#chantelle's asks
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moons-and-mobility-aids ¡ 4 months ago
Out of curiosity, how do you think the marauders would act if they were reader's caregiver? idm whether you do it individually or if they're poly in this, just curious
I'm going to cover both here, but I would like to admit I went along the lines of a physical illness/disability rather than a mental, purely because I just went with it and I'm only now realising - some of this stuff would still apply, but not all of it.
Firstly, James wouldn't even hesitate about becoming your carer. And while he wouldn't necessarily feel confident in his abilities at first, he'd be doing a ton of research on how to look after you and making notes so he doesn't forget - chances are that he won't forget, but he'd worry about it. He'd also be basically a walking encyclopedia on your condition/s.
He'd be a huge cheerleader for you, but not in a patronising way. Like if you're having issues getting diagnosed/mobility aids/etc, he'd be celebrating when you get what you need and would be a huge part in keeping your spirits up.
He'd also be constantly reminding you about all the reasons he fell for you, making sure you know he loves you regardless of anything he has to help you with, and he makes it clear that no matter what it is you need, he loves doing it because it's quality time with you. Like he genuinely enjoys looking after you, he's thrilled to be the one doing it.
James would do anything to make life accessible for you without being degrading - he'd have no issues with carrying you up and down stairs if need be, but he also understands that isn't a fix and draws attention and not positively, so he'd respect that and find alternative options that both make life accessible without making you feel bad.
In group settings, he'd have his eye on you at all times but also wouldn't hover, wanting you to feel as normal as possible while also being prepared to help. He's fiercely defensive if anyone is rude or insensitive, but he'll also let you handle it yourself if you can.
Firstly, he'd be calling himself 'the world's most handsome personal assistant' because of course, he'd go for the 'more glamourous' title if you were comfortable with it.
And on that line of things, he'd be all about keeping the mood light, no matter what he's doing for you. He'd be making cheeky comments while helping you dress, making jokes about the stupid things people say to you, ensuring you can join in on anything fun he might be doing.
He'd encourage you to live your life however you want, and would do his absolute best to support you in doing so. If there are no existing ways to do this, he will make a way for it to happen.
He would always help you feel comfortable about your needs. You have to wear a catheter bag? Cool, he's going to make a cover for it so it feels more like yours. You use a mobility aid? He's gonna decorate it with you, even using magic to co-ordinate it to your outfit if possible (and if you want that).
He would be so protective of you, always ready to jump to your defense if needed. People can be awful to disabled people, and he just wouldn't stand for it.
If possible, he would have you give him a literal list of things you need help with and why. His job is to help you, so he would do his best to get all of that information from you. He would do some research once he has that list for clarification if you need help transferring etc so he can keep you safe, but mostly will be based on your word alone.
He'd have routines prepared before you need to do it, make sure you have everything you could need in reach before you need it, and would meticulously plan things out so you never have to go without something you need.
I feel like Remus would be the least obvious about being your carer - like once he's got it all figured out, it's never a thing again and he naturally adjusts if your condition is one that fluctuates. He'll also do things like charming everything to be lighter if you struggle with weakness without really mentioning it so you can maintain as much independence as possible.
He's all about being encouraging; if you're trying to do something but it's taking forever (in your opinion), he never hesitates to tell you that you've got all the time in the world and you don't have to rush. And if you ever feel like you take too much, he'll spend hours telling you about all the ways you look after him, even if you don't realise it.
If you're struggling emotionally, he's perfectly fine listening to you vent without judgement or without trying to find a fix, and will just hold you close and reassuring you that it's okay for you to feel that way and that he's not going anywhere.
Being a carer is really hard, there's no question about that, so I could see the three boys leaning on each other for support and splitting the responsibilities in a way that plays to their strengths so they don't burnout, while also rotating the duties when someone needs a break or has other things they need to do.
It takes a while, but they learn to respect each other's methods of care, even if they don't personally like it, and they make a point of communicating any issues so no one is stepping on anyone's toes, and if you ask a specific person for help, even if that person doesn't usually do that thing for you, the other two respect it.
They're really good at adapting to your needs, even if they change over times. James often is the one to make physical adjustments to wherever you're living, Remus handles the logistical changes if routines etc need to be changed, and Sirius is often the one making sure it doesn't feel like a big deal, making jokes and distracting you from feeling bad (if you do)
If you're emotionally struggling, James often physically comforts you by holding you, Remus is soothing you through words, and Sirius, when you're ready to be distracted, will pull you into something that's going to make you smile.
They're always mindful that you're their partner, not just someone they look after, and they always make a point to be romantic in big and little ways - James has a habit of planning surprise dates or weekend getaways, ensuring they're completely accessible and you only have to think about being there. He's constantly kissing and touching you (at least, as much as you're comfortable with), bringing you your favourite flowers and just generally reminding you how much he loves you. Sirius likes to bring you really thoughtful gifts - they're not necessarily big and he rarely makes a big deal about it, but he'll leave them somewhere you'll find them, and you can always feel the thought behind it. He also likes to do silly things like dancing around the kitchen with you, even if you can't stand, and he makes it his mission to make you laugh on a daily basis. Remus likes to leave little notes for you; he's a bit shy about saying it out loud at times, but he likes to remind you why he loves you, and he leaves out poems that made him think of you, which Sirius likes to tease him about, but it's something that you love about Remus. Remus also likes to cook with you, even if you're sitting there observing - he can't explain why he likes it, but he likes talking to you while he cooks, having you taste-test the food and just generally talking.
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multifandomvillainblog ¡ 30 days ago
Question for Chantel Dubois: What would you do if Alex the lion tried to confront you again?
…🪚. Need I say more?. Also now that I have a bigger group of acquaintances..it would be easier..hm. -👮
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tallbluelady ¡ 1 year ago
How did you choose their name?
STORYTIME. So, you know how Rowan was found in a rowan tree around the age five? That was me trying to give a narrative reason for her to have the name "Rowan" when that's not at all an Elezen sounding name. Because originally, I just went with my generic internet/mmo character name: Rotak. Which sounds EVEN LESS like an Elezen name.
I was at a point where I was starting to conceive of my fic and writing and all that. I realized that I needed a more lore aligned name as my internet name was not going to cut it. The problem was that I was very attached to the "Ro" syllable. My WoW main kept the "Ro" as "Ro'tandre" for various musings. But all the French names with "Ro" in it were mostly just derivations of "Rose". Which, is all fine and dandy, but I wanted a more gender neutral name. I don't remember if I looked at French boy's names or not, or if they were all rather meh to me. Eventually I realized French wasn't going to do it.
And I resisted "Rowan" for a long time. "It's not French!" I thought, "It's too generic!". Eventually the realization that there wasn't really going to be a better name got to me, and I cooked up her running from the Black Wolf into a tree as her backstory and didn't really look back. She's been Rowan since I've been writing her fic.
Argentas though? Ironically, the original derivation of the character had that last name (she doesn't now and this is already getting long). I went with the Latin word for silver and stuck "-as" at the end to make it sound like a last name and kinda lucked out that French is a Romance language.
Thanks for the ask!
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tournament-of-x ¡ 2 years ago
Vote for Lourdes, all my homies hate Moira X
Lourdes is indeed a fun character. The Krakoan age definitely tanked Moira’s likability.
