#cause he makes hawks (the hero) murder a villain when he is not attacking
animefansession · 2 years
I love how, if you don't know what the anime is about, you'd guess wrongly who the hero and the villain are respectively.
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hi snz squad (Sorry. Not funny.) i got some food for the h/awks fans FINALLY sorry for the wait i had writers block for like a month straight 😜 love that. anyway heres about 1.7k of allergic h/awks and some really badly written fighting/sparring LMAO enjoy!!
“You ready, birdie?” Dabi says, his lopsided grin wicked as usual.
“As I’ll ever be,” replies Hawks. The villain’s left hand is swallowed by bright cerulean flames, so hot there’s already faint plumes of smoke puffing out around it. In turn, Hawks draws his two longest feathers and sharpens them with ease, and raises them into a defensive position. He wonders, briefly, who’ll make the first move, then decides that these sparring sessions are for him to improve against fire; Dabi’s skills are perfectly fine as they are (Perhaps. He does sometimes think the man could do with some extra precision training, but he’s here to incinerate, not sauté, so who’s Hawks to judge?). Hawks lunges forward, feather-blades brandished, aiming straight for Dabi. Don’t hold back runs through his head over and over as he moves, the words Dabi keeps having to say to him every time they do this. It’s not Hawks’ fault he’s got such a hero complex. 
“Don’t hold back,” Dabi had said, flexing his wrists after their spar, “There’s no point in doing this if you aren’t gonna show me your full potential.”
Hawks had sighed. “Easier said than done, hot stuff.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “Is it?” he said, “You seem to be just fine facing off against any other villain when you’re on fuckin’ hero patrol.”
“That’s different, and you know it,” Hawks had replied, “This is training. I can’t just- make myself fight you properly without good reason.” He let out another long breath and drank from his water bottle.
“It’s cause we fucked, isn’t it?” Dabi had said, smirking. That had made Hawks splutter on his water. He glared indignantly at Dabi.
“Absolutely fucking not,” he declared. “You wish that was why.”
“Relax, I’m just messing,” said Dabi, with that shit-eating smirk still on his face. “Just fight harder next time, or whatever. Ain’t gonna learn anything if you don’t try.” He left the room, and Hawks had frowned after him.
Dabi sidesteps Hawks, but only just. Had he moved a millisecond later, Hawks’ blades would probably have been stuck in him. Whether that’s for the worse or the better, Hawks can’t decide - Dabi’ll probably chastise him for it later, but there’s only so much potential you can exhibit before stepping the boundary of actual murder. The villain’s blue flames have caught on the very edge of Hawks’ feather, and are creeping down its lengths with some pace, threatening to reduce the entire thing to ash. He quickly shakes it out and lifts the blades once again. If he can convince Dabi he’s planning on sticking this whole spar out melee-style, then maybe he can discreetly send some feathers behind for an ambush. He just needs to find the right moment. 
Then, Dabi raises his own hand and throws a stripe of glowing blue fire straight at Hawks. Right as he does so, Hawks takes his chance and releases a few medium-sized feathers, sending them to hover in position behind Dabi, ready to make their move from the rear. He ducks down, and just in time, too, as he feels the searing heat of Dabi’s attack barely inches from the top of his head. He does his best to ignore the sting in his eyes and how every blink threatens to send irritated tears sliding down his face, but it’s unexpected… that doesn’t tend to happen, and there’s normally a whole lot more fire involved in their fights than there is now. But, Dabi’s unrelenting nature doesn’t allow Hawks more than a moment of thought, and he’s almost instantly back upright, sharpened feathers pointing outwards, stalking Dabi back towards the wall. He keeps having to blink against his blurring vision, though, and it’s affecting his focus. If Dabi picks up on it, he doesn’t say anything. There’s still a thin plume of smoke issuing from his feather, too; those flames are no joke. Hawks crosses the feathers in his hands, preparing to drive forward and strike - if all goes to plan, Dabi will assume that’s all he’s going to do, and counterattack accordingly, then Hawks can compromise him with the feathers he has poised behind the villain. If all goes to plan.
And thankfully, it does, if you look past the single tiny snag. As predicted, Dabi releases a billowing explosion of fire straight forwards. Hawks’ blades are both ignited, but that’s neither here nor there, since he’s focused on bringing his other feathers back from behind Dabi, and up to his throat, mere millimetres away from his skin. They aren’t sharpened, but he doesn’t need to know that. Hawks knows he daren’t step into them to test. 
Dabi’s eyebrows lift up, his expression a mix of amused and impressed. “Not bad,” he says, glancing down towards the feathers at his throat. “Not exactly a technique that’ll work every time, but I didn’t see it coming, so that’s gotta count for something.”
Then comes that tiny snag. Hawks stops listening halfway through Dabi’s sentence when his sinuses start stinging like crazy, with such sharpness that it makes his eyes water even more than they already are. He sniffs, half testing the waters, half hoping it’ll make the sting go away, but unfortunately it only makes it worse. Just as Dabi lifts his hands up to incinerate the feathers in front of his neck so they can begin another round of sparring, Hawks sends said feathers rapidly towards the villain’s arms and pins him against the wall.
“Sorry, what–” he begins, startled.
Hawks lifts the fur-lined collar of his jacket and ducks down into it. For a moment, nothing happens, but–
Dabi pulls a face. “I swear to God, if you’re doing this and you’ve got a fucking c–”
“ah’hAH-! eH’SHHhyu! No, you cock, I don’t have a cold. I’m not that stupid.”
“You are, but okay,” Dabi says flatly, “Why do I have to be pinned to the fuckin’ wall?”
“‘Cause your psycho ass would probably attack me while I waahhs s-sn-hahh! hheh’sHHh’hiew!”
He pitches forward into his collar again, cutting himself off mid-sentence with a third desperate sneeze. They’re already getting harder to keep in check; and what the fuck is itching this badly? Sure, it’s mid-spring, and his hayfever’s probably acting up a bit, but no way in hell is it this bad. Maybe he’s just… sensitive today. He didn’t bother checking the pollen count this morning, so…
“You think I would do such a thing?” says Dabi dramatically in mock offence, “Sweet, innocent me?”
“Shut up. Yes, you absolutely woul- Jesus– h-haHh!...” Hawks’ breath catches sharply in his throat, but he’s exhaling shakily a moment later. 
“Lost it,” he says, only a little breathlessly, “You are the furthest thing from innocent and we both know that.”
The need to sneeze hasn’t left Hawks, despite the last one having eluded him. It’s laying dormant (for now), an incessant buzzing high in his nose that seems to also be accompanied by profusely watering eyes. He tries scrunching his nose to quell the feeling - it doesn’t help but rather slightly the opposite. Dabi arches an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You gonna let me go or what?”
“Uhh… oh! Right, sorry. Instinct, I guess,” Hawks says. He withdraws the feathers holding Dabi in place and the villain subsequently takes a few steps towards him. There’s still smoke rolling off of his arms, where he’d used his quirk, and it floats lazily upwards in greyish plumes. That smoke has always been mesmerising to Hawks, the way it curls and twists, almost as gracefully as Dabi’s flames themselves. It seems different to regular smoke, though, realistically it probably isn’t, and Hawks has just convinced himself it is so he has something else about Dabi to admire with childish adoration. The smell of it often clings to Dabi, though, fainter, obviously, but it’s still distinct if you’re up close. It’s filling the air now, the bitter scent comforting, strong, but stinging, and–
“-ah’hHahH-?!” Caught completely off guard, Hawks desperately draws in a staggered breath before he’s truly able to comprehend it. 
“hh’heHSHHh-iihHSCHHh’ue! Huuhh… fucking Jesus–” The double volleys through him with unexpected force, leaving him more than a little winded (but almost certainly not finished).
Dabi’s staring at him now, his expression half concerned, half incredulous. Can’t exactly blame him. He opens his mouth to say something, but Hawks is already cutting him off with another sneeze.
“So, about that cold you don’t have?” Dabi says, after Hawks has recovered - for now - with a series of pitiful sniffles and a less than kind rub at his nose with one gloved hand. 
“No, it’s–” his voice wavers slightly as he speaks, “it’s not that, I think it’s, ihh-it’s–”
Dabi shakes his head. “Sneeze first, speak after.”
“Rihhh– right, yeah I– hah-hhaHH’sSHHuuhh! ehHISHHhue! Jeez, okay, done now..” Hawks isn’t one to sneeze loudly per se - they’re usually softer, fairly subdued - but these ones are well on their way there. They’ve got the same intonation as usual, but with the intensity amped up a shocking degree. He’s not quite used to it.
“Done, done?” 
“Yeah, whatever– ‘m not sick, I think it’s your-” Hawks gestures vaguely at Dabi with one hand, and the latter’s eyebrow raises again, “-yourhhHehHTSChhnn!”
“What did I just say?” Dabi says, exasperated, and maybe a little fond.
“Leave me alone, that one didn’t give me any warning-!” whines Hawks in response, “You are so mean to me.”
“I know. Now spit it out, you’ve got me on the edge of my seat,” replies the villain dryly. 
Hawks rolls his still-watery eyes. “Shut up. It’s your smoke, I think,” he finally gets out.
Dabi looks slightly perplexed by this, and he voices it, “Never bothered you before.”
“No, I know, but,” He needs desperately to sneeze again. It’s all-consuming, but he’s determined to at least get a sentence out; “spring allergies’re making me s-sensitive to it.. I think that’s it, anyway–hhah sorry, I reahhllyneedto-hhiihSHHh-ehhH’shHHuue! Ugh.”
“Oh. Okay,” says Dabi, “so probably best we take a break for today, then?”
“Mm, yeah,” Hawks replies, knuckling at his nose. 
“Postmature bless you, by the way,” Dabi says with a funny look. Hawks nearly laughs.
“Yeah, like the opposite of premature. Is that the opposite of premature? Screw off, you’ve got me questioning myself now,” he replies, trying and failing to hide a stupid smile.
“It is now, I s’pose,” says Hawks, not at all fondly, “Thanks.”
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Correction to previous asks: Hawks did not break Twice's arm, that and the Sad Man's Parade happened during a previous arc. Hawks murdered him knowing that he could perform the Sad Man's Parade, but Twice only used it during that battle after Hawks revealed that he was the traitor to the League and attacked him.
I also think that Twice can't make more than two clones at a time (one from each arm) but if one of the clones is him, then that clone can simply repeat the process forever.
That bit I know!
But yeah the whole 'Hawks killing Twice' thing is.....
Like it sucks because the series very much humanizes the villains, so you end up liking Twice and you feel sad when he dies.
However.... he is a villain. Part of a large-scale terrorist organization that is waging war against Hero and Civilian alike, causing countless casualties. And the focus to take him out was due to the fact that he can literally loophole is Quirk to create an infinite number of clones of himself and his allies.
He is a very dangerous person, so I fully understand why he'd be on the 'wanted dead or alive' list. I don't particularly /like/ that because I am a soft-hearted bitch who wants to go all Power of Friendship and talk people down(and 100% will do so in my self-indulgent fanfics), but I understand the moral dilemma of 'if I don't kill him, dozens or even hundreds more will die because of his actions'.
And in that scene, Hawks did try to give Twice the option to give himself up and explained to him exactly why this was happening. Instead of taking the purely cold and entirely easier way of just stabbing him when his guard is down. He even protected Twice when Dabi went in guns blazing trying to kill Hawks and not giving a singular fuck if Twice died in the crossfire.
So while I think he doesn't on the whole feel bad about it, he did try to not kill him.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Fallen Angel Part 9
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Words- 5.7K
Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Takami!Reader, Hawks x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Massive angst, TARTARUS ESCAPEES ARC SPOILERS, talks of murder, references to mass injuries (stab wounds, gunshots, broken bones), anxiety attacks, PTSD later chapters will have more triggering content. TW: TORTURE, Assault on a minor
First Name: Y/n 
Last Name: Takami; L/n (Formerly)
Age: 16 
Quirk: Quirkless (Currently); Angel Wings (Formerly) (With wings that resemble an angel, she can use them to fly and fight, she can fly up to 200 mph the fastest she has ever gone is about 300 when racing Hawks. She can also use her wings as a shield against attack by slightly hardening the feathers, but if enough damage can fail on her. Unlike Hawks she can’t remove her feathers to fight so has incorporated a staff in her fight style; melee combat) 
Hero Name: Halo (Formerly) 
Villain Name: Nemesis (Currently) 
Affiliation: Student at U.A. (Formerly); Hero-in-Training (Under Commission) (Formerly); Devil’s Advocate (Formerly) 
Family: Brother: Keigo Takami aka Hawks, Father: Shinyo Takami, Mother: Unknown
The sound of beeping fills your ears as you open your eyes. The bright lights make you close your eyes but you slowly peek them open adjusting to them. Your body feels sore, just all-around pain. Groaning you move your head to your right only to find curtains and you sigh. You were so tired you barely could lift your finger. You hear a door open and close behind you and footsteps coming to the curtain opening it quietly. Both of your eyes widen as you stare at each other, Hawks is covered in scratches and burns but mostly healed up. Keigo stares at your open eyes looking at him, the last thing he remembered was your face before he wakes up in a bed in Recovery Girl’s room and his sister fighting for her life in another room. You managed to survive but entered a two-day coma, no movement you were practically dead. Recovery Girl and the medics did their best with all the injuries they could see you had gained many were not healing correctly. It was now on you if you wanted to keep living. Seeing you awake in front of him he felt tears filling his eyes. 
You open your mouth, your mouth very dry, and wheeze out a croaky, “hey..” 
Keigo bursts into tears, you’re alive, you are breathing looking at him as he cries. His sobs cause the room door to slam open thinking something was wrong and Recovery Girl and Endeavor rush inside, see Keigo crying over your bed as you just stare at him. After a few minutes of crying, Keigo calms down and Recovery Girl examines you. You had suffered major internal injuries when you exploded, with the little amount of energy you had. She and surgeons had to work together to keep you alive with her quirk and modern medicine. You sip the water slowly through the straw too sore to move your body as much. Looking at your arms they were covered in scars almost like you were struck by lightning and you assumed the same for the rest of your body. Keigo stayed by your side the entire time getting you whatever you needed, water, food, or just talking to you though those were mainly one-sided as you couldn’t talk. You still needed another day’s worth of rest for Recovery Girl to use her quirk, to heal any minor injuries such as soreness and pain, or your lost voice. You stay quite isolated and have only seen Keigo, Endeavor, and Recovery Girl. Did others think you were alive, did they even want to see you? The next day Recovery Girl pressed a kiss against your cheek and while you felt tired, the soreness and pain disappeared, and after drinking water your voice had slightly come back. 
