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karingottschalk · 3 years ago
Cinema Devices: Ergorig for Female Operators, Save Your Back! – Commentary
Cinema Devices: Ergorig for Female Operators, Save Your Back! – Commentary
https://www.cinemadevices.com/ergorig-women “Feedback from the female operator community is that support and stabilization equipment doesn’t consider the female anatomy when designing equipment – so we decided to do something about it! The result is the Ergorig CenterFit, a new female version which combines all the benefits of the Ergorig with the comfort and fit that female operators…
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mayweatherfit-blog · 7 years ago
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Boxing Training Gym
Enhance your fitness training through Mayweather Boxing + Fitness programs and classes. Our in-gym training offers an authentic experience for members who want to learn the proper techniques and training regimens of real boxers, while getting in the best shape of their lives.
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alliedsepll · 3 years ago
Mountain Equipment Sleeping Bags Glacier Price in Mumbai
If you are looking for a sleeping bag and you're on a tight budget, then you'll want to check out the Mountain Equipment Sleeping Bags Glacier. This sleeping bag is designed for temperatures as low as -25oC. It's wrapped in lightweight Drilite Loft II fabrics for moisture protection while keeping down dry inside. This fabric is not hydrophobic, so it doesn't repel water like many other sleeping bags. The Glacier also comes with a cloth storage cube and a roll-top waterproof stuff sack.
Mountain Equipment Sleeping Bags Glacier Price in Mumbai
The Glacier 700 sleeping bag from Mountain Equipment is an excellent choice for cold weather treks. It is warm and generously sized, so it's the perfect choice for a tent-based trek to high Himalayan passes. A few different models are available, including the Glacier 750 and Glacier 700. It's a good idea to check out the price and type before you buy one.
The Glacier collection is ideal for summer backpacking in alpine regions. This bag is made of lightweight material and features patented EXL technology. The women's version is specifically designed to be warm, so it can be used even in cold weather. This bag is comfortable and has many outdoor features, including a hood. Regardless of the weather, the Glacier will keep you cozy and comfortable.
Petzl ICE AXES Quark price in Mumbai
If you are interested in getting a new ice axe, the Petzl Quark is a great choice. It is lightweight and easy to handle, making it ideal for ice climbing in snowy environments. Its ergonomically designed handle allows you to easily wade through thick snow. The ice pick is interchangeable, and its design is tapered to penetrate ice and hook firmly on a rock.
The sum'tec is a lightweight shaft that comes with a Quark ice tool head. Its CEN-T rating ensures that it is compatible with any other picks and accessories. The Quark is available at a price of Rs. 57,300 in Mumbai. The sum'tec is also available in a price of Rs. 6,999 in Mumbai. The Quark is available in different colors and comes with a range of accessories.
The Quark ice axe is the most recent addition to Petzl's extensive line of ice axes. This modular axe is compatible with most of Petzl's other climbing equipment. It is made specifically for technical ice climbing. The ice axe's unique design is made to fit the user's needs and increase safety. Its light weight means that it is remarkably lightweight and durable.
Petzl HELMETS Vertex Price in Mumbai
Are you looking for the Petzl HELMETS Vertex price in Mumbai? Are you interested in getting one of these helmets for your child? If so, read the following article. Here, you will get to know what you need to know about these helmets. You will also get to know about their features and benefits. This article will also help you find out how much the Petzl HELMETS Vertex cost in Mumbai.
The Petzl Vertex Vent Bleu helmet has a fully modular headset. It features a Flip-and-Fit system that ensures a secure hold on the head. The helmet has six points of textile suspension and Centerfit system to ensure a perfect fit on the head. The helmet is firmly held on the head using its Centerfit system and two adjustment wheels. There are sliding flaps to ensure proper ventilation.
