Obey Me Writing
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thewritingmagician2022 · 7 months ago
Hiiii hewwo :3 do u mind writing how the brothers would act with an MC that's just 8 years old? Idk if you do platonic scenarios, but if u do it'd be very cool🩷
I can definitely do platonic requests! I will admit that I’m not particularly well-versed in children as an only child and no friends with kids but I hope my experiences with Luke allow me to do this justice! Thank you for your patience as well; I’ve been busy with a flare up and then a ton of appointments.
Lucifer: As much as Lucifer doesn’t want to admit it, he’s definitely mastered the father figure sort of role for his family since coming to the Devildom. He’s taken a step beyond just the oldest brother and typically leaves that more to Mammon. Which means when Diavolo chooses a literal child as the RAD exchange student (soemthing Lucifer is gonna fight with him about later because what sort of idiotic choice is that?), Lucifer is immediately stepeing into the role of parental figure. Now, he’s not very affectionate and he does hold you to super high standards as he tries to imprint on you and mold you into the most perfectly well-behaved and studious little human possible but…he’s also hopelessly wrapped around your little finger. You teeter on the edge of being spoiled and Lucifer is far more attached to you than he would ever admit and he is petrified of the idea of something happening to you under his watch for more than just professional reasons.
Mammon: Mammon has immaculate tsundere older bother vibes. He’s not happy at all when he’s put in charge of a little kid and he can’t help but wonder if it’s a joke for them to make the exchange student a child so he doesn’t take the job super seriously at first, regularly pawning you off onto other people. However, once things start getting serious, Mammon becomes your biggest champion. He’s going to tease you like crazy and prank you but he’s not going to let alone else ever bother you. If someone so much as pushes against you too hard in the hallways at RAD, Mammon knows and that demon who did it is going to have several angry brothers to answer to. Mammon will also lowkey let you hang out in his room when you’re homesick and he spends an exorbitant amount of Lucifer’s money to spoil you because he can’t stand seeing you sad or wanting for anything.
Levi: Shockingly, Levi does well with kids, as evidenced by his interactions with Luke. Maybe it’s because they’re easily taken in by his interests and tend to see his video game prowess as something cool rather than something nerdy or lame. Whatever it is, children tend to have a good time with Levi and you’re no exception. He loves to play games and watch shows with you; he takes on the role of mentor basically with this studd and loves teaching you all the details which you soak up because little kids are so good at hyperfixating. He makes sure to only show you age appropriate stuff and you’re definitely wandering around the HoL with a Switch and Pokemon or Animal Crossing, always trying to show your stuff to the other brothers who listen to you with more patience than they’ve ever shown Levi. Levi is very much like the best-friend kind of brother where you trust him and end up telling him everything because you couldn’t possibly be embarrassed or nervous in front of Levi.
Satan: Satan is the antagonistic older brother figure. He takes great joy in riling you and Luke up by insulting you or teasing you, though it’s never overly serious and he enjoys it almost as much when you return the energy. Expect small prank wars with Satan and he will happily team up with you to go against the other brothers, especially Lucifer who he tries to turn you against. He doesn’t need to be your faovrite brother necessarily but he feels great joy in knowing you like him and respect him, especially if you ever choose him over Lucifer or another for something. It’s one of the reasons he enjoys teaching you things and helping you with RAD coursework so much. There’s something satisfying about having you listen to him and look up to him, particularly when you’re gushing about how smart he is and how good a teacher he is. Satan also teams up wth you to secure a pet (a cat obviously) for the HoL, advocating for how it’ll teach you responsibility or something. In his softer moments, Satan is happy to read to you, particularly mysteries, and he enjoys watching you try to solve everything before the end.
Asmo: Asmo is immediately smitten with this adorable human child that’s come to the Devildom. He just thinks you’re the cutest little thing and is going to turn you into his own living doll. Be prepared to be dressed up and showed off. He’s gonna take you everywhere with him, his own little shadow (which thrills you of course because who doesn’t wanna be Asmo’s favorite little pet?) and some times the other brother’s have to stop him and remind him that ‘no, MC is literally a child and cannot go to the club with you’. Asmo may not be the most practical big brother vibe, in fact he’s more like an older sister vibe, where he shares all the gossip of the Devildom with you while you sit with your face masks on, painting each other’s nails in his room, and an episode of the trashiest reality shows plays in the background. He’s teaching you so much about self-love and confidence and charm, and you’re going to go back the human realm such a secure, confident little individual under his tutelage.
Beel: Beel is nervous around you because you’re just…so small. So easily breakable. So innocent. It reminds him a bit of Lilith, which hits him pretty hard at first, and he doesn’t really want to get close to you because he doesn’t know if he can take another loss like that. It means he spends a lot of time in the beginning just watching over you from afar and if he sees someone at RAD so much as shove past you too roughly, he’s going to deal with them after school and you’ll never have that problem again - only you won’t know why because he keeps it a secret. Against his own will, Beel becomes more and more attached to you to the point where he enjoys having you at his practices and games to cheer him on and likes sharing warm milk and dessert with you before bed and he’s carrying you around half the time because you know that if you run and jump at him, he’ll catch you no matter what he’s doing or what he has to drop to do it. Beel is like the older brother that you admire and just sort of trail around behind like a little puppy, and you live for when he ruffles your hair or shares his ice cream with you.
Belphie: Belphie is used to being the baby of the family (aside from Lilith and he doesn’t want to go there, even in his own head) so it’s definitely an adjustment to get used to having a young newcomer around the house, getting all of his brother’s attention and affection. I won’t talk about pre-murder Belphie because Belphie killing an actual child as an act of revenge is taking it maybe a teeny tiny step too far. I imagine he doesn’t want to like you and is super short/disinterested at first, unless he’s bothering you in some way and he can definitely be more bitchy than his other siblings. But you grow on him, sort of like a fungus, as you chatter at him even while he doens’t answer and follow him around and do little tasks for him in hopes that he’ll start to like you. Eventually, you reach a point where Belphie is the person you go to for some peace and quiet in this crazy house. He’ll let you nap in his room and point out the constellations in the planetarium and he watches over your dreams to make sure you don’t have any nightmares. He’s definitely a secretly soft brother vibe.
Diavolo: Diavolo is like a proud soccer mom from the very beginning. He chose you because was so taken in by this adorable little human and that grows every day you’re in the Devildom. You may be little but you are fierce; it’s incredible watching a child essentially take over and captivate an entire realm to the point where they have a legion of the greatest demons catering to their every beck and call. Honestly, Diavolo couldn’t be prouder of you and he doesn’t care at all that he may be spoiling you and granting you a few too many freedoms. He celebrates your every accomplishment as if it’s monumental and he bends over backwards to make the Devildom a place where you feel safe and comfortable while you visit. You essentially become both his surrogate kid and the Devildom mascot in his eyes.
Barbatos: Barbatos, much like Lucifer, really doesn’t understand Diavolo’s decision to have a child as the exchange student. It sounds like asking for trouble and chaos, which is exactly what they don’t need during this very important time while they try to foster a relationship between the three realms. Barbatos trusts Diavolo though and so he accepts your appearance with his usual grace. He is very slow to warm up - he doesn’t interact with children much so he’s a little awkward and can sometimes be a little cold but he is looking out for you in his own ways. Over time, he grows closer and closer to you, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t understand why everyone loved you so much. Barbatos enjoys making you your favorite meals from home and teaching you about the flora and animal life in the Devildom, since those are things that interest you much more than the politics or such. Your innocence is very sweet to him and it makes him quite protective; he’s a silent force in the background making sure you’re safe.
Solomon: Solomon is the definition of the fun, crazy uncle. He loves the idea of the exchange student being a child; if the demons wanted a good representation of humanity, this is the most raw and unfiltered version of it that they could possibly find. He knows they don’t have any inkling of how much chaos you’re going to cause by being there, even if you’re a good child. Your curiosity and imagination and oversaturated feelings about things keep everyone on their toes and they’re learning from you just as much as you learn from them. Solomon becomes a little bit like family to you as the only other human available and you adore him, constantly gushing about how you wanna grow up and be a cool sorcerer like him. Solomon thrives under the attention and, to keep his cool points up, constantly whisks you away on all sorts of adventures and shows you all kinds of spells (most of which are not appropriate for children, Solomon, damn it).
Simeon: Simeon treats you like his own kid and he’s basically raising you and Luke as siblings. He’s got such single dad energy. He’s working hard as an exchange student at RAD and trying to keep the peace between the Devildom and the Celestial realm but he’s also gotta chase after you and Luke as you run amok through the kingdom. You two never give him a moments rest to be honest. For the most part, Simeon is a responsible guardian who keeps you both safe and is endlessly patient/kind, even when you two are being horribly naughty or causing problems. However, as a single dad, Simeon sometimes falls in that childlike mentality with you both and he will happily join in the prank wars or use you two as manipulation against the others, sort of like guys using babies to pick up women in the park. He can also tease you both a pretty significant amount because he believes in self-sufficiency and you won’t learn that if he babies you the whole time. Overall, he’s a 10/10 parent and the most suited to taking care of a child in the Devildom.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 7 months ago
Hi! I have a bit of an uncommon ask; would you be willing to write the brothers+dateables (just the dateables if that's too many characters) with a MC that...just seems to know things before they happen? They never say anything about it or redirect the conversation, but they've snagged Luke on the collar seconds before a demon comes sprinting around the corner or a car speeds the red light, and always seems to know what a person's saying before they even finish saying it.
Idk, I like the idea of an MC who's been through time shenanigans before (bc time shenanigans be like that), I think it could have some really interesting effects, especially around lesson 16
This is a fun ask and it’s interesting to me because I tend to be someone that dreams about things before they happen - usually years in advance and it’s such mundane moments that I don’t even think about it until it happens in real life and I’m like hey! 👀
Despite the coolness of this ask, it’s obviously very delayed and not very fleshed out because I couldn’t find it in my brain/creativity to do it justice. I’m sorry for that and I hope you were able to find it elsewhere!
Lucifer: Lucifer is more than a little suspicious at first. It’s one thing to have a human down here in the Devildom but quite another to have one with the ability of precognition. It puts him and his family and the kingdom at potential risk; if you’re having visions about the future, it’s hard to keep any secrets or keep you in line as you may be a step ahead of him which really throws him off his game. So he’s keeping a careful eye on you at first and instructs you tell him about all of the visions you have, at least until he’s sure that he can trust you. Then he’s going to use that nifty little powers of yours to help stop his brothers before they can cause too many problems for him.
Mammon: Mammon thinks it’s both cool and freaky. He definitely wants you to keep it a secret just between the two of you so you can use it to his, excuse me, your advantage. He would absolutely bring you with him while gambling in the hopes that you’ll be able to see the winning numbers or colors or machines. It would make you even more invaluable to him, especially when you save his hide by warning him pre-emptively about bounty hunters or Lucifer coming after him or even just a RAD project that he may have forgotten. He’s a little in awe of you honestly.
Levi: Levi thinks you’re super cool! It’s like you have a superpower like one of his favorite anime girls. He can’t wait to be your sidekick as you work your way through the Devildom with your secret powers. He gushes over them/you every time you use them, especially when you use them for something nice like making sure Luke doesn’t get plowed over in a hallway or you keep something of his safe from Mammon. Occasionally, he does let you use it for gaming. He won’t let you warn him ahead of time of things in his games because it feels like cheating but if you’re playing co-op, well, he can’t exactly stop you and if you become practically undefeated realm-wide, that’s just a bonus.
