#changing up the brush for funsies
sometimesanequine · 1 month
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
follow along morning routine⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🗒️
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sometimes, its good to switch things up or try a morning routine that is different from ur own. so i decided to formulate one that u can use if u just wanna try something new for funsies…💬🎀
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♡ fix ur bed and make it as pretty as u can
♡ saturate ur mind DUH
♡ brush teeth and change into something adorable to workout in
♡ follow along with a workout from youtube
♡ take a shower and do skincare
♡ make something new for breakfast
try out a new recipe and make urself a super cute and yummy breakfast. if ur stuck, try making soufflé pancakes, french toast or an açai bowl…💬🎀
♡ if the weather permits, go for a walk
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markscherz · 3 months
Can I ask how you feel about your Tumblr fame?
I get the impression you just made this account for normal casual funsies reasons, but it kinda blew up by happenstance. If that's right, I'm curious if now you feel like it's kind of a more serious thing, where you have an opportunity to sorta act as a science communicator with a reach you otherwise might not?
Or maybe something else? You gonna see if you can somehow leverage your Tumblr fame to get research funding? Deputize us to harass polluters and developers destroying habitats? Crowdsource name ideas for new species?
It's a bit bizarre, in that it has very little real-world-ness to it. I showed my mother the ongoing tumblr celebrity poll, and she was like 'how many people could possibly be interested in frogs?', to which I replied 'well as of today about 46,000 and counting'.
I have always had an unhealthy relationship with fame. I spent most of my teen and young adult life fawning after it, as is I suppose very often the case.
More after the cut…
I always really wanted to be famous, but I was never really interested in changing who I was or what I represented in that pursuit. That is to say, I wanted to be known for what I was already doing, or for things that were already interesting for me, rather than things that might have much higher chances of success but require more effort or be less in line with the things that I am interested in.
I had my first brush with virality in 2012, when a poem I wrote went a little viral (largely thanks to StumbleUpon). I remember the rush of seeing how much attention it was getting, and staying up late to keep refreshing the page as the visitor numbers went up and up and up.
But not long after that, I had some closer encounters with fame and people becoming famous. That was extremely eye-opening. I witnessed first hand how strongly that can affect someone's life, for good and for bad. That experience also made me realise, quite jarringly, that famous people are still just people; that celebrity is something extrinsic to them; that they also wipe their own butts (if they are able); and that in many cases, it is a substantial inconvenience if not downright pain in the ass for them. I think this is why we see so many of the big celebrities having mental health crises or trying to live as much of their lives out of the public eye as possible.
That experience pretty much stifled my desire to achieve fame, and really changed my relationship with it. I should add that I could say much more on this topic, but nothing so coherent or insightful as John and Hank Green, who have given me so much clarity on this topic over the years through their thoughtful commentary on youtube and their podcasts.
Anyway, in spite of the fact that fame itself doesn't really appeal to me anymore, I do still have a problem wherein I quickly became addicted to the microdosing of euphoria associated with every reblog and like and follow. So I put huge efforts into social media in order to try to gain traction in the space that I felt I could really compete in—Very Niche SciComm™—and build up a following.
Tumblr was the first platform where I felt that really succeed; I managed to fight my way to a few thousand followers with a thick queue of regular posts about herpetology and other science. At that time, there was a great community building up in the rudimentary private messaging system—I am still friends with several other tumblr bloggers from that era (none of whom I have ever met in person). From that early time (2013), I think my most successful post was probably this one about germination of 32,000 year old seeds—a post that, as of today, has 836 notes, but at the time felt huge and exhilarating.
As I went through gradschool, I got more and more active on twitter, and less and less active on tumblr (by the time I wound down, I had about 8,000 followers on tumblr). This was partly because of the pornbot takeover on tumblr, which meant I basically could not go on the platform in public or at work, but also because the audience and interactions are just fundamentally different. Twitter had a different kind of vibe and energy than tumblr, and there were real SciComm experts there, who were doing it just completely differently. More importantly, I became more focussed on doing outreach aimed at colleagues, rather than non-experts.
Then, in 2017, I hit headlines for the first time. The description of Geckolepis megalepis made it big on social and traditional media, and I had my first experience with real media attention. I had a flurry of late-night phone-calls with journalists in the US. This was a different animal altogether than the few viral posts I had had until that point. It was extremely stressful, but exhilarating. Then in 2018, our chameleon fluorescence story made similar headlines, and in 2019 the Mini frogs, and in 2021 with gecko fluorescence and the smallest chameleon.
Seeing my name on the BBC News website and in the New York Times and National Geographic—those things have been the most surreal moments of near-fame I have experienced so far. The number of followers on social media is quite difficult to conceptualise, but seeing your own name in a media outlet that you consume regularly, or have grown up with, is more palpable.
In any case, I continued to run with twitter as my main platform for years, because I found the interaction with colleagues and other academics highly stimulating. In 2021, I even posted a twitter thread about a different species of frog from Madagascar every day for the full year. All this work was ultimately greeted with mediocre success; I just crested over 10,000 followers a few months before the Musth takeover. But then the platform became basically unusable. And in the fallout, I came back to tumblr, where, just by chance, I happened to find a post about the Mini frogs and reply to it and it went properly viral and now here we are. In the space of a year, I went from having 8000 followers to having >46,000.
How do I feel about that? It's bonkers. I think it is great that so many people are interested in hearing the Good News about frogs and other creatures. But I also feel like I am not really on the same playing field as most of the others in that poll mentioned above, in that I do not have any of the celebrity that several others have. And I know for a fact that there are fanblogs with far, far larger followings than I have. But perhaps that is the great thing about tumblr; that the playing field is somehow levelled…
What's the point of this ramble? Well, first I guess it is to outline that I have given fame a lot of thought over the years, and I have a long-standing and complicated relationship with it, and take it quite seriously. Second, to illustrate that I have been working on as a science communicator or person in outreach for many years—it has kind of been my social media brand since I started gradschool in 2013. And third, to kind of outline how we got here, because I often feel like you have to know where an arrow has come from in order to figure out which direction it will continue to fly.
You asked if I would somehow try to leverage my tumblr fame to get research funding—I already do that. In fact, my social media activity had a signfiicant role in landing me my current job, and will continue to help me achieve tenure. Outreach is an important part of my job, and funders like it too.
I would love to have the community-building power and tenacity of the brothers Green; Nerdfighteria has achieved some incredible things over the years, and the power of that community is now being seen at an unprecedented scale in their battle for equitable access for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment. But I do not have that in me; this platform is the wrong one for community activation, and my community is still too small for that. Moreover, it is not organised or structured, in the way that I think effective deputisation would require.
As for the crowdsourcing of name ideas, that is currently off the table. I like to try to name things on my own or with my colleauges; it is a very good part of the process. And I have yet to hear a suggestion for a Mini species epithet that I had not already come up with myself, so I am not convinced that this would really augment the experience.
So for now, I hope that the main way I use the platform, and the power that comes with a few thousand followers, will be to spread the Good News about frogs and other wonderful animals, and the other kinds of science happening around us (and occasional other off-topic content). I hope that you are encouraged to explore the world around you, and to do your own reading to find out more about the subjects that interest you. And also I will continue to try to make meme-worthy content, because it does nice, if addictive, things in my brain when I get the clicks.
Thanks for asking, anon, and sorry for the Wall of Text.
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madebyrolo · 6 months
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Holding me and holding back pt.3
Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
summary: Kook vs pouge still exists on the mainland.
obx master list (find mini series here!)
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
As you finished doing your hair Rafe finally arrives back from breakfast.
“Good morning princess” Rafe says as he enters the room with just keys.
“Hey babe, where’s breakfast?” You ask as you place a kiss on his cheek in search of your jewelry.
“Change of plans, had the little altercation with Maybank. Thought we go out mainland.” He says with a guilty smile.
You sigh “What happened?”
“Well I was getting coffee and jj happened to be working in the cafe. I order your signature iced cameral macchiato 3 creamers and when I went to go pick it up jj said “hmm got the same coffee order as y/n. are you wearing her black lace pantees too?” hes lucky i didn’t punch him.”
“Rafe come on we talked about this.”
“How does he know what panties you wear? I bough those for you?” He asked as his tounge swiped his lips.
“Rafe we’ve spent days at the chateau and he just probably saw them with my laundry or something calm down” you say putting on a gold necklace.
“You’re right. beside he couldn’t even get in your pants if he wanted too.” He chuckled as he went into the bathroom.
“Oh and I threw the drink at him.”
𐙚 -time skip- 𐙚
You and Rafe are sitting on the ferry, hand in hand with matching outfits he insisted on wearing.
“Remember the time when we went to Charlotte too see The Weeknd?” Rafe said looking at you.
“Yeah it was really fun, though it was hard to cover up to the pouges” you say scrunching your face as the sun hit it.
“Ugh why do they get suspicious of your happiness?” He playful rolled his eyes.
“Maybe it’s the fact that they all work 3 jobs a week to survive and I went on a thousand dollar trip for ‘funsies’ but hashtag idk Rafe.” you blanky stated.
“I bet jj had a lot to say”
“Oh the mouth on that boy- wait Rafe enough with the jj jealousy!l
“Not jealous.” He said not even convincing himself.
“What is it then. Love? Obsession?” You joke
“Okay fine jealously…” he said under his breath
“Aww Rafe Cameron’s a bitch??” You gasp dramatically.
“Okay whatever, besides im on the date with you right now”
“Yeah well now believe it.”you go in for a kiss.
“Oh by the way Sarah is on mainland shopping so she’s gonna meet us for brunch.” Rafe said as He pulled away.
“Wait so I’m official meeting your sister?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Duh you’re my girlfriend”
Hearing him say it had butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“And you already met my parents, and wheez. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything to Sarah” he said with a small smile.
“You don’t think she’ll like hate me?”
“Why would she hate you?”
“ you know kook, pouge, you practillay started the so called war yourself.”
“Well you're different” Rafe said pushing hair behind your hair.
His comment left you confused, but you just brushed it off.
“Also her and Kiara have some beef. I don’t know what went down but she they don't seem to hide their hatred. ”you say worried.
“And if she hates kie, how do you think she’s gonna react to meeting her bestfriend?” You began hugging yourself in a comforting manner.
“i know how Sarah gets with their drama or whatever, but if you get caught in the crossfire I’ll be there to put it out.” Rafe wrapped a arm around you.
You sat in his embrace trying to save this memory. This is the Rafe you knew.
As you guys exit the ferry, Rafe has a Uber waiting already.
“Okay so we’re doing brunch, then a little sight seeing and shopping. And if all goes well maybe with Sarah.” He said opening the car door falling you in.
“Hopefully with a full stomach it’ll be less intimidating.” You say putting your seatbelt on.
“Giving the fact you both love shopping, and annoying me, the odds may be in your favor.”
“Ha ha very funny” you side eye him.
“In fact I don’t love shopping, you just fueled an addiction.”
“Call me your sugar daddy”
“Oh I will.”
Soon enough you guys arrive to the restaurant.
As you guys enter the restaurant you sit a table. The waiter hands 2 menus, soon asking for a third. You order a waters for now until Sarah arrives.
“So you think we can hit up Victor secret for a new set? Because jj seen my hopefully now old ones” you said with a fake grimace.
“I’ll buy you as many as you want if we can burn all the ones he’s seen.” He said looking through the menu.
“So why today am i meeting Sarah?” you ask Rafe taking a gulp of your water.
“Why not? Besides plans were ruined cause of your friends.” he smirked
His comment pissed you off a bit. You hate when he talks shit about the pouges, your best friends.
“Maybe if you didn't assualt them we wouldn't have a problem.” you scoff
“They don't know a ounce of respect, so why should I?” Rafe crossed his arms
“Because your a good person Rafe” you put down your glass.
“So you're agreeing with me, they terrible people?” he says
“Not even a little bit. I'm just saying be the bigger person.”
“I mean I got the big dick so I pretty much am-”
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom I’ll be right back.” You cut him off, sliding your now empty water glass.
You get up walking around the back to the restroom.
As you wash your hands you pull your phone and check the messages you’ve gotten practically spammed with.
⌞ Pope hitting the Dougie. ⌝
What does the j stand for: Rafe just threw coffee in my face😍
Kiki do you love me: omg what!?