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renda-chan · 4 years ago
Helm Safety Vertex Vent
VERTEX VENT (Helm berventilasi yang nyaman)
Helm Vertex Vent sangat nyaman berkat suspensi tekstil enam titik serta sistem Centerfit dan Flip & Fit, yang menjamin helm terpasang dengan aman pada kepala. Chinstrap dengan kekuatan yang dapat disesuaikan membuatnya ideal untuk pekerjaan di ketinggian dan di tanah. Helm ini memiliki lubang ventilasi dengan daun jendela geser untuk memungkinkan aliran udara melalui helm. Dengan potensinya untuk pemasangan headlamp Petzl, pelindung pendengaran, dan beberapa aksesori, helm ini sepenuhnya modular, sehingga menanggapi kebutuhan tambahan khusus para profesional. Detail Deskripsi dari helm ini : 
Detail Deskripsi dari helm ini : 
Sangat nyaman :  - Suspensi tekstil enam titik sangat sesuai dengan bentuk kepala  - Fitur Centerfit memungkinkan helm dipusatkan secara sempurna di kepala, berkat dua roda penyesuai sisi  - Sistem Flip & Fit memungkinkan ikat kepala diposisikan pada posisi rendah, menjamin helm terpasang dengan aman di kepala. Sistem melipat ke dalam cangkang untuk memudahkan penyimpanan dan transportasi - Dilengkapi dengan busa kenyamanan standar yang dapat diganti-ganti
Perlindungan yang dirancang untuk pekerjaan di ketinggian dan di tanah : Jadi, - Dual chinstrap memungkinkan pekerja untuk menyesuaikan kekuatan chinstrap untuk menyesuaikan helm dengan lingkungan yang berbeda : bekerja di ketinggian (EN 12492) atau di tanah (EN 397). Klip memiliki dua posisi, sesuai dengan dua kegunaan ini : kekuatan tinggi, membatasi risiko kehilangan helm saat jatuh, dan kekuatan rendah, membatasi risiko tercekik jika helm tersangkut saat pengguna bekerja dalam tanah  - Penyerapan guncangan mencapai melalui deformasi kulit terluar - Lubang ventilasi dengan penutup geser memungkinkan ventilasi teratur sesuai kebutuhan, saat mengenakan helm 
Aksesoris modular :  - Pelindung mata dengan sistem pemasangan samping Easyclip untuk kemudahan pemasangan  - Headlamp petzl dengan dudukan, atau headlamp dengan ikat kepala elastis  - Pelindung helm menjaga cangkang bebas dari kotoran dan percikan cat - Pelindung tengkuk memberikan perlindungan matahari dan hujan yang efektif untuk tengkuk  - Pemegang nametag memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah identifikasi  - Chinstrap dan busa yang bisa ganti - Pelindung pendengaran  - Tersedia dalam tujuh warna : putih, kuning, merah, hitam, oranye, biru dan hijau  - Juga tersedia dalam dua versi dengan visibilitas tinggi : kuning dan oranye
Spesifikasi :
Lingkar kepala : 53-63 cm  Berat : 490 g  Bahan : ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), nilon, polikarbonat, poliester kekuatan tinggi, polietilen  Sertifikasi : CE, EN 397, EN 12492, ANSI Z89.1 Type I Class C, EAC 
Dapatkan Helm Safety Vertex Vent PETZL di Safety Mart Indonesia sebagai Distributor Petzl di Indonesia. Siap menyediakan semua perlengkapan memanjat dan jual Petzl di Jakarta. Segera hubungi Safety Mart Indonesia.
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washingtonsemensato · 4 years ago
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#OSS 🥋 🤨 ⠀ Treinão de Jiu 💪🏼🏆 ⠀ #Gratidão 🙏🏼 ⠀ #WSemensato #Disciplina #Semensato #SemensatoTeam #artemarcial #artesmarciais #jiujitsu #jiuosasco #jiuoz #façaoseumelhor #Welcomethotejungle #façasempreoseumelhor #Oz #Osasco #souesportista #fight #fighting #figther #workhard #atletacampeao #soudobando #vamosdejiu #centerfitness #jiubrasil #atleta #justdoit #atletasbrasil #esporte (em Center Fitness Academia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGFwRMBgK_X/?igshid=1tb1w9bqendvj
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marlaluster · 5 years ago
"We're just here to end the world. That's the only thing we're here for," something talking as Centrfit said in my mind. Centerfit is Chris Hemsworth's work out app.
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carlgrimes09-blog · 6 years ago
Performing all the exercises will only serve the purpose. Hiring a fitness trainer San Jose - Reddotfitness will be the ideal way to chalk out a fitness plan and follow it until you achieve your dream.
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richsepicjourney2health · 6 years ago
I didn’t think I could do it, then I FUCKING DID IT!!!!
This morning I was tired and sore, dropped my coffee all over the floor and just about gave up and went back to bed. Instead, I made me more coffee, sat in my recliner and just enjoyed the moment and the quiet before the kids got out of bed. Then, after I got everybody squared away I started putting boot straight to ass!
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I’m actually surprised I was able to do this level of Da Rulk but son of a bitch, I fucking did it!!
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Again with sweat in my eyes, breathing like a wounded buffalo, and soaked in sweat. I fucking did it though and that’s the important part!
