#challengers meta ig
lokiiied · 4 months
thinking about autistic art and how he had a really hard time differentiating platonic from romantic because of him and patrick’s friendship being so intimate and patrick being part of his first sexual experience and patrick engraining that need to be touched and loved into him from such an early age how was he supposed to know what was romantic or not? and even though he loved patrick he never knew if they were just playing or if patrick really wanted him to cross that threshold. of course he had thought about it. but him and patrick were friends- his only friend. his best friend. what if he ruined everything?
patrick knowing art since they were 12 and that the both of them had always struggled socially. all they had was each other. he learned what art needed from him and when he needed space. art needing him like a shore needs a rock. patrick was his safe space. the two of them always fitting together like matching puzzle pieces. patrick never being sure if it was his own fault for always being so touchy and intimate with art that if he ever crossed that delicate line he would be ruining something sacred. that he might scare art off or worse than that hurt him. make him retreat and search for someone, anyone else to be what patrick was for him. even if no one could.
thinking about how as soon as tashi allowed them the opportunity to be physically intimate they gravitated to each other and immediately went to another planet as soon as their mouths were on each other. how it was both so desperate and also so so gentle - careful even. thinking about anxious yearner patrick holding art’s face because he didn’t want this to stop, everything finally really truly felt natural and art realising kissing patrick came just as easy to him as breathing and of course it did because he wanted patrick to do more than touch him. he wanted patrick to stimulate him and push him further and he wanted to make patrick feel really really good
art being with tashi in what was probably his first “official romantic relationship” and trying so so hard to be the thing that she needed him to be. sacrificing his body. his mental health. his love. thinking that this wasn’t romance should feel like. or was it? was this what married people sacrificed their friendships for? his only reference for intimacy had been patrick. him and tashi did things him and patrick never did - but he needed more from her. the scene where he bites her arm. how he starts to be touchy with her and she pulls away. they seem the most physically tense in their marriage, whereas they’re both more physically relaxed/open with patrick. she knew how to give him space and she knew how to take care of him physically and he lived for playing tennis for her. but he needed more. he needed more affection, more emotional support. and tashi being unable to provide that for him in the ways he needed it. thinking he knew he was getting into a non-amatonormative relationship when he asked her out. knowing in her heart that art was never going to succeed at tennis in the way she needed him to unless he had that. unless he had patrick.
thinking about how after patrick touches the ball to the centre of the racket art has this release of emotions. first the anger. he shouts and smashes his racket and throws away two serves. this is the most physically expressive we’ve seen him since college. this is when the match gets intense. for a few moments they were really playing tennis. like they were back when they won their team championship. when art leaps above him and when patrick catches him and the hug. art needed it so bad.
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whetstonefires · 2 years
the difficult thing about predicting the wrap-up of Glass Onion with no external hints is that the true facts are almost as stupid as the fake facts.
that is not how IP law works. that is not really how hydrogen works. that's not quite how allergies work. that's not at all how becoming spectacularly wealthy works. this also incidentally isn't how hiring private investigators generally works.
no film attempting to be seen as realistic and grounded would do the bullet-blocking notebook bit. like, technically it can happen, in the sense that it has. but it probably won't.
so the things that aren't true because they're stupid don't stand out too clearly to the audience until the characters single them out, because we have to go in willing to accept a certain amount of bullshit for the sake of the narrative if we're going to have fun. we can't calibrate our bullshit detectors reliably early enough to get ahead of the plot.
it's fine though because the point is the characters and vibes and allegories and so forth. it's internally consistent and doesn't try to abuse this power over the viewer, so there's no issue.
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eliza1911o1 · 2 years
The Apostate s3 meta pt. 1
I think one of the reasons the initiation scene at the beginning of Chapter 17 feels like a flashback of Din is because, based on previous episodes, we’re assuming the show will start with Din, The Mandalorian. We’re an audience to his story and each season has begun by allowing us to get acquainted with and follow his narrative. But, instead, in Chapter 17 we take the role of an outsider, because Din is an outsider.
Din is no longer a Mandalorian, so the show finds itself in a paradox: if Din is no longer a Mandalorian, is the show still about him? If the show is still about him, must he be a Mandalorian?
Chapter 17 confirms the latter, so now we face the same question Din is now faced with: What is a Mandalorian?
In the beginning, Din Djarin appears to be the epitome of a Mandalorian. Up until the end of s1, Din's name is simply Mando or The Mandalorian. Unlike others such as Boba Fett or Paz Visla, his armor is very plain. Though we understand he had a different family once, he no longer has any connections outside of the tribe. Never having taken off his helmet in front of others, he is incredibly loyal to the creed, as if its word is law and apathetic to external events. His skills are basic to survival, encompassing combat, machinery, and navigation and he appears to have minimal preferences as he serves his life as a bounty hunter.
