#celebrity pasties
celebgoldzz · 4 days
Nicki Minaj
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kaleycuoco69 · 7 months
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choolz · 3 months
people are so brainwashed it’s insane. they started talking at work about how paper straws are the worst and someone remarked how taylor swift takes 14 min private flights yet we drink from paper. then they stop and ask “well what else is she supposed to do?”
fym what else? what would YOU do to cross the country? you’d go go by car, right? which emits less CO2? are you dense or willingly stupid? Fucks sake
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the-name-is-loser · 1 year
CASHMONEY: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Armani's birthday invitations.
Alyssa: Well, what are they supposed to say?
CASHMONEY: "Armani's birthday".
Alyssa: So, what do they say instead?
CASHMONEY: "Armani’s bi".
Alyssa: Works out either way.
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countrtnrs · 2 years
I'll probably retheme on Friday. I think the colours of Lets Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time are much too dark for a fun tumblr blog.
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delfiore · 10 months
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pairing: leah williamson x fem!reader
synopsis: you spend a few days in london with your daughter as you and your wife leah are filing for divorce.
word count: 3.5k
a/n: i don't even want kids why am i getting attached to this nonexistent child
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“Mama!!” The sweet sound of your baby’s voice filled your ears the moment you stepped through the door.
You had been dragging your suitcase along the walkway, but dropped it by the door to catch the little girl and lift her into your arms.
“Hi, baby!” You exclaimed and shook her side-to-side. “Oh, I missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, Mama,” she giggled and writhed her way out of your kisses on the cheek. “I drew a picture for you with your new trophy!”
Without protest, the five-year-old thrust a piece of A4 paper in your face. You let out a quick laugh when you make out the figure in the middle—you—surrounded by bats and the Gotham logo with a golden trophy in your hand.
It was your first season at NY/NJ Gotham, and you managed to win the NWSL Championship for the first time for your club. Instead of returning to New York after the final to celebrate with your teammates, you hopped on the first flight back to London. You needed to see your little girl; after months of constant competitive matches, you were able to finally make time to fly back home.
“You did! Wow, Maevey, this is amazing! You drew this?”
“Wow, wow, wow. We’ll have to hang this up by the fridge, right?”
You walked into the kitchen with your daughter in your arms, heading towards the fridge behind the island. You were aware of your wife’s presence in the room by the oven but focused on balancing Maeve in one arm and hanging her drawing on the fridge with the other instead.
“There we go. That looks so good,” you cooed at her. “Thanks, Maevey!”
“You’re welcome, Mama.”
When you set the girl down, like lightning, she was on her feet sprinting towards the living room, no doubt grabbing a toy she had left somewhere on the ground. “Hey, no running, remember?” You called behind her and shook your head.
You glanced back at your wife, who, whilst stirring a pasty white batter in a clear bowl, still hadn’t made the effort to return your gaze.
“Congrats on the Championship,” she said without looking at you.
“Thanks.” And that was the extent of your conversation.
The house you once called home was cold when you left it, now it was even colder. The only warmth left came from a single tiny candle that managed you the smallest relief, and it was Maeve.
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“Yes, bub?”
“Why don’t you sleep in your room anymore? With Mummy?”
You had dreaded the question that had just come out of your daughter’s lips right after you tucked her in. Maeve was a smart kid, and you knew she would have been able to put two and two together when she saw you unpacking your suitcase in the guest room.
“Well, kiddo,” you started, brushing the stray hairs away from Maeve’s eyes. She looked so much like Leah when she pouted. “Mummy’s not too happy with me right now. So I’m giving her some space.”
“Is it because of me?” She said quietly, making your heart squeeze.
“No, of course not. Of course not, bub. How about you go to sleep now, and we will talk about this some other time, hm?” You poked her cheek gently. “Whatever happens, your Mummy and I will never stop loving you, and we will always do what’s best for you, okay?”
“Good.” You leaned over the edge of the bed to kiss your little girl on the forehead. “Now, remember what I always say? ‘You are strong, you are capable, you are loved.’”
“‘I am strong, I am capable, I am loved.’” Maeve repeated your words, almost immediately as you said them.
It was a mantra you repeated to yourself when your doubts started to get in the way of your potential, ever since you were a young girl making your debut for Arsenal until now. Those were the words you echoed to Leah when she had done her ACL, and when she wasn’t strong enough to chase away the clouds one day.
“I’m strong,” Leah had just managed to say through the tears, “I’m capable, I’m loved.”
“That’s right,” you whispered and smiled softly. “Now go to sleep, or I’ll sell all your toys.”
This elicited a giggle from the girl, as you turned off the lights. Making your way back to the guest room, you noticed the light in the living room was on downstairs. The tranquility you felt after spending time reading and talking with your daughter made you feel brave to face Leah, brave that whatever interaction you would have with her would not end in screaming and arguing. The woman was sitting on the couch, scrolling on her phone, a match played on the TV, as it always was.
“Maevey seems used to sleeping on her own now,” you said, smiling to yourself. “Soon enough she’ll be off to college.”
The best you got out of her was a short smile, and you would take it at that point. Your last conversation wasn’t the friendliest, and you had hoped Maeve wasn’t aware.
“She cried for you the night you left,” Leah spoke. “Slept in our bed for two weeks.”
Maybe it was the fact that Leah’s head was pressed against the side of the couch—the way she used to do every time you two had enough time off to sit down on the couch—or the fact that she still referred to the master bedroom as both yours and hers, that made your heart squeeze. For a moment it felt as if you had your family back, and things would eventually go back to the way it was.
“Only two?” You scoffed but smiled.
“Y/N, you know this isn’t a long-term solution. Maeve needs you. You can’t just fuck off to America and come back to visit for a few days every few months.”
“I know,” you said, clenching your jaw. “My agent’s looking at options within Europe. Germany, maybe.”
“Why not in England?”
“That is if any club wants me,” you shrugged. “Frankfurt seems interested, so.”
You’d like to think there would always be a place for you at Arsenal. Growing up, while your peers had posters of Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly, or Abby Wambach on their walls, you were looking eastwards to the likes of Rachel Yankey and Kelly Smith for inspiration. Your heart was red, white and North London and it broke into pieces the day you had to leave—not because of your performance, but because by then London had started becoming too suffocating. And if you were going to be a good parent to Maeve, you had to put the oxygen mask on yourself first.
“I do want to be close to Maeve,” you said, more to yourself.
Leah hummed. A moment later, she opened the drawer next to the couch and pulled out a thin folder. Placing it on the cushion between you and her, she made the decision to leave the living room to go upstairs.
The respondent line on the first page awaited your name and signature. Hers was already printed on the line above that, the ink was already dry like she had made this decision long ago. You were frozen to the seat with the divorce papers in your hands, and that night you cried yourself to sleep.
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You took Maeve to the park the next day. You had extended an invitation to Leah, but she declined, saying she had errands to run. Maeve wanted to go to the playground in the park, so you packed the two of you a small picnic, and a football, in case she was up for a kick-about.
She was telling you about a goal she scored at school the previous Friday when you returned home. Upon entering the two-story house, you heard laughter coming from the kitchen. As much as you wanted to listen to your daughter recount her story, your ears focused in on the conversation and what sounded like two female voices, and laughter . . . Leah’s laugh, something you haven’t heard in a long while. You regretted that that was the case.
“Mummy! I played at the park today, and I scored so many goals against Mama!”
“Is that right?” Leah gasped and picked up Maeve in her arms. “Looks like Mama’s got some competition in the striker position.”
“Hi, Auntie Lia,” Maeve said to the other woman in the room.
You barely managed a smile as you watched your former teammate greet your daughter, trying not to freak out at the fact that she was standing much too close to your wife when you first came in. You couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that harbored in the pit of your stomach seeing it, and, as selfish as it sounded, you couldn’t stomach the thought that Leah might have started to move on.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s good to see you again,” Lia smiled at you.
“Long time no see,” you said.
“Come on, little one. Will you show me how you scored those goals at school?” The Swiss woman extended a hand to Maeve and led her to the backyard.
“Don’t,” Leah said as soon as your daughter was out of sight.
“Don’t what?”
“I know you’re giving me that look.”
“I’m not giving you any looks, Leah,” you smiled sadly, and unpacked your daypack, putting the dirty Tupperware containers into the dishwasher.
“Lia’s been a great help with Maeve. Without her, I don’t think I would have been able to get through the first few months.” Her tone had a slight edge to it, but you understood why.
“I know,” you replied, “I’m not saying anything.”
“That’s the fucking problem, Y/N. You never say anything you’re thinking! You make me do this fucking guessing game with you, and you don’t even bother defending yourself when I assumed the worst about you, and you run away! Do you truly just not give a shit about anything?”
You took a sharp exhale, checking to see if Maeve was looking. Through the sliding door, you could see that wasn’t, she was playing 1v1 against Lia instead.
“Please, Leah. Not now,” you sighed. “I’ll sign the papers, alright? And then I’ll be out of your hair.”
You didn’t see because your back was turned to her, but your wife shook her head, causing a few tears that had collected in the corner of her eyes to fall. Then, you heard her storming past you out to the backyard.
“I do give a shit,” you mumbled to yourself. You did, so much, but maybe your family was better off without you. Watching Maeve kicking her ball into the little goal you got her whilst your wife and Lia pretended to defend her, you wondered if maybe they really were better off.
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Your relationship was never perfect. She was Leah, and you were you. You used to love the routine you two shared until it turned sour and you would arrive to training in separate cars. You didn’t know when your marriage crumbled, just that when you looked back to assess the damage, it was already beyond repair. Leah telling you one night that she wished to separate was your wake-up call.
You had seen your friends and colleagues date and break up, and pretend that being in the same room afterward wasn’t the most torturous thing they’d ever had to endure. You never imagined that it would be your turn, and how much it hurt. How does someone be a human being whilst going through a divorce, and be a good parent at the same time?
“Mama, why are you crying?”
You quickly turned away and wiped at your eyes when you heard the tiny voice coming from your bedroom door. You must not have shut it properly. Maeve was standing in front of the door in her adorable dinosaur pajamas, and her favorite plush toy beneath her one arm. You would have given your entire world for that adorable punk right then.
“It’s okay, kiddo. I’m just a bit sad. What are still you doing up?” You gestured for her to come inside. Normally, Maeve would not hesitate to jump into your lap right away, but instead, she climbed onto the bed, and sat next to you like an adult.
“Why are you sad, Mama?” She said quietly, fiddling with her stuffed animal, her round eyes looking up at you with concern. “Everyone is sad.”
“What do you mean, bub?”
“Mummy is sad too. She was crying before you came home,” Maeve said, her bottom lip quivering. “She said it was because she missed you.”
