or realize the whole household is getting such dreams all at the same time.
And the dreams persist. Tim forever having questions. Or just wondering. Not thinking much on WHY he seems to have such vivid dreams. He's always had them. Surely everyone does. Storybooks certainly seem to suggest that.
Dick leaves. Jason comes.
Dick notices he's started having... nightmares. Chaotic, dark, brooding dreams. Of failure and lose. He doesn't connect things... yet.
Jason doesn't fuckin TRUST these happy clappy, golden sunshine n puppies dreams. The fuck is this? The fuck are YOU? Tim doesn't see a reason to lie. It's just a dream, right?
Uh huh.
Riiiight. Say, Timbits, you ever been tested for that Meta gene thingy? Asks Jason, who has clocked what's happening here, basically night one.
No, why? Asks the clueless neighbor kid.
Before Jason can think of a... polite...ish... way to call him thick and his parents dense as bricks, he wakes up. Gets to spend the whole day looking into the Drake's. Finds out the kid is basicly isolated in that great big house of his. Decides he's... NOT gonna be saying anything.
Welcome to dream land, you little weirdo. Just don't scramble his brains or touch stuff he says not too.
Then? Dick visits. Tim is thrilled. And Dick? Gets his first GOOD dream in weeks. No "what if's", no haunting seconds too late, just? Good moments. Everything languid and lit by golden light. Untouchable.
Him and Kori, between missions, exploring each other. Everything pleasure and light. Grinding. Gasping. Groaning in pleasure as they found just the right angle, sweat catching the light like diamonds. She was beautiful. HE never felt more desirable.
But something niggles in his brain. A sense of being watched, that hadn't been there then. Fascinated little eyes. Blue. Not Jason. Poorly hidden in the corner of the room. He... he should be alarmed. Focus. This isn't for little eyes. Should kick him out. But Kori's here. And everything is soft and so GOOD. He keeps getting lost in that instead.
Is aware, so aware, of little eyes that trail his body like eager hands.
It shouldn't make everything better.
But it does.
And NOW? Now Tim has NEW questions. As puberty closes in fast and without mercy.
And Bruce's dreams certainly have answers. His every desire and fantasy laid bare. Past loves, current lovers, fantasies about coworkers. Being watched. A curiosity. An amusement, perhaps? His brain struggles to pull free of the pleasure and focus.
But eventually, his iron will allows it. He HAS trained for this, after all.
He gets the jump on the... imp? Fae? Youthful looking creature. But touching them just pulls him back under. So he kisses them instead. Strips them. Hands finding places that make them squirm. He's not sure HOW he finds himself fucking them, but he never wants to stop.
And after that? Neither does Tim. He'd never imagined THAT was an option! It felt AMAZING. Which leads to all manner of wet dreams. For every Heroic guest Bruce has. During the day? Prim and proper, everything above board. But in SLEEP? They are pounding their new brother/son incoherent.
Just? Imagine them trying to trigger wet dreams? Trying to get attention in the evenings, so he'll think about THEM before bed. Pouting when their dreams were pleasant nothing instead of Tim Time. The guilty PANIC of guests who TOTALLY boned Timmy drooling and fucked stupid in the Dream Space, now having to sit across Batman, and pretend they didn't do that. Not realizing he totally let them.
Can't get caught, if it's not physical! Dream Sex!
and they're completely guilt free because its a dream😌😌😌
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la-bruja · 1 year
Fanfiction Reccomendations
hi im a little insane and i read way too many fics 💖
here are some fics I've enjoyed this week! so far it's mostly batman, danny phantom, and crossovers between those two! haha I need some variety I swear.
everything under the read more because I have fifteen (15) listed! <3 okay thanks for checking out my recs!!
