#cause thats going to be a shock if i forget and he rocks up on menae with lipstick all over his face lmao
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topaz-carbuncle · 3 months ago
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who needs wedding rings when you have matching clan markings and/or lipstick marks?
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fandomwe1rd0 · 9 months ago
So, let's start with something everyone knows. Rick's relationship with Morty is toxic. Thats something we all know by now, right? I know it, you know it, we all know it. With their codependency, dangerous adventures, and Rick's continual emotional abuse.
I really think Morty knows that his relationship with Rick is toxic and abusive. Especially since Rick tells Morty as much in Forgetting Sharick Mortshall, and when he tells Morty this, Morty didn't appear particularly shocked. So it's possible that he knew about this even before then.
Rick: What we had was abusive don't you see? (...)
Morty: Ok...? So? What's the undercut?
He definitely knows what he has with Rick isn't healthy, but he's unable to leave. Mostly due to codependency, cause while Rick is more so codependent than Morty is, Morty definitely is codependent as well, partly because Rick is his first and only friend. But another reason why is because he knows that he's responsible for Rick's well being. Even though nobody should be responsible for anyone's well being, especially not a 14 year old boy. Rick very much relies on Morty for many things. Even basic things that Rick should do himself like getting food. This, while annoying, is admittedly small, but then it progresses to very heavy things nobody should put on anyone, like keeping him emotionally stable.
I do believe Morty on some level at least, knows this. Due to Morty having to put his life on the line in "Fear No Mort" to save hole Rick (Although Morty thought Rick was real) from his "hole wife". Morty point blank says "I just had to crucify myself to save you from your hole wife!" We also see this earlier in Unmortricken. In the episode Evil Morty says "What happens if Rick actually kills this guy? You ever think about that? Maybe he'll kill himself next." And Morty doesn't even deny he just responds "You're an asshole!" While Morty acts like this didn't have an effect on him, we see that it did have an effect on him, look at the first thing he asks Rick when he kills Rick Prime.
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You can also see his lip quivering before Rick says "Yeah." And when Rick does say that he's ok (Lying old man) Morty immediately feels relief and hugs him. While apart of it is definitely codependency, he does feel genuine love for Rick and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him, and because of that Morty knows that he has to stay. We see how much Rick was affected by Morty leaving in Rest and Ricklaxation when him and Jessica talk (We need more of them as a duo btw, they were iconic)
Rick: She kept coming to our house, Morty and asking "Did y- Did you get a new Morty yet?!"
Jessica: Because you kept drunk dialing me and crying about it!
So Morty knows that his presence has a huge impact on Rick's stability which is way unfair but yeah.
So even if Morty got over his codependency, he's still stuck between a rock and a hard place, his choices are to either stay in this relationship that he knows is toxic at the cost of his mental health, or he could leave.
But he can't leave, because he knows what Rick will do if he does. But he shouldn't stay in this toxic relationship since it takes a toll on his mental health.
This poor boy really has no way out unless he stops caring about Rick, but the codependency and trauma bond combined with Morty's low self esteem (Courtesy of Rick) and every traumatizing thing Rick puts him through, it makes it damn near impossible for Morty to stop caring about Rick, even if Rick does something especially horrible, it's hard for me to believe that even that would be enough for Morty to stop caring about Rick.
And even then, if Morty somehow manages to stop caring about Rick and decides to leave, where will he go?
He has no support system. He doesn't have any family members that don't live with Rick besides Jerry's parents, and even then they would probably just bring him back, and as mentioned before, Rick is his only friend.
So, with Morty already being in a tough situation, with no real way out, with it being damn-near impossible for him to leave, there's a very high possibility that Morty will stay trapped in his toxic dynamic forever if it never becomes healthy. His choices are basically to leave with no support system and risk Rick killing himself, or to stay and let this toxic relationship continually deteriote at him and his mental health. My poor sweet innocent baby.
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peonylover2 · 1 year ago
Hello, how are you doing?
If you're up to it, can you do a reading on Henry Cavill, professional and love life?
I've seen so many readers say the exact same thing about his love life, new or old ones, but then, there are a few other readers who are saying the opposite.
I think so many people are perplexed by his current relationship, for so many reasons 🫤
Anything can happen really, but it would not be less shocking or disappointing tbh.
❤️😘 thank you for the ask! My first ask!!!
Here we go;
Two of swords
I see Henry thinking, contemplating .. between a rock and a hard place. Saying “ aren’t you done with me? Had enough.. got all you wanted”
Here he means she likes him, fancy the looks and his playfulness but he wasn’t expecting to last that long. Both know that. The expectation were the same due to factors like schedule, personality and general filming and seeing family. Lots of travel.
He says well is it enough? She realizes it’s happening again, the somber moment and goes again with “ just 13 more minutes/ just a few seconds more, let us just enjoy these few days then you go do you thing then come back and we talk about it” but thats just the same effect like morning clock “ five more minutes”
Can’t deny the liking each other a bit, playful and mischievous but its more like “ hanging out “ material than “ relationship”
He knows this won’t be a marriage as he looks into the future.
In the ‘sight’ i see him/hear him being annoyed and answers the questions “ why not marry her”
“ marry her??? With this kind of public backlash? NOH. ( he counts with fingers)
1) She ‘s clingy
2) I don’t want to be married to someone who has their nose in the industry 24 days a month and count my self lucky if i get the rest of it free to forget about all the talks, meetings and having to be soo friendly to people as ‘ henry the actor’ instead of me.. being myself. Cause i was ‘just henry’ i will go out and live in England again, in the relaxed atmosphere there and see my parents. Bit of…Normal life if you get it.
Go for a run, enjoy the green landscape and crisp cold wind when i run.
He reassures that “ well all will be well eventually… or so i hope hahaha” i have some wishes that are coming true which makes me belief the once i wished recently cause if stars are falling and wishes become real, why not wish another.? ☺️😉😜
I don’t have to patient anymore. My patience has run out already now just get up and get out . Its like sitting on the couch in the middle of a shitty family meeting and FINALLY after being fed up you get up and leave. “
The Star ⭐️ 🌟 💫
As he thought. His wishes are coming true, BIG AND FAST. It will have him flabbergasted. This year. BIG BIG MOMENTUMS.
I don’t see them together. He is finally “ fed up” and she is moving aways from him knowing this is it. No going back. And true. This will be the last bit. Never again.
The Lovers
He found the right people i hear
Then “ the right person… kinda… i hope/guess” he says
He found his people, who would love him and they are friends of that person/two people one fem one guy ( they are close friends, people mistake them for a couple)
The reading ends with me hearing
“ and they/he lived happily everyafter”
( i am aware its ever after, separate but it wanted to be written like that so I won’t change it . Hahah i guess it said I SAID WHAT I SAID, DID I STUTTER? )
It meant
Not one, but may it be as many ends as possible. You will be happy in all.
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monarch-butterfly-03 · 1 year ago
Aristia - Part 4
"Where are we going?" Arista questioned as she stepped over a fallen log following quickly behind Peter Pan who was leading her further into Neverland's forest. 
They have been walking what seems like eternity but had truly only been around fifteen minutes. Peter Pan arrived at her usual beach earlier that evening and surprisingly asked if she wanted to take a walk with him. She was taken off guard and suddenly that she quickly accepted. But she never expected to be walking so far.
"You complain too much." Peter grumbled and pushed a branch away from his face that was in his path. He released it when it was out of reach, causing it to fly back and smack Arista directly in the face.
The poor mermaid let out a small oomph from the impact and gave the back of the boys head an hateful glare. She plucked a leaf out of her mouth before continuing with slight anger. "I am just curious." She stated defensively picking up her pace into a jog to catch up with the persistent boy.
"Ever heard the term curiosity killed the cat?" Peter questioned leading her over a small stream in the path by jumping from stone to stone.
Arista followed being Peter and her eyes fell to the large boulders in the stream to make sure she didn't slip on the slippery surfaces. "Isn't that from Wonderland?" She asked aloud.
When she made it to the last rock she didn't bother checking the grass when she leaped off the rock and when she landed, she was instantly met by a large boulder that caused her to stumble. Or in her case, a boy. Peter Pan.
The harsh impact made her stumble back and almost falling back into the creek if it wasn't for Peter hand that grabbed her forearm and pulled her into his chest instinctively. 
She let out a small yelp and her eyes widened in shock. Her gaze shot up to Peter's seeing his face inches from hers with the same evil glimmer in his eyes and mischievous grin on his lips that suddenly made her forget how to breathe. 
"Maybe." Peter replied lowly. "But I think it can be applied to curious mermaids like you."  His hand slipped away from Arista's arm and she gulped thickly from the absence of his warmth, watching him continue his trek through the forests and leaving her alone.
She took a deep breathe to compose herself. "Has anyone ever told you that you are kinda annoying?" Arista called out short-breathed.
She could have sworn she heard Peter Pan let out a low chuckle through the wind, his figure now a smaller one in the distance. "Maybe but never to my face." Peter called back.
Arista rolled her eyes and chuckled at his egoistic hating how her cheeks were burning. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and broke out into a small jog to catch up to Peter who continued his walk through the forest. When she fell back inline behind the boy, she let out a tired sigh and notice a small smile on the corner of his lips.
"Are we there yet?" She complained.
"We are." Peter replied under his breath.
Arista verbally gasped as they stepped out of the forest and into a small opening thats beauty stunned froze her in place. 
A few fallen scattered logs covered in moss filled the void and the absence of overhead trees provided a small skylight. Peter walked towards the center of the opening but Arista was frozen in place staring at the night sky above her. The starlight night sky glimmered  and was mixed with the dozens of fireflies dancing around her. The lightning bugs blended with the night sky making it feel like the stars were just a few feet away from her instead of millions feet away. A few grasshoppers sung and frogs croaked in the distance providing a calmer and romantic tone to the naturalistic atmosphere. But it overall was stunning. She has never, ever, seen anything like this before.
"I-this is....wow." Arista sighed out in disbelief. Her eyes roamed from the stars, to the fireflies, to finally land on the boy who caused this. But his eyes were already on her.
Peter was staring at her with a hardened gaze that made her feel small but important. His hands were behind his back and an eyebrow rose slightly with curiosity as he watched her keenly.
"I thought you would like this." He stated bluntly.
"Like it!? This is incredible, Peter!" She squealed and stared up at the fireflies in awe of having the stars so close. "I have never seen anything so beautiful!" 
Peter observed her from afar silently.
He watched her giggle as a firefly flew past her delicate face; he watched her gasp when a firefly landed on her petite finger; and he watched he smile widely as it flew off it join the rest of its friends above. She seemed so amazed by the small environment that Peter was starting to finally notice the true beauty of the nature. 
Peter Pan has lived here all his life yet never took the time to appreciate Neverland's natural beauty.
How is it, that after all this time Peter Pan has lived on Neverland, that he was finally taking notice of the beauty on his island?
"Hm, I guess it is quite beautiful." He muttered to himself as he glanced up at the moon overhead that appeared to shine brighter on this cloudless night.
"This is extraordinary."  Arista sighed as the cool air brushed against her face and strung her hair behind her shoulders. Her smile reached her ears unable to hide her excitement.
Peter frowned slightly as he looked back at the mermaid.
Those alluring mermaid features of hers stood out stronger in the moonlight aura than before. The sight was enough to make any pirate drool. 
Her blonde hair shimmered and appeared gold in the moonlight gaze. Her voice was sweet like honey that would make any sailor hearing it drop to their knees in submission. Without knowing, Peter's lips quirked up in fascination watching her and his eyes softened in vulnerability. 
Arista dropped her gaze with a giggle to find Peter's eyes fixated on her. Peter was used to others cowering at his gaze or avoiding his attention. But he never seen someone smile wider and eyes illuminate when they look at him. 
He absolutely hated how he felt after witnessing it.
"Thank you, Peter. For showing me this." Arista exclaimed in admiration.
Peter cleared his throat and nodded. "My pleasure." He muttered, uncertain why he felt so odd inside of his chest. But he hated it.
"I must go." Peter blurted out.
Arista's smile dropped. "What? Why?" She questioned.
"My Lost boys need me. I must go." Peter repeated but failed to convince Arista or himself.
"Oh, um, okay." Arista failed to hide her disappointment as her hands dropped to her side. "Well, I appreciate you showing me this place. If you don't mind, I would love to stay a bit longer?" She asked and Peter's heart stopped momentarily.
She was asking his permission to stay on his island? She refused to listen when she was on his rock or when they were arguing numerous times before. But now she was asking permission. Why?
Peter shook his head of the thoughts. "Of course." He agreed hesitantly.
Arista responded with a tight smile and turned around to continue examining the stars, suddenly ignoring his presence.
Peter stood there and watched the mermaid for a moment in the moonlight. He wanted to stay but didn't have anything else left to say. There was nothing else to be said.
With a small sigh, Peter turned around and disappeared into the forest. Leaving Arista alone with the stars and fireflies overhead, a wind brushing against her face, and a small sad smile stained on her lips.
The bell above the door in Granny's diner chimed as Aria pushed open the door. She took a deep breath to inhale the sugary baking that Granny had going on in the back. She stood at the door and glanced the morning crowd in search for a specific face. The seven miners scrunched into one booth and sharing hot coffee, Mary Margret was sipping tea while reading a book, and Archie was sitting on a barstool reading the local paper with his Dalmatian sleeping at his feet. 
The diner was packed full. But Aria didn't see the face she was searching for.
"Hey, love. Want a cup?" Ruby asked passing by the teenager with the pot of coffee in her grasp after filling up the seven miners mugs.
Aria frowned and shook her head. "Thanks, but not today." She stated following Ruby over to the counter and occupying one of the barstools a few spots down from Archie. His dog, Pongo, perked up at the sight of the teenager but laid back down sadly from the lack of attention.
Ruby nodded walking around the counter and glanced over her shoulder. "Still looking for that boy? Drake?"
"Blake." Aria corrected with a sigh and slumped her arms on the counter. "It just doesn't make sense. He arrived at the police station almost a week ago and we made a plan that day to help another. But now, he's just...gone." She slumped her face in her arms in defeat.
Ruby shot an apologetic look at the girl. "Maybe he went back home? He said he was visiting." She shrugged wiping out the inside of a dusty mug.
"No, he wouldn't. He lost his friend and he said she was here. He was so keen on finding her too; like I am for finding Henry. But I just don't know where he disappeared too in five days. I'm starting to think I made him up in my imagination-" She grumbled. She saw glanced up to see Ruby staring worriedly in her direction and she rolled her eyes. "I was kidding." 
Ruby sighed and placed the mug down walking over to the teenager. "Look kid, I hate to point out the obvious but maybe he found his friend and left. There isn't a point for him sticking around after that. People tend to break their promises if there isn't anything in it for them."
Aria's expression fell. No, Blake wouldn't do that. Would he...? He made a promise. I would help him find his friend and he would help me find Henry. We promised another! An absolute stranger. Who would ever break a promise with someone they just met? That is just cruel and-
. . .
Who would ever keep a promise with someone they just met? They don't have any attachments or liabilities to that person. Other than for moral reasons. But is Blake the type of person to do that? No. He wouldn't. He seemed reliable and kind! After all, they did meet in a police station and if that isn't a sign of how truthful he is then-
. . .
 . . .Well, damn.
He left.
"Maybe you're right." She sighed and her posture slumped. "Man, I am so stupid." She buried her face in her hands at her naivety.
Ruby smiled sadly. "Hey, you're not stupid. You just have the kindest heart this town has ever seen. You always try to see the best in people no matter how bad they are and that is something you should not be ashamed of." 
"Maybe." Aria muffled through her hands.
"Here. On the house." Aria looked up to the find a to-go cup of coffee sitting in front of her, then to the waitress across from her narrowing her gaze in hesitation. "Don't see your kindness as a bad thing, love. You're kindness and sweet heart makes this town way better. Regardless of whether you know that or not." Ruby smiled.
Aria sighed and pulled the cup of coffee closer towards her in acceptance. She played with the cardboard sleeve of the paper cup, "Thanks, Ruby. You're coffee is the heart in this town." 
"Don't you forget it." Ruby winked. 
Mary Margret across the diner waved the waitress over for her check and the waitress quickly excused herself. Once she was gone, Aria was left alone with her thoughts and a cup of black coffee uncertain where Blake was but felt more stupid for placing her trust in a complete stranger.
With a gulp of her coffee and a pat on Pongo's head, Aria walked out of the diner with new determination for her day. Walking down the street of Storybrooke, she let the autumn wind brush her blonde hair over her shoulder with her mind running of thoughts. She was going to forget all about Blake and return to the main task on hand. She was going to find-
Aria froze in her spot after his name left her throat. Across the road from her was Henry Mills standing between his mother and a woman with blonde hair, behind a parked yellow punch-buggy car. But there he was. Henry Mills. Alive and well.
Not missing.
The boy's head snapped over to the voice and his smile widened seeing the teenage girl. "Aria!" He beamed and sprinted over to the girl ignoring the scold from his mom for running across a busy road or the worried glance from the blonde woman. The boy leapt into the girls' arms making Aria drop the cup of coffee in her grasp and splatter on the ground near her boots. Her lips parted and stared at the boy in astonishment. 
"H-How...? When did you-" She stuttered in disbelief.
"Aria! I did it!" Henry beamed perking up at the girl in excitement. "I found my birth mom!" He exclaimed and glanced over his shoulder to the woman across the road.
Aria followed his gaze and that was when she truly looked at the blonde woman staring at her hesitantly. Her blonde hair and brown eyes were her two most prominent features along with an uncertain scold on her face. The stranger stood out greatly from the confidence she stood with unlike everyone in this town. Especially since she was standing next to the mayor who makes everyone coward but made this woman appear stronger. The woman looked like someone who meant business.
Aria couldn't determine whether that was a good or bad thing. Not yet, anyways.
The wind brushed through the leaves and a crackle of a fire filled the silence. Through the midst of the crackles, the breeze, and the crickets, harsh whispers filled the dead of the night. Neverland sat in an eerie silence like usual but a storm was brewing in the horizon. 
The aggressive whether was no doubt mimicking the emotions of the vengeful Peter Pan.
On the island of Neverland, the Lost Boys were dancing around a bonfire to follow along to the harmony of the infamous flute of Peter Pan. The boys laughed, hooted, and hollered as they danced around the fire chanting an old folk song.
Among the dancing crowd was a girl. A mermaid. With the legs of a human and a smile shimmering like the stars. She acted like a Lost Boy and the boys treated her like one. Arista was a daughter of the sea but she acted like a Lost Boy.
