#cg fast track
phoenixiancrystallist · 7 months
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Month 3, day 7
I'm making a sword! :D
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my-macaroni-art · 2 years
Starting to learn blender again and am very proud of finishing this tutorial
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tgcg · 6 months
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tell your loved ones
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 12:01 --
TG: hey im on the john
JOHN: hey, dave is taking a dump.
TG: taking a shit just so were clear
JADE: jeez!!!!!!! even when im not online i have to hear about it
TG: i know you care so youre first to know
JOHN: i'm just giving you a heads up for the bajillion messages you will definitely have about this when you get home.
EB: god, thank you. that is awesome. dave fans everywhere are gonna go NUTS for this truth nugget.
EB: hey, i am at the store with jade!
TG: tell her the news
EB: i did as soon as you first pinged me, don't worry.
TG: hell yeah see you just fucking get it
JADE: well tell him i say congrats!
EB: she says congrats.
EB: also that you left your "yeah! woo!" machine at her place.
EB: and that you are gross and smell like a dog took a dump on a fart even when you aren't crapping during our conversations.
TG: goddamn
EB: jk that last bit was me heheh. but she nodded!
EB: so anyways, a yeah woo machine?
EB: what the hell even IS that?
JADE: its more or less a machine that yeahs and woos
TG: its basically a machine that yeahs and woos
EB: ok, yeah, that is pretty much exactly what jade said too. apparently this is supposed to be obvious.
JADE: its pretty self explanatory!
TG: pretty self explanatory stuff
TG: anyways im gonna tell karkat this time i think im ready for that
EB: oh shit (LOL), that's a pretty big deal, right? good luck dude.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering carcinoGeneticist [CG] at 12:03 --
TG: ok karkat can i be unbelievably candid with you is dj crabapple ready for this
TG: this is a really big deal for me but like no pressure
TG: no no its good i just really need to confess something
TG: alright
TG: deep breath strider
TG: im dropping mad logs like bars in the ablution block vantas
TG: shit is on fire
TG: downright heretical like a shat outta hell
TG: and since im feeling penitent i figure our pesterlogs are pretty much akin to a confessional booth right
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 12:04 --
TT: Hey Dave.
TT: Are you, by any chance, taking a shit right now?
TG: damn word spreads fast on the information superhighway
TT: Yes, I have had the news forwarded to me via this bountiful virtual dimension of knowledge and culture we call the World Wide Web by a fellow enthusiast, one ectoBiologist.
TT: Frankly I'm heartbroken you didn't come to me about it first.
TT: Please, divulge to your loving sister the nature of your bowel movements, in exhaustive detail. Highlights in a notarized list, an overall ranking grade of your experience, whether you would recommend it to your friends, et cetera. These would be among my most pertinent avenues of inquiry.
TG: you were next on the mailing list rose im already on it
TG: boutta weave a verbal tapestry no holds barred just for you about my rambunctious foray down in brown town
TG: stay tubed
TT: Thank god. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't peruse your commodal follies like the morning gazette.
TG: dont act like this has educational value rose
TG: we all know my daily bullshit has got a laugh track
TG: like damn what kind of gazettes are you getting
TT: The best kind, Dave. Only the best kind.
TG: thanks for the vote of confidence
TG: wait gimme a sec karkat pinged
TT: Of course. I understand it's quite a big deal for you.
TG: whats up
TG: oh shiiit
TG: oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
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goingbuggy · 11 days
Is there a possibility you would talk about how buggy lacks any deep relationships in his life? I know he has his crew and they do like him but it’s never what he had with shanks. And his relationship with Alvida and Galdino feels completely business based. Why? I like HC it’s different but yeah. We saw CG reactions. Betrayal by galdino is definitely something I didn’t expect THIS FAST. And I know they can’t fight them but his crew maybe has some a little worry? But not so much…
Buggy purposefully surrounds himself with like-minded individuals who are a dangerous combination of ambitious and unscrupulous. Galdino and Alvida are good (albeit inconsistent) allies, but they're certainly not good friends. When Buggy suited their needs (Alvida wanting to track down Luffy, Galdino wanting to make it out of Impel Down alive) they aided in his journey, but when he stopped being favorable, they stopped being in his corner. I've made a tweet on my thoughts about Cross Guild's B-listers which I think sums it up pretty well: this is the environment he cultivated for himself.
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Even his longtime crewmates, Mohji and Cabaji, stand by as he gets tortured. Why? Because if they're not self-serving manipulators like Alvida and Galdino, then they're cowards, through and through. It's the exact same reason no one came to rescue him at Impel Down, despite their self-proclaimed love for their captain. They recognize internal power structures and do not challenge them.
But this makes sense to me. Buggy's rejection of Shanks -- someone Oda has established as a true, honest friend -- sent him down a different path. He has no real friends anymore because he embraced betrayal. He chose not to live the way he wanted out of fear and insecurity, and as a result, his inner circle reflects the hollow shell of the real man he always wanted to be.