(if the formatting is a little ugly, it's because i did this on the app on my phone <3)
(tumblr (app) is a peice of shit and deleted some of the fics i had on here. aaaaaaaaa) (i will try again next week)
Wait, I'm a What? by @atiyasnake
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 31k+ Words. Last Updated June. 5k+ Kudos. Misunderstandings. Ghost King Danny. Accidental Crime Lord Danny. Cryptid Danny. Sentient Gotham.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
Like and Survive - Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival by @robinasnyder
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 73k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Youtuber Danny. Ghost King Danny. Adult Danny. Good Parent Clark Kent. Therapist Jasmine Fenton.
Phantom is considered an old timer who deals with a small city and nowhere else. When he begins uploading videos with advice for young heroes, he hopes a few new heroes might avoid some of the pain he went through. He's shocked at just how popular his advice suddenly becomes.
Bus To Nowhere by @precarious-hermit
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 98k+ Words. Last Updated July. 20k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition.
The Firstborn Son by @faeriekit
Complete. Two-Shot. 7.5k Words. 1k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. The Infinite Realms. Dimension Travel. Accidental Child Acquisition. Child Endangerment. Mind Control. Horror.
Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby.
And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. He's no parent, not to mention the huge problem of how the air and sky destabilize human cellular structure. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from.
...But the man has his own ward.
Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?
Amity In The Ghost Zone by @ghostboybrainrot
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 7k+ Words. Last Updated March. 1k+ Kudos. Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The city doesn't return on its own after Pariah Dark is defeated. Without knowing how to get the whole city back to the living world, Danny tries to evacuate the residents but most Amity Parkers don't really want to leave. Some people do, but many decide to stay. After all, Amity Park is their home, and the idea of having to start over somewhere new isn't very appealing. So the town, for the most part, continues on like normal.
Holding Me Now In Hand by @disillusioneddanny
Completed. Multi-Chaptered. 67k+ Words. 4k+ Kudos. Death Defying. Dick/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Teacher Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Miscommunication. Identity Reveal.
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself.
What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher.
Our Empty Graves by @nabtime
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 63k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Slowburn. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Hazmat AU. Mute Danny. Hurt/Comfort.
They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. Rival gangs say he's vicious, that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
death echoes by @redskyeatnight
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 38k+ Words. Last Updated June. 9k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Ghost King Danny. BAMF Danny. Creepy Danny.
Cold air on the back of his neck. Skeletal fingertips skittering up his spine, barely there and yet pressing so hard they would surely leave indents. A sound like an iceberg cracking apart echoing in his ears and through his head, pain following in its wake.
His throat went cold, his tongue suddenly numb.
And for a second - just a second - he smelled nothing but the stench of death.
"Oh My God, I'm Becoming My Father." by @fanfiction-artist-prototype
Incomplete. Three-Shot. 22k+ Words. Last Updated June. 1k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Misunderstandings. Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Blood and Injury. Accidental Child Acquisition. Implied/Reference Underage Prostitution. Protective Jason Todd.
Dani needs money, there's only so long her human body can last without food, and she lost the credit card Sam gave her when she crash-landed in Gotham city bay. So, she decides she's going to go the one guy she knows exists in Gotham that will help a kid down on their luck no questions asked - Red Hood.
Last time she'd seen Danny, he'd told her that there were rumours the Red Hood was undead, so he was the safest option for a halfa like her.
Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare
based on a tumblr post
Complete. One-Shot. 1k Words. 4k+ Kudos. SoulHate AU. Danny Phantom is a Little Shit.
Until the Joker looked at the skrunky kid in a ratty hoodie that looked like he could be a Wayne adoptee. And they both froze for a good minute.
And like some kind of demented switch got flipped the kid snarled and (still with his hands tied behind his back mind you) launched himself at the Joker.
Back to the World, In the End by @akela-nakamura
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 9k+ Words. Last Updated June. 800 Kudos. Halfa Jason Todd. Heavy Angst. Supernatural illnesses. Jason Todd is Not Okay. Eventual Comfort.
