#cause its gonna be pretty late at night
blissfali · 1 year
im seeing the barbie movie tonight LETS GOO!!!!!!!!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Italian Grand Prix - Rubens Barrichello & Jenson Button
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sirompp · 2 years
(this is a scheduled post)
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marvellous1917 · 1 year
(Part 1)
Pairing: mob!Bucky x tattoo artist!reader
Summary: you come home from work, only to find a mob boss in your house looking for your roommate.
Warnings: mentions of a gun, mentions of arms and drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping, torture, swearing, tattoos, gambling, think that’s it
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A/n: I’m a simple girl. Mob!Bucky makes my brain go whurrrrrr. This is pure self service because I have this tattoo lol. Been along time guys what’s up?
“Late night?” The deep voice came from the dark.
“Holy-” fear spiked through your heart from the unfamiliar sound, your arms dropping the bags and your back crashing into the closed front door, “-who.. who are you?” You asked the unfamiliar voice. Turning slightly you see the long haired, leather covered man sat in the dining room. His left arm rested on the table, the prosthetic shining, the light from the street lamp outside shining through the window. His face was half shrouded in darkness, the other half showed his eyes, a little confused but also amused.
“You’re not Caleb.” He replied, sitting back in the chair, tilting his head to the side and moving something that looked suspiciously pistol shaped off of the table and into the inside pocket of his jacket, you reached up and flipped on the light.
“N-no no, I’m not. I’m his roommate.” You said, finally registering who you were talking to. The now fully visible metal arm was a pretty big giveaway, if nothing else. ‘There is a mob boss sat in my kitchen, what the fuck’.
“What do you want with Caleb? Does he owe you something?” The thought was out of your mouth before you could stop it. “Oh god no sorry forget I asked. Sorry... sir? I don’t-”
“I’m assuming from that reaction you know who I am,” He said, smirk on his face as he stood and moved closer, your back pressing flatter against the wall beside the door with every step he took.
“Of..of course I do, everyone in New York knows who you are..Sir” You replied.
“Hmm, I’m gonna take that as a compliment doll,”
“It is! Sorry! Congrats on all the… mafia shit.” Did I just say ‘mafia shit’ to a gangster.
The silence is awkward, his face blank and all you can think is ‘Oh my god I’m gonna die.’ His face twists into a …smile.. you think, y’know its hard to tell, fear has your vision all fuzzy.
He then starts to..laugh. He’s laughing? He’s actually laughing.
“Is this something you do before you kill people? You laugh, give them a false sense of security then shoot them?” You ramble quietly, confused at what’s happening.
He moved his left hand to rest on his stomach, the metal catching the light, shining right in you eye and it fully registered that, holy shit, James fucking Barnes, The Winter goddamn Soldier is in my house. This man is literally wanted by every law enforcement agent in the country, he’s in control of one of the most ruthless organisations in the world, they traffic arms and drugs and gun down anyone that gets in the way. Apparently, at least that’s what the news said. The stories about him though, way more upsetting.
The rumor was that after he left the special forces, he was captured by an organisation that wanted him to work for them. When he tried to escape the first time, they took his arm, and he was stuck working for them for a decade. The story goes that after he finally escaped, he tracked down everyone that was a part of it and killed them all, by himself. Alone. Just him. On his own. Then he took over their supply and demand and built his empire from the ground up.
“Oh god.. ‘congrats on all the mafia shit’, that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while…” he pushed out while chuckling. “I’m gonna get that shit tattooed, I swear,” he said.
“I could do that for you,” it was out of your mouth before you could stop it. ‘Oh my god, shut up Y/N’ you thought to yourself.
“What?” He asked, eyes flitting over to yours, his piercing stare causing all sorts of feeling to rise inside your chest; fear, confusion, attraction. Attraction? What? Damn him and his pretty face. He’s a killer Y/N, remember that?
“Nothing, sorry” you answered, looking down at your feet.
“No what did you say Y/n?” He asked again, his voice more stern than before. If you weren’t so scared, you would have questioned how he knew your name.
“I said that I could give you that tattoo, sorry, just slipped out” you replied, unsure what his response would be to your completely unnecessary comment.
“Stop apologising would’ya doll, there’s no need.” He said, sort of sweetly, a small comforting smile on his face, the pet name causing all sorts of lovely feelings inside.
“Sor.. yes Sir,” you corrected yourself.
“And stop calling me Sir darlin, only my employees call me that,” he said, “well my employees and some others..” he said with a dirty smirk, causing your eyebrows to raise sky high.
“Sorry Sir,” you said quickly, not even thinking. “…shit.”
“Seriously doll, you don’t need to be so scared of me,” he stated, his right hand reaching out and landing on your shoulder, your muscles tensing for a second then relaxing when you saw the look in his eye, he was telling the truth
“Ok.. then can I ask why you are here?” You ask, some fear creeping it’s way into your voice despite his reassurance. He kept his face carefully still and he looked you up and down, the feeling of being examined was strong, like he was trying to decide if you were worthy of knowing his business.
“You got it right earlier, your roommate owes me something, and I came to get it from him,” he removes his hand from your arm as he spoke after a tense silence. He was being purposely vague, trying to gage your reaction, to see if you were really clueless or you were playing with him.
“It’s money right, I mean it has to be, what else could he owe you. I told him to stop freaking borrowing money I swear I tried to stop him, but he never listened to me..l”
“You’re rambling darlin, you realise that?” He cuts you off with a smirk on his face.
“I’ve been told I do that when I’m nervous. I don’t know how much Caleb owes you and I don’t know what the situation is but.. if you.. I mean..”
“What doll? What are you trying to say. I won’t be mad, I swear,” Barnes responds, one side of his lips tugging upwards at your mumbling.
“Could you give him some more time?”
He was not expecting that. ‘Brave little thing’ he thought.
“I mean I don’t know how long he’s owed you for but he’s getting back on track I swear, he’s getting better, he is, in-fact he’s at a gamblers anonymous meeting right now, and he has a job interview tomorrow so he can pay rent and pay back people he owes money to.” You rush out, trying to help your friend, “Of course he never told me that he owes money to a mobster but that besides the point” you add quieter, more to yourself than anything but Barnes still heard it. He chuckled and ran his flesh hand through his hair, pushing back the long strands out of his face.
“He does owe money to a mobster, quite a lot in fact so I’m gonna have to say no to that request darlin, I’ve given him long enough.” He responds, his tone dripping with authority, the Brooklyn drawl on the pet name he threw out made your heart beat faster.
“Please. Please just think about it Sir.. uh Mr Barnes.. Sir. Caleb’s had a rough go of it lately, he lost his father not too long ago and he’s been a mess ever since, if you could just give..”
“I already said no once doll, I don’t like repeating myself.” His tone was final, and even though his words were not that intense, the threat in his voice hung in the air like poison gas before slamming into your chest, the fear that had previously been quelled came racing back, sitting on your shoulders like a lead coat.
The silence stayed for longer this time, you eyes firmly fixed to the floor to a sound even the possibility of upsetting the man that had broken into your home.
“So you’re a tattoo artist huh? He asked, his low voice calming you some. Huh he’s trying to make me less afraid of him, what kind of ruthless criminal is he?
“Yes..um I am,” you answer, incredibly aware of the position you were in, better to go along with whatever he did.
“You got a flash book?” He questioned, genuinely interested.
“Uh yeah I do.” You reply awkwardly, not sure where this new line of conversation was coming from.
“Can I see it?”
“…sure,” the word came out as a question.
He nodded at you, and you took it as a sign that you were good to move. Turning slowly and moving away from the wall to your bag on the floor, you reach down and grab your flash sketchbook and hand it to him.
“Are all of these available?” He asked, flipping through the pages, taking in each design.
Seeing him like this, calmly looking through the sketchbook makes it very easy to forget who he was, a ruthless calculating Mob Boss, wanted for almost every crime under the sun.
“The ones with the X’s over them have been done before but could be repeated if someone really wanted it,” you answered, slightly more confident in yourself as you were talking about something you loved.
“This is Latin, right, what does it mean?” He asked, moving to stand next to you pointing to a design in the book, an alien inside a bottle of wine.
“‘In Vino Veritas’, it means ‘In wine, there is truth’” you say, “ I though it was funny, y’know.. ‘the truth is out there’..aliens..” you trailed off, not sure how to explain that design
He let out an quiet amused sound, his shoulder brushing yours, sending a trail of chills down your spine.
“This one is beautiful,” he said, pointing to a different design on the next page.
“Thank you, it’s Icarus, I have it tattooed on me, it was hard as hell doing it on my own leg,” you say, proud of the design you created.
“Icarus, what’s his story? I can’t quite remember, ” he asks.
“It’s a Greek myth y’know, Icarus and his father were held captive by King Minos in a tower, his father created wax wings so they could fly away from their captors. The father warned Icarus from flying too high or too low, but he ignored his fathers warnings and flew too close to the sun and his wings melted. It’s a moral story to warn against the dangers of complacency and hubris, but to me it’s just a tragedy.” You say, turning to face him, making eye contact with the man. He listened intently to the story, his face unreadable but you thought you saw a flash of something in his eyes, maybe he related to the myth, a man that was once held captive, now with everything in his hands, in danger of losing it all if he flew too close to the sun himself.
“A tragedy huh? I don’t think there’s anything tragic about it. He was warned not to do something dangerous and he went and did it anyway, it’s his own damn fault,” he stated, something slightly argumentative in his tone.
He looked straight at you while speaking and you couldn’t help but feel as if he was looking into your soul, like his statement was some kind of test.
“I agree with the idea that he got what he deserved, but I meant it as a tragedy for his father. Creating something so pure for you and your child to escape from captivity, only for your child to ignore your warnings and pay the ultimate price for it. His father probably spent the rest of his life regretting escaping his prison because that was the action that ultimately lead to his sons death. It’s heartbreaking if you see it from a different perspective,” you say back, not really expecting him to engage you in a philosophical debate.
“Hmm.. that’s an interesting way to see it, I’m not really one for looking at different perspectives, mine suits me just fine,” he answered, the fact that this man was dangerous came screaming back to you with the look on his face, blank like he was devout of all emotion at that moment. You got the feeling he wasn’t speaking metaphorically anymore.
The tension was palpable, you not knowing what to say next and him deciding he was done talking for the time being. He placed the book down on a side table, and turned back to you. “Y’know what, I want it.” He said, confusing flooding your brain.
“Want what?” You ask calmly, not wanting to push your luck with the man.
“That tattoo, the Icarus one, I want it.” He answers, leaning back against the side of the table he was sat at earlier. His crossed his arms, which should have been intimidating, but for some reason the only thought floating through your head was Damn his arms are bigger than my head. Gimmie.
“You want the Icarus?” You ask, somewhat stupidly and he had just said that.
“Yes I do,” he answered simply, “Are you free tomorrow?” He asks, smile on his face.
“Umm not really, I have a few appointments tomo..”
“Move them, hell cancel them. Block out a spot long enough for me to get this tattoo.” He states, cutting of your sentence.
“I can’t do that, it’s too short notice and I could loose..”
“I’ll pay what ever you lose for cancelling the appointments. I’m getting this done, tomorrow.” He cuts you off again, a finality in his tone that warns you it would be pointless and probably rather stupid to argue.
“Uh..ok” you respond, shaking your head a little, still trying to figure out what just happened.
“Great.” He clapped his hands together and the sound made you jump. Barnes either didn’t notice it or just didn’t care. “Give me your phone.”
“Huh? Why do you want my phone?” You question.
Barnes just rolled his eyes, walked forward until he was stood right infront of you, toe to toe, staring down at you with a semi amused look on his face.
“How am I supposed to find out where your shop is if you don’t text me the location?” He said sarcastically.
Literally a million different ways, google it for starters, get one of your goons to find it, stalk me and follow me there.. c’mon man think. Obviously you kept these thoughts to yourself but Barnes smirked as if he could hear them anyway. Pulling out your phone and handing it to him you ask, “What time do you want to come in for?”
“Around 1-ish doll, that ok?” He asked, knowing that it is, as he’s already told you to move/cancel your other appointments.
“That’s fine by me Bar..Mr Barnes” you answer, slipping up, almost forgetting the level of respect you should probably show to the gangster in your home.
He calls his phone from yours, adding the new number to contacts in both phones, “there, now you can let me know the address of your shop.”
“I’ll sent it to you tomorrow.. unless you want me to send it now?” You asked he hands your phone back , uncertain of what he wanted
“Tomorrows fine” he answers, walking backwards towards the front door, “I’ll see ya in the afternoon doll,” he says while opening the door and mostly leaving until he pauses completely, slowly turning back towards you.
This is it, he’s been messing with me this whole time and now he’s going to shoot me.
“Tell Caleb he has 6 weeks to get my money back to me or I’ll be paying him another visit, ok doll.” He says, no question in his voice. He waits until you answer with a “Yes, Mr Barnes,” and disappears into the hallway outside your apartment.
It takes about 5 minutes for the shock to fully wear off, and it causes you to stagger over to the couch, fall backwards onto it an ask into the empty room, “What the actual fuck just happened?”
As soon as the question was out of your mouth , your phone buzzed in your hand.
Don’t ever call me Mr Barnes again Y/n.
It makes me feel ancient.
I hate that.
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cal-flakes · 7 months
hi lover!! can we see dealer!rafe teaching innocent!reader how to do a bump pretty please 😋😋 my fav trope!!!
yes yes yes yes you fuckin’ can my love. (not proofread i apologise i am a sleepy girl rn)
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— “you lost or somethin’?” a smug voice appeared behind you, causing you to flinch in fright, lost in your own mind. you peered up at him, all glossy lipped and doe eyed, just like he expected. “oh— rafe! sorry, i was jus’ seeing if i left my charger in here” you explained, a sweet smile gracing your face. his brows furrowed, yet his shoulders relaxed, simply unable to keep up the intimidating act while you beamed up at him the way you did.
“and why would it be in here?” he questioned further, eyes narrowing slightly while a smirk tugged at his lips. “oh no— i mean, i didn’t leave it in here, but sarah said she might’ve let you borrow it or something?” your grin faltered slightly, picking up on the undertone of annoyance in his voice.
it wasn’t that rafe was scary— well, he was, but he made an effort not to scare you. how could he? his sister friend who always showed up in sweet little dresses, neatly styled hair, perfected makeup. the last thing he wanted was to scare you, if anything he wanted to know more. unbeknownst to rafe, you were just as intrigued— ogling him over the kitchen island when he came back to tannyhill late at night, interrupting your and sarah’s girly nights in. always offering to help whenever he seemed stressed.
taking a step back, he reached into his bedside drawer with ease, pulling out a familiar bedazzled iphone charger. “m’messin’ with you kid, y’mean this charger?” he chuckled, watching carefully as you let out a quiet, shaky breath before quickly regaining your smile. “that’s the one! thanks rafe!” you giggled, taking the item from his hands before heading for the door. “y’know, why don’t you stay for a bit? spend some time w’me? she’s got you all to herself all the time”
your hand retracted from the door immediately as the words left his mouth, though mentally scolding yourself for seeming so eager. “well— i’m sure she wouldn’t mind, just for little while”
— before you knew it, hours had passed, the only noise in the house being the movie rafe had picked as well as your giggles. you’d found yourself laying down on his bed, head resting on his knee as he lay against the headboard.
