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#sorry lol#clangen#gooseclan#sandtuft#sandstar#bristlestar#wolfripple#beaverdawn#palestreak#olliestem#sandyquiver#suntree#primpaw#tallstone#dustbillow#otterskip#bearhusk#cherubishiver#branchshine#cat death tw
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revamp of my designs for the leaders and deputies for my warriors AU, i'm pretty sure the original versions are on this blog somewhere?
watch the commentary speedpaint here!
#warrior cats designs#warrior cats#warriors#the burning light#morningstar#dawnstar#bristlestar#polestar#ridgefang#weaselmask#crescentpelt#iceheart
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the girl herself
#wc#warriors#warrior cats#wc fanart#wc oc#warriors oc#warrior cats oc#wc fanclan#cat oc#art#artists on tumblr#digital art#sam draws#oc: bristlestar#her warrior name was either bristleclaw or bristlefur#shes spiky
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Slowly chipping at designing the spiraling upwards cast, and by that I mean designing two of them before going damn that sucked and drawing ones I’ve already designed
#keese draws#oc art#oc#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#I’ve drawn bristlestar and conestar before (right two)#the other two are both elmclan medics#the top left is silentfleck who I think I talked abt recent#and the bottom left is seabark she’s very silly#she’s doctor mal practice she’s going to need to remove all your organs#fun fact! she comes from the same cat group that murtlepaw is from#I’m not sure if it’ll come up in comic yet but idk maybe#she was accused of a murder she didn’t do so she ran away before they could kill her#shes never actually liked fighting so she was more than happy to join elmclan as a medic#she isn’t particularly close with most of her clan mates since she doesn’t like making friends but she still likes most of them#she’s just still stuck in the mindset of her old home of not getting attached to those around you#she’s incredibly loyal to elmclan as a whole tho
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First of all: WOLFBITE OMG!!!!! I CALLED IT (i didn’t i was SHOCKED.)
Also: are there any other clangens you’ve been interacting with/reading? I’d love to get some reccs!
YES i love to look at other clangen blogs... here are a few of my favorites!! I'm going to tag them but if you're on this list and you'd like to not be tagged just let me know :)
@gooseclan - Shares a border with Fallenclan!!! i love their art sm its so silly <3 and I am Afraid for Bristlestar rn I'm not gonna lie
@cricketclan - Also shares a border with Fallenclan!! So insanely jealous of their art its unreal good
@boulderclangen - I just found them the other day!! Just starting out but their art is BEAUTIFUL and I'm really really excited so see where the story is going!!
@black-buttercup-clangen - I just did a bit of art for them a week or so ago, so you might know of them already, but GO LOOK!!! Fantastic art (the DEDICATION for all those backgrounds, my god) and I'm so intrigued by the story, especially whatever's going on with Burntfade. Looking At Him.
@circus-clangen - The CHARACTER DESIGN by god..... absolutely stunning. and holy hell what a concept??? i love their comics sm
@the-inky-waters - GOD i love their art... such wonderful colors and expressions. I'm so curious to see the story unravel...
@lionpawsdiary - Lionpaw and Spikedawn mean so much to me you have no idea. theyre so silly. grumpy old cat this weird little gal <3
@splinterclan The EXPRESSIONS the ART STYLE the CHARACTER DESIGNS..... Pansybloom my sweet girl i love you
@hushedclan DRYSTAR I LOVE YOU DRYSTAR.......... another blog with the most incredible art style holy shit
not an extensive list!! just a handful of the more recent ones I've followed, go check them all out!!!
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final reference & redesign of my oc, bristlestar! since he’s leader of brookclan he must have at least few of scars base by baddgercatz
#erin hunter warriors#feral#cats of tumblr#cats#feline#warrior cats#warriors cats#art#cats warriors#cat#original character#character#oc#oc art#digital art#artists on tumblr#drawing#cat oc#cat oc art#feral art#feral oc#feline art#waca#waca design#waca art#waca oc#warriors designs#warrior cats designs#wc art#wc designs
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Bristlestar's Final Form 🌿💚
Bristlestar becomes ThunderClan's leader, kind of unwilling, but he comes to love his position until he joins StarClan.
Art by Me
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The past few pages have been so pretty. The lighting, the shot looking over the lake, and Bristlestar's sweet little smile are all so nice :)
Thank you :D
I love messing with lighting
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Left to Right: Bristlestar/quill, Carnationwater (above) Chaffinchstar, and Foxstar
In order from when I played them: Foxstar, Chaffinchstar, Bristlequill, Carnationwater.
So I started a little lifegen challenge, where every time I die, I get reborn as a kit!