Jason's been sick for weeks and nothing he does seems to help. He's not ready for his confrontation with the Bat. He's not ready for his plans to fall apart when they've barely begun.
But his illness isn't stopping. One warm Gotham night, he hits a metaphorical wall.
Nightwing finds Red Hood on a rooftop. It's been a long night, but it might be looking up. After all, finally capturing the Red Hood will make Gotham that much safer.
Inquisitive by @oliveofvanders
Completed. One-Shot. 1k+ Words. 2k+ Kudos. Journalist Danny. Danny is a Little Shit. Damien Wayne Loves Animals. Crack Treated Seriously.
Damian has a very specific way of dealing with reporters – show them the animals, that usually scares them off.
Danny, however, has seen weirder shit in his lifetime.
Like Betta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 48k+ Words. Last Updated July. Updates Bi-Weekly. 7k+ Kudos. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Halfa Jason. Canon-Typical Violence. Jason Todd Needs a Hug. Danny Fenton Needs a Hug. Lazarus Side Effects. Identity Reveal.
Danny had ended up trespassing in Jason's haunt. He didn't mean to. Total accident, he swears. (He blames Johnny.) So he bought the other halfa a basket of bathbombs and chocolate as a 'sorry, please don't disembowel me' gift. It was the proper thing to do, alright?
Everything was going to be just fine.
Then things got a little out of hand.
Send To All by @cairoscene
Completed. One-Shot. 3k Words. 5k+ Kudos. Emails. Epistolary. Poison Ivy Adjacent.
I, _____________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
»»———-Danny Phantom-———-««
and they were roommates by @captainbrookeworm
Completed. One-Shot. 9k+ Words. 400 Kudos. ChatFic. Humor. Memes. Crack. Crack Treated Seriously. Post-Canon. Identity Reveal.
Mr. Lancer’s English Class Group Chat
Wes Weston: FINALLY
Tucker Foley: For the last time the moon landing was NOT faked!!!!
》 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。° 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。°《
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redhood414 · 8 months
Part 1: The Games
(Y/n POV)
In the kingdom of Metropolis everything was peaceful and quiet. It was a Sunday afternoon with the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze, birds chirping and talking. I was reading a book in the royal garden, about some forbidden love. Give me a book and I'm lost. After a good while of being deep in my book I notice footsteps and look up to see my father, Clark Kent, king of Metropolis approaching me.
"Y/n, my sweet daughter of mine. How are you today?" He asks as he sits beside me, peering with curiosity at the book I was reading. "I'm doing just fine, father, what about you?" I ask with a smile, I love my father a lot. He and mother, Lois Kent, the Queen, are the best parents I could ever wish for. No one can replace them. They've always been so kind and patient with me;even if sometimes, I am trouble.
"Likewise, my child. But I need to talk to you about something. It's important." He says with a serious tone and expression, showing that it really is no kidding what he's going to tell me next. "You can tell me, father. I'm listening." I say as I close my book and focus my eyes and attention to him. "So...you know how the kingdom of Gotham is an ally, right?" I nod. I know about Gotham, the King is there are Bruce Thomas Wayne and his wife and Queen is Selina Wayne. They have four sons: Dick Grayson, the eldest, Jason Todd, the second eldest, Tim Drake, the second youngest and Damian Wayne is the youngest and the only one who's biological. The rest is adopted. "Well. Since soon you'll be turning 18 and finally be an adult, it means you'll need to marry ...-", my eyes widen and I stand up immediately. "Father, no! I'm not going to marry one off his idiotic sons!" My father glares as those words leave my mouth. How could I say such a thing? Well I'm not lying. Most of those sons are practically imbeciles.
"Y/n! Watch your mouth and show some respect! We owe that to the Wayne family, so your hand in marriage will be great for the future. His sons will have to win a few games to win your hand. End of discussion." And by that, he gets up and leaves, leaving me with sadness, knowing my freedom will be taken soon.
