#mr. wolf
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jannetsanders5 · 1 month ago
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koko2unite · 3 months ago
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kokotwounite · 3 months ago
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mr wolf and mr snake trespassing on somebody's private beach like the criminal they are 💕🐺🐍💕
no crop
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gitol93 · 5 months ago
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pixie-mask · 4 months ago
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mofuguys · 2 months ago
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it's the Year of the Snake so everyone is obligated to draw Mr. Snake with his husband 👏👏👏
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theincognitomoth · 8 months ago
Wild Side
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Pairing: Mr. Wolf x Fem!Reader (Stablished relationship)
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 5731
Warnings: Rough sex, mild language, bitting, scratch,ing knotting, praise kink, male!dom, fem!sub, first person POV.
Sinopsys: During a mission gone wrong, Mr. Wolf goes on a wild frenzy and ends up hurting his girlfriend. Out of guilt, he isolates himself in a dirty apartment, all the while his sweetheart is determined to prove he has nothing to feel Sorry for.
Since the Night Howlers' incident, Wolf refused to come out of his room. He also refused to let anyone else in, except for Snake, and he refused, above all else, to see me- And that stung far more than the bite mark shaped like his teeth in my forearm as I applied the flower scented infection cream.
Three months ago Diane came with a mission for us. It was simple at first: find a couple of missing citizens. But soon the conspiracy web spiraled so further down that mind controlled guinea pigs and a butt shaped meteorite sounded sane in the same sentence. 
Those people were targets of a cult- The Naturalists, they called themselves. They believed that the root of suffering came from the modern world. A normal group with this belief might have organized a hike or camping trip but, crazy bastards that they were, thought themselves justified to take people off the streets and inject them with a brain altering drug: The Night Howlers.
That cursed little purple capsule was the reason my boyfriend refused to see me, even after two weeks of the case closed.
During a chase he was shot with the substance. Even now my stomach ran cold when I remembered the look in his eyes- Desperate at first, and then feral mindlessness. He chased me prey, my heart pounded in my ears, all my blood going to my legs telling me to run, run, run. It was still a blurry memory, the way his fangs buried on my skin. It was sheer luck that saved me that day, and I dreaded imagining the other outcome. But whatever horrors my mind came up with, I knew Wolf's was much worse, leaving him to rot in his little den of misery. 
With a heavy sigh, I put on my clothes and marched out of the apartment, standing in front of Wolf's door yet again.
“Moe?” I knocked and waited for a response that never came.
This everlasting silence would drive me mad.
“I know you can't- won't see me right now, but could you at least say something so I know you're not dead and rotting on the other side of that damn door?” 
My words were harsh, I knew, and the corridor echoes made sure to slap me in the face with them. For his sake I kept those words in. I knew he was suffering, I tried to be patient, but the sting with each day of deathly silence left a bitter taste in my mouth and I had to let it out before it made me sick.
“I'm getting tired of this- I know you feel bad for what happened, but I swear, I'd rather get bitten again than for you to play dead. Please…”
I was certain my plea would fall on deaf ears until the door locks creaked. My heart was beating in my ears like drums, my eyes burnt from not blinking. The door opened to reveal a dark room, cold and smelling like an old pantry. Snake stood on the other side, looking at me with a frown deeper than normal. He was much better at hiding  his worry than me. 
“Go easy on him,” He said, slipping out of the door and holding it open.
“Is it too bad?” I whispered.
“Would be easier if he wasn't such a drama queen.” 
I forced out a chuckle.
“Don't mention it, just… Get him out of that damn apartment.”
A difficult mission, one I didn't know if I was up to, yet had to grab this precious small chance.
I walked into Wolf's apartment and closed the door behind me.
Some people prefer winter nights over nice summer days, but the state of his apartment was absurd. I adjusted my sleeves to cover my hands as the AC turned a city apart into a tundra, its blue glowing numbers being the only light source letting me see broad shapes. Wolf sat in the corner of the couch, wrapped around an old blanket with his face hidden in it. How much time did he spent day after day like this?
One of many food packages scrunching under my foot as I made my way towards him. His ears perked up for a second before laying flat against his head again.
“Moe…” He flinched.
I sat on the couch, arms length from him.
“Can you look at me?” The knots in my chest tightened further as the seconds stretched without a response. “... I miss you.”
Finally, thank Heavens, finally he looked up at me, those big sad eyes resembling an abandoned puppy. He stared for a short while, before sifting his focus to my forearm, covered by the long sleeve.
