#Rupert Marmalade
solosergiohd · 10 months
Professor Rupert Marmalade IV and The Hacker
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The Bad Guys × Cyberchase
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xandriagreat · 3 months
Fate Be Changed
Chapter 4: Animal Party Mayhem
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Notice/warnings: food/eating/drinking, rude/mean, CAPs, fighting, body horror/transformation, screaming/shouting/yelling, chasing, kiss
Around 6 PM
Diane just got out of the shower and just dried off in a towel, now in her undergarments. She was finding an outfit to wear for the party.
It was the weekend after all and it was at Hogwild's place.
The music was on her 1997 CD player radio and it was playing NSYNC's ‘bye bye bye'.
She was humming along with the lyrics as she looked at different dresses, suits and jumpsuits.
She found the perfect dress.
It was something she got from her 18th birthday and wore to her high school senior prom. 
It was her mother's old dress from the 70s. It was a pink and blue dress with a light blue shawl wrapped around it.
‘Hope it still fits.’ she thought as she tried it on.
It fit her perfectly.
Diane looked in the full length mirror in her room and she smiled at her reflection.
She looked like she could be a princess.
She begins doing her hair and makeup and then putting on the jewelry before she gets her light pink heels with small bows on top.
Diane looked at herself in the mirror before leaving.
She definitely looks like a princess now.
Then she heard her cell phone ring. She picked it up and looked at it.
It was a text from Pam.
[Pam: I’m almost to your place. I’ll have one of the girls get you when we arrive. Don’t forget the food that you made.]
She began to text her back. 
[Me: Got it.]
Diane quickly grabbed her purse, putting her phone in it, and went to the kitchen, where she made some beignets and vegan foie gras prior before getting ready. 
She hummed and checked that she had everything ready as she waited.
Then the door was knocked on.
She went to check and it was Ruby, who was wearing a red dress.
“Hi Diane! Wow! You look beautiful!” Ruby exclaimed, looking at Diane’s look.
“Thank you, Ruby. I Thought I would wear something From our high school. It still fits.” Diane said with a soft smile. 
Ruby hummed and nodded with a smile before asking, “Need any help carrying the plates?”
“Don’t worry, I got it. I got it. But thanks.” Diane said as she got the big dishes and went out of the apartment. She did her best with balancing the plates on her left hand and forearm while locking the door before she went with Ruby to the car.
Pam was waiting in the car for Diane and Ruby with Rhonda and Joy in the back. 
She was fixing her box braids in the rearview mirror. She was wearing her special party dress which was a black and gold asymmetrical type.
Then she heard tapping from the window on the passenger side. Pam looks over to see Diane and Ruby. Diane held a plate full of beignets.
"Right on time, girl." Pam said with a smile, unlocking the passenger side door and opening it so Diane would get in.
“Hi, girls!” Diane said, smiling as she closed the door after getting seated and her seatbelt on.
"Now we need to get going." Rhonda said from the backseat, who was wearing a yellow jumpsuit.
"We don't want to get in traffic again!" Joy said also from the backseat, wearing a full black dress.
"Look, Let's just have a good time." Ruby said as she got in the back and got her seat belt on.
Pam nodded and started the car.
They went to the party.
They soon arrived at the party.
The party was lovely.
There were a lot of people there, all dressed up nice and ready to party.
"Last college party before graduation." Diane said to herself.
The Hogwild staff greeted all the guests and reminded them to be on their good behavior.
Emily Lou Hogwild was talking to one of the guests. She is wearing a beautiful pink heart puffy dress.
"Looks like Emily Lou is having fun." Diane said to the three.
“Plus, that dress, isn't that from prom high school senior year 1996?” Joy sarcastically ask about Emmylou 
Diane looks at the dress, thinking for a moment. “That’s a new dress in the fashion line that Emily Lou is in.” Diane said, looking at her. 
“Right, good point.” Joy said, looking at Diane.
Diane nodded with a smile. Then she went to the staff, asking the staff where to put the food and they told her where.
Diane went to the food table as she added her two plates of the beignets and vegan foie gras with the other foods on the food table. 
She started having some fun by socializing and small dances. 
Then Diane saw that Rhonda was on a phone call as she went to one of the tables to get herself a drink. 
“Hey, Milton. Did Stefaine come over with her two friends?” Rhonda said on the phone. Diane watches Rhonda being quiet to listen to her friend on the phone then Rhonda asks, “What do you mean by that?”
Diane got curious about what Rhona was asking and talking about on the phone.
But then Diane’s attention went to Pam, who was being bothered by a big muscle man.
The man was wearing a red ripped sleeves vest, showing a bull tattoo on his arm, dark jeans.
"Buck, please leave me alone, or I'll ask Hogwild to get the guards to kick you out." Pam said, warning in her voice as she glaring at him.
"Aww, come on, baby… You don't mind me being a manly man. Can I continue showing my tattoo to you, a curvy and thin beautiful juicy black woman?" Buck flirted
Pam did have a pretty natural set of curves, but she felt like insults more than a compliment because of her body. Of course he was one of the few that sexually harassed her at the college. She completely kicked him and slapped him in the face.
She was about to walk away but Buck grabbed her arm.
"Do that again and I will use Kung Fu on you!" Pam said, pulling her arm away. 
Emily Lou came to check what was going on and luckily pulled her friend out of the situation, walking away from him.
"That guy is bothering you again?" Diane asked Pam when she walked over to them.
Pam nodded and mumbled, "I hate men like him."
"Agreed." Diane said, getting a drink.
“Let’s go outside. For some fresh air.” Pam suggested, pointing out to the front porch.
The three friends went out to the front porch to get some fresh air.
"Ahhh, fresh air!" Emily Lou exclaimed, smiling and taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah, at least we are out of the crowd" Ruby said, stretching her legs.
Daine nodded. “Yep.”
As Daine sips her drink, she sees something in the distance by the gate.
It looks like a man.
He was looking around the place through the gate before spotting them. The man waved to get their attention.
“Hey, Em.” Diane started, pointing at the man.
Emily Lou looked and noticed the man.
“Oh! Hey, Michael!” she called out to a guard. She went to a guard to tell him to open the gate.
The guard listened and immediately opened the gate and let the guy in and asked the servant if he could help him.
The friends went inside to see the guy, to see if he’s alright or not.
Diane noticed and recognized the guy was one of the men with the woman who bumped into her earlier that day but he didn't speak, which confused her.
'That man…' Diane thought for a moment. But then she was bumped into by a guy with his girlfriend and other buddy, Buck.
"Why are you out here, freak." Buck growled.
He has always called her that and he has made fun of her and family and cultural background, including her intelligence and hard work.
"I was just having a fun time with my friends. Thank you very much." Diane said, trying to be calm and not start a fight. “Why won't you just mind your own business and go back to the party? Haven't you bothered each of us enough? You need to grow up, When not going to be in college forever you know?"
Buck rolled his eyes.
"Well look who just woke up the girl whose parents should have married the same color." the woman said, crossing her arms across her chest and looking at Diane with a judgmental look. 
"If you have a problem with me, stay out of it!" Diane growled, warning in her voice. 
“Hey! Watch it!” the boyfriend shouted at her.
Diane glared at him and growled, “You watch it.”
She started to get mad.
“Oh, you should control that anger of yours.” Buck said with a dark chuckle. “That would just ruin things for you.”
The girlfriend nodded with a hum.
“That is why a woman of your background, you will never be in a government position, wouldn't have a hands full, trying to run a campaign like that." the boyfriend said. "You are better off as a housewife and a subordinate to men!”
Diane growled and then the next thing everyone knew was that she started to fight the guy. 
