#chakra haiku
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elizabethplaid · 5 months ago
Hey, a vague question.
Can I re-block a chakra?
I think I fucked up.
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moshdoingthings · 9 months ago
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Eyes closed, breathing slowed
Heart and root of energies
In tunes, push the dark.
- @moshdoingthings
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thehiddenedge-blog · 2 years ago
Seeds - (Weekly Haiku Prompt 452)
Scatter seeds of hope Matter not where they might land – Each grow a green patch (Senryu) Photo by RODNAE Productions Haiku inspired by Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku prompt #452 – Land & Patch – Click through for the rules, if you too, would like to join in …
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koi-askoi · 3 months ago
ok im playing pokemon now. my team is
Kirlia: Shakre (pronounced like chakra)
Mareep: Shamiko (made up on the spot)
Diglett: Haiku ( @haiku-bot ????)
Gyarados: Koer-i (pronounced ko-rhy)
Misdreavus: Kouiette (pronounced like quiet)
Crocalor: Shri'e (pronounced like shree-ay)
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nedsecondline · 6 months ago
Tiger Lily – Haiku 2024 Week 27: “Crow-Dipper Sprouts”
a swallowtail drinks from a tiger lily pose throat-soothing chakras In response to Mark over at SeasonWords where in Week 27: “Crow-Dipper Sprouts” …Tiger Lily – Haiku 2024 Week 27: “Crow-Dipper Sprouts”
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shanasaki · 7 months ago
Weekly Haiku 2024 #25
A weight off my chest
Throat chakra activated
Time to take action
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stastrodome · 1 year ago
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Swimming Lessons
Lili Reinhart
New York: Saint Martin’s Griffin, 2020. 
Pretty Boys are Poisonous
Megan Fox
New York: Gallery Books, 2023. 
Both Lili Reinhart’s and Megan Fox’s recent books start with the uncommon gesture of prefacing their poetry collections with introductory comments. Reinhart, comfortable in matter-of-factness, states she started with poetry to “comfort myself through spells of depression” whereas Fox warns her “dear reader” that her “throat chakra is blocked”. Reinhart releases her book in express terms of modesty (as a women who is daring honest emotion rather than as an established poet who is speaking to scholars), with hope others might “relate” to her   book whereas Fox takes a more retaliatory tone as a “a hopelessly romantic open wound of a human” who has been wronged and who believes she was “meant to be a sacrificial lamb” and that her poetry is a way she can disarm trauma with the truth.
The two books take seemingly opposite approaches in tone yet they share much as poetry collections. Not just in how they appear in the market (both are illustrated, with Reinhart’s having semi-erotic line drawings and Fox’s having goth manga-like characters that emphasize an innocence-ending tragedy; both Reinhart and Fox are known mostly for the acting in film and television) but in matters of their prosody and basic composition. Both books are disarmingly open-sounding and connected to a poetic sensibility that exists in the therapeutic arena of “sharing truths” and “confessing” in a deeper (more honest-sounding). They are both free verse collections which use a first person speaker who speaks in the vernacular and who use enjambment in their lines to create an agitated edge to their more plain-speaking heartfeltness. They both assert the unspoken identity of poetry (as a genre that exists in Universities and in the Hallie Steinfeld series Dickinson) is effortlessly found in feminine subjectivity. Neither of these collections give a hoot about the signatures of contemporary American poetry as it exists in the academy, mind you, but neither would be uncomfortable at its halls. 
In the high arc of Swimming Lessons, Reinhart writes,
These poetry books at the 
library sit there like 
pretentious little fucks
saying “you’re too late. 
We’re already here. We beat you.” (110-111)
Which nicely encapsulates the kind of anxiety that might inform but without overwhelming it into negative action. “I want my words to collect dust” (111) Reinhart’s speaker says, diffusing the romantic poet’s desire to proclaim a fool’s forever. Steeped in the virtue of sensibility, Swimming Lessons is careful not to damage the concept of Love—even in the face of some of its most bitter realities. 
