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gooseclan · 8 months ago
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caterpillarclan · 1 month ago
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caterpillarclan - moon 11
secret babies…
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kiwibattlecats · 1 year ago
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Cavekit - Cavepaw ♂ Gorseclan Kit - Gorseclan Apprentice "Badly scarred mink-pointed tom with blue eyes." Shy || Serious || Analytical || Lonely Mother: Shadefeather Father: Thrushwing Brothers: Sedgetuft and Surgingpaw Sisters: Dappledstar and Falconpaw Former Mentor: Spider (ex-Gorseclan, loner) Mentor: Dappledstar Appears in Dappledshade’s Vision and Snowpaw's Shadow
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Moon 247-Leaf-fall
Tumbleswoop’s (36) broken leg isn’t getting any better.  In fact, it’s festering.  Echomoor (28) takes a long walk, deep in thought about ways he could help his loved one.  Meanwhile, Streamhiss (18) comes out as a trans she-cat.  You go, girl!  Rootwing (14) goes on his first solo mediation mission to RaccoonClan to solve some border disputes.  But he only makes them worse.  Oof.  Creekstar is not very popular with the newer members of the Clan.  Orioleclover (13) feels like she never does anything helpful, Hopgrowl (270) thinks she isn’t very considerate of others, and Cavekit (5) sticks out his tongue at her.  Oof (x2).  Rubbleheart (43) overhears Creekstar complaining about him behind his back.  He doesn’t appreciate it.  His game of hide and seek was very important.  More important than hunting, even. Skipneedle is amazed at how long Hopgrowl has survived and feels a deep respect for the elder.  Sweet Marmalade (32) is happy to be healthy and makes sure to always check in on his Clanmates.  Shinebreak (22) and Brightmouse (22) are still enjoying the mated life.  Shinebreak purrs for a long time at one of Brightmouse’s lame jokes.  Blizzardpaw (10) is impatient to be a warrior and gets in a spat with Skipneedle (22) over a piece of fresh-kill.  
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 2 years ago
Second potats??
Dahliawhatcher turned around as she heard the kittypet they found couch. "I'll check up on you in just a second, don't worry." She said "Who's kittens are those?" The brown tom asked. "Well, we found yesterday, their mother died" Dahliawhatcher explained. "Could you describe the mother perhaps?" He replied. The medicine cat looked confused for a while but replied anyways. "Are you looking for someone Baobei, that's your name right?" Baobei nodded. "What did their mother look like?" He asked once again. "If it helps you" Dahliawhatcher said. "It was an orange tabby, they had blue eyes" Baobei suddenly sat up. "I'm their father..." He weakely said. "I'm so sorry." The medicine cat tried to comfort the sad tom. "Are you couching up blood?" Dahliawhatcher suddenly paniced, when the kittypet looked at her, confused she explained; "I'm afraid you have redcough, a sickness that takes many cats lives within a moon..."
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I'm going to have to focus on school from now on, I will be posting once every weekend (I'll try) instead of every two days.
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clangenthriftclan · 7 months ago
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Weed and Cavekit from @loudclan-clangen
Frondstar from @chaosclan
Fernfreckle from @vaporclan
Sparkstar (and Lavenderkit, Olivekit and Russetkit) from @lucentclan
Sorry it's taking a moment for moons ! Here's clangen art I did for artfight ! All of these blogs are super cool you should give them a look
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Shoreclan moons 1-50!
Moon 0:
- Yellowweb becomes Yellowstar.
- the deputy is Yellowclaw
- the medicine cat is Ibispelt
Moon 3:
- Kitekit becomes Kitepaw, apprenticed to Splinterback, a warrior
Moon 5:
- Santana, a former loner, joins the clan
Moon 6:
- Flamerip is injured by a dog
Moon 11:
- Kitepaw becomes Kitekick
Moon 12:
- Ibispelt and Yellowstar become mates
- Santana died of yellowcough
Moon 13:
- Flamerip retires to elder’s den
Moon 14:
- Ibispelt announces that they are pregnant with kits!
- A kit is abandoned for the clan to care for, and is named Oddkit
- Flamerip switches to medicine cat to fill in for Ibispelt
Moon 16:
- The first litter of the clan! Yellowstar and Ibispelt have three kittens- Yellowkit, Fidgetkit, and Caterpillarkit
- Oddkit becomes Oddpaw, and is apprenticed to Caterpillarpeak
Moon 18:
- Caterpillarkit is discovered to have a weak leg
Moon 21:
- Flamerip is caught breaking the Warrior code
Moon 22:
- Yellowkit becomes Yellowpaw, and is apprenticed to Yellowstar
- Fidgetkit becomes Fidgetpaw, and is apprenticed to Yellowclaw
- Caterpillarkit becomes Caterpilarpaw, and is apprenticed to Kitekick
Moon 23:
- A loner named Sneeze joins the clan
Moon 24:
- Caterpillarpaw died in a flood.