Satan: Satan loves a good mystery and research so this is perfect. You have no idea where this elusive power comes from nor do you have any idea how to control it. That means he’s going to do a full deep dive getting your history, learning all about what the preminitons are like for you and what their usual subject matter is, tracking them to see if there’s any triggers or precursors he can identity. It’s like a fun game for him. He absolutely loves it when you get information that involves Lucifer because he and Belphie want to use it to their advantage for pranks, and he also loves how incredibly human you are with your gift - you use it kindly for everyone around you, always saving them from danger or distress or even just to spare their feelings.
Asmo: Asmo is easily freaked out by your power. Don’t get him wrong, he adores you and loves how special and unique you are - of course everyone should be super jealous knowing he gets to have the superpowered human. However, he is lowkey creeped out by it because he is so easy to startle. Pulling him out of the way of a random food fight? He shrieks. Snatch something out of his hands because it’s actually cursed? He’s got tears in his eyes both of gratitude and fear, also maybe a little bit of arousal because wow, you really do take such good care of him, don’t you?
Beel: Beel is the definition of the surprised pikachu face meme every time you use your powers. It’s like he has short term memory loss when it comes to this so whenever you manage to answer a question that’s so far unasked or catch something flying at you or you save one of the brothers from falling down the stairs, Beel looks at you like you’re a superhero. He’s just very impressed with you all the time anyway and he does his best to make sure that no one bothers you about or for your gift. You’re not some little sideshow pony for people to use for their gain and he’s going to make sure no one treats you that way.
Belphie: Your gift breaks his heart a little. Belphie wonders how much you knew, how much you know now. Did you always know that he was going to betray you and did you still choose to befriend him, to heal his family, to love him anyway? Did you know it would work out in the end or did you just hope for it? Or did you have no clue about his betrayal despite being aware of so many other things? He doesn’t know what’s worse actually - if you were ignorant and blinded or if you walked into his home a knowing martyr. It makes him want to project you, especially when all you seem to do is protect others with your gift. You’re always rescuing everyone else, heedless to the danger of the present and the pain of the past. He does his best to support you in any way possible, especially when the visions are something stronger and deeper than just making sure Beel doesn’t eat his last cookie.
Diavolo: Diavolo had no idea when he selected you as the exchange student that you had such a wonderful gift. He sees it as a sign from the universe that he picked the right person; it’s just another reason that you’re perfect for here, for him. Especially because you actively use your powers to do the good and right thing. Where others could and would choose to be selfish or manipulate others or gain power, you do your best to ensure everyone’s safety and happiness. He finds you and your gift incredibly endearing and wonderful. He’s just so thrilled that he has such a talented little human around to prove their goodness and usefulness. He also very much enjoys watching you have fun with your gift, whether it’s causing some trouble with Solomon or Mammon or Simeon, and he doesn’t let anyone scold you for it because he thinks it’s so much fun to watch you make your own way down there.
Barbatos: Barbatos was at first a little unsettled by this power of yours. He’s grown quite used to being the unsettling, omniscient person in the group. It’s not every day you meet someone who can see through time, even with visions as mundane and innocuous as yours usually are. It makes him suspicious in the beginning but, as he grows to trust you, he helps you deal with your powers both in terms of handling the visions/honing your skills and in terms of coping with the things that you may see. Once you’ve built that strong relationship between you, he absolutely loves to create chaos with you. You both like to be as ominous and vague as possible, using your unspoken twin bond thing to communicate and leave the others in a constant feeling of being a step behind the both of you.
Solomon: Solomon is deeply curious; he’s a man who knows everything about the past and you’re the person who knows everything about the future. He’s met humans with powers before, some even with the power of pre-cognition, but yours are the most erratic and it’s a very interesting coincidence that you happened to be brought in as the exchange student at RAD. He’s definitely going to ask to run tests and experiments on you, a bit like Satan but much more hands on his approach. He wants to figure out the origin and the extent of your powers, and he’s certainly okay with stirring up some trouble. It’s not unusual for him to use your powers as an excuse for why he did/didn’t something, even if it’s not true, and he uses his magic to help you harness your gift to turn into something consistently useful.
Simeon: Simeon is almost as curious as Satan and Solomon (must be an S name thing?). He does wonder where your gift comes from - if it’s a Gift from his Father to be used to better the world around you, which he sees happening every time you save one of them from a near death experience or even just give them the answer in class in RAD because you knew the professor would ask them, or if it’s a curse because he’s seen the haunted, lonely, terrified look on your face when you’re confronted with the visions of darker things than the others can even comprehend. He knows you don’t share those visions with everyone; you tend to keep them to yourself and work to make sure they don’t happen. Simeon is the one who sees that look and steps in to stand by your side and support you so that you don’t have to bear the responsibility alone. To make things a little light for you, Simeon encourages you to use your gify for fun. Between your visions and Simeon’s angelic grace, no one doubts whatever you two say and that means you can get away with so many things and keep yourself out of trouble. It might be a little bit naughty of you but you think you both do more than enough for the Devildom to have earned this little mischeif.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 8 months ago
Hi! For Valentine’s Day coming up I was wondering if you could do the demon bros (Satan specifically but whatever you feel like) proposing to MC? (Thank you so much <3)
So it’s mid-summer, two years later give or take. That’s the perfect time to do a Valentine’s Day prompt, right? Genuinely, I am sorry. I’ve explained before that health issues took over my life. There are times when I’m so chronically fatigued I can barely read let alone write anything. I already know this probably won’t be as great as you were hoping for (if you even end up seeing this) but I hope it’s still something to make you smile!
Lucifer: Of course Lucifer is going to go all out for his proposal - do you think he would ever offer you anything but the best? It’ll be a formal affair at a restaurant where he booked a private room for you both with a bottle of some of the best wine (or nonalcoholic drink) available and a custom gourmet menu fitted distinctly to your tastes. There will be ambient lighting and live music playing and you’ll both be dressed up to the nines. I think he’d be the kind of man who chose a classic day to propose, like an anniversary of some sort. One that’s important enough to warrant celebration and keep you from getting too suspicious of the grandiosity but also one that’s innocuous enough that you don’t assume a proposal will follow.
Everything will be going smoothly and Lucifer has just begun his meticulously written (and rewritten several times over) speech when his brothers burst into the restaurant, causing absolute chaos. The food is being eaten, the wine drank, the music is interrupted, and his brothers are all arguing and yelling for your attention. He genuinely considers killing them for ruining what’s supposed to be a special occasion but he sees you smiling at them so fondly, rather getting upset like any normal person would, and so he completely drops his speech and asks you if you’d spend forever with him, dealing with his idiot brothers and helping him clean up their messes. Of course you agree because there’s nowhere else you’d rather be than by his side at the head of this perfectly imperfect little family you’ve found.
Mammon: Mammon is not the most romantic of his brothers, if we’re being honest. He’s not very good at planning things out - he doesn’t have the attention span for it or the consideration it takes. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you as much as they do; on the contrary, one could argue he loves you far more than the others could ever dream of. Mammon doesn’t need a big fancy moment, certainly nothing like Lucifer planned, to propose to you. He doesn’t even have to think about doing it. One minute he’s sitting in his baby with you, riding on the coast, watching the grin on your face and your sparkling eyes and the way your hair blows in the strong wind from the speeding convertible, and the next he’s asking you to do this with him forever. Just always stay by his side and he’ll be happy, and he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make you happy too. He doesn’t have a diamond ring or anything to give you but he offers up one of his signature rings (maybe on one of his chains if it doesn’t fit your hand). He’s giving you a piece of himself, a cherished possession, showing you that this avatar of greed doesn’t need anything else but you. For you, he can be good and generous, and he promises to spend the rest of your lives together showing up for you as the best demon he can be. He wants to be your first demon and your last, if you’ll have him.
Levi: Levi is so so nervous about proposing. Every day he feels blessed by the base gods that you’ve given him a chance to date you; asking you to marry him feels like he’s pushing his luck. But he loves you so much and you’ve both grown so much together that he feels ready to take that step. He doesn’t just wanna be your simp boyfriend anymore, he wants to be your simp husband, and so he sets about coming up with a proposal that suits the both you more than anything traditionally romantic.
It takes him literally months to create the perfect set up. He develops a cute co-op video game not unlike StarDew Valley where you guys can build your little lives together. You design your home and get jobs and get pets; it’s all so charming and cozy and, as always, you guys agree on just about everything because you’re more than lovers, you’re best friends. At the end of the game, Levi’s character proposes to yours with a cute little speech about how he wants you to be his player 2 for the rest of your lives, both here and in real life. He tells you how much your love has inspired him and helped him grow and how he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life leveling up with you as you go on adventures together and make your way through the most dangerous game in the world - life.
Satan: Satan is a diehard romantic underneath that intellectual, rage filled exterior. He’s read all the books and seen all the movies; he’s constantly coming up with bigger and better ways to propose to you. He wants it to be a memorable occasion and something worthy of you, which is a hard feat because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in this damned place.
He eventually settles on creating an interactive experience. It’ll be a scavenger hunt/mystery sort of game where he involves all his brothers and the other characters to take you on your quest around the Devildom. You’ll visit all of your most meaningful spots, get little mementos from important moments in your relationship, receive little love notes from him filled with your favorite quotes from your favorite books. When you find Satan at the end of the journey, where he’s already kneeling with the loveliest ring pulled out, he thanks you for showing him that he was capable of such warmth and kindness and love. He talks about how he never understood romance or love until he met you, and now it’s his favorite genre. You are everything he could have ever dreamed of, better than any character he’s ever read about, and he never wants to let you do. Then he’ll ask you to continue writing this love story with him and give it a happily ever after ending.
Asmo: Asmo would probably expect to be proposed to honestly, rather than doing the proposing. He’s used to being chased and wooed but, just for you, he’ll take the lead. He just has to do this for his honey; it’s the very least they deserve. Asmo knows he’s simply divine and you are a very lucky human but he also knows how much you have to deal with when being with him so he decides to use this opportunity to make you feel as special and loved as you truly are.
He’s going to take you to the spa and all of your favorite places to buy you whatever you glance at for more than a minute and whatever food you want. He will be the one waiting on you hand and foot for once. He wants you to understand that he’s willing to put in the effort and dedication for you; he’s willing to commit to you and be this giving, steady presence forever, not just a fun boyfriend for now. It’s easy to show someone you want them but it’s much harder to show them that you need them and love them and respect them; however, Asmo is going to spend the entire day trying to achieve just that. By the end of your lovely dinner, he’s pulling out the biggest and nicest engagement rings ever seen (yes, one for each of you obviously and of course they’re a matching set) and asking you to love him forever.
Beel: Sweet, sweet Beel tries so hard to be romantic for his proposal. He knows really early on that he wants to marry you (he’s a male wife, okay?) but he can’t think of anything good! Nothing feels like it’s good enough for you or shows how much he loves you. So he goes to his brothers for help and they help him come with the tried and true proposal over a nice dinner with the ring in your dessert - it being related to food just really fits in with Beel - and they know how much you love your Devildom sweets.
