#cause what if i did that haha jk.... unless
gothmessi-remade · 2 years
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"Jessica has a forehead scar from the deep of the pool. I ask Jessica what drowning feels like and she says not everything feels like something else."
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Heeeeey! First of all, I wanted to say that I love your writing style! It's amazing and it's making me feel emotions♡! Second - I hope you have an excellent and nice day or night!
Can I request headcanons about Leo crushing on reader? And that he is so in love that it causes annoyance to his brothers, especially Donnie, that he decides to help his twin get the Reader?
If it's too much, you can ignore that, that's totally fine!
(and I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language, Haha!)
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Rise! Leo x gn! reader crush Headcanons + Drabble
fluff :D, contains swearing
- literally eats up any and all attention you give him
- maybe just slightly very delusional
- like you could just brush past him and he’s like
- “did you guys see that? they’re sooooo into me.”
- whatever you gotta tell yourself, pal.
- Him? Laying awake at night thinking about you? Whaaaat? That’s crazy, couldn’t be him.
- except for the part where it is, and it’s interrupting his precious beauty sleep.
- def would wake up one of his brothers *COUGH*DONNIE
- “Psssst…Donnie~..DONNIE! Are you awake? Great! Hey, did you notice earlier when Y/N-“
- someone tell him to shut the fuck up about you. Jk not that they haven’t tried, Leo just doesn’t listen.
- ABSOLUTELY believes that he is incredibly smooth
- The worst pick-up lines you have ever heard in your entire life + just him (trying) to flirt with you ALL DAY EVERY DAY bitch doesn’t let you have a moment of peace
- You have no idea what you’ve done. To him sure, but mostly to Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and even April.
-“Aaappprriiilll, did Y/N say anything about me when you saw them?…No? Oh.🥲”
- Leo is forward and confident towards you, he ain’t trying to hide anything. Trust me, you don’t know how anxious this makes him because of his deep rooted insecurities BUT THAT’S A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME-
- esp if he can’t tell if you are feeling what he is, yk?
- MEANWHILE, Donnie is one “Y/N” away from finally snapping (and becoming a mad scientist)
- EVERYONE is growing tired of this. It’s not that they aren’t happy their brother found someone he’s interested in, but oh my god.
- But Donnie would do anything, and I mean anything, for more than 5 minutes of peace.
So there Donatello was, peering around the corner watching you, Mikey, and Leo in the kitchen. It had been a lovely afternoon! You guys watched a movie, and now you were making brownies.
“You know, Y/N..” Leo had a cocky smile, leaning against the counter, “I don’t know what’s sweeter…you or these.”
You and Mikey both rolled your eyes, “Shut up, Leo.” It was completely fair for Mikey to be annoyed, he’d been listening to this all day. Like, take a hint.
Donnie was fiddling with the door, and glanced down the hallway, making sure to look out for Raph because he wasn’t sure his eldest brother sound agree with his…plan.
“Oh, Angelo, could you come here for a moment?” Donnie stared intently at Mikey, motioning his head towards you and his twin.
Mikey looked back and forth between you and Leo confused for a second, before shrugging and heading towards Donnie who then pulled him straight out of the room. He slammed the door shut, and activated his digital lock. No one was getting in or out unless Donnie disabled it, which he did not plan on doing anytime soon. This ended NOW. I mean, he thought it was pretty obvious that you both liked each other and just needed to get it over with! Mostly because Leo’s painful obsession was getting really old.
Banging and muffled yelling could be heard from the other side, and Mikey grabbed Donnie by the shoulder. “Donnie! What are you doing? My brownies are gonna burn!”
“Trust me, Michael. This is for the best and they’ll be thanking me later.”
“ Dammit…we’re locked in.” You let out a deep sigh, letting yourself slide down the wall to sit, the smell of baking brownies still in there. Why would Donnie do this?
“Yeah…” Leo was trying really hard to keep his cool, but the panic coursing through him was undeniable. I mean, he was actually alone with you. There was always someone else with you two, whether it be one of his brothers, his dad, or April.
“But…I mean, it’s not all that bad, just you..and me.” He winked, with his usual confident, sly smile even though his hands were shaking.
“Ugh, will you stop that?” Your tone and expression was annoyed, and confused, Leo’s stomach sank.
“Stop whaaat?~” His voice trembled a bit, but he was still keeping up his playful demeanor.
“The…the flirting! Seriously, it’s not funny.” You looked away from him. “I’m not trying to be funny-“
“Seriously, shut up! Stop playing with my feelings, Leo. You’re so confusing…I can’t tell if you’re just toying with me or what- God, why do I even bother?” Of course you were frustrated, who wouldn’t be?
Leo was taken by surprise at your outburst, and it was obvious. As soon as the realization of you were saying hit, you were embarrassed. “Just…forget it, Leo. I shouldn’t have said anything-“
“Wait, no- Y/N, it’s not like that!” What the hell was he saying? Was he really about to do this right now?
He kneeled in front of you, taking in a deep breath. “I care about your feelings, ok? I’m not ‘toying’ with you, I really do like you!” Even as his anxiety rose, Leo felt like a weight was be lifted off of his chest. He couldn’t believe he really just said it…
Now, it was your turn to be surprised, staring into his hopeful eyes. “Leo…I don’t know what to say…I mean..” Leo swore his heart stopped, and he felt like he imploding right then and there. He couldn’t handle rejection like this.
“ I like you, too.” You grabbed his hand, taking it in yours. “What? For real?” He swiftly wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. “..ohgodthankyouthankyou…”
“So, what now?” You couldn’t help but smile, leaning your head into the crook of his neck.
Leo laughed, “I don’t know, I never really thought I’d get this far.“
Some requests from my inbox will be posted very soon. I stared school again this week, so I’ve been busy but I’m trying to catch up! Sorry it’s been taking a hot minute. :)
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elliereject · 9 months
creep .1
* in which you’re dragged to a frat party and spend most of it lingering in the corner, that is until a certain auburn-haired girl with unusually sharp canines appears next you and turns your night into something much more interesting.
* loserish!reader, vamp!ellie 😫, hemophilia if you squint, creepy ellie…duh, depictions of a singular graphic scene at the end, kissing, biting, heavy petting. that’s pretty much it lmk if I missed anything..nsfw in future chapter(s)
* this is one of the only things I’ve written recently that I’ve enjoyed writing and found decent so I hope u enjoy it, I’m glad I got this out before Halloween too, I’ve had vamp!ellie rattling around in my head a for a while, yk, fellow writers..I’d love to see..werewolf!abby..haha jk jk, unless 🫣..
wc ~ 1k
pt 2. coming soon
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“God, ★ can you go dance? It’s a fucking party loosen up!”
You held your red solo cup up to your “friend” and gave her an awkward smile. “I’m good over here!”
She sighed and rolled her eyes before slipping back into the sweaty crowd.
This was the most uncomfortable you’ve ever felt in your life.
It was a Saturday night; the chilly air, crunchy leaves, and overall mood of the season had deluded you into wanting to go out and socialize, so for the first time in a long time you agreed to attend a frat party with a “friend” you’d met in one of your classes.
It took you almost an hour to get ready, and as you reapplied your eyeliner for the fifth time you hoped that the saying “when you look good, you feel good” was true and you didn’t spend 20 minutes picking your outfit in vain.
Once you were ready, your “friend” picked you up from your dorm and the two of you walked over to the party, she was already a little tipsy from pre-gaming in her dorm with her roommate who was going to some other party so you had to make sure she didn’t stumble onto her face more than once.
The makeshift bouncer, a senior named Grey, or Grug or something gave you a once-over before looking at your friend who had to clarify you were with her, which definitely didn’t deflate your confidence.
Before you were even in the crowded, humid house, you knew you weren’t going to enjoy yourself, you never really did at parties if you were being honest, but you didn’t think your “friend” would ditch you to go grind her ass on some random chads and brads, yet here you were, nursing a cherry seltzer, and there she was, shaking ass.
Yay, college!
You were about to take another sip from your cup when a presence suddenly appeared beside you that made you jump out of your skin and caused your drink to slosh onto the already sticky floor.
“Shit! What the fuck?” You asked, looking up at the figure who seemingly appeared out of thin air.
“Fuck! Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, you just looked bored.” She replied, her voice was gravelly and her eyes, the colour of jade. Her auburn hair was cut short and freckles were scattered across her face. Safe to say she was hot. “I can go get you another drink?”
You waved it off, “It’s fine, it wasn’t that good anyways. Plus I should probably pay more attention to my surroundings, even if I am bored.”
She hummed out a sound of understanding, “Not your scene?”
You shrugged, “Not really,” you eyed her outfit, blue jeans with a green flannel and a brown leather jacket, converse. “Doesn’t seem like yours either.”
“Really? Cause I like just made out with Bryson in the storage closet, it was suuuupper hot.” She said, pointing a ringed finger to a blond dude clad in a football jersey who was currently shoving his tongue down a blonde girl's throat.
You allowed yourself a small smile, hot and funny? Yikes.
“Pretty sure his name is Brickson, but close enough.”
“What the fuck kind of name is Brickson?” She laughed, “Did a brick fall on his head after he was born or some shit?”
You shrugged before smiling, fully, “Judging by how flat the top of his looks? Probably.”