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lucas-koh ¡ 1 year ago
2, 4, 9 and 19 for the positivity ask game
Thank you for the ask!💞
2. What character did you start liking because of someone else?
So I am the Mean Girls cake girl and I basically love all the characters anyway, but there are certainly people who’ve made me like characters even more or see them in a different light! I think I like Bill a lot more than I used to because of people saying what they love about him!
4. What inspires you to create in the fandom?
Everything and anything. My brain is always going at 100mph so ideas literally just pop in sometimes. But reading books, fics, watching movies, shows, playing games—all inspire me in different ways!
9. What WIP from another creator are you most excited about?
@longbobmckenzie Christmas exchange fic!
19. Your favourite fanwork of an underrated character?
Play To Win by @queen-of-boops which is Harry/MC!
LITG positivity ask game!
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devilmeows ¡ 2 years ago
FOR THE OCS ASK THING. 33. And 42.? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
33. Do they play ttrpgs? If so what kind of characters do they play? Or are they more likely to GM?
I think that out of all my OCs, the most likely to GM would be Lucius. He would enjoy GMing for Ryden and his friends, and sometimes he'd call Louvain in for playing NPCs. Dads ttrpging for their kid and his friends :)
And I think Jet likes TTRPGs the most. She plays a variety of characters, but in the human AU she likes playing werewolves the most because. Well. She is a werewolf in canonverse. Gotta keep the theme
42. Can they speak multiple languages? If yes which all do they speak and why?
I haven't thought about languages in my monster OCs universe (which is So strange considering. gestures at myself. i love languages) but! A fun fact is that Arwin speaks a merfolk language that is essentially ultrasounds. Only other merfolk can hear it, so sometimes he'll be chatting with his mother while other people are around and it just looks like they're sitting in silence. One of them will have A Reaction and onlookers will be confused. It's a fun language :)
As for Splatoon OCs: I accidentally all made them bilingual in some way lol, they all speak Inklish +
InklĂ­ngua (brazilian portuguese) for Cadence (captain 3), Spencer (agent 4) and Viv
Inklangue (french) for Ace (agent 5), Astrid, Clem (new agent 3) and Finn
Sprachkling (german) for Hayden and Finn
Octarian for all the octolings
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legendreign-archived ¡ 2 years ago
🤥 LYING 😨 FEARFUL 🖍️ CRAYON for Aomi, Saya, Masaru and Midorima!
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! / Still Accepting! / @tsukuharuko
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they’re lying?
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( Ironically, Saya, Masaru, and Shintarō are good liars although they can be blunt as well! Chantelle is also a liar because Pisces people tend to appear polite but they talk behind people's back. For Saya, she may sound a little hesitant when she is telling a lie but since in modern days, she has a reserved nature in canon, people may think she's just being awkward. One time when Chantelle lied when I was writing with @sportbaes , she had a lot of pauses while talking lol. Masaru may act a little exaggerated when he is lying / acting but I'm sure his acting skills will improve since in his main verse, he is an undercover demon slayer. As for Shintarō, he's mastered the art of having a stoic face so he's the hardest to detect he is lying except when Kazunari Takao ( tagging my dear Takao in here @ervaurem ) tells the truth about him being shy or actually wanting to wanting to be with the others and he goes "No!" That's the only time he's obviously lying.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”?
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Saya's reaction to fight or flight has been answered here!
Masaru is a fighter so his reaction in most verses is to fight, especially since in most verses, he's been trained to.
Beneath that sweet demeanor that Chantelle has, lies a woman who becomes competitive and cunning on the court. Dolphins are evil and she has the wild instincts of the Bottlenose dolphin and she's earned them by fighting against people on the basketball court with her skills even if she does get a little scared in the beginning. She won't fight back when her elder sister, Constance, is bullying her at school. Which while writing with you Jenny, my brain started to headcanon that Shintarō once witnessed it which is why he no longer not considers her as a friend because of her blood type. I'll eventually have to drabble out the bullying and it'll be part of my Senshi no Basuke crossover.
Shintarō wasn't much of a fighter growing up. He's probably gotten bullied for carrying lucky items and I headcanon that my oc sister for him, Mika, had to call his bullies out and catch them in the act for them to stop. It wouldn't surprise me if seeing Mika's bravery inspired him as he got older and with his lucky item, he's fearless and depending how high Cancers are on the astrological ranking, he's unstoppable. Look at the time the Generation of Miracles encountered a bike thief in junior high, he just thought rationally, took Atsushi Murasakibara's ice pops, and did a three pointer that he knew would hit the thief. In Replace Plus, guy just used his Daruma to throw it at the guy who tried to throw a cup at Satsuki Momoi. As long as he has something to use for three-pointers, he can fight. I think he would only be afraid if his lucky item wasn't around since his bad luck is out to give him painful karmic retribution.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
For canon! Saya, I want to advise her to not see all Chiropterans as evil. Some humans have good and bad in them too, it's the same with her kind.
For Masaru... I'm sure he can advise me better since he's a lawyer but he does need to cool off with his jealousy.
For Chantelle, I want to tell her to not try to aim for acceptance wit her her elder sisters who hate her but she's so giving that she'll probably not listen to me anyways and somehow she and her sisters will reach an understanding but I'll have to figure that out in the future.
For Shintarō, I want to tell him to not be so closed off since there are people he can trust but he probably thinks of me and Chantelle as foolishly kind and too trusting anyways and he has gone through pain. Hopefully as he grows and does meet people who he can care for, his character will grow and lo and behold, actually apologize to others properly as @ervaurem once mentioned! )
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chantelbedford ¡ 1 year ago
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
"Oh most definitely. I'm a social butterfly. Always have been. I remember growing up my mom would tell me stories nearly once a week about all the times she'd take me out in public when I first started talking and I'd just talk to all the people that walked past us. I'm sure some of those stories were a little embarrassing, but, I didn't care. I just wanted to talk. I'd probably talk to a brick wall if you left me alone long enough."
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November 2, 2023
Ms de Jonge: Our main mission is to safeguard Alberta and Albertans for Albertans.
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fleckficgirl ¡ 6 months ago
Heartthrob | Arthur Fleck x reader 💗 CHAPTER 13
Summary: Attempting to conceal her checkered past, a young dancer in Gotham (Y/N) lands a job at Ha-Ha’s and finds herself increasingly drawn to a shy, lonely clown named Arthur Fleck.
Warnings: sex, age gap, language, violence, mental illness, assault
Word Count: 2651
Chapter List: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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Arthur called immediately after you hung up the phone with Tina and Chantelle and asked you to meet him at City Central Station at noon.
“I have to go out to Long Island,” he said, a heavy undercurrent of apology in his voice. “And I wanted to ask if you’d be willing to come with me.” 
“Sounds perfect,” you’d replied instantly.
Arthur laughed, surprised. “I, uh…well, I know it’s not very romantic. But it’s kind of an emergency and-”
“I’m there,” you said. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes,” Arthur said. He sounded tense, flustered. You wished you were in the same room with him so you could put his arms around him and calm him down. Comfort him with your body. Among other things. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” Arthur assured you. “I’m not hurt or anything. I can explain everything to you on the train. I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t be sorry, Arthur,” you stopped him. “I’m happy just to spend time with you. No matter what we’re doing.”
You heard Arthur pause, releasing a relieved-sounding sigh on the other end, his tone softening. “I…I couldn't stop thinking about you last night,” he confessed. “I think I even dreamed about you.”
“Really?” you felt an uncontrollable smile spread across your face. Only Arthur Fleck could make you smile like a complete loon. 
