#Georgina Chávez
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velvetcloak · 1 year ago
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Georgina Chávez
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moremedtech · 1 year ago
Bolivia’s hypergravity blood cell test for astronaut health
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Bolivia’s hypergravity blood cell test for astronaut health. An all-female team from Bolivia is the latest international group to use ESA's hypergravity-generating Large Diameter Centrifuge, with access sponsored by the United Nations and ESA. The researchers are looking into whether the high gravity levels experienced during rocket launches contribute to the anemia that many astronauts suffer from in space. Based at ESA’s ESTEC technical canter in the Netherlands, the LDC is an 8-meter-diameter, four-arm centrifuge that gives researchers access to a range of hypergravity up to 20 times Earth gravity for weeks or months at a time. Access to the LDC was arranged through HyperGES, part of the Access to Space for All initiative sponsored by ESA and the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, UNOOSA. At its fastest, the centrifuge rotates at up to 67 revs per minute, with its six gondolas placed at different points along its arms weighing in at 130 kg, and each capable of accommodating 80 kg of payload.
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ESA's Large Diameter Centrifuge The five-strong all-female team from Universidad Católica Boliviana ‘San Pablo’ in La Paz, Bolivia, have spent two weeks studying the effects of hypergravity on red blood cells. Astronauts are known to experience numerous adverse health effects while in space. Among them – observed since the earliest days of orbital flight – is anemia, which can cause dizziness and weakness. Recent research shows this anemia is linked to ‘hemolysis'—in’ – in plain words that red blood cells are destroyed at a much higher rate than the usual recycling of old and damaged cells. This finding became the starting point for the team’s research.
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Preparing_samples_for_testing Team leader Dr. Georgina Chávez explains: “As part of a biology class I assigned a very simple task which many people might do in school: testing how osmosis affects red blood cells. By putting low-salinity ‘hypotonic’ solution in the fluid surrounding the red blood cells, then water moves into the cells and they eventually burst. We saw the paper in Nature on the hemolytic anemia suffered by astronauts, and the parallels with our testing raised our interest. It is possible that hypergravity exposure causes cellular membranes to become fragile, leading to hemolysis.
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Red_blood_cells_undergoing_hemolysis_after_hypergravity_exposure “What is well known is that the distribution of body fluid changes in weightlessness, so this might promote the same kind of destruction of red blood cells. But most of the existing studies have been done in microgravity. We thought, well actually astronauts go through two big bodily changes during spaceflight: to make it into microgravity they first experience a brief but intense period of hypergravity. So we decided to investigate the effects that this initial phase might have in terms of leading to hemolysis in space later.”
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Samples_placed_in_LDC For hypergravity testing the team prepared various levels of hypotonic solutions to perform ‘osmotic fragility testing’ on samples that were exposed to 7.5 and 15 Earth gravities as well as normal gravity as a control. The hypergravity spins continue for differing test periods of 10 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes, with samples stored at temperatures of 25°C and body temperature. “It typically takes a few minutes of high-gravity rocket flight to make it into orbit,” notes team member Daira Quenta. “We want to see how the amount of time spent in hypergravity might make a difference.”
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Hypergravity_centrifuge_in_motion The team had been inspired by previous Bolivian participation in other UNOOSA programs, notably the DropTES (Drop Tower Experiment Series) which enables international researchers to utilize the ZARM drop tower in Bremen, Germany, with a 146-m shaft for brief microgravity testing. “We made the connection – if they can do it, we can do it. The opportunity got us motivated.” Team member Marcia Carrasco comments “We’re training to become biochemistry and bioprocess engineers, which is really quite vocational,” explains team member Belen Flores. “This career encompasses a wide range of options, we might for instance end up working for the pharmaceuticals sector or food companies. We don’t typically have the chance undertake scientific investigations like this, so this has been exciting.” “We are an all-female team, which wasn’t intentional, but they are all brilliant students, and it’s fair to say females are a bit more organised!” Dr. Chavez adds “We didn’t think too much about gender at the time, but we have been part of some important initiatives subsequently, including Matilda, an organisation encouraging female Latin America students to go into STEM subjects. And we’ve been featured on Pica, which is a popular TV show for Bolivian teenagers, raising a lot of interest.” Team member Natalia Agramont says Source: ESA Read the full article
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aryastarkart · 5 years ago
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Game of Thrones Fan Art by Georgina Chávez
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oscarcoria · 2 years ago
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Reconoce Presidente a empleados por ser pieza fundamental en la conducción del Ayuntamiento #EnContrasteVeracruz #Córdoba @encontrastever Córdoba, Ver.- Con la entrega de 72 reconocimientos a empleados públicos por cumplir 15, 20, 30, 40, 49 y 53 años de servicio dentro del Ayuntamiento de Córdoba, el presidente Juan Martínez y Ediles, reconocieron que cada trabajador funge como pieza fundamental para que el gobierno municipal camine de manera correcta. “Cada uno de nosotros desempeña un papel que nos ayuda a la conducción de este Ayuntamiento. Yo no dudo que cada uno está poniendo el mejor esfuerzo, el corazón y la honestidad en cada uno de los lugares que está desempeñando, para mí es un orgullo contar con el respaldo de ustedes. Todos juntos, estamos poniendo ese grano de arena que nos corresponde para lograr el renacimiento de Córdoba”, expresó la primera autoridad. Acompañado de la Síndica, Vania López González, quien reconoció a cada uno de los trabajadores del Ayuntamiento y del DIF Municipal por su tiempo y esfuerzo. “Sin duda ustedes son el capital más importante, sin ustedes no podríamos avanzar en esta administración, sin su dedicación, sin su corazón y su esfuerzo que se ve reflejado en cada una de las acciones. Gracias a quienes están con nosotros en la administración llevando un nuevo rumbo”, señaló. Durante el festejo por el Día del Empleado, organizado por la Directora de Recursos Humanos, Lucero Loyo Pérez; los Regidores: Daniel Vázquez Hernández; Georgina Aguilar Sánchez; Jonathan Rosas Blanco y Erick Gasca Morales, entregaron junto con el Presidente y la Síndica los reconocimientos a los trabajadores sindicalizados, entre ellos a Antonio Hernández Celis y Alicia Chávez Morales, quienes han servido al Ayuntamiento por 53 años. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-WaQPOV48/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notimundo · 4 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/sociedad/fiscalia-de-la-mujer-lleva-atencion-especializada-a-saucillo/
Fiscalía de la Mujer lleva atención especializada a Saucillo
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• Se brindará asesoría legal, evaluación de riesgo, atención médica, psicológica y de trabajo social.
