#ch. erin
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lena-rambles · 1 year ago
last line tag
i was tagged by @sarandipitywrites to share the last line i wrote. thanks for the tag! read their post here - i love the description in it.
from long live the queen, after erin's mother dies:
eventually, theodore speaks, quiet but firm. “you’re not alone. i’m here. so are cora and hugo. and your mother’s and father’s families.” he says nothing about his, which is just as well.
i'll pay it forward and gently tag @gummybugg, @oh-no-another-idea, @tabswrites, and @flowerprose :)
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spookyrps · 2 years ago
hey wassup i’ve made  872  gifs of   SARAH PIDGEON  as young clare in tiny beautiful things. feel free to edit, crop, whatever, just please credit me ( tag me + link to post ) if u do ! likes and reblogs are much appreciated!
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the-pantry-of-art · 4 months ago
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Graceful [unoffitial pl translation: Gracja]
She/Her. Age 4,75 yrs (start of AT)- 5,5 yrs at death. The middlechild, raised more by her older sis Noble then Alpha.
Affiliations/ ranks: Deep-Woods Pack (family member)
Parents: Alpha, Beta.
Siblings: Bold, Noble, Fleet, Daring, Strident.
Late ex-mate: Charming (a wolf)
Late mate: Mutt (a dog)
Pups: Brave, Quick, Half-Wolf, 3 unnamed desised pups.
Other Notable Kin: Omega (grandmother), Wise (uncle).
{canon description: Graceful was a female wolf with shaggy gray fur and golden eyes.}
Design Info: She got the height of a mountain wolf, that made her one of the tallest wolves in her family, but she was't blesst with a lot of muscle power. Giving her a delicate and "graceful" apperance.
-Her mother always said she got her eyes... and she was right, this perceing yellow was hard to mistake as belonging to anyone other then a wolf with mountain blood in its veins.
(Backstory) & other changes: She was a beaming happy child, a bit lonley though as she was sole in her litter, but it didn't seem like much of a problem to her. She always had her older sister Noble at her side, caring for her as her mother Alpha was out hunting. She was always content with this family The Great Wolf choose for her, even though as the time went she ache for someting more the the warmth of her siblings fur and a full stomach at night. She ache for romance.
And someday an oportunity presented itself in the form of a lone wolf, or better said in this situation, a half dead intruder. Found by Graceful and Wise on a hunting party, layed a wolf mutulated by a black bear when trying to defend his kill, poached in the Deep-Woods Pack territory. Not wanting a young wolf to die alone, they bringed this intruder to the camp and tried nursing him back to health. It proved to be a good idea, as this Charming wolf turned out to be a formetable fighter and an exelent hunter. Soon enough Graceful found herself in love with him, the only unrelated wolf she know her Pack wasn't in any conflict with.
Not long after they met, Graceful and Charming become mates. But it was a bad decision, one Graceful pretty soon learned to be one of the worst in her life. The handsome wolf turned out to be a rather trashy mate, narcisictic, neglectful and manipulative. He cared only for himself and caved validation from Graceful's older brothers and parents even if it meant painting his mate in a bad light. He would often undermine her acomplishments in hunting, wanting to make the Pack depend on his abilities. In the begining she brushed thouse situations off, taking them as nothing more then Charming wanting to impress her Family. Though by the time it really started to piss her of, his schemings were too far gone. She and Noble had nothing they could really do in this situation, Graceful was replaced in the eyes of her loved ones. With her brothers, and especially Bold trusting Charming more then his own sister.
When Graceful called him out on his behavior, he promised to change and made her happy by giving her children, it worked for some time, but then after she gived birth to Brave and Quick it returned to the deafult stat of things, or become even worse for her, Charming seemd to completly forget about her, to focused on his new kin, same was with Alpha and Beta, they were so happy for grandpups they completly missed on that Graceful was feeling miserable. She growed emotionally isolted from her litter. Become going on long walks and sole huntings to the woods, unaware that her paws were taking her colser and closer to the Longpaws settlmants.
It was where she meet Mutt, a friendly dog whom she growed more and more content with. She befriended him, and he become her escape. He always made her smile, comforted her, tried to clear her mind and fixed her view on her relationship with her pups. Even though he liked her, and wanted to be with her, he knew that her pups neded her more. She took his advice to her heart and spend more time with Brave and Quick to raise them properly (trying to shield them from Charmings lies). But she never stopped meeting with Mutt.
