#cause i have one thats pretty similar but light grey
diah-the-demon · 1 year
... ok maybe it was a good idea i chose to do amity's season 2 outfit as all the other ones on the cosplay store lexy sent me are more expensive than that one
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kil-me-n0w · 2 years
I have something to say.
Hello there, I’m back with another thing to talk about.
JJK spoilers from the beginning up to the latest chapter- just don’t scroll if you aren’t caught up to the latest chapter as of February 10th 2023
I swear on everything if you get spoiled at this point it’s your own goddamn fault.
Thank you 🥰
So. We as a fandom have this misconception going that I would like to correct, and I’ve been meaning to talk about it for a while but denial is NOT just a river in Egypt- and now there’s physically no way to deny this so!
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These two, we always say that these two are parallels to these two.
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Which is absolutely true, but who we compare them to is wrong.
Every video and post of comparisons between SatoSugu and ItaFushi have paired up Gojo and Megumi, and Yuji and Geto.
And thats wrong.
Just hear me out for a second.
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We always match up Megumi and Gojo, mostly because they both have spikey hair, they’re both super powerful with influential families, they’re both meant to be clan leaders, and Gojo got raised by Tsumiki with Megumi.
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On the other side of that we always match up Geto and Yuji since they’ve both got an entity possessing them, Gojo was supposed to have killed them, they died and came back to life because of the entities possessing them, and they both have ties to Kenjaku.
None of these comparisons are necessarily WRONG, but they’re so surface level it hurts, and we’re missing the bigger picture here.
The right parallel is Yuji and Gojo, with Megumi and Geto. And Sukuna’s possession of Megumi confirmed that even more.
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Starting off with Yuji and Gojo!
Not only is it surface level shit, like their joking personalities and light hair, it’s the deeper things. Their characters as a whole.
Yuji and Gojo were both born to do things that shouldn’t be possible, containing Sukuna and Having the six eyes. They’ve got strong moral compasses and on top of that, they have a strong sense of duty. Even when it comes down to the wire, they’ll choose their responsibility. Their characters as a whole are perfectly complimentary to each other. Not to mention their happy acts to mask the fact that they don’t like anything happening around them.
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Then theres Megumi and Geto.
Again, surface level shit, dark hair, the asshole tendencies, and now the possession by another entity. But their similarities are also much deeper.
Geto before death was stuck in a “only the strong survive” mindset. He believed that weakness meant death. And that’s exactly what megumi thinks too. He sees strength as necessary for survival, not as something that gets developed. Another similarity is their power, they’re both able to summon curses, while their methods of obtaining those curses are very different, the basis of their abilities is the same: they use cursed energy to summon curses. They also both had a pretty damn strong sense of Justice, even if it seemed skewed at times, they saw injustice and couldn’t stand for it, fighting against it.
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Now for my own personal inputs since I write quite a bit like Akutami. In the case of Gojo killing Geto, if Yuji had ever been turned to the dark side, or fully possessed by Sukuna, Megumi wouldn’t be able to bring himself to kill Yuji. I’ll say it again.
Megumi wouldn’t be able to kill Yuji. Not because he’s not strong enough, but because he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to kill Yuji. He dosent have that sense of duty like Gojo and Yuji have- because while it would cause Yuji HUGE distress, he would be able to kill Megumi. Because that sense of duty, of NEEDING to do what’s right, that’s stuck on Yujis brain constantly.
And then theres the whole Geto destroying a town to save two little girls thing. Yuji is a good person, a kind person. But he’d never be able to do that. You know who would? Megumi. That strong sense of Justice would take over and he’d tear down the world to just save one person.
Geto and Megumi fall more under “grey” or “villain” mindsets, sacrificing many to save one. Where as Gojo and Yuji check the boxes for the classic heroes, sacrificing the one person- regardless of who it is- to save everyone else.
Thanks for reading this far- maybe this time I won’t ghost tumblr for like a whole ass year until I get another random idea!
The right way to paralell SatoSugu and ItaFushi is with Yuji as Gojo, and Megumi as Geto.
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brelione · 4 years
Wish I Was Sarah PT.1(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Kiara had first met you 3rd of December.You had been at a party,a christmas party to be specific.You were a kook which meant your parents forced you to go to all the big mansion parties all the time.All of the big ones were there,Sarah Cameron,Topper Thornton,Rafe Cameron,Kiara Carrera.All of them.
You had worn a sweater over a simple t shirt,too lazy to put on a dress like all the others.Your parents were just glad that you had agreed to make an appearance even if you looked like shit.You had sat in the corner of the couch,earbuds in.You were listening to Sweater Weather,thinking it was funny because you were,in fact,wearing a sweater.
Kiara had stood at the snack table for a while,holding a disgusting monstrosity of a cookie,debating on picking off the sprinkles and throwing them away.She had never really been a fan of sprinkles.She had glanced around the crowds,the moms talking as they ate cheese cubes,the dads talking as they drank beers and wine,the other teens probably getting high up in the bathroom.Then her eyes fell on you.
She felt her face heat up immediately,staring at you for a while.You were underdressed for the occasion,your earbuds in as you sat curled up on the couch,seeming tired of being there.She debated herself in her head,trying to decide whether to approach you or not.Eventually she gave in,walking across the room with fake confidence,sitting down next to you.She watched as you tensed up,your eyes going wide,your bottom lip between your teeth,wondering what she wanted.
You pulled out an earbud,looking up at the beautiful girl that had decided to sit next to you of all places. “Hey.”She smiled,holding out her hand to you. “Im Kiara.”She introduced herself.You pulled out your other earbud,a small grin on your face. “Hi.Im (Y/N).”You shook her hand,feeling your face heat up a bit. “So um….yeah.What song were you listening to?”She asked,trying not to laugh at how dumb she sounded.You showed her your phone,finding yourself moving closer to her on the couch. “You like Frozen ll a lot.”She laughed,watching you scroll through the playlist.
You nodded,handing her an earbud to make her listen to Lost In The Woods. “Ive never seen Frozen ll.”She admitted,watching as your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. “Kiara!Oh my god-whats wrong with you?”Your voice became higher as you talked,your hand covering your mouth.She laughed at you,shrugging. “Wait,have you seen the first one?”You asked.She nodded,watching as a look of relief came across your face. “Okay,did you like it?”You asked.She shrugged once again,smiling at your enthusiasm. 
“The second one is better I promise.”You answered.She rolled her eyes,leaning back against the couch. “Im serious!The soundtrack,the animation everything is so much better!”You exclaimed,shaking your phone as you spoke.She nodded. “Yeah,whatever you say.”She replied,watching as you tried to convince her. “You have to watch it!Please?”You pouted.She nodded,making you clap your hands in excitement as you went into your disney plus app.She watched as you scrolled through the movies,a big grin on your face because you had easily defeated her.
 “Its so cold in here.Who puts air conditioning on in december?”She complained out loud.You handed her your phone for a moment,not hesitating to pull off your sweater and hand it to her. “That’s pretty warm.”You told her,not really thinking about it.Her face turned red,biting her bottom lip as she held back a smile.
She had originally regretted her wardrobe choice of a green dress,the fabric light and flowy,her arms exposed which caused goosebumps to rise across her caramel skin.She didnt regret it now though as she pulled on your sweater,the warm fabric making the goosebumps go away.Her heart was thumping as you moved incredibly close to her,handing her an earbud and holding your phone in front of the two of you.
As you reached the point of Into The Unknown it was announced that dinner was ready,ham,turkey,potatoes,corn,rolls,pretty much everything imaginable.It disgusted you that you all had a feast of expensive,high quality food while people in The Cut were lucky to have a meal a day.The adults called the other teens downstairs for the meal and you promised Kiara that you’d finish watching it after.You two decided to sit next to eachother at the table,your sweater still on her.
She offered it back to you,saying that she didnt want to get food on it but you told her that it was fine and that it looked better on her anyways. “So the movie...what do you think about it so far?”You had asked softly as Kelce and Topper came down the stairs. “Its good.Its good,like you said,better than the first for sure.”She nodded,eyebrows furrowing when she noticed your eyes falling away from her and towards someone walking down the stairs.Sarah fucking Cameron.The blonde was wearing a nice,light grey dress that looked amazing on her figure,her hair in pretty braids.
Kiara saw the look in your eyes,the way they were full of wonder,mesmorized by Sarah Cameron.She felt like dying,like being eaten up by a black hole as she wondered how she could be so stupid.She had thought that maybe you were interested in her but it was probably because she had been the only girl there.Now that Sarah was here she would be lucky if she could get your attention back again. 
“So what do you think of the theory about Elsa?”She asked,glaring at Sarah.Your face heated up,taking your eyes off of the pretty blonde and back to Kiara. “What theory?”You asked,glancing over at Sarah every couple of moments.Kiara tried to hide her anger,covering it with a small grin. “The one about her being a lesbian.What do you think of it?”She asked,trying to learn more about you and if she even had a chance.You bit your lip,looking over at the plate of biscuits. 
“I mean,I think at this point we all just want representation in disney and in like,media in general but I dont think Elsa is a lesbian.I feel like she might be aromantic or maybe...well,I dont really know.There’s nothing-well,you know she actual might be a lesbian,”You paused,leaning forward to grab a biscuit and put it on your plate. 
“There’s this one scene in Frozen ll,ill point it out to you that has like vibes to it.But then again just because she doesnt have a male love interest doesnt exactly mean she’s a lesbian.Moana and Merida didnt have guys that they were in love with but that doesnt mean they’re lesbians.Merida might be a lesbian,have you seen how good she is in nature and cooking fish in the wild?And how she knew those berries were poison?Thats some cottage core lesbian shit.What was I talking about?”you asked,realising you had gotten caught up in the topic and had forgotten the original question.
Kiara smiled,glad to hear you speak so passionately about something. “If Elsa is a lesbian.”She held back a laugh,watching as the realisation came across your face. “Right,so the answer is yes but also no but also yes.Like at least fifty percent yes but also no but im 1000% confident in Merida being a lesbian.”You confirmed,cutting open your biscuit.She nodded,trying to think of a new topic before she lost your attention again. “So the whole thing of people shipping Else with Jack Frost.What do you think of that?”She asked,laughing when your fists slapped down in your lap,gaining the attention of Rafe and Sarah. 
“Dude literally it makes no sense!Jack Frost isnt even disney!Like the only reason anyone ever shipped them was because they have the same powers but Jack is like 300 years old and hes like...energetic and giggly and child-like and immature and she would get so annoyed so quick!She’s introverted and serious and of course theres nothing wrong with that but she gets like too embarrassed too fast and I cant see them ever getting together or even being friends.Like,Merida is most definitely a lesbian but if they’re gonna ship Jack with anyone it should be her!Their personalities are so similar.”You huffed,biting into a half of your biscuit.
She nodded,grabbing a scoop of mashed potatoes and putting it onto her plate. “Yeah,definitely.So who is your favorite disney princess?”She asked,sending a bitter glare towards Sarah.Sarah had been staring at you during your passionate speech,filtering out the other voices to listen to you.She found you fascinating,intriguing.She was trying to figure out why she didnt know you or if you were new to the island.You glanced her way,smirking to yourself when you saw her blush. “Um...I dont think I have a favorite.They’re all powerful and wonderful in their own ways and they all have pretty cool stories.Except Pocahontas,I hate that they romanticize colonization and in reality she was like ten and he was in his late twenties.The soundtrack was great though.”You shrugged,taking a sip of root beer.
She nodded,listening in to what the old folks were talking about.There were more people outside who had opted to take plates of food out there.Kiara wouldve preferred to go outside but it was colder out there and she hadnt been prepared.Her mother was looking at her from across the table but Kiara couldnt care less,too busy searching for your parents. “Hey,(Y/N)?”She asked quietly,getting your attention off of your biscuit. “Where are your parents?”She asked.You shrugged,getting your own scoop of mashed potatoes. “I think they’re outside.I dunno.”You answered.She nodded,continuing to eat,sending a glare towards Sarah every couple of moments. 
“Eat faster so we can finish the movie.”You told her,not thinking about it as you spoke.She smiled,hurrying to eat. “Wait,why dont we just go outside and watch it?”She suggested.You bit your cheek,trying to figure out why you hadnt thought of that.You nodded,standing up and picking up your root beer,balancing it on your plate and walking out of the house,Kiara close behind you. “Where are we going?”She asked.You grinned,careful as you walked down the hill. “I know a spot.”You answered,walking across the sand of the beach.
You had explored pretty much all spots of the beach and had found your favorite one,a cave behind a wall of rocks that you had personalized.You walked towards the rock wall,slipping through the crack. “What is this place?”She asked,still following you.You smiled,turning on your phone flash light so you could see the lantern that you had put in there,turning it on.Her face lit up,looking around the cave.Pillows,sheets,blankets,pretty curtains hanging from the walls,a bin of paints so you could paint the rocks. “Thats such a good question.I really dont know how it got here,I just went through the crack one day and kind of just found it.”You shrugged,sitting down in the pile of pillows and patting the spot next to you.She sat down,shifting so she was as close to you as possible,leaning her head against your shoulder to test the waters.You pulled the earbuds from you phone,turning up the volume of the movie.
