#korbin albert
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mysunshinetemptress · 3 months ago
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Glitter in the Air
Grace Clinton x Albert!Reader
Warnings: Internalised homophobia, homophobia
A/n thank you @silentwolfsstuff for proofreading it for me.
You can still remember the first time you felt different, felt different from your family, from Korbin.
You’re ten when you and Korbin sit up all night as she talks about Shawn, a boy in your class that she’s currently crushing on, you listen like you always have and smile as her cheeks redden as she talks about holding his hand in the yard.
Your cheeks redden a short while later but for different reasons, the conversation moves to what boy you have a crush on.
It’s not a boy, it hasn’t been a boy since you kissed Dylan behind the tree in his backyard, You haven’t liked a boy since Aaliyah held your hand at the last school dance, since she kissed your cheek in the girls bathroom.
You’re sick you think,a short while after it happens, that’s why you have these funny feelings, maybe Aaliyah made you sick by holding your hand and kissing your cheek and that’s why your stomach feels funny, you feel this sinking feeling in your stomach as you think of it more, you’re sick now, you can’t hold anyone’s hand anymore you can’t kiss your mom good night because you’re sick, Aaliyah made you sick and you don’t want to give to anyone especially not your family, especially not Korbin and Teagan and Kylar and your Dad. So you stop, no one else can be sick like you, you’ll keep it to yourself and that way everyone will be safe.
But you can’t tell Korbin this, she doesn’t seem to have these types of feelings for girls, she’s not sick, no one seems to have these types of feeling for girls except your Dad and Kyler, but they're boys, they are supposed to feel that way, they aren’t sick like you, it what your mom says, it’s what the pastor says, it’s what the bible says.
You try to stop having these feelings as you get older you really do, you try to pray away your sickness, you pour holy water over your hands daily and you bless yourself extra going to mass but still nothing works.
You get a boyfriend when you turn fifteen a couple of months after Korbin starts dating Ethan you find Will.
He’s nice and you parents love him the same way his parents love you but you never feel what Korbin and Teagan say they feel with their boyfriends.
They aren’t sick like you.
You do however feel it with Kayla, you don’t mean to, you never meant to but she’s soft and nice to talk to not that Will isn’t but when you talk with her on the bus ride home from your match and you swear your hearts going to beat out of your chest.
Kayla tries to kiss you a couple of weeks later but you panic “what are you doing.” Kayla’s still has her hands on your face your cheeks slightly squished together “I just thought that…well you know since…” you pull fully back “I have a boyfriend Kay, Will he’s nice and I can’t do this to him.”
Kayla’s eyes widen “wait does…are you saying that if you weren’t with Will you would.” You panic at the pulling away stepping back trying to create distance. “I’m not gay.” You state harshly “I’m not sick.” You spit harsher again. Kayla tried to but she really couldn’t be mad you looked so heartbroken and so conflicted “ok my mistake.”
You avoid her on the bus from then on, and you find yourself sitting alone, she’s the only other sophomore on the varsity team, if you don’t talk to her, sit with her then you’ll be alone. You are alone. You’re the only one who’s sick.
You’ve been getting called to play for the US since you were thirteen, Korbin following a year later at fourteen. You move along the ranks of football better and your parents can’t help but show how happy they are for you, how happy your sisters and brother are for you, but still you feel lost. You still feel sick.
You travel to France in the summer of 2019 it’s a gift from your parents for getting baptised and giving your life to god, you don’t do it cause you want to, you do it in hopes it will rid you of this sickness you do it in hopes of being normal.
But it also makes your parents happy it makes Korbin happy as she bounces in the water beside you.
You sit anxiously as the US win the World Cup again. A funny feeling fills you as you watch Kelly O’Hara run to the crowd and kiss a girl, sure you knew most of the senior squad players were gay but to actually see one in real life kissing a girl, it felt weird.
But that feeling faded quickly as Korbin let out a small ew at the sight instead your body now felt heavy like you were being pulled down, “I mean I know she’s a girl kisser but can’t she do that in private.” Teagan nods “it’s sick honestly it’s like they are trying to force us into accepting it.”
You and Will are still together, even when Korbin’s gone and had three other boyfriends, but you still don’t have those feelings your friends and sisters talk about, maybe you just have to stick with him a little longer.
Maybe you just need to sleep with him and the feelings will start then, maybe the sickness will go away then.