Blurbs of Bristle and Carnation will be drawn later!
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Part 3; Final
It takes a little bit of time for them to explore the cliffside and come to a place where a camp could be established, discovering an area with small caverns and craigs that they quickly begin to soften with dried grasses and bird feathers. It's awkward to adjust to this more barren living area when used to the grassy and lush valley below but the group refuses to turn back and seek forgiveness- no, they would grow and become stronger. Then they would retake what should be theirs. It's no surprise when Bristledream is agreed to be leader by the other adults but it is when the tom rejects the idea of receiving lives from Srarclan- no, he wishes to be free of their righteous lies.
When he awakes the next morning he calls the others and announces that a molly named Hushshine from a starless forest granted him nine lives and the name Bristlestar. After the cheers, he smiles and looks to his followers.
"Sleetsight, you shall be my deputy." The tom nodded and moved to sit beside his new leader, "Heathersmoke, you will be our healer. I trust you will do well."Bristlestar purred, and they shared a nod of understanding.
Risingclan has been founded.
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ok since you suggested in pinneddddd….warrior cats names but using plants native to england. if that’s a little too much then just warrior cats names!! thank u so much 444 yiure awesome :)))))
Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers and herbs
Acateface Acoragonia Aldendrop Alderhear Aldustpaw Allowferria Alonpaw Amarminter Anetooth Appercy Artemkit Asted Aveheart...
Bacca Bacorage Badge Beetfury Beetleap Beetpaw Berrisker Besightclaw Bircheyes Birchilip Birchkit Birdstar Blace Blackenfoot Blaze Blest Blossfire Blosshell Blossop Boulderkit Brackclaw Bracter Bractered Brambleek Brambroom Brance Breed Breeneather Breenose Brigoldo Brindleaf Bring Brise Bristlestar Broketoot Broomkit Broot Brostystar Brushpelt Bubblefrose Bubblestar Bumblekit Bumblestar Burryfall Buttens Butter Cametalnose Captail Captoot Caright Casperick Catay Celeap Chalftail Chareface Cheddark Cherb Chestar Cilangle Cinderflow Cindle Cindlewing Cindstar Cloverheart Clovewing Corch Coria Corningnose Costar Cresight Crockface Crook Crowanbeam Cudweedclaw Curry Curryfall Dahlight Dance Danfling Dapple Darheart Dashheart Dawnbria Dawnclaw Dawnstem Dawnypelt Deadowstar Dieseed Dieselwing Dillower Doespots Doesprind Domint Domisia Dover Downpelt Drife Eaglewhite Elderhear Errowlnose Erryfeather Eucal Eyestar Falconeye Fallis Fallow Fawnclaw Fawnsta Fawnstar Fawnyfur Feath Feathear Featheart Fenugree Fenugreed Ferrynoses Fidge Fierch Filot Fincess Firchkit Fireflower Firestripe Fishaded Flasha Flepaw Flossomkit Flowstar Flurrelight Fluttedpelt Flyingstar Footh Foothpelt Forgetmeg Fritzi Frose Frostc Frostmastic Fuzzle Galame Gerrel Glovage Golderkit Golderpelt Goldo Goosepaw Grasc Grassheepaw Gravens Greena Gremleap Growfern Gullstart Haibasilt Harefeather Harepowdrop Hares Haresspeck Harleafpool Harpelt Harrowler Hatchfoot Hatter Herrytainch Hicorick Hilip Hilipclaw Hollower Hopperkit Hoppyclaw Hosong Huacacia Hundleclaw Husserclaw Hydrage Hyssumace Iceclaw Impather Irisrook Jacqueak Jacquestep Jasmint Jaspercy Jaycloudy Jessaracter Jestar Jonquinch Jumpes Junia Juniaale Junip Junipe Junipkinks Kestar Lamelody Lametail Larcissus Laven Lavenpelt Leavystar Lemong Lemongbird Lemonkshorn Lestnut Licah Licherb Light Lilackclaw Lilax Lilot Lilyweed Lionstrike Littlepaw Lizzle Lobelic Lupines Maggotted Magnose Malame Maplefrostc Maplet Mapletsy Marling Melight Midges Midgetream Mintfang Minth Mistclaw Mistep Mistle Mistlebalm Mitterfoot Mittle Month Moonflowhen Morntail Mossleed Mossomheart Mossop Mossper Mossy Mouncetail Mousefoot Mousewinder Mudpuddyher Needfeather Nettlefore Nettlekit Nettletsy Newinderkit Newtspelt Nighthervil Nightwise Oakle Oatchkit Oatfury Oleaf Oliverb Olivystrel Onefoot Onewistle Owleryllium Owlwhistc Packenpaw Pagestar Palerystep Panderfoots Parabbits Pashfoot Pashheart Pashpaw Patchen Patchfoots Pation Pebblekit Pebblestar Petail Petailkweed Petuft Petvine Pigeonyclaw Piger Pingpelt Pinkfur Pipsquestar Pipsquirrel Plumstorm Poleshives Pricepaw Priketail Prind Puddleclaw Quail Quickory Quirrel Rabacca Rabbite Ragon Ratchfoot Rattailher Redclark Redtoot Reech Reeneyfur Reeze Ridger Riper Risinghear Riveclaw Rives Robine Robineclaw Rocus Rookeheart Rosia Rowanch Rowpelt Rowtail Runnel Runningpelt Runnings Rushpelt Safoetida Sagestep Salviana Sanderheart Scilacevil Scillkit Scourgetmeg Scowstar Screstone Sedge Seedclaw Seedshine Shadown Shadowpelt Shantherb Sheale Shellium Shellower Shellyflow Shimmerry Shinect Shisker Shnose Shoodsong Shrewfooth Shruster Slashfoot Slashhear Slater Slaters Sleaf Smokedstar Snakestar Snowdropsis Songtail Sorrelt Sorrelwing Spardens Spiderlegs Spiders Spiketoe Spires Splashfoots Splashfur Spotspenfur Spotterstar Spottleclaw Stedpeltail Stoadfoot Stoney Stoneyfur Sunbeamkit Sunflight Sunny Sunnypeach Susantfur Swallower Swallowfur Swiftflower Taracks Tawnstripe Tellfur Testep Thail Therkit Thisker Thispeck Thispelt Thistles Thorntoot Thuntang Tinyclaw Toadfooth Trumpercy Tunipe Turtlestar Twigbram Twing Vanise Vineclaw Violepad Voleap Voleg Volepaw Volet Voletoot Waffron Wavens Waves Whistleaf Whistleclou Whitefur Whitess Whiteth Whitewatep Whitewind Whorning Whorty Willeaf Willower Willweevil Wingo Wooping Wrenfly Wrenfur Yelleap Zackclaw Zinnowy
