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tartyfart · 2 years ago
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hadesoftheladies · 7 months ago
This might be one of the most important posts I've ever made. (Please Read)
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@bakerstreetdocter per this post where i responded to the sports poll i made
on the poll for why folks in radblr didn't watch women's sports, the overwhelming majority of you said it was because you just weren't interested. i needed to make a whole post to respond to this because let me tell y'all something:
Let me tell you why.
#1. Sports and Male Hegemony
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Do you know what keeps patriarchy so strong? Male camaraderie. The reason rapists and paedophiles don't go to jail, the reason men are paid more, the reason patriarchy even fucking exists is because men invest primarily in men. Sports doesn't just reflect this, it PERPETUATES it more efficiently than most other institutions (like it's right up there with religion and porn). I'm not kidding. Male sports is where men go to bond over everything. They bond over beating up their wives (I've seen it in real time), they gather to celebrate male strength and achievement, and elevate male dominance. The reason sports is so important to the patriarchy is not just because it perpetuates, centralizes and publicizes male excellence, but because it nurtures male camaraderie. It gives them space to be openly "manly," because it is really a festival for male dominance in every way.
Not only that, but it RADICALIZES boys and men in male supremacist ideology. If male peerage is where boys and men slowly corrupt each other with misogyny, men's sports is where that sort of thing is concentrated to the MAX. I'm talking MASSES of men and boys. Uncles and fathers taking their sons to bond over men they believe represent them and their perceived superiority. This has also had consequences for women and girls. Domestic violence rates shoot up during different (men's) sports seasons. The demeaning and brutalization of women is common in these environments.
If you think porn is a huge industry that radicalizes boys and men into becoming rancid misogynists, sports is the next big thing you should worry about, because however effective porn is for dehumanizing women, men's sports is the one most effective for popularizing male dominance and supremacy on a global and generational scale. Forget music and movies, THIS is something feminists should be fucking worried about.
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(Read more of this article here.)
#2. Women's Representation, Power & Social Influence
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Compared to the crumbs of proper representation we have for women in music, movies and mainstream literature, women's sports centres and normalizes every kind of woman you can think of. Big women, small women, muscular women, single women, masculine women, feminine women, women with wives and husbands, mothers, tall women, unattractive women, cocky women, etc . . .
I have never encountered a visual franchise that humanizes women more than women's televised sports. Never. Not in movies, not on the internet, not in shows. The raw humanity and personhood of women is given centre stage in every angle. We see women sweat, we see women bleed, we see women bump each other in the chest, we see them fight and scrap, flaunt, beg, roar . . .
This humanization has affected not only women who finally feel represented by other women to the world, but even men. Many men and boys who watch sports have far more positive outlooks on women than their counterparts. They are forced to appreciate the skills, strength, intelligence, and personhood of women.
In sports psychology, there's the topic of how people tend to form identities around the athletes or teams they admire. They perceive themselves as an extension of those teams/athletes. This is a very powerful social phenomena, because it strengthens intra-community investment by giving the individual a personal stake and sense of belonging.
It is powerful when men view male athletes and men's teams as an extension of themselves. When mothers take their children to these games and kids identify with the male athletes on the pitch. It is very effective in re-enforcing male-as-default for everyone.
But it is also powerful when this happens for women. When men, women, children begin seeing female athletes and teams as extensions of themselves, it strengthens the perception of kinship with women of all kinds. It humanizes women in an intimate way. Where it's no longer about the "women's team" but about "US." When men and little boys identify with female athletes, point and say "US" instead of "THEM" it lays crucial ground for male allyship.
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This is partly why many women's leagues across multiple sports got banned historically. It was because they completely overhauled the idea of women as other and that was a threat to the status quo, because if men started identifying themselves with women, started seeing women's victories as theirs, started seeing women as their heroes, it made male dominance unnecessary and obsolete. It made women heroes for men, women, boys and girls to believe in. It made them leaders and icons. Champions. It destroyed all the lies patriarchy lived off of.
#3. Female Centricity, Community and Consciousness-Raising
I've talked about what this does for men, but I want to zero in on what this does for women.
Right now, in society, men have multiple institutions and industries to boost their camaraderie and male supremacy, whether that be sports, religion, gaming or pornography.
Now, can one of you name a single institution or industry that brings women together to bond over womanhood? Can you name a bonding ritual for women that doesn't include femininity? Most of you will probably only have entities like certain female musicians (taylor swift, blackpink, etc) rather than industries. Currently, the biggest industry that women bond over (and even then, it's not really a social event) is make-up. We're mostly broken up into different fandoms, or maybe we find each other studying certain women-dominated degrees. In most other cases, we're with each other doing something domestic (baby showers, cooking/planning during family get-togethers, etc). (though based on trends, university campuses may soon become women-dominated spaces in totality XD). The domestic sphere is perhaps where most of the consciousness raising has occurred historically.
Unfortunately, the biggest contributor to women's consciousness raising with the most global reach is our shared trauma. That is the one thing that unilaterally unifies women and girls everywhere, and even then, not totally.
While our shared suffering has been a great tool in radicalizing us for change (though it's already an L that we're suffering in the first place), it isn't something that actually empowers the community of women. Radicalization does not equal empowerment. And women need hope and joy to have strength to fight. They need to identify with each other, not simply with each other's suffering. If anything, women are in desperate need of an industry/institution that isn't crippling them with enforced femininity and isn't centred on their misery, but rather, celebrates their womanhood and the joys of being a woman. Centres womanhood. Something that gives them space to celebrate themselves.
The things that do that are the ones fiercely under attack, e.g. women's sports, lesbian festivals, etc. You need to have a hard think at why that is to realize how vitally important things like this are. The difference between something like women's sports and lesbian festivals that gives women's sports an advantage in being the most socially influential, is that women's sports encourages the participation of everyone and posits itself as relevant to all people within the geographic location it is a part of. So it gets more eyes and has more sway.
I have been brought to tears seeing crowds of thousands scream to a deafening degree over a young woman scoring a goal. I'm talking men, women, children losing their fucking minds. Chanting a woman's name from the stands. Rushing to take pictures with her. Cheering for her to break another record. Women need to know there are alternatives to being hated by men. You guys need to know what it feels like to see entire cities show up and show out for women. Where women are glorified, practically worshipped, not for being sexually attractive, not for being the epitome of beauty, but for being skilled, for being amazing women. You need to see women horsing around, unrestrained and free to talk shit. You need to see them acting goofy, without makeup. You need to see them surrounded by love and support no matter who they are. You need to see them having the time of their lives with each other. Real women, doing real things. You need to know what it's like to see a woman do incredible physical feats. You need to see how powerful the female body is. You need to see this day in and day out. You need to know it like you know your name.
Because that's what men have every day. And when I tasted it, I couldn't get enough.
The next generation of girls and women need this so fucking bad. Now more than ever.
#4. The Destruction of Gender
(Portia Woodman-Wickliffe, rugby player for New Zealand)
Which leads me to my next and pretty much final point as to the necessity of women's support of women's sports. Whether or not you're willing to admit it, most of you aren't interested in women's sports because of your gendered socialization.
This could be subconscious resistance (e.g. you're so used to it being mocked you can't fathom getting into it), or it could be simply because of your upbringing and current social environment. I've noticed, that most people engage with sports based on a pre-existing culture concerning sports. Most sons are introduced to men's sports by their fathers, and, as established earlier, it becomes a bonding ritual. Many of us didn't have those experiences as girls, so we never saw the value.
But I think this is also a part of enforced femininity. Right now, some parents don't want their girls watching women's sports because of how unfeminine the women are (and this usually goes hand in hand with homophobia, since a fair share of athletes are lesbian/bi). We're taught to be ladylike. To be demure. Female athletes can rarely afford to be. Even if they wear lashes to the court XD. They have to body their way through. They have to work and scrap and fight for their victories.
It's even more sad to me, since I'm now a very active watcher of women's sports (which I decided to get into on a whim one night, no lie, like I didn't feel like it I just decided to Google random stuff and look at highlights and then I got invested) how crippling that feminine socialization has been to me. How much I've missed. Not only has watching women's sports increased my own pride and confidence in my body, given me a space to experience joy in being a woman (outside of femininity), but it has also made me feel far more connected to women in a predominantly positive way (rather than trauma-bonding). It has humanized women for me, too. Even as a feminist. It's really kicked the shit out of what internalized misogyny I had left.
This is the primary reason women's sports has been so vilified, as I have pointed out in my other post on this topic: it is the loudest anti-gender campaign in society. It destroys patriarchal myths about womanhood and makes femininity and masculinity obsolete. This is why its still resisted today, and this is why it's integral to the feminist fight. Not only does it empower the fight for women's liberation, but it also bolsters movements for things like LGB rights, another movement that seeks to demolish the institution of gender in society.
Conclusion: This Is Urgent
While women's sports is on the up-and-up, female athletes NEED predominantly female audiences to ensure the integrity of their leagues and to minimize exploitation. If men remain the predominant stakeholders in women's sports, they get to demean, belittle, objectify, starve, sabotage and command the female athletes. They get to use women's sports to perpetuate misogyny and the dehumanization of women. At a time where women's liberation is gaining global traction and is heading to a potential climax with patriarchal society, this is something that is vital to our fight. I'm dead fucking serious. It stands to be one of our best assets in the global fight to humanize women. It is one of the best anti-patriarchal propaganda machines we have. We must protect it via our support both financially and with our time. We cannot let men take control of one of the biggest weapons we have. Girls need this. Boys need this. Society needs this.
WE need this.
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kylieswift31 · 7 months ago
Taylor Swift and the Truman show
"Well, for me, there is no difference between a private life and a public life. My life... is my life, is the Truman show."
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Tied together with a smile
Taylor is currently at the peak of her career as she's now breaking her own records and reaching a level of fame only seen by the greatest such as the Beatles and Michael Jackson. Yet underneath all that success is a layer of conflict due to the discrepancies between her private and public life. With closer inspection it is clear to see that Taylor has left a trail of breadcrumbs that reveal that she has been queer since the beginning of her career. The ‘love struck and boy crazy’ version we first saw of Taylor was supposed to be a temporary step in her career during the fearless era, but through a series of unfortunate events she has spent the entirety of her career in the closet.
Now with the ending of the rerecords and eras tour in sight, Taylor has begun to reveal the cracks in the facade of her public persona so that we can see who she really is underneath. Her performance of 'delicate' on the eras tour is a visual representation of this process. Throughout the song we slowly see cracks forming in the glass, one at a time until at last there are so many cracks the entire stage shatters into a million tiny little pieces.
But what causes the cracks?
And it’s all inspired by the Truman show…
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Daily life
In the mirror
The first time you watch the Truman show, the focus is on Truman and his journey. He lives a normal life in Seahaven with his wife Meryl, has a successful career in finance and spends his free time with his best friend Marlon. There are small cracks in the facade of his picture perfect life from the beginning, but halfway through we reach a turning point as it becomes clear that Truman is also the star of a 24 hour reality TV show that broadcasts his life to the public without his knowledge. Every move he makes is being observed by the outside. And then when you get to the end of the movie you start to realise that not everything you saw was as it seems.
Taylor has several well known Easter eggs that reference the Truman show, but with further investigation we can discover that she also relates to his story on a personal level. In the song 'mirrorball' Taylor explores the theme of wearing a mask that reflects back what the viewer wants or chooses to see. Just like an iceberg, if we stop at the surface level of what we see of Taylor’s personal life, we’ll miss the depth of what lies underneath. Many of her music videos echo Truman's story in a way that leaves her truth hiding in plain sight.
Good neighbours
Truman’s day starts with a moment of quiet reflection as he gazes at himself in the mirror before greeting his neighbours on his way to work. “Good morning! And incase I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night!” His iconic catchphrase is repeated each day. Even though Truman’s the only person in Seahaven who isn’t a paid actor, he’s having the same scripted interactions day after day. His life is centred around acting the part, just like everyone else. The only difference is that he’s wearing a mask to hide how he really feels underneath. Truman's day is very reminiscent of the groundhog day trope to highlight how scripted and repetitive his life has become.
Taylor's life in the public is very similar to Truman's now that she can't go anywhere without being recognised. The once unfiltered teen that was vocal on myspace has become selective and restrained with what she shares online after years of having her life picked apart for all to see. The chasm between Taylor's public and private life has grown to the point where removing the pop star mask will impact her career.
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Product placement
The Truman show is sustained through the revenue generated from the products advertised on the show. The first time we meet Truman's wife Meryl is when she's showing him the latest gadget she's picked up from the store on her way home from work. This feels subtle at first, but as more products are mentioned throughout the show it becomes more obvious and the advertising feels more akin to a late night shopping channel. We start to see that everything from the decor, wardrobe and food they eat is for sale. Every aspect of Truman's life has become commodified to generate revenue and to keep the show running.
All the little Easter eggs throughout Taylor's 'lover' music video seem like personalised advertisements now that we’ve seen that they advertise memorabilia on the Truman show in a similar way. However, within her career marketing is an integral facet of Taylor's career. "When you realise the rules of the game you're playing and how it will affect you, you got to look at the board and make your strategy. But at the same time, writing songs has never been a strategic element of my career. But I'm not scared to say that other things in my career, like how to market an album, are strictly strategic."
Hidden in plain sight
It's not obvious at first that Truman and Marlon have found a way to communicate with each other honestly whilst remaining undetected. Truman is often sharing his plans of going to Fiji to get away for a while. However, when he's really planning to leave Truman says "Just between you and me Marlon, I'm going away for a while." This allows the viewer to believe that it's just another wishful thought about going to Fiji, but said in a way that lets Marlon know that he is serious this time. Beer seems to be both another advertisement and a signal to indicate that he's been sent by the director. "It's all true. It's all real. Nothing here is fake. Nothing you see on the show is fake. It's merely controlled." Later on when we're shown that the director is feeding Marlon his lines, it's clear that he has always tried to be as honest as possible with Truman.
Taylor mentions wine frequently through her discography. Perhaps this is to show us that her truth has become so watered down within her lyrics that she lost sight of who she was before. Taylor has changed up pronouns and added hidden meaning to words and phrases mentioned frequently throughout her discography. Through this process she has become incredibly skilled at seamlessly adding connections to multiple muses within a song.
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The first crack in the glass
Everything changed
From what we can see, Truman has known from the beginning that he's been the central character within his town to some degree. Truman appears to be fairly content with the life he had created for himself, despite the confinement he felt (he hasn't known any different). This all came to an end when Truman realises that his father is still alive. This changes everything as the first cracks in the facade of his seemingly perfect life become visible.
A very similar experience happens with Taylor in the 'delicate' music video. We can see that this interaction leaves Taylor more aware of those around her. "People often greatly underestimate me on how much I'll inconvenience myself to prove a point…" In her real life there are several events we could attribute to being her motive for change including the sale of her masters (ownership of her first six albums) to investors, a relationship changing or something that affected her reasons for remaining closeted.
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Chance of rain
We see Truman sitting at the beach reflecting on how his father drowned when he was a child. As it starts raining he gets up to leave, only to reveal that there's just enough rain to encourage him to get up and go home. We slowly start to see how manufactured these scenarios are. Throughout Truman's week there are planned situations that are designed to test for any changes in his behaviour, like if he's still petrified of the water. These actions reveal just how much pressure they've placed on Truman to prevent him from leaving. It leaves us asking how much free will does he truly have with his choice to stay or go? At this point it feels like the choice has been made for him.
Taylor recreates this rain scene in the 'lavender haze' music video. We see her sitting at the end of the bed with a rain cloud over her head while her lover is asleep. We can infer that Taylor is showing us that she identifies with how isolated Truman was feeling in this moment. Taylor has given up a lot in her personal life for the success of her career, but how much of that was her choice to do so?
Reflecting on the past
Truman goes back home and opens up a trunk full of childhood memories. He's looking at photos of his family while trying to make sense of what he saw with his father still being alive, and the implications of that. This is the beginning of Truman questioning how far those in his life have gone to keep up this lie. If his father is still alive then what else have they lied about?
In the 'cardigan' music video we can see that Taylor is reflecting on her past in a similar way, but this time through playing her piano. Both 'the tortured poets department' album and summation reveal a similar theme of reflection, but with an honest exploration of the agony that comes along with it. "Nostalgia is a mind's trick." This album is a reflection of her career, highlighting the toll it's taken on her personal life along the way.
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The one that got away
Love triangles
As Truman pulls out a red cardigan from a plastic bag, we get flashbacks of his high school years. His attention is torn between Sylvia and his current wife, Meryl. During a moment alone with Sylvia they sneak away together, but she appears anxious knowing they don't have much time alone. They share a chaste kiss before Lauren gets dragged away by a man claiming to be her father. She hastily reveals that everything Truman knows about his life is a lie, that it's all done for him and that everyone is watching him. Her father claims that she is just having an episode and reassures Truman by saying that he's taking her to Fiji to receive more help. Sylvia's interaction with Truman is the catalyst for her character being removed from the show. This reveals that even in high school Truman's love interest was planned out for him, despite his attraction to Sylvia.
Taylor wistfully talks about the fictional teenage love triangle during the 'folkmore' set. She describes how James is longing for the one that got away, which seems to contain an element of truth from her past. In 'imgonnagetyouback' she talks about how she won't stop fighting until they're back together again. I tend to lean more museless, with the queer side of Taylor being the one she's fighting for most of all (and with any other muses being secondary to that). If we consider the love triangle from that perspective we can see that the muse she lost was a cherished piece of her history, but the part of herself she lost along the way is the one worth risking everything for to be able to feel whole again.