But then the man ripped her dress and pushed her, knocking down Diane to the big inside fountain as her shoes flew off her feet.
Diane was wet now and her mother's beautiful dress was ruined.
The woman and Buck started to laugh at her.
But it was short as Emily Lou and some guards got to them.
Buck and the couple nervously chuckled about to leave the scene.
The guards blocked them as Emily Lou exclaimed, “What did I say about roughhousing?! There is no roughhousing!”
Before the three could say anything, the guards took them out of the party.
Emily Lou helps Diane out of the big fountain. “You ok?” she asked, worriedly.
Diane didn’t answer and just started to cry.
“Oh, honey…” Emily Lou said softly, hugging her.
Pam, Ruby, Rhonda, and Joy walk over to them as Emily Lou hugs Diane to comfort her.
“Let's get you cleaned up.” Emily Lou said as Rhonda picked up the shoes.
Diane nodded, looking down.
"I got something for you, Sugar." Emily Lou reassured Diane, guiding her to the second floor to where one of the bathrooms that was near Emily Lou's bedroom.
Diane got dried up in the bathroom after cleaning up. She got on her garments when there was a knock on the door. “Enter.” she said, looking at the door.
The door opened to reveal Emily Lou.
“Hey, Honey. I have something for ya.” Emily Lou said, walking in with a dress box. “Since your dress got ruined and is being fixed now, I got a dress from the fashion line that I was in. Don’t worry. I made sure it’s the right size for you.”
Diane took the box from Emily Lou. “Thanks…”
Emily Lou nodded and left the bathroom, closing the door so Diane could get dressed.
She went to the other young women, who were in her bedroom.
They were looking at their reflection in the mirror, fixing their dresses and makeup.
"Hopefully that'll be the last time we ever see Buck." Pam said, fixing her box braids with some. 
"I mean to be honest, us girls are getting sick and tired of men like Buck." Joy said, fixing her dark purple lipstick.
“Yeah, thankfully he and his friends are not getting back into the party again. I'm thinking about filing a restraining order, but I'm just glad we're going to graduate from college to get away from him, FOR GOOD!” Emily Lou said.
The women start to change the subject a few times, to not focus on the bad.
“Do you all remember wishing on stars?” Ruby asked at one point, looking at everyone.
The four other young women nodded.
“You know, I thought that wishing on stars was just for… Babies and crazy people.” Emily Lou said as she was finishing up doing her makeup.
That’s when Diane came out of the bathroom and into the room.
The young women gasped when they turned around and saw Diane in the new dress as she looked down.
It was a beautiful pink sleeveless dress.
“Oh! Look at you! Aren’t you just as pretty as a Rose from Spain in March?" Emily Lou said, smiling as she walked to her. "Seems like only yesterday we were… heh… all of us little girls… dreaming our future lives. And now all of us, all grown up, ready for graduation. Well… back into the party!”
Emily Lou ran out with Joy and Rhonda as Ruby and Pam were about to follow but noticed that Diane looked down, hugging herself.
"Don't worry, we'll give you some space." Ruby said, looking at Diane, putting the necklace back on her.
"Yeah. You just need to process things." Pam said "But don't worry, we'll be right back to check on you, ok?"
Diane nodded.
Ruby and Pam went to join the party, closing the door of the bedroom.
Diane began sitting on bed, taking out something from her purse and it was the photos of her grandmother and great grandmother. 
She stood up and walked towards the balcony. She began thinking about her life.
She couldn't believe that she was humiliated and made her feel bad after all this.
Diane looked at the night sky and the stars.
She saw a few shooting stars.
'I can not believe I’m doing this.' Diane thought. Then, with her wish in mind, she closed her eyes and whispered, “Please… Please… Please!”
She opened her eyes and stared at the starry sky, hoping for a miracle. 
After a while, Diane spotted a redknee tarantula with a hoodie on the rail and gasped from being startled for a moment.
Then Diane frowned as she glared at the starry sky. "Very funny." the young woman mumbled, looking at the starry sky. Then she looked at the tarantula and chuckled, “So, what now? I reckon you want a kiss?"
The tarantula stared at Daine for a moment. But then the spider spoke, "If it turns me and my friends back, then yes."
Diane’s eyes widened at that before she screamed loudly backing away fast as she ran back inside.
Then she trips on something, making her fall and crashing into the closet cabinet hard that it tips over, hitting the lamp light and the room becomes dark.
‘Opps…’ Diane thought as she looked at the broken lamp before looking at what she tripped.
It was a snake hiding under the bed, with half of the tail poking out. The snake slithered out of the bed. The snake was wearing a red Hawaii shirt and bucket hat.
Diane gasped loud and got up.
Just then she began hearing a voice call out, “We’re sorry! We didn’t mean to scare you.”
Diane looks up to see a silhouette of some type of person from the balcony. “You… You know these animals?” she asked, trying to calm down.
The person nodded as they started to walk over and said, “Yes. I know them, one is a friend and the other is my partner… The reason that they’re animals is because of… me.” 
When the person got about five feet from Diane, the person wasn’t human but a wolf.
Diane gasps and begins finding something to throw at the strangers, which were mostly stuffed dolls and animals.
The three strangers avoided throwing dolls. 
“I- wait, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! Hold on!" The spider said, jumping onto her arm. "You know, you have a very strong arm."
Diane looked at the spider with wide eyes and swatted the spider.
The spider landed on the desk. “OW!” the spider exclaimed when hitting the top of the desk.
"Stay back, or I’ll… I’ll…" Diane started, picking up a book from the floor in a panic.
The wolf raised up his hand and grabbed Diane’s arms, so she didn’t squish the spider. “Wait! Please, please, please… Allow us to introduce ourselves.” the wolf said in a calm voice. “I am Mason Wolf or also known as Moe Wolf.”
"And I'm Herbert Scale." the snake said, waving with the tail.
“And I’m Webs.” the spider said, standing up right on the desk.
Diane stopped herself and looked at the three ‘animals’, slowly lowering the book down as the ‘wolf’ let go of her.
"Wait a minute…" Diane said, putting up a pointer finger up as she got her thoughts together. "But I didn’t wish for… Hold on, if you’re the missing Mason Wolf, then… then who was that at the gate that Emily Lou let in?" She points at the ‘wolf’ and then at the door.
The three looked at each other, confused about what she’s talking about.
“All I know is one minute we’re human and the next thing we know…" Herbert started but then tripped on his tail, still getting used to his body as Moe walked over to him and picked him up. “We’re these animals!”
Diane began to back away slowly, still holding a book close to herself, ready to smack any of them.
She finally recognized them. 
They were the same people she met earlier.
“Wait… you three were at the diner.” Diane said, pointing at the three while holding the book with one arm.
"Well, yeah…” Webs started, sounding awkward but then it changed to excitement when looking at the book title of the book that Daine was holding. “Wait! I know this story!"
Diane looked at the title of the book in those same cursive letters.
The Frog Prince
“The Frog Prince?" she asked as she read the title then looked at the tarantula again.
“Oh yeah! I remember reading it” Moe said, grabbing it from Diane and taking a look at it. “Yes, yes, yes… My mother used to read this to me almost every night before bed as a kid!"
He began looking through the book until he stopped at a page then set it on the desk where Webs was and then Webs was flipping a page back and forth.
It was the Frog Prince kissing the Princess and the transformation back to a human Prince.
"Yes, yes! This is exactly the answer!" Webs said before turning around to look at Diane. "You must kiss one of us!"
"Excuse me?" Diane said, confused.
“What?” Herbert asked in disgust.
“Don’t worry." Moe said, walking to Diane. "It’ll just be one kiss-”
The next thing that everyone knew was that Moe was pulled back by Herbert and held him as if to say ‘mine’.