Unlike the others, there was one Lost Boy who was not fond of the newest addition to the island. Felix hated how vulnerable this mermaid made Peter Pan. The ruthless Peter Pan would never listen to anyone else other than himself. Yet changes have been made on this island since the day Peter Pan met the mermaid on the beach.
Small minor changes. But these changes foreshadowed the inevitable future of Peter Pan's dethroning if Felix didn't do something now.
"She doesn't belong on the island, Pan. You have to send her back." The words of Pan's right hand man, Felix, reminded the boy angrily. Moments ago, Felix pulled Peter Pan aside from the bonfire after catching him stare at the mermaid across the fire. "She is a fish." He reminded bitterly.
Peter Pan stood across from Arista and the other Lost Boy's. The fire separated them but illuminated the mermaids perfection features that was visible for Peter to study from across the bonfire.
Peter Pan pressed his lips together frustrated but his eyes stared ahead. Arista was giggling and clapping along to a few of the Lost Boys acting out a story of Peter Pan fighting the villainous Captain Hook using sticks as props. 
Sitting there among the Lost Boys and illuminated by the fire hues made Arista fit right into the crowd. Her presence just seemed right in this setting. To everyone except Felix.
"Pan?" Felix hissed out with irritation and stepped in front of Peter to block his view.
Peter's gaze shot up and turned cold instantaneously. His jaw clenched and he squeezed his hands in irritation that fell behind him. "Don't forget your place here, Felix." He warned coldly.
Felix took a faint step back and his expression fell knowing not to push his luck. "You know this is a dangerous game, Pan. She is the daughter of the Poseidon. The mermaids in the cove spoke rumours of the King sending out a search for his missing daughter. This will provoke war if he discovers she is here and you are hiding her."
"I fear no one." Peter Pan snapped bitterly and raised a threatening eyebrow in mockery. "Her presence is risky. Dangerous. But that happens to be my favourite game." He smirked mischievously and his gaze fell past Felix, onto the girl sitting on a log and cheering on the Lost Boys who accepted her as another. "This is all a game, Felix. All a game." His voice trailed off as well as his train of thoughts.
Felix stared at Pan with a short frown. He let out a hefty sigh and nodded faintly, "Just don't forget that, Pan." He reminded before he walked away from the conversation.
Peter Pan's eyes fell back onto Arista and watched her interact with the play the boys were acting out. She acted as another Lost Boy and would squeal when one of the boys would challenge her to a sword fight. Arista acted like she was in her element. 
She acted like a Lost Boy.
Felix watched Peter Pan from the shadows leaning against a tree. He saw how Peter Pan smirked at the mermaid and began playing his flute to gain her attention. Felix wasn't blind. He saw what Peter Pan was in denial of. 
He shook his head disappointedly and walked off into the woods leaving the fire to deal with this problem by himself. It was obvious that Pan had no intention to solve this problem
And if Pan wasn't going to fix this then Felix would take care of it.
A storm cloud lingered over the island of Neverland threatening everyone who lived there. Thunder cracked in the distance and rain poured down onto the island covering it with water. Footsteps rushed through the mud and splattered against the ground. Hoots and hollers were heard in the distance to imply the meeting taken place.
The Boys rushed out of the forest and into an opening of trees and fallen logs. It was often rare Peter Pan would call a meeting with all of the Lost Boys. But tensions were high in Neverland. A meeting was required for times like this.
Dozens of Lost Boys sat on the fallen logs, dangling from the branches of nearby trees, or standing near the tree line. Felix stood among those boys with his arms crossed and his casual scold on his face. Sitting on the ground beside him was a boy in the fetal position. The boy was covered in mud and was soaking wet. His head was buried in his legs and shaking slightly from either fear or being cold. Or maybe both.
"WHERE IS HE!?" His bone-chilling voice appeared out of the tree line.
All of the conversations and hollers stopped as Peter Pan entered the meeting and took a position in the middle of the opening. His damp dirty-blonde hair clung to his forehead and his green shirt was a darker shade from the downpour. His posture was stiff and his jaw was clenched in fury as he searched the crowd for said boy. Not a sound was heard all fearing of being on the wrong end of Pan's anger.
"I'm here." Felix stepped forward and away from the boy at his feet.
Peter's head snapped to Felix and narrowed his eyes angrily when he noticed the lack of presence beside him. He huffed angrily and marched towards him, "You fool!" He barked and reached out a hand to slap Felix in the face. The slap echoed throughout the forest but Felix barely flinched from the impact. Felix dropped his head in shame as Peter raged. "You two idiots had one job!" He shouted angrily glancing to the shaking boy cowering behind Felix.
"I-It was my fault..." The quivering boy spoke up. Peter and Felix glanced at the boy who pushed himself up to his feet. His black hair stuck to his forehead and his face was pale from exhaustion. "It was my fault. . ." He breathed out tiredly.
"You told me you could handle this, Blake! But you failed me!" Peter Pan shouted furious and his body began shaking in anger.
"It was Regina! I mean, the Evil Queen-" Blake quickly shouted in defence staring at the knife Pan unknowingly took out of his waist and gripped it tightly. The forest fell silent as rain poured down on the meeting and Peter stared at Blake while breathing heavily. Blake swallowed thickly glancing back up to Pan, "Her and Rumplestilskin. They have everyone under some kind of spell and she didn't recognize me. The Evil Queen and Rumple both recognized that I didn't belong there and locked me up. They felt threatened I was going to expose them and if it wasn't for Felix rescuing me, I would still be locked up and taking another truthful-potion-"
"You saw her?" Pan interrupted furiously as his voice began shaking. Blake blinked uncertain if this was a test. He nodded slowly and Peter Pan let out a deep breath trying to calm down his shaking figure. "Is she okay?" Pan's voice whispered through his teeth clenched together.
"She is. She is fine. But she doesn't remember anything." Blake hurried out with guilt. "Nothing about me; nothing about Neverland," Blake hesitated before finishing. "...nothing about you."
All eyes turned to Peter Pan who stood frozen in the center of the meeting. His eyes stared at Blake with anger and hatred but he remained still.
Peter Pan was a vengeful boy. He loved tricks, games, and mischief. There were a few things he silently cared about in his life; Neverland and his Lost Boys were a silent obvious one. But no words could be explained to describe his Lost Princess. None he expressed out loud.
"Pan?" Blake's question shook him from his thoughts. "What should we do?" 
Peter Pan took a heavy breath. His shoulders slumped and he cupped his hands behind his back. "We play a new game." He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "It is time we stop playing the Evil Queen's game and start playing my own. This time, Arista is coming home." He promised all of Neverland.
Hoots and hollers of excitement from the Lost Boys filled the forest. Peter Pan smirked wickedly at Felix and Blake standing before him. Peter has tried to bring his Princess back to Neverland but his plan failed. But not this time. 
Because Peter Pan never gives up.
Because Peter Pan never fails.
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mypassionsarenysins · 4 years ago
Past!Steve Rogers x Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader. 
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Summary: Steve Rogers had lived his life, it was only fair for you to live yours right?
Author’s Note: okay so another crossover and for this I’m thinking of Christian Bale batman, so read at your discretion. It’s also a lil sad and some happy parts. Thank you to @stuckonjbbarnes @honeyloverogers and @buckysmischief
Steve stared at the roof looking at the white pristine celling. 
He waited for the other person on the other side of the room to finish with her nightly routine. 
He kept staring at the ceiling closing his eyes and for a brief moment he felt you.
His mind had the ability of taking him back to that night, the moment he decided to leave her. Trying to conquer an illusion, a fleeting moment of what should have been. 
His mind told him to do it, but his heart. 
His heart was the most unforgiving part of himself that never really let it go. 
And now here he is age clear on his face, wrinkles in his one youthful hands that made you laugh, that held you when you cried, now old and lonely. 
He had everything he was looking for, or so he thought. 
A knock on the door interrupted his thought making Steve get up from the bed looking outside the window as he makes his way to the front door. 
He opens the door smiling at the man on the other side who had his infamous frown plastered on his face. 
“Come in please,” Steve motions to the living room but the man on the other side doesn’t make a move, for a moment it looks like he could burn at the mere thought of walking through the door. 
“No,” the man says anger written clear on his features. 
“Bucky you’ve been here before,” Steve motions with pleading eyes, but Bucky stays unmoving. 
“You really think I wouldn’t know that Scott wouldn’t tell us what you wanted to do,” Bucky says as he gets more and more exasperated. 
“It’s not what you think,” Steve please as he closes the door and walks to the porch Bucky leaving as much distance as possible. 
“No it’s much worse,” Bucky says. 
“Sam and I receive this call from Scott saying that you met to get back to the past to get back to her.” Bucky says. 
“You already lived your life Steve, you have a wife, kids, and grandkids.” Bucky motions at the house. 
The house that he build but thought of you in every detail, when Peggy would ask about why he would say. 
“Because its meant to be that way.”
She never really mentioned it again but the essence of her was in the house of all time. 
From the constant need to have sunflowers in the kitchen because, 
“Steve if there is gonna be flowers in the kitchen its gonna be sunflowers.” You said softly as you unwrapped the bright flowers from the brown paper.
Or how he still kept the little folded handkerchief you embroided because, 
“That is more your style Steve.” You said softly as you stand on your toes and kiss him softly on the lips.
After all those years Steve could still see you, feel you, and on some night he can almost touch you. 
“Bucky I don’t think you understand, this, this is meant to be hers,” Steve says looking up at the house that took him a good decade yo built.
When Peggy asked him why the changes to the house he was never brave enough to admit that the house never felt his and Peggy’s, he always felt this should’ve been your house with him. 
“This is not her house Steve! She already has a home,” Bucky says accentuating each word he said. 
“Her home, with her fiancé” Bucky said louder coming face to face to the man in front of him. 
The words surprised Steve more than it should. He knew he had no right to complain at this point. You were free the moment he left her, he assumed you would move forward, but he felt the slight betrayal in his core. 
But who was Steve to judge when he was the first one to move forward. 
Still that voice in the back of his mind that always brought you up was, angry, to say the least. 
Steve takes a deep breath and takes a seat over the rocking chairs on the front porch. Another touched you where enamored by. 
“Steve, when we get our house he have to put rocking chairs in the front porch.” You said sternly yet a smile shone on your face. 
“Why is that sweetheart?” Steve ask as serially as he can with you sitting on his lap. 
“Because I know we are growing old together, and you of all people should know that people of a certain age like rocking chairs on the porch, old man.” You say that last part and leap out of his lap running away you giggles is all that can be heard in the apartment as Steve laughs and runs after you. 
“Tell me about it,” Steve motions to the chair, but Bucky stays still.
“Steve you just have to let it go,” Bucky tries to appeal Steve but he knows it’s a lost cause. 
Bucky sighs and sits on the step on the porch, his back turned to Steve as he recalls the news and everything that lead up to it. 
“She actually left New York a couple of weeks after you left,” Bucky recalls with sadness on his eyes. 
Bucky remembers how betrayed he felt, you where leaving him, just like Steve. Of course now he realizes it was for the best, but at the moment, he had a different mind set. 
“You are gonna leave me to? Huh? My so called new sister, just gonna walk away like him?” Bucky yells angry as you turn to him shocked face and tears on your eyes. 
“You don’t get to compare what happened,” You drop the box in your hands and sob. Your sobs clear Bucky’s head for a minute. 
“Steve left us Bucky, he left to follow his dreams, I am allowed to try to move forward!” You yell from the place on the floor as you hug your knees. 
Bucky slowly approaches you realizing that this is bigger than he could’ve ever imagined. He realized in that moment that he was supposed to be Steve’s past, but you, you that opened you life to him. 
You so soft and tender, never an ounce of judgment or regret of letting him in. 
You that tenderly took care of him, welcome him into your home, and called him your brother to anyone who would listen. 
You where supposed to be Steve’s future. 
And now all you both had left was the whole Steve Rogers left. 
“Don’t cry petal, I’m sorry,” He says tenderly as he reaches for you slowly. 
“Do you think that I want to leave my home. My whole life behind.” You say as you calm down and look at Bucky with sadness, but love for him. 
“I know Steve left you too, but you can come with me to Gotham. “ you say as you look at him with determination. 
“But New York is my home,”  Bucky tries to reason. 
“But it’s bit mine anymore,” You say softly as you hold his hand. 
“I am always here Bucky, I just can’t be here anymore.” You motion at the left overs of you heart. 
“I know I am just afraid,” Bucky rest his head on your shoulder. 
“I know but I am you sister James Barnes,” you say determination clear in his voice. 
“ Also someone’s gotta keep an eye on Sam, he’s your responsibility now you know? Handling Captan Americas’. That should be you new name.” You joke making Bucky laugh. 
“Alright let’s finish this before the pigeon arrives and see us sad. He can stand people being sad, he always has to be so happy and sunshine-y.” Bucky says as he stands up and hold his hand out for yours. 
You smile up at him as he hold you up he envelops his arms around you hugging you desperately. 
“Thank you, for being here, I am really going to miss you,” he says softly. 
“I am always here, never forget that,” you whisper. 
As you continue to hug the front door announce loudly the third person of the party arrived. 
“So I go out for pizza in the cold streets of New Yorker and this is how I find you red eyes and hugging like we are never gonna see each other again?” Sam asks leaving the two large pizzas on the table. 
“As if you could get rid so easily of me,” you say as you open you arms, Sam jumping in. 
“Never petal, we are family here.” Sam says as Bucky hums in agreement. 
“Okay that’s enough of the mushy stuff we gotta get this lady to Gotham city!” Sam yells as you all laugh. 
In that moment Bucky felt like everything would be alight and true to your word, even if you had to fly to New York or Louisiana, you where there even of it was for something as simple as birthdays, holidays, or just because Bucky was missing you. 
Bucky tells the story more of a reminder of who you where, than to tell Steve about you. 
From the past years Bucky visited Steve he never brought you up. He felt like his loyalty was to you. 
“So she left everything behind huh?” Steve wonder heaviness in his heart, but a small light shining knowing Bucky was never really alone. 
“I think thats what she needed to heal.” Bucky says standing up. 
“She was always there, at the end of the line.” Bucky says harshly and with protection written all over the place. 
“Bucky,” Steve stands up to reach him. 
“I need to go weddings gonna be next week and I can’t wait. I’m giving her away,” Bucky says as a smile makes a way to his eyes. 
“You know I always thought I’d be you at the end of the altar.” Bucky says as he starts leaving. 
“Also if you really need to know you should look at social media, everything you want to know about him is there.” Bucky says walking out suddenly he stops. 
“Tell the misses I said goodnight.” Bucky says looking up at the house one last time as he gets on his bike driving away leaving a trail on dirt behind him. 
Steve sits there for a while emotions swirling in his being. 
As he pulls his cellphone out he hears soft steps and he looks up to look at his wife. 
“Steve you’ve been here for an hour what happened?” Peggy says taking the chair next to him concern on his face. 
“I just- Bucky came over, he just needed someone to talk to.” Steve says as he tries to smile hiding yet more emotions form his wife. 
He was good at that, he guessed. 
“Oh strange he didn’t stay,” she shrugs standing up. 
“Yeah guys stuff you know,” Steve tries to laugh as Peggy smiles at him. 
“Oh this also arrived on the mail today,” Peggy hands him a white luxurious envelope. 
“Alright I’m going to bed,” She says as she kisses his cheek. 
“Okay I’ll be there in a minute.” He says as she heads back inside. 
He looks at the envelope and think nothing of it thinking its an invitation from Pepper. As he opens it and reads it he stays silent his eyes roaming all over the written words. 
            You are cordially invited to the wedding of 
                               Bruce Thomas Wayne                                              And                                (Y/N)(Y/M/N)(Y/L/N)
    Who’s nuptials will be taking place in
The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
    Located at 1000 5th Ave, New York, New York. 
Steve can’t even finish reading as he drops the paper. 
Anger and sadness fill him as he stares at the mocking piece of paper on the floor. 
He takes out his phone opening google and typing Bruce Wayne and thousands of result pop up. He opens the wikipedia article and starts reading. After reading some information he looks at the some pictures and he sees it. You and him on a red carpet for one of his galas or something smiles all over as he click the article states very clear that since you went public with him he was seen visibly happier. He can’t help but mad at him, you, and specially himself. 
He sits again in the rocking chair, the one you where meant to grow old together on, and stare at the horizon thinking of you and what to do with the wedding invitation at his feet. 
How could he get back to you?  
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loousir · 3 years ago
[Merman] Close up Shots
Popular Octomer Male x Photographer Male Reader Part Two
Warnings: Tentacle boy do be flirting again, some physical affection with said tentacles, nakey Cass for a little, talking about how he shifts from octo to human
2 of 7 The Seven Sins Series
Masterlist | Part One | Part 3 |
About a week past since you had last seen Cassian. The festival was coming up tonight so as a mental preparation, you decided to go for a walk along the beach. You had your bag and camera with you as you walked along the coast line, snapping the occasional picture here and there.
Before you had even realized it, you were at the place where you had first met Cassian. That same gorgeous cove cave now lay silent, hosting only a couple gulls and some sandpipers. You decided to go into the rather large area and simply take in the mid afternoon atmosphere in peace.
The waves crashed against the shore gently as your shoes crunched through the sand. You found yourself watching the water which nearly tripped you. A heavy glass tinking sounds filled your ears for a moment before you looked to the bottle you kicked. It was very clearly a message in a bottle but as you approached it to open it, you realized it was filled with water.
"Well fuck." You sighed and sat down in the sand next to the bottle. The most confusing part about the whole things is that the cork was really on there so you didn't understand how water got into it. Once you managed to get the thing open, you dumped the water out along with the letter. When you picked up the rolled paper it felt dry. That's when it clicked.
"Oh! That makes a lot of sense now." You said as you unrolled it. In absolutely gorgeous script, a still very readable letter started out by addressing you. You blinked a couple times, staring at your name on the paper before continuing.
I might be silly for trying such an outdated way of messaging but as I didn't get your number I figured this would suffice. That is to hope you get this before another does.
Let's meet here on the night of the festival around 6. As a confirmation of sorts, I ask that you leave the bottle underneath the wall tree. You'll see it.
You smiled and rolled your eyes before glancing around for said tree. It was very close to the water and you decided instead of just leaving the bottle, you would wait as well. You carefully made your way over to the tree and sat criss cross on the rock underneath it. Your wait was only a few minutes before you noticed something shifting in the water.