A template for the mysterious culture, Din's entire personal identity was attached to the concept of a Mandalorian, which appears to transcend religion or race as law. As a foundling and Child of the Watch, Din has not known anything other than the orthodox Mandalorian ways since he was a child (I'm not guessing an age cause I suck at that okay) and since we are following Din, that is all we know. In following the show, I assume we utilize his definition of a Mandalorian as our own, since he is our only source of knowledge on the subject, disregarding other media, and we are subject to his views. Therefore, Mandalorians appear to be defined by a strict creed and only by abiding by these rules are you considered a Mandalorian.
Then the rules don't seem so absolute
First, Din begins to challenge the Guild Code by asking after Grogu before breaking it altogether with his rescue of the child. He starts asking about the world, like what a jedi is, which leads to asking questions about his own culture. This culminates in the s1 finale where finally he finally challenges the boundaries of these laws, in part due to IG-11. Throughout s1, IG-11 is the clearest example of his shaken worldview, which was as simple as all droids are bad. In realizing a hunter droid could become a nursing droid -- reprogrammed -- he realizes things aren't so black and white. Up until this moment, Din would rather die than betray the creed, but the absolutes dissolve and a new grey area appears where no, he can never take off his helmet in front of another person except droids aren't a person. Maybe he was too concussed, maybe he didn't want to die, maybe he wanted to see Grogu -- the fact remains that Din removed his helmet and a new addendum has been created, which in and of itself had been previously unthinkable.
In his search for other Mandalorians, Din continues to struggle with laws that don't seem so unshakable. With Cobb Vanth, he recognizes that others can don the armor, though his perspective doesn't exactly shift until meeting Boba Fett. Though it doesn't outright change (Din again insists that Boba can't wear the armor if he isn't a Mandalorian), he creates another exception: though Boba isn't a Mandalorian, the armor belonged to his father, who was one, so he has a right to wear it. His definition of a Mandalorian is complicated further with Bo-Katan and her group, who not only desecrate the creed (and remove their helmets), but simultaneously have more right to the title, coming from, essentially, royalty and having extensive knowledge on their culture. They even renounce his conception of a Mandalorian as based on a variant, warped version of the truth.
Din's absolute definition, as well as the audience's definition, begins to crack, and when confronting the Imperial base on Morak, Mayfield directly addresses this internal conflict. Din not only changes into a storm trooper helmet, but subsequently takes off his helmet to access a terminal before sitting through an entire conversation with his face completely exposed. In the s2 finale, he again removes his helmet when saying goodbye to Grogu.
The instances Din willingly removes his helmet are a decision centered on the fact that something (someone) is more important than the creed.
These matters are not of life or death, nor are they even about him; remember in s1, Din would rather die than remove break the creed. Though Din has not addressed his changing values until now, when he decides to allow the terminal to scan his face, he consciously acknowledges the shift. He has come to realize that "rules start to change when you get desperate;" he knows Grogu's presence has altered his worldview. From the start, Grogu was the reason he broke the Guild Code and during Chapter 12, Din even partially removes his himself when eating in the presence of Grogu.
Din clearly does not think the creed is absolute, shown by the changes in Din's interpretation of the helmet rule:
Can't take off his helmet in front of someone else (Chapter 4)
Can't take off his helmet in front of living things (Chapter 8)
Can't show his face to other living things (Chapter 15)
However, although he accepts this change in values, Din still appears unwilling to face the fact that his interpretation of the creed is changing as well, though we, the audience, can sense it.
Din Djarin is still the Mandalorian, but what it means to be a Mandalorian is changing
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I keep feeling like I’m taking the mandalorian s3 way too seriously when I get mad about what’s happening… but I just can’t help how upset it’s making me 😭 I stopped watching after episode 2 but have kept up for the most part. Going through the mando tag here on tumblr is so surreal because there are people actually thinking the direction makes sense and that DinxBo is a natural next step?? Anyway, I really appreciate reading your thoughts on how it’s all going. Makes me feel like I’m not alone in this!
(I hope you don't mind me lumping my response/thoughts re: your ask in here too, @just-prime, since uh there are a lot of spoilers in it and I'm not sure it's a good idea to make it public)
You have every right to be upset. This is a show you invested in, a show that sold you a story of a lonely Mandalorian bounty hunter and his Force-sensitive child in a post-war galaxy. It gave you story beats and the promises of adventure, trials and tribulations, and self-discovery in the micro and the macro. There was a road map in all the ways Din discovered and challenged himself as he gave up basically everything he ever knew about himself, his covert, and the galaxy to keep the child safe and get him to his kind. There was a story to be told here in Din taking his helmet off in front of other living beings to save Grogu and in Din winning the Darksaber from Gideon despite Bo-Katan's best efforts to get it back.
I wonder how much of this was corporate meddling to keep raking in the money (KKKennedy, is that you and your white girlbossing ways again?), how much of it was success getting into Filoni and Favreau's heads that they think they can turn bullshit to fucking gold, and how much of it was the game plan to MCUfy Disney Wars. This is fascinating the way that the Sequel Trilogy was fascinating, in that somehow, both times, Disney fucked the fuck up.
