#cause everything that i’m generally into is nowhere to be found and everything that i’m generally NOT into i want MORE OF
coredrill · 2 years
pros of watching eva w the pals: vindication
cons of watching eva with the pals: chews at my brain for even longer than usual
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hqbaby · 2 months
twenty-six — this isn’t us
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
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word count. 2.5k content. profanity
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Sukuna didn’t sleep a wink all night. Maybe it was the lack of comfort, the fact that he had to lie on a sleeping bag on the ground beside Mahito tossing form or the way Aoi kept managing to place his foot in his face. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the whole night, an endless chain of events that had startled his system beyond belief. Maybe it was because Naoya kept waking up every few hours, scrolling through his TikTok with the speakers on full volume before drifting back to sleep with the “Nasty” audio still playing on a loop.
Or maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t spoken to you after everything that happened. How you’d pushed him away after everyone had regrouped in the living room, saying you just needed some space. How you’d sat cross-legged in front of the fire for a good half hour, ignoring everyone until you decided to get up and go to bed.
It doesn’t matter what caused his bout of sleeplessness. All he knows is that he’s at the table now, everyone chatting away around him as they eat their breakfast, and you’re nowhere to be found.
There’s a palpable tension in the room. While everyone was either plastered or tipsy when everything went down last night, they have a general sense of what happened. No one has spoken about it around Sukuna, but he suspects that the occasional whispering out of his supposed earshot involves a great deal of talk about it all.
Maki and Nobara have been mostly keeping to themselves. Nobara’s more receptive to people coming up and offering her food, exchanging smalltalk about the weather, if they plan on skiing later; Maki not so much.
Sukuna can tell that something has shifted between Satoru and Kimi with the way they keep each other at arm’s length, the former basically attaching himself to Suguru and the latter spending more time with Utahime and Kento. They’re both keeping up relatively normal facades, but Sukuka can see through them. Something has definitely changed.
Everyone’s clearing breakfast away when you finally step out of the room where most of the girls slept last night. The expression on your face is completely blank. It’s like your physical body is here but your mind is elsewhere. You barely register when Nobara offers you the plate she set aside for you earlier.
“Are you gonna hit the slopes with us later?” Utahime asks, a gentle smile on her face as she approaches you.
You’re picking at your pancakes when you shake your head. “I don’t feel too good,” you tell her. “I think I’ll just hang back. You have fun though.”
The tone of your voice kills Sukuna. You sound like you’re reading off a script, the words leaving your mouth in a monotone drawl. It’s so unlike you, so different from your usual jaunt, the way you normally speak like your tongue is bouncing with each word.
“Okay,” Utahime says. She pulls you in for a quick little side hug. “If you change your mind though.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
When most of them clear out to go get ready to ski, Sukuna finds it in himself to get up from his place and make his way over to you. You don’t react when he pulls a chair up, the legs screeching as he drags it across the floor. You don’t even look at him when he sits down and awkwardly arranges himself in the seat.
“Hey,” he says quietly. “You sleep alright?”
You let your fork scrape against your plate. “No,” you tell him. “You?”
“Not at all.”
You hum.
Sukuna can’t bear this, this distance between the two of you, the way you won’t even look at him. You’ve had rough patches before, pieces of time when you didn’t speak after some petty fight or other, but nothing like this. He doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know how to deal with the fallout of this kind of situation. It’s never happened before.
“Can we talk?” he asks—although it sounds more like he’s pleading than anything.
He watches as you gnaw your lower lip. You stop poking at your food. You shake your head. “I don’t think—”
“Please,” he says. “We don’t even have to talk about our shit. We can deal with that later. I just can’t stand seeing you like this.”
You sigh. “Sukuna,” you say softly. “I don’t want to—”
“Let me be your best friend right now.” His voice is desperate. He’ll take anything at this point. Anything. If you’d only let him in, if you’d just stop putting this wall between the two of you. “Just let me be here for you. This isn’t us. We don’t act all cold with each other, we talk. We always talk.”
“Sukuna,” you say, harder now.
“Just talk to me,” he says, taking your hand in his. “Don’t push me out, don’t—”
“Sukuna!” You pull your hand away, eyes finally meeting his. He looks so hurt, so disappointed. All you can think is, This is your fault. You’ve broken your best friend. The one good thing in your life, and you’re pushing him out.
You’re doing what you always do. What you suspect you always will.
“You should go with them,” you tell him.
He shakes his head, adamant. “I don’t want to. I want to be with you.”
Part of you wants him to stay. You want him to hold you like he always does when things in your life are in shambles. You want him to be there for you. You want to accept all the comfort he’s offering you. All the familiarity that comes with him, all the love you’ve grown accustomed to.
But there’s another part of you that clings to the thoughts of last night. The whole mess of your life laid out before you, each piece carefully polished and displayed for you to see. A whole load of baggage that you don’t think you have the strength to hoist onto his lap, to let him deal with.
And then there’s the quiet voice in the back of your head, not your own. An afterthought. A misunderstanding, you’re sure, barely even relevant in the grand scheme of things, but a lingering doubt nonetheless.
Satoru’s voice whispers in the corner of your mind.
“He cheated on you.”
You still don’t know what that means.
You know that if you let Sukuna in, you’re going to have to ask him about it. You’re going to have to find out whatever it is that Satoru is supposedly lording over your best friend. And you don’t know if you’re ready to hear his answer.
As much as you know Sukuna and you know how much he cares about you, how much people misconstrue his actions, his intentions, who he really is—you’re starting to think that you don’t really know anything right now. Everything that happened last night was a direct cause of you not seeing the whole picture, taking things at face value.
Maybe you were wrong about Sukuna.
Maybe everyone was right.
Maybe he really was a bad idea all along.
“Go with them,” you say weakly. “I need time to think.”
“I don’t need time,” he tells you, placing his hands on the table as he leans towards you. “We already took too much time getting here. I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to talk.”
He seems so sincere, so sure of everything. Could he be lying? Has he been lying all along?
You inch away from him and look back down at your plate. “I can’t,” you tell him. “Please. Just give me this. I promise we’ll talk later.”
“When I’m ready.”
“And when will that be?”
“Stop saying my name like that,” he says, nose wrinkling in disgust.
You frown. “Like what?”
“Like I’m some asshole stranger that you don’t know, that doesn’t know you,” he says. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. Don’t think for a minute that any of that’s changed.”
That pulls you out of your thoughts, even by just a little. Still, there’s a nagging feeling in your chest. One that knows that nothing can happen between the two of you until you finish what you started last night. Until you deal with Satoru.
You reach your hand over and place it on top of his. “Later,” you say. “I promise.”
He looks at you for a moment, studies the furrow of your brow, the downturn of your lip. Then, hesitantly, he nods. “Okay,” he says. “If you promise.”
“I do,” you tell him, offering a weak smile. “I just need a minute to catch my breath. We’ll talk as soon as I’m ready, okay?”
“Okay,” he says. “We’ll talk when you’re ready.”
You squeeze his hand. “Thank you.”
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You wave at them through the window as they gather outside the house, some excitedly prancing around, some rolling their eyes at the excited prancing, some—mainly Sukuna and Maki—looking like they would rather be anywhere but there.
When they’re gone, you walk away from the window and press your back against the wall. You slide down onto the floor and feel a weight descend on you. The weight of everything. The confusion, the helplessness, the despair of the previous day sinking into your bones.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out, blink at the contact name on your screen, and answer the call.
“Mom? Is everything okay?”
“I’m getting out of here,” you hear her speak on the other line. There’s a lot of noise wherever she is. Things being thrown, being pulled, being pushed together.
You straighten up. “What?” you say. “What happened?”
She huffs. “I can’t live with him anymore. He’s a fucking asshole!” The last part is yelled, not to you but to someone else. “Are you at your apartment?”
“No,” you tell her. “I’m on a trip with friends. Mom, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” she says. “I’ve just had enough. You were right. He’s never going to change.”
“Who else would I be talking about?” You hear her sigh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I’m going to stay with your aunt for a few days. When does your trip end?”
“Tomorrow,” you answer. “Did he hurt you?”
“Not physically, no,” she says. “I’m fine. Go enjoy the rest of your trip, I’ll head to your place when you come back. We’ll talk then.”
You furrow your brows. “Sure,” you say. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, baby,” she tells you. “I just wanted you to let you know what’s happening. I’ll see you soon.”
She hangs up before you can ask her again if everything is okay. If she needs your help.
You put your phone down and stare at it as the screen goes black again.
Great. Another thing you have to worry about.
You look up and find Satoru standing in the doorway, his eyes wide with surprise.
“I didn’t know you were here,” he says. “I thought you went with them.”
You shake your head. “I don’t trust myself to ski right now,” you tell him. “If I fell, I probably wouldn’t have the strength to get up.”
He lets out a soft chuckle at that. “I get what you mean.” He makes a few cautious steps towards you, then looks at the spot beside you. “Mind if I sit?”
You shrug. “Go ahead.”
He crouches down, grunting as he plops himself onto the carpet. “Remind me to never climb up the roof again.”
“Why’d you go up to the roof?”
“Hide and seek,” he answers like it’s so obvious. “You gotta do what you gotta do to win, you know.”
“To be fair, I’d say that I won the game last night.”
“Only ‘cause you cheated.”
“I did not cheat.”
“You were literally unreachable!” he says. “Kento had to find a crowbar to get you out!”
You smile. “Haven’t you heard? You gotta do what you gotta do to win.”
The two of you laugh, and it feels nice. It’s a good reprieve after everything. It isn’t much but it’s enough to not make you feel as shitty as you’ve been feeling.
Satoru leans back and nudges your shoulder with his.
“I’m sorry for all the yelling last night,” he says. “And for what I said.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t cool, man,” you say. “But it’s okay. You were upset. It was… a lot to take in.”
He nods. “I still shouldn’t have done that.”
“There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t have done,” you tell him quietly. “I’m really sorry, you know.”
“I know. It’s okay.”
You turn to him when you feel him shuffle, finding him reaching into his pocket for something. He pauses, like he’s considering his next actions very carefully, then he pulls the thing out of his pants and places it on the sliver of space between the two of you.
“Here,” he says. “That’s yours.”
You stare at the small box. It’s a dark blue velvet, in stark contrast to the white of the carpet. You frown. “What is that?”
He pushes it closer to you. “Open it.”
You glance at him, then at the box, then at him, then back at the box. Slowly, you pick the thing up. It’s light, so light you’d think there was nothing inside. It sits in the palm of your hand for a moment before you carefully pry it open.
The ring sits in the middle. A simple one, a silver band and a diamond set in the middle. It’s not the kind of ring that calls attention to itself, but you’d notice it on anyone’s finger. You couldn’t not look at it.
“Satoru, what is this?”
You look at him and find him staring at the ring. He swallows and lets his shoulders drop.