The familiar blonde octomer breached the surface and looked over to the tree. His face held one of shock. "(Y/n)? You're here?" You smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I didn't bring a pen and paper to respond so." Cassian smiled and pulled himself into the shallow parts of the water.
"Its about 3 right now so we have a few hours before the festival." Cassian said with a smirk. You looked at him with an unamused face. "Don't smirk at me like you're gonna get something, we barely know each other." Cassian smirks again and pulls himself up onto the rock you were sitting on and ploped himself down next to you.
One of his tentacles gently coiled itself around your showing ankle before giving it a gentle squeeze. "Then let's get to know each other." Your cheeks flushed at the proximity and he laughed. Good gods... Cassian looked to the bottle and paper you were still holding in your hand. "Keep it." You furrowed your brows and looked over to him. "Huh?" He motions to the note and bottle.
"Keep it. As a memory of our first date."
You did that thing where you smiled but tried to hide it making Cassian laugh. "You invited me!" With an exaggerated sigh you nodded. "Yeah. I guess I did." Cassian smiles and wraps an arm and a tentacle around your waist. He was a bit damp but you didn't mind. "I have a question." He said, pulling you close to his hip. "What's your question?"
"Have you ever dated a non-human before?" You shook your head before tilting it to say kinda. "Well, I've only had two boyfriends. One of them was a half elf but I'm not too sure if that really counts." Cassian shrugs. "So I would be your first non-human AND octomer then." You blush softly and nod before looking up to him confused. "Wait who said we were dating?"
Cassian laughs again, making you blush more. "You definitely enjoy seeing me flustered." He nods confidently. "Yes I do indeed." After that, the two of you kept chatting about various things in your own lives and Cassian paused the conversation every so often to soak up the salty ocean water to prevent himself from drying out.
Apparently, Cassian used to date a sharkmer and at one point a naga. "The only reason me and the naga broke up is cause of when he learned I was an octomer. Apparently tentacles are an innate fear of his..." You told him about how you only moved here a about a month ago which prompted the question, "How do you like it here so far?"
You shrugged at the question. "Its a lot nicer than the last place I was living. Loads more places to get pictures." Cassian seemed to forget you took pictures for a job and you could tell by the look on his face. "Oh, I wish I could make photography my full time job but I just don't get enough gigs. I work part time in the little Cafe downtown."
"Oh! The one run by the Gargoyle? Tea and Stones right? His name slips my mind." You nodded. "His name is Xavier." Cassian nods. "We met once but it was long ago. I love going there when I do work on the land, especially after a long day." You nod and laugh. "Thats the best time to go." You pause for a moment. "I met Xavier when I first moved in. We're neighbors and as we were chatting it just so happened I was looking for a job and he was looking for people to hire."
Cassian smiles a little more, "Lucky timing." You nod and check your phone, it's just turning 5:10. "It's getting close to when we were gonna go. Did I tell you what it was?" Cassiam shakes his head. "No but that's OK. Let me shift and get dressed. Would you mind walking to my house with me?" You tilted your head and watched as he made his way back into the water.
You watched as Cassian went into the water until it was just above his chest that was showing. You could still see him with how clear the water is and you watched as he put his tentacles together to form two leg-like figures before they melded and fused together to form actual legs. You watched his face and he made it look way less painful then it probably was. And sure enough, he was buck naked, all proud and presented. Your cheeks instantly flushed once you noticed and you covered your eyes. Cassian walked up and smirked at how you weren't looking, taking pride in the fact he flustered you so much. "I went into the water to save you from the sounds as it's utterly disgusting." He said, walking up to you.
"Thaaaaanks..." Cassian chuckled and grabbed your hand away from your face, holding it in his own gently. You locked eyes with him when he did, you wanted to look out of sheer curiosity but your subconscious won't let you. "My place is right up the hill." He said, helping you off the rock. You thankfully avoided getting your shoes soaked as the two of you walked along the empty coastline.
It was maybe a 2 minute walk to his house and you recognized it. "Cassian you live there?" You asked, shocked slightly. Cassian laughs and nods. "Yeah, why?" You blinked and looked down the street as he quickly made his way into the house to avoid an indecent exposure charge. He pulled you inside and shut the door behind you.
"Cass I live down the street. I'm in the corner house. My only neighbor is Xavier." Cassian smiled and looks back to you when he let's go of your hand. "Then that means I get to visit whenever I want right?" You looked at him through squinted eyes. "No, at least text me first." Cassian smirks, "I'll need your number for that. But before, let me actually go get my phone. And get dressed." You blushed and nodded, forgetting he was naked for a moment.
You decided to make yourself comfortable on his couch and scroll though your phone, periodically checking the time. You were too engaged on whatever game you had opened on your phone to hear Cassian sneaking up behind you. "Boo~" He purred into your ear as he wrapped his arms around you. You jumped slightly and tensed heavily, dropping your phone in your lap. "Cassian please don't do thaaaat..." You whined out with closed eyes, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Cassian reached around you and snatched your phone from you lap before pulling away. "Cass, give-" He cut you off by handing your phone back. "I was just putting my number in, relax." Cassian said before going over to the door to put some shoes on. You looked at the new contact on your phone. "How cheesy are you?" You asked, looking up to him as he pulled his hair back into a low ponytail.
"What? It's true." You glared at him before he grabbed your hand and lead you out of the house. "We'll be late if we don't get going. I wanna spend as much time with you as possible tonight."
1639 (sorry for cutting it short, just felt like making another part :>)
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reidsnose · 4 years ago
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overview: reader accidentally falls out of a window while having a late night talk with spencer (loosely based on the song: home by edward shapre and the magnetic zeros)
genre: angst? FLUFF
warning: blood, head injury, hospital visit, overdramatic reader thinks shes dying
a/n: i really really dont know if yall will like this but i do and i think its cute so please lmk what u think ab it :)
Spencer knew it wasn't the safest thing in the world. you did too. but something about sitting on the outside window ledge together, talking and laughing, was far too tempting of an offer to pass up. and besides, it was just over 6 feet off of the ground! whats the worst that could happen?
and so you sat, shoulders smushed together so you could both fit. a blanket wrapped around you both, keeping the cool night air locked out. however, you were so close together (and so flushed) that even without the blanket you'd both still be warm.
you adored nights like this with him, thinking to yourself how you got lucky enough to call him your best friend. to anyone else, it was obvious you two were deeply yet obliviously, painfully in love. you watched as he retold a memory he had of the two of you, eyes widening and hands peeking through the blanket to gesture wildly with each sentence. though you were listening to the story, growing more and more fond of the memory now that it was being told from his perspective, you couldn't help but be distracted by him. his essence. his being. he was...intoxicating.
and then he cut to the punch line and looked to you for a reaction, watching beauty radiate from you as you threw your head back and laughed. he didn't even realize how funny it was until he saw how hard you were laughing. and then you snorted, which of course caused you to laugh more. with tears nearly coming out of your eyes, you wrapped your hands around your aching stomach, trying to control your laughter and completely forgetting that you needed your hands to keep you balanced on the window.
he took you in, a tranquility like no other filling his heart.
and then it happen.
in slow motion he watched you lose your balance, unable to catch his grasp as you fell towards the ground outside. fear coursed through his veins as he tried to calculate every possible out come. and then suddenly time was back to normal, and you were on the floor, a fresh cut on your head.
without missing a beat he jumped out after you, landing far more gracefully than you had.
you felt him lift your head into his lap, barely hearing his muffled words. you nodded when he asked if you could hear him for the fourth time. and then you felt some blood trickle down your face. and you did not do well with seeing your own blood.
that was it. you were gonna die. you never told him how you felt and you were going to die. you could even feel death pulling on your eyelids.
in reality, you had landed on your hip and your head hit a pointy rock. it felt like hell but medically you would be just fine. it looked a lot worse than it actually was, head injuries produce far more blood than other body parts.
spencer knew this as he peeled the cardigan off of his shoulders, bunching it up and applying pressure to your wound.
he picked you up bridal style, trying hard to cradle your head at the same time. he was beyond relieved at how relatively minor this was going to be. you would heal, and you would be ok. he got to his car and gently placed you in the passenger seat before running to the drivers side and taking off as fast as he possible could.
"Spencer," you rasped.
"don't talk very much right now. don't worry i'm going to get you to the hospital just stay awake for me you've probably got a concussion." he explained, looking over worriedly.
"im going to die." you told him, your brain feeling foggy from seeing your own blood.
"no you wont. i promise you wont die."
you went on telling him again and again how you would die and how the team shouldn't cry for you. and he patiently explained every time that you would be ok. and as he carried you into the ER you took one look at the cardigan that had rested against your forehead and convinced yourself 110% that you were on your death bed.
so it was now or never.
"Spencer before i die i want you to know that i love you. i always have. i just had to get it off my chest before i left this world with you still in it." you blurted as the doctors began to take you away.
he stood there, mouth agape at your confession.
"she is not going to die." one of the doctors reassured Spencer before turning on his heels and jogging to catch up with the rest of them.
it had to have been the loss of blood. or maybe a concussion fogged your thinking. or maybe he's in shock and he's hearing things. because there is no possible way that that just happened.
and so he sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour while they stitched up your head, nervously tapping his foot to match the pace of his racing thoughts.
he was thinking through every single moment the two of you had ever shared, wondering if-hoping that there was some truth to your confession, when they called out your name. he shot up faster than he ever had before, even getting a little light headed at the sudden quick stance.
he walked in to see you sitting up, drinking some apple juice that the nurses had brought you. and even then, in a hospital bed with half a dozen stitches in your forehead, you looked more beautiful than ever. he was astonished. absolutely astonished at just how radiant you were. your eyes twinkles as you smiled at him.
"so false alarm.. i didnt die." you joked, trying to hide your embarrassment, handing him a hospital issued jello.
"im so glad youre ok. you know i told you from the start we shouldnt have sat on the window," he chuckled, eyes feeling teary for a reason unknown to him.
"i know i know, you're always right." you giggled a little before wincing in pain from it.
his hand came up and lightly brushed your hair back, soothing you so much your eyes immediately fluttered closed. he had to bring it up, he had to know.
"did you mean it?" he asked.
you tried to control your heart rate while you played it dumb, "well yeah i really did think i was going to die."
"thats not what i meant."
"i know." you admitted. "yes. i meant it. i still mean it and if thats weird for you and you want to leave i completely understand-"
he cut you off by pressing his lips to your own, soft but passionate, tasting of jello.
it was a better profession of love than any speech he could try to make. because regardless of how many big words he used, it wouldn't be enough. not to mention that being around you makes his brain turn into mush, rendering it completely useless.
your heart rate monitor started going absolutely wild, beeping quickly and erratically. you both started laughing into the kiss, reluctantly pulling away. euphoria coursed through your veins, two lovesick bozos in the hospital.
you two talked for a little, buzzed from the kiss., smiling like a couple of idiots. but you were happy. sitting in the hospital with a cracked open head and you were still happy. because Spencer was there. and he makes you happy.
after talking to the doctor and a phone call with hotch, you were told to take two weeks off of work. spencer insisted that he go home early every day so he can come over and take care of you. and that was fiinnneee by you.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic
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hxseok-honee · 4 years ago
blossom | part 16
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blossom [part 16] || 'Hoseokie'
[‘cause all i need is to see you blossom out, blossom out, blossom out]
previous || masterlist || next
a/n : I cant tell if this is a hobi chapter or a yoongi chapter but i am very in love with them both thats for sure -- lmk what you think!
“Hobi, hi!” Y/n had practically slammed face first into the front door in her rush to answer it, and she’s a little breathless when she finally greets him. She’d honestly been expecting maybe a different, more confident Hoseok than the one she’d become familiar with to be standing there -- after all, he certainly looks the part today. But she’s pleasantly surprised to find that he’s still the same old Hoseok, rocking back and forth on his heels on her porch while he takes in the exterior of her home with bright, wide eyes.
He turns those eyes to her now, his smile boyishly charming as his red ears poke out cutely from beneath his winter hat.
“Y/n! Your house is so cute!” The compliment rolls off his tongue immediately, because frankly it’s all he could think about as he’d walked up the path to her door. It suits her perfectly, this lovely little home on the outskirts of town. He holds up a bag when she thanks him, shaking it lightly while he steps inside, following her into the entryway.
“I know you said no gifts, but I couldn’t show up with nothing!” He sets the bag into her waiting hands, pulling out four flower crowns -- they’re perfect, clearly crafted with care and delicacy that borders on professional. Each one is unique in size and style, somehow a set of matching winter crowns but created with individual intent. She can’t even bother to hide the look of endearment she shoots him.
“Hobi, you really didn’t have to do all of this.” He waves her off while he removes his hat, and she sets the bag down so she can take his coat while he explains.
“It’s nothing, seriously. I didn’t know what I could possibly buy you and your family because I don’t know what they like, so I thought I’d stick to something I know… I tried to make the one for your dad a bit more, uh -- manly? It was hard, though.” He laughs off his slight embarrassment, but Y/n’s mind is stalling on what he’d said. She turns to him with an awkward smile.
“Ah… I thought the big one might have been to fit Yoongi’s massive head… I think it still would fit him, to be honest.” When Hoseok blinks at her in confusion, she only offers an uncomfortable laugh. “My dad’s not around, actually… There’s only three of us.” Hoseok’s eyes go wide, and he finds himself swearing internally. He hadn’t even noticed that she’d never mentioned her dad before.
“Shoot, I’m sorry -- I didn’t even think about it--”
“No, you’re fine! It’s okay, it’s my fault for forgetting to mention it.” When he tries to apologize again, Y/n only sets the larger flower crown on his head to silence him. It hangs low on his forehead, making her smile. “Seriously, Hobi -- you’re sweet for even thinking of all of this.” He opens his mouth, still feeling unsure, but another voice cuts in before he can say anything.
“Yoonie’s here! Oh-- you’re not Yoonie…” Sliding into the doorway with small socked feet is a literal carbon copy of Y/n -- granted, she’s about a head shorter and very clearly a child, but the resemblance is uncanny. Hoseok blinks at the girl, and she only blinks back, hands on her hips in what can be described only as disappointment. Y/n rolls her eyes playfully.
“Hoseok, meet Hana, my 8-year-old sister. Hana, meet the boy that brought you a handmade flower crown -- so be nice.” Immediately, Hana’s arms are dropping in surprise, her eyes wide as she glances at Hoseok’s hands. He smiles kindly, picking out the crown with the smallest circumference and handing it to her. The girl’s eyes almost sparkle with excitement as she moves to take it from him, fingers delicate as she sets it on her hair.
“I had to guess at what size your head would be, but I hope you like it!” Y/n’s sister blinks up at him with an expectant gaze when he’s done talking, clearly waiting for an assessment.
“Do I look nice?” Hoseok warms immediately, finding the girl entirely endearing. He nods, handing Y/n her own crown while he responds. He has to stop himself from doing a double-take when she puts hers on.
So pretty…
“Yay! Thank you for the pretty crown!” Hoseok blinks, realizing he’d definitely just said that out loud. Luckily, the sisters had taken it as a response to Hana’s question, and he feels relief flood his body at the coincidence. He’s so busy thanking whatever higher power had just saved him from that awkward moment that he misses the sound of the front door opening behind him.
“Yoonie!” Coming back to reality, Hoseok barely has time to jump out of the way as the 8-year-old barrels past him, charging with purpose for the person entering the home.
“Monkey!” The voice that hits his ears is familiar, but it’s entirely unlike the person he knows it belongs to. Looking up, Hoseok can only stare lamely as Hana all but flies through the air, caught securely in the arms of one Min Yoongi. The Slytherin laughs loudly at the sudden attack, swinging the girl around in greeting before taking a good look at her.
“Jeez, do you ever stop growing? I’m getting nervous over here, kid.” Yoongi sees Y/n and Hoseok then, and he greets them with nothing more than a nod and a cool grin.
“Happy Christmas, nerds--” Somehow managing to hold onto Hana with one arm, he extends the other out to Y/n, passing her a large bag of gifts. “The one on top’s for you -- don’t even think about it, loser.” Y/n had peered curiously at the topmost gift when he’d said it was hers, eyeing it with excitement. She rolls her eyes now, letting the bag hang at her side as she waves Hoseok into the next room -- a living room, decked out in warm blankets and an even warmer fireplace. There’s a staircase on the far end of the room, the wooden steps uneven from years of use. The home is small but very clearly lived in, and Hoseok’s happy to think that he’s been allowed into Y/n’s childhood home.
There are a few picture frames on the fireplace mantel, and he can’t help but wander over to them while Y/n sets the gifts under the decorated tree in the corner. He looks over the photos with a smile, listening as Yoongi and Hana catch up behind him.
“What’s that on your head, Monkey? I like it.”
“A flower crown from Y/n’s boyfriend! He said it looks pretty on me.” Y/n chokes on her own saliva when she hears those words -- Y/n’s boyfriend -- and Hoseok finds himself overheating just slightly. He swears it’s from the crackling fire in front of him, and he tugs a few times at the front of his dress shirt in discomfort. Y/n glares at Yoongi, who’s barely managing to contain his laughter.
“Hoseok’s not my boyfriend, Hana--” The girl turns, maneuvering her way out of Yoongi’s arms and onto his back while she responds, clearly confused.
“But the last boy you brought home was Stinky Koo, and he was your boyfriend!” Hoseok’s immensely glad that he’s still facing the fireplace, because the name Stinky Koo is much more amusing to him than it should be. He turns to face them only when he’s got his face under control, but he almost cracks when he sees how proud Yoongi looks -- it must have been him that had nicknamed Jungkook for the young girl.
Desperate to change the subject, Hoseok gestures at the photo in the middle of the mantel -- a portrait of the sisters and their mother.
“Your mom’s beautiful, Y/n. Like a queen.” Y/n smiles shyly, Yoongi nodding appreciatively behind her. He's doing just fine, Yoongi thinks to himself, seeing how obviously nervous Hoseok is.
“Well, thank you, young man! Y/n, I like this boy.” The photograph in question is nothing compared to the woman that enters the room, and Hoseok swears the genetics in this house have seriously won the lottery. Y/n’s mother has the kindest eyes he’s ever seen, and he feels like all he wants right now is to see those eyes look at him with approval. It would mean the world, honestly.
She steps toward the group of kids, smiling sweetly at Hoseok before immediately turning to Yoongi with an evil glint in her eye. The boy never stood a chance, only having enough time to inhale sharply before her fingers are coming down on his cheeks, pinching with all her might. Y/n snorts when Yoongi lets out a pained wail.