(Dick Grayson POV)
Sunny Sunday! Ah what a beautiful day to see- "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" My brother, Jason runs past me, chasing my youngest brother, Damian, snickering. Oh dear. I was going to say what a nice start of the day, but I take that back. It's always chaos here. The personal advisor of the king, Alfred, watches them with a sigh and a stoic expression. Tim joins us at the breakfast table soon, almost falling asleep. "Gentlemen. If I may be so straightforward I would watch your manners." Tim raises an eyebrow and I look with curiosity at Alfred. "What do you mean, Alf?" I ask and Jason smacked Damian's head as he finally catches him and sits down. "Well,", Alfred continues as he watches from the side the dinner being served. "One of you will be marrying princess Y/n of Metropolis." I choke on my food and Jason spits out his water. "I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Jason asks with a horrified expression. Damian joins the confusion. "Pennyworth, I hope you're joking. My brothers, and by that I mean especially Drake, is incapable of being that charming to win a princess over" Tim gave him a glare.
"There will be a few games you have to win to win her hand in marriage. King Clark signed a contract because he owes that much of a favor to King Bruce. King Bruce helped him in times of need and now it's time he repays our king." I was speechless. When was dad going to tell us this? What does she looks like? What's she like? Is she mean? Pretty? Kind? It got my curiosity to say the least. "What's she like and what does she look like thought?" Tim asks and Damian huffs while he mutters. "I was about to ask that."
"You'll meet her soon enough, but from what I've heard she's a kind and gentle soul, good for your...chaotic characters." Alfred says carefully and Jason rolls his eyes. "We're not chaotic." And Damian adds. "Oh yeah? You're the one all being sensitive. One comment and the castle's too small."
And there goes the arguing again...and so is my imagination flowing of what the princess looks like and what's she like. Is she really as gentle and kind as Alfred says? Or is there more behind that description of his?
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Oh Worm?
by Nation_Ustria A quirk accident causes sixteen-year-old hero student Midoriya Izuku and nineteen-year-old veteran vigilante/superhero Tim Drake to swap bodies across universes. The Bats notice this immediately, and proceed to adopt the traumatized sunshine child and rope him into their chaos. All of UA's students and faculty, meanwhile, are scrambling to figure out how in the world an apparently amnesiac Midoriya is managing to be twenty times as terrifying chaotic problem-attracting as he'd been before. Or, in which Izuku is finally healing flourishing under the attention of an entire family of quirkless(!!!) heroes, and Tim is shamelessly trolling many, many people and has found a new best friend-slash-business partner in UA's principal. Words: 1265, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 6 of Batfamily Crossovers & Fusions Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake, Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Jason Todd, Shinsou Hitoshi, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Hatsume Mei, Monoma Neito, Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Iida Tenya, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Eri (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Class 1-A & Tim Drake, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Midoriya Izuku, Nedzu & Tim Drake, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Damian Wayne, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kon-El | Conner Kent & Midoriya Izuku, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: Dimension Travel, Crossover, Bodyswap, Quirk Accident (My Hero Academia), Feral Tim Drake, BAMF Tim Drake, Genius Tim Drake, Nedzu is a Little Shit (My Hero Academia), Chaotic Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Chaotic Tim Drake, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Analyst Midoriya Izuku, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily Fluff (DCU), Jason Todd is a Batfamily Member, Stephanie Brown is a Batfamily Member, Chaotic Duke Thomas, Chaotic Cassandra Cain, Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack, Humor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing (My Hero Academia), Worried Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake is a Menace, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child via https://ift.tt/RaVvq4g
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animeredhead101 · 4 months
Dick Grayson / Danny Fenton Masterlist
Holding Me Now in Hand by DisillusionedDanny :
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself. What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher. Danny had managed to make a new life for himself in this new dimension as a science teacher at Gotham Academy. He had a fulfilling life, teaching the kids of Gotham how to survive on the streets and then at night protecting the bats who roamed the streets. Now, to make things even better, he had somehow caught the attention of Dick Grayson. If Danny had to be honest, his life was going pretty great for him. Now he just needed the other shoe to drop. Word Count: 67,299
Emergency Contact by DisillusionedDanny :
Bruce Wayne is shocked to find out that he is not his son's emergency contact after Dick is involved in a standoff.
