#cause why would they be able to control it..
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shadowgamerhalo · 1 day ago
My early child years I was a morning person, but the older I got that's when the shift happened. I became someone who woke up in the afternoon most days. How I was treated for this was horrendous. My several of my siblings would comment on or mock me for it, especially on the occasions i was awake in the morning. My mom often threatened to take away things just cause I couldn't wake up in the morning. And mind you I say couldn't as in, I tried to wake up in the morning, my body wouldn't let me. I often would say it knew how much sleep I needed better than I did.
When I started college it was absolute hell, my sleep schedule became so bad that I was sleep deprived during school days, sleeping well into the evening when not going to school.
On top of this, my body had the usual sleep problems, such as can't fall asleep cause of restlessness, seeing things in the dark, racing thoughts. And when I did sleep, sometimes I'd be woken up by nightmares, and some nights I couldn't sleep after them.
I had no control over my sleep, it was exhausting. I tried everything my family told me over and over to do, cause somehow if I did them, I'd be able to wake up in the mornings. None of them worked, and I hated every time someone mentioned how tired I was, mentioned my sleeping habits. I researched everything I could, until someone outside the family mentioned something called melatonin. So I went into more research with that and decided to take the supplement.
This actually helped me fix my sleep schedule, and figure out why my body was doing it. Firstly, children and teenagers need more sleep. Secondly, my body was trying to help me with my growing sleep problems, even if that meant I slept in more often. Thirdly, when I went to college it required me to wake up extremely early, when I normally would be sleeping, my body's circadian rhythm was thrown off badly because of this. Fourthly, I kept inside so much my body wasn't able to produce enough of the melatonin it was already low on supplies with, because of the very people who demanded I wake up earlier.
There wasn't anything wrong with my younger self waking up 10-12, I wasn't harming nobody, in fact those were my more restful days, when I was actually able to sleep as much as I needed to. Messing with my balance was actually what fucked with me, and my body suffered the price for it.
Now days my sleep schedule is forced to do mornings, however it's now a lot healthier than it was in college, as the melatonin sorts out most of the sleep problems, and being away from my family sorts out the others most of the time. And I have one day where I get to sleep in as much as I need to, and yeah my body wakes me up on that day normally at 10 to 11 am. Goes to show I'm still not a morning person, mornings are just because of my work schedule.
I still think it’s objectively fucked how the world is built for morning people and if you wake up later than everyone else you’re seen as a malicious aberration of some sort. I am that but it’s not because I wake up at 11 fuck yourself
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infinitepunches · 2 days ago
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Monolith's Wonder Woman game has been cancelled.
I’ll tell you why this is a terrible tragedy.
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It would have been an open world single-player game set on Themyscira.
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It would have involved Diana returning to Paradise Island to protect her home from an attack from an army of monsters. This would have created an interesting dynamic between Diana and her sisters, as she is now assumedly a member of the Justice League and very familiar with the world of men. Perhaps they would doubt her loyalty at first after her time away from home.
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You would have been able to recruit other Amazons to fight alongside you in battle, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood style. The concept art shows one of Diana’s allies using futuristic armor and weapons. It’s unclear whether or not these are other Amazons who have returned from the outside world or mortal women coming to the aid of the Amazons.
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You would have fought manticores, orcs, Minotaurs, and various other creatures all being controlled by the evil goddess Circe. Concept art also shows Cheetah allying with Circe.
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We would have likely learned about Circe’s history with Hippolyta and the Amazons and why she would want to destroy their paradise. After coming more into the public eye in Creature Commandos, this game could have shown the scale of threat that Circe represents as she conquers a nation of superpowered immortals.
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This game would have been made by Monolith, a company I’ve loved since they made Tron 2.0 in 2004. They are most famous for making the Lord of the Rings game Shadow of Mordor and its sequel Shadow of War, which in in my top 3 games of all time. These games have beautiful open world maps that give us a bit of an idea of what Themyscira may have looked like. One of the coolest things I’ve ever done in any video game is to tame a dragon and ride it around an open world Middle-Earth.
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The most unique thing about Shadow of War is the Nemesis system. Every villain you encounter is procedurally generated with unique aesthetics and abilities and immunities. Any time a villain defeats you, he gets a name, he grows more powerful, and he moves up in the ranks of the hierarchy of the enemy’s forces.
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Killing enemies merely opens up their spot for another enemy to fill. But defeating them nonlethally and forcing them to pledge loyalty to you allows you to take control of all the forces under their command. The Wonder Woman game would have implemented the Nemesis system for Circe’s army.
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Citadel strongholds are where the most powerful enemies fortify themselves. With the former enemy commanders and armies under your control, you lead assaults and take over these citadels, assigning one of your own commanders to be its new leader.
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The combat system of Shadow of War is somewhat similar to Arkham Knight. Fast-paced and combo focused. Taming creatures also adds a fun layer to fighting large groups of enemies. It has my favorite sword combat in any video game and it would have been interesting to see how they would have incorporated the Lasso of Hestia into the gameplay.
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We would have likely seen skins and customization for Diana.
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Ferdinand the Minotaur could have been your first new ally to abandon Circe.
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Kangas could have been a tamable creature type you could ride around the open world.
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The Invisible Jet could have been used for fast travel.
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We could have gotten some great exposure for some of the lesser known characters in the Wonder Woman mythos.