• Se inauguró una oficina ubicada en las instalaciones del DIF Municipal.
Con el objetivo de ampliar los servicios de atención especializada, la Fiscalía Especializadas de la Mujer instaló una oficina en el Municipio de Saucillo para atender a las mujeres, adolescentes y niñas de esta localidad.
Con el apoyo del Gobierno Municipal, se asignó un espacio en las instalaciones del DIF Municipal, donde se atenderá a las víctimas de violencia de género con servicios de asesoría legal, evaluación de riesgo, atención médica, psicológica, y de trabajo social.
La oficina, se encuentra en el interior de las instalaciones del DIF Municipal, ubicado en Calle 5ª sin número de la Colonia Altavista, en un horario de 8:00 a 16:00 horas.
Para cualquier duda o consulta sobre la atención que brindará esta oficina, la FEM pone a disposición el número de WhatsApp (614) 369-55-64, o bien vía telefónica en el número (621) 457-11-99.
Los delitos que se atienden en esta dependencia son: violencia familiar, denuncias por delitos que atentan contra el cumplimiento de la obligación alimentaria, delitos de carácter sexual, delitos de trata de personas, desaparición de mujeres y niñas e investigación de feminicidios.
La inauguración estuvo encabezada por el Fiscal General del Estado, César Augusto Peniche Espejel, la Fiscal de Género, Wendy Paola Chávez Villanueva, la Alcaldesa de Saucillo Manuela Aidé López de Anda, la Directora de Justicia Para Nuestras Hijas, Norma Ledezma Ortega y la Diputada Georgina Bujanda.
En su intervención la Fiscal de Género, Wendy Paola Chávez, agradeció el apoyo de la Presidencia Municipal para la instalación de la oficina número ocho en el estado y que ayudará a atender puntualmente a las víctimas de los delitos de género con dignidad.
La funcionaria destacó que en esta ocasión fue la misma Presidencia Municipal quien detectó las necesidades de las mujeres de Saucillo y solicitó la intervención de la autoridad especializada para atender debidamente la violencia en este Municipio.
Por su parte el Fiscal General, César Augusto Peniche Espejel, reconoció la importancia de participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, señaló que se han efectuado cambios para mejorar la atención de las usuarias y destacó el compromiso de la institución para continuar con la consolidación de la FEM.
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periodicomirador · 6 years ago
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Zacatecas, Zac.- Los equipos representativos de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ) lograron dos boletos más para la fase regional de los Juegos del Condde (Consejo Nacional del Deporte de la Educación), el básquetbol femenil y la pareja de voleibol de playa femenil viajarán a Chihuahua para competir por la máxima casa de estudios del estado.
Básquetbol femenil
Las Tuzas de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas se clasificaron como primer lugar a la etapa regional del Condde dentro del baloncesto femenil, luego de vencer 86-36 al ITZ durante la segunda y última jornada de actividad en esta fase estatal.
Tras haber derrotado también a la Escuela Normal Rural de San Marcos, las dirigidas por Federico Cepeda sabían que su boleto al Condde regional prácticamente quedaba amarrado y únicamente restaba tratar de quedarse con el primer sitio, además de mantenerse invictas en esta breve eliminatoria, por ello utilizaron a dos de sus habituales jugadoras titulares Stephany Chávez y Ana Patricia Escobedo, a fin de no poner en riesgo sus objetivos.
Así, únicamente batallaron en el primer periodo para despegarse de las Mapaches ITZ en la pizarra, y en lo posterior, el partido se volvió un mero trámite para que llegara la victoria de las auriazules y clasificaran en el primer lugar al evento regional que tendrá como sede la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.
Por las Tuzas de la UAZ, precisamente Stephany Chávez fue la mejor anotadora con 20 puntos, seguida por Karen Rivera con 18, mientras que, por el Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatecas, Mónica Márquez fue la mejor encestadora con 11, y le siguieron Sharley Rodarte y Georgina García con 9 cada una.
Voleibol de playa femenil
La dupla de voleibol de playa de la UAZ conformada por Lucía Aguilera y Michel Félix, avanzó a la Universiada Regional a realizarse en Chihuahua tras vencer a la BENMAC y perder ante el ITZ.
Tanto Lucía como Michel debutaron con un triunfo relativamente fácil ante la BENMAC, la pareja de la UAZ impuso su calidad para ganar el primer set 21-9, mientras que el segundo rollo volvió a favorecer a las Tuzas que se tomaron el juego con seriedad para ganar con determinación tras un marcador de 21-8.