“y’look tired doll, y’okay?” he hummed, resting a lazy hand on your cheek as you released a surprised yawn, not wanting him to think you were getting bored. “jus’ a little, s’okay though, i can stay up a bit longer..” you spoke softly, turning over to face him now.
“i’ve got somethin’ that can help” he stated nonchalantly, reaching again into his bedside drawer, this time pulling out a not-so bedazzled baggy. your brows knitted together. “whas’at?”
“you trust me?” he tested, cocking an eyebrow as he sat up slightly. “course’ i do rafe” you smiled naively, watching as he opened the bag, tapping it gently as he poured out a small pile onto the back of his thumb. “this, is everything you need”
his other hand beckoned you forward till you were within his reach, carefully pulling you into his lap, legs slotted beside his as you tugged at the hem of your dress, doing your best to cover up. “now, your gonna close your other nostril, and sniff up— hard, m’kay? you listenin’ baby?” he instructed, tapping your jaw slightly as if you bring you back into the room, noticing the vacant look in your eyes as they stared at him in awe. “mhm”
swiftly, rafe pressed his hand to the back of your head as his other came up to your nose, guiding you through it as the grainy powder made its way up your nose, an unfamiliar feeling that only made your eyes water. “s’okay doll, it’ll hit you in a second alright?” he cooed, using the same hand to wipe away the pools building in the corners of your eyes before pulling you further into him.
“not just sarah’s little friend after all, huh kid?” he smirked, allowing you to nuzzle into his chest for a moment as you both waited for the high.
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m0llygunn · 10 months
shy girl (eddie munson x fem!reader)
summary: typically shy, you aren't good at telling eddie what you want. finally brave enough to ask, eddie happily rewards you
cw: 18+!, mature language, petnames, smut, pinv sex (unprotected), creampie, anal fingering, shy/nervous first time anal reader idk, lots of praising, porn with very little plot an: wrote this a while ago and was suppose to be a 3 part butt stuff saga lol but i probably won't do the other 2 parts if im being honest. makes sense alone, theres just clearly a segue for the other parts at the end. kind of edited but not really. wc: 3.6k+
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Your stomach clenches, whole body quivering with nerves.
“Y’okay?” he asks from behind you, finger just barely brushing over the focus of tonight.
“M’okay,” you answer tentatively.
“You don’t sound okay?”
“I want to do this,” you say with an exhale, forcing your muscles to relax. You drop the side of your head further into the plushness of the pillow, back arching deeper as you breathe away the low vibrations of your nervousness. 
His hands rise up your lower back, palms flat to your skin. “You don’t have to.” He glides both thumbs up the sides of your spine before rounding them outwards, massaging an achy spot you didn’t know existed. You relax into it, taking another breath. 
“I want to, Eddie. Wanna try it.”
His thumbs return to the base of your spine before gliding upwards, doing it all again. You could fall asleep if he kept doing this— but you don’t. You push yourself up, craning your neck to see him perched behind you on his knees. His eyes flicker up from the movements of his hands on your lower back to meet your gaze.
“Eddie, I’m serious. I want to try it,” you convince, eyeing him. His naked chest glistens in a faint sheen of sweat under the warm light of the bedroom, courtesy of the ample foreplay that brought you both here. His disheveled hair is further proof of how the night has gone. He raises his brows, showing off the sincerity in his widened eyes, hands paused on your skin. 
“If it’s just for me, I’m fine with how we usually have sex— I love your pussy,” he smiles crookedly.
Worked up, bare, his cock already hard, and so close to your soaked entrance— it would be easy to give in and let him fuck you stupid, but you prepared for this, you thought endlessly about this, you want this. 
“I’ve never done anal before though, wanna try it at least once.”
His hands resume their movements, this time gliding down and over the roundness of your ass. His thumb brushes over where you want him.
“You sure?” he asks.
“Yes, Eddie. Please.”
“It’s gonna take a while if you don’t want it to hurt. We coulda been warming you up if you told me earlier.”
Your back arches deeper as you deflate, pressing your face forward into the pillow. You knew Eddie had more experience than you, you knew he’s done this before with other people, but you didn’t know how to bring it up. It was only in the heat of the moment when you managed to let the words slip from the tip of your tongue despite planning to say them at the beginning of the evening. At least this time you got the message out, last time you got ready for this, you chickened out on telling him what you wanted and went without.
Eddie brushes his thumb over your hole again before traveling down to your cunt, dipping into your wetness. Shallowly, he circles his thumb in your entrance.
“Shoula told me earlier, pretty girl,” Eddie says and your stomach drops with disappointment. You know you should have, you told him too late and now you have to wait again. 
His thumb pulls out from your cunt, trailing upwards. 
“Shoulda told me earlier, cause now I’m all worked up and need you— but you’re shy, aren’t you?” His voice drops to a low rasp that makes your disappointment vanish, heated excitement taking its place. “My shy girl, too nervous to tell me she wants me to fuck her in the ass.”
The warmth of your slick on his thumb circles around your puckered hole lightly, teasingly. 
“Are you my shy girl?” he asks.
You nod your head, the sound of ruffling cotton on your pillowcase acting as your response. You know Eddie doesn’t appreciate your lack of a real answer when his thumb stops it’s movement.
“Yes, I’m your shy girl,” you say quickly, wanting him to keep going.
“Good girl. My good, shy girl,” he hums. His thumb resumes circles before gliding right over your hole, adding increasing pressure that has your stomach squeezing. You hum happily, enjoying it so far but it doesn’t last for long when he removes both hands from you.
“Touch yourself, baby. Want to see your fingers in your pussy while I get your ass ready for my cock,” he says and your stomach flips.
“Touch myself?” you ask.
“Too shy to touch yourself f’me?” he asks, amusement laced in his voice. You hum, turning your head briefly into the pillow to hide, before taking a breath. 
“No,” you reply, the bashfulness of your voice telling both of you otherwise. You bravely snake a hand under your body, holding your hand flat over your mound. 
“That’s a good girl, let’s see you sink your little fingers into that pretty cunt.”
Hot and wet, your fingers glide in easily, an audible squelch of wetness sounding out that makes your skin heat from your neck all the way up to your cheeks. Eddie groans from behind you and it gives you the confidence to pull your fingers out, starting a slow pump. 
“Thatta girl, keep doing that,” he praises and you hear the mattress shuffle behind you. 
You turn your face to see Eddie but when you catch his gaze, he pointedly looks towards your cunt, reminding you with a raised brow to keep going. He shuffles off the bed, moving to the bedside table. Seconds later, with a clear bottle in hand, he crawls back into the bed, moving to sit behind you again. 
With the pop of a lid opening, your fingers pause as your mind’s focus shifts to what Eddie’s doing.
“Keep going baby,” he's quick to prompt. “Just gonna warm up some of this lube in my hands and we’ll get you started, okay?”
“Okay,” you reply meekly, making slow wiggles of your fingers inside of yourself, movements far too shallow and tame to get yourself off. 
“Gotta relax baby, focus on playing with yourself,” he guides as you hear the slickness of the lube being rubbed between his hands. He finally makes contact between your cheeks, rubbing the warmed up liquid over you. 
You try to continue plunging your fingers in and out of yourself but your attention wanes as the pads of his fingers rub circles over your hole. 
You resist the nervousness that threatens to creep in. It’s not that you don’t trust Eddie. You trust him more than yourself, it’s just new and you’re not sure what to make of it yet.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing?” you ask shyly. 
A gentle palm meets your lower back again, warmth spreading over your skin as he rubs soothingly. An appreciated affection that calms your nervousness. 
“’Course, baby,” he answers. “Just getting you ready and lubed up. The slicker you are, and the more relaxed you are, the easier it’ll be.”
You hum an agreement, trying your hardest to focus on fingering yourself. You start building a steady rhythm when Eddie’s hand pauses.
“Gonna start small, okay? Just gonna use my little finger at first— see how you like it.”
“Mhm, okay,” you agree. With his one hand still rubbing a soothing massage on your lower back, you feel the prod at your hole, slow and gentle.  
“Just, relax,” he hums quietly, “mhm, just like that, baby.” His little finger pushes into the tightness, and your own fingers pause completely as you take a moment to decipher the feeling. 
His hand slides from your lower back, down to rest on your hip. His finger pushes in the slightest bit further. When you feel the knuckle of his finger your whole body moves forward, away from the intrusion instinctively. 
“Hurts?” he asks, letting you pull away, leaving just the tip of his finger inside you. 
You shake your head. It’s not pain, it’s not something you’ve really felt before. “Just feels weird,” you answer, relaxing back towards him. 
“Wanna stop?”
“No,” you reply with another shake of your head. “Keep going, please,” you say when he makes no further moves. 
He pushes his little finger into you again, knuckle pushing past the band of tightness but this time you don’t pull away, you breath through the odd feeling. 
“How’s that?” he asks, stilling his finger inside you. 
“Feels… fine? Not bad, just… tight.”
“Yeah, s’really tight,” he breathes. You feel his finger wiggle the slightest bit and it makes your stomach clench from the strange sensation. 
“Wanna play with your clit for me? It’ll make it feel better.”
“What are you gonna do now?” you ask, wanting him to talk you through it some more. 
“Get you used to this, just go slow, in and out for now,” 
Gliding your fingers out from your cunt, wetness gathered between your fingers, you move to make circles on your clit, letting out a breath at the distracting pleasure.
Eddie starts slow movements of his finger, pulling it out before pushing it back in. With your fingers working your clit and the added pressure, you hum a quiet moan. 
“Feel good, baby? Like having my finger in your ass?”
“Like it, feels good so far,” you answer, picking up the speed on your clit. 
You get so lost in the buzzing throughout your body that Eddie’s words go in one ear and out the other as he guides you through the next step. You almost don’t notice him switching from his little finger to his middle, only when he gets to the knuckle again do you notice the extra stretch. Surprised, despite him telling you what he was doing, a gasp pulls from your lungs and your circles on your clit stutter. 
“You okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, just surprised me.” 
“Tell me if it starts to hurt, okay?”
You agree and Eddie starts a slow thrust in and out. The feeling is… interesting. It’s like pressure and quite different from when he’s in your pussy. 
When his knuckle slips in and out with ease, you feel yourself get excited.
“Ready for more,” you chirp quietly. 
“Yeah? Ready for two of my fingers?”
“Mhm, ready for ‘em, Eddie.” Your belly pools with heat just at the idea of two of his fingers inside of you. Your pace on your clit picks up again, having slowed down so you didn’t cum just yet.
He does it methodically, pulling his finger out until just the very tip is left inside of you. Then he adds his second, pushing inside of you so slowly that you nearly feel like pushing back into him— until he gets to the hilt of his knuckles again. 
Biting your lip, the stretch is close to being painful and you can’t help the way you tense. Eddie stills.
“My ambitious girl, thought she could take more already. S’hurting isn’t it?”
“No,” you lie unconvincingly. 
“Just feels like a stretch,” you say, voice coming out squeaky. 
“Yeah? Wanna keep going?” 
You pause before nodding your head. “Wanna keep going,” you answer, continuing slow circles on your clit. 
His fingers prod deeper, knuckles stretching you out and adding pressure. When he finally has both fingers fully inside you, you let out a breath you had held in that clearly you nor Eddie realized you had held in.
“Baby, you gotta keep breathing. If it’s too much, tell me,” he admonishes gently, rubbing his opposite hand along your hip.
“It’s not too much… it’s just different. I want it so bad, Eddie.”
“I’m so fucking hard, you’re not making this easy for me,” he laughs softly.
“I do. I've been thinking about it for a long time. Really want it just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“Sweet, shy girl, you can tell me anything. You know I’d never say no to you,” he says as he starts moving his fingers again. You make a conscious effort to breathe, taking deep inhales and extended exhales. 
When he eventually gets you used to his two fingers, the way he twists his wrist with each plunge has you humming in the intimate pleasure. More than anything, the thrill of it all is what has you enjoying this the most. It feels good so far but you need more.
“Yeah, pretty girl?”
“Can you…” you trail off, shyness creeping in.
“Can I?” he prompts, slowing his fingers.
“Can you… can you do that but…” you trail off again.
“Anything you want baby, just gotta ask,” he says softly, hand rubbing along your hip still, encouraging you to say what you want to say.
“I want you to do that and fuck me too,” you say in a quick breath.
Eddie laughs softly, his gentle massaging hand turns into a quick squeeze. “I can do that, want me to stuff both your hole, fill you right up?” he asks salaciously.
You pussy clenches at the thought and you need it more than anything.
“Please, Eddie.”
He sinks his fingers deep into your ass, making you moan, lighting every nerve up in your body. He shuffles behind you, free hand guiding your thighs wider to accommodate himself.
“Gonna make you feel so full, you want that don’t you? You been thinking about it?”
“Mmhmm,” you hum. “Been thinking about it for so long, Eddie.”
“Gotta tell me these things, baby. Want to know every dirty thought of yours,” he grumbles in a deep baritone. His fingers twist with the movements of his wrist and you feel the prod of his cock as he drags it through your folds, catching your clit before lining himself up. 
“Please,” you whisper, pushing back into him. He lets out a low chuckle and he spares you your additional pleas that sit on your tongue as he pushes inside of you. 
The stretch of the head of his cock makes you whine and with the addition of his fingers in your ass it’s a fuller pleasure, one that gets more intense as he pushes deeper inside of you. 
“Eddie,” you whimper out, dropping your head to the pillow. 
“I know baby, s’a lot isn’t it?”
“Feels good Eddie,” you whine, arching your back deeper.
“Yeah? You like being filled up?”
“Love it, Eddie.” 
He draws his hips back and your stomach flips just at the thought of the pleasure to come. When he pushes back in, his fingers wiggle inside of you and your breath catches. He does it again and you swear your head goes fuzzy. 
He starts slow, his hips thrusting slow and lazily, barely grazing the backs of your thighs with each stroke. His fingers are what makes your breath stutter. He twists them in and out with the swirl of his wrist, and each time he sinks his cock inside of you, it adds unique pressure that has you reeling. Most of all, you like that it’s him doing it— you feel a profound intimacy having him like this that makes your chest squeeze alongside the burn in your lungs from having every breath stolen. 
“Want to add another finger,” he says and you let out a drawn out whimper. He coos, rubbing his free hand along the round expanse of your cheek and up to your waist. “I know you can take it, you’re doing so good f’me.”
“I can take it,” you nod into your pillow. 
He pulls back from you, enough to have just the tip of his cock inside, and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from pushing back into him. That feeling vanishes when you hear the click of the bottle lid.