The collection is, at heart, a recollection of love poems, often tender in reasonable metaphor “I see you in every flower and in every hummingbird” (5), sweet in prosaic recollection “I’ll try to make / snow angels in your / cigarette smoke” (33) but, ultimately bittersweet as it’s the story of a woman loving a man who is unable to reciprocate that love “I wanted to love him // so I did // through the rejection // and the women // I was there” (86). 
Reinhart holds her tone in the entirety of Swimming Lessons with admirable poise, keeping focus on small illuminations rather than lingering too long in resentment or in mooning reverie. The atmospheric zen (the suggestion of haiku like revelations) lends Reinhart’s speaker kind of psychological depth as she never feels the need to over expose or justify. There is a kind of Driver’s License- like pathos in the proceedings but in a similarly affecting manner—the speaker was a fool but the speaker doesn’t burn down her life because she was a fool. “(T)he vengeful part / of me” the speaker notes, “wants to hurt you” (51), but she returns quickly from the thought, noting her beloved’s beauty and coming to the self-realization that “even my / everything will not / fulfill you.” (205)
Megan Fox’s Pretty Boys are Poisonous is also about the speaker’s relationship with a beautiful man (a musician by intimation) who is criminally abusive towards the speaker. Where Reinhart’s speaker is mostly stranded by a roaming eye of a man, Fox’s titular “pretty boy” subject is described as “sad, rageful” and whose “beautiful hands” bruise the speaker’s jaw (8). As such the subject exists in an extreme Leonard Cohen parallelisms (love is hate, beauty is ugliness, etc My abuser / my captor / my friend / my love. 9) and seeks to step the collection on the edge of eros, where the speaker is the one who seem helpless to the facts that she expresses preference for the psychotic bond of trauma to “the prosaic tedium / of a regular life” (57). 
I used to believe love was a poem
Now I know love is a killing spree (3)
The beauty of the subject, the pretty boy, is a powerful ugliness that runs throughout Fox’s collection. Employing an almost Jeopardy! like element (or perhaps a Carnac the Magnicent like element), Fox titles her poems at the end of the poem so the titles—i.e. 32-year old narcissist quantifies his crimes (21)—come across as wise, swaggering answers to a poem’s basic riddle.
With references to the Bible and popular culture, the pretty boy subject of Fox’s book is not just a bad boyfriend or unfaithful lover but a literal devil, compared to the Brett Easton Ellis’s serial killer Patrick Pateman, disguised as a pretty boy, “An angel with a fully automatic” (41). The speaker sees herself as a defiant Lilith who refused to go “down on all fours” and offers a snake-appreciating tribute to Eve, offfering “Adam was too busy, self absorbed to fuck her” (79). 
Fox’s speaker leans into hyperbolic drama but no more or less  than Sylvia Plath does and often with greater precision and wit than many of the more theatrical performers of contemporary American poetry. Fox’s poem that just repeats the phrase “I hate men” (117) seven times is a pretty compelling break down of the wall that leads to heart of where poetry is today
One of the more fulsome poem in the collection, called oxycodone and tequila, details horrific moments of jealous abuse, perorating on a death fantasy:
it’s not you holding my hand as I die
it’s a nurse named cathy 
because you stopped at a bar 
to listen to a bunch of college girls (145)
Fox is able to move her reader through moments of incredible cruelty with the speaker’s ability to rise above and remain possessed of the self. It is hard to concede “I still crave / hades touch” (111) or to open bare (even if fictional) the dependency inherent in a stanza like
for all the times
i forgave you
for calling me
a stupid cunt (43)
But Fox stand with her speaker’s reality long enough (not looking to transform the collection with renunciation) to fend off the reader’s inclination to say “why don’t you find a nice handsome man who sells insurance! You’re so pretty!”