“Your ring,” he tells you softly. “It’s not much, but I thought you’d like it. I know I probably should’ve asked you about it—I read that’s what you’re supposed to do because girls can get really particular about their rings—but I saw that one and I knew I had to get it. It just felt right.”
Your mouth goes dry as you look back at the box you’re holding. “You bought me a ring?”
“I would’ve bought you a hundred if that’s what you wanted.”
You gape at him. “You bought me a ring.”
He looks at you, eyes all soft and gentle. “That’s what you’re supposed to do before you get married, right?”
“Satoru, why…” You can’t seem to find the right words. Your mind has drawn a complete blank.
“I know you don’t believe me, and you have every right to feel that way, but I really did love you,” he says. “I still do if I’m being honest.”
You don’t know what to think right now. You don’t know what to do. All you know is that there’s a ring in your hand and an ache in your chest and the boy who you’d always believed to be the love of your life sitting right beside you.
“You were it for me,” he tells you. “I won’t lie, I’ve loved people in the past, but not as much as I love you. What we had was real to me, it always will be.”
You stare at the box. The diamond glints in the light. “Oh.”
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earthtooz · 2 years
just a quick hawks idea that came to me <3 it's awkward lol but gn and pro-hero!reader
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you might need to put your agency on lockdown.
admittedly, a hero agency going into lockdown was incredibly hypocritical, but when the threat was the number two hero himself, hawks, you can’t take any risks. everything must be secured so he cannot step even one foot into the premise or you’ll call emergency out of desperation and exasperation.
of course in the case of an actual lockdown, you would be expected to be there on the front lines which means you’d be the one responsible for being face-to-face with the problem. and if hawks flashed that charming smile at you or laughed that boyish laugh of his, you’d be surrendering. easy defeat.
but, the moment you’ve been dreading all day comes a little sooner than you expected, when three knocks on your door abruptly capture your attention and in comes one of your assistants. 
“ah, l/n? hawks is here and wants to see you,” she says, sounding a little overwhelmed. hawks can be intimidating when he doesn’t mean to be after all and well, you too were dreading meeting him for completely different meetings.
“don’t send him in,” you blurt, causing your assistant to widen her eyes in shock. you know she has the urge to ask why but quickly nods in affirmation before disappearing behind the office door once more. 
crisis averted. or so you thought as a sturdy, red feather begins dancing on your desk, one that you knew wasn’t there before.
it must’ve slipped in alongside your assistant and your heart drops at the realisation, especially when it becomes gesturing to your window; a signal you somehow recognise. 
“oh my goodness,” you mutter before turning around in your chair, coming face-to-face with the winged hero as he taps impatiently on your window, your chest already beginning to compress with the way your heart rate increased, and a thrill of exhilaration runs its course through your veins; two natural reactions that happen very commonly whenever you’re around hawks.
you hurriedly shut the curtains on his face, not having long to rejoice before his feather lifts up a portion of the blinds to reveal his unimpressed expression, coupled with an amused eyebrow raise and a dangerous smirk. hawks then gestures upwards with his pointer finger and you knew immediately that he meant to meet you on the rooftop of your agency; a place he likes to crash onto whenever he wants to. 
(you once asked him if he had better things to do than hangout on the top of your building and he replied that he’s there because he’s bored but you know otherwise. if there’s something about hawks it’s that he’s never free. his schedule was worse than yours and even then, yours was unmanageable. where he found a slot to loiter around your establishment, you don’t know. the bigger philosophical issue was why.)
you’re backed into a corner with nowhere to go but the rooftop and the wing that clung to your hero clothes was only emphasising the direness of your situation.
the moment you open the card-regulated door of your rooftop, hawks is already waiting for you, his face bursting into a dazzling smile as a glimmer appears in his eyes, ones that rivalled the sun. 
“there you are, sweetheart!�� he greets, fluffing up his wings as the singular feather trailing beside you returns to its rightful owner. he takes generous steps towards you whilst you take smaller ones to meet him in the middle, your arms crossed over your chest in hopes of maintaining an apathetic front to deter him. 
it must not have been working because he does not look fazed. not one bit. 
“what are you doing here?” you grumble, subtly admiring the way his ruffled hair blows with the wind and how radiant he looks with the sun shining upon him. “don’t you have things to do that are more productive than bother me?”
“i am being productive; i’m chasing up on a deal that i made with you. maybe you need a little reminder to what it was?”
“please, don’t start-”
“-if i placed above you in the hero rankings this year, i would get to take you out on a date. remember anything along those lines, pretty?” 
you hide your face from him, using your hands to cover your eyes as you look away.
him, being the embodiment of your worst nightmares (daydreams), bends around so he would appear in your eyesight again and when you catch a glimpse of him, you just shut him out again using your hands. a deep chuckle spills from the winged hero at your childish insistence, genuinely entertained and infatuated by you.
“c’mon, stop ignoring me. i earned this date fair and square.”
“if i do not see, i do not perceive, please leave me alone.”
“oh c’mon number six, i’ve already placed reservations at a hot place i’ve been meaning to try together. won’t you be nice?”
removing your hands, you meet his gaze with a perplexed one of your own. “i’m serious, hawks, i have work to take care of. don’t you as well? we can’t just take breaks whenever.”
“and i’m serious about this date. so much so that i rostered more sidekicks on today than i normally do. everything is being taken care of so stop worrying, would i really be japan’s number two hero if i didn’t plan out every last detail?”
you huff, signalling his defeat. he was right. his surveillance abilities were off the charts. if anyone knew where danger was happening the second it occurred, it would be hawks. just- does he have to be so smug about it? it feels like he’s rubbing salt in the wound of your defeat yesterday at the hero rankings.
“fine,” you give in with an ungracious eye roll. “let’s go to this hot pot reservation of yours since you’re so insistent about how diligent you are.” 
“oh, do you find that attractive?”
“how about you take me out before i regret it?”
“as you wish!”
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skzcollision · 1 year
churchboy!felix x afab!reader (1/7)
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genre: fluff, eventual smut, teen angst
synopsis: certain expectations come with being a pastor’s daughter. in everyone’s eyes you are a properly behaved girl, albeit rather timid. according to your parents, you aren’t as devoted to the church as you should be. they entrust you to an old family friend’s son, deeming him to be a good influence. these circumstances bring you two closer together and stir up all kinds of emotions.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
It has been a good four months since you began doing these bible readings together.
You have built a genuine friendship over that time and despite dreading these meet ups at first, you found yourself looking forward to seeing Felix more each and every time. He makes it easy for you.
He knows how difficult it is for you to keep from nodding off during those sermons and bible studies; he knows that you do not enjoy church.
So to make things a little more pleasant for you, he lets you choose the time and place for these bible readings. He brings you snacks and he doesn’t mind when you veer off topic every once in a while.
Felix has created a comfortable space for you, not just spiritually, but in general. It’s inevitable that you start catching feelings for him. You have always found him physically attractive. After all, he is the main reason why you have perfect attendance at church.
But you enjoy the way he teases you, the way he is so sweet with you, and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. You love the smatterings of freckles across his face, you love the weird shit he says randomly out of nowhere and the way he is himself with you, and vice versa; you love just about everything about him.
So it is a disappointment when you plan a picnic with him this time and he makes it a point to sit a good few feet away from you.
You suppose it is your fault, as you have been dressing a little too provocatively for bible readings lately and last time when you were watching a movie together, you sat a little too close to his lap.
The thought that you could have possibly ruined things with him and made him uncomfortable breaks your heart.
“Felix,” you say, fingers dragging across the soft flannel. “Come sit closer, you’re hardly even on the blanket.”
He glances up at you over his bible, then pulls his gaze away, shaking his head. “Thanks, I’m fine here.”
A sigh leaves your mouth. “Did I do something?” Your eyes trace the pattern of the blanket, fingers playing with the frills of your skirt.
“Hey,” Felix’s voice is closer now, causing you to look up. He is leaning forward on his hands, eyes earnest. “Of course not.”
“Then why are you sitting so far from me?”
He pulls away and it is silent for a while. All you hear is the soft crashing of waves against the shore and a seagull in the distance. “No reason.” Felix clears his throat. “Can we get back to–“
“Are you afraid that I’ll pounce on you?”
Heat flickers in his gaze, but it is for a short moment—as if you had only imagined it. He’s good at hiding. Maybe even better than you.
“W- What?” His breathing sounds heavier now. “No, why would you…”
“I won’t, okay?” You shuffle closer to him, keeping your eyes locked. “I won’t, so, please… can we sit closer?”
His tongue flicks out to wet his dry lips and you see his Adam’s apple bob. “Okay.” With hesitation, Felix moves in closer to you. “Is this better?” You were both sitting side by side like you usually did.
“Closer?” You almost squeak out, hands clammy against your lap.
“Wha- closer? How close?” There’s panic in his voice now and you feel that if you don’t do anything he will run away from you right this second.
So you let your instincts drive you and you bury your head into his chest, arms wrapping around his waist. You breathe in the oaky scent of his aftershave and the florals of his fabric softener.
A yelp leaves him, but he doesn’t push you away, and instead freezes up against you. Your name rolls out of his mouth clumsily. “W- We can’t do this here.”
“Sorry,” after a moment, you loosen your grip on him and you lift your head to look at his face.
You believe yourself to be just as flushed as him, the tips of his ears pink. It takes everything you have to not smother him again.
Felix says your name again, softly this time. “Don’t be sorry.” You only realize now that the hand on the small of your back has not left and your heart skips even faster than it is already; you’re scared that he can hear it.
“Please,” your voice is hushed, hardly audible. “Let’s just hold each other.” You slide your leg over his, and your arms take their place around his waist again. “It’s just us here. No one will know.”
Felix gulps. “God knows.”
But he lets you hold him anyway. And he holds you too.
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annymation · 8 months
The voices in my Wish Rewrite
I haven’t talked much about it, but in my Wish rewrite some characters would be recasted. I wanted to make this post just to show which actors I’d replace… And it’s pretty much everyone except Magnifico, cause ya know, Chris Pine is Magnifico, and Magnifico is Chris Pine, it’s just how it is.
So let’s get this started!
Asha- Denée Benton
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Im absolutely OBSESSED with this woman’s voice, she sounds like an angel and carries so much personality in her performance, she sounds pure, youthful, hopeful but also strong, everything I imagine Asha as. THIS is what I imagine the 100th anniversary Disney princess sounding like. Not that I didn’t like Ariana DeBose’s singing tho, but I just love Denee Benton more, and hey, it’s my rewrite, so I get to imagine Asha’s voice how I please. Also I can totally see Asha and Aster singing this song.
Aster- Jordan Fisher
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Oooooh this man, I love him so much. His voice has the perfect energy for Aster, sounding youthful and melodic like a prince, it had to be a literally other worldly voice, and I think Jordan’s voice is PRETTY DANG other worldly, like, this example I found on Spotify doesn’t even do him justice, go listen to his other singing chops on YouTube.