The revelation left you speechless.
Your daughter turned to you. “Should I be sad too? Everyone is so sad.”
“No, baby, come here.” As soon as you pulled her into your lap, she started crying.
“Oh, baby. My little Maevey,” you hated that you made your little girl so upset, arms wrapped around your neck and broken sobs raking from her chest against yours. “Sometimes, people argue, and it’s very sad when they do, but it’s all a part of life, Maevey. Me and Mummy are arguing, but it has never been about you.”
“But I don’t want you and Mummy to argue anymore.”
“I know, baby,” you had nothing else to say that might offer her some comfort. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been around as much. It was my fault, nothing to do with you.”
You held Maeve for another minute or two until her cries subsided into choked sniffles and tearful sighs. “It’s okay,” you would repeat, “I love you so much”, hoping that it might reassure your daughter until she removed her head from your shoulder, wiped her tears away, and through hiccups, said, “You are strong, you are capable, you are loved.”
Letting out the smallest sob, you nodded and pulled her back into your chest. Your little girl, your heir, your legacy, only five years of age, yet she understood the significance of those words. You had won trophies and championships, but nothing compared to the burst of joy in your heart having her echo them back to you. It meant you meant something to her. It meant you were doing something right.
The next morning, after you and Leah had seen Maeve off to kindergarten, you gently placed the divorce papers that Leah had given you a couple of nights ago on the table opposite her. As you sat down by the dining table opposite her, you saw the way she eyed the files like you had just handed her a pack of poison and expected her to swallow it.
“I’ll agree to everything you bring to the table, within reason of course. This needn’t be a whole ruckus for Maeve. Whatever you want,” you started, darting your eyes up to Leah.
She continued to stare at the divorce papers on the table but kept silent.
“But . . . If you still have even just a tiny drop of affection left for me, I’m asking you—begging you—to reconsider this and give me another chance.” You took a deep breath. “This year away from you, from Maeve, made me realize that you two are the most important thing in my life. You make me a better person by just giving me grace and being who you are. And I failed you, I know. I’ve not been the wife and partner you needed, but if you give me one more chance to right my wrongs, I’d give everything to have my family back. I’ll go to therapy, we can go to couples counseling together, whatever you want, just please . . . please give me one more chance to make this right.”
Leah shook her head quietly when you looked up, but then she sunk her head into her palm and you heard a shaky exhale.
“I’ve tried so hard since March to move on from you, eight months since then, and just from one of your little speeches, I’m back to square one,” she laughed bitterly, wiping her eyes of salty tears. “You always give me false hope that it’ll get better, and I hate you for that, because it never does.”
You swallowed and moved to kneel in front of her. Your hands were shaking, but you reached for her hands.
“I know that. I know I’ve been apathetic before. I lost sight of what’s important. I used football as my excuse, and I did it. I won the championship, but there’s still this void in my heart that no trophy can fill,” you squeezed her hand with both of yours. “Please, Lee. I love you, and I need you back in my life. I’m so sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you and Maeve, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making up for it. If you’ll let me.”
By then, Leah didn’t bother hiding her sobs. Tears were flowing down the curves of her cheeks like waterfalls, as she leaned forward into your touch, clutching your hands like they might save her. You cursed under your breath. Watching your wife fall apart at the seams when she had been ice-cold with you the past few days broke your heart to pieces, as you pressed soft kisses to her wet cheek and whispered loving words in her ear.
“Okay,” she said quietly and sniffled.
“Yeah?” You smiled hopefully.
Leah nodded tearfully. “Please. This is the last time, Y/N.”
You knew that. You knew if you fucked this up you would lose everything, Maeve might never have a relationship with you again, and you lose the one person that keeps you grounded.
Maybe Leah would be much happier with someone else, someone who treated her well and could fill the co-parenting role for Maeve. You were sure there were others out there who fit the bill, but you were selfish, and you would fight for them because this was your family, your home, your love.
“I’ll tell my agent to work on the move. I’ll try looking in England again, Frankfurt will be the worst-case scenario. Even if the only option is to resign at Gotham, I’ll make it work. I’ll fly home more often, I’ll help you with—”
You were cut off with Leah pressing her lips against yours desperately. You couldn’t restrain the grin that made its way onto your face, as you kissed your wife back.
“God, I got you to talk and now you wouldn’t shut up,” she mumbled, which made you laugh.
“Well, get used to it,” you said. “I’m gonna tell you how much I love you every day, and I’ve got eight months to make up for too, so it’s a lot of talking.”
“How about you show me how much you love me, huh? Actions speak louder than words, right?”
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epilogue. A month later.
A blaring alarm awoke you from your warm slumber. It was a Sunday, and you had forgotten you had the alarm switched on. You felt Leah stir next to you, and the corner of your mouth pulled up.
“Christ, what time is it?” She asked, her voice low and cracking. You’d always adored the way her voice becomes raspy in the morning.
“Eight,” you said, combing your fingers through her hair. Leaning in to plant a kiss on your cheeks, you whispered. “We have to get Maeve ready for football.”
“Hmm,” you heard her sigh, and snuggle deeper into your chest. “Five more minutes.”
Your wife opened one eye and grinned. You thanked the Heavens that she granted you another chance.
“Okay,” you kissed her head, “five more minutes.”
Just as soon as you lay back down, and Leah had gotten comfortable again, you heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet, the speed and agility of which you could only attribute to a five-year-old whose enthusiasm for football might be a little too much at 8 o’clock in the morning.
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kaleycuoco69 · 1 year
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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I really wanna get one of those corsets with fancy hip gores 🤔 make these hips look even more fun and grabbable ✨
Treat me ~ Tip me
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nishiyako · 3 months
After Hours (NSFW)
Pairing : Actor!Aizawa x Actor!Reader
Tags : Cowgirl, Penetration, Creampie, Pretty vanilla, reader being a menace, established relationship
Summary : After a long and painful shoot of a movie, you and your fiancé have a little after work celebration, simple and domestic for him but you have other plans.
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You didn’t enjoy complaining about your job in the movie industry, afterall, lots of people would kill to have this job. You were one of the characters in a new action type of movie. You weren't the main love interest or anything just the hot lady character in the group of hero’s, thankful enough to get in as only a C-List actress but one of your most notable co-workers was the Shota Aizawa, playing the dark mysterious villain in the movie, you couldn't lie, it absolutely suited him.
Those chronic bedroom eyes, scruffy black hair with that dark husky type of voice, and those chronic bedroom eyes. Best part? You got to call him your finance.
Your relationship isn't really secret, just down low. Normal people wouldn't know but fans would think it was a pretty basic fact. 
You snapped yourself back from your thoughts, feeling the tight latex suit tighten around you, hearing the sound of the zipper. You cringed looking at your character's outfit, who were you supposed to be? Cat Woman?
At Least it wasn't full body but you could still feel the twitch in your eye before heading over to hair and makeup, you passed by Aizawa rehearsing his lines in the mirror, he really was always dedicated to his role. A soft smile appears on your lips before leaving for the rest of your costume.
Hours felt like days, redoing scenes for what seemed like the millionth time, having to switch in and out with your stunt doubles, not to mention the goddamn latex suit? If this was what the industry would be like all the time you were honestly second guessing it.
What seemed like hell for you, seemed like heaven for Aizawa, having to film outside while he wore some cowboy hat and could easily cover himself up with the cape costumes department gave him, his pasty white skin still as light as it was from the start of production, guess being the villain did have its perks.
One of his favorite perks was seeing you, fighting to keep a smile on your face while you seemed like you were baking in that tight latex suit, that shiny, tight little suit. It felt wrong enjoying seeing his partner like this but that blush from your face scattered to the rest of your body, that curly hair do wasn't doing you any favors either.
He started picking up on your discomfort, a bit later than what he wanted to admit, he stood closer to you, raising his arm up, using the cape to put you under some type of shade. You look up seeing his soft smile, taking shelter in the cloak that hid you from the blazing sun. 
Most of the shoot went as normal, shooting scenes and switching in and out but one of your favorite moments were the high tension scenes with the main character and Aizawas character, him monologing in a deep husky southern accent, anger in his eyes as you saw his rugged hands reaching for the gun on his holster, looking like he wanted nothing but to paint the desert sand beneath him with the blood of his enemy.
You swore you were falling in love all over again, wanting to pounce on him every second. Spoke in character perfectly almost the whole time. You haven't seen something like it yet, you haven't been in the industry like he was but you could tell, he was good.
The shoot continued as normal, when you and him would switch out you would always be found under his cape, trying to act natural. The shoot finally ended when it got too dark to get the shots needed for the movie.
Hours pass and you’re in Aizawa's private trailer, leaving yours abandoned for the afternoon. Him laid back on a couch, reading a book in a black shirt and sweats while you just got out of the changing room. Hair still a bit messy, wearing nothing but the fluffy robes from the drawers in the trailer
He was reading the book the movie was based on, trying to get more in touch with the story than just reading the script.
Taking a small strut out of the changing room, walking in front of the couch of your soon to be husband and letting the loose bathrobe fall off your shoulders and dropping to the floor.
His eyes met your nude body infront of him, knowing just what you wanted without you saying anything. He sighed, he was too tired for it, that costume was heavy and he had to wear it the whole day too. He dropped the book over his face not wanting to look at you for much longer, putting his hands behind his head, looking like he was just about to doze off. 
he might do something he would regret. You were beautiful, the most gorgeous woman hes ever met dont get him wrong, but sometimes sex needs to sleep too. 
A whine escaping your lips as you saw his uninterested state. You climbed on the couch, straddling him and taking a nice seat on his hips, already feeling his semi hard cock against you. You take the book he was reading off his face and closing it, he opened his eyes with the same deadness it always had “I was reading that” he said in a smokey tone.
You placed it on the table beside the both of you, “sure.” you scoffed in a sarcastic tone, lowering your lips to his neck, giving him a few kisses and love bites. “Didn’t even mark the page..” he muttered, complaining, following his sentence. “Mhm..” you mumbled against his skin, your hands already sneaking up under his shirt. 
He could play coy all he wants, you could feel him getting harder under you. “Do you not want me anymore?” you asked sarcastically, pulling away from him. “Of Course I want you, every part.” He reassured, placing his hand on your thigh, giving you a sense of comfort. “But aren't you tired?” He followed up, his chest was right against yours, feeling his heavy breath right against your lips.
He was loving, caring and just a bit protective. He couldn’t live with the fact of the love of his life not getting enough sleep (the other love of his life), “Tired? It's too early for me to be tired.” you said energetically, a smile on your face. “I love your energy” Aizawa sugar coated, “But I'm pretty worn out from today, I don’t know how much I can do'' He said disappointed in himself, he loved spoiling you. but you didn’t find a problem in that, the smile on your face growing even bigger from hearing that. 