In that, it is a built-in titillation to suggest that maybe there are confessional elements in these poems (that rapper Machine Gun Kelly is Fox’s subject and actor Cole Sprouse is Reinhart’s subject) and not inconsiderable to ponder how the above average attractiveness of the authors might inform their (sometimes cynical) wisdom about the relationship of beauty to art. 
Tellingly, Fox writes
“they refuse to listen to my words 
they criticize the shape of my mouth 
as i speak them”  (91)
and it’s hard not to feel like one is replicating this objectification by noting things about Fox’s text beyond the text itself. 
All the same, Megan Fox has been included many lists of the “most beautiful women in the world”, even stacked up against movie stars and models, so she must (almost by definition) be the most beautiful published poet of all time. Wouldn’t that fact (like Mike Tyson asking one to think of what their life as a man would be like if they knew they could beat up anybody they ever met) give some philosophical vantage, even a monstrous one built in the penthouse of Trump Tower, which others could never really relate to? If read confessionally, certainly the most commonly shared delusion in Reinhart and Fox’s books would be the idea that the speakers (if Reinhart, of Fox) are less good looking that anybody who ever stands beside them, be it Swimming Lesson’s beautiful lover or Pretty Boys Are Poisonous title stinker. 
They are both really good books which I would highly recommend to anyone who feels a bit hemmed in by social media definitions of personality and ambition. In terms of the profession of poet, these collections are well come appearances insofar as they are mercifully mercifully free of certain hipster ironies of officially sanctified MFA stream poetry. Their points of view are not mine but I greatly admire how they stand for their own points of view with the strength to remain legible and seen. It is a comfort to know that some poetry can exist on the basis of a bond between a writer and a reader (as opposed to a bond between a notion and a grant-awarding institution). 
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haikuprajna · 1 year ago
(Swipe for our Halloween TV watchlist)
Hello reader,
April has a #poetry prompt list to go with the #Inktober2023 drawing prompts! I will be participating by #writing #haiku based on her inks, using her drawing as a poetry prompt before reading her #poem, and will share these haiku here and on the HaikuPrajna blog. Read April's poetry, check out her Inktober drawings and find the prompts to #write your own poetry at instagram.com/electricarmchair
Squash the feline, and // warts to those jumping about — // abrahadabra!
… #Toad and Pumpkin-cat [#Inktober] — #HaikuPrajna
Read online https://haikuprajna.blogspot.com/2023/10/20231013-toad-and-pumpkin-cat-inktober.html
Thank you for reading,
Until next time!
Allen W. McLean
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#meditate #mindful #metaphysical #chakra #yoga #attract #inktober #writing #halloween #horror
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chaoticclaybomber · 2 years ago
"Ha! That sounds nice and poetic, un! Not bad, yeah!" Almost a haiku even, though it's missing a few syllables. Not that Deidara is much good at poetry but hey, as long as it's spoken and not written it's pretty close his art. Fleeting and all about the experience of the moment.
"They're meant to be a lot bigger, but again, chakra's sealed somehow, un. I can make them big enough to ride on and I've killed plenty of people with just the C1 versions, yeah. C2 is my favorite cause it's the most fun, un." He does love talking about his technique and his art and its capabilities, even sometimes to his own detriment. He wants people to know about him and what he can do after all. Pride is definitely his sin of choice.
"Chakra, yeah. Seems to be unique to my world as far as I can tell, un. It's the mix of spiritual and physical energy in everything and people train to use it to accomplish things no one could possibly do otherwise, un. Ninja of a certain level are basically walking weapons of mass destruction, un. At full power I could take out at least half this city in one go, un." He shrugs, casual, though there's a smug tilt to his lips.
He wouldn't actually do that though; he finds he likes living here and there's people in the city he'd rather not blow up.
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The explosion is bright ,if small. reminding him of a flash grenade, the after effects were confused people who know nothing of whats actually happening right now.
"A bird life is short, but it expresses itself in one go..."
No that doesn't sound right.
