#changeling julian bashir
stopthatbluecat · 1 year
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Gods changelings just LOVE to be Julian Bashir. They love it, can't get enough of it. They slip into Julian form and do a little twirl about it I bet.
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lesbian-odo · 4 months
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boreal-sea · 10 months
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I do choose to believe that even the changeling impersonating him was like "yeah you know what that cardassian does kinda fuck, I can see it."
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Angsty fic where Garak isn't in love with Julian at the time that Julian gets kidnapped... But, despite his best efforts, he does fall for the changeling.
They're both fascinated by each other, and even though Garak is appalled - he has so many reasons to hate the Founders! - he can't help himself. The mutual attraction is there and after a month of dancing around each other they go for it.
The thing is, while Garak was genuinely fond of Julian, he can only have Julian or the changeling. And, Cardassia forsake him, he wants the changeling, whether or not it damns the doctor.
And then the narrative plays out as it always did. The changeling takes a shuttle into the sun. The real Doctor Bashir returns to the station.
But he's no longer Garak's Julian.
@tokidokifish I don't know if this was the sort of thing you were thinking, but these tags gave me brainworms I'd never have had without them:
#honestly now that i think about it i'm surprised i've never seen#a legitimate doomed-by-canon changeling!julian/garak fic
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Sorry if someone's already made this poll I am just DYING to know if anyone else finds it hard to believe, as the show seems to expect us to do, that he entirely failed to notice both these things.
Speaking for myself, I can accept the possibility that Julian was clever enough to hide his enhancements from even a trained spy, especially given his decades of practice at it. But personally I just cannot believe Garak didn't at least suspect something was off when Julian got replaced.
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2063april5 · 1 year
Julian: did you see the Federation News? Admiral Picard is dealing with the fucking Changelings now, ha! Good luck. We needed a Jesus Christ style deification to get rid of those last time
Garak: Yes, my dear, and did you see what happened to that poor former captain Riker?
Julian: ... Elim
Garak: I hear his wife is a betazoid, the daughter of that, err, lovely Madam Troi that married good Odo for a week that one time
Julian: Elim I know what you-
Garak: it does make one wonder, doesn't it? If a betazoid woman in her... middle age thing, how is it called?
Julian: we just call it "the phase"
Garak: very scientific, Doctor, as always. If a betazoid woman undergoing "the phase", in full control of her empathetic abilities, could be fooled... It follows that the changelings would be able to mimic even the very signature of a person's emotions, and isn't that something?
Julian: the fact that Deanna fucked a changeling doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that you fucked a changeling, Garak
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defconprime · 1 year
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
DS9 seems to have unlocked new pathways in whatever part of my brain controls attraction and it's weird 😅
I keep catching myself thinking things like "it's kind of hot when he snaps", "I actually rather like him dark and feral", and "he looks pretty good a bit bashed around"
...oh no I'm becoming a Tumblr fangirl aren't I
Well at least this is objectively one of the funniest characters to become a Tumblr fangirl for, everyone else has their serial killers war criminals and people slowly being driven mad by reality and I'm just sitting here pointing at the sweetest gentlest man in existence
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Dr. Julian Bashir's clinical depression kicks in after the one-two punch of the Dominion prison camp and getting outed as an augment, and then rages unchecked for the rest of show.
The only thing he does is work, and every waking hour after that is spent getting cheap hits of serotonin. If you aren't down with holoprograms, I am so sorry, my man does not have the capacity to interact with you. Move along.
No one noticed he was replaced? Oh the changeling was actually... you- you liked him better? Yeah that's cool. haha guess I understand. Let's just pack that up to deal with never.
He's numb for so long that he's convinced that the first whisper of human emotion he manages to eke out must be something big and important like love. (I'm so sorry, Sarina, babe. He is too. He'll do it again, but he is sorry.)
And then he skillfully avoids getting help by fucking the only available therapist in the area. Depression-ass behavior.
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libraflyter · 2 months
I want a post Dr. Bashir I Presume fic where after the reveal, Garak is angry. Not because of the lying, but because Julian had a secret that was a blackmailer’s dream and yet he still befriended Garak. Garak the exiled spy. Someone who not only could have uncovered the secret but had incentive to use it against Julian. He is incandescently angry that Julian Bashir has such terrible self preservation.
I want a whole feelings fic about this. Garak trying to figure out why he’s angry and not impressed. He should be impressed! Julian is a better liar than he knew and that should please him, not anger him.