She snorted at this and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, you made this hot, funny, cool girl laugh, you!
“Hey, so don’t freak out but that guy’s been staring at you for the past 10 minutes.” She said, flicking her head in the direction of said guy.
You turned your head to look at him, he wasn’t..unattractive. He was muscular and had on a sports jersey that seemed to small for his build, his hair was cut into a messy mullet and when he met your gaze he…winked.
You cringed and looked back at the cool girl, “I hope he doesn’t think anything’s gonna happen, he’s not really my type.”
She gave you a knowing smile before asking, “And what exactly is your type?”
You shrugged, “Preferably someone with boobs.”
She sighed, “Can’t relate, I love penis.”
You gave her a pointed look and she laughed, “What? Not believable?”
You rolled your eyes, “Not in the slight—“ your eyes widened as they looked past her shoulder. “Shit, he’s walking over here.”
“Wanna do something crazy then?” She asked quickly, her jade eyes meeting yours and you found yourself nodding before she even finished her sentence. Hell, you’d bark if she asked you to. “Just follow my lead.”
Her large hand wrapped around your waist while her other found purchase on your neck, before you could think her lips were on yours. Slightly chapped but soft and enticing, kissing her was easy and you felt like you could do it forever.
Her skin was so cold you could feel it through your clothes. Your mind was completely encapsulated by her presence and just as you were starting to get used to it, she pulled away.
You thought whatever moment the two of you shared was over but you were wrong. Her lips trailed along your jaw, and her grip on your waist tightened. The hand that had been holding your neck was now on your hip, caressing back and forth with tenderness that had your thighs clenching, wanting more.
Each kiss felt like a snowflake melting into your skin until she was down to your neck. She kissed and nibbled on it before pausing.
“What’s wr—Ow! What the hell? Did you just–bite me?”
She chuckled after pulling away, “Never gotten a hickey before?”
You went quiet, because, well you haven’t but you’re sure it didn’t result in genuine blood trickling out of one’s body.
You traced your fingers over the mark and winced, it was most definitely going to leave a scar. She must’ve seen the discontentment on your face because she spoke up.
“Don’t worry, it’ll heal up quickly, you won’t even notice there was something there by tomorrow.” Her eyes clung to drops of blood dribbling down your neck.
You scoffed, “Let me guess, you’ve done this before?”
“Kind of.” She shrugged after what looked like reluctantly peeling her eyes away from your neck. “That guy’s gone though, must’ve scared him off.”
You smiled at her, “Must’ve been my presence, I can be pretty intimidating.”
She laughed loudly at this and you felt your confidence inflate once again. So much so, that the idea of asking for her number even popped into your head. But it was overtaken by more rational thoughts,
What if she thought you were weird? That you were moving to quick? Or what if she was just looking for someone to take home tonight, which you wouldn’t be opposed to but—
“Hey.” She snapped her fingers in front of your face.
“Sorry, what’d you say?” You asked sheepishly, you can’t believe you spaced out in front of her, you could’ve sworn she was hypnotizing you with her laugh or something.
“You do need to pay more attention to your surroundings,” She said, giving you a small smile, “Never know what kind of creeps are lurking around at these parties.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m sure I can hold my own against a Chad or a Brittney.”
“I’m sure you could but—“ The music that had previously been wafting through the room turned up abruptly and you’d missed the last part of what she said.
“What?!” You shouted, putting your hand up to cup your ear.
She chuckled softly and leaned down so her lips were practically grazing the shell of your ear, the smell of mint, whiskey, and something metallic filled your senses.
When she spoke, a shiver racked through your body, “But if it was someone a little smarter? More discreet? If they snuck up beside you and covered your mouth? Or slipped something in your drink? Pulled you away? Would anybody notice, would anybody care?”
You pushed her away, her cool, easy going demeanor suddenly shifting into something eerie and uncomfortable. Her jade eyes gazed at you curiously as a blood-curdling shriek ripped through the house.
She jutted her thumb over her shoulder, “That’s my cue. See you around, ★.” She said, giving you a genuine smile, and it was just now you finally noticed her unusually sharp canines.
You gazed down at your drink as others pushed and shoved around, scrambling to get out of the house, away from all the horror.
And as you pulled a small scrap of paper out of your empty cup, 10 numbers and a name scrawled across it in red ink; you finally looked up to see your friend's lifeless body sprawled across the living room floor, her limbs bent in odd angles.
Yay, college!
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Concept: Emmet having to be squeaky clean for a week visiting s/o's family that heavily believes in "waiting until marriage" so both have to play pretend at being sparkling pure virgins that aren't even allowed to share a bed. His sanity hanging by a thread vs his unwavering willpower to show his seriousness about the relationship and make a good first impression for his future in-laws. Lewd or fluff optional for this one, maybe both? haha jk... Unless 😳
The Path Of Resistance
cw: sexual content, not smut though,
Minors DNI
words: 1982
The situation was dire.
He hated it so much.
But he loved you verrrry much.
Emmet sat uncomfortably on the couch beside you. Your family's home was pleasant and nice. They had been nothing but polite to him since you both arrived, yet… He recalled your discussion with him before setting out to visit them. They were extremely stringent in their beliefs about waiting until marriage to have sex. He supposed to each their own, but it clearly stressed you out since they held you to that standard. You, well, you and him most certainly had not waited until marriage. You had not even waited past the fourth date.
It was awkward for him, but it was not like he planned to take you in front of everyone, nor was he going to crack his less savoury jokes in front of people he barely knew. No, the issue came up in the fact that you both could not even share a bed for the entire three-day stay at their home. That felt like too much on top of it all, in his opinion. Still, he could go three nights without sex. He was an adult. If it got down to it, he could have an awkward session in the shower. It was not like he was never single before dating you.
“Ah, so what do you do for living then?” your mother asked him. He smiled widely. His job was an easy topic to discuss.
“I'm a manager in the Gear Station and I do some professional battling,” he explained. Your parents nodded, while you just shifted the topic to whatever the next that felt right was. Emmet continued his train of thought. He seriously could not understand what was so bad about having sex before marriage. It was a bonding activity! Not that different from cuddling in his mind, just more active. And pleasurable. Verrry pleasurable. He could only imagine the ease his brother would have in his place here.
Your mother suddenly pulled you away into another room to talk about something in there, leaving him alone with your father. He did not miss how the man's face shifted from a pleasant expression to something more serious, brows furrowed together and mouth stuck in a frown. He would give it a solid seven on the “Is Ingo about to go off on me” scale.
“So… I know my child lives with you,” he spoke with a serious tone, “I have to ask about your sleeping arrangements.” Emmet felt floored. You were not lying. They seriously expected this. He straightened his back and gave his best innocent smile.
“My brother and I own a three-bedroom apartment,” he explained, “One of the rooms was our home office. I gave it to them as a bedroom after they moved in.” It was still, in fact, their home office. You easily shared a bedroom with Emmet with little issue. He was still not over your joke that it was amazing a guy like him actually had a bed frame.
“I see,” the older man nodded, “You both live with your brother, too, then. What is he like?” Why was he now interrogating him about Ingo? The older twin was quite literally the last person to cause any problems.
“He's verrry polite and kind,” Emmet tilted his head, “He's my twin brother. We get anxious if we are separated.” Your father gave another nod before checking a clock on the wall.
“Well, it's almost time for dinner, then,” he stood up and motioned for Emmet to follow him. The younger twin nearly jumped when your dad patted him on the back. “You seem like a good guy,” he told him, “I'm pretty certain you're the kind of guy who knows how to hold back.” Emmet wanted to laugh. He rarely held back, not in battles or in life. Even Ingo would get on to him for how blunt he could be with his words. Honesty was truly his life's policy, which was what made this situation all the more difficult. Emmet kept his usual smile on his face and nodded. It was better to just take the compliment rather than try to argue against it.
Your mother showed him to the guest bedroom after dinner, allowing him to put his bags away. She gazed at him curiously as he pulled out a pokeball. “Would it be alright if I have my Galvantula out?” he asked, “I usually cannot fall asleep unless I have something to cuddle.” He could see the way her eyebrow cocked up at him. For a moment, he stiffened, realising she was now suspicious because of that comment. “Ah! It's because I spent most of my childhood sharing a bed with my brother,” he explained, “I-I need something in bed with me to sleep well. I usually use my Galvantula or Eelektross.” Her gaze only lost some of its gleam.
“That should be fine,” she nodded, “I only ask that you clean up any webs it makes.” He nodded. Of course. Emmet was respectful of other's homes. Even if his own had webs nearly in every corner, he could respect other people's spaces. With that, she left him and closed the door behind her. Emmet sat on the bed and sighed. He had no idea why it was weird that he needed to cuddle something to fall asleep. That was true before he even met you. Though, he would admit having both you and his Galvantula in bed was pleasant. The arachnid would be against his back while he held you close to his chest. Your warmth would soak into his body perfectly.
Three nights of this.
Galvantula only clicked at him before curling up beside him when he moved under the covers. He ran a hand through her fur softly, and she hummed. “I am in a situation,” he told her as she closed her navy eyes, “This is painful, but I want to make a good impression. Ingo said it was important.” That, and he knew how much it meant to you. Emmet wished for nothing more than to make you happy. Even if he had to lie and pretend your relationship worked different than it did. He closed his eyes, too, and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.