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flareboi · 4 months
ok yeah here you go!!! vicagent angst
so like. when victim first arrived in the outernet she wanted to start a new life. she didn't want to think about alan at all so she just shoved it all away and decided to forget about it.
she started a company and soon afterwards smith joined as one of her first employees. they became friends pretty quickly, staying in touch even while others left their jobs to move on to better places and new people joined. they got pretty close, i imagine a year or so in started to fall in love but didn't say anything (despite both knowing the other probably liked them)
then news comes on of tco and tdl causing chaos around the internet and victim figures out pretty fast, they've got the same creator. they quickly spiral into jealousy, realising that they were the only one alan made who never had powers, never had a chance to live, and decides to turn rocket corp towards a new goal of getting revenge on alan through the only leads she has.
xir obsession gets more unhealthy over time, staying up late at night just overflowing with anger. smith stayed with xem through most of this; frankly they were a little worried. at some point vic and agent start dating, and agent swears to do whatever it takes to make sure his partner's happy.
when vic asks him to assemble a team to track to chosen, capture them and find out where alan is, agent agrees without hesitation. he's a stickfigure, so of course he knows how to fight (it's something they were all raised to do). they reason with themself by saying tco is a bad person anyways, so it doesn't matter what happens to them or their associates.
throughout ava6 (season 3. man the change is fuckin me up) vic gets worse, losing her temper faster, with mood swings between ecstasy over getting closer to her goal and anger over things not going her way. xe clings to agent more than ever, and agent feels extremely sad for xem.
eventually the rest of color gang get properly involved, and vic is downright reckless, hurting all of them without abandon, torturing tco beyond reason and locking up tsc (who's like, a young adult at most). agent begins to feel bad for what they're doing.
fuck it's 12am uhh. whatever the Final Fight in ava6 is, the mercs are on vic's side and cg/tco/kingduo (and tdl i hope) on the other side. all the mercs get downed and vics on her own. agent's getting up and reconsidering their alliances as vic uses any tech it can get its hands on, destroying everything around them just to get a chance at hurting alan and his sticks.
tsc goes like, broth beam mode, and suddenly the fight flips, and vic is scrambling to get away and into the box where she has the power. she looks to agent for help but agent Hesitates. because in the past (week??? months) theyve seen their partner get worse and worse and hurt people without abandon and it's. Scary.
and that one second is all it takes for orange to fucking Blast vic to oblivion.
unlike tdl, vic has No chance or surviving. he's simply not built like that. he has (had) no power, nothing. agent is left alone to deal with the fact that they condemned their life's love to death. aw man. aw fuck.
okay yeah i hope this is Something. i dont even ship them so this might b extremely ooc idk hope you like it ♠️
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OH MY GOD??????????????????????????????????????? im going to make art based off of this just give me a bit
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frlinbruh · 3 months
Secrets are better said
• little! Chris x little!nate x cg!fem!reader
• a/n : age regressing is NON SEXUAL
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“Chris you thirsty little man?” I asked from the kitchen, “Owange juice please mama” he called out, rolling the toy car infront of him, Nate looked at the car longingly, asif he wanted to be treated little like Chris.
Nate had never expressed to anyone that he might be and ager, but after being a CG for so long I know the signs of a little.
“Nate come to the kitchen please” I asked him, wanting to figure it out “umhm?” He hummed waking in “you know anyyyone can be a ager right?” I asked noticing his face turn red “Nate if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine, but are you an ager?” I asked “I don’t know, I think so but then even if I did I have no one to take care of me like you take care of Chris” he explained “do you want me to be your care giver?” I asked, he shyly nodded.
“Do you wanna play cars with Chris?” I asked and he nodded “yes ‘lease” I heard a little voice creep into his sentence “go play then” I said grabbing a second silly straw cup out of the the cupboard, filling them both with juice.
“Chris bud, I think you’ve got a new play date buddy” I told him setting the juices down “huh?” He asked looking up at me.
“Nate is also a little boy” I told him, he turned to look at Nate who was stood sheepishly in the corner, still not daring to play “ooo you play with me?” He asked Nate who looked at me for approval “go on bud” I nodded towards the race track in the floor, he hurried over to it.
Time skip:
“Nate do you want to have a sleepover with chris?” I asked noticing it was almost dinner time “‘lease?” He asked “okay” I nodded.
“Okay bud what do you want for dinner?” I asked Chris who was now playing with his ninja turtles “umm Mac cheese?” He asked, I nodded looking at Nate “what do you want for dinner little man?” I asked “me have Mac cheese also?” He asked and I hummed, making my way to the kitchen.
I plated up the pasta, setting it down on the counter calling the boys over to eat.
Whilst they ate I went to the guest room to set it up for the boys to have a sleepover in, pulling the 2 beds apart from a king size to two doubles, putting blue sheets on them both.
I made my way back downstairs to see they had both finished their food and were now sat at the dinner table, empty plates and cups infront of them. I cleaned up before walking back to the table.
“Okay, comeon let’s go get some pijamas on” I told them both, walking toward the stairs the two boys following me.
“Okay pick a pair please hon” I told Chris, he picked Batman pijama bottoms and a black top, “you too bud come pick a pair” I called Nate over, who picked Spider-Man bottoms and asked to not have a top, I agreed as it was warm today.
“Okay come on guys let’s brush our teeth” I said opening the bathroom door and turning the light on.
I realised Nate didn’t have a toothbrush, I grabbed a new one for him from under the sink, wetting it before putting toothpaste on it and handing it to him, doing the same with Chris.
“Good boys, sleepy-bo-bos (bedtime) now” I said as they both ran up to the beds, picking one each.
“Okay pick something to sleep to” I told them turning on the tv, they decided on cars the movie, both falling asleep 10 minutes in.
I went downstairs, cleaning a way the toys that were left behind before going back upstairs to get changed into my pijamas and got into bed. I was scrolling on my phone when I heard a knock kn my door. “Come in” I called out, it was Nate “you okay?” I asked noticing his red eyes and teary cheeks “ thank u for being my mama” he said running up to hug me, “you wanna go get Chris and you two can stay in here with me tonight?” I asked to which he nodded, running back I ur to get Chris.
They both snuggled into the bed next to me, I turned the tv on, playing cars again. And they were fast back off to sleep.
- I’ve never done an age regression fic before so sorry if it’s really bad guys!!
- destiney luvs ya, mwah 😘 xx
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steamberrystudio · 1 year
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Hey everyone! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update for WSC.