Garak has never had the anger you get when you find out after the fact someone you love did something that could have hurt/killed them and yes it’s okay now but you need them to know how unacceptable it was, how they need to understand they can’t hold themselves so cheaply and promise to never do it again.
Where there’s a confrontation (because of course Garak is avoiding Julian and that only works until Julian is fed up with him) and it turns into a big fight which is ultimately about how much Garak cares about his dear doctor. Garak finally understands why he’s so upset. That the augment reveal was the last straw in his tangled feelings about how much danger his doctor was in that he didn’t see. He didn’t see the changeling and he didn’t see this (and he didn’t save his father) and safety is both an illusion and something Garak is supposed to provide to His People.
If Julian is going to be so reckless, if Garak can’t stop him he must have enough information to protect him.
(Odds of Garak planting hidden trackers on Julian: very high. Julian is going to feel both violated and relieved when section 31’s kidnapping is uncovered so quickly.)
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While i understand some of the doylist reasons for why garak was not in Doctor Bashir, I Presume (Andrew Robinson being too expensive to have on the show for three episodes in a row, the season already having exceeded its Gayness Quota, etc) from a Watsonian perspective his absence is outrageously out of character. You’re telling me  that Plain Simple Garak, who singled out Bashir as the most manipulatable Star fleet officer and went to the replicomat to hit on him aggressively by the second episode WHILE HIGH OUT OF HIS MIND wouldn’t AT THE LEAST break into Julian’s quarters (again) to see what was up???? You’re saying that Garak “literally just found out that bashir had been replaced by a changeling for a month” wasn’t paying close enough attention to Julian to realise anything was happening????? Garak “my estranged dad just died” wouldn’t care about Julian’s estranged parents being in town?????????? THAT Garak????????????????????? The only possible reason i can think of for him not being there is that he was at Tain’s funeral, which is never implied in the episode. Why wasn’t he there Star Trek creators explain yourselves 
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youngpettyqueen · 20 days
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
For DS9 <3
cracks my knuckles
alright so ive kinda covered the infantilization of Julian Bashir in my last answer and this is somewhat related because when people do this with him they also tend to make him out to be a lot more insecure than he is in canon, and in relation to that they also make him a total doormat who just lets people walk all over him which is. absolutely not what he's like. at all
Julian does have some degree of self-loathing and imposter syndrome but I think its vitally important to understand this as his anger and loathing being directed towards what was done to him. its not as simple as him hating himself- he hates what was done to him, so while there is a degree of self-loathing, that anger is also directed outwards at his parents and every doctor who had a part in augmenting him
I think takes where Julian is deeply insecure about being, like, really talkative are just incorrect. I dont read that from him at all. Julian is very unapologetically and loudly himself and he doesnt apologize for any of it. his confidence in himself is one of his defining character traits. ive seen takes that all of that is a front and I just dont agree with those takes. I agree that he has some degree of insecurity and that is related to his augmentations and some imposter syndrome based on that, but when it comes to things like how much he talks, his difficulties with reading social cues, I dont think he's particularly insecure. again, this is in relation to the very popular headcanon that Julian is autistic, and people take the traits he has that are common autistic traits, and make him insecure about them, and that tends to lead straight into takes I see where people make him out to be a doormat who cant stand up for himself
I genuinely have no idea where the fanon version of Julian that is incapable of sticking up for himself comes from. ive seen it in some fics, and in some headcanons, and it makes me wonder if we watched the same show. I dont think Julian cares all that much about jokes made at his expense about how chatty he is or how childish he can be. the one time I can think of that we see him get even slightly upset by jokes of that nature is when everyone is ganging up on him for his holosuite programs, and even then, he's not insecure about it he's annoyed cause he's being ganged up on by multiple people. Miles makes a lot of jokes at his expense and thats their general banter- Julian gives it back as good as he gets. same with Garak. ive seen people act like Miles telling Julian the Changeling was better was a horrible heartless thing and sure, it wasn't a great thing to say, but thats just. how they talk to each other. the cornerstone of their dynamic is them ribbing each other. same with how Miles and especially Garak will joke about Julian's augmentations- ive seen people act like this is horrible on their ends, while I read it as its their way of normalizing it for Julian and showing their acceptance of it. and if Julian really didnt like it, he would say something. he's not shy!