Time passed relatively easily. You showed him your hometown, you both did a few things with your parents, and he could always find a way to keep himself occupied. He would say everything was going well. Except, here on your second day, he hit a road block. Why had your parents suggested a trip to a local pool? Well, it was clear it must have been some kind of test. He knew it was the summer, and it was hot, but this felt too perfectly timed to be so unrelated. He balled his hand into a fist and kept his smile. Thankfully, all his time working with the public taught him how to hold a smile even if he did not want to.
Everything was fun and relaxing, but something weighed heavy on his mind. Sure, he had seen you in less, but here you were in a tight swimsuit before him. He bit his lip as he watched you wade about the water or rest on the side of the pool. His mind moved to places that he had willed himself away from for the past few days. He was barely allowed more than a quick hug and kiss on the cheek with your parents around, too. It was driving him mad that he was going without even something as innocent as cuddling. Emmet would never deny his horny tendencies, but he was not some pure creature of the earth. He was an adult man with mature thoughts.
So, when you all returned home, and he was offered a shower to clean himself after having been in the pool, he took it immediately. The shower was warm and relaxing against his skin, but that was not its purpose. His hand grasped his dick desperately as he let his mind slip away from where you both were. Back at home, he could have you laying in bed playfully. A canister of whipped cream could somehow be involved as he licked the sweet foam from your body. You would moan and whine under him as he bit you teasingly, but just before he could reach everything he wanted, a fist pounded on the door and informed him not to use all the hot water.
Suddenly, the shower had to be cold and quick.
His excuse why he had taken so long?
Stress. Ingo totally texted him about some accident at work that caused him to worry. Your family bought it, thankfully. He knew you did not. The look in your eyes told him all he needed to know.
Emmet was not patient. He was the one who acted against his brother's more passive approach to life. So on your final day with your parents, he was not afraid to admit he was rushing you to pack. You sent him a knowing, mocking look as you spent longer and longer returning your clothes to your bag. Suddenly, he was your helper and your bags were packed incorrectly but completely. He carried both of your bags out to the car as your parents, and you spent a moment talking.
When he joined you again, your parents gave him pleasant, genuine smiles. “I have no idea how you managed to find such a sweet, innocent man in this day and age,” your mom joked softly, “Poor guy needs to cuddle something to fall asleep. What a sweetheart.” Emmet felt a pang of annoyance, but swallowed it down. You just nodded with a laugh.
“Oh, Em, is a teddy bear,” you told her, “I know it's been killing him we have not been able to properly cuddle.” Your mom gave a soft laugh and apologised to you both about that. She admitted that they had been hogging you from him and not allowed you much alone time together. Emmet politely brought an arm around your shoulders and brought you in close, a bit spitefully. “It looks like my fate after getting home is probably going to be a long hug.”
“I'll admit I was a bit suspicious of him at first,” your dad said, scratching his head, “I just worried he would be like every other guy, but I don't think he even knows about sex. I even tried looking him up online, and most things I saw were about how innocent he is.” The boisterous laugh that followed made Emmet tense. He knew exactly what he was talking about and hated it. People seriously thought if you so much as said pussy or dick around him, he would be completely ignorant to the word. “I like you,” he held his hand out for Emmet to shake, “Please keep up how you are.” The twin shook the older man's hand with a wide grin on his face. Oh, he did not even know the half of it.
A few farewells were shared before you and Emmet finally were off and headed home.
As you drove off towards your destination, you spoke softly to your boyfriend, “Thank you, Em. I know that it was hard for you to do all of that.”
“Heehee, don't worry about! I loooooove you so much that it doesn't bother me.”
Your heart felt warm at the sweetness of your boyfriend.
“Oh, darling,” he cooed, pinning you to the sheets, “I want to try something new.” You were flustered under him as his hands locked your wrists together above your head.
“Wh-what's that?” you asked, knowing full well had a tonne of sexual energy to expel. It excited you more than he would like to admit.
“Whipped cream.”
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thetentaclecommander · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Sures, I'll bite @the-bar-sinister!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 49 on my TheTentacleCommander main 2 on SerpentineAndWet 1 on SoftTentacledJazz (which I will get back to!) and 1 on Waymaiden Jelecia (shelved for now) so in total: 53
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?  471,114 in total spanning all accounts the huge bulk being under TTC.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Resident Evil. I'm very much a ride or die writer when it comes to fandom longevity lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Electronic Brawling (the Nem/Reader fic I wrote over a weekend, 322) Tentacles Are -Not- Toys (Until They Are) (the Nem/Jill I wrote over a weekend, 288) To Teach a (b)oy (the femdom Jill/Nem fic I wrote cause I wanted to just be as kinky as possible about it, 138) Need. Excite. Take. (a morning warm up I did for a Tyrantfucker chat, 130) Teaching the Devil (my 'serious' drabble that turned into a longfic/1st part of a myth arc around Nem/Jill and all the whatifs that could happen, 105) *yes, I'm aware the smut is what sells lol*
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I love receiving them and answer, especially in depth ones.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ah, ha haha this one's tough. My main ship (Nemesis/Jill) is in my hands intentionally angsty so many do end on that note. If I had to chose it'd be a tie between After The Fall - Where Nemesis *really* struggles between caring for her and wanting to hurt the absolute fuck out of her. Necromancy - It's hard surreal/dreamy on purpose (also a fic staple of mine) that ends with Nemesis having done all he has to make Jill 'happy' is so deeply unhappy with himself in the end - but still continues to perpetuate the lotus eater world he's crafted for them.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?  Where the wild things... - a really hard surreal dream fic of where Nemmy's head was at halfway through the 3rd arc. He has such an idealized, near childlike hope which is big for a generally angry and resentful creature. He clearly wants the world with Jill, where the chase benefits them both but a lot of the edges - like her own traumas - are shaved off. It's telling his dream was inspired by a children's book about dealing with anger, fear and finding/seeking comfort. But it's happy in the sense he gets that comfort he wanted so badly throughout his creation, and that when he awakens, it's with him now determined to reunite with her and their offspring. (con't after the cut)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really? When I was on ff.net I got snippy comments (I was a young babby then) but looking back it was just what we'd call today fanpol wanking to wank. These days I assume ppl are aware what I'm about so if I were to garner hate, I'd just laugh and write Nemmy fucking Jill even harder in unfortunate places. I can always go darker, kids.
9. Do you write smut? *stares at the camera deeply* Yesss? All the smut? They tend to range from soft heartwarming lovemaking, to conflicted should we be doing this, to rapey horrors, just weird monstery shit and then the kink. Just kinky shit all over the place. Very character study leaning.
10. Do you write crossovers?  Nah. I already have a lot in my head just handling one franchise!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?  Not to my knowledge but with the way I write it's gunna be a pretty fun time in pulling off imitating my voice as I sound high on my own fumes about a decidedly rare pair no one seems to wanna admit liking rofl That and all the formatting hell
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Yea! In Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?  Nah, I'm too much of a prima donna to share billing /jk I just don't like collabing unless it's for an rp but I'm also never say never about such things!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? *stares even harder at the camera* I...I'm the longest running one trick pony about having a parasitized Tyrant try to not murder with prejudice the most well trained person on the RE cast I make no secret about this :3 Also let me note my other most liked ships I have written on: Weskertine, Creva, and the Ada and Carlos tour. Valenfield ig (I do truly like em but they aren't as exciting to write for in comparison but I indeed do write them sometimes). Note these are for canons, I have loads more favs but they are ocs.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have like 15+ wips in my drafts. I don't wanna pick one cause it's just painful to look at them begging to be finished. The ones on my account I have every intent to finish. Mostly because they are related to the AU and it wouldn't make sense if I didn't finish them.
16. What are your writing strengths? The sex lol (and being weird with it). I've been told my imagery and word play in general is stellar.  
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel my dialogue could be better and it's where I struggle (unless it's my muses Nem, Jill, Trent and Zeus as they are the ones I've written for the most in fic/rps) so I always try to improve on that always.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Don't wanna. I tried, hated not knowing if the language was correct (looking at you, Carlos) so just did ye old << >> to imply he's not speaking English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?  Resident Evil. I am nothing if not persistent. (like my first fic was like in 2005-6? I think?)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?  Again another tie but it's a 3 way *eyebrow wiggle*! A Slumber Recalled, A Devil Held - this was my 'can I do something soft but pained at the same time' fic. It's a revisit of the time they finally after 20+ chapters did the do, and it's from her pov instead. A lot of re contextualizing and 'wow both of these people have baggage and are doing this not out of love but to feel heard and it *hurts*'. Proved to myself that I can write something hard hitting without a single cry of physical pain. St. Valentine - where what was to be a simple Valentine's Day fic became a fun sacrilegious love poem from a very not at all obsessive Tyrant and then had an added chapter of the reverse side of Jill sounding mentally not all there almost fragmented in her feelings towards what this was between them. So much enjoyable word play was had. Necromancy - discussed above but has my brand of word play, leaning on the fourth wall/formatting/surreal and increasing uncomfortable.