If you look up Jordan Fisher you’ll see the guy is DEEPLY connected with Disney in his career, from singing the song “Happily Ever After” 6 years ago, which is the theme song for the Magic Kingdom, to now being the main singer of 4-town in the movie Turning Red. And of course this one time he made a cover of “You’re Welcome”, the guy just lives and breaths Disney so WHY NOT have him as a wishing star? It just makes sense. But besides working with Disney he also has experience in a musicals such as Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Sweeney Todd and more recently he became the new Orpheus in Hadestown… And by god I need a good quality audio of him singing “Wait For Me” more than I need air because that song fits Aster’s character SO WELL.
Magnifico- Chris Pine
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Yeah no surprises here, you can’t have Magnifico without Chris Pine… But HIS SINGING VOICE IN THIS SONG THOUGH??? ITS SO GOOD!!! I listened to “Any Moment” ONCE and now I constantly go back to listen to it over and over and imagine young Magnus and Amaya meeting in the woods. I still haven’t posted about Amaya’s backstory BECAUSE IM TOO LAZY TO FINISH THE DRAFT I HAVE EXPLAINING IT- But let me just say her hesitating to start a relationship with him is VERY accurate to her character. And Magnus being like “May I kiss you” out of nowhere because he: 1- Sees himself as irresistible so he thinks she’d fall for him with just that and 2- he had 0 social skills before he met Amaya.
And then there’s the line “Life is often so unpleasant, you must know that as a peasant” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This is LITERALLY something my Magnifico would say, I’m so freakin lucky!
My point is, my rewrite’s Magnifico sounds like THIS when he sings, with a deep, smooth and honeyed voice that makes you want to trust him… Take that high pitched voice Chris Pine did in “This Is The Thanks I Get” and throw it out the window. Disney wasted the man’s talent. I’m so mad.
Amaya- Emily Blunt
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Do you guys see my vision? Do I even have to say anything? Like really, go watch a scene of the Mary Poppins remake, any scene with her at all, that woman has a voice that DEMANDS respect, while also being motherly, it’s practically perfect in every way. I’m using “Open Up Your Eyes” here as an example though because… Well, it fits her backstory… Ya know, the backstory I’m stalling to talk about 👉👈… But it also just simply fits her personality in general!
And no disrespect for her voice in the movie, Angelique Cabral… BUT ITS EMILY BLUNT AS AN EVIL QUEEN!!! Come ooooon! It’s just meant to be!!!
Also side note, since we’re talking about Queen Amable, THIS design that came from an deleted scene is how I’ve imagined her the whole time:
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Like, I could not STAND her hairstyle in the movie, it simply didn’t fit my vision for her character, see, Amaya is sophisticated but she’s also… Practical and likes to feel comfortable, hence why in my rewrite her dress has no sleeves, she values her own comfort more than conforming to the social norms… AND THAT HAIR LOOKING LIKE HEADPHONES WITH THAT CROWN THAT MADE HER FOREHEAD LOOK LIKE A SQUARE DROVE ME NUTS!
So yeah, this is our Queen Amable, voiced by Emily Blunt, with a British accent, in all her glory, we’re moving on.
Valentino- Gregory Mann
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This is just a bonus mention, since Valentino doesn’t even sing in my rewrite, he just speaks in like 3 scenes… And you guys have only seen one of them so far. But either way, let it be known he sounds like Gregory Mann, because Gregory Mann sounds adorable. That is all.
Thank You For Reading!
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Hi! For Valentine’s Day coming up I was wondering if you could do the demon bros (Satan specifically but whatever you feel like) proposing to MC? (Thank you so much <3)
So it’s mid-summer, two years later give or take. That’s the perfect time to do a Valentine’s Day prompt, right? Genuinely, I am sorry. I’ve explained before that health issues took over my life. There are times when I’m so chronically fatigued I can barely read let alone write anything. I already know this probably won’t be as great as you were hoping for (if you even end up seeing this) but I hope it’s still something to make you smile!
Lucifer: Of course Lucifer is going to go all out for his proposal - do you think he would ever offer you anything but the best? It’ll be a formal affair at a restaurant where he booked a private room for you both with a bottle of some of the best wine (or nonalcoholic drink) available and a custom gourmet menu fitted distinctly to your tastes. There will be ambient lighting and live music playing and you’ll both be dressed up to the nines. I think he’d be the kind of man who chose a classic day to propose, like an anniversary of some sort. One that’s important enough to warrant celebration and keep you from getting too suspicious of the grandiosity but also one that’s innocuous enough that you don’t assume a proposal will follow.
Everything will be going smoothly and Lucifer has just begun his meticulously written (and rewritten several times over) speech when his brothers burst into the restaurant, causing absolute chaos. The food is being eaten, the wine drank, the music is interrupted, and his brothers are all arguing and yelling for your attention. He genuinely considers killing them for ruining what’s supposed to be a special occasion but he sees you smiling at them so fondly, rather getting upset like any normal person would, and so he completely drops his speech and asks you if you’d spend forever with him, dealing with his idiot brothers and helping him clean up their messes. Of course you agree because there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than by his side at the head of this perfectly imperfect little family you’ve found.
Mammon: Mammon is not the most romantic of his brothers, if we’re being honest. He’s not very good at planning things out - he doesn’t have the attention span for it or the consideration it takes. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you as much as they do; on the contrary, one could argue he loves you far more than the others could ever dream of. Mammon doesn’t need a big fancy moment, certainly nothing like Lucifer planned, to propose to you. He doesn’t even have to think about doing it. One minute he’s sitting in his baby with you, riding on the coast, watching the grin on your face and your sparkling eyes and the way your hair blows in the strong wind from the speeding convertible, and the next he’s asking you to do this with him forever. Just always stay by his side and he’ll be happy, and he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make you happy too. He doesn’t have a diamond ring or anything to give you but he offers up one of his signature rings (maybe on one of his chains if it doesn’t fit your hand). He’s giving you a piece of himself, a cherished possession, showing you that this avatar of greed doesn’t need anything else but you. For you, he can be good and generous, and he promises to spend the rest of your lives together showing up for you as the best demon he can be. He wants to be your first demon and your last, if you’ll have him.
Levi: Levi is so so nervous about proposing. Every day he feels blessed by the base gods that you’ve given him a chance to date you; asking you to marry him feels like he’s pushing his luck. But he loves you so much and you’ve both grown so much together that he feels ready to take that step. He doesn’t just wanna be your simp boyfriend anymore, he wants to be your simp husband, and so he sets about coming up with a proposal that suits the both you more than anything traditionally romantic.
It takes him literally months to create the perfect set up. He develops a cute co-op video game not unlike StarDew Valley where you guys can build your little lives together. You design your home and get jobs and get pets; it’s all so charming and cozy and, as always, you guys agree on just about everything because you’re more than lovers, you’re best friends. At the end of the game, Levi’s character proposes to yours with a cute little speech about how he wants you to be his player 2 for the rest of your lives, both here and in real life. He tells you how much your love has inspired him and helped him grow and how he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life leveling up with you as you go on adventures together and make your way through the most dangerous game in the world - life.
Satan: Satan is a diehard romantic underneath that intellectual, rage filled exterior. He’s read all the books and seen all the movies; he’s constantly coming up with bigger and better ways to propose to you. He wants it to be a memorable occasion and something worthy of you, which is a hard feat because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in this damned place.
He eventually settles on creating an interactive experience. It’ll be a scavenger hunt/mystery sort of game where he involves all his brothers and the other characters to take you on your quest around the Devildom. You’ll visit all of your most meaningful spots, get little mementos from important moments in your relationship, receive little love notes from him filled with your favorite quotes from your favorite books. When you find Satan at the end of the journey, where he’s already kneeling with the loveliest ring pulled out, he thanks you for showing him that he was capable of such warmth and kindness and love. He talks about how he never understood romance or love until he met you, and now it’s his favorite genre. You are everything he could have ever dreamed of, better than any character he’s ever read about, and he never wants to let you do. Then he’ll ask you to continue writing this love story with him and give it a happily ever after ending.
Asmo: Asmo would probably expect to be proposed to honestly, rather than doing the proposing. He’s used to being chased and wooed but, just for you, he’ll take the lead. He just has to do this for his honey; it’s the very least they deserve. Asmo knows he’s simply divine and you are a very lucky human but he also knows how much you have to deal with when being with him so he decides to use this opportunity to make you feel as special and loved as you truly are.
He’s going to take you to the spa and all of your favorite places to buy you whatever you glance at for more than a minute and whatever food you want. He will be the one waiting on you hand and foot for once. He wants you to understand that he’s willing to put in the effort and dedication for you; he’s willing to commit to you and be this giving, steady presence forever, not just a fun boyfriend for now. It’s easy to show someone you want them but it’s much harder to show them that you need them and love them and respect them; however, Asmo is going to spend the entire day trying to achieve just that. By the end of your lovely dinner, he’s pulling out the biggest and nicest engagement rings ever seen (yes, one for each of you obviously and of course they’re a matching set) and asking you to love him forever.
Beel: Sweet, sweet Beel tries so hard to be romantic for his proposal. He knows really early on that he wants to marry you (he’s a male wife, okay?) but he can’t think of anything good! Nothing feels like it’s good enough for you or shows how much he loves you. So he goes to his brothers for help and they help him come with the tried and true proposal over a nice dinner with the ring in your dessert - it being related to food just really fits in with Beel - and they know how much you love your Devildom sweets.
The night is going so well. The dinner is delicious and you two are laughing the whole time and you definitely have no idea what’s coming. Beel is so excited by the surprise that he’s actually not even eating as much as normal which you’ve noticed. By the time dessert comes, Beel is running on adrenaline. He’s excited, he’s nervous, he’s starving. His half out of his mind by the time the desserts come and he’s scarfing down the parfait as quickly as possible and watching for your reaction when you find the ring. Except…you don’t. You finish your entire parfait without anything in your way and Beel has to call over the waiter to none too subtly ask what happened to your ring. It quickly becomes apparent that the desserts had been mixed up and Beel, in his haste to get through dessert, never noticed the ring in his meaning that it’s currently in his stomach right now. At this point Beel has no choice but to tell you what happened and he’s so embarrassed but you’re laughing in the nicest way and telling him you love him and you can’t wait to marry him once you get that ring. You do ask him to make sure it’s professionally cleaned though.
Belphie: For someone who is so lazy, Belphie really puts a lot of thought into proposing to you. Belphie never thought he’d be getting married, let alone to a human, but now that he has you, he wants to keep you forever. Sometimes it’s a tempting thought to just lock you in the attic where you can’t leave but he knows a proposal would be much more effective and much less traumatic, which is something he’s trying to work on for you. Autonomy and safety are non negotiable, apparently.