Diane looks at the three ‘animals’, very uncomfortable. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I’d really like to help you, but I just…” Diane said with a sigh before she turned around, her arms crossed across her chest. “I don’t mess with things that shouldn’t be messed with.”
The three begin looking at each other in shock then at Diane.
“Wait a second! But… On the balcony, you ask me…” Webs started, pointing at the open balcony.
“I didn’t expect you to answer!” Diane exclaimed angry, turning around to look at her and pointing at the balcony.
"But you must kiss one of us." Webs said. 
“Not us!” Herbert growled, still hugging Moe close.
Diane looked at the ‘snake’ and ‘wolf’ with a deadpan look. “Well, why don't you two kiss?” she asked with some sass.
Herbert stared at Diane for a moment before hiding his face behind Moe’s shoulder.
Moe gently patted Herbert’s head as he looked at Diane and explained, “We… We tried but nothing happened.”
Diane hummed and nodded.
"Look,” Webs started, getting Diane's attention, “if you help us, we can offer you some type of reward or a wish we could grant perhaps… Yes?"
Diane stared at the ‘animals’ before looking at the photos of her grandmother and great grandmother. Then she sighed and looked at Webs. 
“Just… One kiss?” Diane asked, making sure if it’s just one.
“Just one.” Webs said, nodding. "But just to let you know… This is my first kiss… So… This is going to be awkward."
“That’s fine.” Diane said, offering her hand to her. 
Webs got on her hand.
Diane picked her up and close to a kiss but then had to set her down on the desk again so that she could calm down from all that’s going through her head. “Ok Diane, you can do this… Just a little kiss, just a little kiss." she reassured herself.
Webs found a Spearmint flavored breath mint nearby. She immediately chewed on it, hoping to get a good breath. She swallowed after she finished chewing and looked at Diane. “Ready when you’re ready.”
When Diane calmed down, she turned around, picked up Webs, and kissed her. 
Then an electric light running through even some sort of lightning of different colors started to spin around quickly all around them.
Then loud ZAP shocked them, making the four go back flying back and knocking them out when hitting the floor.
When it was over, Webs, Herbert, and Moe groaned as they woke up.
They checked to see if anything had changed for them.
They were still the same.
“It didn't work.” Moe said, looking at his tail.
Herbert and Webs sighed.
“Wait, where’s the lady?” Webs asked, looking around.
The three ‘animals’ look for Diane, who was on the ground. 
They noticed the dress that ripped but they also noticed that there was something different now. Not about the dress but Diane herself.
The three friends gasped in shock when looking at Diane. 
Diane groaned a bit as she woke up and looked at the three.
“I don't get it.” Diane said, looking at them confused. “You three don’t look different. How do you guys stay the same and why did I end up-?” 
But when she began dusting some dust off the dress to realize she now has four fingers and a big paw, instead of her usual five fingers and her hand. Her body is covered in orange cream colored fur all over. She touched her face realizing her mouth became a muzzle as she turned to the full length mirror to see that she completely shifted into a fox. 
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" she screamed as she jumped up to stand up.
That startled the three.
"Easy lady! Do not panic!" Webs said, trying to reassure.
"What did you do to me?!" Diane exclaimed, looking at the three before looking back at her reflection in the mirror. "I got half a foot taller than my normal height! I'm furry and orange! My ears are up and pointy! My feet and body are a bit bigger than normal! Is that a tail?! And my mouth is big, my nose is small and pink and my teeth are sharp!" 
Diane inspects her new body, touching her new set of teeth and texture of fur.
Webs, Herbert, and Moe looked at each other before going to her.
“The sharp teeth are called fangs.” Moe corrected, pointing at the mouth.
"You have soft fur." Webs said, feeling the texture of Diane’s new fur.
"Plus your tail looks like it's fluffy up." Herbert said, looking at her tail.
Diane looked at the three in the mirror reflection, eye twitching, feeling the anger and blood boiling. Diane began pretending to roll up sleeves, ready for a fight. 
The three noticed and felt that they needed to go. 
"We gotta-!" Webs started to shout.
“Run!” Herbert shouted, grabbing Webs and already quickly slithering to get out.
Moe ran with Webs and Herbert slither quickly to the balcony as Diane starts to shout at them in German and she starts chasing them to attack them.
When they got to the balcony, Diane ran after them and ran into them, causing all four of them to fall off the balcony and into the pool.
They made a big splash into the pool.
All four ‘animals’ got out of the water and layed on the pool deck, coughing and catching their breath.
When they got their breath, Diane glared at the three and started to chase them again, shouting in German after them.
The ruckus noise outside was so loud that it got the attention of the people at the party.
People turned their heads around and went to the windows to the back to see what was going on outside.
“What’s going on?” one asked, looking out one of the windows.
“Are those humans or animals?” another asked, also looking out one of the windows.
“Run!!!” another shouted at the beings that were running.
Emily Lou, Pam, Joy, Ronda, and Ruby walked over to one of the windows to the back to see what was going on.
Joy begins to shrug her shoulders at the situation. “Whatever.” she mumbled.
“That's not helping, Joy.” Pam said, looking at her before looking at the window again. 
The five young women look out the window a bit more.
“The one person sounds a lot like Diane when she is angry.” Ruby said, pointing at the person who was chasing the other people.
“Let’s see what’s going on.” Emily Lou said before going outside to confront what’s going on.
The other four young women followed her to see what the commotion was about.
Diane continued to chase the three, still yelling at them in German.
She was so angry that she didn’t look where she was running that she accidentally crashed into Emily Lou, Pam, Joy, and Ronda.
Diane stumbled back a bit and fell into the pool again, causing a big splash again.
She swam up and got on the pool deck again, coughing for a moment as she looked at her four friends, who were now wet.
Emily Lou was upside down showing a gown cage underneath the skirt and her undergarments underneath.
Pam, Joy, and Ronda fell over too and were on the ground.
All five of Diane’s friends were shocked to see Diane in a different form.
“Diane?” Emily Lou, Pam, Joy, and Ronda asked in shock and worry.
Diane looked at them and smiled awkwardly at her friends. “Hallo.” she said in her accent.
She touched the puddle as she stood up but there was a small electrical shot that went through the four of her friends. They felt tingling sensations in their hands.
“What- Diane?” Ruby called out when she got near them.
Diane looked at Ruby and waved awkwardly at her. “Hallo.” she said again in her accent.
Then people begin to scream when they see Diane, who froze in fear.
"Guards!" Emily Lou's dad shouted to get the guards’ attention. “Get those animals!”
"Uh-oh." Diane said, her eyes wide with fear.
The next thing she knew was that Moe quickly grabbed her and they started to run.
Mayhem was on the loose as the guards started to run after the ‘animals’, which got everyone’s attention, including the fake Moe, who was holding a drink.
"Run faster!" Moe shouted as they ran.
"I can't! Do I run on all fours or twos!? I'm a FOX!" Diane shouted while running.
“Just don’t get caught!” the three ‘animals’ shouted.
They ran as the party was in chaos.
Some guests were screaming in panic while some of the guests were cheering and making bets as they all watched the guards try to get the ‘animals’.
The ‘animals’ got to the backyard bar section, Moe got an idea as he grabbed two bottles of champagne. He shook the two and popped both to spray two guards down. 
But when the two bottles were empty, Moe panicked. “Uhhh… heh…” he chuckled awkwardly as he tossed the empty bottles at a guard. 
Then he ran with the others to get away from the guards.
The four ‘animals’ run as fast as they can as more guards approach them. 
The four ran to the great big metal fence of the backyard, the guards were gaining on them.
Webs and Herbert were able to go through the fence by their different shapes and sizes.