Tras un sencillo triunfo la dupla de la UAZ se midió ante la pareja del Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatecas (ITZ), partido que no fue sencillo para Lucía y Michel, pues a pesar de jugar un gran nivel en el primer set, el cual ganaron por marcador de 21-12, para el segundo capítulo la dupla del ITZ aprovechó las desatenciones de la UAZ para ganar el set 21-18.
El último set fue un duelo parejo y bien disputado que se inclinó a favor del ITZ que impuso condiciones al ganar 15-13.
Las Tuzas obtienen su boleto para el regional del Condde was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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akaanuar · 8 years ago
Siddhartha-Tarde (Official Video) from Unlimited Films on Vimeo.
Siddhartha`s Tarde is a video that establishes the moment when the dreams from two different people collide and become the same, the two protagonist are trying to find each other in their dreams but can only do so if both of their dreams become the same. It represents in a symbolic way, the point in a romantic relationship where each of the individuals universes start to merge to convert into one.
Una producción de UNLIMITED FILMS Director: Jorge G. Camarena 1er Asistente de Dirección: Cristóbal González Camarena Productor Ejecutivo: Gabriela Alvarado Fregoso Director de Fotografía: Gerardo Guerra Director de Arte: José Portillo Gerente de producción: Georgina Furber Asistentes de producción: Valeria De León,Ilse Estefania Ibarra García,Patricia Kennedy Manzano,Paulina Elizabeth Cano, Jesús Emmanuel González Ramírez 1er Asistente de cámara: Zulema Romero 2do Asistente de cámara: Leonardo Colunga Director de Arte: José Portillo topusuranus.com Asistentes de Arte: Carlos Batres, Sara García, Ricardo Ambriz Departamento de Arte: Alejandra De La Cuesta Ceballos, Alejandra Miramontes, Carlos Adán Curiel Huerta, Carlos Eduardo Flores Batres,Carmen De La Torre, Daniela Michelle Ibarra García, Denisse Figueroa, Emmanuel Moreno Pulido, Irene M. Vázquez Ramírez, Jon Curiel, Laura Andrea Villaseñor Ornelas, Lucía Sánchez Solis, Minerva Cordova, Montserrat Mendoza, Nayeli Rivera López, Paola Aranza Rivera García, Renata Álvarez Villaseñor, Sarah�� Pérez Couttolenc, Ximena Gutiérrez Lugo Foro: Topus Uranus Modelo: Alejandra Olivas/ CAPITAL MODEL MANAGEMENT Maquillaje: Vero G. Ríos Directora de Vestuario: Lola Rodríguez Asistente de vestuario: Linette León Peinado: Andrea Guzmán Making of: Fabián de la Fuente Rigging y stunt cordinator: Héctor Cervantes García Rulfo, Francisco de Zulueta Gaffer: Andrés Sierra Staffs: Teresa Flores Enciso, Aldo Márquez, Sergio Pérez Encargado camión: José Luis Márquez Encargado tramoya: Miguel Baeza Equipo de cámara: Minishoots.tv DIT: Joe Castañeda Edición: Jorge G. Camarena Director de Postproducción: Horacio Peña PERSONAJES: Adrian Kalichanin García Filoso Alejandra Elizabeth Gutiérrez Olivas Alejandra Flores Sánchez Andrea Santoyo Martínez Bryan Ramírez Donaldo Carlos Moreno Herrera Carmen Alejandra De La Torre Valle Daniela Hernández Ochoa Edgar García Padilla Eduardo Álvarez Chávez Guillermo Daniel Jaramillo Vargas Jessica Elizabeth López Espinoza José Gabriel Zarzosa Parra José Humberto Fuentes Gastelum José Roberto Mejía Estrada Kutzieni Cárdenas Rivera Lorena Larios Armenta Luis Adrián Salazar Aguilar María Celia García Fausto María José Nájera Magallanes Marlen Quiñones Raúl Vidal Luna Rodríguez Rosalba Espinoza Sergio Artero Sofia Martin Del Campo Hernández Agradecimientos especiales: Jorge G. Castaños, Azucena Cervantes, Roberto Arquieta,Víctor Auroze, Marisol Sahagún, Paulino Partida, Diego Rentería, Fernando Martínez Nájera.
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velvetcloak · 1 year ago
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Georgina Chávez
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guadalupegomezverdi · 6 years ago
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La marea feminista trajo un nuevo aire muy necesario en la fotografía: modos de representación desde donde contarnos y tiempos donde repensarnos desde el campo laboral.
Compartimos “Marea Verde” el fotozine realizado a partir de la convocatoria abierta organizada por Sub e Infoto en torno a ley por el Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito, donde recibimos más de 5000 imágenes y cuyo resultado fue exhibido como parte del cierre de la Bienal de Tucumán.
