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devilmeows · 5 months ago
🎲👑 ryden
🎲 - Biological parents
👑 - Person who raised your OC and/or was important during their formative years
gonna answer these 2 together!! Ryden's biological parents were two demons, and they were killed when he was very little, so he doesn't remember them at all. fast forward years later, he was found by a werewolf named Louvain who was scouting the city after Ryden just escaped the situation he was in. after convincing him that he could be trusted, Louvain took little Ryden home to his husband Lucius, who is a banished angel. Ryden initially distrusted Lucius and refused to go near him, so he grew closer to Louvain first. eventually, he began to trust Lucius and they grew closer too: and that's how Ryden got two dads :)
while Ryden has a close bond with both his dads, the one with Louvain is the one i like most. they worked together to help monster communities around the world despite how dangerous it was and Louvain's reservations and intense fear of losing his child, Ryden inherited Louvain's recklessness and tendency to forsake his own safety to protect others, and after Lucius dies, they're the only family they have left. i love them
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sillayangel · 7 months ago
do you listen to music a lot? and what kind of music do you like listening to?
i actually dont spend a lot of time listening to music ... but the music i rly like IS super important to me. my favavourite artist ever is porter robinson go listen to nurture Now
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molabuddy · 2 years ago
??? 🧡 🏳️‍⚧️ ???
🧡 - How has the way you presented yourself (ex. Clothing, hairstyle, etc.) changed since you realized you were queer?
i stopped being cringe & got swag ✌ but fr i kindof didn't have my own style at all before i realised i was nonbinary . i just wore whatevr and let my hair do whatevr & was miserable abt it . but now i ❤ clothes & fashions & i dress gay!!!!!
and with hair . i had a moment where i thought i was a boy so i cut it very short but then i realised i was multigender so i grew it out again . so now its even longer than it was b4 i transitioned. but in a gnc kinda way :]
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
trans flag Sooo pretty ........... i dont think u can top it . so good they made several pokemon
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natypinkns · 2 years ago
🖋 tempest and perhaps 🖋 jamie
growing up, tempest's closest (and probably only) friend was alison. she was basically alison's 3rd sibling, and temp looked up to him A Lot (still does). In the sense that she thought everything alison did was awesome and wanted to be like him (valid). for instance, alison was a big influence on tempest getting their ear gauges (not that he encouraged it lol he just got his ears pierced and temp imitated him).
jamie is obsessed with tableturf battles;; you'll very often find her playing with random people on the streets. she's also into making custom cards and loves to gift her friends with cards of themselves <3
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diactrl · 2 years ago
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Yeah this goes HARDDD, thankyou for blessing me 😇
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nebularianism · 3 years ago
You know, canonically speaking Bruce Banner and the Hulk are part of a DID system too. The films don’t really address that, but that’s what it’s meant to be. It’s not even just the Hulk in there with Banner, you have a gangster type named Joe Fixit, a protector known as the Immortal, the Professor, the World-Breaker, the Savage, the Maestro, and a ‘Hulk-Hulk’ called Kluh, in addition to Banner and the Hulk. With Moon Knight, I could see them addressing Banner’s DID should they have the characters meet and discuss this.
that's really interesting!! i didn't know about banner/hulk's other alters, so thank you for that!
i would love to see banner and the hulk and moon knight onscreen together to talk about their systems! it's most likely not going to be during the runtime of the moon knight series (at least in this season, since the creators and actors have said that mark ruffalo won't be starring in it). i could be wrong though
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cherrychapati · 3 years ago
I have a confession to make, i thought i was faking being bi to myself but i see keira knightley, gal gadot, katie mcgrath or angel coulby or jenna coleman and brain go poof
LITERALLY AHDHDHDGDHDH we love being bi and constantly feeling attacked by how hot people are
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devilmeows · 10 months ago
[ask game]
📐 Whats your favorite kinds of lines to draw?
im a messy lines guy, but i like it when i clean up my sketch :) i think my lines look nice when i do that. i would slurp them up like spaghetti
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
ive been alternating between pokemon soundtracks but mostly this one lately <3
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goldie-claws · 4 years ago
J, O, and F for whoever you'd like :3
Hmm I think I will do Lotor for this because I really do not talk about him enough lmao. This is also answered in the context of my crossover AU!