Diane and Moe weren’t.
They looked around quickly to see where they could get out.
Diane spotted a huge tree that the branches went over the fence. “There!” she exclaimed, grabbing Moe’s wrist as she kicked off her shoes. They both ran to the tree and climbed up.
Webs and Herbert were worried for them as they watched them climb.
“We got to do something!” Webs said, worried.
Herbert looked around quickly to then find a hot air balloon tied up on the tree.
“Come on!” he said, grabbing Webs and went to it.
They immediately hopped in, trying to get it to start. Herbert tries to get it to work but his tail doesn't work. "Stupid slimy tail!" Herbert mumbled to himself, trying to get his tail to work so they could escape.
Moe and Diane got to the branch that went over the fence. They slowly, but also quickly, walked on the branch. They both carefully jumped down and got the rope untied before getting into the basket. 
“I got it!” Diane said, getting the fire of the hot air balloon working.
Soon as the hot air balloon was working, it floated up quickly before any of the guards grabbed them.
Diane and Moe were unaware that one of them must have cut off the rope from their fingernails which now are claws.
"Pew, man that was close." Webs said, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Agreed.” Herbert and Moe said, sitting down in the basket.
Diane was looking at the three and said, “Ok… you three need to explain ALL of this.” 
"Well… Since it’s going to be a long night, we should get somewhat comfortable." Moe started, looking at Diane. “Luckily there’s blankets and pillows here.”
Diane looked at him for a moment, nodding and putting more heat into the air balloon before sitting down.
As the four flew up in the sky, they were unaware that Marmalade was watching all of this in disguise.
He looked at ‘Moe’ inside and noticed him rushing out the party. 
He followed him by the shadows.
‘Moe’ got to an abandoned shop and went inside. 
He went into the back of the shop to a huge cloth that was covering a few things. He removed the cloth to find that the two big cages and one little cage were broken and the chains were easily broken as well.
‘Moe’ gasped when seeing the empty cages as Marmalade showed up from the shadows.
"You let them go?!" Marmalade asked 'Moe' in anger.
‘Moe’ jumped and turned around to look at Marmalade. (You’re quiet.) ‘Moe’ signed at him.
“You didn’t answer my question.” Marmalade growled, walking over to him.
(Hold on. Please. Let me explain.) ‘Moe’ signed, backing away. (The wolf was begging me to leave the keys-)
Then ‘Moe’ was tripped by Marmalade’s shadow.
‘Moe’ looked up to see Marmalade’s shadow ‘laughing’ at him before disappearing into the shadows.
(How did I ever get tangled up in this madness? I can't go through with this!) 'Moe' signs in anger. Then he takes the talisman off, turning him back to… Cuddles as thunder rumbles outside.
Marmalade rolled his eyes.
(You wear this awful thing!) Cuddles signs before he throws the talisman at him.
Marmalade’s eyes got wide in fear from the action. "CAREFUL WITH THAT!!!” he shouted as he quickly grabbed the talisman before it hit the ground just in a nick of time.
Marmalade took in a shaking breath and then turned around, glaring at Cuddles. “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THIS BREAKS! IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THIS, I'M GONNA BE-!" Marmalade shouted at Cuddles but he paused as he noticed Cuddles quivers with fear. 
Marmalade sighs and calms down, putting a smile on his face.
“Fun fact about this and my friends, Cornelius.” Marmalade said, showing him the talisman.
Then he put on the talisman and nothing happened to him, which surprised Cuddles.
“See? Can't conjure a thing for myself.” Marmalade said, look at the tall man before taking it off. 
Marmalade walked over to Cuddles as he continued, “Besides, you and I both know the real power in this world isn't magic. It's money! Loads of it!” 
He shows him the newspaper on the table, showing him the photo of Vincent Wolf.
Thunder rumbles outside as Cuddles nodded and signed, (That’s true.)
"Aren't you tired of living in the shadows?" Marmalade asked. "While all those rich people, thinking that they’re god and do whatever they want. Driving in their fancy cars while they don't give you so much as a sideways glance?”
Cuddles thought for a moment and remembered all of those moments that he felt what Marmalade explained as he looked in a broken mirror. (Yes... I am.) he signed, an angry look on his face.
Marmalade got on a chair to level with Cuddles.
"All you gotta do is marry Vin's arrange bride for Mason… and we'll be splittin' that juicy Wolf fortune right down the middle. 50/50, like I said." Marmalade said, rubbing Cuddles’ back before putting the talisman back on Cuddles, turning him back to ‘Moe’.
Cuddles looked in the reflection and smiled for a moment at the different face in the broken mirror. (Right. But what about the animals?) Cuddles sign, a curious look on his face.
"Your little SLIP-UP... will be a minor bump in the road." Marmalade said, holding the talisman in his hand. "So long as we got the rich boy's blood in this."
Cuddles smiled and nodded.
Marmalade smiled maliciously knowing that his plan was working. Soon, he will be free of his debt from his friends.
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mashedbootatoes · 15 days
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laurhystoricalippo · 2 years
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I made myself this screen lock for my phone.... Enjoy 🔥🧍🏻‍♀️🔥
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g00mbers · 2 years
They should have given professor marmalade an con-artist unemployed opossum boyfriend on the bad guys movie 😒 /j
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starleska · 2 years
Omg hii! I was wondering if you’re open to it if you could do some hcs for Professor Marmalade please? Like if he had a wife that was taller than him and he basically worshipped them? If you could do this thank you!! Have a good morning/afternoon/night! 💟
hey there lovely!! :3c ooh, what a wonderful ask - of course! i hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night yourself 🥰
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Professor Marmalade x tall wife headcanons
Professor Marmalade has never objected to having a piece of candy on his arm to show off at parties, but he loves to thrust you into the spotlight. he pulls you towards the cameras and openly flirts with you, whispering teasing suggestions into your ear to get you to blush. he revels in the attention you receive, and looks at others eyeballing you as if daring them to make a move 👀
your height difference is intoxicating to him. Professor Marmalade loves when you kneel down to kiss him, or even when you hold him in your arms as he is so easy to pick up. he adores the way you ruffle his hair or plant soft kisses on the top of his head, and when you're alone and he scrambles up your body to kiss you with such fervent passion, he feels like the most powerful guinea pig in the world 😳
after Professor Marmalade’s incarceration, you are unwavering in your loyalty as his wife. even as the paparazzi swarm around you like sharks and beg for an explanation, you visit him daily, snatching moments through the glass and exchanging low whispers of devotion. he doesn’t lie to you or try to pretend he’s someone he’s not anymore, but he calls you his ‘flower of goodness...the one thing keeping me tied to the straight and narrow.’ he tells you how desperately he misses your touch, and how one day, the two of you will rule over this miserable planet together - hand in hand. your heart flutters at his words, and you know he’s speaking the truth 💖
i hope this is what you were looking for, anon 😭💖
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build-a-batmovie · 1 year
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the-gloink · 21 days
Favorite Bad Guys Character! Tell me it! (I am big fan of show so we are equals)
Mr Wolf
Mr Snake
Mr Piranha
Mr Shark
Mrs Tarantula (Webs)
Chief Misty Luggings
Tiffany Fluffit
Diane Foxington (Crimson Paw)
Professor Marmalade (Rupert Marmalade the Fourth)
That’s all I got lol. Mine is Tiffany cuz she is huggable!!!
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a-very-crunchy-crew · 3 months
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This one’s a puzzle!