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Rocksteady killed Wonder Woman unceremoniously in their suicide squad game. (And then said every other character who died was just a clone.) The failure of that game and the $200 million profit loss that it caused is the primary reason why Warner Brothers decided to kill Monolith Productions, a company that has been producing games since 1997.
Meanwhile, Rocksteady gets to make a Batman Beyond game.
This is one of the most regrettable missteps in gaming history.
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zhouguang66 · 9 hours ago
another rant about ultrakill again! wow!
thinking of wings in ultrakill,,,
like how gabriel's wings are shaped like an eagle's, since their primary feathers are long and distinct, similar to those birds of prey like falcons or eagles, and the slight upward curve is characteristic of birds that need both speed and control in the air.
here is the picture i was analyzing from
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in my head he was able to glide and soar at high altitudes, high achieving, high in hierarchy(supreme angel!), high in power(they are literally made from god, the pinnacle of his creation other than man), (and yet the wings are still soft, made of flesh)they are the monarchs of aerial space, after all--until he was condemned, when the father's light now cut from him--and all muscles need exercise after all, and i imagine his wings shrunk a bit from not being able to utilise them and from the time he hasn't used it(i believe they need aerial space and i'm not sure if he gave himself that or the constant blood rain would like yk damage it(just like how birds HATE flying in rain, it would cause it to malfunction, or that it needs light for flight to be sustained.). and i think in the new update they're gonna do something to his wings hopefully, either like pinioning them or making them not as flexible, or the light fading(yk, light got taken and stuff).
i’d also like to analyse v1’s because why not
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V1’s wings are made of cold steel, mechanical constructs of something that resembles wings. they are luminous by the constant fueling of their energy through bloodlust, and yet they are the pinnacle of mankind’s technology; they were made to emulate angelic/seraphic wings seen in biblical and religious depictions of angels.
perhaps humanity tried to reach god by this method, creating something of awe that he would come back. the wings also evoke the “halo” or “wing-blades” seen in various interpretations of high-ranking angels or divine warriors in media, reinforcing the idea that V1, despite being a machine, takes on a form that aligns with angels in a twisted way—a mirror. v1’s wings is a testament to how a machine forcibly ascended to a level of power that they are both feared by heaven AND hell.
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wheelie-sick · 19 hours ago
Happy rare disease day!
-> let's talk about lupus 💜🦋
lupus is sometimes referred to as "the most common rare disease" because it sits right on the line of the definition of rare. regardless, it's definitely true that people with lupus are hard to come by. we're lucky to have thriving online communities on some platforms (not Tumblr, RIP) but offline communities and support groups are few and far between.
lupus is an autoimmune connective tissue disorder named after... wolves, for some reason? there's a lot of debate over why someone several centuries ago decided wolves would represent us well.
there are several types of lupus but the most common is systemic lupus erythematous (SLE), when people are referring to lupus they are almost always referring to this type of lupus. this is the type of lupus I have and the type I know most about so this is the type I'll be discussing in this post.
The basics
lupus is an autoimmune disease that attacks all tissues in your body. yes, all. it can go after any form of soft tissue and even includes your brain and parts of your bones within its reach. this makes lupus a very hard to pin down disease because it can look like anything. I've heard it referred to as "the great imitator" which I think is an excellent title.
with that said, some targets are more common than others.
The symptoms
like the previous section implied there are thousands of presentations of lupus. just about everything has been recorded in association with lupus. my best friend once joked "I bet lupus doesn't cause gangrene" but a case study disagrees.
The lupus foundation of America has excellent resources on some of the most common effects on different body systems. they are by no means comprehensive but they give a good gist of symptoms
some of the key symptoms:
joint pain & swelling, arthritis
severe, persistent headaches that don't respond narcotic analgesics
sensitivity to UV light (UV triggers symptoms)
the butterfly rash (a red, painless rash across your cheeks and the bridge of your nose- sometimes your chin as well)
hair loss
mouth ulcers (typically with a white ring around them)
Raynaud's phenomenon
-> having these symptoms does not automatically mean you have lupus. please do more research before self diagnosing 🙏 if you think you have lupus I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor ASAP! lupus can go from fine to dead in a matter of minutes. <-
Death by lupus
lupus survival odds have increased substantially in the last 20 years but the disease remains incredibly dangerous- particularly to those of us with severe or refractory (non/under responsive to treatment) versions of it. the younger someone develops lupus, the more likely they are to have a severe presentation of the disease.
in particular, children with the disease (under 10) have very low survival odds.
lupus can kill in an almost infinite number of ways. lupus is capable of killing quickly with blood clots, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, heart attacks, and much more. lupus is also capable of killing slowly through lupus nephritis.
lupus nephritis is present in about 40% of people with lupus. lupus nephritis is a kidney disease causing kidney inflammation. it is highly destructive and often leads people to kidney dialysis, kidney transplant, and death by kidney failure. developing lupus nephritis drops your survival rates significantly.
lupus is treatable for most people! the most common treatments include immunosuppressants, steroids, and anti-malarials.
many, if not most, people with lupus are immunocompromised. (which is why it's always good to wear a mask)
while refractory lupus does exist, most people with it are able to get their disease under control.
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swimming-karyss · 1 day ago
Sabo: loneliness, connection and affection
Trying to organise my thoughts on this matter hehe
I just thought that Sabo's relationship with loneliness and connection are very interesting, and not much people talk about how terribly lonely his childhood days were(even compared to Ace&Luffy).