It's all in the details
Through the development of Sylvia's character we start to see the significance of the colour red. To the viewers at home it is a symbol of heartbreak and loss, and that Truman's attachment to the cardigan is based on his feelings for her. But for Truman we can assume that it is more like a symbol of hope that he might finally be free one day. Other symbols we see her wear include a red seahorse pin (their school mascot) a green bauble bracelet and the 'how's it going to end?' badge. When he reads the badge in the library he quietly admits that he's been wondering that too. This is the earliest insight we witness of Truman not being fulfilled by the life that has been scripted for him.
Many of Taylor's Easter eggs are a reference to the Truman show. These include Sylvia's rose shirt, the eras tour poster, 'karma' door, the song 'how did it end?' and many of her music videos. In the 'lover' music video there's also the bauble earrings, her lover has a seahorse patch on his jacket and the board games are Taylor Swift themed. These all seem like amusing connections until you pick up on the deeper correlations to Truman's story.
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After Sylvia left, all Truman is left with is her red cardigan. Sylvia begs Truman to come and find her, but as the flashback ends we find out that Truman didn't follow her to Fiji at the time because his mother got really sick. Instead he settled down and married Meryl, while living with the loss of what could've been with Sylvia. After Truman finishes reminiscing about the past, he slyly reveals that the badge is still pinned onto the cardigan. This reveals that his attachment is not so much to Sylvia now, but to the idea of leaving one day so that he can be free to live his life authentically.
Taylor's song 'cardigan' is one of her most significant references to Truman's story. In the 'cardigan' and 'willow' music video we can see that it is a symbol of the memories she carries from her past and a reminder of what she's left behind along the way. The stars on the cardigan hold a similar sense of hope, just like Truman's pin. "You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleedin' 'cause I knew you." This imagery evokes the pain of carving into skin to emphasise the heaviness that comes with sitting with the memory of what could have been.
The bar
After Truman's flashback scene we get a glimpse of commentary from a bar as they're watching the show. This juxtaposition reveals how watching the Truman show is an ordinary occurrence during their daily lives, just like many of us tune in to watch the eras tour on a grainy live stream. The 'delicate' music video ends with Taylor walking into a very similar bar to meet up with a secret admirer, but it remains unclear which one is sitting there waiting for her.
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Cracks in the facade
The one worth fighting for
Once the nostalgic moment is over we see Truman holding a photo frame of his wife Meryl. It seems like a loving gesture at first, until he turns it around and opens it up to reveal that he's been collecting a collage of facial features in an attempt to recreate a portrait of Sylvia from memory. This contrast between the memory and Truman's reality exposes how much he has sacrificed along the way by staying in Seahaven. Holding onto the cardigan, pin and picture of Sylvia is an act of defiance when everything else in his life has been decided for him.
Taylor left everything behind when she left her old label, including the ownership of her first six albums. She was not given the option of buying them back without having to commit to producing another album for each one she earned back. Unfortunately this is something many in the industry have had to endure. With hindsight we now know that Taylor was able to rerecord her past albums with added vault tracks, but at the cost of reliving her past. Taylor's back tattoo in the 'you need to calm down' music video conveys that the memory of her life's work was the only memento from her past that she was able to take with her.
As Truman is driving to work again, his car radio starts glitching and he ends up on a channel that contains the directions everyone else is hearing in preparation for his arrival before work. From our point of view all of these mishaps are new, but there would have been flaws like this in the system a lot longer than that. But if Truman has known he was the star of the show from the beginning, what was the point of the movie? To reveal the truth to us, and the viewers at home, slowly over time. And to give us a chance to understand his point of view as we prepare for his departure.
We have seen plenty of glitches like this occurring in Taylor's performances on the eras tour, and many of these have been intentional (such as the screens glitching and swallowing bugs). This draws our attention to the cracks in her pop star facade, revealing glimpses of the person she is underneath. And just like Truman, she's giving us the opportunity to slowly adjust to the changes she plans to make in the lead up of what's to come.
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Breaking down
Truman appears to be overwhelmed as he starts to reveal just how much of the town he lives in is choreographed around him. This is the start of Truman escalating his reactions to create more cracks in the facade, in the hopes that more viewers begin to see the challenges he faces living in the spotlight.
This purposeful increase in revealing more of the inner versions of themselves is exactly what Taylor is portraying during the 'delicate'' performance on the eras tour. Slowly allowing us to see them as normal people behind the larger than life character they had become in the spotlight. The way Taylor begins creating the cracks on purpose allows us to understand that what's to come is purposely being exposed.
Life's a stage
Truman attempts to enter an elevator, only to discover that it's fake. This is a big step towards seeing what's behind the magician's curtain the first time you watch the movie. When you watch it again this is the point where you start to discover how complex the set of Seahaven has become over time to keep the show running. Many elements of the town act as rest stops and exit points for the actors away from Truman's view.
Taylor pushes down the walls of the bedroom during the 'lavender haze' music video, revealing that the relationship had always been a facade to begin with. Interestingly, this is the only music video that we see begin after the clock ticks over to midnight. Just like Cinderella returns to her original state at midnight, so too does Taylor. This correlation to Cinderella's story implies that the lavender haze we see hidden beyond the walls of the bedroom is the most honest version of Taylor underneath everything else. Lavender is heavily used as a subtle reference by queer people, especially lesbians. Koi fish can be seen in all of the 'midnights' music videos except for 'karma'. They are well known for swimming against the stream, something many neurodivergent people experience feeling. Koi fish are often associated with the yin and yang symbol and together they symbolise balance, courage and perseverance, much like the song 'you're on your own kid'.
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Turn up the heat
As he seeks out his best friend Marlon for help, we learn that Truman feels concerned that he is being followed or set up for something. Marlon appears calm until Truman mentions that his father is still alive. It appears that this detail may not have been disclosed to the public. Truman demonstrates that everyone in the store is so preoccupied with fulfilling their roles that they will ignore him at all costs. This is a very unnatural reaction and wouldn't be a new discovery for Truman.
The bodyguards in the 'delicate' music video react in a similar way, just like the guards at Buckingham palace are trained to stay focused and ignore distractions. On an emotional level, this behaviour feels like no one is interested in you unless you're wearing the mask of who they expect you to be. "The actors were hitting their marks." Many neurodivergent people experience this disparity between who they are on the inside and the curated version they present for others to see. This act of reflecting back what the viewer wants to see is often done out of necessity to remain safe, but leaves the inner and truest version of oneself feeling invisible. "I want you to know I'm a mirrorball. I'll show you every version of yourself tonight." Unfortunately, you have to participate in their performance if you want to be seen, but the version you they see isn't who you truly are on the inside.
Just for you
After an evening together, Truman is left alone when Meryl offers to take his mother home. As the TV is playing in the background we hear how the presenter is incredibly specific when describing the next episode of 'show me the way to go home'. "Where we learn that you don't have to leave home to discover what the world's all about. And that no one is poor, who has friends." This is a form of subliminal messaging telling Truman that he's better off staying home, implying that there's no point trying to leave because they will prevent him every step of the way.
In the 'lavender have' music video Taylor is watching a similar weather station, but when she gets closer she pulls the screen apart to reveal that there's nothing but space and koi fish behind it. This likeness to Truman's story presents an intriguing insight into the obstacles and road blocks Taylor has faced as a queer woman throughout her career. The koi fish behind the screen also highlight Taylor's determination to challenge the status quo and how she has been working towards much needed change within the music industry.
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I do not
Truman is flipping through a photo album full of photos of his family and life with Meryl. His mother stresses her desire for grandkids while she's still alive. Truman continues to look through the album after they leave. The final straw for their relationship comes when he reveals that Meryl had her fingers crossed when they got married, implying she was never fully committed from the beginning. Looking through the photo albums seems to be a weekly routine when his mother visits, so we can assume this wasn't the first time Truman's noticed this detail, the only difference is that he's pointing it out now because it's the next step in his plan to leave Seahaven.
Many of Taylor's music videos emphasise the facade she has played into of the life society expects her to maintain. This has become more evident than ever with her current relationship with Travis Kelce. They want her to fulfil the 1950's lifestyle as a happily married wife with two children, a house with a white picket fence, to stay home each day as a housewife and to serve her husband when he gets home from a long day at the office. 'The man' music video highlights the disparity between these expectations and the lifestyle men are usually celebrated for, so that we can understand that this isn't the life she wants for herself.
After Truman attempts to confront his wife about the photo, he follows her to work in his pyjamas. She works at the hospital and claimed to be doing a leg amputation from the elevator incident, a story they made up to explain what he saw the day before. When he locates her within the hospital the actors are forced to begin the procedure to keep up appearances.
Taylor was wearing a corset with a pattern very similar to Truman's pyjamas underneath her blue dress recently while out with Travis Kelce and his friends. Everyone in the group was wearing matching pant and shirt sets, with Brittany Mahomes in actual pyjamas. This may have been a hint that Taylor's beginning to escalate the cracks in the facade of her pop star persona.
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The failed escape
Truman is sitting in his car when Meryl gets home from working at the hospital. When she gets in, he locks her in the car and attempts to leave town. "Blocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronised, don't you agree?" This is the point where he's revealing that he knows how predictable everyone around him has been, pointing out that the same three people keep going past on schedule.
Logically if Taylor knew what the roadblocks were before she left her old record label, she would have known how her opponents would retaliate after she left. "Blood's thick but nothing like a payroll." It seems likely that they were planning to sabotage her once she left, with her first album in particular. If they were predictable enough, Taylor could've had time to plan ahead to mitigate the damage done to her career. This could include holding back on releasing certain songs, which has now lead to the rumours of 'lover' vault tracks.
Just like clockwork
Truman begins to drive around the round about over and over again to highlight that he has figured out that the townspeople move around him like clockwork, but again this isn't new information to Truman. The director's attempts to prevent him from leaving are incredibly predictable and they always have been. Truman would have been able to pick up on this pattern when he was still in high school, if not earlier. "When you're young they assume you know nothing." The benefit of them being this predictable is that Truman could foresee their reactions and blindside them when they least expected it.
Taylor uses many clocks throughout her music videos as easter eggs and to draw our attention to time and dates that might be relevant in the future. One element of interest is the concept of routine and the predictability that comes with that. The arena in 'the hunger games catching fire' seems to be inspired by the Truman show as well. Katniss figured out that there are new threats in each segment that changed on the hour, ending with a lightning strike at noon and midnight. This kind of predictability allows one to plan in advance. Three years perhaps?
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Planned to fail
After driving around in circles Truman claims that they're headed to Atlantic City, only to find out that the end of their street is blocked up with traffic. He concedes to going back home after all, just to announce suddenly that he has changed his mind. As Truman doubles back and attempts to leave for the second time, he discovers that the traffic jam had magically cleared up after they left. He was accurate in predicting that his plan to leave would be counteracted by some form of intervention. Truman's actions are forcing the director to reveal his hand, only to call his bluff and get further than the director expected him to. And despite her fear, Meryl is still putting on a performance for the camera here too.
It's a possibility that Taylor set up a similar scenario to unfold with the release of her 'lover' album. The contrast between the aesthetic and themes of the 'reputation' and 'lover' albums could have been done on purpose to blur the lines between the two in an attempt to mitigate the damage done from being sabotaged. Underneath the vindictive theme of 'reputation' was the romantic songs her opponents had been anticipating from the 'lover' album.
The bridge
Truman stalls at the bridge due to his fear of water but forces Meryl to drive across while his eyes are closed, willing to do whatever it takes to leave. "We're over the bridge!" he exclaims when they make it across. As Truman continues to escape, they are still faced with roadblock after roadblock. The escape plan eventually fails when the road is blocked because of a leak at the nuclear plant. They thank the officer for his help but when the officer says "you're welcome, Truman" he runs away from the car in a panic, but is quickly captured and returned home again.
Taylor draws attention to the bridges of her songs at the very beginning of the eras tour because they are the most authentic lyrics in all of her discography. She often begins a song with a very optimistic perspective, only to end with the most brutally honest observations of her experiences in hindsight. Taylor has told us that she tells lies. In 'love story' the lie is that she's singing about being in love with Romeo. When the perspective changes during the bridge, she's being honest when she describes being in love with Juliet and wanting to marry her. In 'lavender haze' we hear how stifling it's become to continue hiding her truth. "The only girl they see is a one night or a wife. I find it dizzying, they're bringin' up my history. But you aren't even listening." If we don't listen to what Taylor is saying during the bridges, we are avoiding her truth.
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The turning point
What was once lost
When they return home Truman confronts Meryl, but she calls out for help and Marlon arrives with beer. Meryl leaps into his arms crying as he comforts her, but he's looking at Truman when he says "everything's going to be okay, it's all going to be fine." The next scene cuts to Truman and Marlon sitting at the end of an unfinished bridge together as Truman begins to tell Marlon what he's been through. "Maybe I'm losing my mind, but it feels like the whole world revolves around me somehow." Marlon replies by saying "The last thing that I would ever do is lie to you. I mean, think about it Truman. If everybody is in on it... I'd have to be in on it, too." The screen cuts to the director feeding him the lines but we can also see that Marlon has been as honest as he could be within his role on the show. To placate Truman and encourage him to stay, he is reunited with his father who he hasn’t seen for 22 years. Truman seems apprehensive about the reunion, but Marlon encourages him to go along with it.
In the 'willow' music video Taylor enters a glass display case and starts performing for the crowd of an old fashioned circus. As her lover approaches for the first time they reunite through the glass pane but it feels like the glass was intentional to keep them apart, despite their intentions to be together again. This imagery is echoed over and over again throughout Taylor's music videos and the eras tour. We can interpret this as a visual representation of being closeted in plain sight or as a form of protecting something that's delicate. Judging by the way they all end up shattered in the end, they seem to be foretelling what's still to come.
Test run
Truman was never really planning on leaving the first time because he had planned to fail. There are a few benefits of acting in this way. Firstly, we know that Truman had never crossed the bridge before and his attempt forced the director to play his hand by revealing what obstacles were ahead if this was his exit route. Enacting his bigger plan before seeing what was ahead would mean that he's more likely to fail if he crosses the bridge while under prepared for what is on the other side. Secondly, if everyone has assumed that he has failed, they won't see his bigger plan coming if they believe he's feeling defeated. They placated Truman by reuniting him with his father, but that backfired on them when he escaped when they least expected it.
Taylor mentions that "Every bait and switch was a work of art" in 'mastermind'. I wasn't sure if I was using this term correctly when search results were full of business examples and psychologists were linking it with the act of gaslighting, but the type of bait and switch I was intrigued by is akin to a chess move. This type of move is often referred to as the 'queen sacrifice'. By purposely leaving the queen unguarded, your opponent is lured into the trap, only to be met with a devastating counter attack. This, and the element of a trial run before the big reveal, is what lead me to consider that the 'lover' album may have been used as bait for the sale of her masters. If she alluded to coming out straight away to entice the sale that was going to happen anyway, that obstacle wouldn't get in the way of her bigger plan. (It is not my intention to imply that this theory is true, so this is just a hypothetical option in favour of the bigger picture.) If this was a prelude for a bigger plan, it still would have been extremely devastating when it did happen.
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The show must go on
This is the turning point in the movie when we begin to see Truman's life from the directors point of view. "An entire human life recorded on an intricate network of hidden cameras, and broadcast live and unedited 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to an audience around the globe." We start to find out how they had to manufacture ways to keep Truman on the island. His father dying played a big part of that, but to the viewers it's just another plot twist in the show they've been watching for entertainment. They have 5,000 cameras around Seahaven now, but started off with just one before he was born and they've been watching Truman's life unfold ever since. "We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented." This is the director's response as to why Truman has never left Seahaven or found out about the show. This contradicts everything we've seen from Truman's point of view. Just because he could leave doesn't mean he could leave freely. How much harder does he have to try before the director will let him go? He goes on to explain that with Meryl's decision to leave the show, a new love interest will be introduced and he has hopes for the first on air conception to occur. It's evident that Truman leaving would derail the directors plans for the show going forward.
Taylor has described how writing a song is like sucking the snake venom out of a bite. Expressing herself creates distance between the heaviness of what she's experienced and I believe this is why she sees herself as the narrator (or director) of her discography at times. During the 'folkmore' set on the eras tour she describes herself as the narrator of the teenage love triangle. It's also common for Taylor to be more than one character at once. At the end of 'the man' music video we discover Taylor is the director, and then it's revealed that Taylor was also the male actor that had been wearing a disguise. This implies that Taylor is James in the love triangle and based on the evolution of her speech, we can infer that as the director she chose Betty in the end. This feels like a clue that we should consider that she has been showing us her version of events from different perspectives all along.
The doll house
Everything on the show is for sale, including their wardrobe, food products and dollhouse style versions of the homes they live in. These elements are jarring after seeing the level of animosity Truman was experiencing with each road block he faced. It feels like they've overstepped a boundary by consuming every detail of Truman's life.
In the 'lover' music video, we first see the lover house is within a snow globe and our first shot of Taylor is through the peephole. The couple dancing throughout the house seem to be sharing a romantic moment, but the entire experience feels voyeuristic. No rooms are off limits as we see them in the bathroom swimming inside of a fish bowl. "Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever and ever?" plays at the same time. It feels like we're asking that of her. It becomes uncomfortable to realise how much we want to have access to every detail of her life.
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Back to normal
Not only is Seahaven contained within a dome, the director and his control centre is housed within the moon structure. From the interview with the director we can ascertain that he doesn't usually reveal this much behind the scenes, but the return of Truman's father required some damage control.
The vault in the 'I can see you' music video is reminiscent of the moon shaped structure the director worked out of. The connection between these and the overall theme of the music video reminds me of the scene in 'the hunger games mockingjay' where they rescue Peeta from the capitol, only to find out he was trained to attack Katniss. This scene has an eerily similar asylum vibe like the 'fortnight' music video as well.