- Relations with Spruceclan improved
Moon 25:
- Oddpaw becomes Oddblink
Moon 26:
- Fidgetpaw has been lost to twolegs
Moon 28:
- Splinterback and Flamerip die
Moon 29:
- Yellowpaw becomes Yellowfleck
Moon 31:
- Caterpillarpeak joins the elders
Moon 34:
- Kitekick brings two kits to camp- Curlkit and Tuftkit
- Kitekick and Oddblink become mates
Moon 36:
- Former rogue, Odetta, joins the clan
Moon 37:
- Yellowstar loses a life to a fox
Moon 38:
- Yellowstar lost a life to rogues
Moon 39:
- Kitekick is expecting kits!
Moon 40:
- Curlkit becomes Curlpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar
- Tuftkit becomes Tuftpaw and is apprenticed to Sneeze
Moon 41:
- Kitekick and Oddblink have three kits! Coyotekit, Pumpkinkit, and Cavekit
- Odetta joins the elders
Moon 42:
- Odetta is switched to medicine cat
Moon 43:
- Odetta has a single kitten- Stormkit
Moon 44:
- Yellowstar is expecting kits!
Moon 45:
- Tuftpaw becomes Tuftstep
Moon 46:
- Yellowstar and Ibispelt have a single kit- Quillkit
Moon 47:
- Cavekit becomes Cavepaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Pumpkinkit becomes Pumpkinpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Coyotekit becomes Coyotepaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
Moon 49:
- Pumpkinpaw died of cold
- Yellowstar lost some lives to old age
Moon 50:
- Curlpaw becomes Curlstripe
- New med cat, Swiftspeckle, joins the clan
- Stormkit becomes Stormpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @wills-woodland-warriors, @starfalcon555, @elementaldeityoffood
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 2 years ago
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got a very silly looking kitten (markings make him look very angy all the time) so I had to draw him. his name is cavekit and he is a bully :(
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zeeposting · 6 months ago
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should i rename cavekit, heartkit, gingerkit and flipkit...
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gooseclan · 8 months ago
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soldier, poet, king
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phloxclan · 7 months ago
Moon 126
Robinpaw earns the full name Robinpatch.
Berrypaw is apprenticed to Wolftrail, Buckpaw to Piperheart.
Lichenspeck and Fluffyrustle have 4 kits. Pigeonkit - Brown marbled tom with hazel eyes and long fur, daydreamer, oddly insightful. Seedkit - Dark gray marbled molly with emerald eyes and long fur, impulsive, quick to help, confident with words. Heathkit - Calico molly heather blue eyes, daring, splashes in puddles. Cavekit - Ginger tabby tom with hazel eyes, attention-seeker, quick to help.
Oakstripe is expecting kits.
Boo has whitecough, Clifftimber dislocated a joint, and Vinepath’s joint pain flares up.
Antclan ambushes a patrol by the border. Myrtlefeather, Raincurrent, and Fluffyrustle are killed, leaving Tawnysnarl as the only survivor. Weevilstar swears vengeance, and Phloxclan formally declares war.
Moon 127
Roachstripe and Riot have 3 kits. Bitterkit - Ginger speckled tom with hazel eyes and long fur, insecure, never sits still. Conekit - Tortie molly with hazel eyes, daring, moss-ball hunter. Carpkit - Yellow rosette molly with yellow eyes and long fur, troublesome, moss-ball hunter.
King, with her ghost sight, sees Fluffyrustle's ghost in a panic. His kits are in danger from a venomous snake. King protects them, but is bitten in the process, succumbing to the venom. Fluffyrustle stays with her as she crosses over, apologizing and thanking her repeatedly.
Phloxclan ambushes an Antclan patrol. All goes well - maybe a little too well. Ottercinder is particularly viscious, and she maims an apprentice severely. Auburngale pulls her away, and the two argue about it. Auburngale says she'll report this to Weevilstar, and Ottercinder threatens her in return.
Moon 128
Pepperpaw, Greenpaw, and Almondpaw earn the full names Pepperhawk, Greenlake, and Almondblossom.
Vinepath was seriously injured by a dog. Sleekshadow and Weevilstar have whitecough.
Oakstripe and Vinepath have 2 kits. Pheasantkit - Black and white tom with pale green eyes and long fur, bossy, never sits still. Birchkit - Gray and white tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur, daring, never sits still.
Squirreldapple retires.
Squirrelrock is killed by Antclan warriors.
Snippaw investigates a strange noise and finds a recently dead queen and 2 newborn kits. The kits are brought to the camp. Sprigkit - Dark gray tabby molly with bronze eyes and long fur, daydreamer, confident with words. Coyotekit - Dark gray tom with bronze eyes and long fur, charming, confident with words.
Dewglade and Auburngale enjoy a quiet moonlit stroll. Ottercinder mysteriously vanishes that same night. Odd.
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elementclangen · 8 months ago
Orioleclover's Adult Sprite and Cavekit's Sprite
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Orioleclover; Powerless she-cat; Grumpy and a good speaker
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Cavekit; Age four moons; Powerless tom-kit; Nervous
Cavekit was found by Bluestripe and brought back to the Clan.
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Weaselfur, Warmdawn and Lynxpaw were calmly patrolling until they got ambushed by a Blissclan patrol, Warmdawn stumbeled and fell in the river during the fight and could not be saved in time, Weaselfur and Lynxpaw had to give up the fight because of their wounds.