Color him surprised when he learns that his son has been keeping secrets from him.
Word Count: 2,423
Enchanted to Meet You by DisillusionedDanny :
Danny finally sees his soulmate outside of his dreams and it's everything he wanted and more. Word Count: 2,114
weary soldier, welcome home by halfgone (milkywxy) :
Dick misses his boyfriend. He waxes poetic about this, to himself that is. Then, inevitably, he gets to go home.
Word Count: 2,870
Constantine Bingo by EKat18
Danny turns Constantine selling his soul into a game. Word Count: 1,132
Danny Kidnaps Damian (not actually) by thebritishspider :
Danny doesn't like being summoned. He really doesn't like being summoned. Especially by the league of assassins. Those guys suck. If you're going to summon an all powerful entity at least do it right. A sandwich or something would be nice. He still wouldn't do their bidding anyway but it's the thought that counts. The one time he mentioned this to the league they offered him a child. Well. If they're offering Danny's gonna get the kid out of there. I mean really. Who in their right mind would offer him a child without laying out parameters. It was insulting really.
Or The League summons Danny, offer Damien as a sacrifice, Danny goes "All right then" and takes Damian. "Do you got another place to go kid?" "My father is Bruce Wayne" "Lol, wacky. I'll drop you off with him then." Danny sticks around because the Waynes are pretty cool, and Damian is very clingy.
Word Count: 32,492
Rings of Power by docmartins :
One moment Danny was chilling in space the next he was thrown into a world of heroes. A world that brought him family and friends and siblings and love. or Danny Phantom unexpectedly finds himself becoming the protégé of certain greenclad, ring-weilding heroes. Word Count: 123,437
I’m Falling for you (Now we’re both Falling) by Milaley,zizippy5379 :
Danny Fenton is just your average big city paramedic living in one of the most dangerous cities there is: Gotham. Or is he? What most people don't know is he is a retired superhero from the small town of Amity Park known as Phantom. After the burn out that comes from being a lone teenage hero and a difficult reveal to his parents he decides he needs to get away. And what better city than Gotham for a man who loves to help in medical crises.
Dick Grayson: detective by day, superhero by night. Well that's what he was until the reality of working for the Bludhaven police department set in and his depression took over. Now he's quit his day job and works for his adoptive father's charitable organization. But that doesn't stop him from continuing his superhero work as the one and only Nightwing.
But when these two soulmates meet on a rooftop at night and their timers run out, happily ever after isn’t as easily achieved as one might think.
Word Count: 75,437
Falling for you, again and again (adventures in getting kidnapped and meeting your soulmate) by ziazippy5379 :
Danny gets dragged to some event in Gotham and meets his soulmate. The first meeting goes great. The rest of the night not so much. Word Count: 32,352
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ekat-fandom-blog · 6 months
Dr Wayne AU
Idea from this post.
Bruce graduated from medical school. He went out and trained to become a vigilante. He came back and things mostly turned out like the original universe does. Until Dick. The stress was getting to him. Gnawing away at his morals and last shred of patients. Mysteriously, the building Tony Zuko was in blew up and Batman wasn't seen again.
Years go by, and more mysterious explosions kill more mob bosses and super villains. No one connects Bruce to the explosions except for a malnourished street kid who caught him in the act. Smart little street rat that is Jason Todd uses this knowledge to get some food. Bruce quickly takes a liking to him and brings him home. Jason starts helping Bruce rig these explosions after a while. While setting up a bomb meant for their slipperiest evil doer, Joker, it goes off while Jason's in the building. Bruce goes a little crazy (or maybe crazier. who's to say) after Jason's death.