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mystic-tea-drinker · 6 years ago
So I'm aggressively trying to be the dream version of myself this year
And dream me is such a hippie lmao
Anyway one of the goals was to achieve the fitness nut self that i really am underneath this hardcore couch potato that i also am (bc, if you don't know me, i am the kind of person who can literally talk for half an hour about the health benefits of beans and will eat sO HEALTHY but then turn around and eat 20 chicken nuggets, a big mac, and a large fry in a sitting bc i haven't eaten mcdonalds in a month??? Like there's a definite disconnect going on that i am fully aware of, there's a good reason why I'm fat and its me, ladies and gentlemen)
Within the last month I've just been like "ok let's tackle that bullshit. Aggressively."
And a lot of it is me tricking myself - like i got facebook to show me ads for Centerfit constantly bc it pops up telling me 20 mins a day is all i need to reach my fitness goals and when i see that i end up just doing my work out - but it's also breaking things into tiny tasks?
Like i have this goal to get really good at yoga, because Dream Lizy does yoga every day. But the thing is, Real Lizy hates yoga, ok? I hate it so much. It's awful. It's uncomfortable. Down dog is too much. All of it is too much, really, buuut it fits my personality a lot and i want to like it and be good at it, right? I'm fully aware of this.
So, i challenged myself to do yoga every day this week. That was the only stipulation. It doesnt have to be a set time. I can quit halfway through the 10 minute video i randomly found on YouTube. I can do the neck/shoulder yoga that avoids all the poses i hate but also doesn't make me any better at yoga. I just have to get the mat out, start a video, and go until i decide I'm done.
So, it's day 3 and i did a whole video through to the end that i gave up on yesterday bc it was too much
And im so proud of myself?
Like i shouldn't be, because this trick has worked for everything. It's how i increased my writing time per day. It's how i got my diet (not a specific diet but diet in the sense of daily intake kinda thing) back in line. It's how i started swimming every day--and how i got up to doing 45 laps in the time it used to take me to do 20 laps? And i only started doing it this month, yall. These are things that have happen within the last 3 weeks.
This whole post is literally just me rambling, but like... i don't know, i think it's interesting how this one personal challenge has created actual, positive habits for me. But idk, in super proud of myself and thought id share the positivity i guess? Yeah.
I think I'm going to try a 15 minute yoga video tomorrow, see how it goes.
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jacksonrangelvieira · 7 years ago
Desfilando: Médico Roberto Bastos vai casar com Gisela Altoé, futura ginecologista
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O médico Roberto Bastos encontrou o amor da vida dele: a futura ginecologista – forma-se em dezembro – Gisele Machado Altoé. O casório será no dia 5 de maio no Cerimonial La Casa, celebrado pelo pastor José Alves, da Igreja Hebron. a coluna deseja sucesso ao casal ! *****
O perfil do jornalista Jackson Rangel promoveu no final de semana sorteio de 1 mês de academia na CenterFit, Shopping…
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paulonapa · 7 years ago
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O primeiro do ano e de muitos em 2018. #atleta365 #365 #centerfit #euatleta #eusouciclista #bike_naveia #bikebar #pedalbrutooficial #nopedal #mtb #vidasaudavel #blessed #vida #saude #lifestyle #life #health #healthy #healthylife #bike #pedal #ciclismo #strava #garmin #nqsf #mtb #mountainbike #sabordeminas #mosagmotel #bobs #studiocar (em Muriaé)
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renda-chan · 4 years ago
Helm Vertex Vent Hijau 2019
Untuk penggunaan helm safety sendiri sering digunakan untuk menghindari terjadi berbagai macam insiden kecil maupun besar seperti benturan atau tertimpa benda yang jatuh. Setelah terjadi hal seperti itu biasanya helm safety akan mengalami sedikit kerusakan, atau tingkat kelayakannya yang berkurang untuk kembali digunakan. Sebaiknya sekecil apapun kerusakan yang terdapat pada helm safety, sangat disarankan untuk diganti dengan helm safety yang baru. Dan jangan menggunakan helm safety yang sudah terdapat cacat atau kerusakan, karena akan berakibat fatal juga, dan bahkan menghilangkan manfaat yang sebenarnya untuk pelindung diri.
Khusus untuk helm yang digunakan untuk memanjat, lebih ringan untuk menghindari beban terlalu besar di kepala di karenakan pada posisi memanjat, kepala akan sering mendongak ke atas dan menunduk ke bawah. Helm untuk memanjat / climbing adalah helm yang di desain khusus agar memberikan keamanan dan kenyamanan. Salah satu contohnya adalah Helm PETZL Vertex Vent Hijau 2019.