People will take what they want from whatever they're consuming. It is what it is. I quit after the season premiere because i hated the short runtime, the cramming of three different potential subplots into thirty fucking minutes, the ridiculousness of all three subplots, and, most of all, the desecration of IG-11. I read elsewhere that the season premiere was a hit! People liked it! They were excited by it! Good for them! I'm glad they got something out of it. People got paid and put hours, blood, sweat, and tears into producing this show and I would want for them to know that their efforts were worth something.
But it is so hard to ignore how increasingly inconsistent, aimless, illogical, and bewildering the the entire season has been. We have now seen 7 of 8 episodes and even the 7th episode, supposedly the "best of the series", got a ton of complaints on a storytelling level. I read elsewhere, both on tumblr and twitter, that this season is now very plot-driven rather than character-driven when previously the show was extremely character-driven. Season 1 happened because Din couldn't leave Grogu behind in Imperial hands and thus uprooted himself and his covert with his decision to go back for the child. Season 2 happened because Din was now searching for Grogu's kind while we the viewers knew that Gideon was alive and well and likely still hunting for the child. Season 3 - and I'm saying this as someone who'd been reading reaction posts, summaries, meta, discourse, etc, instead of watching it because I love myself enough to Not Do That - doesn't seem to have that. It really felt like the story beats, wherever the fuck they were, felt more like "now move from Point A to Point B in order to get closer to Point C". They needed to check things off on a list in order to prepare for the MCUfication of the Disneyficaiton of the OG Thrawn Trilogy, something that I know a lot of people want... but at what cost?
I really hate how likely it is that the show is going to push DinxBo on us and I really hate how much people are expecting it and dreading it. I hate the compulsive heternormativity and the expectations and dread that come with it. I hate how it ruins characters and stories. If you like this ship, good for you. Don't talk to me, I don't care.
This really feels like watching The Last Jedi all over again. I was sold on Finn and Rey as co-leads only to be told to my fucking face that white neo-fashy Kylo was now co-leading because for some reason Rey got it into her head to save him? Meanwhile Finn got tazed and shoved to the side in a tone-deaf subplot with Rose, and Poe turned into a bizarre caricature who needed to be taught lessons by older white women. Like, sorry but I can't unsee this shit. I can't undo the betrayal I felt at the bait and switch of the ST.
And now it happened all over again with The Mandalorian. I'll give it one thing: When Din and Greef first encountered the pirates on Space Renn Faire Nevarro, I got those space western vibes again. And for those few seconds, I felt hope that the previous however many minutes were just a rough start and we're back to space westerning our way to Mandalore. That hope died real fast, didn't it? Fuck me, I guess.
I've started using Tumblr's tag tracking feature to keep tabs on the more critical Mandalorian tags. I'll add them to this post so that you can use them yourself. There are also a lot of interesting coversations happening elsewhere by various blogs. You might have to get creative with your tag searching. Just know that just as many people are out there happy with this show, there are just as many who are dissatisfied with it. That's usually how it goes, but man I can't remember the last time I saw a bunch of the fandom community turn on a show/movie/book series the way we've done with The Mandalorian. It's a damn shame because deep down, a part of me is desperate for it to find its feet and get good again. But honestly, with all the announcements that came out of SWC 2023, I think that ship has sailed and the best thing to do is take all the good you can find from it and mold it into your own sand castles.
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edendeleon-art · 4 months
Learning about the Instagram/Meta AI update really sucks as an artist. IG and Tumblr are the only two websites I consistently use after leaving Twitter when it became a fascist hellhole, so the idea of having to leave another site doesn't sit right with me. I've gotten some questions about commissions in the past ; I've built a good audience there despite how small my acc is; I use it for my activist work, mostly when I go to Palestinian and LGBTQ+ protests in my state; and it has helped me to keep in touch with a couple of friends and acquaintances. Abandoning all of that isn't easy for me.
Many artists have been promoting Cara and switching over there, but at this stage, I'm skeptical of it. Many Twitter clones appeared after Musk took over, but most of them haven't taken off. Not only that, but a lot of them only appeal to artists; which isn't bad per se, but it can present a challenge when attempting to build a community of non-artists, finding client work or having an online or physical shop.
At this point, I don't know what to do. Should I go back to Twitter? I still have my old acc, but I didn't feel comfortable in the community I was in; plus, I've heard the whole website has become messier and harder to grow as an artist. Look into an alternative like BlueSky or other websites? Create my own? Make a mailing list? Leave the internet entirely and live in the middle of nowhere?
The only thing I know is that I'll keep posting around here. Tumblr isn't perfect and has many faults, but it's one of the few places that still feels nice to post. Do y'all have any ideas or plans? I'm interested to know what other artists are thinking about.