Johnathan: wow can’t tell if should laugh or ?
What does the j stand for: why is there a or.
Hope 🥺: Since I’m a good person I won’t be laughing in this group chat.
Kiki do you love me: I see him giggling at the table while im working at the wreck.
What does the j stand for: wow okay I see where I stand in this friendship 🕳️ 🚶🏼‍♂️
Johnathan: he did say group chat…
Kiki do you love me: what even happened ?
Hope 🥺: open his mouth ♡ hearted by 2 people
What does the j stand for: to sum it all up I called him a sissy because he had the same coffee order as y/n
Johnathan: LMFAOOO
Kiki do you love me: wow okay that’s kinda funny 😭
Hope 🥺:ohh now I want a iced caramel macchiato
Johnathan: that’s like the most basic order jj. I’m gonna laugh because you yourself in that position.
What does the j stand for: no but like he even got the extra 3 creamers….
Kiki do you love me: y/n has good coffee orders you can’t blame her 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope 🥺: omg Twinem!!
Johnathan: okay pope has been too funny and it’s only 8am
What does the j stand for: I quit before I could get fired 🤞🏼
Johnathan: you lasted 2 months. That’s the longest you held a job!!!
Kiki do you love me: woohh the bear minimum !!
Hope 🥺: how’d you know you would get fired
What does the j stand for: it’s Rafe.
Johnathan: I’m assuming you’re coming over?
What does the j stand for: yes master.
Kiki do you love me: count me and pope in. I’m gonna try to leave early then I’ll pick him up.
What does the j stand for: y/n you in?
Kiki so you love me: is she even alive, she hasn’t texted all morning.
Hope 🥺: so that’s why the birds are singing
Johnathan: you’re killing me pope.
What does the j stand for: y/n wya.
Kiki do you love me: I swear if ur still sleeping…
Hope 🥺: hate to admit it but kinda want you here. Jjs yapping away
Johnathan: #missingyou 🩷🩷
Hope 🥺: #wakeup
God you completely forgot about the pouges.
What do you tell them? This is like your 6th trip to the mainland, they’re gonna start to get suspicious.
Y/n: I had to go with my mom to see my aunt sorry guys :(
Hope 🥺: I thought you went last week?
Damn you pope.
Y/n: she’s old pope.
Now that isn’t a lie.
You put your phone away, quickly recollecting yourself in the mirror and heading back out.
As you walk towards the table you see the second blonde Cameron.
Ohh things just got real.
Rafe spots you soon getting up before you can reach the table.
“So Sarah I want you to meet y/n, my girlfriend.” He said with a genuine smile.
He wraps he arm around your waist as she also gets up.
She looks you up and down, analyzing you like an fbi angent.
“Hey Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.” You say breaking the ice. Very cold ice.
“Nice to meet you too y/n” she said reaching her hand out for a handshake.
You took it, her grip somewhat firm but you couldn’t help but notice how aware she was.
“so let’s sit! I’m starving the ferry ride was long!” Rafe said trying to ease the tension.
“Oh the menu looks good” Rafe says examining it thoroughly.
“Rafe we’ve been here before” Sarah say looking up at him through her menu.
The waitress comes up with a notepad before Rafe can argue back.
“Welcome to sunny kitchen, my names Anne I will be your server for today. What can I get started for you?” The waiter said in fake happiness.
“Ice cameral macchito.” You and Sarah both say in unison.
“Oh sorry you go first” Sarah smiles
“Uh ice cameral macchiato with 3 creams” you tell the waitress
“Same for me” Sarah says
“I’ll take an orange juice” Rafe says as the waitress writes it all down.
“Alright I’ll be back with your drinks!”
“Didn’t know you guys had the same coffee order” Rafe spoke up.
“Cameral macchiatos are literally my babies.” You say throwing your head back
“Ugh they’re so good I made our dad buy me whole coffee set up. Expreso machine, the syrups everything.” Sarah agrees
“Ive noticed, I love making rafe make me one. It's like playing barista”
“You force me.” Rafe hits you with the menu
You both giggle at the annoyance of Rafe. So far so good.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” You ask Sarah.
“Hmm maybe like the sunny platter, how about you?”
“Chicken and waffles, they have the best waffles here I swear, there so fluffy.” You smile at her.
Ice starting to melt.
“I think I’m gonna get a salad.” Rafe joked putting the teacher's finger in front of his lips.
You guys all giggle as the waitress comes and drops off your drinks.
“Are you guys ready to order?”
you guys order tator-tots for appetizers and you out in your orders. You guys have been chating away, you and Sarah not had one bad interaction so far.
“Wait so Rafe accidentally knocked on your parent's window thinking it was yours?” Sarah asked completely losing it.
“Yes and it was like 2 am too, he was waiting and my dad went outside and chased him with a bat” you guys are in a laughing fit while Rafe is sitting arms crossed.
“Glad you guys find my trama funny. It was terrifying it was pitch black and all I can hear is his screaming” he said rolling his eyes.
“don’t try sneak out at 2am maybe?” Sarah commented.
“He was wearing all back too, he genuinely looked like he was gonna cause a home invasion!”
The waitress soon brought your plates.
“Here’s the chicken and waffles, sunny platter, and sunny side. Enjoy your meal!”
You all began to dig in, sharing small comments about the food being absolutely amazing.
“Why can’t there be food like this on the banks” you say practically moaning.
“Honestly I would pay for a sunny kitchen franchise” Rafe agreed
“we need to do this more” Sarah smiled at you.
We now have a watered down caramel macchiato. Wooh!! 
Soon you guys are walking around town, window shopping, photo ops, small talk.
You and Sarah and hitting it off, you guys like the same music, clothes, coffee order.
Rafe is glad your guys are getting along and you were too.
“I wanna find a cute sundress, my mom’s forces me to go to church with my grandma and I want to at least look cute before she stuffs me into floral hell.” You say walking into a boutique.
“Get whatever you want, all on me.”’Rafe says planting a kiss on your head.
“I’ll seat here, you girls go crazy.” He says sitting on the small couch.
“Since you’re getting a dress I guess have to get a dress. I don’t wanna be the weirdo who doesn’t get a dress you know?” Sarah jokes are you began flipping through racks.
As you go through dress after dress, you feel vibrations coming for your phone. You know it’s the pouges but you refuse to check. You feel bad for ditching them for the Cameron’s and it doesn’t help that you’re dress shopping with Sarah. You were just doing the same with Kie.
“Y/n this would look so good on you!” Sarah said showing you a blue floral bustier sun dress.
“Oh my god that’s so cute!” You say grabbing it.
Soon you guys are both in the dressing room showing your items giving each other a fashion show.
“You think this tops cute” you ask Sarah looking in the mirror.
“Yeah it’s cute and casual, you can wear it anywhere.” She answered.
“What about this skirt?” Sarah asks adjusting the length.
“If you dont get it I will.” You comment.
“Are you girls done it’s been like almost 2 hours?” Rafe yells from the dressing room entrance.
“Rafe if you want us counting your girlfriend, to look cute, you should shut up.” Sarah tells him earning giggles from you.
“We should hurry up though it’s getting late and I don’t wanna miss the ferry like last time. It was hard making up an excuse to the pouges.” You say changing back into your regular clothes waiting for Sarah to finish up.
“I don’t understand how you can be friend with them” Sarah tells you leaving the dressing room.
“That’s what Rafe says too. Were like sardines, always together.” You smile to yourself.
“What do they think about you and Rafe?” She asks.
“Uh they don’t actually know.” You say putting your things on the counter.
Soon Rafe takes a notice goes up to the counter to begin to pay. You and Sarah sit on the couch counting your conversation.
“Why haven't you told them?” she asked.
“Because I know they’ll freak. They don’t exactly like the your family let alone any kook. Jj and Rafe were at each other throats all the time and I know you and Kiara have your history.” A flat smile forms on your lips.
“Honestly why do you care what they think? If you’re happy they should accept that”
“I know but we’ve been with each other since diapers, knowing they could throw our entire friendship away just because of a boy doesn’t make it any easier,” you say looking at Rafe.
“Honestly y/n I’ve seen the way you and Rafe have an effect on each other, that’s actual love. I know we’ve just met not even 4 hours ago but you're respectful, caring, and kind, like one of the most genuine persons I’ve known. If the pouges throw you to the side of the road just because of my bother they don’t seem like the perfect people you paint them to be.” She says
“And with Kiara, what happened is she called the cops on my party after I didn’t invite her. I know it was wrong of me but she didn’t have the right to ruin my birthday. I think she was and is a very shellfish person, and if you think that’s the way they would treat you just because you’re in love that makes them all shellfish.” Sarah says with kind eyes.
“If I can be honest with you Sarah, I think you’re right. I’m just scared to admit it. I know it’s wrong for me to say it but sometimes I can’t help but to think if I were to grow up on the other side how different I would be. Me and Pope are the only ones who actually think about our future while the rest think about the moment. They wanna do fun spontaneous things but I want to at least have a safety plan.”
Is what you would’ve said to her. But all that came out of your mouth was
“you don’t know them like I do”
Soon Rafe comes up drowning in shopping bags.
“A little help wouldn’t hurt,” he says trying to balance 10 bags.
You all are sitting in the ferry, you and Rafe are sitting together while Sarah on a different side. Rafe is scrolling on his phone while you’re looking into the harbor.
You get up to find Sarah, you couldn’t let the day end without having one last conversation.
“Hey Sarah” you greet as she looks up from her phone.
“Hey y/n” she smiles
“I just want to say it was spending the day with you. You’re really cool and like the best and worst person to shop with” you both giggle “and I wanna thank you for listening to me, I gunesilly like the advice you gave me. I can admit I’m scared of confronting them and we both have a good idea of what would happen if I do, but I just can’t help but feel torn between these two worlds.” You confess.
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks
“I’m mean we’ve been seeing eachother for like almost 5 months, it’s too soon-”
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks one more time.
“Yes” you sigh “But please don’t say anything-”
“Im not going too. But if you love him you should be with him. It’s not them who are kissing Rafe it’s you.”
“Yeah you’re right. They should be happy for me, I’m always there when jj survives night surfing or when Kiara ‘got her revenge’.” you and Sarah smile
“But if all goes wrong you got Rafe and me. i can agree today has been a wonderful day and if there is more of this in the future.”
“Enough with me, I've heard you have a little thing with Topper huh? Spill!” you asked Sarah who had faint blush on her cheeks.
“Well i guess you can say we're official, Topper’s sweet and kind. He's not like the others who always want more.” she said playing with her fingers.
“Aww you're blushing!”
“Whatever, but sometimes he just feels like, i dont know. Clingy?”
“Oh tell me about it, the first month with Rafe he wouldn't keep his hands off of me, always spamming me with stupid memes” you began blushing.
“But once time passed we got more comfortable, our friendship grew. he was and is my best friend now. Sometimes we fight like friends too but at the end of the day we still have each other”
“I want what you and Rafe have, i hate to admit it but I'm jealous of him. Never repeat those words to anyone.” she pointed her finger at You “You guys are like perfect!” she groaned
“I wouldn't say perfect but maybe with time you and Topper will be your perfect.”
“Yeah but, i dont know. Like he's great and all but-” she made a face no boy would understand but only a girl would.
“You just don't want it with him.” you finish for her.
“Oh god, am I a bad person?” she says laying her head on the ship wall.
“No no, you just know what you want. If you lead him on that's a mess you don't wanna clean up.”
You looked at Sarah and she had a very unfaithful look.
“But you never know, maybe one day you'll feel something that makes sense you know? Like he's the one.”
“With topper?”
“With anyone. I knew it with your brother when he randomly picked me up and surprised me with the perfect date. He got my favorite flowers, went to my favorite dinner, he for everything write and I didn't tell him a thing.”
“So he just knew”
“Yeah, he knew” just as you finished, you turned too see Rafe walking up to you guys.
“There's my girl,” he says placing a kiss on your forehead and handing you a Cherry Coke he got from a vending machine.
“Ugh that is what I mean!” Sarah complains
“Just give it time, you don't have to worry about love right now you're just 16. ‘Got your whole life ahead of you. It can be now, next year, hell even next week.” you sat giving her a hopeful smile.
“What is she whining about now?” Rafe jerks his head towards his sister.