“I don’t mind that.” you breathed out “I can take the lead just fine.” you said, grinding against the bulge in his sweatpants. He hissed through his teeth from your sudden movement against him, him slightly throwing back his head in pleasure.
He couldn’t say no now, you gave him the perfect excuse to lay back and have you ride him. “In that case.” he unties the knot on his sweatpants, an obvious invitation before lying back on the couch and taking his book back into his hands. “Ride away, cowgirl.” he said half jokingly in the voice of his character, that accent stuck on his tongue from speaking it the whole day.
He thought it was funny but it just made you melt.
You took off his sweatpants, letting them rest around his thighs as he read his book. You stroked his shaft a few times, your mouth already watering seeing the deep pink color of the tip and the upward turn, you felt butterflies inside you, seeing it right between your thighs, its deep pink shiny tip already making our mind race.
You licked your fingers, wetting your slit before you slowly sank in on him, you closed your eyes, focusing on just the feeling of having him inside you after a long day, while he struggled to remember which part he was reading.
As you took him all in you saw him, seeing the breath escape his lips, trying to focus on his book. You started rocking your hips back and forth, his left hand holding you steady while his eyes still on the word of his book.
You rubbed against him, with him inside you. Feeling yourself getting stretched out the more you move. Feeling the spot between your thighs get more moist than it was. Letting his tip hit your sweet spot repeatedly. Slow and gentle friction between the both of you, your palms resting on his broad chest, his free hand gently rubbing the skin on your hips, giving you that silent support that kept you going.
He managed to finish one or two pages before suddenly he felt your hips slam down on him, a moan escaping from your lips, catching by surprise. He lost track of where he was on his page, gripping onto the flesh of your hip as you started to speed up the pace of your movements.
Your legs help you bounce on him slowly, letting him hit that perfect spot inside you making you feel a little dizzy everytime.
Aizawa was a great actor, one of the best but to feel you move on him repeatedly, with so much passion and need. He couldn't act like that wasn't doing something to him. He placed his book face down on the table.
You warp your arms around his neck, your eyes filled with desperation as you bounce up and down on him in jolts of energy. His frame towering over you even if you were on top of him.
His hands helping you, guiding your hips closer to his body, his lips millimeters away from yours, feeling your breath right against the skin of hips lips, your eyes getting watery as you get overwhelmed from the basic closeness of him and the constend jolts of pleasure waving through your veins.
Aizawa was a calm and disciplined man but when you were like this, so close against him he couldn't fight the urge to hold you against him. Sloppy kisses against your lips, and the aimless and clumsy riding going on between your body’s.
Small breathy moans being exchanged between kisses as the knot inside you starts to tighten and your body starts to grow weak, finding support from the needy hands of your fiance, touching and admiring every part of you, feeling the slick of your walls tightening around him, white opaque liquid dripping down, staining the black sofa under the both of you.
He pulls away from the kiss, wiping away the saliva from the corner of your mouth. “Close yet, sweetheart?” he asked with a husky tone, feeling his breath against your ear. A whine escapes your lips as you try to find the words to say. You paw at his black shirt, holding yourself closer to him, as you whine a sad, sorry sounding “yeah…” against his ear. A light hearted chuckle escaping his mouth, hearing the depravity in your voice.
His right hand leaves the small of your back, finding the small bud in between your thighs, rubbing your clit gently, using the slick from your insides to coat his hand. Small gentle rubs stimulating you, sending waves of pleasure while you rode him.
He made sure you got there, wouldn’t want you staying up for too long before the big shoot tomorrow.
Suddenly you felt a wave of dopamine flood through you, throwing your head back with a strained moan escaping your throat, his left hand holding you close, a grunt escaping his mouth as he finished inside you, shoulders hunching over him taking in your lewd afterglow from getting all tired out.
“You tired now?” he asked as you cooled down from your high. “Pretty much..” you sighed out in a satisfied state.
●●● A/N : sorry this took so long annon, I tried to make it as actor-y as I could with it still sounding natural!!
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I got my period today and am dying of cramps can I get some Theodore nott fluff or Mattheo?
"You're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing”
It was late at night and the school was empty, well apart from the students who stayed to celebrate Christmas here.
Your sleep schedule has been messed up pretty badly, leaving you awake until three in the morning, because of the books you want to catch up on, now that you still can and your friends who are constantly nagging you to get out of your room; come play truth dare with us, or whatever game they are playing the exact moment you slip inside your bed with your book in your hands. You love them, though, and you always join them.
Anyways, it is almost midnight now and you are craving something sweet, chocolate pudding or the delicious sponge cake, your grandmother used to make you when you were younger. You will have to settle for cauldron cakes or pumpkin pasties. 
You quietly head down to the kitchen, way past your curfew, but it is Christmas so really, even if they catch you how bad could it be?
As you enter the pitch black room, you walk inside and prepare your wand to cast a Lumos , but you fall into something or someone, you realize, as you hear pained groans. You fall head first into a bag of flour and you cough before you grab your wand to light up the space, for good this time.
As you turn your head you are met with the face of the infamous Theodore Nott, with an expression of guilt and regret on his face. Well, along with chocolate on the corners of his mouth and the flour the spread across the room on his hair.
You both ask at the same time “Are you okay?” , and laugh at your voices together
“So, why are you here?”, you asked him standing up, and lending him a hand to help him
“I could ask you the same thing.”, he replied dusting off his clothes 
“I was craving something sweet...but it appears you just ate it.”, you said sighing and tired as you looked at the empty plate on the table, with crumbs all over.
“Uh- there was only one left, when I came in, if that…helps?”
“It doesn’t, but it's fine. I’ll just make something.”
You moved around the table and grabbed anything you could find; dark chocolate, heavy cream, sugar, and strawberries. “It might just be my lucky day.” You told him holding everything up “Chocolate mousse with strawberries.” , said giving him a toothy grin and receiving a growl from his stomach that made you both laugh.
“Come on, you’ll whip the cream and I’ll melt the chocolate.”
“Whip? The cream? Uh-?”, he asked confused 
“Here.” Use this, you said handing him the whipper, but you noticed he couldn’t figure out how to properly hold it “Good Godric, of course, I forgot you grew up with House Elves.”
You walked up to him and wrapped your hand around his while holding the whipper, showing him exactly how to use it, “Just like that. Keep doing this until it’s thick, then I’ll take over.”
He swallowed loudly and nodded, his cheeks now bright pink and you couldn’t help but laugh at that.
You taunted him while you baked together, and he kept blushing, rolling his eyes, laughing, or all of the above at the same time. You had never seen him look so- so cute. Theodore Nott, cute; you laughed at yourself and at that thought. 
“What?”, he asked as he ate a strawberry
“Nothing, it’s just, the way you look now, it’s different than what I’m used to. That’s all.” , you explained
“No, you have to explain yourself now. I am worried- how do I look now? And how do I normally look?”, he joked and you shook your head a him
“Shut up, forget it.”
He crossed his arms in front of him and tilted his head; you aren’t getting out of this, his face said
“You look cute now, normally you don’t. Satisfied?”
“You think I am cute.” He smiled and you laughed at how ridiculous he made his voice sound
“Oh shut up.” ,you said and turned around to check on the dessert; when an idea came to your mind. You grabbed the spoon that was inside the bowl with the chocolate mousse that needed a few more minuted to cool down and you hurled some straight to his face.
He was dumbfounded as his whole face was coated with chocolate and you laughed at him.
“Well, now I would call you sweet, not cute.” You teased him and he cleaned his eyes before saying “You’ll pay for this.” Chasing you around the kitchen
You both ran laughing and screaming, around a little table when you slipped somewhere and fell down, with Theo then, on top of you.
You both laughed as you looked at eachother and you reached your hand up to Theo’s face, stealing his breath. You took a swipe from the dessert you’d made and licked it- to taste it. 
“It’s really good, you should try some.”, you said and felt drops of chocolate fall from his face down to yours, and especially your lips.
He leaned down then, and kissed you deeply, closing his eyes, before pulling back and saying. 
“Yeah, you’re right.” ,with a smirk
The only acceptable answer to that of course was for you to pull him back down and let him snog you, until the Elves find you- or the teachers. Then again, maybe you don’t have to stop at all.
A/N:I hope you feel well soon! Also, I didn't proofread this, so excuse the mistakes ❤️
Theodore Nott masterlist & celebrate my academic hardships
ALSO: for proper Theo fluff check out Butterfly Love by @talesofadragon !!!
752 notes · View notes
lixzey · 10 months
Hey! Maybe you could write Remus Lupin x Fem Reader seven minutes in heaven fluff;)
a/n: This is the longest work i've ever written, so I hope you enjoy it! Very special thanks to @lilmaymayy for betaing this 🫶
word count: 7.2k
seven minutes to forever
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The Gryffindor common room was ablaze with excitement as the Gryffindors celebrated their recent Quidditch victory against Slytherin. Waterloo by ABBA blared from the record player—courtesy of your best friend, Lily Evans. There were streamers of red and gold, along with a large banner with the words Gryffindor painted in red. There was a large table with sandwiches, cakes, pasties, and Honeydukes sweets, as well as a huge bowl of very suspicious-looking punch along with bottles of butterbeer and firewhiskey scattered around.
James Potter, the star Quidditch captain, was being hoisted onto the shoulders of his teammates as they chanted his name. Among the crowd, you spotted Sirius Black doing a little victory dance, while Peter Pettigrew was enthusiastically shovelling food onto his plate, and Remus Lupin was leaning against the wall with a small smile on his face, clearly enjoying the sight of his friends.
You turned your attention back to your friends, who danced along to the beat of the song. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your friends enjoying the night.
“Having fun, Y/n/n?” Lily asked as she twirled around.
“I am,” you chuckled, swaying your hips to the beat.
“You’re rocking that skirt, Y/n.” Marlene complimented.
You playfully rolled your eyes as you tugged on your skirt, still wondering how you ended up being coerced into wearing a form-fitting black leather skirt from Mary’s closet. “It’s awfully short, and it keeps riding up my thighs.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Y/n!” Mary chastised, swatting your hands away from the hem of the skirt. “You have the hips for it, and it makes your arse look good.”
You laughed and shook your head, knowing there was no arguing with Mary when it came to fashion. “Well, if you say so-” You were cut off by a tap on your shoulder.
“Hey, pretty girl.” 
You rolled your eyes at the sight of Sirius Black trying to flirt with you. Sirius Black, the notorious ladies’ man and troublemaker, had always had a way of getting under your skin. His cocky smile and arrogance made you want to roll your eyes and give him a piece of your mind every time he came near you.