@poguestyleskye​ @jjtheangel​ @balanceofgray​​ @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian 
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.If you’d like to be tagged in all Kelce content coment with a “>” and if youd like to be tagged in all Topper content comment with a “%”.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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joculatrixster · 3 years
hope this isn’t weird but that post abt cookies being drawn as white and poc is like. super inaccurate because whitewashing is never okay ??? like even if someone “looks” white colorism is still a thing and should be discouraged (not to mention op of the post mislabeled cookies as “white” when cookies lighter than them are in the poc category...)
woo boy this is gonna be a long post, pls read it all the way through because i dont want to repeat myself too much, this is a complicated matter so i have complicated feeling's on it as u could have seen from my reply criticizing the post itself, im also not gonna answer any anons on this that i think r being nasty or anything because honestly it took me a while to figure out my feelings on the cookei run race discourse and im pretty square in my opinions, anons telling me im rasict or something because of it wont shake me as much as they did the first time i tipped my toe into this cause im clear headed rn, im open to hearing other ppls thoughts so hear mine out too :)
yeah i saw the post as flawed but like i dont think ppl understand and im sorry to say it so bluntly but not everyone draws a cookie lighter because they think white is prettier they just see it as a humization, let me explain before anyone else sends an ask just based off that
its an artist interpretation of the character, hey if u personally would never ever lighten a characters skintone more power to u but given circumstances of lighting and tanning some skintones can vary as long as u dont make a character lose their more ethic traits like hair texture or facial features and try to be faithful then yeah just draw them as u interpret them, its up to how u perceive the character
like to be its about good faith interpretation did u draw someone like herb or adventurer as paler because u see them as white? that's fine they can be clearly read as caucasian so thats good faith, u can argue that they may be not caucasian but someone else can argue that they are and both hcs given the characters skintones would make sense
did u draw someone like pomegranate or kumiho as white? thats bad because their clearly poc and are either clearly brown or have codding in them like how kumiho is based off an east asian fox spirit 
like a LOOONG time ago i made a similar post back when i wasnt all that educated on some issues and ppl got mad at me which was fair, my post was rlly badly worded but the things ppl brought up was also just showing some ppl dont understand why whitewashing is bad, its not just about color its about seeing caucasian as an ethnicity more beautiful than any others and erasing what makes them a person of color as an “improvement” cookie run fans, especially the east asian ones, defiantly fall into that category but im sorry to point out that that op doesn't because they didnt say white is an improvement they said drawing them as a lighter skintone would make sense with the ethnic indicators of the character
since they are not humans there is margin of error because yes those are dugfh colros that's why some cookies aren't realistic human skintones and why u have to decided for urself where to draw the line with lighter brown cookeis cause it can be blurry, by ur own logic anon licorice should be white because his skin is a pale grey despite his dreads u see the issue there?? u have to take into mind the other indicators beyond the literal dough hue for if ur whitewashing a cookie, im a light skinned black person whos mixed race depending on if im inside a lot or outside a lot my skin can be near white color or a more tan so if u looked at pictures of me in different seasons ud think someone lighted my skintone in the winter pics but no skintones ca just naturally change like that irl given lighting and exposer to sunlight
if u rlly think lighting it a lil bit is instantly colorism pls educate urself on colorism, colorism is a serious issue in poc community and yall throwing around the term when its not what that is is rlly devaluing it im sorry to say which sucks because more ppl in this community need to learn about it
this is all just my take on the matter from my research and own perspectives, other ppl will feel differently and place a hard stance on it but honestly there's nothing morally wrong with this perspective and considering these are cookies they aren't actual reptrentation of human poc, as long as the dough color isn't drastically lighted or ur not erasing, of course this is just how i feel about cookie run specifically in other circumstances im less lax and i feel like ppl do whitewash some lighter skinned characters but yeah in relation to that post no i dont think its whitewashing personally i think op just interpreted the cookeis in that way
at the end of the day things liek this are not as black and white as both sides of the coin belive they are rlly, their gray and everyone's comfort zone for some characters are valid but pls stop calling stuff colorism when its not. i get why u guys think it is and honestly if it makes u uncomfy for any skintone variation to the lighter side that's fine but no its not rasict or colorism to think a light skinned cookie can be drawn with a lighter skintone as log as u dont say the character looks better that way because then they r being colorist
oh and before i forget i want to remind everyone that op is a minor dont fucking harrass them, critizie them with ur own opioins but dont harrass them because u dont agree with their perception of fictional characters thats petty and dont do it
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fleetwoodmak99 · 4 years
Primed for Sin (1/10)
Arthur Fleck x reader
Not requested. Just needed some good lovin from this broken boi. This is something I had on my mind for a while. Idk where this is gonna go but it tends to be on the darker side. If anyone has suggestion on what I can do with this story please lmk.
SUMMARY: Elena has lived in Gotham for only a few months with her 2 year old baby brother. Her parents abandoned the both of them and they were forced to take care of themselves. That's until she meets Arthur.
WARNINGS: None in this chapter other than being a terrible writer but there will be future smut and it will be dirty and filthy.
This chapter is gonna be pretty boring but its only to set up to story and show a more innocent side to Elena. Next chapter will be more sinister and will focus on Arthur's side.
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December 12, 1979.
'I'm sorry.' That's all the note said.
She had heard a knock at the door of her one bedroom apartment in Metropolis that her job supported. Anxiety spiked in her when she heard a big thud that followed along with footsteps that seemed to get getting quieter by the minute.
Leaving her plate of take out Chinese on the table in the living room, Elena walked slowly towards the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. She grabbed the wooden bat that was always stationed next to her front door. She raised it up, ready to use it as soon as she opened the door. Yet when she opened that door, she saw nothing threatening. She saw something innocent and kind.
A child.
A newborn of a few months to be exact.
She lowered the bat. Confused, she pushed back the black flaps of the baby carrier to examine it. Only to be meet with the brown eyes of the scared infant.
The boys eyes were red from crying. Her heart ached for the little guy. She grabbed the carrier and placed it on the kitchen table. The boy had started crying again, reaching his arms out to her. Elena struggled to figure out what to do. She took him out of the carrier, placing him in her arms. The boy must have been exhausted as he immediately leaned into her touch and closed his eyes in relief, the crying quickly fading away as he drifted off into sleep. Whatever had happened before he was with her really took a toll on the child.
She rubbed his back as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep. She stood there for a moment, taking in everything that had just happened.
Why be placed at her door step? Why her? Why would someone do this to a child? She recalled back to all the difficult times she had going through the system with her own parents.
Unless. No. It can't be. They wouldn't just have another baby to leave him at the door step of their only daughter. Would they?
Her fear became a reality when she saw her mothers cursive writing across a small piece of paper that laid in the back of the baby carrier. 'I'm sorry'.
Panic settled in her chest as she began to pace around the kitchen. She just couldn't believe it. That her parents were stupid enough to get pregnant when they had already known they didn't want kids. Then to top it all of they placed the responsibility on her. The one they couldn't take care of so they left. I guess it just seems to be a theme of theirs.
"Well little guy, I guess its just you and me." She whispered into the sleeping boys ear as she continued to rub his back.
Even though she didn't want to believe, she could feel it in her heart that they were related. She could already feel the connection starting to form. She knew she was for the long run as the boy started to snore in her arms.
Ch. 1
A year and a half later
Gotham City.
Elena woke up with a jolt, as a now almost 2 year old Michael jumps on the bed.
"Wake up sissy, wake up!" She smiled. She knew he would be waking up early and asking her to play. He did every morning.
"5 more minutes Mike." She groaned, only to hear him laugh.
"No, sissy. I wanna play with my trains and watch Thomas on the tv." Elena knew she had no other choice than to get up. Even though it was a pain in the ass to wake up at 7 in the morning on the dot each day but she loved it. No one would be able to see this but her. Not her parents, not some adopted parent, but her. His big sissy protecting him from the world.
Thats exactly what she did. Thats why they moved out to Gotham. After taking too much time off from work to take care of Michael, Elena had lost her job. She was forced to find a job in Gotham, working as a singer and bartender in a small comedy club.
Michael was going through babysitters left and right. He just couldn't stand to be away from her for too long. He would panic and get angry thinking his sister too had abandoned him. Throwing bad tantrum that had every babysitter calling her to come back home. Lucky she was able to get him into some sort of therapy.
She knew the pain he felt. She felt it too. She feels it now as she remembers what it was like to have no one. Elena wanted to give him the support she never had. So she was able to move some money around for him to be able to do so. He's been doing better. She saw how hard he tried to keep his emotions inside and not react. She promised herself she would do everything in her power to ease his pain.
During the day Michael would go to a behavioral center for children while Elena would be at work. Being with other children with similar situations always helped her so maybe it would help him too. It seemed to keep him busy enough for her to make some money.
After letting Michael do his morning routine of watching Thomas the Tank Engine while eating his toast, Elena got him and herself ready for the day. Realizing they only had a few minutes before they would be late, she tried pushing a one shoed Michael out the door.
She groaned as she leaned down to pick him up with his book bag and his other shoe in her hand as well as he purse hanging off her shoulder. She turned from locking her apartment door, moving quickly towards to elevator doors that were beginning to close with a tall man inside.
"Wait," she yelled out of frustration. Not expecting the man to actually do anything because she's come to realize that that's how it is here in Gotham. She was quickly put to shame as the man kindly grabbed the elevator doors, holding them open for her.
Elena ran to the doors and her and Michael slipped inside the elevator. Elena was finally able to breath as she let out a sign before turning to the man. "Thank you, not a lot of people would have done that."
She offered him a smile as she examined him. The man seemed tired, he was hunched over in the corner with a grey sweater with a tan jacket wrapped around his body. He had his hands at his side as if he was too nervous to move them. He looked up and pause as he stared into her eyes like he was taking in every inch of her.
Her smiled faded when he didn't say anything. Looked down at the floor, she placed Michael down on the elevator floor. She held her hand out so Mike could take it, which he did.
Michaels hand squeezed hers when the elevator jerked up and down as the lights flickered. It was frightening enough for elena to reach a hand out and grab the mans arm out of pure instinct. They stood in darkness for a few moments before the lights flickered back on. A sign of relief leaving Elena.
Elena immediately looked down at Michael. Feeling even more relieved when he has a small smirk on his face as he whispered to himself.
Her attention eventually turned to the man who had his eyes focused on her hand on his arm. She immediately retracted her hand. Taking a few steps back, she began profusely apologizing.
"Oh my. I'm so sorry sir. I didn't mean to do that. I just got scared. I don't know what I was thinking." She was panicking as she saw the mans face turn red. He began to laugh but it wasn't a normal laugh. It was almost painful. She couldn't help but be concerned for the man.
Her mouth began to open but no words came out. The man put a hand up to his face as he tried to hide himself. The other hand was frantically searching for something in his pocket. Once he had found what he was looking for, he handed it to her. It was a card. It explained his condition. A man who is forced to laugh no matter how he felt. Elenas heart ached for the man.
She handed the card back as instructed with a sad smile. She allowed the man a moment to himself as the laughter began to die down. He never kept his eyes off her. Even though he was a stranger, she oddly wanted to hold him or comfort him in some way. All she could do was offer her hand but someone else decided to beat her to the punch.
"Heres my train. His name is Thomas. He helps me feel I feel sad." Michael offered him a sweet smile as he extended his arm to the man, Thomas in hand. The man finally took his eyes away from her as they both turned to the small boy.
The man forced a smile and took the small tank engine from the boy. "Thank you." He whispered. He began to examine the toy, lifting it up to the light.
To Elenas surprise, the man began to make a train whistle as he made the train fly through the sky cause Michael to laugh. Michael then skipped back over to his sisters side.
The man smiled with accomplishment as he had successfully made the boy laugh and brought a smile to the pretty girls face. He locked eyes back with Elena as he chocked out his next words.
"I hope thats ok?"
It was more of a question than anything.
Elenas smiled softly, "of course. He has a million trains at home." She was beginning to notice to mans body relaxing as he squeezed the train.
His eyes stayed locked on hers as he opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted when the elevator doors open back up on to main floor of the apartment building. Elena quickly grabbed Michaels hand before turning to the man.
"I'm sorry. We're late." She gave him a nervous laugh as she began to walk out of the elevator but there was something about the sudden shot of sadness that shot across his face. She wanted to stay there and comfort him but she knew she couldn't.
With that she turned on her heel and walked out of the elevator. Leaving the man with nothing but her sweet smile and the smell of her perfume.
He watched her as she walked out of the building with the small boy close behind. He couldn't comprehend what had just happened. His heart leaped into his throat and he could feel the laughter coming back as the elevator doors slowly began to close.
He didn't know who she was, but he needed to.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep 40, July 2016 - Time cover showing pregnant rape victim, Hiranabe's bad luck, Brexit.
Kaoru starts by saying that at the time this episode is broadcast, Dir will just have finished thier live at Shinkiba Studio Coast. At the time of recording, the live has obviously yet to take place, but Joe assures Kaoru he will be there. Kaoru then says that an extra last minute date has been added to the tour at Zepp Tokyo on the 4th of July. It really is last minute because it was announced only a few ours ago on the 2nd of July.
Kaoru then states that although they have played it at lives, today will be the first public broadcast of the studio version of the new single, Utafumi. He then comments on how they have only been able to play one record per show recently, due to getting to carried away with the conversation. They don't yet know who will join them for the second half of the show, but they hope its Tasai.
Kaoru's first topic is about the controversial March 21st cover of Time International magazine, which featured a nude, pregnant photo of a 17 year old South-Sudanese woman named Ayak who had been raped and made pregnant by soldiers during the country's civil war. She also contracted HIV as a result of being raped. Despite this, she is eagerly awaiting the birth of her child. Kaoru mentions how this is similar to a previous cover of Time, which showed a girl whose nose had been cut off by the Taliban. Kaoru says he feels that war and rape are the same thing in his mind, they are both forms of attack on people. He wonders what the South-Sudanese woman thinks about being on the cover, but he feels no desire to criticize the image. Joe says the image will have been published with the consent of the woman, and she will probably have wanted to send out a message with it. He thinks people who criticize the image might feel sorry for the woman. Kaoru states that feeling sorry for her is out of the question, by which he means that the image isn't intended for that purpose. It's purpose is to show the reality of what is actually happening. He then says that he does not know a lot about it, but the woman has been made into an outlet of this war, and by seening her photo, he gets a sense of how she feels. Joe changes the subject slightly by bringing up the recent hate-speech control bill in Japan, which had been the focus of a lot of debate. The bill included no provision of penalities, which led some to question what is the point of a law with no penalities for breaking it. On the other hand, some people think the bill is important because it shows the state publicly condemning hate speech. Joe says he interviewed one of the people behind the bill, who said that the most important thing to consider is what the people who have been victims of hate speech think about it. Of course, non-hate speech victims also have thier opinion, but we must not forget the opinions of those who have actually been affected by hate speech. Joe relates this back to the topic by saying that the most important thing to consider about this Time cover is the message the woman herself is trying to communicate. In this respect Kaoru thinks that  trying to criticize the image is pretty odd.