With that being said, Belphie isn’t going to go all out like Lucifer or Satan. He plans a romantic little planetarium date, not quite unlike your usual ones, though the blankets and pillows are even nicer than normal and there’s extra dessert and your favorite food for dinner. You just think he’s doing something nice for you, likely because he’s done something not so nice that you haven’t found out about yet. As Belphie is laying there in the dark with you, he points out a new constellation - one that he commissioned and bought so it’ll be listed in actual books now. It’s a triad of stars - the two twins and then a connected third star that turns the shape into a heart - that’s you he says. The missing puzzle piece, the only person who could ever fill that void in his heart that he’s been carrying for so long. Then he’ll pull out a beautiful ring with a stone like starburst to match your constellation star and he asks you to marry him - you fate is literally written in the stars now - the two of you bound together forever.
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longliveao · 2 years
AgedUp!Neteyam x afab!omaticaya!reader
Warnings: its mostly smut, nsfw, MDNI!!, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (be careful!)
Summary: Neteyam always scolds you and Lo’ak for your mischief, what happens when you give him a bold ultimatum?
Word Count: 1.8k
Note: I’ve never written on here and I feel like I could’ve done this way better so I’m nervous. My mind is gross asf but I hope you enjoy lol
As Lo’aks best friend, he felt the need to have you come on every single expedition of his. You guys were double trouble, something you had gotten scolded for many times throughout the years. When you were not learning in the healers hut or exploring with kiri, you were off causing mischief with your right hand man. Neteyam hated this, not just because you allowed Lo’ak to drag you into these situations, but because of you in general. You had a habit of teasing him about everything, whether it be mean or sexual. He couldn’t stand you for it. No other woman in the clan would even dare to diss him half as much as you do. The two of you slowly but surely causing him to reach his boiling point. As you stood with Lo’ak in the forest to get lectured by him for the millionth time, Neteyam was nothing short of fuming at your nonchalance. “I swear everything I ever say to the two of you goes in one ear and comes out the other” he said raising his arms in frustration. “Bro its not even that serious for real” Lo’ak said equally tired of this conversation as you were. You kept silent watching them argue, Neteyam can’t argue if you don’t argue back. You and Lo’ak had snuck out of your tents in the middle of the night to go exploring again but Neteyam followed. It’s like he has a radar for when you’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. “They could’ve been hurt Lo’ak” Neteyam said strength to his brother. It was true. Right when Neteyam caught up to you two, you had gotten stuck in a tree. A vine was wrapped around your leg and arm, suspending you in the air. Lo’ak only laughed, swiftly cutting you down the moment his brother came into his view. “Why the fuck do you care so much about what we do?”, Lo’ak asked in frustration, “we’re adults now, we can do what we want”. While that was true, we directly disobeyed Jakes curfew order. Neteyam was very over this conversation that they were having at 2am. “Go home” he said to his brother. “Whatever” Lo’ak huffed, walking off into the forest towards High Camp. You turn to follow him, only to be stopped by an arm pulling you back. “Not you”, turning you see Neteyam with that familiar flame of anger lingering in his eyes. You groan loudly at this. His grip on your arms tighten, “watch it”. “Or what?” you ask amused, “you gonna run and tell Daddy how bad I’ve been”. His face hardens at this. “Stop” he says evenly. His arm pulling you closer. At this point you were inches apart, the height difference between you two becoming obvious. “Neteyam” you begin, “you can either fuck me, fight me, or shut the fuck up”. At this, his eyebrows relax and his arm grip falters. Taking this opportunity, you pull your arm from his grasp and walk off towards home. Leaving him as he stood dumbfounded at your sentence.
After the argument in the woods, you had gotten yet another scolding from your Olo’eyktan and Tsahík the next morning. A few days of training went by but a certain someone  was nowhere to be seen. Neteyam had taken to avoiding you after what you said in the woods. Honestly, you were used to it. Everytime one of your insults got under his skin, he’d disappear from your life until the next time you and Lo’ak needed to be told off. You found this funny. It was so easy to get under his skin and honestly, his reactions made it so much funnier. You had gone on another forest trip with Kiri a few hours ago. Night had fallen as you made your way out of another healers tent after they had patched up the nasty gash on your bicep. Most, if not all, of the Omaticaya population was asleep already. Taking a peak outside, you swiftly walked towards your own, hoping that Neteyam wouldn’t be awake to notice you. You realized you were not so lucky after you heard the opening to your tent swish behind you. Sighing you turned around to face an angry Neteyam. “What did you do now?” he asked pointing to your arm. “I fell” you said rolling your eyes. “Why are you so careless?” he asks, already frustrated. “If you came here just to yell at me again, you can find your way out jackass” you say turning your back to him, beginning to walk towards your sleeping mat. Suddenly a hand wraps around the front of your neck, yanking you back and turning you around to face neteyam. “wha-“ you exclaim, his hand tightens. “shut up” he says through gritted teeth, pulling you closer. “I’m real tired of that mouth of yours” he growls. 
You stare at him in shock. You’ve seen him this angry but this was more than that. You could see another emotion swirling in the gold of his iris’, one you didn’t recognize. Before you could even begin to compose yourself, he smashes his lips against yours. Although you were taken by surprise, you kiss back. The hand on your neck slides up to grip your jaw. He breaks the kiss and tilts your head up to look at him. The emotion in his eyes registers at this point. Pure lust. “Get on your knees” he states firmly. You listen immediately and get on your knees in front of him. From this angle you can see how hard he is in his loincloth as he unties it. “You always have something to say, should’ve shut you up long ago” he mutters as his loincloth hits the floor, his dick slapping his stomach. Gripping it between his fingers, he begins stroking himself. “Open up” he says. Once again, without a word you open your mouth. He rubs his tip on your lips, the salty precum lingers on your tongue before you begin to take him in your mouth. He’s bigger than you thought he’d be. All those nights spent touching yourself at the thought of him led you up to this point. You gag as his dick hits the back of your throat and he groans at the feeling. Gripping your head, he begins to thrust himself into your mouth. You gag as he assaults your throat, hands on his thighs trying to steady yourself. His head falls back, deep, loud groans leaving his mouth. His pace picks up making it harder for you to breathe, tears falling from your eyes. “Isn’t this what you wanted My Love? For me fuck your throat raw?” he teases. You only can only hum in response. 
You reach your hand down into your loincloth to circle your clit. A sharp yelp falls from your lips as Neteyam growls, gripping your hair and yanking you away from him. Your throat praises the breaths of air you take in. “Did I say you could touch yourself, slut” he barks, anger clearly evident on his face. “No sir” you mutter, staring at the floor of your tent, still perched on your knees. This seems to ignite something with him. Suddenly, he’s pushing your shoulders for you to lay down. “Mine” he says from on top of you before leaning in to kid you roughly. Your mouths move in sync, his touch pushing past your lips. His hand moves down, untying your top and loincloth as he kisses you. He runs his finger through your labia, up to your swollen clit. He pinches it, causing a moan to slip out and be swallowed by his mouth. Pulling away, he whispers in your ear, “so wet just for me huh baby?”. Leaning back, he positions himself between your legs. You moan as he runs his tip up and down through your folds. He lines himself up at your entrance before leaning down to capture your lips with his once again. He takes advantage of the distraction and pushes himself all the way in with no warning. You yell out in pain. “Shhhh it’s okay” he whispers again your lips, “I’ve got you”. He waits for you to adjust before he begins moving. The stinging slowly turning into deep pleasure, you begin to lift your hips to meet his thrusts. Neteyam takes this as a sign to speed up, pounding into you. His long fingers grip your hips roughly as he plunges himself in and out of your pussy. You can already tell it’s going to leave bruises. His braids fall around his face as he breathes obscenities.
 He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, the new angles causing you to lose your breath. He’s hitting right where you want him too, and he can tell by the moans that leave your lips. You lean forward to press your hand against his abdomen only for him to slap it away. “Move your fucking hand” he growls. “Teyam- too much” you manage out. “Take it” he says speeding up, causing you to throw your head back onto the floor. A familiar feeling builds up, you clench around him. “Gonna cum” you say as the feeling begins to build up, causing your eyes to roll back in your head. “Not yet” he moans. The lewd sound of your hips meeting his echo through the tent. You close your eyes as you try your hardest to hold it in. It’s not long until his strokes turn a little sloppier. He places his thumb on your clit and begins running fast circles. “Neteyam!” you exclaim placing your hand on his as your legs begin to shake. “Cum for me baby” he says, out of breath. With that you allow the feeling of your orgasm to overtake you, eyes rolling back into your head as your vision turns white. The feeling of you clenching around him has Neteyam throwing his head back, pressing himself against your cervix. “Ah fuck” he says as he shoots his load into your womb. His hips stutter as his head falls back once again. Your legs shake as he fills up your overstimulated pussy. He gives a few languid strokes before he’s pulling out. Your head lay back onto the floor, catching your breath. You begin to feel the warm liquid leaking out of you onto the floor. Neteyam sits on his knees in front of you, admiring his work. “We should settle disagreements like this more often” he says smiling, as you cover your face in embarrassment, “don’t get all shy on me now, you’re the one who gave me an ultimatum”. You only sigh as he grabs a cloth and wets it with water before coming to clean you up.
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hayanwulf · 1 month
Stephen in spider-man homecoming
(In reference to the WIP game.)
Self-explanatory; Stephen is present in Spider-Man Homecoming!
He kind of shows up in Peter's scene coincidentally, and then of course Peter later rants about it to Happy, who informs Tony, who is so paranoid of magic that of course he tries to find out more about this wizard guy.
From there Stephen sends Tony in a wild goose chase, partially because he finds Tony annoying and partially for the shits and giggles.
Here's a snippet (Stephen recently dealth with Dormammu and he's Not Okay).