“Release me, woman!” Hoseok’s shocked at the tone Yoongi takes with her, but Y/n’s beside him in an instant to do damage control.
“My mom’s favorite pastime is antagonizing him -- Yoongi’s been around long enough that formalities just… don’t exist… You get used to it.” Hoseok only nods as he watches her mom start in on the Slytherin.
“Never in my life have I seen a boy with so little meat on his body -- do you even eat, or is the sickly look in style these days?” The woman pinches at Yoongi’s torso for emphasis, and he starts to wriggle away from her, Hana barely managing to hang onto him for dear life.
“This is why I never come here -- the bullying is insufferable!” Yoongi hops around the living room with the 8-year-old glued to him, racing for the doorway into another room when he sees that Y/n’s mom isn’t giving up anytime soon. She almost follows the pair when they disappear, deciding instead to stay in the room with Y/n and Hoseok, an innocent grin on her face.
“You look much healthier than that bag of bones over there--” Hoseok realizes she’s addressing him and smiles, extending a hand to greet her and ignoring Yoongi when he lets out an enraged ‘hey!’ in the other room.
“You have such a lovely home, Ma’am-- Oh! I made you this!” He’d almost forgotten about his gift, but it’s hanging from the wrist he’s using to shake her hand, making him look both awkward and cute as he struggles to hand it to her with some semblance of elegance. “I hope you like it-- I can mend it if it’s too big! But… I left my bag at home, so I’ll have to run to get the scissors and twine-- Oh, it fits!” Y/n’s mom had watched him stumble over his words for a moment before decisively setting the crown on her head with a smile.
“I love it, Hoseok -- thank you.” He blinks, realizing that she knows his name although he had forgotten to introduce himself, and it clicks that Y/n’s talked about him to her mom before. The shy smile on the Gryffindor’s face only confirms his suspicions, filling him with joy. He smiles brightly, following Y/n’s mom when she waves him into the room where Yoongi had gone.
It’s a kitchen, small but comfortable, with a dining table positioned in the middle of the room. When they enter, they find Yoongi bent over the open oven door, lifting a large dish out of it and setting it on top of the stove. Hana’s clung tightly to his back, but the Sytherin moves around the kitchen with ease, dropping the oven mitts on the counter on his way to grab plates from one of the cabinets. It’s obvious not only that he’s very used to having Y/n’s sister stuck to him, but also that he’s comfortable in this home, fully aware of how the house functions.
“What in the world do you think you’re doing? Get out of my kitchen -- you’ll break something!” Y/n’s mom makes a beeline for Yoongi, swatting him away with an oven mitt scooped up from the counter. He complains loudly, grabbing at it and arguing with the woman.
“Will you please just sit down and let me do this?! You’re in my way -- go sit down, Mom!” It looks like a fight -- by all standards, it’s a mother and son arguing and nothing else. But Hoseok looks around the room, taking in the table full of homemade food, the sink full of dishes from the cooking. He sees the light sheen of sweat on the woman’s face, knowing just by looking that she’d been working tirelessly to make Christmas dinner for them. And when he looks to Yoongi, he sees that the boy knows this, too -- that he’s urging her to sit down and relax, that he’s just making it seem like he’s annoyed instead of openly caring for her. That, along with the fact that Hana is very clearly emotionally attached to the Slytherin, makes it obvious to Hoseok that Yoongi belongs here. That this Yoongi belongs here, not the promiscuous one that the entirety of Hogwarts knows. Hogwarts doesn’t know this Yoongi.
“You’re doing that thing again.” Hoseok jumps, realizing when he turns that Y/n’s watching him closely. He smiles, cocking his head to the side in confusion. The chaos of the room never stops, happening in the background while he and Y/n stand in the doorway.
“What thing?” She grins, pointing at his face.
“That observant badger thing. You’re just watching and taking mental notes.” He flushes slightly, not even realizing that he does this often enough to classify it as a ‘thing’. He gestures to her best friend, a question slipping out in the form of an observation, something he’s apparently good at.
“I didn’t realize Yoongi was good with kids.” Y/n snickers, shaking her head.
“He’s not, actually. One time, he tripped over a kid at the store because he hadn’t seen them walking past, and for the rest of the day he kept saying ‘children are the evil groundhogs of the world… waiting to pop their little heads out of the ground and scare you’. It was kinda dramatic.” Hoseok blinks, utterly dumbfounded by that story because it sounds exactly like something Yoongi say, but the Yoongi in the kitchen right now is not showing any of that malice.
“So… then how did this happen?” He gestures to the pair hopping around the dining table, Hana now clinging to Yoongi’s leg while the boy sets out utensils, all the while bickering with her mom. It’s not hard to imagine, seeing how the girl hangs off of him, why Yoongi calls her Monkey.
“Well -- Hana’s 8, which means Yoongi’s been in her life for… almost the entirety of it. And, although I doubt he’d say it, I know he feels some sense of responsibility for her since our dad’s not around. He’s just kind of always looked after her, so she definitely relies on him a lot.” Y/n looks at peace when she says it, and Hoseok gets the feeling that she appreciates Yoongi’s involvement with her family more than she’s letting on.
“They’re pretty cute… It’s nice to see.” Y/n smirks at Hoseok’s final assessment before beckoning him further into the kitchen, commenting in a low voice as she moves to the table.
“Don’t let Yoongi hear you say that -- his ego needs to be kept under control as it is.” Yoongi looks up when he hears his name, lifting an eyebrow but asking no questions as he examines Hoseok and Y/n. Letting it go, he glances down at the child sitting on his foot.
“Let’s wash our hands, Monkey. I dont need your dirty germs getting in my food.” Hana protests loudly but allows Yoongi to haul her off to the bathroom to wash up. He sets his phone on the table when he goes, and Hoseok can only imagine how much trust he has in Y/n to leave her with it -- especially because it keeps buzzing with notifications, and Hoseok can tell even from here that Yoongi has his message previews on.
When they return, Y/n passes the boy his phone, but not before it lights up again in her hand. Without meaning to, she glances down at it, and Hoseok’s not sure what she sees, but it has Yoongi looking at her with wide eyes once he’s gotten a chance to read it, too. He eyes her almost guiltily, but she only smiles knowingly and turns back to the table, taking the seat next to Hoseok.
“Let’s eat!”
Dinner passes surprisingly easily for Hoseok -- he’d been nervous all day, changing and re-changing his clothes until finally he’d just given up and left his apartment. But now, sitting here with Y/n and her family, he feels welcomed, included immediately in the chaos of the group dynamic while they eat. Her mother insists on piling his plate high with insanely delicious food, although it’s not nearly as much as she feeds Yoongi, who looks disgruntled at being called a walking skeleton but eats it all with vigor, anyway.
Just as they’re finishing dinner, Hoseok jumping to his feet to help clear the table, Hana rests her elbows on the wood, peering up at him curiously while he moves around the room. He has to purse his lips to stop himself from smiling when he spots her legs swinging back and forth from her chair, not yet able to reach the floor.
“Who’s that other flower crown for? Is it for you? It’s kinda big on you!” His eyes widen just a fraction, and he looks to Y/n for help as he hums. Y/n starts talking at the same time he does.
“Oh, it’s just an extra--
“He just accidentally made it too big--”
“It’s for me!” Yoongi cuts them both off with finality, sticking his hand out almost childishly for the crown hanging low on Hoseok’s head. Hoseok looks at him in shock, forgetting to mask his emotions for the young girl in front of him. But it’s fine because Hana’s only looking at Yoongi, something the Slytherin's clearly aware of when he waves his awaiting hand, dramatically impatient for her sake.
“But then why haven’t you been wearing it the whole time?” The girl’s questions are straight to the point, and Y/n’s mom starts to tell her not to pry, but Yoongi’s always ready for Hana’s inquiries.
“Obviously, Hoseok’s a little shy about giving me a Christmas gift -- he’s been waiting for the right time!” He sounds so sure of himself, like he actually believes it. But as Hoseok’s lifting the crown off of his head and setting it in Yoongi’s hand, he sees the look the boy gives him, and he knows that Yoongi’s aware of the assumption he’d made about Y/n’s father.
And of course Yoongi knows -- he’d made the exact same mistake the first time he’d visited the home at 11 years old, walking in with expensive gifts for both parents because his mom had always stressed that ‘you never go to someone else’s house empty handed’. Hana was much too young then, only a year old, and Yoongi’s not about to let the girl catch on now and risk souring the Christmas spirit. He knows how insecure she gets sometimes about not having a dad, so he saves Hoseok from the moment with practiced ease.
Looking away from the Hufflepuff and turning to Hana while he sets the crown on his head, he points up at it.
“How’s it look, Monkey?” The girl hums, squinting for a moment before nodding.
“It fits! Probably because you have a big head.” Y/n snorts loudly, even Hoseok coughing out a laugh while he sets dishes in the sink. Yoongi only nods, accepting that he’s just been blatantly insulted by an 8-year-old, made worse by Y/n’s mom running her hand over Hana’s hair in amused approval.
“That’s my girl -- you tell the skinny boy how it is.” Yoongi opens his mouth to protest, but the woman’s standing to retrieve something from the fridge, and immediately his complaints are replaced by an excited gasp.
“Is that--”
“Well, someone’s gotta feed you your favorites!” Hoseok only glances over his shoulder while he and Y/n clean up, seeing that the woman’s setting a pumpkin pie on the counter and reaching for a knife to cut it. Another glance tells him that Yoongi’s argumentative nature’s been won over by the dessert, and he’s standing to help her serve 5 plates of it, shy smile peeking through.
“Thanks, Mom…” The woman grins, bumping him with her hip but not saying anything about the embarrassment on his face. She turns, holding two plates and gesturing toward the fridge while she heads for the living room.
“Grab the whipped cream on your way, will you, Hoseokie?” Hoseok almost drops the dirty plate he’s setting in the sink, all the hair on the back of his neck standing on end when he hears the name Y/n’s mom calls him. Y/n notices that he stills suddenly beside her, but before she can mention it, he’s blinking, the moment gone as he moves to the fridge with a smile.
The group migrates to the living room, Y/n’s mom taking the armchair by the tree while Y/n and Hoseok share the couch. Yoongi’s sitting on the floor with his legs crisscrossed, Hana seated comfortably in his lap. The plates of pie sit on the table next to Yoongi’s head, and he keeps glancing anxiously at them, like he’s wondering if he can sneak a bite without anyone noticing. Y/n’s mom’s voice rings out, and he knows he’s been caught.
“Not a chance, Yoongi -- presents first!” Rolling his eyes but nodding anyway, he turns his attention back to the group, where Y/n is passing out presents to everyone. The biggest ones always go to Hana, who seems very excited but is somehow even more enthused about finally giving everyone her own gifts, small trinkets she’d picked out with immense care during her school’s holiday field trip. Y/n has to stop herself from snapping a photo of Yoongi’s face when he unwraps a snake plushie, watching with amusement when he cradles it close to his chest, eyes full of adoration as he mouths "I love her" to the Gryffindor. Hana doesn’t even notice how dramatically sentimental he is, her short attention span having her already turning to Hoseok with a large smile and a small gift.
“This one’s for you, Hoseokie!” Hoseok chokes on his saliva, paling slightly when he hears that name again. Y/n picks up on it for sure this time, but she doesn’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt his and Hana’s moment.
Hoseok takes the gift with shaking hands, masking whatever’s running through his mind with a shy smile.
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Hana -- thank you!” The girl watches with intense interest while he peels the wrapping paper off, revealing a pink ballpoint pen in the shape of a flower, explaining when he holds it up in the light.
“Y/n told me you liked flowers when I asked! Do you like it?” Hoseok smiles brightly, pressing down on the center of the flower with a quiet click and running the tip of the pen along the knuckle on his thumb to test the ink.
“I love it! I’ll use it every day!” Y/n smiles then, thinking how endearing he’ll look, using a pink ballpoint flower pen in a school that still standardizes quill and ink. But she knows he means it and won’t even think twice about using it. Hana beams up at him, but her eyes become curious almost immediately.
“But -- do you not like the name ‘Hoseokie’? You looked a little sad when I said it…” Y/n cringes, cursing the fact that her sister is both extremely observant and completely lacks a filter. She’s like the perfect mix of Hoseok and Yoongi, something that would be really funny if the situation hadn’t just gotten really uncomfortable.
Hoseok gapes at the girl, letting out a breath of laughter when she only tilts her head to the side curiously. It’s fine that he’d been caught -- it’s just a little embarrassing that it had happened here at Y/n’s family dinner, where he’d been trying to make a good impression and leave only good energy behind. With a slight sigh, he shakes his head to answer Hana’s question.
“I don’t not like ‘Hoseokie’ -- I actually really like it… it’s just--” He glances quickly at Y/n, feeling a bit awkward. “My little sister used to call me that…” Immediately, Y/n’s looking to Yoongi out of the corner of her eye, finding that he’s doing the same, the alarm in his eyes matching her own. Hoseok had never mentioned a sister.
“It’s a little… uncomfortable, so I feel bad…” Hoseok looks to Y/n’s mom then, watching carefully for her reaction when he continues. “My parents run an apiary -- they’re very big nature types, all about the ‘way of the natural world’ and stuff like that… that's why--" He cuts off, gesturing vaguely to the crown on the woman's head. That's why I know how to do this, he means. Clearing his throat, he continues. "So it didn’t really… go well… when I turned 11 and got the letter saying I was a wizard.” Y/n hears Yoongi inhale sharply from where he’s sitting, and she knows he’s putting the pieces together like she is.
When Hoseok sees that Y/n’s mom is watching him with a guarded expression, almost worried about where he’s going with him, he bites at the inside of his cheek nervously. Y/n had never explicitly said it, but he could tell the minute he walked into the house just a few hours ago that she’s also a muggleborn. Wizarding homes always show signs of magic -- dishes that wash themselves, hanging plants that can’t be found anywhere in the muggle world, that kind of thing. He hadn’t seen anything to give away a magical upbringing, almost shocked at how much Y/n’s home reminded him of his own childhood.
He can see now that the woman is glancing at her own daughter, and he knows what she’s thinking. Y/n and Hoseok are the same, but his world had been entirely different. He sees her making that connection, so he just decides to rip off the metaphorical band-aid and finish explaining.
“My parents didn’t want something ‘unnatural’ living in the house, influencing their innocent daughter, so they kicked me out. Agreed to help me pay for an apartment and bills as long as I promised to never reach out to them for anything else -- Dumbledore helped me out the first few summers, let me stay on the grounds since I wasn’t old enough to be on my own. I moved into a place not far from here when I turned 15.”
He’s got his eyes screwed shut now, terrified of the pity he’s going to find when he opens them again. It’s too quiet, and he feels his ears warming, knowing that it looks like he’s been thrown away, discarded. He doesn’t feel that way, having accepted his situation when he was still young -- having decided to accept his situation because it was better than being bitter. But he knows what people will see when they find out, so he’d gone to great lengths to hide it. Because he doesn’t need pity, he’s happy as he is.
While he’s thinking of how to ease everyone’s tension, he’s completely unprepared for the arms that wrap around his neck. Cracking his eyes open, he realizes these arms are quite small, that the person hugging him is quite small.
“Will you come back for family dinner every year?” Hana’s question is muffled in his neck, but the words have his heart stuttering because he really hadn’t been expecting this. Glancing quickly at Y/n, he finds that the pity he’d been preparing for isn’t there. She looks completely heartbroken, her eyes shining with unshed tears, but more than anything she looks mad.
She blinks it away when they make eye contact, and she nods while reaching for his hand. He’s not sure what she’s nodding at, and he gets the feeling she doesn’t know either, but he takes it as her understanding. Understanding that he doesn’t want to talk about it further, understanding what he’d meant in the forest that day about being happy alone.
Just past Y/n, Yoongi’s standing from his spot on the floor with a groan and a crack of his spine. He moves for Hana, who’s still clinging to Hoseok’s neck.
“Of course he’ll be back, Monkey. He’s not goin’ anywhere.” It’s said so simply, without any particular feeling to guide it, but Hoseok’s so immensely grateful for Min Yoongi in that moment. Not only because he hadn’t changed at all in the way he’d looked at Hoseok -- his eyes are still even and calm, if not laced with slightest bit of emotion when their gazes lock -- but because Hoseok had just received clear and direct approval from the one person in Y/n’s life that he’d been most nervous about.
It’s one thing to be nervous about family or the entirety of her friend group -- those things are normal. Min Yoongi is not normal, not to Y/n. He’s the only person that knows Y/n better than she knows herself, and Hoseok hadn’t even realized just how terrified he’d been that Yoongi wouldn’t accept him suddenly appearing in Y/n’s life the way he had. But he sees now, while Yoongi is slowly peeling Hana off of him and carrying her to the staircase, claiming that it’s ‘way past her bedtime’, that Yoongi’s just let him in. The girl waves goodnight to the rest of the group, almost immediately sleepy now that Yoongi's carrying her to bed.
When Hoseok looks to Y/n, eyes wide with surprise, he sees that she’s noticed Yoongi's behavior, too. Because she’s got her eyes closed, but she’s smiling fondly, like the telltale signs of Yoongi’s respect have finally revealed themselves, decidedly giving Hoseok his stamp of approval.
He’s so busy reveling in the fact that he’d just gotten all the reactions to his life story that he’d been expecting the least that he barely feels Y/n’s mom set a hand on his shoulder when she stands. He looks up now, taking in her kind eyes, and he thinks she’s going to say something sentimental, but--
“I like you a whole lot more than I liked Jungkook.” Hoseok’s jaw drops, and Y/n’s scoffing loudly beside him.
“Mom!” The woman smiles, leaving the two them there on the couch while she grabs the plates of pie, mumbling something about ‘needing to pack Noodle Arms a plate to go’ before heading into the kitchen. Hoseok can do nothing but laugh when he looks to Y/n, who’s still completely scandalized by her mom’s comment.
“I can’t tell if I should feel highly approved of, or just regularly approved of since Jungkook is apparently low on the Family Opinions list.” Y/n nudges him with her elbow playfully, and they sit there quietly together on the couch for a moment. He finds himself reaching out to brush his fingers across her knee insecurely.