“Does it still hurt?” He asked, voice quiet.
“Did you get an infection?”
“I didn't.”
“Good.” He let out a shaky breath. “I've missed you too.”
There was a glimmer of the ‘him’ from before the incident when he smiled at me- My old Moe. But I blinked and it was gone. I reached for his hands into the blanket cocoon, but he winched away, covering it up with a chuckle.
“I haven't trimmed my claws in a while.”
“Since when do you trim them?”
“I- uh, started recently.”
He shook his head, leaning further away from me with a frown.
“Stop. Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
He struggled to find words. I knew that angry look, but it wasn't aimed at anyone.
“Like you're the one who hurt me and not the other way around.���
When he stood up, so did I, keeping a distance as I followed him to the kitchen, littered with full trash bags that didn’t smell, for they were full of plastic packages and cans instead of real food.
“Come on, it wasn't your fault.”
“Yeah, there are blood stains on my shirt that say otherwise.”
He grabbed a kettle and put it on the stove to boil and took one cup of instant noodles from the almost empty cabinet. Shrimp flavored, Moe's least favorite.
“You weren't in control, they shot you with a Night Howler.”
“And I went after you instead of the cultist, how do you explain that?”
Over the weeks, that question plagued me too and I came up with a few theories. Maybe he chose to chase something that smelled familiar, or his animal brain saw me as easier prey, since the cultist was bigger. Whichever reason, not a part of me believed he acted from malice.
“Look, you don't need to try and justify or rationalize what happened there. I don't blame you one bit.”
“You should.” He spoke through gritted teeth.
I tried to remain level headed, but I didn't know what else to say to make him see reason.
“Why? Why the hell are you so angry with yourself when it was the crazy cultist that drugged you?”
“Because I liked it!”
The kettle whistle was the only sound in the room as I was left speechless, mouth agape and dry. I only realized how tense my shoulders were when they dropped heavy on my sides.
Wolf let out a deep sigh, turning off the stove and leaning against the counter. He wasn't looking at me.
“I liked it- not hurting you, not ever. But when that guy shot me with the Night Howler…” He rubbed the spot on his neck where the drug hit him. “It was like- like I had been wearing a tie squeezing my neck the whole time and the Night Howler cut it loose.”
His eyes sparkled with something familiar, that same shine from when he went through a heist plan or talked about a new driving maneuver he pulled. But as soon as that spark came, he met my eyes and it was gone.
“You can't be serious,” I shook my head. “Did you actually buy into that naturalist looney's idea?”
“It's not- look, I'm not saying I want to run around like a rabies crazed dog.”
“I sure hope so.”
It wasn’t the answer he hoped for, I knew, but it wasn’t what I expected him to say either. Something about those eyes begged for me to understand. For all that it’s worth it, I tried.
Wolf took a moment, pouring the hot water on his noodles.
“Wish I could explain it better. I haven't been able to sleep right after what I did to you, but at the same time, when I close my eyes and remember the way it felt to run around without a thought in my head, it was… free, and real and…”
He opened the lid of his instant noodles with a small chuckle, poking at the shrimp pieces with a plastic fork.
“Yeah, wild.” He took a sniff of the thing, face twisting in disgust, then put it down on the sink. 
Silence weighed on the apartment while I tried to make sense of his words. The way he spoke wasn't much different from those cultists and I couldn't use the excuse of indoctrination on him. The great leaders didn't talk Moe into buying their idea, he felt it on his skin, so much so that even the bite incident didn't stop him from missing that brief moment of brain off wildness.
Maybe the naturalists weren't so off. 
“Would you do it again?”
“The night howler? Nah, too risky.”
“But you miss the feeling.”
It wasn't a question, and the way he lowered his ears showed he knew it. I tried to relate in a way, imagining what it would be like if I could never again eat my favorite food, run in the rain or go downhill on a bike. What would be like if I had a snippet of the highest high of my life only to know I could never experience it again? What would it be like if I had a tie squeezing around my neck, only loose enough to suck in shallow breaths?
Miserable, that's what it would be like.
“Moe…” My heels clicked on the silent apartment as I approached and touched his shoulder. “I can't in my right mind say you should do drugs,” I said with a straight face and he chuckled. “But I don't want you to feel like you're suffocated either. Maybe we can find a middle ground, loosening the tie without ripping it off.”