Character summary: I looovve her, really. I love how tragic her character arc is, and I love that despite everything she still tried to stand on solid ground, and she still fought for the respect of her late mates name, as well as trying to give Half-Wolf a deacent puphood, and show him that his Name and heritige isn't a definition of his selfworth.
I like, that despite everything that happend to her, all the grief, she never gived up on her son, he was all she had left... and losing him was the end for her...
(New design stats:)
Full character design- #8
Erin Hunter character- #8
Survivors character- #8
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oscarisaacss-wp · 3 months ago
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12 DAYS OF GIFMAS… DAY 4, your oc in another universe: ROSIE LAWSON in LOVE, ROSIE + ERIN THINDREL-CLARK in CUPID’S CHOKEHOLD, Alternate Spiderverse Fanfictions.
i. pinterest board for love, rosie
ii. pinterest board for cupid’s chokehold
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daily-tess · 9 months ago
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This Tess is from 1.18.17!
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godscobhhq · 5 months ago
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Alice from Alice in Wonderland
Name: Alice Liddel Age: 25+ Profession: Employee at Wonderland Crazy Golf & Indoor Maze Pronouns: UTP FC Suggestions: Erin Kellyman, Go Minsi, Alisha Boe Availability: Open
Biography UTP
Notable character information: Alice is suffering with an addiction to Pixie Dust and having hallucinations, but she just can't stop using the stuff.
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goodatbreakinghearts · 2 months ago
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erinicco seasons ⋆. · summer (monaco) — money, money, money, always sunny in the rich man's world.
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ninewhiskers · 4 months ago
does anyone else think the erins are subtly trying to canonize incest...frostpaw makes the connection that podlight is her uncle and right before that they had snaptooth make a pass at his aunt
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imstressedx · 2 years ago
How can I resist?: 🌹
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
“So, what’s next?” James asks, drawing her attention back to him.
Erin quickly scans her list, shaking herself from her own mental spiral. “Eggs.” And then she points a sharp finger at James. “Do not throw those!”
He rears back, bemusement evident in his eyes as he places a hand over his heart. “Yes, Ms Quinn.”
Erin can’t help the heat that rushes to her face. “Oh, shut up,” she scowls, pushing the trolley along the aisle.
“Are you gonna use your teacher voice on me again?”
“Shut up!”
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rinnysega · 1 year ago
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This is how I look whenever I try to write this book in order
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lena-rambles · 1 year ago
nano update, days 1–3
daily goal ; 800 words
weekly goal ; 4800 words
month goal ; 20,000 words
one rest day per week accounted for
current count ; 2131 words
excerpts under the cut :)
wed 1 - 829 words (prologue)
“if you're crown princess now,” cora said, twisting her hand in the thin fabric of her nightgown, “that means you will spend all your time with mother after the war, right? like zacharias.” a denial immediately stumbled out of my mouth. i pulled her close and ran my fingers through her sand-blonde hair. “no, i— i am still your hearth-sister. always.” five years later, sitting on my mother's throne with a crown far too heavy, i wish i knew how to keep that promise.
thurs 2 - 579 words (chapter two or three)
“i never- i don’t know what to do,” i stutter, muffled. “this wasn’t- she can’t be- she can’t be gone.” “i’m sorry,” he murmurs. i know he’s sorry for my pain, not that mother di— i appreciate it nonetheless. i turn my head, cheek resting on the pillow but facing away from him. “it wasn’t supposed to be like this. i was- i was the second-born. the hearth-daughter. and that was fine, i liked it. then- the, the war came. another skirmish over the channel but arius couldn’t let it go and it just, just snowballed.” theodore makes a small sound. i can not find it in myself to powder my next words for his comfort. “and then the siege and lord evander.” the name falls darkly from my lips, my utter despisal heavy. “zacharias died. everyone says it was a tragedy, but he secured the royal family’s continued survival. that wasn’t it- he could’ve run away too. but he put his family first, he wasn’t supposed to, that wasn’t his job, he should’ve come with us.” five years later, i’m still angry at my brother. i want to grieve him like a proper sister, but — “i wish he was here. gods, theodore, i can’t-” i cut off, a fish hook sinking into my long rambling words and pulling them down.