El resultado se puede ver aquí, y es una hermosa bomba verde: https://issuu.com/subeditora/docs/marea_verde_fotozine
Con Fotografías de: Agostina Demarchi / Agustina Feaherston / Agustina López / Aisha Maya Bittar / Alana Rodriguez/ Alejandra Malcorra / Ana Mombello / Ana Isla / Anabella Aranda / Analía Cid / Andrea Castaño y Carla Policella / Andrea Ostera / Andrea Raina / Ángela Tettamanti / Angie Milena Espinel / Anita Pouchard Serra / Ayelen Rodriguez / Borde Colectivo / Carla Temporetti / Carolina Cabrera / Carolina Martinez / Carolina Sánchez Vázquez / Cecilia Antón / Cecilia Basterrechea / Cecilia Bethencourt / Celeste Destéfano / Colectivo de fotógrafas Fisgona / Colectivo Fluxus Foto / Colectivo Manifiesto / Colectivo Sado / Colectivo Voces para multiplicarnos / Constanza Lupi / Constanza Niscovolos / Dafne Gentinetta/ Dagna Faidutti / Daiana Martínez / Emiliana Miguelez / Erica Cánepa / Fernanda Leunda / Fernanda Soria / Florencia Castello / Florencia Ferioli / Florencia Martinez Stoessel / Gala Abramovich / Georgina García / Gilda Lorenti / Guadalupe Arriegue / Guadalupe Gómez Verdi, Lisa Franz y Léa Meurice / Helga Mariel Soto / Jimena Aelen / Jimena Chávez / Jose Nicolini / Josefina Baridón / Julia Negri / Julia Russo Martínez / Julia Sbriller / Julieta De Pian / Julieta Dorin / Karen Toro / Lara Otero / Laura Rivas / Liliana Contrera / Lucía Laurent / Ludmila Belizán / Luisa Magdalena / Maia Alcire / Mailen Panichella / Marcela Heiss / Maria Florencia Lencina / María Naveiro / Maria Paula Ávila / Mariana Lanús / Marianella Sabbadini / Mariana Varela / Marina Carniglia / Martina Perosa / Max Varela Jones / Melisa Salvatierra / Melisa Scarella / Natalia Díaz / Natalia Sofía Molina / Nicole Díaz / Noelia Monopoli / Nora Narvaéz / Otra Óptica informe Fotógrafico / Paola Olari Ugrotte / Paula Lobariñas / Rocío Tursi / Romina Elvira / Romina Morua / Ruedaphotos / Sandra Rojo / Sara Jurado / Sofía Martinez Bordone / Sol Atta / Soledad Castro / Soledad Galván / Soledad Ochoa / Valentina Kalinger / Valentina Casuscelli / Vanesa Espinoza / Verónica Cozzi / Victoria Cuomo / Victoria Gesualdi / Virginia Barbagallo / Vivian Ribero / Xoana Villalba.
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11semanas23horas59minutos · 6 years ago
La marea feminista trajo un nuevo aire muy necesario en la fotografía: modos de representación desde donde contarnos y tiempos donde repensarnos desde el campo laboral.
Compartimos "Marea Verde" el fotozine realizado a partir de la convocatoria abierta organizada por Sub e Infoto en torno a ley por el Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito, donde recibimos más de 5000 imágenes y cuyo resultado fue exhibido como parte del cierre de la Bienal de Tucumán.
El resultado se puede ver aquí, y es una hermosa bomba verde: https://issuu.com/subeditora/docs/marea_verde_fotozine
Con Fotografías de: Agostina Demarchi / Agustina Feaherston / Agustina López / Aisha Maya Bittar / Alana Rodriguez/ Alejandra Malcorra / Ana Mombello / Ana Isla / Anabella Aranda / Analía Cid / Andrea Castaño y Carla Policella / Andrea Ostera / Andrea Raina / Ángela Tettamanti / Angie Milena Espinel / Anita Pouchard Serra / Ayelen Rodriguez / Borde Colectivo / Carla Temporetti / Carolina Cabrera / Carolina Martinez / Carolina Sánchez Vázquez / Cecilia Antón / Cecilia Basterrechea / Cecilia Bethencourt / Celeste Destéfano / Colectivo de fotógrafas Fisgona / Colectivo Fluxus Foto / Colectivo Manifiesto / Colectivo Sado / Colectivo Voces para multiplicarnos / Constanza Lupi / Constanza Niscovolos / Dafne Gentinetta/ Dagna Faidutti / Daiana Martínez / Emiliana Miguelez / Erica Cánepa / Fernanda Leunda / Fernanda Soria / Florencia Castello / Florencia Ferioli / Florencia Martinez Stoessel / Gala Abramovich / Georgina García / Gilda Lorenti / Guadalupe Arriegue / Guadalupe Gómez Verdi, Lisa Franz y Léa Meurice / Helga Mariel Soto / Jimena Aelen / Jimena Chávez / Jose Nicolini / Josefina Baridón / Julia Negri / Julia Russo Martínez / Julia Sbriller / Julieta De Pian / Julieta Dorin / Karen Toro / Lara Otero / Laura Rivas / Liliana Contrera / Lucía Laurent / Ludmila Belizán / Luisa Magdalena / Maia Alcire / Mailen Panichella / Marcela Heiss / Maria Florencia Lencina / María Naveiro / Maria Paula Ávila / Mariana Lanús / Marianella Sabbadini / Mariana Varela / Marina Carniglia / Martina Perosa / Max Varela Jones / Melisa Salvatierra / Melisa Scarella / Natalia Díaz / Natalia Sofía Molina / Nicole Díaz / Noelia Monopoli / Nora Narvaéz / Otra Óptica informe Fotógrafico / Paola Olari Ugrotte / Paula Lobariñas / Rocío Tursi / Romina Elvira / Romina Morua / Ruedaphotos / Sandra Rojo / Sara Jurado / Sofía Martinez Bordone / Sol Atta / Soledad Castro / Soledad Galván / Soledad Ochoa / Valentina Kalinger / Valentina Casuscelli / Vanesa Espinoza / Verónica Cozzi / Victoria Cuomo / Victoria Gesualdi / Virginia Barbagallo / Vivian Ribero / Xoana Villalba.
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enlaces-finde · 4 years ago
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Reconoce Pensiones Civiles a pasantes de Enfermería que se integraron durante la pandemia
 Son 35 enfermeras y enfermeros quienes concluyeron su servicio social en las diferentes unidades y que fortalecerán el recurso humano requerido tanto en la pandemia como para cubrir otras necesidades hospitalarias
Pensiones Civiles del Estado (PCE) entregó un reconocimiento a las y los 35 pasantes de Enfermería que realizaron su servicio social en las unidades de la Delegación Chihuahua, en el periodo de agosto del 2020 a julio del 2021.