“Just gonna add more lube, okay? Make sure you’re nice and slick for me,” he says in a soothing cadence.
“Thank you, Eddie,” you say. He huffs a quiet laugh and you hear the wet sound of the lube in his hand. 
“Don’t gotta thank me, pretty girl. I’m having fun back here,” he chuckles and your heart skips a beat at the thought of him enjoying this. It’s a warm feeling— the shared pleasure, it’s hard to explain but just feels good being together like this. 
Pulling his fingers almost all the way out, you feel his other fingers glide around your entrance. When he shifts, you take a deep breath. 
“Good girl,” he praises. 
His free hand finds your lower back again and the stretch of a third finger starts. It’s a lot this time. A lot more than all the other stretches. 
“Just breathe, there you go. Doing so good,” he soothes in a low voice. Feeling a heightened sensitivity, you don’t miss the way his cock twitches and throbs inside of you. While the stretch tinges painful, you focus your attention towards that, feeling the way his excitement kicks up in his cock. 
The stretch doesn’t give way to pleasure, but the pleasure comes from somewhere else. Somewhere deep inside where you feel connected to Eddie. You’re his like this, physically but emotionally as well. All his. It makes you throb, and you reach between your legs chasing that feeling. 
“Fuck, there you go,” Eddie says, voice turning gravelly. His cock kicks up again and he lets himself push forward, sinking halfways inside of you. 
His fingers, just barely past the knuckle, shift inside of your tight hole and it has you lighting up in a searing pleasure— pain speckled but so rewarding when Eddie lets out a deep grunted moan. 
“Don’t think I’ll last, baby,” he says in a strangled breath. 
“Just fuck me, please. Need it so bad Eddie. Need you.”
He huffs a deep exhale. His hand on your lower back pushes you down into a deep arch and you meld to the way he needs you. His fingers shift again and it’s like fire in your veins. You rub quick circles against your clit and with a deep breath that tickles across your spine as Eddie lets it out, he thrusts. 
Guttural and from deep inside of you, you let out a pleasure ridden moaned cry. 
He pulls back and rolls his hips to yours. 
You’ve never felt so full in your life and you love it. It’s thrilling, it’s connecting, it’s masochistically beautiful, and it pools in your lower belly, making your stomach clench in rigid convulses. 
“Fuck, feels so fucking good,” Eddie groans. His breath is heavy and only adds to your pleasure. “You like both your holes being filled don’t you, can feel you squeezing me so tight,” he says in a deep grunted babble.
Your moans surpass their usual shy quietness, and the way your pitch raises is barely within your control. If you didn’t feel so conscious-shatteringly good, you might be embarrassed about how your voice echos off the walls. Normally Eddie’s the vocal one, and even with his drawn out groans, grunts, moans, and dirty talk that choruses alongside your own, you’re undeniably loud and it has Eddie’s thrusts stuttering already. 
He presses his fingers downwards inside of you and it’s like something shatters. You’re almost at your climax, but that small movement has his cock pressing perfectly against your g spot, and the stretch, the subtle pain, and the blatant pleasure of your fingers on your clit have your muscles seizing. He thrusts as deep as he can, moving quickly in and out to push you over the edge, and you erupt into shakes that tremor through your body. 
Your legs threaten to give out and your head turns foggy with buzzing luxury. His thrusts continue and even with your eyes squeezing shut, your vision gets darker until you see the sparkle of your pleasure peaking through like stars. 
Eddie spews moans and grunts after whimpers and curses, and pulling his fingers from your ass, he quickly grabs hold of your hips in a pinching grip. Staying planted in your cunt, he chases you downwards on the bed when your legs finally give out. He follows you, prolonging your high, and finding his own as he fucks you into the mattress. 
“Fucking Christ— fuck, fuck,” he grunts, hips slapping heavily to your ass in quick thrusts. The bruising grip he has on you, and the urgency of his broken curses tell you he’s on the edge. He sinks his cock deeply inside of you, convulsing balls pressing against your cunt, and you feel the subtle warmth of his orgasm fill you up. Working himself through his high in shallow thrusts with stuttered grunts, the room is silent as you’re reduced to levelling breaths. You feel as light as air with the pleasure of electricity strumming through every inch of you. 
He’s pressed to your back, both of you completely collapsed to the mattress but you need to feel more of him. You shift, reaching backwards, and like he reads your mind he’s already searching for you with an open hand. 
He pulls out, rolling to the side and you follow, moving yourself to lay against his chest. His hand in yours, it’s sticky and wet and full of lube but you hold it tight, squeezing it within your own. He squeezes back. 
You hum with more satisfaction and good feelings inside your chest than you can communicate. Eddie brings his other hand to your back, rubbing it up and down, replying with his own hum. 
“That was really good,” you mumble, leaning your cheek to his sweat damp chest.
“So fucking good,” he nearly growls, the tone of his voice proving the assertion of his truth. 
You laugh softly, pressing a kiss to his chest. His heart hammers below your ear and the rise and fall of his chest soothes you, relaxes you. 
“My shy girl,” Eddie hums and from the lightness of his tone you know he’s smiling. Feeling brave from your post sex high, you smile to yourself.
“I can’t wait to feel your cock in my ass,” you say. Eddie lets out a deep laugh that vibrates in his chest. 
“Not so shy now, huh?” 
Cheeks burning with your smile, you shake your head.
“Want to do you too,” you say. You lose a bit of your nerve but the dramaticized gasp you get from Eddie, you know that he knows what you mean. 
“You want to do me too?” he laughs. 
“Mhm, want to fuck your ass,” you whisper, just barely mustering the courage to say it. You’re rewarded for saying it with smooth, soothing strokes up and down your back, and a chuckle from deep inside Eddie’s chest. 
“Who woulda thought my shy girl’d be so dirty,” he says, pulling you even tighter to him, hugging you extra close. 
──────────── ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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kittywhimsical · 8 days
biker!simon headcanons!
♡ your guys' dynamic is insanely different but you compliment each other so well! (i was thinkin batman 'nd hello kitty cause c'mon.. simon is not a spiderman guy)
♡ he is absolutely jacked. i mean jacked. which makes it harder for you to wrap your arms around him but he always has one hand reaching for you, and touching the back of your thigh so you almost always don't have to worry.
♡ he does those little helmet kisses whenever you guys are about to go on a ride or stop for gas.
♡ he's got his own little insta account (that you forced him to make) and posts videos and pics of mostly you and his bike. no profile picture, no bio, just posts.
♡ surprisingly he's got a good following, but he only follows you (ofc) and the 141.
♡ you both love late night rides, especially if the two of you had a long day and just need to cool off.
♡ your helmets are pretty plain. black, tinted. but when you started riding him with him more, he got them customised so you could have a pink fluffy one with those little ears and his had his classic skullface with your name engraved on it <3
♡ he always makes sure you're okay, looking back at you at red lights and talking to you, even if he knows you can't hear him sometimes.
♡ he lets you wear whatever you want like skirts and dresses, he's gonna pull it down anyway.
♡ he makes sure you both are always wearing some sort of gear, just in case.
♡ whenever you guys go on rides with the 141 or go to a bike meet, he makes sure you are with him every second, he can't have anything bad happen to you. he'd go ballistic if anything did
♡ he adores whenever you lay your head on him, its his favourite thing ever.
♡ drops you off everywhere, no matter how far and picks you up right on time. maybe he even stays and waits where you are, until you finish.
part 2? maybe nsfw ;)
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luvyeni · 1 month
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pairings ‎⸝⸝⸝ roommate!renjun x reader wc. 2.2k
genre. smut
🦢◞  includes ... reader is marks sister, oral ( m receiving ), throat fucking, rough sex, degradation, pussy slapping, unprotected sex
request. brother's best friend renjun x reader 🥺 pretty please 🥺
「 authors note 𖹭 」 i like this one , mean dom junnie means everything to me.
❪ masterlist! ❫
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renjun liked mark; he was clean, he paid his bills on time and he was an all around good guy. he did have one flaw though, and it wasn't necessarily him, but an attachment to him— mark had a sister; you, renjun didn't like you.
you had moved in a year after he did; you were a freshman in college and your brother had an extra room, and who was he to say no? his name wasn't on the lease— he soon wished it was, cause then he had authority to get rid of you. you were a nightmare. he and mark did everything; the cooking, the cleaning; mark paid his and your portion of the bills, and gave you money that you spent on stupid stuff in his opinion.
“she's just not use to hearing the word no.” mark would say when he'd tell mark about your behavior. “our parents really spoiled her, it's best to just give her what she wants, to avoid anything.” that just pissed renjun off even more; he didn't want to move out, he actually grew to like mark, and the apartment was close to his campus and his job— it was just you; all he had to do was get rid of you, but that didn't seem like it was happening for a very long time.
“good morning junie!” you chirped walking into the kitchen, he grumbled. “i told you to stop calling me that.” you smiled; reaching up to grab a mug from the cabinet, the shirt he was assuming was your brothers raising up revealing a new tattoo on your lower back, along with part of your ass, he was used to it by now; the tiny shorts you would always wear against your brother wishes. “does your brother know you got that?” you smirked. “you gonna tell me junie?”
“it's none of his business, i’m an adult.” you sat down. “besides he won't know, only people i want to see it can.” you winked, sitting down at the table. “mark told you about wearing those shorts in the house.” you rolled your eyes. “please, do you listen to everything mark says?” he was already irritated; and you were making it worse. “what are you two talking about?” mark emerged from his room. “nothing mark.” you stood up from your seat , finishing your coffee. “yo, go put some clothes on.” mark said, you scoffed. “i literally just got up, i wanted coffee before my shower.”
“well you got your coffee, now go out some clothes on,” he said. “me and the girls are going out later tonight, can i have some money?” renjun watched the older boy sigh. “i don't get paid until tomorrow; i just gave you money.” your whine rang throughout the boys head. “please i need it, for drinks.” mark sighed in defeat. “fine , i'll wire you the money, now go get dressed,” he said, smiling while skipping back to your room. “you know you could've just told her no.”
mark nodded, “you heard her about to start man.” renjun sat up. “she could also get a job.” mark scoffed. “don't worry about man, but i do have to tell you something.” renjun nodded for him to continue. “gotta work the late shift tonight, won't be in until the morning.” renjun knew where this was going; it's happened numerous of times before. “mark.” he sighed. “i know , i know but i can't turn this down and you know she's not gonna give up a night out.” the elder boy said. “just make sure she gets in and into bed safely.”
great now he had to babysit a drunk you, on the night he was supposed to be studying. “look, i'll pay the light bill for this month,” he said. “its the least i could do after having to deal with that.” renjun nodded. “thank you so much bro, just make sure she doesn't swallow her tongue, or fall asleep in the shower…” mark stood up from his seat. “again.”
“has anything worked?” yunjin asked. “nothing, he doesn't budge.” you said , downing your second shot. “he's always just so moody.” ryujin laughed. “maybe he's just not interested in you” you scoffed. “maybe or maybe im not trying hard enough.” your friends shook their heads. “and what do you think mark is gonna do when he finds out his little sister is trying to fuck his roommate.” you shrugged. “my brother doesn't have to know everything i do with my life.”
stumbling down the hall of your apartment; putting the code in the door; pushing the door open. “mark!” you shouted, words slurring, taking your shoes off. “mark!” you repeated, walking to the back where your room was— also where renjuns room was.
renjun typed away on his screen, earphones in, not noticing you stumbling into his room— that was until his earphones were snatched out his ear. “what the fuck!” you chuckled. “where's mark?” you sat on his bed. “you smell like alcohol.” he scrunched his nose in disgust. “that's because i’ve been drinking, duh.” he rolled his eyes. “your brother had the late shift, he told me to make sure you get in safe.” he said. “you look safe , now get out and don't swallow your tongue.”
“mmh, don't wanna.” you laid back on his bed. “wanna stay right here.” he sighed, annoyed. “get up.” you ignored him, your skirt rising up, he could see your black panties. “yn get up and go to your room, now.” your hair messily displayed around your head like a halo. “yn im not fucking around.” you sat up, your boobs almost peeking out. “no.”
you could barely register anything before he was out of his chair, standing in front of you. “im so sick of you.” you felt a tug to your hair. “you don't fucking listen.” he growled , forcing you to look up at him. “that shit stops today.”
your panties were soaked, watching him undo the ties of his sweats, using his free had to push them down to his ankles. “re-renjun.” he grabbed your jaw. “shut the fuck up.” he spat, his cock hard in his underwear— guess seeing your panties really got him going. “you talk when i give you permission to, understand?” you nodded. “you have a mouth, use it.”
“y-yes.” your mouth water as he pulled his cock out, slapping it across your cheek. “you want my cock so bad it's disgusting.” he cursed, rubbing it along your cheek. “desperate for a cock even if attached to someone who can't stand you.” he tapped the tip of his length, coating your plump lips in his precum. “pl-please, i want it.”
“did i say speak?” he slapped your cheek. “apologize.” he ordered. “s-sorry.” you stuttered out. “good you do know how to listen when im telling you to do something.” he said. “you're not my , hpmh!” your bratty comeback was interrupted by renjun shoving his cock into your wet cavern. "fuck, just couldn't help yourself.” he growled. “at least your mouth is good for something.” he moaned, hand tangled up in your mane. “tired of you always running your mouth.” he pushed your head all the way down on his length. “fuck , time to put it to good use.”
he pulled out; leaving trail of spit dripping down your chin. “gonna fuck your face.” he shoved himself back inside, thrusting into your mouth. “yeah, fuck!” he cursed, your throat contractions around his cock, the gagging and lewd noises coming from your throat egging him off. “nasty fucking mouth.” he pushed your head down on his length , holding it there. “come on choke on my cock fuck you want it so bad.” your manicured hands holding his thighs. “shit!”
he let your head go, finally giving you air. you sputtered and coughed , black streaks from your mascara running down your cheeks. “im not done yet slut.” he pulled you back , shoving his cock back down your throat. “gonna cum down your throat.” his hips moved back and forth a fast pace. “fu-fucking take it!”
you felt the warmth of his seed, hitting the back of your throat. “shit!” he released your head again. “look at you all messy, covered in spit like a true slut.” his cock bobbing against his stomach. “turn the fuck around.” not giving you a chance to recover from his assault on your throat. “come on do it.” he pushed you back on the bed , flipping you on to your stomach. “put your fucking ass up.” he maneuvered your body.
“soaked right through your panties.” he slapped your ass, pulling your skirt down. “tiny fuckin skirt.” you yelped feeling another sting to your ass. “wearing shit like this to get my attention huh?” he rubbed your cock along your folds. “i asked you a question.” another sharp sting to your ass making you moan in pleasure. “y-yes, all for you.” you gasped.
“slut.” he spat on his cock, using your juices to lube his cock. “beg for it.” you whined, only for him to slap your ass. “if i wanted to listen to you whine like a child would've said so , i said fucking beg , come on , beg for my cock like you beg your brother for money.”