"Seriously, Black, can't you give it a rest?" you snapped, crossing your arms and turning away from him.
“But come on, love, you can't deny that I'm the most charming bloke around,” Sirius said, flashing his signature grin.
Rolling your eyes again, you huffed, "Charming? More like insufferable. I've had enough of your sorry excuse for compliments.”
Sirius chuckled, unbothered by your rejection. “I'll have you know that I can be quite serious when the situation calls for it.”
You scoffed. “The only thing serious about you is your name. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than listen to your nonsense.”
With that, you turned on your heel and walked away, your friends trailing behind you.
“What the fuck was that, Y/n?” Mary asked with a raised brow.
“What? It’s not like I haven’t turned him down before.”
Mary scoffed. “Don’t tell me you still believe in finding your soulmate.”
You raised a brow at Mary. “Is there something wrong with that?”
“Well, I just don’t believe in that fairy-tale rubbish. Soulmates and true love—it's all a load of nonsense if you ask me,” Mary replied, shaking her head. “I just don't see how one person can be destined for another. There are billions of people in the world; it seems impossible that there's just one person meant for each of us.”
“Mary’s right,” Lily agreed. “And even if soulmates do exist, how do you know you'll ever find yours?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know; I just think there’s someone out there for everyone. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I like to believe in the idea of soulmates and true love. It gives me hope, you know?” 
“Come on, Y/n, be real. When the hell are you going to find the one if you keep turning down every guy who tries to ask you out?” Lily asked with an exasperated sigh.
You rolled your eyes, turning to face the redhead. “I don’t know; maybe when sparks fly?” 
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and when you turned to look, sparks were flying literally out of the record player. Remus Lupin stood there frozen, his cheeks flushing from all the unwanted attention on him.
Your eyes locked into his; you felt as if time slowed down around you and everyone else just faded from view.
“What the bloody hell happened, Moony?” James Potter’s voice rang out, snapping you out of your trance.
“N-Nothing, I-I’ve just pulled the needle too early.” Remus stumbled on his words, his eyes not leaving yours.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at Remus’ embarrassment, but you couldn’t deny the flutter of butterflies in your stomach. As the chaos of the common room continued, you found yourself stealing glances at Remus, who had turned back to the record player to fix the problem.
“Come on, everybody! Let’s play seven minutes in heaven!” Sirius announced, trying to redirect the attention away from Remus.
You found yourself being tugged along by Lily, who insisted that you join in on the fun.
“Come on, Y/n, it’ll be a laugh! Plus, who knows, you might end up with your soulmate in the closet.” Lily teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh, shut it, Evans.” You groaned inwardly, not liking the idea of being locked in a closet with someone for seven minutes, but nonetheless, you followed your friends into the centre of the room, where an empty firewhiskey bottle was set up in the middle of a circle.
“Okay, so whoever the neck and the base of the bottle stops at has to spend seven minutes in the broom closet,” Sirius explained, pointing to the closet near the portrait hole. “You go first, Prongs,” Sirius said, passing the bottle to James with a smirk.
James spun the bottle, and it miraculously landed on Lily, which made her scowl and cross her arms over her chest. “I am not getting in that closet with you, Potter.”
“Come on, Evans, I didn’t make rules.”
“Go on, Lils,” you urged, a sly smirk plastered on your lips. “Rules are rules.”
Lily’s scowl deepened as she glared at you. “Fine.” Lily stomped towards the closet, James trailing behind her with a wide grin while the rest burst into a fit of giggles and cheers—including you, knowing that Lily would hex James into the next century if he tried anything.
A little while later, James came out of the closet rubbing his cheek an effect you know so well—Lily had hit him with stinging hexes.
“You alright?” Marlene asked, trying not to laugh at the look on Lily’s face as she sat between the two of you.
“Shut up.” Lily hissed, rolling her eyes. “Potter called me carrot top!” 
“Alright, who’s next?” Sirius asked, trying to get the game going by spinning the bottle again. Your eyes followed the bottle as it spun around, anxiously waiting to see whether you were the next victim or not. This time it landed on you, and the other side was at Remus.
“My, my, my! Look who we have next!” Sirius announced loudly.
When the realisation set in that you would have to spend seven minutes with Remus Lupin in a small, hot, cramped closet, your cheeks flushed. Remus’s face began to match yours as the rest of the boys began to cheer—the girls even joining in—Lily had the same sly smirk you had just minutes ago.
“Go on, Y/n/n,” Lily urged, pushing you to stand. From the corner of your eye, you saw Remus stand up with a defeated sigh and make his way to you while the rest of the Marauders teased him.
Remus looked at you with an apologetic smile, his hand out, ready to help you up. You looked from your friends to the group and finally up to Remus, your eyes meeting his. Remus’ brown hair framed his face perfectly; he had long silver scars littering his face down to his neck, but he still looked as handsome as ever.
Remus crouched down beside you, his lips a few inches away from your ear, his hand out for you to take. “We don't have to do this, you know? We can just sit back down and let someone else-”
“No, no, it's alright, let’s do this”. You whispered back, taking his warm hand into yours. Everyone started to cheer, with your friends and the Marauders being the loudest of the lot. The two of you made your way into the closet.
“Go get some, Moony!” James laughed, his hands mimicking two people kissing, making Remus groan.
“Only seven minutes, love birds; use them wisely!” Sirius teased as you and Remus stepped inside. The moment the door shut, the two of you were plunged into darkness. You realised how small this closet really was; you were an inch away from being chest-to-chest with Remus.
You could feel Remus shifting in front of you, the air around you becoming warm with the close proximity. You tried to ignore the sight of his face in the dim lighting—chiseled jawline, strong nose, and brown eyes. Why the bloody hell did he have to be so handsome?
“Is it hot in here?” Remus asked, breaking the silence between the two of you as he fanned himself with his hand before fanning you as well. “Are you hot? I mean, you are hot-” You couldn’t help but laugh at what Remus had just said. Although you couldn’t see it, you knew his eyes had widened.
“S-sorry, I-I mean….” Remus stammered. The sound of your giggles made his cheeks feel warm. “I’m not exactly the smoothest bloke out here.” He chuckled nervously.
“Remus, it’s alright; I mean, it is a little stuffy in here.” you assured him, patting him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, it is,” Remus agreed before reaching into his pocket, pulling out his wand, and muttering, “Lumos.”
The light filled the small space and made you see the whole closet for the first time. If it were anyone else, you’d be panicking right now, but being with Remus didn’t feel as nerve-wracking.
“Sorry about this, Y/n,” Remus mumbled. “I didn’t think you would have wanted to be stuck in a closet with me.”
You chuckled, feeling heat rising to your cheeks. “It's fine, Remus. I know it's all just a game.”
“Thanks for coming with me here, I-“ Remus gulped, “I appreciate it.”
You raised a brow at him, a coy smile playing on your lips. “Remus, do you even know how many girls are wishing to be in my place right now? Merlin, they even call you the Casanova of Gryffindor tower!” 
“Okay,” Remus began to relax, now laughing with you. “But that's just because I'm nice—nice to girls who just so happen to find me cute. Plus, I mean,” he breathed. “It's not like I'd pursue anything with them.”
You cock a brow, your teasing smile only growing as he rushes to defend, “I mean—they're all nice right back to me, but—I just have my eyes on someone else.”
You felt your heart skip a beat at Remus’ words. “Someone else, huh? Who could that be?” 
“It’s just...” Remus hesitated, running his hand through his hair nervously. “I just feel like soulmates exist, you know? Maybe it’s stupid, but I can’t help it. I want to believe that there’s someone out there for me. Someone who gets me Someone who makes me feel... complete.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, and your mind was racing with questions. Were you just reading into things too much? Or was Remus trying to tell you something?
“I don’t think it’s stupid at all, Remus,” you said, your voice soft.
“I believe in soulmates too.” Remus looked up at you, surprised.  “You do?” 
You nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. But before you could utter another word, there was a harsh bang against the closet door, interrupting your thoughts.
“I don't hear any kissing in that closet! Come on, you guys, don't be boring! You have three minutes left!” James’ voice echoed, muffled by the closet door.
You and Remus exchanged a glance before chuckling and shaking your heads.
“You know we don't have to do anything, right? I would never want to pressure you into anything, wizard’s honour,” Remus assured, raising a hand.
You smiled softly at his reassurance. “Eh, it sounds like they want a show. Who are we to deny them of it?” Your cheeks begin to flush, your heart pounding inside of your chest. But his lack of response made you nervous about the forwardness of your comment.
“Maybe we could just...” you gulped. “Make it seem like it.” Remus’ brows knitted in confusion. “You know, just make sounds to make them think,” you explained, hoping he'd understand.
Remus nodded, the confusion leaving his expression. “Right, that's a good idea.”
“Follow my lead.” You chuckled, winking at him.
Remus smirked. “Alright, take the stage.”
Your eyes twinkled with mischief before you banged on the closet door and let out a loud moan. “Oh fuck, Remus!”
“Oh shit, Moony’s getting some!” Sirius’ voice rang out along with loud cheers from everyone else outside the broom closet.
Remus’ eyes widened, clearly not expecting that from you. You jerked your head at him, urging him to do the same.
Remus let out an exaggerated groan: “O-oh, yes, baby girl, so good!”
“Oh Merlin, yes, yes!” 
“Pinch me here,” Remus whispered, pointing to his neck. You obliged and pinched his neck lightly.
“Ouch! That hurt, baby girl!” Remus grunted. “You like it rough, huh, baby girl?”
“What in Merlin’s name are they doing?” Lily asked, horrified.
“They’re shagging, Evans; do try and catch up," Sirius said, mouth agape at the sounds coming from the closet.
The two of you continued to put on a performance, making kissing noises, grunts, thumping, and moaning from time to time.
And then, before you knew it, the door was being flung open by Sirius. “Time's up! Come on, you two lovebirds.”
Remus shot up, his face flushed. The two of you had your foreheads pressed together, hands intertwined, and clothes dishevelled. It felt strangely right, like connecting with Remus was something you were meant to do. He pulled you up, and the two of you walked out, avoiding everyone’s gaze, which seemed to be snickering. As soon as the two of you sat down, everyone didn’t waste time teasing both of you as you sat down.
“Remus, you sly dog!” James laughed, clapping Remus on the back.
“Wow, that was intense!” Peter chuckled, looking at you and Remus.
“Yeah, we thought the two of you had gotten lost in there,” Sirius added with a smirk.
“You slag, Y/n L/n!” Mary teased.
“Well, that was quite the show!” Marlene teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“I can’t believe you shagged Remus Lupin in a broom closet!” Lily rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
You let out a groan and buried your face in your hands in embarrassment. “Can we not talk about this anymore? Move on to the next ones, please!”
