#cauliflower ear
felinefractious · 10 months
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Magic Thai Goblin’s Sarotti turned 20 yesterday. That’s approximately equivalent to being 96 in human years. Happy Birthday!
🐱 Thai
📸 Magic Thai Goblins
🎨 Seal Point
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derlejoe · 1 year
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Andre Petroski
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drmele · 3 months
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Otoplasty is a category of Cosmetic Ear Surgery that includes Ear Pinning for Prominent Ears and the correction of other ear shapes like Cupped Ears, Lop Ears, Stahls’ Ears and Spock Ears. 
Otoplasty also includes procedures for reconstructing ears in cases of birth defects like microtia, tumor removal or traumatic injury. 
The most common Otoplasty by far is Ear Pinning for the correction of Prominent Ears. Today, we discuss the pearls of this Ear Shaping procedure.
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darkfablecation · 1 year
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When you want to say sorry to GF and you're not afraid of the consequences :) :)
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pampinto · 1 year
Today I noticed my left ear was slightly Cauliflowered when I was assaulted on Christmas.
I feel like shit and if you need me I'll be under my covers gently weaping like a guitar
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monsterbrush · 5 months
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Anybody else notice that Magni basically has a mullet?
And probably a killer hair care routine.
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bonesmarinated · 1 year
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Kœnig unmasked because mf doesn’t have a face (x) - I hc he’s of immigration family background, either Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina. He always appear to have messy hair, probably noticeable stink, love drinking kőbányai, has a shy smiles, just here to laugh at the other guys jokes. Alright he’s a fucking unit, he's stand larger than any Euros operator, his neck is about as thick as Soap's entire body uhm i assumed? And should the entire Euros squad get in a street fight – I am imaging a sort of sub-European Championship competition where all of the squads meet after midnight in quiet alleyways to ruck down and have dance-offs – then Kœnig is a secret weapon. He can lift up and break Soap over his leg like a breadstick.
Ghost unmasked version (x) (x)
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rubydracogirl · 4 months
I’m gonna ramble about one of my favorite Gravity Falls headcanons because I haven’t seen anyone mention or bring it up.
So, I’m curious, does anyone think that maybe the reason why Stan has such big ears that stick out so much is due to his experience with boxing? It’s true that he could just genetically have big ears, but from what I’ve observed, Ford’s ears don’t seem to stick out with the same prominence.
I’m not a medical professional and I don’t have a background with boxing/wrestling myself, but I know someone who did MMA and Krav Maga training for a few years. She developed a very mild case of cauliflower ear; the cartilage of her ear is calloused and curls in slightly. (It’s only noticeable if you really look for it.)
I think Stan has a pretty severe case of cauliflower ear that caused both enlargement and for the cartilage to roll forward, so his ears stick out. It’s undeniable that any fight training or participation is extremely hard on your body, especially if you don’t have access to medical attention, and I can’t help but think that a lot of his health problems are due to his experience with boxing, such as the fact that he wears dentures and hearing aids even though he’s allegedly in his early 60’s.
Now, I know that during the montage in ATOTS, you can see the progression of his age and his ears get bigger as he ages, which is something that naturally occurs without outside influence, but again, Ford’s ears don’t seem to stick out as much as Stan’s do even though they’re the same age.
I think this implies that Stan kept boxing while he was in Gravity Falls, (the boxing paraphernalia in his room seems to support this). Regular trauma to your body will have a physical effect the longer you expose yourself to it, and I think that’s what happened to Stan.
Anyways, I don’t know, maybe I’m overanalyzing, or maybe this just isn’t that remarkable, but I haven’t seen any mention of this, and I just wanted to bring it up because I think that, even if I’m incorrect, Stan’s exaggerated prominent ears, hearing aids and dentures are interesting details since Stan is the twin that took more to boxing/close combat training.
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cloudtail · 2 years
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derlejoe · 1 year
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Source: www.bloodyelbow.com
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orangejuice2004 · 4 months
this stupid red fuck has been ruining my life
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drmele · 9 months
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Otoplasty is an outpatient surgical procedure that reshapes and repositions the ears, most commonly to reduce ear prominence. Satisfaction after otoplasty cannot be guaranteed, but for the overwhelming majority of patients, their biggest regret is not doing it sooner.
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milos-art · 1 year
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(old doodle) meant to post this on his bday but i forgot ^_^’‘
ignore the shit quality, idk where the original sketch is so all i have is the bad pic i took back when i originally drew it
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
I'm on a relatively bright mood and got a good hair day to top it all so I'm making y'all look at my nice hair and my pastel colour aesthetic 💖
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transzilla · 3 months
genuinely had to stop what i was doing to palm my dick cause it was aching so bad at your recent. if im not beyond recognition by the end of it i don’t want it. you
Good I'm glad baby lol facial disfigurement is SEXUAL once you get over being a lil pansy about it
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wyn-n-tonic · 10 months
i need the name of a really famous boxer who's not a giant piece of shit if you have a suggestion at all. <3
and i need him to be like a boxing legend. like Mike Tyson status.
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