The night is going so well. The dinner is delicious and you two are laughing the whole time and you definitely have no idea what’s coming. Beel is so excited by the surprise that he’s actually not even eating as much as normal which you’ve noticed. By the time dessert comes, Beel is running on adrenaline. He’s excited, he’s nervous, he’s starving. His half out of his mind by the time the desserts come and he’s scarfing down the parfait as quickly as possible and watching for your reaction when you find the ring. Except…you don’t. You finish your entire parfait without anything in your way and Beel has to call over the waiter to none too subtly ask what happened to your ring. It quickly becomes apparent that the desserts had been mixed up and Beel, in his haste to get through dessert, never noticed the ring in his meaning that it’s currently in his stomach right now. At this point Beel has no choice but to tell you what happened and he’s so embarrassed but you’re laughing in the nicest way and telling him you love him and you can’t wait to marry him once you get that ring. You do ask him to make sure it’s professionally cleaned though.
Belphie: For someone who is so lazy, Belphie really puts a lot of thought into proposing to you. Belphie never thought he’d be getting married, let alone to a human, but now that he has you, he wants to keep you forever. Sometimes it’s a tempting thought to just lock you in the attic where you can’t leave but he knows a proposal would be much more effective and much less traumatic, which is something he’s trying to work on for you. Autonomy and safety are non negotiable, apparently.
With that being said, Belphie isn’t going to go all out like Lucifer or Satan. He plans a romantic little planetarium date, not quite unlike your usual ones, though the blankets and pillows are even nicer than normal and there’s extra dessert and your favorite food for dinner. You just think he’s doing something nice for you, likely because he’s done something not so nice that you haven’t found out about yet. As Belphie is laying there in the dark with you, he points out a new constellation - one that he commissioned and bought so it’ll be listed in actual books now. It’s a triad of stars - the two twins and then a connected third star that turns the shape into a heart - that’s you he says. The missing puzzle piece, the only person who could ever fill that void in his heart that he’s been carrying for so long. Then he’ll pull out a beautiful ring with a stone like starburst to match your constellation star and he asks you to marry him - you fate is literally written in the stars now - the two of you bound together forever.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 8 months ago
Hey! I just found your blog and I've read through your work and I love it 💗 can I request MC trying to talk the brothers out of confessing to them?
(Perhaps taking place towards the end of season 1, beginning of season 2)
The brothers tell MC they love "LOVE" them and MC thinks they're joking and when they finally realize that the brothers are being serious MC's like "I thought you had better taste... are you sure you're not just infatuated with an idealized version of me that you created in your head? I mean you can do better, besides what would the people of Devildom think? Honestly, I didn't really get the impression you liked "liked" me in that way... I think you should think it through, maybe it's because I'm a novelty that your interested in me?" Or something along those lines? The point is that MC doubts their feelings and thinks they can do better.
Thank you so much! 💓
This is one of my favorite prompts because it’s so realistic and human and authentic. Which is terrifying too because I know I’m not gonna do it justice and I’m so freaking late on this. Back on topic - what makes us special to these brothers? Is it going to last? How long until we’re nothing new? (starts playing Taylor Swift in the background while I contemplate these)
Lucifer: Lucifer is vaguely insulted by the implication that you don’t trust him to know his own feelings. Yes, he understands your self doubt because he’s the high level demon Lucifer, the best of the best, and it makes sense that you would feel intimidated by that. But to doubt his feelings is to doubt Lucifer’s judgement and that won’t stand. He knows who’s worth his time and affection (no one) and he is not willing to open himself up to such a state of vulnerability without absolute certainty. So when he says he loves you, it’s true. He’s been around a long time and you’re the only person who has been able to capture his attention and heart in such a way; he isn’t worried at all about the feelings fading or being an illusion. He is under no delusions of who you really are - the person who doesn’t listen to him and runs wild with his brothers and causes so many problems in the Devildom and also the person who brought his family back together again and who reminded Lucifer of who he used to be and could still be. He will provide you reason after reason to back his point if you need it but he really feels he should only have to express his feelings once to make it clear.
Mammon: Mammon’s feelings are definitely hurt when you question him, even if it’s coming from a good place. He knows he’s not the most serious demon and maybe he’s a bit of a tsundere but he doesn’t understand how you can doubt him after everything you’ve been through together. He’s your first man, you’re his best-friend. Mammon is no stranger to romance and flirting over the millenia; demons, angels, witches, humans, etc. He’s got options, almost as many as Asmo, but you are the only person who has ever made him feel this good, this special and loved and in love.It breaks his heart a little every time you doubt his love for you. He might not be the best at talking about his feelings but he promises that he will spend the rest of his life showing you exactly how much he loves you for you, the same way you love him for him - the good and the bad and the weird. He is yours until the end of time, whether or not you’ll ever actually be his.
Levi: Of all the brothers, Levi is probably the most understanding of your doubts - not regarding him, that’s super crazy and he doesn’t understand how you could ever think he could do better than you. He does understand how self-doubt doesn’t always follow logic so he actually does well not taking it personally when you ask him those kinds of questions. He’s a man of many hyperfixations but they’re lasting. Have you seen him with his favorite series or Ruri-chan? This man is dedication personified. He’s already added you to his list of hyperfixations and, okay, maybe he does idealize you a little but he’s not as deluded as you think. He knows you have weird, messy bits of you - just like him - and he loves that so much about you because he’s able to actually be comfortable with you. He loves you and trusts you and respects you, which is more than he can say about anyone else in his life, and he is going to be your simp long after the series finale and he only hopes you’ll agree to let him stay in your life and worship you the way he knows you deserve.
Satan: That line of questioning makes him angry, shocking. He hates that you’re doubting him and his feelings. Satan is the intellectual of his brothers (if you ask him). He’s smart enough to know that there’s a difference between lust vsinfatuation vs love, and he’s considered it for a long time before he came forward with his feelings. He knows they’re genuine and lasting; he even avoided you in the beginning to avoid catching those kinds of feelings but it happened. Satan knows maybe he can romanticize things a little, like in the romance novels that he secretly loves, but he doesn’t think it’s to an unhealthy or unrealistic level - no more than a general man in love might do. He’ll sit and discuss all of this with you for as long as necessary, reigning in that anger that stems from feeling rejected, until you finally realize that he’s genuinely in love with you.
Asmo: Okay, so Asmo gets it, you know? He’s most beautiful being in three realms and charming and funny and sweet and basically everything good wrapped into one wonderful, sparkly, good smelling package. It would make sense that any human he pursued felt a little insecure about his feelings and their worthiness. But like…it’s you! You’ve seen Asmo at his worst - the days when he’s not as beautiful or kind, when he’s selfish and cruel and narcissistic - and you’ve stuck by his side the whole time. He is going to do the same for you. He sees your inner (and outer) beauty every time he looks at you and he falls a bit more in love with you every time. He knows what lust and infatuation feels like - he feels those every day and has them reflected right back at him tenfold. You are not those things. There’s still the passion and longing and affection but it’s so much warmer and steadier, like the warm sun that Asmo used to see in the human realm. You make him better (a hard task considering how close to perfection he is) and he won’t stand for you having any kind of doubts. He’s going to love you into loving yourself until you’re unable to doubt him or your relationship ever again.
Beel: That’s…not unfair to ask him. Beel may not be the smartest brother but he’s not as stupid as others make him out to be. He is the only brother who is going to hear you out and actually take the time to think about what you’re saying. You are the first human he’s ever had these kinds of feelings for, the first person actually. Beel is not used to romance at all and so he really needs to think about the line between romantic and platonic and familial; he doesn’t want to mess up the relationship by defining it incorrectly and breaking both of your hearts in the process. He doesn’t agree that you’re not good enough or interesting enough to inspire those kinds of feelings in him; he thinks you’re the most wonderful being he’s ever come across and anyone would be lucky to know you, let alone be loved by you like he is. It doesn’t take him too long to come the conclusion that no, he is in love with you. He would choose you over food or sports or even some of his brothers; hefeels empty without you in a way that even Belphie can’t compare to. He wants to kiss you and hold you and keep you around forever to share in his food and laughs and affection. Once Beel makes his decision, it’s completely solidified. Beel is a ride or die kind of man and you know you’ll never have to doubt him once he tells you he loves you.
Belphie: Belphie is torn. He understands why you may question his love for you. He did betray you and literally kill you in another universe; he would be more concerned if you weren’t skeptical about him. However, you feeling not good enough? Absolutely absurd. You need therapy ASAP. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to him and his family, even if you are a human. He never wanted these feelings; he loathed you at first but, over the months and different experiences you’ve shared, those feelings have grown to respect and trust and love. He couldn’t stop himself from loving you even if he tried (and he’s tried). He can understand your nerves but he knows down to his very soul that he loves you and that he will always love you. If you can’t accept his feelings, he’ll be the most accepting of it, especially because he doesn’t think he deserves you at all but he will never back down from his claims and he will continue expressing his love for you until the very end.
Diavolo: Of them all, Diavolo most understands why you may doubt the longevity of this relationship. He’s the demon lord. He’s the top choice of the realm, and everyone is scrutinizing him and his choices. He gets why you might be afraid of that and what comes with it. However, he wouldn’t be choosing you if he hadn’t thought long and hard about it to make sure his feelings for you withstood all of those doubts and fears. Diavolo does not lovely easily or lightly; he’s been offered companionship from more people than he could ever care to count but he’s never seriously considered any of them. You are the first and only person to have made him fall so completely head over heels in love that he’s able to get out of his own head which is so often filled with those some kinds of doubts and questions. He may not make every decision in his life with 100% confidence but this is one that he feels so sure of that he’s willing to stake his entire future and reputation on it. He loves you and he will do everything in his power to prove that he loves you and will stay by your side as you both rule the Devildom together, putting you at the top with him - exactly where you belong.
Barbatos: Barbatos is efficient, if nothing else in the world. Do you really think that he would pursue you if he wasn’t completely sure of his feelings and your future together? This is the man who has spent his entire life dedicated to Diavolo; he’s turned away from every and any meager temptation that’s come his way. No one has ever caught his eye like you have and certainly no one has ever made him question where his loyalty lays. Of course he is still Lord Diavolo’s servant and he serves the Devildom to the best of his ability but his heart isn’t in it the same way and that’s because he’s given it to you. You are what consumes his every thought and feeling; he’s broken the rules and used his powers for you, he’s gone against Diavolo for you, he is willing to do anything so long as he can be near you and make you happy. You don’t even have to accept his love or love him back, if you really can’t or won’t, but he’s seen you in every timeline and loves you in all of them. Nothing in this world or any of the others will change that and, if you give him the opportunity, he will dedicate his every moment to proving to you why you can put your full faith in him. After all, Barbatos has never failed at an assignment before.
Solomon: Solomon can understand insecurity on your end. It’s hard to consider yourself special enough to last for someone who has seen everything. Solomon has lived thousands of years, visited the three realms, love and lost time and time again. It’s hard to imagine that you’re anything more than the next shiny toy he’s got his eye on. For someone who can never die, what is this love other than a small blip on his radar one day? Solomon can’t stop you from feeling that way because, in a way, it’s true. You can’t be a permanent fixture in his life because you’re human but he can certainly be one in your life. Solomon would argue that he’s seen so many people and places over the millenia and he has lived long enough to know himself completely, and he knows that he loves you. He knows that no matter what happens or changes, his feelings for you will never waver. He will carry his love for you until the ends of time itself. It’s his curse to bear and the only thing that would make it bearable is being able to love you directly for as long as he’s given the chance.