“pl-please junie.” you whimpered, pussy aching to be filled. “pl-please fuck me, i want it.” moving your ass on his length. “i want your cock inside me.” trying to fuck yourself on his cock, he didn't like that. “what the fuck are you doing?” he growled, pushing your head down into his pillow. “did i say do that? you don't fucking listen.” he shoved his cock inside you giving you no warning. “fuck!”
he waited no time, not giving you any time to adjust to his sudden intrusion, holding your waist in his hands , fucking you; your ass bouncing. “you don't make the rules with me , i do -fuck- you understand?” you were too fucked out to answer , but he still wanted one, grabbed you hair , tugging hard. “answer me!”
“fuck yes!” you shouted, neighbors probably getting a sense of what was going on, but that was marks problem; you could barely even function, shouting his name like a mantra as he abused your cunt. “fuck I'm gonna cum!”
your cunt was gripping his cock like a vice, he wasn't sure how long he was gonna last. “fuck!” he hissed. “pl-please let me cum.” you cried , legs burning , tears streaming down your face. “you gonna be a good girl -fuck- when me or your brother tells you to do something you're gonna do it right?” he slapped your cunt. “fuck junie!” you screamed. “are you?”
“i didn't say you can, so fu-fucking hold it.” he grunted, you whined , usually when you had sex , you came whenever you wanted, this was new. “i-i can't.” you slurred. “i didn't fucking ask.” he pulled out , giving your ass one last slap, flipping you on your back, shoving his cock back inside you, hitting a new angle.
“yes fuck!” you screamed. “pl-please.” he grunted. “fuck im gonna cum.” he hissed. “cum , cream my fucking cock like a slut.” the knot in your stomach snapping , cumming, a white ring forming around his cock as he continued to fuck you. “sh-shit.” he quickly removed himself , cumming all over your stomach. “ugh fuck!”
you were heavy breathing, coming down from your long awaited high; renjun on the other hand wasn't done. “get the fuck up , we're not done.” he said. “shit is gonna change around here , even if i gotta fuck it into you.” … you were in for a long night.
mark tiredly made his way down the hall to the apartment, ready to hit his bed. “huh?” he noticed three written letters tapped to his door; renjun must've had a girl or some over. ripping the papers off the door , putting in the password , throwing the papers in the trash. “renjun?”
he checked the time, the boy normally was up eating breakfast by now. “jun where you at bro?” he heard shuffling and cursing coming from the boys room , he shook his head , going to check on you— your bed hadn't been slept in. “shit jun she didn't come in last night.” you could be past out somewhere and he wouldn't know. “jun did she come in last night?” he knocked on the boy's door.
“sh-shit that's your brother get up.” the boy shook you, you groaned in pain. “my head.” your voice horse. “my legs.” you were ignoring the boy next to throwing your clothes at you. “junie what-” you suddenly saw the darkness off the blanket covering you. “did you see— what the fuck are you doing?” you shoved the blanket off your head , face going pale , your brother standing in the doorway. “mark.”
“mark bro— whatever went down in this room , i don't want to know , and i never want to know.” he said. “just know it better not happen while im here and keep it down so the neighbors better not come knocking.” he shut the door before any of you could say something. “this is why i said go to your room last night, but insisted on sleeping here.”
“and you let me.” you smirked condescendingly , that pissed him off. “did you not learn anything from last night?” he grabbed your jaw; a loud bang on the wall.
“get the fuck out of his room now!”
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clawsdevour · 2 months
almost home
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wc: 2.7k content warning: smut, car sex, established relationship, slight hand kink, fingering, creampie, mention of cock warming, not proofread, one-shot, multi-fandom x reader, shitty writing
₊˚ʚ ᗢ
Watching your husband hand over the bill to the waitress, you both stand up, about to leave the restaurant. You’re taking your handbag while he grabs his coat. It’s been a while since you had a regular dinner date with him. You walk out happy, clutching your purse in one hand and your other linked around his. The smell of his musky deep cologne wafting off into your direction. You ate, talked and laughed, and did everything a regular couple would do on a dinner date. You weren’t complaining though, the date was perfect, but it felt like it was missing something. 
He opens the door to your side of the car for you and watches you get fully seated. The smell of leather as it sticks to your thighs was always a welcoming scent. Shutting your car door, he quickly jogs over to his side and gets in, hearing a click of the door closing. Locking the doors and starting the engine, he takes a peek at you.
“You know, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you today. You’re just so gorgeous, all dressed up for me,” reaching for your hand, planting a kiss on the ring he proposed to you with. His gaze pierced you with his love and warmth, his gentle soft kiss planted on the surface of your hand.
“Haha, I love you. But, you’re gonna have to keep your eyes on the road.” He’s so silly you thought to yourself. He also really knew how to whoo you over with his words and sweet acts of love. You turn your head back to the front and hear him let out a low chuckle, causing you to grin.
He’s looking back to reverse out of the parking spot. His right hand is on the back of your seat, closing the gap between you. His face is a few inches away from yours looking behind, concentrated on keeping this ride home safe. You gulp, feeling the tension rise in the two seater. Placing the car into drive, he turns out and leaves the parking lot. You love the way he drives, it’s always a smooth and pleasant ride. The way he steers the wheel is always so attractive and satisfying. Palming the large wheel with his skinny long hands, releasing it smoothly to return back to its original state. You could watch him go on and on just driving around. 
“What do you wanna do when we get home baby?” Eyes focused on his hands whilst his are on the road, you snap back to your consciousness. Looking at his face that was beautifully illuminated by the light casted down by the moon. Wow, he’s so handsome you thought to yourself.
“Mmm.. I don’t know. I think I’m just gonna take off my makeup, shower, brush my teeth.. and get in bed with you.. And sleep till dawn in your arms.” that was all you could probably come up with. It was reasonable at best since it’s already pretty late. You bite down on your lower lip as he quickly looks at you from his peripheral vision.
“You don’t wanna watch a movie or anything before sleeping? I think we have time to squeeze in a short movie before snoozing,” You shook your head No. Thinking about what dress to wear and what to do with your hair for the date earlier made you exhausted. Thinking about doing anything else besides sleeping and being with your husband exhausted you. You just wanted to be in your fluffy fresh sheets in your husband’s warm embrace. 
At the red light, he looks at you with stern, but loving eyes. Placing his large hand over your thigh, you look back at him with your mouth parted. Scanning the traffic lights for time, he leans in, kissing your juicy glossed lips. You could feel yourself getting stimulated when he started to slowly stroke your thigh up and down gently, tracing circles onto your skin with his thumb. You squeeze your legs together, slightly trying to resist rubbing them or he’ll know what you truly desired that night. Looking back, the light’s green and you parted away from the kiss first.
“Mm.. The light’s green by the way!” Playfully you alert him to start pressing the excelerator to not cause traffic for other cars. His eyes filled with sin and lust, turning his head back and pressing on the pedal.
“Oh, right.” You can’t help but giggle as he paused for a moment. His hand was still on your thigh until he started to speed up, placing both hands on the wheel for more control. You knew what you were getting into, as he switched lanes trying to get home as quick as possible. He snuck in peeks through the mirror to glance at you, looking at your beautiful face that shined in the moonlight. Sometimes his glances looked down to see your exposed plush thighs. Almost home, he speeds up even more, surpassing the speed limit. Looking at the steering wheel, you notice something that’s staring back at you from behind the pivot.
He had a painful erection making itself known through his pants. All you could think about is how he’s racing home because of you. The thought of you in his arms right now, intoxicated his mind. You too were heavily aroused by just sharing a kiss at the red light. Not to mention, having his hand that did more than brush against your thigh as you tried not to rub them together.
Pulling into your driveway he parks and unbuckles his seatbelt. You do the same but before you could reach for the door handle, he grasps your chin and tilts you in his direction.
“I’ve been feeling so hard throughout the whole day because of you. Look how big it’s gotten just looking at you. You had me so excited throughout the whole date it was hard to cover up whenever people walked by our table. Ha.. even the scent of your perfume and glossed lips is driving me crazy. I love you so much you know that?” He’s smirking face to face with you. His heated touch still on your chin, caressing the side of your face. Exchanging a look back at him seductively, you bite on your lower lip. He too drove you crazy. 
“Then show me how much you love me.” Placing a finger on his lip, rubbing it signaling him to kiss you. He obliged and went in for a kiss which turned sloppy when his tongue was able to slip into your mouth, causing you to let out a silent whimper. 
Your tongue fought against his and collided, creating wet audible noises that were amplified in your two person convertible. Both his hands were off the wheel and moved towards your body. You sucked on his tongue to tease him, making him moan in your intimate kiss. You kissed for another good minute turning your face a flush red, until you pulled yourself off his now swollen lips, a strand of salvia connecting you both. 
You slightly get up from the passenger seat and hold onto his broad shoulders helping you stabilize yourself. He’s staring you down as you put your right leg over the console, then the left into the driver’s seat. Just slightly hovering adove him you sat on his thighs, grinding yourself on his hard clothed boner. His hands are holding your hips as you grind together, letting out subtle moans of relief. You took this time to unclasp a few of his buttons, letting his defined collarbone and chest breathe.
Peppering his face with kisses, you slowly sink down. Kissing his neck with your hot breath that tickled his soft skin, he watches you plant each kiss with his needy gaze. At his collarbone, you leave him your marks while moving down his muscular, toned chest. You watched his every reaction for each kiss you planted and each mark you made with hungry eyes shooting back at him. While you were at it, his hands had another thing in mind.
His hands moved down from your hip to under your dress. He’s fondling your ass, making you grind even harder on his cock. His hands start to linger around your warm sensitive area. He feels how wet you are by pressing his finger against the little valley of your panties, which was created due to the thin fabric separating his bare fingers from your raw pussy. You jolted when you realized he’s made his own way down there, but you continued your business while staring at him. Pressing your damp pussy on his fingers, wiggling your ass on his two slim digits on the right parts. You breathed out moans that made you pause between each kiss
His grip moved your panties to the side, giving him half of your exposed pussy to play with. While he holds your moist underwear on the side with his left hand, his right hand travels down to toy with your slick cunt. Feeling the wetness your arousal produced all over his fingers, he’s trying to prob around for your entrance. Upon finding your entry, he sticks his two fingers in at the same time. Inside your pussy, his fingers were getting sucked tightly by your gummy walls, moving at a consistent pace until he found your sweet spot. You’re squirming in his lap with your arms around his neck, your head tilted down as if you’ve surrendered yourself helplessly to him. 
Your moans and whining grew louder as well as the squelching noises your pussy created by his long fingers. He was curling and scissoring knuckle deep inside you. Poking at your sweet spot multiple times, you felt as though you were already halfway to an orgasm. You take your right hand down from around his neck and move it under your dress. Trying to find your clit, you accidentally touched his hand causing him to flinch inside you. Fighting back a whimper, you start to rub your moist swollen clit.
“You look so pretty touching yourself, knowing that my fingers are knuckle deep inside that pussy of yours.” His low voice howled in dark manner. He was snickering at you, what a tease he was. You still wanted his cock inside you though, and tried to quickly orgasm rubbing your clit faster. To which you were lucky and felt that shock similar to lightning racing through your body as your back arched, letting you release on his fingers. Wailing on top of him, you felt his cock grow harder beneath you. Trying to regain your composure, you move back a little. Giving him some space to unzip his pants and unleash his erection. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll touch you in places that only I know.” Your mouth started salivating when his cock popped out of that god forbid cage, that you call slacks. You secure yourself on his shoulders once more, he’s holding you up by your plush curves. His right hand jerked his cock up and down, showing you his full size that was about to be inside you. He’s groaning getting it off under you, and your patients grew thin. Shooting him a pout while holding up your dress to expose your soaked underwear that was only covering one of your flaps, he got the idea you wanted to take him right now.
Again, using his nondominant hand to pull your panties to the side before lining himself up at your entrance. His cock stroked your swollen slit, collecting your juices before entering. You take in his cock, slowly almost like you're sitting down on his dick. Feeling him expand inside you as you had his full length in, you had to sit for a moment to let you adjust to his cock. Gradually you start to rise up, but before you could fully stand tall, his right hand that’s on your hip shoves you back down. You loudly cry out a screech of pleasure as he starts moving you with his metal grip. His other hand still has a firm grasp on your panties, pulling them to the side to not intervene with your love making.
“Ngh..! I've been waiting for this.. all day. I missed y-your cock so much!” You confessed while bouncing on his tasty cock, clamping it with your tight walls. He lets out a huff as if blowing off all his steam. At this point he started to thrust back into you as you rushed up and down, creating a frothy white ring to appear around the base of his cock. 
“You’re doing so good, baby. Keep going, hngh.. just like that,” holding back on his moans, he continued thrusting upwards even deeper into you, just enough to kiss your cervix with his tip. It was getting real hot and suffocating in the car as your windows fogged up. You take your hands off his strong shoulders and start to drop the straps of your dress down. The straps brushing off your arms and next came your bra straps which also fall to the sides. The front of your dress flopped down, revealing your bare breasts and your perky nipples that stared back at him.
“Fuck.. why didn’t you take down the t-top of your dress sooner.. watching them both jiggle while you bounce on my cock is so fucking hot sweetheart..” You ignore his words and continue pleasuring yourself on his dick, returning your hands back to his toned chest. Your face became even more lewd, hearing the car creak as you continued to recoil on his cock. The windows were starting to fog up even more against the cool air on the other side of the window, creating small droplets to form. 
“…Feel so good. I love you. Y-Your cock feels so good!” Were the only words that came out of your swollen lips besides your loud heavy moans, produced by each twitching sensation you created when you rode on his dick. The overstimulation started to kick in when you started to cry out of pleasure. Your body was so exhausted from doing the work, nevertheless you kept going. Starting to feel that built up tension in your abdomen start to bubble up, you were about to cum. 
“I.. gonna c.. cum,” your eyes started to roll back as you started to come to a halt.  He started to pound up into you, making sure you’re able to chase that release of yours. Your body loosens up from tensing up, unleashing your orgasm was like popping a balloon. You came so hard it was as if you saw static that made your vision to fade, making you see black. 
“A-Ah shit.. I think I might too..” he muttered between thrusts. You both moan loudly together mixing up the sounds, the car starts to heat up even more similar to being inside of a steaming sauna. The movement from riding his cock shook the vehicle at an harsh pace, the clouded windows collected its water droplets that dragged down.
“In.. inside me. Cum..” You rambled at him to cum inside you, to which he couldn’t decline that offer. His seed was ready to spurt at the tip. With a few more rough grunts and poundings, his white sticky fluid sprayed into your pulsating walls. His cum coated your clenching pussy with his thick white cum. His semen slowly dripped out of your messy cunt and onto the base of his cock. He thrusts into you one last time to ensure that his cum was deep within you, to prevent the further mess his cock made inside you..
