#champion interlude i
pmdobt · 14 hours
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"i'm not letting it go again this time" damn she really tempting fate with that one
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thatone-churro · 2 months
kieran and i end up alone by crawlers… by god someone save me from the brainrot…
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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lady you are talking about a six year old
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ratasum · 1 year
Thinking about the timeframe between the end of WLB/WLW and Interlude, and what Qirri was up to.
We'd pretty much established that after everything in Gyala Delve, Garrus made the decision to go to Agaue in Althoma and spend time with the Olmakhan, finalizing their relationship. Which left Qirri with the krewe, which she wouldn't leave regardless, as the last original member of Misfits Inc still traveling with Dragon's Watch.
But the time between WLW and the Interlude appears to be at bare minimum half a year, so I'm saying creeping up towards a year, putting Qirri at just shy of 27 at this point (her birthday is in the last quarter of the Tyrian year).
Which of course begs the question of what SHE was doing in the meantime.
I think she and the krewe took a couple of trips during this time as opposed to working nonstop (regardless of what canon may say because please let these kids take a break).
Anyway, first trip is over to Rata Sum to spend time with Qirri's family. She hasn't seen her parents or oldest sisters pretty much since she had to go home in HoT for health reasons, save for brief hellos when she had to pass through for whatever reason. It's a chance to spend some time with her family and introduce everyone to the krewe/her partners. (Ympp stayed behind in Cantha, largely as he was happily getting to know Yao in the meantime.)
After some time spent in Rata Sum, a few weeks at least, it was on to Gendarran Fields and the hamlet of Applenook to visit with Vezz, Rissia, and their twin progeny. With the Dragonwatch Krewe taking up the largest room in the nearby inn, they get to catch the former commanders up on everything that's been happening and spend some time with them and the little ones.
It's honestly a much needed break for everyone, especially Qirri, who's very prone to pushing herself until she can't anymore. Something she and Taimi have had in common since they met, really.
After a long several weeks spent with them, it's right back to krewe work until Qirri, Garrus, Vezz, and Rissia are called to Aurene's side for a quiet moment with her before the inevitable. Qirri still questions why she was called, but Aurene insists she couldn't sleep without saying goodbye to her "little sister" as well.
But she did want to see her champions together once more.
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redjademilktea · 5 months
Last night's episode of 4 Sided Dive was absolutely wonderful in terms of the amount of insight and perspective we got. Not only the Crown Keepers interlude, but also for campaign 3's themes as a whole.
Specifically what fascinated me though, was the incredible analogy Aimee drew between the Ruidian culture and colonial influence on indigenous/colonized spaces in real life (around the 1h32m mark for reference). It was amazing question to ask and I'll love Aimee endlessly for it because it touches on am interesting parallel between the discourse surrounding the Exandiran gods and what they thematically can represent to us as an audience.
Before I dive into my thoughts, I want to preface this by saying this is my specific perspective as a queer woman of color and daughter of a refugee. While my year-5-in-a-PhD-program brain may just be over analyzing this too much, what Aimee brought up just deeply resonated with me in a way that I don't really see talked about in discussions around the themes of campaign 3. Additionally, the ideas I'll be talking about borrow heavily from Christine Taitano DeLisle's Placental Politics: CHamoru Women, White Womanhood, and Indigeneity under U.S. Colonialism in Guam (2023). Its an incredible piece on indigenous knowledge production and political action that importantly looks to decenter colonial perspectives and history (and more importantly recenter indigenous histories, knowledge, and perspectives in a way that allows us to dislodge the idea that colonialism is something that is immutable and inevitable.)
To quickly summarize Aimee's point/follow up question, she pointed out that the way Ruidians have engaged with, repurposed, and were resentful towards Exandrian cultures mirrors some of the real life experiences of colonized/marginalized communities in relation to colonialism. It was such a powerful comparison to make because in a lot of ways, the struggle of the Ruidian people over the course of the campaign along with the looming question about the gods and whether or not to save them is (intentional or not) deeply resonant with the idea of colonialism and the ways it is deeply ingrained in the even mundane aspects of our life.
In a lot of ways, the Exandrian pantheon can be seen as a colonial force. One that came in and displaced a preexisting order of things and entrenched itself in the new way of being it established. Ashton and Laudna have repeatedly pointed this out throughout the campaign. There was life and existence before the gods. The gods are merely a different mode of being, not the only and inevitable mode of being. Life, society, and being can and did exist without them.
And its important to recognize that aspect of the gods, because it helps us understand their motivations that much better. Aabria in her description of what Opal saw in the Spider Queen as she tried to take Opal as her champion was poignant. Opal did not see an omniscient, unknowable entity. She saw a woman. A woman who was frustrated, angry, and most importantly frightened. They keep Predathos chained away not to protect life on Exandria nor because they feel a moral obligation to do so. They are doing so because they are afraid. Their mortality is at stake. And, as Aabria keenly pointed out, their pride is as well. Every action, every move is out of self preservation. An attempt to save themselves because Predathos demonstrate that not even the gods are a permanent thing.
You'll find (as Anne Stoler writes about frequently) that colonial systems are much the same. They are vehemently intent on self preservation. Any action they undertake and any narrative they create about themselves is solely done to preserve the way things are currently. And that includes narratives that the way things are currently is somehow inevitable. That things were always coming to this moment. Often, this is done at the expense of framing other modes of being as somehow antithetical to the way things are now. That it needs to be this way. And that this way is right and forever.
To me, its important to recognize these parallels. While Ruidians may engage with, adapt, and innovate off of Exandrian ideas, culture, and art, it is only because - as Aimee aptly phrased it - Exandrian culture as a direct result of the gods actions has "sucked all the air out" everything. What is there to engage with, if not the looming orb in the sky that has shaped every aspect of their existence?
It really brings the campaign-wide question of "should we save the gods?" into new light, at least in my opinion. Because its suddenly not about "saving the gods in a morally righteous act to preserve all life." It becomes a layered and complicated network of issues that makes the answer to that question incredibly difficult to answer. Is preserving the status quo because its how things operate now worth it at the expense of the suffering of others? What would saving the gods and the Ruidians look like? Is it even possible to save both? What changes to how things operate would be a result of that? How would those changes be handled?
I bring this up because there is a tendency in some discourse that I've seen to frame questioning the validity of saving the gods as inherently the "wrong" choice to make. When instead, when you see the cast struggling over the question, its because the answer is not straight forward. The gods are not necessary for life. They never were. They just are necessary for life the way things are now. And the question of what disrupting that means is such a fascinating one to engage with.