Ace has been alienated from people from the beginning. Raised in the middle of the jungle, by bandits who never showed much affection, and who repeated the same hurtful words as others did. The state of loneliness is the norm for him. He has never known any other life. Naturally, he'd be protective of what little he has(Sabo) and reluctant to open up and accept new connections(Luffy).
As for Luffy, he has been left alone. Shanks left him after a year staying at Windmill village. Garp constantly took him out of his regular life only to leave him alone in the jungle. And he as well took him away from the village and Makino, after he ate his devil fruit. And while he didn't have [present] parents, he had been cared for. Luffy knows the difference between loneliness and companionship. Which is why he chased Ace's recognition so much.
Sabo's situation is more similar to Luffy's.
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But do you ever think that Sabo loved his parents? That he wanted them to love him too? He wouldn't have drawn them if he didn't. He wouldn't be so disheartened at their dismissal if he hated them from the start. But his parents made their love conditional. Sabo had to earn their love and his happiness, while they ignored his pain and attempts to connect. 
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And as you know this kind of relationship could leave a lasting impact on how one navigates their future relationships! But on that later😊
Now, Sabo ran away and that opened a whole other can of worms. He's a child, that for five years didn't have anyone to rely on. Of course, Ace was with him, but after he left for the day, Sabo was left completely alone. I mean, at least Ace had Dadan and occasionally Makino and Garp, they shared meals together, he could turn to them in case something happened and they provided him with company and a roof above his head. Sabo lived on the Gray Terminal by himself, in a place where people considered him either a troublemaker to avoid, or a pest to get rid of (those like pirates and bandits). So through Ace and Luffy Sabo gains not only brothers but also other connections and people who care about him! And he welcomes both Dadan and Makino with a bright smile :) Now that I think about it, just like Ace told him about Luffy, he also must've told Sabo about them too🥹
And while all this is nice, his previous problems didn't go away magically. 
(… But his issues aren't stated or shown as explicitly as Ace and Luffy's, so they are easier to dismiss.)
Even though Sabo trusted Ace with his life, he still kept his origins a secret from him, whether it was because he felt them insignificant compared to Ace's or because he feared abandonment in case Ace would be disappointed. And he was more than willing to keep his secret until the very end - Luffy&Ace literally had to beat(strangle) the truth out of him. Sabo also put distance between them in another way too: Ace thought the two of them would sail together, Sabo didn't.
That is honestly also a point to how controlling his parents were. Sabo wanted freedom so much that he didn't mind the loneliness that came with it. Well, he got what he wanted ;) 
Now it would be easy to say that his amnesia also erased his trauma. But it didn't! Sabo still felt hid parents' influence. (And unlike the other weird amnesia case (the sea sure likes to take people's memories huh) - Big Mom - he didn't revert to his younger self, he only lost access to his memories, his feelings and 'character development' remained). If anything it only led to Sabo not being able to identify the cause of his issues → not being able to treat them properly. Now, the RA seem like decent guys, they very well could be the needed support system for Sabo, but again, it's an army with a whole lot of other issues to deal with. So either way his trauma most likely was allowed to fester for a while as we see its consequences show in his adulthood. 
Even though Sabo seems to be doing well as an adult, there's still some signs of emotional distance. He has never reciprocated a hug, even though he doesn't have a problem with physical touch in general, he didn't even think about approaching Luffy in Dressrosa at first and was very tense when actually talking to him. And it's honestly fascinating just how stiff his body language was in Dressrosa (maybe I'll talk about it in general some other time) - be it shock or anger he keeps his arms to his body, unlike Koala or Hack, who choose violence.
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He also showed barely any reaction during Vegapunk's speech despite the panelling focusing on him specifically. I'd say he mostly keeps his negative emotions in check, bc in Robin's little flashback he was quite expressive! The main counterpoint is 'special Luff' where he is very open about his anger, but he has a really decent reason for it: his feelings being made fun of. And as you'll see later it's a very sensitive topic for him →
To begin with, he avoids talking about things that have emotionally impacted him in any way.
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1.This one might be a stretch, but he begins to talk about his encounter with Fujitora, only not to say anything in the end, idk what's wrong with him; 2. After a very emotional fight with Burgess Sabo dismisses any worries without even mentioning the fight; 3. He refuses to talk with Hack about Luffy, even though we know that he loves to yap about him to Dragon. And that is right after he didn't want to wake Luffy up to even say goodbye! He also changes the topic quickly so Karasu wouldn't be able to further question him.
Even though these scenes are played as gags, he really seems to have trouble with emotional intimacy and opening up about his feelings. And that makes him seem inattentive and irresponsible, thus affecting his relationships with others even more… 
And speaking of which, he is accustomed with either suppressing his feelings or at least just keeping them in check. He hides his worries from his colleagues, appearing as cheerful as always. And during his meeting with Dragon and Iva he brushes aside his guilt and grief for king Kobra (but, I mean it's a work meeting, they need to be professional) and never once he acknowledges his injuries.
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And if he's willing to disregard such a thing as grief, how do you think he really feels about his new title, which was gained by the blood of a man he failed to save?
And frankly, right now we don't know much about Sabo! We know about his childhood, and the way he presents himself now(and that is some material to work with), but the 12 years in the Revolutionary Army are a mystery, and again it's an army, I bet he's seen many things, especially considering how high his position is!
tldr: like Luffy, Sabo has a special relationship with loneliness and abandonment. But unlike Luffy, who especially in pre-ts hated separation, Sabo pushes people away. And what makes it even harder for others to connect with him, is that he tends to hide his feelings and problems.