------- All my writer mutes, have at! @damadisangue @naerwenia @coiled-dragon @s-dei @lmshady @azulas-daddy-kink @depraveddove @unchartedperils @sweet7simple @goth-automaton @dekujin @katophoenix (If I missed one of ya or you do write also join in :D)
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My opinion no one asked but i belive jm is more close to hobi and yg than he's to V. I know ALOT of people love their dynamics and because of that it's hard to tell but i do believe jm is more close to hobi and yg emotionally and otherwise too than he's with V. Yes it was different in their early yrs cause those might be the yrs where these two were attached to the hips and all but that has changed over the yrs. Their dynamics is still same silly goofy but the like what jm has with hobi nd yg..hobi is jm's person.
i agree with RM and jk cause they have that admiration for each other but they simply don't hangout together like other members infact i don't remember a time where these two went out by their like just the two of them. Jk looks upto RM since he was trainee and he still holds RM to that position and all the members including RM respect jk as an artist alot cause of the amount of talent he possess in a single person.
if there's one thing about yg? it's that he wouldn't never shut up about jk. he seems very very endeared by jk and treats jk as his own child. He's proud of jk and just endeared by him alot.
Jinkook are funny together even if they don't hangout together as you said Cause both seems pretty introvert but they just too synch with eachother that those hangouts doens't falter their friendship.
And as you said jk doens't seem the type of person who goes out much unless someone asks him so i believe most those hangouts with tae nd wooga are Pretty much tae including him in his circle cause jk wasn't doing much at that time, just like it was jm with his friends nd jk tagging along Maybe cause jm asked him to. I remember jk saying he don't mind new people joining him at all. In the phone call jk did say that vmin came to his home to that time and dragged him out so this tells he's not much of a outgoing person unless someone asks him and he joins happily.
Now with jikook i believe they didn't hangout much this yr but idt it affects their friendship in any way. When you have spent too much time together and have been the first person to comfort the other for these many yrs some time apart doens't affect it much. I don't know where they stand now but yeah they are one of the closest pair in the grp if not the closest.
I love hearing people's opinions!
Yeah, Hobi's definitely Jimin's person. I think Yoongi's someone Jimin gets along really well with. They both like drinking and bickering. Their personalities fit. They apparently hang out with that MC Armys don't like because of Jungkook. I'm not sure we know enough about Jimin and Suga to say they're closer than, say, Jimin and V. This year, I think Jimin and Yoongi's schedules were really compatible, and they were both going through the same tiring process of recording music, preparing for a comeback, shooting content, etc., so they hung out a lot. I think Jimin and Hobi are also the members that reach out to everyone the most. Jimin's big on socializing. I remember Yoongi saying "someone" felt the need to call him everyday when he had covid, or after surgery?, and Jimin sheepishly said that someone was him haha.
All the members know, more than some Armys want to acknowledge, that Jungkook is vital to BTS. They're all very grateful to him for it. They baby him a lot, but have heavily relied on his role in the group. Jin is actually the member who probably least idolizes JK, and that's so on brand for them.
I think Jinkook are really similar in terms of personalities, while also being opposites. Jungkook's more thoughtful and sentimental while Jin is more impulsive. But they both kind of live in the moment and have very playful and eccentric personalities. They cling to each other a lot on stage and at work because Jungkook is very restless and Jin will always play along with him. Jin said the person who shared his humor the most was JK. I think Jin is kind of the safe, endearing yet annoying, big brother. Their relationship seems more simple than some of the other relationships, maybe because that's how Jin is. He's "simple", consistent, and reliable. Jinkook's dynamic is one of the most stable ones, or one that has changed the least imo, and it's not easily impacted by time apart. But it's unfair to just call them funny together. I think people, not saying you!, sometimes downplay Jinkook's bond and also Jin in general. Jin is not someone who brags about himself, and he downplays his own worth a lot, so he's kind of mysterious. I think there's a lot about Jin and his dynamics with the members that isn't shared.
I agree with you about V and Jungkook.
About Jikook, I don't think they were hanging out tons, and I think they went weeks without seeing each other because Jimin was really busy and focused on work while Jungkook was resting at home in the beginning of the year. And then jungkook became super busy and was flying everywhere, so... But they hung out a lot more than we think. I mean, they shot a documentary together, they were seen in Jeju island - yet that was only confirmed by V and not Jikook. Jikook rarely confirm they hang out. We kind of find out. The fact that they enlisted together is a big bomb they dropped on us. The whole time people thought they weren't close they were planning to spend the next 18 months together. They're the only members who weren't forced apart... That says a lot about them. As for their closeness, is there anyone Jungkook talks about more in his lives than Jimin? Didn't he react to multiple Jimin videos and covered all of his big songs? To me, they'll always be the closest in BTS. Their relationship is so deep we can only see the surface.
Thanks for the ask!
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Maybe hank x reader x antipathy hank
Haha jk... unless
(Im mentally unstable and sorry for the trouble)
I'm mentally unstable too don't worry buddy. I also got a similar request for this in another ask so I'm just gonna kill two birds w/ one stone and bam. Let's gooo. kinda different from my usual tho. Also I might write a sequel for this? Made it a lil open ended so you knowwww. Got a couple interesting ideas ranging from body horror to reader getting revenge with new abilities >+)
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Hank J Wimbleton(s?) Drabble - Double Trouble
GENRE - Romantic
TRIGGER WARNINGS - Murder, Reader Death, stabbing, physical violence, weapon violence of all kinds, descriptions of gore and injuries
Spoilers for Madness Combat 9.5 cause this takes place during it lmao
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You'd finally gotten away from him. You'd tried so hard in life, fighting all you could but that spark slowly fizzled out as your options decreased. It left you with one way out. You don't remember how it happened: But Hank had killed you. It was a fickle detail now, fuzzy with time but you can recall him twisting the blade into you. It hurt like hell and was... weird to watch your own blood fall from your body. Not like a scrape, Slowly draining your insides out. You could compare it to pouring out a glass of water. The worst was you knew that didn't want to give you that way out but that didn't stop you from bleeding out so harshly on the cold floor. 2BDamned couldn't save you, so why could anyone else? A fact you'd taken to the grave and were thankful for. Then you you woke up here. The other place. You had been wandering around for what felt like years, Time was a fickle thing here. You never knew how much time pasted with the living but you didn't care. Here you were free from whatever Hank was doing: The man that hurt you for so long claiming he loved you and here you were. Wandering the endless plain of floating islands.
You were currently sitting on a ledge, kicking your legs as you stared into nothingness. Finally alone, Finally peace. The buzz of white noise filled your ears and nothing as a breath of fresh air filled your lungs. For the first time in a while, Things were going your way. No agents, No fighting ( most of the time ) and best of all, No Hank. Unbeknownst to you however, You were going to learn the hard way that you can't have shit in Nevada.
You turned around but stopped for a moment. Quickly picking up on the fast that strange black ooze was starting to leak out the ground. That didn't seem like a good sign. You got up from your position on the ledge and stared down at it. This hadn't happened before in your time in Purgatory. You flinched back when multiple agents piled out, Heading through the door you had previously come through: Ignoring your bewildered form completely. huh.
Part of you was curious but another part of you was screaming at you to run. You couldn't put your finger on it however, after all you had been pretty fine up until this point and you knew all to well that the man who put you here? He was hard to kill and even harder to put down permanently so why would he here now? You shook your head, brushing away your anxiety like you had your first encounter with him. A mistake you promised yourself you'd never make again. Instead of going the way you came: You decided to take a different route, just Incase. You wandered back through the building, shifting slightly as you felt it move. You gripped a beam to balance yourself, waiting for it to come to a stop and after a moment it did. A part of you paused for a moment, perking up as it came to a stop but you could hear the slashing and gunshots of a nearby fight. The bullets sounded calculated, specifically timed to deal the most damage to a target. ' Whoever's going about it, sure knew what they were doing ' you thought, Coming to turn as you walked in a different door and popped out, jumping from the ledge and platform. With a swift turn to the right, You regretted everything you had ever done.
Your heart dropped when you saw a new sight. A familiar face you swore you'd never meet again. Your stomach churned with anxiety as you met the familiar back of a bandana. Blood pouring out a wound on the side of his head as multiple agents floated in the air, controlled by a grunt sporting wild red hair. Both figures you knew well and really, REALLY, didn't want to get involved in. You scrambled to grab a weapon as you heard the spurts of bodies flying towards Hank and him bumping into you. Shit.
You stumbled over and stared up at him, trying to move away but he just stared for a moment. You could feel the gears turning, recognition as he slowly reached out to touch you: As if to confirm that you were as real as he was.
He grabbed you by the collar, pulling you out of harms way as the rocks fell down colliding with the floor as the two of you moved. He took the gun he was holding and shot at Tricky. He still unnerved you but not as much as the man who had an iron grasp on you. Struggling top get free as you attempted to reach for one of the agent's hand pistols. Tricky's face caved in as Hank shot at him, bullets flying into his skull and carving away at his tender jaw would until it was just a flat, mushy surface.
Hank grabbed a sword, letting you go and watching you for a moment. You fell back onto your ass, already putting to much weight on one side to escape which ended in you falling. Hank turned but before he could react, the body of the clown slammed into his: attempting kill Hank. You silently thanked him as you got a hold of a hand gun, checking the ammo and clicking the cartridge back. Fourteen.