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terezis · 1 year
ok here's the hot goss from the nycc taz gn panel
i don't actually know whether or not it was recorded/ if they're going to put it online so here is my summary. also if i miss anything and u were there pls feel free to chime in. spoilers obviously!!!
got eight new preview pages (four two-page spreads), not the pages on the macmillan website!!!
ok i will tell u about those pages but the main thing discussed at the panel was how they went about adapting this arc into gn form. the actual time spent in wonderland has been trimmed a lot bc they had to think about what was actually important to the narrative as they are building to story and song.
basically in planning out the suffering game they also really had to decide what the rest of the series would look like, bc whatever they include now is seeding the stuff that's going to happen later.
cam is not in this book. it was implied there's less wheel spins. rowan/ash/sterling get much less screen time
almost half of this book is lunar interlude stuff (pre and post suffering game, INCLUDING REUNION TOUR!!! no word on where it ends but they made it clear that a LOT of thought went into what to include and where to end it, and what that would mean for the next book)
ok so about those preview pages
first one was post-taakitz date with kravitz sensing a lich and the umbra staff shooting at him <3 <3 <3
i thought they were going to show us the preview pages that were on macmillan so when i saw kravitz i was so shook
second spread was magnus visiting the voidfish, which now happens right before they leave for wonderland; the whole beginning of tsg from magnus trying to talk to pringles to him kidnapping those guards to the chimera fight was cut LOL bc it never really got… addressed again in the podcast
angus comes to get him for the mission but magnus has been going Through It (outright stated, they were like. he found out he's a red robe. he would probably not be handling it well. he has eyebags now. LOL) and snaps at angus when angus presses him on what's wrong.
more angus content, he will be investigating what's going on at the bureau more (his scene w magnus ties into this)
same for lucretia! more content/ stuff for her to do
third spread was merle w his kids getting saved by the red robe, is at a carnival instead of a random street this time LOL
last one was the boys arriving just outside of wonderland
wonderland looks fuckign cool
what else… oh confirmed like eighty panels of bare ass naked magnus after he gets his body back. so i think we really are getting the full reunion tour this book???
omg ALSO!!! ben (editor) said he campaigned REALLY HARD to have the umbra staff break during the suffering game, freeing lup early, bc he really wanted more time with her, but griffin campaigned really hard NOT to do this, and in doing so his arguments solved a lot of other problems they had been having at the time LOL
travis is the fans' champion when the others get too edit-happy. he's the one who has a good idea of what moments are important to the readers so he's like hey… too far. don't cut that. and then they don't
justin leaves great notes and when they couldn't figure stuff out ben would often say "no it's fine justin will solve this." and he ALWAYS DID
this was news to justin
??? i think that's all the main points honestly i'm v picky about adaptations but overall i feel like these are good changes that make sense when translating the podcast to gn
that said i do hope taako still gets a washing machine dropped on him <3 do this for me carey <3
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c-rose2081 · 4 months
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A Legacy of Brambles and Thorns (Chapter Guide)
(For anyone who wants to read/is interested in a specific chapter and their character POV’s, I present this chapter guide. It will be updated with any new chaps and will live on my side blog :)
Part One : Ever After
Chapter 1 : The Summons (Briar)
Chapter 2 : The White Knight (Darling)
Chapter 3 : Scarred Hearts (Briar)
Chapter 4 : Sleepless Nights (Ashlynn)
Chapter 5 : Interlude: A Rose and its Thorns
Chapter 6 : Of Villains & Princesses Pt. 1 (Briar)
Chapter 7 : Of Villains & Princesses Pt. 2 (Briar)
Chapter 8 : Aubergine (Apple)
Chapter 9 : Escapades (Briar)
Chapter 10 : Stepsisters & Swords (Ashlynn)
Chapter 11 : The Red Queen’s Favor (Briar)
Chapter 12 : Rendezvous (Raven)
Chapter 13 : Reckless (Ashlynn)
Chapter 14 : Interlude: The Chessboard of Life (Lizzie)
Chapter 15 : Broken Revelations (Briar)
Chapter 16 : Intimate Moments (Apple)
Chapter 17 : Battle Scars (Briar)
Chapter 18 : Playing with Fire (Faybelle)
Chapter 19 : Letters & Lies (Briar)
Chapter 20 : Interlude: A Coming Storm
Chapter 21 : Breaking Point (Briar)
Chapter 22 : Of Life and Debts (Faybelle)
Chapter 23 : Rose Colored Lies (Darling)
Chapter 24 : On the Brink (Briar)
Chapter 25 : I, the Villain (Raven)
Chapter 26 : Interlude: Long Live the Red Queen (Chase)
Chapter 27 : Unsettled Destiny (Briar)
Chapter 28 : Glass Courage (Ashlynn)
Chapter 29: A Way to Wonderland (Briar)
Part Two : Wonderland & The Kingdom of Roses
Chapter 30: The Red Queen’s Champion (Lizzie)
Chapter 31: Through the Looking Glass (Briar)
Chapter 32: Dawn of the Red Court (Darling)
Chapter 33: Interlude: The Compendium of a Soul
Chapter 34: The Deep Dark Woods (Ashlynn)
Chapter 35: An Errand for the Queen (Briar)
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autumnslance · 1 month
I really appreciate Gulool Ja Ja as a ruler, a father, and a hero in his own right. There were concerns about why the Scions, as outsiders, would be participating in a contest of succession, and everything we learn about Gulool Ja Ja's younger years, and his reasons for the Rite of Succession, neatly addresses that.
As a much younger man, Dad^2 traveled the lands of Tural with his own diverse group of comrades, from all races and walks of life. From Kettenramm as the foreigner, to Cahciua the long-lived Shetona wilderness expert, to Pelupelu and Yok Huy, to Hanu and Xbraal; especially given the animosity between some of those clans at that time.
And along the way, Gulool Ja Ja learned how much stronger they were together. Alone he is a formidable champion, but even Blessed Siblings can't do it all. He also learned about the diverse peoples and cultures of his homeland. It's not so far off from the Warrior of Light's journey; traveling with competent heroic companions as we adventured through the 3 Continents and lands beyond them for so long, loving people and places we found along the way.