Soft footsteps could be heard behind him, signaling that the hero had apparently not left him alone yet. He tensed, able to feel Spider-Man creeping closer to his personal space without needing to see. Just when he thought that Spider-Man might try to touch him again, he instead flinched when the hero sat down next to him at a respectable distance, legs dangling off the roof similarly to his. “Not afraid of heights?” Spider-Man asked. Stephen internally sighed. He hated small talk, and talk in general was the last thing he wanted to do right now, especially with someone who was practically a stranger. “That, too, is none of your business,” Stephen told him blatantly. “Doesn’t your business entail catching thieves and stopping robberies? I think you should go tend to those.” Spider-Man shrugged, completely unperturbed by his clipped tone. “I would if something fishy was going on right now, but everything seems a-okay so I’m on a break.” Then, out of nowhere, the young hero brought out a wrap of tissue paper that emanated an unmistakable scent of fried dough, accentuated by the tinge of cinnamon & sweetness, and extended it towards Stephen. “Want some churros?” Stephen blinked down at the unexpected offering, then looked up at Spider-Man as if the hero was the weird one. “No.” “You sure?” Spider-Man tilted his head slightly. “Cause you look like—” he then raised his hand a little, “—I mean, I don’t mean to be rude! But, erm.. I noticed you don’t look very.. you seem like you might..” Stephen sighed. “Just say what you want to say.” Spider-Man fell silent for a second, then spoke up, “You look like you haven’t been eating well.” Stephen was suddenly hyper aware of just how terrible he must be looking if a random stranger felt the need to point it out. Embarrassment curled in his chest. Right as he was about to make a move to get up, the wrap of tissue was offered to him again, making him pause. “Well, this isn’t much,” Spider-Man said, emphasizing the offered churros, “But if you need help, my— Uh, I know this really nice lady who works at a homeless shelter.” “Are you saying that I look like a homeless person?” Stephen narrowed his eyes, more offended than embarrassed now. “I mean if you wanna know the truth, you look like a D&D cosplayer, but seeing the magic-y stuff you did just then—” he pointed a thumb behind them, where Stephen had arrived, “—maybe it’s not cosplay after all. Anyway, I don’t mean any offense, sir! I just thought maybe I’d help out, y’know?” “You talk a lot.” “So I’ve been told.” Stephen thought he could imagine a smile in the hero’s voice. “So, churros?” Stephen briefly looked down at the offering again, reminded that he had indeed not eaten anything after the morning breakfast, which had been cereals. His body was begging him to take the offering, stomach growling at the delicious scent. He turned back up at Spider-Man. “You’d help a random stranger who almost turned you into burnt soot?” Spider-Man tilted his head a little. “You didn’t, though.” “I could’ve,” Stephen whispered inaudibly, turning his head away. It had been extremely reckless. He had almost incinerated a person just because they had made an innocent gesture of touch on him. He might as well be a threat to humanity with his level of.. reaction. “Yeah, but you didn’t,” Spider-Man said, apparently having heard Stephen’s murmur. He had no idea how. He turned back towards the hero and found him insistently passing the churros now. “Here, take it. I’m sure you’ll feel a bit better after having them. They’re really good!” A little hesitantly, Stephen extended his hand and took the offered tissue wrap from Spider-Man. The hero didn’t say anything, but Stephen could practically feel the happiness he radiated at that moment, with how his legs swung and his body swayed. Stephen opened the tissue, cautious to not let the shaking of his hand make the churros fall off. Carefully, he picked up a churro and took a bite. It tasted heavenly.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Unpopular opinion, but while I’m not a fan of random or spontaneous musical episodes of media in general (there is usually no reason, they add nothing to the plot of show, they’re awkward, the members of the cast who can’t sing are mysteriously absent from the episode or shameless dubbed, it’s weird when they parody a specific musical and force it to tie into the plot), I would have been strangely fine with a Wolf359 musical episode and think it would have actually fit the show extremely well.
The Dear Listeners’ whole thing from the beginning was about music, so it fits the theme extremely well, it’s not like the musical vibes would “come out of nowhere” and if the Dear Listeners are the ones that cause it happen, it would actually make sense. It’s also plausible in the Wolf359 universe as the Dear Listeners can create time loops, clones, and do a ton of stuff that’s already way more impressive than forcing people to sing, and AI like Eris can trap them in a virtual reality so that’s also a possibility.
Not to mention the entire cast would have ATE UP a multi hour special musical episode. Just imagine:
Lovelace. We heard her sing already in Change of Mind, she would rock this. A song about her old crew perhaps?
Minkowski. The whole plot to her musical and her Broadway dreams. Her talent show performance. All of it. Maybe a song about Dominik or whether she regrets coming here. Her dreams of seeing the stars and how now all she wants is to see home again.
Kepler. He’d turn the Whisky speech into a villain song and what a villain song it would be. Casually and smoothly threatening their lives as he twirls the glass in his hand. He sings a reprise on the way out with old lyrics meaning something new or with entirely new lyrics and the final line of the song is cut off when he’s blasted out of the ship, leaving a haunting silence where his last words should be.
Speaking of villains, Rachel. Her rotating between the characters, condescending each of them as an aside, talking about everything she’s done and will do to get ahead, interrupting David Clarke when he tries to have a solo.
Hera. She’d have a nice heartfelt song about her inner feelings, anger, sadness, heartbreak, etc. that Pryce would do a villainous reprise of that has disturbingly similar emotions related to her own disability, but takes a dark and vengeful turn at the end as opposed to Hera’s more hopeful and resilient attitude about her situation. Also the way Pryce sings hers can lead the audience to thinking it’s Hera singing at first until they realize.
Jacobi and Maxwell. They sing a duet about how they doubt what Goddard is doing sometimes, but it’s allowing them to follow their dreams and discover who they’re meant to be (plus how they found family in each other). After Maxwell dies, or the musical hallucination of her disappears, Jacobi has to sing the reprise alone and the hopeful tempo is replaced by one of sadness, anger, and ultimately acceptance as he wishes Alana goodbye.
Hilbert. He would either resist for such a long time then sing a short sad song about Russia and his sister that he claims means nothing, or he’d refuse to sing and finally be forced to sing in a monotonous unenthusiastic off key bland voice with a heavy accent. Go girl, give us nothing. Another option is this is Blessie’s song sung through Hilbert.
Cutter. Do I even need to restate it, this man dragged a grand piano to space so he could dramatically play it before his evil plans. He would eat up a villain number and enjoy every single second of the performance too. Starts out falsely pleasant and sweet, the ominous vibes slowly come in until they’re in full swing.
Eiffel. He’d also insist this was stupid and try to refuse to sing or would awkwardly or sarcastically sing a weird song, but would eventually break down and sing something quiet and heartfelt about Anne and whether he can even be a hero now after all he’s done.
I hope this post finds the right people. Please someone understand my vision!
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I know this is an unpopular opinion but I have to be honest I see people already trying to bully korbin online and I have to be honest cyberbullying and our own hateful comments gets us nowhere and it needs to stop. The perk about social media is you can block people or simply not follow them or even filter posts but going out of our way to start being asses is so unnecessary. The girl is 20 we have no idea what all she herself has been through or why she has these views but going on her socials just to to start the bullying is so unnecessary let her teammates and coaches handle it. On top of that if her teammates can keep it professional and she can keep it professional then why do we always have to add to the dumpster fire? Why can’t we just watch the fire burn by itself?
To be clear I knew when she signed to PSG she would be this type of person so I just didn’t follow nor do i comment on her posts or anything of the sort which isn’t hard to do. I don’t even like her her picture and biblical post already were red flags for me i could care less if she likes someone like me or not. Does it suck that she reposts or retweets that stuff? Absolutely but at least she’s showing who she is and not hiding it which I would rather she do than pretend like she’s okay with me. I have known people like her personally and overtime these things handle themselves.
If there is such a problem with her rather than doing cyberbullying and/or spreading more hate on her socials how about we write the coaches and so on. It’s literally the best way to remove her. Most of us will never interact with her in person so what is the point of us becoming hateful and starting up this hate filled speech with someone else that’s hateful does it really get us anywhere? Believe me when I say I didn’t want her at PSG or the USWNT and I want her and her beliefs gone but me being a keyboard warrior with everyone else does nothing but mentally hurt someone else and with everything our generations have been through and interviews I have heard from players I might hate her but I don’t hate her enough to break her and then hear about her kicking the can on the news.
Like i said it’ll probably be an unpopular opinion and I’m sure individuals will say she deserves everything coming her way tenfold but I don’t want to be associated to anything having to do with woso or lgbt if it gets to a point where there’s serious harassment and bullying happening that causes her or some other athletes to break or 🪦.
I agree that bullying her does nothing but stoop to her level. However, using the fact that she is younger as an excuse for her behavior is also something I won't let pass. She has been sharing this stuff up until very recently, she knows what she is sharing, and she knows who she is harming. Being 20 does not excuse bigotry. We don't know the environment she makes within a team and we don't know if her teammates are actually just dandy with playing with her but have to due to this thing called a contact.
You might be ok with her being like this, but many aren't. You mention how you don't want to basically add on to the risk of her hurting herself, but what about the kids and others she is affected by the words she is spewing. At the end of the day she does represent the team many have found safety in and while we all know other players share the same views they have all seemingly been very accepting of queer individuals, having a player so outwardly hostile towards the majority of the fan base is a different level. I don't agree with bullying her to cause her harm but she should face public backlash for shitty opinions.
Mental health is a major issue in athletics, but her opinions that do nothing but harm others and cause others to end their own lives don't get brushed under the rug because people worry she will hurt herself. AGAIN I state forcing someone to stand behind their statements and opinions and forcing someone to see the harm they are doing is not harassment or bullying it is her simply having to live up to the shit she says.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi!! Can i pls have some senpai from fnf? Hes my boy
Sure, first FNF thing I wrote.
Yandere! Senpai Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Threats, Forced into a role, Self aware game/Possessed game, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Forced relationship.
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Senpai is a program who is initially very polite and calm to those he likes.
He has a short temper but you probably won’t be affected by it unless you get him angry.
Based on how fast Senpai falls for Girlfriend in the game, he probably would act similar to a darling.
This is because he is a dating sim character, his main goal is to be perfect and win over the player’s heart.
Perhaps you knew Girlfriend and asked to borrow a game from her.
Sadly, you’re passed the very much haunted dating sim and have no idea what you’re in for. 
Senpai is self-aware, that much is known due to being a spirit in a game.
He’d sense a new player playing the game and find some interest.
He remembers when Girlfriend used to play his game all the time.
Which means he’s surprised when he finds you, a fresh new face playing the game.
An attractive new face, too….
Senpai’s obsession would silently brew as you play his game.
You look for every route, every little option, you must be really focused on finishing this game if you’re going to comb through everything.
He admires your dedication.
He just wishes you’d spend ALL of your attention on him….
Senpai is meant to be a generic pretty boy with a nasty personality.
Jealousy and possessive behavior pools within him easily when he sees you.
You even see him start altering the game to gain more attention from you.
He does all the classic self-aware possessed game stuff, changing dialogue and seems to be talking directly to you.
Glitches appear out of nowhere and it's all just… eerie.
He’d wait a while before dragging you into the game forcefully.
Usually he’ll deal with just watching you play over and over again.
The feeling of you winning his heart is almost euphoric each time you do it.
Even if you’re literally playing with his emotions, he doesn’t mind.
Any kind of attention from you works as of now.
Then he overhears you calling Girlfriend, the original owner of the game.
“Yeah, I’m almost done with it. I was hoping to bring it back sometime this week.”
‘Bring it back’?
You can’t possibly mean…
Oh you do mean him…
… How dare you.
Is he not GOOD enough for you?
He’s meant to be PERFECT for you!
You’re being ungrateful, did you really think he’s just let you leave like that?
No… no he won’t.
This is what causes Senpai to drag you into the game, into a role he picked out for you.
You’ll be the main character!
While he’ll be the love interest… the ONLY love interest.
He seems like, based on what his week is based on, to be the generic yandere trope.
You know, the classic.
The scholar who obsesses over another student and stalks them, takes pictures, kills people?
That one. He's like that one.
Unlike most of the other yanderes I write, who differ from the usual yandere persona.
Senpai is exactly like it.