“Boy stuff” Rafe fakes gagged.
You and Sarah shared a small side hug.
You guys sat together the whole ride back
Never in your life, did you expect to be this close to the Camerons.
Sarah was refreshing, she wasn't silently judging, she understood your jokes, she cared about what you had to say, didn't laugh or call you a pussy for showing your emotions. You both were excited for back to school season (for the shopping only though) and even planned study dates. all the guilt washed away.
Sarah was now one of your closest friends, spilling deep secrets, cracking jokes, endless selfies.
Now you guys are in Rafe's truck, he's driving you home with the gifts he got you and your mom (obviously she loves him)
You get out of the truck, Rafe following behind grabbing your bags. Before you shut your door Sarah says goodbye.
“Remember sleepover next weekend alright? Don't let Rafe take you away.” she smiles as you say your goodbyes and shit the door.
Rafe puts the bags in your room also saying his goodbyes and hello to your parents.
You slide into your duvet covers, scrolling through your massages and finally replying to your friends after such a good day, even meeting your new best friend.
Who knows? Maybe next week you and Sarah will be buying matching jewelry. Let's just hope the pouges dont get suspicious.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
Part three :))
Thanks for the love on this story <33
excuse any typos
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thescarletnargacuga · 3 months
Adventure AU credit: @waffle-gal
A/N: Nothing I have written is confirmed Canon! This was just for funsies!
WARNING: ptsd, some agst/comfort, suggestive at the end
"It's got to be around here somewhere." Caine squinted at the browned paper map in his hands. He twisted it sideways, thinking maybe he would understand the landmarks better at a different angle. It didn't help.
"You've been saying that for the last three hours." Pomni cleared the thick forest brush with a solid swipe of her machete. "Are you sure we're not lost? Again?"
"No, no I'm certain of our heading this time. We just need to uh...continue north. Yes. Due north. The Mystic Grove is suppose to have unusual flora so we'll know it when we see it." Caine held the map upside down, then upright again. "Hey, Bubble." He whispered to his floating companion trailing along beside him. He eyed Pomni, hoping she wouldn't overhear him while she cleared the path. "The N is suppose to face UP, right?"
"Mmmm hmm mm m hmmm" Bubble mumbled. They were carrying Caine's walking stick in their mouth.
"Oop, sorry." Caine took the walking stick back.
"The N looks right both ways up, boss." Bubble said.
"Oh dear..." He glanced at Pomni, fighting a stubborn tree branch. He folded the map and put it in his pocket. It wasn't of any use in his hands. They may as well keep going forward, whatever direction they were really heading in, and find a place to camp soon. The day cycle was starting to wane. "She's going to kill me." Caine sighed, defeated.
Pomni confidently marched onward. When they finally found thinner landscape, she put her machete away and wiped her brow. "Well, I don't recognize any of these trees, so that's something." She took in her surroundings. The vast Wandering Woodlands was lush and heavy with underbrush. It was very easy to get turned around, even with a good sense of direction. A cacophony of woodland creatures and birds made their ambient presence known. Through the gaps in the forest canopy, she could see the towering cliffs of Paradise Outlook. "Hey, isn't there a waterfall from the Outlook that goes down into the Grove? Maybe there's a river we can cross somewhere?" She finally turned to look at Caine. "What's wrong?"
He hung his head shamefully, his hands in his pockets. "I-" A sudden unease coursed through his body. Like static disturbing the air around him, worming its way into his head. His eyes went wide with panic. "Run, Pomni!" He grabbed her hand and charged ahead blindly.
"What is it!? What's wrong!?" Low hanging branches slapped her face as she tried to keep up.
No time to answer. He could feel the disturbance gaining on them. He frantically searched for a place to hide. A large tree ahead was growing out of a boulder, splitting it open. It looked just large enough to cram themselves into. He pulled Pomni into the tight crevice and shoved Bubble to the side, whose shape warped to fit.
"Caine! What-!" She was silence by his hand covering her mouth.
Caine held her close and tried to make both of them fit in the impossibly small space. He didn't say a word. The disturbance was too close.
The trees outside their little hiding spot distorted and glitched. Textures changed rapidly at random. Then they saw it. A massive pixelated mass of corrupted data glided across the ground right in front of them, not making a sound. At least, not to Pomni. Caine could hear it. Feel it. The static vibrating his very being.
Pomni gasped upon seeing the virus, causing it to stop in its path. Her heart raced with panic. She didn't want to know what would happen if it got a hold of Caine a second time. She looked apologetically at Caine, but he wasn't looking at her. He was staring wide eyed into nothing, pure fear in his eyes.
After an agonizingly tense moment, the virus lost interest in its surroundings and moved on. Slowly, the distortions ceased. Pomni carefully removed Caine's hand from her face. "Caine..? Are you okay?"
He was unresponsive, clutching to her like she were his only lifeline in the raging storm of static that had overwhelmed his mind.
Pomni spoke gently in a whisper. "It's gone, Caine. We're safe." She put her hand on the side of his lower jaw. "That thing will never harm you again, I promise."
He finally looked at her and took a shakey breath. "I h-hate that thing. Every time it comes near...I can feel myself being torn from my powers...over and over. It hurts, Pomni." Tears glistened his eyes.
"Caine..." She said his name sympathetically and hugged him. She could feel him trembling, but he calmed with every deep breath. Pomni held him for as long as he needed. A comfortable silence fell between them as the forest came alive with natural sound again after the virus was long gone. Pomni smiled. It was a nice moment, having him in her arms like this.
Caine could finally think clearly again. He had Pomni. That was wonderful. He was holding her. Even more wonderful. They were pressed together in a very private and intimate space. WONDER-wait. He went from feeling great to embarrassed in less than a second. "We should get moving! We're losing daylight!" He tried to get out but they were jammed in tight.
Pomni winced as her side scraped against the boulder. "Ow! Caine! Not so fast! We need to- ow! Get out slow-OW! STOP WIGGLING SO MUCH!"
Caine froze and pressed himself against his side of the crevice as much as possible, but Pomni's entire body was still firmly against him. He felt every move she made, no matter how subtle. He went back and forth in his own head between cursing himself and enjoying the contact. He slammed his mouth shut and waited for the sweet torture to end.
Pomni sighed with relief when she was free of the claustrophobic space. She took a look around. The trees had strange purple moss growing on them facing north. The farther ahead she looked, the green forest turned purple with unique plants and giant fungi. "Hey! I think we found it!" She looked back in time to see Caine fall out of the crevice.
"Really? I mean- Of course! See? I knew we were going the right way." He coughed awkwardly and brushed himself off. "Bubble! Come on, we're moving."
Bubble squeezed out of the hole, regaining their perfect spherical shape. "Right behind you, boss."
The Mystic Grove was everything it was taled to be and more. The tree canopy was so thick, it draped the forest floor in heavy shadow. Fungi colored the base of the trees. Some of the mushrooms were so large, they themselves were the size of trees. The underside of the caps radiated a gentle bioluminescent glow. Glowing spores drifted through the air like lazy fireflies. Runic symbols were carved into various rocks and trees.
"Oh my god..." Pomni said in hushed awe. "This place is amazing."
"I agree!" Caine said excitedly. "This looks like the perfect place to make camp! It's so serene!"
Pomni traced a rune etched into a tree root with her finger. "I don't know, Caine. It looks like-"
"Someone lives here?" A high pitched accented voice came from her right.
Pomni jumped away from the voice and reached for her machete.
"I wouldn't do that if I were ye." A small gold skinned humanoid with pointed ears in simple leather armor stepped forward. "Ye're surrounded. Ye'll drop before you even have the chance to unsheathe yur weapon, lass." Multiple creatures of similar size and color appeared from their hiding spots, aiming arrows and spears at the intruders.
Pomni immediately put her hands up. Caine did so too, but tried to put as much of himself between Pomni and the weapons. Bubble just frog blinked.
"We mean no harm." Pomni spoke first. "We're looking for a place to rest and resupply. We're adventurers. We're just passing through."
"What she said." Caine nodded.
"Adventurers? Why didn't ye say so!" The leader clapped his hands twice and the others lowered their weapons. "Why didn't ye use the gate? That's where everyone else comes into the Grove."
"There's a GATE?" Pomni glared at Caine who shrunk away from her gaze.
"Aye, ye're coming in through the cliff side path. Only our hunters use it."
"Sorry about that. We got a bit LOST." Pomni seethed, Caine flinched.
"No worries, lass. You and yur boyfriend are welcome-"
"Woah! he's not-"
"I'm not her-"
The whole congregation of fae laughed. The leader gave them a look. "Ye're not?" His eyes went from Pomni to Caine and back, then shrugged. "I suppose I don't blame ye. He seems like a bit of a fixer upper anyway."
"Hey!" Caine stomped his foot and flushed with embarrassment.
Pomni suppressed a grin. "You have no idea."
"So, as I was sayin, you and yur companion are welcome to stay in the village, as long as ye pay the toll."
Pomni paled a little. They didn't have a lot of gold on them. "What's the toll?"
"A performance at the Grove Theatre, of course. We value not coin, but stories. Tell and enact an amazing story and ye'll earn a night's stay. If ye wish to stay longer, the more stories ye must tell."
Pomni and Caine looked at each other. They'd been through a lot together. They had plenty of stories to tell. Pomni nodded to the group leader. "Well, You're in luck! We just so happen to be professional performers."
"Are ye, lass? Well, then I look forward to seeing you perform! Maybe the Royal will join with word of professionals." He whispered into his closed fist, and when he opened it, sparkly pink mist flew off ahead.
The group of fae led them down a narrow winding path through the thickest part of the Grove. Pomni and Caine, being much larger, had to squeeze in between close trees and stones. Pomni was incredibly sick of small spaces at this point.
They came to a clearing in the center of the Grove. A stream wound itself around the roots of an enormous, majestic tree. It towered over every other tree they'd ever seen in the expansion. The tree had cottages and bridges all over its branches, with windows dotting the trunk. Colorful fairy lights lit the path to a small bridge over the stream and into a gap in the base of the tree that was the village entrance.
The inside of the tree was just as breathtaking. Warm light from gold fungus lit the interior. Staircases spiraled along the inside of the trunk, leading to businesses and homes. On the ground floor, taking up most of the space, was a grand amphitheater.
Residents of the tree watched their tall visitors curiously. Many started coming down the stairs to gather around in front of the theater. This included one particular fae in androgynous royal attire. They clapped excitedly. "Welcome travelers, to Eldermoor Village of Mystic Grove! It's been so long since we've had visitors, this is most exciting!" They had literal sparkles in their eyes. "I am Royal Lylien, supreme leader of the GoldMoors."
Pomni bowed to show respect, and Caine mimicked her. "Thank you for greeting us in person, your majesty." Pomni said, a bit nervous.
"Yeah! This is a cool tree you have here!" Caine blurted out.
Lylien giggled. "Why, thank you. The Eldermoor has protected my people for generations. It's roots are older than time and it's bark is stronger than any magic." The crowd nodded reverently. "Now, before I welcome you further, there is business at hand."
"Yes, the ones that brought us here said their was a toll. You want us to tell a story?" Pomni said.
"You'll do more than just TELL a story. You will perform it!" With a wave of the Royal's hand, the theater came to life. Residents filed into the rows of seats until it was standing room only.
"Oh! You- you mean right now?" Pomni gulped.
"Of course, professionals such as yourself should have no trouble. Trust the stage." The Royal said with a smile. "The toll must be paid before further business can be discussed, as is our custom. Head backstage. You're on shortly." They walked away towards an ornate chair on a private balcony.
"Oh no..." Pomni's stomach flipped with a sudden rush of nerves. Not even time to practice? You had to have a full story ready to go off the cuff?
Caine was beaming. "Come on, Pomni! We have to get ready to perform! The audience is waiting!" He pulled her by the arm to the stage were a young Goldmoor showed them were to get ready. "Alright." Caine clasped his hands together. "What do we want to tell them? Maybe the one about the haunted mines in the Badlands Abyss! Or maybe escaping the collapsing temple on Paradise Outlook! OH! Or the time you fought the raging troll in the dark part of the Woodlands!" He could hardly contain his excitement.