Simeon: Simeon is the most patient and sympathetic as you ask him these questions. He would never invalidate your fears but he will confront them with you and break them down and banish them. Simeon is an angel who has watched over humanity for as long as they’ve been around. He has seen the best of the best and the worst of worst and still he’s never been tempted to turn away from his Father for one. At first, he could have explained it as curiosity and then fondness but it blossomed into the deep, unwavering love that he feels for you now. He sees your flaws and humanity and loves you all the more for it. You have become the new object of his worship and affection; he would fall from grace if it meant being able to hold you in his arms and shower you in the love he so truly believes you deserve. He will remind you every day of why you deserve to be happy and loved; he will tell you everything he loves about you from your smile to your kind heart to your most selfish desires. So, please, just put the same faith in him and his feelings that he puts in you and let him love you.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
The Tortured Poets Department - The Anthology (Taylor Swift) - Dateables Part 2
As promised, here's part 2 - The TPD Anthology collection songs.
Barbatos: COSOSOM
So if you wanna break my cold, cold heart Say you loved me And if you wanna tear my world apart Say you'll always wonder
Like I said, this part of the album was quite hard to choose for.  I feel bad for Barbatos because I definitely think I slacked on his songs, which is surprising to me because album sounds so much more like what I think of for him than most of the others but here we are. The sound of this song in particular, so mellow and melancholy, makes me think of him. It’s got a lot of emotion packed into it but in such short, simple phrases and staying mostly calm; even the bridge is quiet intensity which is how Barbatos lives his life. I think of Barbatos being considered as heartless because he doesn’t show much feeling but it’s so untrue, especially with MC. I imagine that he never speaks up about his feelings for them and that’s why the hardest thing he could ever hear from them is them admitting their own feelings and wondering what could have been. It’s a shot to his heart knowing he could have had them but they’ve moved on and it doesn’t even matter anymore. 
Asmo: imgonnagetyouback
I, I hear the whispers in your eyes I'll make you wanna think twice You'll find that you were never not mine (You're mine)
Another Asmo song for sure. It’s sexy, bright, and not a little aggressive. Asmo firmly believes he can have anyone that he wants - everyone out there is his for the taking, whether they know it or not. That includes MC. It doesn’t matter if they play hard to get or show any interest in his brothers, Asmo is confident that he’ll have them by his side by the end of the night. And if that’s not the case? Well Hell hath no fury like a rejected avatar of lust. He can be very petty and spiteful when he feels slighted so he would definitely plan revenge if needed but, even then, he’s thinking about how he can turn this into a fun bedroom situation instead because there are so many better ways to work out those feelings, you know? 
Simeon: The Albatross 
So I crossed my thoughtless heart Spread my wings like a parachute I'm the albatross I swept in at the rescue The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel
This was a song that I considered for a few people but I feel like it fits Simeon’s story so well. Simeon is an angel - he’s supposed to be immune to temptation and to help people find their redemption. He’s known from the beginning that he should be keeping MC’s morality safe and remaining a guiding beacon of light. This becomes especially true once he sees how close she gets to the brothers and Diavolo and Solomon. MC is becoming a threat - being so close with such “bad” beings while also being the most tempting human that Simeon has ever laid eyes on. He knows he should stay away lest MC drag him down to ruin like the snake did to Eve but it doesn’t take him too long to realize that you’re not dangerous, you’re actually his salvation. You’re there to show him true happiness and freedom, and it makes him question everything he once thought was good. 
Satan: How Did it End?
We were blind to unforeseen circumstances We learned thе right steps to different dancеs And fell victim to interlopers' glances Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
This is how I imagine things ending with Satan. The relationship has been so private and peaceful; no one ever had any clue what was going on behind closed doors. In fact, MC and Satan might not be entirely sure either. For a relationship that once seemed so strong, it’s been slowly dying since its beginning, doomed to fail once the lovers are separated until it’s just MC alone in the human realm left haunted by the ghost of their beloved. Of course everyone is just so curious because they care but everywhere MC turns they’re being asked about Satan and what happened to their relationship. For all the detective work the two of them used to do, MC can’t quite figure out exactly what happened. Just like everything else in their life, it’s over and they have to figure out how to pick up the pieces in front of everyone. 
Beel: So High School
You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand-new, full throttle Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto It's true, swear, scout's honor (Yeah) You knew what you wanted and, boy, you got her
Has everyone seen all the Travis being a himbo memes? Cause they are cracking me up. I feel like Beel is Travis - just a really good guy but definitely not the intellectual of a relationship, though he’s more insightful than people give him credit for. I don’t really like this song if I’m being honest but it’s so Beel-coded and I absolutely love the line about ball/Aristotle - I don’t get how anyone could hate it. I think this is very much MC, the most powerful and influential human basically ever, and her loving himbo demon boyfriend. They’re so happy in their own little bubble. It’s a relationship built on trust, comfort, and respect. They have fun and explore each other’s interests, and everything is soft and sweet like a first high school love should be. It’s not full of the same angst and insecurity the rest of the relationships are threatened with. 
Belphie: thanK you aIMee
All that time you were throwin' punches, it was all for nothin' And our town, it looks so small from way up here Screamed, "Thank you, Aimee" to the night sky and the stars are stunnin' 'Cause I can't forget the way you made me heal
Belphie as Kim? I absolutely love it. Belphie was our biggest hater by far in the beginning. He was convinced that we were the shitty one, fake and dishonest and a perfect _ of everything humanity represents, and so he does everything in his power not to only bring us down and lift himself up but also to torture us mentally during the process. His betrayal kills us, both literally and figuratively, and I know that MC would take so long to actually heal from that trauma because how do you move on when you’re constantly confronted with your killer? However, MC does move on and becomes so strong after and the bond they form with the entire family/Devildom never would have happened if it hadn’t been for Belphie’s choices. In the end, there’s something to thank Belphie for. 
Solomon: I Look in People’s Windows
I look in people's windows In case you're at their table What if your eyes looked up and met mine One more time?
This song is so sad and lonely feeling. It makes me think of poor Solomon who is doomed to outlive everyone he has ever loved and always be left behind unless he decides to run preemptively. I imagine Solomon referring to himself as a deranged weirdo who watches everything and everyone from the outside, always around but invisible. This song in particular is the epitome of what it would be like for him once MC is back in the human realm. He loves them, he misses them, no one in the world is nearly interesting enough to replace them and hold his attention. So he wanders around from place to place, always looking into the windows of restaurants and bookstores and houses, wondering if he’ll ever see them again. His thoughts are made up of what if’s and if only’s, and the none of it ever compares to the day that he looks into a window somewhere only to find MC already looking back at him (as if they didn’t spend all of their time looking out windows for him). 
Diavolo: Prophecy
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo the prophecy?
The Prophecy is, by far, one of my favorite songs on the entire album and possibly my favorite on the anthology. It was really a struggle to decide who it fit with most (it was almost given to Mammon) but, ultimately, I thought that this song just felt so much like Diavolo. It’s beautiful, poetic and lyrical. It’s depressing and heartwrenching and full of goodness. Diavolo has revealed over and over again how truly lonely it is to be him, how badly he longs for genuine connection, how touch and affection starved he is. He’s a man who has everything in the palm of his hand - everything except love, which is the one thing he craves most of all. He thought he had it with MC and, for a short time, it was like his prayers had been answered but it was lightning in a bottle and gone before he even knew what was happening. And so the prophecy continues and Diavolo is forced to accept his fate. 
Levi: Peter
And I won't confess that I waited, but I let the lamp burn As the men masqueraded, I hoped you'd return With your feet on the ground, tell me all that you'd learned 'Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned
This was another tough one. I didn’t find anything that really super resonated with me for Levi but this was the closest I came. Levi is very much a child in some ways. By being such a shut in, he’s experienced very little social and emotional growth, even less so than most of his brothers. He loves fantasy and escaping into those adventures because he can’t actually be hurt. MC is entirely different story and, despite being so interested in them, Levi finds it very hard to commit to them beyond a playful friendship as if they’re lost boys together because anything more than that means that Levi will have to learn and grow and risk having his heart broken. MC would wait forever for him to open up, if they could, but the time comes when they have to go home and, unfortunately, Levi was just never able to take that final leap of faith and grow with them so he’s forever stuck as Peter Pan in his own little unchanging Neverland while ‘Wendy’ moves on to the future without him. 
Lucifer: The Manuscript
The only thing that's left is the manuscript One last souvenir from my trip to your shores Now and then I reread the manuscript But the story isn't mine anymore
Another tough choice. (I was being serious when I said this half of the album was hard). This song references back to Taylor dating older men and really considering what the purpose of that life lesson was and what it means for her going forward. I think Lucifer is definitely a life lesson for MC. They want to please him so badly that they’re willing to try harder to be smarter, more capable, more mature. Anything that will get his attention and maybe make him proud of them. His opinion is what matters most but, at the end of the day, MC is going right back to the human realm where Lucifer isn’t around and they don’t have to pretend to be better than they actually are anyone. They can relex and breathe and be the normal, fucked up human they always have been. It’s excruciating and MC doesn’t understand for a long time what the point of the transfer was for, if it was just going to leave them right where they started, but MC comes to realize that the journey and who we become along the way is the most important thing. Lucifer was a large part of their life story but it turns out he was only a chapter in their book, just how MC always imagined they would be for him. 
Mammon: I Hate it Here
I'm lonely, but I'm good I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on purpose This place made me feel worthless
Mammon! This is for my first and favorite man who is far more sensitive than he lets on. He lives on escapism, though not quite as overtly as Levi’s love of fiction or Satan’s reading. He is always moving, always meeting new people, always trying new things. He is spending his whole life looking somewhere, someone, to make him feel safe and happy and at home. Not that he would ever dare admit that to anyone. He hates the Devildom and what it’s turned him into. Where the brothers used to tease him with affection in the Celestial Realm, it all feels too genuine and harsh down here. He doesn’t feel like he has any value and no one can see the real him (is there even a real him anymore? If there is, it worth seeing or is the mask he wears the better choice?) MC is the only person allowed into his sanctuaries, the only person who makes the real world feel worthwhile. 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
Chronically Ill MC - Dateables
As someone with multiple chronic illnesses (including one or two  that’s tried to take me out), fantasy is one of the few things that gets me through my bad days. With that in mind, I was inspired to talk about how the brothers/dateables not only handle dating someone with chronic illness but also what one little thing they do to help.
Lucifer may not seem the like the most empathetic partner to someone with a chronic illness. Lucifer does a lot every day and he expects the same from the people in his life. He keeps high standards and there aren’t many things that will considered a valid explanation for not meeting them, even sickness. However, he’s not totally unreasonable and once he learns how truly sick you are, he dedicates himself to readjusting those standards/goals and makes sure that you aren’t pushing yourself past your limits.  The main thing that Lucifer does to support you as your partner is going to appointments with you. When you’re chronically ill, it’s almost impossible to not have regular appointments, usually with multiple doctors. The other uncomfortable truth about those visits is that the doctors typically aren’t too great. It’s all too easy to get brushed off, talked over, and not taken seriously, especially if you happen to be a female or person of color. Lucifer being there not only calms your anxiety but also makes sure that you are better seen and heard in the appointments. He is not letting that doctor leave without doing their job properly. 
Mammon keeps up his typically uncaring personality in front of people where he can tend to tease you or downplay your sickness; however, he is also fiercely overprotective. He doesn’t let anyone else near you and is constant checking in to see if you’ve eaten, slept enough, have everything you need, etc. If anyone bothers you about your illness(es), he’s 100% going after them. You may be a sick, pathetic human but you’re his and he’s not going to let you be slandered by anyone!  As his nice thing that Mammon does for you and your chronic illness(es), is buying you all sort of things that might help. He definitely didn’t google what sort of things to buy your chronically ill partner or anything and then buy everything off those lists, whether or not it applied to your illness(es). Those damn Buzzfeed lists will be the death of Goldie at this point. He makes sure you want for nothing. Most of the time he won’t even give the items to you like a normal person, he’ll just leave them in your room or in your bag or address the box to you as if you’ve ordered it yourself. He doesn’t want you to know how badly he wants to take care of you. 