“Sorry. Is that weird for me to tell you that?”
“No!” you blurted. “In fact, I dreamed about you!” 
Arthur laughed. “You did? Last night?”
“Uh…not last night, exactly.” You felt your cheeks heating up and felt glad Arthur couldn't see you blush. “Earlier. Like…maybe after the first time I saw you?”
“That’s sweet, Y/N. Was it a nice dream?”
“It was…very nice.” 
If only Arthur knew the true carnal nature of that first dream. You’d get around to telling him someday…hopefully sooner rather than later. 
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And now, one hour later, here you were: one hour standing on the train platform waiting for him. 
You glanced around Gotham City Central Station at all the bustling people - still rushing, still hustling, still rat-racing on a Saturday morning. They were like hamsters on one big gigantic wheel in a cage called Gotham, and although you knew you were one of them, having a day off gave you a refreshed perspective: Exactly who was winning this race? Why did normal people have to work themselves into the ground just to scrape by? 
It seemed the winners of this race had already been called a long time ago. 
Among the noise, traffic and images vying for your attention all at the same time, you locked eyes with a poster of Thomas Wayne. You shook your head. He was on television all the time these days. People seemed to think Wayne could “fix” Gotham and wanted him to run for mayor. 
To put it bluntly: you thought those people were delusional. 
There was no denying Gotham was a broken place. But was the wealthy mogul Thomas Wayne really the one to fix it? How could he know what the people of this God-forsaken city needed to get back on their feet? How could someone born and raised with an endless supply of silver spoons in his mouth possibly relate to living on the fringes of society?
The crowd parted and Arthur appeared, holding a newspaper under his arm. He spotted you and smiled. You ran up to him and leapt into his arms. Arthur caught you, spun you, then dipped you over and kissed you. The two of you were living in your own musical fantasy in the middle of a dirty, overcrowded train station.
“I’m so sorry that this is our second date,”Arthur said as he lowered you to the ground. “I wanted to plan something more romantic…a walk in the park, or maybe a trip to the-”
“Arthur,” you stopped him. “Anytime we’re together is romantic. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now but here.” 
He smiled shyly and gave you a tender kiss on the cheek.
The graze of his lips against you triggered a slew of wants. You wanted to kiss him again. Properly. In fact, you wanted to do a lot of things to him. The memory of the soft pull of Arthur’s lips against yours the night before had stirred within you like a fever since then - but you were worried that if you started, you wouldn't be able to stop. And there were too many people around. You’d have to behave yourself. At least for the time being. 
“So where exactly on Long Island are we headed?” you asked. “And what’s this mystery mission you couldn’t tell me about on the phone?”
Arthur drew in a heavy breath. “It’s…look, I don’t want to sound crazy. I’m not sure if I believe it myself, but last night…”
He was interrupted by your train pulling loudly into the station. 
“That’s the one we want,” he jerked his head towards it.
“Oh shit!” you exclaimed. “I just remembered, I didn’t buy a ticket!”
“Don’t worry,” Arthur fished into his jacket pocket and pulled out two small pieces of paper. “I got yours.” 
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After finding two empty seats together, you placed your hand on Arthur’s and listened. Listened as he told you everything: How his mother had been writing letters to Thomas Wayne (funny how you’d just been thinking about him…though to be fair, his smug face was plastered all over the city). How he hadn’t paid his mother’s compulsive letter-writing much mind. She was set in her ways and tended to overfocus on things that were of little to no consequence. And finally: how last night after coming home from your date, an unexpected burst of curiosity had cajoled him into reading one of her letters…
…in which his mother had disclosed something totally unexpected. Something shocking.
“Thomas Wayne?” you repeated, raising your eyebrows. 
Arthur nodded.
You blinked. This was so out of left field, it had gone past left field and back to right again. You struggled to pick a reaction; there were so many coursing through your mind and heart. You could only imagine how Arthur was feeling. 
“How did your mother even know him?” you asked, agog.
“She used to work for the Waynes. As their housekeeper. Just before I was born.”
You shook your head in stunned disbelief. “I have to say, I don’t know what to think. Do you believe her, Arthur?” 
Arthur was silent for a moment, and you gave him space to find the words.
“At first I didn't, really. She hasn’t always been…the best at telling the truth. She thinks things are real that aren’t. I wonder sometimes if I get that from her.” 
He unfolded the newspaper on his lap and began leafing through the pages.
“But now, when I look at pictures of him - and his pictures are everywhere - I can’t help but see a resemblance. Maybe it’s all in my head, I don’t know.” 
Arthur landed on a picture of Wayne and his wife, gazing admiringly up at him as he waved to a crowd. He tore out the photo and creased back the edges so you both could see it more clearly. 
“Do you think I look like him, Y/N?” Arthur asked. 
“I don’t know…” You scoured the famous man’s face. The curve of his cheekbones, the arch of his eyebrows. 
Like a bolt of lightning, it struck you.  
“Shit, Arthur. I don’t know if I’m going crazy, but…now I do kind of see a resemblance!” 
“I know,” Arthur said. “Now that I see it, I can’t stop seeing it.”
You peered in closer. 
“But why wouldn’t she say anything until now?” you leaned back in your seat. “Why wait all these years?” 
“She said she signed some papers promising she would keep it a secret. It was to protect me as their child, some big scandal coming out. But she said they loved each other. They just couldn’t be together.” 
“Jesus,” you sat back in your seat. Through the window, the entire world seemed to blur as the train lurched away from the city. “What a fucking rollercoaster.” 
“I have to go see him,” Arthur’s voice broke into your racing thoughts. “Talk to him face to face.”
“Of course,” you agreed. “Go to his house and confront him. It’s the only way to get to the bottom of this. ” 
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You’d been to Wayne Manor only once before: a field trip in the second grade at Burnley Elementary School. Over a decade later, all you recalled about the visit were the Waynes’ dobermans that barked at you and your classmates the entire time. Like you were intruders even though the Manor was a historical landmark with paid tours.
The Waynes were a piece of work. 
“Come on,” you took Arthur’s hand as you exited the train station. There were no cabs around like in the Gotham, and the walk from the train station to Wayne Manor would take at least half an hour on foot. 
Long Island was worlds apart from the city. Away from the endless, screeching roar of Gotham, you could actually hear yourself think. 
You and Arthur made your way down the tree-lined roads. It was autumn and the leaves were beginning to turn gold and fall to the ground. You liked how Arthur made a point to always walk on the outside of the sidewalk, creating a buffer between yourself and the street. Maybe his mother was crazy, but there was no denying she had raised a gentleman. 
Arthur seemed to relish holding your hand, the sound of dry leaves crunching beneath your feet. 
“So what was that dream you had about me?” you asked playfully, giving his hand a light squeeze. You looked over to see his cheeks flush. His shy smile swept you off your feet.  
“Oh,” Arthur gave a small laugh. “I dreamed you were onstage with me.” 
“Doing your comedy act?” you giggled. “Like a singing, dancing comedic duo?”
“No,” Arthur shook his head. “I mean yes. Kind of. We were singing and dancing together. I was in my red suit and you were…”
He paused. You shot him a quizzical look.
“I was what?” you prodded. 
“It’s embarrassing.”
“What was I, naked or something?” 
“No,” he shook his head. His face was even cuter (if such a thing was possible) when it was all embarrassed and flushed.
