#cedric snake
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yurishica · 3 months ago
A really weird book mr. snake gijinka
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Maybe I've went too far
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xandriagreat · 13 days ago
Do you have a favorite Underlord from the books?
Currently tied here with Onsaay and Ghaastly. Curious to see if/how the movie will protray them.
Other than Snake?
I like both Onsáày and Ghaâstly, I think they're cool. Along with Shaård and Drillaärgh and Earr, they're cool too.
I was thinking of how the movie would show them (if the movie-verse decides to go with the comics/books).
Maybe they go by their own designs for them or go off by the designs based-off on the books.
Maybe like these: (but more creepy/unsettling)
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(These two drawings/pictures are based on different AUs! Thats why they look different!)
I haven't drawn Earr yet, I'm still think of how to draw him in my style. Maybe someday I'll get a drawing of him done.
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awesomex7 · 2 months ago
Wanted to do a mock cover of a possible sequel to the book series if it continued past book 20.
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The premise here is that Moe fell down the same path Cedric did and has become corrupted with his new found powers.
Becoming a "guardian" for the multiverse and using his new powers to force others to be good.
Now Cedric, Pam, and a guilt-ridden Rhonda must put a stop to Moe and save the future.
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b00ks4-tbg · 3 months ago
Ooooooh uhhh uh idk
Snake angst edit whateva
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unisnake · 11 days ago
Hey moe moe
Have you done the same thing with your friends?
Scare pranking them?
Moe-Moe: No!
Ce-Ce: You did went around scaring people for fun. Acting like a big scary wolf. 😏
Moe-Moe: Well, that was when I was still a bad guy. 😅
Ce-Ce: Even now I still think you were just as silly then. 😆
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larkspur777 · 5 months ago
The Bad Guys: Romantic Orientations
Just finished Book 20 an hour or two ago.  It kind of threw a monkey wrench at some of my romantic orientation headcanons but here they are.
Wolf – panromantic Snake* – homoromantic (gay), greyromantic (only ever liked Wolf) Emmylou – biromantic Pam – homoromantic (lesbian) Rhonda – aromantic Shark – aromantic Rupert – homoromantic (gay) Ellen – supportive straight ally who defends all her friends (likes Wolf) Pepe – supportive straight ally who defends all his friends (likes Emmylou) Spoilers ahead for Book 20!!! -*Not too sure about Snake anymore since he watches those rom com movies with Joy . . . but up until Book 20, that was my headcanon for him. -Are Pam and Emmylou canon!?!?!? -Alternatively, Ellen could also be biromantic.  Up until Book 20, I liked the thought of Ellen x Pam.
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unibeartoon · 10 days ago
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A silly little human ver of tbg doodle (Except only mr.snake is a human here)
Also I hc mr.wolf with having hair made out of nebula (those things that are found in space)
The characters in this are apprentice! mr.wolf, mr.snake, and general stevie
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larkspur777 · 4 months ago
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Reject Modernity, Return to Tradition
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snakiest · 3 months ago
Oomf trifled with the otherworldly being and bemoans the demonic signs that seem to stalk them so. 🤣🤣🤣everybody point and laugh!
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midnight-in-town · 8 days ago
TOP 10 reveals during the Green Witch arc
Since this arc is airing soon, I thought I’d recap what to look forward to, plot wise, since most of these are still very relevant to the current storyline. :)
10) A new ally
Spoilers for anime-onlies, but obviously Sieglinde's introduction is a big deal. Her genius aside, like Soma, Sieglinde is one of the few characters who has only known our!Ciel and who owes him a lot, which explains why she'd remain a friend and ally to him, in the current arc against real!Ciel.
The fact she's a genius is also extremely plot relevant, because Sieglinde's laboratory is funded by Queen Victoria, which means Sieglinde will definitely play a big role in the series until we get to the heart of the Victoria vs Ciel conflict.
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9) Diedrich
Long time hinted at, first real time actually seeing him in action and, man, did he serve !
Despite his grief, he's a genuinely caring evil noble, because he promised Vincent, but also, because he simply cares that a kid like Ciel has to shoulder this burden. That's why he immediately chose to side with him, instead of his own army : patriotism, who ? Friendship is the real deal.
He's also one of the few characters who may have known that our!Ciel was lying about his identity, considering he never called him "Ciel", which means that he might remain an ally of our!Ciel in the current conflict between the twins.
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8) Finny's backstory
Finny's the first servant to have his backstory revealed, because this arc happens in Germany, but also because Finny has similar circumstances to Sieglinde. Both of them were "experiments" of the German military, Finny with enhanced strength and Sieglinde with intelligence, creating new weapons.