“There will be no next, Miss L/n.” A voice said, and everyone in the room fell quiet. You lifted your head from your hands to see Professor McGonagall.
The excited chatter turned to hushed whispers. Everyone in the circle quickly stood up, some nearly toppling over because of the alcohol they consumed.
“This game ends now. If there are any further disruptions, there will be consequences. Is that clear?”
“We were just having some fun, Minnie,” Sirius explained, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“Fun is one thing, but disrupting the entire Gryffindor tower is another. I suggest you all clean up this mess and head off to bed,” Professor McGonagall ordered, her stern gaze sweeping over the room.
The room was quickly cleared of food, drinks, and decorations as everyone began to leave, grumbling and complaining about their fun being ruined. You helped Lily, Mary, and Marlene gather the streamers and discarded plates.
“Come on, Y/n/n, let’s head up,” Lily said, nudging you with her elbow. “I doubt Professor McGonagall is done giving her lecture for the night.”
 “Yeah, that was a bit reckless, don’t you think?” Marlene added.
 You sighed, feeling guilty for being a part of the chaos that had ensued. “I know, I know. I’m sorry, guys.”
“It’s okay; it was all good fun,” Mary assured
You nodded, trying to shake off the lingering embarrassment from the game and the moment you had shared with Remus.
“You sure? You’ve been quiet since you and Remus came out of the closet,” Lily teased, raising a suggestive eyebrow.
 “Oh, shove off, Evans.” You rolled your eyes, playfully shoving her.
The four of you made your way up to the girls' dormitory, still reeling from tonight’s high, when someone called from behind you. You looked back only to see Remus jogging up towards you. You looked back at your friends, who were smirking at you before they stepped inside the dormitories—but you knew that they’d be listening from behind the door.
“Uh, hi.” Remus smiled sheepishly.
“Hey, Remus. What's up?” you asked, trying to act unsurprised but feeling the butterflies in your stomach were saying otherwise.
Remus stopped in front of you, nervously scratching the back of his neck. “Hey, Y/n. I just wanted to say that I had a great time with you, uh, in the closet. I mean, we made a great team, putting on that show. And, uh, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to do it again? Not the closet, of course, but... hang out, I mean.” He stumbled over his words, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
You couldn't help but smile at his awkwardness, feeling a rush of warmth at the thought of spending more time with him. “I'd like that, Remus. I had a good time too,” you replied, feeling a strange flutter in your stomach.
“Great!” Remus grinned, looking relieved. “Um, maybe we could, I don't know, go for a walk by the lake or something? If you want to, that is.”
Before you could answer his question, the door swung open, revealing Lily, Marlene, and Mary peeking out from behind.
“Time to hit the hay, lovebirds!” Mary interrupted, a sly smirk playing on her lips.
Remus chuckled, trying not to be too embarrassed in front of your friends. “Uh, so what do you say?”
“A walk by the lake sounds wonderful, Remus. I’d love to.”
“Great, it’s a date then,” Remus replied, a smile lighting his face. I’ll see you tomorrow at breakfast, Y/n?” 
“Yes, definitely; I’ll see you then.”
You turned to walk up to your friends before giving Remus one last look. “Good night, Remus.” You smiled, leaning against the doorframe, your friends grinning behind you.
Remus smiled, his cheeks flushing pink. “Good night, Y/n.”
As soon as you step inside, your friends start to squeal.
“Okay, is it possible for you guys to not embarrass the living daylights out of me?” You growled with a mock glare, trying to hide the smile you couldn’t fight as you stepped inside the bathroom to get ready for bed.
“I can’t believe it!” Lily said, jumping up and down in excitement. “You and Remus, a walk by the lake—it's like something out of a romance novel!” 
“Okay, okay, simmer down,” you said, rolling your eyes. “It’s not like it’s a date or anything."
"Yeah, right, we’ve never seen you smile like that before,” Lily teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
“It was just a walk by the lake, nothing special,” you insisted, shrugging your shoulders.
“Sure, sure,” Marlene said, rolling her eyes playfully.
“I hope he knows how lucky he is,” Mary added with a dreamy look.
“Should I go down and give him some pointers?” Marlene teased, earning a playful slap on the arm from Lily.
“You guys are insufferable, you know that?” You groaned, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Don’t pretend like you aren’t excited, Y/n,” Lily said with a wry smile.
“Fine, maybe I am a little excited about it,” you admitted, unable to stop a small smile from tugging at your lips.
“You should be, after all of what happened in the closet,” Marlene teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh, shut it. I’m going to bed before you all drive me crazy,” you groaned, rolling your eyes.
“Goodnight, lovergirl!” Lily called after you with a laugh as you climbed into bed, unable to stop a smile from spreading across your face.
As you settled into bed, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way Remus had looked at you, the warmth in his eyes, and the nervousness in his voice. You knew there was something there—something deep and unspoken, something that made you feel more alive than you had in a long time.
Meanwhile, Remus stood at the top of the staircase, staring at the door to the girls’ dormitories, a huge smile plastered on his facele.
“Oi, Moony! What are you smiling about, you lunatic?” James asked, approaching Remus with a confused look, Sirius and Peter trailing behind him.
"Nothing; I, uh, just had a good night tonight,” Remus replied with a shy smile. “I, uh, asked Y/n out on a walk by the lake tomorrow.”
James grinned, clapping Remus on the back. “That's great, mate!” James chuckled. “Finally decided to make a move, huh?”
Remus blushed and shrugged, feeling embarrassed. “I just had a really great time with her tonight, and I want to get to know her better,” he admitted.
“You've got it bad, mate,” Peter teased. “You’re already pining for her!”
“I wasn’t pining, I just...” Remus trailed off with a blush.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Moony,” Sirius chuckled, giving him a nudge.
“I’m happy for you, mate. I hope it goes well.” James smiled, giving Remus a pat on the shoulder.
“Thanks, Prongs,” Remus said, feeling grateful for his friend’s support.
“I’m happy for you too, Moony.” Peter smiled, clapping him on the back.
“What about you, Pads?” James asked, raising an eyebrow at Sirius, who rolled his eyes.
“Okay, I’m happy for you, Moons. But I’m the one that should be-” 
“Okay Pads!” James said, clapping a hand over Sirius’ mouth. “You’re happy for Moony!”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you loud and clear,” Sirius grumbled, playfully shoving James' hand away. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun too, does it?”
Remus laughed, feeling grateful for his friends and excited for his date with you. He couldn’t deny that there was something special about you—something that made his heart race and his palms sweat. Maybe, just maybe, you were the one he had been waiting for all along.
Maybe now he has somebody to love.
Surprisingly, Remus struggled to go to sleep that night; his smile was too wide and his dreams too big to relax and fall asleep. But eventually, his thoughts calmed down to imagining what the morning would bring, what her hair would look like, what she would wear, and what he'd say to her in class, finally allowing him to go to sleep.
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The light slowly crept through the curtains of your four-poster bed, sunlight casting a warm glow over your face. You could hear loud shuffling from outside and stop at your bedside, the bed dipping down.
“Wake up, sleeping beauty!” Mary’s loud singsong voice echoed in your ears, making you groan in annoyance.
You turned your back at her, covering your head with your pillow. “Leave me alone,” you mumbled, still bleary-eyed.
“Get up, Y/n/n! We’re going to be late for breakfast!” Lily urged you, shaking your shoulder and yanking the pillow away from your head.
Groaning in protest, you reluctantly sit up and rub your eyes. “Fine, fine, I’m up.”
“Hurry up, don’t you want to see your soulmate at breakfast?” Lily teased, making Mary and Marlene snicker.
At the comment, your eyes popped open, meeting her knowing stare, eventually getting shy under her gaze, hiding your face in the pillow. She was right, so, albeit slowly, you pulled yourself up, dragging your feet to the bathroom to start getting ready.
You showered, washed, combed and dried your hair, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. You walked out of the bathroom to find your friends waiting for you, all of them giving you sly smirks as you walked towards them.
“What do you all have up your sleeves?” You asked, eyeing them suspiciously.
"Nothing; we’re just excited for you!” Lily said with a playful wink.
“Oh, please,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Keep it down, you lot.” 
With your lips glossed, your long hair braided to the side, and your uniform smoothed out, you grabbed your bag and followed your friends out of the common room and down the spiral staircase to the Great Hall for breakfast.
You made your way down to the Great Hall with your friends, Mary and Marlene, linking arms while you walked alongside Lily, chatting and laughing as you made your way to the Gryffindor table.
As you entered the hall, your eyes scanned the room and landed on Remus, who was sitting with his friends. Remus glanced up at you and met your eyes, a smile spreading across his face. You felt a rush of warmth in your chest as you returned his smile.
From your fleeting glance, you were still able to see his dark brown curls perfectly framing his chiseled face. Merlin he was cute. A small smile formed as you hurried to your usual seat beside Lily, who was already looking between you and Remus, a tease on the tip of her tongue. But with your averting gaze and soft sigh as you began to load your plate, she swallowed any comment down with the flush of her pumpkin juice.
In Remus’ eyes, you couldn't look more beautiful. Your hair was vibrant and bouncing just like you, and you looked effortlessly beautiful, essentially strutting to your seat beside Lily after catching his stare.
“Mate, you're going to burn holes into her head if you keep staring.” James laughed, chewing on his first sausage of the morning.
“Oh, piss off, you hypocrite! You’re acting like you weren't staring at Lily just the same.” Remus scowled, lightly pushing James’ elbow off the table but laughing hard as it threw him off balance, Prongs’ fighting to stay on his seat, and the boys fighting to keep their boisterous laughter down.
“You’re looking at her like she took the moon out of the sky.” Peter pointed out as he shovelled some eggs into his mouth.
“You don’t understand; she’s just different,” Remus mumbled, feeling a warm flush spread across his cheeks.
“Oi, quit ogling at her. Stop being such a hopeless romantic and eat your eggs.” Sirius smirked, pushing the plate of eggs in front of him.
“Alright, back off, lads,” James intervened, swatting Sirius and Peter and grabbing a piece of toast. “He's nervous. A bloke can only handle so much. It’s not everyday that Moony is out of his wits.” Taking a bite of his toast, a sly smile crossed his lips as he watched the interaction from the corner of his eye.
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake, can we just have breakfast in peace?” Remus groaned, taking a bite of his toast.
James chuckled, knowing that he had hit a spot. “Alright, Remus, just relax. You don't want to scare her off before you even get the chance to talk to her properly.”
“You think I don't know that?” Remus hissed, feeling his cheeks heat up even more.
“Just play it cool, mate. You'll be fine,” Sirius reassured, clapping Remus on the back.