DESKRIPSI : Sangat nyaman : - Suspensi tekstil enam titik sangat sesuai dengan bentuk kepala, - Fitur CENTERFIT memungkinkan helm dipusatkan secara sempurna di kepala, berkat dua roda penyesuaian sisi - Sistem FLIP & FIT memungkinkan ikat kepala diposisikan di posisi rendah, menjamin helm pas di kepala. Sistem melipat ke dalam cangkang untuk memudahkan penyimpanan dan transportasi, - Dilengkapi dengan busa kenyamanan standar yang dapat diganti,
Perlindungan yang dirancang untuk bekerja di ketinggian dan di tanah : - Dual chinstrap memungkinkan pekerja untuk menyesuaikan kekuatan chinstrap untuk menyesuaikan helm dengan lingkungan yang berbeda : bekerja di ketinggian (EN 12492) atau di tanah (EN 397). Klip memiliki dua posisi, sesuai dengan dua kegunaan ini : kekuatan tinggi, membatasi risiko kehilangan helm saat jatuh, dan kekuatan rendah, membatasi risiko tercekik jika helm tersangkut saat pengguna di tanah, - Penyerapan guncangan dicapai melalui deformasi kulit terluar, - Lubang ventilasi dengan penutup geser memungkinkan ventilasi diatur sesuai kebutuhan, saat mengenakan helm.
Aksesoris modular : - Pelindung mata dengan sistem pemasangan samping EASYCLIP untuk kemudahan pemasangan - Headlamp petzl dengan dudukan, atau headlamp dengan ikat kepala elastis - Pelindung helm menjaga cangkang bebas dari kotoran dan percikan cat - Pelindung tengkuk memberikan perlindungan matahari dan hujan yang efektif untuk tengkuk - Pemegang nametag memungkinkan pengguna untuk dengan mudah diidentifikasi - Chinstrap dan busa yang bisa diganti - Pelindung pendengaran - Tersedia dalam tujuh warna: putih, kuning, merah, hitam, oranye, biru dan hijau - Juga tersedia dalam dua versi dengan visibilitas tinggi: kuning dan oranye
SPESIFIKASI : Lingkar kepala : 53-63 cm (20,8 "-24,8") Berat : 490 g Bahan : ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), nilon, polikarbonat, poliester kekuatan tinggi, polietilen Sertifikasi : CE, EN 397, EN 12492, ANSI Z89.1 Type I Class C, EAC
Safety Helm Vertex Vent Hijau 2019 ini bisa anda dapatkan di Safety Mart Indonesia segera dengan cara menghubungi kontak person di bawah :
Telephone : 021-62320004 Admin Ozzy : 082185966316 Admin Shilva: 082218260040 Email : [email protected]
Atau anda bisa kunjungi langsung di alamat : LTC Glodok, Lantai 2, Blok B11, No. 6, Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 127, Kota Tua, Mangga Besar, Tamansari, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11180, Indonesia.
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washingtonsemensato · 4 years ago
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Jiu Jitsu 🥋 ⠀ #OSS 🙏🏼 🤨 ⠀ 2° ROUND de hoje ! Treinão de Jiu 💪🏼 ⠀ #Gratidão ⠀ ⠀ #WSemensato #Disciplina #Semensato #SemensatoTeam #artemarcial #artesmarciais #jiujitsu #jiuosasco #jiuoz #façaoseumelhor #Welcomethotejungle #façasempreoseumelhor #Oz #Osasco #souesportista #fight #fighting #figther #workhard #atletacampeao #soudobando #vamosdejiu #centerfitness #jiubrasil #atleta #justdoit #atletasbrasil #esporte (em Center Fitness Academia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF3BMMQAsjq/?igshid=13q0n77ku1yyw
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shopods · 7 years ago
The 6-point textile support ensures perfect fit and comfort. Absorbs shocks and knocks thanks to deformation of the inner shell. The CenterFit adjustment system ensures the helmet sits securely and centrally on the head.
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tumbicat · 10 years ago
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Amikor már kockás lesz így edzek 😁😄 💭 #firstpicinnewlife #centerfitness // Something is in process 😉
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richsepicjourney2health · 6 years ago
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I got some work in thanks to @centrfit and @zocobodypro. Great way to start the week! #puttinginwork #centerfitness #centr 
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