“You were wearing your Snow White costume.”
Not the answer you’d expected. You let out a laugh. 
“I guess that makes sense,” you conceded. “Given you’ve seen me in it at the children’s hospital.”
“It’s not just that,” Arthur confessed as you walked along. “It’s because…well, I didn’t tell you this at the time because I thought it would be weird. But Snow White was the first movie I ever saw in the movie theater.” 
“That’s not so strange,” you replied. “It’s a classic, after all.”
“Well…she was also my first love. Snow White, I mean. I saw her up there on the screen and I fell in love with her.”
Now you were blushing. And as stupid as it was, you also felt a pang of jealousy course through you. Yes, you were jealous of a cartoon princess Arthur’d been infatuated with as a child. It was beyond ridiculous, but the truth was: hearing Arthur loved anyone besides you made your heart pound with envy. You just hoped he still didn’t have a thing for her. 
“You know…” Arthur’s voice broke into your racing thoughts. “I hope this isn't weird of me to say, but…I'm honestly surprised you would ever be interested in someone like me.” 
You stopped in your tracks. Was he trying to give you the brush off? Tell you he was still in love with a childhood celluloid dream? Your heart was jumping up and down, side to side. You couldn’t imagine going on without him in your life. 
“What makes you say that?” you asked, measured tone and breath, trying specifically not to sound as psycho as you really felt.
Arthur shrugged. “I’m…older than you, I live with my mother. I have no money. And you…”
You wanted to protest everything he was saying, but reminded yourself to wait patiently for him to complete the thought. 
“...you’re a college student.”
“I was a college student,” you corrected him.
“You deserve to live in a beautiful place like this,” Arthur said, gesturing at the verdant surroundings. “Someone who can give you that.”
“Are you breaking up with me?” you blurted. You could feel another episode coming on and as much as you trusted Arthur, you really didn’t want to lose it in front of him again. You especially didn’t want to lose it because he was dumping you. And on Long Island, no less. Crazy behavior was normal in Gotham, but here they’d have you arrested for so much as a shriek here.
“No!” he shook his head immediately. “Not at all. I just…don’t want you to feel like I’m keeping you from a better life. You know I have all these problems…”
You breathed a silent sigh of relief. He wasn’t breaking up with you. He was just concerned, thoughtful, putting your needs ahead of his. 
It only made your feelings deepen for him even more. 
“Does it bother you?” Arthur asked. “That I’m older than you?”
“No,” you replied. “Does it bother you? Have you ever been with someone younger?” 
Arthur pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and shook one loose, bringing it to his mouth as he fished around his other pocket for a lighter. 
“I haven’t really dated at all,” he said with an embarrassed wince. “I’m not someone most people would…ever be interested in.” 
“That’s not true,” you said, still reeling from the shock that this beautiful, sweet, tender man had never dated. Though to be fair, knowing he’d loved anyone else would have triggered more jealousy. At the same time, you couldn’t wrap your head around how no one could see how amazing he was. 
“I’ve never dated, either, Arthur,” you pointed out. 
“But that makes sense. You're a lot younger than I am.”
You grinned slightly. “Have you been doing the math? How much?”
Arthur inhaled the first drag of his cigarette, and it billowed out into the clean Long Island air. 
“You told me what year you graduated last night. If I’d stayed in school, I would have graduated in 1964. Which means I'm fifteen years older than you. It took me a second to do the math. That was never my strong subject. None of them were.” 
You shook your head, then suddenly found yourself laughing. “Actually…”
Arthur looked up at you with big, worried eyes. “Yes?”
“I like that you’re older than me,” you confessed.   
“You do?”
“Is that weird?” Now you felt a little embarrassed. You didn’t want Arthur to think you were a freak, but you were just being honest. “I don't like guys my age.”
“You didn't meet anyone you liked at school? I'd think lots of guys would be interested in you.”  
“‘Interested’ is a relative term,” you scoffed bitterly. “The guys at Gotham U are…let's just say a lot of them are book smart. And come from rich families. But they act like fucking animals.”
Arthur frowned. “Animals? How do you mean?”
You shook your head. “I'll tell you about it some other time.”
Arthur nodded respectfully.
“The truth is, Arthur,” you continued. “I never liked anybody that way…until I met you.”
Arthur smiled at the ground as you plodded along in sync, then silently took your hand.
“I feel the same way about you,” he said. “When we’re together, it just…feels right.” 
“I know,” you said, giving his hand a squeeze. “So many things in my life haven’t felt right…haven't been right. But this does. And if it feels right, nothing else matters.” 
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moons-and-mobility-aids ¡ 2 months ago
hi Chantelle! I know you're in the middle of some reorganizing and reposting, but I was sending this ask to my moots and couldn't not ask you as well
the year is coming to a close and it has brought us many great things (like your many wonderful stories) and I've just gotta know…. if you were to do a 12 fics for 12 months sort of wrap up of your own blog, what would be your 12 most memorable fics of the year? which of your pieces really stood out to you? I'm eager to hear what my friends' proudest works are!
This is such a hard question. I'm written at least 150 drabbles and 4 longfics so this is super hard to narrow down. I was tempted to only include my 'x reader' fics, but I have two fics that I have to include even though they're not that. Also, right now, I'm going to link the original posts with the fics if I haven't reposted them yet on here, and will update the links later.
It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn - Harry/Ginny, 139k words - Following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Harry struggles with the guilt and grief that threaten to consume him. Despite fulfilling the prophecy and defeating Voldemort, Harry is left feeling hollow and worthless, questioning his purpose in a world that no longer needs him. He isolates himself from his friends, suffers with nightmares and turns to self-harm for relief, and with each passing day, Harry finds himself slipping further into the darkness, unable to move past that one moment in time. So when he returns to Hogwarts after summer, can they save him or are they going to be too late?
Taking Off The Rose Coloured Glasses - Harry/Draco, 85k words - After his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter returns to the Dursleys, where their abuse escalates dramatically, leaving him physically and emotionally shattered. Haunted by nightmares and the voice of Voldemort in his mind, Harry begins to doubt Dumbledore’s intentions, recalling past manipulations. Desperate and near death from a particularly brutal beating, Harry reluctantly accepts Voldemort’s offer of help.
Beyond The Screen: An Onlyfans AU - Poly!Marauders x Reader, 27k words posted, 18+ - You've been doing OnlyFans for a few years when you gain a new subscriber. A creator himself—as made obvious with his username being prongsplayground_free—and you quickly discover that he's part of a polyamorous relationship and they've been watching your content together for a while.
An Accidental Kiss & Talking About It - this is part of the Meant to Be series so is technically poly!marauders x reader, but is focused on Remus. Obviously, it's a two parter, so linking both parts.
The Joys Of Hypermobile Joints - Poly!Marauders x reader - Dislocations aren't new for you, but they are for the boys.
All The Galleons - James Potter x reader, 18+ - James wants you to take his money, and it's not because you need it.
People Will Talk - Poly!Marauders x reader - News of your relationship gets out.
Just a Bath - this is part of the Meant to Be series so is technically poly!marauders x reader, but is focused on Sirius. 18+ - Sirius wants to take a bath with you.
You have severely low blood sugar - Poly!Marauders x Reader
Hopeless - pre poly!marauders x reader - James is a total goner. And he knows Sirius and Remus are interested too.
After being diagnosed with Bell's Palsy, Remus attempts to make you feel better. - Remus Lupin x Reader
Better Off - Poly!Marauders x Reader - You're not the person they fell in love with.