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wellnoe · 2 years
Maybe this isn't necessarily how you conceive of Jean (or Emma), but who do you think would make a good rival for Jean besides Emma? Like who do you think could most confidently challenge like jean's ethos on a team. I think her and magneto being at odds on a team would be so fun, but like because jean has such a power gap over people and experience gap this scenario doesn't arise, especially since jean is not prone to conflict and accepts ideas from new members like synch and stuff. Sorry if this doesn't make sense but I think characters being at odds can be very fun. Either way I really enjoy reading your meta about jean a lot it's really made me appreciate her in a way I didn't before
i also think characters being at odds can be really fun! i think that jean and emma can be really good rivals but often aren't, because their conflict and rivalry tends to occupy this fairly shallow dimension without getting at any of the deeper ways in which these characters see the world and each other and disagree.
i think one of the reasons its hard to find a rival for jean is that i think jean really values team cohesion? she tries to navigate disagreements and tense social situations on the team so that everyone works together.
that said i do think your idea of her and magneto being at odds would be really fun! jean missed pretty much all of magneto's positive interaction w the x-men. she was dead (or in x-factor) when he taught the new mutants, and she was dead when he joined the x-men on utopia. i could see his presence being weird and disconcerting to her, as his closeness to people like scott and ororo demonstrates the extent to which she might not really know them anymore.
i also think jean's closeness to xavier, and the extent to which she was present for the beginning of the x-men and the development of those ideals and that idea could really interestingly play off of magneto. jean really bought into a lot of xavier's ideas, but she also has a different relationship to xavier than someone like scott did, where she was very aware of his flaws and hypocrisies, and could confront him about them (i also think jean tends to identify herself as a partner or confidante of xaviers, along the lines of moira, even though she was a child at the time. her and magneto navigating their relationships to charles in that context could be really interesting, imo).
finally i think jean is less willing to like. consider political violence (as opposed to personally motivated violence) than magneto is. that conflict between them could be really fun! especially if ororo and scott are there also. like i think for jean to actually have a rivalry w someone she needs to feel bad, and she needs to think she knows the other person and the way they're fucking w her. and i think magneto could fit the bill on both those fronts, though ig it is less a rivalry and more just. interesting conflict between two characters.
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parentalcontrol13 · 1 year
Teens & Instagram: Practical Steps Parents Can Take To Help Teens Navigate Instagram Safely
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By Carey van Vlaanderen, CEO of ESET South Africa
Instagram (IG) is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, particularly among teenagers. The photo-sharing app ranked third in terms of preferred social networks among teenagers in the United States, second to Snapchat and TikTok.According to research from World Wide Worx in partnership with Ornico, there are 10 million Instagram users in South Africa, making the platform one of the biggest and most popular in the country. Left unchecked, providing teens with open access to the platform can result in situations with unfortunately dire consequences. 
Social media can be a fun way to connect with friends, share content, and pursue various creative interests. On the opposite end of the scale however, unsupervised and untrammeled social media access has been shown to have a negative impact on teens. A study of more than 12,000 teens in the UK published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal, found that using social media more than three times a day predicted poor mental health and wellbeing in teens. 
Children aged 13-17 make up eight percent of Instagram’s entire userbase, with the  Meta-owned [formerly Facebook] photo-sharing platform boasting almost 1.4 billion active users of all ages every month. With such a large use base, Instagram is not immune to the variety of threats linked to social media including: cyberbullying, predators, scams and inappropriate content. As parents and caregivers, it’s important to be aware of both the positive and negative influence of social media on teenagers. For many parents though, the challenge is understanding the various social media platforms well enough to keep teens away from harm.
Account Privacy
Any account on Instagram can be public or private. While recent measures by Instagram have been taken to automatically have users under 16 set up with private accounts when they join Instagram, it is possible for that option to be manually set to public. A private account is generally the better option, as it requires the owner to approve any follow activity and who can view their content.
If a public profile is the option your teen wants, and you agree, consider discussing the risks carefully: letting everybody see everything on their feed might provide unsavoury characters with enough material to use for nefarious purposes. 
Sliding into DMs
Not everything that happens on Instagram is visible - teenagers do not just like and comment on each other’s posts or watch each other’s stories – they also “slide into each other’s DMs”. This means to send a direct message or DM. DMs are a big part of Instagram’s culture. It’s therefore sensible to have control over who is messaging your children. 
While Instagram prevents adults from sending messages to anyone under 18 unless they follow those adults, safety features recently rolled out by the platform to protect young users include prompts and safety notices to encourage vigilance in teens during conversations with adults they’re already following.
Comments, Tags, and Mentions
Comments, tags, and mentions are more ways users can interact with each other. It would be wise to ensure random strangers can’t tag your children to prevent any inappropriate interactions. Instagram’s online support pages provides detailed guidance on removing tags, unwanted comments and managing privacy settings.
Stop the trolls by hiding and filtering  
Social media interactions can sometimes turn sour with malicious comments and insulting messages. This is often the work of online trolls who try to encourage negative comments or enrage commenters further. As trolling can evolve into cyberbullying or cyberstalking, Instagram has a handful of features and settings to protect users from abusive behaviour. This is found under Instagram’s Hidden Words setting.
Parents and users are able to hide offensive comments by turning on Instagram’s comment filtering system which will conceal comments containing flagged words or set up a custom word list to include offending terminology. 