The mask
The next morning we go back to Truman in the bathroom again, as if he's just started another regular day. He seems cheerful as he's using a bar of soap to draw an alien outline on the mirror, while at the same time implying that he feels alienated in real life. This facade of normalcy he is presenting after his plan had failed is on purpose to lull the director into a false sense of security. If everyone thinks he has given up and believes he is resigned to staying after all, nobody would see his final escape plan coming.
Just like Taylor showed us with the visuals of the delicate performance on the eras tour, the mask is breakable. Now that we know that Taylor is the one breaking down the facade herself, it becomes harmful to refuse to see Taylor for who she really is underneath the pop star persona. And just like with Truman leaving in the end, Taylor has shown us that she's choosing herself now, regardless of the consequences. So we can either choose to join her, or sit back in defiance until she walks away.
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Back to work
As Truman returns to the office it becomes more obvious where all of the cameras have been hidden in plain sight. They're everywhere, including inside his pencil sharpener. But the least obvious camera is the one Truman is wearing, his wedding ring. This came from his father, something he purposely gave to Truman as he was supposedly drowning. He never took it off because it was a reminder of what he had lost at such a young age. Truman was able to escape in the end because he took the ring off and left it behind. They had no way of tracking him if he wasn't wearing it. In hindsight we can see that Meryl's necklace also contained a camera that was used frequently.
If all of the moon and black holes references are a codeword for cameras or surveillance in the Truman show, we can consider that Taylor has used them in her music videos in a similar way. 'The man' music video begins with a similar office scene with a man who is charming and magnetic, but the wink at the camera implies that he's also putting on a performance. At the end of a work call Truman mentions that "life is fragile" after he's introduced to his new love interest. Just like Truman's comment, Taylor has used the word delicate to to describe the fine line between the brittle nature of the facade and how easily it could all fall apart, like what occurs during the 'delicate' performance.
This place is mine
After Meryl left, Truman moved down to the basement. This is the only room in the house that contained anything that was truly personal to Truman with his padlocked chest of mementos and remnants of old hobbies. But on top of all this it was also the room with the least amount of cameras, making it the perfect place to hide.
In the 'lover' music video the only space that is personal to Taylor is the attic, and it’s just like Truman's basement as both rooms are typically used for storage. If you look closely you can see a familiar trunk to the side as she's reminiscing over old pictures on a projector. On the eras tour the only real piece of the lover house is the attic seen throughout the 'folkmore' set, the rest was burnt away on screen and ever since the setlist changed it has been falling over instead. This change reveals that it was a facade all along, similar to how we begin to see behind the scenes half way through the Truman show.
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The escape route
The map
Truman's desire to travel to Fiji is heavily featured as Truman's motivation for leaving Seahaven. There's evidence of this throughout the basement, including a large map of the island. Was this really his dream destination? No. Talking about going to Fiji encouraged the director to reveal his endeavours to prevent him from leaving. If Truman was constantly being challenged with his fear of the water, he was also being exposed to potential exit routes and obstacles. Truman's desires to go to Fiji was a facade to masquerade his true intentions of plotting his escape without raising suspicions.
One of Taylor's latest songs explores wanting to escape to 'Florida!' and reflects Truman's dreams of moving to Fiji. Another map Taylor has shown us in her music videos is the man wall. It's seen as a road map for her future rerecords with the end goal of coming out as queer, similar to what Elton John did at the peak of his career. Now that we can see that Truman revealed his dreams to travel as a means of testing his opponent, we can begin to understand that Taylor may have used her attempts to come out as queer in a similar way. If Taylor had expressed her intentions to come out of the closet behind the scenes, she would have been reminded of the challenges she would face if she did so. We see a small portion of this scenario play out with political discussions during the 'Miss Americana' documentary.
Behind the curtain
The director is concerned about Truman being asleep in the basement so Marlon is sent to investigate. When he arrives he finds a decoy in the bed and a tape recorder of Truman snoring. As he searches the rest of the basement, he pulls back the map to reveal what's inside the closet. This is the moment everyone discovers that Truman has escaped and that the map of Fiji was a disguise for his master plan all along.
The man wall is the most fundamental Easter egg for many Swifties, with endless theories on how to decode it. But what if the biggest Easter egg of all is actually set up as a trap to draw our attention in, so that we become so focused on it's significance that we don't notice the bigger picture? The subway wall is made up of small square tiles, with Taylor Swift themed posters and the rerecords written with spray paint over the top to mimic graffiti. But if you look even closer still, you will see that there's also a crack down the middle of the man wall map. This suggests that there's something hidden behind it, just like with Truman's map.
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The tunnel
When Marlon opens the closet in the basement, we discover that Truman had dug a hole through the ceiling and this is how he escaped. Marlon climbs up the stepladder and we see his head pop out of the hole in the garden. We could assume Truman began digging this hole after Meryl left because we can see he left behind the same multi tool that she advertised in the beginning, but he was in the middle of digging in the same spot when she came home that day. All we had seen was an awkward shot of Truman from behind as he was working in the garden bed. Truman also purposely left patches of grass unmowed so he had an excuse to be frequently working on the old lawn mower in the basement, something that was quickly replaced once Meryl left.
The ending of the 'delicate' music video is what sparked this deep dive into the Truman show. I discovered that the bar Taylor enters is called the gopher, an animal famous for digging holes underground. This unexpected connection to Truman's method of escape was unbelievable after picking up on many of Taylor's hints towards a departure.
The trap door
If Truman had been digging a tunnel in the garden from the beginning, how did he get away with it? He disguised the hole by filling it with balls and rocks in just the right size that were painted to look like garden ornaments. This is echoed in the scene where Truman is telling Marlon about how he wants to go to Fiji. Marlon asks if Fiji is near Florida, so Truman demonstrates with a golf ball to show that it's practically on the other side of the world. The way Truman is describing it implies that the tunnel is hidden on both sides in a place where the cameras can't find it, and all that's left now is to plan his escape route.
Taylor’s version of Truman’s golf ball is the painted nails aligned with the 2 and 8 on the karma coffee cup, pointing to where her journey through the tunnel starts and finishes. Other ball shaped references include the pearl coloured balls floating around Ice Spice in the 'karma' music video, the golden orbs in the 'willow' music video and the tennis balls in 'the man' music video. When Taylor attempts to leave the glass case in the 'willow' music video, she finds it has been boarded up. She tries to find a way out through the glass, only to reveal that she knew that there was a trap door underneath her feet the entire time. We hear the lyrics "I come back stronger than a 90's trend" at the exact same time Taylor goes down the tunnel. And which trend is she referencing? The Truman show, of course.
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Leave everything behind
Cut transmission
Once the director had realised that Truman had really escaped, he was left with no choice but to cut transmission on the live broadcast for the first time since the show began. Panic ensues for the viewers who didn't see this coming, meanwhile we see Sylvia watching from home in anticipation. Ratings for the show are at an all time high as everyone at home waits to find out what happened to Truman.
It's interesting that Taylor drew inspiration from this loading screen for the eras tour poster considering it's a reference to the moment Truman escaped. It draws a very clear parallel to his story, implying that what we're watching on the eras tour is the Taylor version of the Truman show.
Lost at sea
It's unclear how long Truman had after he escaped before the search party started. At first it seemed possible that Marlon left the car door open when he arrived for Truman to escape, but it's more likely he was just in too much of a hurry. It' seems 's likely Truman had some time to escape on his bike undetected. His fear of water meant checking the ocean would be the last place they would think to look for him, which is exactly what happened.
This moment after Taylor entered the bar in the 'delicate' music video reveals a sense of clarity just before she opens up her eyes. The ending of Taylor's story is yet to happen, but from what she's said throughout the tour, she's not planning on slowing down anytime soon.
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The note
As Truman sails off we see him pull a note out of his pocket. All he took with him was the collage picture of Sylvia. This symbol of hope for his future was the only thing he took with him. "The only thing that's left is the manuscript, one last souvenir from my trip to your shores."
When Taylor left behind her life's work and started over by herself, she carried a picture of the one that mattered most with her when she left as well. If you look close enough at the man wall, you can see a polaroid shaped outline underneath the black karma letters, as if something that was once there had been taken away. Just like Truman's collage picture, this missing piece represents the secret note from the 'delicate' music video. The one piece of evidence that meant something to them, when so much of their lives were full of half truths and lies. And what's on the polaroid picture? Proof that Taylor is queer... "Like a rainbow with all of it's colours."
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It's time to go
Almost drowned
Once they locate Truman as he's escaping on the boat, the director utilises his power to create a storm to derail Truman's attempt to escape. When his first attempts to force Truman to turn back fail, he orders the workers in the control room to hit the boat with the largest wave with to intentionally capsize the boat. They object to risking Truman's life, but the director goes ahead anyway. The wave overturns the boat and Truman almost drowns. As the director escalated his attempts to make Truman stay, it became clear that he would rather let Truman die than watch him leave if he refuses to stay. This highlights how unethical the director's attachment to Truman and the show had become over the years.
In the 'cardigan' music video we see Taylor clinging to her piano in the ocean, just like Truman did with his boat. This shows her determination to fight for her future despite the cost. The trap door Taylor escaped out of in the 'willow' music video is just like the exit points under the stage of the eras tour. Taylor's most iconic exit is after the surprise songs when she dives into the stage. Her character then swims against the current just like Truman did and when she reemerges again it's for the beginning of the 'lavender haze' set.
The getaway boat
Despite the director's attempts, Truman recovers from the storm and sails far enough that his boat crashes into the side of the dome wall. Truman managed to escape Seahaven after a lot of planning, but I think he had some help along the way. If Marlon was aiding Truman's escape plans, he would have been a crucial liaison behind the scenes. Throughout the interview with the director we get a glimpse of Sylvia and find out that her home is full of anti the Truman show propaganda. These include pictures of cast members that could be open to joining their side, with Marlon listed as being their best bet. It's possible the protestors worked together to smuggle Truman's father into Seahaven to encourage Truman to leave. One of the posters shows a young Truman in what appears to be a pizza themed clown costume. Pizza is mentioned a few times by the control centre workers and by the security guards of a car garage. This could be the common factor connecting the protestors helping Truman escape, as well as providing an inconspicuous meet up place to swap information that wouldn't draw attention.
Just like Truman had help, Taylor had a team working together in the 'I can see you' music video. This depicts an alternate view of Truman's escape, with a team breaking in from the outside to rescue Taylor from the vault. Many of the guest appearances in Taylor's music videos are representing the other side of Taylor, more so than any particular muse. Many of the scenes featuring Ice Spice in the 'karma' music video also mimic the ending of the Truman show.
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The stairs
Truman found the stairs that lead to the door and is so close to leaving behind the only place he's known. All of this is unfolding because Truman reached a point where his own wellbeing was more important than the character he had been portraying for the audience. Sylvia warned him in the beginning that everyone was watching him. This would have confirmed any suspicions Truman already had and lead to a life of being on high alert knowing he was being monitored at all times.
Both the public and private sides of Taylor have experienced the same restrictions over time, forced to keep a large part of her life hidden from others at all times. The scene with the moon and Saturn implies that an alternative ending to Truman's story is in store for Taylor. The moon was the home of the control centre watching over Truman day and night. Capturing the moon and Saturn in the 'karma' music video suggests that both sides of Taylor have worked together to reclaim the role of director, and are now working together to rewrite their story so that they can reunite and move forward together.
Finally in a last ditch effort to persuade Truman to stay, the director talks to Truman for the first time. It's clear the director has grown attached to Truman to the point that he doesn't see Truman beyond the character he's crafted over the years, but he only sees the public persona of Truman. The director is pleading for Truman to stay, to let the show continue as it is and claims that he knows Truman better than he knows himself. "You've never had a camera in my head!" is the only thing Truman says in defence. This sentence epitomises everything Truman has experienced living in Seahaven. After all, he was wondering when it was going to end when he was still in school. If the director truly knew what was best for Truman, he would have ended the show years ago.
When Truman told the director that you can't see inside my head, we can assume Taylor is trying to say that we can't see inside her heart. During the 'Me!' music video Brendon Urie opens a heart shaped door that reveals what's inside his heart. This implies that the music video revealed what was in Taylor's heart from the beginning. "When it's like, "me-ee-ee," it's like dancers, cats, gay pride, people in country western boots. I start riding a unicorn, like just everything that makes me me." This is how she describes the music video during the 'Miss Americana' documentary. "And for a fortnight there, we were forever." I believe this is a reference to the fourteen songs on her 'debut' album. Her first and potentially most authentic album is full of songs she wrote before she became famous. And then beginning with 'fearless', Taylor actively added in male muses to her songs to camouflage her queer identity. Unfortunately this was also the beginning of the gap between her public and private life growing apart. Looking back we can see that despite the pain this caused, she never lost hope of reuniting them again.
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How did it end?
The final bow
The Truman show challenges our perception of how ethical it is to have such unobstructed access to Truman’s life. We’re left questioning if our entertainment was worth the price he was paying by spending his whole life living in the spotlight. He bows for the audience watching at home and ends with one final “Good morning! And incase I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night!” before he turns and walks through the door. The director was left with a look of disgust as he realised Truman had been preforming for the audience all along. Those who had seen the signs watched on with anticipation and those that didn’t were left feeling shocked and confused.
At the end of a theatre performance, the cast will come back on stage one last time to give their final bow of the night as the audience applauds the performance they've just witnessed. We then have to consider that Truman and Taylor's final bow was an acknowledgement of the fact that they had been putting on a performance the entire time. Just like in 'the manuscript', "looking backwards might be the only way to move forward." Going back through Taylor's history and finding the bread crumbs she left along the way will help us understand that the queer version of Taylor had always been there, we just had to know what we were looking for to be able to see it.
The door
As he steps through the door we wait in fervent anticipation to see how Truman's story ends, only to watch as the credits start rolling without an epilogue. This feels frustrating when we had been hoping to see Truman and Sylvia reunite after many years. Instead, this kind of ending is encouraging us to go back to the beginning and reconsider the story through a new lens after learning about how it ended. Each time you rewatch it you can pick up on the deeper layers of the story, seeing more evidence of Truman's discomfort from living an inauthentic life, and how much determination it required to overcome the challenges he faced along the way. Any further explanation would have diluted the magnitude of the moment Truman felt free for the first time in his life. Just being able to walk through the door in the end was the ultimate accomplishment.
The story Taylor has been showing us was never a revelation of her muses, but a slow unravelling of her experience as a famous person who has had very little privacy throughout her life. She's giving us a peak behind the curtain and allowing us to see who she really is beyond the larger than life character we've all built her up to be. And whether we like it or not, she choosing herself now above all else.
The only difference between Taylor and Truman’s story is that Taylor’s not leaving, she’s simply just stepping out of the closet.
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Meet me at midnight?
After turning a pumpkin into a carriage and creating a fancy dress to wear, the fairy godmother forewarns Cinderella before she leaves for the ball.
���You must understand, my dear. On the stroke of 12, the spell will be broken, and everything will be as it was before.” 
The same is true for Taylor.
No matter how much she accomplishes in the spotlight, she is always going to be the truest version of herself underneath the layers of her pop star persona.
"Dear reader, will you still want me when I'm nothing new?"
When the clock strikes midnight, are you still going to want Taylor when you can finally see who she really is underneath?
Who she has been all along?
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"A pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her."
A tortured poet,
Kylie x
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ffjj5 · 8 months ago
Unsolicited paparazzi style pictures but Jikook have all the control over what is shown.
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For me this follows on beautifully from the words Jimin blessed us with in SGMB, his honest words telling us all something that for so long he has had to hide from us.
This is his time, this is their time, their time to tell us what they want to, how they want to and this is all building into a beautiful masterpiece of love and art. The solo era for both Jimin and Jungkook has allowed them to use visuals, words and music to show who they are as individuals and what they are to each other.
Enlisted together-Jikook
Travel show together-Jikook
Not to mention the flirting and Jimin centred lives from JK last year.
It's always these two and we know why 🥰
Jimin getting to this point in his personal journey needed to happen so that all this happening right now could be, and the cathartic nature of creating will have no doubt played its part.
I adore these two and I can't tell you how excited I am for this.
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reignpage · 2 months ago
happy new year love!
i don’t know if you’re still doing those types of questions and i’m sorry if you don’t or if you’ve done something similar 🙂‍↕️
i’m enjoying the little things about the characters of the college au a lot, it’s such an important thing for a hyperfixation.
i am curious to know if you’ve thought about any hobbies or little things the characters might enjoy in their day to day life that you didn’t implement in the text itself or i might’ve missed it. apart from the obvious ones, of course, like drawing/tattooing for Geto, visual art for Choso and his reader, sports for Toji, writing for his reader etc.
perhaps some of them enjoy sudoku or times crosswords? or play different video games? or sew clothes? or watch foreign films?
obviously you’ve touched on gojo being into little nerdy things or some of the readers listening to true crime. maybe you’re interested in saying a bit more about your vision of the characters. tho i understand you prefer to leave most of it for the readers ♥️
cinephile (watches anything people online says are a must watch)
collects anything that can be collected (loves the Hirono series)
does TikTok dances (he blows up often but he doesn't care to pursue it)
watches any paranormal horror (doesn't like slashers) and Tim Burton movies loves Letterboxd ironically follows witchcraft recipes like love potions
plays piano
does martial arts (kendo, aikido and judo)
makes origami
casual interest in ikebana
plays violin watches kdramas big Kpop fan
crochets when anxious
film photography
fashion designing (makes doodles of dresses and jackets etc)
loves rock music (goes to underground music concerts often) plays bass in a band very casually bullet journals
likes ice hockey
reads mangas and comic books (only reads books with pictures basically)
watches cooking shows (he loved Culinary Wars, Kitchen Nightmares and all of Gordon Ramsey's works)
reads bl mangas people watches from her window and likes to make up storylines for everyone volunteers at local elderly centre (she likes talking to them)
leaves reviews on google
plays chess (he's pretty good)
plays all of the New York Times games (pays the subscription, he's super good at Connections)
plays volleyball very casually bakes when stressed loves nail art
watches any violent/aggressive sports like wrestling, MMA, formula one/ice hockey etc etc
goes to comedy clubs just to watch people crash and burn (their embarrassment and shame fuels him)
knowledgeable about lots of mythologies for some reason
knows latin
goes to rage rooms plays poker (she's too damn good) goes to gun ranges
64 notes · View notes
glasswinggames · 1 year ago
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Visual Novel In Progress
Discord || Ko-fi || X
Dear Reader,
Congratulations! You have been selected for a chance at a new life in another world!