But Gulool Ja Ja also became Dawnservant, and now as his years catch up to him, a new ruler must be found. And it's in the conversation after dueling the WoL that he bluntly states his reasoning, speaking to them as a peer:
Even this early in the contest, you must have realized…As potential rulers, all four claimants are lacking. This is why I elected to hold the rite of succession─not to choose a fitting candidate, but to cultivate one. And if no one has impressed me by the end of it, then to no one will I yield my throne. As a parent, I pray that my children rise to the occasion…With outsiders dragged into my game, I am also hopeful that the different perspectives you and your companions have to offer will inspire them to grow. I imagine you in particular have traveled many lands. Known many peoples and cultures─loved them and been loved in turn. Guide Lamaty'i as you think best. Walk at her side and, when needed, push her to walk ahead. Watch over her, champion. Koana's recruits are no less sharp─as one might expect of Galuf's countrymen. They saw the flaws in our claimants from the outset. The other two, though… They dismiss comrades willing to point out their shortcomings, and no good can come of it…
Emphasis mine.
We see this too, in the interludes to Team Second Promise, as Thancred and Urianger turn on their own Dad Skills and gently guide Koana toward his own realization: that innovation is all well and good, but so is taking into account the traditions and needs of his people. As he watches his sister's growth, and how the people love and trust her to respect their ways of life, to help them because it's the right thing to do.
And Wuk Lamat learns and grows, gaining confidence, learning when to rely on her comrades, how and when to face a challenge on her own. The Wuk Lamat after level 96 is a different woman than the girl we met in Sharlayan. She's not done growing and learning, not in so short a time, but the cultivation Gulool Ja Ja put in place succeeds in her and Koana--because they are willing to learn, and listen, and love.
The other two claimants, as Dad^2 noted, don't understand the reasons for the Rite, for the methods the electors choose, or what the Dawnservant is looking for. And they refuse to entertain perspectives that would attempt to point that out, surrounded by sycophants and cronies.
Bakool Ja Ja doesn't learn the same lessons, though he comes around; he was never shown kindness and understanding, never asked what HE wanted, until Wuk Lamat demands he say it out loud. His growth is a surprising one, and along a trajectory he could never have imagined.
And Zarool Ja...his arc is a negative one, and a tragedy of his own making. He works as an antagonist because his fall is entirely avoidable, but utterly inevitable. It didn't have to be this way, yet there's no other way it could go. He internalized all the pressure and potential, all the comparisons, until it ate him alive.
This is a story about the complicated politics and demands of leading countries, of there being no easy answer to peace even when you wish there was. But it's more a story about family, and legacy, and honoring the past while striving to build a better future.
The Warrior of Light sees their own story reflected in Gulool Ja Ja's history, and in the shaping of Wuk Lamat. To fulfill their love of adventure and exploration, but from a new perspective. And taking all that experience and skill and applying it in a slightly different way, though perhaps not so different from some previous side and job quests where we help others and introduce them to friends so they can continue to grow and help themselves after WoL's moved on.
Hydaelyn's brave little spark has long been a beacon of hope for others to follow. As inheritor to the Shepherd of the Stars, the WoL takes steps toward shaping their legacy, still an active participant, but also seeing how those other stars might shine, and like Gulool Ja Ja, finding that some of those stars need a nudge to find their own glowing potential.
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cosmereplay · 2 months
Slipping it in the night before the previews start, here's my Wind and Truth bingo card! Some are things I think are likely to happen, some are things I just think would be cool. If I hit any during preview times, I'll repost with my hits! After the book comes out I'll come back to it and see how I did.
Numbers refer to bonus predictions, listed below the image description.
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[ID: A 5x5 bingo card titled cosmereplay's Wind and Truth bingo.
B column: Kaladin tells Wandersail to Szeth. Wit/Jasnah breakup. Rysn & Cord at Horneater Peaks. Fused Dalinar. Navani collects scholar Bondsmith squires.
I column: Embarrassing Shallan moment (1). Detective Adolin is on the case! Malata interlude (3). Bondsmith Thude. Syl pulled completely into Physical Realm.
N column: Leshwi POV. Rock interlude (2). Free centre space: Cry like a bitch. Gavinor interlude (5). Szeth vs his sister SHOWDOWN.
G column: Jasnah meets Hessi in person. Szeth founds new Skybreaker sect. Lift interlude (4). Shallan meets Thaidakar. Sja-anat's enlightened spren are from deadeyes.
O column: Rlain & Renarin hold hands. Moash gets help from Shalash. 17th Shard catches Hoid. Szeth destroys Shinovar Oathgate with division. Ishar Odium's champion. End ID.]
1. Bonus if the embarrassing Shallan moment is related to Veil in some way (e.g., crush on Kaladin, she thinks she can play breakneck now but she still sucks)
2. Bonus if the Rock interlude is the establishing chapter of the eventual Horneater novella and puts Rock in danger.
3. Bonus if the Malata interlude includes gathering more Dustbringers/Releasers.
4. Bonus if Lift interlude includes her deciding to put down roots.
5. Bonus if Gavinor interlude includes thoughts about vengeance.
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pmdobt · 27 days
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the ability of poor taste! (not in the literal sense)
This page is part of a Monster House Marathon sponsored by 3man!
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storiesoflilies · 7 months
of angels and curses
warnings: light smut? i don’t know, it’s a lil spicy.
a/n: these interludes will have no addition to the main plot in any way. i suppose they are more of a drabble, anyways it’s just me in my feels. enjoy :) Ko-Fi.
next part — chapter 4
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interlude (i)
they lay together intertwined in his garden of bluebells, looking up at the tapestry of starlight galaxies above them. she knew she was dreaming, but it felt so real – he felt so real.
“if i could cast a spell on you, i would,” gojo said, like it was the most simple thing in the world.
how could he not be real? the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed, the way their shoulders touched, and the way he looked at the celestial sky all felt real.
“really? what for?” she asked softly, as delicate as the rain that fell from the heavens that cried whenever angels died.
his eyes twinkled with starlight and silver as he replied, “so you won’t ever forget me.”
she giggled naively, “why, i could never forget you.”
“yes you could,” he quickly said, his words tumbling and rolling like stones from an avalanche. “you would. you know i already love you, but you won’t let me because of him.”
“but i’m here now, doesn’t that count for something?”
“no it doesn’t, because you already think he’s beautiful and he loves you,” he murmured, pointing at a star shooting across the sky, a momentary distraction.
“but i’m here with you now, i’m already yours,” she said, stroking away the blades of grass that clung to his snowy hair.
he shook his head, “you never were. you’re like a little stream running away to join the sea, and i’ve tried so hard to follow you all this time.”
he was so different under the light of moon and stars. here was her champion, reduced to bare bones and flesh, his soul raw and exposed for her to feast on.