fri 3 - 723 words (chapter one)
i know when the lady has seen me, a tight smile curling her dark-stained lips. she murmurs to her husband and son. her son’s face softens and he tries to hide his grin to no avail. i can clearly imagine his hazel eyes crinkled with fondness, even if i am too far to see them. when we are close enough for conversation, theodore’s parents bow and curtsy respectively. he tilts his head in a deep nod. he’s one of few outside of family who need not bow; a privilege granted as my betrothed. i dip my head. “felicem diem brumatis, lord and lady evander, theodore.”
i'm pretty happy with these few days! my goal is 800 words 6/7 days in the week, which is 4800 for the entire week. i've been really stuck on the beginning of chapter one for literally months, knowing exactly what scene and vibe i want but not being able to write it. finally today (the 3rd) i got it! the first 700 words of the legit first chapter so,,, that makes me really happy
long live the taglist
@memento-morri-writes @sarandipitywrites (ask to be +/-)
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queenscharacters · 1 month ago
"You can use the grumpy bear mug..." Erin to Spencer
Spencer narrowed his eyes, hating that he involuntarily already proved Erin's little point. He wasn't grumpy. It was morning - he wasn't a morning person. Even with coffee, which he would thank his wife for the moment she stopped teasing him, he didn't know how to be a pleasant person this early. Plus, he woke up to a text from his dad demanding he do some extra work for the company. Then again, it wasn't like she knew that.
"I feel like Sleepy is more appropriate." He grumbled, graciously accepting it.
"They're not the seven dwarves, Spencer." Erin was clearly smug.
He shot her a look, marching over to their cabinet where her specific Care Bear mugs were stored. They took up two of the shelves - and they both knew that wasn't the entire extent of them. "Gee, you don't say!" He shook his head. Considering he had already gifted her new additions to her collection, he hoped she knew he was just teasing her back.
Spencer took her laughter for a sign that she did. He rolled his eyes, taking a sip so he could hide his smile. "Thank you." He murmured. It didn't go unnoticed that she remembered to add cinnamon, but he didn't know how to make note of that out loud without being weird.
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the-pantry-of-art · 4 months ago
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Quick [unoffitial pl translation: Szybki]
He/Him: Age 2,25 yrs (start of AT),- 3 yrs (end of AT). Born into Graceful's first litter.
Affiliations/ ranks: Deep-Woods Pack (family member)
Parents: Charming, Graceful.
Brother: Brave
Half-Siblings: Half-Wolf, 3 unnamed desised pups.
Other Notable Kin: Omega (great-grandmother), Wise (great-uncle), Alpha (grandmother), Beta (grandfather), Bold (uncle), Fleet (uncle), Noble (aunt) , Strident (uncle), Daring (aunt).
{canon description: Quick is a male wolf with shaggy gray fur, yellow eyes, and a bushy tail}
Design Info: He kind of looks like Graceful, at least in markings, he have her specific dark eartips, tan "eyeshadow", and light colored flews. As well as the same shade of his piercing yellow eyes.
(Backstory) & other changes: I like to think, that he sometimes feels remorse and regret for treating Half-Wolf the way he did. Especialy after he saved his life from the Longpaw Fangs. And he partially blames himself for Gracefuls death, hoping that if Half-Wolf was with them when Sundance raided the camp, his mother would have more motivation to fight.
Character summary: Shout-out to the fakest brother in all of Erin Hunter ever. or the second fakiest 'couse Podlight exist 😷
(New design stats:)
Full character design- #12
Erin Hunter character- #11
Survivors character- #11
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k-musing · 2 months ago
tag dump.
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reinemichele · 1 year ago
>> How am I supposed to make an edit for Father Kreiner if he's a book character with no canon design & I don't want to use ppl's art without permission
>> Would it be fucked up to use yellowjackets to represent him since some fanart seems to use a deer skull
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>> Father Kreiner is my favorite he/him lesbian
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godscobhhq · 5 months ago
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Merida from Brave
Name: Merida MacGregor Age: 24 - 34 Profession: Owner of Brave Archery & Activity Center Pronouns: UTP FC suggestions: Mairead Tyers, Erin Kellyman, Freya Mavor Availability: Open
Biography UTP
Notable character information: Merida ran away from home at 18 and now lives in Godscobh.
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