#certified coffee
theletterboxstuff · 3 months
Cafe dates where we just sit lazily and eat some delicious food while having a detailed yapping session about any and every topic there is?!??!!?! yes, A hundred times yes!!!!
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psumnt-studentcouncil · 7 months
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Tree headcanons!
I really just took the fact it’s into non-fiction media and ran with it lmao
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fishareglorious · 28 days
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isokania schnitzel date.........
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sunnibits · 1 year
this has probably been done before but idc I love hot beverage. also I imagine I will be in the minority as far as this poll goes. feel free to elaborate as to what specific variety of drink is ur personal favorite bc there’s no way I’m listing every kind of tea and coffee
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notyetjae · 5 months
RDR2 Coffee orders.
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an: this is a modern au if it isn’t clear,
Arthur Morgan:
Black coffee
And he orders like “A large regular coffee” and if you ask if wants cream or sugar he’s like “Nope, regular.”
He gets oddly pissed off about that, (High honor arthur doesn’t show it tho.)
He’ll put like 2 sugars in if he’s feeling fancy.
John Marston:
Black coffee in front of the gang, coffee with french vanilla creamer by himself
He used to drink it with creamer in front of Arthur but he made fun of him.
He’s just takes care of his tongue okay. He’s sensitive.
I feel like he would sip Abigails super sweet latte and be like “eww wtf” and inside he would be like THAT SLAPPEDDD
Let John Marston drink a pumpkin spice latte.
Dutch Van der lin:
Black coffee OR Cappuccino
Modern Dutch would be a coffee nerd, an annoying one too, if you’ve encountered a coffee nerd irl you know.
Spends 20 minutes explaining the intricacies of a cappuccino to Molly. (Poor thing)
He hates flavor though, he thinks it’s the devil.
Charles smith:
Coffee with cream and sugar/flavor, maybe a latte as a treat.
I feel like he would like coffee over a latte, too much caffeine makes him feel crazy.
He’s such a plain jane I’m sorry.
Hosea Matthews:
Proud latte enjoyer.
This man has such a sweet tooth, even if he gets a coffee with cream he’ll add like whip cream onto it 😭
He has no problems with black coffee, but go big or go home right?
He would fuck up one of those signature lattes from Dunkin
Lenny Summers:
Not a coffee enjoyer, will shot gun a bang energy however.
Mary-Beth Gaskill:
Iced latte with caramel + vanilla and cold foam with cinnamon sugar
Listen now that we’re onto the girls shit’s getting serious.
I also believe she’s an avid cold brew enjoyer.
Dunkin > Starbucks girlie.
Also probably gets a choco muffin.
Tilly Jackson:
Cold brew 3 mocha, 2 caramel, 1 french vanilla, oat milk and sugar with cold foam and mocha drizzle.
She gets this like 4 times a week.
And no one batted an eye until Karen saw the sticker on the cup and was like girl ur gonna die by 30.
Genuinely confused about how her order is “too much.”
Karen Jones:
Iced coffee girl FOR LIFE.
Honestly her order changes alot, She’ll order the same thing for a few weeks and then switch it up.
Also a dunkin > Starbucks girlie.
Will ride or die for Caramel. (Also she says it “car-mel” aka the right way.)
The type of girl to have like an absurd amount of reward points because she doesn’t use them.
Sadie Adler:
Honestly prefers sweet tea to coffee.
But when she does need energy she’ll get an Americano with an extra shot (she’s tired of Pearson’s bullshit.)
No cream or sugar, like a real woman.
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colgatebluemintygel · 5 months
brother it has been nearly 10 years n i still have anxiety dreams about my first hospo job on the reg . will i ever be free will i
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sagita-lxx · 8 days
back to my old ways of drinking black coffee and sleeping when im supposed to be up.
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satanicsanity · 1 year
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t4tduncney · 1 month
duncney is huge dog tiny aura man x tiny dog huge aura woman
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as much as I hate to admit it, Andrew Minyard is a energy drink gay and not a coffee gay. He hates coffee until his late 30s and even then only when it’s cold and he can have a hot coffee with 5 sugars on a Sunday morning.
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fishareglorious · 1 month
started immediately vibrating and deeply compelled to know how tall is argus r1999
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littleforestfellow · 4 months
if my mom posted on here she'd have more followers than me 100%
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coffee-dere · 1 year
I saw a weird amount of "Neruodivergent culture is ____" posts like five minutes ago and I would like to make my own contribution by saying
Neruodivergent culture is being awesome because all y'all are so cool and I love you /p
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gentleoverdrive · 7 months
[March/1 of ?] Can you feel that? Oh shit!
Have you ever felt that, as an online culture, we "backed" the wrong horse in the memetic zeitgeist? Right now you're probably wondering what the hell is it that I'm talking about specifically, but rest easy: I am indeed talking about how Disturbed's "Down with the Sickness" fucking sucks and how we should've memefied "Stupify" instead.
---- The argument is simple: Better overall instrumental performance AND way funnier/more annoying vocal stylings. If you think I'm high on fumes or something, hear for yourself.
---- If you're listening to crappy butt-rock, at least go for the track that has something going on for it throughout, instead of just one mildly interesting hissy-fit on a song that also includes a skit that sounds like the best acting Robert Downey Jr. ever did, it's all I'm saying. ---- On second thought, Dan Donegan is a "Cancel culture" whingy shithead that makes me embarrassed that I use the same guitar brand as he does and David Draiman is an all-around garbage person, so I think that's way funnier (even if unintentionally) than anything they have ever put to tape. Here's a cool song by an awesome band that I still love instead...
Anyway, I'll probably go back to writing about anime and Fire Emblem because that's all it ever seems to interest people when I type out these journal entries/brain droppings. Love a duck!
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roberrtphilip · 7 months
i have a silly sort of ask.
i don’t know if you’re a coffee drinker - i just recently became one myself after hating coffee for years - but do you have any headcanons for giselle trying coffee for the first time? i obviously think she’s get really sugary ones with caramel and stuff (at least that’s how i drink mine 😅)
i was thinking about it buying my coffee today and thought it’d be really cute to think about.
So, I personally think she's more of a tea drinker than coffee for sure.
I think the first time she tried Robert's coffee, she was disgusted and spit it back out, which made him laugh (I remember writing a very little fic about this that took place after they got home from the ball, and now I kinda wanna finish it)
But I also like to think Giselle's the type of person who has to try everything at least once. Like, she's the person who's tried everything on every restaurant menu, because she wants to know what all of it tastes like.
So, because of that, she's definitely tried a million different types of coffee, too.
I'm not a coffee drinker myself, but I agree she would love the more sugary ones, for sure! I also headcanon Robert puts honey in his coffee, and Giselle likes doing that, too.
Oh, and frappuccinos, she probably loves those, too! I think she really loves strawberries, so any frappuccino that's strawberry flavored is probably her favorite.
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eosphorusss · 5 months
my friend was invited as a speaker to an event in order to talk abt her internship through a female empowerment program!!!! i gotta tell you when she first invited us i freaked out bc the only thing i could think of was “wow. she’s so successful and i’m such a loser, this is so embarassing”… and today when i actually got to see her excited smile, see her walking up the stage, listen to her talk, i was so moved by everything she has achieved all these years i’ve known her, her growth, and the fact that such an amazing person wanted to share this moment of joy with select few people, one of which being me… i couldn’t stop crying and i realized how silly and useless it is to wallow in self-pity when love and beauty and joy are literally right there!!!!!!!!!!!!
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