idk I feel like some of that might come from The Wire in how Julian sits back and takes Garak's yelling at him and attacking him, but to me thats just Julian being really good at handling a crisis situation. as someone who deals with crisis situations as part of my job, what Julian is doing is just trying to de-escalate the situation. he's keeping himself very neutral and letting Garak rant- if he were to snap back in that moment, it would only escalate things further, which he was trying to avoid. this is exactly what youre supposed to do when faced with someone in crisis. its also worth mentioning that Garak was going through agonizing withdrawals, so I doubt Julian was taking anything Garak was saying to heart. he responds to him like he's taking him seriously, for the purpose of de-escalating the situation and trying to calm Garak down. thats not an indication that Julian is incapable of standing up for himself and will just let himself be walked over, but rather that he just. knows how to handle a crisis
the infantilized oh-so-innocent deeply insecure eternally bullied Julian Bashir that I see exist in some fanon circles is just. so bizarre to me. it takes so much of nuance away from his character and im not sure what for? ive seen it used in some fics to bolster Garak up as this protector for him and im not a fan of twisting their dynamic to be like that, it takes a lot of the intricacies of their dynamic away in favour of loading them up with tropes. I think people forget that Julian very successfully kept his augmentations hidden for over half his life and would've continued to keep them hidden if his parents hadn't fucked it all up. I also think people forget that Julian is perfectly capable of and WILL stick up for himself, and that a lot of his anger at his situation is directed outward. turning him into this weird version of himself that is very woe-is-me just does nothing for me and is very divorced from how he actually is. he's snappy and rude as hell when he wants to be, he's not taking shit lying down, doesnt matter who it comes from
also a smaller thing but it annoys me every time cause I get it in notes on my posts. when people say Julian's self-sacrificing tendencies come from his need to be useful I wanna whack them with a rolled up newspaper. its because he wants to SAVE PEOPLE it is explicitly about SAVING PEOPLE he isnt trying to die to be useful his goal when he runs through fire is to help and to save because he is, at his core, a doctor and a healer!! its about the preservation of life and doing everything he can!! its not about this weird complex fanon gives him where he needs to be useful or die trying to justify his existence or whatever I dont read that at all from him. he's just that determined to save lives
hope you enjoyed this ramble I have many thoughts and feelings on this
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Unlike the last one, I will be writing one (1) of these once the poll is over. Choose wisely.
Please share if you know anyone you think would like to vote.
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
I was thinking last night about how it would have affected Julian if he'd arrived a few seconds too late to that Cargo Bay in Hard Time and Miles had died in front of him (because that's always a fun (distressing) scene to imagine 👀) and that kind of spiralled into a whole canon-divergent 'verse...
Because then I got to The Quickening, and while I don't think Kira and Dax would have let a more emotionally-vulnerable Julian actually stay on the planet by himself for that whole time, if they did (or if he refused to beam up/ threw away his badge so they couldn't find him/ idk otherwise made it so they had to leave him) (because if anything he's going to be even MORE convinced he has to save every life he possibly can) it would obviously be even more devastating.
And I can imagine that, after all that time that Julian has spent with Ekoria and looking after her, Trevean might ask if Julian's going to take her baby or leave him to be raised on Teplan. In the canon universe Julian's obviously like *nervous laughter* "no I think he'll be better off with you... I could not raise a child" but in this 'verse he's entered his Feeling-All-The-Loneliness-Feels phase early and so is like "fuck I can't raise a kid but also I Literally Cannot Leave This Child It Would Kill Me" and so he takes Ekoria's baby back to DS9.
He takes his kid to the medical conference he goes to with Jake which, valid, but then they get the distress call from Ajilon Prime* and he's like "I can't take my baby to a warzone" and Jake's like "I'll look after him, it sounds like these people need you" and Julian's pretty torn but also he does Need To Save People so they go and, uh. Like I think reactions are pretty mixed about the baby but Julian is literally a Lifesaver so no-one's gonna complain too much and some of the patients want to hold Maris (the kid's called Maris after Ekoria's husband I decided) and it's sweet, y'know, to have a moment outside of the war and pain with this tiny lil bab.
[*Umm yeah this was just me jumping to the most fun (traumatic) events to imagine as I tried to go to sleep so forgive me but...]