The bond between Finny and Ciel is revealed to be deeper and a more emotional one than we could imagine, as Ciel is Finny's savior and Finny would even stand against Sebastian for his sake.
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There is also the possibility that our!Ciel gave Finny his birth name that he discarded 4 years ago, making that bond even more significant if this turns out to be true.
7) All the servants in action
Not seen since the Circus arc, will not be seen again until our!Ciel runs away from Scotland Yard in the current arc (and will probably be seen next time against bizarre doll!Snake T_T).
We had many badass moments, for all of them, showing how much they want to be helpful to their master, which is heartwarming. Bonus point for Dee's remark :
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In other words, Tanaka aside, Vincent didn't have a household full of talented fighters.
Finny's backstory and standing against Sebastian also proved that the servants are all definitely devoted to our!Ciel, making them his most secured allies, which will be hella significant (as we now know) when real!Ciel returns (and in case there is one day a conflict between Seb and Ciel).
6) More development for the War subplot
This story has different subplots (the main plot being Ciel's path to revenge) and this one was introduced back during the Murders at Manor arc :
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Queen Victoria is said in the story to be a visionary (*cough* thanks to Brown being a supernatural being *cough*), reigning over the most powerful Empire in the world.
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Twice now, she sent her Watchdog to thwart Germany's military achievements (when Ciel saved Finny and again during the Green Witch arc), to say nothing of her interest in bizarre dolls as weapons.
German Shinigamis also commented on the possibility of a massive world war being launched soon and it seems clear Victoria is preparing for that.
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For now though, our!Ciel positioned himself as a threat, because he managed to convince Sieglinde not to give the Queen the formula for the SuLIN gas, which is what she was mainly coveting.
This means that our!Ciel probably has a huge part to play in avoiding the launch of WWI, 25 years early (could even be why he might be judged worthy, should he...ahem... die).
5) Family tree and special lineage
Ch103 made a lot of noise when it was released, between hints of real!Ciel's existence, the reveal of the birth & death dates of Claudia and Vincent, contrasting with the absence of dates for Cedric K. Ros-, thus the theory that it could be the Undertaker's previous identity.
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On top of that, it's also in this chapter that our!Ciel noticed the German Shinigamis, despite them hiding, when Seb couldn't, implying the existence of a Phantomhive lineage very useful against supernatural beings.
In fact, to this day I remain a strong advocate of the theory that the Watchdog's duty is the Phantomhives' burden because of their special lineage.
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4) Shinigamis' origins
The GW arc is also when we got the confirmation that Shinigamis were once humans and that other deserters besides UT exist.
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The implication that the Shinigami system is an unfair one that deserters like UT might be trying to take down also started with this reveal and could be, as some of us theorized, very significant to the current arc.
3) Our!Ciel's inner guilt
The GW arc was a painful arc for Ciel, because it triggered some traumatic memories that left him lost inside his own head for a few days. A peak into his mind in ch95 showed that our!Ciel feels guilty about many people's death...
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...and that it's why he bears with the contract, giving up hope for a happy future, because he's the one who made that choice 4 years ago, for his own sake.
2) The Undertaker's tearful moment
The arc started with our!Ciel trying to find info about UT and questioning Klaus about him. But Klaus turned him down, saying Dee would know more, because he was an evil noble before Klaus was.
So it was quite memorable when it turned out that UT had visited Dee, not long before our!Ciel arrived in Germany. xD
And while we can question what he was doing there before going to France (trying to sell bizarre dolls as weapons to Victoria's enemies ? or recruiting Shinigami deserters from these countries ?), what mostly struck is UT's reaction to seeing a picture of Vincent during his Weston days :
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Obviously, this scene was a big hint about real!Ciel being turned into a bizarre doll, but also to the bond existing between UT and Ciel's family (aka the possibility that he's Cedric K. Ros).
This scene also confirmed that, unlike real!Ciel, Vincent can't be brought back as a BD, because his body (which is where the cinematic records remain) is too damaged.
This begs the question : was the fire, which destroyed the manor, started to damage Vincent's cinematic records, 4 years ago ? Not because of the bizarre doll project, because it didn't exist yet, but rather to hide who actually killed him and Rachel ? Food for thoughts.
1) Initial sparks of a possible conflict between Seb and Ciel in the future
A part of the fandom loves to joke about the "90% serious" incident that happened during this arc, but actually, comic relief is often used by Yana to hide a darker truth.
As far as Seb is concerned, him being 90% serious about eating our!Ciel's soul means he was more than ready to end it then.