“You know, you don’t have to feel bad for me. I really am okay -- I said it before, but I just… I’ve been okay not having anyone. It never really haunted me or hurt me or anything I’m sure you’d expect an abandoned child to feel. I just… took the bad with the good and decided to focus on the happy moments of my childhood because, believe it or not, I had a lot of them. It’s just easier to remember my parents as they were before, so that’s what I do.” Y/n nods slowly when he’s done, feeling a lot of things but wondering if maybe it’s not her place to say it. He sees it anyway, because he sees everything.
“You’re angry. That they left me.” Y/n glances at him quickly, wondering if he’s upset at all -- this is such a delicate subject, and she doesn’t know if she’s allowed to feel this mad for him. But he’s smiling, like he can tell she’d been trying to hide it and he’s finding her incredibly endearing for it. She purses her lips and nods shyly, confirming his suspicions.
“That they left you… yes. But I’m angry that they kept your sister from you.” It’d been obvious in the way Hoseok had talked about his parents that he’d become purposely detached from them, that he’d accepted the situation and doesn’t feel any certain way about them. But the name -- ‘Hoseokie’ -- it had set him on edge in a way she’d never seen in this carefree, sunny boy before. His sister’s a sore spot, probably the one thing that hurts most. His smile tells her everything she needs to know, because she’s never once seen him smile bitterly. And yet there it is, forcing his dimples to make an appearance in a way that isn’t as heartwarming as it usually is.
“The last time I saw her, she was Hana’s age… she probably looks so different now.” If a person could physically deflate into nothingness, Y/n would have successfully done it. Hoseok can’t help but snicker, the image of Y/n almost melting into the couch too endearing.
“I -- I can’t even imagine… not knowing what Hana will look like in a few years.” It breaks her heart all over again, the way Hoseok nods, because he knows exactly what that feels like. But he refuses to dwell on it, clapping his hands down on his knees decisively and shaking Y/n from her stupor with the noise.
“Spend New Year’s Eve with me!” Y/n’s brain stalls, trying to process what he’d just said. He waits patiently, smiling while she switches mental gears and catches up to him.
“Huh? I mean -- sure? Yes? But, huh?” He laughs under his breath, finding her confusion almost obnoxiously cute.
“I’ve never had anyone to spend it with. Now that I do… I really want to spend it with you.” Y/n swallows hard, wondering where these butterflies in her stomach are coming from -- maybe it’s the way he’s watching her, eyes curious as he waits for her reaction. She only nods, suddenly very shy under his gaze.
“I’d love to, Hoseok…” He warms at how low her voice is, and now he’s the one feeling shy, pressing his palms into his thighs and staring down at his lap. They’re quiet for a moment, the soft crackling from the fireplace filling the silence, until--
“Oh, just kiss already!” They both turn quickly toward the voice, finding Yoongi standing at the bottom of the staircase, a look of disgust filling his face. He shakes his head when they gape at him, going so far as to wave his hand quickly, his palm passing through the air with intent. “Look, I even helped.” He’s looking at the space above their heads, and when she and Hoseok follow his eyes, they find a piece of mistletoe growing from the ceiling, hanging down between them.
Y/n groans in annoyance while Hoseok sits there, blushing brightly at Yoongi’s forwardness. As if to make things worse for him, Y/n’s mom enters the room again then, noticing the mistletoe right away as she’s handing the comically large stack of to-go containers over to Yoongi.
“Oh, cute! Did they kiss?” She looks at Yoongi when she asks, and he shakes his head in disappointment -- Hoseok gets the feeling they’re enjoying pretending he and Y/n aren’t right here when they start snickering in unison.
“Well, I gotta go--” Yoongi stops to glare at Y/n when she looks at him knowingly, eyebrows raised. Hoseok wonders if maybe this is about the messages she’d seen on the Slytherin’s phone earlier. “-- but I’ll catch you guys later. Happy Christmas, nerds!” With that he’s heading for the entryway, and Hoseok can hear him bickering with Y/n’s mom all the way to the door.
“Yes, I brought my coat--”
“You don’t have a hat! I’m sure they make hats for big-headed people, too--”
“That is so offensive on so many levels--”
“I’ll just have to make you one myself--”
“Mom! Stop working so hard, I promise I’ll go buy a damn hat!”
“Don’t you take that tone with me, Big-Head!”
“I got us takeout!” It’s the first thing she says when Hoseok opens the door to his apartment, emphasized by the large bag she’s shaking in his face with enthusiasm. He pokes his head around it, smiling brightly at her.
“I also got us takeout!” Lowering her bag in surprise, she follows Hoseok into the small studio when he beckons her in, slipping her shoes off at the door as she looks to the kitchenette, where an equally large bag of food sits. She only looks to Hoseok, dumbfounded, and she finds he’s giving her the same look.
“How are we gonna eat all this--”
“No idea.” Y/n snorts when he looks between their two bags, face deadpan as he reaches for hers and sets it on the table beside his. He looks at them for a moment longer, finally speaking.
“Did we get takeout from the same place?” Y/n hangs her head with a groan when she realizes the bags look exactly the same. When she looks up again, he’s heading for the cabinets to get plates, his shoulders shaking with laughter. It’s infectious, and soon she’s shaking her head, turning to look around the apartment while she laughs openly. Her breath is cut short almost immediately when she looks at the living area.
“Holy plants.” Hoseok glances over to where she’s looking, a nervous laugh leaving him.
“Too much?” To put it simply, they’re everywhere. Floor plants, hanging plants, windowsill plants -- everywhere. There’s even a massive plant overtaking the table next to his bed in the corner, not an inch of space for him to put anything else. She feels like she just walked into a jungle.
“Your air must be really clean…” Hoseok laughs loudly, not having expected that to be her one assessment of his plant collection.
“You’re lucky I haven’t covered the couch in plants, too -- where are we gonna sit to watch TV?” As if the universe has decided to test him at this very moment in time for absolutely no reason other than to make him suffer, the apartment goes dark with the booming sound of the entire room powering down.
Hoseok barely manages to hold in his groan when he hears Y/n turn in his direction in the dark.
“I wasn’t watching anything good on TV these days, anyway.”
“Come on, come on -- where are they--”
“Hoseok, it’s fine--”
“I swear I had candles--”
“Aha!” He pokes his head up from where he’s crouched by the closet, holding a stack of small candles triumphantly. Y/n’s sitting at the dining table, having cast lumos long ago and unpacked their copious amounts of food with nothing but the light of her wand. She’s smiling at him fondly now as he shows her the candles.
“Are you feeling better now?” Hoseok lowers his candles, sending her a sheepish smile as he rises to his feet and moves to join her at the table. He’d immediately started apologizing to her when the power had gone out, thrown into a panicked rush to fix things as he flitted around his apartment. She’d tried to reassure him that everything was okay, but he’d still felt really bad for messing up their night.
“I’m sorry, Y/n… I told my parents that I’m still in school until the spring, but I don’t think they heard that part when they said they were gonna stop helping me pay for stuff after graduation… I’ve been applying for jobs all year, but they just don’t really start accepting people until they see our NEWT results and transcripts and stuff, so--”
“Hobi.” He stops at the nickname, realizing when she levels him with a hard stare that he’s devolving into anxious rambling again. She reaches across the table, taking his hands in hers.
“Stop apologizing, Hobi. This isn’t your fault, and you haven’t ruined anything. I promise.” He’s slow to nod, but eventually he accepts her words, seeing how insistent she is.
“I do have one question, though.” He blinks, humming curiously when she continues and wondering what she’s going to say. “Do you… have spare blankets? Because it’s going to get very cold in here very fast.”
“I don’t think I want to eat anything ever again.”
“Mmm… Mmmm…”
“So you agree.”
“Mhm… Mmm…” Hoseok throws his head back against the couch, completely unable to form words after the meal they’d just had. Y/n snorts, nodding as she gets used to his various sounds of exhaustion.
“Me too, Hobi.” They sit there quietly for only a moment before Hoseok is lifting his head, urgent. Y/n looks at him, wondering what’s happening in his head when he turns to her, face deadpan yet again.
“I bought us ice cream on my way home with the food.” Immediately, she’s groaning, and he joins her in flopping around on his couch dramatically. Y/n takes a moment through her food-induced haze to appreciate their little setup.
The candles are set strategically on his coffee table and counters, clear of any plants because the last thing they need tonight is a fire. She’d been right in assuming it’d get cold, and they’d eventually stopped trying to manage with small blankets, dragging his comforter right off the bed and curling up together beneath it as they ate dinner. She can’t even recall what they’d talked about, the entire thing a confused fog from the food.
She knows they’d been giddy the whole time, on a weird high from the collection of ridiculous things that had happened in the first five minutes of her being here. That, along with the sheer amount of food and the wine Hoseok had pulled out for them, ended up creating nonstop laughter over the smallest things. She’s comfortable here, never having experienced a bubble of quiet happiness like this. She feels no pressure and she’s worried about nothing -- everything had fallen away when she’d walked in the door, the rest of the world blocked out from this safe space, here with Hoseok in his apartment.
“Oh! It’s almost midnight!” Hoseok’s squinting at his phone in the dark before showing her the screen -- 11:55pm. She glances at her own phone, sitting peacefully on the table in front of them, and she hates that the only thing she can think of is Jungkook. She’s scared that this period of silence between them will have done nothing, that as soon as the new year starts, he’s going to be back to badgering her constantly. She just wants everything to return to normal, and she’s scared that she only has five minutes left before that dream falls apart.
“Hey… Where’d you go just now?” Blinking, she sees that Hoseok’s peering at her, brow furrowed in concern. His phone toggles when he moves closer to her, a small pout set in his features, and the screen lights up again. 11:57pm. She hates that, after such a good night, it had taken only this to have them both frowning. She hates it.
“I just… I really just want all of this to be normal again. I want Jungkook to be normal again. I want the new year to be something good again, and I’m terrified it won’t be. I just want to forget everything bad from this year and start fresh.” She rolls her eyes at herself, hating that she’s ranting to Hoseok about her love life again, when they’d just wanted to have a nice New Year’s Eve together. But his mind is elsewhere, a thought crossing his mind suddenly. He checks his phone again. 11:59pm.
“Maybe I can help with that?” Y/n looks to him when he says it, confused.
“What do you mean?” He blinks, trying to decide if he’s really going to do this. The nervous feeling building in his stomach is somehow telling him this is a bad and good idea. He turns to her quickly.
“With that fresh start… forgetting the bad from this year… Maybe I can help…?” Y/n’s not sure what he means, but she doesn’t see why she would say no. Hoseok’s never done anything but help, even when he doesn’t realize it. If anyone’s going to help her forget, it’s him.
So she nods, waiting for him to explain. And then she’s gasping, because he’s leaning in, and she can see even in the dim lighting that he’s looking at her lips -- that he’s going to kiss her.
He pauses for a second to give her time to push him away. When she doesn’t, he’s glancing up and finding that she’s looking at him nervously, her gaze flicking back and forth between his eyes and his mouth. With a small inhale, he lets his eyes drift shut, closing the gap between them carefully.
Y/n’s not even sure she’s kissing him back -- she’s too focused on the feeling of his lips on her, how gentle he’s being as he applies just the slightest pressure to her mouth with his own. But she must be kissing him back, because he’s responding to something, his lips pressing harder when he feels her reciprocating.
It’s only one kiss, one that he pulls back from slowly after a moment, their breaths mingling warmly in the small space he’s created. Neither of them makes a move, eyes hooded and noses brushing in his dark apartment as they try to make sense of this haze long enough to figure out if this has really just happened. If Hoseok’s really just kissed her on New Year’s Eve.
And then her phone is lighting up on the table, celebratory texts from her friends pouring in, and they turn at the same time to glance at the screen. 12:00am.
Hoseok turns back to her then, eyes searching hers for something -- he’s not really sure what it is, but when a shy smile starts to dance at the edges of her lips, he knows he’s found it.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
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cyan-id-e · 4 years ago
Im writing because i randomly got the idea that after impulse broke the bedrock at the bottom of the boatem pole, grian starts acting weird-
CW!! Violence, slight possession (does grian pretty much hearing the void as a voice count???), Minor gore and ofcourse cussing :)
Ren and Doc were starting their day like any other, sitting around their campfire, roasting some meat and talking about recent events that caught their interest "Yeah i heard that the boatem pole village place has a big hole going into the void.. Freaky stuff" Ren states while standing up "What? I thought we were the only ones doing weird stuff on the server" Doc responds while standing and glancing at the chunk experiment that caused 8 dungeons to spawn. "Yeah i say we check it out, might be cool to see up close!" Ren continues, walking over to their clothes line to-do list, tacking a sketched out picture of bedrock and a boat on the line. Doc nods "I agree, but i think we should put all of our valuables away just incase we accedently fall into the void" Ren nods in agreement "Better safe than sorry!".
A couple minutes go by and Ren is with Doc in a boat after putting away every item of theirs in a chest safely at home, heading to the little village of stacked boats. Once they arrive they step out of the boat, pushing the sugarcane to the side as they walk towards the boatem pole, looking around at the builds. They reach the boatem pole then they spot it, a gaping hole to the void with a sign saying "Botem pole and boatem hole". "Holy shit.." Doc states as he looks at ren "Yeah that's.. Something alright.." Ren responds, stepping away from the hole with doc following, as doc opens his mouth he hears a familiar voice "Oh! I Wasnt expecting visitors!" Grian called out as he walked towards the duo. Doc imeditly notices that grian wasnt acting like usual, when he greets them he usually askes what they are doing.. "Oh hey grian! Heard of your little void hole and decided to check it out!" Ren speaks to grian as he turns around to face the winged hermit, grian stops a couple feet away from them with a weird smile "Oh thats nice that you heard about the boatem hole!" Grian says with a unusual happiness, maybe he was excited about it? Doc couldnt put his finger on it but he spoke like he didnt notice, changing the subject "yeah.. And we saw what you did to the goatem pole!" He accuses, crossing his arms after pointing to the significantly shorter goatem pole. Grian chuckles "well you left it there for a while and i decided to knock off a couple inches! I think it looks way better now!" He finishes with crossing his arms, "Dude you cant just do that! How would you feel if we uh.." Ren turns towards the boatem pole "took all of the boats from the boatem pole and threw them into the void!" He finishes, having a smug face. Grian clearly didnt like that and stepped closer "I dont think you want to try that." He threatens with a glare, making doc question his behavior more "yo dude.. You feeling alright?" Ren asks now noticing the strange behaviour aswell. "Im feeling just fine actually, what makes you think im not okay?" Grian retorts before turning around "you know what? Forget i asked that- just look at the boatem hole-" as grian walks away he stops in his tracks with his wings puffing out as if he was shot and was in shock. Doc narrows his eyes in concern "Grian? You okay?" Ren calls to him looking a bit concerned aswell, grian turns his head to the side looking at the two over his shoulder, his demeanor has completely changed now. "Whoa.. G? What's wrong-" before doc can finish his sentence grian turns, begining to go towards the duo, "Grian???" Ren steps towards him in worry. Big mistake, grian stops in his tracks looking directly at ren with a wide eyed look "The Void is hungry." Grian states quietly "Wha-" before ren could finish a single word grian pushes him back with great force. Ren screams trying to reach out and grab something as he begins to fall, doc tries to grab him but its too late and he falls to his knees, gripping the side of the pit watching as his freind plummets into the bottomless pit.
[RenDog fell into the Void]
Doc quickly jumps up now filled with rage and confusion, picking the smaller hermit up off the ground by the collar of his red sweater "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Doc yells at grian while holding him up. Grian grabs his wrist, giving a smile before starting to laugh like a complete maniac, rocking doc to the core with complete fear as he looks into the dark eyed hermit, finally noticing the strange purple glint in them up close. Doc not knowing what to do pulls out the only item he actually brought incase they ran into any hostile mobs, His sword. He slightly lowers grian who is still laughing before plunging the sword into the hermit's chest and hugging him close as he sputters and chokes on his own blood, Doc was just wanting to sword to do its job quicker, grian's hands shake and twitch as he reaches up and grabs doc's arms "i-i.. Will make you.. regret.. Everything.." Grian chokes on his blood more as he chuckles darkly and his body disappears into smoke
[Grian was Slain by DocM77]
Doc stands there for a moment and finally decides to run to the shore where his boat is while covered in his former freind's blood. The hermits accross the server silently question the death messages but stay silent
Hehe- i had fun with this and uh- sorry for the @ but-
@petrichormeraki do you like it? 👉👈 i thought of you while writing this-
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cupidhaos · 5 years ago
playgrounds and first kisses
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pairing: cha eunwoo x reader
word count: 2.3k
genre: fluff, slice of life, first kisses, childhood friends
summary: we go back to the time that eunwoo realizes his feelings for y/n go beyond platonic
warnings: none
a/n: it has came to my realizations that you could probably read these little fics without having to read my series and honestly if you think these are cute and like them you’re most likely gonna get ur heartbroken if u read the series LMAO also kudos to those who remember the original title :P
[part of my What is Love? series]
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eunwoo was thirteen at the time that he had moved into mingyu and y/n’s neighborhood - his house right up the street from where the two of them had lived side by side. he came right in time as the summer quarter was just about to start up, transferring into the nearby middle school.
eunwoo’s first encounter with mingyu can be described with one word: wholesome. once eunwoo and his family had settled in, the kim’s had decided to take a visit to their neighbors to greet them. the young boy stood behind his mother as she talked to mrs.kim. mingyu stood next to his mother as he tried to get a better look at the other. his shyness got the best of him though as he inched more and more out of view.
“mingyu! don’t be rude and introduce yourself!” his mother scolded with a smack on the head. mingyu winced at the action but quickly recovered. a toothy smile spread across his face as he stuck out a hand towards the other young boy.
“i’m kim mingyu!” he greets, the atmosphere around them lightening up. eunwoo moves into frame and shyly takes his hand with a nervous smile “cha eunwoo” and right as he took his hand - mingyu began rambling on and on about this new video game that he bought and that was when eunwoo knew that they were gonna be good friends.
two weeks past after their initial greeting and the two of them got along greatly. they would both constantly be hanging out together and playing video games. occasionally inviting some of mingyu’s other friends that he had known also. it was a hot summer day where eunwoo had met the person that would captivate all thoughts in his mind for the next five years. the two middle school boys were playing video games in mingyu’s room when mrs.kim yelled for mingyu. the younger boy just waved her off as he concentrated hard on leveling up.