Both of you were panting heavily. His cock was still inside you, as if you were keeping it warm for him. You sat motionless from fatigue in his lap with your arms around his shoulders, head laying on his chest. He sits still, wrapping his hands on your back as if he was giving you a hug. You sit like this for a moment to catch your unsteady breaths. 
Breaking the tense silence he stutters, 
“We should probably head in.. it’s getting late.”
masterlist here
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darlingbabyboo · 2 months
Could you please make a part 3 of tr x bimbo reader with Hanma, Souya and chifuyu, please?? Have a great day or night <333
Note: I love this request! I thought ppl wouldn't like bimbo reader and I'm so happy that ppl are receiving it well :) These are such good characters too. I added a few people since I got to this late (also Hanma's is a little nsfw). Part 1 (Draken, Takemichi, Mitsuya, Baji, Smiley, Mucho) Part 2 (Kazutora, Izana, Bonten! Mikey)
"You're my angelic slut!"
♡ Even more Tokyo Revengers and their bimbo gfs ♡
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Hanma Shuji
Oh my god I thought Smiley would be bad but this man would be a menace with a bimbo!gf
He lies to you on a daily basis bcs he knows that you'll believe him
He will be saying shit like 'recent studies show 🤓☝️' completely out of his ass bcs he loves the look you give him
Your bright eyes look to him, captivated with all the lies that he's feeding you
He thinks that your stupidity is hot af and the stupider you get the harder he is
Do not trust this man to help you shop bcs he will be giving you some floss as a top and and lacey underwear bottoms okay
And for my ladies who are bimbos but still like to cover up don't worry he'll give you the flashiest shit ever that probably says property of Hanma on the back
He loves you okay but be wary around this boy
"Ow babe, you know that hurts."
You eyes widen in horror, ripping your hands away from tracing the ink on his hands, "really?" You whisper.
He nods, sagely with his fake wisdom, "yeah, every few months the pain from tattoo comes back, when you touch me it hurts like a bitch."
"Oh, I- baby I didn't know!" You tear up, hating the thought of hurting Shu in any way possible, "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you!"
He nods, pulling you into his chest to calm your sniffles, "it's okay babe, you didn't know." He pretends to think, "and there might be a way to help me..."
You look at him, wide eyes looking to him and nod eagerly.
"Well... kisses always work."
"And it won't cause you pain?"
"None at all pretty girl."
"Okay!" You smile, peppering kisses on his hands, before cupping his face and pressing your lips against. He deepens the kiss, moving you so you're straddling his lap and grinding against his growing bulge.
He sure got lucky with you, huh?
Chifuyu Matsuno
He's so flustered at the sight of you
He's pretty confident in himself but he never actually expected to get a gf
Since you're his first one he kinda has no idea what to do with you
He rly doesn't want to mess things up
He doesn't even register the fact that you're 'slutty' bcs all he knows is that you're the hottest person that he's ever met in his life and he has absolutely no idea how to function without you
He worries so much but he's such a 10/10 boyfriend
Gets most of his ideas from manga but they usually get messed up because you would not get a clue if it walked up to you and gave you its number
Chifuyu will say something like, 'my heart is forever yours' and you're about call an ambulance bcs you think he's having a heart attack
Pray for him he's doing his best 🙏🏾
Certified good boi so he does his best to make you smarter but my mans is not God
He knows that you're a lost cause but he's gonna keep trying fr bcs he loves you
But he has a tendency to get distracted...
"And if 4 plus 4 is 8 and 4 times 4 is 16 then 4 squared is..." He watches you bite your lip and turn your wide eyes to him, hoping that he'll fill in the blanks.
He sighs, "baby, you're not gonna learn anything if I keep helping you."
"But 'fuyu!" You protest, throwing yourself across his lap, and jutting your lip out, "I don't get it without you explaining it for me!"
"That's the problem..."
Your pout deepens and you suddenly sit up straight. He blushes when you place your hands on the side of his face.
"I don't get it 'fuyu, more kisses pls."
He should refuse because he loves you more than the world itself but he knows that you're jackshit at math. His eyes look down at your puckered lips and he folds, moving you gently and pinning you to the bed.
When the both of you lock lips he knows nothing is going to get done today.
Souya (Angry) Kawata
We got another flustered boy here
It's made even worse bcs he was not the one who confessed to you
Smiley told you bcs he got sick of his constant ranting about how beautiful and kind and pretty you were
Angry hates his brother and loves him for it bcs you embraced him in a hug that got him feeling high for days
He worships you completely
Your slutty outfits
Perfect queen 🥰🥰🥰
He making homemade food for you for breakfast lunch and dinner
Compliments you all the time bcs that's what you deserve
Can you tell I have a favourite
He is in love with you so much and will not tolerate any sort of slander towards you
You best hope that someone doesn't call you stupid bcs they will be jumped by the entire fourth division he is not fucking around when it comes to you
He doesn't even take that shit when it comes to his brother
No one will talk bad about you under his watch
"Damn, your girl dumb as hell."
He looks to you. As of now, you're jumping up into the trees, attempting to catch a cat that got stuck up there from yesterday's storm. It's a noble attempt, if not a bit ruined due to the fact that you're ignoring the ladder of branches at the side of the tree that would help you get to the cat.
That wouldn't even be so bad if you weren't also neglecting to ask one of the neighbor's for a ladder, especially the one who has a ladder leaning against their front door.
He turns back to Smiley, scowling at the insult, "don't talk about her like that." Hands curling into fists, no matter what you do he can't stand the thought of you being disrespected.
Smiley holds his hand up, not in the mood to get his faced bashed, "fine... but you should really go help her."
He looks back to you, seeing that you've now started to meow to the cat, trying to convince it to come down by itself.
He can't stop the smile creeping up.
He's so in love with you.
Ran Haitani
You would assume that he'd be a menace but he's surprisingly sweet
Most people assume that he's with you bcs he wanted some arm candy but he's really just in love with you
Rindou is the unfortunate witness to how obsessed Ran is about you
When Ran sees you're being a dumbass all he does is smile and do his best to answer the question
He loves when his girl starts asking him how he can tell if it's AM or PM
He thinks you're too adorable
His love is not an act okay
He lives sleeps and breathes you
Half the words out of his mouth have to do with you bcs he thinks you're just so amazing
Rindou stops himself from screaming when he sees Ran leaning against the kitchen counter. The last time he caught Ran awake in the middle of the night the other had almost skinned him alive.
A Ran that just woke up from a nap was not a good Ran.
He relaxes when he sees you move to Ran's side, offering him some hot chocolate. Ran would never expose you to his violent side. "Thank you angel," He says as he accepts the drink, taking a sip and placing his arm around your waist.
"Ran..." You start, and Rindou can't wait for whatever bullshit you're going to spew this time.
"Yeah angel?"
"Why does your tattoo keep changing?"
He raises an eyebrow and looks down at his arm. Experimentally, he flexes it.
"It happened again!" You exclaim as his muscles tense, art rippling with the muscle.
Rindou has no idea how he deals with you sometimes. You're sweet, you're just... something else.
Ran doesn't react to the strange question, only offering a half-hearted shrug. He runs a hand through his hair, "I think it's because my skin stretches as I flex or something... and the tattoo is on my skin so it's affected too." He watches you, wondering if the answer is satisfactory.
You beam at the response and curl into him, placing your head on his shoulder. He presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head.
Rindou slinks back upstairs and tries not to throw up. He hates being around you two.
Hakkai Shiba
It's a miracle how Hakkai even started to talk to you
It was a struggle for everyone involved
Everyday Yuzuha and Mitsuya were considering jumping off a window more and more bcs every interactions you had went like this
'How are you Hakkai!'
'That's nice to hear! My day went well too, are you going to the festival tomorrow?'
Bitch is like this on the outside 😐
On the inside he's 🥰😍😘💕💓❤️
And Mitsuya and Yuzuha have to listen on like 🙃
Yeah Hakkai she is beautiful and her dress was rly nice today and she's the kindest girl in the world why don't you tell her that
His confession was so awkward but my man's had to do smth bcs he's not the only one who wants you
"H-hey," He calls your name, wincing when you direct your eyes to him. His stomach twists, he needs to do this he needs to do this.
You beam at him, "Hakkai! What's up? You don't usually talk to me like this."
Yeah, he doesn't. He's completely out of his comfort zone here. He really should have asked Taka-chan to be here to support him. He looks down to avoid making eye contact but is met with your plump thighs.
He swallows.
"A-are you going to the f-festival with Akihiko?"
You tilt your head, "no, why would you think that? Me and him are just friends!"
Akihiko has not been subtle about about talking about how attractive he's found you and how much he would love to have you as your girlfriend. This includes wrapping his arms around your waist and calling you 'wifey'.
"He flirts sometimes," You laugh, "but we're just friends."
Sure, and he just wants to kill him.
"Wouldyouliketogowithme?" He blurts out, flinching when everything is out. He watches your eyes open wide, mouth falling open. He's so embarrassed, of course this wouldn't work he should have kept his mouth shut-
"Of course I wanna go Hakkai!" He catches you as you jump up to wrap your arms around his neck. His face turns even redder when you smack a kiss on his cheek. "I'd love to!"
"C-cool." He says knowing that the this moment will be replaying in his head on the walk home.
Seishu (Inupi) Inui
Y'all are complete opposites bcs while he's off being brooding you're being your bright and sunny self giving a hug to anyone who asks
Koko wonders everyday how you two started dating but love is love
You two have the best fashion tips for each other, truly a couple that uplifts each other <333
My man treats you like you're not the dumbest bitch on Planet Earth
Inui is a feminist (when he threatened Yuzuha he did that for the women's rights movement okay)
So he knows that you have great value even if you're not smart in a conventional sense
He will pound anyone into the pavement if someone starts to act a fool okay
Inui brings knives to fist fights if you don't think he'll pull out a glock for the person he's completely obsessed with you're insane
"Inui, how do we know that we're on Earth?" You question, head tilting to the side, looking to him waiting for an answer.
He doesn't sigh, he knows you're genuine about this and he would hate to embarrass you. He raises an eyebrow for clarification.
"I mean- how do we know we're not on Mars?" You eyes bug out, "what if we've been on Venus all along and we don't even know it!"
He hums but stops when someone snickers beside them. He tenses, already reaching in his pocket. "You got something you want to say?" He snarls.
The guy, some dumb lackey, smirks, "your bitch know how stupid she is?" He looks over to you and checks you out not-so subtly, "good thing she's hot."
He pulls out the knife and presses it against the other's neck. "At first I was going to hurt you but now I'm going to fucking kill you." Who cares about the rules about in-fighting, no one's going to talk to you like that and get away with it.
"Inui..." You ask innocently, watching the two with concern.
"Look away darling, okay, I gotta deal with this piece of shit."
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kyuuppi · 1 year
Genshin men Instagram HCs
Ft. Xiao; Scaramouche; Zhongli; Childe; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Tighnari
(gender neutral reader but wears a dress in Scara & Zhongli's parts)
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Xiao // @ a1atus
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Very rarely posts
Never pictures of himself, you’ll only see his face in tagged photos
If he does post, it’s probably a new album cover of a band he likes, a particularly good plate of almond tofu from his favorite café, or—if he’s in a particularly good mood—a cute stray cat that befriended him on the street
Never edits anything but still takes pretty decent photos because he understands basic composition rules
Never tags anything but will sometimes write simple captions like “new guitar”
His pfp has not changed since he made his account and its literally just the blandest selfie you’ve ever seen—but he’s effortlessly photogenic so even when he’s just staring at the camera with a blank expression he looks hot
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Xiao will unintentionally do his loyal boyfriend duties and like all of your posts but he never actually leaves a comment unless you specifically ask him to but you have to tell him what to say or else you’ll just get something like “your hair is nice” LOL
Maybe makes one post related to you but it doesn’t have your face—just picture of your hands holding each other or a photo he secretly took of you from behind as you admire some paintings from when he took you on an art gallery date
Still doesn’t write much in captions but if the post includes you, he always adds a little black heart emoji 🖤
Scaramouche // @ balladeer
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Vehemently claims he’s not chronically online but he definitely is
Def has a dark / emo aesthetic profile and puts more effort into it than he’d ever admit
Uses stories pretty frequently
Usually to show off his game stats and victories or to vent about some annoying inconvenience that's just happened to him 
balladeer Jfc the train is late again I may as well just walk home everyday ffs
All his late night gaming photos are so highly saturated in his pitch black bedroom, the only source of light being his screen on max brightness and his violet RGB keyboard. If you raise the screen brightness on your phone you might be able to make out some empty Monster cans and ramen cups on his desk—he absolutely gives Discord / Reddit mod vibes 🤢
Definitely has a story archive just for Valorant 🤮
I wanna fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid—
Posts a few selfies to show a new piercing or the very rare occasion where he’s feeling really confident in his looks
unintentionally thirst traps the emo boy lovers; yes, I am talking about you and I—
Lightly edits photos or uses filters to make them look good but nothing extreme or super aesthetic, mostly just for decent contrast
Usually the first one to see any of his friends posts but never ‘likes’ them
Will leave snarky or sarcastic comments when the mood strikes tho
His pfp is a candid picture someone else took that he thinks he looks decent in—sticking his tongue out and giving double middle fingers to the camera
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Makes a post or story for every date you guys have, even if it’s just a vague picture of your shoes together
He likes to show off that he has such an attractive s/o but also lowkey just wants to have a memory to look back on for the nights he feels lonely
Doesn’t post just you though, he’s always in frame holding you or touching you in some way—he feels the need to put some sort of claim cause he thinks people are gonna shoot their shot with you—he’s kinda paranoid and insecure, pls have patience w him
Likes and comments on all of your posts. Sometimes it's a snarky quip like if you post about you and your friends doing something funny he might comment “lmao ur so dumb” but if its a selfie or something you’re proud of, he leaves a little compliment and heart emoji.
YN0103 [bedroom mirror selfie of you shyly posing in a dress]
YN0103  Bought a new dress today…it’s not my usual style but I rlly like it 🥺
balladeer cute 💜
If anyone ever confronts him in person about his nice comments on your posts tho he’ll get flustered and claim his account was temporarily hacked LOL
His heart def flutters when you post a picture of him on your own account
He kinda can’t believe you’re proud enough of him to publicly post about him
Changes his pfp to the two of you together and, if you zoom in and squint, you can tell he’s kind of smiling <3
Zhongli // @ rex_lapis
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
I’m sorry but I have to do it…
He has Facebook grandpa vibes
Like he has no idea how to use half of the features; stories are an absolute mystery to him. What is a reel?