Obviously Jake doesn't go off to the runabout with the kid so he still gets lost and when he returns Julian's cradling the baby and idk but my heart just imagining the scene where Julian's like "I should never have brought you here, what was I thinking?" is just MORE with him having his own son there too.
And then we skip to IPS/BIL and Julian's in the prison camp not knowing if his baby is alive and then coming back to realise the changeling has been parenting his son for a month (and having to run multiple test on Maris to check if his baby is actually his or if Maris is a changeling too) and also no-one even noticed he was missing even though apparently his kid had been crying like all the time (and fuck, how fucked up is that going to leave Maris because that sort of thing affects kids when it happens that young, right? anxietyyyy)
(also Miles would have noticed I wasn't me, Julian thinks. because he needs more reasons to feel sad.)
And then DBIP in this 'verse makes me UNHINGED because IMAGINE a Julian Bashir who hit his depression point a season earlier but has been teetering along okay since Maris came along now that he has this whole little life to look after and he will do Anything for his child. (okay apart from stay away from warzones when there are people to save but you know. basically anything)
Anyway yeah so Julian's got Maris with him in Sisko's office when Jadzia turns up with his parents and he is FAR less able to cope than canon Julian is because 1. more emotional instability, but mostly 2. he is a Dad with a Kid and NOPE he cannot have his parents anywhere near his baby that is Not Happening.
He has his oh, my god moment and then hands Maris to Sisko being like "Your grandson is lovely, Commander" and Ben and Jadzia are like ??? but play along and Julian finds some quarters for his parents and by the time they've got there with all the small talk of "hah, for a second there I thought you'd be telling us we have grandkids! when are you going to settle down with a nice girl, Jules?" he's ready to burst but his kid's still with Sisko so he just excuses himself with "I've got to work" and hurries back...
Dax and Sisko totally haven't been gossiping about him and they're all like "So what was that about? Grandson??" and he's like "You saw how they kept calling me Jules, right? I haven't gone by that name since I was 15. And my dad saying he had to convince me to do medicine?? He hated the idea of me being a doctor. I had to study for Starfleet in secret because he just couldn't let go of the idea of his son being a famous tennis player. And now he's convinced himself my career was all his idea!" and is getting angrier and sadder and Maris starts crying and so he's hushing him like "it's okay, i'm sorry, i'm not angry with you, i love you, you're safe, i'm not going to hurt you" -- just idle things he's not really thinking about
Ofc Sisko and Dax are immediately on it like, "Why are you saying that? Did your parents hurt you...?"
And Julian's like a deer in the headlights, and awkwardly replying, "Not, like... My father didn't get as angry with me once I was seven and had grown up a bit, got more capable.. and I hit my growth spurt when I was 14, I got bigger than him, he didn't really do anything after that."
"That's not really an answer," Sisko tells him.
Julian's body stills for a moment. "Isn't it?" he replies quietly, looking up at the captain.
And then Sisko gets Kira involved to kick his parents off the station and you think the augment reveal isn't going to happen because Julian deserves a break and his parents are gone and can't fuck it up anymore ...
BUT, nah: Zimmerman - realising he's not going to get his precious interviews after all - decides to bug Julian's parents (because what's privacy when you have a job to do?). And then Rom realises that Zimmerman is cocking up a load of things on the LMH deliberately because he doesn't want to replace the EMH* and looks into Zimmerman's files and finds the report he's going to send and blackmails the guy* (there's gotta be a rule of acquisition about that right?) into not sending the report.
[*Not my idea -- this was the original plan for the episode, though with Miles, not Rom.]
Also after all this Julian really feels like he needs to punch something he goes to Quark's to viciously hurl sharp pointy objects at a board because that's the next best thing -- but also he hasn't exactly done that since Miles, and why is the fucking dartboard still up anyway it's not like anyone else ever uses it so he has another minor breakdown over that and tries to rip it down until Leeta drags him into a storeroom.
(oh yeah I totally think Leeta would have broken up with him when he turned up with a baby -- like not in a mean way, just in a "I'm sorry Julian, I love you, but I'm not ready for a kid (and also you did just leave me for a month without sending a message and you definitely didn't think about me before agreeing to adopt the kid, did you?)" kind of way, y'know? but they're still friends and she still definitely cares for him.)
(idk when rom tells Julian what he did to zimmerman but when he does he's also awkwardly like "oh and I wish you and Leeta all the best" and Julian's like ???? and Rom's like "I saw you with her in the storeroom earlier. she called you sweetheart" or something and has assumed they're back together.)