“mingyu! go greet y/n! they just came back from their trip!” his mom yelled from downstairs, but it seems as if mingyu was too zoned onto his game to even acknowledge what she had said. eunwoo looks up curiously from his own device at the sound of a new name “y/n? who’s y/n?”
it wasn’t until the sound of the doorbell ringing and hurried footsteps up the stairs that eunwoo would soon figure out the identity of the mystery person. the door to mingyu’s room slams open, causing both of the boys to jump in their spots. the sound indicating ‘game over’ was heard loudly on mingyu’s gameboy as he groans loudly.
the person standing at the door wore an annoyed look on their face as they carried a paper bag in their hand. they huffed angrily where they were standing and crossed their arms “you jerk! you didn’t even bothered to say hi!”
mingyu just rolls his eyes and grabs his gameboy again “i was busy. besides i didn’t want-”
he was cut off as they threw the paper bag towards mingyu’s forehead, resulting in a large ‘thunk’ noise to echo throughout the room. mingyu quickly grabs his forehead in pain, rubbing the targeted area as he tries to soothe himself. “what the hell!”
“i even got you a souvenir you ungrateful jerk!”
“what even is that!”
they stand proudly with a smile on their face and place their hands on both of their hips.  “its a volcanic rock from jeju! do you like it?”
eunwoo watches the scene lay out in front of him from where he sat on the floor by the closet door. he was pretty sure that this person was the ‘y/n’ that mingyu’s mom was talking about just moments before. he was also pretty sure she didn’t even see him in the room.
“you threw a rock at my face! you’re gonna give me a concussion!” mingyu grumbles as he still holds his forehead in pain. y/n doesn’t even acknowledge what he says as she goes to throw her arms around his neck, a smile so big on her face that eunwoo was worried it hurt.
“you missed me didn’t you! theres no need to lie gyu just admit it!” she cheerfully states and eunwoo nearly missed the blush that covered mingyu’s embarrassed face. “get off! you stink!” mingyu huffs as he shoves y/n off of him.
y/n lands on the floor - a pout on her lips as she crosses her arms. it was then that she noticed the other person in the room. the two finally make eye contact and y/n feels her face heat up. “mingyu! you never told me you had someone else over!”
the young boy just rolls his eyes at her though as he picks up his fallen gameboy. “you never gave me a chance to talk idiot! besides, you just showed up here unannounced!”
she just gives him a glare before turning back to eunwoo. she gives him a bright smile before extending out her arm just like how mingyu did when they first met. “i’m y/n! i live right next door! did you just move here?”
eunwoo nods shly in response to her question as he reached out to grab her hand. he couldn’t ignore the warm feeling he got in his stomach when their hands made contact. y/n glances down at the gameboy in his lap and gasps, moving to sit next to him.
as y/n leaned over his shoulder, asking millions of questions - eunwoo could feel his ears heat up at how close she was sitting next to him. he was also able to feel the stare he was getting from mingyu who sat on the bed, trying not to make it obvious he was looking at the two of them.
months pass by and eunwoo settles in nicely at their school. he became closer to y/n and mingyu along with making more and more friends despite his shy persona. soon enough two years passes by just like that and he was already fifteen.
now y/n wasn’t an idiot. she knew that her friends were attractive and popular, having their club full of admirers. people constantly coming up to y/n, asking if she was able to put a word or two in to one of her friends. but she had always looked past their looks and treated them normally despite so many of her other classmates putting them on such a high pedestal.
the day eunwoo knew that what he felt for y/n went beyond friendship was a day he would never forget. his girlfriend at the time had just broke up with him. he asked to meet up with her at the nearby park and told her the truth of how he really felt.
“i really do like you i do.. but i don’t know if they’re romantic”
sure he could’ve probably phrased his sentence a lot better but i mean he was fourteen. she kept urging him to kiss her but he refused - saying he didn’t feel as if he should be kissing someone that he didn’t really care for. again - could’ve phrased things a lot better.
so there he was, sitting on the swing alone after his now ex girlfriend slapped him in the face and stormed off. it was a warm day in july and the sun was slowly setting behind him. he was lost in thought, he didn’t know what romantic feelings really felt like. i mean that was his first girlfriend how was he supposed to know?  
he didn’t snap out of his thoughts until he heard someone sitting on the swing next to him. he lifts up his head slowly and meets eyes with y/n who softly smiled back at him, gently swung her legs back and forth as she sat next to him.
“whats got you all mopey? your girlfriend dump you or something?” she teases. but to her surprise eunwoo just solemnly nods and y/n feels her eyes widened. “she did. then she slapped me because i told her i wouldn’t kiss her.”
y/n stops her movements as she stares at eunwoo - her mouth agape. “what?! what happened! i thought things were going well with you two! you said you liked her!” eunwoo nods again and turns to look in front of him. “i did… she was really nice but i think she only liked me for my looks and not really for my personality. in all honesty i only went out with her because jungkook and yugyeom kept teasing me for not accepting any of my confessions”
eunwoo looks down. he wasn’t sure why but the thought of people only liking him for his looks hurt. he only accepted the confession because he kinda liked her - he thinks. he wasn’t sure how to define liking someone.
“i told her i wanted to kiss someone that was special to me. she took a lot of offense to that.” he adds on with a nervous laugh. he rubs the back of his neck and looks up to see y/n with an angry expression on her face.
“she shouldn’t be pressuring you like that! and only liking you for your looks?! thats so shallow! she should like you because of how nice and funny you are! and how cool but lame you can be. you have so many good qualities other than your face dongmin!” y/n huffs. he feels his eyes widen and watch as crosses her arms. eunwoo sits in shock for a moment before bursting out laughing.
y/n gives him a look of confusion as he covers his mouth to try and stop laughing. “did i - did i say something funny?” she asks to which eunwoo just shakes his head. “no it’s just - you’re getting so worked up on behalf of me and-”
“well that’s because i care about you!” she interrupts, causing eunwoo’s laughter to come to a halt. “i’m not just gonna let someone slap you for not liking them back and only being interested in your looks when theres so many good things about you!” and eunwoo hoped that she wasn’t able to see how red his face was right now. the shocked expression on his face slowly morphs into a soft smile though.
“thank you y/n. i honestly was thinking about kissing her though just so i could get it over with… that does seem a bit shallow of me so i wanted to tell her how i felt.” eunwoo confesses.
“are you dumb? even if it is your first kiss it shouldn’t be something forced!” she states and eunwoo nods at her statement.
“i know i know… i just… want to get my first kiss over you know? but i also want to do it with someone that i care about. i mean i just want to know what it’s like okay! i’m curious thats all.” he admits and its quiet between the two of them for awhile. the air began to feel a bit stuffy as if there were words being unspoken. it wasn’t until y/n spoke up that the silence was finally broken.
“do you really want your first kiss that bad?” she quietly asks, staring at her feet beneath her. eunwoo looks up at the question, almost not hearing her. before he can even answer - y/n takes in a deep breath before looking up to meet his eyes “kiss me then!”
eunwoo feels his heart stop at her words. his face felt as if he was burning. y/n’s face filled with embarrassment and she covered her face with her hands “or don’t! just act as if i didn’t say anything!”
“huh?” was all eunwoo could muster up. his brain stopping as he basically malfunctions.
“you said you wanted your first kiss really badly and wanted to do it with someone you cared about and i care about you and you care about me and we’re both friends and its just a kiss and-”
“okay. i’ll kiss you.”
y/n peeks through her fingers and tries to see if he was lying. slowly removing her hands from her face. she gulps and nods nervously. “okay then. but we’re just doing this as friends okay!” eunwoo nods in agreement - his heart picking up his pace. was this what it felt like to genuinely like someone?
y/n closes her eyes and eunwoo couldn’t help but be in awe at the way the sunset looked from behind her. it formed her outline perfectly and he couldn’t help but feel his hands start to sweat. no one ever making him feel this way before. he also closes his eyes and leans in from the swing that he sat on.
the kiss was short and chaste. but it still made eunwoo’s heart feel as if it would burst at that moment. was this the feeling he was looking for? was this what it felt like to be in love? he always knew that he cared for y/n, but never realized that it was the different type of care that he had for her than from the rest of his friends.
once the two of them pulled away, they both opened their eyes simultaneously. eunwoo froze from where he sat, unable to look away from her. all he knew was that this was a moment that would never leave his mind as the days go by.
y/n covers her face once again, turning to look away from him. she stands up quickly and turns back towards him with an embarrassed look on her face “if you tell anyone about this you’re dead!” she threatens running off. all eunwoo could do was nod dumbly as he tried to calm his racing heart.
it was then that he realized that he’s probably always felt this way for y/n. since the very first day that they met, he always wanted her to smile at him. the feeling that he gets when the two of them together is a feeling reserved only for her. he never thought about it before nor did he ever realized - but was this the feeling of love?
eunwoo couldn’t have asked for a more memorable first kiss.
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moments of love masterlist
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strangeradventuresofp · 5 years ago
nervous (five x reader)
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requested by : @pixiefella​  -   Heyo! It’s me again hshshs. So here’s my idea: five x male reader, where the reader is autistic and stims a lot (stimming is something autistic people do to relay emotions and relieve pressure and such hdhdh) and maybe Diego says something or makes fun of him and five goes into defense mode?
A/N : hihi thanks for waiting so long for me to complete this im sorry it took me so long hhhhh but i hope you like it!! gender of reader is not specified / referred to as 'they/them/partner' i hope thats okay!!<33 also au where five didn’t time travel and they’re all about 20 years old i guess lol xo p
“Five, are you sure your family even want to meet me? You said yourself that they’re busy people, a-and I don’t wanna bother them or-”
“Y/N, stop.” Your boyfriend placed his hand on your cheek gently, smiling as his eyes met yours. “You don’t have to be so nervous, I’m right here with you, okay?” He took your hand in his, squeezing it gently in an attempt to comfort you, which you were grateful for, and you nodded as he pushed the gate of the academy open, leading you up the concrete steps so the two of you were face to face with the large door. Anxiety flooded your body, your palms beginning to get sweaty. Five pressed a consoling kiss to your cheek before wrapping his fingers around the door handle, and thrusting open the door.
The first time you had met Five, you were nervous to even look at him, in case he got the wrong idea. It was in Griddy’s, the doughnut shop a few blocks away from the Umbrella Academy. He entered in a blue blazer and shorts, with long socks that ended just before his knees. Piercing eyes bored into yours as he made his way up to the counter, where you were sat. You couldn't help but gawk at him as he sat down, overwhelmed with how confident he carried himself. He tensed and untensed his jaw and you turned back to your coffee, swirling it around in the cup. You began to rock back and forth slowly, nervously as you felt his eyes on you again. When you tugged at the ends of your hair, he frowned.
"Are you okay?" His voice was soft and gentle, hardly how you had expected it to be and you nodded, pulling your hair harder a few more times before returning to soft tugs. "Black coffee, huh? Good choice. It's my favorite." A kind smile took over his lips and you felt your nervousness dissipate a little, the rocking slowing down, the tugs getting gentler.
"Mine t-too. I like the bitter taste. It's simple." He smiled wider and a slight smile found its way to your lips in return.
"What's your name?"
"That's a nice name. I'm Five."
The two of you sat in a content silence as you sipped at your coffees, not having to speak to enjoy each others company. It meant a lot that he didn't even know you and he had tried to make you feel more comfortable and less nervous.
Griddy's became a weekly thing, and then eventually an every other day thing until he finally asked you to be with him and, of course, you said yes. You had never been so comfortable around anyone and it warmed your heart that he took a chance on a random person in a doughnut shop and it worked in your favor.
Upon stepping into the academy where your boyfriend had grown up, you were instantly taken aback at the sight. It all seemed so incredible and big, and posh. You were immediately overwhelmed, you couldn't deny.
Five slipped his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers in consolation. Your free hand began flapping by your side, a couple whimpers escaping your lips when your anxiety caught up with you. Slowly, you were led into the living room, giving you an oppurtunity to scout out your surroundings to try and familiarise yourself with the way that it looked while your hands stopped moving.
When you walked in, five people were sat, spread out among the two couches and numerous sitting chairs. One of the girls sat down was very pretty, with ringlets stuck in her caramel hair. She gave you a dazzling smile and you felt like bowing to her, an aura of regality surrounding her. The other girl was also pretty, but hardly seemed as confident in herself as the other did. Her dark hair covered a lot of her face and her lips turned up into a shy smile when she saw you.
There were three boys. One was extremely well built, his body smothered in a large coat that swallowed him up completely. He gave you an awkward nod, as if he was confused as to why he was there. Another smiled wonderfully at you, raising a hand in her direction that said 'Hello'. His hair seemed matted he wore an outdated leather skirt and a jacket over the top of his bare chest. A glass containing some sort of alcohol occupied his other hand. The final boy intimdated you the most. He gave you no smile, no nod, no sense of acknowledgement. The only reason you knew that he knew you were there, was that his eyes didn't leave your body. His eyes were dark and his outfit consisted of many knives strapped to his body.
"Everybody, this is Y/N, my partner." All apart from knife boy said a hello or hi as Five introduced you. "Y/N, this is Allison, Vanya, Luther, Klaus and Diego." He gestured to each of his siblings when calling their names, the majority giving you a little wave when you smiled politely.
Unfortunately, how polite you tried to be couldn't hide your nervousness. Inevitably, your anxiety bubbled over and one of your hands flapped while the other pulled at your hair.
"What's wrong with them?" Diego snickered and Five's eyes instantly filled with murderous intent. He gently placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N, dear. Would you please go and find me a new pair of socks? Mine are wet from stepping in a puddle on the way here." His eyes were gentle when he looked at you and he smiled softly. "Bedrooms are upstairs, love." As soon as he heard your footsteps reach the top of the stairs, his eyes turned dark again and his head snapped towards his siblings.
"Alright, shitstain." His finger pointed firm towards Diego. "If you even dare to say a word about Y/N again, I will personally see to it that a bullet is put through your thick skull. And if you don't like that idea, I will quite happily murder you in the worst way imaginable." Five's face was serious, his fists clenched by his sides.
"Now, when they walk back in, you are going to apologise and we're gonna forget this ever happened."
"What if I don't?" Diego asked, a smirk on his lips. His face quickly fell to one of shock as a flash of blue light appeared in front of him, a sharp object grazing against the sensitive skin of his neck.
"Oh, you will." A maniacal smirk crept onto Five's face, one which Diego found a little worrying. He would never actually hurt his siblings; this was just to warn him and the others that he would do anything to protect you and wouldn't tolerate anyone making fun of you. And it worked, they all looked nervous, on the edge of their seats and not in a good way. Another blue flash of light appeared as your footsteps echoed down the wooden steps, the clang of a knife hitting the floor creating a silence until you reentered.
"Thank you, angel." Five smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, taking the balled up socks from your fingers and sitting down, beginning to take off his shoes and socks, replacing the old with the new. His socks weren't even wet, but the time away gave him an oppurtunity to threaten Diego for laughing at you and it gave you an oppurtunity to calm down a little.
Your eyes stared at your feet and you picked your fingers anxiously. Five, from behind you, looked up at Diego, shooting him a glare that caused Number Two to clear his throat, earning a look from you.
"Y/N, I'm sorry for earlier. It was unfair." You nodded at Diego's words, looking back down. A sigh fell from Klaus' lips and Allison cleared her throat quietly.
"So, how did you two meet?" Vanya gave you a comforting smile when she asked the question and you and Five took it in turns to tell parts of the story. Gradually, you got more and more comfortable and by the end of the day, you were good friends with all of them, even Diego. You admired his superhero complex despite everyone else in the room hating it with a passion. Five watched you the entire time, a smile on his face.
Now, the two of you were walking to your home. One of Five's jackets was hung over your shoulders and his fingers were intertwined with yours. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence and you often felt his eyes on you. When you caught sight of his face, a content smile was on his lips. When you pulled up to your door, you smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"Thank you for today. I know how scared you were to meet my family, but you did it anyway. So, thank you, Y/N." His eyes were sincere and you hugged him gently.
"I loved it. I hope I can see them again some time." Five smiled wider at your words, cupping your cheek as he pressed his lips to yours. He felt you smile against his lips and you pulled away after a few minutes.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Five."
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invaderzia1 · 4 years ago
Kinktober Day 10
Mommy/Daddy Kink | Somnophilia | Scissoring
Pairing: Jean Kirschstein x Fem!Reader
Tags: Mommy Kink, Dirty Talk, Humilation, Orgasm Denial
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It had honestly started as a joke. Jean had JOKINGLY ask his girlfriend one night after he had been a little shit if “mommy was going to punish him tonight”. All it was was a humourous joke. Nothing more. Then it led to him doing it a few more times. And then he accidentally said as he was about to cum a week ago. He swore up and down he didn’t have a mommy kink, but there was no denying how hard it made him after it slipped out last week. No way he could lie and tell her that it wasn’t what pushed him over the edge. He had tried his best to avoid the subject and hope she would completely forget about it and he’d get to just bury this far into the recesses of his brain.
But no. That just wasn’t who his girlfriend was.
They started making out on the couch, Jean letting her take control of it all as he just enjoyed being close to her. She ground herself against his hardened length as his hands went to steady her hips. However, before he had a chance to grab them, his hands were forced above his head by hers.
“Oh thats not how we’re going to play tonight, sweetheart.”
Jean blushed a soft red before grinding his hips into hers. Trying to get any friction he can onto him. He let out a soft whine at the slight friction he did get, hoping she’d reward him with more. But she just stared down at him, smirking.
“Are you going to be nice for mommy or does she need to punish you?”
Immediately Jean froze, both horrified and extremely aroused. His eyes wide, mouth dropped in shock. He heard the way she laughed at him, which didn’t help how hard his erection was.
Part of him wanted to push her off and hide away. But a deeper part of him wanted to beg her for more. To have her punish him for being such a disobedient little boy and that he should just admit how perverted he is. Deep down he knew which side of him would win this battle, even if he still wanted to deny it.
His eyes stared up at as they watched her next move. Nervous and excited for whatever was to come. She ground down on his erection, pulling a moan from his chest.
“Oh come, you can’t still be pretending you aren’t into this, baby. I can feel how hard you are.” She ground his hips against his again, enjoying how his face scrunched up in pleasure. “How badly you want to call me mommy and beg me to fuck you.” Another grind. “Just do it already, be my good little boy.” Another grind.
He tried to bite his lip back but the final time she ground her core against him made him see stars, her words aiding the process too well. He couldn’t stop the small whine that escaped his mouth. Or the slight buck of his hips against her.
(Y/n) smirked down at him, knowing she won already. She brought her hands to cradle his face as he began let the shame and humilation over take him. He let another whimper escape him as he fully submerged himself into his role. As she ground her hips against his again, this time he stopped holding back.