But he tries to be supportive of his friends and will leave way-too eloquent comments with a Wikipedia levels of supplemental information
a1atus [ photo of a shiny Fender acoustic guitar laying on what seems to be a bed]
a1atus new guitar
rex_lapis Lovely new instrument, Xiao. You seem to have quite good tastes – that particular model is popular among many professional musicians. It is well renowned for its clear sound and beautiful mahogany exterior. If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to hear you play it someday over tea.
a1atus @ rex_lapis thanks
the way I cackled writing that exchange ygweyufgwyu Xiaos just like ‘thanks for commenting dad’
His pfp is not him—it’s probably a famous painting he likes or a beautiful white flower from a garden he visited
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
If you want him to improve his Insta game, you’re going to have to teach him, I’m sorry
On the up side, Zhongli is a great student and is eager to learn anything you teach him
Will try to post pretty regularly; usually somewhat mediocre photos of beautiful scenery like sunsets and flowers
Like Scaramouche, he enjoys the idea of documentary your time together so he posts something at the end of each of your dates
Your heart lowkey melts when Zhongli, very earnestly, asks after dinner if you’ll allow him to take a selfie with you to post on his Instagram
Regularly asks for feedback on his posts to ensure he’s properly taking your advice and improving :,)
He even starts organizing and naming story archives on his profile—simple titles like “tea,” “nature,” “friends,” and “my dearest”
Likes and comments on every single one of your posts and replies to all of your stories, even if he was there with you
Usually just lathers you in compliments on your beauty or tastes but they’re so thoughtfully written that it’s obvious he’s not “just saying it” and genuinely believes all the kind things about you he writes
YN1231 [photo of you twirling in a summer dress amidst a colorful of bed of flowers in a botanical garden, take by your friend]
YN1231 It’s finally starting to feel like spring! 🌸🌼🌺
rex_lapis While the camelias are lovely, they pale in comparison to your radiance. Your yellow sundress is also quite lovely and compliments your complexion in the morning sunlight. Truly a divine sight. 
balladeer @ YN1231 @ rex_lapis ugh can you guys keep it in the DMs
- Changes his pfp to a selfie of himself smiling after you told him he should. The angle is a little odd but he’s so naturally attractive that he still manages to look good. 
Ajax // @ tartaglia_on_top 
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Doesn’t post too often but when he does, it kinda gives stereotypical frat boy
Like, lots of parties and shirtless beach photos with his friends
The surprise is the occasional posts of his little siblings and kids he volunteers with in between
He sometimes posts championship and practice photos from his martial arts competitions with captions thanking his team and mentors
Is pretty popular—has a few thousand followers, many are people he met just once or twice at parties or genuine friends and classmates, but the vast majority are online fans who just follow cause he’s hot LOL
Is the type of person you followed once after meeting a long time ago and never talk to again but you can’t bring yourself to unfollow cause he’s nice and his updates are kinda interesting and he’s hot
Isn’t online that much so he doesn’t like/comment on his friends’ every post but usually tries to leave congratulatory messages when someone accomplishes something or graduates
His pfp is a closeup of himself with a boyish grin he cropped from a group photo
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
It is super obvious when you guys start dating cause almost every post from that point is about you in some way LOL
tartaglia_on_top [photo of Ajax, sweaty and exhausted but clearly excited as he holds a trophy in one hand with the other wrapped around your waist while he presses a kiss to your cheek]
tartaglia_on_top Officially a 3 year championship winner! Thanks to my biggest supporter @ YN0720 😘
He’s not even consciously trying to post you all the time, it just happens because you are either always together or any memorable moment he thinks are worth an Insta post involve you in some way
You’re the only person, aside from his family - that he actually likes/comments on all posts for
Is the type of boyfriend to leave those super dramatic, embarrassing comments on your selfies like “DAAAMN BABE 🥵 finna make me act UP” and, in one particularly shameless case, “god youre so hot pls step on me queen 😍” 
Please block him
He shamelessly liked all your past posts from before you too met as well—you were kinda mortified to wake up one morning to a notification that just said “what a lil cutie ❤️” on a post of yourself from seventh grade. 
Changes his pfp to a couple selfie he took of the two of you kissing on a winter vacation in the mountains
Kaveh // @ kaveh.designs
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Obsessed with having an aesthetic profile
Like, the color palette of the background and clothing in his pfp selfie are carefully matched with the cover of each of his story archives, down to the hex code
He carefully edits every post and uses filters to make them all fit with his theme no matter how inaccurate to real life they may become
“Huh…I thought your bedroom wall was a bit more orange than this…” 
“Oh, that’s cause I use 30% Juno in all my bedroom photos for a warmer finish.”
Despite his aesthetic profile, he doesn’t come off as particularly vain or narcissistic—only posts selfies when he’s has a particularly good hair day or changed his accessories
Most of his posts are of places he travels to (museums and big cities with interesting architecture) or his own sketches and rendered design projects
Online pretty frequently, always checks insta when he wakes up, before bed, and during lunch breaks
His stories are often project updates, interesting things he encounters throughout the day, or food photos
Only likes posts he actually likes and sometimes comments with photography critiques
tighnar1 [photo of a cluster of three bright blue mushrooms clustered against vibrant green grass and patches of dark, wet soil]
tighnar1 Proof the forest is an amazing place: found this beautiful little cluster of juvenile Rakkhashava mushrooms on my hike today. Great spotting by @ colleeei. Check my story for some cool mushroom facts. 🍄
kaveh.designs great photo composition, Tigh, perfect golden ratio on the caps.
tighnar1 @ kaveh.designs Thanks I guess…
Has a decent number of followers, many of whom are also artists familiar with Kaveh’s reputation from the Kshahrewar. Others just like his OOTD stories and charming smile
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
Kaveh revamps his entire profile once you two become official
His pfp becomes a candid taken by a stranger of the two of you together at an aquarium, holding hands as you point something out to him through the glass
It was taken by a photographer working at the aquarium as part of a promotion—the photographer showed you two the photo and asked for permission to post it on their official website and Kaveh was absolutely obsessed with the photo—it’s still one of his favorite and it doesn’t even show your faces
He still matches his archived story covers to his new pfp but his actual feed had become a lot more relaxed and natural now
He still slightly edits photos so they look as good as possible, but he doesn’t like using filters on photos of you or the two of you together because he thinks it would be a disservice to your natural beauty
Like Ajax, his posts and stories naturally become mostly about you whether scenes from your dates—candid photos he takes of you where he insists you look like art even though you’re just in pajamas with an unmade face—or even photos of things he sees throughout the day that remind him of you
Sometimes he posts stories of funny reels or art pieces he knows you’d like and tags you in them with messages like “@YN0709 omg remember when we were talking abt this?” and “me & @ YN0709💕”
Similar to Childe, leaves the most downbad, dramatic comments on your posts
YN0709 [swimsuit selfie]
YN0709 happy summer! ☀️🌊
kaveh.designs Oh my god my heart– 💘 I cannot believe I get to come home to this every night 👅💦
YN0709 @ kaveh.designs omg kaveh pls 💀
al_haitham @ kaveh.designs Every time I see one of your comments I regret ever learning how to read.
Alhaitham // @ al_haitham  
★ ★ pre-relationship ★ ★
Only made an account so his friends would stop bothering him about not keeping up with things tbh
Checks his feed a few times a day but skips through stories if they’re too long/too many
Absolutely hates concert stories the most cause they’d loud, long, and filled with off-key drunken singing
Never likes or comments on anything unless it’s really interesting to him
Occasionally shares reels in his story that are like interesting history facts or official Akademiya announcements
Has a few posts (and only cause Kaveh would not shut up about it) but they’re mostly just pictures of book covers he’d just finished reading with a detailed review or literary analysis as the caption—but he’s mindful of avoiding spoilers for those who haven’t read it
However, he does have one post that stands out quite a bit
He posted an unintentional gym third trap because he just happened to be working out, as is routine, and thought it might be nice to share some tips on proper rope pushdown form 
If you’re not a gym babe and don’t know what this is, I beg of you, please look up a gif or video and imagine Alhaitham doing this, shirtless. You’re welcome.
It has become his most popular post by far
His pfp is probably taken straight from his faculty ID card: plain background, bright lighting, neutral facial expression
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
After you two have become official and are pretty comfortably established in your relationship, he’ll post a photo of the two of you—probably one you took - with a simple caption like “Late night at Puspa Café with my favorite person 💚”
Everyone who knows him freaks out in the comments with variations of “omg hathie got an s/o???” and “wow he finally posted a normal pic of himself, y/n is a good influence” but he doesn’t reply to any of them lmao
If you use Instagram a lot, he’ll naturally become more active too because he enjoys learning more about what you like through your posts and stories
He likes all of your posts but never comments—if one of your posts interests him, he’d prefer to wait until he sees you later to ask you about it in person 
He just wants an excuse to talk to you more
As he becomes more active, little bits and pieces of your relationship naturally infiltrate his feed
His latest book review post has your favorite mug in the background because the two of you had breakfast together
His informational story post of an antique Sumerian emerald he found at a street vendor is being modeled by your pretty hands because you were with him when he saw it and later given to you after the vendor insisted on Alhaitham gifting it to his “beautiful spouse”
He changes his profile picture to the two of you from one of your many reading dates, comfortably lounging on a loveseat in a quiet corner of the library—and this time, he’s softly smiling
Tighnari // @ t1ghnar1
Surprisingly active on social media
He thinks social media is a great way to share information about the importance of forest conservation and get people to appreciate the beauty of Avidya forest
Makes one post almost every day and multiple stories
Needless to say, 90% of his posts are of plants or small animals he finds on his hikes or while working
His most popular posts are those of cute squirrels and birds that are being nursed back to health after being found wounded—animals just seem to naturally love him so the pictures are usually taken by his coworkers because his arms are full with cuddly animals that refuse to move
The other 10% of his posts are from the occasional hang outs with friends or coworkers after work—snaps of iced fruit teas from Puspa café or colorful clay plates overflowing with Collei’s homemade pita pockets. 
He makes sure to reply to or at least like every comment, particularly those from people asking questions about the plants he posts or how to become a forest ranger. Even simple “wow that's so cool” comments often get at least a “thanks, glad you liked it” from Tighnari
He tends to use some cute forest or food emoji when they fit with his posts. For example, 🍄,🥙,🦊,🐦, etc.
Also tends to use “:)” when replying to his followers because he knows it can be difficult to read tone in text-based communications
Tigh is basically a social media manager at this point oops
Because he is online so much, he naturally keeps up with almost everything his friends post and will like or comment on things he finds interesting
His pfp is a selfie of himself with a small yellow bird perched on his shoulder from one of his patrols
★ ★ in a relationship ★ ★
All Tighnaris written by me WILL follow the “fennec foxes mate for life” trope regardless of AU, it is an indisputable law of the universe
If you’re in a relationship with Tighnari, you should be prepared for stability and commitment in general
While he doesn’t go out of his way to make an official announcement post or anything like that, you become a regular feature on his page
Will tag you in anything you’re related to, unless you specifically ask him not to
t1ghnar1 [photo of a small, cream-colored fox brushing itself against Tighnari’s leg and looking up at the camera with large eyes]
t1ghnar1 On a walk with @ YN1229 this morning we spotted this cute little kit without her mom. 🦊 While adorable, foxes - even kits - are wild animals and should never be approached unless by professionals. We have informed the local animal control where she will be taken care of until we can locate her family. Photo by @ YN1229
He never outright announces you as his lover but he seems to spend so much time with you and refer to you so casually that his followers who don’t know him just assume you’re his spouse LOL
He doesn’t bother to correct them either :,)
bennie_boy Wow, that mountain is so high up - wasn’t ur spouse scared to go up there?
t1ghnar1 @ bennie_boy Y/n has been on so many trips like this with me that they’re pretty used to it. :)
Likes your posts as he see them on his feed and occasionally leaves a short comment like, “beautiful <3”
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norman-fucking-reedus · 7 months
Okaay we’ve talked about Daryl with his daughter but lets talk about your pregnancy for a second..
I can imagine Daryl coming back late in the night, so tired and sore from a long day of work. You had only found out a few hours prior, and seeing the physical ache in his body you knew he could use some hopefully very good news.
“Hi there hunterman” You whispered, sliding his crossbow off his shoulders as he kicked his muddy boots off.
Daryl dropped his head down onto your shoulder, sighing heavily. “Hi”
A moment a silence passed, you simply combing your fingers through Daryl’s hair before gently guiding him to raise his head, eyes meeting yours.
“I have something to tell you” Daryl raised a brow, hands settling st your waist. “Not dyin’ are ya?” You giggled, shaking your head
Reaching for your back pocket, you pulled the test out and handed it to him, watching as he took it between his fingers with a confused gaze, which quickly turned into excitement.
“No way”
“Yes way. We’re gonna have a little Dixon”
Daryl wrapped his arms tightly around you, smile resting on his face until it slowly disappear, a set of tears following suit. He sniffled softly, and you raised your hands up to wipe his falling tears. “It’s okay, big guy.”
“Wha’ if m’not a good dad?” He whispered, and you rolled your eyes at him. “I wouldn’t have picked you if I didn’t think you’d be a perfect dad” You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him passionately as his arm circled your waist, a hand sliding up your shirt and caressing the skin.
When you start to go through hormone changes and start forming a bump, Daryl becomes super protective of you. Much so to the point that it annoys you but he doesn’t care, he’ll literally die before someone lays a finger on his woman.
He strictly forbids you from leaving the walls, telling everyone on watch duty to not let you out no matter how much you yell, which in fact, yelled at them a lot. He also refused to let you carry anything that looked just a hair too heavy.
“Nope. Nah. Give ‘ere girl.”
“I can carry it, Dixon”
“I’on care, give it ta me”
He’ll forcibly take the item out your hand, because simply how dare you have to even lift a finger with that baby inside you.
I also honestly feel like Daryl would be really scared to have sex during your pregnancy. Now if its pleasure that you want, Daryl has no probably eating you out till your eyes are rolling and his jaw is cramping.
“I dun’ wanna hurt tha baby”
“Hurt them how?”
“..With m’dick??”
I think about the scene from Big Mouth when Jay fucks his pillow and screams “My dick is right next to the baby’s head” That’s all i’m gonna say about that
Daryl makes sure to give you half of his food, and you don’t have a choice but to take it. (Unless the baby says otherwise) He purposely hunts extra food for that you can have more to eat, especially the further you get along.
By the time you’re about seven months and very undoubtedly pregnant, Daryl would murder anyone in cold blood if they even looked at you wrong.
Although you were crabby and yelled a lot, he was at your complete beck and call. Daryl could only loving stare at you when you complained over something, thinking about how gorgeous you were and how lucky he was that you were the mother of his child.
“Nothing fits right anymore! My shoes don’t even fit”
“Ya don’ need yer shoes if ya never leave”
“I never leave ‘cause you keep me locked here like a fucking prisoner”
“M’keepin my pretty girls safe”
Lots of his clothes have been sacrificed considering you’re literally busting out of yours, and something predatory washes over him seeing your belly prutrude through his shirts.
Birth is definitely hard and Daryl definitely passed out once or twice, but being the man he is he forced himself to pull through for you, and the scars from your nails dragging down his flesh will be a fond memory followed by the sweet sound of loud crying.