Archelia is a place of magic, mystery and more! This city may have many Twisted Secrets, but it's a place where dreams can be made reality... though of course, all things come with a price.
So, complete your missions, trigger the Catalysts to change the world, and maybe, in the midst of it all, find your Ever After...
You, our beloved Reader, have been brought over from Earth by a mysterious being who only seems to communicate with you through a blue screen that only you can see. You've been chosen as the representative of the God's who wish for change to the story of a world that has long since gone stagnant.
If you succeed in unlocking your power and creating change with the help of the Catalysts, beings at the centre of change identified by the God's, you can have anything you wish for...
But only if you give a satisfying ending.
As the screen disappears, you're left to your own choices, to shape your new life in this fantasy world, where magic and mystery exists around every corner, and to become whoever you want to be. Will you stay as a reader, letting the story pass you by? Will you be a supporting character, helping the hero or villain as you choose? Will you become a protagonist, bringing change by your own hands?
... Or will you become something more?
Ever After: Twisted Secrers is an 18+ Visual Novel set in a historical fantasy inspired world following eight different stories exploring a variety of themes.
🦋 Customisable MC 🦋
The MC of Ever After: Twisted Secrets is completely customisable. There is a customisation screen to choose name, pronouns, gender, sexuality, and physical appearance, including disabilities and much more. You can set preferences for physical touch, and personality is defined through optional flavour choices.
🦋 Different Relationship Dynamics 🦋
When you meet each interest, you will get to choose how you feel about them, whether it's dislike, disinterest, friendliness, or attraction, and there will be options to deepen these feelings throughout the stories. This gives more opportunities to give depth to your MCs personality: dislike a character but want to be nice to their face or even manipulating them to love you? There are options for that.
At the start of each route you will be asked whether you want to play the platonic or romantic route, this will determine your potential relationship statuses in the endings. For platonic you can become best friends or even be in a queerplatonic relationship.
In Jedreks route, there is the option to be in a poly relationship with Jedrek and the side character Oliver. You can choose the dynamic, whether it's a V or a triangular relationship. It is not possible to be in a relationship solely with Oliver.
🦋 Choice Driven Stories 🦋
There are three types of choices:
Flavour Choices: Don't impact the endings but dictate your characters personality and influence how people react to you. These choices are optional, if you turn these off then it will follow [redacted]'s selections throughout.
Relationship Choices: Impacts the endings for whether the interest likes/loves or dislikes you.
Catalyst Choices: Impacts the endings for whether you were successful in triggering enough change within the world.
There are four different endings per interest, not including bad ends throughout the prologue and routes and additional epilogues, which are unlocked once you meet the requirements.
🦋 Extras 🦋
CGs - There are 16 CGs in the prologue alone! Each route will have several CGs which you can collect and view in the gallery.
Compendium - Throughout the routes as you discover more key terms and information will be stored in a Compendium which you can access at any time to learn more about the world and its history!
Original Music - For the prologue, there will be an original song written for idol group Boo-K, with plans for the full game to have even more music for you to listen to!
Achievements - There are several achievements you can get throughout each route! Maybe something will happen if you unlock them all...
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As you can choose to play platonically and define your own relationships, I refer to the different route options as Story Interests!
Meet the Catalysts of change below!
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'I'll have my own following with blackjack and hookers--'
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Demisexual
Age: 30
Height: 6'2"
Cairen is known as being the irresponsible, frivolous rake of the Palace, the fallen second star of Archelia, the charming elven heartbreaker of the city. When they aren't gallivanting around the city and avoiding their royal duties, they can be found tending to their butterflies in their private greenhouse... also avoiding their royal duties.
Perhaps it's a good thing that their uncle still holds into the throne? That the position of heir has gone to their war hungry cousin?
However, as you will see with Cairen, things aren't always as they seem in the floating Palace, and the one who has long since been underestimated has poisonous plans of their own to take back what has been stolen from them, with interest.
Despite Cai's playful, frivolous demeanour, they are smart, cunning, and very ambitious. They know their worth and believe the crown may not be enough to showcase it anymore: they need to ascend even higher and create a new world where they stand above all else.
Will you join them at the peak? Or will they push you off along the way?
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'What's a historical fantasy without a cold Northern Duke?'
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 28
Height: 6'
As the ArchDuke, Helios is the leader of the most powerful family outside of royalty, though even they have little control over him since he became the Shayan, the head of the magic tower and the most powerful mage in the Kingdom.
Helios has used his magic and intellect to contribute to the Kingdom, advancing technology through magic stones that are widespread in transport and improving medical care to reduce dependency on the church.
However, his sharp tongue, impossibly high standards and stubbornness haven't earned him many friends, even if his criticisms come from a place of care. Though this doesn't seem to bother him, as he still has what is truly important: his family, his reputation and his magic.
But, when Helios stands to lose everything, and the world he helped turns against him, will he be able to stay true to himself, or will he be driven to revenge?
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'Do you want to get magically stuck together? Cause that's how you get magically stuck together!!'
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 35
Height: 5'6"
The Witch of the Forest of Yulis is a mysterious woman. Though she visits the city often with her beautiful seeing eye dog Orion leading the way, she maintains enough of a distance that not too many know much about her.
Nature, animals, and the souls of the dead wander by her side now, but there was once a time when the forest was a haven for others in the city. But as technology has taken over, and more of nature has been destroyed to expand the city walls, the forest and its resident witch have been affected by some strange unknown force and nobody has been able to get close.
Farren is a kind woman, with a tendency to do her best to help others, especially those who can't help themselves. She is gentle, but firm in her boundaries, and a woman with a strength underneath her softness.
However, in the face of death, how long will her gentleness last, and will she take matters into her own hands to save the nature she loves the most?
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Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: [Redacted]
Height: 6'3"
At some point or another, everyone has either heard or told stories of the Boogeyman. Parents who tell their children to behave lest they be whisked away, friends who hunt for him as a test of courage, and rumours that spiral whenever somebody goes missing. But everyone knows this is just a myth, a legend of a monster that doesn't exist.
Or does he?
Despite his notoriety, nobody knows the face of the Boogeyman, or the fact that he is back.
He feeds on fear, finding joy in their panic, and with his laughter filling the streets as he claims another, it may just be that the title of monster fits him better than you realise.
You've taken a job as a reporter, alongside your new friend Oliver, to hunt him down for the latest scoop, and when you get close enough to snap a photo you find that the playful monster of a killer enjoys the limelight.
Will you be able to keep him entertained long enough to find out what he's doing with the bodies? Or will you end up just another victim on his path?
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'Spencer Reid if he was the unsub... and an idol'
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
A previous otherworldly traveller like yourself brought the concept of idols to Archelia, giving it a classical twist to fit in with the worlds tastes.
Illium is part of the five member group, Boo-K, an incredibly popular boy group inspired by flowers, with Illium the red flower member alongside his brother, the yellow flower, Zephyr.
He's known as the Prince of the group, the untouchable idol who keeps everyone at arms length with his universal kindness and gentle smile. Fans have pictured him rescuing animals, especially fallen birds, with a soft smile that matches his gentle voice.
But behind his pretty words and soft demeanour, he is still searching for a reason why he exists and something to be truly passionate about. As you spend more time together, he believes you may have the answer to his prayers.
However, you start to notice a trend to a string of attacks and murders... they are all people who have wronged you no matter how small the altercation. Surely the sweet, with his princely charm, Illium could have nothing to do with it... right?
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'Your flirting mind tricks don't work on me, only money!'
Pronouns: Dependent on presentation, he/they when masc and she/they when femme.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 48
Height: 6'2" (Masc)/5'9" (Femme)
A large building towers in the city's shopping district: the Bedisa Lounge, home to a large casino, and the Bedisa Family led by the one and only Eos.
On the surface they are a legitimate business and entrepreneur, who supports all the businesses in the city, providing protection, preventing crime and making profits for all. Underneath though, the Bedisa Family is a large criminal organisation who manage the black market, the flow of information from the Underworld, and work under the eyes of the law to steal and con nobility to line their own pockets.
It's so easy when the short tempered, cocky leader can shapeshift and become anyone, even those you think you know well.
Unfortunately for yourself, you make an enemy of Eos when you walk on their turf, and if you want to win this war between the two of you, and even change your status from enemies to lovers, you're going to have to bring all you have.
Though, when they start dabbling in darker businesses, will you stand by them on top of your shared riches... or will you be swept up in their shadows.
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'You like heroes? You like himbos? Excellent /breaks him'
First Locked Route
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 25
Height: 7'
The first person you see in this chaotic world and the one who will support you above all else, Noah is the true hero, and not only to yourself. He is known for being a walking ray of sunshine, helping others and protecting all from danger, not even realising when he gets hurt himself.
It's the 'everyday heroics' he likes to say, believing that no matter how small the action is, you can do something to save someone.
A member of the church, he is your rock in the midst of political arguments and infighting between factions. Noah wants to make your dreams come true above anything else.
But underneath that happy go lucky demeanour are anxieties he cannot squash on his own, and a darkness that threatens to swallow his and your light.
What lengths will Noah go to be a hero? Will you be able to save him before he ends up losing himself?
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(´。• ᵕ •。`)
Second Locked Route
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: [Redacted]
Height: 5'7"
Ranked to determine strength, S class mercenaries are few and far between. Fortunately for Archelia however, one resides within their lands. Though unlike others who seek fame and coin, the Mercenary Queen only accepts payment in the form of books and stories.
The quiet Athanasia can always be found with her head in a book, losing herself in the pages regardless of it's contents.
But a life lost in the world's of others is often a lonely one, and they have become no more than an observer, a reader of reality, rather than a main character.
However, as you join this mercenary as she experiences her very own horror, fantasy, romance and more, revealing secrets of the world that have long since been forgotten, what role will she play in this story?
And who is she to you?
247 notes · View notes
anika-ann · 4 months ago
Ochranuj me (Protect Me) - S.R.
Part 1/2
Type: medieval/fantasy/fairy tale AU; a part of this pseudomedieval-fantasy AU
Pairing: knight Steve Rogers x reader   Word Count: 8,6k
Summary:  Your practice of magic is punishable by death. Your love is forbidden by law; and yet it has been blessed, more than he knows.
When the crown prince is poisoned, Knight Steven Rogers is faced with a choice: will he risk a war or the love of his life?
And what of you? If asked… shall you risk it all? For the lands where you live… for your knight?
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Warnings: attempted murder, poisoning, blood, mentions of death, polytheism, mentions of pregnancy (reader/OFC), Slovak language ‘cause I can
A/N: Actual title is Ochraňuj mě (Protect Me) ...tumblr cannot handle a ň in their title 🙃 DIVIDER by @firefly-graphics; fits after the events of the previous instalments
A/N 2: This is one less smut and more plot, forgive me 🤭 I hope you'll enjoy anyway. Yes, the Merlin inspo is real here. Inspo also from Bílá laň by Vesna. For music, check it out here, for visuals here.
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Chodila, chodila za tebou bílá laň lásky se napila navzdory všem přísahám. Prosila pány lesa ať ji pustí za tebou zažít si, jaké to je jít za srdce ozvěnou.
Tady je tvůj háj, tady je tvůj ráj, jinam nepatříš. Jako bílá laň svoji duši chraň, ať záři neztratíš.
Tady je tvůj háj, tady je tvůj ráj, jinam nepatříš. Tak ať nepotká tě kříž. (kříž, kříž, kříž) - Bílá laň by Vesna
Boisterous laugh. Wine poured in gallons painting cheeks nearly just as ruddy as the warmth of the torches illuminating the high halls of the Starkerbürg castle painted the walls. Rich aroma of butter, oils, meats and spices flowing in the air, clinking of the most precious silverware and a distant sound of flutes as the musicians tasked to raise the already high spirits could be barely heard over the noise of the feast.
Under the watchful eye of the gods or the only God it was now believed there was, a celebration of peace was raving, everything but peaceful and serene; loud and overwhelming instead, a whirlwind of emerald green threaded with gold welcomed by the steady colours of rich crimson and gold. An anniversary of the peace made between the kingdom of Asgard and Starkerbürg, a party led by Thor Odinson, the king of the lands, honouring the deal his late father King Odin had made right before his passing.
The high table with King Howard sitting at the centre, his son Anthony, the crown prince, by his right, along with the woman he was courting, Pepper of the Potts; on her right, King Howard’s daughter, Princess Morgana. On the king’s left, the guests of honour; King Thor, his wife Queen Jane, and his brother Prince Loki. Knights and warriors of the highest ranks, lords and ladies of nobility joining the celebrations, servants all but running around the hall to tend to everyone’s needs.
Then, a sound of a chalice hitting the stone floor, one that would have been met with more laughter, had it not fallen from Prince Anthony’s hand, suddenly scarily pale and trembling. Cold to touch too, a terrifying contrast to his burning forehead glistening with sweat. Body sliding down the chair, barely even faint frantic motions to his chest.
Brief, deafening silence.
The traitorous calm before a storm would hit and leave nothing but death and destruction in its wake.
Swords drawn.
A wave of threats of violence.
A thundering voice of the King of Starkerbürg himself.
Calls for the royal physician Banner.
Images of peace and joy shattered; a single inconspicuous calm face among the sea of others in the face of a tragedy in making.
“Poison. I cannot determine what kind as of yet. Carry His Royal Majesty to his chambers!” the physician called out, not bothered by the fact he was ordering around knights and other nobility. “At once! There is no time to spare!”
Knights practically tripping over each other to tend to their prince, to their future ruler, to their brother in arms even as by rank he stood high above them. Rustle and grunts; a whisper of skirts as the culprit slipped away in the midst of disarray and cries of fear for the prince and the future of both kingdoms alike.
To think that an attack at the crown happening during the presence of a party of another kingdom – one similarly strong – was but a coincidence, would have been foolishly naïve.
Oh there were no such coincidences; this was but the first step towards a war.
And the perpetrator would be treated with that in mind.
“Aconite, most likely,” sounded the verdict, the words solemn on the physician’s lips as he fearfully raised his gaze to the King hovering over his shoulder as he inspected the second most important patient of the kingdom at the royal chambers.
The dark note in Banner’s voice snapped Steven from the haze as he, Sir Barnes, Sir Barton and Sir Wilson stood along the walls of Anthony’s chambers, tall and menacing, but just as helpless as Prince Anthony’s betrothed seated in the corner.
Whatever poison the physician was talking about, it was not known to Steven; but the message written in Banner’s expression was clear as day and terrifying like a night to be spent in the woods with rumoured presence of ghouls.
Inevitable death.
It was true that King Howard Stark might have yet to comprehend, despite his long years of ruling his lands, that one might catch more flies with sugar than vinegar, gain more by threading his actions with kindness than by spitting threats of violence; but he was no fool. He perceived the solemnity of the announcement and received it with a shadow over his already distorted features.
“This… aconite, Banner. What kind of a poison is that?” he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest, but not bending. Not under the weight on the crown on his head, nor under the weight of the tidings he might be scared to receive. His face was but a mask of stern indifference; a silent warning to Banner to choose his next words carefully.
As if stating the patient’s condition was a choice, Steven thought darkly, his heart pounding painfully against his ribcage as he exchanged glances with his best friend standing by his side. When he looked back at the physician, he could see him swallow dryly even from the several feet distance. Yet, the brave man faced the King with his head held high and his expression filled with sorrow.
“A deadly kind, Your Royal Majesty,” Banner said slowly. Rage flashed on the King’s face, Steven’s stomach dropping at both the sight and the worst tidings brought. Death. “It is made from the nectar-filled blossoms or the tubers of the Aconitum lycoctonum flower. There is… no cure known to man.”
A sniffle sounded in the corner of the room, completely ignored except for Sir Barton’s compassionate glance towards the woman who was on the brink of despair at the mere thought of the man she had clearly already learned to love leaving this world forever.
The King beckoned to the guards standing by the door, making them instantly step forward with their spears ready, heading for Banner menacingly.
Steven’s feet twitched as he wanted to step forward to protect the physician, outrage rising at the injustice even as fear twisted his stomach.
Sir Barnes brushed his hand discreetly to stop him.
Steven gritted his teeth, but stayed put for now, watching the scene unfold with disdain.
Sir Barnes was correct in one thing: Anthony being poisoned and having his life hanging on a thread was horrible enough, and rash decisions and actions such as standing up to the King would only make it worse.
A raging man was an unwise man; and the King was only a man too, even as he compared himself to various deities and had nearly as much power as them – which only rendered him more dangerous. There was no point in scaring the physician to death or even hurting him, but such was the King’s power. Such was his God-given right to punish whoever as he pleased. It mattered little that Banner could barely be blamed for-
-for the crown prince’s impending death, apparently.
“Then I advise you, Banner, to find one fast,” King Howard sneered as the guards stood behind the physician now. “Otherwise, you shall meet the same fate as whoever of Asgard dared to try and rob me of my son.”