“Yeah, just be yourself, and she'll fall for you in no time.” Peter added.
Remus sighed, trying to ignore the butterflies that were dancing in his stomach. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this nervous around a girl, and it was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating.
“Now,” James chuckled. “Eat the bloody eggs, Moony. We don’t want a cranky werewolf, do we?”
Remus couldn’t help but laugh, his cheeks still flushed. “Alright, alright,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Wanker.”
This caught the eyes of none other than Y/n, who was already staring at Remus, only starting to smile seeing him so in his element, laughing happily with his friends, hiding his blushing cheeks behind his scarred hand.
As you ate your breakfast, you found it hard to keep your attention on your food. Your eyes kept drifting back to Remus. A small smile tugged at your lips as you watched the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the way he ran a hand through his hair when he blushed.
Feeling a warmth spread throughout your chest, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of your walk with Remus later that day. And the longer you looked at him, the more you felt butterflies in your stomach. You continued to sneak glances at him throughout breakfast, feeling your cheeks flush with warmth as he caught your eyes and smiled back at you. The moment felt surreal, but in the best way possible.
As breakfast came to an end, Remus stood up from the table, looking over at you with a warm smile. With a shy smile, Remus asked, “Can I, uh, walk you to class, Y/n?”
Your friends started giggling from behind you, making you flush in embarrassment, your cheeks nearly rivalling Lily's red hair. You turned to glare at them, only to see their smiles wide—wider than the Cheshire cat, if possible.
“Go on, give him an answer,” Mary urged, a teasing smirk on her lips.
Remus shifted nervously as he waited for your response. You turned back to him and nodded. “I’d like that, Remus.”
Remus smiled, relieved at your response. “Great.” He extended his hand to you. “Shall we?”
You nodded, throwing your bag over your shoulder before taking his hand to stand up. “See you later, girls.”
“Have fun, Y/n. Take your time!” Marlene called out, making you scowl and roll your eyes.
“Come on, Remus, let’s go.” You smiled, fighting the heat as it rose to your cheeks. You and Remus started to walk out of the bustling hall.
“Oi, lover boy!” James called out to Remus with a huge grin.
Remus groaned, refusing to look back at James. “Bugger off, Prongs!” 
You chuckled at his annoyance, his nose crinkled up, and his brows furrowing—which you find cute.
“Don’t forget protection!” Sirius yelled, laughing loudly.
Remus groaned even louder, his cheeks turning beet red, while you stifled a laugh.
“I’m going to kill them, as soon as they fall asleep.” he muttered, tugging at his scarf nervously.
You shook your head, laughing softly. “Don’t worry about them. They're just having fun.”
As you and Remus walked side by side on your way to your first class, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort and contentment. The world around you seemed to fade away, and for that moment, it was just the two of you sharing each other’s company, and before you knew it, you had reached your classroom.
“Thanks for walking me, Remus,” you said with a warm smile. “I’ll see you later?”
Remus smiled back at you and said, “Yes, I’ll see you later.” He sighed contentedly as you stepped inside the classroom, feeling his heart thump loudly in his chest.
Remus turned away and walked to his respective class, still reeling from the sight of your smile, when someone laughed from behind him.
“There’s our good old-fashioned lover boy!”  Sirius laughed at the sight of Remus, looking like a lovesick puppy—well, like a lovesick wolf cub.
“Merlin, Moony, you look like a walking tomato,” James teased, ruffling his hair.
“Leave me alone,” Remus groaned, feeling his cheeks flush even more. “I can’t believe you guys! ”
“You’ve got it bad, Moony,” Peter grinned. “It’s written all over your face.”
The taunting and teasing continued all the way to their first class—History of Magic—and as Remus took his seat, he couldn’t help but feel excited for the walk with you later, wondering what he could do to make it special for you.
What about a picnic? That’s nice; she would like that.
Flowers—every girl loves flowers, right? Maybe I can stop by the greenhouse and pick some up for her. Wait, what flowers does she even like?
Remus sighed, slumping in his seat. Of course he wouldn’t know what her favourite flowers were; hell, he didn’t know a thing about her yet. Remus felt hopeless; there was no way he could surprise you, unless...
“Prongs,” Remus whispered, tapping James on the shoulder.
“Huh?” James mumbled, half-awake.
“Can you guys help me with something?” Remus asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
James yawned, rubbing his eyes awake. “What do you need?”
Remus took a deep breath. “I want to surprise Y/n later.”
James’ eyes widened. “You romantic son of a—Oi Sirius, wake up!” James nudged Sirius hard, jolting him awake.
“Where’s the dragon!? Where!?” Sirius exclaimed, bolting upright and nearly toppling out of his seat.
“Settle down, Padfoot. Remus is not going to surprise a girl with a dragon.” James rolled his eyes, making Remus huff in exasperation. “Moony needs our help with something; pay attention.”
Sirius blinked, his eyes unfocused, until he looked between Remus and James. “What's going on?” he asked, shaking his head to fully wake up.
“Remus wants to surprise Y/n today; give him some ideas,” James urged, nudging Sirius with his elbow. “You’re good at this sort of thing.”
“Oh, right. I’m quite the charmer, aren’t I?” Sirius yawned.
“Whatever, just help me,” Remus sighed, rolling his eyes as he leaned closer to the two of them.
“How about flowers?” Sirius suggested, “Girls love flowers.”
“Duh, we know that,” James said, rolling his eyes. “But which flowers?”  
Sirius shrugged. “I don’t know. Just pick some nice ones.”
“Brilliant idea, really helpful,” Remus rolled his eyes. 
James groaned. “This is going to take some serious planning,” he muttered, shaking his head.
Over the course of the class, the three boys huddled together and began to think of ways to help Remus plan a surprise for you. Together, they came up with the perfect idea for the picnic by the lake.
1. James will get the food from the kitchen.
2. Sirius will get a blanket and tea candles for that romantic feel.
3. Peter’s going to get the flowers.
4. Remus, just be Remus.
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Later on, after class, the Marauders headed outside of the castle to start preparing for the surprise, leaving you none the wiser on what was going on behind the scenes. Throughout the day, Remus couldn’t keep the smile off his face, feeling the excitement build in his chest with each passing hour.
The sun began to set as evening approached, and students started to make their way back to their respective common rooms, some already getting ready to study in the library and some on their way to detention. When you reached your dorm, you found your friends waiting for you, already curious about how your day had gone.
“So, how was your day, Y/n?” Mary asked, a playful glint in her eyes.
“Yeah, what’d he say?” Marlene added, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes at their teasing, but you couldn’t deny the warm feeling that bloomed in your chest at the thought of your time with Remus. “We just had a nice walk to class together; nothing too exciting,” you replied, trying to keep your voice nonchalant.
Lily and the others exchanged knowing looks, clearly not buying your casual tone. “Alright, well, we won’t pry….yet.” Lily smirked. “Make sure to come back to the common room once you're done with your walk. You have to tell us everything.”
“That’s assuming there’s anything to tell,” you chuckled, feeling a familiar warmth spread throughout your chest. With that, you made your way to get ready for your walk with Remus, excitement bubbling inside you. You quickly freshened up and changed into a comfortable yet cute outfit—a pale pink sweater and some white jeans—making sure to look presentable for your time with Remus.
You waved your friends goodbye as you left the dorm, already looking forward to spending time with Remus and getting to know him better. You walked down to the common room, only to be stopped by James.
“Hi, Y/n.”
“Hey, James,” you smiled. “Have you seen Remus?” 
 “Actually, Mr. Moony has sent me to fetch you, my fair maiden.” James grinned before taking an exaggerated bow in front of you.
“If you’d be so kind as to follow me.” James held out an arm with a flourish, which made you laugh and roll your eyes.
“Alright, show me the way, kind sir,” you giggled, taking his arm.
James led you through the corridors, making jokes along the way. The two of you stopped at the courtyard, and James then turned to you.
“Go down to the beech tree; Remus is waiting for you there.” James smiled, winking at you.
“Thanks, James,” you chuckled, before making your way through the courtyard and down to the lakeshore.
As you reached the spot where Remus was waiting, you couldn’t help but feel a shot of warmth in your chest yet again. Remus was standing there with a smile on his face and a bouquet of pink and yellow flowers in his hand.
“Hi, you look beautiful.” Remus’ smile widened, his cheeks turning pink as he offered you the flowers.
You had to fight back a smile as his compliment made your heart skip a beat. “Thank you, Remus,” you said with a shy smile, taking the flowers. “Everything looks really lovely.”
Your eyes fell on the setup that Remus had prepared—a blanket spread out on the grass, tea candles placed around, and a small picnic basket beside it.
“Did you do all this?” you asked, feeling genuinely touched.
“Not entirely,” Remus admitted, smiling sheepishly. “My friends helped me, but I wanted to do something special for you.”
“Thank you, Remus. This is really sweet,” you said, feeling warmth in your chest.
You sat down on the blanket, and Remus joined you. The two of you started to talk and get to know each other better as the sun began to set. The air was filled with laughter, chatter, and the sound of nature around you. It felt like time was slowing down, allowing both of you to enjoy the moment and each other’s company.
As the evening turned to night and the moon shone brightly in the velvet sky, Remus took a deep breath, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness wash over him. He couldn’t deny that there was something special about you—something that made him feel more alive than he had in a long time. And in that moment, as you talked and laughed under the moonlight, Remus couldn’t help but feel as if he had found someone who understood him, someone who made him feel like everything was right in the world. And in that moment, he knew that you were someone he wanted to hold onto, someone he wanted to be a part of his life.
You looked up, meeting Remus’ eyes, and felt a sense of connection that you had never experienced before. Looking into his warm and gentle brown eyes, you just felt safe, and you knew that this was the start of something special, something worth holding onto.
“Thank you for tonight, Remus,” you said, feeling a sense of contentment in your heart.
“It was my pleasure, Y/N; you deserve it and more. I had a great time with you,” Remus replied, his eyes holding a warmth that made your heart skip a beat. “I was wondering...”
“What is it?” 
“Would you like to go with me to Hogsmeade on the weekend?”
Blood rushed into your cheeks at his question. Remus just asked you out to Hogsmeade! “I’d love to, Remus.”
Remus’ smile widened, and his cheeks tinged pink. “Great. It’s a date?” 
You chuckled softly. “Yes, it’s a date.”
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As you both made your way back to the Gryffindor common room, the evening felt magical in a way that you couldn’t quite define. You stepped inside your dorm, and you were met with the squeals and teasing of your friends, who had clearly been waiting for your return.
“You’ve been gone for ages; you seemed to be having fun,” Marlene teased, nudging you playfully.
“Hey, stop it!” you laughed, playfully swatting her arm.