"My heart is pounding, it reminds me of a stun grenade from home."
wether thats a good thing or not remains to be seen. But there was something about this whole art thing that got his blood pumping, and every time that happen... he wonders what kind of future would his body go to.
After all, he's only slightly aware of whatever inside of him, that can cause him to go berserk at any moment.
Wait a moment?
"Chakra? that sounds rather unique." He won't even go to the forbidden technique part.
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trueseedhealingarts · 4 years ago
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Like a fire raging
Through bold and lush sea of trees,
I consume my fears.
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stillfriend · 4 years ago
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While there's a time for 
Fabulous self-righteousness, 
Our crown chakra weeps.
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thehiddenedge-blog · 2 years ago
Crown - (Weekly Haiku Prompt #440)
Crown – (Weekly Haiku Prompt #440)
Drop self-obsession, Pursue spiritual peace – Open up your Crown … (Senryu) Photo by Louis-Charles Blais Haiku inspired by Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku prompt #440 – Crown & Drop – Click through for the rules, if you too, would like to join in …
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smokesignalsfromthehill · 7 years ago
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The Poetry Man ~ Zen Haiku Twenty bucks a poem
Composed on a typewriter
Amid subway smells 🌸#poetry #poem #awaken #bliss #soul #spirit #haiku #love #consciousness #karma #trueself #light #wisdom #chakra #spiritualawakening #freeyourmind #zen #alignment #meditation #enlightenment #instahaiku #poetsofinstagram #instapoetry #awareness #amwriting #bookstagram #book #writersofinstagram #poet #writer
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nedsecondline · 8 months ago
Aura – Haiku 2024; Week 19: Frogs Start Singing – Suzette B's Blog
Spotted Frog. Image credit: 165106 | Pixabay blossoming aura a spotted frog hides in lotus root chakra  Source: Aura – Haiku 2024; Week 19: Frogs Start Singing – Suzette B’s Blog
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lost-ends-found · 4 years ago
Cum Kundalini
chakras aligning in a rainbow up the spine find me, my serpent
explode out my mind and with this soul escaping pull the silver c(h)ord
transcendental high I'm blasting through the cosmos kundalini come
3in1 haiku #373
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senjuhashirama · 4 years ago
Hashirama in Senju clan, pt. 2/2
-->pt. 1<--
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Hashirama once had a disagreement with one of the Senju clan council members. He was punished to stay a few nights in a shed, all alone. Plus, he had to write a poem to promise he will do better. Hashirama, being himself and wanting to provoke everyone, wrote a haiku.
Hashirama’s cousin Yoruichi had a kekkei genkai that allowed her to create diamonds that she could fill with chakra. Because her mother was dying and her family had no money for a better doctor, Hashirama helped Yoruichi to sell the diamonds she was creating, so they could get the best doctor for the poor mother. The authorities though catched them and they had to pay a penalty, which made Butsuma go absolutely angry and he said Hashirama will never become the Senju leader.
Yoruichi gave Hashirama the necklace in the end as a gift, filling it with his chakra. The necklace was later given to Tsunade.
When Hashirama was seventeen, Butsuma died by Tobirama-.. Uchiha- natural causes. Hashirama wanted to become the next Senju leader, but the council voted him out for being too young. Toka’s father tried to poison Hashirama to get rid of him and claim the title of Senju leader for himself, but Toka drank the poison accidentally herself and almost died, if it wasn’t for Hashirama’s quick intervention.
Because Hashirama felt defeated after he wasn’t being chosen as the leader of the clan, he went to live with the Sarutobi clan, so no one in the Senju clan could hurt him. He lived there for two years, in a small cottage, working with Sarutobi clan and learning things about leadership. This is where his allyship with Sarutobi clan came to be. In the meantime, his uncle Sadojima was the leader of Senju clan and he didn’t want to give up that title.
Once he came back to the Senju clan, Madara already was the leader of Uchiha clan. Hashirama was voted the next clan leader as Sadojima’s children themselves stood up against him and voted for Hashirama, because they believed in his ideas for the future.
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