Despite his name, he acts more like a yandere than your typical senpai/darling trope in this.
It’s funny, honestly.
Once Senpai pulls you into the game, you’re forced into your role and play your part.
He doesn’t care if you fight it.
It’s where you’re meant to be if you were planning on giving his game away.
He blames you for the situation all the time.
He’s the classic toxic individual who acts all nice but is actually vile.
He doesn’t mind staying in the game as long as there is company. 
As long as you’re here with him, he’s happy.
Soon you’ll stop complaining and listen to him.
He knows you’ll enjoy the role, it’ll be just like it was when you were outside the game.
Just a bit more… real.
He can touch you now, you can FEEL his love.
Aren’t you happy?
You found your one true love!
So stop crying and embrace him, damn you!
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ann-yakor · 1 year
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| okay, so this is my first time doing this ever, I swear English isn't even my first language so I may have or may have not made chatgpt proof read this and help me with my grammar 😭🫠 lol
Pls be nice, this took me so much time and is probably not that good but I kinda like it.
Also, I don't know how to count words with the 1K! 1.2K! Cause math, my brain can't do that but this has around 2.100 words
"What do I have to do to get what I want? Let’s say I have a plan. Which I don’t. This plan would consist of a few steps. Little steps, since I can't focus on a lot of things at the same time.
The first part of the plan would be to get involved. Since social media exists, it's easier and easier to get inside people’s small private circles without them even noticing. You just open Instagram, search for… let’s say, your crush's account, and then you immediately follow… her best friend. Her best friend, who follows an insane number of people, will follow you back. Even though you're biting your nails, growing more anxious by the second, wanting to talk to her, you don't. You wait for a day or two. Then you upload a story about your cat. An hour has passed after that, and her friend saw it. Actually, her friend liked it. That's when you can get into her friend's DMs. And you talk to her about how you are new in town and hadn't got the chance to make any friends. If you chose wisely, she’s her extroverted friend. In fact, she’s the golden retriever that adopted her into the friend group in the first place. After a few days talking about where to get this, where to get that, the music you like, and how you wished you had friends to go to the weekend fair, you get invited. You are being adopted.
Don't be nervous, I know you messed up before, but this is what planning is for; sweaty palms and stutter won't be a problem when every word is scripted and perfectly crafted.
But don’t get too excited already either because you're gonna ask how many people are gonna be there. And after putting an excuse about being bad at names, you’re gonna make sure she's not going. The girl with the freckles? Not really a fan of fairs. Lucky for you.
Now the fun part is getting to know her friends.
We know Dina; she’s extroverted, charismatic, and if she wasn’t dating Jesse, she’d probably be a threat since she’s also gorgeous and generous.
Then there’s Jesse, the silly boyfriend, a joker, always in a silly mood, and trying to make everyone smile, even if deep down he’s having a hard time; nobody knows. But you know because his pain matches yours. So you smile at each other, in silent understanding.
After a couple of games, Jesse and you have secret jokes, and Dina is gossiping about everything that happens in Jackson, the small community that celebrates everything and is always throwing fairs like this. Your younger self would be thrilled; it sounds like Mystic Falls or Stars Hollow even, but this is a real place and is where you're gonna live for a long time now, so... please don't mess things up.
Now you’re feeling proud of yourself; her friends are your friends now. So, let's get to step three.
“Jesus, I’m so sorry!” Someone accidentally pushing me to the floor is definitely not part of the plan, but neither was wearing my old Converse instead of my new pink Nikes, and here we are. It shouldn't be an inconvenience. Oh, and yet it is when I get up, and it's her green eyes that I see.
The fairgrounds buzz with colorful lights, the distant echoes of laughter, and the scent of cotton candy and popcorn wafting through the air.
“Don’t! It was my fault; are you okay?” This is not how the first conversation was supposed to happen. Her friends were supposed to introduce me to her, skipping the awkwardness. Her friends were here with me. Her friends… are nowhere to be found now.
And she's standing there, with her perfectly fitting jeans, her matching Converse with mine that made me think maybe I took the right choice, and her flannel shirt. Under the moonlight, her arm tattoo looks so good; it's intimidating, and I have to physically force myself to get my eyes on her eyes before I look creepy.
She scratches the back of her head, a few strands of red hair falling on her face; she seems worried because I’m not talking. “…yES, yes, I’m sorry… I was kind of looking for my friends, I guess?” She smiles; I melt. But she still looks confused.
“You guess?”
“Well, I don’t know if I can call them friends; it's my first time meeting them. I’m new to town.” That excuse is getting old.
“How rude; would you like to stay with me? I’m also looking for my friends.” Shit, shit, shit.
“Did they also leave you behind?” She chuckles and fidgets with her fingers, like she’s nervous, but I know her; I know she’s not extroverted; she’s the anxious one of her group.
“Actually…” she bites her lip “…I wasn’t supposed to be here; I changed my mind at the last minute.” I know.
“So your friend-“
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Okay, this is dumb, but my friends are always telling me to invite girls I find cute for drinks. Probably makes much more sense when we’re at the club. It’s just that I never do. But now you’re here, and we’re having an actual conversation, and I think you’re really cute, and-“
“Yes, you can buy me a drink. I mean, maybe not a drink, but I’ll let you buy me a cotton candy if you want to, and we could share?”
“That would be great.”
New plan: don’t act stupid.
We walk in silence towards the one person selling cotton candy there, is an awkward silence, and I found myself getting lost in my thoughts even when she asks which color I want; everything happens so fast, I don't even notice she's been talking to me.
“So if you’re new here, who were you hanging out with?”
“Oh, I don’t think you would know them.” Liar, you’re gonna get a bellyache.
“Try me; I’ve been living here my whole life, and it’s a small town.”
Her soft-looking lips wrapped around a piece of blue cotton candy (her choice), and the sugar melted. Change the subject maybe?
“What was your name again? I feel like before I go on telling you the names of my friends, I should at least know who am I talking to.” Okay, it didn’t have to sound like that; fuck, I’m an idiot. She lifted two hands in the air and chuckled; I was getting used to that sound and the butterflies it made me feel.
“Okay, okay… fair, I’m Ellie.” It sounded so different when she said it; I have heard Dina say it, Jesse say it; I tried pronouncing it out loud the first time I ever heard it on the street when I saw her the first time, arguing with an old man about getting a new PlayStation. Shit, am I sounding insane in my own head?
She didn’t add anything more, but her eyes scanned me, my face, my lips; she was expecting me to reciprocate, and I did; my name came out in a higher pitch than
expected, but she smiled; her freckles forming new constellations when her cheeks lifted after her lips turned up. Corny. Stop looking.
“That’s a pretty name.”
Is that what I think it is? Behind the tree? Is it Jesse?
“You wanna go there?”
I blinked, once, twice; the tree was beside… the house of horror? No, thanks.
“Sorry, what?”
“The house of horror; I’ve been there plenty of times; every year is the same. But it's good! Come on; I can show you. I need to keep you around after we finish the cotton candy anyway.”
I nodded. What? No, this is not part of the plan; don’t act stupid is the plan; you’re definitely acting stupid if you’re getting scared.
The world stopped moving the moment her hand brushed mine; she gave me an insecure puppy look; she was asking for permission to take my hand, and my stupid brainless self made the right choice.
I saw our fingers interlock, saw her grin turn into a big smile, saw the pink take over her flushed cheeks, and saw her rare burst of confidence weaken when she scratched her neck with her other hand.
“I’ve never been in a house of horror.” Now her face illuminated even more, as if I just didn’t say that I might probably pass out in front of her the second we put a foot in that thing; she looked excited; now it felt like she was showing a way to wonderland, something new, something she’s been trying to get people to see in the past.
“Really? That’s great; you’re gonna get sooo scared.” Maybe saying it out loud like that made her realize how it sounded, or maybe it was the look on my face, because the next thing I know, she’s squishing my hand and giving me an apologetic look.
“We can do something else if you want to.”
“No! No, I wanted this, right? And it’s better to go with someone experienced than on my own, right?”
“Right… don’t worry; you’ll be safe with me.”
In no time, we were in the line, and even if I loved the silence the night and the stars gave us, eventually, the cotton candy ended, and now there was no reason not to be talking; she was even looking nervously all around. We were not moving, and yet her hand was still placed in mine; we looked like teenagers on their first date. Was this a date? No, no way. Running into someone and sharing candy and going into a house of horror was not a date, was it?
“Are you okay?”
“You got lost in your head.”
“Oh sorry, it happens all the time. I was…”
“Don’t worry; I get it. But we’re kinda holding the line, so, after you?”
“What? No way; you’re going first.”
I laughed; the mood was light again; I wondered why things were so easy around her. Maybe I should throw my stupid plan away and just let it be.
“Okay, I thought you were braver than that.” She mocked, and I gasped; oh no, she can’t do that.
“You can’t trick me into walking to my possible death like that; nu-uh, I’m smart.”
And with that, she went first; after paying our tickets, of course. I tried to pay mine at least, but she refused.
The fairgrounds now gave way to a sinister facade—the house of horror. It loomed before us, a foreboding structure with cracked and weathered walls, adorned with eerie paintings of grotesque creatures. A dimly lit entrance beckoned visitors, shrouded in a chilling atmosphere, enhanced by the faint sound of eerie music and distant screams.
The house of horror was post-apocalyptic themed; there were zombies all over the place, and after the first scream from another person walking ahead of us, I was already clamped onto her arm like my life depended on it. She was having the time of her life.
“It hasn’t even started yet.”
“Shut up.”
The house of horror ended up being less scary than expected and more fun; first, we saw a person running scared from someone who was trying to eat her. By the second time, I got scared; I noticed it was showing the stages of infection, and now the actor had some kind of fungus growing on their face, making him blind. Ellie laughed at this like it was hilarious how the poor thing couldn’t see (even if we could see the two holes for the eyes, it was fun to pretend we couldn’t). The third and fourth ones made me scream in not such a pretty way because now I could even see a person behind all that fungus-like figure. Ellie held me by my waist one of those times, and even when we got out, she didn’t let go.
Walking outside the back doors of the house, she slid a strand of hair behind my ear and tried to take my face away from my hands. I wasn’t that scared; maybe I liked this little game where she pretended to laugh at me, but in reality, was checking if I was okay, and I acted like I was scared when in reality, I liked her attention and small touches. It felt like going out with a best friend, except that I didn’t want her as a friend.
“You’re a wimp,” she said, her eyes shining under the moonlight as a crooked smile lifted her apple cheeks, and a blush made her freckles stand out brighter than the stars in the sky; I was falling.
“Yeah, maybe, but you have been taking care of me, so you kinda want to kiss me.”
With the plan tossed out to the trashcan a long time ago, what did I have to lose? Maybe the cotton candy we had made the wrong effect on me.
Her voice, so low and raspy, got my legs trembling and my cheeks getting red; she tightened her grip on my waist as if she knew I was gonna fall if she didn’t and brushed her fingers on my chin.