I spy a postcard from Darkest Peru,
A picture of Fozzie, and Smoky Bear too,
A blanket and basket for pic a nic havers,
A rack full of hats, from famous bear actors,
A pile of sandwiches, marmalade packed,
A book with a well known Mandela Effect,
A poster for pizza, and one with three friends,
A pot full of hunny, used as a bookend,
A set of three chairs, and one missing button,
Quite a few bears, about one whole dozen,
A big smiling moon, and a drink for hot Junes
I’d say overall it’s a lovely room!
Characters are:
Honey 3419660
Dylan 3294216
Blue Buddy 3064701
Benet 3042899
Timothy 3383479
Arañoso 3467074
Teddy 2935766
Amelia and Rupert 3272427
Ursa 3368782
Honey Bear 3112534
Boxy 2974264
Breakfast Bear 3009896
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georgi-girl · 8 months
Babble: Track Nine
(author's note before we go any further; you should know I imagine Zodiac to be voiced by Hazel Duope
Name it, Rate it, Tune it, Print it,
Scan it, Send it, Fax-Rename it.
Touch it, Bring it, Pay it, Watch it,
Turn it, Leave it, Stop-Format it.
Technologic... Technologic... Technologic... Technologic.
In the morning light, the glamour making the Bergens look human faded away. They passed out in the snow, and were encased in a stone shell.
Tone stuck her arm out. Exposure to sunlight caused scabs to form all over. She retracted her hand, and the scabs evaporated.
“Fascinating.” Zodiac said.
Riley looked Species up and down.
"So, are you still Russel?"
"Oh yeah for sure for sure. I'm other people too but I'm also me. I remember Migul my boyfriend. I remember you Riley. You're emotions can talk. And you..." He looked at Tone. "I don't remember you."
Miguel introduced them. “Species meet Tone. Tone meet Species. Tone was experimented on like you and now she has trolls... possessing her, I guess. But not in a creepy way."
Species looked Tone up and down just like Riley did with him. “Uh, nice hair.”
Tone pressed a hand to her heart, deeply touched. “Thank youuuuu!”
The Species saw Zodiac, and was immediately intrigued.
“Are you that glowing person we saw outside?” he asked eagerly.
“Uh, maybe?” Zodiac answered unsurely.
“Cool.” Species smiled at them starry-eyed.
After taking some time to relax and regroup. Everyone sat in the rec room. Bridget told the story as she knew it.
Chef had been banished from the Bergen kingdom. But twenty years later, she came back. She said met someone who could help them be happy again. A spirit named Pitch Black. A great shadow filled the town like a flood, and all the Bergens sank into it, waking up in a new world with new appearances and new jobs.
"This isn't my real face." Bridjet mentioned, "This is a special kind of magic called Glamour. My real face... isn't that pretty."
They needed a vessel to channel the troll essence to them. While looking for one, they practice merging people from other worlds into willing volunteers. The most viable subjects were the dimensions native humans. Species was a prototype.
Renee had been in an accident and her family was desperate. They performed a ritual on her to summon as many trolls as possible into her body.
"So, they're actually, physically inside her?" Riley asked.
"I don't know how it works." Bridjet admitted.
Riley looked at Tone, remembering the meetings between her emotions and the different trolls. She wondered if they were aware of the world outside her mind, listening to Bridget speak. She wondered if they were angry.
Species was asked more about how the animals were merged into him. As Russel, he remembered being prepped for an operation, as for the animals...
On the way to the gala, Professor Rupert Marmaled had the limo pull over next to some ruins by the crater. He said he had something to show them.
There was a mural showing a black silhouette of a man. Marmalade lit a black candle. Mr. Wolf wondered if this was some kind of memorial.
Rupert shouted out; “Great King of Nightmares! I offer you this sacrifice!”
“What are you…hgk!” Wolf was impaled by a long black harpoon that dragged him to the wall. More spikes impaled Mr. Shark and Mr. Piraña. Mr. Snake freaked and tried to leave, but the professors’ butler grabbed him and held him up. A black tentacle grabbed him and another grabbed Miss Tarantula. They were sucked in as Diane Foxinton called out.
“Professor! Mr. Wolf! What are you doing parked over…” she froze once she came into view and saw what was happening.
“Her too!” Rupert yelled pointing at her. One more harpoon took her.
That was all the bad guys remembered. Rupert and his butler Cuddles calmly walked into the painting. 
"Next thing we know, I wake up in a sterile bedroom with six new sets of memories and a bunch of carnivore instincts."
Everyone sat in a circle on the floor, engrossed in Species' story.
"Whoa..." Miguel whispered.
"Yeah. After that, they wouldn't let me leave my room, and I had to get blood tests all the time. No thank you! Got out of there as soon as I could. He turned to Miguel; "That's when I sent that message to you. Been living on the lam ever since."
"All by yourself?"
"Not quite all by myself. I had Dante of course. And after a while, I had..."
He suddenly stood up in shock. "OMYGOSH I left Jack outside!"
He speed-walked to the nearest window. The others asked him who Jack was.
"Okay," he said, opening the window, "You've all seen proof of magic and monsters. So, you're probably up for believing in some weird stuff right?"
"Yes" said Tone. "Yeah sure" said Riley. "Of course" said Miguel.
"So if I were to tell you that Jack Frost helped me escape, you'd believe me right?"
"Jack Frost?" Tone cocked her head. "The man from the poem?"
"I'm from a lot more than just that!" came a voice from outside. Up floated a young barefoot man with white hair, a dark blue hoodie, brown trousers, and carrying a crooked Shepards' staff. He entered the room in a breeze full of glowing snowflakes. He landed gracefully on the floor as everyone gazed at him.
"So... Safe to say you can all see me?"
They spent the day exploring the archives.
According to Renee's file, she was from New Hampshire. Diagnosed with Autism at age two. Back in August, she was hit by a car while grocery shopping. It was right near her home, she went there all the time. She should have been safe... Riley became overwhelmed. Her emotions ran around headquarters, freaking out.
Renne took out the tiny lyre. As an experiment, she plucked the blue string.
Riley heard a funny electric warbling behind her and turned around. A blue-skinned fish man floated in front of her. She watched him in awe.
"How are you doing that?"
"It's hard to explain. Same way you're doing that I guess." He pointed to Riley's emotions, sitting on her shoulders.
Disgust, slid down Riley's arm and studied the new Aspect, grinning. "Awesome."
“What else you got?” Miguel asked.
“What else you need?” The Techno Aspect said smugly.
Zodiac pounded the Techno Aspect with questions.
“Are they stronger than regular hair?”
“Can you use your own hair?”
“Do they make any song magic?”
Then Species chimed in.
“What happens if you lick one?”
They all looked at him in confusion.
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solosergiohd · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie AU
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Mr. Wolf as Mario
Diane Foxington as Princess Peach
Mr. Snake as Luigi
Jimmy Crystal as Bowser
Perrito as Toad
Wreck-it Ralph as Donkey Kong
Rupert Marmalade as Kamek
Gene as Cranky Kong
Jake from Free Birds as Foreman Spike
Larry The Cucumber as Penguin King
King Candy aka Turbo as General Koopa
Ron from Ron's Gone Wrong as Lumalee
Mr. Wolf (Book version) as Jump Man
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xandriagreat · 4 months
Fate Be Changed
Chapter 3: The Deal
First chapter | Last chapter | Next chapter
Author's note: This is now the chapter where we go in the perceptive
Notice/warnings: food/eating, deal, misgendering, body horror, passing out
Moe, Herbert, and Webs were walking around the city, hoping no one found them.
“Are you sure that they’re not going to rat me out?” Moe asked Webs as they walked.
Webs nodded with a reassuring smile. “They’re not.” 
Moe smiled and sighed softly while they all looked around as they walked.
They were amazed by the city. 
The people are pretty lively, the buildings are unique, and the music is new to them.