Las autoridades de Pensiones Civiles encabezadas por su director general, el director médico, la delegada en Chihuahua y la jefa de Enfermería, hicieron entrega de los reconocimientos.
“Ustedes son una generación que fortalecerá el recurso humano requerido en la pandemia y que cubrirá las necesidades hospitalarias para la atención de pacientes con diversas enfermedades, su profesión es fundamental. Les agradecemos que hayan apoyado y realizado sus pasantías en esta institución”, expresó el director médico en su mensaje.
Por la Delegación Chihuahua recibieron el reconocimiento: Reynaldo Amaya Meléndez, Paola Shugeide Arenales Escobedo, Silvia Vanessa Beltrán García, Rosa Yudelka Castorena Sáenz, Jennifer Gabriela Chávez Flores, Mayra Isela Cruz Calzadillas, Catalina Domínguez Flores, Karen Nayeli Dueñas Arvizo, María Fernanda Eguiarte Romero, Gladys Guadalupe García Zambrano, Ivonne Alejandra Gómez Leyva, Jesús Francisco González Payen, Martín Daniel Herrera Rosales, Brenda Jacqueline Hernández Carrasco, Vianney Yukaren Juárez Ramírez, Johana Laguna Almeida, Adriana Priscila Lucio Lara.
Además, Raquel Lugo Madrid, Karla Mariela Madrid Casillas, Yaret Cristina Méndez Castillo, Abril Janette Moreno Velázquez, Daniela Morua Monje, Andrea Yareli Muñoz Salcido, Mariana Georgina Ornelas Cepeda, Jaksiry Eremita Osorio Valdenea, Jesús Ramón Ramírez Cruz, Héctor Humberto Robles Hernández, Diana Rodríguez Palma, Luis Manuel Santillán Carlos, Brandon Alexis Sigala Martínez, Margarita Terrazas Beltrán, Yaneth Carolina Terrazas García, Nadia Vanessa Vega Montes, Liliana De los Ángeles Zamora Reyes y Abigail Zavala Bermúdez.
La institución inició con el curso de inducción para las y los nuevos pasantes que prestarán su servicio social en las áreas de urgencias, consulta externa, pediatría, hemodiálisis, curaciones, vacunas y detección oportuna de cáncer de la institución, durante el período 2021-2022.
  La entrada Reconoce Pensiones Civiles a pasantes de Enfermería que se integraron durante la pandemia se publicó primero en .
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revistapresenciaacapulco · 6 years ago
Por Ari Salgado
En días pasados se celebró el tercer aniversario de Expo Plaza, ubicada en el interior de Galerías Acapulco, y la cual está conformada por empresas que ofrecen servicios o productos para la realización de eventos sociales.
En el marco del 3er aniversario se dio la bienvenida a tres proveedores nuevos de alta calidad a Expo Plaza como: Madisson Hair Studio Maquillaje y Peinado, Carmin Zapatillas calzado especial para Novias y XV Añeras y Fotografía Oliver Núñez, que se suman a Colegios Collage, Sonido y Pistas Pro vas, Invitaciones Creativas, Pink Avenue, Pirotecnia de Acapulco, Olimpia Collection, Reventa2, y avalan la idea de reunir en un mismo lugar los servicios y productos que se requieren para llevar a cabo un evento social.
Oliver Núñez impartió curso tutorial de Fotografía
En esta celebración los proveedores ofrecieron tutoriales para lograr que el día de tu evento sea único y perfecto, encontrando todo en un sólo lugar.
A la celebración acudieron personas que han formado parte importante del proyecto, familiares, amigos y clientes.
Olympia Collection haciendo la presentación de los vestidos más innovadores
Sergio Rebolledo, Fernando Jiménez y Rosa María García
Marisol Rosas, Alan Unda, Wendy Hurtado, Georgina Contreras del Equipo de Fotografía Oliver Núñez
Araceli Salinas y Kiara Delgado
Sergio Rebolledo de Madison Hair Studio y y Paloma Chávez de Creativas Boutique de Invitaciones
Carmina Robles de Zapatillas Carmín
Adrián Aguilar director de Colegios Collage, Laura Abaroa y Oliver Núñez de Fotografía On
Gabriela y Paola Lara
Chef Israel Jaramillo Carmona junto a Adrián Aguilar Director de Colegios Collage
Celebra 3er Aniversario Expo Plaza Por Ari Salgado En días pasados se celebró el tercer aniversario de Expo Plaza, ubicada en el interior de Galerías Acapulco, y la cual está conformada por empresas que ofrecen servicios o productos para la realización de eventos sociales.