You got ready to turn around and shoot, Watching as Tricky was stabbed and carved, a familiar memory popped up and you shivered remembering how it was when you were on the end of Hank's blade. Blood spilled out of him and you lined up your shot, paying no attention to the strange roaring and cracking of the ground underneath. Out on instinct you shot, the bullet whizzing past Hank's head as.... another came down at him with a chainsaw?
You blinked, fumbling with the gun for a moment. There's TWO now? You were terrified: Taking a moment to move back away from the ongoing fight. The sword and chainsaw blade crashed into each other. Both of them looked different, One sported his usual attire while the other had his jaw fully exposed. Another memory, Was... this Hank from the past. You recalled this clothing but it didn't stop you from the terror blossoming in your head and you didn't waste time in trying to leave.
Jumping and trying to grab at the edge of the door you came in but it didn't budge. One of them pushed back at the other, almost sending the chainsaw flying into you: You squealed, backing away and both stared at you for a moment. Taking you in before staring at each other. You continued to move back, aiming the hand gun at the two. You weren't afraid to shoot.
The Masked Hank came down with his blade at the other, who only tossed it to the side with ease. Continuing to attack with the blade, You started to realize that the two were evenly matched. The one with the exposed jaw picked up half a head and slammed it into the other with a crunch. Bits of brain flew out and over the other, mixing into Hank's own injuries as he dashed forward: Hoping to stab him quickly but all he got was a shove.
You growled catching both men off guard, years of frustration over the man who had killed you began to build up. You weren't even sure were it came from: Much less the slowly growing black ooze coating your body. You wasted no time in charging towards the other as he turned around, falling from the edge with a thud. Using the hand gun, you fired at the other. Your brain felt like it was on auto pilot: It was... strange and the feeling ate away at you. Any sense of anxiety disappearing as rage clouded your thoughts.
He dodged your bullets and the one sporting a large amount of bandages slammed half of the head into yours. You cursed turning around only to be met with a grab and a toss to the platform opposite you. With an oof and a small roll onto your side, Your hand gun was left behind as you landed above.
You heard punching below as you got up, the anger bubbling and boiling while said black goo got worse. You didn't even really clock it, Only a brief glance: the fury too much to deter you. After the brief cracking of bones: Soon the two joined you. You tried to tackle one but missed, landing in between the two as they punched at each other, oddly careful to avoid you. If you were so infused with hatred for the two: You would compare them to toddlers fighting over their favourite play thing which in a way, was very accurate to the situation at hand. Except said play thing was conscious and wanted a sizeable amount of revenge.
One of them eventually tossed the other, leaving space for you to run up to him and grab him by the collar. Finally: The roles were switched. You stared at him, No emotion as the goo once more fester and gurgle. A tar like substance that was now clinging to some of your skin. He didn't struggle just staring at you before reaching out to touch you face. Oh so gently, oh so soft.
Where the fuck was that softness when he shoved a knife into you gut?
As if history didn't repeat itself enough with you, a sharp pain entered your torso. Through you and into the Hank you had been holding by the collar. The other watched, trying to scramble to get you but the strange appendage didn't let him: Only squashing the two of you into the wall as a loud beeping entered your ears, getting louder by the second. A large red flame encased the two of you and all you could feel was burning: unsure of what the general fuck was going on as you felt yourself evaporate into nothingness. Yet in that same way, a jolt of life flooded through you but it didn't stop the screaming nor pain.
With that, Hank watched as you once again fade from his life completely.
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shatter-song · 1 year
hi, im going to rant about my hunter and viney brotp headcanons to cope with the end
ill put it under a read more because it could get long
viney was the one who kept in contact with him after ASIAS. i always felt like he had to keep in contact with someone and viney felt like the right choice
she demanded pictures of flapjack in exchange for giving her emotional damage
now they send each other pictures of their respective palismen being cute
viney definitely gives him puddles updates because how funny she knows it is
hunter only manages to be a little annoyed
after viney got a little more comfortable around him, she talks to him about her friends and how the others on the team are doing
she does encourage him to reach out to at least someone else and it ends up being skara
after intial and warranted distrust, she and hunter eventually come together to write ruler's reach fanfiction
viney: yeah skara's great! she's been helping a lot with the animals here she's so good with bard magic like wow she's so pretty too she's so smart she's very fun to hangout with and puddles likes her too-
hunter: yeah
jerbo and barcus kinda freak out over the fact that viney is regularly texting her kidnapper but she waves them off
barcus and jerbo: WHY are you texting him, he's literally the GOLDEN GUARD
viney: I Suddenly Cannot Hear Anything
its even more funny when you realize that Jerbo is canonically anti gov/Belos
and the fact that that all 3 of them despise covens
regardless, viney really comes to enjoy his company and vice versa
it's nice for like 2 weeks or smth
then it's just. not
hunter ghosts viney for a week which causes the witch to worry. things weren't perfect but it was all starting to get better
the illusion covenhead shows up at the end of that same week and who does her and skara see knocked out? Hunter.
needless to say Viney easily knocks out the scouts carrying him and take him back to the healing homeroom
i hc that viney didn't defend him because well. the whole kidnapping situation wasn't just kidnapping. being forced to join a coven, her palisman taken away?
she forgives him because he shows that he regrets what he did and took action to let them go but trust? that takes time
but that trust is earned by beating the shit out of coven scouts with her
after kicking the Emperor's Coven out, hunter ends up living with viney for a week
she was the only one he kept contact with after ASIAS. plus her family isn't quite as well known or as seen as gus' dad is and willow did show up at eda's petrification
workout buddies! viney is buff as hell for a reason
hunter trains viney on how to fight. at least what he can teach in like a week
actually, viney being a healer and beastkeeper means being more on the defense, like hunter
at the end of the day, viney is more than willing to say she cares about hunter
they both care. SO MUCH
like not even just about each other but just in general. they're so naturally gentle and kind, with wildlife and others and are so willing to do anything in order to keep those important to them safe
like. UGH /pos
anyways that's all I got, thanks for reading
what if you were to... ask me about grimwalker hcs?? haha jk... unless?
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haileym22 · 8 months
when i was younger, i would listen to debut and fearless on repeat (religiously) on my walkman and headphones and i’ve been looking for any pictures of them and i finally found some 😊
Debut: I still remember listening to Teardrops On My Guitar on my walkman, acting like I had just gone through the worst heartbreak of my life at 7 years old (Disclaimer: I definitely had not gone through my worst heartbreak then). I remember the giddy I felt when I said my first cuss word in the original TOMG (‘Cause it’s so damn funny), and how I would scream along to Picture To Burn, even though I didn’t know a single person who drove a pick-up truck.
Fearless: I remember crying to Fifteen on my 15th birthday, and the feeling of uncertainty of starting high school as a freshman. I remember watching the You Belong With Me music video on youtube all the time. I remember seeing Taylor preform Fearless on the Country Music Channel on T.V, and every time she would do to the heart hands, I would be putting my hands up in the heart hand 🫶
Speak Now: I remember crying to Never Grow Up on my 16th birthday. I remember the anxiety and fear I felt of growing up, and having taylor’s music to sing along with and feeling every single lyric helped to relieve that anxiety. I remember begging my mom to take me to the Speak Now Tour when Taylor was at Soldier Field, and circling the calendar date for when she would be there (We didn’t go 🥲). I remember not fully understanding the meaning of Dear John, only for future me to finally deeply understand and relate to that song.
Red: I remember screaming along to 22 in the car wherever we would go, which inspired me to start dressing up like a hipster (it was….a look 😁..!). I remember the feeling of when the CD stopped working, so I saved up and did extra chores so I could buy myself a new cd as a kid.
1989: I remember loving the music video to Shake It Off, and how I would listen to that song every single time I was upset. I remember watching the Bad Blood music video, and how excited I got when I saw Zendaya’s cameo. I remember istening to Welcome To New York the first time I visited NYC. I am so in love with the vault tracks from this album, and i’ve had Say Don’t Go on repeat for the past few days and nights.
Reputation: Oh my…..this was a fun time. I remember the day that Taylor had disappeared from the public eye. How angry I was with two individuals. I remember being in the trenches proudly, defending taylor and her reputation. I remember how mad I was that two people could do that to someone so undeserving of what happened to them. I remember the first time i heard LWWYMD, and that being my absolute girl boss song for the next few weeks. I believe I was 14 at the time and how badly I wanted to go to the reputation tour at the time, but again, nobody I knew closely would take me there or go with me. I remember the absolute joy I felt with her return and her reclaiming her reputation.
Lover: I remember how much I loved (and still love) ME! I remember walking down the hallways in school with my earbuds in and the most stone-cold look on my face. When my friend asked what I was listening to, thinking I was listening to heavy metal or something, and when I told them it was ME! they were shocked.
