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opera-ghosts · 2 years ago
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OTD in Music History: Important Mexican composer and conductor Carlos Chavez (1899 – 1978) dies in Mexico City. At age 16, Chavez completed his first symphony – but the ballet “El fuego nuevo” (“The New Fire,” 1921) was the first significant work that he completed in what he later deemed to be a “true Mexican style.” As a young man he traveled widely in Europe and the United States, in 1928 he founded and became conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Mexico. From 1928 to 1933 he also served as Director of the Mexican National Conservatory. Chavez’s music is unmistakably “Mexican” in its melodic patterns and rhythmic inflections… but despite drawing inspiration from Mexican music and Mexican folk traditions, Chavez was also deeply influenced by avant garde European composers of the day – especially Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971) and Arnold Schoenberg (1874 – 1951). Out of all his colleagues, Chavez was undoubtedly the closest with Aaron Copland (1900 – 1990). Both composers worked to create a distinct musical sound world that spoke to their home countries at a time when Europe was seen by many cognoscenti as the only true font of “serious” music. They wrote to each other regularly – and on one memorable occasion, in the 1930s, Chavez sent Copland a letter expressing his annoyance at what he perceived to be “self-important” attitudes in Europe. Copland responded as follows: “All you wrote about music in America awoke a responsive echo in my heart. I am through with Europe, Carlos, and I believe, as you do, that our salvation must come from ourselves, and we must fight the foreign element in American music…” PICTURED: A lovely portrait photograph showing the young Chavez in a very self-serious pose, which he signed and inscribed to a friend.
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jjcordero92 · 2 months ago
Casi dos años desde que publique este artículo:
«Julio Fuenmayor garantía de Unidad»
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centraldenoticiasmx · 3 months ago
Pide Julio Cesar Chávez al narco en Sinaloa que "Paren las masacres"
🖊#Sinaloa | Pide Julio Cesar Chávez al narco en Sinaloa que "Paren las masacres" SABER MÁS:
Culiacán, Sinaloa se encuentra con momentos complicados, ya que desde hace meses se han registrado distintos hechos violentos tras la detención de Ismael ‘Mayo’ Zambada por autoridades estadounidense, al respecto el exboxeador Julio César Chávez hizo una petición. El exboxeador Julio César Chávez pidió, sin mencionar sus nombres, a Los Chapitos y Mayitosque paren con la violencia que han…
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chicosanchez · 1 year ago
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Una de mis fotografías del fallecido Presidente Venezolano Hugo Chávez. Durante más de seis años colaboré como fotógrafo y periodista en Venezuela con diarios de todo el mundo y agencias internacionales como Reuters o EFE siendo testigo de la lucha político por el control del poder mundial que se está llevando a cabo en el mundo. En mi libro El Valle Sagrado comparto mis conclusiones después de estos años. Cómpralo desde estos enlaces:
En papel y kindle: https://amzn.eu/d/9UCZ9nO ( España )
En Papel y kindle: https://a.co/d/hMd79C5 (México)
En papel y kindle: https://a.co/d/5ItZBUq ( Amazon,com )
En PDF: https://chicosanchez.com/libros/ols/products/el-valle-sagrado-libro-chico-sanchez-pdf 
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drmucimendoza · 1 year ago
Elogio del ente malvado o insensibilidad congénita al dolor del semejante...
“Todo esta perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de burla”. Demócrito. Me contaba una amiga médica querida y muy cercana, que va a operar ad honorem al Hospital Vargas de Caracas -al cual no pertenece oficialmente pero sí, de corazón, y al que asiste en calidad de especialista cuando los residentes la llaman-, que en este mes de diciembre de 2023 se encontraba interviniendo un…
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rafael-muci-mendoza-blr · 1 year ago
Elogio del ente malvado o insensibilidad congénita al dolor del semejante...
“Todo esta perdido cuando los malos sirven de ejemplo y los buenos de burla”. Demócrito. Me contaba una amiga médica querida y muy cercana, que va a operar ad honorem al Hospital Vargas de Caracas -al cual no pertenece oficialmente pero sí, de corazón, y al que asiste en calidad de especialista cuando los residentes la llaman-, que en este mes de diciembre de 2023 se encontraba interviniendo un…
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adribosch-fan · 1 year ago
Quo vadis Colombia
Visite Colombia hace unos días. Fue un viaje turístico y de familia. En ambas visiones pude apreciar que el gobierno no cuenta con muchas simpatías. Un número importante de los que dicen haber votado en contra del presidente Gustavo Petro, cuestionan seriamente a los que lo eligieron, aun mas, vi grafitis en históricas paredes que, entre otras críticas, le preguntaban al mandatario por que el…
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daimiyamoto · 5 months ago
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thugbros · 2 years ago
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informe360 · 2 years ago
Hoy se cumplen 21 años de regreso de Chávez al poder tras golpe de Estado
El Gobierno conmemora este jueves los 21 años de la vuelta del entonces mandatario Hugo Chávez (1999-2013) a la Presidencia, tras el golpe de Estado del 11 de abril de 2002, que lo mantuvo dos días fuera del poder, un regreso que califica como una “victoria popular”. El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, reconoce la labor de los militares venezolanos, esto en referencia al 13 de abril…
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velvetcloak · 1 year ago
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Georgina Chávez
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centraldenoticiasmx · 9 months ago
Se reúne Chávez Cardoso con titulares de las mujeres en municipios
Chávez Cardoso, las llamó a no escatimar ningún esfuerzo y dar lo mejor de cada una para atender a las mujeres.