“i don’t want to know what you feel anymore, or i’ll start to love you less,” his voice cracked, like ice crashing against stone.
“oh, don’t say that. don’t ever say that,”
he rolled over on top of her, his hands clasping both sides of her head, kissing her face fervently, full of reverence. it felt wrong, this wasn’t holy, underneath the eyes of heaven and the universe.
“i won’t, i won’t,” he whispered, his blue eyes like deep infinite pools that she saw her whole life play out within. “just give me a chance.”
but it would be a lie, and she knew it; so did he. she didn’t think he cared. he was just a fool in the big grand scheme of the universe, but in that moment he was hers, and she couldn’t help but love him the way he wanted to be loved.
“please don’t lie to me, don’t,” he begged, but his voice had become as sharp as thorns and razors, and his fingers dug crescent moons into her arms.
and her heart broke for him, because all she wanted to do was run away from him. it was easier to think he never loved her really, because all any of it had ever been was lies and a facade. he kissed her lips suddenly, trying to be gentle, but he was made of ice and she of the sun. it hurt him more than it did her, and he gasped loudly.
“you can’t leave me, i’ll haunt you, I’ll follow you,” he vowed, his lips all swollen and wet brushing against hers as he spoke, and forbidden desire pooled between them. “is he really worth this?”
his hand travelled in waves and swirls down to her navel, dancing just above the dip in between her thighs, while his other held the back of her head, fingers intertwined into her hair.
“i won’t leave, you can be my beautiful sea now,” she breathed shakily, as his cold lips worshipped her neck.
all lies. she didn’t belong here with him, because he was worth everything she could give. he settled his face between the dip of her neck and shoulder, breathing hard and heavy, and rumbled, “darling, i’m an ocean.”
she shivered as his white hair tickled her chin, and he said, “you’ll hear the sound of my waves, and you’ll know.”
his fingers ghosted over that forbidden spot, and she fought back against the moan that threatened to escape her mouth. he looked at her with those infinite eyes, desire and anger pooling in them, and she knew then she had to be careful against the storm.
“you’ll know that you can never get away from me, from this,” he whispered, his stray hand traveling back up to cup her face.
she said nothing, and they stared at each other like first loves dancing together in between the weaves of fate. time was cruel, and maybe in another life they would have been each other’s dreams. but for now, she would take her chances and turn around and run away.
and run.
run towards him instead, because his love was real.
“why don’t you shine down on me?” he murmured, capturing her lips again, his tongue swiping across them, begging for entrance.
and she let him in, just this once, their tongues twisting and turning together in a fast waltz. he fisted his fingers in her hair and gripped her waist like she was going to melt away from him. in another lifetime, this would have been so right; the way he held her as he started to move into her, the way she wrapped her arms around his neck, and she wouldn’t be pretending it wasn’t gojo making her feel this good.
he finally broke away from her, their foreheads touching, and said, “you can’t, can you? you’ve already spent all your light on him.”
she could only nod, and he sighed in defeat. here was the strongest of them all, a titan brought low, broken and bent, because he could never possibly hope to compete against him.
“you won’t remember this,” he said, bowing his head as the tears fell like a tragedy down his smooth skin. “you won’t remember me.”
“i will,” she stated firmly, comfortingly. this, she would promise.
“no, you won’t,” he sobbed. she’d broken him forever.
and his garden of bluebells disappeared with the wind, as the echoes of his heartbreak cried out to her soul.
taglist: @kkhaosxx @better-imagination-9 @gabrielle2013 @angelheavensblog @cyberang3lic @justmarlen3 @pinknipszz @moonwingeys @luzzbuzz @hornabbyyy @mitsuyasblackwifey @chosolover736 @spookyjyestha @elisqq @sillyrings978 @littlekittensoftpaws93 @starryluv4 @99k4manii @maid4nanno @chososrealwife @iloveitwhentheyrunnn @kamoslut @rubyrose2014
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sisiren · 1 year
I discovered Audacity was free and decided to make a TAZ: Balance edit! More information under the cut.
Song: Experience - Ludovico Einaudi
Quotes (in order of which they appear in the audio): “One day I made the decision to… stop championing other people's heroism and to take the direction of my life into my own hands.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“This is just for a little bit, I’m gonna stop this, what we’ve done to this world.” - The Stolen Century 7
“And, I lost dear, dear friends because of that decision, but it was the only one to make.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“I’m gonna find you a place where you can be happy again, it’s just for a little while, and then, you’ll remember, I promise.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Magnus Burnsides” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“T-A-A-K-O” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“Merle Highchurch” - Here There be Gerblins 1
“Barry Bluejeans” - Lunar Interlude V, Reunion Tour 1
“I’m Davenport” - The Stolen Century 7
“Blasted the letters L U P into the wall.” - Lunar Interlude III, Rest and Relaxation
“I pull out the Umbra Staff and I point it at Lucretia” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“You fucking took everything from me” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Oh shit! Is it today?” - The Stolen Century 6
“It’s today.” - The Stolen Century 6
“I did this one already. I did this world and kind of… crushed it.” - The Stolen Century 1
“I’m begging you, let me finish this and we can talk about it.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Are you my friend?” - The Stolen Century 4
“To have friendship, Merle, it requires you to...[sighs] love someone.” - The Stolen Century 4
“Our capacity for love increases with each person we cross paths with throughout our lives, and with each moment we spend with those people.” - The Stolen Century 5
“I said: I love you, Jules.” -The Eleventh Hour 8
“You are my heart.” - The Stolen Century 6
“I - I love you dad.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“I love you too, baby.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“And these things, Merle, friendship and love and happiness, they’re- they’re all so… small.” - The Stolen Century 4
“But I’ve been living a hundred years with me and one year with millions of people.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Honestly; do whatever you want. I don’t care anymore.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Everybody else that I ever met, aside from the six of you, were dust.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Dead…got turned into ash.” - Lunar Interlude V, Reunion Tour 1
“They were just talking dust.” - The Stolen Century 7
“I have nothing, and I don’t give a shit. The world is ending, and I. Don't. Care.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“But the one thing we do have, is the thing that people in love rarely ever have enough of. And it’s time.” - The Stolen Century 5
“You found her! Maybe not how you expected to, but when you weren’t looking you found her.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Who?” - The Stolen Century 7
“I wonder which one would be worse to take from you: the person that you loved or the person that you… hate.” - The Suffering Game 5
“They are beings of pure, concentrated evil.” - The Suffering Game 1
“And they’ve all been evil?” - The Suffering Game 1
“Invariably.” - The Suffering Game 1
“Lup, they don't trust me.” - The Eleventh Hour 9
“The light is a sickeningly powerful energy source. Any items powered by that energy are going to be...devastating.” - The Stolen Century 7
“This is it!” - The Stolen Century 7
“Lup made us promise that we would never again put a world in danger just to thwart The Hunger's plans. And that is exactly, exactly, what we did to this world!” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“Did we make the right decision?” - The Stolen Century 7
“Sometimes there aren’t right decisions. Sometimes there’s just decisions.” - The Stolen Century 7
“Kind of seems like I've got you right here.” - The Stolen Century 4
“And the devastation it wreaks is immeasurable.” - The Stolen Century 7
“What if you didn’t have to worry and you could just cut out the bullshit and do good recklessly?” - The Eleventh Hour 7
“Merle...will you sit with me? Just...just for a moment?” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“...You got it, buddy.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“And suddenly thousands of bonds are threaded between the three of you.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“I know we don’t say this enough, but… Thank you.” - The Stolen Century 7
“I saw seven birds: The Twins.” - The Crystal Kingdom 11
“You ready bro?” - The Stolen Century 7
“Hell yeah!” - The Stolen Century 7
“The Lover.” - The Crystal Kingdom 11
“It’s only been twe— Um… Twenty-one years…” - The Stolen Century 3
“The Protector.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“Magnus rushes in.” - Story and Song, Finale 3
“The Lonely Journal Keeper.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“I’m gonna save us all, I - I promise.” - Story and Song, Finale 1
“The Peacemaker.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“I find joy whatever I do.” - The Stolen Century 4
“And The Wordless One.” - The Crystal Kingdom 7
“Have we not… earned a little wrath?” - The Stolen Century 6
“You got all the time in the world, my man.” - The Stolen Century 3
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
Hello! I’m sorry if you’ve answered this already, but do you have any recs (or anything you want to say for fun) about games with multiple GMs?