Folklore: I remember how I would lay awake at night, listening to exile and cardigan on repeat. I was going through a bad relationship at this time, so these songs hit close to home. I remember when I heard Mad Woman, and my jaw dropped at the call-outs. I remember when Taylor performed Exile at the eras tour, how my heart stopped and how i refuse to interact with those who heard it live (haha, jk…unless…)
Evermore: I remember connecting the dots to Coney Island, realizing that the bridge was a reference to the eras I had grown up with. This song will forever hold a special place in my heart. I remember how I would try to learn how to braid my hair (i failed)
Midnights: I remember listening to You’re On Your Own Kid at midnight on the release date. I remember how I began to cry listening to this song. I remember fighting the great ticketmaster war, and how devastated I was that I was waitlisted after listening to her music for so long. The first tour I would be able to take myself too, Ticketmaster had crushed that hope. However, my mom was able to pull a miracle and found me a ticket for Chicago N3, and how i began to cry in disbelief that she found one. I remember walking to the stadium, my heart beating faster and faster as I approached the stadium. I remember how it felt like I had entered a whole new world when I stepped onto the stadium and saw the stage. I remember bursting out into tears when Taylor took the stage. How I face-timed my family so I could share the moment with them. I’ll never forget the lover microphone and the evermore bug incidents. I remember how taylor performed Hits Different, and how I screamed along to the song, as this one hits close too. I remember crying to Bigger Than The Whole Sky. I lost my brother in May of last year, and when BTTWS came out, it hit hard, along with Forever Winter. Out of all of the years of being a swiftie, i think this is by far my favorite era. I cannot wait for Indy N1, where my friends and my mom and I will be front and center stage section h 💙💜.
Wow, this was a long one 😳😳. now that i read it, does this seem like weird 😭??
Anywho…it has been such an incredible journey. Thank you, @taylorswift 🫶
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
[catch me liveblogging the final battle and shit under the cut tho aljdf]
[I wish I were livestreaming this fight rn but this is the best I got alsjkdfkjaf:
oh boo i have to fight dehydrated Gan--nevermind. how you doing, Gan? 😏 have a nice rest? you probably really should have rehydrated sooner to get used to having you know...a not corpse body by lets gooooooooooo.
plan of attack: wail on him and try to figure out his moveset. so far, it's kind of working 🤣
oh fuck he can do the witch time thing too fuck. but it's good you can dodge out of it.
it's really cool that he's a master of all three types of weapons like link. that's neat and terrifying.
you can't flip out of the flurry rush liek me that means im better than you lol
now it's demise's turn i see
now you brought in reinforcements. BUT MINE ARE BACK TOO ASSHOLE HAAAAAA
glad you're enjoying this as much as me man. this fight is pretty legit fun.
wow those were my pals how dare you. and don't taunt/beckon me like that unless you plan on a different kind of battle somewhere more comfortable ok
wow man was not just glooming my hearts but also stealing my hearts wow. that was pretty tough
oh is he gonna eat it. is this what got spoiled. oh shiiiit
oh is he just gonna look like calamity ganon ish? laaaame
oh i got eated. shit.
is zelda dragon gonna come save me?
ah nabs is hurting again good. great. her feels.
oh there we go. now we got dragon ganondorf
yeah theres zelda dragon gonna boop his nose. or catch me. preesh
imagine if they all just ate their stones. what a battle man
zelda. zelda plz. catch meeeeee. :'D in all seriousness tho this is a neato fight too like daaaaamn. jumping off dragons and shit? fuck yeh.
so does this mean zelda didn't lose herself? called that one. She's always special girl haha
okay but i really feel like ganondorf is just making the same mistake as jafar here, like esp in kingdom hearts since video game comparison. so far, this fight is so much easier, and part of that is because he can't really touch me.
skyward sword prepared me for these midair fights and sky diving.
oh that blood moon is a nice touch wow
where am i going? his head? jump straight in his mouth, got it. (jk i see the glowing weak point lmao)
rip ganondorf again
another head stab nice
catche meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thnks
this is how you do a final battle fuck. botw was so lackluster in comparison. THIS is memorable holy shit
is link gonna go the way of goku at the end of gt? fly away on zelda's back?
rauru???? wait my clothes? where tf
oh we returning zelda back? oh rauru and sonia? wow
idk im gonna miss dragon zelda man. but she's baaaack. i knew it would happen but yaaaay
ey links arm is normal. and aw that's sweet. rauru and sonia leave together
gotta catch zelda now oh shiiit
im glad you understand cuz i don't. so did rauru and sonia like...keep her from losing herself? the warm loving embrace thing? or was that just want brought her back. the three of them together? their love and all that?
aklsjdf athat was honestly so good. liek im so glad they did amillion times better with totk than botw. *chef's kiss* im still confused af on a lot of things and might makes some more comprehensive posts about shit later, but this was a solid game outside of causing confusion lore 😭😭
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n0spins · 1 year
    *  @bbysttr​​  sacrificed  an  offering     :       what if we were both working on the gen and i accidentally held your hand haha jk unless 😳
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               red  wire  connects  to  green,  blue  wire  to  yellow  —  sweat  beads down  the  back  of  his  neck  as  minjun’s  hands  shake,  the  inexplicable  knowledge  of  how  these  generators  work  somehow  weaved  into  their  brains.  he  zaps  his  finger,  a  quiet  curse  leaving  the  former  k - pop  idol’s  lips.  it’s  not  enough  for  the  generator  to  explode  and  give  away  their  position,  but  it  is  enough  to  cause  minjun  to  yank  his  hands  away  from  the  ancient  machinery.  
               looking  up  at  steve  continuing  to  work  away  at  the  generator’s  guts,  he  forces  a  grimace  into  the  other  survivor’s  direction.  ❝  ‘ m  fine,  ❞  shaking  it  off,  minjun  tries  to  ignore  the  hairs  standing  up  on  the  back  of  his  neck.  they’re  almost  out,  but  victory  doesn’t  taste  as  good  as  it  did  the  first  time  —  it’s  the  same  old  song  and  dance,  a  choreo  that  minjun  has  learned  and  perfected  in  it’s  repetitiveness.  he  can  hear  his  former  band - mates  hums  carrying  out  through  the  fog,  sharpened  knives  ricocheting  off  of  the  environment  of  autohaven  around  them.  they  haven’t  been  found  yet,  but  minjun  knows  well  that  jiwoon  is  nothing  if  not  good  at  his  job.
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               when  did  he  start  shaking  so  bad  ? 
               minjun  doesn’t  even  realize  steve  is  reaching  over  to  still  his  hands  inside  the  generator  they’re  working  on  until  he’s  already  holding  him,  minjun’s  breath  coming  out  more  even  at  the  physical  contact.  ❝  thank  you.  ❞  the  words  are  breathed  out,  the  loudness  in  his  brain  quieted  even  for  a  moment.
               the  generator  pops  and  minjun  shoost  up  from  his  crouched  position,  reaching  for  steve’s  hand  again  to  hold  in  his  grasp.  ❝  i  know  where  the  door  is.  ❞  they  can  escape,  only  to  do  it  all  over  again  —  a  new  killer,  a  new  realm,  it  doesn’t  matter.  what’s  the  point  in  escaping  if  you’re  put  into  the  same  maze  with  a  different  paint  job  again  and  again  ?  when  the  rusted  hook  through  your  supple  flesh  no  longer  hurts,  but  is  just  a  waiting  expectation.  ❝  i’ll  keep  watch  while  you  open  it.  i’ll  even  take  the  hit  if  i  have  to.  ❞  he  never  does  let  go  of  steve’s  hand.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. old honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😅
Hahaha yup, because I don't know a lot of older people! And hey now, back pain can happen to us youngins as well. 🤣
No, not a typo. It means mother THEY like to F. Ahahaha cause I am respectful, I am not one of those who would say I want to f a person...unless it's my partner and yah 😅😅
Anyways. Uh oh why do you have to rearrange get suitcase?? Did you forget something?
You flirt with me? 😳 I don't see it hahaha all you've done is be mean and call me old and sleepy 🤔
There's a song by Miley called Angels Like You. It's a good song, sad but good.
I think I've listened to some songs in acoustic version. My favorite song from songs about jane is secret and harder to breathe. Have you listened to their newer songs? It's definitely changed over the years, but I still like his voice.
One of the songs that gives me sexy vibes is Earned It by The Weeknd. Then there's this one song by J. Holiday, called Bed.
Speaking about writing, did you get to write the rest of Part 4?
You really are showing your age, with Annie's song. Ahahaha just kidding.
Hm, I don't have a lot of favorite people so, this is as follows:
1. Que Sera Sera (Mom)
2. Chasing Cars (ex wife)
3. Sing (a teacher from when I was in elementary school)
What would be your go to karaoke song?
Hello you!
Haha oh so now u call urself youngins? N im the old one? Okay, i see now.. 😆😅🤭 i thought we r both old eyebags 🤣
Aaw thank you.. that was really sweet of u. Thank u for being respectful to me. Now i'm embarrassed that i missread n missunderstood u with the mtlf things.
But still, im not a milf nor mtlf. 😊
I packed one of the carry on with the jackets n my coat. But then i just remember that i have to put the clothes we r going to wear to the airport on tuesday.. i hv to pack it easy to grab since we r leaving on monday n stay at the hotel. 😊
Also i got a mini heart attack earlier, because i couldnt find my bluetooth keyboard for my tablet. I keep it in one spot so em wont play with it but then i couldnt find it where i thought i hid it.n then i couldnt remember where.haha. after a while of searching, i found it..phew!
Oh i hv been mean? Darling, u havent seen me being mean yet.. trust me, u dont want to see me being mean. 😆😅 jk.