Thank you for asking this!
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multifandomvillainblog ¡ 25 days ago
Question for Chantel Dubois :3 Didn't it hurt when you crashed into the walls chasing Alex the lion who was on a plane? 😾
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… -👮‍♀️
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uceyliyahh ¡ 1 month ago
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Summary: Chantel was backstage watching her best friend Jey cut his promo for his upcoming match against Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship but things between the two get hectic causing him to earn a busted lip, but things between you two get heavy.
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Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (M receiving), praises, daddy kink, mama, ma, baby girl, fingering, busted lip, two best friends that are in denial about their feelings for each other, fluff at the end :)
word count: 3,945
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
this will be my first time doing a one-shot so I hope y'all enjoy it, this will be in first person also 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️@pinkwithhearts @420days @jstarr86 @empressdede @angiedawn02 @biancasreign @ctinadiva @celesteheartsjey @duhitzkay380 @luuvprincess
@bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @aikosilo @papireigns-05 @punksyeet @paigereeder @magnificentbouquetmusic
@hunnidmilly @celesteheartsjey @charmed-dreamssss @fearlesschimera @partypoison00 @mselenalovebug @bloodlinesbabe93 @luvrsluxe @4milly @xbriexx @trippinsorrows @yyaktayak @yana3sworld @theusotwinzcom
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As I sat in Jey's locker room, scrolling through my Twitter feed, I was overwhelmed by the wave of negativity directed at my best friend. It was truly nauseating to witness all the hate he was receiving; it just didn't add up. Yet, I understood that he was far from indifferent about it. True to his nature, Jey maintained a laid-back attitude, even in the face of such adversity.
I could tell he was completely in the zone tonight, engaging with his fans about his upcoming match against Gunther. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of his attitude; he came off as overly cocky. As I heard a knock at the door, I stood up from the couch and made my way over to see who it was.
As I swung the door open, there he stood—imposing and impressive. Truly, his genetics were a blessing, as he looked fantastic for the evening. His mullet, a striking red and flowing long, was perfectly faded on both sides. He sported a Dallas Yeet Stars shirt, paired with black sweats that playfully revealed his pink boxers beneath. Accentuating his look were a Cuban silver chain, stylish piercings, vibrant pink glasses, and classic Air Force Ones.
His presence was nothing short of captivating, standing at an impressive 6’2”, a striking contrast to my own 5’2” stature. The way he flashed his dazzling smile, adorned with grills, only added to his allure.
“You ready to go mamas?” he asked while holding his hand out.
As I intertwined my small hands with his larger ones, I nodded in agreement, and together we strolled toward the gorilla. However, he needed to perform his special entrance, so he guided me to a spot where I could enjoy watching him on the screen instead.
“How are you feeling about this?” I asked him.
“I’m feeling pretty confident about it, I’m ready to be a world heavyweight champion speak my mind you know,” I nodded my head in agreement admiring his pretty features of his face.
Since the moment I met Jey at the gym where I used to work out, I’ve been smitten. Our conversations flowed effortlessly, and we quickly became close, enjoying exciting dates and spending time at each other’s places. With every shared experience, my feelings for him deepened, yet he remained unaware of the intensity of my emotions.
At least that’s what I thought.
We finally reached the Gorilla position, where he gently kissed my forehead before heading out to make his entrance, kicking off the show. We shared a warm hug, and as I stepped inside, I greeted Triple H and the rest of the team.
I settled into the chair, captivated by the television show as I listened to the crowd erupt in cheers for him. This man radiated an incredible presence, and witnessing the adoration from his fans filled me with joy. It was truly uplifting to see someone so deserving of love and appreciation.
He descended the steps, radiating like a star, captivating everyone around him. As he made his way down, he engaged with a little boy, both of them joyfully waving their hands in the air. The crowd behind him mirrored their excitement, and in a delightful moment, the little boy reached out for a high five, which Jey happily returned as he continued his descent.
I watched as Gunther entered the Gorilla position, the World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulders. He focused intently on Jey, who was on the screen engaging with Michael Cole, before making his way into the ring.
He kept engaging with the audience, allowing his music to play on before finally seizing the mic to address them. Michael Cole had me in stitches with his energetic antics, bouncing around the stage with such enthusiasm.
As Jey prepared to address the audience, the atmosphere electrified with the crowd erupting into a chant of "yeet" that echoed throughout the arena, drowning out his voice before he even had a chance to begin.
He began to speak, “I said” he continues on, “Main Event Jey Uso is now in yo’ cityyyy,” he shouted while the crowd was cheering for him.
“Y’all already know what I’m about say tho right? At Saturday’s Night Main Event, imma beat Gunther and become the new—“ that’s when Gunther music began to hit cutting Jey off from his speech.
I noticed him removing his pink yeet glasses, a hint of nostalgia in his expression as he awaited Gunther's arrival. As I mentioned earlier, his cocky demeanor didn't sit well with me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him while glancing at the screen.
The audience erupted in boos as he emerged from the Gorilla position. I found myself silently joining in the disapproval. Gunther ascended the steel steps, making his way into the ring, all while Jey shot him a fierce glare as he clutched the microphone.
His music cuts as the crowd went silent before he could speak into the mic, “what I saw back there it just made me realize that you aren’t on my level Jey,”
“you come out here yeeting with the crowd forgetting about our conversation the other day like it didn’t mean anything to you,” Gunther said.
“you sit right in front of me here, and you look me in the eye and you said, every morning when you wake up, you in the mirror and you bet on yourself,”
I was uneasy about how this situation was unfolding, especially with Jey staring at him as if he were out of his mind, while the crowd reacted with disbelief.
“And you know what? The thing is , I really believed you I was actually looking forward to Saturday Night Main Event to get in the ring and square with main event Jey Uso.”
The audience erupted in cheers of "yeet" as Jey stood there, gazing intently into his eyes. He continued to speak passionately, his words flowing endlessly, until he unexpectedly mentioned Jimmy, momentarily catching Jey off guard.
“Don’t speak on my brother Jimmy—“
“Or what? I’m just saying look around you Jey, you are like a mascot to this crowd,” he said as the crowd began booing him.
“You know what you’re right Uce, I am a mascot aight? You right yet again, but here’s the thing though this right here, this is my team,” Jey said.
“This right here is my squad, cuz they ride with me, slide with me and on Saturday they gonna be with me when I beat you for the world heavyweight championship uce,” The crowd was cheering for him meanwhile I was in the Gorilla listening to him being confident.
That’s what I loved about him he was so confident in what he was saying and I had faith in him as his best friend maybe even more at that until Gunther brought up my name in the conversation.
“Okay then what about Chantel then? Is she gonna ride with you, slide with you?” He said.
“Aye, don’t bring her up in all of this, this is between you and I, me and you. I told you i respected you uce,” Jey took a slight pause, “but Gunther, you gonna respect me too, you’re gonna put some respect on my name,”
I seen that Jey had slight smirk in his face, “Cuz there’s only one of us standing in this ring right now that main evented Wrestlemania and it ain’t you,” that’s when he dropped the mic mean mugging and Gunther threw his title at him at they both began to go at it with each other.
The audience erupted in cheers of "yeet" as Jey stood there, gazing intently into his eyes. He continued to speak passionately, his words flowing endlessly, until he unexpectedly mentioned Jimmy, momentarily catching Jey off guard.