For those also following the GS updates, I apologise for that update being so short and this one being quite more detailed. When you're earlier in the development process for a game, there's more to do, so there's more to talk about. And in the late stages when you're doing something like beta testing, sometimes there's just not much to report because of where you are in the process. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
 Finished Kav ch 4, ch 5, ch 6 content
Started on finishing out the remaining routes (more below)
Coded Kav's sprite
Finished the music room art
Okay, so let me jump into what I've completed on WSC. 
As before, my main focus on WSC has just been writing because I really want to get it done by the end of the year, which I am on track to do
The game is now at 353,000 words.
The remaining content is composed of LI-specific scenes for Kav, Noel, Raif, and Yren from Ch 7 - Ch 12.
I have around 25-30k words per remaining character to complete for the rough draft.
My goal was to try to reach 75% (¾) of the way through the writing by the end of October. I actually am already at that milestone. I ended up hitting it far faster than I anticipated. So now my big goal is to get the last ¼ of the game drafted by the end of the year.
I feel like the parts I've written in the last few weeks were sort of "easy" compared to some of what is ahead so I don't know that I'll make progress as fast through the remaining content. Progress obviously waxes and wanes based on how difficult it is to draft a given section of story.
So yeah, that is where the writing is right now.
Artwise, I have received a new BG and one new sketch since the last update. BGs continue at a rate of 1 completed BG every 2 weeks or so.
And I coded Kav's sprite. (I also made some small sprite additions - mostly outfits) for other characters. But nothing major.
I finished the remaining music room artwork as well. And I've been working on editing the existing CGs to account for the fact that the conference room (which is the BG in those illustrations) now looks completely different. LoL.
I don't think I've shown any of the new BGs outside of my server, so here are a couple.
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Upcoming Weeks:
Basically I will continue to write for a couple of hours a day in the upcoming weeks as I wrap up the development phase of Gilded Shadows. With around 112,000 words left in the WSC rough draft (give or take), I am really hoping I can just make steady progress towards the completion of the draft so I can start revisions. 
Though I've been picking up a few little art-related "To Do" things here and there, writing will be my focus for this project until the potato draft is complete, which will be a few months from now.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
My First Week Learning 3D
Do I ever stop picking up random skills and hobbies? Nope. It's my horde. As a dragon I must collect them forever and ever.
Last Friday I decided to learn Blender! Here's how that went:
First I did CG Fast Track's Begginer Tutorial.
There I build a minecraft scene:
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Then joyfully tore it down :D
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Then in the next parts of the tutorial I made a sword!
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And some quick animations with said sword:
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After that I needed to just, make sure I had some control over the movements, habit of changing into the right modes, habit of applying stuff, so I did 3DGreenHorns Smooth living room tutorial.
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Which may or may not now have me obsessed with the idea of tiny isometric rooms...
I then did Polygon Runway's Spaceship Loop tutorial so I could practice animation.
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I learnt soooo much with this one! Like... key framing in blender is AMAZING! I love it! I am obsessed with the idea of animating in this program!
After that I decided to learn to do characters... I tired to make a little Cassandra using Eve Sculpt's character modeling tutorial... But I just got really confused (my fault 100% the tutorial was really good!) and eventually gave up.
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But here's some nightmare imagery for you!
This had me feeling a bit sad so I decided to do a quick and easy tutorial, and cause I loved Polygon Runway's first tutorial, I went with their little coffee shop tutorial.
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This was so fun to do! It was quick, easy, and I learnt about lighting! :D
After this I allowed myself to indulge in a quick personal project and made a lantern:
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Not much to say about this, it's a lantern xD don't ask about the sky, I'm learning, okay!
Then I indulged in yet another personal project as I wanted to test out physics and it's almost October soo....
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Little ghost!!
I technically tried to animate it but umm.... my computer does not have that sorta power XD
Finally, having picked up my moral I knew I had to learn character modeling so I chose Keelan Jon's character modeling tutorial and this time I pulled it off!
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I love how cute this little character is!
There are a few glaring mistakes but.... shush.
I learnt sooo much from this tutorial! It was sooo much fun! And I'm definitely feeling like character modeling isn't too far out of my reach now.
So yeah, that was my first week with Blender. I actually wanted to do a final personal project yesterday to complete the week, but my ex came over and I didn't get the chance. But despite the week being cut short I'd say it was still a very successful first dive into a new program!
I have a few projects planned, but I'm also aware to really get the hang of a program like blender doing a bunch of tutorials is super important, especially just getting used to the keyboard shortcuts, navigation, etc..
Anyway, that's where I've been this week xD
Also, I kinda lied... I said first week with blender but I actually downloaded blender back in February and did one singular tutorials before quitting....
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Blender Guru's Donut Tutorial amazing tutorial but... I might suggest starting with something a little less comprehensive xD
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phoenixiancrystallist · 2 months
oof $800 for the lifetime on CG Fast Track
Yeah, it's a lot. For a hobby it might not be worth that price, and that's okay! Honestly it's too expensive for me, too, but I caught a half off sale and got my membership for $414, and they let me split it into six monthly payments of $69.
There's still plenty of free options that teach you the same things, I just find that the way the guy teaches and the supplementary materials he provides are worth it to me at the price I got them at.
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agerefandomrambles · 3 months
Hi ho hello I’m asking via anon due to my account being very not sfw anyways can I ask for a little chase fic where house yells at him unintentionally and he goes crying to Wilson if not then maybe some hc about littleforeman/ricky being a big brother to little Allie and Bobby thanks 🙏
Title: Meanie
Word count: 1614
Little! Chase
Cg! House + Wilson
Warnings: yelling
Plot: Chase dobs on his dada
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Chase is in the lab with Cameron. The two are working on looking for abnormal blood protiens markers in the newest patient.
They've been working for 14 hours straight but they're so close to being done with this case that neither one is willing to call it early.