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years ago
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
New Post has been published on http://hollywoodages.com/america-ferrera-height-weight-measurements/
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
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America Ferrera Biography
America Georgine Ferrera born April 18, 1984 is an American on-screen character. Conceived in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran guardians, Ferrera built up an enthusiasm for acting at a youthful age performing in a few phase creations at her school. She influenced her element to film make a big appearance in 2002 with the comic drama dramatization Real Women Have Curves, winning applause for her execution. Ferrera is the beneficiary of various honors including an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others. Ferrera collected unobtrusive achievement right off the bat in her profession with parts in films like the Disney unique Gotta Kick It Up! (2002) and the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005); the last earned her the Imagen Award Best Actress and her first selection at the ALMA Awards. She wandered into TV parts and handled the main part on the ABC comic drama show Ugly Betty (2006– 2010). Ferrera gathered basic praise for playing the hero of the arrangement Betty Suarez, and won the Best Actress Awards at different honor services in 2007 including the Golden Globe Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, and the Primetime Emmy Award, the first for a Latin lady in the class. Ferrera’s other outstanding film parts incorporate the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008), the show The Dry Land (2010), the lighthearted comedy Our Family Wedding (2010), and the wrongdoing dramatization End of Watch (2012). She gave the voice of Astrid Hofferson in the How to Train Your Dragon establishment. She co-delivers and stars in the NBC parody arrangement Superstore (2015– present). Ferrera collected wide acknowledgment for Ugly Betty and her resulting parts and has been named as a “good example” for the youthful Hispanic ladies attributable to her accomplishments in media outlets. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most persuasive individuals on the planet in 2007. Ferrera, the most youthful of six kids, was conceived in Los Angeles, California. Her folks, América Griselda Ayes and Carlos Gregorio Ferrera, were initially from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and emigrated to the United States in the mid-1970s. Her mom filled in as the executive of the housekeeping staff for one of the Hilton Hotels, and focused on the significance of advanced education. When she was 7, her folks separated and her dad came back to Honduras. Ferrera was alienated from her dad when he kicked the bucket there in 2010. Ferrera was brought up in the Woodland Hills segment of Los Angeles, where she went to Calabash Street Elementary School, George Ellery Hale Middle School and El Camino Real High School. From the time she was seven years of age, when she handled a little part in a school creation of Hamlet and afterward at age 10, the part as the Artful Dodger in Oliver!, Ferrera realized that she needed to be an entertainer. Her first play was Romeo and Juliet, and albeit just in the third grade, she went to the middle school and tried out and got the part of the Apothecary.[9] She acted in school plays and group theater in Los Angeles all through her childhood, however with little assistance from her mom, who demanded that she seek after different interests since she was concerned her girl would not be dealt with decently. Ferrera hated her first name as a tyke and passed by her center name, “Georgine”, until the point when she started acting professionally. While at El Camino High School, she took acting lessons at 15 years old and could pay for them by tending to tables and looking after children. She entered University of Southern California (USC) on a presidential grant, twofold studying theater and global relations. She finished her four year certification in global relations in May 2013, ten years after she began. Ferrera initially met performing artist, chief, and author Ryan Piers Williams when he cast her in an understudy film at USC. The couple ended up occupied with June 2010, and wedded on June 27, 2011. On December 31, 2017 Ferrera and Williams declared that they are expecting their first kid. See America Ferrera Height Weight & Husband Name much more.
America Ferrera Personal Info.
Full Name: America Georgine Ferrera
Nick Name: Georgina
Family Members: Carlos Gregorio Ferrera (Father) América Griselda Ayes (Mother)
Education: America Ferrera began her essential training at Calabash Street Elementary School. In the wake of finishing her rudimentary training, she got selected in George Ellery Hale Middle School. From that point forward, she began learning at El Camino Real High School in Woodland locale close Los Angeles. There, she took acting classes to redesign her aptitudes. Post graduation, she got affirmation at the University of Southern California. After just about 10 years from going along with, she moved on from college with twofold noteworthy in theater and global relations in 2013.
Date of Birth: 18th April, 1984
Birthplace: Los Angeles, Caliifornia USA
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Her religious views are unknown
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Nationality: American
Profession: Television producer, Film producer, Voice Actor, Television producer
Measurements: 37-29-38 in or 94-74-96.5 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 1″ (155 cm)
Weight: 130lbs (59 kg)
Eye Color: Brown – Dark
Hair Color: Black
Dress Size: 12
Shoe Size: 6.5
Boyfriend/Dating History: Ryan Piers Williams (2003-Present) – America Ferrera began dating chief and on-screen character Ryan Williams in 2003 after he had thrown her in an understudy film at the University of South Carolina. In the wake of dating for around 7 years, they got occupied with June 2010. On June 27, 2011, they got hitched in a personal function in Chappaqua in upstate New York in Ferrera’s co-star and companion Vanessa Williams’ home.
Known For: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Ugly Betty (TV Series).
Active Year: 2002 (present)
Instagram Films
Year Title 2002 Real Women Have Curves 2004 Darkness Minus Twelve 2005 How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer 2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 Lords of Dogtown 2005 3:52 2006 Steel City 2007 Muertas 2007 Towards Darkness (Hacia la oscuridad) 2007 Under the Same Moon 2008 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 Tinker Bell 2010 The Dry Land 2010 Our Family Wedding 2010 How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 2011 Book of Dragons 2011 Gift of the Night Fury 2012 It’s a Disaster 2012 End of Watch 2012 Half the Sky 2014 César Chávez 2014 X/Y 2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 2014 Dawn of the Dragon Racers 2016 Special Correspondents 2019 How to Train Your Dragon 3
Year Title 2002–08, 2010–11 Independent Lens 2002 Touched by an Angel 2002 Gotta Kick It Up! 2004 Plainsong 2004 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2006–10 Ugly Betty 2011–13 The Good Wife 2011 Handy Manny 2012–2018 DreamWorks Dragons 2014 Years of Living Dangerously 2015–present Superstore 2017 Curb Your Enthusiasm
See Also: Rose Byrne Body Measurements
Search Terms: America Ferrera Height Weight
America Ferrera And Husband. America Ferrera Blonde Hair. America Ferrera Bio. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Brother. America Ferrera Born. America Ferrera Birth Chart. America Ferrera College. America Ferrera Dad. America Ferrera Dated Who. America Ferrera Height WeightAmerica Ferrera Education. America Ferrera Family. America Ferrera Facebook. America Ferrera Films. America Ferrera Father. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Hair. America Ferrera Husband. America Ferrera Movies. America Ferrera Married To. America Ferrera Movies List. America Ferrera Mother. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera New Show. America Ferrera New Hair. America Ferrera Nickname. America Ferrera Parents. America Ferrera Personality. America Ferrera Real Name. America Ferrera Relationship. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Show. America Ferrera Twitter. America Ferrera Tv Show. America Ferrera Tv. America Ferrera Wiki. America Ferrera Zodiac. America Ferrera Height Weight
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velvetcloak · 1 year ago
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Georgina Chávez
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11semanas23horas59minutos · 6 years ago
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La marea feminista trajo un nuevo aire muy necesario en la fotografía: modos de representación desde donde contarnos y tiempos donde repensarnos desde el campo laboral.