As Gunther attempted to retaliate, Jey's strength and aggression overwhelmed him, forcing him against the turnbuckle where he took a brutal beating, all while I cheered enthusiastically from the gorilla position.
Gunther attempted to retaliate by shoving him aside, but Jey swiftly countered with a super kick to his face as he rolled out of the ring, leaving his championship belt behind.
That’s where I could see blood coming from his lip that fool done busted my bestie’s lip Jey grabbed his title shouting “c’mon!” “C’mon!” As Gunther was telling him to not touch his title.
Once the commercial break began, I rose from my seat and noticed Gunther storming backstage, clearly furious. My mind, however, was preoccupied with concern for Jey and his injured lip.
When I noticed him walking in with a bleeding lip, my immediate instinct was to rush over, filled with concern for his well-being.
“I’m okay mama, I promise,” Jey said softly.
“You’re not okay, c’mon so I can get you cleaned up “ I said as I took him to the medical room.
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As I prepared to tend to his injured lip in the medical room, I could feel his discomfort. He always dreaded this part of the process. Sitting on the medical bed, he watched my every move with a mix of apprehension and resignation.
I approached him, maneuvering between his legs with everything I required. Gently, I took his hand away from his lip, noticing the blood still trickling. As I prepared to treat the wound, I poured hydrogen peroxide onto a cotton ball and pressed it firmly against the injury, eliciting a sharp hiss from him.
"I understand that this is painful, and I truly empathize with you. However, you need to trust me on this, Jey. I have to keep applying pressure to your lip, so please bear with me."
As I tended to his wound, I barely noticed his gaze fixed on me. It felt as if he had something on his mind, a message he longed to convey, yet he struggled to find the right words.
I looked up at him as he kept his eyes fixed on me, causing me to shy away from his gaze while I tended to the cut on his lip.
I carefully tended to his wound, applying cream to promote healing for the moment. As I organized the first aid kit, I sensed his gaze fixed on me, a silent acknowledgment of the care I was providing.
“Why did you avoid my gaze, Chanti?” He asked as I heard his footsteps coming towards my way while my back was turned against him.
I chose not to reply, fully aware of how this conversation would unfold. I wasn't ready to confront my feelings for him in such a way. "I'm not sure what you mean, Jey," I said, as I carefully returned the first aid kit to the glass cabinet and shut the door.
His body pressed against mine, effortlessly spinning me around, his towering 6'2" frame looming over me and making me feel diminutive. We remained in silence, the air thick with unspoken words between us.
I found myself captivated by his deep brown eyes, taking in the warmth of his caramel skin and the striking tribal tattoos that adorned him perfectly. The thought that this incredible man could be mine was driving me wild with desire.
As his fingers intertwined with mine, he pressed a soft kiss to my palm, drawing me nearer to his warmth. This was a moment I had longed for but never found the courage to voice. It was as if he understood my unspoken desires all along, sensing my feelings without a single word exchanged.
As we gazed deeply into each other's eyes, a silent search unfolded between us. Suddenly, he leaned in, his breath warm against my ear as he pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek. In that intimate moment, he whispered words that would send my heart racing. “Chanti, you’re terrible at concealing your emotions, you realize that?”
I pretended to be taken aback by his words, stammering, “W-what do you mean?” I could hear him chuckle softly, the sound slipping from his lips.
“Mama, c’mon. I’m not dumb I know you want something so just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you,” I couldn't shake the thought that if I allowed this to persist, our friendship would be irreparably damaged.
Looking deeply into his eyes—fuck it I stood on my tippy toes placing a peck on his lips while backing away from him to see how he would react to my sudden kiss.
He needed a moment to absorb everything before responding to my kiss, which prompted me to babble nervously, “I’m sorry, oh my gosh, I’m really sorry. I-I didn’t mean to—,” but before I could finish, he pressed his lips against mine, and instinctively, I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck.
We found ourselves lost in a fervent kiss, something we had both longed for but never dared to mention. Jey lifted me effortlessly by my thighs, carrying me to the medical bed where he gently laid me down, positioning himself between my legs, his lips still pressed against mine.
I could feel him rubbing his hardened member against my damp underwear, and I could taste the blood escaping from his lips, preserving its wonderful flavor.
His tongue danced within my mouth before trailing down to my neck, where he began to suck gently, reminiscent of a ravenous vampire savoring its meal. The sensation made me let out a soft moan right into his ear.
Tugging on his mullet.
I wanted more and so did he.
I threw back my head in delight as I moaned his name softly for only him to hear, feeling his fingers slithering down my damp panties and pressing them on the fabric of my underwear.
Even though he didn't touch me, I could feel my smooth folds growing wet for him. Jey pushed two fingers inside my wet cunt and pumped them in and out of me after he slid my panties to the side to observe how wet I was for him.
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I gripped his shoulders and moaned his name while his fingers were entering my warm, moist cunt, kissing my cheek and neck tenderly and sweetly.
Jey kissed my full lips and muttered, "You have no idea how much I wanted to do this with you, Chanti."
“Me too..I was worried it will ruin our friendship,” I whispered back.
Jey shook his head as he spoke, “No way, mamas. This will only strengthen our friendship, but I want to be more than just your best friend, Chanti. I want to be your man, if you’ll allow me.” Deep down, I longed for him to be my man. Our adventures together, especially during our travels, had only deepened my feelings for him.
He kept pushing his fingers in and out of me, making me tremble beneath his touch, but I didn't answer him as I put my lips on his and our lips moved in unison.
Our lips remained together as he took down my shorts and underwear, and the way his fingers glided inside of me drove me crazy until he pulled them out, leaving me to whine from the emptiness.
As we moved apart, I saw him pull down his sweatpants, including his pink boxers, and my eyes widened as I saw his dick pop up and strike his stomach. It was big, meaty, and long, and I wasn't sure if it would fit me.
“but c’mere and use them pretty lips,” he said as I obeyed his request getting down on my knees knowing that the floor was cold as hell but I didn’t care.
I placed my hair in a ponytail making sure that it was secured properly while grabbing his shaft stroking it up and down seeing pre-cum dripping from the peephole, I gazed up at him seeing him looking down at me—Jesus the way he was staring me down was insane.
As he flung his head back, I started to move my lips up and down toward the end of his hardened dick, giving it nothing but beautiful kisses. I then swirled my tongue around his mushroom tip, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum as it came out and dripped all over him.
“Fuck,” Jey moaned.
He was attempting to fight the impulse to grasp my ponytail and face fuck me, but he just let me take charge of the situation as I bobbled my head on his dick and stroked it up and down while listening to his delicious moans exiting his lips.
There was a lot of salvia surrounding his dick, which made it easier for me to stroke him or suck him off, but I still bobbled my head up and down on his shaft, allowing his dick to hit me in the back of my throat, causing me to gag on it.
Jey wrapped his hand around my ponytail and began moving his hips pushing his dick down my throat again causing me to gag.
“Yeah, keep gagging on that shit,”
“Relax yo’ throat for me mama,” I did what he said relaxing my throat and let him face fuck me.
I kept circling my tongue around his attractive tip, tasting all of the saltiness from it, and inhaling through my nose while taking his length within my throat.
His moans were like music to my ears, “mhm…keep goin, keep goin’ for me mamas,” he moaned while speeding up his pace inside of my mouth.
