#changeling bashir
boreal-sea · 10 months
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I do choose to believe that even the changeling impersonating him was like "yeah you know what that cardassian does kinda fuck, I can see it."
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lesbian-odo · 4 months
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stopthatbluecat · 1 year
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Gods changelings just LOVE to be Julian Bashir. They love it, can't get enough of it. They slip into Julian form and do a little twirl about it I bet.
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Angsty fic where Garak isn't in love with Julian at the time that Julian gets kidnapped... But, despite his best efforts, he does fall for the changeling.
They're both fascinated by each other, and even though Garak is appalled - he has so many reasons to hate the Founders! - he can't help himself. The mutual attraction is there and after a month of dancing around each other they go for it.
The thing is, while Garak was genuinely fond of Julian, he can only have Julian or the changeling. And, Cardassia forsake him, he wants the changeling, whether or not it damns the doctor.
And then the narrative plays out as it always did. The changeling takes a shuttle into the sun. The real Doctor Bashir returns to the station.
But he's no longer Garak's Julian.
@tokidokifish I don't know if this was the sort of thing you were thinking, but these tags gave me brainworms I'd never have had without them:
#honestly now that i think about it i'm surprised i've never seen#a legitimate doomed-by-canon changeling!julian/garak fic
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Sorry if someone's already made this poll I am just DYING to know if anyone else finds it hard to believe, as the show seems to expect us to do, that he entirely failed to notice both these things.
Speaking for myself, I can accept the possibility that Julian was clever enough to hide his enhancements from even a trained spy, especially given his decades of practice at it. But personally I just cannot believe Garak didn't at least suspect something was off when Julian got replaced.
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2063april5 · 1 year
Julian: did you see the Federation News? Admiral Picard is dealing with the fucking Changelings now, ha! Good luck. We needed a Jesus Christ style deification to get rid of those last time
Garak: Yes, my dear, and did you see what happened to that poor former captain Riker?
Julian: ... Elim
Garak: I hear his wife is a betazoid, the daughter of that, err, lovely Madam Troi that married good Odo for a week that one time
Julian: Elim I know what you-
Garak: it does make one wonder, doesn't it? If a betazoid woman in her... middle age thing, how is it called?
Julian: we just call it "the phase"
Garak: very scientific, Doctor, as always. If a betazoid woman undergoing "the phase", in full control of her empathetic abilities, could be fooled... It follows that the changelings would be able to mimic even the very signature of a person's emotions, and isn't that something?
Julian: the fact that Deanna fucked a changeling doesn't make me feel any better about the fact that you fucked a changeling, Garak
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Bashir: I know exactly what they're from: A biological samples container... when I analyzed the fragments I detected traces of a complex organic structure
Odo: Translate, Doctor
Bashir: It suggests Ibudan might have been conducting some sort of medical experiment on board his ship
OKAY it may just be the autism in me, but the first statement was not confusing at all? And Bashir just had to extrapolate from there that Odo meant "translate the situation" not "translate an organic structure?"
I love Star Trek and will defend it to my deathbed but their overreliance on the "translate science to me, science person" phrase drives me up a wall.
If we take this case, 1.) none of the science Julian was describing was in any way complex. 2.) The deductive reasoning that Julian uses (samples container + organic material + hidden away = bizarre experimentation) is fairly simple and, uh, also exactly Odo's job? So it makes more sense he'd deduce that?
I guess my point is it almost seems like they went out of their way to get Odo to say the cliche "translate, doctor" phrase and I am simultaneously fascinated with the hoops they went through to make that happen and also exhausted that the phrase keeps happening.
Anyway, just DS9 thoughts I guess. Brace for more as I fall down the DS9 hole the next few weeks
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defconprime · 1 year
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nutzworth · 8 months
the man with the brown skin is a human! he's dr. julian bashir :3 the lady with the spots is a trill and her name is jadzia dax! she has a sentient worm in her and is transgender. love wins!!!!
bashir bashir i know bashir! jadzia.... thats beautiful. she has a worm in her. thats beautiful. thank you oleandy my knowledge of ds9 comes from my 1 mutual and i know like 4 characters total
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 2 years
My innermost desire is to know, what the cardassian necktrick ist about. Did Odo geht scales? Did his neck change into a cardassian one and grew longer and longer? Did I not catch something in the series?