“Fuck, mommy,” he stuttered out, testing the waters.
(Y/n), knowing she won, began removing her shirt, knowing this was where the real party starts. Her hands went to unbuckle Jean’s pants making quick work of that. Now with more access to his cock, she pulled it from his boxers, not without noticing the wet spot his precum had left on his boxers. His cock was rock hard and already leaking, a perfect sign that he was enjoying himself.
“What this here, look how hard you already are. We haven’t even done anything yet,” she teased him. “What am I going to do with you?”
Jean gasped at the attention his cock was now getting, being far too sensitive from everything that was happening. His hips bucked into her hand slightly, impulsively.
“Come on, baby, use your words for mommy.”
Jean could hear the smirk in her words. Something she had picked up from his own teasing. Her hand slowly jerking him off.
“Please,” he stuttered out, “please fuck me.”
(Y/n) clicked her tongue, and released his cock from her hand, causing Jean to whine at the lose. He looked up frantically, upset at why she stopped.
“Oh baby, you know you can ask better than that.”
“No, please, mommy, don’t stop. Please don’t stop touching me. I want you so badly, mommy. Please, please fuck me mommy.” He whined, desperately trying to get her to resume her action.
“That’s just what mommy wanted to hear, sweetheart,” she cooed, pressing a kiss onto his forehead. “You’re being such a good boy I think your deserve a reward.”
She grabbed his cock in her hands, leaning down to envelope the tip of his cock in her mouth. Her hands jerking him off as her tongue lapped around the tip. She knew jean wanted to thrust up into her by the way his hips twitched up ever so slightly. Seeing how recepative he was for her at this stage showed her how turned on he actually was by all this. She knew it wouldn’t be long till he came, so she decided to work him up, jerking him as fast as she could.
“Come on, sweetheart. I know you want to be a good boy and cum for mommy right? You want to make mommy happy?”
Jean, choked out broken sobs, nodding his head yes as his hips jerked up to into her hand. He had one hand tangled in his hair as the other grasped at the couch cushion. He started to feel himself get close and begged for her to let him finish. “Please, please mommy, let me cum. I need to cum, please.” Anything to get her to let him. And he was sure she was going to let him, up until he was just about to go over board and her hand removed itself from him, causing him to whine at the loss of contact. Looking up desperately at her, he saw her smirking deviously down at him.
“Oh you didn’t think I’d just let you cum like that now did you?” She chuckled, leaning down closer to him. “No, mommy is just starting to have fun now. And I think you need to work harder for you to be able to cum tonight.”
She pulled back away and laid on the other side of the couch, spreading her legs and signaling Jean to follow her. The night had only just begun for the two and Jean was more than happy to do what ever she wanted him to do. As long as this didn’t stop.
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mythicalavengermakeup · 4 years ago
I've decided I've made you all wait long enough. Here is Saito x OC, almost everything I have. I honestly don't know when the new Sano x oc will be up ^^;
Remember, this is not the second chapter in the series. Enjoy!!!
They ran as fast as their legs would carry them. Saito was having no issues, especially in the rain. Midori had stripped most of her Tayuu garments off, leaving just the socks and the white kimono undergarment. The rain had soaked it, adding extra weight which was slowing them down earlier. The garment stuck to her skin, her pink strands of hair stuck to her face. The rain was coming down hard, and it was hard to see.
“Almost there Sugumi-san!” The male voice yelled from the front, his hand holding hers tightly while guiding her and helping her keep pace. 
“Saito-san.. Your wound..” Midori started, referring to the stab he got from earlier by a Ronin. It wasn’t deep, but it did need stitches.
“We’ll worry about that once we get a little further.” Saito replied, not slowing his speed.
It was a good five minutes before Saito led Midori to the side of a mountain. The entrance is covered by falling branches and leaves from a willow tree. The only way one would know this was here, is if they knew beforehand. Stepping inside, it was dark, the only light from the moon that shone inside. The rock was a bit slippy, and Midori was thankful she didn’t have those Tayuu shoes on, and just her socks. Just down a bit further on two more rocks and she was on the ground. In the distance she could barely make out a couple of old dried up trees, and some more rocks, even some piled on top of eachother to make sitting or stairs. 
Midori breathed heavily, her lungs short on air. It felt like she was out of shape compared to Saito who barely looked like he was bothered by any of it. She wanted to ask how, but her need for air over took her need to know.
Saito rested his sword against the rock, moving immediately to the tree she had seen early, beginning to break branches off to start a fire. Midori followed his lead, despite the cold shivers, and gathered up rocks to make a circle for the fire. With the help of the moonlight, she found a good area that was all dirt, and began making the circle.
“Here.” Saito offered her a handful of broken down dry twigs for the kindle. He handed her a few more before moving to break down the trunk for more wood.
Midori took the handfuls, placing them in the circle, trying to keep them as dry as possible. She began the process of starting the fire, while Saito continued to gather wood. “Did you know of this place before Saito-san?” Midori asked, not liking the silence.
Saito nodded, though Midori could not see it. “Hai. I found this when I was running a while back from some Choshu men. I came back and placed supplies of some handmade beds, some sake, and a little bit of extra wood." He turned and placed the wood he had just broken down in front of Midori.  His eyes widened in shock at her state as she started the fire. He knew she was taking off layers as they ran since the fabric weighed heavy. Did he notice her strip down to the thin white kimono garment? Honestly he couldn't remember from all the hype. Now, seeing it, the way the fabric clinged to her body.. he could feel the temperature rise in his face, immediately averting his eyes. 
The flicker of light caused Saito to glance back. It only served to further increase the redness on his cheeks when the visual got clearer. The outline of her breasts, the nipples that poked to attention through the fabric, the way the kimono clung to the inside of her thighs made him wonder where it went, and what treasure he might find between them. 
Immediately he turned his head down, hiding his lower face behind his hand, his wet strands of hair hiding his face. He shouldn't have looked…
Midori got the fire started, the warmth hitting her skin. It felt good. Holding her hands out, she warmed up for a moment. "Hand me your Haori  and I will hang it up." Midori offered, and stood up, forgetting she herself was soaked from the rain as well, and hadn’t caught on to what might be peaking through the white wet fabric. 
Not looking her way, Saito slipped the Shinsengumi colors off his shoulders, handing it to Midori to hand up. “Don’t forget your own..” Saito commented softly. He turned, to give them both privacy, Saito removing his black kimono top left the white one on, laying the black one down on the ground for them both to sit while they waited for the pieces of clothing to dry.
Grabbing his Haori from his outstretched hand, Midori hung it flat over a rock near the fire. With Saito’s comment, Midori looked down at herself, her face flushing. D-did.. He see? Was it always so.. Clear?  She panicked internally, her face flushing deep red. Taking off her own soaked Kimono, she rang it out to the side before hanging it near the fire. The few needle hair ornaments that remained in her hair she took out, squeezing what excess water she could from her hair before rolling it into a bun, securing it in place with the 3 ornaments. The bun was already breaking, a long piece falling down the side of her face. Better than nothing she thought, blowing on it to make it move. It did little good. 
“D-Don’t you dare look!” Midori warned, making her way over to where Saito sat with her needle and thread. Her eyes burned at the back of his head while making sure he didn’t peak. Deep down she knew he would never.
Sitting down behind him, she placed the needle and thread in her lap before looking at his wound. Throwing the long piece of loose hair behind her shoulder, she began using the small bucket that was inside the cave that she filled with rain water from outside earlier. Tearing some of her kimono undergarment, she made a makeshift rag to clean around the wound before sewing it up.
Saito slipped the kimono off of his shoulders, allowing Midori access to clean and sew it when she arrived behind him. Just like he promised he did not look. What he didn’t admit to was that he wanted to.
He could feel the fabric and her fingers put pressure around his wound while cleaning. He did not flinch. “So tell me..” He began, wishing to make conversation. “Where did you learn to sew up wounds?”
Dipping an edge of the blood soaked fabric in the water baisen, Midori resumed cleaning around the wound. “Thats a funny question. Why do you ask?”
Funny..? Saito thought. He wasn’t sure how it was funny. “Ah.. Well most women can not handle the sight of blood from battle wounds.” He responded.
“Oh?” Midori said, but did not have a surprised tone. “Well I’ll have you know men see lots of blood, women see just as much.” Midori laughed. “Well I wasn’t always such a woman of status. In the village I grew up in there was a high birth rate. We all chipped in when we could. Do you have any sake?” Midori asked, looking over Saito’s bare shoulder.
Saito listened to her story, rummaging around in the bag he had hidden away for some Sake. Popping the top off, he was just in the middle of lifting it to his lips before Midori asked if he had any. “...Hai..” he replied, almost not wanting to anwer.
“Perfect.” Midori spotted the medium sized sake jug and grabbed it straight out of his hand. The problem wasn’t that she grabbed the sake from his hand. The problem that Midori didn’t realize is that when she did it, she pressed her bare breasts against his back, hardened nipples and all. Saito almost let out a groan of protest when she lifted off, the breasts on his back having felt really nice. The way they flattened against his back, and how the hardened nipples dragged on his skin. He wasn’t sure if she was doing  on purpose, or if she didn’t know what she was doing. Thank god he wasn’t facing her. She would have seen how red his face got.
Midori poured Sake over the wound for disinfectant, returning it back to Saito, this time from the side. Her other hand was busy holding the cloth to catch what fell. Saito took the sake bottle from her, clutching it tightly in his hands. He had no intention of letting it go again, taking a huge gulp of the liquid.
“Alright, don’t flinch.” Midori warned. Sitting up on her knees, she placed the cloth on his opposite shoulder, cold fingers working around his wound. The needle was in and through, the thread following behind. “Why did you pour sake over it?” Saito Inquired.
Midori tried hard to not pull too hard at the thread, not wanting to hurt him. He did make no indication of being in pain, which was good when she had to pull the thread tightly together. “During my time in America, alcohol was always the number one disinfectant to use if nothing else was around. It’s something I remember, as well as carrying a sewing needle and thread everywhere I go. Sake isn’t ideal, but it is better than nothing in this case. Never know when it just might come in handy, like now!” Midori pointed out with an optimistic tone, tying off the second stitch. The wound size itself was about an inch in a half. Planning on putting four stitches originally, the further she got the more she realized she would need to add just a few more if she wanted it to heal nicely.
Saito could feel just how cold her fingers were. It troubled him. “Your fingers are cold. You need to warm yourself. Let me at least share with you my Kimono.” Saito offered, trying his best to not peer over his shoulder.
Third stitch complete. At Saito’s offer, Midori paused, not sure what to make of his words. “Ah..” She paused, trying to think of the right words. Before they came, she began the fourth stitch. “Ah. Iie. It’s quite alright. Besides, the kimono will be dry soon, and the fire is quite warm. Being injured, you need to make sure to stay warm. I will be just fine.” Midori tried to play it off as best she could. True it was a bit chilly, and the kimono’s would be done.. In a longer time than Midori stated, she didn’t want to trouble Saito. Instead, she presented a different idea, one that wasn’t quite as smooth as Saito’s. “We can always put our backs against each other, that is always another idea!”
After a couple of more moments, Midori was done with the stitches. “Finished. Make sure not to do any hard labour for the next few days. If you tear it and I find out you’re getting a smack. I worked hard to try and make sure it wouldn’t scar.” Midori placed the needle and thread back in it’s pouch that she carried, placing it near the fire. She sat, and turned her back to Saito, pulling her knees up to her chest to stay warm, arms wrapping tightly around them.
Saito turned, opening his kimono and scooching closer to Midori until she was wrapped inside his undergarment Kimono with him. He felt her ice cold skin, his tone sounding upset with his words. “You lied. You are quite frozen.” She gasped, surprised by his actions. Her back was now pressed up against his chest, Saito’s arms around her shoulders, his legs on either side of her. Midori knew he had a point earlier when he said they should get under for warmth, but she did not want to touch Saito. It wasn’t because she was embarrassed, but because she wanted to touch him.
It had honestly been a crazy week. First Sano, then Shin, then Heisuke… It was like all the men were hungry for Midori, and the more Midori felt with each one of them, the more she wanted to reach out herself. Would Saito say yes, or would he not be interested? They had awoken something inside of her, a need to continue to feel that pleasure that only a man could give. Was it always like this between a man and a woman? Was it only Japanese men that knew? Was it her late husband that had the issues? So many questions flooded Midori’s mind that she did not feel Saito rest his forehead on the back of her head until his hot breath hit the back of her neck causing a noticeable tremble from Midori, her back arching away from him and the top of her chest pushing into his arms. “S-Saito-san..” 
Saito tightened his arms around her shoulders, his face coming to rest on the side of hers, allowing her head to use his shoulder as a rest. He had felt the shiver and had assumed she was still chilly. "Gomen..you should be warm soon.. the fire will not go out for a little bit." He could still feel the chill in her skin, even before it shuddered. Saito was surprised when the faint scent of Olives hit his nose. She smells good.. Despite the fire being on, Saito's temperature was already on the hot side and the feel of Midori’s cold skin against him sent a pleasurable sensation through his body. Her skin was soft and smooth on his. She was already squeezed up against him tightly, could she fit any more? As Saito wondered, he instinctively wrapped his legs around hers. There was nowhere for her to go now.
As Midori ended up locked in, her hips began to squirm, thighs squeezing together then releasing, repeating the action. He was so entirely close that she could feel almost every inch of him. The thoughts of what could possibly happen plagued her mind, and it turned her on a lot. She could swear she could feel his sleeping meat on her lower back. The anxiety coming from her wanting him to touch her was intense, and she tried hard to squash said feelings.
“A-Arigatou…” Midori mumbled, her skin quickly heating up. Was it hot in the Kimono? 
Saito could feel her squirm, her hips and lower back massaging him in a dangerous area unknowingly to her. She would find out soon if she kept it up. He could feel her thighs tighten then loosen and every time they did it made Saito's imagination run. Was she possibly that turned on? Being curious, Saito decided to test this by turning his head down, letting his lips brush against the part of her neck that curved into the start of her shoulder.
“Uh!” Midori gasped, body shivering from the top of the spine to the bottom, her hips squirming even more. “Nt!” Saito let out a sharp breath, positive she could feel him poking her in the back by now.
Midori could feel him on her back. His shaft that was resting on it would twitch when Midori squirmed from his lips. The feeling of his warmth on her back made her wet, and the thought of knowing she caused it, the man who showed no emotion, made her that much wetter. 
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mk-tozier · 4 years ago
Losers are 15 here, Bev came back from her aunts because i can, x reader
warnings: swear words, a bit heated and just Richie being richie, sorta fluff? plot twist, kinda short because I’m just trying to get out some writing. ok peace
Here I was sitting in Bill’s room, carelessly staring at him, I have a huuuge crush on Bill. He’s adorable, he has a great personality and he’s just so ughhhh 😍. I sat up from Bills bed, sitting criss cross apple sauce. “So Bill?” I look down at my legs. “Yes Y/n/n” Bill says almost immediately, my name flowing with the sweetness of his voice. Something about hearing him say my name makes me flustered.
“I was wondering, do you u-um like anyone?” I ask looking up at him. Bill looks off to the distance for a second. “I don’t know, maybe.” He shrugs a bit. “D-Do Y-you?” “Yea, he’s the most amazing boy I know.” I smile slightly. Bill smiles at my comment. “W-well who is the m-m-mystery boy?” He asks beaming happily. This is it. I’m going to admit my feelings to him. Little do I know, I wouldn’t be the only one who would decide to do this. Before I could say anything the doorbell rang, echoing through the whole house. “I-I’ll get it, but y-you’re telling me a-afterwards.” Bill giggled and winked, swarming my stomach with butterflies once again.
Bill went downstairs and I waited patiently, sitting on his bed, smiling and thinking. After 5 minutes I realized he was taking awhile. I got up from the bed and began walking down the hallway and down the stairs. I stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey Bill! What’s up it’s been taking awhi-“ I cut myself off seeing Bill and Beverly, lips locked, pull away. “O-oh.” I say lowly. “S-s-sorry, I didn’t mean to d-ditch you, this k-kinda just h-h-happened.” He blushed madly. Tears swell up in my eyes, I feel a lump in my throat. “N-no it’s fine Bill, I h-have to meet up with Richie at the arcade a-anyways” My voice cracks a bit. “A-are you o-okay?” Bill asks. “Yeah, you seem a bit upset Y/n/n?” Bev says worry In her eyes. “No, I’m fine, I really have to get going though, wouldnt wanna be late or Richie might kick my ass” I joke, faking a smile, running up the stairs, into bills room.
Of course he likes her, I don’t hate Bev, its the exact opposite. She’s sweet and funny, she’s soo beautiful, just the dream girl, perfect for any guy, I don’t exactly hate myself, but I’m obviously not enough for Bill. I grab my back quickly, wiping my cheeks and swallowing the lump in my throat. I go downstairs. “Bye guys” I say quickly before walking out the door, not even waiting for their goodbyes.
Time skip
“Tozier!” I exclaim, hugging him from behind. “Your day just got a thousand times better!” I giggled, trying to get the thought of Bill Denbrough out of my head. Richie turned around and faced me, looking down and grinning. “You bet it fucking did sweetheart.” I hugged him again, tightly, smiling into his chest. “I missed you Rich” I say. “I missed you too sweet cheeks.” He chuckled slightly. My smile died down as I pulled away from the hug. “You okay there y/n/n?” Richie bites his cheek slightly. When he says my nickname, its different from Bill, my name flows with the sweetness of his voice, meanwhile with Richie, My name just fits with his raspy voice, like a puzzle piece. “Y-yea I’m fine!” I fake a smile. “Don’t lie to me, I’ll beat your ass if you don’t tell me” Richie looks at me sternly. “F-fine.” My voice lowers.
“Bill” is all I can let out before I get the same lump in my throat. “Did he hurt you, I’ll beat him up, wh-what’d he do to you?” Richie’s eyes fill with worry. “No, not that. He, he kissed Beverly” I say lowly. He frowns looking into my eyes. “Your amazing doll and if he can’t see that, he’s fucking blind, Blinder than me. I need glasses and i can tell you’re beautiful Don’t be sad over a dumbass like him, I’d pick you over any girl any day.” Richie hugs me. “Thanks Rich.” I sigh slightly. “I just wish it were him who would pick me over any girl, you’re  my best friend, that’s different, obviously you would pick me.” Richie sighs lowly, biting his lip slightly, he looked hot with his lip tugged between his teeth,concentrated- ohfuckno, I did NOT just call Richie Tozier HOT. Okay maybe I’d be an idiot if I didn’t realize my best friend was cute, not only cute tremendously hot but I don’t like him, I’m just smart enough to know he’s got good looks. Richie put his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. “Then let’s make him jealous, show him what he’s missing, sound good doll?” He smirks, licking his lips slightly. I smile up at Richie. “Sounds great Rich, but how.” “Okay so you get a makeover right? Look like a whole art piece, not like you don’t already” Richie winks at me before continuing. “And follow my lead.” I nod and smile at him.