I gripped his thighs, feeling that popping sound come in and out of my mouth. At this point, my lips were swallowing him whole, getting crimson and forcing me to look up at him.
I could feel him growing inside of my mouth while my tongue was glides through his shaft while I was playing with his balls, squeezing a bit that’s when he pulled out of my mouth. “C’mere,”
He lifted me off my knees, grabbing me up by the thighs and carrying me over to one of the chairs in the room where I was now straddle on his lap. I stood up, watching him stroking his mushroom tip over my slippery moist folds before I could sink down onto him.
Once I did a groan escape from both of our lips as I began bouncing up and down on his dick Jey held onto my ass cheeks firmly guiding my movements.
“Oh, fuck, Jey,” I moaned.
Jey was kissing me all over my chest, neck, and lips as I continued to bounce on his dick like no other. All you could hear was flesh smacking against one other reverberating around the room, hoping no one could hear us.
He drew me closer to his body, muttering nothing but wicked things in my ear, which just made me wetter for him. "You such a good girl for me baby girl, taking all of me in," he cooed at me.
“Yeah? Daddy?” I responded back to him.
"Yeah, make daddy nut baby," As I continued to bounce on his lap, I felt him whacking my left ass cheeks, and I moaned at the sensation; his dick was caressing my cervix so gently that I could see stars at this point.
Digging his claws into my hips, "fuckk it's so good baby," my eyes were rolling in the back of my head as I bent towards his face, planting my lips on his, and we began a vicious passionate exchange as both of our tongues competed for control.
I was tossing my ass in circles on his dick, which was hitting my g-spot so wonderfully as my wet cunt was saturating his dick so well that he could simply pump in and out of me so easy. "This pussy feels so good baby girl," he whispered between the kiss.
"Tell daddy that you love him and only him," he said, letting me feel every inch of him hammering hard into my sticky walls, crying out for him and only him.
When I didn’t respond to his question he whacked me in the ass cheek causing me to whine, “I love you! Only you Joshua!” I cried out.
Jey enjoyed watching me crumble below as both of our lips swelled from the intensity of our make-out session. I tugged on his bottom lip before returning for the kiss, pulling on his mullet and craving for more of him, lapping my tongue inside of his mouth while he did the same.
I could feel a knot form in my stomach, indicating that I was ready to come. Jey threw his muscular arms around my waist and began thrusting his hips more and deeper inside of me, while I dug my nails into his shoulders, which he didn't seem to mind at all.
At this point, I was overwhelmed and emotional, tears welling up in my eyes as I buried my face into his neck as he fucked me senselessly. The more he struck my g-spot, the closer I was to my climax.
“F-fuckk, Jey. I’m finna cum,” I whisper softly in his ear.
“Yeah? C’mon make a mess on me Ma, give it to me,” the way he was talking me through was driving me towards the oblivion.
Jey kept talking to me through it while he pummeled my insides saying sweet whispers in my ear that were vulgar and nasty to point where I was about to explode on him. “I-it’s coming! Oh fuck it’s coming!” I warned him.
I held onto him tightly as he was beating my shit in causing me to let out a loud moan escaping my lips screaming his whole government name while doing so, I could feel my milky cream coating his dick up hearing nothing but sticky sounds coming from it.
My body began trembling and shake underneath him but that didn’t stop him from getting his nut he was determined to get his right after mine.
I could feel his movements getting sloppier and sloppier each second losing himself under me causing him to grip onto my ass while bucking his hips deeper into me, “fuck I’m finna nut,” I could feel his dick twitching inside of me when he had said that, “where you want it at mama?” Jey grunted.
“I want you to nut in me Jey, fucking nut all up in yo’ pussy,” I mewled out breathlessly.
“My pussy? This all mine baby?” I nodded my head.
He didn’t waste no time pumping his dick in and out of my now sensitive walls while he bucked his hips upward feeling his warm seeds emptying out inside of me like a volcano eruption shooting my inner walls up so good leaving him speechless.
Jey had pulled out from me as me and him stayed together in that position trying to contain our breathing while he began running his fingers down my back to soothe me placing a kiss on my forehead.
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I found myself half-naked on his lap, resting against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat gradually slowing. As I looked up at him, I noticed he was gazing back at me, and a playful smile spread across my face.
“You so pretty mamas like for real though,” Jey said.
“Thank you, you’re handsome yourself sir can’t believe that you’re mine now,” I said as he chuckled at me.
“Baby, I’ve been yours since the beginning but c’mon so that we can get dressed before anyone comes around,” I nodded my head as me and him began putting back our clothes on.
- fin 🩵
A/n: I hope yall enjoy this one-shot lmk in the comments below.
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corruptedcaps ¡ 8 months ago
Helping Hands
This is a sequel to my previous story 'A Helping Hand'. I hadn't planned on making a sequel but it seemed to be a hit and there were a lot of votes for who the biggest bitch was so it made sense that the winner would get a story of their own. Enjoy!
It had only been a week since Chad had accidentally turned into Chantelle, a bitchy gorgeous brat, but it had been enough time for her to cement her place as the Queen bee. She had beauty and ambition and was intent on getting what she wanted.
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It had helped that the former most popular girl of school, his ex-girlfriend Millie was now a shell of herself. It was bad enough that her beauty had made Chad into Chantelle, but the cherry on top was that she couldn't help but be infatuated with what a bitch Chantelle was thanks to the main person responsible for this whole mess, Maddy.
Maddy had only wanted to become Chad's perfect woman, his equal but instead the magic spell she had gotten had backfired and made Chad into his own perfect woman. Chantelle was a force to be reckoned with.
Every hallway she strutted down felt like a runway, her high heels clicking with an authority that echoed through the school. Her new body, a perfect blend of seductive curves and striking features, drew every eye and silenced every whisper. Chad had used his strength as his weapon but Chantelle used her beauty to get what she wanted.
Millie and Maddy were now Chantelle's loyal simps, dedicated to doing anything she asked. However most of that involved debasing themselves in public for Chantelle's enjoyment. Millie's old friends had at first watched in horror as their former cheerleading head embarrassed herself day after day but they were soon corrupted to Chantelle's side and took pleasure in watching Millie play the fool.
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"We can't keep going on like this." Maddy said one day to Millie while Chantelle was off fucking one of the football players.
"Keep it down, you don't want her to hear do you?" Millie replied with a whisper.
"That's the god damn problem! I do want her to hear. I want her to punish me. I want her to call me names and pull my hair! I'm so infatuated with her and I can't help it." Maddy said frustrated.
"I know. Trust me." Millie said, having the same desires. Suddenly the door burst open and Chantelle strutted in. Her hair slightly askew because of the sex she was coming from but still looking like a million dollars.
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"Millie, lick the cum out of my pussy at once! I have a hot date tonight with Derek and I want my clit to sparkle." Chantelle commanded and Millie dutifully crawled over to her mistress' open legs and began to lick as Maddy watched on jealously.
"Well don't just stand there loser, come her and rub my tits." Chantelle growled at Maddy who quickly leapt to her feet. Chantelle was in ecstasy.
However, as the weeks passed, the thrill of her absolute power began to wane. The excitement of watching Millie and Maddy do anything she commanded was no longer enough. She had practically fucked every guy in school now and had every other girl in the palm of her hand. Chantelle craved a new challenge, something to stir her jaded heart.