His ears perked up a little and he looked at me with those puppy eyes that got my heart in a claw-like grip.
“Really? After what I did, would you still want to help?”
“Of course I do. What happened wasn't your fault, and I don't want you to feel suffocated.” I reached for the fluff on his cheek and Moe leaned against my hand. “I love you.”
I barely finished my sentence and his arms wrapped around me, squeezing my waist, firm and gentle, even if I wouldn’t mind having the air squeezed out of me. His head rested against my shoulder and his tail wagged fast.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
The familiar weight of his head on my shoulder melted the tension I walked with for the past weeks. I missed the way his fur tickled my cheek and the way his tail brushed against my legs. If helping him tap into a semi-wild state was what it took to keep this, then becoming a goddamn adrenaline chaser suddenly climbed its way up my list of priorities.
Minutes passed in our much needed embrace before I gathered the willpower to pull away, earning a small whine from him.
“Okay, Moe. If I'm going to help you, we are doing this right.” I walked up to his fridge where a little white board with a couple of markers was glued to the door and picked the red one, writing ‘Mr. Wolf's wild list’ on the top. “Let's start with the ideas.”
Wolf crossed his arms and leaned against the counter with a smirk.
“Not wasting any time, I see.”
“The sooner we figure out what can help you, the sooner we can implement it. So come on, ideas.”
He closed his eyes with a hum, scratching his chin.
“Pulling out a stunt with the car always gets me going.”
“Dangerous driving, then?”
“It's only dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, sweetheart.”
I stared at him, unamused for a good three seconds before sighing.
“Fine.” Against better judgment, I wrote ‘crazy driving’ on the board. “But only on empty roads.”
“Fair enough.”
“What about hiking? It's in nature.”
“Eh, I don't know. Not really a nature guy myself.”
“Really, Moe? No nature in the wild list?”
Wolf chuckled, shaking his head.
“Well, when you put it like that… Maybe I can give running around the mud and get eaten by mosquitos a go.”
“What a lovely way to put it, babe.” I wrote 'touching grass’ on the list with a green marker, drawing a little mosquito beside it.
“Okay, what else?”
Doodling a couple of stars, I waited for new ideas. When he told me nothing for a good thirty seconds, I turned my full attention to him; his tail wagged a little bit, but hung low, the clawed finger tapped against the counter in steady clicks.
 “What is it?”
“Come on, I know the room is pretty dark but I'm not blind.” I placed my hands over his bouncing leg and tapping finger, the movement stopping. “You can tell me.”
He took his sweet time with it, eyes running through the corners of the room and looking away after the split moments he met mine.
“Promise you won't get mad.”
“Okay… I won't get mad.”
“And promise you'll say no if you're not absolute, one hundred percent sure of it.”
“You’re making it sound like you want to commit a crime.”
“Not far off my alley. But no, it's not a crime, it's… Not gonna lie, it's pretty damn embarrassing.”
Embarrassing. This was the man who played the suave thief like second nature, so when he looked at me like a punny teenager about to ask the cheerleader to the dance, scared of my rejection, what else could I do other than swoon?
“I never knew you had shame buried under that white suit of yours.”
I waited for his smart little remark so I could answer with a comeback heating up on the tip of my tongue. It felt nice, familiar, our back and forth.
“Yeah, that's what you do to me.”
My witty come answer turned to ash in my mouth, leaving my tongue heavy; And while my head scrambled for coherence and my knees for composure, Wolf chuckled and put his hands on my hips,thumbs running up and down sending a wave up my back and making my hairs prickle.
“I want you,” He whispered. “When you walked in, your smell almost made me forget why I hid away to begin with.”
The Moe I knew was a flirt, yes, but in a way which felt like he practiced his lines in front of a mirror. A great actor, no doubt, but still an actor. This was different, it was raw. He spoke without a filter and it made my back arch. I squeezed his shoulder, crumpling the fabric of his messy shirt.
“I want you too,” I leaned closer, breath fanning over the little furs on his muzzle. “I missed you, Moe. I missed you way too much.”
Harsher than what I was used to, his hands squeezed the flesh of my hips, and I could feel the tip of his sharp claws through my jeans.
“Sweetheart, I need you to be real with me now and only say yes if you really mean it.” A gentle hand tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I want you to be part of my little list.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that I want to try something different, a little more… loose.”
The only thing stopping the heat that ran up my spine from getting to my head was the ever present suspicion.