Levi is a nervous Nelly, only because he cares. He definitely does some research like Satan, though he’s much more invested in the message boards than doctors studies. He definitely joins a support group for caregivers to get a better idea of what to expect and what he can do for you. He’s happy to always stay home with you when you’re not feeling well; in fact, it really works for his life style if you want to stay comfy and cozy in his bedroom most of the time while he keeps you company/entertains you.  Speaking of which, Levi’s one thing he does for you is keeping a basket full of stuff in his bedroom for you. As a gamer who can hole up in his room for hours (or even days) at a time, he prepares for this. He’s got his little fridge and microwave for you and a large basket of everything you usually need: heated blankets, heating pads, water bottles, medication, arts and crafts, sleep masks and headphones, etc. He’s even got a little gaming station set up for you in there in case you want to play some cozy games when you’re not up to chatting with him but still want something to do “together”. 
Satan is the king of research. The moment that you open up about your illness(es), he’s taking notes and getting ready. He’s going to spend a lot of time figuring out what’s going on with you, what it means for your human body, and what your treatment options look like. He’s going to be collecting firsthand information from you as well so he knows exactly what your symptoms and daily life are like. He’s that person who will keep a planner with your appointments, manage your medication, and stay completely up to date on any new research that comes out about your illness(es). He’s sort of like your own mini nurse at this point.  For his main supportive trait (as if he doesn’t so enough), Satan is always making sure that you’re utilizing the best coping skills possible. This includes enjoying fresh air and, when possible, getting movement. He sees how much research supports those things, including sunlight and the company of animals. He’ll have a sun light from Akuzon on you while he hangs out with you in the gardens or takes you out on the town for a little walk. If you’re not allergic, he also brings cats to hang out and purr on your lap so you can de-stress while petting them. 
Asmo struggles with having a chronically ill partner. It’s not because he doesn’t care but he can be thoughtless about your conditions and he’s someone who always wants to be going out and doing things. Sometimes you have to remind him of your limitations and then he’s going to tone it down and pamper you at home like it’s reason for living. He’s gonna make sure you’re doing all the self-care and whatever you can’t do, he’ll do for you.  For his one special habit, he’s going to take you to the best spas and salons where you can get all of the relaxation that you deserve. You’ve had a long day with him and you’re probably tired and sore so best believe that Asmo has signed you both up for massages and facials and getting your nails done. You’ll be relaxed and ready for a good night’s sleep once they’re finished with you. Asmo seems like he would set up weekly or biweekly visit to these places under the guise of trying out new places/new treatments but really he just wants to make sure you’re being pampered like you deserve and those massages will hopefully help with the body aches.  And if you can’t manage to go out for those things, he’s going to do them all for you at home where you can be as comfortable as possible. 
Beel can be a little overprotective of his chronically ill partner. He hates the idea of you being sick and suffering; it’s a constant reminder of how delicate and vulnerable you are as a human. It triggers his Lilith PTSD just a little because he’s more afraid of losing you, especially to something that he can’t fight or protect you from. He tends to wait on you hand and foot, and he’s always making sure you’re fed the best foods and drinks the Devildom has to offer so that you keep up your strength. The thing that Beel does for you to support you is provide you with massages and/or pets. As an athlete, Beel knows how important it is to keep the body stretched, soothed, and strong. This means that he’s actually very proficient at giving massages. Beel will lead you through a series of stretching whenever you’re up for it (who would have guessed that he’s so skilled at yoga and not just all muscle?) so that you’re able to get in some kind of daily movement. Then he’ll rub down any sore muscles and work out any kinks that you may have. If there’s a time when you’re so sore you can’t stand any strong touch or movement, Beel is more than happy to rub your back or pet your hair to help soothe you to sleep and keep you calm. 
Belphie struggles a bit with a chronically ill partner simply because he is a very sleepy boy which makes him lazy and not totally capable of being a caretaker. He relies on his older brothers for a lot. But the good news is that he does transfer that skill over to you. You both get spoiled quite a bit by the other brothers who have accepted you as someone to be loved and protected the same way they do for Belphie. Additionally, Belphie never makes you feel bad for spending your down time resting. You guys have fun in mellow ways and you don’t have to worry about being fun or entertaining, you can just be yourself.  The best thing about having Belphie as a chronically ill person is that he is the best napping and bed rotting companion out there. You will never have a partner more excited to make sure you’re well rested. Belphie will spend all day with you in bed without a second thought. He’s got movies or music for entertainment, he’s got the comfiest bed and pillows and blankets, he’s got fans and heating pads, he’s got bottles of water on his bedside and snacks too so he doesn’t have to get out of bed for them, he’s got lavender oil to spray to help you get better sleep. You would never be more comfortable anywhere else and he’s going to snuggle you the whole time, assuming you’re up for that. 
Diavolo is a very courteous boyfriend to a chronically ill partner. He’s incredibly busy and he feels terrible that he’s not able to spend more time with you but he’s always happy to have your company while you rest. He lets you sit in on meetings or while he does paperwork. You’re quiet and diligent and he’s so impressed by how much you manage to not only do but do well while you struggle with your illness(es). You get your RAD work done and wrangle the brothers and always make sure to have time for Diavolo even when he’s whiny and cranky. He loves and respects that about you and so he does his best to always show you that same kindness and support.   Diavolo has the habit of sending you gift baskets when he’s not able to be around. They’re full of both treats and necessary supplies so that there’s nothing you could want for. He also lends Barbatos to you. It can’t be all the time unfortunately, since Barbatos has quite a lot of his own work to do, but if there’s any long gaps in your ability to see Diavolo, he makes sure you have Barbatos to keep you company and wait on you hand and foot for at least a few hours. Barbatos is one of the few people Diavolo trusts totally, especially with something as important as you, so you feel special to have him assigned to you. 
Barbatos is such an attentive boyfriend to a chronically ill partner. He’s used to serving Diavolo and essentially being a mixture of servant, nurse, valet, therapist, etc. so stepping into the role of caregiver is natural and easy for him. He relishes the idea of taking care of you. If you’re someone who truly hates the idea, he’ll back off and just play the role of doting boyfriend but, unless you’re actively fighting against it, he’s going to dedicate himself to making sure you’re taken care of. He’ll help with doctors, scheduling, accommodations in the Devildom, and making sure you have ample emotional support, including making sure the brothers aren’t causing you any undue stress.  The one thing Barbatos does for you that he enjoys most and excels at is keeping you well nourished. As we know, Barbatos has an affinity for tea and he has hundreds of kinds from the Devildom, celestial realm, and human realm alike. He will brew you a type for every symptom or illness, and some that may just help your anxiety or help you sleep. He keeps notes of what you enjoy most and stocks up so you have some at the HoL as well. If you hate tea, he will find other beverages or broths that are equally helpful and good for your body. He’s also a fantastic cook and can modify the recipes to anything your body needs. Allergies, intolerances, taste preferences - he takes all of it into account and therefore creates the perfect meals and snacks for you. He regularly sends you home with food and will make sure there’s always something for you at RAD or the palace. It’s the most basic way to care for someone and it makes him feel great to know you’re taken care of.  
Solomon is a good partner for someone chronically ill because it’s impossible to phase him. He’s seen it all, all types of illnesses and injuries and accidents. There’s nothing that grosses him out or is too stressful to deal with. He may get a little introspective sometimes because it makes him think about your mortality in comparison to his and he knows that, once upon a time, he may have been just like you. He does his best to make your life as easy as possible, even offering magic items or potions to help. It doesn’t matter if it’s just offering you temporary relief from your symptoms or making a specific task easier for you, as long as he can help, he’s happy. Plus he’s been studying the human body and health for a long time so he’s the most knowledgeable and has a wide variety of options and ideas for you.  Speaking of studying the human body for a long time, Solomon has been conducting his own research and experiments for almost as long. He’s been around for multiple plagues and diseases across the globe and throughout time and, even though they can’t affect him, he’s kept up with the science behind it all. He’s been helping develop cures and vaccines for a long time; regularly passing off his findings to people who can actually put them into action. That means once he knows what’s ailing you, he’s going to turn his focus towards it to see if he can speed up the discovery of a cure. He doesn’t want you to have to suffer for a minute longer than necessary and he’s got every possible resource at his fingertips to help change that for you (and others like you) so he’s going to more seriously dedicate his time and energy towards that goal. 
Simeon is the kind of partner who helps you keep your wits about you and keep your spirits up when you’re dealing with chronic illness(es). It’s so easy to get swept up in a chronic illness: the symptoms, the appointments, the doctors, financial responsibilities, socializing, school or work, the future. Sometimes it can feel like you’re drowning and it’s impossible to pull yourself out of the negativity and the hopeless feeling. Simeon is always there to hold out his hand and pull you out of the water with his calm, soothing tone and support and encouragement. He holds your hand every step of the way and brings positivity to your life. He highly encourages you to utilize meditation and gratitude, without pushing so far as to go into toxic positivity. Sometimes he’s the only thing that keeps you holding on.  One of the best ways that Simeon supports you is by helping you with basic tasks that you may be too embarrassed to ask for help with normally, including bathing. Simeon is always happy to run you a hot bath and will put in epsom salts or essential oils or vitamin drops as needed. Hell, even if it’s just for fun, he’s happy to make it a lovely bubbly mess for you to splash around in and relax. He’s the kind of partner who will happily either climb in with you or, if there’s no room, he’ll sit behind you or to the side and help wash your hair, being so careful to keep soap out of your eyes and ears. He’ll wash your back and feet and face, with such smooth and gentle hands as he talks to you so sweetly. If you can’t take a bath, he’ll make sure you have a shower bench/chair or at least him to hold onto while you shower. It’s always the highlight of your day when he does this for you and you feel so close to him. 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
The Tortured Poets Department (Taylor Swift) - Dateables Part 1
Okay, this album has been by far the hardest to do for the boys. Some of them jumped out at me really quickly but most of these took a lot of thinking and, when thinking failed, I turned to the vibes. A lot of these songs are dark, sad, or introspective which doesn’t lend itself so well to healthy, happy relationships - just as a warning. So here’s part 1 - TTPD the original 17 tracks. There will be a part 2 next week with the songs from the anthology.
Levi: TTPD
Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me But you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave And I had said that to Jack about you, so I felt seen Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be 'Cause we're crazy
This song is a love song even though the person is also making fun of the person they were with, which just seems fitting. It really highlights how both people can be so completely not stable or develop codependency when you’re guided by strong feelings rather than logic. I think Levi is absolutely one of those people who, once he’s in love, is 100% dedicated to his partner and would lowkey be suicidal if that person ever left him. I’m sorry, I say it with love, but Levi absolute is capable of that toxicity. It’s part of his envy, you know? If he can’t have you, there’s no point to anything. I can also imagine MC telling him that they’re just two idiots in love, not some super important people with a modern day perfect love story so he can’t go around over romanticizing everything and getting swept up in the glamour of a relationship rather than the actual relationship itself. 