You know how much Daryl loves kids, and you’re exhausted from all the pushing, so it only makes sense that he gets first hold. You watch with a small smile as Siddiq guides Daryl to take his shirt off, watching the burly man nervously but eagerly (and carefully) take his newborn into his large hands.
In that moment, cradling his very own precious babygirl, it felt like you were the only three people on earth. Daryl couldn’t take his eyes off the wiggling bundle of life in his arms, rocking slowly in the chair as he burned the image of her tiny little face into his mind.
As you stared at him, you couldn’t help but think about how you really did pick the perfect dad. Daryl Dixon, a hard, strong, intimidating man fear by many, who was now sitting softly, gently and quietly with his daughter laying ontop his bare chest, a large hand keeping her secured. Already a major daddys girl.
The baby stage is easily Daryl’s favorite, and he definitely gets up in the middle of the night when she starts crying or fussing.
I don’t think he’d put her down for a second, like you just won’t see Daryl without her hooked around his arm. He doesn’t bring her into the garage during bike repairs until shes older, not wanting to let his baby inhale toxic bike fumes.
Dog is her protector. Most dogs understand what babies are and how vulnerable to the world they are, so Daryl definitely trains Dog to stay by her side when he can’t be. Instead of sleeping on the couch Dog now sleeps right outside her crib.
On the one occasion when a group a raiders had started searching houses, yours having been one of the first, one of the men made the mistake of opening her door, Dog jumping swiftly into protective mode and clamping his canines into the mans leg.
When it comes to breastfeeding, I can imagine the extra lengths Daryl would go. He makes sure you have enough food and nutrients to produce, and totally massages your boobs when you complain about the soreness.
When she’s big enough to start wearing clothes rather than onesies, Daryl definitely finds lots of super cute girly stuff for her because well only the best for his girls. He spoils her totally rotten.
Maybe not completely, but y’know. Her first words end up being an adorably butchered version of Daryl’s name, one that makes him wanna cry and scream cause his daughters first words were his own name.
“Ohh good jobs mommas baby! That’s daddys name!”
“She- said- she said- she just- she”
“It’s okay, Baryl we all heard it”
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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raspberriesoda · 6 months
and again. » ljn
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genre | angst with fluffy ending, jeno x reader, college au
word count | 2.7k
summary | you hadn’t seen jeno since you had broken up, but a new year’s party brings you back together again, physically and emotionally
warnings | argument, small mention of past relationship issues and insecurity, light swearing, teeniest alcohol mention, flashback where jeno is a dick to reader, one female pet name (pretty girl) but i think its pretty gn aside from that
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tonight marks roughly one year.
it’s been an entire twelve months since the big fight that had ultimately caused the downfall of one of the most fawned over relationships on campus. in one year, you’d surprisingly- impressively, even- managed to avoid talking to him or seeing him in person at all.
which really, was your biggest motive for desperately wanting to skip out on the party tonight. you knew jeno would be there, despite the numerous attempts by all of your friends of trying to convince you otherwise. but you knew that you couldn’t bail on everyone who hadn’t seen you since you arrived back from visiting home. not to mention, everyone was going to be there. it’s new years eve, and no one misses the new years party. so you just had to swallow your pride and attend.
the fact that it was the very same party that drove you apart the year prior, however, is another major reason you’d rather just stay home.
even as you sat in your best friend’s car, you weighed your options.
“do we really have to go?”
“are you really asking me that when we’re already half way there?” ningning asks, but its less of a question and more of a statement. “i can drop you off on the street if you really want me to,” she jabs.
you groan, your head falling against the headrest and your hands sliding down your face.
“who’s to say he’s even gonna be there anyway?” karina asks from the backseat.
“stop giving me hope, everyone is going to be there.” you sulk, crossing your arms and sinking down in the passenger seat.
“then what are the chances you'll even run into him? more people more distractions, right?” giselle consoles. she had a valid point, but even the slimmest chance made you want to rip your hair out.
ningning parallel parks her car on the side of the residential road, and the house party practically lights up the entire night sky. your girlfriends chatter excitedly as their heels clack on the sidewalk, all the while you’re hoping, praying that karina and giselle are right.
but as fate would have it, not even three footsteps in the door, you spot him. and unfortunately, your presence doesn’t go unnoticed either.
jeno is stood by the fireplace, deep in conversation, but sees you almost immediately upon your arrival, like the universe was on a timer, counting down to the exact second that your eyes would meet again, not a moment too soon or too late. his lips are parted like he stopped mid sentence, and you stand dumbfounded in the doorway, staring stupidly at him as people shove past you to enter.
renjun taps jeno’s shoulder from beside him, most likely trying to bring his attention back, but jeno’s eyes never leave yours, and you see him mouth your name in response to his confused friend, making your heart flip. renjun follows his eyes, adding to the unwanted attention that’s been placed on you. jeno then suddenly takes a few steps toward you, squeezing through the dense crowd, but before you think it through, you scurry off in the other direction.
“y/n, will you stop pouting about it already?”
you enter your apartment with jeno trailing behind you, your mood extremely sour as you open the door and let it slam against the wall.
“i’m not pouting, jeno. i’m upset, do you not get that?”
“you’re so dramatic,” jeno scoffs. he kicks off his shoes and drops his jacket over the back of your couch, so nonchalant about the whole situation that it makes you even angrier.
“she was all over you!” you cry out in desperation. you’ve repeated this what seemed like a hundred times already, but no matter what you said jeno wouldn’t even attempt to understand.
or maybe, he just didn't care.
“you couldn't even bother to just tell her to stop!”
jeno rolls his eyes. “i told you, y/n, i did tell her to stop. she wouldn’t listen.”
“then that's when you walk away, jeno. push her off of you, ignore her, anything! actions speak louder than words.” your arms flail wildly as you speak. “why do i even have to explain something like this to you? i’ve told you about what’s happened to me before and-“
he’s not even looking at you.
“are you listening?! do you even give a shit about how i feel right now?”
“not when you’re acting like this, y/n.” he drones, tapping away at his phone screen. “maybe if you’d just calm down and acted a little less crazy i’d be more inclined.”
all you feel is red. red from the sting of tears muddling your line of vision. red from the prick of your nails digging into your palms as they grip into fists at your sides. red for the old wound he’s just slashed open.
your voice is low and calm when you speak again.
“get the fuck out of here, jeno.”
only then does he decide to look at you.
“babe-” the smallest hint of guilt crosses his eyes, but he’s burned the bridge already. he reaches a hand out toward you, but you step back as if he’s venomous.
“get out!” you screech, not even caring that it rattles the walls. jeno flinches back. with a huff, he grabs his things and stomps out the door, slamming it behind him.
against all odds, everywhere you look, he’s there.
you see him when you’re seated by the tv watching a tipsy group of freshman struggle to get through a round of a dancing game; he’s sitting on the opposite end of the couch, laughing when they stumble.
and again, when you’re outside soaking in the fresh air; he’s got the attention of everyone lounging in the hot tub, telling them stories behind the constellations visible from the deck.
and again, when you’re reaching into the fridge for another drink; he’s pouring shots for swooning girls at the kitchen island.
always suspiciously close, yet just far enough away.
you initially thought it to be just an unfortunate coincidence, but the house was much too big and had too many other places to be. he’s attracting way too much attention to himself in such ways that it’s impossible for him not to be pining for yours in particular.
enough is enough. you decide that if jeno wants a show, you’ll give him a show.
the basement is the one place left in the house where you hadn’t seen him. its a cozy little space, with sports banners and posters of swimsuit clad models cluttering the walls, and along with the pair of couches there's a large pool table. you watch as your friend jaemin stands beside it, twirling his pool cue in his hands, laughing at something haechan had said. you swirl the liquid around in your red solo cup, an idea brewing in your mind.
right on time, you see jeno descend the staircase. you stand, walking over to jaemin.
“help me with something,” you whisper into his ear. he gives you a curious look, but when your eyes flick over to jeno, jaemin understands immediately and gives you a subtle nod.
it’s no secret to you- or to anyone, really- that jeno is watching you. you can feel his eyes on you, burning your skin as you grab the cue from jaemin’s hand and lean over the bright green table to shoot a striped ball into a pocket. jaemin gives you a charming smile, complimenting your technique. his bubblegum hair reminds you of the color jeno’s was before the breakup. it’s never bothered you before, but your heart involuntarily twists at the thought.
you hum, rounding the table to stand right beside your pink haired friend, scanning for the right ball to shoot in next. you lift your cue to point at the number ten ball, turning to jaemin, tilting your head.
“i don’t think i can get this one on my own, do you mind helping me out?” you ask smoothly, dragging your fingers up his arm. your friend picks up quickly, smirking down at your innocently pouty expression.
“sure thing, pretty,” jaemin hums with faux flirtation. he does a flawless job of dragging his hands along all of the parts your body that were jeno’s favorites, and you can almost feel his stare burn hotter. you not-so-subtly bite down a grin as jaemin leans over you, breathing heavily down your neck as he guides the cue through your arms, shooting the ball directly into a pocket.
after watching from the corner for a while, jeno begins to make his way towards you, telling you that he’s had enough of staying arms length away.
“you’re not subtle,” jeno says bluntly. its directed at you, but he’s glaring at jaemin.
you scowl, casually chalking up the tip of the cue you hold. “a bit narcissistic to think this is about you, don’t you think?” you hadn't expected those to be the first words you’d spoken to him in a year.
“do you mind?” jaemin interjects, his hand resting on your hip. “we’re in the middle of something.”
the tension in the room rises.
“well, whenever you’re finished,” jeno spits through his teeth. he shifts his eyes down toward you then, his gaze just a little bit softer. “i’d be really grateful if you’d meet me outside. i wanna talk to you, if you’ll let me.” and with that he’s gone.
after serious contemplation, you do decide meet him outside, despite a very sensible voice in your head telling you not to. as soon as you slide open the glass door and step out onto the grass, he’s leaning against the side of the house, closer to you than he’s been all night- all year. this close up view of him makes your heart flutter more than you’d ever be willing to admit in the moment. his hair is a shade of brown you’ve never seen on him, but his eyes glimmer just the same as they always have when he looks at you.
“long time no see, baby,” he greets you, the corner of his mouth tipped up in a small somber looking smile.
“that’s not my name.”
“it used to be,” he replies. you roll your eyes.
“what do you want, jeno?” it’s harder to say his name out loud than you thought it would be.
“i know you’ve been thinking about it, too,” he says softly, a very sharp contrast from the vibe he’s been presenting to other partygoers the entire night. the bass thumping upstairs is synched with your heartbeat. you still can’t bring yourself to look directly at him. “there’s no other reason you’d pull a stunt like that. jaemin is handsome, sure, but he’s not your type.” you fold your arms, slumping a bit. you hate that he’s right; that you haven’t changed enough during the time that’s passed and he can still read you like an open book.
“doesn’t feel so good, does it?”
jeno swallows, his head bowing forward to fix his eyes on his feet.
“i wanted to say i’m sorry.”
you turn to look at him then, your brows raised. “isn’t it a little late for that?”
“you blocked my number,” he says; you’d almost forgotten you had, in fact, blocked him on just about everything. “i couldn’t get a hold of you in person, either.
but i didn’t know what to say even if i could. there’s no excuse for what i said to you, and an ‘i’m sorry’ doesnt cut it.”
the look jeno is giving you is so genuine that its hard to breathe. all of a sudden your facade begins to crumble. “i can’t- i’m not doing this, not right now,” you tell him dolefully, turning around to slip back into the house, but he catches your elbow; his grip is soft, unthreatening, unmalicious.
“please, please just listen to me, i’m begging you.” when you turn around he’s on his knees, looking up at you with a pleading look on his face and your hand is clasped between both of his own. you despise how he looks so beautiful in the dim moonlight.
“jeno.” you blink your tears away. “don’t beg for me, please.”
he tugs lightly on your wrist, and reluctantly you sink down to kneel in front of him on the grass.
“i haven’t had a full night’s sleep in a year. every time i dream, its about you. believe me y/n i've tried so hard to let it go but the things i said to you still haunt me.”
his eyes flicker across yours, glistening with tears of his own, searching for something he can grab onto. the floodgates holding your emotions in begin to crack at a rate that’s too quick for you to keep up with. “you, you knew how i felt, about things like that,” your voice stutters, your lip quivers. “you knew, and, and you still-“ you choke on a sob.
“i know. y/n i’m so sorry,” he gingerly lifts a hand to your face, pausing for a moment, but when you don’t lean away or swat at him, his thumb brushes your cheek to wipe a tear away that’s just fallen from your lashes, tenderly tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “thinking about how i made you feel that night makes me so disgusted with myself. i never ever wanted to hurt you, but the fact is that i did and i can’t forgive myself for that.”
a moment of quiet passes between you. you wipe at your face with the sleeve of your sweater over and over but your tears don’t stop and the runaway drops fall onto your bare knees.
“do you remember when we won king and queen of prom court in high school?”
his sudden question puzzles you. you look up at him, and you see the real jeno. your jeno, soft and simple and so full of love.
“we went out for ice cream after the dance. it was the first night i told you i loved you.
and again, when we went to your sister's wedding together. you accidentally spilled red wine on my favorite white dress shirt. you were trying so hard not to cry, but i told you it didn’t matter, because i loved you.
and again, when we took your little brother and his friends out to that laser tag place for his birthday. we played one on one, and when you asked me why i let you win, i told you it was because i loved you.
and again, when you broke your wrist falling off the old tire swing in your front yard. you asked me why i came over every night to feed you dinner, even though you didn’t need the help, and i told you it’s because i loved you.”
“what are you doing?” you cut him off before he can continue any further, your voice small and trembling.
“i’m telling you that i still love you.”
he scoots forward on the ground, his body now so close to yours that you can feel his warmth. “i know i don’t deserve it, but all i’m asking for is another chance to love you right, the way you deserve to be loved.” his fingers cling tightly to your hand he still holds as he speaks.
“i don't know where you stand, so you’ve got all the power in your hands right now. stay here with me, and i’ll know we’re on the same page. turn around, and i’ll leave you alone, and you won’t see me again. it’s your choice, and i won’t judge you either way. your word is the final word.”
you feel heavy. his sweet words and the smell of his familiar cologne are intoxicating, but you do know you have the ability to get up and walk away right now if you want to.
but… do you want to?
the painful racing of your heart reminds you that no matter what, no matter how long you’ve been apart, you love jeno. you always have you and always will.
you raise a hesitant arm, placing your shaking hand lightly on his shoulder, and he draws in a breath. your fingers dance upward, contemplating, lips parted slightly with hazy breaths. cupping his jaw, you lean upward, brushing your lips against his in the lightest kiss, testing the waters.
you ignite. suddenly you’re full of such a serene feeling of home, a feeling you hadn’t realized had been absent from your life from the second you pushed him out of it. all the memories you’d tried so hard to keep at bay come rushing back with the image of a soft and smiley jeno; one who’s never had anything but love for you. jeno sees your eyes light up, and he smiles dreamily at you. in an instant, you’ve never been more sure of anything.
you press yourself up against him, pulling him down into your lips, and he wraps you up in his arms. even though the house is filled with the sounds and heat of other people, it’s only you and jeno in the entire world. you pull away when you can’t control your cries anymore, burying your face in his neck instead.