Next, they start the Tokyo Sports corner, and lo and behold, its Hiranabe who will join them today. Kaoru tells Hiranabe that for the last few episodes they had been hoping he wouldn't appear this week, because if he gets too carried away talking, they won't have time to play the new single at the end of the show. Kaoru then says its been while since they've seen him, and Hiranabe says he hasn't wanted to appear in public over the last few weeks. Why? When lining up - hungover - to get a public admission ticket to view the first trail of disgraced baseball player Kiyohara Kazuhiro, he had been snapped up close by the paparazzi without noticing, and his face had subsequently appeared in the newspaper. The journalist who took the photo thought Hiranabe looked kinda familiar, and thought he might get a scoop if Hiranabe turned out to be Kiyohara's drug dealer or something. Hiranabe was too embarrassed to show his face in public for a while after this. He now knows what it feels like to be on the recieving end of the paparazzi.
Next he tells a story about getting mugged by a Chinese woman with big boobs in Ginza 8/7 chome. According to him there are a lot of Chinese pimps there, and he warns listeners to be careful of this area. Joe says he doesn't think thats true. Hiranabe knew the woman was trying to scam him as soon as he saw her, so when she called out to him to go for a drink, he declined. She then embraced him, pushing her boobs up against him for 5 seconds. He broke loose and went home, where he realised that the ¥20,000 that had been in his pocket had gone. The woman had snatched it in the 4 or 5 seconds that he was momentarily excited by her. Joe says that was an expensive 5 seconds. Kaoru says to Hiranabe, 'I bet you liked it really', to which Hiranabe admits that he did. But he laments that he is sick of bad things happening to him, and reminds everyone again not to go to Ginza 8 chome. He adds that the woman was cute though. Kaoru and Joe comment on how Hiranabe's ramblings have nothing to do with the Freedom of Expression. Kaoru reckons this will come back up as one of the stories of the year if they do another live special in at the end of the year.
Very swiftly, Hiranabe begins his actual news topic, which is that the UK has declared to leave the EU. This prompts him to say that Europe has many big breasted blondes, but he apologises and says they probably wouldn't steal ¥20,000 from him though. Getting back on topic, he says a lot of people he knows have lost money on the stock exchange since the announcement was made. He comments on how the UK's decision to leave the EU was actually a very close call between leave or remain. Joe mentions the murder of a British pro-remain politician (Jo Cox) which happened shortly before the result, and which made Joe think that UK would probably end up leaning more towards remain. It was a shocking result. Hiranabe wonders what will happen if the UK have stated thier intention to leave, but secretly want to remain. He also asks what will happen if Scotland and N.Ireland declare to seperate from the UK to remain in Europe. The UK would lose its a lot of its manufacturing power, according to him, as London is only a financial centre, not a manufacturing centre. (*No mention of the rest of England and Wales here*). For this reason he thinks the UK secretly wants to remain. Joe comments on the possible economic ripple effects it could have on Japan. The yen was already high at this point, and Joe says further recession in Japan might occur as a result. Its pretty terrible to imagine that the British could have voted to leave the EU without really meaning it, but at the same time have caused financial choas around the world. Hiranabe mentions that the UK itself may suffer economically if they leave the EU, in which case a big breasted British blonde would probably get ¥200,000 from him if she ever tried the same trick as described earlier. (laughs from the others). He'd let her hold onto him for longer. Joe tells him not to put so much cash in his pockets.
Kaoru realises the conversation has gone too far again, and questions whether there'll be enough time to play the new single. There is a light flashing at him to play the record now, but Joe jokes its a warning lamp from the director that Hiranabe is about to get killed. Just as Kaoru is about to play the record, Kami jumps in to sympathise with Hiranabe's paparazzi incident from earlier. Kaoru manages to play the record just in time.
After the record finishes, Kaoru says that he had intended to do a more dramatic, impressive introduction to the single, instead of being like, 'Quick, I gotta play the record, Ok, here it is!'. Hiranabe tells him to explain the song properly now, but Kaoru grumpily says there's no time left, he has to close the show, and this is what happens when Hiranabe comes on the show. Kaoru also thinks that Kami butted in right at the last moment on purpose. He finishes with a quick plug of his tour and says its been an interesting day.
Songs - Dir en grey/Amber, Utafumi.
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mlavier · 4 years
Helluva Boss Trailer pick apart pt4 (final one)
Where i’ll be connecting the scenes from the trailer and theorize a bit about future episodes. Beware, wild speculation ahead!!!!
Episode 6 7 or 8- Ozzies Club - Lust Ring:
First we see Stolas, who's all dressed up, and he either has a grey streak in his hair or he used some gel to get it all styled and shiny, reflecting the light.
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Stolas arrives in Ozzies club down in the Lust ring, and he seems happy to go there. 
Also, since he isn't exactly wearing his royal clothing(no crown hat) he's probably there on private behalf.
(maybe a date with Blitz?! since IMP is at the club as well for some reason 😳)
Next thing, we see Moxxie up on stage, playing his guitar and getting interrupted by Fizz(could be the real one,could also be another robo copy), and another, pretty large and intimidating looking demon. 
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This large dude is very likely associated with Asmodeous, who's the big boss of the Lust ring. 
It could be that he's a robot, as well as Fizz here, cuz of their glow and the line "shipped from Big Ozzies Factory" from the Loo-Loo episode.
Maybe Ozzie is selling (sex)robots to other demons, to spy on people and gather information.
Next up,
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Stolas is sitting by his table all by himself, as he sees something that makes him stand up, surprised and overcome with some type of strong emotion, which is shown by his pupils appearing
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This could either be related to Fizz and the other Dude showing up on stage, or the next part where Blitz gets cornered. (Could also be a reaction to something else, of course.)
We come to Blitz, who is cowering in front of what might be the stage, a person in heels stepping up to him. 
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Blitzo is very clearly threathened by this person, looking in fear as the shadow approaches.
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Wild guess, but This person probably has some significant part in Blitzos past, though we can't really tell who they are as we only see their feet and the shadow of their head. 
I think it's safe to assume this person is in kahoots with Fizz and the big guy from the stage. Maybe all three of them, are tearing down the club looking for Blitz?!
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It ends with Blitz getting thrown out in the dumpster. Its noteworthy though that we only see Blitz getting thrown out, not Mox or even Stolas who also appear in this episode.
The parking lot scene:
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the gang is standing next to their open van, with Blitz a little further off, seeming to wait for someone.
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Surprise big buff wolf guy shows up, Maybe he's who they were waiting for? I'm 95% sure he's linked to Loona in some way. I do like the theory that he's her bio dad.
Big Wolf guy and Blitz get into an arument
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bitching back and forth.
Things escalate at some point, and the gang panickly escapes in the van.
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This scene/episode will probably have backstory on Loona, and how Blitz adopted her. Totes gonna be some character development for both of them.
Sad Stolas:
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Not entirely sure if this is linked with the Lust ring episode, which is why I put this scene down here. It's probably gonna be in the last or penultimate episode. 
We have a super sad Stolas, alone, sitting in front of a bowl of cereal. He's surrounded by overgrown plants which suggests he's been in a shitty (mental?) place for quite some time.
This is probably procedeed by an event that set's our dear prince into a downward spiral. That event could be a multitude of things, a divorce with Stella, Octavia leaving(with Stella, or going to university,aka leaving home), a fallout with his family, a fallout with Blitz (eg. Blitz rejects him harshly, hurting the owls feelings in one way or another) OR someone finds out Stolas is lending out the book, leading to a strike, revoking Stolas powers, privileges, book rights, status, or else, permanently affecting his reputation and the way he's treated by his elite peers.(another cause for this could also be the Blitz affair)
It could also be a combination of any of these scenarios or something else entirely. In any case, poor bby owl 😭
New thought on the cowboy scenes:
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It might be an episode where the IMP gang goes and visits Millie's family! She's got that southern accent, and from one of her lines in loo loo land we know she has siblings. So maybe it's the first time in a long while of her visiting her family. 
Could Also be the first time she introduces Moxxie to them, whos already her husband, to the family. And maybe, cuz of some tradition or smth Moxxie has to fight all of her brothers for Millie's honor or smth similar along those lines.
AAAND thats it folks!  Can't wait to see how wrong my Theories are once the episodes finally come out!!!
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corvidshipping · 3 years
modern au red/milo dump while i try to get myself together to answer asks nd work on ATJ:
(tw for alcohol mentions near the end, also this is an EXTREMELY long post, its so long that even after i split it into categorized sections each section could be its own post)
milo absolutely has no sense of fashion. i feel like this is basically canon - for the styles at the time, he dresses fairly basic, mostly focused on looking put together for his job (definitely dresses aimed more towards how he would like to be treated by his peers, despite his actual position - then again our best example outside of the expedition is when he's about to deliver what he considers the most important presentation of his life, so who knows, maybe he usually dresses like a slob). aside from that his main concern seems like practicality and comfort. his wardrobe is dominated by earth tones - beiges and greens set with white and greys. all of that taken into account, i can see him dressing like this in a more modern era:
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basically- a lot of cardigans, usually collared shirts or comfortable turtlenecks (since he does still occupy a research position at the smithsonian, even if only in title), big ol' coats, khakis and chinos and slightly stiff dress pants complete with ironed creases. i can see him wearing similar clothes outside work, just more comfortable - jeans and knitted shirts, henleys, more turtlenecks, and comfy cardigans over short sleeved shirts. i dont really see him wearing a lot of prints, i think he'd veer more towards solid clothes in lighter colors, but maybe he has a few. hes definitely the kind of guy to think of wearing the single graphic tee he owns as "bold and wild".
im very married to the idea of him wearing converse though. i cant explain it. milo in converse keeps me going in this world
hes kind of broke so i think maybe he got the converse secondhand maybe? or a gift of some kind. aside from the converse i can see him wearing a lot of oxfords and maybe wingtips
i want to see him in a hawaiian shirt so bad. i am losing it at this thought. he buttons it all the way up to his neck like someones awkward dad. milo wears a hawaiian shirt to "let loose". he wears it with like, khakis. or knee length jorts AHHHHDJHDSGJHDSJGh
a tie??? does he wear his hawaiian shirt with a tie???? does he think it makes it look cooler?????????? i am sobbing
red is the COMPLETE opposite. in the canon 1914 setting, red is already very rebellious for an AFAB person of their era- theyre openly a suffragette, they frequently refuse to wear skirts even in public and dress in mens clothes even before they were openly nonbinary, despite not being accepted into the male-dominated research fields and colleges they continue to educate themself with or without help, they purposely aim for an "unfeminine" silhouette when they dress, refuse to wear corsets, etc. (spoiler alert- there's a clear reason they get on so well with audrey in ATJ)
theyre also easily mistaken by people that didnt know them prior to their transition for being just a very small/young cis man- even though they canonically have a very soft "traditionally feminine" face
so basically, in any era theyre set into, red is always gonna aim to be ahead of the curve- both in their personal beliefs and practices and in their fashion. theyre also very androgynous in their clothes, although they tend to aim a bit more masculine (thats partially due to the era though, and having been forced into skirts exclusively for their entire life- i think in a modern setting where its more acceptable for AFABs to dress and act in a less hyperfeminine way, theyd be more okay with a fluidity in their gender presentation).
all that taken into account, i can see them dressing like this:
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lots of baggy clothes, especially baggy jackets and shirts. they like loose fitting high waisted pants like JNCO jeans, cargo pants, etc but they arent averse to pencil legs. they rarely ever wear skinny jeans or drainpipes though. messy hair is a lifestyle for them- their haircut is definitely home-done
you know how in BICSTLY they used to have really long hair before they cut it? in a modern au i can see them impulsively doing the cut at like 3am and waking milo up at his door cause they screwed it up and he ends up having to help fix it (even though hes literally no better at cutting hair than them. worse even)
definitely have an undercut bob- bob on top, shaven on the bottom layer. they might end up growing their hair into a mullet at some point if they get bored. probably dyes their hair all the time out of boredom and then regrets it later and has to use dye remover.
lots of ripped tights and fishnets, leggings with big loose crop tops, big hoodies, safety pin jewelry and homemade jewelry. maybe some sticknpokes.
all that said, they still know how to dress in a professional situation. since its a modern au theres really nothing holding them back from the education and career they canonically want but cant get in the 1910s, so i imagine they would work at the smithsonian as well, maybe their father helped them get the job? potentially in that case they might be his assistant- after all, he trusts their opinion on artifacts more than anyone else's.
at work you can still very much see the punk/skater/grunge/goth style but its more understated- turtlenecks, high waisted and looser dress pants, lots of black, slightly unbuttoned collared shirts with a loose overcoat and no tie
since i elaborated on milos shoe taste i may as well elaborate on red's: they definitely wear converse as well, probably newer than milo's since their father is fairly wealthy and they can afford it. they also have a doc martens collection. they have a pair of demonias but they never wear them and milo is really the only person to even know they own them, let alone see them in them. they really dont like to wear heels much, but they own a few just to play around with. they have a bad habit of wearing any laced shoes untied, but they never trip over the laces. they also use lace code- their most-worn Docs have purple laces on the right foot and yellow on the left. some of their Docs have (reclaimed) pink laces.
has an extensive pin collection including feminism pins, anti-racism pins, punk-related pins, skater-related pins, and pop culture pins (80s music, modern music, old movies, etc)
milo's into a lot of older music- stuff from the 50s is his favorite. really into jazz and ballroom style stuff. his favorite band is queen, i think- he likes the old-fashioned sound, the jazz-chamber-ballroom influences, the diversity of their lyrics, and the complexity between the guitar riffs, the basslines, and freddie's vocal runs as well as the vocal harmonies.
sometimes he hums good old fashioned lover boy to red and they two-step in the living room in their pajamas :pleading:
also very into rush. yes, he is a rush guy :pensive:.
also listens to a surprising amount of lo-fi? he really likes stuff that remixes older music with hip hop and lofi elements, like earl grey. nearly exclusively into instrumental stuff but also very into louie zong. he listens to it while he works a lot.