It’s what you tell yourself leading up to the varsity teams dance, it’s what you tell yourself as you dance with him through the night, it’s what you tell yourself when your kissing in the corner of the hall and it’s what you tell yourself as your lying on the bed Will pressed up against you. But it never happens.
You break up with him just before summer that year. “I….I’m sorry Will I just, I don’t…they all have these feelings and I don’t have them and…you deserve someone who has them cause your a really great guy and I don’t…you would just be left waiting for me to get feelings I don’t think will ever come.”
He takes it relatively well, you’re just happy that you can still be friends, Korbin takes it worse than both of you combined.
“Oh my god I just heard, are you ok…stupid question sorry come on let’s go get ice cream.” You don’t know what else to do but you can’t indulge in the bad things she’s saying about him “He’s not a bad guy Korbin I broke up with him, he…I don’t have these feelings you and Teagan talk about for him and it’s not fair on him so I broke up with him.” I’m sick and he’s not and I don’t want to put that on him you think.
Korbin takes that as you fancy someone else and the heart to heart you thought you were having turns into gossip about who it could be that you like.
You're seventeen still when it’s time to make a decision about your football career. College is the best option but it’s not the only one for you like it is for Korbin.
The decision hangs heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the sunlit afternoon. Notre Dame, a prestigious institution, beckoned with its ivy-covered walls and storied tradition. It's where Korbin will be but it wasn't the dream. The dream was painted in Carolina blue, a vision of playing for UNC, a place where legends like Tobin Heath and Lucy Bronze had once graced the field.
The phone call from Manchester United shattered the familiar. A senior contract, not a youth academy invite. A chance to step onto the world stage, to play in the WSL not some college league, not the NCAA. It was a dream come true, but a dream that Korbin was still a few years off reaching.
You couldn't help but feel guilty, you were twins you did everything together, but for many years you had been charging ahead in soccer, you just had to hope she'd catch up eventually.
You don't expect it to make major news, your still only seventeen but your mom sends a clip of an ESPN headline stating your signing to Manchester United.
Y/n Albert is on her way to the WSL signing with Manchester United, Albert’s twin sister Korbin commits to Notre Dame.
You move a short while later, your parents coming with you to help you settle into your new apartment, you feel happy, content even until your mom states her worries for you living in the English city.
"I worry about you baby, you know there are so many...gays here and well i don't want any of them trying to force themselves on you, their sick individuals and your my baby."
You feel as though you might throw up then and there at the reminder of your sickness.
"Mom" you whine "No ones going to do anything, I....I'll be fine."
They leave a few days later, with the promise of geting on a flight and coming to rescue you if needed, you brush them off stepping back as your mom moves in for a hug and instead simply waving goodbye.
United finish fourth on the table, but you have a dream first season, so much so you get your first call up to the USWNT, you cry on the phone to Korbin as she cries back about how proud she is, your parents are proud to but your moms also busy wondering if you've met any nice english boys, again the moment is ruined and you feel sick again.
Y/n Albert receives her first call up for the USWNT after a dream first season with the Red Devils, making an appearance in every match this season and starting in nineteen games, assisting Untied star striker Alessia Russo with six of her eleven goals.
It's true you've assisted the majority of Alessia's goals but you haven't celebrated a single one, not on or off the pitch, in fact your team have copped on pretty quickly that you don't want to be hugged, to be touched.
You want nothing more, but the girls are to good to get sick from you, Alessia who you can't help but admit you've got a slight crush for is to good to get this awful sickness from you, its safer if you don't hug...don't touch your teammates.
Y/n Albert receives first cap for the USWNT against Costa Rica in the CONCAF semi-finals which saw the USWNT advancing to the finals after a 3-0 score.
You return back to Manchester, a winner with two senior national team caps under your belt, after facing Canda in the final, your english teamates have won the euros and while they are all showing off their medal standing around hugging your teamates, you stand far back in the corner of your dressing room.
Your medal gets passed around too, you've scrubbed it clean making sure none of your germs are on it so the girls don't get sick, its been in your bag ever since and you simply wave at Less to grab it from there when she asks about it.
It's a big deal, a real medal but you can't cause a fuss over it because then people want to congratulate you, touch you, so you wave it all off.
You wave it off. until a girl around the same age as you with a funny accent hands it back "That's proper cool mate." You look between her and the medal, three maybe four times.
She steps forward her arms open, open for a hug but they swiftly close as you step back and her face falls slightly.