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Went a little ham on my first Art Fight attack (revenge for @17-poprocks ) >///< 3 lil scenes of our warriorsonas, Creeksong and Bristlestar!
Bottom scene is where she meets Bristlestar on the ShadowClan / RiverClan border after the RiverClan medicine cat decides to join ShadowClan following the loss of their sole med cat. Creeksong's apprentice, Gingertail, had already received his full med cat name so, she figured she'd switch to ShadowClan, feeling little connection to her own clan and fancying the ShadowClan leader.
Top scene is most nights in the first moon Creeksong was with ShadowClan. Despite her feeling sure in her decision to switch clans, adapting to ShadowClan territory/camp wasn't very easy. Bristlestar would often sneak into the med den to keep her company at night and make her more comfortable while adjusting.
The middle scene is Creeksong treating some of Bristlestar's wounds soon after a border skirmish, reminding the leader that he still needs to be tended to even if his wounds aren't too serious - he means too much to the clan, and to her too~
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Bristlestar, the forever mourner, universally hated by old people
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While I may not be allowing myself to post spiraling upwards spoilers, I see no issue with posting art of a bunch of folks who are dead before the story starts and one Conetalon who isn't
#keese draws#warrior cats#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#these are all the og leaders and deputies of each of the 4 main clans!#and cone is the only of the og deputies who didn’t die before their leader lol#also two of these are mother daughter duos with bonestar being conetalons mom and bristlestar being gullspots mom#gullspots died during a horrible flood in their old camp#and this was pretty early on in the clan’s life too so no one else was rly qualified to be deputy#she ended up choosing honeyfeather as her new deputy which honey did. not take well.#she had be among the injured in the flood and had just lost her tail along with her best friend#so she was not in a place to be deputy at All#and things would only get worse for her when bristle died only a few months later of old age#because of this she has. complicated feelings on bristle to put it lightly.#frostflow died from an infected wound after a nasty fall which left pretty much the entire clan devastated#foggystar didn’t want to force anyone who was grieving to become deputy so he decided on a cat who had only been a part of the clan for#about a year after his old owners died in a house fire#his name was daisy and he’s one of my favorites and currently he’s the youngest of the four leaders#pigeon died via snake bite which is ironic for reasons I won’t go into now but everyone was devastated blah blah blah but really this did#fuck up most of the older members of the clan a lot as pigeon played such a vital role in them all being alive here today#ratstar ended up choosing her other crush (more complicated edition) as her new deputy since she was the right hand man to the cat who#started the revolution that brought them all together but abt a year later it became clear to both of them that nightfur wasn’t able to#handle the pressure of this anymore so she retired#after that ratstar just tried to pick the most responsible looking cat and she kind of succeeded#I say kind of because she Was but then 3 of her children got murdered and her best friend died right before ratstar dropped dead#so now she’s barely holding things together and has some newfound anger issues#and then my girl conestar just got to hang out and become leader when her mom died lucky her#well no she was absolutely devisated when her mom died as bonestar was like the number one cat she cared abt#she had been terrified of losing her mom for good for years so even though she could tell her mom was getting old and was able to talk to#her directly about these fears she still had a hard time moving forwards
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i drew @gooseclan's leader, Bristlestar!! she has such a cool pelt, very fun to draw
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Behold! CurledFang and his descendants who inherited his long fangs! BuzzardTalon is his very evil son, then all of the rest are BuzzardTalon's children.