“Is All For One here yet?” That was the first thing you fully said and that stunned your brother. Out of all the things you could have said you were focused on the message you gave to the heroes. 
“The others had to wait until you were better so we could talk more about it..” He said and you nod slightly, taking another sip from your water. Even though you weren’t going to plan to hurt anyone they weren’t a hundred percent for you and you remained restrained. 
“I can talk now Keigo, stopping All For One is more important than my health.” 
He gives you a look before standing up, “I’ll go tell Recovery Girl.” He leaves you to your thoughts, what would even happen? Would they listen to what you say and then throw you in jail? Can you even go back to becoming a hero? Would your teachers accept you back? Would your classmates…your friends want you back?
After a while, Keigo returns with a female officer. She unlocks your restraint before Keigo steps out and she helps you dress. She is silent while helping you in simple sweatpants and a sweater before restraining you back in handcuffs. You're led outside where there is an escort of three other officers and Keigo. You follow behind him and feel your legs crack from walking for the first time in 3 days. After walking a bit you end up outside a room and Keigo opens it leading you inside. The door closes behind you and you stand in front of Pro Heroes from all over Japan and your old teachers. The teachers that haven’t seen you since the war, their eyes widen in shock at how different you’ve changed. You're brought forward to be cuffed to the desk so you couldn’t try anything. 
“Takami what information do you know involving the League of Villains and All For One.” Endeavor starts. 
“Um.. well during my time with The Devil’s Advocate…my father. I spent time trying to find the location of the League, specifically Dabi...when The Advocate had a meeting with Grian they planned to create some form of an alliance. I was given a number for Grian during the raid, and went to go look for him.” You said, look back at the things you did and who you associated with you did things you never thought you did. 
“How did you get in contact with The Advocate?” Edgeshot asks, crossing his arms, analyzing you. 
You look down picking at your fingers, “Before joining him I spent nights in Hosu trying to find my father to find out information about myself. He owns multiple clubs, underneath them they are fight rings. You fight and get paid, I found one that Takami visits often and I signed up and fought.” 
“So what? You fought and got his attention.” Edgeshot presses and you feel your throat close up. 
“Um no sir, these are run by criminals and crime lords, you fight..you fight until..” 
“Until you kill them.” Aizawa's voice cuts through and you look up to see him staring into your soul and you nod. 
“I… I didn’t get his attention he wasn’t there, but Kase was there. He is…was his right hand.” You said memories of you pulling the trigger and killing him ring through your head. All the people you killed in the fight clubs, during drug deals, or petty villains that lack information on the League, you were fueled by rage that allowed your morals to be blinded by red. 
“When the transport was attacked, what did you do?” One hero asks but you just keep looking at your hands picking at your skin more harshly. 
“Everything went by so fast, they were all there, and then they were dead…I wanted to help but I couldn’t get out of my restraints fast enough. He had me and then he brought me to them.” You clear your throat trying to clear your nerves though nothing worked, “It was some forest I don’t know, I didn’t even know if I was still in Japan. All For One… and Shigaraki was there. He tried to take my quirk away from me.” 
“Did he tell you anything?” Endeavor asks and you shake your head. 
“He wanted me to join but I ran, I cut him.” You remember the fear that ran through you as you saw his hand come towards you and you just acted. “I killed one though.” You mumble faint memories returning, your fight with the Near-High End. 
“Killed what?” All Might asks and you look at him. 
“One of the Nomus, it was like a dog creature, I couldn’t outrun it so I fought it and…I killed it.” Your chest tightens; you can still feel its breath against your face as it snaps and bites at you, destroying your body. You hiss in pain not realizing you were picking your hand hard enough that you start bleeding. 
“I died that day.” 
Your statement leaves the room silent. No one knew what to say. This child in front of them is forced to relive the most traumatic moments of their life, constantly witnessing death every day either by someone else’s hand or by their own. 
“What do you mean you died..” Keigo is the one to break the silence and you look up at him. The concern on his face makes your heart hurt. 
“I didn’t realize how injured I got and before I knew it everything just stopped, I woke up and there were Dabi and Shigaraki. They looked at me like I was a ghost.” You laugh slightly remembering their shocked faces. 
“2-XE has a regeneration factor, it brought me back.” Most heroes understood what 2-XE was and everything made sense, with how damaged you got but still kept moving. “All For One took my quirk, thinking that it was the regeneration but he was wrong so I was locked in a room for god knows how long.” 
“A month.” Endeavor says and you look at him, your mouth dropping slightly. “You disappeared about a month ago, following your arrest.” You were stunned, you were gone for a month, and it was May already, your time spent in that room you lost track of time, never seeing the sun, the visits were random so what you thought was a couple of hours by yourself could have been days. 
“Woah um while there I would be visited by Shigaraki and Dabi. Shigaraki would come and he would…he would-” You can’t physically speak about it, your throat tightening up, your screams filling your ears, your clothing getting soaked in blood constantly, his laughter as he tested new quirks on you. And Dabi….his manic grin as your weak body could do nothing as the door closed behind him leaving the two of you together…alone. God you couldn’t breath.
“You don’t have to say anything else,” Mirko says seeing your frantic face, the rustling of your handcuffs being a constant as you twist your hands anything to distract yourself. 
“All…all for one, had Toga take my blood and just let me go one day telling me to give you the message.” You feel nauseous. Hands grazes over your body as old memories fills your mind as if they are with you right now. You were supposed to die from the bomb attempt, you can’t leave. You take one step out of here you’re going to be taken again by Dabi and he isn’t going to let you go for the third time. 
“Thank you for the information Takami,” Principal Nezu says and you silently nod, “With you turning yourself in and giving information about the League, we are allowing you to stay here.” You lift your head looking at your former principal, “You will be under constant supervision by a hero and you’ll be restricted to certain areas of U.A.” 
“But I thought I would go back to jail..” You say that’s what you thought when you first woke up. 
“The discussion of your crimes will be processed later on, at the moment it is not a priority.” He finishes and you nod. 
Keigo comes over to uncuff you from the table and you bow to the heroes in front of you, “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused.” 
Keigo leads you out, taking you back to your room. While the other heroes discuss the information Aizawa is silent thinking about what you went through, the way you specifically remember certain memories but hesitate on others, the compulsive fingerpicking that caused you to bleed, the way you keep trying to keep the handcuff from touching your skin, and just the look in your eye. There was something else going on and he needed to figure it out. You're silently walking alongside Keigo. You didn’t know how to describe the feeling of reliving all those past events. It seemed easier to not think about it and move on when it happens. It was retelling that the true pain from each event followed. 
“Y/n…” You lift your head and see your classmates in front of you. You're frozen staring at them, they all look okay each wearing their uniforms. The last time you saw them was a month ago, you almost forgot what they looked like. Keigo nudges your arm and you look at him. He tilts his head telling you to go speak with them. Slowly you approach them until you are a good few feet away. You see Mina step forward walking closer to you until she’s standing a foot away. You're both silent and she just gazes over you taking in your features and how much you’ve changed. Class 1-A had already dealt with Midoriya returning and getting him slightly back to normal but you dealt with something different, and they weren’t sure if they would get the old you. 
“You look like shit..” she says and your eyes widen. Mina rarely curses and usually, it’s when she is truly mad about something. You just nod unsure what to say. 
“I’m sorry.” You say and it’s a shock to hear your voice again. 
Mina is still quiet before she opens her arms, “It’s not your fault.” You freeze when you hear those words. The entire time you spent dealing with Dabi, and running away, it was always your fault. Everything you did was your fault, the killing, and the fighting, were all your fault, and here was this savior telling you it wasn’t. You feel your throat tighten and your eyes burn, your vision getting blurry. 
Your classmates are shocked, you were a blunt, reserved person, they have never seen you cry before and here you are tears falling down your face just from a few words. Mina wraps her arms around you while yours stay cuffed together as you cry into her shoulder. Days of thinking it might be your last, and nights where you spent blaming yourself. You haven’t given yourself just a moment to cry everything out. 
You fall to your knees with Mina right beside you as you sob out your apologies, “I’m sorry! I didn’t want you guys to die! You’re my friends!” You cry and Mina soothes rubbing her hand up and down your back. Kirishima steps forward kneeling joining your hug and one by one your classmates fully join you leaving only two left on the side. They all pull away standing up and Mina helps you up while you wipe the tears from your face. 
Two people still stand in front of you not moving, Bakugo steps forward and your classmates take a step back. 
He looks at your red face and scoffs, “You’re a fucking idiot leaving you know that?” You laugh slightly, nodding, wiping the tears from your face. 
“Yeah, I know.” 
His arms wrap around you crushing you into his chest, “You pull that shit again and I’ll murder you, got it!” He mumbles and you nod, accepting the harshness from Bakugo, something you missed a lot. He pulls away, giving you a glare, the small crack of softness coming out. 
In front of you was the last person you would think is going to forgive you. You look down at your feet you can’t even bear to see the disappointment and hatred in his eyes. The things you’ve done could you even ask for forgiveness from him? A hand lands on your shoulder and you look up to see Midoriya looking down at you, his face calm but in his eyes, you could see many thoughts happening behind them. 
“I shouldn’t be begging for your forgiveness after everything I’ve done to you Midoriya, to any of you. You should hate me just as much as I hate myself.” 
He stays quiet listening to what you have to say before he speaks, “I could never hate you.” Your eyes widen hearing what he said. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a familiar bracelet, the metal scuffed but you can still read the letter of your initial. His hand rough from fighting grabs your own scarred hand before sliding the bracelet on it stopping before the handcuffs. He holds your wrist rubbing his thumb along your hand as the two of you just stare at each other. You both looked tired, each returning to the other like lovers during war. A hand lands on your shoulder making you jump and it was Keigo, he felt bad breaking apart the clear moment the two of you were having but he had to rejoin the heroes. 
“We gotta go Y/n, you can try to see them tomorrow.” You nod still looking at Midoriya as you slowly pull away from each other, your hands dropping to your sides. Your friends give you brief waves, and promise of seeing you tomorrow but your gaze is still locked on the green-haired boy, as you get further away until you have no choice but to turn away. You return to the room getting cuffed against the bed. 
You stayed in the room for a while, Keigo had to return to the meeting with the other heroes leaving you with your thoughts. It was until the evening came and the sun began to set when the door opened and Keigo and Endeavor walked in and your brother looked upset. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask him and he seems more agitated by the question. 
“Hawks is needed for a mission but he’s quite adamant on staying.” Endeavor explains and Keigo shoots him a glare. 
“Like I already told them I am not leaving her alone.” He says and you frown. You being here shouldn’t stop him from helping others. 
“You can go.” Keigo looks at you in betrayal while Endeavor looks grateful. “I’ll be alright, you need to help the heroes.” You try to persuade him. 
“Who is going to watch you, Nezu said-” Keigo starts, “Eraserhead has already decided to watch over Takami, he volunteered.” Endeavor says and even you were surprised. Your old teacher volunteered to watch over you, if anything he would seem like the person to avoid having to watch over kids, his students being more than enough. Keigo looks over at you and you shrug. 
He sighs knowing he wasn’t going to get what he wanted, “Fine but if anything happens to her while I’m gone..” 
“I’ll be alright Keigo, not like I’m going far.” You say emphasizing that you were still cuffed to your bed. He gives you a look before walking over and pulling you into a hug. 
“I won’t be gone long okay.” He whispers, pressing a kiss on your forehead and you smile wrapping your arm around his neck. He pulls away and they both head towards the door, you wave goodbye and the door clicks close leaving you alone. The silence quickly gets to you, you try humming to whatever tune in your head or counting the ceiling tiles but get bored after the 15 tiles. In the practically empty room, you couldn’t help but get a tight feeling in your chest as your brain starts to overrun. 
You had the door to your left and the window, you could easily break these cuffs and get out. When is the next visit with Recovery Girl? Was the glass bulletproof? Why were these cuffs so goddamn tight? Was this room always this small? When could you leave? What even was the time? With your mind running a mile a minute you couldn’t focus on your breathing that got more erratic and fewer. What if All For One came now? The League got in. Where were they? He’s gonna find you. He’s going to kill you. He’s going to- A hand touches your shoulder. You act so quickly that you didn’t even realize who grabbed you. 
The cuff around your wrist snapped as you swung flipping the both of you over off the bed, crashing against the ground, Your arm is grabbed and you’re flipping onto your stomach your arm getting twisted behind your back a knee being pressed onto your back while their hand grabs your other hand pinning it behind you as well. The utter fear that went through you at that moment, the involuntary scream that came out of you caused the person on top of you to let go. Flipping yourself over and pushing yourself flat against the wall as you finally got a look at who you attack. 
 Aizawa stares at you, his hands held up showing you he wasn’t going to touch you as he moves back. Your eyes darted around the room as you pushed yourself closer against the wall trying to put as much space between the two of you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, just breathe Takami.” He says calmly and you finally notice you were holding your breath. Letting out a gasp of air you feel the air fill up your lungs as the cloud of fear around you fades. Taking into account the room, the bed is crooked and the bar on the side holding your cuffs is bent. Looking back at your teacher he still is watching you as you slowly push yourself to stand. He stands as well both taking account of the quick scramble that occurred. 
“I’m so sorry Mr. Aizawa.” You apologize, you were in so much trouble, you told Keigo you were going to be already, and here you are fighting your teacher. 
“I was coming to get you and you were having a panic attack, your heart monitor was going off.” He says wiping the invisible dust off him. You nod rubbing your chest to rid the dull pain when you see your wrist that had the handcuff black and blue in bruises. He is still watching your body language you were utterly terrified when he first came in and when he had you on the floor the scream that came out of you was something of pure terror. 
The door of the room slammed open making you jump and there was All Might, “I heard a scream is everything alright?!” He quickly takes into account the slightly hectic room and his coworker staring at his student and said student against the wall looking terrified. 
“Everything is alright All Might, I frightened Takami by accident, none of this was her fault.” He quickly defends you and you're shocked by his quick change. 
All Might is silent looking between you two before nodding, “Alright, some of the students were looking for you but if you want to introduce Young Takami to the dorms first I’ll let them know you’re busy.” You pause hearing what he said about the dorms. 
“The dorms?” you say and the two look over at you. 
“That’s what I was going to tell you, to keep a better eye on you you’ll rejoin Class 1-A and stay in the dorms. That way if I can’t always be there you still have others around you since it seems you dislike the silence.” He says and your face flushes with embarrassment. The whole reason for this was because you panicked over the silence and being stuck. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I’m still a vill-” 
“What you did during your time away from U.A. doesn’t make you what you say you are.” He cuts you off, he doesn’t even want to think of you as a villain, you were just misguided in how to deal with things. It’s not like you had the best upbringing. 