"Hope they have a tech store or a new place to live for now." Webs said as they walked.
They soon saw a newspaper about Moe's disappearance.
Moe got worried when seeing the newspaper.
Webs and Herbert noticed the worry on Moe’s face.
“Let’s just keep going.” Webs said to him, forcing him to continue with Herbert. 
As the three walked, Moe saw a pawn shop and he got an idea.
"What is it?" Herbert asked, looking at Moe.
Moe immediately pointed at the pawn shop, making the two look at the pawn shop.
"Really?" Herbert asked sarcastically.
“What? We need extra money.” Moe said, looking at him.
Herbert and Webs looked at each other and then to Moe, who just went into the shop.
"Alright then." Webs said, shrugging. “But he better be quick.”
"He will. But one of us had to keep an eye on anyone trying to find us." Herbert said, looking around.
Webs nodded and looked at the time on a nearby clock.
Their stomachs completely begin to grumble.
It was around brunch time.
"I'll find us something to eat." Webs said, looking at Herbert. 
“Anything that has something good. But Just in case. Keep on guard.” Herbert said to her.
“Before I go, I need to write something down first. Do you want anything other than breakfast sandwiches and other breakfast items like breakfast french fries?” she asked, getting a piece of paper.
“Coffee. Decaf coffee, please” Herbert said, nodding to her.
“Ok, I got it.” Webs said, nodding. “But don’t worry, I'll make sure to stay protective.” She puts her sunglasses on before going to get food.
Herbert nodded and stayed on watch as Webs went to a nearby fast food place.
Herbert looked around to see if anything odd or suspicious was around, ready to fight if needed while waiting.
Moe went into the shop when he heard a bell over the corner of the door rang, meaning a customer had come.
The owner came out of the back and went to the counter.
"Welcome, how can I help you?"
Moe walked over to them. “Hi. I have a few things to pawn.” he said, getting something out of his pocket. 
It was a pocket watch.
He stole it from his father's room along with the other few valuables around his old home before leaving. He was Hoping it would work to start a new life.
The owner begins inspecting the watch when Moe hands it to them.
“Oh wow!” the owner exclaimed after inspecting.
"What is it?" Moe asked.
“It’s a lot.” the owner said, looking at him.
Moe tilted his head to the side, wanting to know.
"It's a completely rare 1926 Illinois gold pocket watch." the owner explained, pointing at the watch.
Moe’s eyes widened. “Wow!” he breathed, looking at the watch.
The shop owner nodded.
Moe also gave out another few variables to the owner “Could you check these too?”
The owner nodded a yes and checked them.
Some were very valuable while others were not.
Herbert was still waiting for Moe to come out and waiting for Webs to come back.
Webs just came back with breakfast. 
“Got breakfast.” she said, showing the bag and handing Herbert a cup. “Here’s your coffee.”
“Thanks.” Herbert said, taking the cup from her right as Moe came out with a lot of cash in his hands.
“Wow! That’s a lot.” Herbert and Webs said when they saw the cash.
"I don't know but it looks like the rare valuables back home appear more priceless than anything." Moe said, sounding surprised.
"Well would be enough for a hotel or anywhere to save up." Webs said "But we should find a place to sit down 'cause I got a late breakfast or brunch, like some fancy people would say."
Herbert and Moe nodded.
They started to look for a bench to eat their brunch.
As they looked, Webs accidentally bumped a waitress in front of the restaurant Cole’s.
“Oh! I am so sorry!” Webs said in worry, looking at the waitress. 
"No, no, it's fine." The waitress reassured her, looking at her.
Webs couldn't keep her eyes of the beautiful woman with her gorgeous green eyes and curly red hair in a tight bun.
They began touching hands for a moment as they looked at each other.
“Um… Webs?” Moe called out, which made both women jump and step away from each other.
The waitress shook her head, rolling her eyes and she went back inside as the Webs went walking with Herbert and Moe.
Webs can't stop looking at the waitress as the waitress got back inside.
“You good, Webs?” Herbert asked, looking at her.
"Huh? Oh- uh…yea." Webs said, snapping out of it. “Just… a lot of things on my mind.”
Moe and Herbert raise an eyebrow at her before shrugging.
They soon found a shady table after walking away from the place, taking a seat on the bench, and eating the food.
Moe couldn't believe that he is now in his most favorite place to go to when he was a kid. He only saw a glimpse of it when flying on a plane but now he's actually here in the city and trying the cheap food here. He took a bite of the sandwich and it tasted great.
Herbert took a sip of his decaf coffee.
Webs was eating the breakfast french fries.
Moe was looking at the sites around them as they ate.
"Please Moe, We just got here and you are already like a child looking at the sites." Herbert said after sipping his coffee. "Just eat the food."
Moe looked at him as he chewed and swallowed. “It’s our first time here!” Moe exclaimed, setting his sandwich down on the wrapper that was on the table. 
Herbert and Webs looked at Moe as he added, "I mean come on! We've been dreaming of going here for years." 
Herbert groans in annoyance. “Here we go again.” he said under his breath.
"You got the Mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, in the sprawling metropolis." Moe exclaimed excitedly. "But most importantly, the Entertainment capital of the world! With all the stars walking up for premieres and finally the best awards EVER!"
Moe had learned a lot about LA in secret when he was a kid and learned about it in a magazine on the way there.
“Look, I know it’s great and we always wanted to come here but we need to be careful.” Herbert said, looking around nervously.
Webs nodded as she ate.
"I know we have to be careful, but seriously, who doesn't love the city?" Moe asked, getting Herbert’s attention as he picked up his sandwich again. "Name one thing about the city."
“It’s different with heavy traffic, droughts, a bit of smog, and being filled with strangers.” Herbert replied with a smug look on his face.
“Really?” Moe asked flatly, staring at him before taking a bite of his sandwich.
Herbert gave him a ‘you know it’ look before he went back eating.
Moe swallowed and sighed before looking at Webs. "What about you, Webs?" he asked. “What do you like about the city?”
Webs look at the two men as she chewed her food. “Well…” she started after swallowing. “I guess it’s learning about different places. Since I travel a lot.”
"Now that's the spirit!" Moe said, ruffling her hair, which made Webs chuckled softly.
The three of them continued to eat.
Webs looked at the two men and thought of an ask game as they finished up eating. “How about we play an ask game?” she asked them when she finished eating her sandwich.
The two men looked at each other and then nodded. 
“Sounds fun.” Moe said after swallowing the last bite of his sandwich.
"Alright. If you two could be any animal, what could it be?" Webs asked, getting some more breakfast french fries.
"I would be a wolf." Moe said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I wouldn't mind a scratch on the head behind the ears if I was a dog-like creature. Also, I would be able to run freely."
“I would be a snake. No one likes snakes.” Herbert said before drinking his coffee.
“I like snakes.” Moe said, looking at him, which made Herbert blush.
Webs hummed softly and nodded, a smile on her face.
“What would your animal be, Webs?” Moe asked as they cleaned up when they were done eating.
"Oh… uh… hm… I would be a redknee tarantula. It's a type of spider." Webs explained as they went to the trash to throw their trash away. "They're pretty cool."
The three went to a nearby washroom and got themselves washed up and cleaned off any grease on their hands and also began stretching their bodies before they left to meet Webs’ friends.
“So, what are your friends like?” Moe asked, looking at her as they walked.
Webs rolled her eyes as she thought for a moment. “Well… the one that we’re going to see is a man named Milton T. Park. He’s going to help you two find a place and jobs to pay for rent.” she said after a bit. “The other is a woman named-”
"Um… sorry to interrupt but I think we got some company…" Herbert said the both of them through his teeth, pointing at something.