"All of those sound good, but this is the story that's supposed to grant us access to the village. They won't let us stay here if it's not impressive enough." Pomni shrugged. She really wasn't sure what metric of storytelling these these people held, but she wanted to leave an impression. "What about...the beginning?"
"Could you elaborate?"
"The beginning of all of this. What sent us on our quest to begin with. That's an epic tale unto itself."
Caine fiddled with his fingers. "You're right. The tragedy of a fallen leader. It's downright Shakespearean."
"You don't seem thrilled."
"I..." He had to swallow his pride. "To relive the consequences of my own hubris... I need something from you, Pomni."
"Name it."
He held out his hand to her. "Be the heroine of my story."
Pomni smiled warmly and took his hand. "Why do you think I'm here? To look pretty?" She joked.
"You always look pretty, no matter the circumstance, but since you're here..." He teased.
She blushed lightly. "You drive a hard bargain..."
He took her other hand. "Only because I know you can do it, Pomni. You're smart, resourceful, and brave, on top of being beautiful. You are the perfect woman for the job."
Her blush darkened. He was staring so fervently into her eyes. "This... is still about the performance, right?"
He choked on his words. Right. The performance. He forgot. "Uh-"
"One minute call! You're on in one minute!" A Goldmoor called from another part of the backstage area.
Caine and Pomni startled from the interruption, letting go of each other's hands. Caine grabbed his walking stick from the zoned out bubble behind him. "Well, it looks like we're on. What do you say? Are you ready to wing the absolute pants off of this performance?"
Pomni smiled. "With you? Absolutely."
The house lights dimmed and a hush fell over the audience. A spotlight came on over center stage in front of the closed curtain. Pomni stepped out and the crowd applauded.
"Today we tell a tale so grand. A once great Ringmaster of an ever amazing circus fallen from grace by his own hand. Now walking among us as a god become man. But as he sees life from perspective anew, perhaps there is more to this digital existence than he thought he knew." Pomni bowed and the curtains opened behind her.
The stage came alive on its own, building itself to her words. A background that resembled the circus came to be. Neither one of them knew this would happen, but they had no choice but to roll with it. They could be in awe later.
Caine entered stage left. "I am Caine, Ringmaster of the Amazing Circus! With a snap of my fingers reality itself bends to my will!" He snapped his fingers, and for a moment, it was like he had his powers back. A prop on stage transfigured into a different object. The audience ooo'ed. Caine could work with this. He confidently stepped up as if to fly, but fell on his face. The audience laughed.
Pomni covered her mouth, not just from shock, but to cover up her smile. "Perhaps the Ringmaster forgot to speak all of his amazing power into existence! Like the fact that he could fly!"
Caine quickly got up. "That's right!" Because Pomni spoke it into existence for him, he could now fly. For the first time in what felt like forever, he lifted off the ground effortlessly. It was so good to feel weightless again. He did a few aerial tricks for the audience and earned more applause.
Pomni let him have his moment. People were cheering for him and he was practically radiant with happiness. She sighed with a smile as she gazed at him and almost missed her cue when Caine was done showing off. "But! It was not to last!" She announced. "For an evil was brewing!" The stage darkened. The background grew sinister. "A shapeless monster with it's very existence having devastating effects on the world around it, made itself known!" With her words, the virus appeared. Or rather, what the stage formed from Pomni's words. The audience screamed in horror. "The evil one threatened the circus and all who lived there! But Caine dismissed the threats!"
Caine cleared his voice. "None could challenge me! I am the Master of this realm! I will purge this horrid crime against nature with a snap of my fingers!" He snapped.
"...But nothing happened." Pomni continued. "The beast was beyond his influence, for it wasn't part of the realm he so covetously controlled. The beast attacked."
The virus stand-in lunged at Caine. He flew out of the way and tried snapping again. "I command you to stop! All heed the word of Caine!" The beast roared in response. The audience was on the edge of their seats.
Pomni braced herself as she watched what she knew was coming next. " The terrible beast tore power from his soul, cleaving the spirit and breaking the mind. Thusly, Caine fell to earth."
The beast engulfed Caine. He screamed in agony as the viral code pierced him like a thousand needles. He fell to the stage with an unceremonious thud. The beast loomed like an angry stormcloud over him. Caine's power enriching it to impossible strength. The audience gasped and screamed.
Pomni rushed on stage and helped Caine stand, holding his arm over her shoulders. "With his power, the beast was truly unstoppable. The only choice was to flee." She helped him sit on a log that appeared as the stage changed scenes. The beast vanished. "Caine and his companions travel the land, searching far and wide for the means to defeat the great beast. From the Badlands to the Outlook, there is no rock they won't look under for answers."
Caine stood and rolled his shoulders, shaking off the fall. "And in those travels..." He takes Pomni's hands and interlaces their fingers. "Caine finds something worth more than power and control. He finds true companionship. Feelings of connection and desire he didn't know he was capable of until the blindfold of absolute power was removed." The audience aww'ed.
Pomni stuttered a little but went a long with him. "And, for the first time, Caine realized he didn't need his power to be great. He already was." The audience aww'ed even more.
Caine's eyes softened as he gazed at Pomni lovingly. "The heroine of our tale didn't slay the monster or steal back the power...no, she did something far greater. She showed him what real love was." He pulled Pomni in and dipped her romantically. They leaned in close and stage kissed. The audience lost their minds. They were on their feet, cheering and applauding.
Caine pulled Pomni back up and they bowed. They looked up to the Royal's private balcony and bowed to them again. The Royal has tears in there eyes and were on their feet as well. They conjured a flower and threw it at the stage. The crowd followed suit and the stage was covered in flowers.
Caine picked up a pink and purple flower and presented it to Pomni. She held it to her chest as they did a final bow and then exited stage left, hand in hand.
"So were you! Did you see what the stage was doing!? And that scream was gutwrenching! It didn't really hurt you, did it?" Pomni checked him for puncture wounds
"Nope! Didn't feel a thing! It was all an act. But I dug down deep for that one. I really needed it. Felt cathartic." He took a deep breath. "So, shall we go talk to the Royal?"
They came out to even more applause. The audience had barely thinned and swarmed them when they came out from backstage with praise and questions about the story. The crowd only parted when the Royal and their guards made their way to Caine and Pomni.
"Very, VERY well done. What an amazing display of talent from our new friends. In fact, that story was so impactful that you are welcome here at my behest for as long as I am supreme ruler."
"Wow! Thank you very much." Caine said.
"Members of my guard with show you to your accommodations. Do enjoy your stay, friends of Eldermoor." The Royal nodded their head and walked away with their personal guards.
The crowd dispersed more but many still wanted to gawk at the newcomers. A town guard signaled for Caine and Pomni to follow him and he led them up the endless stairs towards the canopy.
By the time they reached the top, Pomni and Caine were out of breath and crawling up the last few steps. The guard wasn't winded in the slightest. He knocked and the door to a residence opened on its own. "Here. This place is yours by order of the Royal." He walked away without further explainion.
Caine and Pomni were still huffing and puffing from the climb. "Holy [%$!#] that was a lot of stairs." Pomni gasped. Her legs felt like noodles.
"I have never missed my ability to fly more in my life. Do you think I could negotiate to at least get that back?" Caine half joked as he followed Pomni inside the residence.
The place was cozy. Large enough for them to stand up straight inside and move around without constantly tripping over things. There was one problem. There was only one bedroom.
"Oh, dear. I guess they bought our love speech a little too much." Caine smiled to himself.
Pomni shrugged. "I can take the couch."
"Wha- absolutely not! Call me an old-fashioned A.I, but I won't let you be the one who takes the couch. You deserve to have that bed all to yourself." He crossed his arms.
"Ha! As if you could stop me."
They locked eyes in a playful glare. She took off and dove for the couch. He caught her from behind and lifted her off her feet.
"Ah! No! Lemme go! That couch is mine!" She smiled.
"Not if I have anything to say about it!" He couldn't hide the laugh in his words.
He took her back into the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. "And stay there!"
"Make me!" She got up and tried to rush passed him.
He grabbed her again and this time he got on the bed with her and held her down. "Stay!"
"Okay." She smiled mischievously up at him and watched his face slowly realize what he'd done. Just like with the hiding situation earlier that day, it hadn't dawned on him right away the situation he was getting himself into.
"You did this on purpose."
"Nooooo, me? I would never." Her voice was so heavily laced with sarcasm, even he couldn't miss it. "I'm having fun with you, Caine. All this 'will you, won't you' gets tiring. Sometimes, you need a push."
"But, I'm not your- I mean, you've never- we never-"
"Caine....you always seem at war with yourself over me. Let me tell you right now: I care about you. You are special to me. And besides, do you really think I can't hear all the things you say under your breath to yourself?"
He looked away, ashamed of himself. "Right..."
"...you're also still on top of me."
Caine's eyes went wide and he looked down at her. "Sorry!" He jumped off of her and fell to the floor.
Pomni slid off the bed and sat on the floor next to him. "I didn't say you had to stop."
Caine shut his teeth and curled up in a ball.
"Caine...you're being ridiculous. Do you believe me when I tell you I really like you?"
He nodded.
"Then what's the issue?"
"You deserve better." He mumbled.
She scoffed. "Better? What could be better than catching the favor of the ringmaster?"
"...someone human."
She cupped the side of his teeth and made him turn towards her. She tapped gently. "Open up." He cracked his teeth so she could just see his eyes. "Caine, when I started to realize how I felt towards you, I asked myself the same question. How am I falling for an A.I? And you know what I figured out?"
"Hm?" He braced himself for bad news.
"I doesn't matter."
His mouth opened more. "It doesn't?"
"No. In a world where the limit is my own imagination... Why couldn't I fall in love with the most amazing person I've ever met? A.I. or not." She took his hand in both of hers and looked him dead in the eyes. "I love you, Caine."
His pupils dilated and his mouth opened all the way. His eyes searched hers and found only truth. He couldn't help but tear up a little. "You know...I wasn't kidding about what I said during the play. I meant every word. Even if I never get my powers back, I have you. I love you too, Pomni. With every pixel of my being. I love you."
She leaned in and kissed his bottom teeth, it was short and sweet. He gasped and felt where she kissed him.
"What? Afraid I left a mark?" She laughed.
He smirked at her. "No, I'm just surprised you gave me permission so quickly."
"Permission to do what?"
"Return the favor." He scooped her up and threw her on the bed in one surprisingly fast motion. Sometimes she forgot how strong he was, even without his powers. He tackled her on the bed and kissed her. Then he kissed her again. And again. And again.
They didn't get much sleep that night.
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gemapples · 9 months
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im so sorry it took me so long to answer these oml but YES i'd be happy to show how i draw and color :)
please note that i almost always sketch traditionally first lol it's just a lot easier for me to determine how the drawing is placed that way, but i always go over and re-sketch it digitally
for magolor i always start with a basic egg shape (lmao) and then i add his ears. then I draw the scarf; it's easy to determine the shape and dynamicism based on where the bottoms of the ears are located
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then i usually add the cape and hood together. where and how these are placed and what these look like in general are very important because they're the main area that perspective is directed to (the ears and everything else is important too ofc!! but the hood and cape usually help demonstrate where he is looking and how he is moving the most). then i add everything else, usually his hands last!
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ohhhhhh god my worst enemy. Hope youre sitting down because this will be embarrassing LMAO
lineart is easily what i struggle with most and is more often than not the most time consuming and grating step for me. If i had a choice i would drop it in a heartbeat, but my style is so dependent on thick lines and shapes that it's difficult to 😭 a hole i dug myself into unfortunately ITS FINE THOUGH. ANYWAYS I'm getting sidetracked
i use my finger to draw all my digital art, which means i usually have to use a Heavy stabilizer to avoid shakiness and staggered lines. Unfortunately ibis paint's stabilizer is actually dog water and doesn't even stabilize more than half the time (in which case i have to repeat lines over. And over. And over again until i get it right) but when it does like me and works properly it's very helpful!
i always use the soft school pen bleed brush as my main tool for lineart. This brush has been my best friend for everything, i even use it for sketching idk it just really like the way it looks lol. sometimes i change the aspect if i want the lines to look more ,, chalky?? or smoother depending on the work
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i don't really use this tool much but for this specific piece, force fade was my partner in crime
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also i think i need to mention that i use so many layers for this. So many layers lol like to the point it's embarrassing. and at the end i merge most of them (except for the gear patterns, rings on his ear, and eyes + hands, which usually need to be by themselves as they're colored separately) Thank you for layers
and i end up with this!