Lucifer: Fortnight
I touched you for only a fortnight I touched you, I touched you I love you, it's ruining my life
The sound is what leads me to Lucifer’s choices most of the time and this song has the sound/vibes that fit the most for my vision of him. I also think Lucifer is so entirely not thrilled with loving MC; it was never his plan and he’s a lot more reluctant to acknowledge those feelings than some of the other dateables. He’s never struggled with separating friendship or sex from love but, with you, he gets caught up in it. It doesn’t take long, just your brief stint in the Devildom, to make a permanent mark on him and lead him into a love that can’t be ignored or forgotten. He loves you and it’s ruining his life to know that that love will have to end when either you leave or change your mind or die eventually. 
Diavolo: Down Bad
I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it How dare you think it's romantic Leaving me safe and stranded
I see this song as MC post Diavolo after he breaks up with them. He’s the kind of person who will always want to put his partner first, even if that means breaking both of their hearts. He loves you more than anything else in this world so he will do anything to make sure you’re safe. Once it’s time for you to return home to human realm, he’s going to to let you go and wish you the best. There’s nothing you can say to him that will make him change his mind and let you stay, not when it’s so much safer and easier for you back there. He knows you can find a good life back home but you know that you’ll never be able to see the human realm the same way again after your adventure. How can you ever go back to normal after that kind of life and love? You can’t and you hate him for taking that away from you. You’d rather be damned and happy with him than safe at home; fuck everything else. 
Mammon: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
'Cause I knew too much, there was danger in the heat of my touch He saw forever, so he smashed it up, oh, oh My boy (My boy), only breaks his favorite toys, oh, oh
I love Mammon so much that it actually hurt a little to make this his song but I think it just fits him very well. The sound, the lyrics, the idea that a man can love you so much that he has to break your heart. Mammon loves you but Mammon also knows that he destroys everything he touches. He’s scummy and a cheat and thoughtless and selfish and the list goes on. He’s happy with you, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, but he knows he’s only going to bring you down if you stick around. He does his best to do right and give you the world but it’s always hanging by a string, his sin keeping him one misstep away from losing it all. So he does the only thing he can for both of your sakes - he runs. He’d rather you hate him for leaving than hate him once you realize who he really is. 
Solomon: But Daddy I Love Him
Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned Screaming "But Daddy I love him!" I'm having his baby No, I'm not, but you should see your faces I'm telling him to floor it through the fences No, I'm not coming to my senses I know he's crazy but he's the one I want
The song sounds like Solomon to the very core. Something about this man makes me think feral country music just fits. Solomon is definitely considered a bit of a madman by anyone who knows him; you try being sane when you’ve lived for thousands of years and have the rest of eternity to go. We all know MC was warned up and down about the shady sorcerer but they ended up falling for him anyway. They don’t care about his past or reputation or mental stability and, honestly, the more people push against the union, the more compelling it is. Deep down, Solomon is a good man and he’s good for MC. They may be a chaotic pair but they love each other to death and have fun the whole while, just them against the world. 
Barbatos: Fresh Out the Slammer
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake here
Finding one for Barbatos was a lot tougher than I expected honestly. The sound of the album fits with him but none of the songs were really sticking with me when I thought about him. This song was the closest I could get because it’s about Taylor serving her time (aka dating someone and suffering) and leaving to return to the person she really wants. I think of this as MC going through everything the brothers and Diavolo put them through, including dying, and how they’re so ready to move on from everything. MC has made a lot of mistakes and they would be afraid to make them with anyone else but with Barbatos there’s no worry about that because he knows everything and is always going to keep them on the right path. He’s there for them every time without fail, waiting for them to ‘come home’ and offering a safe place to land when everything goes wrong. 
Simeon: Guilty as Sin
What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
This song was the very first one to come to me and it was like a lightning strike. Like, hello? Simeon who spends all of his grappling with his less than platonic feelings towards MC. He keeps it sweet, keeps it chaste, keeps it clean but, in his head in the darkness of his room at night, his thoughts are anything but. MC is the only person who makes Simeon feel more like a man than an angel. He feels so so so guilty for the thoughts he has and even though he doesn’t act on them, he feels like he’s just as guilty as if he did because the thoughts are just so strong and never ending. Then we get to watch as he loses this internal struggle against himself and his upbringing until he’s right at MC’s feet, ready to receive whatever they’ll give him. He chooses them because surely nothing they offer him could ever truly be wrong. 
Satan: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
They shook their heads sayin', "God, help her" When I told 'em he's my man (I told 'em he's my man) But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really, I can
Satan is great. He’s typically polite and studious and vaguely charming. However, no one can ever forget that he is made up of the darkest parts of Lucifer. To see Satan lose his temper and unleash is sin is to be in serious danger. That’s why the citizens are more terrified of this brother than they are of most of the others. There’s something so deeply disconcerting about a demon that seems so tame having such a wild and deadly side. When you get together with him, onlookers are holding their breath. They warn you about the risks, about how easy it can be to flip the switch in him once he’s passionate, but you’re not worried. You’ve spent all of your time in the Devildom navigating dangerous situations and even more dangerous demons who actually wanted you dead. You’re not afraid of Satan; you know you’re the only one who can tame him and, truly, he’s such a good boy it won’t be very hard work at all. 
Asmo: I Can Do it With a Broken Heart
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More" I was grinnin' like I'm winnin' I was hittin' my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
This is possibly the most depressing song on the album lowkey. It’s so cheerful sounding and you can dance and sing your heart out but the lyrics make you want to cry. I think this song is so Asmo coded because we watch him perform for his fanclub and for strangers all the time. He always has to look his best, be charming, be flirty. He’s expected to be this wonderful ray of sunshine to everyone he meets and to never show a single flaw - that includes any negative feelings as well because, let’s be honest, emotions can be very ugly things to witness. So he keeps any anger or sadness or bitterness tucked carefully away where no one can see it. You won’t ever see Asmo fall apart in public. You won’t ever set it at all, actually, because Asmo can live through the worst things in the world and still come out a superstar on the other side and you don’t get there by letting anyone see you cry. 
Belphie: Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writin' a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified? And you'll confess why you did it and I'll say, "Good riddance" 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden
Belphie, Belphie, Belphie. I would’ve given him something lighter if I could have but, with the options I was offered, this song was truly the one that made the most sense. Taylor feels so incredibly betrayed and confused in this song; it’s less about wanting revenge or belittling the man behind it and more about getting some closure. MC doesn’t see it coming at all when Belphie goes in for the kill. To them, they have a wonderful friend (maybe something more), someone they’re doing their best to save, only to have that person turn right around and stab them in the back. It’s heartbreaking and trust shattering, and MC can’t help all of the questions running through their mind at the end about why Belphie is doing what he’s doing and, in the end, the why doesn’t matter as much anymore either - just that he was willing to commit such betrayal says everything they need to know. 
Beel: The Alchemy
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight thе alchemy?
Any song about Travis belongs to Beel simply because they are the same person. Let’s be honest, what else could I possibly have put with him? Three guesses what his song is for part two. Anyway, Beel is just here to love and be loved. The man has been struck by tragedy and kept his heart closed to any one but his family for a long time but then you come along and he starts to open up again. You have a bunch of other demons fighting for your time and attention but you know that Beel is the only one for you. There’s no point in pursuing anyone else or him trying to fight the growing feelings because you’re going to end up together regardless. It doesn’t matter how slow it moves or how many times one of you goes back and forth either - the alchemy is going to turn whatever relationship you have into gold and it’ll last. 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
MC Moves on in the Human Realm (Req) - Dateables
Diavolo: Diavolo is surprised and that confuses him. He knew of course that there was a chance you would find someone when you went back home to the human realm but he’s still surprised you managed to find someone that you seem to love so deeply. In the back of his mind, Diavolo always thought you would be back. From the very beginning, it has felt like you were meant to be a part of the Devildom, a part of his life. He’s had a lot of training on how to control his feelings so you won’t know how upset he is about this. Lucifer and Barbatos can both tell because he tends to get lost in own thoughts a lot and Diavolo is haunted by the “what-ifs?” of what could have been if you’d kept you down there with him. 
Barbatos: Barbatos knew this was coming. He knows everything - he’s seen your past, present, and future. He always knew that you were going to go home and, even without his powers, he would expect someone as wonderful as you to find someone and find happiness. It’s what you deserve after all. However, Barbatos also knows that you’ll be back and he’ll have you again, in one way or another. This knowledge gives him peace of mind and enables him to even find happiness for your happiness. You can enjoy this stage of your life for now; your path will always lead back to him in the end. 
Solomon: Solomon has accepted your finding a new lover the best out of everyone. He’s thousands of years old and is a human himself. Do you know how many people he’s loved and lost? How many he never even let himself have at all to avoid a situation like this? It’s countless. He loves you. He will always love you - forever - because that’s how long he has to love. It’s why he’s genuinely happy you’ve found a mortal human to pour all of your love into; you two can live perfectly normal, natural lives together and enjoy your limited time together. Maybe he’ll find you in the next life time but, until then, he’s supporting you from a distance. 
Simeon: Simeon wants to be happy for you. He should be good and patient and generous but really he’s feeling incredible jealousy and anger. He hates seeing you give anyone else your smiles or for someone else to have their hands on you. He spends every day praying for grace for this situation, trying to get back to the angel he knows he is. He should be better than this and he tries every day to be the good angel/man that you’ve always believed he was. He wants to be that person for you, even if you’re not around to see it. He does want you to be happy and he tells himself that every time a negative feeling pops up - besides, you’re a human. Mortal. Unattainable. For now. He’ll be looking for you when the time comes though, to remind you of what you’ve been missing. 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
I’m sorry you’re flaring up, that’s never fun. :(
I totally get the frustration, I also feel that way during my flare ups. Try to be gentle and patient with yourself - whatever kind of flare up you’re going through, it always causes a Big Issue for your body, so your mind will likely have trouble doing things you enjoy, especially if it involves concentrating. If you decide to write, I wonder if you could do it just for fun? Like without the expectation for it to be any good. Sometimes during my flare ups I crochet knowing I’m gonna miss stitches and take it all out when I’m better lol.
I appreciate the support and I’m sorry that you know what it’s like. Chronic illness is hell on earth sometimes! I love to crochet and that’s actually a really good idea. Lord knows I spend half my time unraveling my stuff anyway 😂
I’ve been doing some very basic outlining for writing and that’s helpful too since it’s just ideas, not actual content. I think my next post might be obey me x chronic illness MC.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 10 months ago
Been in a nasty flare up the last 3 or 4 days and struggling to get back to writing. Not to complain, but it’s fucking exhausting and annoying. Anyone wanna chat or send encouragement or requests?
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
Could you do a scenario with the brothers reacting to asking to spice up with edgeplay/knife play?
I hope you enjoy this! (Two years later)
Lucifer: I think Lucifer would be into it. He’s happy to play into that intimidating role and he doesn’t mind a bit of danger so long as it’s well controlled (and he is). He would also really enjoy edge play because he delights in pushing people to be their best and do their best, and he wants to know exactly how to push your buttons in the best way possible until no one will ever be able to compare to what he can do for you.
Mammon: Mammon isn’t thrilled about the idea of either, at least if he’s on the providing end. He’s not super dominant or aggressive and he gets nervous about those kinds of requests. He’s pretty open to the idea of you doing either of those things to him though. He trusts you to not actually hurt him, physically or emotionally, and if there’s anyone he’d be willing to push himself to his absolute limits to, it would be you.
Levi: Levi is terrified of the suggestion. He doesn’t really trust himself to do those things to you and it’s just not his personality. He’d be more receptive to the idea of receiving or maybe using prop weapons for much safer knife play. Add in some roleplay, maybe based on a dark/erotic anime or show you both enjoy, and he’ll be able to give you some semblance of your request!