Dont blame me i called u old.. u described ur back pain so bad like u r my age or older 🤣 n i called u sleepy because u always fall asleep before me.. i bet u wont reply this answer tonight because u r already asleep. 😁
I havent heard their new song.. i will check it out. Oh another my favorite songs of theirs are Makes Me Wonder, Wake Up Call and Moves Like Jagger. 😅
Ah i see. Yeah i can see what u meant with those two songs.. it has the sexy vibes.. here r my top favorites sexy songs that i listen to when i write smut.
1. Gooey Rework by Glass Animals (my top top favorite)
2. Such A Whore Stellular remix by JVLA
3. Crazy In Love by Sofia Karlberg
Hmm my go to song for karaoke? I cant remember.. i think it was Moves Like Jagger or She Will Be Loved 😅 what about u?
4. Easier by Mansionair
5. Gorgeous by Ash, Naila this one inspired me an upcoming smut fic with Nat. 😁
Next questions?
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cryptiduniverse · 4 years
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they’re in LOVE OKAY???
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin Volleyball Dream Team [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] Introduction Headcanons
Notes: Guess who started watching Haikyuu! FML As if I didn’t have enough things to do I decided to fall in love with like 5 different volleyball teams with an average of 10 players. 
I couldn’t get it out of my head. I’m sorry.
Scenario: What if the Genshin boys were a volleyball team?
In the next part: How would it be working as their manager? What if someone hits on you? What if some girl fans bully you? Also, how would it be to date a Genshin volleyball superstar?
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
If you’re not familiar with volleyball (or Haikyuu) here’s a link explaining what each position in the team does.
Team Genshin
Team Colours: Blue
What the team banner reads: Spike them out of this world!
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
The rock and pillar of the team
Has a strict looking face but amicable most times. Except for when you’re late for training then run. Just run.
Anyone who skips training will feel his wrath in the form of extra 10 laps around the gym
If you joined the volleyball team, to him, you’ve basically signed a contract to COMMIT to the volleyball team. No questions asked. Sissies aren’t allowed here.
If anyone in the team is misbehaving e.g. teasing another team he’s the one who pushes your head down and apologizes for you. “Apologies about this one, he gets way too excited,”
Doesn’t let failure stop him. Tries to keep it together for the team.
Obviously has a lot of fans but they’re too intimidated to approach him.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
strong but silent type
serious about the game
doesn’t talk much but his volleyball game is STRONG
because he doesn’t look like much, opponents are SHOOK when he spikes with a big loud SMACK
Doesn’t brag a lot. His victory cheer is just a simple fist pump.
Will call the shots and sets if needed
Socially kinda awkward
Also has a lot of fans, everyone in the team has a lot of fans but he gets the most love letters in the locker type of thing.
Nicknamed Silent Burn cause of his intense stare and passion while playing.
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
Diluc’s totally opposite brother
Not as serious as Diluc in the game but has a particular talent for it
loves to tease and talk crap about other teams (Zhongli reels him in almost every time)
Don’t let him fool you though, his block game is an iron wall and there’s no getting past him unless you’re quicker.
Possibly the one that skips training the most
Nicknamed Ice Wall cause you think you got the ball past him, you see the cracks, but he pushes back two times stronger
Got the type of fans that are SQUEALING his name and he fuels them by waving back at them.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
Genius. A formidable addition to the team.
Has precise calculations of where he should direct the ball and to whom.
Silent type, a bit like Diluc, but talks more because he likes discussing with others what was wrong with his set and how he can improve it.
Experiments with the other members on different types of sets and attacks.
What he lacks in height he makes up for with intelligence.
Doesn’t have a lot of fans because he looks arrogant but the ones he have are pleasant ones that just lurk around the gym and doesn’t say much. Maybe snapping a picture of him but okay I would too.
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
Probably the one that’s most energetic and shouts whenever they get a point.
You have to wonder where the hell his energy and drive is coming from.
The one that shouts praises to his team “Nice one!” “Gotcha!” “Take that!” and also the one that provokes the opponents a lot. “Come get it!” “Come on, you can do better than that!” Zhongli is always hovering around him cause someone has to CALM this man-childe down.
Obnoxiously confident.
Is tall so makes a good middle blocker but he’s fast as well.
Loves competing. Like, he LIVES for the competition.
Fans are basically the same as Kaeya’s, loudly cheering for him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
The first thing that everyone notices about him is that he’s SHORT. How did he make the volleyball team?
Bitch he can FLY. His jumps rivals that of a middle blocker’s height.
Surprise attacks are his thing cause the opponents don’t see or think he’s coming at all.
Possibly the quickest in the team, him and Xiao. The wind is on their side.
Looks calm and collected all the time but inside he’s yearning for the game. Giving up is not in his dictionary.
Has fans that will give him chocolates but he’s the type to only say thank you and bow politely and nothing else. Maybe a small smile.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
Also short, but his reflexes are top-notch, making him a powerful libero.
When you think all is lost and the ball is about to hit the ground Xiao’s there to catch it. 90% of the time. He’s still training the 10%.
Looks up to the captain A LOT. Like he’s Xiao’s role model and possibly the reason that he tries and trains so hard.
Takes it hard when he can’t catch a ball and has a high sense of responsibility. Even if the team keeps on saying it’s not his fault.
Stoic face but the exhilaration he feels during a game sends him off to a high.
Possibly has the most fans out of everyone because all them high school girls love the bad boy look and attitude. Possibly also has those fans that chase him around and when he says “Don’t get in the way,” the fans legit squeal and love him more.
Does not understand why he has a lot of fans. He just loves the game.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
Sweet, sweet boy. Boy-next-door type of vibes.
Can talk to anyone. Doesn’t matter if you’re a rival or an opponent he somehow manages to talk everyone up and make friends everywhere he goes.
Because of that his fans also love talking to him and he doesn’t know how to turn them down.
Joined the volleyball team late so he hasn’t had as much practice as the others but works hard on it.
Motivates the team. Good at boosting team morale even though the score is really crap. 
Will keep cheering until his voice is hoarse
Overall 10/10 perfect nice guy
Not tagging anyone cause this may not be your thing. But I’m planning to make a series of headcanons that revolve around this AU :D
Please do consider supporting me at my ko-fi! I’ve fixed the payment link so I think you can love me more now <3 (haha jk, it’s optional, but it would greatly help and make me happy!)
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marquisoforder · 3 years
Ranking the Nine Princes of Hell from TSC from the least to most sexy
(Technically 8 cause Lucifer is just a chair but eh)
8) Coming in at dead last we have Asmodeus cause I hate this generic white man energy he’s giving here. He’s the demon of Lust cause the only way he could get bitches was by tricking and manipulating them. He’s serving Frankenstein’s Monster had a baby with a CEO from a yaoi hentai realness here. The Worst of the Demons? More like the Worst Dressed of the demons! Black tie with a white suite? 🤮Sir are you out of your goddamn mind? Did Raphael bonk you on the head until your fashion sense left? -1/10 you are simply hideous sir
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7) Coming in at number 7 we have Mammon looking like Jeff Bezos’s capitalistic wet dream. How are you literally all about money but still look tacky as hell? This man shows up to the MET Gala in a tux with no effort whatsoever I can just feel it in my bones. All these eyes but you still couldn’t locate a better fit. I was gonna ask why he looks constipated but then I read the part where he eats blood and gold for every meal so he’s obviously suffering from indigestion. (And it shows king, it really shows) 0/10 - Do fucking better and get a plastic surgery or a proper diet with all the money you are hoarding up
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6) At number six we’ve got Belphegor. Honestly I’d have ranked him much higher if it wasn’t for the goat skull situation going on there like what’s up with that king? Is this a political statement? Or are you just taking covid precautions? Either way I can’t rank you higher than six with that face. (Even tho the body is definitely 1. Like you mean to tell me a demon with abs like those is the demon of laziness? He ain’t lazy if he’s grinding in the gym which he apparently is cause he’s legit shredded.) also kinda cute that you were married to a mortal. Maybe if they pegged you you wouldn’t have denounced the institution of marriage. (Try it next time. I’m certainly up if you are 👀 haha jk unless 😳) 5/10 - Sorry about your goat head
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5) On the position of number five we have the one and only Leviathan! He’s not a fallen angel! He’s not like other girls! He’s edgy, he’s sensitive, he’s sad, nobody understands him. He kins Ebony Dementia Darkness Raven Way. But in a sexy way. I like what you’ve done with the hair. Paired with completely black eyes he’s essentially the perfect Scene Boy™️ from back in the day. He would have been Tumblr famous. Even now he has the capacity to become one of Tumblr’s sexy man (derogatory) cause he has the same vibe as Jotun Loki. 6/10 - No Comments cause I’m worried he might actually just eat me.