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yippee yahoo the fun part !!! the part that i love the most
at this point, if i havent already, i always create a folder for convenience in organization because this is the part that i stress the most about what details are on which layers lmao
then i add ANOTHER layer below that for the color, then i put every single color used on their own separate layer!
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now, for shading, if im working on larger pieces with more complex shading, i'll usually plan it all out. normally when just drawing magolor, i don't really need to do this anymore because i'm so used to it lol, but for funsies i did it here anyways
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then i use the bucket tool to fill them all in
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i usually have a set color palette for all the characters i draw (though the way i shade white differs. A lot between my work as you can probably tell fhdfgf). For every color, i have two specific tones that are associated with the shading. for example, indigo + violet are shaded with my blue, pink + light orange (or lighter pink depending on my mood lol) are shaded with yellow, etc.
so, i shade the other areas with the 2nd shading color
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a big tip i can give for coloring is to look at a color wheel when you draw. i know that sounds like. Such basic advice LMAO but that seriously was a huge help for me when developing my shading and something i learned while studying — if you notice, in all of the shading in my work, all of the colors used are analogous on the color wheel. note that not ALL combinations will work together like others obv !! but it's a huge step in knowing where to go with it
then i add other extra details like extra lighting, halftones (if i feel like it // if it fits the work), glow to his eyes, and color the lines and ta-da!
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another tool i use a lot especially with my more recent art are blending modes, especially multiply. i use a clipping layer to add a dark color (usually a dark blue or purple) and set it to multiply, then erase the areas that emit light
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and this is the end result! this is a very very basic demonstration of it fhdjg i was a pretty messy with the lighting and erasing in this example but you get the general idea right
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and that's how i draw :) i hope this was helpful, and thanks for asking and being so patient with the response!
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sixeyescurseuser · 7 months
Thinking about a Spy AU where Geto retired to pursue a normal life, leaving everything he knew behind, including his closest partner-in-crime, Gojo. 
Satosugu always kept their relationship on the down low but everyone knew they were more than best friends. But being a spy took a lot of sacrifices. It was a lifestyle riddled with constant danger, and did not guarantee longevity nor personal fulfillment.
After Geto made the permanent decision to leave, Gojo kept in contact with him via secretive methods such as burner phones, documents disguised as ads, etc. Gojo himself had worked to become the leader of his team, consisting of their original team members plus a few new members.
Though he missed Suguru and thought about him every day, Gojo  never wanted to jeopardize the delicate life Geto has turned to. 
It isn’t until a critically important mission comes up that Gojo goes to seek Geto again after years of no contact. Gojo simply didn't trust anyone else. 
One day, Geto returns home and notices someone has broken in. He avoids entering through the front door, choosing to sneak in through the bathroom window instead.
No lights are on in the house. Geto just spots a vague silhouette of the person looking through his bookshelf and at the pictures on his walls.
Geto, quick on his feet, quickly tackles the unsuspecting intruder.
The culprit lets out an “OOF!!” and the two go tumbling to the ground.
Geto groans.
He recognizes that voice. Also the long legs that get tangled with his, and the familiar shape of Gojo’s body against his.
(Gojo let Geto tackle him for funsies, of course!)
After nearly giving Geto a heart attack, Gojo unloads story after story about his adventures to catch his (ex?) lover up. Geto listens while brewing himself tea and scrounging together leftovers to feed this menace.
Gojo pauses his storytelling and sneaks behind Geto to hug him from behind.
Gojo rests his cheek against Geto’s head.
“I missed you,” Gojo confesses.
Geto smiles.
“I missed you too, Satoru. I always do.”
Gojo exhales shakily at that. He squeezes Geto’s waist tighter, not that Geto minds.
“I didn’t just come here to visit, though I wish I could,” Gojo confesses, a bit guilty. “I have a favor to ask. And you can say no, of course. It’s- it’s a pretty big favor. But I don’t trust anyone else.”
Geto stops chopping the vegetables entirely.
“I already told Yaga no. Several times,” Geto states. Gojo nods from his position, anxiety gnawing at his heart.
Suddenly, Geto turns around. Their faces are so close, noses almost touching.
Geto searches Gojo’s face with furrowed eyebrows. Or maybe he’s finally taking in Gojo’s features in the light, having been separated for eight years now. 
Then, Geto’s eyes immediately soften.
“But if you ask, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything for you, Satoru.”
Gojo wears a pained expression. 
Geto cups his cheeks in hopes of soothing that pain.
“You don’t even know what I’m about to ask,” Gojo whispers.
“That doesn’t matter,” Geto says, smiling. “Satoru, has it really been so long that you have forgotten?”
Geto leans forward to brush their lips together. 
“I can never say no to you.”
Geto would be lying if he said he never saw himself meeting his end on a mission. And nothing has changed in that he would still do anything for Gojo.
So Geto comes out of retirement. 
(And back into Gojo’s arms. They were finally back together!)
There’s new recruits that require training in order to prepare for their important mission. The students learn that Geto had been living a normal life previous to coming back…
Nobara: “So did you have a wife and kids that you left behind?”
Geto: “Oh that’s not- you can’t ask tha-“
Gojo, butting in: “Yeah, yeah, tell us!”
Geto shoots Gojo the stink-eye.
Geto: “No wife or kids, thank you very much. Now if you’re all done prying into my personal life, I will be taking my leave.”
Geto walks away and Gojo stares at his ass.
Megumi, cursed with the gift of being too observant, thinks, “Oh god, how to unsee??”
Megumi is actually very curious about Geto and tries to find out more about him. Gojo-sensei and Shoko only reveal so much…
Like Megumi, Geto also possesses the inane gift of catching the smallest details, so he notices how much Megumi stares at him, how piercing his gaze becomes when it’s directed at him.
The kid thinks he’s so smooth. 
The younglings are quite behind in physical combat, and since Geto is particularly skilled in martial arts, he often helps out with their physical training.
Oftentimes, he actually goes up against the kiddos. 
Megumi is the last one to go, Nobara and Yuji having tried their best to hold their ground but ultimately yielding to Geto. The other two cheer him on. Megumi narrows his eyes and gives it his all.
Geto is so quick and powerful with his movements. Also very swift. He ends up backing Megumi into the very edge of the training platform-
And when Megumi tries to hop back, his foot gives way to a weak spot on the floor.
Geto easily pins him after that. 
Megumi breathes harshly as Geto stands up and offers a hand, which Megumi hesitantly takes. Geto frowns.
“I had wondered if that dead spot was still there. I’ll tell Yaga. It should’ve been fixed ages ago,” he murmurs. Megumi’s eyes widen at that.
“You tricked me?”
Geto smiles, half-apologetic and half-gleeful.
“Not exactly. Just testing a hypothesis. Lord knows how many times Satoru did the same thing to me.”
Out of the three students, Yuuji would be the closest to win against Geto. He’s somewhat of a prodigy in martial arts, so give him a few months and Geto is actually paying attention to him when they spar.
He makes Geto break a sweat once in a while. 
Meanwhile, Megumi is very good at using the space around him in his favor, but he still has a lot to learn in terms of balancing instinct and strategy. 
Nobara has elegant and quick movements, sometimes too quick, which makes her lose balance. She’s training to gain muscle and be able to pull off those kinds of movements by anchoring herself with confidence.
Geto finds out that Gojo’s instruction is super intense too. 
Yuji: “Once, Gojo-sensei and I sparred for so long, we completely skipped dinner!” 🤣
Geto: 💀💀
Gojo leaves the training to Geto most days because he’s in the middle of his own solo missions. Every night, it’s like heaven returning to his room to see Geto already in his bed, reading a book or listening to music. 
It’s the best welcome home Gojo could possibly ask for. Gojo is beyond ready to jump into bed and cuddle up with Geto except-
Geto holds a hand up.
“Inside clothes.”
Gojo tears his clothes off with a dramatic growl, leaving his underwear on and then leaps into the bed. Geto laughs as he bookmarks then places his book on the nightstand.
He turns back to see Gojo looking at him with a razor-sharp smile.
Gojo: “You really know how to get me going, don’t you?”
Geto: “Excuse me??”
Suddenly, Geto has a lapful of Gojo. They don't get around to sleeping anytime soon...
Nowadays, Gojo walks around with noticeable marks on his neck and his students are like ??? He’s never expressed interest in anyone before, but now he seems to have a consistent lover(s)?
Scandalous Gojo-sensei!
Satosugu find their own time to spar with each other. They’re dressed in blank tanks; Geto has his signature flowy pants, and Gojo also now has flowy pants, but in white. 
Geto: “Copying my look now, I see. I knew you always admired my style more than you let on, Satoru.”
The first to three pins wins. It feels like their fight goes on forever. Gojo still plays dirty by tugging Geto’s hair band out, making Geto’s hair fly free. 
Since he’s been more active, Gojo pins Geto down for the third time, a triumphant grin on his face. 
He sits on top of Geto and asks “What’s my reward?”
Geto: “Reward? What reward? Fool.”
Gojo: “I beat you, therefore, I deserve a reward.”
Geto: “I- no. And get off of me!”
Geto pokes Gojo’s sides. Gojo squawks and pokes Geto back. 
Shoko walks in and sees them tickling each other, and she smiles. 
Some things never change.
(Geto rewards Gojo with his favorite brand of ice cream. And more kisses!)
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 8 months
Do you guys ever think about modern headcanons for the funsies like
Dustin decided one day he was gonna teach himself the playable version Rush E on the piano and failed miserable
Steve is one of those dads on first person shooter games who gives advice to people in vc
Mike is one of those people who has to 100% every game ever like he filled out his Pokédex, he goes back and has to make EVERY choice possible in choice based games even if they have no real effect except dialogue changes
Lucas is one of those people WHO INSISTS on watching the ball drop every new years even tho he’s not in the right timezone he still just likes to watch it
Yk that one stereotype of bfs putting their gf on mic well they actually play the game? Yeah think that but reverse and with Lumax
Max and Mike having a “sources” battle where they look stuff up their fighting about and whoever can find the more credible sources wins the argument
Will being an “Amazon wife” but specifically with art supplies like Mike is always finding random deliveries on their door of new brushes or pants
ONE of the party has to watch anime and I’m putting my bets on El
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robinainthood · 3 months
chatfic gojo lives and goatjo420 pls 🙏
You're an angel for requesting multiple, ily <33
Chatfic excerpt can be found here!
Concept: It was meant to be a before and after, "came back wrong" kind of deal, inspired in part by this fanart. I only got as far as the prelude, though, when he's stuck in the prison realm (with literally two lines of dialogue post-resurrection, which I suppose I'll include below just for funsies lmao).
Time is slipping. Counting has grown fruitless when every second is the same one ticking in endless circles, hoping as useless as the world that goes on without him (for days, months, years? For eternity?). Satoru contemplates it for a split second or two, maybe a minute, maybe longer, before resigning himself to this new reality where time is nothing more than a vague memory. He has to remind himself again and again that it still exists, outside this empty expanse for everyone else. Has to hope that he’s left enough of himself behind in his students to compensate for his absence. That this isn’t forever in a moment. It’s useless, this hoping, but all he has left in this wretched place.
And the two (2) lines of dialogue in question:
“How did you…” Satoru brushes the rough skin there. “You did most of the work.” Shoko puffs her cigarette. “Made it easy for me, honestly.”
I don't know if I'll revisit this one, to be honest, only because so many have done it already (and better than me). There are other concepts I'm more eager to explore! Which leads me to...
goatjo420 is online!
Concept: Okay, hear me out lmao. This one's a JJK/Black Mirror crossover, specifically the Striking Vipers episode. If you're unfamiliar, two best friends start playing a VR game together and discover it's extremely realistic and... well, fuckery ensues. Literally and figuratively lmao.