F, future: How will your relationship work out? What would hinder it? - Lotor and Charlie’s relationship takes a while to start since Ghirahim is a massive c0ckbl0cker and very aggressive towards Lotor, to the point that he could have killed Lotor in their first encounter (tiny little elf boy vs big angelic dragon: 0/1) (Ghirahim does mean well to a point/in his own way, as Charlie gives him a reason to live and he fears Lotor will rip the one person he loves away from him. Plus, dear lord get that dragon man some therapy). However, the rest of Charlie’s clan: Charlie’s uncle: Grigori, and father and grandfather: Draco and Paarthurnax are very encouraging to Lotor and Charlie being together. Roi is so-so as she is a very anxious character and Lotor IS a knight who hunts monsters, but in time she does lean in favour for Lotor to be happy with Charlie.
Once Lotor and Ghirahim are able to see eye to eye after much back-forth, the relationship Lotor and Charlie end up having is a happy one! With Lotor and Ghirahim being equally dedicated to Charlie, and vice versa for Charlie.
J, jaded: How cynical are you and your f/o about things? (Not necessarily about the relationship) - Lotor can be very cynical at times, more than Charlie, mostly due to past traumas and his parents forcing him against his will to become the ‘perfect king‘ through grueling training, mistreatment and discipline.
Charlie isn’t as cynical due to having been surrounded by loving family since they were born, but they did have to be taken away from their birth family at their parent’s request as their parents feared that if people knew Charlie existed, Charlie would be used to manipulate Grigori after it became public they had been able to snap Grigori out of a feral state so dangerous, he could have torn the world apart with his strength alone.
Once Lotor and Charlie get to know one another though, they bond over their issues and problems and learn to live with them, Lotor especially.
O, open: Do you always say what’s on your mind? Does your f/o always say what’s on their mind? (Whether it be about each other or not) - It can be tricky for them both for their own reasons.
Lotor doesn’t believe anyone will take him seriously if he told them about his problems and past traumas, or worse, that he would be rejected because he’s not as ‘perfect’ as he looks.
Charlie worries that saying they want to go home will upset their clan members, especially Grigori as he is the reason why the situation is the way it is. And, Charlie has the best relationship with him as he has been with them for the longest, and fears they would ruin it if they said something.
Thanks to Charlie’s clan, Lotor is able to break himself out of that manner of thinking, and Charlie is able to feel more open towards Grigori and the rest of their clan mates.
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yohioloid · 5 years ago
what's hio's relationship w/ ia ? :0
coworkers/friends!! They’re both models for the same company (ia is also a singer). They like shopping together or going out to drink w other coworkers (not too often tho since they’re both kind of lightweight)
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eli-hec · 6 years ago
Good blog bro
Thanks!! uwu
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devilmeows · 1 year ago
have another. 🎭 i cant remember their ship name rn but chantelle and furie
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Furielle my beloveds <3
Chantelle usually acts the same around everyone, as long as you don't bother her. Which people don't usually want to do, because she doesn't exactly look friendly. She's more relaxed and open around her son Arwin, she banters with him in a way that she doesn't around anyone else. But she's a rather aloof person who isn't very in touch with her emotions, so most of the time it looks like she's having the worst time of her life talking to people. The other person who she can relax around is Furie, who is her friend as well as friend with benefits.
Speaking of whom! Furie's normal way of acting around people is generally a confident and friendly attitude which borders on cocky. She's loud and brash, except when she's around people she trusts, where she allows herself to be more chill. She's bros with a lot of people, but it takes a lot to really earn her trust. She acts noticeably different around Arwin though: she's much less loud and a bit awkward when he's around, and she doesn't provoke him the way she usually would people who don't like her. He doesn't like her because he thinks his mom hates her, she doesn't know how to handle it because she is very much fucking his mom regularly and she's not gonna be the one to break the news to him. He wouldn't believe her anyway. Oh yeah and she's friends with Louvain :)
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letter ask: C
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walkingbomb · 10 years ago
Hey in DA:I, did you have the inquisitor or morrigan drink from the well??
in my first playthrough, ! had morrigan do it because something about it all didn’t sit right with me... my lavellan wouldn’t have really wanted to disturb the well at all, given the option- so i begrudgingly let morrigan drink! i’ve played through twice more since then and had my character drink, although personally i think it’s more interesting story wise to let morrigan do it! u.u
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