(like a cat)
but again, I might be reading something wrong, my bad
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rametarin · 3 days ago
They have something in common with the nationalist Russians.
Almost like the two get their marching orders from the same proxy sources.
To Russia, "The Great Patriotic War" was about the Nazis and the rest of the world beating up on poor Russia for no reeaaaaason, and they saved the world from the Nazis all by themselves. And also Western Europe was there too, they guess, kinda.
So a Nazi to them is anything that threatens Russia, or their ideal of what they see Russia could be. So, Ukrainians are "Nazis," in that they don't want to be Russian. Western Europeans are Nazis because they don't want to be Russian and want Russia to do anything but dictate its own terms to itself and others.
And in the west, mold haired Hard-Leftists see themselves as embodying THE definition of correct and good and truth for equality, therefore opposing them and how they think must make you a supporter of those horrible things. So, they accuse you. Not to make you feel bad, but to lie to you around the people around you.
At the same time as they whoop up this bogus worldview and sell them that, making it clear by telegraphing willful ignorance and unreasonability that those accused of Bad Thing will have social bridges to them burned, and anyone on the other side of those won't be listened to to apologize.
It's a psychologically manipulative technique to make you fear being othered by the tribe, while controlling narrative. They make you fear the retaliation of mob violence and proxy ignorance based on damage to your reputation, gossip and rumors. So, it's a subtle threat: "I will ruin your life if you don't operate exactly how I want you to operate, and you won't be able to put out those fires or know where I've set them in your social life."
The threat of being presented as the centerpiece of an echochamber next to the Thing said group is encouraged to hate and see as an existential threat to their existence, UNLESS you conform or overcompensate to prove YOU aren't the Bad Thing.
Make no mistake, Nazis are bad. That's what makes this work. This weaponized reputation ruining.. "cancelling," if you will. That's why they bandy the term Nazi about. It's deliberately done to cheapen the well earned animosity and cash it in for their own ideological cause.
These people are so out of touch that they'll call liberals Nazis, just for being capitalists, and reject their, "free speech is whatever I think would serve my interests" view of the world.
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hexxter · 10 months ago
What if Luxu and Player encounter each other with each of the player’s reincarnation
Luxu who is stealing bodies vs the kid that keeps coming back to life
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mitch4tune · 5 months ago
small spoilers
My 128-page file on Gilbert's controlling behaviour condensed to 22 seconds:
Absolutely no shade to those who like Gilbert; I'm just saying it should be kept in mind that this is noooooot who you want as a partner in real life and that this behaviour shouldn't be romanticized.
Editing note(s): - I didn't use motion tracking to make the images move. I went frame-by-frame and entered each of the coordinates in the keyframes like the masochist perfectionist I am.
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puppppppppy · 1 year ago
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ive made myself more wet and pathetic
#new icon because im SUFFERING. im in HELL#its so bad. i had to sign out of discord so now im both lonely and stressed#because i KNOW im still gonna get dstracted. i just did making this URGH#how good are brains at working around things. i once set a 7AM alarm on my phone with snooze cause i was so sure my brain would#be too lazy and keep snoozing instead of actually turning it off. but nay it either kept sleeping through the alarms and snoozing#or actually managed to turn off the alarm half awake that i barely remembered it and then waking up late#i actually have a track record of climbing out of bed and turning my alarm off without remembering. which is impressive bc i have a loftbed#the other thing is setting fake deadlines so make myself panic into doing things ahead of time. but unfortunately that doesnt work either#because if theres one thing my brain will put all its energy into remembering its self assurance. meaning i WILL be able to remember#the real deadline even if i try to trick myself. cant ask someone to give me a fake deadline either#the only things keeping me going rn is that i have deadlines due at least 1 day between each other and excitement being able to talk with#crow after break. but you can see how well thats going <- ignores long term rewards in favor of short term pleasure#BTW CROW IF YOURE READING THIS IM SO SORRY TURNING OFF MY DISCORD WITH BARELY ANY EXPLANATION#im a huge fucking dumbass and i had barely enough impulse control not to block everyone in my dms because i realized that would send a real#really bad msg. youre not distracting me im distracting myself and i promise youre not annoying me i just really like talking to you and#thats why im just barely stopping myself from signing in. I WANT TO TALK TO U LOTS BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM KICKING MYSELF FOR DOING IT#you can be a little mad at me btw cause i definitely could have done that better but i was all over the place abt how to do it without#making u think im ignoring you. IF THAT MAKES SENSE. SORRY#yapping#doodles#puppysona#edit but last week i tried to schedule and give myself work periods and break periods using my class schedule#and reminders on my phone to tell me when to start and stop. can you guess what happened
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funkle420 · 4 months ago
a great way to combat genAI in the future would be educating kids (and teens and college students and all ppl) on art way more.