“Your classmates are excited that you’ll be in the dorms if that makes things better.” All Might says with a small smile on his face. You feel your heart lift slightly, at least your classmates didn’t not want you. 
“Okay, I guess if everyone is fine with it.” You say and All Might sighs in relief and Aizawa just nods. You were given one last checkup by Recovery Girl and she questioned the bruised wrist but didn’t press for more. Leaving Recovery Girl’s office the walk to the dorms was quiet as you took in the surroundings of the campus you once knew. 
People were walking around trying to enjoy the outdoors even in the circumstances they were in. As you walked past a family you could feel the glares on your side and when you went to look, they were quickly getting their children close to them away from you as they whispered things under their breath, “She’s dangerous, she’s that villain.” 
Hearing their insults you look forward again following after Mr. Aizawa and All Might quickly wiping the tears from falling down your face. Avoiding the gazes of people as you walked by you finally arrived at the Class 1-A dorms and you felt nervous as you were led inside. You thought no one would be around, maybe off training or in their dorms but as if they all knew you were coming at this time they were all in the common area having front-row seats to your arrival. They all went silent seeing you and their teachers there. 
“Listen up due to the circumstances of Takami she is under the protection of U.A. she will remain under surveillance by myself, if I am not available I expect all of you to keep an eye on her.” They all hum their agreement glancing over at you as you keep your eyes on Mr. Aizawa’s back. “Ashido,” the pink-haired girl perks up, “Her dorm will be next to yours. Make sure she knows where it is.” Mina nods giving a thumbs up. Aizawa turns to you, “I’ll leave you all to it.” 
Mr. Aizawa and All Might go to leave, All Might gives you a small smile though it doesn’t help soothe your nerves. Now alone with your classmates that you were certain they are still wary of you. 
Mina was the first person to break the silence that was in the common area, “Let me show you your room, I’ll give you some of my clothes to borrow.” She walks over to you slowly as if you were a wounded animal ready to attack. You nod letting her hand grab yours and lead you to the elevator, leaving their view the sound of your classmates talking quickly reappears. They hated you. 
You’re quiet in the elevator looking down at your shoes as you pick at your fingers. “Your room is next to mine,” Mina says which makes you look up to see her looking at you. “If you need to talk to anyone you can come to my room anytime. We can watch movies, and have a girls’ day like we used to.” She tries to cheer you up and a slight smile forms on your mouth. “It might seem like everyone is walking on eggshells around you but we’re all here for you.” You nod slightly and a grin appears on her face. 
Entering your room it’s pretty basic: a bed against the wall and a desk and dresser on the other side. The sliding door to the balcony is parallel to the main door. Another door leads to a half bathroom and closet. 
“I’ll give you some of my extra blankets and pillows from my room, but not the worst.” She was right. While your time living in the Agency you had a penthouse or when you were with your father was a fancy compound, it was much better than the sleepless nights in abandoned buildings or chained to the wall with the League. “Come on let’s get you a change of clothes before dinner.” Mina turns leading you to her room. 
“Oh I’m not hungry Mina it’s alright.” A rumble from your stomach has Mina giving you a look and your face grows warm. 
“Sure definitely not hungry.” 
Opening up her closet she pulls out a new pair of sweats and grabs a t-shirt, “Mina.” She turns looking back and seeing you staring at the shirt in her hands. “Can it be a long sleeve please?” Your voice lowers to the end rubbing your right arm which is completely covered in scars. She pauses seeing the discomfort from the shirt and nods putting it back and grabbing a sweater that has her old school logo on it. 
Thanking her you grab the pants and sweater, “I’ll let you change.” She says stepping outside of her room. Left by yourself you strip the shirt and pants you’re wearing leaving yourself in the underwear and sports bra you were given. Looking in the mirror you trace some scars lining your body, you freeze seeing the scars on your legs. Chills run through your body the scars you gained will with the League, will you heal normally the cells can’t handle complete cell destruction giving Dabi the only person the ability to truly scar you. The two handprints on your legs the screams that fill that night when he..you feel sick thinking more about what happened as you quickly put your clothes on. 
You fold the clothes you wore and bring them with you out of Mina’s room where she waiting in the hallway. Placing the clothes in your new room you follow Mina back into the elevator. 
“They should be done with dinner now so we don’t have to wait.” She says and you nod playing with the fraying cuffs of the sweater you have on. The doors open to an active common area. Some are sitting on the couches talking to one another, some are setting up the table, or helping prepare dinner. Mina heads over to where Momo is and you quickly follow after her like a lost puppy. 
“Momo need any help?” Mina asks and she nods, “Yes If you could help Tokoyami grab more plates that would be perfect.” Mina gives a thumbs up walking away leaving you with the black-haired girl. 
“Um, Momo…do you need me to do anything?” You say and she looks back at you standing there lost with yourself. 
“No dear sorry. You just got back you should be resting up.” She gives a small smile and you nod. Yeah of course you probably wouldn’t know what to do. You nod saying a quick sorry and walked away, there were too many people. Were the lights always this bright? God, you couldn’t catch your breath. Quickly trying to find a quiet place to be by yourself. Ducking into an empty study room you focus on your breathing pushing your hair away from your face you take a deep inhale before slowly exhaling. The tight feeling from your chest fades and you feel yourself calm down, this was all a bad idea, you should have never said yes to Mr. Aizawa. Why did you tell Keigo you would be fine? 
“Aren’t you supposed to be supervised?” A voice says and you screech grabbing the first thing near you which was a book and chuck it in their direction. They catch the book before it hits their face and pull it down and you’re faced with a glaring Bakugo. 
“I’m so sorry Bakugo. I didn’t think it was going to be you. Please don’t tell Mr. Aizawa that I almost assaulted you.” 
“God shut up with your ramble you sound like stupid Dek-ugh Izuku.” He stumbles on Midoriya’s name but then fixes it. You stop feeling your face get hot in embarrassment. 
“Why are you here?” You say and he scoffs dropping the book back on the table leaning against the wall. 
“After you ran off like a child I came after you and found you here freaking out only to get a book thrown at me.” You open your mouth and he glares at you, “Don’t you dare say sorry.” You quickly close your mouth and he sighs. “Something’s off about you.” He says and you freeze fear going through you. 
“W-what do you mean?” You stutter and Bakugo frowns, “Just look at you, you’ve changed.” He points at you and you look down at your clothes did he mean by physically changed like your clothes? 
“Not your clothes you idiot. You’re this scared thing who doesn’t know what to do with yourself. You panicked over being told no.” You frowned wrapping your arms around yourself, it wasn’t really your fault after everything you went through no one would be the same. 
“I spent a month captive having just got back what do you expect me to do?” You snap back. He out of all people should understand what it’s like to be captive with his experience in Kamino. 
“That’s not what I’m saying, we’re in a war that none of us expected and we’re going to be facing the biggest dangers of our lifetime. If we want to be able to win we need to be at our best, that includes you too, or are you going to let Dabi hurt your friends again.” He picks the book on the table throwing it at you when your hand shoots out grabbing it. The dark look in your eye when hearing his name. Bakugo smiles seeing the fire lit behind your eyes. 
“If you think I’m going to let him hurt you guys again you’re mistaken.” He chuckles coming over to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, 
“That time will come…first however is dinner, I’m fucking starving.” You felt slightly better that another person didn’t hate you, especially Bakugo of all people. 
During dinner, you sat between Mina and Kirishima which wasn’t as nerve-wracking as you thought the redhead sent a toothy grin making you feel better. You ate until your stomach begged to stop. The warming feeling of having a homecooked meal instead of the food you got while healing. The calling for sleep came quickly and Mina helped bring you upstairs before you fall asleep at the dinner table. 
While class 1-A was still hesitant around you not wanting to set you off they could relax knowing you well. It gave brief deja vu for when Midoriya first returned, everyone was walking on eggshells around him. Having all that stress of his quirk, Shigaraki, and All for One but all he needed was a decent meal for once and sleep. However, what you went through, figuring out your father was a crime lord and joining him to later on getting kidnapped by your tormentor to only return after a month missing just to blow up almost dying. Being nervous to even breathing in your direction could set you off whether that be you breaking down or fighting them all. They just needed to take everything one day at a time. Your first day in the dorms wasn’t horrible it was only when you were truly alone and the one thing that you couldn’t fight against was your own mind.
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ramble-bloo · 1 year
Bitterbat being a villain fueled by his love for Sweetheart and his desire to be together with her forever is so nice and indulgent for me.
He's not an antagonist in the traditional way where he opposes the protag's goal, because Sweetheart's goal is def to be with him.
He's an antag to Decking City itself.
He is always ready to destroy it. It's not a secret he's keeping from Sweetheart either as he often brings up how willing he is to do it. It helps as a sort of motivator for her to not slack off during their battles since she knows if she slips up, her boyfriend "wins" and Decking City is over.
But it doesn't stress her out because she knows Bitterbat never goes full force against her. He does enough to make the fight fun and enriching to them both.
The threat is always there. Like a campfire that is enough to roast some s'mores. If one isn't careful, it could get too big and out of control. But it's easy to keep it calm and small to have a nice sweet treat.
And the risk of destroying the city doesn't go away when Bitterbat becomes a hero.
He is still willing to wipe the city out. Granted, it won't happen because Sweetheart lost a fight against him. It mostly would happen if Sweetheart decides one day "I'm tired of this". Some of his "I don't care about this mf city" leaks out during some battles he has against villains of the week where he causes more property damage than truly necessary.
When he's a hero, he also becomes a bit more scary because before, he only heard hero drama from Sweetheart. He rarely got to really witness it. But when he's a hero, he gets to have a first hand experience. He gets to see what Sweetheart has to put up with when she visits Decking Defense Force's HQ.
He'll know a lot of hero things and a lot of heroes. All of which he's already sorting in his brain who is safe and who is going on his list. At this point, he's like a guard dog on a chained leash and Sweetheart has a very loose grip on it. But he's loyal and doesn't attack unless commanded...or provoked.
He is very well aware that the laws are much more strict about killing a hero versus killing a villain...but he's always up for a little bit of mental scarring. A couple "friendly" chats here and there. Some messages being sent with a deep growl as he asks "Did I make myself clear?"
God help Freebird when he visits.
Bitterbat is going to be looming over Sweetheart like a shadow and watching him like a hawk with murderous intent so strong that drops the temperature of the room to freezing.
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bnhaobservation · 2 years
“We have to kill him! Now!” or how claiming you want to murder someone might change the game
There has been a lot of discussion on how Hawks’s words had been a disappointment for a part of the fandom because they seem to show he didn’t really change his mindsetting from when he killed Jin.
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(By the way, I know the official translation used ‘Kill THEM! Right now!’ but Hawks said ‘Soitsu o korose! ! Imasugu! !’そいつを殺せ!!今すぐ!!And ‘soitsu’ (そいつ/其奴) means “that person”, “that guy”, “that fellow”, “that one” [其= “That” 奴= “a thing”, “an object”; (derogatory, familiar) “a person”], so it should be singular and therefore I’m using the translation used in the scanlations... even if yes, I guess Hawks wouldn’t be adverse to kill Touya either...)
On the other side I wonder if this couldn’t turn out into something more than that, another factor that would affect the tide.
Heroes aren’t supposed to kill people. It’s something that’s well known to the public and to the kids, in fact, when Hawks killed Jin, he had to explain his reasons to the public. People were worried with other pressing matters (their own safety), so they didn’t really care Jin, a villain, died, but still Hawks was asked to explain his reasons, to justify himself and apologize because heroes aren’t supposed to kill people.
The kids know as well. When Ending is all but begging Endeavour to kill him, the kids capture him alive, insisting NO ONE will die on their watch and, likely, they’re still in the same mindsetting.
During the Paranormal Liberation War Arc the situation was dire and, when the war ended, the kids were dealing with so many heavy stuff (the pain for Midnight’s death, the destruction they witnessed and then the disappearance of Midoriya) that they likely didn’t dwell much on how Hawks took a life nor knew Jin so they just accepted his explanation that he had no better option and decided not to think at it.
There’s something else figuring into the equation.
During the Paranormal Liberation War Arc Tokoyami happened to witness Jin’s body and hear from Touya how Hawks killed Jin, how the Pros’ hands are dirtier than the ones of the Villains. Tokoyami’s expression was shocked when he heard Hawks stabbed Jin [Chap 271]. But then Hawks wakes up and calls him and Tokoyami focuses solely on protecting Hawks, whom Touya had badly injured.
Tokoyami has a bond with Hawks, whom he respects. We can see that Dark Shadow has tears in his eyes when he notices how badly burned Hawks’ back so it makes sense Tokoyami focused on protecting him (and himself as, although Touya didn’t immediately attack him, Tokoyami could have still felt threatened by him for the mere fact Touya was a villain using fire, against which Dark Shadow is weak) and simply pushed in a dark corner of his mind what Touya said.
However now Hawks is yelling to kill ‘Twice’ or better Himiko transformed in Twice, right now. He’s not making attempts to persuade her to stop or ‘help her atone for her crimes’.
Yeah, undoubtedly slaughtering all the Villains would be an ‘easy’ way to end the war because dead people don’t fight wars, but the kids had been fighting so far thinking they could STOP the villains, without getting so far as to kill them. An hero saves, not murders, this has been so far the theme of the story (unless Horikoshi plans to change it).
Being now pushed into a situation in which they’re asked to murder someone, Himeko being a girl a year older than them and Touya being Shouto’s brother, might cause them to falter.
Ochako had heard Himiko ask her what did she want to do with her, if she wanted to kill her and express her grievance toward Jin’s death but it was easy to ignore it when she believed no one wanted to kill Himiko and she was the only one going around murdering people, Jin’s death being merely an ‘unfortunate accident’ she didn’t think too deeply about.
If she will also hear Hawks telling them to murder her she might end up being forced to truly think at the situation from Himiko’s perspective, a perspective in which the villains who stole lives and other people’s happiness are actually the heroes who instead were sworn to save lives.
Tokoyami might be reminded about what Touya said and hesitate, vondering if, as Touya said, heroes really have more blood on their hands than villains and he was always blind to this.
Also, I’ve no doubt All for One will try to exploit the moment because All for One knows heroes pride themselves for not being murderers, for being better than villains so yeah, Hawks’ words should feel like a Christmas present to him to further taunt heroes but, while it’s true he does what he does for his own sick purposes, his words often hit way too close to the mark and might push forward more reflection into the kids.