That's when she made Maddy tell her about magic. Maddy after all had bought the spell that had made Chantelle in the first place, surely there could be some magic out there that could fulfil her new needs. Chantelle herself wouldn't bother herself with delving into the dark arts, no that's what a lacky was for.
"I found something. This spell… it's supposed to create a worthy adversary for you." Maddy said coming back days later, with a magic book in hand.
Chantelle raised an eyebrow at Maddy. While this wasn't what she had in mind, a wicked idea began to sprout. Snatching the book from Maddy's hands, she flipped through the pages, making note of certain spells.
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"This will do perfectly. Millie! Come here at once!" Chantelle yelled. Millie ran in quickly from another room and stood next to Maddy obediently.
"Girls I have a gift for you two. With this spellbook I will create a link from you to your bitchy selves in another reality. Realities where each of you is the apex predator. It's hard to believe I know, but I am going to siphon their power directly to you, creating formidable adversaries for me at last." Chantelle smirked as the two girls looked at each with a mixture of hope and worry.
Chantelle's fingers traced the ancient symbols on the page as she began chanting the incantation. The room filled with a strange, pulsating energy, and the air crackled with a dark magical force.
A vortex of light and shadow enveloped Maddy and Millie, lifting them off their feet. They felt a surge of power flow through them, a raw, unfiltered strength that was both exhilarating and terrifying. Their eyes glowed with a new intensity, their bodies vibrating with the energy of their alternate selves.
Memories of their alternate selves flooded their minds. They were ruthless and cruel, beautiful and sexy. They were matched by no other, just the way they liked it.
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Chantelle watched with satisfaction as the spell took hold, her lips curling into a triumphant smile as the bodies of the two girls began to change. Their breasts heaved out, their lips plumped up. Even though they were floating in the air, their posture took on an undeniable bitchy stance.
As the changes slowed, they lowered back to the ground. They radiated confidence and power, their former meekness replaced by an air of dominance. They were now Madison and Amelia.
"Welcome girls, together we are going to have a lot of fun." Chantelle purred. Madison and Amelia however looked at Chantelle with disdain.
"We don't have to do shit for you anymore bitch. In fact Amelia, how about we teach this slut a few lessons." Madison said with a grin towards her new bitchy bestie.
"Couldn't agree more babe." Amelia replied, stepping forward with an intimidating presence.
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Chantelle smirked, unphased by their rebellion. "I expected as much." She said, opening the spellbook once more. Quickly flipping to the earmarked page, she began chanting a new spell, her voice steady and commanding. The air grew heavy with magic, and a strange force began to pull at Madison and Amelia.
"What the hell is this?" Madison exclaimed, struggling against the invisible pull.
"Chantelle what are you doing?!" Amelia cried out, trying to resist the force dragging her towards Chantelle.
Chantelle cackled evilly, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Did you really think I wanted two bitches to challenge me? No, I just wanted two evil bitches to add to my power." She taunted as Madison and Amelia were pulled closer, despite their desperate struggles. The moment they made contact, their bodies were absorbed into Chantelle's with a slurping sound.
Chantelle groaned out in pleasure as she felt herself changing, becoming even more beautiful, strong, and powerful. Her already impressive tits grew into two enormous breasts that were barely being held in my her clothes.
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He facial features took on sharper more defined lines, accenting not only her beauty but her intensity. She knew in an instant that she would strike fear into all that looked upon her. Her skin glowed with an ethereal radiance as she felt the combined power of her adversaries enhancing her own abilities.
Chantelle stood tall, her transformation complete. She looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers and feeling the immense power coursing through her veins. She was now an unstoppable force, a true goddess among mortals. With a wicked smile, she whispered to herself. "Let the real fun begin."
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devilmeows ¡ 1 year ago
have another. 🎭 i cant remember their ship name rn but chantelle and furie
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Furielle my beloveds <3
Chantelle usually acts the same around everyone, as long as you don't bother her. Which people don't usually want to do, because she doesn't exactly look friendly. She's more relaxed and open around her son Arwin, she banters with him in a way that she doesn't around anyone else. But she's a rather aloof person who isn't very in touch with her emotions, so most of the time it looks like she's having the worst time of her life talking to people. The other person who she can relax around is Furie, who is her friend as well as friend with benefits.
Speaking of whom! Furie's normal way of acting around people is generally a confident and friendly attitude which borders on cocky. She's loud and brash, except when she's around people she trusts, where she allows herself to be more chill. She's bros with a lot of people, but it takes a lot to really earn her trust. She acts noticeably different around Arwin though: she's much less loud and a bit awkward when he's around, and she doesn't provoke him the way she usually would people who don't like her. He doesn't like her because he thinks his mom hates her, she doesn't know how to handle it because she is very much fucking his mom regularly and she's not gonna be the one to break the news to him. He wouldn't believe her anyway. Oh yeah and she's friends with Louvain :)
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zetsubobu ¡ 5 months ago
Tag game!
I made a twst oc alphabet for fun that you can do with your ocs and tag others in!
Feel free to either answer all of these at once or let your followers ask you a letter!
A- alchemy: how skilled are they in alchemy lessons? Does crewel like them?
B- bonds: who do they get along with the best? Is there someone they can't stand? What are their relationship with their family?
C- clubs: what clubs are they in? Did they perhaps form their own club?
D- dream: what does their happy dream from book 7 look like? Do they need help in order to wake up or realise that something is off by themselves?
E- end of school: what are their plans after graduation? Do they want to get a job or continue their education?
F- flying lessons: how well can they fly with a broom? Do they play in a spelldrive team?
G- glory: what is their biggest achievement? If they don't really have one, is there something they praise themselves for?
H- history of magic: how well do they know history? Do they pay attention in trein's class or fall asleep?
I- idolising: who of the seven (or other canonical disney character) do they look up to and respect the most?
J- jealousy: is there someone they envy? Why do they envy them?
K- kindness: how do they treat the others around them? Do others like them or perhaps have a negative perception of them?
L- love: is there someone they have their eye on? Is it a full blown crush or simply someone they occasionally eye? Does their love interest reciprocate their feelings?
M- mental stability: how well are they doing mentally and emotionally? Do they have any mental illnesses or other troubles that bother them?
N- night owl: do they go to bed early or stay up late? If so why do they stay up late (work or insomnia)?
O- overblot: would or have they ever overblotted? What resulted in that and how did they handle it afterwards? Did someone they are close to overblot?
P- pacifist: do they handle their problems with brute force or do they try to handle things by talking? Do they make up their mind quickly or consider other people's opinions in how to approach something?
Q- questions: what is something the others around them often wonder about regarding your oc? Are they mysterious to others?
R- right: what is something they absolutely believe in? Can that belief be shaken or disproved?
S- species: are they human or are they another species like fae, merman or beastman?
T- tutoring: do they tutor someone or do they need tutoring? What subjects do they tutor/need tutoring in?
U- unique magic: what is their unique magic? Do they have discovered it already or not like ace?
V- venture into darkness: are they couragous? Do they flight or fight when faced with danger?
W- wildcard: a random fun fact about your oc!
X- xenium: what would they gift strangers or friends?
Y- youth: what did their childhood look like? Were they happy growing up? Are they still in contact with people from their childhood?
Z- zest: what excites them? Do they easily get excited or does it happen once in a blue moon?
I will do it later with marvolo!
For this tag game I tag: @oyatochie @oya-oya-okay @sleepy-meep @esmerulia-chantelle @cheerleaderman @deerla-charming and anyone that wants to do it!!
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