But, as they work, Chase can feel his mind starting to get fuzzy. The combined no sleep and stress of the case were starting to get to him. He simply rubs his eyes and yawns, choosing not to tell anyone.
He figures that they'll be done soon, and House and Wilson are both busy and he can just go home and be small by himself in a couple of hours. All he has to do is get through this last test.
And he does. They work in comfortable silence for the next hour until they can confirm that there was absolutely no abnormal protein markers in the blood samples.
The two gather up their things and wearily make their way back to Houses office.
Cameron doesn't miss the way he leans slightly on her or the now soggy cuff of his sleeve that he's been chewing for the last hour. "You alright bubs?" She asks gently, not making eye contact.
Chase nods and stifles a yawn. "Just... tired" He mumbles, before going back to chewing his sleeve.
Cameron chuckles but doesn't press the issue. She's not his caregiver and they're nearly back to House anyway. It's not her place to push him.
Before they even open the door, they can hesr muffled yelling inside. They share a look before gingerly enteingr Houses office. House turns around, a frown very evident on his face.
"Please tell me one of the people I hired can actually do their job" He say sharply, glaring at Taub and Kutner as he talks.
All eyes turn to Chse, waiting for him to fill them in. There's a awkward silence as noone says a word.
Eventually, Cameron starts talking when it because evident that Chase isn't going to say anything. "There were no abnormal protein markers in his blood so that rules out cancer and infection"
The office lapses into silence as the 4 fellows wait for Houses reaction. House simply stands scarily still. To anyone else, he would have appeared calm but the 4 fellows knew that an explosion was coming.
Faster then any of them could have seen and definitely too fast for a cripple, House has spun around and is eye to eye with Chase, faces inches apart and his face still eerily calm.
"WHY CANT ANYONE IN THIS GODDAMN OFFICE DO THEIR JOB" He yells, throwing his cane across the room without breaking his stare. Kutner and Taub duck on instinct, the cane narrowly missing Kutner.
Chase almost immediately tears up. He mutters out a pitiful "sorry", before turning on his heels and all but sprinting out the door.
Once he's out of the office, he leans on the wall gathering his bearings. A sob escapes his mouth and he whines as he feels himself sinking deeper into headspace.
It only takes a minute for him to turn around and toddle towards Wilson's office, headspace rapidly crashing. He knocks on the door, desperately hoping that Wilson was in his office and not down at the clinic.
"With a patient House!" Wilson calls out in response to the knock.
As soon as Chase is sure that Wilson is in the office, he opens the door. Wilson stands up to shoo House out but he stumbles as he takes in the site before him.
Chase is stood at the door frame with puffy red eyes, tear tracks down his cheeks (with fresh ones falling). He's chewing on the cuff of his sleeve and clearly has been for sometime with how wet it is. He sniffles as he chokes down a sob. After a moment he mumbles "papa" and breaks down into fresh tears, still not stepping over the threshold of Wilson's door.
"I'll be right back" Wilson says quickly, even though all thoughts of his patient were immediately thrown out the window as soon as one of his kids stepped in.
Wilson quickly leads Chase to one of the exam rooms in hope to escape prying eyes. Wilson follows obediently, holding Wilson's hand and sobbing into his sleeve.
Wilson pulls him into the room and wraps him in a hug, sinking to the floor with him. He's more then content to just hold his kid for a moment. The two stay like that for a while until Chase's sobs slow down enough that he can talk.
Chase just keeps muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again into Wilson's chest.
Wilson pulls back slightly, just enough so that he can get a look at Chase. "Hey hey kiddo. You don't gotta be sorry. What happened?" He asks kindly, rubbing his back.
Chase sniffles, calming down. "D- dada was a meanie and yelled and I didn't do nofing wrong" He cries, clinging onto Wilson.
Wilson frowns but quickly corrects his expression to not scare Chase. "Oh little bug, it's ok. I bet dada didn't mean it but im gonna talk to him and find out what happened."
Chase just cries harder when Wilson mentions leaving. Wilson sighs and pages Foreman. He doesn't like relying on his eldest too much but he needs to go and talk to House and find out what happened and in order to do that, someone has to watch Chase.
"Wilson? You paged?" Foreman asks, sticking his head in.
"Hey Foreman, how are you man?" Wilson asks, gauging if his friend is regressed. Although granted, Foreman rarely regresses small enough that Wilson can tell right away.
"Hey Wilson, I'm alright. What did you need?" Foreman replies easily.
"Well a certain little wombat slipped and I need to go chew out his dada." Wilson says between gritted teeth. As much as he loves House, his kids come first.
"Uh oh. I don't think we wanna be near when your papa explodes do we?" Foreman says to Chase, who giggles happily.
Foreman picks up Chase and settles him onto his hip. Chase coos happily and starts playing with Foreman's hair as he slips into babyspace.
"I've got the kid, I'll take him to the nursery and make him a bottle. You go deal with House" Foreman says before walking off.
Wilson goes to Houses office, talking the stairs two at a time. He's absolutely fuming by the time he gets there and he practically shoves the doors opens. "Well why not?" House is in the middle of asking Kutner, who is looking at House with a guilty expression.
"You. Outside. Now." Wilson glares, pointing at House.
House just nods and throws the file on the table before following Wilson into his separate office.
"Why did I just have a very regressed Chase walk into my office while I was in the middle of a consult, crying about how you yelled at him? Explain yourself!" Wilson rants, pawing back and forth in Houses office as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"Whoa slow down. Chase isn't regressed, he was working on a test for me and I got upset because he didn't do it right" House defends, sitting down in his chair. He does glance over at the rest of the fellows and a guilty expression passes over his face.
The two sit in silence for a moment as House stops and re-evaluates the moment. "How upset was he?" House asks after a minute, his voice low and heavy with regret.
"Very." Wilson says, his eyes filled with accusations.