So yeah, while Hawks’ words can end up throwing the kids into emotional chaos, maybe, in the long run, they might be what will cause things to change, forcing the kids to ponder on things and rejecting the idea that murder is the sole option and decide that it’s possible to stop a person by saving said person as well.
But well, we’ll see.
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ilovemanyathing · 2 years
The Loss of a Mother
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My name is Akio Koutau, Singing Hero: Tenor. I am 17 years old, and I’m training to become a pro hero. My quirk is a sound based quirk that allows me to cause different effects with my voice when I sing. I transferred to U.A. High School about six months ago after being trained by my mother; the Philippines’ no. 1 Hero, Sampaguita, and I’ve had quite the experience in my new school life. I made some new friends, was able to perform in front of the entire school, and I even found myself a girlfriend in fellow classmate Kyoka Jiro, Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack. But a few months ago, something horrible happened.
School was postponed due to a front occurring between the Pro Heroes and Villains. U.A. High volunteered to assist the hero forces to raid Jaku Hospital due to a set experiments involving Nomus (hideous creatures with stolen quirks) and Tomura Shigaraki. I was asked to join the raiding division, which was led by Edgeshot, along with Tokoyami; Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi, and Denki Kaminari; Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt (I still remembered one particular day during hero training where Denki kept charging at me due to me “stealing his girlfriend”. I had to constantly dodge his attacks until he finally went into short circuit mode). Jiro was placed on reconnaissance with Momo Yaoyorozu; Everything Hero: Creati, Eijiro Kirishima; Sturdy Hero: Red Riot, Mina Ashido; Pinky, Mashirao Ojiro; Martial Arts Hero: Tailman and resident perv Minoru Mineta; Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice (but I usually call him Horny Rape Grape because of his antics). Izuku Midoriya; Deku, Katsuki Bakugo; Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight (or just call him Kacchan), Ochaco Uraraka; Uravity, and the rest were in charge of the evacuation process. 
A large wave of electricity was sent careening towards us, caused by the Vice Commander of the Liberation War Front. I and a lot of other heroes charging towards the hospital would’ve been fried to a crisp if it wasn’t for Kaminari conducting the electricity. Cementoss busted down the walls with a slab of liquid cement, and Rabbit Hero Mirko chased after Dr Garaki, a scientist in charge of turning Shigaraki into the next All For One. The fight between her and a barrage of Nomus cost her right leg and left arm, and half her right ear. The current No. 1 Hero Endeavor (now that the Symbol of Peace, All Might, was forced into retirement) and my mom was able to save her, before the fight moved to the city.
We were able to apprehend a number of villains, but Hawks was severely wounded by Dabi (more on him later) after Hawks killed Twice. I witnessed the death firsthand after I was told to follow with Tokoyami. He summoned Dark Shadow, hauling the three of us away, we met up with Kaminari and the rest. 
Suddenly, a giant beast bursts out of the ground. Shoji saw it, Jiro heard it, we all felt the ground shake. But we were determined to stop it by making the beast fall asleep. Yaoyorozu made a large amount of containers with a special formula concocted to make this giant fall asleep. Kirishima scaled this thing, Jiro plugged her earjacks into her boots, I set my autotuner to rock ‘n’ roll and we tried to force the beast’s mouth open while Mt Lady tried to stop it from rampaging to the city. It took a lot of effort, but we finally did it. 
But the battle wasn’t over, far from it. We couldn’t join the rest of the forces in the city, it was too far away. Shigaraki woke up from an experimental coma, forcing the city into rubble, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki and even Mirio (who miraculously got his quirk back thanks to Eri) had to fight alongside the pro heroes. Mr Aizawa, my class’ homeroom adviser, was shot in the leg by a quirk-erasing bullet, forcing to quickly amputate it. Suddenly, Dabi revealed his true identity: Toya Todoroki. I couldn’t believe my ears, a dangerous villain turns out to be the long-lost son of the current No. 1 Hero. We were shocked, but after another blast of ash and dust, we were able to see the entire city was laid to waste. 
My ears were ringing for a few moments, a large gash was on my arm and bleeding, staining my costume with blood, and my eyes could barely see five feet in front of me. After the dust settles, I quickly ran to the city to check on Midoriya and the rest, Jiro saw me running to the city and followed me to where I was going. I turned on my earpiece, trying to call any hero that survived. Midoriya was barely conscious, Bakugo’s arm was bleeding, Uraraka was battered, but was helping Koda with searching for civilians trapped in the rubble. I tried calling for Crust, no response. Suddenly, Mina’s voice chimed into my earpiece, she was drowning in tears, Ms Midnight was dead. I ran through the rubble, screaming for Sampaguita.
Then I stumbled upon her. I was horrified, her left leg was covered in glass, and a steel beam was driven through her stomach. I kept screaming in agony, I lost my mother, she died a martyr, and there was nothing I could do about it. Jiro tried to comfort me, but I didn’t want comfort, I wanted her back. Once everyone recovered from their injuries and went back to the dorms, I went to my room, and wouldn’t you know it, the moment I closed the door, my dad called. I answered, he knew about what happened. He told me that a funeral was gonna be held back in the Philippines in about a week, and he wrote down the eulogies, and I have to read them. 
When the call ended, Jiro came into my room to comfort me, but I wanted to vent, so I asked Yaomomo to make a pair of tap shoes for me (I find either playing some hard rock music or dancing a great way to vent my frustration). She did, after some hesitation, and so put on my earphones and played a song called Town Called Malice as I vented my anger to the energy in my feet. I first danced in my dorm, before I decided to get some air, so I didn’t stop dancing, even when I reached the elevator. When I got to the common room, me dancing my heart out and my ass off obviously caught everyone off guard. But when I got to the front door, I didn’t open it, but just slammed my back to it and screamed at the top of my voice before breaking down into tears again. This time the whole damn class came and comforted me, as not only was my mother gone, but a part of me.
(Use the link https://youtu.be/DWrGoGdmAfM as reference for what he was dancing.)
So here I am, outside my house, writing this down, with tears in my eyes and dripping on the pages of my journal, my girlfriend sitting on my right side, my dad on my left, and the spirit of my mom watching from above.
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Overprotective - Hawks x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Request: hi ! if you don’t mind could i request something for hawks?? you can do it as a oneshot or hcs (which ever works for you). basically my idea was that the reader and him work together but reader gets injured. its not even that bad maybe just like a deep cut on their or something but people come to load them into the ambulance and hawks is just in protective birb mode. mans has his wings around them and is glaring at anyone near and reader is just like “pls i just need to get stitches then i’ll be fine dummy”. protective hawks just makes my heart go hnnnggghhh,,
A/n: fun fact of the day, protective Hawks also make my heart go S;DFJLASDFLJA;SDJFA, I love him sm, like he's such a bastard but he's an amazing bastard yk? I mean just look at how absolutely dumb and adorable he looks in the banner❤️ Anyways, thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy it!!!
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“Hawks, the situation has gotten a little bit out of hand, they can use an extra hero out there.” One of Keigo’s assistants informed him over the phone.
Before he even replied, he flew quickly over to the site, “I’m already here. Who’s on duty right now?” Keigo released some of his feathers to rescue some civilians, and listen in on whatever ruckus was happening.
“Kamui Woods and H/n, but their quirks aren’t the best fo-” Keigo didn’t even let the woman behind the phone finished before quickly turning off his phone and sending even more of his feathers to scan the area for you.
If he was called in for backup, that meant you and Kamui Woods weren’t able to contain the villain very well. Or it could mean both of you were injured far beyond being able to defeat it. His mind raced trying to listen in on every corner of the danger zone.
The villain wasn’t exactly incredibly destructive or murderous, he was just a criminal with a rather pesky quirk. Being able to create spikes wherever his skin touched and on his hands, led to a lot of bystanders in the busy area getting injured, both Kamui Woods and you, were rather overwhelmed.
“Woods, rescue the civilians, I’ll try to ambush him.” From one of his feathers, he could hear your voice and pinpointed your location before swiftly flying over there.
His eyes landed on yours, and for a brief second, you faltered in your position, rather shocked at seeing Keigo there. This small shock led your ambush to completely failing, the man had enough time to react to your attack.
The spikes on his hands were directed to slash your chest, if it wasn’t for a red feather quickly pushing you back, your chest would’ve been a giant gash by now. Keigo flew down and quickly apprehended the man with his feathers quite easily. Making you slightly scoff behind him.
“Always got to show off huh?” he looked back at you with a small smirk, only for it to immediately falter when he saw your right hand on your shoulder. Blood dripping from your fingers.
“Birdie, I thought you completely dodged it?!” Keigo walked over to you eyes glued on the wound, wings rather puffed up from worry.
“He can extend his spikes you know?” Since Keigo was still looking pretty alarmed, you tried calming his nerves down, “Love, it's literally nothing. I get worse injuries all the time, it’ll probably take 2 stitches and that’s it. I am a bit tired from all the fucking running though.”
You said the last words in a more joking manner and started to head over to an ambulance to get your wounds treated and transported to a hospital to check for any further damage.
That was your plan, before Keigo suddenly picked you up from the ground, his wings taking flight immediately.
“Oi Keigo what the FUCK are you doing?!?!??!?” You yelled, being completely shocked at the fact that a second ago your feet touched the ground, now there was no ground to be seen.
“Who knows if the people in the ambulance were actually working with the thief.”
At this point you were flabbergasted, this man picked you off your feet just because of a deep cut in your SHOULDER, not even your legs, and didn’t want you to deal with paramedics because he was scared of them being the thief’s accomplices.
“You are literally making zero sense.” You let out an exasperated sigh knowing full well Keigo isn’t letting you go any time soon.
Finally arriving at the hospital, Keigo was literally on your tail the entire time. Even when going up to the desk to explain what happened to when you had to explain the circumstances you were in (those circumstances being you didn’t get to the paramedics on sight because of a certain hero).
When one of the nurses came to bring you to another room, Keigo followed once again.
“Excuse me, sir, we need to bring you to a different room to do a check-up on you.” There were a few scratches here and there from the previous fights before your skirmish with the villain. But he completely ignored the nurse. Only fluffing up his wings even more.
“Sir?” “Oh, I’m incredibly sorry, I’d like to say with my little birdie over there.” Keigo gestured towards you who’s being led to sit on a bed before getting stitches.
He came over to stand next to you and hold your hand in his.
“Babe, I’m literally a pro hero, I’ve gotten stitches more times than I can count. It's ok.” You tried reassuring him. Codeword: tried.
When the doctor came in with her tools, Keigo literally glared daggers at her. The room felt like it dropped a couple of degrees and you can feel the doctor getting slightly nervous from the dangerous glare of the rather intimidating hero.
Who wouldn’t be intimidated when an extremely popular hero’s lover was being treated by you?
“Ok no I’m not doing this, babe wait outside.” Keigo immediately looked at you with an offended expression. As if you just insulted him and all of his ancestors before him, “You’re literally intimidating the poor doctor, this will take about 15 minutes and then you can come back in.”
You kept a stern tone to him and he dejectedly, like a child after getting scolded by his mother, walked out the room. Leaving the ‘suspicious’ (at least to him) doctor and you alone.
15 minutes had passed and when the doctor left the room, she was immediately met with the menacing glares of the fastest hero, “They’re ok right?” The doctor stammered trying to answer him, “Uhhh yeah, yeah she’s fine. Its, it's not that deep.”
After answering she immediately paced away from Keigo who was already entering your room.
He took a seat beside your bed laid his head on the crook of your uninjured shoulder, wings lightly fluttering from the joy he was feeling. He had the biggest dopey smile you had ever seen.
“Your wings look really fluffy right now.” You remarked reaching out to caress some of his feathers. They were incredibly soft despite how dangerous of weapons they can be when he wanted them to.
“I was worried, am I not allowed to worry for my incredible birdie?” He cooed to you before wrapping his hands around your waist, peppering kisses all over your face. Causing you to giggle and lightly push him away.
“I’m a pro hero you know, I know when to ask for help.” You held up the feather necklace Keigo gave you, showing you technically could signal him to come to your aid any time if you needed to, “You don’t need to worry about me, pretty boy.”
The dopey smile somehow grew much more into a heartwarming one. He climbed onto the hospital bed, snuggling with you on it, was it slightly uncomfortable? Sure. But you wouldn’t have to stay here for that long anyway, so why not just have a little calming cuddle session.
Keigo, feeling your head on his chest, his hand tangling itself on your hair, and his other hand holding firmly on your waist, reminded himself. You will be okay. He doesn’t always need to baby you. You’re perfectly capable of doing things.
“Hey, birdie?” You hummed in reply, “Sorry for how weird I acted.” You snorted, weird was an understatement.
“It was cute seeing you overprotective though.” With that Keigo’s laughter filled your ears. Like a soft calming tune.
It was weirdly serene, bandages all over your left shoulder, the sun lightly setting, and an amazing man (bird? Man-bird?) in your arms.
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person-behind-books · 2 years
(inspired by this and crossposted on ao3)
Hawks is burning alive.
His wings, and with them everything that made him useful, are burning away.
Excruciating pain, worse than the rare occasions on which his feathers are destroyed, is racking through his whole body.
He succeeded. Twice is dead. The triumph of accomplishment and guilt for the betrayal are warring in his brain.
He failed. Without his wings, he can't be a hero and a valuable asset to the commission will be lost. The shame is slowly setting in.
Dabi is laughing. He looks manic. He looks ecstatic.
Hawks can't help but find him beautiful, even while he lets his insanity spill out and burns away the reason for Hawks to be alive.
People always compared Hawks to Icarus. He supposes he should be glad his sun is as pretty as the one Icarus had seen.
Hawks hasn't been a real person since Keigo lost his name.
The commission took in an abused child that wanted to save people like his own savior did and forged Hawks.
The public sees Hawks as honest, lazy, handsome, aloof, charming, goofy, capable, and rebellious.
They call him things like Angel, too fast for his own good, Icarus, and Faker.
His office sees the same although they also see him as the workaholic he was raised to be.
Hawks wouldn't say those things the people think of him are wrong. He is all those things because the commission manufactured his personality to be appealing to the masses, during a time a normal child would have developed their own, and crafted him in their image.
But Hawks is also cold, calculating, an assassin, a traitor, a spy, always collecting information of all kinds, a lier, and most importantly a tool.
The first time he meets Dabi he is almost burnt for startling the villain.
It's only his reflexes that save him from reaching the sun too soon.
Still, he is charming and hateful and suspicious with the needed amount of truths added to his lies, and it is of no matter that Dabi doesn't believe a word of him because he makes Hawks give him his number and that is enough for now.
Throughout their meetings Dabi tests him and unlike Hawks never lies. He omits details but he tells the truth or he doesn't speak at all.