Theme: Multiple GMs
Hello friend, I may have recommended games similar to this but I don't know if I've actually fulfilled this prompt before! I'll do my best to show you some interesting games, and you can check out previous posts at the bottom in case there's something there that fits your tastes more.
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Questlandia: Second Edition, by Turtlebun.
In Questlandia, you and your friends will invent a world from scratch. It might be fantastic or bizarre, from a remembered past or imagined future.You’ll paint a picture of your society and its people, their laws and customs, how they live and how they dream.
But your society is failing. As you play, your characters will attempt to find beauty and purpose amidst the chaos of a changing world.
Questlandia is a tabletop roleplaying game that creates fantastical worlds in states of change. It may be medieval fantasy in a ghost-haunted kingdom, neo-noir in a roboticized undercity, or microscopic slipstream suburbia in a puddle. The possible settings are boundless, but will always come from the interests of those at the table. Bring in real-world themes that intrigue you, references that inspire you, worldbuilding that follows your curiosity.
Questlandia uses dice and cards to help you create a society, as well as your character’s role in that society. I think this is a good example of a game where every person is a character, but every player is also a GM. You’ll roll against each-other to determine whether or not your society will be able to overcome their troubles. Overall, I think Questlandia is great for telling a story that spans a number of factions or nations.
Pantheon, by harpoon_gun.
4-6 GMs, who are distant Gods with their own desires and needs, and up to 3 players, champions of the Gods who are being forced to do their chores. Take turns toying with the champions, screwing over the other Gods, and building relationships of both the positive and negative variety. 
All I know about this game is what I can divine from the description, but I would hazard a guess that much of this gameplay is going to feel a little bit like PvP. The gods that your GMs are embodying will have conflicting goals and desires, so expect to run into a lot of backbiting and backstabbing. The game itself was designed for the Bad TTRPGS Jam, which encouraged designers to fuck around with rules and see where it got them. So no guarantees for a balanced game here - but maybe an interesting experiment!
Fool’s Errand, by Myles Wirth.
You are a group of questants, pledged to a seemingly-impossible task. You must set out alone into the world, each following your own path by which the quest might be fulfilled. They will be long and difficult journeys, with no guarantee of success.
Inspired by legends and travelogues, Fool's Errand is a single-page tabletop game about perseverance in the face of uncertainty and the joy of worldbuilding together. It is prepless, gm-less, setting-agnostic, and can be played on its own or as a setup or interlude for another game. Rather than flattening Player-GM distinctions entirely, it inverts the traditional balance of a ttrpg table; players take turns as "seekers", individual characters traversing the world in search of an impossible goal, while the rest of the table forms the "Chorus", building and refining the world around the seeker as they explore it.
Fools’ Errand asks you to make some travellers and give them a quest that they cannot achieve. The game occurs over a series of turns; on your turn you’ll control your Seeker and declare what you want to do. The rest of the table becomes the Chorus, and build the Location that Seeker is in. The Seeker may then attempt to convince the Chorus that the way in which they will attempt to solve the problem is something they would be good at; and then rolls 3d6. Your result may grant you a Boon or a Burden, which may draw you closer to or pull you farther from your character’s goal. Your characters also have a Resolve pool, which will diminish over the course of play.
I think success is still technically possible in this game, but it’s highly unlikely. What is more likely is that characters will slowly give up on their quest, and join the Chorus in telling the story of who remains.
Bleak Spirit, by potatocubed.
Bleak Spirit is a storytelling game where you and your friends create a brooding, cryptic tale about a stranger in a strange land. Everything is falling apart, crumbling, corrupted, and the wanderer carries the potential for a return to past glories – or the power to sweep away all that remains.
Everyone contributes to the tale, sharing the sense of mystery that comes from no-one knowing the entire truth of what's going on. Everyone takes turns being the world for a scene, introducing lore which hints at the history of the setting. After every scene everyone leaps to conclusions based on the lore which has been revealed – and these conclusions affect the sorts of lore they will introduce when it's their turn to be the world.
Bleak Spirit is meant to replicate the narrative beats of Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, and Bloodborne. It gives everyone at the table a chance to play the Wanderer, a chance to play the World - and a chance to sit as part of the Chorus. The game is very structured, which I think helps the table keep on track, since everyone is going to have a chance to contribute to the story. The Wanderer dictates the character’s actions, but never their internal thought or feelings. The World creates Areas and Locations that the Wanderer will visit. The Chorus will introduce themes, descriptions, and motifs that are meant to make the world full of grandeur, mystique and decay.
This is a game that you might be interested if you like melancholic tones, large gaps in historical knowledge, and collaborative world building. The creator has also created a Cat version of this game, called Cat Spirit!