The guards grabbed the man’s shoulders and Steven’s hand instinctively went for his sword again; and he was not the only one. Still, the knights stood, hesitant to disobey their King even in the face of the glaring injustice, fighting an inner battle between honour and goodness of heart and the oath they had taken. Their loyalty was to the kingdom and the King represented it most of all, after all; even if he seemed to threaten it the most of all, too, at the moment.
Well, not on Steven’s watch.
“Wait!” he called out as he stepped forward, earning a hard glare from the King himself that should have told him to keep quiet and fall in line, but he could not. Not even for Bucky’s audible sigh behind him. Not when-
“Is there anything we can do for him as of now, is what we are trying to ask,” Sir Wilson spoke up before Steven could, moving to stand next to him.
Steven took a deep breath as his gaze flickered to his comrade, finding his face arranged in a carefully crafted humbleness – as it should be in the face of the ruler even when he was addressing the physician.
Banner’s words were kind, his voice firm and regretful.
“I am afraid there isn’t, good Sir.”
“The Royal Guard and all the knights have a clear mission given by the crown, Sir Wilson,” the King barked as he gestured for the physician to be dragged away, the poor man allowing it without a protest. King Howard’s gaze fell on his son’s pale face as he lied on the bed with nothing but soundless whimpers on his lips, before he snapped back to the four knights present. “Arrest all servants and nobility of Asgard. I shall have the King and his brother for myself. And should my son meet his forefathers, I shall have their heads on a spike by tomorrow.”
With those words, he turned on his heel and stepped out, his leave abruptly followed by Anthony’s wife-to-be rushing to her betrothed’s side, cheeks damp with tears.
Steven regarded the scene unfolding, frozen with horror and unease greater than anyone.
He feared the death of his friend, naturally, as they had just dragged the one single person with any chance of curing Anthony in the whole kingdom away from his bedside.
But Steven feared a lot more deaths too. Should Prince Anthony die, King Howard would unleash pure hell on Asgard and as a consequence, on all Starkerbürg as well.
All the knights knew that; everyone knew that. They all had a heavy feeling in their stomach at the mere thought, their feet slow and unwilling as they left the chambers one by one. Yet, Steven’s heart was heavier.
The thought had occurred to him when he had wondered what exactly the King was expecting from Banner.
To turn back time so the prince had never got poisoned?
To pray to the gods for a miracle?
To perform a miracle himself and cure what was considered uncurable?
The last idea had squeezed his heart in an icy fist, nausea clawing up his throat.
He knew someone who could achieve things as close to a miracle as possible in this realm. He had felt such miracle in his own blood, tissue and cells; he had felt the wonders strong magic was capable of when in the hands of the kind-hearted. He was still breathing solely because of it; and he knew the person who could achieve this closely, intimately even, mind, body and soul, the depth of the goodness of her heart.
Perhaps you would be able to replicate the feat of saving Steven from certain death.
Perhaps your magic was powerful enough to save thousands lives by saving one. Powerful enough to prevent a war.
But hope and miracles were not to be trifled with. Magic was not to be trifled with. Being seen practising magic meant a definite death sentence.
But would it? If it saved the future king’s life?
Surely, he couldn’t risk it; he couldn’t risk your life. Of all the things he had seen in his life, of all the things he had ever had the fortune to hold, you were the most precious one to him. If he brought you here, he could lose you. He could lose you, by his own hand no less, and that would be the highest price to pay for peace he did not even know would settle or not in the end.
That was the one price he couldn’t pay. He’d much rather pay with his own life – but not yours. Gods, never yours.
But if you only could… knew a potion, could do anything at all…
As he marched with his comrades to arrest the innocent – for it could not be the work of all Asgardians at once – his jaw was tense, the dilemma occupying all his thoughts, feeling like it might tear him in half.
Until it hadn’t.
If he did nothing, the war was be inevitable. If he did nothing, he would lose you anyway.
A raging man was a dangerous man and King Stark would burn the world in the wake of his anger and grief, heedless of whoever would burn with it.
Steven stopped dead in his tracks, Sir Barnes nearly colliding with him as a result.
“Steve, what the-“
“I must go,” Steven said in a hushed voice, swiftly changing direction; or attempting to. Sir Barnes’ hand was quick to grab onto his elbow, stopping him, heedless of other knights continuing their path.
“Steve, what in heavens do you mean by that?”
“I must fetch someone. I believe she could help.”
Sir Barnes bewilderment would perhaps be almost comical had it not been for the dread pooling cold in Steven’s gut.
“…she? What—the woman you have been sneaking off to see?” Sir Barnes enquired, causing a startled and utterly confused expression to appear on Steven’s face, a small alarmed sound pushing past the man’s lips despite his effort to remain composed.
Hold on, hold on-- Bucky knew?!
The look Steven received back was unimpressed at best – of course Bucky knew. He knew Steven almost better than he knew himself.
“Save the surprise for another day. How could she possibly help? Is she a physician’s assistant? Or even an apprentice for some insane reason?”
Had Steve had the capacity, he’d glare at Bucky for the offensive tone with which he had asked the question; however, he did not have it and in the brief moment he spent pondering, he realized that Bucky was not opposed to the idea itself. It was simply the ways of Starkerbürg: to try and take a woman as a physician’s apprentice was insane indeed. King had the God-given right to appoint physicians – and King Howard would certainly never approve of a female one.
But that didn’t matter, because that was not who you were.
“She’s… she is a healer.”
“A healer?” Sir Barnes echoed pointedly, doubt colouring his words. “What does than even mean? We do not have time for this.”
Steven huffed, trying to tug his arm free from Sir Barnes’ grasp as his impatience grew along with the number of doubts whether it was ever a good idea to consider your aid; but there were no options. No time to search for them. No time to waste and no time for finesse. He needed to go and he needed Bucky to understand – and more than that.
“She saved my life, Bucky. Back when I fell from the crags into the river… when you thought I was dead-“
“You must have been lucky, fell into deep water. You had superficial injuries. This is a poison. One the best physician of the court claims to have no antidote for.”
Steven swallowed thickly, the heaviest of feelings in his stomach as he chose to reveal his greatest secret as to make a point and be released to act before it’d be too late. “Bucky, I had much more than superficial injuries. She… she helped then. She might be able to help now, but… I will need your help with protecting her should it come to it.”
Bucky looked at Steve as if he had just grown a second head, glancing around nervously as guards and knights alike kept passing them, casting strange looks at them for their stillness. Sir Barnes lowered his voice to a barely audible whisper.
“Are you saying you were wounded much worse and yet she was able to tend to you? In such short time that you were missing then? And that she might be able to help here, now, with a poison that has no known cure?” Sir Barnes demanded hastily, bewildered and clearly irritated. “Are you hearing yourself, Steven? What kind of a healer would she have to be to-“
The almost sardonic voice suddenly fell silent, all blood draining from Sir Barnes’ face when the horrifying realization finally dawned to him. His hand fell limp, finally releasing Steven’s arm.
“Steve, this is not a subject for joking.”
Steven swallowed heavily, heart thundering in his chest, blood pounding in his temples. He shouldn’t have told – but he had to. He had to, right? Bucky needed to understand-
He sighed quietly, whole body strung tight in expectation of his friend exploding in rage – rage he had no time for.
“I am not joking. And you are right, we are losing precious time, I should-”
The sudden grip on Steven’s his shoulder, appearing as to stop him from leaving, was much more brutal than the hold on his elbow had been, fingers digging into flesh even over the layers of clothing.
“You— have you been… lying with a--”
Steven’s voice was quiet, but as sharp and dangerous as the sword resting in the sheath on his hip. “Choose your words carefully, Bucky. That is the woman I love and owe my life to. I would die for her, and I would not have been standing here had she not healed me.”
“That could be exactly what she wants you to think!” Sir Barnes sputtered. Steven fought the urge to roll his eyes – the absurdity of such statement was glaring.
“Oh for heavens-- I might be a fool sometimes, but I am not an idiot-”
“Debatable!” Sir Barnes whispered as madly as if he was in fact yelling. “As you’re proving it this very moment!”
Steven shook his head, the feeling in his gut growing more gnawing by the second, every frantic beat of his heart feeling like a waste of precious time.
“Bucky, you said it yourself – we do not have time for this! I must go. I will get her, but… please. Help me protect her if the King is blind to the fact she uses--- it to do good.”
Sir Barnes simply stared back, the halls empty by now as much as his gaze, however inquiring.
The grip on Sir Rogers’ arm loosened.
Silence stretched. Precious second ticked by, grains of sand in hourglass no one could turn back falling; and with each and every one, Steve’s stomach tightened further with creeping horror.
Surely his most precious, most loyal friend, having been standing by his side since childhood, would not abandon him now? Surely he would not betray him in moments that might be deciding his fate, the fate of his beloved, of the whole kingdom?
“Bucky, please. I swear-- I’m begging you. I need to-- I need to protect her. At any cost.”
“What of your sword?” Sir Barnes asked dully, appearing indifferent to Steven’s desperate pleas.
What of your knighthood? Are you willing to give up that, if you are forced to leave in the darkness of the night and never return to bring your beloved to safety? Are you willing to leave the path of the honorary knight to become a lawless fugitive?
The smile which found its way to the corners of Steve’s lips was soft; sad and torn, for it was the greatest honour to serve, to protect, to help. He had been and always would be grateful for the rare chance he had got.
But there was no greater blessing of the gods themselves than you having entered his life and taking it by the most beautiful of storms. He loved you. He loved you more than anything and anyone in this world and that was what he would not even dream of giving up.
He didn’t respond with words; and yet, the exasperation on his closest friend’s face told him he did not have to. Sir Barnes understood from Steven’s expression alone. He always had.
“Gods, Steven Grant of Rogers, of all stunts you could have pulled to get yourself hanged, you truly had to go and chose the most foolish one. My God- Steven…”
Most foolish one? Echoed in Steven’s head, the words absurd. No. The most gorgeous one, the purest one, the most blessed, he allowed himself to muse. The most honourable one too, no? Love. Where was justice, if love, the purest emotions of all, was considered a crime? Did the new religious teachings not speak of love being kind, patient, knowing no dishonour and wrongs?
That was how he loved you. Wholly and entirely, kindly, patiently, even if passionately.
It was only then when Steven snapped from his haze and finally noticed a trace of hurt on Sir Barnes’ face when it occurred to him why Bucky had taken so long to respond. He was cross with Steven; but not as much for the alleged crime, but for having kept it a secret. Keeping you a secret; the one closest to his heart, his beloved, hidden from the one person he had always trusted with anything.
“I’m sorry, Bucky. No one could know. She’s-- she is too precious. I had to protect her,” he explained softly, urgently. “And I still do. I will, with your help or without it. But… please.”
Sir Barnes continued to regard him, stunned into silence still, expression unreadable.
Then, he shook his head; what might seem as disagreement however, Steve recognized as resignation. He had known Bucky for too long to not be able to decipher which shake of a head was a no and which was an expression of indignation and regret at his own choice of a best friend.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
And with those words, Steve took his hasty leave, his minute relief drowned in the sea of worry when he sneaked into the stables to rush through the gates of the castle, claiming to be running a King’s errand.
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Seeking his closeness the pretty white doe having sipped at love all despite her oath, she begged the forest spirits to let her go to follow her heart and its eternal song.
Light breeze caressing your hair like the tender fingers of your lover, brushing away a lose strand from your face. Gentle September sunrays of a late afternoon warming your cheeks, long leaves of grass tickling your ankles and your hands as you gathered brownwort, thyme and lady’s mantle, the smell almost too much despite its pleasant notes. Your hand instinctively laying over your belly as the reminder of why you were gathering these particular herbs blossomed in your mind anew, a smile settling on your face. It was not just the time of year blessing people with abundance of these flowers, a nature’s reminder the time was coming to bath in the blessed lake on the Autumn equinox; it was the sweet secret humming under your heart too, growing stronger and more beautiful by day – and slightly bittersweet for for now, it was only yours to keep, your beloved knight none the wiser.
The very reason, you suspected, for the heavy feeling in your heart; the reason why none of the kind offerings of mother nature seemed to sooth a jittery feeling you had woken with up from your restless sleep. Unease had been crawling over your skin; a solemnity’s shadows, despite the beautiful weather and the joyful morning realisation that a barely noticeable bump was now showing on your body, a testament to the blessings of love.
The sky was beginning to colour with sunset with no clouds in sight; and yet, you could feel a storm coming, one you did not feel would be of the refreshing purifying kind. The air did not smell of rain; if you breathed in deeply, it reeked of the very death the wind seemed to whisper about in the tallest of birch trees. A warning; a witch’s intuition tuned to the finest hints of the gods of nature and forest spirits. You had tried to sooth yourself, coaxing yourself into peace by wondering if it perhaps was but a new future mother’s anxiety.
Yet, an instinct as old as time whispered to you to know better.
Which was why the wild stomping of hooves nearing your cabin should have not taken you by surprise. But it did.
You rose from your crouch so fast your head span, gathered flowers falling from your hands at the brief faint sensation; you steadied yourself just as Steven’s horse came into view, slowing into a walk as not to startle you or crush all the blossoms on the meadow.
The silent thank you to the gods for seeing your love alive and well left your lips without prompting, followed by your spine tingling with a shudder of power at its base.
Almost as if the gods blessed you for your genuine gratitude and gifted you with strength. Strength you shall no doubt need, for Steven might be living and breathing, dismounting his mare in a thousand-times practised manner, breathtaking as ever, but the distress on his face and the tension of his wide shoulders told you those shoulders carried the weight of the world at the moment.
Feet waking with motion, you met him halfway as he rushed to you, his arms quick to embrace you lovingly but so tight all air left your ribcage for long moments. Steven’s heart thundered against your ear as you hid your face against his chest. Fresh air had washed his clothes of most smells, but sweat and wine and rich spices still enveloped your senses, a tell-tale signs of the feast which he had told you about being interrupted by something vicious.
Yet, you took precious moments of simply breathing your lover in, basking in the comfort his arms offered no matter the circumstance.
He nuzzled his face in your hair, his chest expanding with a generous inhale, a steadying breath which made his heart race faster, as if attempting to outrun the very storm you had felt arriving.
You ran your hands down his broad back, feeling your own heart leaping into your throat as the silence between you, often so sweet and comforting, stretched ominously.
“Steven… love,” you whispered, attempting to shift in his embrace, only achieving his hold growing firmer, his muscles almost shaking with effort not to let go.
Oh Steven… What a terrible feat had been laid upon him?
“What has happened?”
Finally releasing your body, his hands were quick to cradle your face instead, achingly gentle, even as his eyes roamed your face wordlessly, brimming with so much emotion it stirred your unease further.
“Rytier moj?”
Steven’s face softened minutely, thumbs stroking your cheekbones as tenderly as butterfly wings despite the power – or the lack of it – in his grip.
“My love…”
Lips curling in a tiny smile, you mirrored Steven’s affection, reaching to settle your palm against his cheek, fingers of your other hand carding through his hair; your heart fluttered when he leaned into your touch, a wavering breath escaping his lips before they pressed against your palm to sooth the scratch of his beard against your skin.
Despite the dulcet image he made, eyes fluttering close for a blissful moment of nothing but love shared, you felt his body pulse with anxious urgency seemingly seeping into yours through your fingertips.
“I did not sleep well…” you confessed, his already pursed lips turning down. “I had a heavy feeling in me. Now I know the gods had not warned me simply for their own whims. What’s happened?”
Steven opened his eyes again; with a single caress of the breeze, he straightened, his aura of a knight – a fierce protector, a loyal friend, a humble determined servant – returning with its full force as did his worry.
“I need your help.”
A simple plea.
A simple answer.
“Always, rytier moj. Anything,” you promised.
One would expect relief to fill your lover’s features; instead, dread twisted them into a frown of dismay. Almost as if he had been hoping for your rejection.
The whisper of death among the trees grew louder, haunting, sending such a shudder through your body not even your lover’s warmth could hope to protect you from it, another urgent question scratching at the back of your mind.
Death, the trees seemed to whisper.
Whose death?
“Oh bosorka moja…”
Not Steven’s. Never. Not on your watch. Not as long as you walked this realm.
And not your child’s. You’d claw a throat open with your bare hands had anyone tried to take them away. Take her away. You had dreamed two nights prior, dreamed of a girl with Steven’s beautiful eyes and your hair caressed by the wind, her laughter filling the air as he sat her on his shoulders and she placed the daisy crown on his head-
The image had been so full of hope, so bright, so full of promise; it battled the current scent of death fiercely, one blending into another, and it felt like you were stood in the middle.
Your choice. Your power.
Your victory; or your loss.
You gulped, your gentle hold on Steven’s face growing shaky; with fear or the weight of responsibility, you weren’t sure.
“What is it, love? You are worrying me… come in. Tell me what weights down your-“
“Prince Anthony has been poisoned,” he said at last.
The whisper of the wind seemed to turn into a screech of a gale, even as the tree leaves and grass barely rustled.
The Prince… was he the one whose death you felt impending? It must have been.
In a split second, it became so clear why Steven was so shaken.
An impending death of his brother in arms. Of someone whom he served and appreciated.
Of the future ruler; quite possibly caused by the attempts of the party of Asgard.
An act of war.
Should Prince Anthony die, there would be no stopping at one death. Devastating number of lives could be lost. Including Steven’s.
No. Not on your watch. Not as long as you walked this realm.
But could you stop it?
Stood in the middle. Your choice. Your power.
Could you prevent a war?
Your mind was set into a whirl, various herbs and remedies for different poisonings refreshed in your mind.
“Do you know which poison it was?” you asked urgently, dropping your hands; and confused as why Steven’s remained firmly on your face, his expression speaking of pain greater than before. “Steven, love. What are his troubles? I can send a potion, pass it as a remedy from a physician-”
“Burning feeling in his forehead, weakness of muscles, trembling, cold sweat… he fainted and could not be woken up, only for a brief moment. He had trouble speaking, began to shake, fainted again...” Steven listed slowly, his unease growing with every word.