They soften after a moment at Houses defeated posture. "I cheered him up though and he's in babyspace now being babysat by Foreman." He sighs, sitting down on the otherside of his desk.
The two men lapse into silence again as they consider what happened.
"Alright, enough wallowing. Here's what we're going to do" Wilson says, helping House stand up.
"You're going to let the rest of our kids go home and get some sleep and tell them to come to our place tommorow, we'll hold a regression day to let them relax. Then, you're going to go down to the nursery, find Chase, apologise, and send time with your baby."
House just nods. He goes out into the ddx room and Wilson can see him talking before the 3 fellows start packing up their stuff. He follows House as he limps out of his office and down to the nursery with a determined look on his face.
When they got down to the nursery, Wilson grabs Chase who went quiet when he spotted House.
"Hey baby" Wilson coos, tickling Chase a little to help him loosen up. "Dadas come to say sorry"
Wilson hands Chase to House after he's sat down, then retreats to the corner of the room.
"Hi Wombat." House coos lowly, his eyes filled with adoration for his youngest. "I'm sorry I yelled earlier. I was upset and overwhelmed with the case and I took it out on you and that's not fair. It's important to me and your papa that we don't take out our frustrations on you and I broke that promise. I'm sorry."
Chase just coos. He stares up at House, then reaches up and boops his nose. House just chuckles and hands Chase back to Wilson.
"Let's do some tummy time with dada, how does that sound?" House asks, setting up the water mat and lowering himself down. Wilson sets Chase down with him and once he's sure that the two are set and happy, he goes back upstairs to finish his consult.
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
ack thank youthankyou for being ok with getting these hcs!! It’s just a long ask is all and I didn’t wanna like. Destroy your inbox and I also don’t really wanna come off anon to do a submission because my softness for agere is something I’d rather keep to myself, people can be nasty about it :( but yeah here are some of my bby astarion hcs!!
• Regresses from 3 months to 2 years
favored nicknames include little star (since that’s what his name means and all), prince/little prince, starshine, starlight, and ofc the classic baby boy
teethes like a baby shark in that he must investigate everything with his mouth! If he’s feeling especially little as well he’s not good at asking his cg for much of anything so if he’s hungry he’s going to be nibbling at them and whining all the while. Pacifier very necessary with him, he definitely needs a clip so he never loses it
I play by the rules that vampires can better pass for living people the more well-fed on blood they are and having enough blood reactivates some body processes like warmth, a false heartbeat, breathing, and digestion for nonblood things so basically what I’m saying is if he has enough blood in his system he can have some normal baby treats. He likes bottles of milk with vanilla and honey, and all kinds of red berries mashed up for him to enjoy, like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc. Those are his favorite treats:)
Some little ones encourage their cgs to discipline them but astarion is not one of those. No discipline, please, just give him a stern-talking to, he’ll get so upset at anything else
Because he’s astarion with his massive ego no matter how much he trusts someone he represses his tiny side a lot and is pretty embarrassed about it, but the right actions from his designated cg can make him drop like that.
Picks one designated cg and that’s it, no one else. Will pitch a fit if separated even for a moment
He likes to be held, cuddled, anything that has him close to his cg. Rocking him is an instant happy boy.
Some little ones never say anything about needing a diaper change and must be checked constantly. He is NOT one of those little ones. When he has an accident it will be known, he hates how yucky it feels and will immediately start whining and crying
He’s a big crybaby but he recovers fast. Usually it’s just when his cg pushes the right button then bam tears stop instantly.
Doesn’t really do toys, he doesn’t get them… he just wants dada/mama. The things he does like to play with are his blankie, his one special stuffy (a floppy white bunny) and puppets and rattles if his carer is waving them at him
Brush his hair, give him baths, button his clothes, dress him, change him, ultimate sign of trust because of his horrible background is when he lets his cg interact with his clothes, especially undressing him. But it takes time to get there, such as the first few times they had to give him a bath he shrieked like a banshee but was distracted with words of reassurance and kisses
Loves to be praised!! Call him a brave little boy or tell him how pretty he is or how happy he makes you, he will be such a happy boy
Giggles+wiggles!! When he’s happy he squirms and giggles and babbles, oh boy does he babble, little Astarion and big Astarion have one thing in common and it’s that they’re soooo chatty
Must be held at all times and NEVER to be left alone. Especially while sleeping, waking up without his carer in arm’s reach is a one way track to meltdown town for good reason
Must be the most precious, delicate and adorable thing in the room at all times. Will also never willingly share his carer.
Big Astarion hates being coddled but baby Astarion? coddle coddle coddle, must treat like he’s made of glass
When he’s big he will deny literally everything that happened when he was little but rest assured he treasures every last minute of it.
Grabby hands all the way! Grabby hands at everything he wants… most of the time that would be mama/dada
Doesn’t like reminders of his vampirism when little, just whatever is instinct to him but he doesn’t like thinking about much else
Loves aaaaaall the little gear. He is not the type to want to regress with whatever is lying around, he wants all the diapers and onesies and strollers and what have you, whatever keeps him as removed from his adult life as possible
That’s just some of what I have!! I’m so sorry for this absolute monster of an ask, your blog just inspires me so much I’m such a big fan <33
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WAAAAAAA oh my goodness these are absolutely phenomenal aaaAAAAA 🥺💖💖💖💖 rotating these in my mind forever now!!!
Thank you so so much for sharing these😭💖 Bby Astarion deserves all the coddling and loving praise aaaaAAAAAAAAA
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crescencestudio · 2 years
Devlog #29 | 03.27.23
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Hi everyone!
April is almost here, which terrifies me since the year is going by so fast. Before I get into game updates, I wanted to share a bit of a (somewhat) personal one.