“i’m sorry,” your voice wobbles as you let out the words, but jeno sweetly hushes you, rocking you back and forth in time with the rhythm of the muffled music.
“no apologies from you, pretty girl. none of this is your fault.” you feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders. he presses a gentle kiss to your temple, resting his chin on top of your head.
“i love you,” he reassures you. and he does again, and again, and again.
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
they ask, "do you have a man?"
alternatively: can’t be discreet to save anyone’s life
in which everyone is curious why the grid princess is still single despite instagram posts from them seem to be giving out another narrative
(series masterlist)
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logansargeant posted on their story!
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alexalbon ur never beating the dating allegations if u keep posting shit like this i fear
kidy/n omg i look so slay in that dress
logansargeant ugh you’re so right bb
lilymhe i need to know where she got this i fear 😔
logansargeant she said she will text you like a true girls girl ✊🏼
lilymhe ugh im in love with her
user1 gonna need you guys to announce you’re dating actually
user2 posting this and denying every dating allegation is actually crazy
user3 what if i jump in front of a moving train???
user4 such a boyfriend coded story from someone who’s not her boyfriend
kidy/n posted on their story!
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kidy/n is there ever a day u wake up n ur not an outright hater?
oscarpiastri no cause you guys are hanging out without so that really fuels my ability to hate
kidy/n u got ur own gf mate, spend time with her?? >:(
sebastianvettel this doesn’t scream “not dating” to the rest of the world btw
kidy/n ugh nobody will know grandpa
sebastianvettel wow hater alert
georgerussell63 still not dating i presume? 🤨
kidy/n no sir
georgerussell63 i smell a big fat lie i fear
user6 pls stop lying to the world and just kiss after a race 🙏🏼🙏🏼
user7 and why exactly is he nOt the one pushing u in a kart??
📍 home
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 56,984 others
kidy/n didn’t see the news cause we were somewhere else
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comments on this post have been limited.
oscarpiastri having fun without me should be a crime tbh
sebastianvettel this is why u weren’t answering ur phone?? ☹️
lilyzneimer photo credits where? 😔
kidy/n omg so trueeeeee i’m sorry i forgot
charles_leclerc making the uk look fun is a magic power
maxverstappen1 i heard the uk is only fun cause y/n lives there
landonorris what’s all this slander???
🎵 rex orange county - best friend
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liked by oscarpiastri, kidy/n and 56,940 others
logansargeant the only problem living with your best friend is that every night is party night
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kidy/n why are u telling people we’re alcoholics
oscarpiastri first you move in together, and now you’re not even inviting me to drink???
lilyzneimer cant believe i scored an invitation and u didnt
oscarpiastri wtf
kidy/n lol tough life oscar
user8 wow i thought they lived with oscar ngl
oscarpiastri ugh i wish
user9 why would he? he’s got a girlfriend
user10 really not dating?
sebastianvettel not sure how to feel about this
user11 them actually not being romantically involved is my roman empire
user12 in one universe, they’ve GOT to be dating
kidy/n so based
user13 wait i
formula1 drink safely pls 😀 (i’m begging for an invite)
logansargeant only if u pay for the alcohol
williamsracing not very family friendly of u ngl
kidy/n im sorry williams i tried to stop him ☹️
williamsracing its only ok bc its u
logansargeant ?
kidy/n posted on their story!
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logansargeant wowwww look at you go bb!! so pretty!!!
kidy/n ehheheheehhe
oscarpiastri wow busy girl
sebastianvettel and kristen approved of this!!?!?
sebastianvettel oh ok. youre just kinda wild lately idk
kidy/n whats that supposed to mean
sebastianvettel 🤷🏼‍♀️
maxverstappen1 the uggs are a no from me
kidy/n ok red bull merch lover
“thank you so much for being on the show,” hannah smiles into the mic. “i’m shocked to even receive the email from your pr manager, actually.”
“no, yeah,” she grins, nails pressed against her lips, biting down on the bottom. she’s never actually been on a podcast before. “we were talking about making an appearance somewhere, but i’m kinda - very - intimidated by men. i chose this podcast specifically.”
“oh, you know of our existence,” emma gushes, giggling slightly. “we feel so honoured. thank you so much.”
“honestly, i’m always around men,” she laughs, scrunching her nose. “i live with a man. so being around women is always a very nice change.”
“right, you recently moved in with logan sargeant in the uk,” hannah points out. “if you don’t mind me asking, how did that decision come about? because you’re really good friends with oscar piastri as well, how come he doesn’t live with you guys?”
“oh, that’s an interesting point,” emma frowns. “i never thought of that.”
“yeah, so growing up oscar and logan actually stayed with my family on and off just because they’ve got brothers and sisters that their parents would have to attend to back home,” she recalls out loud, remembering the sleepovers they’ve spend in the living room with her siblings. “i think when i was… like 15, oscar was 16, and logan was 17, obviously.
i think my sister and i had a really bad fight that turned the house upside down. i mentioned that i couldn’t wait to move out and never speak to her again — i was very overdramatic as a teen. and they were like ‘yeah, that’s a good idea! we should get a place!’”
“oh, so you didn’t even propose the idea of living together?”
“exactly! they just love inviting themselves to be a part of my life. they’ve got cars while i don’t, so that’s a big plus,” she laughs. “then, well, oscar met lily when he was 18 and they got an apartment together after oscar landed reserve driver for alpine. which then left logan and i to kinda figure things out. then, we both landed a contract to race in the 2023 season and both our racing headquarters are in uk, luckily. so we made the decision to move in together earlier this year.”
“so oscar bailed!”
“that’s okay,” she scoffs, waving off the host’s concern. “we live pretty close by, so lily and oscar are always at our place anyway.”
“so, i totally don’t wanna get into it. but like, girl to girl,” hannah grins giddily. “and i promise we’ll get into the racing stuff in a bit, but i’m just curious.”
“it’s okay because i like you guys,” she jokes. “ask away.”
“there’s a lot of speculation that you and logan seem to be too close to just be best friends,” hannah explains. “and it’s seemed to be a trend since you were in f2 together, so i just wanna ask you if… well…”
she smiles. this isn’t exactly the first time she’s heard that. while they preferred to keep their relationship under wraps for several reasons, her and logan aren’t very discreet either.
there are pictures on the internet, after races where they head to weigh-in together with logan holding her things, laughing as they walk, which is normal. but there are also a couple of pictures where they were caught with logan’s hand on her cheek, or of them walking in the paddocks with her hands wrapped around his arm.
she’s not shocked that people talk about their relationship, but more shocked that everyone seems to shrug it off as them being really good friends.
“we’re actually not romantically involved at all,” she lies, though her cheeks flush up at the thought of her boyfriend. “i think we met really early on in life so we’re super comfortable with each other.”
“so, you’re setting the record straight. you don’t have a man.”
she nods firmly. “i don’t have a man. not planning to get one — i’ve just been really busy with my career. if anything, logan is my stand-in date for every event.”
“that’s true friendship if i’ve ever seen one.”
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norizz-nation · 11 months
Charles + car sex + breeding
Just the perfect combination 😮‍💨
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Too much ❤️
Summary: when it comes to you and charles fucking in his car, things can get really messy and hot
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, breeding kink, anal, daddy kink, slut shaming, choking, dacryphilia, face slapping
Charles' Ferrari was something so precious to him. He loved his car so much. Probably more than you. But it didn't bother cause at the end of the day he gonna come crawling to you when he's needy. Tonight was a big night. Ever since Charles wrapped a ring around your finger, you both didn’t have much time to celebrate with his family and friends. "Don't wear anything that will make you regret it later darling" charles said as he fixed his shirt looking at himself in the mirror. "Its not my fault that no matter what I wear, it always pushes your button" you said as you smirked and went closer to him. You then hugged him from behind and kissed his back.
You wore this short satin dress that made every single curve of your body look perfect. You then finished doing your makeup. "Baby, we're getting late for dinner" charles said from your shared bedroom with him. As soon as you got out of the bathroom, charles' jaw dropped. Eyeing you slowly up and down. His expression was enough for you to understand that you took his breath away. You then smiled as you went to the edge of the bed charles was sitting. His hands couldn’t help but roam through your satin clothing as every time his hands went up, your ass flashed a little.
"No panties?" Charles' voice started to sound a bit harsh as you smiled at him innocently as you ran your fingers through his hair and shook your head. “Darling youre gonna pay for this, i swear, you are” Charles said as you pouted and leaned in to kiss him but he just grabbed you by your jaw as he whispered in your ear "do i look like im just messing around with you huh?" his breath started to tingle in your ear as you squirmed in his touch, his words, his breaths making you already so needy.
At the dinner, all you did was push charles' buttons. You teased him the whole time. Touching his thighs under the table. Perking your ass at his pretty visible bulge. You knew you were putting him on edge by the fact that you weren’t wearing any panties. His jaw clenched every time you did something like that. After having dinner you went to the bathroom and fixed your lipstick as you saw charles coming in. "What the fuck are you doing huh?" he said as his jaw clenched trying his best not to lose his mind and pull your dress up and start fucking you right there. "Nothing" you said innocently as you turned to look at him. He then grabbed your jaw as the other hand pulled on your hair forcing you to look at him. "Nothing? Then why are you acting like a slut in front of everyone?" charles said as a hard slap came across your cheek and it started to sting in pain. Your eyes tearing up. "I really need to put you in place, dont i?" he said as his hands caressed the cheek that he slapped earlier.
"Ohh f-fuck fuck daddy i-its too much for me! S-slow down!" you managed to get those words out as charles was fucking you in his beautiful Ferrari. His hands not leaving your ass as he guided your ass up and down his dick. Although you were on top of him but he was the one in charge. "I know you can take it baby. Its not like we haven’t done it before?" he said as he smirked. Your head fell back as you started to see stars. His breaths, your moans, skins slapping each other. Everything was just too much as you felt tears forming in your eyes. Your jaw dropped when you felt charles pushing two fingers inside your ass for a better grip as the double penetration hit you hard. You couldnt help but cry out in pleasure as he fingered your ass and fucked you at the same time. “Oh-h god im gonna c-cum so hard daddy, fuck!” You screamed out as your grip on his hair tightened. “Cum around my dick baby. I can feel your pussy squeeze out all your juices. Make daddy proud and cum like a good girl” he said as his pace continued to be fast. “Fuck fuck fuck” you murmured quite a lot of times as you came and your whole body ran out of energy. Being so vulnerable above him.
Charles then again guided your ass up and down his dick as you cried out in pleasure. “D-daddy t-too much p-please” you said as your tears ruined your makeup for the night. “But im not done yet baby. Let me fill you up with my warm cum. You want daddy to be proud of you right? Then take daddy’s dick like a good little girl and let your pussy swallow every drop of my cum” he said as one of his hands wrapped around your neck tightly as you whined at his words.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
just some eddie filth that came to me late last night - 18+
cw: unprotected sex, creampie, dacryphilia, slight breeding kink, daddy kink
riding eddie while he just watches you, hands folded behind his head, his expression unbothered. he has you bouncing on his cock so desperately, begging him to touch you, to give you more. you’re messily rocking your hips, strings of curses leaving your lips as eddie just chuckles to himself.
“c’mon, sweetheart, you can do better than that,” he huffs.
“eddie, please,” you whine, “please, I need more, I need you to move,” you brows worry together in desperation, your thighs burning with fatigue from how long you’ve been bouncing on him.
his hips don’t budge, his cock doesn’t rut into you the way you so badly wish it would, he just remains still. you’d been a brat earlier, letting some guy flirt with you at the store to rile him up, and this was eddie’s idea of a punishment. his reminder to you that you need him to make you feel good, the way no one else can. he knows it’s not enough for you to get off riding him by yourself, with no assistance from him or even from your own hand. the coil in your stomach aches, tension building but not enough, your clit throbbing with a need to be touched. you need eddie deeper, need his hands all over you, but you know if you try to get smart he’ll stop this whole thing altogether.
“please, daddy, please,” you’re close to tears as you beg. “I’ll be good, I promise I’ll be good, need you to make me feel so good baby,” you plead, pitiful whimpers falling from your lips as you sink down onto him once more.
“why should a brat like you get what she wants, hm? do you feel bad for how you were acting?”
“yes-” you choke out. “I’m sorry, ‘m so sorry. I n-need you to fuck me, eddie, please I can’t take it.”
fat tears are rolling down your cheeks at this point, trickling off your chin and down onto your breasts.
“aw, sweet girl’s gonna cry cause she wants my cock so bad? love when you cry those pretty tears for me, babydoll,” eddie taunts, but he finally brings a hand to your face to wipe a tear with his thumb.
“w-w-want you so bad, need you to make me cum” you stutter through your tears, wobbly lips curving into a pout.
eddie takes pity on you, deciding you’ve had enough as he finally brings his hands to rest on your hips. he guides your movements, urging you faster on his thick length. once your pace is steady, he moves his hips to match it, fucking himself into you right as your hips rock downwards. you cry out in pleasure, the head of his cock sinking so deep inside you. tears still stream down your cheeks, your eyes glassy as they meet eddie’s.
“hey now, sweet thing. daddy’s got you now, ‘kay? no more tears, baby. ‘m gonna make you feel so good,” he murmurs, wiping more tears away with the rough pads of his fingers.
your face presses into his neck, tits pressed to his chest as he wraps his arms around you, fucking you faster. one of his hands weaves its way between your sweaty bodies, rubbing your swollen clit in quick circles, just the way you like it. you’re almost screaming his name, his touch setting your body on fire after you’d been waiting what felt like forever for it.
“that’s it, baby, who makes you feel this good, huh?” he growls.
“you, eddie, only you- oh my god,” you moan, his cock relentless as it decimates your hole.
you’re so pent up, it doesn’t take long at all for him to make you cum. you gush around him, soaking the patch of curls at the base of his cock, your walls squeezing him so fucking tight as you ride out your high. he fills you to the brim with his release not long after, only to pull out and push his cum back in with his fingers when it starts to seep out of you.
“gotta keep every drop in there, baby, get you knocked up, hm? make sure everyone knows you’re mine,” he says, voice husky as his eyes rake up and down your body.
you give him a delirious smile from where you lay on his wrinkled sheets, nodding your head with a hum. shaggy curls tickle your face as he leans down to nibble at your jawline, peppering kisses on the bone, running his still-hard cock through your now slippery folds. his body wants more of you, animalistic urges taking over. the way you shudder when his cock nudges your entrance makes him think you want more too.
“hm, think you can handle another round?”
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