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
DS9 seems to have unlocked new pathways in whatever part of my brain controls attraction and it's weird 😅
I keep catching myself thinking things like "it's kind of hot when he snaps", "I actually rather like him dark and feral", and "he looks pretty good a bit bashed around"
...oh no I'm becoming a Tumblr fangirl aren't I
Well at least this is objectively one of the funniest characters to become a Tumblr fangirl for, everyone else has their serial killers war criminals and people slowly being driven mad by reality and I'm just sitting here pointing at the sweetest gentlest man in existence
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minomadamu · 4 months
DS9 is interesting bc u can guess the quality of the episode based on who the focal character/s is/are
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blunderpuff · 1 year
augh, awful realization: Odo was infected with the Founders' Disease when he visited Starfleet on Earth in Season 4... but the Baby Changeling was in Season 5... Fake!Bashir cured the Baby Changeling of its radiation poisoning... only for Odo to (accidentally and unknowingly) infect it with the Founders' Disease, and THAT is why it died
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Dr. Julian Bashir's clinical depression kicks in after the one-two punch of the Dominion prison camp and getting outed as an augment, and then rages unchecked for the rest of show.
The only thing he does is work, and every waking hour after that is spent getting cheap hits of serotonin. If you aren't down with holoprograms, I am so sorry, my man does not have the capacity to interact with you. Move along.
No one noticed he was replaced? Oh the changeling was actually... you- you liked him better? Yeah that's cool. haha guess I understand. Let's just pack that up to deal with never.
He's numb for so long that he's convinced that the first whisper of human emotion he manages to eke out must be something big and important like love. (I'm so sorry, Sarina, babe. He is too. He'll do it again, but he is sorry.)
And then he skillfully avoids getting help by fucking the only available therapist in the area. Depression-ass behavior.
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klaipeda-witness · 2 months
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Description of what this is under the cut because it's a BIG SPOILER BEWARE
The changeling pretending to be Bashir figuring out how to do brain surgery on Sisko in S5 E10 Rapture
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lostyesterday · 8 months
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I was curious about which Star Trek shows had the most human vs non-human characters, so I made this graph. I counted all major characters plus characters who were in at least 10 episodes of each respective show (with a few exceptions for incredibly minor characters who are technically in more than ten episodes but have barely any/no lines). A full list of characters included is below the cut.
Part/Non-Human: Spock
Human: Kirk, Mccoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, Chapel
Part/Non-Human: Data, Troi, Worf, Guinan
Human: Picard, Riker, La Forge, Crusher, Wesley, Yar, Pulaski, O’Brien, Ogawa
Part/Non-Human: Kira, Odo, Quark, Jadzia, Rom, Nog, Garak, Dukat, Worf, Weyoun, Martok, Leeta, Ezri, Damar, Female Changeling, Winn
Human: Sisko, Bashir, Jake, O’Brien, Keiko, Kasidy, Ross
Part/Non-Human: Torres, Neelix, EMH, Tuvok, Kes, Seven (part Borg counts as not entirely human to me), Seska, Naomi, Icheb
Human: Janeway, Chakotay, Paris, Kim
Part/Non-Human: T’Pol, Phlox, Soval, Shran
Human: Archer, Reed, Tucker, Sato, Mayweather, Forrest
Part/Non-Human: Saru, Tyler (debatable but I’m counting him as partly non-human), L’Rell, Book, T’Rina, Nhan, Rillak, Linus, Zora, Adira (again, debatable, but they’ve got a symbiont so they’re not entirely human to me), Gray
Human: Burnham, Stamets (complicated case but I counted him as still human), Tilly, Culber, Lorca (mirror universe characters are still human, I think), Georgiou, Detmer, Owosekun, Rhys, Bryce, Cornwell, Airiam (she’s still human), Pike, Jett, Nilsson, Pollard, Vance
Part/Non-Human: Picard (for part of the show at least), Elnor, Soji, Narek, Seven, Laris/Talinn (I am just pretending they’re the same character for simplicity), Jack (I guess???)
Human: Musiker, Jurati, Rios, Adam, Riker, Crusher, Shaw, Sidney
Part/Non-Human: Tendi, Shaxs, T’Ana, Barnes, Kayshon
Human: Mariner, Boimler, Rutherford, Freeman, Ransom, Billups
Part/Non-Human: Dal, Gwyn, Zero, Rok-Tahk, Jankom, Murf, Hologram Janeway, Diviner, Drednok
Part/Non-Human: Spock, Una, Hemmer
Human: Pike, La’an, Uhura, Chapel, M’Benga, Ortegas
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