Fuck. Is like she read all of those stories about my perfect idea of a romance.
Then her lips brushed mine, and I knew that I couldn’t just keep waiting, so I pressed my lips on hers, starting an ungodly slow and awkward
kiss. My heart got out of my chest and crawled to her shirt pocket to stay there as long as she wanted; I wasn’t falling anymore; she got me, just like that. Just when I thought we were playing a game where I was the mastermind, she proved me to be just a pawn.
“Ellie?” The kiss ended, and the glimpse of an embarrassed Ellie in front of me made my whole week better. Just until I heard my name in the same questioning tone said by the same person. Seems like our friends had found us.
“Man, I knew you said you liked her when I showed you her Instagram, but didn’t think it would make you change your mind and come to the town fair…”
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hall0wedwyrm · 8 months
Okay, so this was just supposed to be part of a different AU (which i still might include something like this in there??? but idk) and then it was supposed to be just a one off... but guys i think this could literally be an au. I think it would be called the Reunion AU? not sure but yeah
AU Summary (so far): Shadow reunites with some faces that cause an unpleasant surprise. As people start to learn about the return, Shadow assures them that they have this undercontrol, but will they do the right thing?
Consider this... Chapter 1?? I suppose?? Enjoy!!
(also side note Shadow is he/they here just incase theres any confusion lol)
Word Count: 1,481
There was never really a reason to worry about Shadow. They were naturally unpredictable, but they had their morals in check and that's really what mattered. Rouge knew it wasn’t a huge issue... but she was growing more worried. 
Lately, Shadow had been acting out of character. They seemed generally more anxious, and alert of everything happening around them. They would jump out of their skin at the slightest abrupt movement, even scaring Rouge at some points. 
Rouge was waiting for him to show up and was fully prepared to scold him for disappearing for seemingly no reason. It had been at least since the early hours, and it was now going into the afternoon. The only reason Rouge knew this was through Sonic telling her. When he woke up that morning, Shadow was nowhere to be found, and he assumed that they were with her… and Rouge thought that they were with him. This prompted immediate fear and panic, worrying if something had happened to them. Rouge’s thoughts went straight to G.U.N finding a reason to put them away again, and Sonic thought of them potentially being part of Eggman’s newest plan. They both promised to stay in contact with each other and dashed their separate ways. 
Rouge hoped he would have appeared by now, for many reasons. The main one being her genuine concern, but also that there was an imminent meeting with the Commander, who she guaranteed had picked up on his weird behaviour and probably wouldn’t hesitate to confront him. And if he did... she wouldn't know what to even say to defend them.
She sat in her quiet office space at the G.U.N headquarters. Impatiently waiting for anything about Shadow to appear in front of her. She hoped he would just appear in her office, apologising for vanishing and she could cancel this dumb meeting and go comfort them in any way she could. Even if it was just a glass of water and making sure he was safely at her apartment. 
As she stood up to leave for the meeting, her phone unexpectedly buzzed in her pocket. She swiftly pulled it out and held it firmly. 
It was Shadow. 
‘Meet outside. In the alley. Be quick.’ 
Short, sweet and to the point, but she didn’t care at all. Her next move was to begin swiftly leaving the building and pull up Sonic’s messages. She had to alert him; it was the least she could do right now. 
‘Shadow’s just messaged me. I’m going to figure out what’s going on with them. Update soon, hon x’ 
Rouge rushed down the building, sped through the reception and darted into the alleyway. She stood for a moment, before seeing a vague silhouette at the end. Their quills gave them away, and the slight bit of light glimmered on their inhibitor rings. 
“Oh my stars,” Rouge sighed, approaching them slowly, “Where the hell have you been!? We were so worried about you…” 
She tried hard to not raise her voice, she didn’t want to sound mad at them at all, but she was slightly frustrated at the no contact situation. She saw Shadow open their mouth to speak, before hesitating a little bit. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare any of you.” He kept his voice low, nearly a whisper, “But it was urgent.” 
“What?” She raised her eyebrow, “What was so urgent that didn’t give you time to leave a note? or a message?” 
Shadow looked away, closing their eyes. They clenched their fists tightly and squeezed their eyes shut. 
“I…” He tried to start, but his voice got caught in his throat, “I can’t.”  
There was a deafening silence. The air thickened quickly as the tension swelled with it. 
“What…. what do you mean?” She was astounded, and that was easily conveyed by the way she barely had to try and speak. 
“Because of-” Shadow paused and opened their eyes wide. 
Rouge, realising she potentially caught him, jumped in quickly, “because of what? What’s so bad that you can’t tell me? if you’re worried, I’m going to say anything to anyone, you know I would never.” 
He didn’t even turn to look at her,  
In a swift and unconscious move, she swiftly gripped Shadow’s arm. He turned around in response, looking at her with large eyes. It’s like even he couldn’t believe what she just did. She pulled him so that he would look at her. 
“Tell me. Please.” She begged, staring into their eyes. 
A flash of fear was on their face for a moment, and they tried to say something again, before the pit in Rouge’s stomach forced her to speak first 
“What...” She took a breath, “What did you do?”  
Shadow looked stunned. He fumbled to grab her shoulders, holding her closer to him. He was right in her face. 
“I didn’t do anything. I swear to you, Rouge.” He took a deep breath, “If I do tell you... please just... keep it to yourself for a while. I don’t know what to do about it.” 
Rouge blinked in bewilderment. She was kind of afraid to even ask what he meant by that, but she was in this deep she had to know.  
“About...” She paused, feeling the pit in her stomach deepen, “About what...?”  
The words out of Shadow’s mouth were the last things she wanted to ever hear him say. 
Releasing their grip on her, they kept their voice to a bit louder than a whisper, paranoid about even muttering it themself. 
“Black Doom... he’s alive.”  
“Pardon!?” She couldn’t help but yell out at him. 
“Keep your voice down.” They hissed through their teeth, looking behind her to see if anyone had heard them. He took a harsh breath through his nose, before speaking. 
“He’s been speaking to me. Trying to get me to go and see him. He was watching me this whole time, waiting for his moment to strike.” He tried to look at her, but he could barely make eye contact before looking away, “I gave in today, and went to go and hunt for him. He somehow knew I was coming for him and told me exactly where to go. He told me that he had been on this planet since I had destroyed the original Black Comet, and that he was silently brewing his revenge.”  
Rouge stared at him, mouth agape, for at least a minute. She was trying to process that this was even real. That this was all happening again.  
“We... we have to do something.” She stammered, “We can’t let him do what he did last time.” 
“Stop.” Shadow said harshly, “He’s not doing anything right now.” 
Rouge scoffed, “And you believe that? Really?”  
Shadow nodded a little bit, turning his head to look back up at her. “He’s essentially powerless here. He doesn’t have the power of the Black Arms army behind him.”  
“Are you actually being serious right now?” She snapped, “After everything he put you through- After everything he did to you? You’re... giving him a second chance?”  
He didn’t respond. He didn’t even move.  
“Seriously? Are you hearing yourself right now?! You swore that if any Black Arms ever even came close to this planet's atmosphere, you’d destroy them immediately. Why is this any different?” 
“...Eclipse was there.” 
“You’re kidding me.” Rouge squeezed the arch of her nose. She couldn’t believe a word she was hearing. 
“Please. Hear me out,” Shadow pleaded, and Rouge reluctantly looked at him. 
“They were genuinely happy to see me. The way they talked to me about what they and Black Doom had been up to in the time since I saw them last... they were delighted. Eclipse said Black Doom had found them shortly after their ship crashed, and they had been planning together ever since. Eclipse was so excited to show me what they had been working on.” 
Rouge’s only response was to sigh. Heavily. 
“I didn’t intend to stay long, I swear. I just wanted to hear what they had to say... to see what they were doing.”  
“I just... can’t believe all of this is happening again.” Rouge folded her arms tightly, “Are you really sure you have this all under control...?” 
“Yes.” Shadow said confidently, “I’m going to follow along with Black Doom, try and keep them both out of trouble for a while until I can figure out what to do.”  
Rouge had a bad feeling about... all of this. If Shadow began to trust them, who knows what would happen? 
“Fine. I trust your judgement.” Rouge reluctantly said, “But if you go running off again without telling me, I will hunt you down, got it?” 
Shadow let out a small chuckle, “I’ll make sure, I swear.” 
Rouge finally felt some kind of relief. While she didn’t completely see how this would be a good situation, but if Shadow had it under control... 
She didn’t have any other reason not to trust them. 
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ecargmura · 9 months
Paradox Live The Animation Episode 11 Review - Illusions
WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON??? HOLY HECK???? My mind is blown right now. This was an intense episode of Paradox Live. I can’t believe all that happened. Hold on, I need time to process everything.
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Okay, so I’ve been theorizing who Shura and the Ramen Guy where since they look like the same person. I had theorized Shura, the one on stage was an illusion and Mr. Ramen dude was the real deal and I got it right. It turns out that Yasha is also an illusion; Buraikan, in general, look how they did ten years ago. I do wonder what their purpose is. Having Buraikan show up as how they did ten years ago was definitely a set up for the four current groups to compete with each other. What is their goal? To destroy everyone? To harvest their phantometals and create illusions out of them? Is the villain’s plan to make illusions out of everyone equivalent of cloning?
Mr. Ramen Guy is alone and the real Yasha is nowhere to be seen. I’m assuming he’s trying to instill revenge onto Alter Trigger by messing with the Paradox Live finale? Judging from the opening narration intro, the real Yasha died ten years ago due to phantometal overusage—and it happened on stage too. Is the real Shura going to be the surprise hero of this bad scenario right now?
Regarding cozmez, I did theorize a lot of things about Nayuta back in episode 7. One of them was speculating Nayuta being a phantometal illusion Kanata created after witnessing and knowing he had died. Guess what happened in this episode? That theory came true. Damn, so Kanata basically rapped with an imaginary version of his brother all this time. No wonder he seemed so robotic and out of it at times. It also makes sense why the current Nayuta didn’t recognize Shiki because he was an illusion; Kanata didn’t know about Shiki, so the Nayuta that was wandering about was formed from what he believed to be his brother.
Poor Kanata. Poor, poor Kanata. He needs a hug, badly. His trap reaction is remembering his brother’s death which is so traumatic that it’s causing him to go berserk with the corrosion. Stop being mean to Kanata! The boy already went through a lot; stop adding more trauma on to his resume. It hurts when your favorite character is going through trauma. Though, I do feel as if Buraikan was targeting Kanata specifically, or was it just coincidence since he won the extra stage by default?
What is up with Ryu, though? He looks possessed, muttering about how Buraikan and Nayuta were ghosts and such. He does have this weird split personality that occurs occasionally. Maybe that is the reason why he’s acting weird. Given he’s the only one who cannot experience trap reactions, I do wonder if he will play a factor into solving this situation—if he’s willing to, that is.