Satan: It makes Satan nervous because of his wrath and he’s afraid of himself with a weapon around you. He’d never ever think of hurting you in general but things can get intense in the bedroom and if his sin came out at that time, it could be disastrous. He’s far more happy to try out edgeplay instead since so much of that can be mental and, as such an intellectual, the idea of figuring out your boundaries and limits thrills Satan.
Asmo: Sure thing, darling! Asmo is always down to try new things (though I’m sure neither of those kinks are new to him). The only thing Asmo wouldn’t be willing to do is the knife play on himself because he absolutely can’t risk any scars on his perfect skin. He wouldn’t want to leave any on yours either so it may be a prop knife or just used gently enough so there’s no chance of breaking the skin.
Beel: Beel is vaguely horrified by the requests, partially because he doesn’t understand what they mean at first and he’s convinced you want him to stab you. After explaining what it is, Beel may be willing to indulge you as a receiver in edgeplay. He’s not going to be comfortable with knives involved (too reminiscent of eating and he’s afraid his sin will be triggered) and he hates the idea of hurting you even accidentally. Eventually, with a lot of experience as the receiver, Beel may be willing to give edgeplay a try on you.
Belphie: Like Satan, Belphie is very reluctant to try knife play at first. He literally murdered you, forgive him for not wanting to wield a knife against you. He’s thrilled by the idea of edgeplay though and comes up with all sorts of ways to incorporate dreams into it as well. He will eventually cave on the knife issue once you two build more trust in your relationship and he would be willing to be on the receiving end of knife play as well. He finds the idea of you being dangerous quite enticing.
Diavolo: Diavolo is super intrigued by these requests. He wants to know where you learned about them, why you enjoy them, how to best incorporate them. He trusts himself and your judgment so he’s willing to try whatever you want at least once. He’d be slightly more receptive to being on the receiving end of the kinks than Lucifer would be but he’s certainly not offering himself up either.
Barbatos: Immediately yes! Barbatos lives to serve but also has a constant need for control. These two kinks both fully allow him the power while providing you with the experience you want. Barbatos is also a known sadist (homeboy has his own torture dungeon) and this is most pleasurable kind of torture he can provide. He wouldn’t mind going harder than just about all of the others; he’s not afraid of blood or tears and trusts that he’ll know your limits. He’d be willing to switch roles as well, so long as it’s what you request, but, honestly, it would be hard to find his edge.
Solomon: Solomon is totally unphased by the request. Like Asmo, he’s seen and done it all basically. When you’ve lived as long as he has, there’s very little you could ever bring up that would surprise him. He’s definitely willing to indulge you, including using potions and spells to enhance the edgeplay. It’ll be beyond anything you’ve ever been able to dream of in your wildest fantasies. Plus he can make sure the knife play is safe no matter what and you can both take more “risks”. I don’t think he would mind receiving knife play but he’s not gonna be into edgeplay as the receiver.
Simeon: Simeon is shook. Knives? In his good Christian bedroom? Well…maybe. Only if you really wanted to. I firmly believe Simeon is so, so curious about most things that he’s willing to try them at least once, especially if it’s something you really like/want. Edgeplay is something he would enjoy as well and, even though he doesn’t want to be, he’s so attracted to the idea of bringing you to your edge until all you can think about is him as your only salvation.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
hii can i req fluffy smut with the side characters + satan? ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ
Sure thing! I’m sorry it’s late but I hope you get to find this and enjoy. (Admittedly smut isn’t really my strong suit, at least in graphic terms, so I hope this still satisfies your request)
Satan: Satan is so, so good at recreating scenes from the more erotic books you read together. I’m not just talking about the kinky stuff (unless that’s something you’re into) but the romantic and intimate things. He loves to ask you what you think of certain scenes, actions, dialogue, etc. so that he can incorporate it into your sex life. He wants nothing more than to fulfill all of your fantasies. This means sometimes things can get a little intense for you both and, while you both enjoy that aspect, Satan is always sure he never takes it too far - he’s a strong advocate for a safe word, even during vanilla sex. Aftercare is also essential to him as well; he loves to snuggle up with you and put his hands on you in the most gentle of alwayss, especially bathing together, while you talk about the experience after. 
Diavolo: Diavolo is usually so careful with you during sex. He’s strong and large for a demon, let alone in relation to a human like yourself. His biggest fear is accidentally hurting you or pushing a boundary; all he wants to do enjoy your love for each other. He really enjoys you being in charge, if only because it soothes his soul and mind to know that you are in control of the intensity, position, power, etc. This way he won’t do anything wrong by accident. There’s also something so intimate about him giving you that control because it is literally the only place in his life where he can do that and the fact that he trusts you so much that he’s willing to be vulnerable means the world to both of you. Sex isn’t (just) a fun thing with Diavolo, it’s a testament to your relationship and your commitment and trust. 
Barbatos: All Barbatos cares about is your happiness and pleasure - that’s who he is at his core. He is there to serve. His ability to make you happy is what he is most proud of. He feels closest to you when he is giving you the most ultimate pleasure and he’s very aware of how important your emotional connection is during that as well. Barbatos can be a mischievous, even a bit sadistic at times, but he’s only going to incorporate that if it’s something you’re interested in. If it is, he’s comfortable doing it only if he knows he’s built enough trust with you and he would be the absolute best at aftercare both in terms of physical touch and words of affirmation so that you know how much he loves you. Conversely, if you’re not into that, he also loves loves loves being so slow and attentive and sweet; it’s essentially as if he’s worshipping you at any given time.  
Solomon: Things with Solomon as always fun. Solomon has seen and done all of it before; there’s really not much of anything you could bring to him that he wouldn’t be willing to do with you, especially if it would make you happy. This means that it’s easier to feel comfortable with him - you know it’s impossible to shock or scare him off, and he never judges you. There’s so much communication in your relationship and this translates so well to the bedroom and it let’s you both figure out what you enjoy the most and that leaves you feeling so connected after each experience together. It really helps foster that mental and emotional connection. Every day is like being with your best friend and it’s the kind of connection that people dream of one day having with their significant other especially in a world where actually talking about sex with your partner is so rare. 
Simeon: Sex with Simeon is always such an intimate and sensual experience. While Simeon is happy to experiment and learn new things with you, he is typically a very gentle lover. He is focused on connecting with you and creating an experience that leaves you both totally unaware of the world around you. There’s no God watching, no brothers or demons looking for your attention, no mortality - it’s just the two of you becoming one and being as close as possible. It’s typically a longer session with him as he’s someone who’s happy to keep the bubble around you two for as long as possible. He’s also the king of aftercare and dedicates equally as much time to connecting with you emotionally after sex to make sure you feel as loved and respected as possible.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
Hello after seeing your post about breaking up with the bros I was wondering if you could please do a hc for the boys finding out that mc fell in love with someone else in the human realm and mc is really happy with their new s/o?
Thank you and have a great day ,and please take your time on writing this💞
This is one of my favorite kinds of prompts - I absolutely live for angst or bittersweet writing. What that says about me, I’m not willing to discuss. I know this is insanely late (got chronically ill) but I hope you see this and that it does your request justice. 
Lucifer: It’s going to be hard for Lucifer to see initially; his ego is as hurt as his heart is. It’s very easy for him to fall into the role of bitter ex-boyfriend who talks about how you’ve absolutely downgraded. You’ve settled for a human partner and one that is not nearly as attractive, smart, charming, talented, etc. He disparages this new partner relentlessly to the point where Diavolo and his brothers know his rant by heart. He would definitely think about trying to win you back, to show you how much happier you would be if you came back to him, but…Lucifer knows that smile on your face. You’ve always seen the best in people and there’s nothing he could ever say that would convince you to leave your new partner so he saves himself the embarrassment of trying to win you back and decides to watch from the background, willing to bide his time until your new partner makes a mistake and he can come sweeping in. 
Mammon: Mammon is heartbroken, there’s no way around it. You’re his and he’s yours, that’s how it has been since the beginning and that’s the way it’s always supposed to be. He has been so good for you, tried so hard, and he knows that you love him. Loved him? Mammon has been pining for you and waiting for you to one day return to the Devildom like he knew that you would and here you are, already moved on and in love with someone new. It makes him feel like he never really knew you at all because if you loved him even half as much as he loved you, you wouldn’t be with someone else. He tries to play off his feelings but everyone around him is aware of his devastation and they’re all doing their best to cheer him but no matter what they buy him or how much Lucifer raises his credit limit, he can’t stop thinking about how he lost the only thing he ever really cared about and feels like the absolute fuck up that everyone’s always told him he was. 
Levi: Levi can’t stand to see it and he’s going to absolutely pull away from your friendship the moment he knows there’s someone else in the picture. He’ll play at normal for as long as he can but he’ll talk to you less and less as he drowns in his self-doubt and fears that you’re only talking to him out of pity while you secretly laugh about the stupid demon who is still hopelessly in love with you when you’re clearly not even interested. Hell, you were probably never interested in the first. You probably couldn’t wait to leave Levi and the Devildom behind and find some super cool, charming normal human who didn’t stutter or spend hours gaming or act like an idiot around you. There’s no way you ever loved him and Levi isn’t going to stick around where he’s not wanted. He goes back to hiding away in his room, swearing off love forever since it’s a stupid normie illusion, and there’s nothing anyone can do. 
Satan: Wrath. It takes Satan several days to get out all of the fury he’s feeling and, honestly, everyone is afraid to be around him until he’s finally settled down. Satan can’t believe that you’ve been able to find someone new, especially someone like that. Satan, like Lucifer, knows he’s the better choice and he doesn’t understand how you’ve not only apparently gotten over him just like that but also chose a partner that was so utterly beneath you. Satan, despite his sin, is rational though and he actively avoids his urge to maimkilldestroy your new partner out of respect and love for you. However, he is keeping an eye on you two and he will make that partner of yours disappear if he gets even a hint of you being mistreated. 
Asmo: Asmo thinks it’s a little cute honestly. You chose a cute new partner and Asmo can understand why you would be attracted to them. Of all people, he understands how attraction and affection aren’t limited or controllable. You’ve been home for a long time with no guarantee you’d come back to the Devildom, he can’t blame you at all for being with someone new. You seem so happy you’re practically glowing with it and Asmo thinks you look as beautiful as ever. However, that doesn’t mean Asmo is going to leave you alone. There’s always room for him, right? You and your partner could potentially even share, depending on how much he ends up liking them. It’s only if you reject Asmo for this new partner that he becomes both outraged and hurt. He can’t fathom you choosing anyone else over him and he’s going to stay your friend if only to wheedle at you constantly and try to temp you back to him. 
Beel: Beel is really just happy that you’re happy. There’s this twinge in his chest when he sees you with someone else and the everpresent hunger in his stomach grows to an almost unbearable sensation as he starts to realize that you will never be his again. You’re gone and you have a new partner that you seem to love. That’s great, it really is. All Beel wants is for you to be happy and well taken care and safe; it seems like you’ve found someone who can give you that. He loves you enough to want you to be happy, wherever and however you find that happiness. As much as he truly believes that, he still can’t stop the pit in his stomach from growing whenever he thinks about you. He eats and eats, more than he has since he first came to the Devildom, but nothing is filling the emptiness inside him and he lives with the scary idea that nothing will ever be able to fill the space that you’ve left behind. 