#i had art classes growing up but i know a lot of ppl didn't and even less kids get art classes nowadays#we need all kinds of art classes too! music and history and painting and woodshop and drawing and life drawing#i think art history is especially important bc it connects us to our past and shows why art is so important#and all kinds of art classes help kids develop different important skills#like fine motor skills and critical thinking and making choices and noticing details and how to really SEE things rather than just looking#and a lot of art skills like woodworking and ceramics and sewing are all very practical basic adult skills that we should all get to learn#there's reasons arts and crafts and other skill based electives are the first to go and its not just bc they're undervalued#its cause a population that feels capable and confident and skilled and knows how to think critically#is harder to make work shitty jobs for shitty pay#harder to control!#same reason they're banning so many books and trying to make education worse#damn maybe i should learn how to teach better#im already planning to at least try doing a workshop for adults but maybe if i end up liking that#i could work towards being able to teach kids#i feel like teaching kids would be harder cause idk what concepts they do or dont know at whatever age they are#id have to do research and maybe talk to someone who has experience teaching art to kids#but even a simple art class would be beneficial i think#like going outside to draw things in nature maybe#or portrait drawing#or a class on how to make comics or animate on paper to impress their friends lol#i would've loved that!#id have to do that with the help of another teacher maybe#idk#vague future plans#anyway the reason education would help combat ai is cause ppl would learn abt what goes onto making art#all the choices and skills and thought#and they'd be able to more easily see the difference btwn real art and ai images and understand why making art is important
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year ago
Ive gotten so used to not being able to play most games bc of my hands and reaction time n stuff so ive basically gotten used to hitting a ceiling in a game where i can't play normally anymore and need to use assists/cheats so every time i find a game that i Don't need to do that for whenever it ends im just like wait huh thats it???
#cannot decide if Jusant was too short or it's just more accessible than I'm used to so i was able to blaze through it-#either way i would love another game with mechanics like Jusant the climbing was so fluid and satisfying#i thought with my directional confusion n shit i wouldn't be able to get it#but i got a controller and the joysticks and trigger buttons REALLY help with that somehow???#and i managed to get to a point where i was just spidering up walls in seconds#i wanna play more so im actually kind of glad i missed collectibles#this is why you dont 100% run on your first playthrough so you have More Fun to have with it later#i play most games for The Movement (something i Very Much Cannot Do A Lot Of irl) bc its satisfying to Zoom#and that game just has a really solid climbing mechanic its so fun#and so easy to like. make it easier on yourself somehow.#like using pitons to anchor yourself halfway up a wall and then just rappel down to the previous ledge#to regain stamina and then just reel yourself back up to that anchor and keep going#or you can use a piton to just dangle and assess your surroundings#as well as stamina doesnt drain unless you're in motion or under duress (like from weather) so you can pause and look around#plus it's just very fun to climb up this big ol stack and look down and see Wow! I Fuckin Did That!#bc each section is just one real big map so you can fall from top to bottom (of each section)#if you could fall i dont think. the game lets you#cause i tested and if you're not tethered you just do not walk off ledges#which is also nice i like that too it makes me less anxious
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zorbik-guligan · 3 months ago
Y'know hearing people talk about gender made question my own which is fine i kinda just expected yeah still a guy but uh no i kinda reliazed i dont care but it doesn't feel like its nothing like non binary but more like i change to fit whatever situation im in as best i can and changing gender doesn't bother me cause i dont feel very strongly one way or another not a guy or girl just kinda here being me not necessarily nothing but something and it doesn't really matter since im pan and prefer using urinals but still its always kinda weird when someone asks about pronouns cause i just dont care i just choose whatever works the best which i guess would be any but like anytime ive said that it feels not quite right
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fettery-fetterie · 3 months ago
Hlev but he realizes the way to break out of the script is by merely taking it as a guideline rather than the absolute truth
#perceptive little crow#fucking sex in minecraft is playing as im writing this so im not exactly thinking rn#the thing here is that I've struggling for ages to come up for a reason as to why hlev would be able to live a normal and happy life#while peka just goes to hell#and i thibk i found a good reason? question msrk?#like i feel peka would be worrying wayyyy to much over GHOST BUSTER FUCK#anyways peka would worry too much about fucking everything while not really addressing said worry#he'd just try and take as much control as possible over as much situations as possible. right?#which ultimately would bring his downfall as he causes way too much damage on his way to live#while hlev is like#*well yeah i gotta do what i was meant to do. but those are very specific situations right? do they have to dictate how i feel about them?“#“do they have to dictate how i feel on this world? on everything on it?”#i feel that'd be shown as him getting more and more emotion as the game goes#from like. very absent and kinda uncaring(?) to genuinely passionate and open#like. yea there's that bit with being insane about myths. but what if he makes it a genuine passion born out of human curiosity?#what if instead of having merely passing convos with tortino and build a casual friendship-#-he instead tries to build a strong and healthy friendship with her? one born out of genuine interest. respect and love for her?#if instead of merely taking one fight with the super myths and call it a day he instead tries to understand what drove them to that point?#hell maybe even be a bit of moral support for them?#what i mean is that he slowly but surely owns up the script and makes it for *himself*. he picks the bases and uses them to grow as a person#and to finally allow himself to live and indulge in a world that will allow him to live#which is a realization peka doesn't get. instead trying to get as far from the script as possible#the thing here is that he might not realize that very astray may lead him to fall right onto it. y'know?#and there's definitely something to be said about being doomed by the narrative for peka. considering that. unlike hlev-#his intended character is not particularly nice and good?#need to think this further. but i think this is a good start
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hellokittyish · 3 months ago
★ thinking about suguru being your academic rival, the unspoken competition between you beginning on the very first day of college when the advanced calculus professor handed out a brain teaser to help everyone settle in, only for you and suguru to be the only students able to solve it. the problem?
he finished it a second before you did.
and from then on, the two of you would compare everything: average GPA score, exam grades, pop quiz results, who could make the other cum quicker — oh yeah… how could you forget to mention the part where somewhere along the way, the tension between you managed to leak from the classroom into the bedroom. oops.
so that’s how you find yourself in your current position of trying to take suguru down your throat while he simultaneously attempts to ruin your focus by flicking the tip of his annoyingly talented tongue over your swollen clit.