Two Weeks One Summer, by Rick Cockram.
In Two Weeks One Summer the players take the role of a family visiting a rambling old house in the woods during a summer holiday. The game focusses on the activities of the children of the family as they explore the house, it's grounds and the surrounding woodland. It is a game about finding things to do, creating your own excitement and exploring an unfamiliar environment.
This game divides the participants into two roles: the Children and the Grown-Ups. Over the course of the game, each of these roles will contribute different things to the description of the house, and the events that happen as you stay here. I think this works well for a slice-of life game, but it also might be an interesting source of inspiration for telling stories that are more dramatic or fantastical.
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ell-alexanderarnold · 2 years
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Y/n and Trent are both footballers for LFC, she supports him and he supports her but when it comes to criticism only one can have it their way.
Angst & Fluff
“I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl“
From a very young age you fell in love with football. You wanted to be like the heroes from your city, Steven Gerrard, Kenny Daglish and many more Liverpool legends. But you also fell in love with him, a young scouser from West Derby in Liverpool.
You met each other on a warm summer day in July, you were out kicking ball alone until you saw two boys approaching you. It was Trent and his older brother and they asked if you wanted to play with them and that’s when the story started. Ever since that day you went to his garden playing football against him and it would go on for hours. The years went by and suddenly the both of you were in the academy playing for your dream club and after the Champions League final, Trent asked you to be his girlfriend and you were the happiest girl in the world.
He was getting more and more recognised by the world and media, and you started to compare yourself with him although that was just normal because he was playing in the men’s team and you in the women’s team, but you still wished you were like him.
It wasn’t until now things began to crack in your relationship, you two are really serious when it comes to each other’s performances and always try to encourage and learn from each other. But you always feel like he gets the better off you in those arguments but you think that you are the best critic to yourself. You get that he’s only trying to help you from the experience he has, but you want to make sure that you can handle it yourself.
This weekend you have a big match against Arsenal and you were nervous, which Trent noticed.
“You seem a bit off, what’s wrong?” He asked.
“Just a bit nervous for the game that’s all” You shrugged.
“I understand, just do your best Y/n” Trent said and it came out in the wrong tone.
“I am trying” You told him.
“This time I think you should improve on your-”
“No I’m not doing this Trent” You cut him off and walked away from him.
“I’m just trying to help you!” He explained, but you were too fed up by this conversation you two keep having before every single game.
“And I really appreciate that but I can help myself Trent” You said whilst you were making your way upstairs to your shared bedroom.
You changed into your training kit and as soon as you walked out of the closet, Trent stood by the door.
“Y/n I’m sorry” He shared.
“Fuck off honestly” You walked past him and rushed down the stairs to get ready for driving to the training ground. Apparently Trent was also going so he took his car keys and went out the door before you did. You met his eyes while walking towards the car, his gaze was on you and in response you gave him a warning look not to start an argument in the car, but that failed.
As soon as he started driving you felt the tension in the car and it was like a balloon that you felt would explode at any moment now.
“Y/n can you stop ignoring me please” Trent spoke up and you reached for your headphones in your pocket, not wanting to hear him out on anything he has to say.
When you had arrived you went out of the car quickly to get away from him, you wouldn’t want anyone in the building to see you two fighting like children.
When you got into the women’s dressing room you met your teammate Missy-Bo Kearns, she immediately read the look on your face and said
“If looks could kill, I would be dead by now” She chuckled and you smiled at her.
“Something you want to tell me?” She continued.
“Nah, just woke up at the wrong side of the bed” You lied.
You got out on the pitch and already knew that it was going to be a hard session, mixed with your mood and the exercises you were going to do. The coaches kept telling you that you could do better and that only made it more worse. When you were done you got to the dressing room quick to avoid any comments from the coaches and your teammates.
“Y/n is everything alright?” Missy-Bo said and you were on the edge of crying but you pulled yourself together.
“Yeah I’m sorry, I’m just really tired today”
Another excuse.
“Okay, just hit me up if you want to talk or anything” She said, you nodded and left the dressing room.
On the way home the tension in the car was more tense than before, you and Trent hadn’t talked since you both came to the training ground earlier and it was getting more and more frustrating.
When you approached his house you slammed the car door maybe a bit too aggressive which made Trent more mad, you could see his frustration painted on his face.
“Geez Y/n calm down” He mumbled, you kept waiting in front of the door for him to unlock it.
When he unlocked the door you dropped your things on the floor and ran up the stairs to shower. When you came out of the bathroom Trent stood outside and you guessed that he wanted to talk but you were so annoyed with him. You couldn’t care less about him standing in the way.
“Oh my god can you let me live for a second” You snapped.
“Not when you’re behaving like this” He snapped back and he was not letting go off you.
“Do you know why? Because I’m tired of you, why can’t I comment on your performance or things you should improve on? Tell me Trent” You fumed and pushed him to let go off you. Trent was silent and you finally got out what you have wanted to say for a long time.
For the rest of the night you and Trent didn’t speak to each other and he slept on the couch while you slept in your shared bed. It was nice getting some space from him but you still missed his warmth against your skin.
The following morning you woke up and it was matchday. You prepared yourself the whole morning and ate breakfast, Trent was up as early as you.
”Good luck on the game today” Trent spoke up.
”Are you coming to watch it?” You asked, you weren’t sure if he’d even wanted to go or if he was busy, but it was a big game so a part of you wanted him to come and watch.
“I can’t, got a thing with the team today”
“Oh okay” You responded and pretended not to care but he could read you so clear and noticed your disappointment.
Your squad met up and prepared for the match. You felt anger in your entire body and wanted to kick the ball up in the sky but you had to limit yourself and focus on the game.
“How are you feeling today?” Missy Bo asked, she noticed your furrowed brows.
“It’s Trent, he keeps telling what I should do on the pitch and what I shouldn’t. I’m so tired of it” You ranted out, only the ones who were in the academy from the beginning with you knew that you and Trent are together from a young age. Missy Bo was one of them.
“I see. You can prove him wrong today Y/n! You can do this” She chimed and gave you a clap on your shoulder.
It was not long until kick-off and you stood on the pitch waiting for the referee to blow the whistle.
The game went on well, yet you had a clean sheet and much possession, but it wasn’t until you got tackled and the ref whistled for a foul, a free kick. Your time to shine. You have a good right foot just as Trent has and in that way, you both had practiced much together and learned from each other. If he only was here to watch this.