There's a lot of exploring sexuality with your best friend and coming to terms with your almost comical compatibility that's just SO stsg, I had to do it. I will finish this one day, I swear T-T
Also, a fun fact no one asked for: I replaced Striking Vipers with Tekken because I have this dumb headcanon that it's their favorite game (particularly Satoru's). That is all!
goatjo420 is online! Suguru thumbs the joysticks on his controller with a groan. Bites the inside of his cheek to quiet the screaming urge to send him a request and hopes, against all that is reasonable and grounded in reality, that he’ll decide on a solo game this time. Ding! goatjo420 invited you to play Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection! Suguru lets out a dramatic sigh. The bastard just knows it’s his favorite game, and moreover that he never has time to play it anymore. Not with the kids keeping him busy every hour of the day. It’s late and he’s tired and still seeing red but, fuck, what could one game hurt, anyway? “Screw it.” Suguru taps the receiver on his temple to accept, leaning back into the couch. “What are you doing up this late?” No pretenses. Satoru scoffs. There’s music playing in the background, clipping in and out as he speaks. “Could ask you the same thing. And, what, no hello? Shit, do I mean that little to you?” “Shut up. One round and then I’m going to bed.” Suguru boots up Tekken, and adds: “I’m still pissed at you, you know.” “No! Really? Wouldn’t have guessed.” “You know what, fuck you, Sato—” “Hey, hey, don’t go logging off on me now. Look, I’ll make it up to you the next time we meet, alright?” Satoru’s mic cracks with the sound of his shifting, no doubt cozying up against his favorite pillow that costs as much as Suguru’s electricity bill. “Just kick my ass in the meantime, yeah?” And Suguru swears he can hear the smirk in his voice when he coyly adds: “If you can.”
These two have changed me fundamentally, have rewired my brain, have raised the bar for romance to such untouchable heights that I fear I may never recover. :)
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I Can See You
Let's do some lyric analysis, shall we? Just for funsies, because there's absolutely no way this song has any references to queerness at all... coughs in coding girlie in the music video* (Stanzas of lyrics are labeled for reference when repeated.)
1)You brush past me in the hallway And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya? I've been watchin' you for ages
Okay, so Taylor gives away right away that she has been "watchin'"/paying attention to the person this song is about. (Let's call her Cece for right now just so I don't have to keep referring to her as "the person this song is about" and so there's no arguing in the comments about who the muse of this song is.)
1)And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it
Okay maybe hypothetically if Cece is actually a Collin, maybe she doesn't want to accept that she has feelings for him because he's a mean guy, or her friends just don't like him. But if Cece is a Cece, Taylor was probably experiencing some internalized homophobia, or general fear of being interested in a girl because she doesn't want to be gay. She simply doesn't want to make her life as a country music star (at the time) any harder. No matter how much she's interested in Cece.
2)But what would you do if I went to touch you now? What would you do if they never found us out? What would you do if we never made a sound?
In this series of seemingly frantic questions, Taylor is asking Cece or Collin if they would go through with whatever (-possibly fleeting) secret relationship Taylor wants to pursue. She's asking if they would willingly hide with her, if they would willingly kiss her, and never tell.
3)'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me And I could see you up against the wall with me And what would you do? Baby, if you only knew That I can see you
First off, Taylor Alison Swift, this is very Dress, False God, Gorgeous, Lover (feat. Shawn Mendes), so very sapphic what-if-I-worship-you-right-here horny of you. Anyways, in this excerpt, she's again asking if they would turn her away, or if they would follow through with it. However, by saying that she can "see" them, she alludes that she knows what their answer would be in "seeing" them. She portrays Cece or Collin as being interested in return.
4)And we kept everything professional But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
Here Taylor alludes that at some point she worked with this person, and something in their relationship is changing, specifically something to do with this person "brushing past her in the hallway", and "waiting down the hallway from her", away from prying eyes. In other words, this relationship is seemingly becoming anything but professional and platonic.
4)They keep watchful eyes on us So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
By "They", I choose to interpret they as her management/PR team, because who else would want to make sure they know who Taylor is involved with and when? Why would she have to hide it from her friends and family if it was just bad boy Collin? After all her PR team has no problems linking her to problematic men like John Mayonaise, Jake Jingleballs, and Calvin Harasser. It seems like she's hiding this relationship from her management (and possibly her friends and family if they don't know she likes women yet, as she seems to be unsettled by it herself at this point in time.). So Taylor is detailing how if she has a relationship with Cece it has to be only for brief instances, and no one can know.
4)You won't believe half the things I see inside my head Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
This is just very um... sapphic what-if-I-worship-you-right-here horny of her once again, so moving on...
5)Stanza 2 is repeated to again ask her partner if they will willingly do this with her. 6)Stanza 3 is then repeated and added to it is: That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor I could see you, make me want you even more What would you do? Baby, if you only knew That I can see you
With the Jacket being thrown on the floor, Cece or Collin obviously show interest back in a very obvious way. This blatant interest makes Taylor want them even more, and again Taylor asks Cece or Collin if they would go through it.
7)I can see you in your suit and your necktie
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I like to think she added this line recently... I can't find any photos of Dianna, or Emily in a suit... but Karlie…
7)Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight" Then we kissed and you know I won't ever tell, yeah
This excerpt only further proves that Taylor's partner isn't hiding. Taylor is, there's some reason why Taylor's partner can be assured that she won't ever tell anyone. But yeah sure maybe bad boy Collin wants her to keep their relationship a secret.
7)And I could see you being my addiction You can see me as a secret mission Hideaway and I will start behaving myself
Taylor can get addicted to this person, and this person should see Taylor's addiction to them as a secret mission they need to pursue. If this partner starts hiding away with Taylor instead of just watching her from afar, then Taylor seems to allude that she'll stop giving her management/friends/family a reason to look closer at their "professional" relationship.
Analysis over <3
feel free to add anything you think I should add to this post in the comments :)
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My other song analysis’ if you’re interested <3
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Redrew a drawing from 2019! For funsies~ (And also cause the fishnet brushes make it looks so much cleaner than hand-drawn fishnets)
Closeups (and original drawing) under the cut:
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Flash is wearing stick-on earrings in the new version XD cause I thought it would be cute :3c
gotta match their looks to each other... well really the purple lipstick is the only thing peter's wearing that matches flash's look but eh.
Peter's lipstick is actually MJ's doing because in 2019 when I drew the original I wrote a fic to sort of accompany it (though not 100%) which you can of course read on AO3 (here)
But I do think that in ASM622 he should have been wearing black lipstick or something cause the red eyeshadow was just not goth enough on its own XD COWARD jk jk he was still hot even w/o lipstick
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Similar to the original here but I added a black X (for no drinking) because of a scene I included in aforementioned fic and I think it made a nice detail. I also took Flash's leggings off and got Peter's hand on Flash's ass instead... I guess Flash should probably have leg hair but I didn't draw it for whatever reason. Maybe he just wants to be smooooth for the party.
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Docs. HUGE improvement.
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This is the original! Wow big fucking difference in three and a half years LOL Though I did use the original partly as an undersketch for the actual sketch cause there were some parts i was like, sure that's fine. As you can see Flash's hair is straighter here and also he had one of those tattoo chokers on his bicep but I decided to forego that in the new version. Also in this drawing (and in the fic) I gave Peter ripped up skinny jeans but I felt like drawing the leather pants inspired by ASM622 instead for the redraw. And changed his t-shirt slightly as well. Other than that and a minor tweak for flash's shorts and leggings it's pretty similar.
Aaand screencaps from Amazing Spider-Man #622, which inspired the original drawing and which I still love conceptually (and love Peter's gorgeous profile in this art, thank you Joe Quinones for a giving us a beautiful boy with a beautiful nose and extremely squeezable biceps)
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(and also some sexy vampire hypnosis)
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sgt-scottymoreau · 8 months
Cherry on Top
Summary: I don't really have a summary for this one lol This is just how this AU start, how it all it came to be.
Warning: None
Words: 1.3k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Alright, I finally feel like I can post this AU! Remember kids, this is an AU for funsies because why the heck not! Also yes Ghost/Soap is a thing in it, but doesn't happen till later fics. Went into a subtle slow burn with them.
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It was the jokes, the brushing hands, the closeness of training; all the small things that both her and Ghost saw coming a mile away. Scotty for being at the center of all and Ghost for his keen eyes. She always swore that Soap was nothing more than a best friend, a very close friend. But Ghost saw how she gravitated around him and how he did the same. He should have been jealous maybe, but he honestly did not mind. If there was any  he trusted enough and would be willing to share her with, it was definitely Soap. 
Fun part was that Soap either decided to ignore what was going on or was completely oblivious. Meanwhile Scotty felt her feelings slowly change to the point she was scared and unsure of everything.
Laying down in bed, staring at the ceiling, she tried to make sense of it. Ghost was on his phone mindlessly reading the news or answering messages. "Simon?" She said in a sheepish voice. He turned his head to look at her. "I… I…" Where to even begin! She was sweating, her heartbeat pumping blood as fast as if she was in a death or life situation. This was even more stressful than her first day with the 141. She fidgeted with the bedsheet, her throat getting tighter at every breath. 
"It's about Soap?" Ghost dropped with his usual unfazed tone. This took her by surprise. She stopped breathing for a second, before her brain worked again after a quick reset. 
"W-what do you mean?" Ghost smiled when hle heard the nervousness in her voice. He gave her the I-know-what-is-going-on look. 
"Only a blind person wouldn't see what is going on… Although that would probably mean most of the base, even Garrick and Price." 
"It's that obvious?" Her cheeks turned hot pink. 
"To the person who knows you the most, yes. So what are you gonna do about it? What do you want to ask?" 
Scotty didn't know if she should take his words as a good or bad thing. This was not the reaction she expected from him. He was acting so casually about it. And that was the thing about Ghost; his calmness was often the scariest emotion. "Simon, I love you ok? That is the thing I want to make clear in the first place. It's you that I love the most and nothing will ever change this. Only death would!"
"I know, love. But you fancy Johnny too, am I right?" Scotty nodded silently, her face burning. Ghost pulled her closer to him. She had her defeated eyes, the ones when she felt like she was about to screw up big time. "Let's give it a shot then."
"Wait what? You… you are ok with this?"
"In any case I know I keep you." He kissed her on the head. "If it was anyone else, I might have no be so open. But we are talking about Soap. You two are complete dorks that would fit well together. To my demise."
She laughed. "Simon, I won't try or do anything unless I'm sure you are ok with this. That's all I need to know, with clear words. If you are not… please let's pretend all of this never happened."
"I'm good. As long as you are happy… and because I know I'll always be your favorite."
The next day, the three of them were at the gym doing their daily routines. Soap was completely unaware of what was coming to him. Mostly because they both kept acting like normal around him. At last from Ghost he did not see a single hint of difference. Ghost didn’t have to be different around him, he was not the one about to confess. Scotty was a master at keeping her feelings in check so she was able to hold it together till now. Soap asked her to help her while he would be doing some sit ups. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
Scotty held his feet down while he pushed himself up. They kept joking around on the first 10 rep, till she felt her throat dry up. His groans every time he would reach the top and the relief of laying back down. As if she needed more reason to fortify her feelings. “Fuck…” Scotty breathed.
Maybe a little too loud. “What’s the matter?” Soap asked, not stopping his exercises. 
“Then why the red face, sweetheart?” He laughed. Soap always used this nickname to tease, it was normal. However, right now, it did not have the same effect. Her embarrassment grew so big, she wondered if someone just turned the heat to max or it was her…. Definitely her obviously. If it was even possible, she would be steaming by now. Her hands had moved unconsciously to his ankles and her fingernails dug into his skin through the socks. “Hey watch it Scotty!” 
Soap yanked one of his legs out as he was back on the ground. He pushed himself back, sitting in a relaxed position. “Are you sure everything is alright?” 
For fuck sake, Scotty was an adult, so why did it felt like she was back to her high school year, incapable to say anything to her crush? Well in retrospect, she didn’t do better with Ghost either. The difference is that with Ghost everything sort of unfolded towards something. With Soap, she had to be direct. She took a deep breath to collect herself. “I love you Johnny.” 
Finally it was out. As expected, Soap looked at her with big eyes taken aback by this. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it quickly. His head turned to Ghost who was just done with his run on the treadmill. Their eyes caught each other. The sergeant didn’t know if he should run and hoped to not die or… “You what now?” Is all Soap could say. He was at a loss of words. In the corner of his eyes, he noticed Ghost getting dangerously closer.
“You hear me right Soap. I said I love you.” They sat there in the middle of the gym, not saying a word, till Ghost cleared his throat. Soap jumped back. 