And that's as far as I got but I just had to write it up so far because it has haunted me all day and I just need to get it out there.
Thanks for reading my stream of thoughts 💔
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Official DS9 Character Bracket
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/13 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Alexander Rozhenko vs. Keiko O’Brien: poll here
Mora Pol vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Vedek Bareil vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Sirella vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Gilora Rejal and Ulani Belor: poll here
Curzon Dax vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Ishka: poll here
Brunt vs. Maihar’du: poll here
Kai Winn vs. Chief Miles O’Brien: poll here
Rom vs. Mila: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Joran Dax: poll here
The Klingon Chef vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Jennifer Sisko: poll here
Goran’Agar vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Shakaar: poll here
Sarah Sisko vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Female Changeling: poll here
Solok vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Natima Lang vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Grand Nagus Zek vs. Keevan: poll here
Sarina Douglas vs. Gul Dukat: poll here
Admiral William Ross vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Pel: poll here
Nog vs. Morn: poll here
Michael Eddington vs. Tora Ziyal: poll here
Jack, Patrick and Lauren vs. Constable odo: poll here
Tekeny Ghemor vs. Lenara Kahn: poll here
Dr. Elizabeth Lense vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Luther Sloan vs. Counselor Ezri Dax: poll here
Major Kira Nerys vs. Kor, Kang and Koloth: poll here
Mirror! Worf vs. Grilka: poll here
Baby Changeling vs. Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Keiko O’Brien vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Brunt: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Rom: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Legate Damar vs. Grand Nagus Zek: poll here
Gul Dukat vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Nog: poll here
Tora Ziyal vs. Constable Odo: poll here
Lenara Kahn vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Ezri Dax vs. Kira Nerys: poll here
Grilka vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Three:
Left Side:
Lwaxana Troi vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Quark vs. Martok: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Lt. Commander Worf vs. Nog: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Kira Nerys vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Left Side:
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Quark: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Lt. Cmdr. Worf: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
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littlebunnywitch · 3 months
Agere Julian Bashir Rambles
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To start off I do kin Julian so my preferences and HC are influenced by that.
Since I'm not to sure where to start with this post I will start with some general information about Julian I HC. He's Autistic and has Adhd. This was not "fixed" by the genetic modification. They treated some side effects, enhance his intelligent capability and physically changed parts of him but alot of it was also them teaching and training him to mask / punishing him for behavior they deemed bad. He canonically has Echolalia (Through out the show we see him repeat others sometimes afew times before reacting to what they have said). He does stim in the show as well. One of my personal HC though is that he has a soft spot for Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. It was one of the few books when he was younger and just found out what his parents did to him that made him feel... more like a person then a monster. It isn't a very well known book due to being rather old though. He also has a love hate relationship with Frankestein by Mary Shelley
He is a Demasking Regressor / Vent & Trauma Regressor. Garak is his main CG but Miles O'Brien or Odo will look after him if Garak can't. However he doesn't call any CG by parental terms due to his own trauma relating to his mother and father. Often instead calling them by nicknames (Gargar for Garak) (Mi for Miles) (Dodo for Odo)
HOWEVER Miles and His relationship was damaged when O'Brien claimed that the changeling was easier to get along with. When Julian stopped going to Miles when he was little that is when Garak introduced Odo to Little Julian because Garak didn't want to leave Julian without anyone else on station he could be little around and Garak trusts Odo. The shapeshifter does enjoy Julian's company when the doctor is little (even if he won't always admit it). His age range is baby to 7 year old. He has a tendency to go semi verbal to nonverbal when little.
Little Julian has a soft spot for Winnie the Pooh (Tigger is his favorite character because Kukalaka is way better then Winnie) but he does have a Winnie the Pooh Chess set.
Both Little or Not Julian often has stim toys on him and he has a large collection of stim toys in his room and in the infirmary. The ones kept in the infirmary he'll sometimes give away to Patients who need them.
Sometimes it can be hard for others to tell if Julian is little or not due to his more cheerful and playful attitude normally.
It takes him a long while to understand and accept that he didn't kill Jules. And that he and Jules was and are the same person. But over time he does accept the nickname Jules when he's little as a way to reclaim the childhood he should have had.
The picture I drew of Little Julian - Just assume that Garak made Jules teddy bear hoodie that's inside has fabric that looks like space.
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