“Yeah, you said I should loosen the tie,” His grip on my waist tightened and he pulled me close enough to feel his hot breath brushing my nose. “And I want to loosen it with you.”
Little impressions I had from the time we spent entangled in the sheets suddenly became much clearer. The way he held me by the waist, kissed me, touched me- Aside from being fantastic and melting the tension from every muscle, left me with this itch in the back of my mind. Be it a scowl on his brow or hands that squeezed me too tight just to let go two seconds after, what he did to me never felt complete. Now I had the confirmation to my suspicions: He held back every time.
Morbid curiosity allied with the growing fire in my stomach, making me wonder how much I could take if he didn't.
“I want to try that out too.”
“Really?” His smile widened and he gave my hips a small squeeze. “It's not just because of me, right? Because if it is-”
I cut his rambling by the root with a peck to the lips.
“I'm a big girl, Moe. I know what I want and I mean what I'm saying. And what I want is for you to take off that leash and burn it-”
In a blink, he had me on top of the balcony, body pressed flushed together as he invaded my mouth in a kiss that left me light headed.
He took his lips away from mine and before I fully made sense of what was happening, began kissing my neck.
“Just tell me to stop and I will,” he said between little kisses and small nibbles. “And if I hurt you, punch me in the throat.”
“Hm, yeah, I can… I can manage that.” 
Pushing words out became quite the task when he was making me gasp and sending  shivers through my nerves. I held onto his head, looking down as he worked his magic on my skin, tucking my shirt's collar down to give the same treatment as my neck. While Wolf busied himself with that, I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling a hardening volume against my inner thigh.
“Already?” I smiled, scratching behind his ear.
“Hm, just missed you so much.”
His hands moved from my hips to my thighs, squeezing them like stress toys while leaving an open mouth kiss on my cleavage. I tugged at his head, and when a breathy moan left my lips, he growled against my skin.
“How much do you like this shirt?”
The sudden question snapped my attention back to him. He looked at my long sleeve shirt as if it was his worst enemy.
He squeezed my thighs a little harder, claws poking my flesh.
“The shirt. Is it a favorite of yours?” 
“Why- no, not really.”
The fire that ran through my blood when he tore up the shirt with his teeth and claws was enough to make my face melt off. My mouth hung open with no words uttered as he kissed between my breasts, before pulling away to stare at my lace bra.
“Hm… Not this one.” Much gentler, nimble fingers unclasped the hooks behind me, letting the bra slide through my shoulders while he looked me in the eye with a cheeky grin. “This one I like.”
“...I'll keep that in mind.”
“But I like these even more.”
His attention focused on my breasts. He took one in his hand and kneaded it gently, before making me groan with a harsh squeeze. His grip loosened the same moment and he kissed the finger prints on my skin.
“Too much?”
“No, no, just a little sensitive. It’s been a while.”
“It sure has,” Another gentle kiss traced the reddish marks, trailing up to my pulse. “We can do it the nicer way, you know.”
There he went, offering me an out again when my desires were set in forgetting all restraint. In response my eager hands worked around his shirt, soft fabric hiding even softer fur beneath it. Maybe I was the wild animal between us.
The rumbling of his laugh vibrated against my neck.
“Or not.”
His hands returned to my tender breasts, previous gentleness gone as he squeezed one while feeling the other’s weight in his palm. The pain didn’t phase me. Sure, there was a sharp moment of agony, but in less than a second it became laced with strange pleasure, before fully dissolving into it, like a cold shower after a full day walking in the sun. 
My own hands stayed occupied, tracing my fingers over his spine, glazing my nails against his skin, and fully sunk into him when Moe took one of my nipples into his mouth, threatening to bite it down. He didn’t, I knew he wouldn’t go that far, but the possibility was enough to get me shivering.
He nibbled, sucked and played with my hardened buds until I was pulling at the hairs on his neck with enough strength to rip them, and by the end even the breeze from the air conditioner made me whine. He moved back a little, a gleam of smugness in his eyes as he looked over his work of turning my flesh into a personal canvas with purple and red marks. Those eyes that never looked more dangerous met mine and I almost came undone right then and here.
“Awn sweetheart, you’re crying?”
Overwhelmed tears stung my eyes, my entire body, especially my face, feverish.
“N-No. I’m tearing up, it’s different.”
“Well, un-lucky for you, you’re way too pretty like this.” He held my chin a little too forceful, making me stare at the predatory gaze of his. “Now I wonder what’s like if I do make you cry.”