You got ready to take the free kick, the ball left your foot, spinning exactly like you wanted it and got in the top of the corner of the goal. Boom 1-0.
You got so happy and excited, all of your teammates came running to you and gave you a big hugs. In the corner of your eye you could see a tall man clapping his hands, it was him. You couldn’t believe your eyes at first, Trent came to your game? You were overwhelmed but you had to get your focus back on the game so you just shot him a wide smile and carried on.
You and Liverpool won the game against Arsenal 2-0. You were over the moon, it was your best performance in a while. You got Player of the Match, one goal and one assist.
After the match you got a text from Trent.
Trent: I’m waiting in the car
You said your goodbyes to your teammates and the staff and made your way to the carpark. Before, your body was filled with anger and frustration. Now, your body was filled with joy and happiness. But you still didn’t know what the situation would be with Trent, you saw his car and made a little sprint before the rain came pouring down.
“Hey baby” He greeted you and pecked your lips.
”Trent I haven’t showered yet!” You beamed but he didn’t care, he kept kissing you anyways.
“I don’t care, you played so well babe” He praised and you giggled and tried to pull away from his never ending kisses.
“Alright, alright boy we can finish that later. I thought you couldn’t come?” You questioned.
“Well I couldn’t miss a big game could I? So I asked the gaffer if I could go and he approved” Said Trent as he smiled.
“How sweet of you Trent, but one thing now. What have you learned from today’s match?” You implored, wanting to know if he understood your warning from earlier. Telling you how you should play and what to improve on.
”That I shouldn’t tell you how you play. I’m sorry Y/n, only you can change your game” Trent apologised and you took a deep breath, relieved that he realised he was wrong.
“Thank you T. Now drive home, I’m fucking freezing” You announced, happy with him now.
“One goal and a assist, not bad my stargirl” Trent whispered.
“I love you Y/n”
“I love you too though you can be a pain in the ass sometimes” You chuckled and he gave you one last kiss before he started to drive.
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vivitalks · 5 months
amnesty lodge interlude. aubrey is teaching her fellow sylvan lodgers a card game from earth. she is also definitely, definitely cheating.
moira is holding her own, but only because she is also cheating. barclay is cheating by pretending he's never played this game even though he's been playing it against mama for years, but he keeps getting distracted making eye contact with agent stern and losing his focus at critical moments.
jake coolice is still struggling to understand the rules.
dani is somehow wiping the floor with everyone, even though she has never played this game before and is definitely not cheating because "i have principles, aubrey." her winning streak is six games long, and aubrey's cards are starting to smoke. at which point jake gives up, barclay taps out to go make some dinner, moira retires to the piano, and aubrey has no choice but to declare dani the reigning card game champion of amnesty lodge.
"that comes with both a medal AND a crown, right?" dani says cheekily, and aubrey very maturely sticks her tongue out.
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novantinuum · 5 months
Pink Onyx AU- An Analysis and Theory Post, Part 4
[Part 1] | [Part 2] | [Part 3] | [Part 4- You are here!] | [Part 5]
Woo we’re almost there! This is part 4 of my analysis series on the excellent @pink-onyx-au comic made by @ceephorsshitshow. If you haven’t already, please check out the first three parts- linked above- for more information on what these posts are all about. A lot of this analysis will build on what came previously.
And with that stated, bingo bongo, an interlude-! 
Interlude: The analyst’s treasure is also in the tags
I’ve noticed a few little extra notes in the tumblr post tags before, but until I started this project I didn’t notice how decently common they were in the first few chapters. My jaw kinda fell to the goddamn ground when I realized the sheer wealth of vital information these tags give us about Onyx’s base personality before it even could fully surface in the comic.
There’s a few of these secret tag messages in Episode 3 while Jasper is taking Onyx on a fusion power spin as well, but I find the meaning of those tags to be a bit more tricky to summarize my take on, so I’ll just be focusing on the tags we can find peppered in Episodes 4 and 5.
Aight. So, Episode 4. We see secret tags start to crop up every few pages starting on page 11.
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(Episode 4: Page 11)
Tags:  “i hear”
The meaning of this one is pretty straightforward. The budding personality of their fusion hears a name they really like. Next up…
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(Episode 4: Page 13)
Tags: “why would i be nicer”
Here’s where we get to see a bit of that personality peeking through. The mostly Steven-fronting comment in the first frame is dappled with a bit of Onyx’s pink, so they seem to show some interest in the idea of identifying as an Onyx made for Earth. But also, does that mean they have to be nice? Do they even want to be “the nice Onyx?” 
Because, maybe instead… 
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(Episode 4: Page 15)
Tags: “maybe i can do both”
Whatever kind of personality is developing here is one of rich contrasts. Via the tags and the speech bubbles, we can see that Onyx agrees with both suggestions that are given here simultaneously. A protector of all life on Earth, while also being a no-craps taken brute of a leader. Earth’s ultimate champion, mayhaps.
From now on, the tails of Onyx’s speech bubbles are tinted THEIR pink, even when Steven or Jasper are fronting. Onyx is slowly but surely coming more to the forefront.
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(Episode 4: Page 20)
Tags: “would i be great?”
However, there’s a great bit of insecurity brimming within them. A lot of self-doubt. Would Onyx be great? It’s not hard to understand one of the reasons why they harbor these doubts. Just in this episode alone, Jasper referred to this fusion as “ugly” and was really pessimistic about their powers. I don’t think Steven is innocent when it comes to adding to Onyx’s whole little insecurity complex here, though…
Throughout this chapter, Steven’s got this leading goal of trying to heal all the damage he and Jasper caused to their surroundings the night before. Even though in later chapters he states that fusions are more than just tools, in this case, using Onyx as a tool to repair the woods is all he’s fused for. Thus, I think Onyx is innately aware of that, too… of the fact that if they don’t provide a useful “service” to the both of them, they won’t have any reason to fuse and let them exist.
Now, moving on to the two comments we see from them in the tags in Episode 5:
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(Episode 5: Page 12)
Tags: “is that me?”
I don’t really have anything to add to this one, it’s just really fucking wholesome, lol. Look at that toothy little blep.
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(Episode 5: Page 16)
Tags: “how do you want me to be?”
Aaaand then this one is just really sad. There’s another big ol’ chip on Onyx’s shoulder to add to the insecurity pile. One of their components thinks their “big, stupid body” is just absolutely useless? Well, how does Jasper want them to be, then? How can they prove that they’re worth her time? That they’re worth existing?
And in fact, this exact question is what plagues a lot of Onyx’s actions when they officially embark on their first long stint as themself.