knows a lotttt of foreign artists, especially niche ones. fuckin LOVES casiopea
red's spotify is a goddamn mess. everything from 2000s emo, to classic 70s punk, to post-punk and new wave, to 90s pop, to rap. they cant be easily classified at all
their favorite bands are oingo boingo, prince, queen (they listen to a lot of their harder-rock music, but milo knows theyre into the ballads too. theyll never tell anyone else though), doja cat, lil nas, fall out boy, and billie eilish.
red recites the intro monologue to lets go crazy very seriously to make milo laugh, sometimes. they get very into it with their facial expressions. sometimes it devolves into a full air guitar/keyboard/drum and wild dancing session. milo does not know how to participate in this but he loves watching them have fun with it. sometimes they pull him off the couch to make him dance with them, though
they are a huge sucker for dark pop, vaporwave, retrowave, EDM, hip hop, emo, punk... etc etc. anything that combines any two or more of those genres in an original or interesting way gets their attention right away
there's a lot of sharing between the two of them- even though their music tastes are so different, they like a lot of the others taste, and theyre always up to listen to whatever their partner is playing.
red is a huge softie, and milo has found them more than once listening to or humming something he was playing for them the other day because it reminded them of him
speaking of which- in the 1914 canon, red can play piano. i think that carries over to a modern au, where they could play piano and by extension keyboard. i like to think they experiment with a lot of instruments but i doubt they ever really mastered any others. maybe theyre okay at drums or bass?
they learned to play and sing teo torriatte for milo, as a surprise. when they first performed it for them, they had everything set up for when he got home from work- the lights were dimmed, they had candles lit around the keyboard, they draped stuff in cloth to make it look pretty, they scattered flower petals around. when milo walked in and saw it all, he almost proposed then and there- the only thing that stopped him was that he would kick himself for the rest of his life if he did that without a ring.
milo is still an avid chess player in this, but i like to think hes in some kind of groupchat or text or discord server for it. he doesnt necessarily consider any of the others in the chat close friends, but he does know them all by name
he tries to get red into chess but they never really get it
he tells them all about the stuff that goes down in the games and they just. do not understand. but they love listening to him get excited about it anyway
"red you're not gonna BELIEVE this, eddie played an italian game on star today! i thought for sure she would see through it since everyone knows it but she slipped and he beat her in like, 13 moves! i wouldnt have believed it if i hadnt been there!"
"yes sweetie please tell me more" (barely disguised pained expression)
red is a skater and a regular at the skate park by the smithsonian
most regulars there know them by name, they can spot a newbie a mile away
they have a sticker of a broken tv with a skull inside of it on the underside of their board, its become recognized as a symbol of them unofficially
since theyre so regular and have been going there a lot longer than most of the other skaters that frequent the place, a lot of what they say is kind of just accepted as the rules
they have a bad habit of lecturing new kids who show up without knee/elbow pads or helmets at the very least. all the other skaters enforce it too. kids dont end up showing up without protective gear very often after their first visit
they brought a first aid kid and left it there and everyone has kept it stocked pretty well without them having to have much input. its kind of just a communal first aid kit
they once drew the broken tv symbol on the inside of a half-pipe and everyone started calling it red's ramp after that
they also started calling the bowl at the center of the park the Soup Bowl and now thats just accepted as the name. some of the newer kids genuinely thought that it was called that by the park and were shocked when they found out it was just a random nickname red gave it one day
theyve brought milo a few times but hes extremely awkward on his feet and could never really get his balance on a skateboard, and quite frankly red is afraid of what might happen if he tried even a low ramp, so he usually just sits at the rim of the bowl while red skates around
everyone knew he was their boyfriend before they even met him. a few of the regulars called him by name right away. one of them was certain red had brought him before.
but no
they just talk so fuckin much about him that its like they already know him
aside from skateboarding, red is pretty good on rollerskates/blades
they tried to take milo to a roller rink once but it was a disaster and they ended up going home, changing into pajamas, ordering chinese food, and marathoning movies till they fell asleep on the couch together. so not a total loss
theyre both very into movies. red is deep into horror and milo likes indie/art movies and just Cannot handle horror at all, but they both agree on old movies, from the 80s and 90s to like the 30s.
red has shown milo some of the classic horror movies and the niche old ones (from like the 40s) since theyre not difficult to stomach
every so often when red brings up wanting to see a horror movie milo is like "aw babe we can watch that tonight i promise it wont be bad" and he genuinely thinks he can handle it this time
he cant
he never can
it is always a lie
red ends up holding him every time and talking him to sleep, but it thankfully never causes like a major panic attack or anything like that
they love going to museums together, of all kinds. they love art museums. they also go to aquariums and aviaries
sometimes they like to go to other history museums and criticise the veracity or accuracy of exhibits/translations, all in good fun of course. theyre never actually being mean about it
they both used to work at starbucks, when they were younger and before they worked at the smithsonian. they worked at separate stores 2 blocks from each other.
milo cant stand soda or carbonated drinks, red can and will chug a java monster in order to survive a long workday if they must. milo is constantly concerned for their health and wellbeing
they r both lightweights when it comes to drinking. they can split a six pack and both be falling-over drunk by the end of the night.
given the changes in beauty standards people DEFINITELY think milo is more attractive than they would in 1914. cmon. hes a lil twinky nerd. you think people wont eat that up?
he never really catches onto the flirting much though
did u think i would forget ki/da and the others? youd be wrong.
i simultaneously like the idea of something similar to the movie happening, but also just like... ki/da just being a regular person living on the surface. in either case they r all friends still
in the case of ki/da just being a regular person on the surface- i like the idea of atl/antis just being A Place in this au, maybe its a bit of a closed off country though? like, not many foreigners live there and to get there you basically need to be there as a diplomat or a scholar
maybe ki/da visits DC as a diplomat? she is a princess, after all
red meets audrey online cause they both yell at the same misogynistic asshole on twitter
they exchange discord names in the replies of the tweet and tell the guy not to interrupt them while theyre talking in his replies
i like to think red and milo are selected to go on an academic visit to atl/antis (to learn about the culture, with permission of the king), and audrey ends up as the mechanic on the ship during the visit and theyre like (spiderman pointing meme) at each other
red and audrey have so many inside jokes that they basically speak a different language. milo gets some of the terms from context and pop culture (they use "so very" in real life- as in "wow, that shirt is so very.") but he is hopeless to learn all of it
one of their inside jokes is any variation of "milo hot girl summer" and they REFUSE to explain it to him no matter how much he begs
milo wears that iconique tank top on the ship and they say it literally any time he bends over, picks anything up, reaches for anything, moves, BREATHES. he is bewildered and at this point concerned
(in truth, the joke came from red taking a really blurry picture of him in a short sleeve shirt where he looked pretty cute and captioned it "milo's having a hot girl summer rn" and they just could not stop repeating it once audrey met him IRL)
they have a minecraft world. i do like to believe that every so often vinny finds a way in- theyre never sure how- and griefs the shit out of them by blowing up EVERY. monument.
this post is getting long bc im enraptured by the idea of an atl/antis modern au so im cutting it off here but expect WAY MORE later
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xx4353 · 5 years
So I have wrritten some fansty ideas stuff, its pretty fun to make a world you know. Anyway gonna put the stuff underneath a *read more* 
Werewolves: Werewolves were created when a group of humans wanted to create the perfect hunters, It did succeed in some ways. Werewolves now do hunt but are more focused on fighting each other. Werewolves villages are just huge mess halls where the drinks and food are plentiful.  Arm Wrestling, wrestling, fighting, and other competition are common past time. They are loud and love a fighting spirit. But werewolves have a strong sense of community since anyone can become a werewolf they are very focused on making sure newcomers are welcomed and it feels like you are joining a new family, a family of werewolves who love wrestling each other. Racism and disputes are very very unlikely when it comes to werewolves since they pride in being accepting. How to become a werewolf is very simple, you can drink the blood of a werewolf, or simply get bitten by one. The first news of a newcomer to the werewolf life will find that it can be stressful and hard, to not let into primal urges. But one can restain themselves and control the beast within, then they can be a functioning member of their new werewolf communities. Though much more feral werewolves can be seen out deep in the wild, the ones who couldn’t control the beast. Different species will have different versions of a werewolf, a human werewolf is average but an elf werewolf will be tall and lanky with very point ears, there are books and people who study werewolves for a living. Along with that, common side effects of becoming a werewolf is being more hunger, getting into fights, and growing hair everywhere, even for females. If a werewolf wants to marry another werewolf what they will do is have a kiss before they transform for the night, and then still kissing while they are transforming, to symbolize how their love is for both them and their wolf version. While many races do hate werewolves, they hardly hold grudges but will protect each other in times of need. 
Werewolves hunters: While most werewolves do not attack other races and eat them, they are a few who let their wild side take control of them, giving the werewolves a bad name. Werewolves hunters typically believe that werewolves are a deranged monster of nature, that something should not exist and must be eliminated, to keep the world pure. There are some hunters who hunt because they want to hunt the best creatures around and werewolves fit that challenge. Most werewolves hunters will wear the dead fur of werewolves or carry around necklaces of werewolf teeth.
Vampires: Vampires are much like the opposite of werewolves, they are reserved and do not like mixing with outsiders. IN truth vampires believe themselves to be a higher race than most, and see other races as just mere food. With that you will not just see a random vampire around, no they live in castles like kings and queens. The family line is what is important, do not mingle and make the family tree too wide they say. There is always the Head of the family, who controls and acts as the ruler. Each race has one vampire family, this is because even with other vampires, vampires think its best to stay in your own race as well, just to make sure they don’t spoil the blood. But that has lead to constant fights between families overpower. Vampires don’t believe that showing emotions is good, so love is never a concern of theirs. Marrying is just a tool to gain power, you don’t marry because you love that person, you marry because they have land or a resource you want. Vampires despise werewolves, they hate how they just accept anyone into their ranks, they are a strong race, why should those werewolves just mingle around? In truth, most vampires can’t understand the concept of being equal with others. Most families have deals with local governments that prisoners on death row get sent to the families to feed on. They have the ability to change into a big bat version of themselves, which is more resistant to the sun and damage, but it’s common for most vampires to stay out of this form. They find it insulting to race and high standing to look so beastly. 
The Cave bats: These are large bloodthirsty bat people who live in caves, they do not like the sun as it hurts their eyes so they mainly stay in their caves till night. Which when they do go flying out, they tend to grab unprotected livestock from local farms, and they suck the blood out of them. They are one of the worst creatures to find in caves since they will tend to swoop people away from their groups and there is alot of them since they breed so fast. They are not natural-appearing creatures, what happens is a vampire will attempt to make another person a vampire and in some very very rare cases, the person will turn into one of these feral bloodthirsty bat people who loses all their previous identity. The transformation is quick and sudden and there is no way to reverse it. They will naturally go into caves and try to find others like them to create a new colony of bats. Vampires hate these animals because to them they are mistakes and should not be alive, they often fight with each other. Cave Bats also can not transform other people into vampires or into cave bats. 
Vampire hunters: Much like werewolf hunters. Vampire hunters think vampires are a blight on the world. A spot that needs to eradicate. Vampire hunting is tricky because of its like staging war on a big family, a big family who drink blood. Vampire hunters when they do kill a vampire, they will rub the ashes of a vampire into their skin
Elves: Elves are the race that believes the best way to live is to live with nature. Thats why they live in the trees of great forests and live off the land.  They mostly stick to themselves. But beware, if you start polluting their forest they will protect their land with their lives. Their clothing reflects this by being mostly made out of what they have in the woods
Dark Elves: Much like their kin the Elves. The dark elves believe in being with nature. Their skins have multiple tones grey. With big red eyes with black pupils. But the way they go about doing is by being nomadic. The dark elf motto is "why not explore the world and its beauty?". Dark elves live in nomadic groups will set down in a place for a long time and then move. Their clothing is heavily inspired by Mongolians. Master at riding animals and living off any land. They prefer colder climates. Their main values are one should never waste anything if you can still use it. Then why not keep using it? The other value is sharing and showing kindness to strangers. Because we are nothing if we are too scared to show compassion to people we don’t know
Sea people: At the coast and in the sea there is a race that can breathe both in the sea and on the ground. Sea people is a general term since there are many different variations, from octopus to sharks, to lobsters.  These humanoid sea creatures who have evolved far away from people but yet have made similar choices as humans.No god created them.  There are plenty of deep cities that most races can’t get too because of a lack of oxygen but if a sea person wants to, there are ways to lead them into the cities. Most cities are market-based, meaning that the center is a huge square for trading goods.  Most other races tend to only see these creatures as pirates, and these creatures are some of the most dangerous of pirates. Their ships can swim and glide through the water and raise up and lay like a normal ship. Giving most races a fear of the sea, and the thought of maybe there a pirate there. The deeper you go into the wilder, the odder sea people you will encounter, like blobfish and anglerfishes.  For the sea people, the land races are just things to trade with or take stuff from, basically just a source of income.
Dwarves: Dwarves are a race that mainly lives in the mines and caves. They are master of the furnace and instead of lights dwarfs create aqueducts of molten lava to light up their cites. To the point where dwarfs had lava to a part of their culture, bathing in lava is considered a social activity, since dwarfs skin can withstand lava. Often they try to get their fellow races to join them since they don’t realize other races can’t handle lava. This causes lots of issues with the sea people. Dwarves of community and think it’s important to be with other races, to gain more knowledge. Drinking is also a very social activity, but most other races can’t handle the drinks. This has caused drinking parties between the werewolves and the dwarfs. Their amour is made out of this hard stone that no other races seem to know how to craft, most weapons break when hitting this amour, causing this to be very sought out.