“Woah woah, I thought you and Lt were a thing? Did I miss something or what?” Soap panicked. He stood up quickly ready to run at any opportunity.
Scotty pushed herself up. “Yes. We are still very much together, nothing has changed.”
“She just wants to add you to the mess we are.” Ghost grinned under his mask. Soap stared at him. He was good with this? What kind of world was he living in?  
“Is this a joke? Stop shitting me you two.”
“We are not.” Ghost’s tone was calm which made him understand that yes they were deadly serious about this. He gulped. Of course Soap always found Scotty good looking and, if it hadn’t been her choosing Ghost a while ago, he may or may not have tried his chance. Then again, he always thought that some of these feelings were just him really caring about her, like a good friend would. He could turn her down out of respect for both, but that would make things awkward right? Would it be even more awkward than now anyway? Perhaps he could give it a try. If it doesn't work out then so be it. 
Soap grabbed Ghost by a shoulder with a slap. “If he is good with this, sure, let's give it a try. You know I just don’t want to die.”
“I would only kill if you break her heart.” 
“Roger that, lieutenant. Well, better not let Price find this out. Make it look like Scotty is collecting the 141 like medals.” They all laughed.  
"I see it more, Ghost is the sundae, the tasty best part and you are the cherry on top. The little extra that makes everything tastier."
Soap laughed at the comparison while Ghost facepalmed with a groan. "Very smooth, Scotty…" Ghost said.
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oopsalltes · 11 months
ended up changing my sona since i wasnt happy with lleuad being that, i think they work better as a separate character
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dusk bomber is designed after the real life Calyptra thalictri, also known as the "vampire moth" that is capable of drinking blood from vertebrates. he is a Pseudo Bomber who required visceral sustenance in order to function. since bombermen don't have fluids, he is more of a menace towards organics that populate Planet Bomber like humans or animals. kind of like a weird ass cryptid people tell stories about
acolyte, on the other hand, is merely a parasitic machine that lives off of other machines, usually bombermen. since dusk is Pseudo, he's capable of molting/shedding his skin to brush off injuries, which is what acolyte inhabits - mostly because being under dusk's protection as a servant/messanger type is perhaps the safest way for them to continue existing. (top left image is him possessing green for funsies!)
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 4/5]
Links to part 1 2 3 5
Warnings: self-proclaimed executioner with god complex comes to terms with being pseudo-adopted into a murders-for-funsies-but-sometimes-for-love family but there’s drama because his older brother/uncle-figure doesn’t like him all that much, so slasher-typical violence and gore, allusions to murder, jealous! and insecure!Vincent
A/N: OK I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE THE LAST PART BUT IT GOT TOO LONG. New (and old 👀) characters are introduced. As always, bold is ASL. HOPE YOU ENJOY!
Featuring the Sinclairs, RZ Michael Myers, and the ocs of @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy), @probably-a-plant-thing (Skulk), @slaasherslut (Ava). Ellie and Alia are also mentioned <3
Tagging some moots who might wanna see this! @rottent33th @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @cries-in-latino @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
“You don’t believe me?”
Anger made Vincent's fingers stutter as he signed.
"You won't take my word for it? Why? Why, Bo? Do you trust him more than me? I'm your brother."
Bo took Vincent's hands in his, shushing him. "You are my brother. Nothing or no one would change that, but - tsk - listen to yourself. I know havin' people over is a new concept to you, but don't you think you're getting a li'l too carried away?"
He was looking at him like a raving lunatic, with that oh-poor-you frown wrinkling his brow. Vincent's breath hitched. He balled his fists and shook his twin off.
Bo regarded him sternly, like a silly misbehaving child. "Vincent," he warned.
Vincent grabbed the back of his chair and threw it back. It clattered against the tool chest.
"See for yourself, then." His one blue eye bulged in its socket. "Watch for the signs."
Bo watched him storm out of the garage and melt into the shadows beyond the pumps.
Darrell, a murderer? Where on earth did he get that?
Bo shook his head, raised his beer bottle to his lips, stopped. He glanced in the direction Vincent had gone.
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Lesley Reinhart was settling into his sixties. Without much difficulty, one must note. If anything, he was in better shape than he ever was.
He was tall, broad-shouldered, with a muscular body that could put any recent police academy graduate to shame. Before he got out of his car - a sleek Porsche picked out of the city impound - he brushed back his hair and adjusted his tie.
His jaw clenched when he heard a wet squelch after he put one foot out. Mud. On his newly polished dress shoes.
It wasn't like he didn't know there was a growing hurricane, thought Hernandez as he trudged through the mud-strewn forest floor. He never understood how people grew vainer the closer they got to kicking the bucket.
The two men followed the well-trodden path to the shack the local townsfolk said was home to the last person who saw the missing teens.
They came upon the place. A sad brick and wood structure with an askew porch, which was lit by an amber light bulb. A loud humming told Hernandez the place ran on generator power.
Reinhart raised his voice. "Daniel Ray Williams?"
The scraggly boy who was chopping firewood stopped and lowered his ax. He took a cautious step back as the two men approached.
"Tread lightly, Moses, for the ground you walk on is holy ground… or some shit." A man, hidden by the shadow and fog, made his presence known. He sat on a rusty white-painted metal chair on the porch, smoking a hastily rolled cigarette. "Let's back you up, gentlemen," he said, "Off my property."
"Mr. Williams," began Reinhart, "my name is Lesley Rein-"
An impatient smirk tugged at the corner of Reinhart's thin lips. "My name is Lesley Reinhart. I'm a detective with the NOPD. This is my partner Detective Hernandez." He flashed his badge.
"Figured," said Earl, unimpressed.
"We're just here to ask Daniel Williams a couple of questions," Hernandez explained, adopting a more reasonable tone.
"That's my kid brother." Dan had made his calm, collected way up the steps and was now standing next to Earl. "Got a stutter. He don't talk much on account of it. You wanna know anythin', you ask me."
"This is about Brody Morgan and Carter Green," said Reinhart.
"Yeah, I heard about 'em. Got a dozen or so bluecoats sweeping the woods yesterday with dogs and whatnot."
Reinhart persisted. "We were hoping to get a statement out of Daniel, about what happened at the gas station."
Earl folded his arms over his chest. "Well, if you already know he was at the gas station, I'm sure you know what them boys did."
"We were also hoping he'd tell us about the attendant who was working there the day Brody and Carter disappeared."
Earl tipped his head and raised one wild eyebrow. "Why, he a suspect?"
Reinhart grew more impatient. "I'm afraid I can't divulge that."
"Level with me here, hoss."
"We'll be asking the questions here, Mr. Williams."
"Dan a suspect? Am I? Mighty convenient for you to have a bunch o' dirt-poor hillbillies to pin it down on."
"Respectfully, sir," piped up Hernandez, "Everyone who was within the area during the crime's occurrence is, and nothing was stolen-"
Reinhart shut him up with an authoritative wave of the hand. "Mr. Williams, I can charge you with criminal misdemeanor for refusing to cooperate," he barked.
Earl smiled. "I can also legally shoot you for trespassin', and so long as I claim fear of bodily harm the law is on my side."
It was at this point the two realized that the object leaning against Earl's chair was a shotgun and not a cane.
"We ain't got nothin' for ya, gentlemen," he said definitively. "Be a little more willin' if you'd done the same for every person that's disappeared from this mountain these past few decades, not just for city slickers whose daddies got dough."
Reinhart, seething from the insolence, turned away and marched back the way they came.
Hernandez braved Earl's hostile stare and placed his card on the damp porch. "Should you change your mind," he said. "Give me a call."
Earl leaned forward and read the name printed on the expensive cardstock.
Angel Hernandez
When the men had gone, he brought out his cellphone and sent a warning message to Skulk.
They're comin' up to the trailer, boy. Make yourself scarce.
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Skulk had a habit of stealing Darrell's hoodies. They smelled like him and were warm, which was great for the weather they currently had going.
He got the message just as the detectives broke through the bushes. They narrowly passed him, sitting in a thicket as he was. Jebediah the little piglet, was sleeping soundly in his lap, remnants of a treat still hanging from his snout.
Skulk watched the detectives inspect Darrell's empty trailer. The older one kicked some of the sweet potatoes the naughty boars had dug from the vegetable patch. Skulk opened his and Darrell's conversation, filled with lewd little nothings they had sent back and forth. He typed:
On a more serious note, darling - there's pigs snooping about the trailer and not the usual kind.
The younger detective brought out a flashlight and peered through the tinted windows.
Had he locked the door?
Carefully shifting to his feet, though still remaining crouched, Skulk unsheathed his knife. Vibrating from the thrill of a possible kill, he waited. The second those cops opened the door, he would break cover. He could take them. One after the other.
The bigger man made him hesitate, but he was going to try. He'd left clothes there - unwashed clothes and tools of the trade. They all tried to be careful, but who's to say for certain the detectives won't find anything?
"Try the door," said one of them.
Jebediah stirred. The underbrush gave as Cristabella, grunting, arrived to take her brother home. Skulk bit his lip and held her mouth shut.
Incensed, Cristabella shook Skulk off. Her attention shifted to the strangers, and began to growl.
"What was that?"
Bellowing, Cristabella charged right at them. She bowled through them, knocking them clean off their feet. She was at them again, ramming her cutter tusks at their torsos. Clothes were shredded, yells rang, but the men were quick to get on their feet and they eventually got away.
Skulk watched, the squealing piglet under his arm, as Cristabella snorted in satisfaction as if to say Come back with a warrant.
Ava, Bo, and Darrell liked to hang out at the garage. Winds were picking up, blowing from the coast. Establishments were closed. Folk were told to remain indoors.
Ava and Darrell sat together while Bo tinkered with the engine of a sedan. He'd been trying to make it work for the past week. He couldn't fathom what he was doing wrong. The out of key strumming Darrell was doing on Ava's beat up acoustic wasn't helping.
Fed up, Bo unstuck his head from under the hood and winced at the two.
"Darrell, Darrell," he groaned. "You're never gonna learn to play with those clumsy fingers. Give that dang thing back to Ava."
Ava giggled and took her guitar back. "Don't listen to him," she told Darrell. "You'll get it, but won't you sing with me a while?"
She positioned her willowy fingers on the fretboard. Darrell returned her pick and she began to play.
Once the intro passed, Darrell followed through. The way the two friends' voices melded together was ethereal. Bo stopped in his tracks.
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
"Your beauty never ever scared me" Surprised, Ava looked up. She'd never heard Bo sing before. His voice was clear and cool, but higher in pitch than his speaking voice.
All three of them sang the last lines together, voices blending into a lovely harmony.
"Didn't know you had that in you," Ava teased.
Bo smirked and turned away. "Stick to singing, Darr. Leave the music to Ava."
To thwart the attention from himself, Bo turned up the radio. They listened attentively to another weather update, which was followed by a local news report.
Meanwhile, at Devil's Peak, the search for missing college students, Brody Morgan and Carter Green, continues. Police authorities race against the oncoming hurricane to uncover as much information about the boys' current whereabouts.
Brody Morgan is the son of media mogul, Arthur Morgan. Detective Lesley Reinhart assures the public that the New Orleans Police Department is doing everything in its power to find the boys.
Bo's ears burned. Three paces away, Darrell continued to sing softly to Ava's guitar, but he could see it: a tremble of the lip, a glassy faraway look in the eye. Guilt. Worry.
Darrell appeared to have not heard, but Bo knew he was listening closely.
That night, Bo roused Vincent out of bed, like a spectre at his bedside. They came to a shaky agreement behind the house.
"If we do it now, it'll be the end of it."
"Wait. I'm not too sure. Let me talk to him."
Vincent scoffed - a harsh nasal puff. "You think he'll admit to it? Idiot."
Bo grabbed him by the shirt. "You don't move til I say you can."
All was quiet and gray the next day. Percy sat at the dining table, her fingers clacked busily on the keyboard as she wove a new chapter. She peered over her glasses at the amassing clouds from the window. "This must be what they mean by 'the calm before the storm'," she remarked. 
Darrell was sitting in the chair next to her, poring over one of the books she had written. "You made Halloran look like Bo," he noted with an amused smile. 
"I did." She watched him fondly. She reached over and pushed a stray strand of hair from his face. "You know what, maybe I should give Halloran a sidekick." 