Compartimos "Marea Verde" el fotozine realizado a partir de la convocatoria abierta organizada por Sub e Infoto en torno a ley por el Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito, donde recibimos más de 5000 imágenes y cuyo resultado fue exhibido como parte del cierre de la Bienal de Tucumán.
El resultado se puede ver aquí, y es una hermosa bomba verde: https://issuu.com/subeditora/docs/marea_verde_fotozine
Con Fotografías de: Agostina Demarchi / Agustina Feaherston / Agustina López / Aisha Maya Bittar / Alana Rodriguez/ Alejandra Malcorra / Ana Mombello / Ana Isla / Anabella Aranda / Analía Cid / Andrea Castaño y Carla Policella / Andrea Ostera / Andrea Raina / Ángela Tettamanti / Angie Milena Espinel / Anita Pouchard Serra / Ayelen Rodriguez / Borde Colectivo / Carla Temporetti / Carolina Cabrera / Carolina Martinez / Carolina Sánchez Vázquez / Cecilia Antón / Cecilia Basterrechea / Cecilia Bethencourt / Celeste Destéfano / Colectivo de fotógrafas Fisgona / Colectivo Fluxus Foto / Colectivo Manifiesto / Colectivo Sado / Colectivo Voces para multiplicarnos / Constanza Lupi / Constanza Niscovolos / Dafne Gentinetta/ Dagna Faidutti / Daiana Martínez / Emiliana Miguelez / Erica Cánepa / Fernanda Leunda / Fernanda Soria / Florencia Castello / Florencia Ferioli / Florencia Martinez Stoessel / Gala Abramovich / Georgina García / Gilda Lorenti / Guadalupe Arriegue / Guadalupe Gómez Verdi, Lisa Franz y Léa Meurice / Helga Mariel Soto / Jimena Aelen / Jimena Chávez / Jose Nicolini / Josefina Baridón / Julia Negri / Julia Russo Martínez / Julia Sbriller / Julieta De Pian / Julieta Dorin / Karen Toro / Lara Otero / Laura Rivas / Liliana Contrera / Lucía Laurent / Ludmila Belizán / Luisa Magdalena / Maia Alcire / Mailen Panichella / Marcela Heiss / Maria Florencia Lencina / María Naveiro / Maria Paula Ávila / Mariana Lanús / Marianella Sabbadini / Mariana Varela / Marina Carniglia / Martina Perosa / Max Varela Jones / Melisa Salvatierra / Melisa Scarella / Natalia Díaz / Natalia Sofía Molina / Nicole Díaz / Noelia Monopoli / Nora Narvaéz / Otra Óptica informe Fotógrafico / Paola Olari Ugrotte / Paula Lobariñas / Rocío Tursi / Romina Elvira / Romina Morua / Ruedaphotos / Sandra Rojo / Sara Jurado / Sofía Martinez Bordone / Sol Atta / Soledad Castro / Soledad Galván / Soledad Ochoa / Valentina Kalinger / Valentina Casuscelli / Vanesa Espinoza / Verónica Cozzi / Victoria Cuomo / Victoria Gesualdi / Virginia Barbagallo / Vivian Ribero / Xoana Villalba.