Humans: What are humans in this world in fantasy? Some ways they are the weakest of the races, they have no special powers, no deep connection to the forests, to gods. But yet, what makes a human special? They are born with a fiery determination, a determination to grab ahold of the world and bend it’s to their whim. Sometimes this is for the betterment of the world, they can create cures to diseases that are hurting the other races, save others, create food, art, and music. Sometimes this determination has lead to wars and famine and diseases, sometimes the humans can have a greed that devours all the good in them. Humans are special like that. They have no main home, they are everywhere. In the forests, in the cities, in the mountains, and near coasts. Humans are to some a plague and to others a special flowers. Humans, in the end, are just an odd spot in this world. And they know this, humans know they are dealing with creatures higher in power than them. But that will not stop them from continuing with progress. One such group of humans even try to become the perfect hunters but ended up making werewolves we know today
Sirens: The creature of the water, these seductresses of the deep pry on people who get a bit close to their lairs. They do not eat or drink or need any sort of energy to keep them going. No, there only purpose is to watch others drown as they bring them down into the deep dark sea. Their bodies are made out of pure water. They will fill the mind of people with thoughts of their deepest desires and make it seem if they come with them, that their thoughts will be granted. There are a few races who can resistant the song. Sea people can since they have evolved too and dwarfs since their mines are filled with thoughts of mining, and the singing of a siren never sounds good to them, dwarfs much prefer the type of music that fills an entire mountain
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forgotten-bittys · 5 years
I would love to adopt a Napstakitty since they love music I feel like we would be the best companions since I personally love musicals *cough* Hamilton *cough* SIX *cough* sorry, I’m allergic to amazing things so I’ll probably be coughing when I see the Napstakitty that is destined to be with lol. I also have a lot of negative thoughts so I’m sure they will be fed and hopefully help me. I am 5’4, (it’s tall fight me) have brown curly hair, chubby, brown eyes, and a girl. (Scenario please)
You walk into the bitty pen nervously, inside the pen was three bittys. Two older bittys and one younger.
You catch sight of a hidden fourth bitty who was chilling in a corner, a pair of specially made headphones over his folded ears. His eyes were closed as his head(body?) bobbed along to the music that played in his ears.
You could faintly hear the musical ‘Heathers’ emmit from the headphones, and your interest was piqued.
You brushed your curly brown hair out from over your brown eyes, you carefully walked over to the vibing bitty. You didn’t want to startle the young napstakitty.
He was quite a bit smaller than the other napstakitty bittys, probably the runt of the litter.
He had a white body with dark gray spots. His whiskers were dark gray-to-black, and his eye rings were a dark navy blue. He had two folded over ears similar to a scottish fold cats that were a dark gray in color.
You knelt down in front of the small bitty, catching the bittys attention.
“O-Oh.. I’m sorry..” he apologised for not noticing you sooner, using his magic to remove the headphones from his ears.
You tell him it was alright and introduce yourself, the small bitty smiles at you.
“Th-thats a pretty name..” He complimented your name, causing you to flush a light pink.
You thank him and his own face gets a small dusting of blueish grey blush.
You ask a bit about him. “O-Oh.. I guess I like musicals.. My favorite is Dear Even Hanson.. But I also like Beetlejuice and Hamilton…”
You perk up and told him you also liked Hamilton, causing the Bitty to smile. You then ask what his favorite song was.
“O-oh.. It’s so hard to choose a favorite song… they’re all so great.. But I guess dear theodosia reprise is good… too bad they didn’t keep it.. It shows so much emotion..”
You agree with him, even though the song wasn’t quite as happy as some of the other songs, it was still amazingly written.
You tell him your favorite song from Hamilton and he nodded.
“That one is amazing too.. They all are…” You agreed with him, giving a small laugh.
You then ask if he wanted to be adopted by you, and he looked suprised.
“R-really? You want to adopt me?.. Of course… I would love to be adopted by you…” his face dusted a brighter hue of gray-blue, giving you a happy smile.
You offer your hand to him and he floats over to it, purring quietly. You smile at him and go to the front desk.
You fill out some adoption papers when System hands them to you,
You, with his help, pick out the perfect name for him.
Afterwards you bought some extra items for the small bitty, before bringing home..
Your life will never be quite the same with the small addition to it.
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convell4 · 6 years
Qrows Ruby’s Father
Okay, First off, SPOILERS AHEAD FROM THE END OF RWBY SEASON 6, Second, I would prefer this to be a conversation and not an argument, so during this (probably long) post I am going to be stating theories, evidence etc but I am also going to posting the evidence against them, so its fair. At the end of the day this is all just theory making. I will state that I support this theory, although I have no problem with anyone who doesn’t. You believe whatever you want to believe, I’m not going to fight you over it. Finally, this post is going to basically be an essay as I am going to try put everything together that I’ve seen, their counter arguments and a bunch of images.
Point A
So for point A I’m going to state that throughout the series when it comes to the younger characters, they very much seem to follow the looks and traits of their parents, especially when it comes to what clothes they wear, what colours those clothes are generally their fighting style has at least some hints of their parents.
The Schnee Family
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One of the best examples is the Schnee Family. As you can see in the picture the entire family has white hair (although I believe that WorstFatherTM dyed his), the same skin tone and in general they all wear smart, formal clothing that is coloured white. The entire family has also seemed to inherit blue eyes. Personality wise, Weiss began out as very formal, closed of from emotion and rather stuck up, which she likely comes from being in a very upper class, rich family. When it comes to fighting styles, we don’t have any information on whether either of Weiss’s parents were huntresses or had a fighting style etc, however Weisses family owning one of the biggest dust companies definitely contributes to her use of dust. It is also likely that Weiss chose her weapon and a lot of her elegant fighting style techniques from her older sister Winter, who she seems to have looked up to when growing up.
The Belladonna Family:
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Next is the Belladonna Family. The entire family has black hair, blake has also inherited Kali’s ears and seemingly her long hair with bangs that cover her forehead. While from Ghira she has more seemed to inherit a sense of dress code when it comes to clothes that reveal a bit of skin. The family also have the same cat like, yellow eyes.Blake also follows the same color scheme as her family, With the White, Black and purple clothing. Personality wise, Blake has seemed to inherit the trait of wanting to fight for justice and rights for her race, just like her parents. She also has a strong sense of brotherhood when it comes to the White fang.One thing I however cannot connect are fighting styles, as Blake seems to be more of a rogue/finesse type of Fighter where as Ghira is definitely a head on brawler, Kali doesn’t really have a fighting style, she just hits people over the head with trays. 
The Ren Family:
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Ren and his family. When it comes to inherited traits, from season 1-3 Ren has a similar short hair style to is mother, An, he has also inherited her pink eyes, however he has also inherited his dads, Li, black hair. From season 4-6 he has also grown his hair out longer and is now at least a similar length to what his fathers hair was. Rens personality definitely seems to have at least a bit of each of his parents, most of the time he is calm,collected and thoughful. Ren follows the colour scheme of his parents where it comes to the colour of his clothing, with the greens, blacks and gold-ish outlines. Ren has not seemed to pick up a fighting style from either of his parents, from what we know it seems like only Rens father was a fighter. However Ren didn’t inherit using a bow like his father. Personally I would put this down to that her didn’t have his father to teach him how to use the bow and he also didn’t like to look back on his past due to how terrible it was, so he likely learned his fighting style from scratch. The Xiao Long Family:
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Like everyone else, Yang has inherited a lot from her parents. Yang has blonde hair just like her father but it seems to be a darker compared to Tai’s. This is likely due to Ravens hair being Black and making it a darker shade, her hair is also very similar to Ravens in both its length and style. Yang has inherited Ravens deep red eyes, but only when she becomes angry, usually her eyes are purple, which is a colour mix between Tai’s blue eyes and Ravens red. Personality wise Yang seems to follow more in Ravens footsteps, fighting more aggressively, using her anger as a funnel in fights. She has also seemed to inherit Ravens lighter skin tone and complexion. Yangs clothing colour scheme is very close to Tai’s with brown, orange and pale colours. She has also copied his red Bandanna like material wrapped around his arm, however choosing to wrap it around her leg instead. Her fighting style is definitely inherited from Tai, as we have seen them both sparing and training together, this is likely due to the fact that Tai was the only one around when Yang was younger, as Raven wasn’t present.
The Rose Family:
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In the picture above we can see A LOT of Ruby in Summer. The short hair style, Silver eyes, Light skin. However from this image it does seem like Summers hair is a straight red colour, Where as if we look at Ruby, her hair seems to go from a Black to a dark red towards the tips of her hair.  Ruby even dresses the same with the cape and high cut clothing, The inside of Summers cape being a very similar red as to Ruby’s entire cape, outfit and weapon. Ruby even seems to inherit Summers petal effect, However we don’t see anything from Tai, there are no prominent inherent body features like skin tone, hair or eye colour (granted that the silver eyes are story driven and likely a more inheritable feature) Ruby also doesn’t seem to follow a colour scheme similar to Tai, nor wear similar clothing. However, if we look at Qrow..
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Qrow has Black hair just like his sister with hints of grey throughout it. He also has bangs in front of his forehead just like Summer and Ruby. Qrows dark hair could explain how dark Ruby’s hair is. Qrows skin tone is also similar to that of Ruby’s, or it is at least a lot lighter than Tai’s. Clothing colours are similar with dark colour, especially black and red, The cape is also a feature of Qrow however Ruby’s cape is very must tailored to be like Summers compared to Qrows. When it comes to Ruby’s personality, ruby has been seen to be quite stubborn at times, but thats only when it comes to doing whats right. Its kind of thought that out of the four members of team STRQ, Summer was likely the Kindest, most bright person in the group, likely followed by Tai, this could go a lot towards Ruby personality as Ruby is always one who seems to be holding out hope and never giving up. Ruby’s fighting style is exactly like Qrows because he is the one who trained her, just like Tai trained Yang. This is likely due to not only Ruby wanting to be like her uncle by having the same fighting style and weapon, but also because Tai would of likely been busy training Yang in his fighting style at the time. This could also be down to Ruby being physically strong enough to be a brawler like Tai and Yang. Point A Summary: Every Character Inherits something from each of their parents, however Ruby only seems to inherit something from Summer and not Tai. Where as if you match Summer and Qrow together it makes a pretty good case on how Ruby looks and acts. Points A Counter Argument: As far as I have seen for a counter argument on this point, people point that Ruby’s fighting style has only come from her looking up to her uncle and following his steps, which does make sense. However so far I have not seen an explanation as to why she doesn’t seemingly have any of Tai’s inheritable body traits (feel free to tell me if there is one)
Point B
Point B is a quick and short one that has a really quick counter argument. Qrows song, Bad Luck Charm. Bad Luck Charm is about Qrows semblance of bad luck and how it effects the people he’s close too. The song in general talks about everyone near him, however there is one line, “ You don't want the burden of my name” that can be more turned towards someone a lot closer to qrow compared to anyone else, likely a family member. Taking on and using someones name, specifically their last name is most likely due to either marrying said person, or being their child. This continues on with the theory of Qrow being Ruby’s dad with the idea that qrow is terrified of his semblance and maybe even superstitious of it, Possibly believing that by even inheriting his last name, Ruby could be cursed with bad luck, let alone even being in Ruby’s life as a father figure.
Point B Summary:
Some Lines in Bad Luck charm could be giving hints towards such things
Point B Counter Argument:
Jeff Williams, the creator of the RWBY Soundtrack has stated that none of the songs are Canon material and they are just made by him from scratch
Point C
Point C is a continuation from point B, Qrows semblance. Qrows semblance is literal bad luck, not just to himself but everyone around him. And he no control over it. However he is close to is going to experience it. This has most prominently come up so far in his fight with Tyrian, but theres definitely other moments of it being shown. Because his semblance is uncontrollable, having anyone close leads to them having bad things happen around to them, this loops over to my previous point that if Qrow was around Ruby as a father when she was a lot younger, this could of caused a lot of bad situations. One theory that I’ve seen a lot is that Qrow may feel he himself is responsible for Summers death (leading him to become an alcoholic) and you could believe in this whether you ship Qrow & Summer or whether you don’t, the theory doesn’t rely on them being together. However, if we go with the idea that Qrow is Ruby’s father, being close to someone with such a semblance you believed led to the death of not only your loved one, but the mother of your child, would be no easy task. It would be an a lot better cause to keep your distance from the daughter, to try spare her from not only the semblance, but the truth at what Qrow believes the cause of Summers Death
Point C Summary:
Qrows Semblance makes qrow not want to be near anyone, but even more specifically Ruby due to the possibility he believe his semblance had a hand in Summers Death
Point C Counter Argument:
Qrow could still feel responsible for Summers death even if Qrow was not in a relationship with Summer. This goes the same with him trying to stay away from Ruby as much so that he doesn’t effect her life.
Point D
Point D is about the 3 photo’s we see of Team STRQ, but mainly about Qrows photo in particular.
Tai’s home photo:
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As you can see, Tai’s home photo of the team is in pretty much pristine condition and is framed, there’s no markings on the photo and it doesn’t seem to have suffered any type of damage. Where as Qrows: 
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Has definitely seen a lot more use. For starters the colours on the picture have began to fade, likely meaning its been out in the open air a lot or at lead has been looked at a lot. The material the picture is on is also bent meaning its likely always carried in a pocket or something similar, which makes sense as Qrow is not the type of person to settle in one singular spot. Next is the ring over Summer, this is likely to be either a glass or bottle ring from where they have been places on top of the image. Specifically the bottle or glass would be covering Summers face, which could suggest that Qrow doesn’t want to look at Summer or maybe even can’t bear to see her (this goes back to him feeling responsible) Next are the droplets on the page, I believe these can be seen as one or two things, tears or drink stains. If drink stains, it could mean that Qrow has been looking over the photo while he’s drunk, or even looking at it may have started causing him to drink even more. If they are tear stains then it could be seen as a sign of mourning, grief or regret, and Qrow covering up Summers face becomes even more meaningful. Point D Summary: Qrow carries around a damaged picture of team STRQ which shows a lot of connotations that he has dealt with some emotions over the picture Point D Counter Argument: Qrow could just be sad about the collapse of his team, or solely over Summers death.