Safety should not be an afterthought
Whether your teenagers use Instagram to socialise, stay up to date with trends or share their lives, privacy and security should not be overlooked. Parents can better supervise their teenager’s Instagram if they become familiar with the platform, so consider nudging your teen to take additional steps themselves aimed at promoting a rational use of the app. Open discourse with your teenager about both the dangers and benefits of the app will help to promote a sensible and safe use of Instagram.
School before cool
Algorithms on social media apps attempt to keep users on the platform for longer, many times distracting teenagers to the detriment of schoolwork and studying. In addition to providing a secure environment where links out to malicious content can be controlled, products like ESET’s Security and ESET Parental Control has the ability for parents and caregivers to curate the content categories accessed across devices children are using to connect to the internet, whether it’s a laptop, tablet or cellphone. The added benefit is that access times and screen times can be managed, too. With proper dialogue and understanding, children learn to see it as something in their best interest and value the time that they get to enjoy on the platform rather than censorship which provides for a more productive focus on school and schoolwork. 
ESET offers various solutions to help parents and teens manage technology with confidence. Where technology is vital to progress, ESET is there to protect it. To learn more about more dangers faced by children online as well as about how technology can help, head over to Safer Kids Online. 
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Parental Control and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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hematomes · 2 years
I'm saying this as someone who likes eula and also enjoys playing physical damage builds from time to time so maybe I'm biased or whatever but why do people have such hatred for physical damage in this game??? Like sure you could argue that since the combat in Genshin is based on reactions physical damage isn't part of that (even though superconduct is literally a thing but sure whatever) but like so what??why are so many people being like "physical damage isn't good" I've seen so many builds of characters dealing decent to amazing physical damage and some of them weren't even meant to be dpses.
I guess it all comes down to "vaporize/melt/whatever deals so much damage why would you use anything else,fun? what's that?"
well first of all the genshin community as a whole is full of haters. and im not saying this as a joke or an exaggeration or anything, that's kind of the main part of any fandom and ik that bc the leaks subreddit is a damn good example
then like you said gi is mainly based on reactions, and physical fell out of meta with the surge of ruin enemies (who have like. +60% of phys res) in the abyss, and the introduction of the dendro element with its 78 reactions. meta has shifted, that's for sure
now saying that physical dmg isn't good is just... wrong? if it were true, eula wouldn't be one of the best nukes of the game. it can be boring for some ig, especially because physical dps are pretty rare (i can only think of razor and eula as specifically made for phys, bc rosaria and mika are supports. fischl is a good example too, considering her signature weapon is phys). but it's a game mechanic like any other so idk what they're on
anyway people are boring meta slaves are condescending little shits and phys gorou literally solos them with his eyes closed
ngl this makes me think of ppl who are like "this abyss is so easy yawns" honestly im kind of sad for them. i enjoy struggling, it would be so boring if it weren't a challenge anymore. idc about melt and vape and hyperbloom i only care about xiao's hips and wanderer's hands :] whatever 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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thebodotribe18 · 1 year
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Elon Musk has challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a "cage match" after Zuckerberg's Instagram. owned by Meta, announced plans to create a text-based social media platform to compete with Twitter! --- Further Meta spokesperson Alex Heath wrote “ I've confirmed that Mark Zuckerberg is serious about fighting @elonmusk and is now waiting on the details (if Musk decides to follow through) "The story speaks for itself," : Zuck's IG post saying "send me location" wrote Elon on twitter " Las Vegas" --
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Instagram's New Text-based App: Challenging Twitter?
Rumors are circulating that Meta-owned Instagram is gearing up to challenge Twitter with a new text-based app, and new evidence has recently emerged to support this claim. It seems that the launch of the app is imminent and expected to happen soon, shaking up the social media landscape. Let's delve into the details. Secret Meetings and Codenames According to Lia Haberman's ICYMI newsletter, Meta has been conducting secretive meetings with carefully selected creators to pitch its concept for a short-word app. This project has been referred to under various codenames, including 'P2,' 'Project 92,' and 'Barcelona.' Instagram's Design with Twitter's Foundation Insights shared by one of the creators reveal that the new app will be built on the foundation of Twitter but will feature Instagram's distinctive design language. Users will have the convenience of signing in using their existing Instagram username and password. Their data, including followers, bio, verification status, and username, will seamlessly carry over from Instagram. As Instagram aims to make this a "decentralized app built upon IG," users from other platforms like Mastodon will also be able to search for and interact with Instagram accounts. Engagement and Features In terms of engagement, users of the new text-based app will have the ability to post texts of up to 500 characters, share photos, attach links, and even include videos of up to 5 minutes in length. Similar to Instagram, users can express their engagement through likes, reposts, and replies. Creator Control and Account Safety The app will prioritize creator control and account safety, offering features similar to those found on Instagram. Users will have the ability to easily block, report, and manage replies and mentions. Any accounts that have been blocked on Instagram, as well as hidden words, will carry over to the new app. Additionally, all of Instagram's Community Guidelines will apply to the text-based app. However, details regarding monetization avenues for creators are currently unknown. Launch and Audience Reception According to the creator's information, the text-based app from Instagram could launch by the end of June. However, these details have not been officially confirmed. It remains to be seen how this app will resonate with the audience and whether it will stand out among its competitors, particularly Twitter. The level of appeal and the unique features it offers will play a significant role in enticing users to make the switch. More information is needed to dispel any uncertainties surrounding the app's potential success. Read the full article
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jennbarrigar · 2 years
Violence against women testimony (2023-002-IG-UA)
User appeal to restore content to Instagram
Submit public comments here.