This month, progress on Alaris was overall a bit slow---or at least, slower than usual. I noticed this month I was struggling a lot with working on basically anything, whether it was for school, work, Alaris, or just taking care of myself. And I realized basically a year late that I was feeling extremely burnt out.
For those who have been following Alaris for a long time, you may know that early 2022, I was struggling with a lot of personal circumstances. I had taken a week off back then to "take time for myself," but in actuality, I had continued working on Alaris and other things because sometimes when I have too much time on my hands, it's worse for my mental health. This was a recurring theme for basically all of 2022. Even during the holiday breaks (e.g., summer, November, December, etc.), I continued working on Alaris, partly because I love the project, partly because it helps me cope with irl things.
This past month, I think the break that I've desperately needed since the start of 2022 made itself Very Apparent and made progress slow on my end. I'm very sorry if the update this month is disappointing because of that! I tried to take a break this past week and am feeling a bit better now, so hopefully, things start to get back on track this upcoming month <3 With that, I'll get into actual updates!
I'm not going to lie to you all; writing was Slow this month LOL. Basically, the entire writing team got taken out by some sickness or another. I would say for 2-3 weeks of the month, there was no progress on editing or writing at all since everyone was sick at the same time <\3 We are starting to pick things back up, but please send your best wishes to the writing team since they were Going Through It this month!! Also, if you got sick this month and got whatever has been going around globally, I hope you are feeling better as well <333
I did update a good amount of the demo script---just rewriting things since my writing style has changed a little. Small things, but hopefully enjoyable changes nonetheless!
As always, we have continued to make progress on BG art. This month, Vui finished the River BG and the Forest BG, both of which appear in Chapter 2 of the demo. We actually only have one more BG to finish, which is the Flower Field, and all the BGs for the demo will be complete (ahh!!!). It's been about 5 (?) months in the making to revamp all the BGs for the demo, but we are finally reaching the finish line, and everything is slowly getting ready for a revamped demo release ^^
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preview of the forest BG
I also have a preview of the GUI for you all! There will be some small changes, like colors, before the final version. But a little crumb to feed you all since I didn't make much progress this month
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I also mentioned in the last devlog how I might update the personality icons for Alaris, which were completed this month by the same item artist who did the affection point icons!
The overall vision for this was little potions to build on the "magical" setting of Alaris. I think they're much easier to differentiate and so cute <3
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My focus was more on demo art assets for this month, so I finished up the individual CGs for each of the LI's introductions.
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soft and fluffy updated Etza CG
I also started updating the sprites a bit---mostly small touches so the art looks a bit more cohesive since my style has changed a bit since the demo first came out. Aisa and Kuna'a are receiving outfit changes so that their clothing stands out from Central gang and looks more cohesive with the aesthetic that will be used for Fae.
Additional Notes
Something else I got to work on this month was finally reviewing the demo voiced lines in full. I hope you all are EXCITED to listen to them in the updated demo! A lot of the lines had me giggling (heehee!). I can't wait to see everything together once it's coded into the game ^^
I also opened applications for playtesters. They close at the end of this month, aka in a couple of days. So if you are interested, please don't forget to submit an application! Thank you already to everyone who has submitted something. The response was more than I expected, so as always, I appreciate the support you all provide wah <3
Market Research
Lastly, I actually got to do some "market research" this month (yay!). I finished up Piofiore finally.
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the man, the legend: gilbert redford
Touchstarved also came out. I unfortunately haven't been able to play the demo yet since I was traveling when it was released, but I already know I'll love it and I drew Kuras even though I haven't even played the game yet LMAO
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gender envy
Anyways, I think that's enough from me, so that is all for this month's update! Stay safe, and see you all next month <3
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barananduen-blog · 1 year
Top Nine TV Shows tag game
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Was invited to do this by @lovesickfolly I'm going to do it with cdramas, bc that's what I'm into lately, but if anyone wants to do this, you can do it with any kind of show.
My top nine cdramas, in no particular order...
Before I begin, I should probably point out that I'm more "plot" over "ship." I like ships, but usually as a means to showing character depth; they're not the thing I tend to focus on the most.
What these nine have in common is:
good plot and writing - not just the plot, but the storytelling
3D characters who are also likeable
hooked my attention - my mind didn't wander while watching, AND I wanted to watch more than one episode in a row
I'm going to include another indicator, too. If it "got" me good enough to make me make fanart: 🎨lol I mean, I'm SLOW. If I was willing to dedicate days/weeks to make a drawing out of it, that's SOMETHING. lmao
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1 - Word of Honor🎨
Martial arts adventures (+ a steampunk sect), BL.
This was the first cdrama I watched, and I loved it and it still has a special place in my heart. I rewatched along later with @ginsoakedgirl80 and it was as enjoyable to watch the 2nd time as it was the 1st.
Awesome story and characters, beautiful scenery. And it gave me my first two favorite drama actors.😆*cough* My fav characters were, in order: Ye Baiyi and the Scorpion King. My fav actors, the same two, but reversed; I like comedians, OK? XD
Just a word of advice to anyone planning to try this: I don't know why the opening scenes character-dump on you; most of those people aren't even that important. Just learn Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu (a few others will show up later, but you can learn them then), and then start learning names only once Zhou Zishu becomes a homeless drunk man.
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2 - The Taoism Grandmaster (technically, I have a drawing WIP, but it'll probably stay a WIP)
If the Triwizard Tournament from Harry Potter and a Final Fantasy video game had a child in ancient China, you'd get this, complete with items shop before boss battles (the store ox is so cute!).
No but look, this is like my gremlin child. I'm not a fast watcher, but this is the only one which I binged so many episodes in a row, that it made me lose track of time, and before I knew it, it was past 2am on a weeknight and I had work the next day. I may have made it to 4am one of those nights; I don't remember. After it happened twice, I had to set an alarm. Have also watched twice+
Yes, the CG is bad, the costumes were cheap sometimes, and the plants did not pretend to not be plastic, but I love the story. It's well written and has so many details and ways things tie together. And THE CHARACTERS! They're all lovable dorks AND I LOVE THEM!