My gasp got cut short when Wolf threw me over his shoulder like a fat shack of dollar bills and walked towards his bedroom, making me yelp when he squeezed my butt followed by a less than gentle bite.
I tried to look at his face while balancing myself.
“When did you get this strong?” 
“Always have been, just needed the right motivation.”
The bedroom was as dark as the rest of the apartment, his familiar scent all around when he threw me in the bed, right in the center of a nest-like pile of blankets and kissing down my lips.
“Yeah, I could fall asleep right now.”
He let out a breathy chuckle, one finger pulling my pants.
“You can try, don’t think you’ll be able to. But if you get close to falling asleep…” With a swift movement, he lowered my pants to my thighs. “I’ll just have to get you on the edge again.” He slid my pants down all the way and kissed under my belly button. “...And again…” His lips stopped at the hem of my panties, fingers coming up to touch the soaked spot between my legs. “... And again.”
Threat or promise, he already left unable to catch my breath. My watery eyes admired the sight as much as the blurriness allowed it, my hips buckling against his fingers while the bastard grinned.
“Hell, Moe. You want me to beg?”
“I wasn’t thinking about it, but now that you offered…”
Leaning back on the pillows with one arm over my face, I groaned.
“You’re such a jerk.”
“Hey, don’t be mad. I’m just messing with ya, beautiful.” 
“Oh, aren’t you a jokester? This is torture-”
A jolt went up my spine when he dragged his fingers along my slick, teasing me through the panties’ fabric. Wolf’s breath hovered over my over sensitive clit before he gave it the much needed attention with an open mouth kiss that if on the lips would leave anyone drenched. I held myself back from locking his head with my legs when he moved away to slice my panties off, my fully nude form barely affected by the cold room because of how he made me burn.
Moe kissed me, the softer and passionate approach meeting the pace of his fingers teasing my entrance and smearing my clit with my own wetness. For a moment he got me thinking he had given up on our little experiment, but horny little me simply walked into a trap, only noticing when he grabbed my hips and flipped me into my stomach. I tried to use my elbows for support, but Moe pushed me back down and lifted my hips, leaning over my body, pressing himself flushed against me and whispering.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to have you like this, bent over letting me see everything. And you look so pretty. Always so, so pretty for me, sweetheart.” 
His husky whisper tickled the back of my ear and I couldn’t blame myself from the moan he dragged out of me. I needed him now, before this drove me to wild madness. And maybe that’s what Wolf was trying to do- To turn me into a crazed and unleashed beast. By the way I pressed myself against him, without a single rational thought, he more than succeeded.
“Just fuck me,” I demanded.
Growling, he dug his hands into my hips, grinding the rock hard cock against me, staining his pants with my slick.
“Last chance to back down.” The sound of his voice was followed by the unzipping of his pants.
“I think I’ll combust if I do.”
Wolf chuckled, one of his hands spreading my lips for him while the other guided his thick length to my entrance and made me gasp and grab at the sheets. It took a total of three slower thrusts before he picked up a crushing, brain melting pace and made me forget the time of the day, the place and my name. He held me by the back of the neck, and by the stings of pain coming from my back and shoulder, I could guess how many marks I would have by the end of this- and God, I didn’t care. If anything, it ripped more unrestrained whimpers and cries from my throat.
“You sound almost as amazing as you feel,” he said, voice breathless against the back of my ear, his arms wrapping around my waist and holding me like a vice. “Damn, sweetheart, so pretty, so good for me, my good girl.”
“N-Not fair, that’s my- Oh, God!- that’s my line.”
The unforgiving pace grew even more savage, cutting out my moans with each thrust.
“But you like it too, don’t you? Screaming so much my ears are ringing.”
“Don’t be.”
Although he reached so, so fucking deep into me, that wasn’t the end of it. No, not with Moe like this, not with the swollen base as a delicious reminder, slapping against me everytime he moved.
His groans grew more fanatic, he barely pulled out, rutting against me right before his knot slipped inside in a stretch that might be painful if I wasn’t soaking wet.
Hissing, Moe held me flushed against his chest and my hands held onto his forearms for any semblance of structure. He could only rut against my heat and I could only moan at the over stimulation, so close from being a mess in his arms.
“Mine,” He groaned, nibbling my ear. “My perfect girl, taking me so well.”
“M-Moe…” My body twitched, tears rolled down my eyes into the sweat stained sheets. 