He meets Tim Drake at a function being held by Mr and Mrs Drake and notices some things. The first thing he notices is how similar Tim looks to Jason when they met in that dark alley. The second thing he notices is that the Drakes are almost always out of Gotham. The third thing he notices is that Tim seems to light up when Bruce mentions Dick. He'd love to just snatch the kid up and bring him home, but he couldn't. Not without a reason to keep the kid. It was just luck that one of the many villains still populating Gotham decided to target the plane the Drakes were on a week later. In his gratitude for the opportunity to take in the sweet child he'd found, he made sure the explosion he set for them would only maim them instead of kill them.
Getting Jason was amazing and horrible. The sweet precious boy nearly killed Bruce and Tim with the minor explosive he'd put in Bruce's favorite car. But that didn't matter all that much. By the end of the entire debacle, no one was hurt and they'd even managed to clear up some misunderstandings. Bruce had all of his children under one roof again.
He thought he had all of his children under one roof until he learned about Damian. There weren't any words he could use to describe how upset it made him to learn that another of his children were being kept from him. He did have to thank Talia, however. Without Talia slipping up to Jason about Damian's existence he wouldn't have known until one of the Al Ghul's revealed it to him. Tim overheard Jason and Bruce planning to retrieve Damian and revealed that he'd known since he came to the manor what Jason and Bruce did. Told the two that he knew how to help gather intel on the League long term as long as they could slip a microchip into one of the League's mainframe computers. The Plan went well, all things considered. Jason and Bruce came out of it with a few scars and a broken rib, which was less damage than expected. They sadly weren't able to catch many of the assassins in any of their micro explosions, but they overall won the battle.
After everything was said and done, Damian fit in well with their chaotically violent family. Even if he did prefer swords to explosives. It was much less strange than Dick's proclivities to only do harm when he felt it was strictly necessary. He gets it from Alfred, Bruce supposed.
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
Top 10 most chaotic Tim Drake headcanons?
1) (stealing this from audreycritter) his parents lied about his age to get him into school a year early for "bragging about their genius kid" purposes, and he doesn't realize this until at the age of eighteen he digs up his birth certificate and it's like oops, I'm still only seventeen!
2) Tim didn't fool Bruce with the fake uncle but he did fool Bruce with the fake "school fundraiser, idc just write a check or smth" routine, which is what he uses to sneak his own personal Batmobile into the budget
3) was an early investor in crypto (bought it as a kid on the dark web) but is now hesitant to cash in because that would mean admitting to Dick Grayson that he's cryptobro adjacent
4) ran habbo hotel scams as a child
5) paid his way into being one of the voice sound effects in Tony Hawk: Ride (aka, the alleged worst Tony Hawk game in the franchise). He's the "ouch!" sound. In an article criticizing the game, they specifically call out the "ouch!" sound as being so annoying they purposely turned the sound effects off.
6) has a YouTube channel where he does "tutorials" on how he built his gaming PC, but the tutorials are impossible for anyone to follow because every single thing he uses is custom made and obscenely expensive. only the best for Tim Drake-Wayne
7) has paid over a thousand dollars for "organic designer weed". The weed was actually cilantro. The drug dealer was actually Jason in disguise
8) Cass doesn't like driving and will crash cars on purpose to get out of the task. Tim is her assigned chauffeur because he's the only one who lets himself get bullied by her whims
9) has a self-destruct button on his phone, which you would think is for normal "don't let bat data fall into the wrong hands" reasons, but it's actually because he wanted at least one grenade at hand at all times. The data-wipe functionality was a bonus, and did not occur to him until Bruce approved his design
10) has requested his dinner be seasoned with "a dash of cocaine" before. Alfred was not amused
EDIT: I guess I had this saved in my drafts for [indeterminate] and never posted this oops
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 months
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nana-mizu-shiki · 5 months
Tumblr media
"Cackled maniacally and everything."
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