Belphie: Belphie doesn’t care. You’re just a stupid human. You hung out with his family for a while and you were great to have around for a while, it was…fun. That’s it. They all knew you wouldn’t be around forever and that you’d eventually go home. Belphie, of all the brothers, is the most aware of your humanity; you’re mortal and vulnerable and your time is so limited. Belphie knew to never put much stock in the idea of a future together; he expected this to happen one day and so he’s prepared for it well enough to not react when he sees you with your new partner. But, despite all of his internal preparation, deep down, Belphie feels the loss acutely. He’s reminded of Lilith and the loss of the one of the best people he’s ever known and he feels his walls against humans building back up; he always ends up hurt by them in one way or another. 
If you decide you want the dateables as well (or if anyone does), just let me know! 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
i was looking for rules and such, but i couldn't find any- so i'm sorry if this doesn't follow them and i just couldn't find them-
but uh, do you mind doing beel and satan with a s/o that has absolutely no filter. they say exactly whats on their mind, and sometimes its not even to be rude, they just can't control it lol
thanks in advance!!
Absolutely! I'm sorry this took so long but here you go!
Beel: He doesn’t care, like at all. Beel is so chill and hard to offend; half the time he’s not paying attention or  doesn’t really understand what you said. This is nice because you never have to worry about watching yourself in front of him - even if he’s surprised by something you say, he’s good natured about it. However, he knows that you running your mouth can sometimes lead to you getting into a tough spot so he tries to be around as much as possible, sort of like a bodyguard. He worries about it when you’re apart because you may say the wrong thing to the wrong person. Overall, Beel likes how honest you are. He’s not the most insightful man and this saves him a lot of headaches/confusion from trying to figure out how you feel and what you mean when you say things. 
Satan: While he does find it amusing at times, mainly when it’s something less than flattering about his brothers and lesser demons, he can sometimes be offended. He’s someone who chooses his words carefully and he has a quick temper so you just blurting things out doesn’t always go well. Like Beel, he does feel a need to protect you from the consequences of your own words because there’s been plenty of demons who would have happily picked a fight with you due to the things you say.  Luckily for you, no one wants to incur Satan’s wrath so you’re lucky enough to avoid real danger. Satan absolutely loves hearing the unhinged thoughts come out of your mouth for the most part; you two are very good at shit-talking and he lives for when you turn your opinions on Lucifer who is always so shocked by the things you say.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
Helloooo can I request the brother reaction to mc cracking their bones when stretching? I do it quite often because I sit down for ages but it helps relieve tension so much.
I love your writing style as well! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Thank you so much for the compliment and the request - they both mean a lot to me!
I want to apologize because I know this isn't my best work for sure; I'm currently sick and I also hate joints cracking lmao but I hope you still enjoy.
Lucifer: Lucifer is like me where he’s going to cringe, just a little, and his eye may twitch. The sound of you cracking is so jarring and inelegant, especially to a demon who doesn’t have that problem. I can see it being one of those “ugh, do you have to make that sound?” kind of things for him and he’ll side eye you if you do it in public. You can definitely use this knowledge to intentionally annoy him if you want to. 
Mammon: Mammon hates it. The first time you did it, he thought you broke a bone and was subsequently in tears about how you managed to do that to yourself. Why are humans so breakable?! Once he realizes it doesn’t hurt you, he calms down a bit but he definitely still gets the ick out of sheer worry each time it happens in front of him.  However, he does delight in how much it bugs Lucifer and wishes he could crack his own knuckles to do the same. 
Levi: like Mammon, Levi was absolutely shook at first that you’d somehow busted your knuckles playing video games with him (that’s the first time he heard it was after a long gaming session) and all he could think about was how he didn’t know you were such a hardcore gamer being able to keep playing after that. Once he learns the truth, he basically ignores it. He lowkey wishes he could crack like that too because he’s always tense/tight from spending so much time sitting and you make it sound so relieving.
Satan: Satan finds it fascinating; he likes learning about all the little quirks of being human. He researches about the effects cracking joints can have and exactly why it happens. I imagine that he would ignore it for the most part once he’s used to it. He does like the idea of being able to crack his knuckles, especially in that threatening way they have in movies and books, so when you guys are arguing with people he may gesture to you to do it. It might not be as scary coming from a human but it’s still plenty intimidating to watch a human crack their knuckles and have Satan pop out at the cue. 
Asmo: Typically it’s an ick for Asmo. It just doesn’t sound cute, you know? You sound old and rickety and vulnerable, like all humans do. He'll mostly ignore it though he does scold you if you do intentionally. He’s that person who would believe the urban legend about it causing arthritis and will regularly remind you to be careful so you don’t end up broken or with messed up looking joints. 
Beel: Beel has a panic moment, like Mammon. He’s worried that you’ve injured yourself in some way and is immediately all over you, asking if you’re okay and what happened. It takes a while to explain to him that it’s just air trapped between joints and that clearing it out actually helps you feel better. After that, Beel is always happy to ask if you need help cracking. He’s nervous to go too hard and hurt you but he’s the kind of person who will pick you up to help your back crack. 
Belphie: Honestly, I imagine Belphie’s got a little bit of PTSD that flares up when he hears the cracking. It reminds him of when he murdered you and heard/felt all of your bones cracking. It’s really unfortunate and the first time it happens, he runs off and avoids you for a solid day or two because he can’t look at you without hearing the sound. He’ll look up ways to help your joints so it doesn’t happen as often and you have to be careful not to purposefully do it in front of him, even if you try to assure him that this is totally different and safe. 
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
HELLO IM INLOVE W THE HCS (ngl hitting sol rn meanie boi),,, if its not much can I request a chp.2 of them finding out mc is infact disabled and they're not just clumsy,,, i love your writing more each day,, (you can ignore it if you want 👀👀👀)
Aw, I’m so glad to hear that! I lowkey love this request simply because I’m a chronically ill/disabled person now (still so weird/new to admit) and it’s so nice to see it being represented in media. I hope you enjoy this second part just as much.
Barbatos: Barbatos is out of his element for once. He doesn’t know much about human ailments, certainly not to this extent. He can handle injuries and sickness but disabilities? That’s rather new. He’s going to be full of questions and eager to learn what you require most from those around you to get the support you need. He’ll be going to Diavolo with this information and trying to make sure they’re able to offer you and everything you could ever want or need in regards to your disability. Treatment, medication, mobility aids, better accessibility around the Devildom, whatever. In fact, they’ll probably drag you in as a resource to help them restructure the medical aspect of the Devildom so they can better support any living being who may struggle like you do. You’re sort of their inspiration - you never let this bring you down or stop you, and you’re just the best example of a human they could have asked for.
Solomon: He knew it; there was no way that you were just so uncoordinated without a reason. That doesn’t mean he’s happy about being right though. It's a sharp reminder of how fragile humans naturally are and the many things that can plague them; he doesn’t miss that and he hates that it’s something you still have to deal with. Or is it? Solomon is convinced that he can fix this for you. He’s traveled the world, the realms, for thousands of years. He has more knowledge than just about any living creature and he’s determined to use that knowledge and experience to make things better for you. Natural remedies, technology, magic; whatever you will let him use, he will try. However, if you’re resistant to those things and want to continue living the way you do, he won’t push you. As a human, he can understand that sometimes our weaknesses are just such an inherent part of us that we couldn’t imagine life without them even if it would make our lives “better”. He’s happy to keep using the bouncing charm on you and keep his arms around you like he’s been doing.
Simeon: Oh no, that was one of Simeon’s biggest fears. He hates that idea that you’re suffering or struggling and that it’s a permanent thing for you to deal with. It’s just not fair that someone as great as you has to deal with this but he also admires how gracefully you handle it, pun not intended. He doesn’t want to be condescending or smother you so you won’t do much more than ask questions about your condition and learn everything he can to be as helpful as possible. He’s still going to do his best to keep you safe and, if there’s any treatment or medication or modalities that can help you, he’s going to make sure you have access to them and utilize them so you’re as happy and safe as possible. He certainly doesn’t mind watching over you either; he loves being able to support and care for you.
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thewritingmagician2022 · 11 months ago
Terms of Endearment - Brothers and Dateables
Lucifer: My love, my dear
Lucifer tends to use the more traditional pet names for his partner when he does use them, which isn’t very often. He will call you my love or my dear when he’s particularly pleased or feeling sentimental, and he’s also known to use them when you’re upset. 
Mammon: My human, my baby/babe
Mammon regularly uses nicknames for his partner that begin with my like my human or my babe/baby. He really just like anything that sounds possessive because it shows everyone how you belong to him. They’re not super sappy names though because he has his tough reputation to live up to. 
Levi: Henry, true friend, normie
Levi uses a lot nicknames because there’s something super embarrassing and vulnerable about using your actual name. He uses casual nicknames, almost joking ones, like normie or Henry. He likes hearing you laugh when he uses them but he blushes like crazy if you ever use on one him. 
Satan: Kitten, darling, Watson
Satan is all about the romantic nicknames; typically he will use something like darling or kitten, especially when he is in a good mood. However, he will sometimes use Watson when he is in one of his chaotic or fun moods. Watson may be his favorite honestly because it just shows how great of a team you are. 
Asmo: Hun, darling, beautiful/gorgeous, sweetie, anything goes.
We all that Asmo uses nonstop pet names. It’s second nature to him to call you anything cute that he can think of: hun, sweetie, darling, gorgeous. He’ll even make up random little nonsense names like ‘my sugar free cupcake’ because he loves to see how far he can take it before you call him out on how ridiculous he’s being. 
Beel: Honey, sweetheart
Beel is a very simple guy. He’s not going to use flowery nicknames or use them all the time.Typically, he’s going to use your name or maybe a shortened version of it, but if you catch him in a particularly soft mood or if he’s trying to comfort you, he might call you honey or sweetheart. 
Belphie: Idiot, princess/prince
Belphie, like Beel, doesn’t use nicknames a lot but he does it more than his twin. Belphie will call you idiot like a term of endearment and then call you princess/prince and make it sound like an insult. Honestly, he just enjoys riling you up. If he’s actually trying to be nice, he will call you his dream. 
Diavolo: My queen/king, actual name
Diavolo looooves nicknames. He didn’t grow up with them or any friends to use them on so he tries out all different kinds with you at first, figuring out what you both liked best. He loves to call you dearest (since you’re the person he cares about most) and once you’re in a serious relationship, he likes to call you his king/queen. Once in a while he’ll throw out something like “pookie” because he heard someone else say it and it always leads to a good laugh. 
Barbatos: My lady, actual name
Barbatos follows a strict set of rules and has perfect manners which means he’s not known for using nicknames. He thinks even using someone’s first name can be incredibly intimate based on his station but, deep down, Barbatos is incredibly soft, especially for MC. When they are alone, he’ll regularly call them ‘love’ or ‘my heart’. He uses these because he claims you are the person who brought love into the heart he forgot he had. 
Solomon: My better half, something based on an inside joke
Solomon enjoys using nicknames but almost all of them are a joke. He typically uses embarrassing moments or inside jokes to come up with them and they change out regularly. It wouldn’t be weird for him to call you something like ‘spilled milk’ or ‘my croissant’. But, during serious moments or when he’s introducing you to someone, Solomon likes to call you his better half because that’s exactly what he thinks you are. 
Simeon: lamb/little lamb, sunshine
Simeon goes 50/50 with pet names. Like Barbatos and Beel, he most enjoys using them in private but he’s certainly not ashamed to use them in front of people if he thinks the moment calls for it. He most commonly calls you lamb or little lamb and it’s always said so fondly that it makes up for any condenscion you might feel. He will also call you sunshine because he claims you not only light up the Devildom but also his life. 
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