She sticks her hand out "Sorry" and now your eyes flash between her outstretched hand, your medal and her face. "Less says you're not a hugger I forgot, but its really great to meet you mate, I'm Grace."
You don't move, your mind is blank, in fact all you can think about is how she says her Gs a weird way, and as her face falls slightly at your lack of response to her open hand your brain kicks in.
"Y/n." you say shakily, but still don't move. Grace drops her hand smiling and all you can think about is how your stomach erupts into butterflies.
But it only lasts a moment, only a moment until you feel your stomach drop, your blood to go cold and the heavy feeling to fall back on to you.
Your sickness is back, and you can't give it to Grace, not now not ever.
Grace and her funny little way of saying Gs.
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kriegerfever19 · 11 months ago
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10 lesbians + Alex Morgan is fucking hilarious it needs to be merch asap
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gamergirl929 · 3 months ago
Wembley did NOT disappoint with that boo for Korbin Albert, we loveeeeeeeeee it!
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akasmileygirl · 11 months ago
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womanwithahotdogstand · 11 months ago
Let me be ABUNDANTLY clear: Until she denounces homophobia and transphobia by name and offers Megan Rapinoe a public sincere apology for liking memes and videos celebrating her injury, I don’t give a single solitary fuck what that girl has to say for herself.
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bailey41 · 7 months ago
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Bonus, for legends only:
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Ok that was an exhausting campaign🏆🥇and apologies for Gianni Infantino
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months ago
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pov: korbin bashing out this apology with her agent and the uswnt
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incorrectnwsl · 3 months ago
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 17 days ago
For every minute KA plays at the SBC I’m going to be donating to a foundation to help trans folks in America. Specifically Transgender Law Center on my end.
If anyone else wants to jump in and donate either a lump sum or per minute, please do. If you have another org you’d like to donate to, feel free to throw them in the tags or comments so others can learn about them.
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void-argent · 9 months ago
new USWNT photo just dropped 🔥🔥
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gamergirl929 · 7 months ago
To the fans booing Korbin Albert, we stan, we stan.
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copper-16 · 8 months ago
Just informing everyone that this will be my energy when I’m at the USWNT game on Tuesday :)))
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apotheosisofmediocrity · 11 months ago
Korbin Albert vs. Bethany Balcer
I’m an agnostic women’s soccer fan. As of 48 hours ago I was a big fan of two specific “Christian” women’s soccer players simply because they were good at SOCCER. Now, I’m a fan of only one. Below are clear examples of why.
As a DIII Collegiate Soccer Player who loves the sport of soccer dearly, Bethany Balcer is so important and so, so wonderful. She makes women who didn’t take the traditional path (MOST GIRLS AND WOMEN WHO PLAYED/PLAY SOCCER) believe in their potential and tune into the league. Additionally, she has taken that role of “flagbearer” for the non-traditional route to the NWSL and truly made the most of it. She’s incredible at soccer. She’s incredible at life. She’s a Christian. I’m not. We agree on most things. 
Another “Christian” soccer player with ties to the USWNT is in the news today. Sadly, it’s for reasons that make me sick to my stomach and truly confused beyond measure. This same “Christian” soccer player earns a liveable wage solely because of the work of A LOT OF GAYS who put in years and years of hard work and struggle. She reaps the rewards of those efforts but sees them as less than/weaker than/demonic. If you don’t believe in that “lifestyle” maybe the USWNT “lifestyle” isn’t for you? Just a thought.
The beautiful part of being a USWNT fan is knowing that even if you’re not 100% sure of who you are, you belong in women’s soccer. But something I know for sure is that if you are 100% bigot then you don’t belong on the sidelines of a USWNT game… let alone on the field. This is the beautiful game and ugliness is not allowed here. 
“My beliefs” is a cop-out. There have been many, many Christian players on the USWNT from 1 cap to 100 caps. Thank you Bethany Balcer. Thank you Lauren Holiday. Thank you Tobin Heath. Thank you to many many more. You can be “Christian” and you can choose good. You can be “Christian” and you can choose bad. This has nothing to do with what you believe, it has everything to do with HATE. 
A generic “I apologize” response won’t do. Be better.
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womanwithahotdogstand · 11 months ago
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months ago
giggling about this korbin albert drama bcus even if girly gets called up after this mess the mere threat of having the wrath of megan rapinoe and her posse inflicted on me would be enough for me to simply turn into a hermit and live in a cave for the rest of my life
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incorrectnwsl · 7 months ago
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