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Later on the gathering the other clans told Blissclan nd Featherclan to stop fighting, the two clans decided to end the fighting and agreed to stop the war.
Lotuskit and Cavekit became apprentices! Lotuspaw will be mentores by Billoweyes and Cavepaw will be mentored by Ruffnut
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tinyclangen · 1 year ago
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chamberofpeaches · 2 years ago
started a new clangen clan: shoalclan!
they're very silly! I might even draw them at some point
(keep in mind I just started the clan, here's a few things I noticed so far + character notes)
Flystar (the leader): fairly old, she has a lot of battle scars (the most notable one being the slash across her shoulder) and she thinks that it proves her worth as a leader. Despite her fearsome attitude, she is incredibly loving, and quite the hopeless romantic as she seems to fall in love with anyone who dares to interact with her (Flystar has small crushes on BOTH Basilsplash and Blackswoop). She's a bit forgetful as well
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Shellshard (the deputy): I think he's the best boy :) He believes in a positive mindset and has very high self-esteem. He's very daring and bold, and is often doing stupid stuff, which makes Archstripe mad 24/7. Despite this, they both slightly like each other (romantically). During gatherings, Shellshard and Archstripe can be found making fun of the other clans. Shellshard is also a really good kitsitter
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(This patrol is SUPER silly especially because Archstripe was there the entire time. Self-love baby)
Blackswoop (the medicine cat/healer): Blackswoop is the only cat in the clan who isn't constantly thinking silly, goofy things. He usually reminds everyone what their tasks and responsibilities are that days, and he doesn't mind when Flystar forgets what she has to do most of the time. Blackswoop is an avid cook, and he always teaches the kits to invest in basic hygiene (wash your paws, your face, groom). Flystar has feelings for him, but I don't think he noticed yet
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Basilsplash: He's a distinguished warrior, and he always tries his best. I don't know much about him, but he seems to like Redkit (despite the fact that most of the clan acts distasteful towards her) and he has mutual feelings for Flystar (but they are small). Basilsplash is often confused for Blackswoop (as both their prefixes start with "b" and their suffixes "s", and they are both dark-coated cats), and he likes to cook with him. He smells like his name.
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Archrise: The girlboss herself! Archrise struts around the camp as if she owns the place. She isn't scared to call you a matted kittypet if you smell bad, and StarClan FORGIVE ME, if you insult her, your day, no-, LIFE, will be lousy afterward. Archrise loves to groom herself and look pretty and sharp. She thinks Shellshard is a doofus, but she still loves him. They're pretty good friends
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Redkit (everyone hates her for some reason?): Redkit is the oldest of the three kits, and she likes to make that pretty clear. Despite her age, she's still really small and is the butt of most jokes (a common one being: "Redkit? snort- Who named you, a kittypet?")
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Cavekit: She REALLY hates Redkit, she is sincerely the number 1 biggest hater of Redkit (and I have no idea why). Cavekit and Oakkit often taunt Redkit, and make her feel excluded, super crappy. She's really good friends with Oakkit
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Oakkit: Oakkit flaunts her pretty coat and asks a bajllion questions a day. She likes to pretend that she is the leader (which Flystar STERNLY denounced). Though Oakkit considers Redkit a friend, she is often dragged into Cavekit's problems as she is Cavekit's best friend
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That's all for now! I'll try to draw them later. Btw, they live on a beach near some humans :)
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loudclan-clangen · 9 months ago
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The healer kits are all pretty close! They are often left to their own devices while their parents tend to an emergency, so they're used to entertaining/distracting each other. Dogwoodpaw and Rosehippaw always take turns playing with Cavekit and keeping an eye on what's going down, and Cavekit knows to back off when Rosehippaw starts having a coughing fit.
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C'mon guys give him a break. They only flirted like... a couple of times. Plus, she's so cool, she's like THE reason the clan found the Black Water Pool. Who could blame him for having a bit of a crush on her???
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You are not dumb. It's just that a lot of people think it's Owlstar... Like a LOT of people.
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I am sooo (╥﹏╥). She may not have been starclan's specialest little girl but she was mine! Honestly though those kids would have been SO messed up if she had been allowed to raise them. Like yeah this is definately psychologically scarring but maybe its for the best tbh. Isn't he handsome? The sweet one with the white on his face? He's the oldest of the batch.
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Okay, I know that you retracted this but, DON'T BE SORRY YOU'RE SO RIGHT??? Like YES. Being Rosehippaw and getting screwed over at every turn despite having two devout parents who did everything the way they were supposed to, and then to see Eklutna just carelessly endanger herself and her kits because they're "special" and "starclan will save them" would be AWFUL! Like is she not important enough for starclan to save her??? It could easily push someone over the edge.
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First and foremost, Fiercestripe is worried about the well being of the kits. Once they're out of the woods then she'll turn her attention to the culprit.
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Very well thought out theory, I wonder when would the kits' parentage be revealed? When they are old enough to take over as deputy or when Owlstar dies and they need to take his place?
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