Point E
For point E I want to Solely talk about Qrow and his line of work. Qrow is likely considered a master huntsmen. Due to the clan he was born in he has been trained almost all his life to not only fight Grimm, but also other people as well. He is highly trained and likely a major threat to almost anyone he faces, he is also affiliated with Ozpin and has been working with him for years. As he does work with Ozpin, this essentially puts him on Salems kill list as one way or another he is a threat to her plans. We also know that Salem will do pretty much anything to make her plans successful, so if qrow was found to have a daughter, who also happened to have Silver eyes, its likely that Ruby would of been targeted by Salem a lot sooner, most definitely when she was younger. This would of destroyed the possibility of a silver eyes warrior getting in Salems way and hurting qrow in the process Point E Summary: Qrow would of stayed away from due to his line of work so he wouldn’t put her in danger Point E Counter Argument: The Same can be said whether Qrow is Ruby’s father or not
Point F
For this point I want to talk about the timeline between Yang and Ruby’s birth. From what we can tell from the timeline we’ve been given, their births goes in an order similar to this: Tai and Raven are together - Yang is born - Raven leaves - Tai goes through grief and evidently gets with Summer - Ruby is Born - Summer dies  According to their ages, Ruby is between a year and a half to two years younger than Yang, I believe, according to their birthdays, they are 1 year and 8 months apart. Now this is where my knowledge gets a bit Hazy so please forgive me, but I believe it takes 9-12 months to fully conceive a baby. Which means that within 8 months, maybe even less, Tai moves on from someone who he loves and had a child with, to someone else and then also has another child. Personally that seems very out of character for someone lie Tai but then that also could possibly come down to the stages of Grief. The 8 months also drops considerably when you consider that Raven most definitely wouldn’t of left home directly after giving birth to Yang. If you consider that it can take up to or over 2 months for someone to recover their full strength after giving birth, Raven may have not left for 3-4 months, which means Tai would of have to gotten with Summer with 4-6 months, which in my mind is rather ridiculous.  Point F Summary: Tai would of had to move on very quickly and thats a very shitty thing to do Point F Counter Point: I can’t think of one for this tbh, let me know if you can
Point G
Qrows Closeness to Ruby, For point G I would like to talk about how close Qrow is to Ruby, this is kinda a hit or miss point as it depends on each individuals persons opinion. However, I believe I and a lot of people who think of Qrow being Ruby’s dad, think that Qrow is a lot closer to Ruby then he is with Yang. Which could seem odd since Qrow is physically blood related to Yang. Of course Blood doesn’t mean everything, however from what the show actually gives us, Qrow and Yang don’t even have that many direct conversations and when they talk with each other someone else is usually present (Qrow, Yang and Ruby playing video games comes to mind) Where as Qrow and Ruby have definitely had several personal and more alone conversations comparatively. This shows that Qrow is definitely a lot more in contact with Ruby over Yang
Point G Summary:
Qrow is a lot closer with Ruby than comparatively to someone who is blood related, like Yang
Point G Counter Argument:
This could be due to Yang being older, Qrow may feel he needs to support Ruby more than Yang due to her being Younger, Yang also has a close relationship with her father Tai, meaning she likely doesn’t need to converse with Qrow in such ways often.
Point H 
I wanna leave point H up to @anthurak with their amazing post on what happened during Season 6 and what Qrow and Ruby’s relationship is like in comparison to other parents https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/anthurak/182407206555
My Counters to what people say against this Theory:
This is just going to be a bunch of stuff I’ve seen written against the theory that I’d also like to discuss.
“Monty, Miles & Kerry have all debunked this theory” - True, that does mean its not likely to be cannon, however there has been cases in the past where creators will say something will not happen and it eventually does. But, whether it happens or not. Its still no reason to fight over it, just let people be, ship what they want and theorize what they want.
“Why would they add this? it seems unnecessary to the plot” - Personally I don’t think any kind of character development is unnecessary and anything that changes the character in some form is welcome. But just as an example if it was revealed that Qrow was Ruby’s father, we could have several things like these:
It could lead qrow and ruby to have more heart felt conversation, including a deep conversation about Summer
It would take the weight of the secret of both Tai's and Qrows conscience it could lead qrow to taking more adult responsibility and further his journey of not going back to the booze.
It could make Ruby and Yangs relation even stronger because it says "we'll still be sisters even if we're not related"
It would bring conflict along with resolution. Conflict: Ruby finds out, it makes her question a lot of things and look for answers Resolution: She ends up confronting Qrow about it, learns more about his and summers relationship, why the hid it etc. It could also continue on with Ruby telling Tai that she know sand they go from there, or even telling Yang and they have a conversation about how it doesn't change anything about them being sisters
There’s a lot of possibilities that could lead to great character development and could make characters a lot more conscious of their choices.
But yeh, thats about all I got so far. If you read the entire thing then I very much appreciate it. I felt the sudden urge to write this after getting my first ever Tumblr hate mail, so thank you random anon! If anyone wants to have Conversation about any of this with me, whether you believe the theory or not then I am more than willing, as long as it doesn’t turn into a rage contest.
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The Shadowsinger - Azriel - 4/?
Azriel struggles to contain his feelings - for Elain, for Mor, for himself- and a jewel thief is running around Velaris, causing confusion. And with Cassian in Illyria, Azriel feels alone in his darkness. Into this mess waltzes a stranger, an enigma who calls herself Amuten with a mysterious past and connection to Amren.
Warning: angst, depressed thoughts, self-loathing, dark azriel, cold azriel, anxiety
dont worry there is happy Az too
<<Previous -- Next>>
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Azriel sat in Rhysand’s office with him, flipping through reports. Azriel notices as Rhys looks down at his desk with a curious expression on his tanned face. 
     “This letter is addressed to you, I think, Az.” Rhys handed him a letter.
     The envelope was of good quality, expensive. Heavy, almost. 
      Rhysand cleared his throat. “Read the other side.”
     Azriel turned the envelope over in his hands. 
     In exquisite calligraphy, it read: To The Most Beautiful Mysterious Curious Shadowsinger of the Night Court 
     He opened the envelope and slid out the letter. Again, good quality, expensive paper. Quite a few pages, too. 
      Dear Azriel, it said in messy, yet elegant, scrawl. 
      I never did get to tell you the juicy gossip I promised. If you are still curious, be at the Seventh Lamppost on the Seventh Bridge across the Sidra when the sun bleeds the sky red.
     Wear something nice, Spymaster. 
     Thats all I really had to say, but I bought a lot of paper to put in this envelope to make it more intriguing to on-lookers. Flip through and scan the pages, please. I do love tricking people. 
     Sincerely, The Most Beautiful, Mysterious, and Curious
     And that was it. Azriel kept his face neutral as he did as she asked, even though it made him chuckle inside. The writer was obviously Amuten. Eventually he folded the letter and extra pages up and slipped it back into it’s envelope. It vanished in a puff of black smoke to his desk at home. 
     “Who was that from?” His High Lord questioned. 
     Azriel debated telling him it was from The Most Beautiful, Mysterious, and Curious. He settled on “Someone possible information on the jewel thief.” Truth. 
     Rhys raised a brow and commented, “Sounds like they have a pretty high opinion of you. What did it say? The Most Beautiful, Mysterious, Curious Shadowsinger of the Night Court?”
      “The first two were crossed out.”
      Rhys gave him a look. “They wouldn’t have written it if they didn’t think it.”
      The shadowsinger shrugged. “She signed it as The Most Beautiful, Mysterious, and Curious with nothing crossed out, so I don’t think you should read too much into it.”
     “A she? Oh, Az, do you have a secret lover?” His brother teased. 
     Rhys looked into his eyes, as if attempting to discern the truth. Good luck with that. Azriel held the stare, unreadable ice in his hazel eyes. 
     This staring contest went on for several heart beats before Rhys eventually gave up. 
     “Whatever,” he sighed dramatically. “Don’t tell me anything.”
      Azriel winnowed away without another word. 
Azriel lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His shadows floated leisurely around the room, most settling in dark corners or underneath his bed. 
     Sunset approaches, his shadows murmur to him. The shifter will await your presence soon.
     Alright, alright. Azriel sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. After forcing himself to get off the bed, he ruffled through his closet.  No, no, no. 
     His shadows rushed to help him, black ripples of excitement. Here. 
     Azriel pulled out the clothing his shadows and picked out. The nicest thing in his closet. A simple, formal black jacket and suit pants and a crisp white shirt with a bow tie. 
     I am not wearing a tuxedo for a meeting to gather information. He got the impression that if they had been able, his shadows would’ve shrugged as they retreated, leaving him to his own judgement since he had dismissed their own. 
     Azriel ended up putting on casual black pants, a form-fitting white shirt, and a black jacket. He left the jacket open, and strapped Truth-Teller to shiny black belt. It was classy enough to pass in most place in Velaris, but he would certainly never be overdressed. He wondered why Amuten had told him to wear something nice. The spymaster of the High Lord of the Night Court looked down and argued with shadows about what shoes to wear.
     Totally normal.
     His shadows won out, so he pulled on dress shoes rather than his combat boots. Finally, he looked in the mirror to assess his appearance. Not that he would ever admit it, but Azriel liked to look good. Intimidating and mysterious, but sleek. 
     And he did. With sapphire siphons on his hands, large wings creating hulking shadows behind him, and inky hair, he looked good. 
     A thought popped unbidden into his mind. What would Elain think? He blushed, thankful it was invisible to himself in the dark. 
     Yes, Azriel was getting ready without the lights on. He rarely had lights on.
The wind ruffled his black hair and cut through his clothing. As evening grew, the spring air chilled.
     He grinned and flapped his massive wings. Man, he loved flying.
Azriel had already scoped out the meeting spot beforehand. So now he leaned against the seventh lamppost on the seventh bridge, one hand in his pocket and the other resting casually on the hilt of Truth-Teller. Shadows swirled around him, blending in with the darkness as the sun continued its path behind the mountains. 
     Amunet wasn’t here yet. Not that he could see, anyway. Realizing he had no idea what to look for (she could change her appearance after all), he sent some shadows to seek her out. They singled out a tall, elegant female who looked High Fae with pearly skin and pale blonde hair. Ice blue eyes met his across the bridge, and she sashayed her way to him. Amuten wore a silver evening gown that hugged her curves until it fell in a sparkling waterfall to pool at her feet, with a split up to her mid-thigh, so when she stepped her left leg forward, you got a full view of her long, smooth leg, and the dusty silver, strappy heels. The dress also had sheer sleeves that reached her the middle of her forearm, showcasing a large silver-and-diamond bracelet on one wrist. A matching pair of chandelier earring hanged from her ear lobes. 
     Azriel almost wished he had listened to his shadows and worn the tux. 
     “Hey, Azriel,” Amuten greeted him warmly. Then she eyed him in a way that had his insides fluttering. “You look even more handsome than usual. Absolutely dashing.”
     “Thank you,” he murmured, trying not to blush. “You look stunning.”
     Azriel had a feeling she would have tossed her hair had the locks not been swept, pinned and curled with diamond pins over one shoulder. 
     But she did flash him grin, saying, “I know.” No sharp teeth this time. 
     Suddenly a shadow flew up to his ear. Your High Lord is near, and has suspected your presence. He will discover you within a few heartbeats. 
     Unwilling to be seen by his brother, Azriel stepped forward quickly, and grabbed her arm. Then, acting on shadowy instinct, he took her into the shadow realm. But not before catching a violet eye in the crowd. 
Why he had taken her into the shadow realm instead of winnowing? Azriel didn’t know. (I do it makes the escape way more interesting.)
     But he did. He had rarely taken someone into this realm. Only a handful of times and even fewer people in centuries. They usually freaked out in the hallucinatory and chilling realm. But Amuten was come, if awed. Together, they weaved between the faeries. Once Amuten realized that this was shadow-Velaris was the same layout as regular Velaris, she tugged him in one direction. Towards the theatre part of time. They ran through the grey streets, shadowy feet not really touching the ground. The silence was deafening. In the shadow realm, you couldn’t even hear yourself breathe.
     Amuten tried to pull on his arm, but learned that nothing was really substantial in this realm, so she resorted to waving her shadow-arms wildly, leaving streaks of black in the shaded atmosphere. She pointed to the theatre door, and he brought them back into colour and sound and life.
     “That was freaking awesome!” Amuten’s eyes were glowing with exhilaration. 
     Azriel cracked a small smile at her. Amuten’s moods were so contagious. Shadows spun around them in stirred energy. Scraps of black nothingness still clung to the female. 
     When she peered at them curiously, he said, “They feel more at ease with someone who has been to their realm.”
     When she looked back up at him, she wore a smile so similar to Elain’s he had to blink. Elain. The female’s name flooded him with warm feelings. 
     When Amuten made to enter the orchestra hall, Azriel realized why she had told him to dress nicely. 
     They sat in Amuten’s private box, and listened to the concert. It was beautiful. Music never failed to arouse emotion with in the shadowsinger, and it made his shadows come out and surround him in contented silence. 
     During the intermission, Amuten told him that yet another jewel had been stolen, but another one was also returned. He thanked her for the information. 
     Then she asked, “Why are you called a shadowsinger? I mean, I get the shadow part, but what about the singer?”
     Azriel paused. Nobody had ever asked him that before. There was no harm in telling her. But it was private information. Besides, she was always asking questions but never telling him anything. 
     As if reading his thoughts, she said, “I’ll tell you something personal about me.”
     He cocked his head, silently signaling for her to go on.
     “I’m part Illyrian,” Amuten confessed. 
      Part Illyrian? What? That doesn't even make any sense. Does she have wings? 
      “I know what you’re thinking,” she went on. “And I’m not going to explain my messy, complicated lineage to you right now. Maybe some other time. But I do have wings, but I usually hide them, because I never learned how to fly.”
     Unsure how to respond, Azriel answered bluntly, “I sing to my shadows.”
     Their conversation was cut off when the performance started again, and they turned their attention to the stage. They spoke of nothing of importance for the remainder of the night, and parted ways after the show.
The full moon shone down on the shadowsinger as he flew home. 
eek okay so I drew Amuten from her first scene and i also used charcoal pencils to draw the scene where they are running through the shadow realm. I might post them. hope you guys liked this chapter. I know its short but I just wanted it up. 
Smiles, Holly ;)
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Do you remember?
😳 I don’t think you remember the “exact moment” I felt a spark for you. You A.D.D. mf)
But yea, I had a crush on you since then.