Moe and Webs looked at what he was pointing at.
A thin man wearing a white suit with a red dress shirt and glasses was looking and following them.
"Great! We got to go now!" Webs said, grabbing both of the men’s wrists and they started to run. 
The man ran after them.
Webs ran the way with Moe and Herbert running with her, going through crowds.
The three found a nearby alleyway and ran down there, hoping that they lost him.
They begin looking to make sure. 
"I think we finally lost him." Moe whispered to them.
Then the man appeared, looking down at them.
The three were startled that they backed into the alleyway. Moe stood in front of Herbert and Webs, protecting them.
Before anyone could do anything, someone cleared their throat, which got all four peoples' attention.
At the entrance of the alleyway, there was a short man with well kept hair and a fine blue suit.
"Hello." the man said, walking over to them. "My name is Rubert Marmalade."
"Nice to meet you, sir." Moe said, nodding to him. "My friends are just about to handle the stranger to get him to leave us alone because we need to meet up with a friend-"
Marmalade stops him with a raise of his hand. "Oh no you don't. It seems you are lost in the city but don’t worry. You four are in my hands now."
Then he gave him his card.
Moe looked at the card and read off of it, "'Good training, good advice. We make Dreams a reality!' Wow!" His eyes shined as if he was like a child's new toy feeling with excitement and wonder.
Marmalade nodded with a smile. "We can go to my shop and see what dreams come to become a reality that we can do." he said, pointing his hand to the entrance of the alleyway.
Without a second thought, Moe nodded.
"Follow me." Marmalade said with a hand motion to follow him.
Then the four started to follow Marmalade to his shop.
As the 5 we're heading to the store, the three friends whisper to each other.
"This was a bad idea." Herbert whispered to Moe as they walked.
Webs nodded as they were still being followed by the same quiet man. "I don't like this guy. He seems sketchy." Webs whispered. "We might need to get to Melton's place and leave the creepy guy to Marmalade."
“I like that.” Herbert whispered, nodding.
“Let’s give Marmalade a chance, ok?” Moe whispered to them.
Herbert and Webs looked at More before slowly nodding.  
They were quiet for a moment until Marmalade said, “You know, I heard about it on the news, about the missing young man, and I got a feeling that I would run into him.”
Moe's eyes widened a bit at Marmalade's words. "Well…um…" he started, unsure of what to say. "I… I think you got the wrong man. I mean I'm a… doppelganger?" he lied, hoping it would work. He's been a bit of an actor himself and a bit of a drama king as well.
Marmalade stared at him for a moment. Then Marmalade started to laugh, “Oh please! There’s no need to lie!”
"He's not lying" Herbert and Webs said in unison, wanting to protect his identity.
But the tall man completely shut both of their mouths by covering them with his hands.
Herbert, completely done with this, stomps on one of the tall man’s feet, making the man let them both go.
The three friends glared at the tall man, feeling like they needed to fight.
But before anyone started to fight each other again, Marmalade cleared his throat again, getting all fours attention again.
“Well… let’s go inside.” Marmalade said, pointing in one direction.
The four were confused until they looked around to see that they were in front of the shop. The shop was a white building with dark curtains inside and a sign above the door that read “Marmalade’s”.
All five went inside, seeing the store was a little off but kind of welcoming.
The colors were all white with hints of gold all over as they entered the shop. 
The four people looked around as they entered the shop.
The shop was dimly lit and there were interesting things inside.
There were some paintings of bees, some broken mirrors, skeleton skulls with some of their teeth removed, some dried up plants that look like they're used for herbs, some bug collections, some bottles of potions, and a lot of drawings of odd looking doors on the walls.
There was some music being played in the background.
Webs looked suspiciously at the place as Marmalade said to the four "Please sit down at the table." 
Then Marmalade closed the door, making the room a bit darker.
The four customers looked around to see which table he meant until a spot light shined over a table and there were five chairs around it.
Four chairs were medium size and facing the fifth chair while the fifth chair was big and facing the four. There was a big red curtain behind the fifth chair.
While the four were distracted, Marmalade's Shadow took their sunglasses and coats, putting them in both coat rackets and head displays.
Marmalade leads the four to the table and to the seats.
“So… what do you do?” Webs asked as they all got seated.
“I help people with reachable dreams and wants.” Marmalade said as he got to his seat and sat down. “I also help my friends with getting new clients.”
The looks on the three friends' faces were completely filled with suspicion about it while the hitman had a serious look on his face.
“Now, let’s get to know each other and your futures.” Marmalade said, getting out some cards. “Just take three and I’ll show you four of your pasts, presents, and futures.”
They began looking at each other but then each took three cards to protect their future, present, and past.
Then Marmalade tapped on the table as if to say ‘now put them down’.
All four put their cards, which were facing down, on the table. Marmalade spread each card out on the table.
The first person he showed the three cards was Moe. 
“You, young man, come from a long family business.” Marmalade said, flipping the past card.
It shows a family tree and in the center is a young man that looks like Moe.
"A shady one." Moe said as he remembered his father's business behind the scenes and under the public eye.
Marmalade nodded and had a hand over the present card. “I see. I also see that you are well known.” he said, flipping the present card.
It shows Moe in the spotlight and around a lot of people. 
“But you’re also secretive about the real you.” Marmalade said, looking at the young man, who looked surprised.
Then Marmalade spins the card for a moment to reveal the card version of Moe in darkness with a man that almost looks like Herbert while people in the light of a Victorian window in silhouette form with champagne, having a good time. 
“So you think that leaving would be a great idea, a fresh start.” Then Marmalade moved his hand in front of the card again to show both men out in the sunshine and in a field, both smiling.
Marmalade noticed that Moe was staring at the card and nodding.
"Papa got mad. Isn’t that right?" Marmalade asked, knowing that he hit a nerve point.
"Yeah. It’s sad but true…” Moe said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I know for as long as I’m alive… He's not going to take me back… unless I tell him that I’ll go along with the engagement and marry Mary, which will NEVER happen."
"But you felt more like a coward to not listen to your father's request but it tied you down." Marmalade said. "You just want to be roaming free, running around one place to another with your true love. But freedom… takes time, money, and taking the chance.” Then Marmalade flipped the future card that shows Moe and Herbert holding each other close, smiling softly.
Moe smiled at the card as he held it.
The second person to show was Herbert.
“You have had a hard life.” Marmalade said, flipping the past card.
It shows Herbert as a child hugging himself as the dark shadows around him would mischievous white smiles and laughter.
Herbert looked down to not look at the card, not wanting to face the past again.
“You thought that your life meant nothing.” Marmalade continued, flipping the present card around to show the grown up Herbert still in darkness, still hugging himself. “But that all changed when you met him.” Then Marmalade picked up the card and blew on it like there was dust on it before setting it down on the table. 
It now showed Herbert with a man that looked like Moe. However, there was a line representing the two social classes they were from. The left was all orange is Herberts as he was from the middle class and the right was all light blue was Moe as he was from the upper classes.
Herbert looked at that card as his face showed a softer side of him.
“It seems you're close to getting your happiness until someone tries to destroy it.” Marmalade said, his hand over the future card. “You gotta protect it to keep it and hold it tight.” 
Then he flipped the future card, which revealed some sort of car with him and Moe driving to the sunset.
Herbert picked up the card and just stared at it, smiling softly.
The next was Webs.
“Now for you, sir- sorry- ma’am.” Marmalade started, a small smirk on his face.
Webs’ eyes almost became like flames of anger when he said that. "Not all girls have long hair!" Webs exclaimed angrily, pointing at her hair. "At least you didn't know about my past." She was still suspicious about this.