The BAE scenes were nice. Seeing Hajun cheering up Allen was so sweet. I really liked Hajun’s reaction too; he was all like “Your music kills people? Yeah, it’s true. It happened to me once.” His bluntness is charming in a way. I have a huge soft spot for scenes where someone shields someone from the rain with an umbrella. The scene where Allen was singing in English felt super romantic too. Oh, speaking of which, I was always amazed with Allen’s English pronunciation and I recently learned that his voice actor Gakuto Kajiwara had lived in Singapore in the past, hence his surprisingly good English skills; here’s a video I found on Twitter that has him speaking English. Since Allen wanted Hajun to open up before, Hajun was returning the favor and he did it two times better. Given that BAE was at Razzle Dazzle and not Paradox Live, I do feel as if they will be the key to saving the day. I hope they team up with Mr. Ramen Guy.
Since next episode is the finale, what will happen? I expect the biggest, super special awesome rap showdown between the fake Buraikan and BAE. This is a rapping show, after all; rapping is always the solution here. I’m so nervous about what’s going to happen to Kanata. Let him be happy, please. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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ternfic · 1 day
Chapter Five
As Rex had predicted, there wasn’t a lot of security keeping an eye on the palace’s many balconies. Rex found a larger one to touch down on, and they quietly made their way inside. It seemed the others actually hadn’t been there much longer; they were just finishing up an argument over who started the fighting.
“Why are we supposed to trust you?”
“I’ll tell you using the universal language!”
“Oh no,” Rex groaned as music started from seemingly nowhere. “Brace yourselves.” Bad Cop leaned forward, peering over the railing into the open room below to watch.
“…She really expects anyone to believe her just because she’s singing a song about it?”
“At least it doesn’t seem to be working on you,” Rex responded, relieved.
“Benny do you like spaceships? Cause I think they are great!”
“How’d you know that loving spaceships is my one defining trait?!”
Emmet and Rex both glanced up at Bad Cop at his sudden sharp intake of breath. He stood and quickly walked back outside, leaving the two behind to stare at each other in bewilderment. Emmet gave Rex a helpless look, only to get a shrug in response. He bit his lip and turned back to the scene below. He would ask in a bit; for now, he felt he needed to pay attention to the Queen’s song.
“…I believe her.”
Rex groaned. “Great, now you’ve fallen for it too-”
“I’m not brainwashed,” Emmet huffed. “Whatever’s going on, I don’t think the Systarians are doing it on purpose.”
“Just because she does some dumb little song and dance number-”
“Why did you ask for my help if you’re not going to trust me?”
Rex opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again with a growl, pointedly turning his attention back to their friends.
And then Lucy- his beautiful, headstrong Lucy- opened her mouth to start the argument all over again.
“And this one needs to get changed most of all!”
Rex gave Emmet a pointed look. He bit his lip. That… really hadn’t sounded good at all. Their friends were ushered out of the palace without another word. With so many guards around, there was no chance to spring them free just yet. “Off to Planet Sparkles, then,” Rex muttered. “Less security there, we might have a chance to free them.”
Emmet swallowed hard. “I hope so.” He got back to his feet and walked back outside to find Bad Cop leaning against the railing, staring out at the stars. He wasn’t scowling like usual, he seemed… sad. “Are you alright?”
“Not really,” Bad Cop muttered.
“Was it something that happened in there?” Bad Cop didn’t answer. Emmet just nodded. “It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me. I get it, if it’s personal.”
“I like Benny,” he finally said.
“Oh.” A moment of silence, then, “have you told him?”
“No. And now I don’t think I ever will.”
Emmet winced, recalling Benny’s response to the Queen’s question. He couldn’t really blame him for that. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“Not your fault, Brickowski,” Bad Cop sighed. “I’m pretty well used to it by now anyway.”
“You two done having your heart to heart? We need to get moving- that spa is where they do their most serious brainwashing. Hell, they even straight up call it a ‘re-education center’.”
Bad Cop nodded, straightening up. “Let’s go, then.”
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Lucy kept a wary eye out as they entered the spa. It wasn’t what she pictured it would be like, almost looking more like a massive crystal palace. And of course the people in charge were vampires. How much more obvious could the Systarians get?
She could have screamed in frustration when the others jumped straight into being pampered. The Queen had obviously already won them over, with her offer of stuff. The Queen hadn’t offered her anything, and even if she had, Lucy wouldn’t be swayed. There was nothing even a shapeshifting Empress of an entire solar system could give her that she would want- she already had everything she wanted out of life, and it had been ripped away from her the moment the General had stolen her away.
“She needs extra treatment,” the General told the vampires.
“No,” Lucy said immediately, starting to step away, only for her wrist to be grabbed. Teenager or not, the vampire nearly found himself thrown into a wall anyway.
“Yes,” he was saying. “I know exactly what to do with this one. But first, we will need to remove this for safe keeping.” He practically sneered down at her ring as he slid it off her finger. Lucy was too stunned by his audacity to fight back, and then she simply didn’t get the chance, whisked away almost immediately to begin her own ‘treatments’. The giant robotic hands that dragged her through each one didn’t allow for much of a struggle, let alone a proper fight, and she was helpless to do anything other than endure.
I can survive this, she told herself. It’s just… spa treatments. Nothing that can do any harm. And then I can get my ring back after.
She’d even managed to ignore the vampire’s incessant blathering- at least up until she was subjected to a ‘sparkle rinse’ and his shocked outburst of “your hair!”
Fighting down panic as everyone surrounded her for a look, Lucy glanced wildly about for a mirror, and finally found one, only to watch the black bleed away into blue and pink.
“That’s not my hair,” was all she managed to get out, her head spinning. “That’s not my hair!”
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haledamage · 1 year
Nora Gray - playlist
Eleanor's playlist already has 22 songs on it, so it's probably time to share it 😁 Nora is, as always, my MC from Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction 💖
track list (plus lyrics) under the cut:
Southern Comfort - Larkin Poe [Roadtrip] Blacktop, down in the ditches / Hitching a ride back to where I'm from / Catching secondhand smoke or a greyhound bus / Pretty or not, baby, here I come / I had high hopes, it was all downhill / Life flying by, like I was standing still / I’m a little nobody from the middle of nowhere / Gotta get home, I know I will
In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier [???] I clutched my life / And wished it kept / My dearest love, I'm not done yet / How many years / I know I'll bear / I found something in the woods somewhere
Trouble Finds You - Juliet Simms [???] Tonight darkness finds you / Right behind you / Say your prayers / Tonight trouble finds you / It's inside you / Say your prayers tonight
California King - Larkin Poe [???] I've got a funny feelin' / Somethin' that I missed or misread / My feet are on the ceilin' / Runnin', but I can't get ahead / I've got a funny feelin' / Honey, is it all in my head?
Take The Journey - Molly Tuttle [Fernweh] Skies are falling all around you / Who will protect you from your deepest fears? / Take the hand of the one besides you / Let the fire guide you 'til the path is clear / Take the journey / No matter where it starts or where it ends / Take the journey / Someday you'll make it back home again
Round Here - Counting Crows [Fernweh] 'Round here, we're carving out our names / 'Round here, we all look the same / 'Round here, we talk just like lions / But we sacrifice like lambs / 'Round here, she's slipping through my hands
Hard Learned - Tyler Bryant & the Shakedown [Nora] And all I know has been / Hard learned / The scars I wear, you can best believe I earned / Hard learned / Say a prayer for me cause the devil don't seem concerned
Dead Weight - PVRIS [Nora] If I start cracking at the center, all this goes away / I'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine / My back is breaking from taking all of this dead weight / All give, no take / Do you even notice / How easy you got this? / Taking wings off a goddess / If I'm being honest
everything i wanted - Billie Eilish [Nora] I tried to scream / But my head was underwater / They called me weak / Like I'm not just somebody's daughter / It could've been a nightmare / But it felt like they were right there / And it feels like yesterday was a year ago / But I don't wanna let anybody know / 'Cause everybody wants something from me now / And I don't wanna let 'em down
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane [Nora] I came across a fallen tree / I felt the branches of it looking at me / Is this the place we used to love? / Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
You and I - PVRIS [🤍 - General Romance] I know it's warmer where you are / And it's safer by your side / But right now I can't be what you want / Just give it time / And if you and I / Can make it through the night / And if you and I / Can keep our love alive, we'll fight
Crash and Burn - Savage Garden [🤍 - General Romance] I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you / It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold / When darkness is upon your door / And you feel like you can't take anymore / Let me be the one you call
Break In - Halestorm ft. Amy Lee [🧡 - Becca] You are the only one / The only one that sees me / Trusts me and believes me / You are the only one / The only one that knows me / And in the dark you show me / Yeah, it's perfectly reckless / Damn, you leave me defenseless / So break in
Dressed In Black - Sia [🧡 - Becca] I thought life passed me by / Missed my tears, ignored my cries / Life had broken my heart, my spirit / And then you crossed my path / You quelled my fears, you made me laugh / Then you covered my heart in kisses
As It Was - Hozier [💙 - Silas] There is a roadway, muddy and foxgloved / Never I'd had life enough / My heart is screaming out / And in a few days I would be there, love / Whatever here that's left of me is yours just as it was / Just as it was, baby / Before the otherness came / And I knew its name / The love, the dark, the light, the flame
I Should Go - Levi Kreis [💙 - Silas] And your company was just the thing I needed tonight / Somehow I feel I should apologize / Cuz I'm just a little shaken / By what's going on inside / I should go / Before my will gets any weaker / And my eyes begin to linger / Longer than they should / I should go / Before I lose my sense of reason / And this hour holds more meaning / Than it ever could
Broken - Seether ft. Amy Lee [💚 - James] I keep your photograph, and I know it serves me well / I want to hold you high and steal your pain / 'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome / And I don't feel right when you've gone away / You've gone away / You don't feel me here anymore
This Town - Niall Horan [💚 - James] And I want to tell you everything / The words I never got to say the first time around / And I remember everything / From when we were the children playing in this fairground / Wish I was there with you now
Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward [🖤 - Reese] Whoa, the world ain't ending, but it might as well be / Whoa, I'll rock you like the sea / Buildings ain't crumblin', but they might as well be / Whoa, so let's not think and just / Move like you stole it / Make your move on me
If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty [🖤 - Reese] I bet you're hard to get over / I bet the room just won't shine / I bet my hands I can stay here / And I bet you need more than you mind / And I think you're so mean, I think we should try / I think I could need, this in my life / I think I'm just scared that I know too much / I can't relate and that's a problem I'm feelin' / If you're gone
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy [💜 - Reese/James] So we hide away and never tell / You decide if darkness knows you well / That lesson of love, all that it was / I need you to see / You've got that power over me, my my / Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes
Here Is Gone - Goo Goo Dolls [💜 - Reese/James] And I want to get free / Talk to me / I can feel you falling / And I wanted to be / All you need / Somehow here is gone / And I don't need the fallout / Of all the past that's in between us
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