CurledFang, as you can hopefully see, has very long fangs, which poke out from his mouth. The family has a strange thing where AMAB descendants get longer top right fangs, and AFAB descendants get longer top left fangs. Then there's BristleStrike who has longer both top fangs.
BristleStrike/Star and ChestnutScar are very evil, like their father. DuskFang, BrindleHeart, DriftKit, and AspenKit are very dead... Then there's OakThistle who's just trying to survive.
CurledFang was known to be a relatively friendly guy, very polite, yet elegant. He was deputy of ThicketClan for many moons under AcornStar before retiring.
BuzzardTalon was a very violent, aggressive guy, well-liked for his skill in battle and his no-nonsense attitude. He was bitter when he wasn't made deputy after his father's retirement, instead a young, upstart warrior named BrownWhisker was made deputy. BuzzardTalon killed BrownWhisker and tried to lead a coup against AcornStar with some of his followers, which ultimately failed and ended with his death.
DuskFang, OakThistle, and BrindleHeart were in BuzzardTalon's and ShadowHeart's first litter. DuskFang took the most after their grandfather, CurledFang, and was very popular in all the clans. BrindleHeart was very sassy. They died by drowning after falling into the river during a fight with DriftClan. OakThistle never forgave himself, due to self-blaming and his father claiming his cowardice caused their deaths. (DuskFang fell into the river when trying to save OakThistle from an enemy warrior, BrindleHeart leapt after DuskFang in a desperate effort to save him.)
(TW: Kit death, A mother killing her children, Mention of Abuse (domestic), just dark things)
BristleStar, ChestnutScar, DriftKit, and AspenKit were born in the second litter. After BuzzardTalon's betrayal and death, ShadowHeart starts spiraling. The kits were still very young, their eyes weren't even open yet. ShadowHeart had snuck out of camp with the four kits and quickly mauled and killed DriftKit and AspenKit before OakThistle found her and stopped her from killing BristleKit and ChestnutKit.
ShadowHeart believed that the kits would bring destruction to all of the clans and that the only way to save them was to get rid of the kits. She forces their clanmates to kill her when she gets taken to camp to answer for her crimes, as she doesn't stop attacking until she collapses, bleeding out shortly after.
Many of their clanmates distance themselves from BristleKit and ChestnutKit, OakThistle included. This isolation doesn't prove good for the kits, who are told all about their parents' crimes by some of their more bitter clanmates. They both grow up into cruel and aggressive warriors.
BristleStrike gets into a relationship with my fav trans boy (FtM) FoxFang. Unfortunately, he is not a nice mate and FoxFang is severely traumatized.
Deep into BristleStar's leadership, FoxFang kills ChestnutScar in a duel, becoming deputy. A few moons later, FoxFang kills BristleStar, taking his remaining lives, grieving yet relieved to be free from BristleStar's torment.
Anyways, that was a lot, but I love these funky little cats and their long fangs. It's funny how much I have BristleStar's and ChestnutScar's stories planned out when they're side villains in the main story. Like, the main character is in CliffClan, which is quite the distance from ThicketClan (like, still traversable in about a day, but they don't share much of a border.)
Also, if I tagged wrong or whatever, feel free to correct me; I haven't really used Tumblr before. Don't be rude, please, if you don't like the art, just scroll on. I don't think my art's the best or whatever, and I don't need anyone pointing out the flaws I can clearly see.
Unless you have some genuine advice, in which case, I will gladly try to take into account what you say. I may not respond, I'm very scared of conversations, even online because I don't want to make a fool of myself.
If you've actually read this far, thanks for taking an interest in my funky little warrior cat oc thingy! I don't have much hope that anyone will read this far, though. In any case, if you have I love you platonically and hope that life has and/or will be kind to you!
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