They are standing on a scale trying to tip it in their favor with each secret Hawks feeds him and each information Dabi lets slip in return.
It's exhilarating.
He knows that what he has with Dabi will be the end of his Hero career but it is for that reason that for the first time Hawks can be more than he has ever been.
Dabi burns him with everything that he is: his touches, his too-blue eyes, his words, and his flames.
And hawks relishes in the pain.
The Nomu attacks a day early and Dabi laughs at Endeavor's scar and relishes in the chaos he caused, eyes knowing and insane, until Hawks presses him to a wall and shuts him up.
He thinks that it is at that moment that Icarus has truly left the labyrinth and for that reason that he recklessly becomes a person again.
Dabi knows he's a spy but lets him meet the league anyways. Whether it's because he doesn't care for them or because he is so sure Hawks is too late now that they have an army, is yet to be determined.
It doesn't matter to Hawks because he kisses Dabi with the same mouth, as the one that just hours before spilled the secret of an army spilled straight into the ears of the commission.
When Dabi reveals himself to be the abused son of his savior something in Hawks shatters.
He had known hero society was corrupt, worked for that corruption, but he had always thought it to be so people would be safe. Not so children could be beaten by their powerful parents.
Still, endeavor safes Hundreds of people weekly. And right now society was crumbling.
If the cost of stopping that is letting crimes long past be forgotten Hawks will do so. But he won't ever see Endeavor as his hero again.
Not if he's just like the monster he rescued him from.
In the end, Hawks isn't convicted for the murder of Twice but loses his hero license just as he lost his wings.
The public, knowing now who Hawks is, abandons him. Without the public and without his wings is he even still Hawks?
And so, a month after Icarus reached the sun Keigo lands safely on the ground.
Maybe he isn't as much as Icarus as he thought.
Icarus died free. Hawks died so Keigo could be free.
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mrskittythulhu · 3 years
Red Feathers of a chance encounter
part 1  part3  part4
(18+) Hawks + fem (y/n) 
It had been a few months since your wild encounter with Dabi. All the marks he left on your body have now faded away. His touch, his taste and his dark voice became nothing more than a memory you wish you could move on from. Despite the new rumors that circulated about you when you came home disheveled something did remain the same, your ‘hero’ ex-boyfriend still kept tabs on you.
One benefit from your night with Dabi was that your Ex finally got the hint that the relationship was over. Word quickly got around about how you ‘cheated’ on your boyfriend or some wild spin like that. This gave you the opportunity to tell others how it was over and finally people listed even if they reacted poorly towards you. You would rather be hated for something you did than be hated for the lies he created around you.
For a couple of weeks things were quiet. No messages, no extra heroes ‘patrolling’ your neighborhood and best of all you had not seen your Ex. Life became simple go to work, stop at the corner store on days you needed food, then home. Unfortunately, nothing good can last forever.
At first you thought you were being overly paranoid when you got jumpy overshadows moving in the corner of your eyes. At night you would hear rattling outside your window despite your apartment being high up on the fifth floor. Your uncomfortable feelings became validated when you were walking home from work you noticed your Ex leaning on the wall of a nearby building. He was in his hero uniform acting like he was on patrol, but you knew he was watching you again. This was his typical intimidation tactic. When you locked eyes with him, he winked then started walking away.
Weekend finally arrived and you had a free day to unwind. Tired of feeling cooped up inside your apartment you took your book to the near by park. After a short walk you found yourself peacefully seated under a tree in the center of the park. The distant sound of wildlife and children playing echoed around you.
Twenty minutes into your peaceful reading a shadow loomed over you. Feeling the ominous presence of someone hovering over you, slowly you looked up to be face to face with the last person you wanted to see.
“Fuck”, you cursed quietly to yourself as you met is smug expression. He even had the nerve to show up in his hero uniform. Another one of his classic intimidation tactics. He knew that if you drew attention in anyway, he could claim you were hysterical and as a ‘hero’ he was just there to ‘help’. This forced all public conversations to stay quiet leaving you, once again, defenseless.
“Hi there (Y/N) been a while I missed you so much.” His smile was bright as if he had rehearsed in a mirror for hours before finding you here.   “I know we have had some misunderstandings but I’m willing to forgive you for cheating on me because I’m such a standup guy.”
“First of all,” you slammed your book shut and quickly stood to your feet. “Hard to miss someone when you stalk them.” You felt your body shaking from the adrenaline rush, but you needed to get these pent-up words out.  “Two I don’t miss you and lastly, I didn’t cheat on you I dumped you months ago you narcissistic creep.”
You knew your voice was louder than it needed to be and at this point you didn’t care if other people listed in. After living without this walking garbage in your life you refused to go back to how things were before.  Quickly taking the opportunity to walk away you started walking towards the playground. If he wanted to cause a commotion he could try and do it where families could see how he really was.
A tight gloved grip squeezed around your arm. You instinctively started to pull away from him and shout for help. For a brief moment you locked eyes with a woman sitting on a bench by the playground. Your ex kept telling you to quiet down but that only prompted you to scream louder for help. Fear filled your body at the thought of being stuck any longer with this man. Tears pricked at your eyes as your voice became strained from screaming. Frustration took over as you realized no one around you was coming to help.  
Suddenly a ribbon of red swirled around the both of you. The distraction was enough for him to let go of your body. Losing your footing you stumbled to the ground. While sitting there you looked back at your ex who was busy swatting at what looked like red feathers attacking him. A strange loud flapping noise pulled your attention in the opposite direction. Before you could even process anything that was going on your legs lunged you off the ground and into the arms of another man.
The smell of sandalwood quickly filled your nose. A gentle hand wiped at your tears and slowly lifted your face up towards theirs. Golden eyes with sharp black eyeline looked back down at you. A small smile with light facial hair on his chin. Wild windblown blond hair and large bright crimson red wings behind him.
Very suddenly the realization hit you that you were in the arms of the heart throb number 2 hero HAWKS. Your eyes went wide, mouth agape, and cheeks began to burn from sudden embarrassment. His deep husky chuckle was like music to your ears and in that hypnotizing moment was the only thing you could hear. The arm he held you with squeezed you just a bit tighter to his body causing your breast to press into him.
“What the hell Hawks?” your Ex yelled out with rage.  “What are you even doing here this isn’t your territory?”
“Well, when you become a top hero like me EVERY area is your ‘territory’ and why wouldn’t I respond to the cry of this lovely chickadee in distress.” The sweet expression quickly turned dark as hawks was now glairing at your ex. His hold on you was firm but protective. With how close you were to him; you could hear the rustle of his feathers as if he was preparing to use them.
“This is just a lover’s… spat. No reason for you to involve yourself.” You squeezed into the sides of Hawks hoping he wouldn’t believe the lies from your Ex’s mouth. “So just hand her over and fly on by.” Your Ex started to make a shooing motion with his hand. His smug over confidence was pouring out the more he talked. He began spewing out the same lines he used every time someone tried to involve themselves in your public displays with him.
Soft knuckles trailed down your cheek leading to a gentle thumb stroking along your jaw line. His sweet smile was back as he looked down at you.
“Chickadee are you the lover to this angry gorilla?” His words were so gentle, but you could hear the sarcasm in his voice. Being pressed firmly to his muscular chest you were able to feel the rumble of his quiet laughter. His golden eyes sparkled in the light of the sun as he looked down at your shy expression.
“N-no,” you quickly cleared your throat to speak with more confidence. “I dumped him months ago, but he won’t leave me alone.” This was it. This felt like you last chance to have someone believe you about how awful your ex really is.
You felt one of Hawks wings protectively wrap around you as your Ex started to lose his cool. “Dumped me!” Your ex faked a laugh as he started to pace about with his hand flailing in the air. “You cheated on me with that murderous villain.”
Shock filled your body as you looked up to the winged here with wide eyes. He was glairing hard at your ex with unwavering focus on the man erratic movements. You curled into his side more as your ex began to call you a slew of unsavory names. Near by parents began to cover their children’s ears and move away from your drama. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you took in his harsh words, but Hawks remained as still as stone.
“So, as you can see your just wasting your time so just hand her over to me.”  Your ex had his palm out eagerly waiting for you to be turned over to him.
“I don’t think so.” Hawks’ words were blunt. You felt his arm wrap around your waist tighter the movement hidden from your ex’s view by his wing.
“Then I’ll take her back by force.” Your ex balled his fist and lunged towards the both of you. Red feathers swiftly propelled the both of you into the air. Once high enough out of reach Hawks sent a wave of feathers towards your Ex within seconds he was pinned to the ground. He continued to curse and scream out until a large red feather covered his mouth muffling his rant.
“You can just stay there until police come and explain yourself to them.” His large wings began to flap hard as he started to fly away from the park. “How about we get you some place safe for now, chickadee.” You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck. He chuckled at your movements while taking out a phone with his free hand. He had a short conversation with who you assumed was the police on the other end where he explained that a hero went rogue in the park.
After a short flight he gently landed on your balcony. Slowly you unwrapped yourself from Hawks body instantly missing his protective touch. You walked over to the sliding door feeling thankful that because you lived so high up you left the door unlocked. While opening the door you missed the inquisitive look that flashed over Hawks face as he watched you.
“Can I offer you something to drink.” You felt awkward about the whole interaction and very uncertain about what to say. I’m sure you have many things you want to ask me after ... well, that.” You shrugged and averted your eyes before walking into the kitchen. Hawks sent a few feathers around your small apartment while your back was turned. When you reached the sink to fill a class with water you looked over to see him plop onto your sofa.
“Is it true chickadee?” He leaned back with his arms behind his head. You could see the grooves of his abs through his thin tight shirt. He placed his feet up onto your coffee table and for a moment you wondered when he had the chance to take off his shoes. His golden eyes watched you walk back into the room.
“Is what true?” You felt hesitant as you handed him a glass of water. His gaze on you felt intimidating like a lion watching over their pray. His smile was deceptively bright and kind. You sat in a on the sofa next to him with as much space you could make between the two of you. Slowly you started to sip on your water. Hawks pretended to drink from his cup before placing it on the coffee table.
“Are you really dating a villain?” You spit out your water and began to cough. Hawks’ deep chuckles echoed alongside your gasping. He pulled you closer to him as he lightly rubbed your back.
You took a breath in as you shook your head ‘no’ to his question. “No -No,” You sternly said. I had a one-night stand a while back but at the time I didn’t know the guy was a villain and I later went to the police about him. I did that after that poor kid was kidnapped and my ex found out about who I slept with from his cop friends.” You started to avoid eye contact with Hawks as quilt over being with Dabi took over.
“You seem to have really bad luck with men, chickadee.” The hand that was resting on your back snaked around to gently stroke up and down your arm. You felt comforted by him and the tears you held in started to come out as relief filled you. He pulled you into a side hug as his free hand wiped away your tears. “Don’t waste your tears on that gorilla.” He gently led your chin up to face him.
There was a pregnant silence as he locked eyes with you. Your blush became intense as you realized the hottie Hawks was in your apartment holding you close to him. “Does that mean you’re single, chickadee?” there was a slight purr to his voice.
“Yess- I’m, I’m single.”  His thumb gently stroked along your jaw line as he kept your focus on him. Your legs stated to rub together, and the subtle shift caused a smug smirk to cross his face.
Hawks slowly leaned in closer to your face tilting, so his breath fanned your ear. “How about I show you want its like to be with a real hero?” When he noticed his sultry words caused you to smile, he lightly rand his nose across your cheek. He pulled his face back away, so you were able to look into his lust filled eyes. His hand was now holding your chin in place dominating your movements. “I need an answer Chickadee... if you want me to continue that is.”
You started to nod your head ‘yes’. Hawks held your face tighter stopping your movements and pulled your face closer to his. His nose lightly grazed yours. “I need words chickadee,” his voice was a sultry deep whisper next to your lips.
“Y-Yes, I…” before you could finish what you wanted to say Hawks crashed his lips on to yours. He pulled away slightly and slipped his thumb into your mouth pulling out your tongue. For only a second you could see the primal lust in his eyes before he started to dominate the inside of your mouth with his tongue.
He smoothly slid you to straddle his lap while still aggressively kiss you. You could hear his feathers fluttering as you both adjusted. His hand tightly gripped your hips as he helped grind you over the thick hard bulge in his pants. You broke the kiss letting out a wonton moan from the sensation. One hand left your hip and started to gently cup your face. On instinct you nuzzled into his hand.
“Such a good girl, (Y/N). My beautiful chickadee.” His praise caused butterflies to spin in the pit of your stomach. His gentle touch caused goose bumps on your skin and each wet kiss left a chill from the air. Blinded by your own lust you were unable to notice when Hawks slit his hand along your clothed slit. “You’re so wet already.” A small squeak escaped you as your face showed your embarrassment at his discovery. You started to stutter out a failed excuse when he quickly began to shush you. “I don’t want to hear anything out of your mouth unless it’s moaning. So how about we take this to a place that’s a bit more comfortable, yeah?”
Even though he had asked you a question it turned out to be rhetorical. He scooped your legs around his waist as he stood up. His hand sneaking large handfuls of your butt with rough squeezes as he walked. His deep kiss distracted you from the fact he knew exactly where he was going in your apartment despite it being the first time he was there.
Your butt gently bounced on the mattress. When he stood before you the only question you had was ‘when did he take off his shirt?’ You didn’t get much time to ponder your thought when his feather lifted your shirt from your body.
His fingers lased into your hair with the other hand deeply massaging one of your breasts as he deeply kissed you. Slowly he leaned you to lay flat on your back with your legs dangling over the edge of your bed.   He pushed your legs apart with firm hands on your thighs. Hawks trailed gentle kisses as he went down your body to your stretchy leggings.  He bit into the soft skin of your lower stomach while slipping is fingers under the hem of your pants.
He tugged your pants off and began to deeply rub his nose across the front of your panties. “You smell so good chickadee. I wonder how many times I can make you cum on my tongue.” He placed a gentle kiss at the top of you clothed lower lips. You could hear his wings adjust as he sat on his knees between your legs. Your legs were placed over his shoulders locked in place by his strong arms.
You placed a hand over your mouth to try and muffle the moans. Hawks noticed stopped his attack of your clothed delicate area and peeked up at you. “I said I wanted to hear you moan my chickadee.” Strong red feathers quickly pinned your wrists above your head. You wiggled in a failed attempt to get free.
“Hawks? AH.. ahhhh Hawks!”
“That’s better. Now be a good girl and cum all over my tongue.”
Hawks slid your panties to the side allowing him to plunge his tongue deep into your entrance. One of his hands danced gently on your clit. More feathers covered your body stroking over sensitive areas of skin. He carefully listened to each moan and hitch of your breath allowing him to adjust quickly to best please you.