Wolf licked a red mark on the crook of my neck.
“Hm, I knew you would look even more beautiful crying for me.” His voice came out in huff and puffs of hot air on my already burning skin. His rutting became relentless, the tip of his cock bullying my cervix, trying to invade everything, tear me apart, merge into me, and by God, I would let him.
It didn’t take long for me to feel the familiar euphoria rush through my veins and tie knots- how ironic- around my stomach. Barely mustering the strength to moan and cry, pitiful wails echoed back to me, and my unleashed lover didn’t trail much better, his own voice hoarse and desperate.
My climax didn’t knock at the door- no, no, no, it came bursting through it, making a mess and all around as I clawed at Wolf’s forearms like a beast and was left shaking and gasping for air amidst low whines. He kept his pace, mindlessly chasing his own high, making my overstimulation all the more wrecking.
Two more minutes of harsh slapping sounds went by before the sights of his orgasm finally appeared to relieve my shaking body. Claws dug in my hips with a possessive grip, his jaw was so tense I could hear the sharp teeth grind against each other and for a moment it seemed he wanted to merge into me before his grip loosed and I felt the familiar warmth floating my walls and leaving no empty creeks.
Fast movements died down, his head resting on my shoulder followed by a heavy and content sigh .I could finally catch my breath.
“Are you okay?” Wolf asked, kissing the marking on the back of my neck.
In my head I answered ‘yes, fantastic’, but babbles left my mouth instead of words- At least he found it funny. 
Gently, he flipped me on my back and laid me down, kissing my temple and pulling my putty self closer.
“Fantastic as always, sweetheart. I didn’t think you could get any better and you still impressed me.”
I met his eyes, a smile playing on my lips. His fur never looked more messy, inviting me to pet and try to even it out. I did so, and Moe leaned against my hand, but that sweet, blissed out smile died the moment he laid eyes on the bite mark on my forearm. My heart squeezed for him as he took my arm like it was made of glass and stared at the red teeth scars.
“Moe, it’s not-” 
“I know.” He kissed the bite mark, lips lighter than butterfly wings. “But I’m still so sorry. Even after this, you’re still doing so much for me, I don’t know how to make it up to you.”
My hand scratched behind his flat ear.
“Well, if you’re so keen about it, I would love it if you finally got out of the apartment.”
He scoffed, but I kept going.
“I’m serious. I know you feel guilty, but locking yourself up as if you committed a crime is not doing any good to anyone. Hell, if I was the one who went crazy and bit you, it wouldn’t be an issue. You might even be laughing about it.”
Proving my point, he let out a breathy chuckle.
“See?” Despite the wobbly limbs, I shifted on the bed, bringing his head to my chest and placing one leg over his waist. “You’re not bad, Wolf.”
Hesitant hands moved up my back, holding me closer, and my worries were eased once I heard his tail wagging against the bed.
“Thank you, I guess you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry. Of course you’re right.” He nuzzled my neck and I could feel his smile. “And you’re right about leaving the apartment too. My nose is starting to itch and I would rather eat cardboard than those shrimp flavored noodles again.” 
“How about we go for a walk and get a salad after?”
He looked at me like a little kid who got told no at the toy store.
“Fine, a walk and ice cream. But after that we're deep cleaning this place.”
“Hmm, yes. You’re definitely too good for me.”
Wagging his tail, he leaned in and kissed the purple bruise on my neck. I knew his self blame wasn’t gone, hope as I might, it might never fully be, but we would take it one step at a time. And besides, exploring this new, unrestrained side of him- of us- wasn’t bad at all.
TAGLIST: @freeholeformuzan @xxladysquishyxx
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verilydigital · 4 months ago
he’s back he’s back he’s baaaackkk
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From the trailer for The Bad Guys 2
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coyotethursday · 4 months ago
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can't wait for bad guys 2
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burnt-burnt · 3 months ago
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Mr.wolf charm for end of this month!
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yurishica · 3 months ago
When your ship can do both
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koko2unite · 4 months ago
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fluffyvenom on the beach 🐺🐍
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kokotwounite · 1 year ago
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🐺👑 number 1 wolfbait forever
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rulo-core · 3 months ago
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How do I explain myself?
Wait, I can’t-
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mofuguys · 4 months ago
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i just think he's so dreamy with those goggles...
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lovewillthaw-j · 10 months ago
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"Full Clooney charm offensive"
The Bad Guys (2022) dir. Pierre Perifel
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