“aww, is someone struggling?” he purrs, violet eyes boring into the back of your head while he continues his languid licks through your embarrassingly wet folds. “y’know… this could all be over right now if you just admit that you can’t keep up with me.”
“s-shut up,” you grumble weakly, briefly pulling off of his cock to speak with a lewd string of saliva connecting your heaving lips to the thick head. “i can keep up just fine.”
“oh, really?” he drawls, tone dripping with condescension while he trails a slender finger down the curve of your spine, causing your body to arch instinctively and sink down even further onto his mouth in response. “is that why you’re giving me a blowjob so bad that i’d think it was your first time if i didn’t know any better, hm?”
instead of using your mouth to shoot back another sharp retort; you decide to put it to better use by inhaling a deep, steadying breath and lowering it down on suguru’s length once again, taking him right to the base and fighting the urge to gag as his fat tip rubs against the back of your throat.
“s-shit,” he hisses through clenched teeth, his own ministrations forgotten entirely as his hips involuntarily buck upwards into your mouth. “if you don’t stop that i’m g-gonna fuckin’ cum.”
determined to make him lose control before you do, you start to bob your head up and down on his girth as fast as you can. but just when you begin to let yourself believe that you’re guaranteed to win this round, he pulls out one last trick from up his sleeve.
he bites your clit, sharp canines grazing the sensitive bud in a way that causes your throat to clamp down on his cock and your vision to flash white for a few long moments as your climax suddenly washes over you — but he’s faring no better either, a low groan spilling from his lips as thick ropes of his cum spurt straight down your throat.
“huh. guess we can call this round a tie then,” suguru hums in a frustratingly casual manner, pushing some stray raven hairs back from his forehead and flashing you a cat-like smile as you peer at him dazedly over your shoulder. “what do you say we make it the best of out of three tonight, hm?”
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bunnis-monsters · 5 months ago
Male!Zombie x Fem!Reader
Bunni’s Monstertober Event
Oct 9th
Oct 8th
Oct 10th
summary: you’ve barely been surviving with your childhood friend during the zombie apocalypse, so when he gets bitten you’re ready to die along with him. But instead of eating you, he fights the urge to spread his virus… and instead pins you down and spreads his seed.
warning: dubcon, breeding, very rough sex, pregnancy hinted at the end
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Human beings are social creatures. Living alone for too long can drive one insane, so you would imagine losing the last person you loved during a zombie apocalypse can really break your spirit.
It had been a normal scavenging trip. Lately the zombies had become slower and rotted faster due to the summer heat, so it made moving through town without harm a lot easier.
It was unfortunate though, the zombies trapped indoors were in much better condition than those exposed to the elements. This wasn’t something you had planned for, and it cost your friend his life.
The two of you had been searching through a grocery store, one that had been surrounded by zombies before. Now, only a few skeletal bodies remained outside the doors.
You knew you probably wouldn’t find much, but you both hoped for at least a few canned goods and powder milk…
While searching the store, you were suddenly shoved, a sickening crunch heard behind you.
“Go, run!”
You watched as your friend held off a zombie, his arm being bitten…
Tears welled up in your eyes, your mind filled with images of life without him. You wouldn’t make it, you’d surely lose your mind with loneliness and go insane!
He was able to fight the zombie off and bash its head in, panting from the stress. All that movement caused his blood to pump faster and the virus to spread before he could yell for you to run again.
His mind felt fuzzy, his heart slowing before stopping completely. His limbs kept moving without his control, and he was approaching you, shambling.
‘Why isn’t she moving?’
He was stuck inside of his body, unable to do anything as he pinned you down. Tears were running down your chubby cheeks, and he could barely make out what you were saying…
“I won’t leave you! I don’t want… to be all alone!”
Drool fell from his dry lips, his pupils dilated as he stared down at you. Was there nothing he could do?
Memories played through his head, everything moving slowly as if he was pushing through something gelatinous.
He could picture you in your school uniform, the two of you skipping class to hang out at the arcade. He watched as you sobbed into his chest after discovering your parents were dead, and how you weakly pushed him back when he tried to kiss you a week ago.
Although he was now undead, his entire being ached for you. Since you were kids, you had always been someone he cared for, adored to no end. You held his hand, smiled at him, made his days so much brighter.
Of course he would push you out of the way when a zombie threatened to take your life… to take you away from him.
He loved you… and that was just enough for him to hold himself back from sinking his jaws into your soft flesh.
A low growl escaped his lips as he buried his face into your throat. He needed to do something, the urge to spread the virus and infect you was pulsing through his veins…
It’s when you whimpered that he regained some control. His body no longer had control of itself, so the erection he’d been barely holding back every time he smelled your sweet scent was pressing into your crotch.
“Please… don’t go… I don’t wanna… lose you…”
You were crying, his sweet girl that tried your best to keep a smile on your face even at the toughest of times was crying.
And it made him almost… feral.