“O-God Hawks!” A blinding orgasm crashed over you. He lapped up your juices and slid two fingers inside you while licking up and down your slit. Slowly he pumped his digits while you rode out your high. He slowly scissored and stretch your entrance before slipping a third finger in and increasing the speed of his thrusts. The nonstop pleasure he gave you quickly cause you to cum once again only this time your orgasm crashed harder over you.
“A squirter? Damn that was hot chickadee.” Hawks released his grip on your thigh as he gently licked and sucked up your juices from his fingers. “Spread your legs. I want to see the mess you’ve made.” You felt exhausted trying to catch your breath but somehow managed to open your legs wider for him.
Slowly the stars faded from your vision, and you gazed upon the handsome winged hero that was standing smugly between your limp legs. His face glistened with your juices and your eyes trailed down his chiseled body to see him in only a tight gray boxer brief. His hard twitching bulge was hardly hidden by the cotton fabric. A damp spot of precum started to form. He chuckled watching you drink in the sight of him.
“Hope you’re not tired already because this is nothing. You’re not going to be able to walk once I’m done with you.” He slid his shorts down to freeing his member. It bounced for a moment off his stomach leaving a thin trail of precum. He was long and slender with a thick vain that ran along his length.
“Ready for me?” He knew your eyes were lustfully locked on his member, so he tensed his muscles causing it to bounce a few times. “Like what you see?” His ego could be seen from space, but you couldn’t argue with him in that moment.
Gentle feathers slipped your panties off your body. He drank in the sight of you bare before him. “So beautiful chickadee. I want you so bad. I can't hold back anymore"
With those sweet words he gripped himself and began to rub his head along your slit enjoying the feel of your juices. He rubbed him self on your entrance with slight pressure and then would pull back to rub along your slit once again. The teasing was agonizing. You tried to push your hips into him, but his feathers still had you pinned in place.
“Please Hawks, I want you inside me.”
With a smooth thrust he pushed his full length inside in you. A pleasurable scream escaped you. He stilled for a moment rubbing his thumb over your clit allow you a chance to adjust to his size. Slowly he began to move his hips.
“Oh chickadee you feel so damn tight. Your .. FFUCK.. milking me.” His rhythm picked up and he soon began to flutter his wings aiding in his deep harsh trusts into you.
You began to writhe and cry out under him. He continued to harshly pound himself into you as two more orgasms hit you. He slowed down slightly and locked a deep kiss with you. Within seconds of kissing, you he was moaning into your mouth and a heat rushed into your womb.  Peppering light kisses on your cheek and neck while slowly pulling out of you.
His feathers were released from your body. You laid there unable to move panting heavily. Exhaustion from the multiple orgasms was taking over you as your eyes could barely keep focused. Gentle hands stroked your face and sweet whispers of praise coaxed you to sleep.
Hawks had his feather swiftly slide you up the bed to a more comfortable spot. While you slept peacefully, he took a quick photo of you before tucking you under the blanket. He tucked himself back into his clothing and walked out to your balcony.
The crisp evening air blew past his face and the lowering sun painted the sky with vibrant colors.  Hawks pulled out his phone sent a quick text before he was able to slide his phone into his pocket it rang. He laughed when he recognized it being the number, he just texted.
“Hey Dabi.”
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Ah sorry if im annoying you, but i wanted to talk abit more about the morality of the villains.
So Hawks killing twice. From the way the scene was drawn it was meant to protray Hawks in a bad light or more morally ambigious. (he is presented really menacingly there) But... it fails horribly.
First of all, Twice is very willing to commit murder and can clone multiple people at once resulting in a high risk of casualties occuring. Since its a war, Hawks was making a difficult yet most important decision as Twice would be a major player in the battlefield since even if you down a villain their clones will still cause trouble. If he didnt more heroes could have died and they don't have any other way of knocking him out safely. It feels less like a 'did he really need to?' to a 'well, what else is he meant to do?'. (plus twice attacked teenagers at a trainign camp in a terrorist attack, he may be sympathetic but he's still a massive threat and murdered some people as well.) (he's a literal terrorist)
It would have worked if there clearly was another way for Hawks to reach out to Twice so murder feels more extreme rather than an inevitability.
Twice motivation is that he wanted friends or family. So in my opinion he should have joined the meta liberation army, you know - THE LITERAL CULT! Added to the wasted potential of MLA, there should have been more emphasis on the cult like aspects of it rather than it being brushed over. Because say Twice's first act in the MLA is this war then it would be more unconfortable (and you can show him being conflicted). Is he a civillian who's been deeply brainwashed and manipulated or should he be treated as a terrifying future villain?
Hawks actions here would have more emphasis, does he kill and prevent so many people from dying or does he try and talk him down? It would show Hawks character a lot more as well other than 'commission lapdog' (no hate i like him a lot but i wished we saw how he percieves the morality of his own actions, does he agree with the comission or does he have his own set of morals that conflict?) and it would make the decision harder rather than an inevitability.
This is a long winded way of saying that the manga works in black and white morallity often. The heroes are all good people (and the ones that are not can 'change') and all the villains are inevitably wrong and evil.
^^ Exactly. If Hori wanted to portray Hawks in a bad light during that fight then he shouldn't have made it so Hawks was very clearly in a corner when he made the decision he did. Then again, Hawks just isn't a character who will kill another if it wasn't absolutely needed so it would have been out of character for him to have killed Twice if he didn't need to.
I disagree that we don't see Hawks feelings about his own actions, we saw him feeling guilt very clearly when he lured Endeavor into that trap even though he chose him because he was confident in his ability to win and we know he put the lives of civilians over his own mission which compromised him with Dabi (and really any other character in the league probably wouldn't have let him join, it was only because Dabi had another agenda that he did).
I do wish the manga hadn't reduced the MLA to Shigaraki's sugar daddy and instead had focused more on the cult aspect of the group. It was a terrifying reality we see often in life after all and I agree that it's usually people like Twice who fall victim to them so I can see why you would have wanted him as apart of that group instead.
I agree that the manga is very black and white and that's why when it does try to explore the grey it fails.
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maibi · 3 years
Join The League
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Dabi x Reader
Summary: guilt you had been building up inside of you was all a waste of your time and Dabi tried to comfort you
A/N: I have no clue why, but I have a feeling this is a little bith different than what I usually do,, tho I hope you enjoy it!!!
“Join the league”, Dabi said as he held a dagger against your throat while laying on top of you.
“Never”, you spat with a smirk.
Dabi was always trying to convince you to join the league, but you always refused. He had acknowledged your power and found out that he wanted you and only you to join his team. He did his very best, going measures he didn’t even expect himself to go just so you could say yes to him. You always declined his offer, so naturally he didn’t ask it that much anymore. Though not in a nice way anymore. He’d challenge you and he said if he’d win you’d join, but you never agreed to those terms. He just started a fight and you always won, though a part of you was almost convinced he made you win on purpose.
Besides, you were already part of a group. It wasn’t a really known one, but it gave you the feeling of not being lonely and that was something you needed. Being completely alone was dreadful for you. 
“Then you are a sworn enemy and I'll have to slice your throat now”, he said playfully.
“I’d love to see you try”, you whispered as you inched your face closer to his, your throat brushing against the metal blade.
You shot your head back the second he tried to slice you with it, creating an opening to attack him back. You pushed his shoulder hard with your free hand, making him lose balance. You gave him another push in his chest and he fell on his back, allowing you to escape his embrace. 
With quick motions you took a blade, hidden around your hip, and pushed your way on top of him. When he tried to lift his equipped hand you pushed it back down with your foot, not caring about any imprints or bruises it would leave behind. with a swift movement you placed the blade against his throat. 
You inched your face closer to his, breathing heavily. “You’re putting up quite the show. Entertain me the same way next time, will you?”
You slashed the blade in the ground next to his face and stood up. But before you could escape his embrace he pulled you flush against him. “Why not entertain you now?”, he whispered, placing his hands gently around your neck to pull you closer.
You had grown quite accustomed to this kind of behavior that you didn’t even show any form of reaction to it anymore. It would be you glaring at him because he’d always, in some way, make everything sound so sexual.
“Come on, don’t ruin the mood”, he said as he smirked, halting his movements.
“I will cut that smirk off of your face”, you said while trying your best you wriggle yourself out of his arms. 
“Hmm, I’m quite interested in that”, he said while bringing his grip to your waist, making you jolt slightly. 
“Go get your dick wet somewhere else”, you said as you were finally able to release yourself from his grip. His flirty behavior has been something that didn’t go unnoticed. He’d be like this all the time, but even if you didn’t like to admit it, you secretly enjoyed his flirt and teasing habits. 
“You make me crazy”, he said behind you with a laugh.
“I know I do”, you confidently said, not turning back to look at him.
“Join the league”, he randomly added again.
“Perhaps in your dreams”, you said before really leaving him there and turning around the corner to have yet another exploring day in the city to clear your head. 
It was every time you saw Dabi that he was provoking you in some way. No matter the occasion he would be all up in your business when in reality you had nothing to do with him. He was part of the league and you were part of your own little group. But he was certain. He was certain that the two of you would be an unimaginable strong team. He strived for power, is what you thought. But you had all the power you needed, so he was just a luxury you didn’t want to afford. He would be the start of a mistake you didn’t want to make.
You actually wished you could join his team, but working in a duo wasn’t really something you looked up to anymore. You had made that mistake once, so it wouldn’t happen again. And declining his offer, in your opinion, was the safest option.
You would walk down the street as if it was yours. Walking as if you didn’t have a care in the world, when in reality everything and everyone reminded you of a certain someone. A certain someone you didn’t ever want to be reminded of. But everything reminded you of your mistake in the past. Everything made you remember every piece of guilt you have inside your body. Everything and everyone, except Dabi.
It wasn’t as if you cared less when you were with Dabi, no, he just made you forget all of the mistakes you made and all of the things that made you feel any sort of guilt. And maybe that was just the reason you enjoyed being around him. Because in the end you did it all to just make you forget everything.
You walked inside your hide out, hours after you walked around the city and hours after your encounter with Dabi. The last thing you were expecting was to actually see him, yet there he was right in front of you. He was bent over a still laying body, his left hand around this person’s throat and fire spreading all over his right arm, ready to plunge an attack on the immobile person. 
It wasn’t shocking to see Dabi doing this kind of stuff. It was the villain life, just like you had experienced till now. Stuff like this was bound to happen and wasn’t really ever stopped.
You tried to make out whoever it was trapped under Dabi, but the pillar standing right in front of their face was making that quite impossible. Out of caution that it wasn’t one of your team mates you called for Dabi. 
“Dabi?”, you said questionable as you walked closer. “What in the world are you doing?”
His head shot in your direction and you immediately regretted asking him. His eyes screamed murder and for the first time in your life, you were terrified of him. You knew what he was capable of and pissing him off was always last on your list. His eyes bore inside of you as if it was you that had done something wrong and unconsciously you took a light step back.
questions were flooding in your brain, but no answers were given to them. What exactly was the reason behind Dabi acting this way? What caused him to look as if he was about to ring hellfire upon whoever was laying under him. 
“I need you to leave right now”, Dabi said in a calm, yet serious and stern tone. 
“Now”, he repeated with with an even more serious look, making your insides turn. But you didn’t give in.
“I’m sorry but I cannot do that right now”, you said as you walked closer to Dabi and the anonymous person. “I need you to calm down for a second.”
The motionless stranger saw this as an opportunity and with all he got, he pushed Dabi off of him. You saw reds and yellows cover your vision  and you didn’t need to think twice, or double check to know exactly who that person was. Your stomach twisted, your heart dropped and you swear that if you weren’t able to hold yourself back you would be passed out. But the only thing that came out of you was a deep inhale, almost a gasp, as your hands flew over your mouth.
“K- Keigo?”
The person you had sworn was dead. The person who’s death was supposedly your fault. The death that had eaten you alive, drowning you in guilt. The person you had once loved had died, but was right in front of your eyes now. No injuries and very much alive.
Your legs gave up on you and your hand flew to wall, trying to maintain yourself upright. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest, you could feel the throbbing pain in your head. Your head felt fuzzy and with every blink you were trying to reduce the triggering feeling in your eyes. “This can’t be true”, you whispered over and over until your arm was thrown over ones shoulder.
When you looked up you saw Dabi helping you. “I told you to leave”, he said concerned. His voice was low and his murderous eyes disappeared, leaving him with only an anxious expression.
You looked up again only to be met with the one and only Keigo Takami, also known as dead pro-hero ‘Hawks’. His eyes screamed guilt, but not even that could make you think of a reason for him to do this. For him to play such a dirty joke.
You slowly pushed Dabi away from you and walked closer to Hawks. Dabi reached for your arm to stop you, not wanting you to take a step closer to him. But you brushed it off. You knew what you were doing, but at the same time you didn’t.
You halted your movements when you reached him and you searched his face. 
He didn’t hesitate when he came closer and he also didn’t hesitate when he pulled you in his embrace. You just stood there, hands to your side and face lifted upwards as you tried your best to not let out any tears. “You were supposed to be dead”, You said as your voice cracked. 
“But I’m not”, he said while he pulled you closer, closing off any space that was left between you. That until Dabi placed his hand between the two of you and pushed Hawks’s chest. “That’s enough buddy”, he said as he looked through hooded eyes. “Don’t cross the line.”
“Let’s go, this isn’t good for you”, Dabi said as he turned you around and made you walk to the door.
“I still love you.”
You halted again. A shiver went down your whole body and negativity triggered your brain. “You still love me.”
It came out more as a statement than a question, because if he truly really did love you, then why did he leave? You turned around, face and eyes red. “If that is to be true, then why did you leave?” You walked in his direction again. “Why did you make me go through all the hardship alone?” You whispered while tears were running down your face. “I had no one. I had no one but you. But you left and I blamed myself for that. I ate myself alive with guilt because I had thought it was all because of me. I thought you had died because of me. And you still have the audacity to come here and tell me you still love me after ditching me”, you said the last in a whisper as you were barely a few inches from his face.
You hit him weakly in the chest. “You left me all alone”, you said as you hit his chest once more. Your head dropped, tears were flooding down your face and you softly hit his chest repeatedly. When you hit him one last time, he rested his hand over yours. “I know I did, and I am so sorry. But I had no choice.”
Your head shot up. “No choice?” you said with a crack in your voice. 
“You were a villain and when we got exposed I had to fake my death for our own goods. Only the higher ups knew about me not being dead”, he said as he tried to hold your hand. His hands were shaking, but you were sure it was because he was scared. Scared of whatever reaction you were about to give.