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years ago
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
New Post has been published on http://hollywoodages.com/america-ferrera-height-weight-measurements/
America Ferrera Height Weight Measurements
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America Ferrera Biography
America Georgine Ferrera born April 18, 1984 is an American on-screen character. Conceived in Los Angeles, California, to Honduran guardians, Ferrera built up an enthusiasm for acting at a youthful age performing in a few phase creations at her school. She influenced her element to film make a big appearance in 2002 with the comic drama dramatization Real Women Have Curves, winning applause for her execution. Ferrera is the beneficiary of various honors including an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others. Ferrera collected unobtrusive achievement right off the bat in her profession with parts in films like the Disney unique Gotta Kick It Up! (2002) and the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005); the last earned her the Imagen Award Best Actress and her first selection at the ALMA Awards. She wandered into TV parts and handled the main part on the ABC comic drama show Ugly Betty (2006– 2010). Ferrera gathered basic praise for playing the hero of the arrangement Betty Suarez, and won the Best Actress Awards at different honor services in 2007 including the Golden Globe Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, and the Primetime Emmy Award, the first for a Latin lady in the class. Ferrera’s other outstanding film parts incorporate the dramatization The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008), the show The Dry Land (2010), the lighthearted comedy Our Family Wedding (2010), and the wrongdoing dramatization End of Watch (2012). She gave the voice of Astrid Hofferson in the How to Train Your Dragon establishment. She co-delivers and stars in the NBC parody arrangement Superstore (2015– present). Ferrera collected wide acknowledgment for Ugly Betty and her resulting parts and has been named as a “good example” for the youthful Hispanic ladies attributable to her accomplishments in media outlets. Time magazine named her one of the 100 most persuasive individuals on the planet in 2007. Ferrera, the most youthful of six kids, was conceived in Los Angeles, California. Her folks, América Griselda Ayes and Carlos Gregorio Ferrera, were initially from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and emigrated to the United States in the mid-1970s. Her mom filled in as the executive of the housekeeping staff for one of the Hilton Hotels, and focused on the significance of advanced education. When she was 7, her folks separated and her dad came back to Honduras. Ferrera was alienated from her dad when he kicked the bucket there in 2010. Ferrera was brought up in the Woodland Hills segment of Los Angeles, where she went to Calabash Street Elementary School, George Ellery Hale Middle School and El Camino Real High School. From the time she was seven years of age, when she handled a little part in a school creation of Hamlet and afterward at age 10, the part as the Artful Dodger in Oliver!, Ferrera realized that she needed to be an entertainer. Her first play was Romeo and Juliet, and albeit just in the third grade, she went to the middle school and tried out and got the part of the Apothecary.[9] She acted in school plays and group theater in Los Angeles all through her childhood, however with little assistance from her mom, who demanded that she seek after different interests since she was concerned her girl would not be dealt with decently. Ferrera hated her first name as a tyke and passed by her center name, “Georgine”, until the point when she started acting professionally. While at El Camino High School, she took acting lessons at 15 years old and could pay for them by tending to tables and looking after children. She entered University of Southern California (USC) on a presidential grant, twofold studying theater and global relations. She finished her four year certification in global relations in May 2013, ten years after she began. Ferrera initially met performing artist, chief, and author Ryan Piers Williams when he cast her in an understudy film at USC. The couple ended up occupied with June 2010, and wedded on June 27, 2011. On December 31, 2017 Ferrera and Williams declared that they are expecting their first kid. See America Ferrera Height Weight & Husband Name much more.
America Ferrera Personal Info.
Full Name: America Georgine Ferrera
Nick Name: Georgina
Family Members: Carlos Gregorio Ferrera (Father) América Griselda Ayes (Mother)
Education: America Ferrera began her essential training at Calabash Street Elementary School. In the wake of finishing her rudimentary training, she got selected in George Ellery Hale Middle School. From that point forward, she began learning at El Camino Real High School in Woodland locale close Los Angeles. There, she took acting classes to redesign her aptitudes. Post graduation, she got affirmation at the University of Southern California. After just about 10 years from going along with, she moved on from college with twofold noteworthy in theater and global relations in 2013.
Date of Birth: 18th April, 1984
Birthplace: Los Angeles, Caliifornia USA
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Her religious views are unknown
Ethnicity: Multiracial
Nationality: American
Profession: Television producer, Film producer, Voice Actor, Television producer
Measurements: 37-29-38 in or 94-74-96.5 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 1″ (155 cm)
Weight: 130lbs (59 kg)
Eye Color: Brown – Dark
Hair Color: Black
Dress Size: 12
Shoe Size: 6.5
Boyfriend/Dating History: Ryan Piers Williams (2003-Present) – America Ferrera began dating chief and on-screen character Ryan Williams in 2003 after he had thrown her in an understudy film at the University of South Carolina. In the wake of dating for around 7 years, they got occupied with June 2010. On June 27, 2011, they got hitched in a personal function in Chappaqua in upstate New York in Ferrera’s co-star and companion Vanessa Williams’ home.
Known For: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Ugly Betty (TV Series).
Active Year: 2002 (present)
Instagram Films
Year Title 2002 Real Women Have Curves 2004 Darkness Minus Twelve 2005 How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer 2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2005 Lords of Dogtown 2005 3:52 2006 Steel City 2007 Muertas 2007 Towards Darkness (Hacia la oscuridad) 2007 Under the Same Moon 2008 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 2008 Tinker Bell 2010 The Dry Land 2010 Our Family Wedding 2010 How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon 2011 Book of Dragons 2011 Gift of the Night Fury 2012 It’s a Disaster 2012 End of Watch 2012 Half the Sky 2014 César Chávez 2014 X/Y 2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 2014 Dawn of the Dragon Racers 2016 Special Correspondents 2019 How to Train Your Dragon 3
Year Title 2002–08, 2010–11 Independent Lens 2002 Touched by an Angel 2002 Gotta Kick It Up! 2004 Plainsong 2004 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2006–10 Ugly Betty 2011–13 The Good Wife 2011 Handy Manny 2012–2018 DreamWorks Dragons 2014 Years of Living Dangerously 2015–present Superstore 2017 Curb Your Enthusiasm
See Also: Rose Byrne Body Measurements
Search Terms: America Ferrera Height Weight
America Ferrera And Husband. America Ferrera Blonde Hair. America Ferrera Bio. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Brother. America Ferrera Born. America Ferrera Birth Chart. America Ferrera College. America Ferrera Dad. America Ferrera Dated Who. America Ferrera Height WeightAmerica Ferrera Education. America Ferrera Family. America Ferrera Facebook. America Ferrera Films. America Ferrera Father. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Hair. America Ferrera Husband. America Ferrera Movies. America Ferrera Married To. America Ferrera Movies List. America Ferrera Mother. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera New Show. America Ferrera New Hair. America Ferrera Nickname. America Ferrera Parents. America Ferrera Personality. America Ferrera Real Name. America Ferrera Relationship. America Ferrera Height Weight. America Ferrera Show. America Ferrera Twitter. America Ferrera Tv Show. America Ferrera Tv. America Ferrera Wiki. America Ferrera Zodiac. America Ferrera Height Weight
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