Marmalade still smiled at her and continued, “Of course. Again my apologies. But back to the cards. You didn’t fit in with everyone.” 
Then he flipped the past card to show a little girl that almost looked like Webs, in her school uniform (mainly a girl's uniform) and long hair, being made fun of because of her style and personality, feeling uncomfortable in what she was wearing.
It almost looked like Herbert’s past card but it was very different, with both shadows representing both her family and even her society.
“You ran away from home and all of that at the age of 13 years old.” Marmalade continued, picking up the past card and doing a disappearing trick with it then to reveal it again. 
On the card was a 13 year old Webs running away, with the outfit of an oversized black t-shirt and baggy cargo pants along with her backpack and headphones. It looked like she was catching a train.
Webs held herself.
“You felt that technology knew you better than any one.” Marmalade said, flipping the present card to show a grown up Webs on a computer. 
"Well, technology has always been an escape route for me." Webs explained, looking at the card.
Moe and Herbert understood Webs.
“After years of surviving and getting your best knowledge, you help people who want to get away from their horrors. Like your two friends for example. But you want to do something more.” Marmalade continued, flipping the card to reveal her future to be a coding wiz.
Webs’ eyes lit up as she held the card.
The last one was Cuddles.
“For you, hitman, I see that you’re from a family of hunters.” Marmalade said, flipping the past card.
It shows a young version of Cuddles standing in an animal trophy room.
Cuddles nodded.
“But when hunting season is over, that’s when the struggling starts. Also, no one fully understands a mute. Isn’t that right, Cuddles?” Marmalade asked, looking at the thin man.
He flipped the present card to show a grown up Cuddles with shadow figures talking among themselves about him. 
“Cuddles?” Moe, Herbert, and Webs said, trying to hold back a laugh.
Cuddles glared at them before looking at Marmalade, who was signaling for him to come over. Cuddles got up from his seat and walked over to him, kneeling down.
“However… there’s a you that you always wanted to be and I can help you with that.” Marmalade whispered to him as reveal the future card to Cuddles and himself.
It was Cuddles having all the riches he could ever want and the biggest hunt that he wanted while at the bottom of the card were Moe, Webs, and Herbert. Moe was in a wedding suit and looking sad, Webs in a dress that everyone expects her to wear and long hair with a fake smile and crying makeup, and Herbert in rags and cleaning the floor. All three looked miserable while he looked happy.
Cuddles held the card and a big smile appeared on his face.
Marmalade hummed softly and looked at everyone when all cards had been read.
All four had longing looks and looked like they were willing to do anything to grab it.
That made Marmalade smile at all four of them. “So… What do you all say?” Marmalade asked them. “Do we have a deal?” 
Moe, Webs, and Herbert were more suspicious about Marmalade but they could get them into a better life. They had to have a quick discussion first before agreeing.
“Give us a minute, please.” Moe said to Marmalade before the three had a quick huddle discussion.
"He seems promising but I don't know if we could do a deal." Herbert said, looking at the two.
“We got to take the chance. Because he knows our past and present lives, so our futures could happen.” Webs said. “Also, look at the Cuddles guy. He looks too happy about his card.”
Moe nodded in agreement.
“Look, we'll just do it quick and then we meet at Milton's at the exact time, ok?” Webs hissed at the two men.
"Fine, but it better not be a fraud!" Herbert growled.
The three broke up the huddle and looked at Marmalade, who was shaking Cuddles’ hand with one hand while his other hand was outstretched to them.
“Let’s put your hands over mine, just in case something happens.” Moe whispered to Webs and Herbert, who both nodded.
Moe had outstretched his hand to shake, with Herbert and Webs’ hands on top of his. 
They shook his hand, which made Marmalade smile more darkly.
"Yessss." Marmalade said with a dark chuckle when they were done shaking hands.
Then everyone started to hear the beating of drums and the ground started to shake.
“Hey! What’s going on?!” Herbert shouted over the loud drumming.
The next thing that the four guests knew was that the drawings of strange doors on the walls were glowing different neon colors.
All of the sudden Moe, Herbert, and Webs were trapped in metal wrists and tied up to their seats.
"Hey! I knew it was a fraud!" Herbert shouted.
"We shouldn't make the deal!" Webs said.
"LET US GO!" Moe shouted as the three, try the set themselves free
“Fraud? Let you go? No no no.” Marmalade chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “I just want my friends to see their new clients!”
Then the curtain behind Marmalade’s chair went up to reveal five scary masks and all five appeared to be alive because they were blinking and smiling big.
Cuddles jumped back and fell over when seeing these things.
The biggest mask opened its mouth and there was a talisman, it was like a necklace but it had the shape of a hamster with a heart as its mouth.
Marmalade walked over and got the talisman out before going over to Moe.
Marmalade opened it a bit and it bit Moe by the finger, taking some blood from the fresh small wound.
"Ow!" Moe exclaimed in pain.
Marmalade didn’t mind as he closed the talisman and watched the heart glow up a bit, filling up to the top with the blood.
“You little-” Moe started as he was trying to break free but was cut off when three of the drawing doors opened and different colors started to spin around Moe, Herbert, and Webs. 
Then the three friends started to painfully change forms from the colors. All three of them started to scream in pain as they changed.
Cuddles watched in terror at what was happening. Then he passed out from fear as the three friends passed out from pain.
Marmalade was smiling sinfully when the transformation was done. “I hope that you’re all satisfied.” he said to the four before shushing them. 
Then he turned around and looked at the masks on the wall.
"Soon my friends, you'll be free, along with your people." Marmalade said to them. Then he smiled at them as the masks smiled back down at him.
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asia2023animationgirl · 9 months
The Bad Guys: Secret Plan
Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Ms. Tarantula, Mr. Shark, and Mr. Piranha are gathered in their secret lair, plotting to get rid of Professor Marmalade.
ALL: (Singing) Oh no! What we gonna do? The chief likes Rupert more than me and you. Oh no! What we gonna do? We gotta get him out of here.
MR. SHARK and MR. PIRANHA: (Singing) We could throw him in the dungeon, We could let him rot in jail. We could drag him to the ocean, Have him eaten by a whale.
MR. SNAKE: (Singing) We could throw him in the Tigris, let him float a while, Then we'll sit back and watch him meet a hungry crocodile. Or we'll put him on a camel's back and send him off to Ur, With a cowboy hat without a brim, a boot without a spur.
MS. TARANTULA: (Singing) Or we can give him jelly doughnuts, take them all away, Or we can fill his ears with cheese balls and his nostrils with sorbet. We can use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on, Then tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Avalon!
MR. SHARK: (Whispers into Mr. Wolf's ear) Maybe… we could…
MR. WOLF: (Smiling) Yeah, Mm-Hmm? Oh! I like it!
MR. PIRANHA: Excitingly sneaky!
MR. SNAKE: And it just might work!
MS. TARANTULA: (Smiling) Let's do it!
ALL: (Singing) We could use him as a footstool or a table to play Scrabble on, Then tie him up and beat him up and throw him out of Avalon!
Note: The script provided is a shortened version of the YouTube short script for "The Bad Guys: Secret Plan." It includes the lyrics of the song and the dialogue among the characters.
For @awesomex7
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laurhystoricalippo · 2 years
Oh no... What's happening in this prison 👀
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g00mbers · 2 years
I love doing shitpost
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starleska · 2 years
Sooo got done watching the Bad Guys and… yeah I get the Marmalade simpery but I also got my eyes on Mr.Wolf too 👀 I would mind these two fighting over me ngl 🫣
ahhh don't you worry lovely anon, you're certainly not alone in that opinion 🥵 omg that would be delicious!! a real battle of wits to see which gorgeous furry gets to take you home, what a treat 🥰
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