And so did yours.
Determination bled out from your body drop by drop, replaced by dread, the very weakness your lover was talking about as if settling in your own muscles and bones.
“The physician believes it might have been... aconite?” he added.
You had figured as much, seemingly endless moments before Steven spoke the dreaded word.
The worst nightmare of all living things; the deadliest daydream of those who meant harm and would not stop until their enemy released their last breath.
Death, screeched the breeze in the crowns of the birch trees; the yew trees, the very symbol of passing, joining in.
Death. War. Death.
Your power. Your victory. Your loss.
Your voice shook more frantically than young aspen leaves in the wind.
“Steven… aconite is deadly. I have no potion or salve for this. There is no cure-”
“That is what physician Banner said.”
“But then what…”
Your voice trailed off, words stuck in your throat, air stolen from your chest. A lighting from clear skies could struck you at the very moment and you would barely take notice of such.
It all made sense now. You having lost sleep. The whispers of death. The assumed shiver of power you shall no doubt need. And at last, Steven’s almost palpable dismay when you had said you’d help. That you’d do anything.
He had hoped you’d help.
He was terrified of it all the same.
You could feel blood draining from your face, rushing past your ears; unspeakable horror and determination swept you like the non-existent gale in the tree crowns.
His grip on your face grew firmer, unsteady but urgent, his forehead pressed against yours as his eyes slid shut, his whisper a frantic promise, a confession and a prayer at once.
“I know. Believe me, my love, I know, and I have never been more scared of anything in my whole life,” he said huskily, barely audible over the wild thundering of your heart, the shaky sound of your quick breaths, even as the rest of the world faded into background, all noise ceasing. Or perhaps even the sparrows forgot how to sing, struck by fear for their life.“I would have not asked this of you if I did not fear that Anthony’s death would unleash a war with Asgard and might destroy us all… and if I did not believe I could protect you.”
A thumb over your lip, gently pressing to silence your protest, Steven guided you to look up to his eyes, every word falling from his lips an oath signed by his own blood.
“Bosorka moja… I shall protect you, no matter the cost. You must know I would lay my life for you. I will, should it come to it. As long as you are safe.”
Consumed by adoration and terror at once, you slipped from Steven’s hold, shaking your head.
He had not the slightest idea what he was speaking of, the reckless fool.
He had no idea.
And he had no idea whom he would be leaving should he deliver on his terrible promise.
“These words are not nearly as comforting as you believe them to be! How would we-- how would I live without you?” you lamented, feeling the fire of power and indignation burn inside of you, chasing the fear away for several beats of your heart. “And I-- I am not even sure I can heal him.”
“You healed me,” Steven offered kindly, encouraging, confusion and the softest trace of hurt at you having escaped his touch twisting his face. He had no idea. He had no idea at all. “You said I was at the brink of death myself-“
“You were,” you spat, not appreciating the reminder – not of his injuries, nor of your past recklessness, as grateful as you were for the latter, not a single regret in your mind for having risked it all to save the handsome stranger with goodness etched into his very soul, having shone so bright it had outshined your doubts and fear for your life. But this was different. So much circumstance had changed. “But I was… I had faith in your soul, saw your good heart. I believed to be safe from you should I be too weak to protect myself after I casted my spells, and for that, I was able to pour all my magic into the healing. And I-- I was much more careless with my power then… “
You made a pause, inhaling slowly, gathering courage in the face of Steven’s features twisting further with distress.
“But Steven… that was before. I-- before we-“
“What is it, bosorka moja? Before what?”
Your lower lip trembled, regret lacing the soft touch of your fingertips to his face.
This was not how you wished for him to find out. You had told him before, erased his memory to ease his conscience and to prepare for the right moment, a moment fit for such joyful tidings; but much like him, having rushed here asking for help despite the unspeakable risks, you had no other option.
You had no choice.
You had no time.
The deep-sea blue with a forest green shade of his irises brimmed with emotion, tenderness and silent question.
With a lump in your throat, you dropped your hands again, curling them around your middle as if to protect the secret and save it for a reverent moment your love and lover – and your child – would have deserved.
Steven regarded your stance with dread visibly climbing up his throat. You could see it in his eyes, the sudden uncertainty, the questions written in his eyes growing frantic and painful.
Why had you stepped back from him? Why had you evaded his touch? Why did you seem taken by sorrow? What secret had you been keeping from him? For you must have had some. You must have not told him something crucial – and in a dark time like this, it shall come to light.
You appeared so shaken; you appeared scared. Of something he had failed to protect you from?
Or of his reaction to the revelation?
You chose your words carefully, speaking them slowly, even though you could feel him hanging onto every syllable.
“It is not only me anymore who needs to be protected.”
Steven did not understand; that much was clear from his expression, from the step he took closer to you only for you to take a step back, etching his hurt deeper into his face.
“I… I do not understand, my love. Do you have—do you know of someone who could help you? Do they need protection too?”
The they tasted of poison much bitterer than aconite; disbelief and profound pain.
You could almost hear it, the absurd questions he seemed to be asking himself. Was there… was there someone else? Someone else who had earned your love more fiercely than he had? More deserving?
The way your love remained hidden, the distance he still had to keep, laid heavy in his mind, always, now feeding his doubt; his fear that someone else now occupied the space he had so selfishly taken up in your heart.
But had only been here mere days ago, yes? Surely you could have not--- you would have not… or had you? No. That wasn’t possible. You were the kindest most loving person he had ever met, loyal to a fault – and he was blessed to be yours, to be loved, unconditionally, more than he deserved for keeping you his little secret.
You could not read thoughts; but Steven’s always seemed to be laid bare in front of you to card through. Betrayal and resignation all at once, jaw tight to mask his hurt, to hide the very doubt you read so clearly. Doubt, but not of you; of him. He had always carried it with him, the guilt of not providing for you as he imagined he should for his beloved.
Doubt, crystal clear in his gaze. It was possible, was it not? The most wonderful woman he had ever met, finally fed up, the goblet of your patience finally having overflowed, deciding to find a man worthy of you, able to take care of you, truly, one you were willing to-
You could not bear his mind screaming anymore, even as you had not heard a single word, a single thought, all of it but achy questions expressed by his gaze alone.
“No, Steven, I do not--- I merely cannot only think of myself now,” you said softly, searching for words to reveal the secret at last, not, not wanting to and craving it all the same. “I… I need to protect us.”
His shoulders sagged, doubt and heartache erased at once, tenderness at your worry for him melting into his smile.
“Do not fret, bosorka moja. I can hold my own.”
The faint smile in the corner of your mouth hurt, tears burning in your eyes.
“I know, rytier moj… and yes, I meant us, but I--- I also meant us.”
The arm you had curled around your middle shifted. Your palm spread pointedly over your belly as you met his gaze with hesitance and silent hope; for as much as you dreaded revealing the source of your worst fear, the tidings were still joyful. And you hoped with the entirety of your heart that Steven would accept them as such, much like the first time.
But first, he had to comprehend them.
Several rushed beats of your heart it took him; but then he finally did.
Suddenly, it was his turn to stand still and rigid as if a lightning from the perfectly clear skies struck him. And it might have as well.
His voice was barely louder than a breath, hoarse, laced with careful hope despite the glaring truth.
“You—we- are we-?”
A crystal-clear memory of those being the very words he had spoken the first time entered your mind, a single tear spilling over; the awe and reverence on his face mirrored his expression all the same as you confirmed.
“You are with a child? My child?”
It would have been amusing, the questions, if you hadn’t been on a brink of hysteria and hadn’t there been a metaphorical sword hanging above your heads while you indulged in revealing the sweetest secret there was between lovers.
Countless grains of sand in hourglass fell, Steven simply observing you, his gaze feasting on the entirety of you with newfound emotion that touched your very soul and made it shiver with delight. He observed you with such adoration and devotion you could only imagine he would show to a deity descending to walk the Earth.
And then he was surging forward, falling on his knees in front you, one hand on your hip, the other wrapping around your lower back to keep you close as he laid his forehead on your belly, shaky, slow and careful; nothing short of reverent. Despite the circumstance, all the tears prickling in your eyes found their release – every inch of your body sang, feeling Steven’s love for both you and the life he had a generous hand in creating.
“Oh bosorka moja… láska moja,” he muttered into the fabric before he looked up, hesitant fingers slipping under, to feel the very bump you had only noticed today. His lips parted in mute awe, eyes turning glassy with sheer delight and wonder at the miracle.
You allowed yourself another moment of basking in his love; feeling the delight spreading through every vein, through every bone and nerve, all the way to your very core and source of power. Your hands found gentle purchase of Steven’s hair as his lips pressed to your belly.
But then, the inaudible crackle in the air brought you both from your reverie, the breeze screeching of death instead of new life returning.
There was no choice; dread filled your being along with a haunting whisper of opportunity from a voice speaking in tongues you barely understood and yet deciphered as guidance.
You must go. You must try. Despite the risks.
Stood in the middle. Your power. Your victory; your loss.
Your only hope and your possible doom.
“I shall try my best to help, even as I do not know if I will be able to. But Steven…” you addressed him softly, revealing one more piece, one more source of joy, “our little girl must remain safe at any cost.”
The hands sprawled around your middle twitched, a single tear escaping him as his eyes shone.
“Our--- a girl? How-“
“It is but a feeling,” you admitted, earning a brilliant smile which lasted too shortly.
You smiled tightly in return, a few more tears rolling down your cheeks as Steven’s hand softly caressed your barely-there bump again, butterflies seemingly to erupting in your stomach, your heart humming.
He rose to his feet with something in his eyes turning steely, his gentle voice once against taking on a heaviness of an oath.
“I will protect you both, even if it should be the last thing I will ever do.”
One wavering breath was all the luxury you granted yourself before springing into action, not allowing yourself to lament at the potential of death weaved into Steven’s promise. You could not afford any more distraction. The hourglass was unrelenting, rushing you.
“I know. We shall get going.”
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You could feel his eyes on you, a mute confusion as you ruminated through the cabinets, the fire lit, a small pot placed on it, two handfuls of water, milk thistle, ginseng roots, and sprinkle of uncaria leaves added to the mix.
“You can sit down, love, I shall only complete the potion swiftly and we will be on our way,” you assured him, reaching for a pinch of turmeric to add.
Steven did not, in fact, sit down – if anything, you could feel him grow taller behind you, as if his growing bewilderment added an inch or two to his already impressive height. His stare was firmly set on you, a little burning and slightly insulting since you could almost hear his silent questioning of your sanity.
A potion? But you had said-
You looked over your shoulder briefly, your lover’s body nearer than expected, causing you to need to crane you neck a bit.
“No, there is no potion to neutralise the poison – but this remedy strengthens a body, aids it to fight off an infection and weakness,” you explained, expecting Steven’s face clearing, but not waiting for it do so, busying yourself with reading the mental list of ingredients, recalling every indispensable element. Milk thistle, ginseng, uncaria leaves, turmeric… ah. Yes. Where herbs were concerned, rare or common, that would be all. Only one last ingredient.
A gentle hand on your elbow stopped you as you were turning to the stack of knives, halting your movements tenderly but firmly. Blinking, you lifted your gaze to Steven’s face again, disconcerted by his unreadable expression.
“Is it… safe?”
Had it not been for the large distress he was in, the feeling oozing of him and adding to your own shakiness, had it not been for the tenderness of his touch, you’d feign a slap to chase his hand away at the almost silly question – and at the sudden doubt in your knowledge and power and your reign over it.
“Steven, love, my apologies for the bluntness, but Prince Anthony is on his deathbed, so I cannot very well hurt him further and I shall have you known that this very potion you have drunk yourself-”
“For you,” he clarified, two soft syllables in contrast to your slightly exasperated words, your voice falling silent as sweet worry reflected in his sky-blue irises. Despite the circumstance, your heart seared at the fussing, no matter how groundless and ironic. “I am asking whether it is safe for you and our… our child to prepare that. I know it may seem irrational given why I am here, but-“
It was, you had to admit. And yet. You spent a precious moment, precious grains of sand falling in the ominous hourglass above your heads, placing your palm over his hand, reassuring.
“It is perfectly safe, rytier moj… certainly no more dangerous than rushing to the castle, the very heart of the Kingdom, and attempt to save the prince using the most outlawed practice in these lands,” you added with an unsteady cheekiness, earning an exasperated glare; and a full body shudder he couldn’t hope to contain.
The same tremble ran through your body; and yet, the whisper for caution was overshadowed by a tingle of energy unknown, a wordless encouragement. Almost a haunting promise from the Fate itself that bravery shall be rewarded.
But if that were true, where would the ever-present whispers of death and upcoming end fit in the mosaic then?
Shaking your head as well as the overwhelmingly bewildering sensations off, you charmed a soft smile for your lover and love – for the father of your child, already caring so deeply for the life to be born out of your love – and let your hand fall, turning back to your work as stream began to fill the cabin.
One last ingredient; a life essence to help maintain life.
You cradled the handle of the blade carefully in your hand, turning your other palm against the tip; the knife was out of your hand before you could comprehend how, pressed flat to Steven’s thigh, shielded from your touch.
“I’m sorry. I--- is that necessary?” Steven asked with a painful edge to his voice, his continued concern causing your heart to tremble.
“Yes… it is but a drop of blood, my love, I promise. A speckle of life essence to maintain life.”
His frown deepened as you reached for the knife again, fingers brushing his soothingly as you grasped at the handle. So many emotions played over his features; hesitance, concern, guilt. He must have realised you had used your blood before to cure him before you had even learned his name, another sacrifice having been made aside from having left yourself completely vulnerable to him when you had drained your magic and body alike to bring him from the death’s doorstep where you had found him at.
Then, an almost shy question, as if he felt too bold to even suggest such heretic thought.
“Life essence… would mine suffice, then?”
Where his implication was shy – that his mere mortal, human blood could match yours, the blood of a born witch – his determination was not.
He met your eye, a brilliant satisfied sparkle lighting up his irises when he read the truth in your hesitant gaze.
“Yes… it would. But-“
Your knight offered his left palm outstretched, no further questions. The bottomless trust in his gesture and in his eyes caused a lump to grow in your throat; the mere idea of cutting him, even if it was to only be but a scratch, had ache sting deep within your ribcage.
“Are you cert-“
“Would you rather I lead the cut myself, love?” he asked, his voice tender upon your hesitance, understanding the action would cause you pain – as if you were to hurt yourself instead.
And you might as well.
Your hands were made to heal his wounds, not cause them; your hands were made to erase his aches, not bring them; your hands were made to love, not hurt.
Your read in his gentle gaze as he nearly read in yours: I despise the thought of hurting you, rytier moj; It is but alright, bosorka moja.
You shook your head.
“I-- no. I may do it. I apologize, we do not have time for-“
A hand grasping your jaw, soft lips silencing your apologies; your eyes fluttered close despite seeing right through the trick. You felt the pressure of his hand against the blade, the silent sound of protest earning you a deeper kiss, a softer caress of his lips against yours, tasting sweeter than summer breeze, so achingly tender.
“There you go, bosorka moja…”
With his retreat, Steven ran his thumb over your cheek, smiling; then, he moved his injured hand into yours, leading you above the pot.
Slightly dazed and exasperated still, you sighed and carefully squeezed his wound to indeed only spare a drop of his precious blood.
As you pressed your lips to his fingertips in a thank you, you let your healing power flow through your touch, closing the cut your body should have worn.
“This had better be the only blood spilled today,” you whispered; and prayed too. You met your Steven’s stormy gaze as the contents of the pot sizzled, sweet coppery aroma rising in the air.
“It will, bosorka moja. It will.”
He sealed the deal with a kiss, sweet and desperate and bruising.
And falling on deaf ears, whisper in the crowns of the birch trees, his and your words echoed the very same song.
Blood had better be spilled…
Today, today, today…It will, it will, it will…
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Next part
Other headcanon and playlist
S.R. masterlist - contains other knight!Steve fics, independent of this universe
Complete masterlist
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Endearments used: Rytier moj (My knight) Bosorka moja (Witch mine) Láska moja (Love mine)
I hope you liked this - let me know your thoughts!
May your November be sweet and cosy ✨
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drcarmillaappreciationweek · 8 months ago
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[ID: a pink banner featuring Doctor Carmilla smiling and waving at the viewer. Next to her is text: "Dr. Carmilla Appreciation Week / August 5 - 11". End ID]
Welcome to the second Dr Carmilla Appreciation Week! This week is dedicated to showing love for our favourite vampire doctor!
The event will take place from August 5th to August 11th.
The prompts for the week are:
Monday: Family (Mom Monday... 2!)
Tuesday: Cat / Transformation
Wednesday: Blood
Thursday: Crossover
Friday: Music
Saturday: Love
Sunday: Death
You can make any kind of art for the event, from drawings and fanfics to music and sculptures. Of course, Carmilla should be the centre of your art.
I would also like to add that Dr Carmilla is a complex character, and you shouldn't be afraid of portraying her doing awful things, just don't collapse her into a one-note villain.
Don't forget to add image description to your visual art, and please @ this blog and tag your posts with "dr carmilla appreciation week"!
That's all, see you in August!
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the-mortuary-witch · 5 months ago
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DAILY AFFIRMATIONS: start your day with positive affirmations or spells to set your intention.
MORNING RITUAL: incorporate meditation or a grounding exercise into your morning routine.
HERBAL TEA: brew herbal teas with magical correspondences for specific needs (e.g. chamomile for calm).
CRYSTAL CARRY: keep a small crystal in your pocket or bag for daily energy boosts.
INCENSE AND SMUDGING: light incense or smudge your space to cleanse and energize it.