“It looks like someone had a good time,” Lily teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
You shook your head at their teasing, but you couldn’t deny the smile that remained on your face. Tonight had been different and special, and you couldn’t wait to see what the future held.
As you sat on your bed with your friends, the warm feeling in your chest lingered, and for the first time in a long time, you felt like everything was going to be okay.
And as for Remus, as he made his way to his dormitory, a smile remained on his face. The special night with you felt like a dream, but he knew that it was just the start.
Maybe you were the one he had been waiting for—the one who could tame the heart of a werewolf—the one who could make him feel more alive than he had in a long time. And the thought of spending more time with you, getting to know you, and making new memories together filled him with hope and excitement.
He went to sleep that night with a contented heart and the belief that you were the one he had been searching for all this time, the one he could see himself falling for. And as he drifted into sleep, he let the thoughts and dreams of you soothe him to a good night’s rest. 
Who knew a game of seven minutes in heaven could make you feel like this?
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snowblossomreads · 10 months
Day 4: Sharing
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Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem!Reader
Summary: In where Severus is reminded that it's almost the first Christmas he and [Y/n] will be sharing and he goes to try and make it special
Tag(s)/Warning(s): fluff fluff and more fluff
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: And in something totally different once again! Here is a short little fluffy fluff about Snape and his almost first Christmas with his beloved [Y/n]. (See @deepperplexity i do know how to use the prompts in non unhinged ways are u proud of me 🤣🤣?)
The streets of Hogsmeade was filled with the bustling crowds of witches and wizards doing their holiday shopping as Christmas rapidly approached meaning that people were in a tizzy trying to purchase gifts for their loved ones.
And of course a treat for themselves.
Cheer and glee were on the faces of almost all of those who were bustling about spreading warmth in the cold air with just their attitude. All except one person named Severus Snape, who seemed to have had enough of people bumping into him as he tried to maneuver his way as swiftly as possible away from the crowd.
He should have known when he went out looking for a present for [Y/n] that he would face the tiring challenge of people. Yet he had been so caught up with preparing for the coming semester and his own experimentations that he had lost tracked of time.
And when she had brightly told him that she was excited that they would be sharing their first Christmas together in only a few days he realized he had proverbially dropped the ball.
On the outside he was his calm and collected self, agreeing with her as he was truly looking forward to sharing the holiday with someone other than himself. There was a small part of him that hated to admit that it in the past it was a bit lonely seeing all the people merrily celebrating.
Even when the Hogwarts staff tried to romp him in to their holiday shenanigans he was quick to get away not at all wanting to be invested in whatever they were up to. It was a way of punishing himself, as someone like him didn't deserve to have fun. Didn't deserve to have happy things because of what he had done and what he had caused.
[Y/n] though was having none of it when she came into his life. And he was grateful for it.
But he digressed.
That was on the outside, calm and collected as he usually seemed now and days. On the inside though he was quickly listing the things that he knew she adored and began to make a plan.
Oh yes, he would do his best to make sure the first Christmas they spent together was as lovely as his [Y/n].
First was to her favorite bakery where he was unsurprisingly met with a large line of people queuing up and waiting for their turn as it seemed that everyone had the idea to come at the same time.
An annoyance absolutely, but at least no one dared to talk to him while they were in line as he glared at anyone who seemed to want to make conversation. 20 minutes had passed and he had secured her favourite treats which included some pumpkin pasties that had extra holiday flavour in them as he had been told.
He had no idea what that meant.
A few cinnamon rolls that were topped with an abundance of sweet cream and a few more savory mini pastries that he knew she fancied.
Next was a trinket store, that she always gazed at when they walked passed though she never went in, only saying she didn't need more knick nacks laying around.
Well it was Christmas and what was wrong with a few more especially if the were useful and brought her joy.
So he went in expecting to find nothing yet he ended up coming out with a set of colour changing ink and quill, a trinket box for her little collection of rings and earrings in that played music while opened and also could sort the items for her. That aspect he found interesting thinking about what charm was placed on it to get it to do so.
And also he may have bought some dusty looking spellbook that he had never seen before which intrigued him along with self labeling potion bottle that showed what ingredients were in it.
Huh who knew that shop had so many things.
Pleased with his purchases he barreled his way through the crowd ready to finally be at home exhausted from all the pushy witches and wizard. Walking quickly to an alley way off the beaten streets of the village he took inventory of what he had making sure nothing was crushed or missing. Once he made sure everything was where he wanted, he apparated silently back home where [Y/n] was sitting in his wingback chair reading.
Well, that was until he suddenly apparated into the middle of the sitting room.
"Severus Snape! Merlin's beard!" she shrieked almost tumbling out of the chair being startled half to death by him. "I thought you told me no one can apparate in and out of the house? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
His lips turned upward in a smirk at her words as he watched her get up from her seat and stalk up to him with a small pout.
"Hm yes I do remember telling you that," he answered matter of factly, leaning down and brushing his lips against her forehead causing her to grumble, "though I may have left off that I'm the exception. I did live here for years after all."
Pressing his lips against her forehead in a chaste kiss, he moved down and kissed her nose, before hovering over her lips waiting for her to move.
"You're the worse you know that," she mumbled shaking her head before closing the distance and kissing him showing him that she wasn't angry just startled.
He kissed her softly before moving to her cheek and kissing her there making her giggle as he pulled away.
"Your lips are so cold darling here go put all those bags away," she started pausing only when she saw the amount of bags and being yet again surprised. He said he was going out potion ingredient shopping and from the looks of it he had bought the whole stock of them. "And I'm sure it'll take you a while Severus did you go on a shopping spree without me?! Oh never mind I'll make us some tea it should be done by the time you've sorted it all out!"
Without another word she was off leaving Severus with a pile of bags not even suspecting that most of the things were for her.
When she had come back out of the kitchen tea floating behind her she was surprised once more when she found a plate full of her favorite snacks sitting on the little table in between her chair and Severus'.
He had paid her no mind when she had come back, acting as if he was reading the new book her had purchased yet he was keenly aware of her presences. It was only when she had sat the tea down did she take a look at all the snacks that were waiting for them.
"Severus?" His name came out shyly as she wandered to his side making him put his book down and turn to look at her.
"Did you buy all of those for me?"
Her eyes twinkled in the warmly lit room and he nodded.
"Mhm I passed by the bakery you always go to and decided to stop by," he answered coolly as if he hadn't been squished in the shop when he got in. "Hopefully this is a good festive start to our almost first Christmas together?"
Grinning at him, [Y/n] leaned over the arm of his chair to plant a kiss on his cheek overwhelmed with excitement as she skipped over to her own seat. Plopping down she poured them both some tea and happily partook in one of the pasties groaning happily at spiced pumpkin filling.
"It's an excellent start darling," she beamed. "Thank you!"
A rare smile, well not so rare for her, appeared on Severus' lips at how happy she looked as she bit into the treat and he felt as happy as she looked at the thought of the cheer to come. It was nice to share such a time with her thought before going back to his book and relaxing in the ambience of the warm room and his warm love.
A/N: see i am capable of using the prompts normally! see you guys on day 7 prompts! (she's taking a little break to avoid writing angst 😌)
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: How Can You Attract More Clientele?
hello beautiful people! i wanted to do something different today! this is for my business owners out there, this one is for you. if you need some extra reassurance/advice on how to gain more traction, this is for you. without further ado, please pick the image that resonates with you the most.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: I heard “something’s brewing” as I was shuffling for this pile. Pile One, do you know how lucky people are to have your talents in this world? Why don’t you take your talents where they belong? I feel like you aren’t really pushing yourself the way that you’re supposed to. You’re all talk but when it comes down to actually putting in the work, you get scary. There’s no point in planning for the future if you don’t live in it. So do what you have to do in order to be known! Another thing about you is that there’s some shame around your work. It’s like you’re embarrassed to show off your stuff so you’ll just hand it off to people that you know and when you get compliments, you won’t necessarily take them as one should. You need to celebrate your work forreal. Your work needs to be seen. You need to be around other creative people so that you can have personal muses in your life. You need to know that your talents will be recognized as long as you let them. All in all, in order to attract clientele, you need to be willing to put yourself out there.
Cards Used: Princess of Swords, The Hermit, Prince of Cups, Knight of Swords, 2 of Wands, 7 of Swords.
extras: shuffle. coffee brewer. sodastream. alliteration. mime. pasties. original invention. 
Pile Two: Aggressive marketing is a tactic that you need to take on, Pile Two. This is a pile similar to Pile One in the sense that you are being too coy. I am seeing a fast-paced work environment. You deliver your products fast and you come up with ideas pretty fast. The thing is though, you do not really sell yourself. When I say this, I mean that you are too calm and humble with the way that you market yourself. People tend to overlook you because you’re not really showing off your product/brand. Invest in your brand and you will see better results. If you have a TikTok or Instagram, I’m not going to lie, talking fast or talking in a bubbly manner will help your clients flock to you. I am feeling a little chaotic right now as I type this. I feel like you need to unleash your chaotic side into this marketing. People would be more willing to buy the product if you show off your authentic energy. 
Cards Used: Four of Swords, Temperance (RX), The Devil (RX), The Hermit, 9 of Wands, Ace of Swords, Prince of Cups, Eight of Wands
extras: panda express. takeoff. funeral. egg sandwich. sadistic. clueless. “you are the visuals baby.”
Pile Three: There is nothing wrong with getting shit done, Pile Three. I feel like this pile thinks that they do everything right, or do you? I think you need to stop caring about the validation of other people. Do you actually like what it is that you’re doing/selling? Is it fulfilling to present this product to other people? If so, then you need to just be patient. You are very impatient to the process of gaining sales. You need to let more time pass. Your business hasn’t taken off because you do not let shit marinate. If you let time pass by, you would actually gain more clientele. As you await for this moment though, take everything as a learning experience. If you do not feel fulfilled/personally rewarded, then it is time for a rebrand. You need to figure out how this product resonates with you. What is your personal connection with it? How can you connect to other people through this product? What lasting impact do you want to leave on people? I also see that you do need to get involved with people offline as well. Posting flyers up around your neighborhood would really benefit you, my love. 
Cards Used: The Emperor, Strength, 4 of Swords, The Devil, The Hanged Man, Judgment, Prince of Wands, Queen of Discs 
extras: orlando. drill rap. ohio. “earthy scents.” twisted tea. green giant. 
Pile Four: I actually feel like this pile is super close to meeting their goal number of clients. You have been putting in the right amount of work and therefore, you have been getting rewarded. But you need to learn how to network. I feel like this pile just needs to be at the right place at the right time. If you find yourself getting invited to an event that needs your skills, you should check it out. It’ll be the key to your big break. I also think that you should consider trading with other creatives to gain more clientele. Consider promoting other creatives’ work so that more people can come to you. I think it really all comes down to the timing of it all. But your time is pretty soon. You’re already eating good but soon you’ll be eating real good. There’s not really much you have to do but just show yourself off. 