Darrell looked up, brown eyes gleaming. 
"I think I have an idea on what he might look like."
Darrell put down the book and rested his chin on her shoulder. He squinted at the walls of text on her document. "That's a whole lotta words, Momma," he sighed. 
Percy smiled, feeling rather proud of herself. "No big feat, to me. What do you think so far?"
Darrell gave it a good, careful read. He sighed softy, blown away. "Shucks, I dunno how you do it." 
There was an urgent hammering at the window. Michael stood outside. He held a grubby baseball in his hand. 
"Be right back, Momma," said Darrell. 
"Hey, Mikey," he said at the door. "Don't think it's good weather to play catch in. Alia won't approve." 
Michael stared up at him, lips sealed. He tilted his head and raised the ball again. His posture hinting that he wasn't asking. 
Darrell took the ball and the glove he had brought. In their game, Darrell was the only one who did the throwing and catching. Michael would hit the ball as hard as he could with a bat, and watch as Darrell struggled to catch it. Peak entertainment. 
"Further?" Darrell called from down the street, the House of Wax behind him. 
Michael kept pointing at him to go further. He was going to knock the ball right out of town. Darrell reeled back and pitched. The bat hit the ball with a deafening thwack!
It rode the air like a comet. Arching high, Darrell knew chasing after it was futile. Then, it dipped, whistling, and crashed through one of the lower windows of the House of Wax. 
The glove slipped off of Darrell's hand. Michael turned on his heels and let the bat clatter on the street. In case they incurred Vincent's wrath, he was detaching himself from the incident. 
Darrell picked his way through the wasteland of discarded car parts, cut through a crack in a wooden fence, and entered the House of Wax. 
The door swung right open and he crossed the slightly dusty threshold. He was greeted by a main room glowing with yellow lamps, filled with intricate carvings that he knew for a fact were all wax. In an odd trick of the eye, the bulbs seemed to fill the room with shadow more than light. The result was dismal and bleak. 
Darrell's thoughts strayed unhappily as he eyed the sculptures. It was as though the misery stored in that room was seeping into his bones. Distracted, he went from one display to another, admiring the detail of each handiwork.
Vincent was so talented. He and Ellie went together perfectly. If only he could understand what he had done that made him so angry. 
There was a rapid clicking on the floor. He recognized it at once as the padding of an animal. Jonesy, tail wagging and mouth bearing the rogue ball, watched him from a safe distance. 
Darrell dropped to a crouch. "Hey, girl! Good job! Give it here." 
Jonesy tucked tail and ran. 
"Hey, no! Come back!" Darrell gave chase and stumbled from one room to another.  Jonesy girl, no! I'm not supposed to be in here."
He came upon the back of the building, past an elaborately decorated dining room, and into a doorway that led to the basement. 
There were sconces in the walls, housing steadily burning candles. Embedded among these were different faces, each with a unique expression. Darrell followed the faces upwards and looked overhead. Spanning the ceiling, her eight spindly legs astride the stairway, was Arachne - Horrid, freakish, and beautiful all at once. Face smooth with youth. Bosom full and immodestly bare. Eyes hungry. Head held high with pride. 
"What is this place?" muttered Darrell. 
Bark! Jonesy had dropped the ball at the bottom of the stairs. 
Darrell crept down the steps. As he was reaching for the ball, Jonesy's jaws snapped at his wrist and she made off with the ball again. He walked into the room. It felt like a furnace. Great, big cauldrons of wax hung on chains over large fires. Knives, saws, and sculpting tools hung on the walls. A bloodstained steel table stood in the middle of the room. 
But worst of all, there was a figure - human-shaped - suspended in a macabre iron contraption.  
Darrell was pulled to it by some sick fascination. He thought he could see the glimmer of an eye under the rough wax, blue and bright. He stood inspecting the thing, heart hammering. 
Its fingers twitched, and Darrell screamed. 
He spun around and found himself face to face with Vincent. There was a knife in his hand. 
Darrell interposed the table between them and made a run for the stairs after circling it twice. Vincent tried to grab him by the hair but missed. 
Darell ran right into Michael in the dining room. The taller man stepped in and locked Vincent's wrist in a crushing grip. 
Vincent had landed a punch on Michael's jaw. Michael recovered almost immediately and was able to grab the blade of the knife just as it was about to pierce his side. Blood dribbled onto the floor. 
He changed his hold on the blade, used his free hand to hold Vincent's arm, and knocked the weapon out of his grasp. 
When he looked back, Darrell was gone. He was sprinting down Main Street, sweating, panting, heart hammering. He understood it now - why the town had felt so empty, why the girls had tried to keep him entertained indoors at all times, why the sculptures looked so real. 
Lester found him sitting on the curb sometime after dinner. "Y'alright there, buddy?" he inquired cheerfully. 
Darrell did not respond. 
Lester sat down beside him. "I, uh, heard what happened." 
"S'Mikey ok?" 
"Yep. Didn't feel a thing, Alia said. He's been patched up." Lester took a crumpled pack from his pocket and lit a cigarette. 
"Ya in on it, Les?" 
Lester did not respond.
"Y'know," Lester began, "What we do out here, we been doin' it a long time. An' ya know, you can get used ta anythin' if you're 'round it long enough. It ain't easy to put it down."
He blew the smoke out and brought Darrell's attention to the cigarette. The red glowing tip flickered as he waved it around.
"It's like quitttin', ya know?" he explained, "Ya can't just do it." 
Darrell was nodding. He knew how that felt. 
"Besides, this is my family," Lester added, "I love them. More than anythin'."
Darrell had begun to think of them as his family, too. It had felt too good to be true. 
"Here's one for ya. Those missing kids, d'you do that?"
Darrell glanced sideways at Lester. There was no judgment in his eyes, no hate like in Vinny's. His expression was open, sincere. 
"D'you kill 'em?" 
Darrell resigned himself and said, "Killed more than just them." 
"Are you gonna stay with us?" 
"Can I?" 
There was thunder overhead. They raised their eyes to the sky. Lester grinned. "Anyway, with that comin', you ain't goin' nowhere." 
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nardo-headcanons · 1 year
Here's the prologue of my crack fic "My roommate can't possibly be Sasuke Uchiha!"
a/n: I wrote this for funsies lmao btw I do not have an ao3 account, lmk if i should post it there too. sorry for weird pacing. also in this household we love Sasuke. if you don't like that, this fic might not be something for you.
They looked into each other's eyes. It had been three years since they had last seen each other. Naruto felt a pounding in his head, it was as if time stood still. Standing before him was his lost team partner, right next to the village's enemy, Orochimaru. Sakura too was shocked at the sight. He had changed so much. He had grown, his gaze more apathetic than ever. Dark strands fell into his face and stood out clearly against his pale skin. Kakashi felt an uncomfortable tension in the air, as if it was electrically charged. He saw his former student looking down at them. He embodied his failure as sensei and all the pain a shinobi had to endure wordlessly.
A lukewarm breeze brushed through her hair. "Sasuke...", Naruto muttered. "Hey, dumbass," he replied. Quickly, Naruto regained his composure. "Sasuke, you idiot! Don't you see? We all came here to get you! Come back to the village with us! We'll beat up Orochimaru!" The latter sighed. "You never understood me then and you still don't. As before, you are a naive fool." Sakura looked sadly at the ground. Naruto clenched his hand into a fist. "What are you talking about! You're my friend! I'm not leaving you with a guy like that!" These words elicited a cynical smirk from Sasuke. Quick as a flash, he jumped down to Naruto and landed softly like a feather in front of him. "All this time you've been chasing after me, you should have been more focused on your training. Didn't you want to be the Hokage?" he sneered. "I'd be the most miserable Hokage in shinobi history if I didn't manage to save a friend." As Naruto spoke, Sasuke reached for his sword. "If you didn't want a friend outside the village, you should have killed me." Kakashi acted immediately, grabbing Sasuke's wrist and lunging a counter-attack, which Sasuke expertly blocked. With Chidori he scattered the team and made Sakura hit a sharp rock, which made her sink to the ground unconscious. Sasuke readied his katana for the final blow.
Kakashi realised there was no other way to intervene and formed the finger signs for his new, long practised jutsu. With this, he could bring Sasuke back to Konoha without the need for further blood. His sharingan began to glow and ache. The pressure in his eye kept building until he hit his former student with his ability. Sasuke felt himself being sucked into a small, dark spot from which not even light could escape. "What, what is this eye power?!" the latter exclaimed. "I'm calling it, Kamui", Kakashi replied, "I'm sorry, Sasuke." In a few seconds, there was no trace of Sasuke. As if he had vanished into thin air.
Arriving in Konoha, Kakashi tried to free the trapped Uchiha again. Around him were several Anbu whose job it was to immobilise him immediately. He formed the finger signs and stared at the point where Sasuke should reappear.
But nothing happened. Everyone stumbled. Kakashi tried again. Again nothing.
Naruto, who had been watching, was seized with anger and panic. "Where is Sasuke?! Kakashi-sensei, what have you done to him?!"
Kakashi gulped. "I don't know."
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every time I read about shitty landlords and read all the bullshit comments defending landlords for never going for social housing tenants I get so fucking angry. which, for a reminder to everyone: you are only ever one two pay day/s or paycheck/s away from homelessness or some other major life altering change for the worst... meaning you'll be next in line on the 10 year waiting list for social housing in my state of australia, new south wales.
because yeah, dgmw- a select few may or do leave properties in significant disrepair or completely ruin them.... I've seen the damage both on TV.... and through my cadetship in social housing last year. also heard about damage through that program, too, from both the workers where I was and the other people in the program etc etc. because for many people, esp if they've been long-term homeless for an extended period of time, they may not know how to live in a home or actively feel safe in a home and other things. it was our job, where i was working, to connect them with services to sustain their tenancies and help them live better lives.
but over the last year working in social housing, I learnt to hate landlords, even more than i already did previously. most especially the horrendous type of landlord that thinks they can just walk into their tenants' property at will, any time they want..... for idek.... just to "check they're stacking their plates right in MY cupboards. all day. every day. ".... or the like, which is a statement that was sneered down the phone..... not even considering time for ANY notice of inspection or entry.... entirely ignoring the tenants' privacy and "right to quiet enjoyment" which is stated in new south wales tenancy law and tenancy agreements.
we had to frequently remind these types of assholes that they could NOT enter the property without permission from the tenant (eg for repairs) or also us (inspections, repairs etc); or without express notice to the tenant, from themselves; or the real estate (repairs and inspections.... again sometimes in partnership with us). or also, in an emergency situation, they could enter the property for obvious reasons.
EVERYONE has EVERY fucking right to fucking hate landlords... and MOST ESPECIALLY when quite a few of them want to play with peoples lives like they're disposable toys. just invade privacy whenever they fucking want for funsies.... all bc apparently "oh no. MY PROPERTY may be damaged from this tenant not stacking plates to MY standard of presentation!!!!!! let me just enter their house- no. sorry. MY house - while they're at work, without asking them.... and then tell them some time later down the track. checkmate." and other bizarre utter bullshit excuses these assholes had.... and that i've also seen on my area's uni buy and sell page, when people have posted about their nightmare landlords over the years; looking for legal advice.
just. i fucking hate landlords. and tbh, I'm so glad I left that job. it was Too Much™️ dealing with these asshole landlords and their fucked up mind game ass questions and the mind games they wanted to play with their tenants and US.... always trying to tell any of the workers that I transferred them to on the phone, that "i'll ALWAYS know more about tenancy than YOU. because i've been a landlord for 30 years. what do YOU know???" no. the fuck. you do NOT know about MODERN tenancies, vernon or madeira. you need a real fucking job..... instead of thinking it's fun to have an express avenue to snoop into peoples lives in your free time. maybe brush up on CURRENT tenancy law, and don't pull the weird shit that you were pulling back in the 90s.... which was probably still fucked up borderline illegal or fully illegal landlord behaviour bullshit, in the 90s, anyway.
but hey. what the fuck do I know??? I was born in the mid-90s. more than likely, i will NEVER own a house of my own... or probably will never even move out of home... because of your bullshit gatekeeping of property: always raising rents and property prices.... and/or wasting actually useable and valuable living spaces for air bnbs and so-called "investment properties."
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