You pulled your hand away from his grip. “So what? Were the authorities suddenly much more important? Much more important than the lives you have taken? I can’t forgive you, no, not when you are putting the blame on me. I lived my life like this and you accepted that. How can you expect me to accept the things I resent?”
“But if you had changed we could have figured this out toge-”
Blue flames covered your vision and a sudden heat made you lean back. Your back pushed against Dabi’s body and his free hand wiggled his way around your waist. His grip was firm so you allowed your weight to fall on his as your legs were giving up on you. 
The flames had died down and Hawks was nowhere to be seen. The building had enough broken windows to let any bird escape, even the bigger ones.
You tried to stand upright, but it was particularly hard to do so. But Dabi’s grip didn’t loosen on you, so you once again allowed yourself to rest against him. 
His other hand creeped around your waist and he held you like he never held you before. His hand touched your bare arm, and it was still warm from usage of his flames. It calmed you down. His head rested in the crook of your neck and he slowly pulled both of you to the ground, giving up all the support he gave while standing and letting you calm down on the ground.
He inhaled deeply and you could feel his breath on your neck and his heartbeat against your back. His touch felt intoxicating and you drowned yourself in his warmth.
Every memory of Hawks ran through your mind and your hand slowly went to your collar. You felt the necklace. It had a dove pendant and Hawks had given it to you. And he had said “Hope the wings will remind you of me every time you see them”. And you hated how it really did remind you of him every time. You played with it for a while until Dabi spoke up. 
“Did he get you that?”, he asked as his hand made its way to the necklace holding both your hand and the pendant in his hand.
You slowly nodded your head.
You felt his grip loosen on you and he slowly made his way up to your neck. He fiddled with the chain and suddenly the necklace fell to the ground. You watched as the dirt and dust on the ground had already covered it lightly. 
“I’ll get you a prettier one”, he said.
You let out a breathy laugh. “Will you make sure it has a tiny flame on it?”, you said as you rested your head against his shoulder and moved your gaze upwards, meeting his eyes. 
“However you want it designed”, he said in a whisper. His hand creeped up to your cheek and he pulled you in.
His lips met yours and you automatically closed your eyes. His touch felt rough yet soft. As if he had been craving this for too long, but still didn’t want to ruin it. 
When he pulled away he searched your face. A smile made its way on your face and you let out a laugh. “Exactly how long have you been waiting to do that?”, you said weakly.
He didn’t answer and a smug smile creeped on his his. “No clue what you’re what you’re talking about.”
But he did, he knew exactly what you were talking about. But his words alone wouldn’t be able to express the way he felt for you so his actions were his only approach to successfully show his feelings. He wasn’t good with wording his emotions, but words weren’t really something you needed to understand each other. 
“Join the league”, he said silently asked. 
You inched closer to his face, stopping right before your lips could meet. “In your dreams”, you whispered at him. 
171 notes · View notes
ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
Masterlist. (updated 8/13/20)
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Shigaraki Tomura
- Smile For Me. (NSFWish) || You always did love his smile.
- Mine. (NSFW) || You let your jealousy get the better of you, and what better way to stake your claim on your leader than to pleasure him at his own throne?
- Piggyback Ride. (NSFWish) || Tomura is injured, and you convince him to let you give him a piggyback ride.
- Shameless. (NSFW) || Tomura steals your underwear for some private fun.
- Betray. (SFW) || AfO attempts to turn Tomura against you.
- Panic. (SFW) || Tomura calms you down from a panic attack.
- Hero. (SFW) || Tomura plays with his young daughter.
- Anata. (NSFW) || Tomura comes home to you dressed in an apron and heels.
- Distraction. (NSFW) || Tomura has better things to do than to attend a meeting with the PLF. Namely, he’s too busy doing you.
- Meeting. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you go to a meeting without underwear.
- Rest. (NSFWish) || You take care of Tomura after his injuries from Deika flare up.
- Destroy. (SFW) || Tomura murders your abusive ex-lover.
- Interruption. (NSFWish) || AFO summons Tomura when he is being intimate with you.
- Duty. (NSFW) || You help Tomura relieve some tension.
- Date. (SFW) || Tomura accidentally stands you up.
- Good Boy. (NSFW) || Tomura finds you in a state of undress while you sleep.
- New Year. (SFW) || You visit Tomura on New Years while he undergoes Ujiko’s treatment.
- Celebrate. (NSFW) || You want to spend Christmas with Tomura for the first time.
- Disintegrate. (NSFW) || Tomura cannot come to terms with his vision for the future and your willpower to keep him alive.
- Cat and Mouse. (NSFWish) || The tension between your heroic duty and lust cause you to slip up when you fight Tomura.
- Miscommunication. (NSFW; Tomura x Reader, not Hawks x Reader) || Hawks stumbles upon some indecent doodles on important documents during a PLF meeting. 
- Only You. (SFW) || Tomura does not understand why you only let him touch you. 
- Breakfast Blues. (NSFWish) || Why were you so upset that Tomura refused to have breakfast with you? 
- Truth. (NSFW) || As Izuku’s older sister, you could never have imagined that the man you are dating was a villain.
- All I Wanted. (NSFW) || Tomura has finally gone into heat. As his alpha mate, you can only hold out for so long before the temptation to have him breed you becomes too much to bear.
- All For Us. (Part 1) (NSFW) || Moth!Tomura prepares for mating.
- Touch. (SFW) || Moth!Tomura attempts to get used to human touch.
- Subject of Sin. (NSFW) Part 1 | Part 2 || Your innocent forays into temptation and sin catch the attention of a demon.
Stepsibling AU
- Lesson. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you sit in his lap while he plays his games.
- No Return. (NSFW) || Tomura asks if he can just slip the tip in.
- Not Yours. (NSFW) || As AFO's daughter, you have been promised to another man. You ask Tomura to break you in so you are prepared for your future lover.
- Shower Shenanigans. (NSFW) || You take a shower with your stepbrothers Tomura and Natsuo.
- Kotatsu Table. (NSFW) || Tomura punishes you for ignoring him. 
Shirakumo Oboro
- Breath. (NSFW) || Breathplay with Shirakumo.
- Keep Quiet. (NSFW) || Shirakumo fingers you while Aizawa and Yamada are sleeping nearby.
- Teach Me. (NSFW) || You ask Shirakumo to show you how to give a blowjob.
- No Below. (NSFW) || Sunbathing with Shirakumo on his clouds.
- Confession. (NSFWish) || Shirakumo decides he will finally confess his feelings to you after being friends with benefits for a while.
- Afterimage. (SFW) || Kurogiri allows you to use touch to perceive his appearance.
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa 
- Teach Him. (NSFW) || Shirakumo shows Aizawa how to pleasure you.
- Rooftop. (NSFW) || You join Shirakumo in his schemes to fluster Aizawa. 
Aizawa Shouta
- Past and Future. Part 1. / Part 2. || You and Aizawa come face to face with Kurogiri. He was your lover as Shirakumo, and Aizawa’s best friend.
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Heartbeat. (NSFW) || You ask Shinsou to use his quirk on you for the first time, and he wants to make sure you are comfortable.
Todoroki Shouto
- Mornings. (SFW) || You share a lazy morning with Shouto.
- Hot and Cold. (SFW) || You seek out Dabi for body heat whiles uffering from the effects of your ice quirk.
- Punishment. (NSFW) || You try to please AFO, but he is not satisfied by your efforts.
Bubaigawara Jin
- Aftercare. (NSFW) || Lazy morning with Twice.
- Smoke. (SFW) || You are enticed by Twice’s vice.
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Shigaraki Tomura
- General Tomura/Reader headcanons: (SFW) x || x || x|| x  
- Tomura gets drunk: (NSFWish) x
- Papa Tomura: (SFW) x || x || x
- Tomura/Reader first time: (NSFW) x
- Tomura spoils his lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura/Reader marriage: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Reaction to Reader being close to their family: (SFW) x
- Reader wanting to break up: (SFW) x
- Hero s/o: (SFW) x
- Tenko Shimura: (SFW) x 
- Tenko and hero s/o: (SFW) x || x
- What a relationship with Tenko would be like: (SFW) x || x || x  
- Tomura’s reaction to Reader befriending LoV: (SFW) x
- Biting kink: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura apologizes after fight with Reader: (SFW) x
- Nicknames: (SFW) x
- AfO’s approval of Reader: (SFW) x
- What Tomura looks for in a partner || His turn-offs: (SFW) x
- Tomura and dogs scenarios: (SFW) x || x || x
- Possessive and/or jealous s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o gets Hanahaki disease: (SFW) x
- What would make Tomura break up with s/o: (NSFW) x
- Tomura handling being broken up with: (NSFW) x
- If s/o wants to keep relationship secret: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o immune to his quirk: (NSFWish) x
- Clingy long-distance texting/facetiming: (NSFW) x
- Makeup sex: (NSFW) x
- Tomura leaves s/o with child and passes away: (NSFWish) x || x
- Tomura’s favorite positions: (NSFW) x
- Tomura having an egirl lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura and Spinner poly relationship with f!reader: (NSFW) x || (SFW) x
- Tomura with a shy s/o: (SFW) x || x
- Tomura’s reaction to s/o thirsting for his creepy behavior: (NSFW) x
- Tomura vs Tenko as fathers and husbands: (SFW) x
- Leaving Chisaki for Tomura: (NSFWish) x
- Tomura gifted a wife by AfO: (NSFW) x
- AfO teaching Tomura how to pleasure his lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura fingering s/o at the bar: (NSFW) x
- Tomura’ fingering s/o at the bar’s love language: (SFW) x
- Touch starved Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura missing your affection after a fight: (NSFW) x
- Tomura letting his s/o be independent: (SFW) x
- Tomura stealing his s/o’s stuff: (NSFW) x
- Tomura jerking off while you make out with him: (NSFW) x
- Fluff alphabet: (NSFWish) x
- Touch-starved s/o: (SFW) x
- Female Tomura with f!s/o: (NSFW) x | x
- Pillow princess s/o: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura plays hard to get: (NSFW) x
- Prepping for anal: (NSFW) x
- Tomura reacts to s/o that wants to kill Ujiko: (SFW) x
- Tomura and the concept of love: (SFW) x
- Tomura being a clingy lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura having the flu: (SFW) x
- Tomura sleeping with s/o: (SFW) x
- What Tomura's kisses are like and how he proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura and jealousy, mornings with Tomura, and what gets him excited: (SFW) x
- Coming to Tomura for support: (SFW) x
- Tomura and aftercare: (SFW) x
- Hero confesses to Tomura mid-battle: (SFW) x
- Civilian lover: (SFW) x 
- How Tomura would react to ending up in our world and falling for you: (SFW) x 
- Meeting Moth!Tomura and falling for each other headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Taking care of pregnant s/o headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Moth children headcanons: (SFW) x
- Another mothman invading your nest when Tomura is gone: (SFW) x
Stepsibling AU
- General headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Kotatsu table shenanigans: (NSFW) x || x
- Corrupting his stepsister’s innocent room: (NSFW) x
- Jealousy: (NSFW) x
Shirakumo Oboro
- Shirakumo relationship headcanons: (SFWish) x || x || x || x 
- Shirakumo and Kurogiri during their bachelor party: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo as a lover: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo general headcanons: (SFW) x || x 
- Shirakumo wanting a family: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo courting his s/o: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo and Tomura listen to you sing Deepthroat by Cupcakke: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo catches you alone in your room singing/being naughty: (NSFW) x
- Being Shirakumo’s friend with benefits: (SFW) x 
- Villain!Shirakumo headcanons: (SFW) x 
- Kurogiri using portal power on f!reader when she is at work: (NSFW) x
- Kurogiri’s reaction to Tomura’s s/o: (SFW) x
- Kurogiri with an s/o that underwent the same nomu treatment as him and they were past lovers: (SFW) x
- AFO’s dutiful wife ends up with Kurogiri after Kamino Arc: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri needing reassurance: (SFW) x
- Several nsfw scenarios: (NSFW) x 
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa
- Threeway with Shirakumo and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa catches you and Shirakumo fooling around without his permission: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo and Aizawa threesome scenario: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri and Aizawa poly relationship headcanons: (SFW) x
- Relationship with Aizawa dissolves after Shirakumo’s death: (SFW) x 
- Morning cuddles: x 
Aizawa Shouta
- Aizawa and surprise head: (NSFW) x
- Camping trip with Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Yandere Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa with a sensei kink: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa losing his virginity: (NSFW) x
Bakugo Katsuki
- Bakugo proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Mornings with Bakugo: (NSFW) x
- Bakugo as a father: (SFW) x
Todoroki Shouto
- What Shoto looks for in a lover: (SFW) x
Todoroki Natsuo
- Natsuo in love with his stepsister: (NSFW) x || x
- Dabi taking his s/o to bars: (NSFW) x
- Dabi having twins: (SFW) x
- Dabi and vulnerability: (SFW) x
- Dabi and bathtime: (SFW) x
- Dabi and high sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi and soft sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi with a shy s/o: (SFW) x
- Dabi imagining future with s/o and nicknames: (SFW) x
- Dabi and Hawks sharing s/o: (NSFW) x
Toshinori Yagi
- Toshinori's kinks: (NSFW) x
Mirio Togata
- Yandere Mirio: (NSFW) x
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Shinsou scenario where you train together under Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Shinsou fluff alphabet: (SFW) x
- Shinsou NSFW alphabet: (NSFW) x
- LoV reactions to getting a hug: (SFW) x
- LoV pocky game: (SFW) x
- Nomu having its way with you: (NSFW) x
- Giran as a lover: (SFW) x
Bubaigawara Jin
- Twice general headcanons: (NSFW) x || x
- Twice and his kids: (SFW) x
- Twice wanting kids: (SFW) x
- Twice recieving neck kisses: (SFW) x
- Twice waking you up with oral: (NSFW) x
- Twice taking a civilian hostage: (SFW) x
- Twice with a hero s/o who dates his unmasked self: (SFW) x
- Twice caring for depressed s/o: (SFW) x
- Twice and cockwarming: (NSFW) x
- Twice with his s/o and her clones: (NSFW) x
- Twice and his s/o having a lazy day: (NSFWish) x
- Twice being a voyeur and you being an exhibitionist neighbor au: (NSFW) x
- Twice nursing on pregnant s/o: (NSFW) x
- Yandere Twice: (NSFW) x
- Twice as a househusband: (SFW) x
- Twice missing his lover: (SFW) x
- Passing away with Twice: (SFW) x
- Twice with a plus-sized lover: (SFW) x
- Twice spanking his s/o: (NSFW) x
MISC. and polyamory
- Tamaki and Hawks headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Smoking weed with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, and Fatgum: (NSFW) x
- Poly relationship with Shirakumo, Yamada, Kayama, and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice, Dabi, and Tomura : (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice and Kurogiri: (SFW) x
- Tomura and Dabi toxic traits in a relationship: (SFW) x
-Twice, Dabi, and Tomura saying I love you for the first time: (SFW) x
-Tomura, AFO, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri oral headcanons: (NSFW) x
-Tomura, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri love language: (SFW) x
-Tomura's, Dabi's, and Overhaul's reaction to s/o with amnesia: (SFW) x
2K notes · View notes
latuuart · 4 years
My head hurts everytime I read someone said that Dabi abused Shouto. There are differences between abuse and fighting your opponent in a battlefield. Especially, if we are talking about child abuse here.