MOON WATER: use moon water for washing, drinking, or watering plants.
SIGILS: draw or carry sigils for protection, luck, or other intentions.
ALTAR SPACE: create a small altar or sacred space in your home.
CANDLES: light candles with intention, choosing colours that correspond to your needs.
TAROT OR ORACLE CARDS: pull a daily card for guidance.
JOURNALING: keep a magical journal for spells, dreams, and reflections.
NATURE WALKS: spend time in nature, collecting items like stones, leaves, or feathers for your practice.
KITCHEN WITCHERY: infuse your cooking with intention and use magical herbs and spices.
CHARMED JEWELRY: wear jewelry that has been enchanted or charged with specific intentions.
LUNAR PHASES: plan activities and spells according to the lunar phases.
WEATHER MAGIC: use the energy of different weather conditions in your spells and rituals.
MINDFUL CLEANING: clean your space with intention, using magical cleaning solutions.
BATH RITUALS: take ritual baths with herbs, salts, and oils for cleansing and manifestation.
GRATITUDE PRACTICE: end your day with a gratitude practice or prayer.
SACRED MUSIC: listen to music that uplifts your spirit or has magical significance.
WRITING SPELLS: incorporate spell work into your daily writing, such as emails or notes.
DAILY OFFERINGS: make small offerings to your deities or spirit guides.
VISUALIZATION: use visualization techniques throughout the day to manifest your desires.
PLANT MAGIC: care for plants and infuse them with your magical intentions.
ENGERY SHIELDING: practice energy shielding techniques to protect your aura.
CREATIVE ART: use art and creativity as a form of magic and expression.
SPIRITUAL READING: read books, articles, or blogs on witchcraft to expand your knowledge.
COMMUNITY CONNECTION: connect with other witches online or in-person for support and inspiration.
CRAFTING: make your own magical tools, such as wands, sachets, or charms.
RITUAL DRESS: wear clothing or accessories that have been enchanted for specific purposes.
DAILY DEVOTIONS: spend time each day in devotion or meditation with your chosen deities.
INTENTIONAL BREATHING: use breathing exercises to centre and ground yourself.
ASTROLOGY: incorporate astrology into your daily planning and decision-making.
DIGITAL MAGIC: use apps or digital tools designed for witches to keep track of moon phases, spells, and more.
RUNE WORK: draw a daily rune for guidance and reflection.
HARMONIZE WITH ELEMENTS: incorporate the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) into your daily life.
AFFIRMATIVE SPEAKING: speak with intention and awareness, using positive and empowering language.
GARDENING: create a magical garden with plants that have specific correspondences.
MINDFUL EATING: bless and infuse your food with positive energy before eating. 
DREAM WORK: keep a dream journal and work with your dreams for insight and guidance.
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anxiousdreamcore · 11 months ago
Watched a video where the difference between an aesthetic and a subculture was explained and, tbh, I’m curious as to what a dark academia subculture would look like. Not just a pretty moodboard and a playlist but an actual culture with its own beliefs and community.
Would dark academia be a subculture that prioritises enlightenment in an era where academic, literary, art and other educations are made progressively less and less desirable or achievable? Would it centre around concepts of philosophy, awareness and broadening one’s horizons? Would people of said community engage with each other in discussions and share information, be it historical, poetic, visual etc? A movement that opens its doors to people of all kinds, and invites them to fall in love with learning through gaining a new perspective, partly thanks to the fashion, the atmosphere and the music?
And think of all the sub genres of academia we currently have. Those could work too! Romantic academia, light academia, chaotic academia, all these while unique in their expression, all tie back to the main academia theme by collectively romanticising the process of learning and gaining new knowledge.
I feel like there is potential there, if the culture was to be built around the contents of literary and visual works, with the aesthetic as an expression of these ideas, instead of it being all about visual appeal. But idk 🤷 these were just my thoughts, I may be wrong.
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bts-trans · 2 months ago
231031 Big Hit's Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 미남 김태형 시작, 미남 크게 시작, 미남 빵빠레 불면서 시작, 미남 축제 시작, 미남 페스티벌 시작, 미남 파티 시작 (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=36809445&memberNo=51325039&navigationType=push) #BTS #방탄소년단 #V #뷔 #V_Layover
[Naver Post] Good looking Kim Taehyung - let's begin, a grand opening for these good looks, welcoming the good looks with a lot of fanfare, a good looks festival begins, good looks parade, good looks party
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post. Since Tumblr unfortunately has a picture limit for posts, please check out our twitter post or the HD version on our website for a version with all pictures included!
Title: [BTS] V ‘Layover’ 활동기를 모아모아!
Title: [BTS] V 'Layover' promotions - let's round up all the memories!
(Hi-A!) (T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
(슬쩍).. (눈치..)…
(Stealthily).. (Taking in the situation..)..
,,ᴗ ̯ᴗ,,
아미들 안녕하세요?! 방림이 입니다. (어색…)
Have you been well, ARMY?! This is Bangbell (feeling awkward…)
방림이 안갔다. (아빠 안 잔다 톤으로.)
Bangbell didn’t go anywhere. (Said in the tone of “Dad isn’t asleep”*) (T/N: *A famous meme in Korea where a dad pretends he isn’t asleep when caught dozing off.) (,,•﹏•,,)
아주아주.. 오랜만이죠! 오랜만에 돌아온 방림이가 가져온 포스트는요!
It’s been… a really really long time, hasn’t it? Now, for the post that Bangbell, who’s returning after a long time, brought!
다양한 콘셉트로 아미들의 마음을 사로잡았던! V의 ‘Layover’ 앨범 활동기 인데요! (박수) (함성)
This is V’s ‘Layover’ album promotions that captured ARMY’s hearts with its various concepts! (Applause) (Screams)
길게 설명할 필요가 없죠! 바로 극극극극극극극 성수기 미모 를 자랑하는 뷔의 얼굴 감상타임 시작.
There’s no need for long explanations! Appreciation hours for V’s visuals, which boast of a beauty that is in its pe-e-a-a-a-a-k are now open.
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안무연습하다가,, 합주하다가,,, 귀엽고 사랑스러울 수가 있는거임? ㅇㅇ 아무래도 이 남성은 가능합니다.
While practising the choreography,,, While performing,,, Is it even possible to be this cute and lovely? In any case, it’s possible for this man.
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연탄+연탄아빠 = 힐링 투샷 너무 좋다…… 동의하면 끄덕여. (아미들아미안해요나너무오랜만에와서이제야써요)
Yeontan + Yeontan’s Dad = Healing This two-shot is so nice…… If you agree with me, please nod. (ARMY, I’m so sorry. I’m writing now after taking such a long time coming back)
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김태형특. 늘 예쁘면서 맨날 더 예뻐져서 아미들 만나러온다고 함 ㅜ!! (감동MAX) 예뻐지는방법.. 삽니다 @@ 선제시 @@@ ჱ̒⸝⸝•̀֊•́⸝⸝)‪
Kim Taehyung’s speciality. He comes to meet ARMY while getting prettier every day when he’s already so pretty always !! (EmotiontotheMAX) The method to getting prettier.. I’ll buy it from you @@ name your price @@@ ჱ̒⸝⸝•̀֊•́⸝⸝)‪
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(지독한 방탄의 방탄사랑… 앞으로도 계속되길…)
(Bangtan’s serious love for Bangtan… we hope it goes on like this…)
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음악방송.. 뷔 때문에 행복했다…! ʕ۪ ⸱̼ ·̮ ⸱̼ʔっ ♡̷
Music show performance… we were happy because of V…! ʕ۪ ⸱̼ ·̮ ⸱̼ʔっ ♡̷
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NPR TINY DESK KOREA 부터 NPOP ,, 잘생김 축복의 끝이없다 끝이없어… 조용히 얼굴 감상 타임 가질게요.. 방림이가 길게 써봤자 뭐하나. 사진 1나 더 올려주는게 좋지. (??)
From NPR TINY DESK KOREA to NPOP ,, There just isn’t an end to being blessed by this handsomeness… going to take the time to quietly appreciate this face.. What’s Bangbell doing writing these long paragraphs. Uploading one more photo would be nice, wouldn’t it. (??)
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V Band Session 영상 안 본 아미들 없죠…? 방림이는 오늘부로 뷔 에 대한 마음을 접습니다.. 그 다음 끝선에 맞추어 반 접습니다 뒤로 돌려 양쪽 모두 펼칩니다 끝부분을 살짝 접고 중심선에 맞춰 위로 올려 접은 뒤 뒤집으면 예쁜 하트 완성 ♡ ( σ̴̶̷̤ .̫ σ̴̶̷̤ )
All ARMYs have watched the V Band Session video, right…? Bangbell will give up her feelings* for V from today onwards.. After that, fold it in half along the ending line Bring the fold to the back and spread it out on both sides Fold the ends very slightly Match it to the centre line and lift it after folding If you turn it upside down, you’ve completed a pretty heart ♡ ( σ̴̶̷̤ .̫ σ̴̶̷̤ )
(T/N: This word for “give up feelings for” also has another meaning of “folding” which they’re making a pun on below.)
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짜잔 귀여운 사진은 뽀너스)
(Ta-da some bonus cute pictures)
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명불허전.,,! 오락부장의 면모를 보여줬던 런닝맨!
As expected, he lives up to his name.,,! Running Man which showcased our moodmaker’s personality
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뷔크닉. 뷔주얼. 기념일로 기록해. 진짜 감동돼… (어디까지내려가는거에요..?)
V-icnic V-isual Keep this as a memento. I feel really emotional…
( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄ _ -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
(How much farther down are you going to make it go..?)
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그러다가 또 귀여움까지 있다? 이건 반칙이거든 솔직히,, 게임반칙,, 인정,, 뷔의 귀여움 반칙,, 내 인정 모답니다,,
여기서 잠깐.
In the middle of this all, being cute on top of it? Honestly, this is against the rules,, Playing against the rules,, I’ll accept it,, V’s unfair cuteness,,, No, I can’t accept that,, ·̫
Going to pause here for a moment.
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귀여움의 끝이없는 연탄이까지,,, 방림이의 깜짝선물 어떤데…?
Including even Yeontan, whose cuteness knows no end,,, How was Bangbell‘s adorable present…?
아.. !
선물이 부족하다구요…?
You’re saying this present isn’t enough…?
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셀카 드드드드등장…!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ 아미들 이제 쪼오끔 ���족하시나요?!
Selfies have a-a-a-a-arrived…!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ Is ARMY satisfied a tee-ny ti-ny bit now?!
오랜만에 온 방림이의 포스트! 오후,,, 2시,, 한창,, 잠오는시간,, zZzzz,,,,, 아미들의 졸음이 조금이라도 달아났을까요?! 방림이는,,, 그럼 또 다음에 돌아오도록 하겠습니다!
This was the post from Bangbell, who came back after a long time! It’s 2pm,, in the afternoon,,, peak time for,, feeling sleepy,, zZzzz,,,,, was I able to help ARMY’s drowsiness escape even a little bit?! Then Bangbell will,,, come back again next time!
아미들… (비장) 붕어빵 사먹어요. (방림이 tmi 붕세권임.)
ARMY… (serious) Eat bungeoppang*. (Bangbell’s TMI: I live close to a bungeoppang place)
(T/N: *Bungeoppang is a fish-shaped pastry with filling and is a popular winter street food.)
A-Poof! (T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
본 포스트는 BIGHIT MUSIC 에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post account is personally run by BIGHIT MUSIC.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Eisha & Aditi Typeset cr; Chika @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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andy-wm · 1 year ago
I have thoughts about the Tiktok JK deleted
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<<I realise its a few days ago now and you might be wondering 'what tiktok?' but I've been writing in snatches when I have a few minutes so it took a while. Anyway, here it is...>>
A few posts I've read have suggested JK did the silly>sexy Tiktok challenge backwards. That he did sexy>silly instead. That he was being random and funny.
I disagree.
What he did was unexpected, a little left of centre, and for the people who can read subtext, not random at all but very very clever.
I'll tell you why, (It may not be what you think) but first I need to vent about two things:
1. Give the man some credit. He knows what he's doing.
There are some who love JK but who see him as a naive innocent. He is not. He isn't a child or a himbo.
Saying he did the challenge just because it's trending, and he reversed the order of the content for a bit of a joke, is insulting to him as an artist. It would suggest he has no forethought or understanding of himself or his (global) audience, and his decisions are made on impulse with no idea of the consequences.
He's very intelligent and has plenty of experience with digital media and creating content. Besides being involved in producing complex visual narratives as part of BTS for the last ten years, he has directed and produced seven highly polished and professional GFC videos. And don't forget the MVs for Life Goes On. For the October issue of Vogue Korea he took on the role of Creative Director. That's a pretty big deal. So we can assume he knows what he's doing.
If he produces content in a particular way, it's because it enables him to communicate what he wants to communicate.
2. You may not understand the message. That doesn't mean there's nothing to understand.
A heads up to people who can't work it out... your inability to grasp meaning doesn't equate to 'no meaning exists'. Suggesting that people who recognise what he's doing are reaching or delusional is an insult to both the audience who can read this situation, and to Jungkook, who is sharing his message.
Consider a system of writing you can't decode. Lack of comprehension doesnt mean the writing is meaningless, it means you don't understand the language.
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Even if you believe you understand what's being said, please recognise that context may play a role too, that it could reveal a richer and deeper message. Don't just assume the easiest (laziest) interpretation is correct.
(You may have guessed, someone suggested I was 'behaving like the cult' when I pointed out that JK's tiktok was more than being funny ... and now I'm mad 🤣)
Vent over. Now back to he topic at hand...
What was he was really doing? And why is it not at all random?
Let's take a step back to recall what army has been saying about this...
Almost every interpretation i read suggests he reversed the order (silly>sexy becomes sexy>silly). The reason given is that his tiktok only makes sense if the order is reversed, and this idea is backed up by the caption saying "I go the other way".
But the 'reversed order' theory is based on a hereronormative perspective of what's sexy (and a stereotypical perspective of silly.)
So consider the content of his tiktok from a queer point of view...
For a man in a relationship with another man, the idea that he's with all those women is silly.
It's silly to believe he's got a girlfriend - or several. It's silly to think the womens' names in the song are relevant to him.
He posted this tiktok at a time when he's releasing music that fits the western pop norm of boy + girl, and when rumours of him dating several women at once are rife. The timing is not a coincidence and nor is the choice of background song for this.
All these assumptions and rumours are pretty silly, JK is telling us.
Now let's talk about the second part, the sexy part. Yes it may look silly on the surface, but we have seen him and Jimin make dorky faces at one another when they're flirting. It seems to be the visual equivalent of calling Jimin 'Jiminssssi'.
It's just another way they create distance and avoid 'getting caught'.
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Maybe sexy for Jungkook actually is lying on the couch in your sweatpants making corny faces at your boyfriend.
Remember that he puts out 'stereotypical sexy' on command as part of his job so maybe that doesn't feel very sexy to him. Maybe that's work.
In my view (I know this is subject to interpretation) they've been together for years now. This is not the first flush of love. When you've been with a partner for a while, sex is (hopefully) more fun and less serious. Maybe it's about having the confidence to be wholly unselfconscious.
(My partner makes a Pepé Le Pew face at me when he's goofing. No, i don't know why either... 🤣🤷)
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But wait, what about that caption?
What about 난반대로 간다?
My beautiful Korean friend (who sadly has zero interest or care about jikook) confirmed the literal translation:
"I go the other way"
"I take the opposite direction".
It's not "it goes the other way" or "this goes the opposite direction". He's referring specifically to HIMSELF.
Jungkook goes the other way.
But it's more than that according to my friend.
It's a bold statement:
"I don't follow the mainstream."
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It reminds me of his tattoo ...
He doesn't do things just because everyone else is doing them.
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"I don't follow the mainstream."
This is where it gets interesting.
Then why would he do something as mainstream as a trending tiktok challenge? Especially something as vapid as this challenge?
And why would he tell us DURING that Tiktok challenge that he DOESN'T follow the mainstream?
And then delete it.
Creating content takes time.
And we know he's a busy man.
He's about to release an album. He's doing live performances. He's prerecording for music shows. He's overseas right now... for the fourth time in a month! Does he have time for this??
And he DELETED it...
Did he just WASTE all that time?
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No, he did not.
He deliberately chose to do this.
He did it knowing ARMY studies every action, every video, and every media release.
He did it knowing ARMY would already have copied the video before he took it off his profile.
He said on Stationhead that he knows ARMY has it, and is sharing and posting it. He's FINE with that.
So he took the time to create and upload that video. He wants it out there.
He just doesn't want it on HIS page. That's an important part of the story.
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So lets go back to the caption.
"I take the opposite direction"
"I go the other way"
"I don't follow the mainstream."
*Said boldly* remember. It's a loud statement, captioning an otherwise pointless very mainstream trending challenge.
So if he's not referring to tiktok itself, or to uploading challenges, what could he be referring to?
There's only one thing left: Himself.
I take the opposite direction
I go the other way
I don't follow the mainstream
Essentially... I swing the other way.
There's no way a queer man would make that statement and not fully recognise the message he's sending.
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As for deleting the video, I'd say he knew it was too risky to leave on his profile, being a celebrity in Korea. He's managing his brand. Deleting it also gives him plausible deniability. He can say he made an error. As I said, he's very intelligent. He knows ARMY will see it and share it. He knows that those of us with a queer eye will hear the message loud and clear.