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3 - The Legendary Life of Queen Lau🎨
AAAAAAAAA!! I love comedy and this was GREAT in that sense! Really had me laughing out loud every episode! This is one to watch more for the funny and ingenious situations than for plot, but it was SO enjoyable, I'd even watch them do slice of life. So cute, so fun, love it love it love it!!🥰 Another one that I rewatch whenever I need something uplifting and cute. Also, one of my two favorite OSTs. So uplifting and danceable!
Alright, those are my top 3. The ones I'm sentimental for. The stuff I squee over. But I have 16 starred on my list as excellent / recommendable, so let's have six more.
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4 - Song of Youth
Case-solving; mini-cases and the one overarching one.
I loved the format of one case per couple of episodes, so it was broken up into smaller chunks. Super interesting and creative - each case was solved in an unconventional way, which was fun and engaging. All the actresses did a fantastic job. The jewelry, props, lighting, etc. were absolutely beautiful.
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5 - The Blood of Youth🎨
Martial arts adventures with a group of friends.
Story: 💯Characters: 💯 Fights: 💯 Visuals: 💯OST: 💯
Xiao Se as the tired babysitter I love him! Wuxin! OMG Wuxin as the sassy fake monk who monologues before every fight and people just let him. I love him! (Wuxin spinoff, please! and I love his theme song!) The whole cast is gorgeous and acted wonderfully, so no sacrificing talent for looks; these people had both in spades. The supporting cast, too. OMG Baily Dongjun and the thunder guy!😍 It had funny moments. Mr. Sikong! The fights were SO creative... how many ways can you design a martial arts fight?? Way more than I thought! No two were similar; it was amazing, the creativity.
As an artist, I really enjoyed the cinematography... the scenery, lighting!! composition, all absolutely gorgeous. Those shots of Xiao Se with soft backlighting? Chef's kiss. And, as a photographer, I know they're not as easy to achieve as it looks. Alright, this one got 2 paragraphs already; need to move on, but watch if you haven't. It's on YouTube.
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6 - Till the End of the Moon
Doomed love fantasy; watch them struggle against themselves and their destiny.
THIS IS SO GOOD!! The story is great, excellent plot and pacing. Characters are 3D and always surprising. Gorgeous costumes (Tantai Jin's especially! And the clam clan makeup!), sets, and special effects. THE SOUNDTRACK IS EMBEDDED IN MY BRAIN IT'S SO GOOD (🎶favs: "Use my Body as a Shield" or whatever it's called, I keep seeing different translated titles for it; "Reborn" instrumental; and "Holding on to a Thought" instrumental).
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7 - The Blue Whisper
Fantasy romance and adventure. Merman. Animal-spirit people. Angst, treason, and undying hope.
Gosh this drama is so beautiful. This, Till the End of the Moon, and Blood of Youth are up there as the top 3 visuals in dramas I've completed (there are others that have stunned me visually, but haven't been able to watch in full). Excellent story, too. It's a tearjerker, but it's SO GOOD!
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8 - My Uncanny Destiny
Romcom. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Lots of fun. Very enjoyable and bingeable.
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9 - Guardian, the one with Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long
Modern urban superpowers type of thing, which is a genre I like, and the story is so good! By Priest, the same author for the Word of Honor novel. Never a dull moment. Tearjerker warning, but so good. Excellent theme song, too, btw. (I don't have any screencaps that aren't a spoiler, so that's what this is XD)
I ran out of slots, but I'll list the other seven in my Excellent and Recommendable list. Order is just as I watched them:
The Untamed
Legend of Fei
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
Be Reborn (modern, heist/police)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
A Familiar Stranger (mini-drama; watch the movie version)
Reset (modern, action, investigation)
PS: I've been here one month, and have done two tag games and they both had the number "9" in them; is this a tumblr thing?
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tinycatstars · 1 year
Could you do little eridan and maybe cg feferi? (btw I love ur story’s!!)
ee thank you so much!! i know this one is a bit short, sorry for that, but hereee u go!! some momma fef and little eridan for uuuu :D please enjoy !! <3 <3 <3
lil tw for panic attacks !
Feferi really didn’t expect to be woken up in the middle of the night by her phone ringing, but hey, there’s a first for everything.
She sluggishly grabs her glasses off of her nightstand to see that Eridan was calling her. Eridan wasn’t one to call, which was the first sign that something was wrong. Secondly, when she picked up the call and sleepily asked “...Eridan? Why’re you calling me this late?”, all she heard from the other end was wails coming from the other; Panicked hyperventilating and crying. 
That woke her up quickly. “Glub! Okay, Eridan, I’m on my way now. Are you at your hive?” she asked, panicking as she got dressed. Between sobs he whined out an “mhm”.
“Be there soon!” She said, and before she could hang up, he cried out “No, don’t go!”
She sadly smiled at his response, “I’ll stay on the line bub, okay?” He hummed, still breathing way too fast. She left her hive soon after that, swimming up to the surface to reach Eridan’s shipwreck. Thankfully, he didn’t live too far away.
“I’m here, Eridan, I’m gonna hang up the phone now”, she says loudly as she enters through his doorway, making sure he had heard her. She could hear Eridan hiccup, his crying was still loud and unbearable to hear, but it had calmed down a little.
She finds the little in his room, curled up on the floor. He had a thick blanket wrapped around him, his glasses were slightly askewed on his face, tears tracked down his face. Feferi thought he looked so small, physically and probably mentally.
Definitely mentally, she thinks, as he sticks a thumb into his mouth and begins to chew on it.
“Momma…”, he whines, reaching out to her with his free hand.