Cards Used: Wheel of Fortune. The Magician. Queen of Discs. King of Wands. 7 of Discs. King of Discs. The Emperor.
extras: dill pickle. onion rings. pastel colors. breakfast foods. sizing issues.
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megaaceofspades · 5 months
instead of pale, gremlin tim drake i think tim drake self tans actually. maybe hes from gotham but he spent most of his time as robin in san fran.
genuinely i think the funniest thing possible for his post robin era is for him to move to california and become one of the most vapid celebrities ever. i think it would be funny. i think he drops music and accidentally gets nominated for a grammy. or he and young justice start a band. i want in-universe gotham social media to be making edits of brucie wayne turning into timmy wayne.
of course he is STILL a gremlin and i acknowledge his pasty snowflake exterior during his robin run, but i wish him sunshine.
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xxsycamore · 7 months
Mooooo ily, I am going to spam you! Congrats on the followers, I am happy that events like these give you such a mood booster. Theyre always sweet and I wuv them (and so do many others!!)
If you feel it, how about 😘 with Gilbert?
THANK YOU! 🥺 They do, yes. and if I get to boost someone's mood in the process too? win win. Hey can you believe this is the first gilbert for this event
cw: food
[😘] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔...
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People say not to mess with a beast having its meal... that's why you're considerate enough to wait until Gilbert's moved on to dessert.
You've been dying to toy with him, in the most loving and affectionate way possible, of course, by giving him a taste of his own medicine and launching a kiss attack all over his features. Problem is, Gilbert is just so hard to be caught with his guard down. You tried it while he was on the brink of sleep; in the bath; in the middle of a reading session.
It's when you watch him stuff his cheeks full of food that the mist of endearment briefly dissipates so you can see through it and spot an opening. And there's no need for an ambush even - you don't sneak behind him, you don't grasp his shoulders in a flash. He's not going anywhere.
Already tasting sweet victory on the smooth skin of Gilbert's cheek, with a bit of smudged vanilla cream thrown in the mix, you litter audible smooches on him - on both sides of his face, just underneath his jaw, on the bridge of his hose, on his temples... full-well knowing that Gilbert won't stop what he's doing just to turn the tables on you.
Or will he?
The pasty is lowered down to his plate as his ruby eyes bore into yours, but smiling. He lacks the deadly irritation of a big cat interrupted while devouring its prey... in fact, you've only seen him like that when a servant involuntarily disrupts your private time.
Without realizing it, you've paused - frozen as Gilbert stares at you.
"What is it? Aren't you going to feed me more of your sweet kisses? You should've said something instead of being jealous of my dessert like that... for you know that only you can truly sate my hunger, little bunny. I won't stop you, so please go ahead and have your fill."
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∎ Steal My Heart!! - xxsycamore’s 1500 followers celebration event | 💌 event masterlist
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special {harry potter}
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requested by anon: it's harry's birthday and you decide to take him to the beach to celebrate
character: harry potter x female reader
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Harry didn't expect anything for his birthdays, a sad habit he'd learned from growing up with the Dursleys', he never expected nor wanted anything, he was content enough. Especially now that he had killed Voldemort once and for all and all was well in Hogwarts and in the Wizarding World.
It was just a few weeks previous had he been successful and Harry's world became a whirlwind of interviews, photoshoots and parties. Ron had clapped him on the back at one point, 'Get used to the parties, mate, cause you're 18 soon and that'll be the best one yet'. But Harry refused point blank.
"No parties, no photos, no presents... I just want a lie in. That's all I want."
Being Harry's girlfriend, you wanted to do something or give him something to celebrate but you knew how tired he was, how exhausted he was and how stressed he'd been for the last seven years so you decided to plan a little surprise trip. Nothing strenuous or wild, just a nice day out.
You let him sleep for as long as he wanted, it was his day and there was absolutely no rush to hurry him up. He looked so peaceful as he slept, no worries, no stresses. You stroked back his hair, pressing a delicate kiss to his forehead careful not to wake him before heading downstairs to prepare.
You were going to take Harry to the beach. He'd mentioned to you before that the one thing he always wanted as a child was to go to the seaside on a hot day, have a picnic, swim in the sea and build a sandcastle. He'd never had that growing up and he just wanted a normal slice of childhood so you were taking him to do all of those things.
Downstairs, you were preparing a picnic basket full of Harry's favourite foods to take with you. Chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties, bacon sandwiches which were charmed to stay warm, strawberry tarts, sausage rolls, a small birthday cake, tea and apple juice. As you finished packing the basket, you grabbed a few more items and with a click, you apparated.
You landed safely on the beach to where you'd already set up a little gazebo type set up with a canopy, a picnic blanket and now you had the basket to go with it. You set the basket up and also took the buckets and spades you'd brought to lay them out. You had two towels set up for after swimming too. Everything was perfect.
You apparated back just in time for Harry to wake up and come downstairs. He padded over to you, wrapping strong arms around your body from behind as he rested his head on your shoulder, "There's the birthday boy," you said with a smile, turning to kiss his temple, "How'd you sleep?"
"So good," Harry yawned, "I needed that."
You turned to him, smiling up at his green eyes, "I have a little something planned. I know you didn't want anything big or expensive so it's not, I promise. It's something for the two of us, just us." Harry eyed you suspiciously but the corners of his mouth twitched letting you know that he wasn't annoyed, "Go get ready, no rush so take your time."
Fifteen minutes later and he was ready, "You promise it's not a party?" He said as you held his hand to apparate.
"I promise."
When Harry opened his eyes, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The seagulls squawked from above as the waves crashed into the rocks. The sun was warm on his skin and the gazebo that you'd set up looked perfect. He looked at you with the warmest of expressions, so full of awe, love and gratitude.
"You remembered," Harry murmured softly as he wrapped you in the tightest hug, "I... I love you so much."
"I've got everything; a picnic of your favourite foods, buckets and spades to build sandcastles, I've got us swimming costumes and towels to go in the sea," you said pulling back to gesture to everything, "you like it?"
"I love it."
The two of you started with the picnic, finishing almost everything in the basket before you moved to build sandcastles. Harry was loving every single second of this. For about an hour, he build sandcastles, creating his own version of Hogwarts. You adored watching the way his eyes lit up with joy and loved hearing the laughter that came from him. He had no worries, no stress; he was just having fun.
He kept pulling you in for tight hugs, telling you how much he appreciated this over and over again, thanking you with kisses and praise. He couldn't believe that this was real and this was happening. Harry had craved this ever since he was a young boy and now, at 18, he finally had it. He smiled over at you, watching as you carved some details into the sandcastle Hogwarts, you were helping him to heal his inner child one day at a time.
The sun was hot, beating down on the two of you, so quickly you scrambled up and started running, yelling behind you, "Last one to the sea has to eat a Ton-Tongue-Toffee!" Harry's laughter bellowed behind you as he started chasing you, feet fighting hard against the sand that so desperately tried to pull him down a few centimetres. You narrowly made it to the sea first, just by mere inches, as Harry's arms reached out and grabbed you around the waist, tugging you around as you laughed loudly. The two of you stumbled but managed to keep your balance as you waded in together, "Ha! You have to eat a Ton-Tongue-Toffee!"
Harry was quick to shake his head, "Absolutely not. I remember Dudley ate one after the twins dropped one in Privet Drive and oh my god, it was horrible, hilarious but horrible. Mr Weasley tried for about 15 minutes to help but my aunt and uncle refused. Eventually they let him but absolutely not."
The two of you spent a long time enjoying the water, swimming, using your wand to blow bubble bursts to push the other back, causing whirlpools to spin around in... Your laughter was loud as the two of you played in the sea. Harry watched as you plucked up some cool shells from the under your feet and showed him proudly. He'd never had a day like this, never experienced true happiness like this. Harry waded over to you and planted a hard kiss on your lips, "I love you so much for this," he murmured against your lips as you giggled.
The temperature started to cool as the sun began to set so you and Harry left the water, shooting blasts of hot air at each other to hurry up the drying process as you made your way back to the gazebo. Harry conjured up small fireballs and dotted them around the two of you to keep warm as you grabbed the blankets and set them up. The two of you lay down as you watched the sunset in silence. He was so grateful for you.
After years of torment, stress, fear and death, now, now things were okay. Things were happy now. You'd both lost a lot in the last few years but there was one thing that was certain; you and Harry were a team. Years of not being able to relax or take his foot off of 'go' and now he could, now he could rest and relax and just enjoy life like he should've been able to this whole time.
Harry was too preoccupied to notice what you were up to, hands twiddling and fidgeting. It wasn't until you were finished, holding up two matching string and seashell bracelets that he realised, "Happy birthday, Harry." Your grin was wide as was his, he happily took it and you tied it around his wrist and then he helped with yours, "I know it's not the best-"
"(y/n), it's the best present I've ever had," he told you honestly, "I love it. Thank you." You settled back into his arms once again as you relaxed again. The sun had set and Harry knew that it was time to go before it got too cold and before the tide came fully in. Selfishly, he wanted to stay. He wanted to stay here, with you in his arms, forever just in your own little bubble.
You seemed to sense his apprehensiveness about leaving, "We can come back," you suggested quietly, "it's summer so it'll still be nice and hot for a good month or two. Would you like that?"
Harry nodded with a smile, "God, yes."
So the two of you packed everything away, using the charm Hermione taught Harry to make the picnic basket bigger on the inside so that everything fit into it and you and Harry stood, hand in hand waiting for him to apparate the two of you. Harry spared one last look around before click and the two of you were back home in 12 Grimmauld Place.
You stretched out your tired muscles, it had been a lovely but long day, so you left the picnic basket on the kitchen table, you'd get it in the morning, and the two of you headed upstairs to bed. Once changed into your pyjamas, you slid under the cool sheets as Harry lay down beside you. You curled into him, smelling the salt from the sea on his skin, "Happy birthday, Harry," you whispered quietly, already feeling the tendrils of sleep reach out to take hold of you, "We've to go to the Weasley's tomorrow. You didn't really think Molly would let you not have a birthday cake and presents, did you?"
He didn't mind. He was on cloud nine, "Thank you for today," he said softly, "today meant more to me than I can ever tell you." He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and then you were sound asleep.
Harry was awake for another while after that. He found the excitement of the day had him awake, replaying building sandcastles and having a picnic and chasing you to the sea... He loved every single second of it and wanted to live in this moment forever, this perfect content bubble of happiness.
Eventually, Harry closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile on his face and all was well.
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