Time skip to a couple days later.
I rode my bike next to Richies. “are you sure this is gonna work?” i ask him. “Of course its gonna work, and if it doesn’t then its still a win, we get to pretend to date. I get to act like I’m with the most beautiful girl in the world and you get to act like your with me, the hottest and funniest guy ever.” Richie smirks. “yeah yeah” i roll my eyes, smiling. We pulled over by the quarry, about 2 feet away from everyone else. I got off my bike, laying it down next to a rock. “its way too hot out today, if we go in the water, there’s about 20 diseases we can get but if we stay in the sun, we could get heat strokes” Eddie rambles. “It’s hot out because of me and Y/n!” Richie exclaims. I roll my eyes again, this kid is something else. “shut up Richie” Stan groans. “Eddie we’ve been in the quarry billions of times and every time we come put fine, why are you still worried” i say, reassuringly. “you never know” He replies. “hes just making up excuses because hes too afraid to jump” Richie smirks. “whatever” Eddie says, going back to doing whatever. I look over to see Bill sitting on a rock, staring at me and Richie, i give him a small wave before turning around so i can undress, my swimsuit under my clothes. I watch Richie take off his shirt, his skin pale but slightly toned, he has slight abs which is confusing since the kid almost never works out. I eagerly take off my shirt and shorts/skirt, I feel eyes on me, i look over, seeing Richie looking me up and down. “eyes to yourself Tozier” I giggle. “Hey! I’m just admiring the beauty! Cant a guy look at his girlfriend!” Rich snaps. “girlfriend!?!” Everyone mutters from behind us, shocked. He winks at me. “called it!” Bev says. “its about time you two got together, the sexual tension is unbelievable” Sexual Tension? But there’s nothing between me and Rich, what is she talking about? This whole thing is fake. “Yeah seriously, I’m surprised you guys havent fucked by now” Stan says. What the hell are they talking about? But I’ve always liked Bill. Yeah, Me and Rich flirt all the time but there’s no feelings involved, right? I feel my cheeks burning, not from the sun either. Richie smirks, staring at me. “Who says we havent” He shrugs, the smirk staying on his face, as if it were glued there. “RICH!” I squeaked, my cheeks burning even more. “forget i ever said anything” Stanley gagged. “DO YOU GUYS NOT KNOW THE AMOUNT OF DISEASES-“ “yes we know, we know, and Richie is only joking” i roll my eyes. “Bill, you okay?” Ben asks. Rich winks and elbows me softly. “y-yea I’m fine” he replies. “you sure? You’ve been awfully quiet” Ben asks again. Richie nudges me again. I don’t wanna make Bill jealous anymore, what if this whole time, i only told myself that i like Bill to cover up the fact that i like Richie? No I’m just being stupid now, I’ve never liked Richie. Hes just my best friend and hes just helping me out, thats all. “i-I’m okay, l-l-lets just swim!” He says, smiling slightly.
Time skip
The whole time, me and Rich splashed each other and messed around, flirting a lot too. Richie dunked me under the water before pulling me back up, grabbing my waist, our bodies touching, our faces inches apart, his lower body brushed against my leg,holy shit,rich was hard. My face heated up, why is he hard, he doesn’t even like me.Just breathe, its probably just a teenage boy thing. His thumb rubbed circles on my bare waist, our faces inched closer,only about 2 inches away from eachother now, i felt his warm breath against my lips. This can’t be happening, worst part is I’m not stopping it. “RICH! Y/N! C’MON WE’RE GETTING OUT! WE’RE GONNA GET ICECREAM” One of the losers yelled. Me and Richie pulled away, both of us blushing, Richie blinked before swimming away. My face heated up thinking about what happened in the Quarry. Why’d I allow us to get that close. “H-hey Y-Y/n can i t-t-talk to you for a s-s-sec?” Bill asks. I look over at Richie, who sends me a smile. His eyes look sad, why would he be sad? This was his plan afterall.
I followed Bill into a small opening away from the losers. “I-i know I’m k-k-kinda later but i l-like you. It’s o-okay if y-y-you dont like me. i-i k-kn-know your with richie.” Bill admits. “actually I’m not with Richie, it was to make you jealous because i liked you but what about Beverly, I wouldn’t want you to lead her on, she obviously likes you” i say. “y-yeah i kn-know. the k-kiss happened o-o-out of nowhere. i t-t-told her I wasn’t s-sure of m-m-my feelings” He says. “w-wait...l-liked?” “yeah...i- i think i like Richie.” i say softly. “o-oh. okay..” Bill says. “he d-d-definitely likes you b-back. You sh-sh-should shoot your shot” i smile. “thanks Bill” “o-of c-course! G-g-good luck!” he says
I walk back over to Rich, who was trying to put on his shirt but was failing miserably, i giggled. He finally got on his shirt. “Jesus this damn thing hates me or something” He mutters, causing me to giggle again. “oh hey! sooo how’d it go with Bill” Richie smirks. “um...i actually rejected him” I say. Richies eyebrows furrowed, he frowned, but i could tell he was trying not to smirk. “why? i thought you liked him?” he asks. “Beverly likes him, it wouldnt be fair to her. aaaand I’m pretty sure i like someone else.” i say. “oOoOoO and who might that be” Richie smirks. I put my hands on his shirt, pulling him closer to me, connecting my lips with Richies. This was a Kiss waiting to happen, Richies eyes went wide but they soon relaxed as he put his hands on my waist, kissing me back. I pull away, out of breath. “does that tell you who i like?” i ask. “nah, i think you’re gonna have to try again.” Richie smirks. I roll my eyes smiling before connecting our lips once again. This kiss was much more rough and passionate, our lips glided against eachother, smoothly as if our lips were made for eachother, like puzzle pieces connecting. His tongue glided against my bottom lip, asking for entrance, i part my mouth slightly, Richie entering his tongue right away, exploring my mouth. The kiss got more heated and rough, both of us out of breathe but not wanting to pull away. “THATS DISGUSTING” Eddie yells. “hey lovebirds we’re gonna get icecream” Beverly chuckles. I pull away from Richie, panting. “we’ll catch up, i still have to put on my clothes” i say. The losers start to get on there bikes and talk amongst themselves. I grab my shirt and short/skirt putting it on quickly. “sucks those have to go back on” Richie winks. “RICH!” i squeak. “whaaat? I’m only telling the truth, I’d rather watch you in your swimsuit” he replies. I roll my eyes. “so...Wanna be my girlfriend?” Richie asks. “no because i just made out with you for no reason. Of course i wanna be your girlfriend Rich” i reply, he rolls his eyes smiling. “Now lets go before the losers forget about us!” i say hopping on my bike.
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queenabstract · 5 years ago
Do you still do trolls requests?? If so could I get a cute dickory x yodel troll reader where they reunite after the world tour and everyone’s like awwwwe
Throughout you childhood, things had been a little rough. Thing was being a yodel troll, you were expected to be as loud as possible without causing a landslide. That was tough because you lived in the mountains. Little you had a voice louder than any other, and it was killing you inside that you couldn't use it. Then one day it started to change. There was one family that was always coming and going. A father and his two sons. He used to have a girl too, but you hadn't seen her in a while. The father was named Mouse Whiskers. Made sense since he was short and his hair had a way of pointing out and curving up a little. His younger son, Hickory, had his hair, but grew much taller and bulkier. Towering over his older father and older brother. The older son was named Dickory. He was short like his father, but had long hair that had a bit of a natural flow to it. You talked to them when they were there, quickly befriending the older one. The three of you would hang out and have all sorts of fun together. One day, you and Hickory were talking while Hickory played with his toy horses and you were trying to fix his wild hair.
"Now that I think about it, I've never heard you yodel that much. Why?" Dickory asked. You let out a sigh.
"Its not because I don't want to. Its that I'm to good at it."
"Excuse me?" Dickory gave you a confused look.
"I'm way to loud. I would have to hold myself back or I'd cause an avalanche." You explained.
"Oh. But that doesn't mean you can't yodel at all." Dickory pointed out.
"I hate holding myself back. Its really difficult and honestly I'd rather not make any kind of music at all if I have to hold myself back." You said. "I feel like I'm holding myself as a prisoner." You gave up on Hickory's hair. Dickory hummed and looked at one of Hickory's horses. He picked it up and held it in front of you.
"You see this horse?" He asked you. You nodded. "Now imagine the entire neck and head gone, and replace that with the top half of a troll." Dickory said.
"Uh, pardon me?" You asked.
"That's a country troll!" Hickory exclaimed.
"SHHHHSHSH!" Dickory shushed Hickory and looked around. "We're not supposed to tell anyone but...there are other kinds of music that exist out there. A whole bunch! There's Pop, Funk, Techno, Reggaeton, Hard Rock, and so many more! Including Country. We haven't just been traveling. We've been visiting our mom in Lonesome Flats. She's a Country Troll. You live with your auntie right?" Dickory asked.
"Uh...yeah. But she doesnt watch me. I once left for a whole week and she had ni clue. I just have a bed there." You said.
"Then come with us on our next trip. We'll take you to Lonesome Flats and you could live their instead! You won't have to worry about being to loud or causing landslides. Though you'd have to sing Country instead of Yodeling and you'd be expected to be a hard worker." Dickory explained.
"Are you kidding!?! Yes! Absolutely!" You exclaimed and hugged him. "Thank you, Dickory. You're the best." You said and kissed him on the cheek. You didn't notice his blush.
The very next day, you hid inside of the wagon as the family made their way to Lonesome Flats.
"(Y/N), come on out. We're here." Dickory said. You tumbled out onto the dirt.
"Woah." You said as you looked at the small town. "This is where your mama lives?" You asked. Dickory nodded.
"Yeah...though I haven't seen her yet...she usually meets us here." You and Dickory wondered off in different directions. You walked towards the center of the town where there seemed to be a party of some sorts. Dickory wasn't kidding. These trolls were half troll and half horse. It was so cool! You saw a little Country troll with red hair and a green tail around your age. She was dancing and seemed to be enjoying herself. You skipped up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She rurned to you in surprise.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." You said.
"Well Howdy, (Y/N)! My name is Delta Dawn. Nice to meet ya!" Delta held out her hand. You shook it. "What brings you out here to Lonesome Flats?" Delta asked.
"Well...I was hoping to move here." You said.
"Move here? Dontcha have a mama and papa?" She asked. You shook your head. "Oh. Well I can talk to my papa. He's the mayor round here. He might just be able to help you out. She said and galloped away. You looked around to fund Dickory and Hickory, but you didn't see them anywhere. You skipped up to a random country troll and asked if they knew where they went.
"Them Yodelers? Ah. Their mama died. So their papa took em and left. Good riddance."
"Dickory is gone?" You asked.
"Yeah. Why? He was a friend of yours or something?" He asked. You nodded and walked away. Their was a feeling in your chest that was hard to describe. It felt like there was a weight and it hurt inside. It didn't physically hurt but...it did? You were confused.
"I fall to pieces." You began singing. "How can I be just your friend? You want me to forget, pretend that we never met!" Your voice became louder. Thankfully, you had walked away far enough from the other trolls so that they couldn't hear you. "And I'll try I'LL TRY! BUT I HAVEN'T YET! NOW YOUR GONE! And I fall to pieces." You sang.
Delta Dawn talked to her papa. You told him everything about how and why you came. He decided to take you in as his own. The three of you bonded and you fit right in as the younger daughter. Delta made sure than you didn't live in her shadow and pushed you to yodel in front of the others and NEVER hold back. You sang and yodeled until your throat was sore. The Country trolls absolutely adored your voice and were impressed by how loud you could be. You missed Dickory and his little brother. You thought about him every night. You were still sad you never got to say goodbye or thank him. It was all because of him you were a yodeling country troll.
You grew into a strong woman. There was never a man or woman who caught your heart like Hickory once did, so you had an egg on your own and had a little baby girl. You ended up naming her Clampers. She'd spend a lot of time with you, her aunt Delta, and your cousin Growly Pete. She was a wild one and would sometimes ate random objects. You still loved her anyways. You were surprised to find her born with four legs instead of two like you, but you had to assume it was bbecause you grew up in Country, so her body adapted to it before she hatched. She spent time with Delta a lot since you'd scout the outskirts of Lonesome Flats for predators and such. You were the one who showed Delta the letter from Barb after a weird looking bat gave it too you. You rounded up more of the Country trolls to prepare for the attack and left Clampers with Delta. Your voice almost stopped Barb.
"CLAMPERS! DELTA!" You screamed. You couldn't do anything but watch in horror as Barb turned everyone, including your sister and precious little girl into rock zombies. You were kept tied in chains near the center of the stage. Barb was pointing her guitar towards you.
"Don't worry. You're joining them." Barb said.
"No!" A voice called out and a small figure jumped out in front of you. When they broke out of the rock, you couldnt believe it. There was no way. They turned towards you. Their red eyes staring straight into your soul.
"Dickory?" You whispered. You were in so much shock, you hadn't realized that there was a fight going on onstage until the strings were broken amd drained you of your color. You fell to the ground, feeling weak. The chains slipped off and you felt gourseld being sat up.
"Mama?" Clampers asked, sitting in your lap. You held her in your arms and looked to see Dickory helping you up.
"Dickory?" You asked.
"I'm here, (Y/N)." Dickory said. You pressed your forehead against his and sighed, closing your eyes. Then you heard it, your heartbeats. You looked at the crowd and saw everyone's hearts lighting up and making music. You chuckled. Of course. I mean, you yodeled without a yodeling string, right? Delta Dawn made her way over to you and the four of you started to line up with the other leaders as you all started to sing. Even Hickory left the crowd to join you onstage. You didn't hold back a single bit. You sang and laughed with you childhood friends, just like old times.
"I missed you two so much!" You hugged both of them after the song was over.
"Yeah, we missed ya too." Hickory said.
"Look at you! Youve grown so big!" You giggled and then turned to Dickory. "And you, haven't changed a bit." You smiled at him.
"Really? Not at all?" Dickory smirked.
"Nope. Your still short as hell. And handsome. I guess you did grow more hair though." You laughed.
"Haha! That's what I thought waitwhat?" Dickory asked. Before he knew it, you picked him up and kissed him. He completely melted into it.
"EWW! MAMA!" Clampers exclaimed.
"Aww thats so cute!" You heard Queen Poppy say. You realized that everyone was looking in your direction and "Awwing" at the two of you.
"Well, if you take out all the people staring, I could get used to this." Dickory pulled you back into the kiss.
"Ah jeez get a room." Hickory rolled his eyes and walked away.
I apologize for it being so long, but if I'm doing a request, I freaking COMMIT to it. Though I admit I MIGHT have gone a teeny bit over the top with this? I hope you still enjoy though.
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siremasterlawrence · 4 years ago
6 Day’s Of Christmas # 2- Adam/Chris
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“Dude.” Adam says walking in to my mid size New York apartment.
He is all too shock to see my new slave Darren sitting next to me.
His arms out stretched over the couch slid behind my back.
On to my shoulder he holds me tight he is pulling me in to a kiss.
“Who’s this prick?” Darren states with a evil grin.
“I love you.” Darren says kissing me softly with accuracy.
“What the fuck dude?” Darren yells getting angrier.
“Get off my friend freak” Adam freaks out after him.
The two duke it out punches, and kicks are thrown in the air.
“Enough of this non sense.” I shout out loud again.
Adam sits down across from eyes fixating on me.
Darren laughs grabbing him form the back he holds him down.
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“Behave yourself Adam, and forget all else.” I possess his mind
“Fixating on me that’s a good boi we need to speak.”I tell him.
“Your actual name is Christopher I call you Chris.” I begin.
“You are madly in love with me your one and only Master.” I inform him
“You are gay in all ways and only serve me your love.” I explain.
“Now my love you will submit.” My voice is raising.
“Rise to your feet.” I command as he does without question.
Darren joins me on my side as we make out for three minutes.
I shove Darren on ground opening his belt and slide in.
“Such a good boi Darren.” I whisper laying my body on his.
“Thank you uh Master.” He sighs in bliss.
“Oh babe...yyyeeesss.” He answers while being pounded.
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“Sit” I order Chris who obeys with a smirk
I throw Darren on the ground lifting my leg over him.
I sit on his lap causing him to moan so I rock him.
The scintillating, orgasm expression over his face.
“You are perfect Master.” Chris continues to enjoy.
“So glad it’s me and not Adam such a loser.” He says.
“Darren show Chris to the bedroom.” I order.
“Chris wait on the right side of the bed” I say.
Chris smiles turning to Darren who is none to please.
He always stays with me on the right his place at my side.
“Stop pouting and go.” I scream at both of them.
“Yes my lord.” They both answer rushing to my bedroom in quick haste.
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The next day I awoke in sweat at the sight of the two men on my sides.
I grope Chris ass feeling him up till there is nothing left to see.
I outstretched my hand all over to the end of the edge the bed checking out Darren.
His pecs were ripe so I Iick them then leave for the morning.
I just need a break so I went out for a break early morning job.
I was alone all but for a hour until I see a shadow over me.
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Chris is furious so angry at me for leaving him with Adam.
His leans over facing me the distress is extremely apparent on his face.
I touch it as he calms down a thousand levels a minute.
“Why the fuck did you leave me?” He is deadly serious.
“It was a bit much thats all.” I suggest with very little thought.
“You are not going away with him are you?” The question loons over me.
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He slides in across from me eyes darted on me.
He stares his eyes getting more anxious with the wait.
“Of course not don’t be ridiculous.” My voice a bit shaken.
“I love you both and you a bit more.” I added hoping it was overt
“Explain now.” I kiss him slowly on the lips
We make out again with quicker pace then usual.
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Here you go I say after a long dreaded sigh of relief.
I remove a small paper fork my pocket let it flip outward.
“What this the slave contract?” Chris ask me very excited.
“Yes now sign or not.” I tease him a bit with revenge.
“Or not?” He sighs ignoring me he reads and signs his life away.
He leans one one last time kissing me again.
The end.
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