This proves that Seb doesn't have Ciel's best interests in mind (in case anyone had doubts lmao), he just acts by the 3 rules of their contract, as long as Ciel still has his path of revenge well in mind.
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Their dynamic is a chessgame that's been ongoing for the last 4 years and this indeed means that...
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...Seb is the one Ciel trusts least of all, because a simple lack of focus can be deadly for him. So there might come a day when our!Ciel questions if the contract is really what he wants, but before that day happens, he will need to deal with all that inner guilt first.
For more details, please read these posts :
Rise of a possible conflict about the contract between Seb and Ciel [part 1] [part 2]
About Ciel’s inner guilt and how it might eventually cause a conflict between him and Seb
Thanks for reading ! Looking forward to more commentaries about this arc by Yana-sensei and Editor K, as the anime airs !
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atane-is-here · 6 months ago
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I drew him chilling in the big ol tree again
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i-plague-eater · 11 months ago
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I like them being an evil duo, just doing their evil things. Phobos comes up with stupid plans in a drama queen manner. Cedric realizes that none of them will work, but he takes them seriously and carries them out with all his bad luck.
I headcannon that cartoon Cedric stays loyal to his prince because he's been given an impressive piece of land with mines and/or factories. It's not that Cedric hates Elyon or has a strong personal attachment to Phobos. But the Prince offers everything he needs, he's mature, wise and politically experienced plus he's attached to Meridian "oddities" like Cedric himself and Miranda. It may be his own thought, or something Phobos has put in his head, but I guess Cedric doubts that a naive outlander girl has a better purpose rather than being a source of energy (the Prince NEEDS A LOT). Who knows what Elyon will do to non-humans and non-galhots (send them to prison because they're ugly), especially when she's older? Phobos, on the other hand, is a strong monarch, it is well known what to expect from him. He's led Meridian through troubled times with his head held high. He's known to be protective and fair to his champions, punishing only the weak and unworthy. So Elyon is nothing more than an egg that needs to be broken to make an omelette.
I suppose Cedric believes that Phobos is no worse and perhaps a little bit better than any other Escanor, but unlucky to lack magical power. Perhaps he's as unlucky as Cedric himself?
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xandriagreat · 7 days ago
The Snow Dragon Snake
Frozen/The Bad Guys au cast!
Wolf is Anna
Diane is Kristoff
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Shark and Webs are sven. Shark is also a rock troll and Webs is a fire bug/arachnid
Piranha is Olaf
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Snake is Elsa
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Author's note: I hope you all enjoyed these, I enjoyed making them. Just to let you know, I'm still working on the chapters but the next chapter will be out soon.
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awesomex7 · 5 days ago
Onsaay HCs:
((Because she is my favorite bee in fiction. 😛))
Kindest of the Underlords, still evil, but is more compassionate than than the others while under Splaarghön's influence. This is mostly shown when she is hanging out with her Underlord buddies outside of their mission, which isn't seen to the audience.
She is a good friend of Cedric. She was the most supportive towards him compared to the other underlords. Snake even feels comfortable around her enough to rest on her fuzzy neck like a small boa.
She cares for Esmeralda, while Ghaastly was the scariest of the Underlords, Onsaay was the only one who could feel her pain, having lost someone she cared about. Giving Ghaastly the comfort she needed.
Although she can fly, Onsaay loves playing with helicopters... Much to her followers dismay as she has TERRIBLE piloting skills.
Even after being turned back normal, she couldn't forget Cedric nor Esmeralda. To her those two were the light in the darkness for her.
With Rhonda and Moe's help, she would be able to visit and see them again.
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voller-ehrgeiz · 11 months ago
Snake appreciation month [XIII]:
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What if we became Metamoor's most hated overlords together 👉👈 ???
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unisnake · 2 months ago
How was your holidays?
Did you get any gifts?
Wolf: They were great!
Webs: We didn't create any snow disasters this time. 😆
Piranha: And we got lots of gifts from Santa!
Snake: I got a homemade push-pop making kit. 😌
Shark: I got a ton of wigs to go with my disguises! 😁
Webs: I got a new super laptop! 😉
Piranha: CHEESES AND INGREDIENTS GALORE! We will have a burrito party!!!
Wolf: I got... This. A book...
Snake: What the? 😯
Wolf: Ce-Ce, the other Cedric, wrote this... He drew it all. 😲
This was from HIS dimension.
Here is a note from him that says "Best of wishes to the good guys in progress."
Snake: Well done Cedric... Well done. 🥲
Wolf: Yeah. Way to go buddy from another world. 🥲
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