La Presidenta del Instituto de la Mujer para el Estado de Morelos (IMM), la Dra. en D. Guadalupe Isela Chávez Cardoso, encabezó una reunión de trabajo con Directoras y Tesoreras de las Instancias de las Mujeres de los municipios de Atlatlahucan, Cuautla, Tetela del Volcán, Miacatlán, Totolapan, Coatlán del Río, Xochitepec y Ayala, quienes fueron beneficiadas con el Programa para el Adelanto,…
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bobdylan-n-jonimitchell · 8 months ago
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Cesar Chavez & Joan Baez at a United Farm Workers benefit, Santa Monica, CA, December 16, 1966 © Emmon Clarke.
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chicosanchez · 2 years ago
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Durante más de seis años colaboré como fotoperiodista con agencias internacionales y diarios de todo el mundo con base en Caracas, Venezuela. Os comparto algunos ejemplos de esas publicaciones. Muchas de las enseñanzas y conocimientos que adquirí en aquellos años los comparto en mis libros que puedes comprar en estos enlaces:
Mis libros: https://chicosanchez.com/libros (Papel y PDF) https://www.amazon.com/author/chicosanchez (Papel y kindle)
Gracias por compartir
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sunthyme · 2 months ago
Ahhh... Savanaclaw. I said the obvious redos were gonna be a trend but I literally didn't redo anything with them 💀💀💀. They came out fine...
🐾 Savanaclaw 🐾
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I'm literally so happy with all of them, ong. They all look so good, if I do say so myself ✨😎✨
🐾 Leona Kingscholar 🐾
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Once again, y'all have already seen his up-to-date design but tada!
I actually have a ton of new hc info for his background but I'll rant about that later on my writing acc.
Surprisingly (or not because I'm projecting as always), he's an Environmental Studies and Economics double major with a minor in History. While people might argue there's no way he'd do that much, I beg to differ.
This will be covered later too but my friend and I made a joke that he was originally a political science major but switched after dealing with basically irl political science major BS but like anti-beastman (racism) edition.
🐾 Kiki Adebayo 🐾
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Nothing much changed here, except her looking way better.
Unique Magic - "Spirits In The Stars": Once per moon cycle, Kiki can speak to a spirit for up to an hour. The spirit is only visible to her and cannot interact with anything physically.
She's a Business major, her birthday is December 30th (Capricorn). She's also in the Horse-back Riding Club.
🐾 Ruggie Bucchi 🐾
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So I rendered out the locs this time and WOO BOY, those are time-consuming. So I decided to give him freckles instead of vitiligo. I also returned his eyes to grey, which pop super well.
Gave him a gold tooth, figured he's been in enough fights to have lost a tooth in the process. He's mixed, with his father was not a native of Sunset Savanna and ditched after his mother became pregnant.
He's also a Business major and wants to open a bakery eventually, named after his grandmother.
🐾 Mandisa Jelani 🐾
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So I did my curl studies! YIPPEE!! I hit Mandisa with kinda a full redesign, though their colour palette stayed basically the same.
Unique Magic - "Barking Command": Mandisa's voice, for her next sentence, is able to be heard, regardless of physical barriers.
She's actually a Culinary major, as she comes from a similar background as Ruggie and wishes to provide healthy food to the slums.
Their birthday is March 26th (Aries) and they're in the Track and Field Club.
🐾 Rocío Chávez 🐾
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I really did her diff, though god she looks better. Gave her gauges and more blue since most of the dorm is yellow themed.
Unique Magic - "Squirrel Squeak": Once cast, Rocío can speak to animals for twenty-four hours. It has a refractory period of seven days.
She's undecided in her major, born on April 26th (Taurus). She's in the Magical Shift (or Spelldrive) Club.
🐾 Jack Howl 🐾
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JACK! MY SON!! 😭😭😭
I believe I actually mentioned this in the OG post but I saw people making Jack Inuit and I am sooooo down for that!
I gave him the condition where one's hair goes grey very early on (my aunt went grey at 13 lol) and changed the style a bit.
Actually, he's the one canonic character that I'm trying to tweak the unique magic of. Because, tbh, I hc that any beastfolk can shift without aid like the mer do but.
He's a Botany major, what a cutie!!
🐾 Abayomi Furaha 🐾
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My bbygirl!!! I also gave her locs but they're butterfly ones! Also difficult.
Unique Magic - "Change Your Tune": Abayomi can change the sound of their voice while casting to any sound within its audio range.
She's a Music major and is also in the Pop Music Club. Her birthday is November 28th (Sagittarius).
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weirdlookindog · 9 months ago
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Remedios Varo (1908–1963) - Retrato del Doctor Ignacio Chávez (Portrait of Doctor Ignacio Chávez), 1957
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