Question Six: What do we learn about Onyx from their first big day out?
When Steven and Jasper finally form Onyx again after the events of the episode “Stuck With You,” their fusion is wracked with feelings of inadequacy and a continual drive to prove their own worth to their components. 
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(Episode 8: Page 14)
This manifests in that classic sort of “gifted child” type of way. Like… they’re the fusion of one of the strongest jaspers out there and a diamond, yeah? Shouldn’t they instantly know who they are and what they’re capable of? Shouldn’t everything be easy for them?
Alas, however, they’re the fusion of probably the most mentally unstable jasper and diamond there is. So while they eventually figure out how to combine their weapons into a sick set of clawed shields, the celebration is dampened by the realization that… there isn’t much point to their existence at all anymore, is there? The weapon they wield… the niche they’ve already carved out for themself within their mind… doesn’t serve much of any purpose in this peaceful Era 3.
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(Episode 8: Page 16)
Thus, what purpose would Jasper and Steven have for fusing to allow them to exist? Everything is transactional to Onyx, at this point. If they can’t prove their usefulness to the two of them, then in their head, their components will never have a reason to fuse. 
And so Onyx gets right to work trying to make themself indispensable. 
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(Episode 8: Page 18)
Hey, ow. That really hurt to read you say, Onyx. 
They’ve barely existed for more than a few minutes and they’re already falling into the same pitfalls as their components.
After spending some time cleaning up the campsite and finding food for the bunnies and “Jasper’s ugly plant” (this line always makes me giggle), Onyx moves to take a selfie on Steven’s phone… only to realize that the dink friggin’ forgot it at home. Which brings them to their driving cause for all of Episode 9: 
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(Episode 8: Page 21)
Sneaking through Beach City without being caught so they can retrieve Steven’s phone.
What really fascinates me about this newfound purpose is that for the first time in their whole existence, it’s a completely self-serving mission. Steven does not need his phone at this moment, and if he desperately did, they could easily just unfuse to allow him to sprint back and grab it. No, no… the reason Onyx wants to grab Steven’s phone is exclusively because they want to take a picture of themself to leave in his camera roll as a way of cementing tangible proof of their existence in this world. Even if it’s just an incognito photo of themself on a single phone. 
It’s the silent cry of a fusion who- after many nights of existing as mere whispers of personality in the background of two individuals scrambling for control in the same body- desperately wants to be remembered as an individual.
And thus begins Episode 9, titled “Steven For a Day.”
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(Episode 9: Page 8)
The most basic meaning of this title is obvious when Onyx shapeshifts into a silly lil Steven double (Onyx plays Steven Tag WHEN?), but there’s a deeper meaning, too.
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(Episode 9: Page 14)
Throughout this whole section of the comic, Onyx progressively hides more and more of their natural features to try and “blend in” and hide their true identity from the Gems and humans around them. First it’s shapeshifting into Steven to begin with… then a failed attempt to hide their second set of arms… then it’s closing their lower set of eyes to obscure those… next, hiding the gem on their face by letting it sink deeper into their head… then, plastering a bandaid over it to mask it entirely.
With each and every corner they turn in Beach City, they’re erasing more and more of themself.
Because instinctively, a part of them already knows (or at least, thinks) that they would not be welcome here if people were to know who they actually are.
Like, geeze. They’ve barely existed as themself for a few hours and yet they’ve already perfected the art of internalized shame.
Does this basic scenario sound a little familiar?
Well, it should.
(He would not be welcome here if people were to know who he actually is.)
To me, this entire episode reads as a metaphoric little glimpse at how Steven feels about being in public after his “meltdown.”
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(Episode 9: Page 17)
I found this moment with Dewey interesting. Here’s a transcription of the text in the above panel if it’s hard for some to read: 
“Resourceful as ever. I’m happy to see that you’re doing better after everything. When I hadn’t seen you for a few mornings, I got a bit worried! People were asking. Ah, but no worries knowing you’re okay. I’ll be happy to tell them all that you’re up and around.”
The townsfolk seem very supportive and understanding of Steven- even worried when they notice he’s not up and about on his usual routines- and meanwhile, this dialogue is juxtaposed by Onyx literally slapping a bandaid over the “problem,” over what they think is making them stand out like a sore thumb… over what they fear may bring them judgement.
That’s what Steven’s been doing for all of Steven Universe: Future. And it’s what he’s still falling into the habit of doing now, after his corruption incident. He’s still slapping a bandaid over his own problems and not allowing himself to be vulnerable in discussing them, and this is a source of self-inflicted emotional harm for him. It causes Onyx physical discomfort to hide away their features in the same way that it causes Steven intense inner discomfort to deny the truth of what he went through.
Onyx isn’t just experiencing what it’s like to be Steven for a day in the flesh, they’re experiencing what it’s like for him having to hide away every shameful part of himself he fears others won’t truly understand.
Now, a quick little aside. Let’s step back a few pages to see what else we learn about Onyx in this episode…
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(Episode 9: Page 13)
There IS a moment where Onyx gets a photo taken of them by a nefarious little Onion. Given this is exactly what they wanted (to secure a photo of themself, some cemented proof of their existence), one might question why they respond to this in such an agitated way.
Well, after so many nights of existing in the background whilst their squabbling components literally “drove” their body around, I imagine that personal agency is a huge priority for Onyx. They did not consent to this particular image being taken, nor did they want this image to (as I imagine Onion might use it) be circulated around town against their wishes. Intent and circumstance matters.
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(Episode 9: Page 19)
The other thing I find very interesting about Onyx that’s further highlighted in this episode is their association of loud, droning background sounds with the concept of “quiet.” An arcade is absolutely not “quiet” in the way most of us would define that word. 
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(Episode 8: Page 13)
But remember, from Onyx’s perspective, existing in the background of all of Steven and Jasper’s cross-talk is all they knew for a long while. And now, without those personalities at the forefront of their mind, all they have to keep company with are their own thoughts and the sounds of their surroundings.
Thus, it makes sense to me that the subdued auditory chaos of an arcade would be a comfort to their ears.
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(Episode 9: Page 22)
Tragically, for all of Onyx’s efforts this episode, they never manage to snap the picture they wanted. The Gems are just too hot on their trail.
And much like what happened with Steven himself, when all the frustrations and bitter feelings start boiling over, everything they’ve worked so hard to mask thus far just unravels. 
Now Onyx (and by extension, Jasper) can finally understand just how hard it is to be Steven.
Look out for the final post in this series at 7am PST tomorrow. Farewell!
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