In November 2022, an Instagram user posted a video with a caption in Swedish. The video contains an audio recording, also in Swedish, of a woman describing her experience in a violent intimate relationship, including feeling unable to discuss her situation with her family. The audio does not contain specific descriptions of violence. The caption notes that the woman in the audio recording consented to it being published, and that the voice has been modified. It says that there is a culture of blaming victims of gender-based violence, and little understanding of how difficult it is for women to leave a violent partner. The caption says, “men murder, rape and abuse women mentally and physically - all the time, every day.” It also provides a helpline number and says it hopes women reading the post will realize they are not alone. The post has been viewed about 10,000 times, shared fewer than 20 times and has not been reported by anyone.
Meta removed the content from Instagram under its Hate Speech Community Standard. The Hate Speech Community Standard prohibits making general claims, or “unqualified behavioural statements,” that people of a particular sex or gender are “violent criminals” or “sexual predators.” Meta's automated systems identified the content as potentially violating. After two human reviews, Meta removed the post and applied a “standard strike” to the user’s account. The user appealed, and a third human reviewer upheld the company’s decision. The content was then identified by Meta's automated High Impact False Positive Override (HIPO) system, which aims to identify content that does not violate Meta’s policies which has been wrongfully removed. This sent the content for additional review, where two more moderators found that it violated the Hate Speech policy.
The user then appealed to the Board. In their appeal, they said they frequently speak about men’s violence against women and aim to reach women who have survived violence. As a result of the Board selecting this case, Meta determined that its decision to remove the content was in error, restored the post, and reversed the strike.
The Board selected this case to explore Meta’s policies and practices in moderating content that targets people based on a protected characteristic, such as sex and gender. This case falls within the Board’s “Gender” and “Hate speech against marginalized groups” strategic priorities.
The Board would appreciate public comments that address:
How Meta's Hate Speech policy may result in the removal of content containing testimonies or condemnation of gender-based violence.
Insights on potential challenges and benefits of Meta’s approach to power imbalances between different “protected characteristics” in its Hate Speech policy.
Insights on any challenges faced in sharing testimonies and condemnation of gender-based violence on Facebook and Instagram.
Insights on the socio-political context in Sweden (and around the world), regarding violence against women, particularly intimate partner violence.
How Meta’s strike system could be improved to better protect activists, human rights defenders, journalists and others against having their content mistakenly removed and penalties applied to their accounts.
In its decisions, the Board can issue policy recommendations to Meta. While recommendations are not binding, Meta must respond to them within 60 days. As such, the Board welcomes public comments proposing recommendations that are relevant to these cases.
Public comments
If you or your organisation feel that you can contribute valuable perspectives that can help with reaching a decision on the cases announced today, you can submit your contributions using the links above. The public comment window for both cases is open for 14 days, closing at 15:00 UTC, Thursday, March 23.
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glittergit · 3 years
Dabi's life of crime...and customer service?
time for more lov brainrot!
i've been reading lov metas again, and my brain came up with this hc to help me cope with the angst
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the 'kindling' he refers to is made of petty criminals who don't challenge the hero society's ideals in a meaningful way
they break laws and probably hurt innocent people if it comes to that, but it's to make a quick buck and nothing deeper
so I present to you: dabi holding odd jobs here there
he's the 'quiet guy who gets the work done but doesn't really talk to anyone, oh and nobody knows anything about him cuz he's like the rosa diaz of whatever org he works for/with', he canonically works that way with the league as well
the one time he had to go cry tears of blood, he did it alone, away from everyone else's eyes
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this terrible undercover outfit
ik the todorokis are notorious for it(and bones hates him ahdhsadjk his animation in se5 bruhhhh) but like dude
you're a part of 2 shady criminal orgs at the moment, this is ur master disguise?
(cant complain considering it works, ig)
in conclusion:
dabi dresses like a dude who can only afford things on a minimum wage budget, so he probably worked odd-jobs in between to sustain himself before the league took responsibility for the combined budget ❤️
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found--family · 4 years
SPN Deserved Better 31 Days Creative Challenge
Supernatural deserved better than that trashfire of a finale so let's create the quality content TPTB denied our beloved show and the SPN fandom in 15x20! Celebrate 15 years worth of amazing meta-storytelling and character growth with 31 Days of fixit prompts: 
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Found Family 
Dean is Bisexual 
Castiel has Rainbow Wings 
Love Confessions 
Subtext & Symbolism
Free Will  
Heaven & Hell 
Women of SPN 
Angels & Demons 
Jack / God 2.0 
First Time 
Last Time 
New Beginnings 
edit: Day 18 has been changed from Life to Women of SPN 
All creative forms are welcome: art, fic, gifs, meta, fanvids, essays, memes, etc. Please remember to tag triggering content + put written creations over 1k under a "read more" break. 