He snapped his jaws around the strap of your backpack, needing to bite down on something as he rubbed his bulge against you. He was humping you like a horny mutt, the veins in his face visible through his now pale skin.
“M…m…ine…” he growled, struggling to get the word out.
Hearing your soft whines and embarrassed moans made his chest rumble with some strange, satisfied purr, and his fingers were down your pants and in your panties, fumbling around with your pussy lips before sinking into cunt.
It wasn’t great, he could barely control the speed and way his fingers moved, but you were wet enough that he felt he fuck you without hurting the most precious person in his life.
Or well, death.
He ripped your pants off, not having the mobility to elegantly pull them down. Part of him felt bad, he knew you didn’t have many pairs now that the world ended, but this was a matter of life or death.
His cock was now large and swollen, a purplish tint to it. His engorged tip pressed against your tight hole, and he was unable to hold himself back from fucking into you.
For years he had fantasized about taking your virginity. In his head, he had imagined it would be somewhere romantic and he’d kiss your head, being as gentle as he could be.
But in reality he was rough, groaning as his hips jerked forward into yours. The pace was uneven, leaving you whimpering out and begging for him to be more gentle.
He wanted to be, god he wished this could feel as good to you as it did for him, but the virus was telling him to breed, to fill you up until you were close to bursting with his cum.
It lasted so long, too long. By the end you were a mess of tears and snot, your face flushed with embarrassment after orgasming so much.
But part of you was happy. Your friend seemed a bit more lucid after pumping you full of his hot and sticky load. His fingers awkwardly traced over your bulging, chubby belly, his head resting on your chest.
You didn’t go home alone that night… instead you still had your friend, and another member of the family along the way in your belly.
You’d do anything to keep him with you, after all… he did care for you, didn’t he? The two of you had been friends since you could remember… and if having to sit through a few hours of rough sex meant you could keep him by your side, then you’d do it.
Humans are social creatures after all.
If you want more, send me a Kofi! I really like this concept and would love to expand on it with my thoughts on how the relationship would progress :3
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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heyysteven · 2 months ago
Playing Dangerous
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Pairings: Hwang In Ho x Wife!reader
Summary: Mr. Hwang does not like it when his wife ignores him. He decides to show what happens when you upset him.
Warnings: Smut (18+) mdni, Yandere behavior, In ho is obsessive and controlling, dub con, public sex, breast play, mentions of captivity and stalking, a bunch of rich assholes.
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Take the driver with you.
Did you reach yet?
I'm waiting for your answer.
Swirling the glistening champagne in your claw you leaned into the conversation, feigning interest into whatever story was being told. Mr. Richie, the President of a luxury brand of perfumes was bragging about his most recent visit to Luxembourg; how he surprised his wife by renting one of the castles for the week and how much money he burned through to make her happy.
He stood surrounded by some of the most powerful and elite people in the country as he drawled on and on about his stay. Bit overkill with how much money he spent for your taste but you were used to it by now.
From rare antiques to color vomits on canvases, these were awfully boring people who always talked about the same few conceited experiences. But you indulged in their conversations. You had to appease to them after all.
You had to play the perfect wife.
Nodding your head you smiled, as if you hadn’t zoned his story out completely. It was easier attending events alone. No one paid much attention to you without the loaded man beside you. You prayed that no one asked about why your husband was missing because frankly you didn’t have an answer.
As if sensing your thoughts Mrs. Richie asked, “Will Mr. Hwang not be joining us tonight?” interrupting her husband’s museum story.
“Oh yeah, I’m afraid he won’t be able to make it. He has so busy these days with meetings and that big launch coming up.” You replied.
They raised their heads oh in understanding. In truth, there was no launch. You just lied so they wouldn’t pry too much.
Mrs. Richie clutched her pearls, “That makes me so upset! He has such a strong aura around him, always brightens up the room with his presence.” She talked as if his absence was her personal loss. As if another moment without him would cause her to wither in physical pain.
In hindsight it should have really bothered you. Hearing another woman yearn for your husband should have had you pulling her hair and throwing her to the ground. But your relationship with Mr. Hwang wasn’t like that. It was all only for show; a signed inconvenient obligation. You two didn’t even looked at each other unless there was someone watching.
 “Yes, it is quite upsetting.” You said with the most heartbroken smile you could muster. ”But sometimes you have to sacrifice time-”
As you spoke a shiver ran down your spine. Your heart started beating faster as a knot formed in your stomach. It was as if your body was warning you.
You could feel his presence even before you could see him.
Every single person in the room had turned their heads towards the entrance. His black polished shoes clicked as silence fell around.
Mr. Hwang was the kind of man who commanded unwavering attention. It was impossible to ignore him. Not when he walked with a sense of ownership. As if every living and breathing thing belonged to him.
He was the kind of man who could will mountains to move on their own; the kind of man who could make a ballroom like this feel like a cramped elevator. Dressed in his signature black look he walked in with a sense of control. Every stride oozed power.
Alarm bells started ringing in your head as he walked towards you.
“Oh look he is here!” Mrs. Richie exclaimed. She looked seconds away from rolling her tongue out for him to walk on.
Color threatened to drain from your face as he slipped his long cold fingers around your waist and placed himself beside you. His touches always made you nervous, no matter the months you’ve spent with him. The haunting scent of his strong cologne filled your senses as his towering body pressed into your side like this was the most natural thing in the world.
You dragged out a surprised smile as he bent down to place a lingering kiss your cheek.