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 And we do hear it. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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theproperweirdo · 5 months ago
All screenshots are from the second official trailer 🔥🔥 here’s the first one
Also BIG APPLAUSE to the Lilith team for this trailer, the music and visuals were absurdly good. I will be listening to the soundtrack and researching for the animation
Okay okay soooooo we’re gonna move in chronological order of the second video
Alright, the “Carmine” whispers:
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The “Carmine” part is new, I guess they added it as an adjective? Weird. The name whisperers is from “the faint whisper coins make on cloth while being picked out of pockets.” I’m sad to loose that…
This guy in the glasses is also new. With this scene composition of Sonja and unnamed guy on the sides with glasses guy in the middle, it looks like he might be the boss of the Whispers here. Very different from the OG story, where Sonja and Nara built up the Whispers together as its bosses, before Sonja took over completely.
However, we get a snippet of Sonja pointing her cane toward Glasses McGee, so there’s likely internal conflict arising. She might overthrow him or something.
I don’t have any info on the guy on the right tho.
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Sonja herself looks pretty different now. Less roses on the side of her head, and more thorn imagery on her design. No other major changes tho.
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This snippet seems to allude to Rustport now being involved in weapon or some other form of manufacturing. Probably will be part of the main conflict. This is purely from the idea that they wouldn’t show anything in a trailer if it was irrelevant. There has to be a process of why they include shots right?? 😭😭
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HODGKIN!! The dead tide fleet is here!! Looks like they’ll be against the Carmine whispers. This artifact (or relic, as he says) looking thingy that Hodgkin is holding seems pretty important. It may be why he has the allegiance of these sea-graveborn esq creatures. In the trailer, it kind of activates, and then a large Kraken like thing starts grabbing at the ship.
Nara is also in cahoots with the Dead tide fleet this time around. We see her fighting alongside them during both trailers. Means she’s no longer a whisperer??? We don’t know what happened to her in Arena after she died, so I have nothing to go off. Seems like they’ve got some form of an agreement here.
There’s that pretty new ranger woman, but her design screams fan service 2 me so rn I feel like she’s not entirely lore relevant. She’s probably got her own side story.
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This new guy, Sinbad, seems to be our companion in Rustport. A handy magic compass and a history of treasure hunting means he could be after that artifact Hodgkin has. My theory is he grew up in Rustport, knows the town well, and has some kind of personal agenda against both the dead tide fleet and the Whisperers. He’s called a merchant in the first trailer, so I suspect he’s a black market relic seller in Rustport.
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Graveborn lore!! Viperian has appeared 🙏 as an “unconventional” scholar, he’s either in Rustport for research/testing, or travelling with Nara and Hodgkin for his own reasons. With this season centred around LB/GB, we’re (hopefully) getting some more content of him.
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AHHHHHH I love these two… little Nara and little Sonja… 😢😢
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But it looks like they’re against each other in Journey. Or, Nara wants something from Sonja? She’s actively fighting against Rustport, maybe even wants to destroy and take over it. More likely that’s she here solely for Sonja tho. Her line at the end of the trailer “now you’ll never forget me, Sonja…” alludes to a possible misunderstanding from Nara, that Sonja had forgotten about her completely. Either way, they’re fighting each other 😢
Okay, now for more personal speculation. I’ll be referencing a lot of the OG story from Arena here.
Originally, Nara reawakens from the dead because of both her extremely violent nature, and her deep desire to see Sonja again. “The survival of the Whispers, or punishing the traitors—they were all irrelevant now. All she wanted was to return to Rustport, to the Whispers, and to Sonja's side, where those warm hands could once again comfort her icy soul.” She literally has a vision of Sonja’s hands reaching out for her when she wakes up again 😭😭😭
In this new Journey trailer, my guess is that Nara has been fed fake info— something along the lines of that Sonja didn’t care she was dead, and now has double the power she used to. Their dynamic looks like depressed grieving gf and angry resentful gf. It could’ve been Hodgkin or Viperian manipulating her.
I can’t think up any reason why Hodgkin would be attacking Rustport. He’s been known as “the most ruthless pirate” of the seas, feared widely and being infamous for his title. But I don’t remember him being after property or wanting to take over towns like that. I mean, he’s from Rustport. This could be a character rewrite (wouldn’t be new).
The big plot of this season looks like Whisperers vs Dead Tide Fleet, with the sub plots of Nara v Sonja, Sinbad, Relic (probably related to the Hypogeans or something), and Hodgkin against glasses boss. I wrote this up fast and we only have two videos out rn, so I’ll wait and see.
Please tell me ur personal thoughts and feelings 🤞🤞
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fear-is-truth · 2 months ago
Which of the Evans would be into tacky Christmas (bright colours, mismatched decor, nostalgic and warm, etc), and which would prefer the more tidy Christmas (beige 🤢)?
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⋆𐙚 ₊ the evans + x-mas decor preference .ᐟ
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a/n: yo why you gotta diss on tidy & beige 💔 …
“tacky” decor : tate, kit, kyle, jimmy, warren, peter, colin, luke, stan
“tidy” decor : james, kai, austin, gallant
tate wouldn’t give a fuck about christmas decor on his own, but if constance insisted on a beige, elegant aesthetic, he’d absolutely go out of his way to sabotage it because he’s a spiteful little shit.
when his mom told him to set up the tree, he’d rummage through the basement for the dusty, mismatched string lights and garlands she’s refused to use for years.
would take silent satisfaction with the clashing colour, obnoxiously flashing lights, and haphazardly placed ornaments… mostly because his mother is pissed off.
tate would prefer the nostalgic, warm vibes in private, though.
definitely a big fan of mismatched lights, diy decor. he’d help the kids make paper chains, paint ornaments, string popcorn garland.
he’d also love doing little things like baking cookies, hanging stockings, and maybe even putting up a silly inflatable santa on the lawn.
he’d smile fondly at every decoration, especially ones with sentimental value—his favourite is a family photo ornament framed with painter popsicle sticks that your kid made in school.
⟢ pre death .ᐟ 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑.
he’d love the sight of multicolored string lights and as many ornaments as you could fit on the tree.
you go out to pick a tree together and then buy way more lights and ornaments than you’d ever need. “we can always find room for more, right?”
he’d insist on stringing the lights together and would make sure every bulb worked.
kyle would gasp excitedly when he let you plug in the lights and see the tree glow.
you’d have loads of mismatched ornaments, many of them handmade or found in secondhand stores.
he’d have a soft spot for stringing up multicolored lights, especially red and yellow ones.
the blinking lights hold bittersweet nostalgia for him. they remind jimmy of the freak show days—the camaraderie, the makeshift family—but also the pain and loss he’s endured. even so, he’d smile softly while putting them up, his focus on creating happy memories with you.
would insist on a meticulously planned, elegant christmas. the tree would be tall and symmetrical, the lights would never blink, and the ornaments would all match.
that said, if you really wanted a messy, colorful christmas, he’d indulge you because at the end of the day, james would want you to be happy.
⟢ cult leader .ᐟ 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍.
would absolutely favour a clean aesthetic, because it’s orderly.
he’d hate colourful, mismatched lights, blaming them for being “distracting,” and his use of adderall would heighten his aversion to anything that felt visually cluttered. you’d hear kai mutter something like, “who can think with this circus lighting? it’s like a fucking rave in here.” (he’s a blue grinch lol)
you’re having beige/white decorations or no decorations at all. despite his outward annoyance, if kai saw you enjoying yourself while decorating, it might mellow him slightly. maybe.
would prefer tidy decor to match the sleek, minimalist aesthetic of his vacation home.
the tree would be artificial, tall, and perfectly symmetrical, adorned with white lights and monochrome ornaments.
beige, white, and grey would dominate his decor.
he’d hum along to cheesy christmas music, snack on gingerbread cookies, wear ugly sweaters and blush at the mention of mistletoe.
would have a soft spot for sentimental decorations. if you had old ornaments from childhood, he’d make sure they were front and centre on the tree.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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jokeroutsubs · 5 months ago
[ENG translation] Joker Out: The destinies of "the Jokers" are linked
An interview with Joker Out published in the September 2024 issue of Pil magazine. Original article written by Jelka Šutej Adamič, photos by Vita Orehek. Translation by a member of JokerOutSubs, review by @kurooscoffee, proofread by IG GBoleyn123.
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The band Joker Out is at the centre of the Slovenian music scene, they're travelling from concert to concert, and they also have more and more fans. Right now, they're still on a big European tour titled 'See You Soon', on which they will have, or have had, at least 22 concerts in 13 countries¹. They've announced the release of a new album in the autumn. We caught up with them during the hot July days and chatted with Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Jan Peteh and Nace Jordan, whilst Bojan Cvjetićanin wasn't able to join the conversation.
¹This interview was conducted in July 2024 and published in the September issue of Pil; the See You Soon tour is now already over.
A question that has probably been asked a hundred times already: how and when did you get together and form the band?
We formed the band out of two pre-existing ones, the bands Buržoazija and Apokalipsa. We met at a concert and decided that we should form a band together. That was in 2016, when we got together for rehearsals for the first time and named the newly formed band Joker Out.
Last autumn you sold out Stožice Arena, now you're preparing the new album and have been on a European tour for several months already. Did you imagine that you would rise so quickly?
Maybe not that it would be so quick, but we've always been quite ambitious, because we had hopes and dreams. It's true, however, that we didn't know exactly what it was that we wanted.
What would you suggest to beginners who have similar ambitions to you? How should they get to work?
They have to practise a lot and persist, they have to find the people around them who complete them. Our friends and family members helped us out a lot in the beginning. Jan's dad, for example, constantly drove us around for the first two years. We wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him. Our advice would be to use (in the positive sense of the word!) anyone who can offer help. But of course, you primarily have to play as much as possible, including with various musicians who show up on your path.
Aside from hard work, another important thing is probably the producer, someone who gives you direction, takes care of your sound, gives you advice?
Our producer is Žare Pak, who is admittedly a "peculiar fellow", but Joker Out probably wouldn't sound the same without him. He is the sixth ear of the band who listens critically and determines whether something is good enough to make a recording. At the end he puts everything we record into one package and that's what we then listen to.
Who are the other people who are by your side professionally?
We have Niko, our driver, security guard, the dad of the band. We have Maša and Sanjin who always make sure that we look good and make a good impression in interviews. Also very important is Mark Pirc, who started out as a video producer, but our collaboration has expanded into general visual artistic co-creation and coordination. Mark is our main visual producer. All the people who help out, who make a concert happen, are also part of our team, and that's not a small number. Right now, we wouldn't be able to put on a concert on our own anymore, without help. We also have to highlight Andraž Drobnič, who takes care of our clothes, our stage costumes.
Do you currently live in Ljubljana?
In Ljubljana, Logatec, and Vrhnika.
You performed in various venues on the tour – from Helsinki to Istanbul, where you're yet to go². Were any of the performances abroad particularly memorable?
Whenever we go to Finland, we're thrilled. It's always top-notch there. Last year we played in Turku where 2800 people came to listen to us, which was something special for us. The venue was sold out.
²The Istanbul gig the interviewer is referring to was later cancelled.
How does a festival performance differ from one in a concert hall or a club? Do you prepare a different programme for one versus the other?
A lot of people who don't know us come to a festival, and we adjust our playlist accordingly. The advantage of being at a festival is that we can hang out with other musicians who are playing at the same festival, because at solo concerts, we stay backstage. The most important thing at a festival is definitely that you also get the attention of people who don't know you, whereas at your own concerts, you primarily have to satisfy the wishes of your listeners.
And the audience? How does it differ from country to country?
They don't speak Slovenian anywhere, so it doesn't matter. (laughter) They differ in energy, since each country has its own unique energy. At some concerts, the audience is more intense and very energetic, at others, they sing very loudly or participate in clapping and singing on their own... Each country is a little different. Finns are the most like us, while Lithuanians are the best of all at waving. We do have a lot of fans who are with us at most of the concerts. They follow along...
Are you perhaps planning a tour in the USA?
No. Of course we'd like to go, but it's not the right time for a tour yet.
What else do you like to do when you're not behind your instruments or the microphone?
I spent all day yesterday fixing my moped. (Jure)
I like to cook, I made a good lasagna the other day! At home, I often take a look at what's happening on the music scene: innovations, new releases. (Jan)
I have a small puppy and I spend most of my free time trying to raise him to be a nice dog. (Nace)
I go to Rožnik³ to cool off. (Kris)
Basically, we like to use our free time for ourselves.
³Rožnik is a small wooded hill in Ljubljana, a very popular place for the locals to go for a walk and exercise.
Do you also hang out privately?
Yes. We would probably do that more if we weren't together so much for business too. We also go for drinks together or meet up at our rehearsal place to chat and hang out.
How do you react when you get recognised on the street? Are you nice to your fans?
We are nice and we take photos with people if they wish to do so. There might be a problem after concerts, when there are really a lot of people and you can't please everyone. But otherwise it's not a problem to sign an autograph, but what's best is to have a bit of a chat.
You've opened an Openstage platform, which makes it easier for your fans to access your activity. What has the response been like? Has it "stuck"?
It has stuck, but it's true that we constantly have to promote it. We've reached ten thousand fans on Openstage, which means that more than ten thousand people have access to exclusive things like, for example, hearing a pre-premiere snippet of our new single 'Šta bih ja', which was released in July. Besides that, they're always the first ones who can buy new articles, CDs, vinyls, and they will often have a chance to buy concert tickets on pre-sale, and maybe have some discounts too. We also get a lot of information out of it, which helps us going forwards. The fans tell us where they are and where they want to listen to us, so we can plan a tour based on that as well.
In 'Everybody's Waiting', a very intimate song, you highlight topics like anxiety, success, individualism ... How has success affected your lives?
Ever since Eurovision, we often get the feeling that we're not in control of our lives anymore. We are more or less dependent on a bigger goal and at least four other people. It seems like our future, our destiny is irrefutably linked now, and we often have a feeling that the individual can get lost within that.
I'm sure you're sticking with rock'n'roll. Nevertheless, are you still tempted by any other music genres?
We're staying based in rock'n'roll, but we can always add rhythms from other musical genres to our songs – from a hint of world music to jazz chords, electronic music, samba rhythms...
What do you think of Pil⁴?
We read Pil and we were always excited about the posters. We hope we will get another edition of the poster. (laughter) We're glad that Pil still exists, that it's just like the one we knew from our childhoods. The fact that we were already on a Pil poster once means a lot to us.
⁴Pil is a Slovenian magazine for pre-teens and young teens which has been published since 1948 and has been an important part of many Slovenians' childhoods and teenage years.
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mychapel-004 · 1 year ago
i am about to ramble like a crazy person abt the fnaf movie so scroll if u don’t like spoilers
was not expecting all the love on my last post so i will keep posting thoughts abt the movie
another thing that rlly interested me in the movie was the focus on images, how humans process things through what we see rather than context, and how this sets up the fnaf movie trilogy to focus on fnaf 4 in the next movies.
the most obvious example is abby, we’re explicitly told that children communicate and understand things through pictures, which mike sorta shrugs off until he starts seeing the bigger picture. this then applies to the animatronics when he learns that they are also children and incredibly influenced by the drawings in their environment. the restaurant in the movie is very much a living thing of its own, the way it thrums to life when abby enters, and the animatronics know the truth of the drawing the second it is pinned up, and the animatronics are an extension of that.
a less obvious example is mike. even though he shrugs off abby’s teacher, and the point she makes about him being at the centre of all her pictures, he is much the same. it isn’t just children who are influenced by images. he has been returning to the same image every night for we don’t even know how long, the same picture of the nebraskan trees, the same perfect family picture he describes to vanessa, the same image of his brother looking at him out of the car window. everything he does is a result of this image. he is wholly consumed by it, believes he can somehow change the picture and see the truth beneath it if he just tries hard enough.
the ghost children, specifically golden freddy, change the image for him in an attempt to placate him into giving them abby, but no matter if he dreams of a happy family, it wont change the truth of what happened. just like how pasting a picture of five children happily holding hands with a golden bunny won’t change the truth underneath. images are fallible, they don’t tell the truth and we cannot trust our brains.
firstly i think this is a really fun direction to take in context to how the movie humanises the animatronics. fnaf 1 is a game made entirely of scary, still images of the animatronics, save for the jumpscares and foxy’s run. the lore is sparse and entirely given through exposition (if i hear one more person complain abt vanny only being there for exposition and not phone guy’s two minute loredump at the start of every night in the game i will lose it), and we know nothing other than that our death is imminent.
but the truth is that these animatronics are kids. they’re scared and lost and confused and cannot understand what has happened. underneath bonnie in the west hallway camera and freddy staring at you from the showtime room are terrified kids doing what they feel they have to. the movie was incredibly dedicated to showing that these kids still want to build pillow forts and sing to music and tickle their friends and be a family and i think it was a great choice.
i think all this focus on images is definitely a perfect lead into fnaf 4 (im not 100% on my book lore but i believe there are three books that cover fnaf 1, fnaf 4 and then sister location??) especially with the recent lore update that all of fnaf 4 is hallucinations. we don’t need a lore explanation of how the nightmares could be real because… they aren’t. following the game timeline, fnaf 4 would have already happened by now but we could easily see a return to it through mike, especially if the schmidt-emily or schmidt-afton theories are true and mike could have been the child in fnaf 4 but surpressed his memories. firstly we have a protagonist who is already on sleeping medication and has dreams that can be easily manipulated. this is a perfect setup for the nightmare animatronics to start making themselves known.
i also think that fnaf 1 was intentionally visually tame. the themes of the movie are actually very dark, they don’t shy away from the truth of the bodies being hidden in the suits, the animatronics Very Brutally kill the burglars, max is literally bitten in half and her body is hidden away, but the on-screen gore keeps it pg. this 100% allows them to experiment further with the levels of gore, tension and violence if they do fnaf 4, because quite frankly some of the nightmares are horrifying.
TLDR this movie sets up a million directions and theories that the next one could go in, and theres nothing the fnaf fandom loves more than vague lore and theory crafting
vanny post next bc i have Thoughts
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