Tag #SPNDBCC in the first 5 tags so we can find your creations on tumblr and show them love and appreciation! All creations will be reblogged here @foundfamily4eva​. 
also on:  Twitter  -  IG  -  Ao3 
* br*nlies & w*ncesties please DNI 
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roronoa-roro · 2 years
I'm challenging myself with this collab tbh. I'm not going with a favourite 2d man, I'm going with my newest obsession: dazai osamu (bungo stray dogs in case you don't know him)
it's been a while since I've written in first person so i wanna do it again. i had an angsty-smutty idea for him (even tho i didn't finish the manga yet so i might end up spoiling myself while searching meta info on him) and i said hey why not join this collab since it's available?🥰
also looking forward to reading some good tsumu content
"good tsumu content" 😭😭😭
its gonna be bad babes trust me I'm planning on writing heavy angst-
kjasgkjsjk oh i know dazai on a very very intimate level babes:>>> i love him gosh he's such a dork at times tho T_T
kjsgdkas i havent ever written for me in forst perso,,, like a full-blown fic ig,,, its gonna be weird tho- cuz all my first persons were for ocsdiyfksdlksa
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lyrebirdswrites · 4 years
not me drawing and interpreting proper astrological birth charts for the jjk main trio now that the official fan book finally gave us their birthplace in addition to their birthday 👀
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Explanation under the cut! (edited to be more beginner friendly)
Quick disclaimer ig: this is just my personal interpretation of these placements. If you read the way I describe something and you think to yourself “hang on, I have this placement and this doesn’t sound like me at all” that would be because a) I am an amateur astrologer and I do this for fun, I don’t know everything about every sign/planet, and b) no placement exists in isolation - it’s influenced by the house it’s in as well as any other planets aspecting it - so it’s possible that the placement manifests in a less conventional/standard way due you because of such factors.
EDIT: my first draft of this post was not super beginner friendly so here’s a quick astrology 101 to help people understand wtf I’m talking about. Skip to the next photo if you don’t need a primer.
Everyone has ten main planets in their birth chart, each of those planets will fall under a different sign depending on when and where you were born. The planet governs an area of your personality, the sign shows what that area of your personality is like. Some quick definitions of the relevant planets for this post:
Sun: the one everyone thinks of when asked ‘what’s your star sign’. Your basic personality, your core, your ego.
Moon: symbolises emotion, intuition, your private internal world, and how feelings are expressed.
Mercury: symbolises communication, intellectual reasoning, and how you learn.
Venus: symbolises romance, aesthetics, how you socialize, and pleasure-seeking behaviours like shopping or sightseeing.
Mars: the source of your passion/drive/motivation. Symbolises where and how you expend your energy.
Retrograde: not a planet, just something the planets do sometimes. At some points in the year the planets look like they’re moving ‘backwards’ through the sky, and this alters their influence on the birth chart.
I think that’s probably enough but shoot me an ask if you’re curious/confused! I’m always happy to talk astrology (clearly lol)
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Megumi... I always suspected he had scorpio influence somewhere in his chart and turns out I was right!! Not only scorpio venus but scorpio mars too?? I’m obsessed with this. Scorpio is a water sign (read: big on emotions), the embodiment of the phrase ‘still waters run deep’, and though scorpio placements are not always loud about their affection they tend to bond in a pretty intense way with their chosen people. Those venus and mars placements together really do speak of ride or die devotion - no wonder he’s Like That when it comes to Yuuji people he cares about.
His jupiter and saturn are both in retrograde; I would not have predicted it because I don’t think about natal retrograde all that much, but it actually makes a lot of sense imo. Retrograde jupiter usually indicates someone who is internally very philosophical in the sense that the person will define their own firm moral/ethical code instead of following a familial or societal belief system, which is pretty much megumi ‘I save people according to my own conscience’ fushiguro in a nutshell. While retrograde saturn is basically like. On the outside you’re stoic but on the inside you’re a worrywart, and you take responsibility Super Seriously but you also don’t like people with authority pushing you around needlessly. Which is also megumi in a nutshell lol.
His leo moon was a surprise but I honestly think it works for him because this is definitely where Unhinged Feral Megumi comes from: when he decides to go all out he gets such a flair for the dramatic. capricorn sun and capricorn mercury are pretty intuitive tbh, he really gives off capricorn vibes - practical, reserved, loyal, ambitious and tenacious, possessing a dry wit, capable of putting in steady hard work to get to where he wants to be.