I made a sad cover of “Sprung” by T-Pain the night that I realized I actually did like you. And that I was ok with it. I had finally accepted it. I fell for my coworker who was already in a relationship. But that was late of January 2019.
I think we had this conversation in December.
Right around the end of Fall Semester at the college bookstore.
I remember I walked over to the unofficial, packing table that was placed right before you to get to the bookshelves of all this many textbooks that I never gave a fuck about.
We were unpacking boxes of school supplies for inventory with a few others.
I started grabbing some boxes while you said “Hey, what's up?”
And Then I probably awkwardly, “Alright, How’s it going?”
I don’t know why I was nervous around you. Probably because this was our only other time we had to talk other than those last 2 that made me very uncomfortable and confused. 
(I used to be so jittery around that time, because I hated being the newbie, in a new place with a bunch of people I didn’t know. I was shy, silent, observant and goofy awkward if someone tried to talk to me. I avoided being in view of conversations because I hated being in the center of attention. It was too uncomfortable. )
Convo #1
The first day we met, was my training day with another new girl named Nicole.
I had asked you and her for your names as I introduced myself
And I noticed your voice was a lot deeper than I expected it to be? Compared your soft white-like pale skin. I thought you were Latino-mixed. I had no idea that you were black, too. (omgg this sounds so racist typing this shit out loud lmaooo wtf) You kinda sounded similar to my cousin Joq, who’s a firefighter.
I seemed a bit taller than you, but your brown hair was kinda cute. It was like a curly top with a faded cut on both sides. Your natural Brown hair was my favorite on you. Cause’ sometimes I saw speckles of light brown, gold, and grey when you were outside or took pictures in the sunlight. You seemed chill, and you had these cute fluffy cheeks like they were freshly made dough covered in baker’s flour. Like right before they toss it up in the air to make it bounce.
Plus, I didn’t know if you were a girl or a boy. Or just a girl, who like dressing up like a tomboy. Because you had very pretty eyes. And I didn't notice any facial hair.....but no I wasn't looking hard at your face. It was just stuff I remembered to look back on later on that day. I didn’t want to ask, because one, thats none of my business and two, I couldn’t make eye contact with you. It just didn’t seem right at the time. I glanced, but not too hard because eye contact still makes me uncomfortable to this very day.
I had asked you if you could show me how to clock-in, how to post a timeline thing for the store’s facebook out of curiosity because I saw you do one, and I didn’t know how to put the size tags on the hooks of the hangers....which was new to me too. You seemed a lil tight lipped, so I probably thought I should stop asking you for help. I didn’t know you preferred being called “they” until that one girl with shaved head, I think Jordan, had answered my question about you being a guy or a girl. I wanted to know, but I wondered if I was like that, I would have assumed someone was being too nosy or judgmental. So I didn't speak to you about it until later. Also, you had a very intimidating smile. Maybe it was because I had never seen you smile with your teeth out unless it was because you were laughing at a joke I made or something weird I said.
Convo #2
I don’t know how it started, but I was readjusting clothes to put back onto their hangers and I saw you were in between register 2 and 3. This was the first time I had found out you had a girlfriend....who also worked at the same store....fucking kill me.
Because she started to walk in, and then you yelled to me, “Do you got a bae?” from across the counter I was standing at. And I said “Huh? No”
In my head, Im like why are you asking me that? But then as she came into your view you said “Cuz I got a bae.” And she came behind the register where you were at to clock in and you ignored me and greeted her with a kiss. Then you pointed at her and said to me “That’s my bae.” 
And I looked at you so confused like....you fucking weirdo.
And this all happened within a span of like 8 seconds or so....
It was like you were so curious to know if I was single or not, because later on you had asked me again like as if you had forgot, 
“Do you got a bae?” 
But you said it so quick it was like weird because it was in passing that you asked me that again. Like how could you forget that you asked me that? And why were you asking me that if you had a girlfriend already? Were you trying to set me up with someone else? I didn’t want any trouble with you, so I kinda backed off from you because one, I barely even knew you to have that kinda question answered. But me being in shock that you asked, made me blurt out no....like nooo wtf I wasn’t supposed to answer. I used to stick to my morals, tough.
We were unpacking boxes, greetings...
You asked me “Where you from?” And somehow we were talking about how weird and thirsty it was for Bella to make a set of her phone number out on paper for her to pass to all these college guys. You said it was because she liked getting guy’s attention. And I said yea with all those business cards. 
And then somehow the topic of Bella’s sexuality had us talking about our own. 
You had asked me if I was gay and I hesitantly said, “I wasn’t sure.” Cause I wasn’t sure if I wanted people know that I was at least bicurious because of my mom. My dad eh.... I was more afraid of her ever finding out. Also, because I honestly never quite had the chance to officially know, I had only looked at certain girls in that certain way unless I had gotten to know them a little better, if I already knew they was gay, or I was just watching lesbian porn. I especially like tongue kissing videos the most. Idk why tongue sucking make out vids was such a clit boner for me. Especially when they suck each others....hold up back to the story 🤣.
But then, you told me that the first time you lost virginity was in third grade. You said “I think about sex all the time.”
And this is where I said “Oh,” because it wasn’t like you were casually saying this. Your eyes changed. 
They grew so full, so big and so dark, I didn't even know why you were looking at me like that and how the fuck did you make me so fucking scared and aroused all at the same time. Like I said “eye contact makes me uncomfortable” (It was an adrenal thing...I think. Lets just say anxiety for rn.)
Especially when it looks like a big, bad wolf wants to see what you taste like.
You walked away to go help a customer, but as you came back you asked “so are you a virgin?” and I said “Huh?”
I was still short stiff with a clit boner that I tried to make go away, how else was I supposed to feel??? I was like oohhhhhh shittttt are we gay? I don’t even know what exactly “they” are.
I noticed you started to stare at me a little bit too longer than you should have been looking at my face, but I could understand why now. You knew.
You knew that I was attracted to you.
And my flushed cheeks would not go down as you kept looking at me when we talked. I think thats when we got separated again, because boss told me to start helping people in the aisles.
I looked at you differently after,
I didn’t know what made me pulse up like that for you, because I rarely got clit boners. I thought it was a sign, because it was blinking. Just like my heart was beating.
Looking back on it now, you probably were praying on me, since I was a virgin. You told me way later on that you liked sex with virgins. How come I didn’t runaway after you said that?....I was a blind fool for those eyes. 
I ignored all those red flags lol. You know what's even more weirder, I just realized you set that story up 1st to ask me if I was a virgin first, then you asked me if I was gay. But then again, I did mention “what would you say is another word for vagina?” I said “blossom😊” and you said “blossom🤨?” 
Cause of course, the only pussy I’ve seen was on porn, but I didn’t watch them “up-close masturbation” videos until after we....😳 
How dumb, innocent, and naive I must have been.
I had a hard time accepting my crush for you because you were my 1st gay crush. I came out the closet for you. Over Christmas break, I had to rationalize what it all meant: do we have romantic feelings? do we care if you had a dick, pussy, or none (because you were nonbinary, but I still wanted you), do we care if this crush never comes out because you had a girlfriend? How desperate was I to kiss you? I had never kissed someone outside my gender...I had only kissed one guy that I found out was my cousin at 16. I was 22 and never had a real kiss, still a virgin, still in the closet....at my mom’s house.
My insecurities were through the roooofff and my overthinking made me hesitant to even consider ever ever ever ever telling you...because 2019 was about to start and we were about to get let off as temp workers. I thought maybe I should just let it go because you started working somewhere else and I never saw you at the store for awhile.
Even when boss ended your term 1st, I was so sad, so emotional because I never got to hang out with you like that. We used to play tag with the note clips on people’s shirts, and I used to crack jokes about Brian’s hair patch. It was fun, but I was ready to give up until I saw you at your last day. 
I wanted to help you out, but you said you got it when you were putting up calculators. In my head, I was like noooo, let me help you out. Its your last day, how else am I going to see you again? You didn't even have a facebook or instagram with your name, I checked 1st 🥺. I thought maybe it was supposed to be short lived like a crush...until I had my 1st dream about you and I was like ohhhh hellllll nahhhh. Its a sign bitch, go. 
So I got you and your gf number off the employee directory list boss had for us to contact each other in case we wanted to trade shifts. 
I texted something similar to you like “hey, just wanted to say goodbye to you since I didn't get the chance...”
(which was true because I said goodbye to you the day you came back in to get your scarf, and then you left. Without saying anything back to me out the door. I thought maybe my voice was too soft...or you just didn’t like me as a person..... 😔)
“Just wanted to say it was nice working with you. Maybe I’ll see you around campus?”
But you must have left me on read because I didn't hear nothing back for 2weeks until your gf invited me and some coworkers to go bowling late in January...right around this time. I was the only one that showed up like lol wtf. 
I felt like an idiot after we started talking about Taylor.
Thats when I heard my head’s dark side say “BINGO”
Because I had no idea you two were having a threesome with her. In fact I was a little bit jealous that you two were seemed so close as friends...compared to you and I. But I thought it was weird when Bella asked you about if she should hook up with Taylor, you said “Nah, she a little too crazy for you.”
That shoulda been my hint.
Cause’ you even talked about looking at other girls with Key, and I became jealous and insecure then too,
Because Key, looked like a fucking bulldog. Why tf would you want to have sex with her? (my jealous petty thoughts...smh) I looked wayyyyy prettier than her. I thought I should have been the more worthy one to have ben chosen.
I thought you must have liked skinny girls to have liked Taylor like that.
And yea...that me fall down in my esteem too. Sighhhhhh, I thought she must have been lucky to have been picked by you.
Ewwww why am I going goo-goo-ga-ga all over again.
What still rattles me up to this day is...why was I so jealous of your “sub-slutstitues” and not your actual girlfriend? I never understood that. 
Was it because me and her were actually starting to become friends and I wasn’t bothered by you and her’s chemistry. It was weird af for me, because usually I would have scowled at someone who was with someone I wanted. 
But I guess I actually liked her too,
Which made this last part pretty hard to accept.
That I was a bad friend to her too,
I had only became friends with her to get closer to you, but in the process I wanted her to stay too. We were comfortable with each other and I never experienced being comfortable with intimacy with another woman like her. She made me feel calm, but in a different way than you did. She made me calm like a mother would...like I was a motherless child.
That touch that I had been so longing for, was right there.
And I knew it, after she kissed me. There was no going back. Like I’m right here for both of you now. Not just one.
It was sad, comforting, and rejuvenating all at the same time. 
You guys sparked a light in me that I knew I had, but was afraid to light it because of what other people wanted me to be. I never knew that I could make my own choices and do as I pleased because I was always in my mother’s spotlight. And so they became home in my heart and she became my ease of pain.
Maybe I just didn't want to be alone. But I swear, something felt different between you guys and I was so close to proposing us throuple rings. But thats not what she wanted....nuh uh.
Something changed after that 1st lil passionate moment.
Its like she didn’t want me, I was just using you to have some fun.
What I thought was true, wasn't true at all.
And just like that she became my mother. And just like my real mother, I hate her all over again. 
I thought how could you be with someone who was so cold and bitter?
She never liked me, she was emotionally unavailable.
Thats why my heart didn’t go ding for her like it did for you. It was like she was always gone, but she was always there.
0 notes
fuck-customers · 7 years
scandal: sex and cliques part II
so a while back i posted on here (this post: http://fuck-customers.tumblr.com/post/159274796207/scandal-cliques-and-sex) about the “sex scandal” at my work.
i now have an update! again, it’s long - it’s really hard to simplify it.
first of all, it turns out nobody reported them but becky was offered a senior supervisor position at a new store thats opening in june nearer to where she lives. its in a bigger and more reputable store, and its one of three stores in the country that offer this senior supervisor role. she declines this promotion (hmmm i wonder why) and one of our supervisors (lets call her jane as she becomes relevant later one) takes it instead.
however, someone did report our boss for being lazy at work and he had a visit from our area manager who is a total hardass and yelled at him in the office (i wasn’t in but apparently, according to other staff it was loud). he gets disciplined.
our assistant manager takes charge and makes some changes. she’s a nice lady - but pretty firm, she doesn’t take any shit. she sits down with becky when our boss isn’t in and asks her “informally” talks to her about the group chat she has with the girls and also how her and our boss speak outside of work. im not sure how it goes but becky gets all defensive and blames emily for it all and her and emily have this HUGE argument in the stockroom on a closing shift… 
im not sure what happened but by the end of the week they’ve spoke it over and they’re “friends” again and they’ve both decided to “leave group chats behind”. this is kinda good… it diffuses the clique. the girl i work with who goes to my uni tells me as we meet up for lunch (again) that none of the group of girls really speak to her anymore unless they’re in work, they stop arranging dinner dates and nights outs… its all a bit weird because they all claimed to be the best of friends but hey ho i guess they werent really close. however, this doesn’t really stop the passive bullying of the younger girl member of staff but thats a completely different and off topic story. 
my manager becomes even more reserved at work - our assistant manager basically told us we couldn’t really speak about the whole becky/boss fucking thing anymore which is fair enough because it started creating a lot of hostility and tension… however, becky and him are still as close as ever - although our assistant manager was pretty good at separating them - giving becky different tasks, offering to take more on for my boss to ease the tension and any possible “wrong” relationships.
everyone starts taking all their shit out on our boss - who i mentioned in the past post is actually a pretty sweet guy regardless of how all of this makes him seem. we don’t hit target for the quarter and all the other sales assistants say it’s his fault for being “lazy” - i completely disagree with this throughout because he always tries to remain positive even when he’s not 100% there. we all hear throughout this time that him and his girlfriend finally split and she moved, all the details are very vague but it really just seems like she didn’t love him for the past year or so and just completely cut him out of her life. 
i hear from one of the other managers that he said he was sick of people grilling/disrespecting him. which is fair, anyone would. but it gets to the point where i text him to say i can’t do a shift and offer an alternative solution that he stops replying to me - which is very out of character - and i just have to sort it by myself. i worry that he took it as me grilling him. 
he goes off on sick leave for a week and comes back and just doesn’t look right at all - noticeable weight loss, bags under his eyes, grey looking skin - he genuinely looks like he’s gonna kill himself. regardless, becky is still all the way up his arse and he’s up hers. cause it’s pretty taboo at work, nobody really mentions it but we’re all thinking about it. 