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4) Belial is number four cause while he’s definitely good looking there’s something about him that screams I’d Mansplain Your Own Period To You. Probably invested in Bitcoin and trying to overheat the planet to death. Not gonna lie whatever he’s doing with his hands is actually giving model, it’s giving Timothy chalamet, it’s giving white boy who paints nails and wears rings and doesn’t shut up about it. The hair is actually really cool and I wish my hair looked that effortlessly good. Whatever hair products you stole from Brad Mondo, I want some rn 😤 6.5/10 - idk still kinda basic tho
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3) Moving on to the top three we have Azazel! I liked him when we saw him in TMI. He’s giving fuck boy archie andrews here. Probably says baby girl unironically. Are his pants sagging or are they two toned? That’s a secret he’ll never tell. The reason he was cast down from hell is actually because god was jealous of that one lock of hair that falls perfectly across his forehead. His nails are done, his hair is perfect, his abs look rock hard. All in all has that all-American rugged good looks to him. 7/10- red hair actually looks good on you king keep it up
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2) Our runner up is none other than Astaroth! Look at that serve! Look me in the eyes and tell me this man doesn’t belong on the cover of a cheap erotica novel about fallen angels!!! The glance downwards, the wings bared, the contrast of the red cloth with the black wings!! He did not come to play because for Astaroth, the world is a runaway and he’s a model. The luscious hair and the sexy torso scars truly sets this man apart. I’m not big on selling my soul but for you king, I’d fr put that shit on eBay for 50 cents. You think you were misjudged and pleads your case? Lemme be your defense attorney king, I’ll fight God in a Denny’s parking lot for you no questions asked. 9/10 - Unlike Belphegor I still believe in the institution of marriage so ahahaha 👀😌 iykwim
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1) And finally our top boy from Hell is… none other than Samael himself! That cute lil feather on the hat paired with that Jack sparrow red scarf really shows he knows how to work a fit. The rolled up sleeves got me 👀 at his forearms like I’m a Victorian man seeing a bit of ankle. This demon legit looks like a man young Taylor Swift would write a song about. He’s young, he’s hip, he probably has a fashion tiktok and does mad transitions from outfit to outfit. 10/10 wouldn’t do this man’s sexiness justice cause he’s simply too sexy for such a trivial scale.
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anenbylittlepotato · 3 years
What are the reactions of the demon brothers to MC's pet bunny who gives bunny kisses to the brothers?
Aww, this is so cute! 🥺
The Demon Bros with MC's Pet Bunny
When he first sees MC's bunny he just groans. He has to take care of a human and a bunny now?! Why doesn't Diavolo tell him these things?!
He just sighs and takes a moment to make peace with the fact that he'll just have to buy bunny food for the next year... Right...?
NOPE. Turns out taking care of a bunny is much more work than it seems, as MC explains to him. Great...
So uh... Yeah, safe to say that he has nothing but burning hatred for this bunny at first. Stop causing him so much more work dammit.
But honestly, who could conceivably stay mad at a bunny for long? They're so round and soft and fluffy and adorable. Even Lucifer, the almighty himself, isn't immune to a bunny's charms.
Eventually, the tiny little thing grows on him. He never lets any of his brothers see, but he'll occasionally slip the bunny a little treat or two, and sometimes he'll set the bunny on his desk while he works so he can reach over and pet her occasionally. And one time when he was sitting on the couch while his brothers were away and he was so stressed out to the point that he was almost tempted to bash his head against a wall, the little thing came up to him and just??? Puts her tiny little paws on his foot??? And looked up at him with those big round eyes, nose twitching and ears perked??? Almost like she was concerned for him??? Oh, he's in love. Now every time he's stressed out like that, he seeks out your bunny for comfort.
But then??? One day??? The bunny??? Gives him little bunny kisses??? Oh, he melts. This man is fucking putty. He's weak.
Please, this man loves your bunny. But of course, he never shows it around his brothers. And he rarely shows it around you. It's just a him and the bunny thing. No one else needs to know.
The moment this man sees your bunny for the first time he's in love. Love at first sight is real, my dudes.
But she's just so??? Small??? And round??? And fluffy??? And cute??? How could you NOT love such a thing, honestly?
He still complains when he has to take care of you, but he's still really excited about your bunny.
This man,,, spoils the hell out of your bunny. He's constantly smothering her with love, and he constantly gives her little treats and gives her carrots and lettuce and any little snacks that she likes. And he lets her up on the couch and he holds her in his lap. He's adopted your bunny. That's his bunny now.
And when the bunny gives him little bunny kisses? He's dead. His heart spontaneously combusts right then and there. He didn't think he could love this bunny any more than he did, but then it happened. Please, bunny, you're going to be the death of him.
He definitely doesn't let his brothers see how much he loves this bunny though. He knows they would endlessly hound on him for it.
Honestly? He's definitely not very fond of your bunny when he first sees her. Sorry, but he's much more privy to reptilian and aquatic animals. Land mammals aren't really his thing.
They're just so... Weird to him, honestly. Those big weird eyes, the fact that they're completely covered in fuzz as if they're a moldy piece of food, their weird nails and their weird little noses. They freak him out.
So yeah, definitely not a fan of the bunny. He avoids her at all costs. Every time the bunny comes near him or touches him in any way, he's immediately in his demon form and leaps to the other side of the room, moving faster than anyone's ever seen him move in his life. Get that thing away from him-
His brothers find this so damn amusing. Especially Mammon. Mammon constantly pulls pranks on Levi that involve the bunny (though, of course, bunny-safe pranks, he doesn't want it getting hurt-) and teases him relentlessly about it.
One day you go over to Levi and gently try to convince Levi to at least try to bond with your bunny. It takes a lot of convincing and bribing, but he finally agrees. So you take him over to the bunny and sit down in front of her with him. Levi is shaking like a fucking leaf as you grab his arm and hold it out to the bunny. He jumps and lets out a small yelp as the bunny steps forward to sniff his hand. And he's whimpering and shaking when the bunny moves even closer to him and???? Climbs into his lap??? He's he is frozen with fear at this point. He doesn't know what to do, MC, help him. When you tell him the bunny likes him, he just really shook. It likes him??? A yucky, gross otaku like him???
And then, when it gives him bunny kisses???? MC has to explain what it's doing but when he understands he's just??? In shock.
There's no way he could hate the bunny after that. He finds solidarity with the bunny after that.
Satan is a cat person, through and through. However, this absolutely does not mean he'll stick up his nose to other furry, four-legged friends. Quite the contrary, he likes them too. Make no mistake, cats are and always will be his go-to, but that he still likes other animals too. He's flexible with his love.
So, safe to say, when he sees your bunny, he gets quite excited. Are you gonna help him annoy Lucifer, little girl? Are you?
He's also really excited to use all of his reading knowledge to help take care of the bunny. He knows exactly what the bunny needs and helps you pick out the things that would be best for her.
Sometimes, when he's reading, your bunny will walk up to him and, without looking up from his book, he'll reach over and gently stroke her ears. Though he has to keep the bunny out of his room because she loves to nibble the books.
He doesn't really care about letting his brothers know he likes the bunny. He's not embarrassed by his love of animals.
He adores your bunny. She's just so cute! Though don't put her on him, it'll get hair on his new outfit!
This man takes so many Devilgram pics of and with this bunny. His fans love her! And he even gets cute little outfits for her! And he grooms her soft fur and gives her cute little bows! One day he tried to give her a bath, not knowing the dangers. Luckily, MC and Satan managed to stop him before it was too late. Please don't bathe your bunnies in water unless your vet tells you to, it's very bad for them
Seriously tho, this man gives your bunny some little bunny spa days. He pampers your bunny. Asmo, please, she doesn't need her nails painted, she's a bunny. And did... Did you seriously put cucumbers on her eyes??? She's gonna eat them-
But when she gives him bunny kisses? Oh, she's so cute, oh my goodness! He absolutely has to get as many pictures of this moment as he can! It's just too precious not to post all over Devilgram! His fans are going to adore this!! And he was right, too, as it ends up being one of his most popular posts.
And he's never been shy about showing his affections toward you around others why would he be shy about showing affection to your bunny?
When he first saw her, he may or may not have thought about eating her-
But don't worry, he managed to resist.
Honestly, he doesn't really mind the bunny too much aside from the occasional thought about eating her. He never really pays much attention to her at first except when he's really hungry.
But as he gets closer to you and starts spending more time with her in turn, and he comes to like her. She's really cute. Just like you!
Sometimes she'll come up to him while he's eating and he'll drop her the occasional leaf or carrot piece. And she really likes to crawl into his lap and just peek out at everyone. And he really likes to touch her soft fur. Sometimes the bunny follows him around. I think she feels safest with him out of all of the brothers. Which... Fair enough, honestly.
And when she gave him bunny kisses? Oh, the little large pure boi was so happy and excited. MC, look, she likes him!! Are you looking, MC?
He's never been the most secretive when it comes to his feelings, so he doesn't really mind showing affection to the bunny around his brothers.
Haha, he's in the attic what are you talking about-
Nah, nah, jk, he still sees your bunny after he's out of the attic.
And honestly, he's chill with her. He literally doesn't care that much.
Though he does like how soft her fur is... Do you wanna be one of his nap buddies, little bunny?
Apparently, the answer is yes because whenever Belphie is taking a nap, she hops over and makes herself comfortable beside him. Hey, he's not complaining one bit. She's soft and that's all that matters. Actually, whenever the bunny wants to sleep, she wanders over to Belphie and settles down beside him. She seems to see him as just as much of a good nap buddy as he does to her.
And when she gives him little bunny kisses? Honestly, he's more surprised than anything. He does think it's cute, sure, but he kinda just blinks at her a few times in surprise. Then he chuckles a little and pets her head.
And this man couldn't possibly care less about showing affection towards the bunny around his brothers. He gives zero fucks.
That took way longer to write than it should have. It probably would have been done faster if I had the ability to not procrastinate 😔
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