“You’re here.” You said finally, a ghost of a whisper.
He tilted his head to look into your eyes and smiled back at you. “When your wife doesn’t respond to your texts, you just have to come find her, am I right folks?” He turned to the group as they all threw their heads back in roaring laughter. It was kind of pathetic how much they seemed to want his approval.
Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake. You acted to feel around for your phone and said, “Really? I don’t remember checking my phone. I must have missed them.”
He just continued to stare down at you with a frown, “You know how worried I get. Should have just gotten you the phone with an inbuilt tracker” he said with a chuckle and people laughed again. But you both knew he wasn’t kidding. Anything this man couldn’t control drove him crazy.
You playfully patted his cheek and laughed. “He is so silly sometimes.”
He simply pulled you closer and squeezed you in his embrace, “I just want my wife to be protected that is all”. People took that as a hint to slowly start dispersing. When the last person left you tried to move away from him but he held still. “Don’t. They’re still watching.”
“Why are you here?” You asked with an accusatory tone.
He didn’t bother answering that. Instead he asked, “Why did you ignore my messages?”
So that’s why he came. The minute you refused to play along like his little doll he had to show up.
Fidgeting with the strap of your watch you replied, “I was preoccupied.”
“Were you avoiding me Mrs. Hwang?” His voice dangerously calm as he drawled on the possibility. He knew how much you hated it when he called you that. It felt derogatory. It was a reminder that you were just another one of his little slaves who had given into his power.
When you stayed silent, he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Next time, I will hunt you down and drag you out by your hair if I have to.”
“Just be very careful with your actions love.” he kissed your shoulder and left towards to bar.
To everybody else he was the perfect husband; the one who showered you with jewels and admiration. Who blindly bought you everything you touched. Your brain itched every time they would congratulate you and tell you how much you lucked out.
How you wished it was true.
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The tap water trickled as you stood counting the droplets one by one. You had excused yourself to the restroom, thinking a few silent moments would help you find the energy to go back and attend the event with your husband. But the more time you spent here, the more this little bathroom started to feel like your refuge.
Just five more minutes and then we go, you thought for the 8th time.
The door slowly swung open.
“Occupied!” you called out. But the intruder continued in. You turned around to tell off whoever entered but stopped when you saw those black polished shoe.
Your heart started hammering as his shadow came into full view. He invited himself inside and locked the door in one quick click.
With each step he took forward, you took one back; moving back till you felt the cold ceramic sink hit your back. The look in his eyes was animalistic. You felt caught. Like one wrong move and you’d be engulfed in a huge trapping net.
“So you are ignoring me I see.” Mr. Hwang concluded.
“I just feel a little tired from all this.”
He scoffed, “Do you find pleasure in defying me?”
You looked around at everything but his face. You were afraid of what you might find if you looked at him right now. Placing his palms behind you, he gripped the sink, locking you in front of him. His breath fanned your face as he said, “I really hoped it wouldn’t come to this.”
“I am an honorable man. I have been as patient as I can be but you just make it so difficult” he rasped.
“Do you remember what you said before you signed our papers?”
His jaw clenched as he ordered, “Answer me.”
“I said I would do anything if you saved my brother.” Your body had started shaking.
His eyes sparkled as he grinned deviously; finally getting the answer he was desperately waiting for. “Anything? Are you sure? A lot can happen with anything.”
He dropped his head into your neck and traced a slow line with his tongue, painting your bare skin with his saliva till he reached the top of your neckline. You clenched your eyes shut, your hands closed in a tight fist as his mouth roamed your chest.
“The question is how far are you willing to be pushed my love?” He sucked on your sweet spots as you turned into an unstable block of mass in his arms. He knew you wouldn’t fight him.
He had pulled that one string to puppet you, that one weakness you would lose to every single time. He had you right where he wanted you. Digging his fingers into your hair, he pulled your mouth near his and started devouring you with his soft mouth.
“I hate this dress." He said between kisses. "I hate that everyone saw you looking this fuckable.” His hand glided up your thigh, slowly massaging the smooth skin up and down with his palm.
His teeth hooked around the strap of your dress and pulled them down. When the sleeves fell down, his mouth attacked your already sensitive nipples. He sloppily circled around them through the fabric of your bra. Your hand tugged his hair as he continued to suck. It became impossible to stop the moans escaping you.
 “You have no idea how much I’ve been holding back. I have been nothing but a respectable man to you. But I’m beginning to think that perhaps you do not like it.” His words scared you. He seemed to have taken this as some sort of challenge. The look of terror between your eyes made him rock hard. He forced your legs open with his knee. You could feel his cotton trouser pressing into you through your underwear.
“Perhaps you don’t deserve my restraints anymore.”
Your head fell back as his knees started rocking. He almost came right there when he felt your juices starting to drench his pants.
 “You have no idea how far I’m willing to go. Trackers? Trackers are nothing. I will tie you and gag you till no one can hear your screams. You will be at my complete mercy and no one will come save you.” He moaned as tears started falling uncontrollably from your eyes. He continued rocking till you were a complete sobbing mess.
You should’ve known better than to displeasure him.
He pulled back right before anything progressed further. Straightening his coat he kissed the side of your head. “See you at home Mrs. Hwang.” And with those six words he left, leaving you half naked and dazed. In that moment you realized you had started a very dangerous game in just one evening and you weren’t sure if you could handle playing against Mr. Hwang.
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A/N: I wanna play his wife so bad
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