i’m not sure if i’m biased because i really like him and know that his mental health is pretty terrible at the best of times but i honestly just think becky is using him and now he’s trapped… b/c if he tries to break it off she can just scream about how her “big bad boss took advantage of her” or whatever… but y’no i could be completely wrong… maybe he is a bit scummy and lost his girlfriend over the fact he was being scummy with other girls for so long. idk.
my boss also completely denies how much he’s hurting - i opened alone with him last monday and we had some very dry chat. i asked him how he was feeling regarding his mental health as he’s always been pretty open with me about it as he knows i deal with similar demons but he’s just like…”oh im great, moving on and enjoying being a single man again!!! :)” later im a bit less vague with him and tell him im worried about him and again… he’s just like… “nah don’t be worried about me!!! you’re young and have other things to worry about - i have people to worry about me its okay!!! anyway im fine im just a little miffed because we finished down this quarter!!!” i tell him im happy to worry but leave it there because i don’t want to make him uncomfortable.
flash forward to last weekend, jane books a booth at a nightclub and invites everyone out for drinks for her leaving night. shes not leaving for a couple more weeks but wanted to do it before holiday season started. most leave pretty early but myself, becky, a gal we will call susie and a few others stayed out. jane and susie became pretty good friends at work due to the fact they were basically the same person. susie is gay but jane isn’t however, theres always been banter about the fact they’re in love... which continued through this night out. its nothing serious, its all light hearted. well. it was. 
becky starts telling everyone about the fact they made out in this club (they didn’t) and went back to susies to do "whatever lesbians do in the bedroom". y’no, although jane is straight. becky makes up that this happened before at another night out and that jane told her on shift once that she was bisexual. a lot of people shrug it off cos they know its bs but it becomes almost as big as the her/boss story and our area manager finds out - as jane was still working in our store whilst all this happened, and although it was all bullshit, she was punished for letting it go out of hand or whatever and wasn’t given the promotion and instead got offered a standard supervisor position at the new store with the possibility to progress. she declines offer this and susie (who is obviously very pissed) tells everyone that jane wanted to rat out becky/manager but couldn’t actually face doing so because she genuinely actually likes our boss. 
again, if there’s any updates on this again i’ll post! work used to be draining cause of the customers but now it’s draining because of the staff! 
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huntingforsues · 8 years
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((Oh god the base ))
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Civilian Name: Diana Ristau
Alter Ego Name & Why: Nightowl
She doesn't really know why, it was more or less “the other two are flying animals, and- I'm pretty much nocturnal, so. Yeah.” ((okokokokoko FUCKIN HOLD IT THIS IS SOME B U L L S H I T, Bruce got the name batman bc of thr batcave and such and Dick got the name Robin bc thats what his parents called him so BITCH-)) Affiliation: The Team ((Ok I know this is Young Justice and all b ut "The Team"? what the bullshit team bc I feel like you would belong there))
Birth Date [optional] + Age:
May 20th, 2000. She's 16.
Gender + Sexuality [optional]:
She is female but prefers to go by, they/them/it.
She is Asexual but is more Panoramic (combination of Pansexual and Asexual)
Civvie Appearance Description:
She doesn't wear skirts. Period. ((Don't just a damn she can wear a poncho for all I care)) She mainly wears jeans doesn't really matter the color as long as it isn't something she considers obnoxious such as white, yellow, and/or pink. Medium-Dark blues, certain shades of grey, and black are the “acceptable colors” to her. Of course she has to have her black converse, which she is almost always wearing when not in her her “hero costume.” To be honest she would have incorporated her converse into her costume if Batman hadn't stepped in and said no
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 Now finally, a crop top from her hometown's College, UNLV  (this is a real Collage you can look it up-) ((Does it look like I give a shit sweetie this is DC)) though she isn't in her “hometown” she still wears the shirt, like,“in honor”. 
Alter Ego Appearance Description:
She wears mostly black- Because, why not? ((Bc Zero originality and EDGE)) But most of the lining is done in red ((H HHHH)), that had it's own meaning to it that I won't spoil quite yet. She has a black on the outside, white on the inside type of Cape “because it came with the outfit”((hhHHHHHH)). She of course has a similar black mask as Robin does, which replaces her normal glasses. Along with a grey utility belt, her light grey/white fingerless gloves (that go up to her elbow), each glove has something on it. On the left hand side she has a mini gun that is attached to it ((The fUCK just a casual gun attached to her wrist))  , that can be swapped out for a grappling hook. On the right are more pockets, often where she keeps her ammo/knives. Finally she has her dark grey heeled boots, which she claims to be easier to fight in, (They aren't 10 inches, but they are a decent 2-3 inches). (Aka) Crush + Why they like them/What personality trait did they like:
N/A, She loves the team and all, but she considers them all as Family.
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Personality [optional]: Despite what she might tell you, she is incredibly smart. Take a look at her Report card to prove it. She is a weird combination of a nerd and a geek, and will often try to make things from video games become real.
((Fuck, fucking fucking fuck cunt shit fuck me with a crescent moon that has a duck at the end)) 
 Despite what she might show, she is caring, and cares for the team more than anything- She steals from the Fast and Furious in saying “I don't have friends, I have family.” 
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While all of this is fine and Dandy, she is slightly unstable, ((oF FUCKING COURSE)) she doesn't show it, but she has nightly dream terrors that after cause her to sleep during the day
Do they have powers? (If yes, must describe powers):
She doesn't have really any noticeable powers, she could be considered a witch because she has the ability to cast spells, though she rarely does so, thanks to her instability, 
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she doesn't trust herself with magic. Well at least the good kind. Her main/only noticeable power is her Accelerated healing ((i wANT TO BANG MY HEAD IN A WA L L)) , she can't heal as fast as deadpool, or come back from the dead, but her healing factor is higher than the average human. Depending on the injury, most times it can take a few minutes, up to a day or two at most to heal. (EX, small cut, a minute, maybe two, a broken bone, depending how severe, couple of hours to a few days.) Weapon of choice [optional]: She isn't too picky with her weapon choice, it mainly depends on the situation. Most of the time she will prefer her Gun.
((Then just say a fucking gun))
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Thanks to her chaotic mind, she is immune to most psychic attacks, though it doesn't stop her from becoming nauseated or dizzy as a minor side effect.
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Hand-to-Hand combat is another strength, while she isn't bad with a gun (almost any type) She is better when dealing with an enemy up close, even if they brought a knife to the fight. ((So you’re saying she’s good with a gun and hand to hand combat - mhm yeah - fuck you))
Weaknesses: I know this is probably cliche, but her family is her greatest weakness, depending on who you target, she can fight to the death for them, or practically become your slave (Family= Batman, Alfred, the team, and her biggest family related weakness, her best friend, I'll explain later) ((YES THIS IS FUCKING CLICHE AND JUST A LAZY THING TO ADD IN BC MOST PEOPLE WOULD DO THAT THEIR FUCKING FAMILY))
Her other weakness is of course her instability. She can just break down sometimes if she's under too much stress or something similar, this is why she spends a lot of time by herself, and at least a couple of days a month away from the squad where she just does whatever she wants. (The only people who know is Batman, Robin, and Alfred)
General background information:
Diana didn't know her mom, like at all. She died 7 months after Diana’s birth on December 18th, 2000 ((Ok, ok this is DC therefore this is fine)) Diana was left alone with her father and soon began having nightmares, demons told her that she was one of them- that she was a product of a demon and a human
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That caused her to become more and more unstable, but she found ways of comfort in her closest friends, her family. More tragedy is still to come, Diana's father died when she was 10, ((GREAT)) and worse yet, her best friend was shipped away to some mental hospital on the east coast (Arkham Asylum). 
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Diana ran away and headed for the place that her best friend was located. Once she was in Gotham (Aged 13 going on 14), she had to do odd and… illegal… jobs (no prostitution. Absolutely not.) Given her young and innocent look, she was able to smuggle various items through security, and even became an assassin for a short period of time until Batman and his new sidekick, Robin caught her. After a short period in Arkham, she was released thanks to a “Mysterious benefactor”, who then took her in, Bruce Wayne. She knew who he was right away, but she was grateful nonetheless. She fights with him as part of her way of paying him back, and to protect her new family.
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((Fucking why?)) Extra [optional]:
She knows Martial Arts, (she does because I do and I've been doing it since I was in first grade and I'm younger than her and I'm nearly a black belt).
((10/10 no self insert here none here ma’am))
I'm not sure what else to really put down....
((Fuck this I’m 100/10% done))
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- Mod Ghost [Skip]
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the-words-she-said · 8 years
This will be a read-more since the majority of the stuff is pretty triggering... It’s a very old note, but I’d like to post it anyways. (with the mistakes and all) Trigger warning!!
what the hell is wrong with me? i dont even know what the hell to do anymore...i'm so fucking lonely...and to think i could be actually happy. its a fact i'm not. never been, and possibly never will. its like the circle of life. we all die in the end. we all do. it sucks. a lot. i have a feeling that i'm going to be ending my circle of life pretty damn early. idk. even though i know have people that loves me...when i see them hurt...in any kind of way...or when people rejectes me...or just insulted by me...i get so upset. it kills me so much in the fucking inside. help me.
i need help. idk what to do anymore. its like everywhere i go. its following me to the ends of the earth...and i'm afraid its going to take me over. its goingt to take me over, and grasp my soul, and then after that i won't even have a soul anymore. i'm afraid  that wont be any of me left after this one. i'm afraid of dying anymore in the inside. i'm so sad.....no one really knows...theres been people that i tell it too....but i think they think its either my mood swings, that it'll just last a little while...but its going to last a damn long time. only the brief times of happiness...i try to keep those memories to keep me going.. but even that is just taken over by the fucking black. its just..
black. a feeling of emptiness. its a huge hole in my heart, cept i think its in my entire body now. is there any way to patch this hole up? any..fucking way?.....i'm tired. i'm tired of leaking out. i'm tired of leaking out strength. pretty soon..i'm going to start cutting again. i know it. every day, its a ticking time bomb. i've thought about it so much this summer...but i keep myself back. cause i'm going to be wearing shorts...but now thats winter is coming...no one can stop me. no one needs to know...that's what i keep thinking..
.i'm going to cut again...hurt everyone again...and i'm afraid that i won't be able to stop myself from cutting...it feels so damn good...i still remember my releases from cutting...it felt. so good. i at least, was happy the next day...cause my pain was released. i'm so lonely...even if i'm surrounded by friends..i still feel so lonely..cause they're chatting away, when i'm a shut in. i want to die. just so i dont have to experince this crap anymore...but i believe in being recarinated, so the next person pays for my sins...blah. this fucking sucks. i'm so confused about myself. i don't even know what the hell i want to be when i grow up. like. i dont mind being a video game designer for the story plot...as in writing what the characters says and shit....but bleh. idk. i just. dont. know.
i dont know myself anymore...all i know is that theres this huge black hole in me..sucking the life out of me. i'm not sure if i'm being depressed for attention either... this sucks. a lot. bleh. SADSD BLEH. i'm tired of this crap. i'm tired of being depressed. i'm tired of not knowing. i'm tired of not knowing how to get my pain out. i'm tired of going through this cycle of "be happy. screw something up. get depressed. rant about it in some form. be better. be happy. repeat". it's. killing me. very slowly. and i can't even talk about it with my friends...i can't put them through my worthless shit..i just can't. they have their own problems to deal with...they don't need to deal with me too...
and plus..i help them...the least thing i can do..is not make them feel worse, knowing i'm helping them, even though i'm depressed...no...i want them to think i've succeeded into being happy. i want them to be happy that someone cares. i want them to think that someone has gone through similar things...and has made it. i dont want them to see my weaknesses.  i don't believe in a god anymore...i've offically have just...idk. i don't feel christain anymore...i've committed so many sins. not even god will forgive me. at least thats what i think. i'm never going to stop sinning.  i'm going to keep on going..and if there is a hell..i'm going to burn for it. idk anymore..i want to die. i want to live, but i want to die. i want to live, cause somewhere in my black hole..theres a glance of light. a glance of light that could brighten up my whole world of grey, and i could come back from falling into the black. just stop slipping through the cracks. finally stop falling through the depths......
just like ring the bells again...when spring began...wake me up...when this pain ends. please...i could go into a coma...i could take pills..i could drink..i could smoke to forget anything..but i dont...why..?....i want to forget...i want to...i don't want to remember...i want to start all over...but i can't...cause i don't want to lose everything i have....i want everything i have..but at the same time i dont...i want to choose...but i can't...somethings holding me back...hope..maybe...hope that everything can change...hope that i can change...hope...that i can survive through this pain...hope that i don't become anyone that i regret......
.then die, happy that i've lived. i want to die, content with my life. i want to die with everything that i've wanted to do, done. i want to die happy. i want to live. i want to sleep. i want to cry cause i was laughing so hard. i want to snuggle with my man during a horror movie. i want to get married, have kids, and have an amazing career with my man. i want to have wonderful kids, i want a wonderful husband..i want to be wonderful myself. i want to become rich and famous cause my game with my husband was fukken awesome...i want to sing while giving birth. i want to finish a song. i want to eat a whole bucketful of gummy worms. i want to go on a nation-wide road trip, and go on a road-trip in the states too..i want to experince my first flight.
i want to experince my first kiss in the snow. i want to go out in the country side, in the winter, and when its snowing, just run, just running, making foot prints in the fresh snow...then making a bunch of snow angels that forms an heart when i'm done. i want to go out camping with my best friends, have smores around the fire, just laughing and enjoying our companies. i want to go to the leaning tower of pisa, and take a picture of it like i'm drinking it. i want to raise 3000$, then go on an insane shopping spree in the local mall. I want to buy a bass guitar, then learn how to play it. i also want to do that with the drums. in the summer, i want to jump off a cliff, with other people holding hands with me, and take a picture of that moment. i want to get a camera, and take a picture of at least one thing every day. i want to walk through bunch of graveyards, respecting the dead, and finding curious things. i want to live.
i want to live.
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