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I was already aware of Nobara’s leo sun because we’ve had their birth dates for a while now (birthplace is the new info which lets me draw the whole chart). But her cancer moon is such a lovely placement under that hard outer shell of hers. Nobara seems like she does not have a nurturing bone in her body, but it’s wrong to stereotype cancers as exclusively homebody motherly types - they have deep loyalty for their chosen family/home and they’ll go to the ends of the earth for those people in their own way whatever that may be... she really is a softie deep down 🥰 she really does care 🥰 thinkin about the end of her ch 125 flashback in this context
Nobara’s virgo mercury is actually kind of funny to me because while it indicates a natural gift for intellect and a talent for sorting out the fine details, it also has the potential to make someone a harsh critic who can nitpick and be quite blunt in stating their opinions... this is very Nobara, she does Not spare the feelings of anyone she is talking to lol.
Libra venus!! She has libra venus that’s so perfect!!! this placement is sophisticated and charming and always classy, these people adore that classic chocolates-and-roses romance but they turn love of all kinds into an art form. Traditionally the placement is also associated with people who care about beauty and harmony, who will go out of their way to look good for their companions. Also her leo mars... I love that. It’s really amplifying her bold outspoken flashy self-loving take-charge nature. Queen energy right here.
She has a bunch of natal retrogrades but the one I want to talk about is retrograde uranus... this one is Very fitting and again almost funny in the context of her character. You know how she’s always convinced she’s the only sane person in the room when actually she’s the unhinged one 24/7 and not self aware about that in the slightest? Yeah. That’s big retrograde uranus vibes.
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Oh Yuuji... I could talk about your pisces sun all day 🥺 I could get Very technical and meta about the pisces association with the twelfth house and the fact that it’s ruled by neptune and what that says about his character, but I don’t have the room or the time so I’ll save that for another post. For now I’ll just say that the fact that he cares so deeply for others regardless of how well he knows them, the way he feels his feelings so intensely and is very intuituve/sensitive to others needs, him being interested in the occult before he ever found Sukuna’s fist finger, it all just seems more pisces to me than any other sign. And him having pisces mercury + pisces uranus in addition to his sun is also very sweet... our boy really thinks with his heart at all hours of the day doesn’t he?
His libra moon is such a fitting placement, too, because this moon is all about relationships - not just romance but bonds of all kinds, friends and family and companions of any sort. Yuuji as a character is so motivated by the bonds he shares with others and his desire to not be alone, especially on his deathbed. Libra moons are charming and personable and find it very easy to connect with others, they are deeply concerned with justice and will be accepting of everyone except for people who are cruel (exhibit a: just look how he responded to mahito). I think it’s a very apt moon for him to have.
Tbh if I were picking and choosing I might have loaded him up with yet more pisces energy and given him my favourite placement in the whole world, venus in pisces. But he actually has an aquarius venus and I think that’s so interesting! The part of this placement that speaks to his character for me is the way that aquarius venus love is defined by radical acceptance - there is never any judgement (I won’t judge you, Junpei!), because this venus seeks not only to see and understand but to be seen and understood in turn. Some say aquarius venus is an emotionally detached placement. I think that’s a mischaracterisation, but it is true that aquarius placements can be low key scared of intimacy and vulnerability even when they crave it lmao. An aquarius venus will sort through turmoil in their heart by retreating to think it over in isolation, rather than by submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known and reaching out. Manga readers if u know u know
All I can say about his capricorn mars is that it definitely embodies that determined protagonist vibe. Thoughts like ‘I want to get stronger, I want to be the best, I’ll put in the work to come out on top’ are very capricorn thoughts to have, and the drive and forward momentum associated with mars really push them to the front of his character. But also, again; an underdeveloped capricorn mars under stress will shut out possibilities for connection with loved ones by dedicating themselves to their job or cause. Yuuji learn healthy coping mechanisms challenge 2k21.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Just saw this very cool comic (https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpY2zHFnn4/?utm_medium=copy_link for anyone interested!) and it got me thinking
Do you think at some point Dream would go from being obsessed with Tommy to Ranboo? Honestly, as someone who really enjoys the storytelling of dream being so invested in this random kid as his enemy and who loves analyzing that, its a fear ive had since the enderwalking arc began. Cause on one hand tommy could get to heal but from the meta side itd be.. kinda disappointing ig?? Because its one of my favorites if not my absolute favorite storyline
I don't think it's actually gonna happen. Mostly because Ranboo lacks every single quality that made Tommy interesting to Dream in the first place (aka: having a spine, and being impulsive and chaotic enough to be fun). Also it wouldn't really make much sense?
Like, for Tommy and Dream's relationship there has been so much build up, like, I don't wanna say that it's one of the most developed relationships in the smp, but it's up there. For it to just sort of fizzle out would feel incredibly disappointing. And, again, wouldn't make much sense, because Ranboo's and Dream's relationship has had some unilateral build up for sure, but it's very little. It's barely enough to make the mystery surrounding it sort of interesting to me all of it is just kinda... there. Hasn't been touched upon in quite a while either. And, again, Ranboo is as spineless as can be, where would the fun challenge even be there?
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