Shouto came to the battlefield as a hero under UA's decision. It's UA's order and decision to bring the students into the war as back-ups for the pro-heroes. If anyone to blame for the presence and the condition of Shouto (and other students as well) in the battlefield, it's UA and no one else.
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Dabi himself specifically mocked and despised UA's decision of bringing the students into the war. And it makes sense, because let's think, what can we expect in a war? The students came here as heroes, the opponent of the villains, they didn't came here as civilians.
We can't expect the villains to not fight the students back when the students actively fighting them. This is just logic. If in a war, the people of our opponent attack us, will us just stay still and do nothing?
Fighting your opponent in a battlefield is not a child abuse. This also goes to people who said that Dabi abused Hawks (it really is absurd and doesn't make sense), as if Hawks wasn't a trained hero who could fight for his own self. When we want to defend our favourite character, please stay using the most reasonable terms. Don't just say any term carelessly because we want to feel better by clasify anyone into the same term as our favourite character is. Every complex character in MHA has their own flaw and term, and let's just accept them as they are. Dabi is many things, an arsonist, a murderer, etc., but he's not an abuser.
If we want to call anyone who causes harm to the other as an abuser, then every character who fights in MHA is an abuser.
191 notes · View notes
yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
The Wrong Way to Put Out Fire
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I wanna talk about some details about Touya, Todoroki family and the different situtions Touya and Shouto had.
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Touya is introduced us as innocent, nice kid who just wants to enjoy his father.
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Thats actually first difference we saw between Touya and Shouto. Sometimes children fond of one of their parents more than other one. For Touya, he was daddy’s boy. Shouto is more like mommmy’s boy. (Even their clothes are parallels. Fire, ice. Daddy, mommy.)
And let me say this;
This marriage was wrong to begin with. Quirk marriage, the fact that Endeavour decided to put his ambitions on his children is wrong.
But as a first born, for Touya, his family was normal. Children dont magically understand what is right or wrong.
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He simply saw that he got his father’s attention and it made him really really happy. Training was the bond he had with his father. Touya’s thoughts probably like; I am daddy’s son, my father is really happy when i become more strong etc etc.
Even he realize his family is different from other people, he probably simply thought that it might be different but its their thing. This is why we saw Touya as happy. Touya felt special when he got his father’s all attention.
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And Touya saw his mother is okay with it. He probably saw that many times even when father being disrespectfull, mom doesnt seem to mind that much. This is probably why he starts to looks down on his mother too. Its just children dont respect adults who dont respect theirselves. If child think he can get away with it, they would simply do it. Mommy allows daddy to be the boss of the house, mommy allows daddy’s to be disrespectfull to herself so its ok to disrespectfull to mommy too. Thats how children think in those situtions.
What was Shouto’s difference then?
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Shouto as last born, he never think his family is normal or this sitution is okay cause when Shouto is born, everyone in family already starts to break down. Mommy wasnt okay at all.
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Endeavour put his own ambitions on Touya’s shoulders, he gave him impossible expectations which is literally name of the chapter. Wrong way to put out the fire. Those impossible expectations is abuse, btw.
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Everything started cause Endeavour put out fire on wrong place, his family.
And after Touya failed, he was thrown away. Touya probably felt like; his father took him to the highest hill of the building, made him feel special but then threw him down.
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Touya started to get the attention he had at first place to the point he started to burn himself over and over again. Look at how terryfying he looks when his brothers were born...
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At this point, he understand he is replacable which made him question why was he born at first place.
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Of course, Touya wouldnt listen Endeavour when he said ‘there is a life outside of being a hero’ cause Endeavour himself doesnt live his life like that. Children arent stupid, they observe adults’s actions too. Endeavour’s words condract with his actions thats why his words didnt reach out to Touya.
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Touya was in a lot of pain to the point his heigh stopped growing (Look how he is shorter than his siblings), burns himself, his hair starts to change probably cause he used his quirk too much, he even starts to pull his hair which is sign of suicide. He was literally small kid who was mentally breaking down and he expressed his pain every way he can do but he was ignored.
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Fuyumi-chan didnt understand him. Natsuo-kun doesnt listen him either. (Touya thought Fuyumi-chan didnt understand her cause she is girl but the reason she and Natsuo doesnt understand is they didnt have the same expectation at first place.)
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And mommy is at fault too cause she is the one who allowed daddy to raised him like this at first place. She is the one the accepted this marriage, she is responsible too.
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For a child, to be understood is very important thing but they didnt get it. He realized his siblings dont understand him. Even though, Touya was so mentally unstable to the point he attack his baby brother, his parents still didnt get him help or didnt specifically take care of him, instead they constantly ignore him. They kept telling him to forget what happenned and look other way.
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This is exactly why Touya couldnt hold on something else cause in deep, he knows only way to be seen is prove himself.
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For Touya, his mother didnt there for him. His mother allowed this to happen too. This is why his situtions are opposite of Shouto’s.
Touya thought family is normal, his daddy loves him, this is why training was fun.
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This is why he end believing everything Endeavour taught him. Even he uses same words, literally in same chapter.
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‘I live in different world from others.’
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Shouto realized family isnt normal and father is the one who make everyone unhappy. This is why he hated training cause he realized father is forcing him.
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For Touya, mother wasnt there for him and ignored his pain.
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For Shouto, his mother was there for him, this is why she became his emotional support.
This is also why Shouto tried to protect mom cause Rei at this point was really in pain and she was reaching her breaking point. Mommy is there for me, i love mommy but dad make mommy upset, dad is the bad guy here.
Meanwhile for Touya, he didnt really see his mom as sad, he saw her being okay with sitution, thats why he probably think that the way Endeavour treat her as normal cause she accepted this sitution.
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All those opposite situitons made them think opposite way. Not because one is good or bad, its just they had different kind of abuse. (Also hair symbolism is nice parallel too).
Though despite opposite situtions, they were also similar too. They were so cold child soldiers who only think about getting revenge from father, just opposite way cause Shouto has.
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Touya waited his father to come forest to watch him but Endeavıur didnt come until Touya was burn to death.
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Touya’s death wasnt just an accident but its both also suicide and murder. Touya was suicidal, he kept burning himself but parents didnt look at him and Endeavour is the one who push him this mental state. Even Touya says himsef;
 ‘After all, the only  thing he taught me was how to turn up the heat’
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Touya had to burn and reborn to get daddy’s attention again but even after his death, he was hardly mentioned by his family. I mean if Dabi never become a villain, they wouldnt even discuss this case as family.
And i honestly dislike how Todoroki handle this sitution.
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Rei says everyone is responsible but Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo were children, its not their fault. Rei is at fault for not being there for Touya and Endeavour is the most at fault for making Touya mentally unstable. I hate how children carry the mistakes of Endeavour, it wasn their fault.
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And with their talk, they made it sound like Shouto is better than Touya cause look, he became a hero and he forgave them!
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I mean, Shouto didnt have much choice cause Endeavour forced him to be a hero. Even Endeavour wasnt there, Shouto had emotional support (mom) and inspiration (allmight) to be hero, he also has strong qurik so no wonder he can be hero, you know. But Touya didnt have any of it. He didnt have emotional support, inspiration to be better or strong quirk.
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Not even need to mention how both Early-Shouto and Dabi obsess with revenge, cold child soldiers who dont pay attention to people around them. Just Shouto was in better environment and then he met Deku and he started to heal.
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Even Shouto saw himself in Dabi, how he could be like him but he was lucky to be saved. Even their wound smbolically shows their pain. For Shouto, it was boiling water but for Touya, it was very strong fire that will burn him to dush.
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Yeah, Dabi is villain but even so. To Deku, Shigaraki is completely stranger but he still thoguht that he needs to be saved. Meanwhile, Todoroki family knew what happenned to Touya. They are personally involved with him but i found it weird it how they didnt mention about ‘saving him’.
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I mean maybe thats what they will try eventually but still....i think heroes are good, villains are bad sitution contnues even in this sitution cause they say Dabi is the one who needs to be stopped and Endeavour is the one who take a hand.
Shouto needs to offer that hand to Dabi, not Endeavour cause the one who needs to be saved is Dabi/Touya, not Endeavour. 
Not to mention how Best Jeanist and Hawks coldy listen sitution.
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I guess, even after this, they still dont really look at Dabi’s pain cause if they saw it, at least they would talk about helping him more than stopping him...what a tragedy.
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Touya, after everything he had been through is still ignored, even by his own family, remind me of Tenko’s sitution :’))).
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Heroes (And a Villain) Handling a Laughably Unfit S/O
Headcanons I came up with while thinking about how pathetic I am during my daily workout routines.
Yagi Toshinori
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It’s really impressive that you’re nearly as frail as him, and you don’t even have the excuse of fighting powerful villains and missing major organs.
He helped transform little Deku into a capable vessel for One For All. You shouldn’t be a problem! Don’t worry, he’s not gonna have you carrying heavy junk everyday. 
We’ve seen that Toshi still exercises, so now he’s going to drag you along on his daily jogs. No excuses. If his skeleton ass can do it, then so can you.
He’s sad about the state he’s in now, but he’s still going to do everything he can to stay relatively healthy, and so should you, dammit.
Exhausting yourselves but also motivating each other keeps both of your spirits up. 
He’s going to do what he can to rescue his lover from one of the greatest evils in the world: Physical Inactivity.
Toshi: Look at that, we reached the beach this time.
You: Are you serious? We only ran that far? Ugh, this is pitiful.
Toshi: It’s less pitiful than our last run. Good job.
You: You too :)
Shouta Aizawa
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If Aizawa is going to help you, he’s not gonna half-ass it. Get ready to endure his personal workout plan. 
He tries to not look too disappointed when you collapse on the fifth push-up. He’s convinced that this is gonna be more tiresome for him than for you.
No, he is not going to let you screw up your schedule and take any breaks because you didn’t sleep well or your leg hurts. 
“Every morning, seven days a week. That’s all I’m asking for. Learn some discipline.”
Will make sure you’re fit enough to at least throw a basic punch and kick.
He’s gonna make you do shit like tumbling as well. Flexibility is important.
When you fall over because you managed to hurt your ankle during some jumping jacks, he just stares.
Aizawa: “You’re expelled.”
You: “Huh?? From what?”
Aizawa: “I don’t know. But you’re expelled.”
Yamada Hizashi
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Hizashi is more like your personal cheerleader than a coach.
“GET PUMPED!!” is a playlist he made specially for you with music that should keep you more hyped than Rocky Balboa himself.
He’s gonna make sure you at least have enough stamina to keep up with him when you dance together.
“Hi I’m Present Mic and I’m your freestyle dance teacher.”
There’s nobody better than him when it comes to giving you full-body workouts while being super fun about it.
Your phone will buzz with voice messages. “HEEEY, my baby better be groovin��� right now! I hope you have the ‘Wiggle Wop’ memorized when I come back ‘cause I’ll be putting you to the test!”
tl;dr Hizashi is Zumba Fitness.
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When Hawks hears you say that you want to improve your cardio...
“Oh, so you think you should walk more? I guess you won’t be taking any more flights with me.”
Say goodbye to your living personal plane. He’ll encourage you to reach all of your destinations on foot or on a bike.
Of course, he won’t be around much, so he’ll keep a feather on you to keep track of your activity and wellbeing.
You’re about to say “screw this” and hail a cab during a tiring walk, only for the feather to suddenly come to life and attack you. The driver watches you squeal while the tiny flying object assaults your ribs and shoves you away from the car. He just shrugs and moves on to find a customer that isn’t dealing with...whatever’s happening to you.
Hawks: “You’ve gotta try this new food joint with me. It’s on the other side of town.”
You: “Sounds nice, just pick me up an-”
Hawks: “Nope.”
While you’re fuming and your stomach growls, Hawks discovers that it’s pretty nice to slow down and just walk with you. 
He doesn’t expect you to make the whole journey. Once you’ve exhausted yourself and worked up an appetite, he’ll scoop you up in his arms. Feels like he hasn’t done that in forever!
Taishiro Toyomitsu
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Taishiro will be there to keep an eye on your diet as well as your fitness.
As a guy who’s always fattening himself up, he knows which foods cause the most weight gain and health issues.
Now Tai doesn’t believe in eating meals so light that you’re practically starving yourself. “That’s just gonna make ya crave the bad stuff even more!”
He’ll make sure you’re burning those delicious calories and carbs instead of sitting around and letting it all turn into fat. 
Sure, his quirk sounds great right about now, but at least you’re not always hungry like him. That’s not easy on the wallet!
He can recommend a lot of places for healthier eating. You’ll even get plenty of discounts thanks to his reputation among restaurants. “Just tell them Fatgum sent you!”
He personally prefers weight training, but you’re always welcome to try something less strenuous around him.
Hey look, Kirishima and Amajiki are here too!
You: Doesn’t Amajiki eat a wide variety of stuff? What keeps him thin?
Fatgum: Stress.
Kirishima: Stress.
Amajiki: A lot of stress.
Tomura Shigaraki
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Shiggy doesn’t care.
Or at least, he didn’t. Until he watched you play an active video game and you said that your arms were tired. It hasn’t even been thirty minutes.
Fuck that. If you’re gonna have the audacity to ask him to stop his rpg grinding so that you can play Wii Sports together, at least last long enough for him to enjoy himself. Didn’t mean to make that last part sound suggestive.
“For god’s sake. Do some arm rolls or something.”
Besides, exercise sharpens your brain to perform better during gaming. He always feels ready to face the hardest boss after killing people. Murder really gets the blood pumping.
He tosses you an old dance mat so that you can get your DDR on.
Once your stamina and strength is maxed out, he makes you play with him again. And look at that, your mind is clear enough to properly strategize now!
Shigaraki: Not bad.
You: Thanks. So...can we play bowling now?”
Shigaraki: “......Fine.”
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