“Hi, baby, Momma’s here now”, she says, bending down to sit on the floor. She picks him up and sits him in her lap, encasing the little in a warm hug. 
He sobs into her shoulder, both out of relief and exhaustion. Feferi holds him tight, letting him cry out all of his big feelings. She began to rock him gently, whispering reassurances into his fins as he wailed to his momma.
After a while, Eridan calms down. He slumps in Feferi’s arms, he had already tired himself out from the nonstop crying. “Is someone sleepy?” she asks, to which Eridan slowly nods.
“What was that all about, hm? Can you tell Momma what’s wrong?” Feferi pressed. She didn’t want to pressure her baby, but she was really concerned to why he was this upset this late at night.
Eridan just shook his head, whining as he buried it into Feferi’s shoulder. She sighs, “That’s okay, bub, you don’t have to tell me”.
She looks over to the clock that was hung on Eridan’s wall, it read 1:23 am. “Are you ready for bed, bub? Or would you like some milk to help?” 
Eridan thinks for a moment before mumbling “Milk” around his thumb that he had moved to his mouth. He sucked on it as Feferi moved him to her hip so she could pick up the smaller. Eridan really didn’t weigh anything, so it wasn’t very hard to carry the other troll to the kitchen.
She grabs his baby bottle and fills it with milk, putting it in the microwave for a moment. The bottle was black with purple fish and bubbles covering it, something she thought was so cute and just so Eridan. She tested the milk before handing the bottle back to Eridan, and sure enough, the temperature was perfect. He gratefully accepts his bottle, chewing on the teet as he drank his milk.
“Let’s head back to bed, baby, ok? Momma’s gonna spend the night tonight”, Feferi said. They made their way back to Eridan’s bedroom, and thankfully he had something else they could cuddle on besides his recuperacoon. She couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be. In the corner of the room was an actual bed, home to Eridan’s many blankets and stuffed animals. Most of them were cute sea creatures, all gifted to him by Feferi. 
She sits Eridan down on the bed so she can go find his pacifier. His little stuff was hiding somewhere in his room, she just couldn’t remember where!
Eventually, she finds the soother tucked underneath some old research papers, which were littered all over the bedroom. It had a protective cap on it, so she wouldn’t need to leave the room to wash it. Feferi didn’t think Eridan would react very well to her leaving right now.
She makes her way back to the bed, replacing his thumb with the pacifier he probably had been yearning for all night. He gives his Momma a wobbly smile, his arms outreached, silently asking to be held.
 She gives in, giving the little one a tight hug before getting into bed, tucking them in and making sure Eridan was comfortable. She carefully takes off his glasses, setting them on the endtable of the bed. She tracts a thumb underneath his eyes, gently wiping away his dried tears. Maybe he would talk about what had happened later, but she didn’t feel like putting any extra stress onto him now. Glub knows he would just start crying again, exhausting himself even more. 
For now, they were just going to cuddle and go to bed. She wraps her arms around the little, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Momma loves you, Eridan”, she whispers.
“Love you too…” he mumbles, and soon, he’s fast asleep.
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Ooo! May I please request Steve Kemp coming home to his little angel? He got home late, and his angel had fallen asleep waiting for him to get home. She's in a super young headspace, so when she stirs, she's super clingy to Steve and whines about how long Papa's been gone.
Yes! But I decided that in this story fresh ended differently with Steve killing both Noa and his wife and the reader is his new darling he's holding captive.
Pairing: Cg!Steve Kemp x little!reader
Contains: kidnapped reader, forced established relationship, cg/l dynamics, Stockholm syndrome, mentions of cannibalism, reader is not a cannibal, cursing, honorifics (papa) used, short story
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You had laid on your mat on the floor as you awaited for Steve, a deep part of you was scared maybe he wouldn't come back, you had lost track of what time was, you knew it had been a long time, long enough for all the girls you originally met to be dead and gone.
You had no idea why Steve hadn't started to take your meat but he threatened you with it if you got too out of line, not that you would ever disobey your papa, you had grown to love Steve dearly.
Your body was exhausted, Steve had only fed you your morning meal before he left which is the only reason why you knew he was so late, you were hungry and you were growing tired,
All you could think about as you ended up drifting to sleep was Steve.
As soon as Steve was home he raced down the basement stairs, there had been a roadblock for miles searching for one of the missing women and it had made him a couple of hours late getting home, a baggie of fast food was clutched in his hands as he scanned himself into your room, he looked at your sleeping form for a moment and sat your food down on a shelf before coming over to you, he smiled down at you before sitting down next to you and gently petting your hair,
“Hi, baby, I'm home.” he said as you stirred, you peeked your eyes open and looked up at him,
“Oh, hi, Papa, you're late.” you mumbled sleepily, and he nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
“I know baby, but I brought you some food.” he said as you sat up,
“I didn't like that you were gone so long.” you said sadly and held your hands up to him he stands before bending down and picking you up, holding you tightly to him as he gently kissed your forehead, you laid your head on his shoulder and clenched his shirt tightly, the two of you stayed like that, holding eachother close, Steve grabs your food and carries you upstairs,
He sits you down infront of the coffee table and sets your food down, carefully getting each of your things ready to eat, he then turns on the tv and plays your favorite cartoon, you eat contently looking back occasionally at Steve to make sure he was still there,
“Oh shit, baby, give me one second.” He says before walking to the kitchen you watch as he grabs a sippy out of the fridge and brings it over to you,
“I forgot I poured your drink in here.” He explains and you beam at him, very thankful he remembered the sippy cup this time. Once you’re done with your food you cuddle up with Steve, enjoying watching your cartoon before you drift back off to sleep in your papas arms.
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Found another really good tutorial for Blender by CG Fast Track. I took some.. creative liberties when making it however.
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