#balkan king
bonesmarinated · 2 years
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Kœnig unmasked because mf doesn’t have a face (x) - I hc he’s of immigration family background, either Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina. He always appear to have messy hair, probably noticeable stink, love drinking kőbányai, has a shy smiles, just here to laugh at the other guys jokes. Alright he’s a fucking unit, he's stand larger than any Euros operator, his neck is about as thick as Soap's entire body uhm i assumed? And should the entire Euros squad get in a street fight – I am imaging a sort of sub-European Championship competition where all of the squads meet after midnight in quiet alleyways to ruck down and have dance-offs – then Kœnig is a secret weapon. He can lift up and break Soap over his leg like a breadstick.
Ghost unmasked version (x) (x)
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foursaints · 9 months
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glasnosutim · 2 months
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"she was my wife, my partner, my guiding star.
And I wouldn't have it any other way "
- Dante Russo
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dreamconsumer · 6 months
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Prince Ferdinand of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (later King of Romania).
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man4jiro · 4 months
"we need more balkan representation in media" you guys couldn't even handle percy jackson
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calciopics · 1 year
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emirphotoblog · 5 months
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Too many backs turned
Taken by Emir Gegić
Huawei p30 pro
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uraandri · 1 year
the only thrift shop that sells cheap military surplus gear i know of is in valjevo so everybody wish me luck this autumn as i try to find a military great coat that won't be too big for me
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lifeinbooks · 6 months
Taj koji mi čuva leđa dobije savršenu priliku da mi zarije nož u njih.
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da-riya · 2 years
What's your fav burg? ^^
All burg is good! But I love Extra Long burgs cuz it means more burg!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Madman Kills Greek King, Constantine Is Successor," Toronto Star. March 19, 1913. Page 3. ---- Popular Monarch Is Shot in Back By Subject While at the Pitch of His Fame in Salonika - Dies in Few Moments - Assassin Gives No Motive ---- ALL EUROPE MOURNS LOSS OF KING GEORGE ---- Canadian Press Despatch. Salonika. March 19 - King George of Greece was assassinated while walking in the streets of Salonika yesterday afternoon. The assassin was a Greek of low mental type, who gave his name as Aleko Schinas. He shot the King through the heart. The King was accompanied only by an aide-de-camp, Lieut. Col. Francoudis, The assassin came suddenly at him and fired one shot from seven-chamber revolver through his back. The tragedy caused intense excitement. Schinas was immediately seized and overpowered.
The wounded King was lifted into a carriage and taken to Papafion Hospital. He was still breathing, but died within half an hour.
Prince Nicholas Announced News. Prince Nicholas, the King's third son, and other officers hurried to the hospital. Arriving first, Prince Nicholas summoned the officers, and, speaking in a voice choked with sobs, said: "It is my deep grief to have to announce to you the death of our beloved King, and invite you to swear fidelity to your new Sovereign, King Constantine."
Crown Prince Constantine, who succeeds King George, is at present at Janina. He is expected to come here with all possible speed.
The assassin of the King is an evil-looking fellow, about 40 years of age. On being arrested he refused to explain his motive for the crime. He declared that his name was Aleko Schinas, and in reply to an officer who asked him whether he had no pity for his country, announced that he was against Governments.
The King was shot while returning with his equerry from a walk to the White Tower. He was in a happy and contented mood, and as he strolled along talked of the war, of the success of the Greek arms, of the capture of Janina and Salonika, and of this fitting climax to his fifty years' reign. "To-morrow," said the King. "when I pay my formal visit to the Dreadnought Gobene, the German battleship which is to honor the Greek King here in Salonika, that fills me with happiness and contentment."
Monarch's Last Words. These proved to be the monarch's last words, for at that moment a shot rang out from behind Col. Francoudis. But the first shot had found its lodging place King George had already sunk to the earth. He was lifted into a carriage and, with his head resting on his arm, continued to breathe for a short time. But before the hospital was reached his life was extinct.
The bullet, which was fired at a distance of two paces, entered back below the shoulder blade. Its point of exit was below the stomach. There was a severe hemorrhage. The jeweled cross which the King always wore was covered with blood.
Murderer Lived Abroad. Aleko Schinas, the murderer of the late King George I. of Greece, appears to have lived much abroad. He returned to Salonika only after it had been occupied by the Greek army to which the Turkish garrison surrendered.
The premeditation of the regicide appears to be established by the fact that Schinas lurked in hiding. He rushed out when his Royal victim had reached within six feet of his lair, and fired point blank into the back of the King, who at the time was only a few yards from police headquarters.
Lieut. Col Francoudis, his side-de-camp, who was walking beside King George, immediately drew his revolver. Schinas then turned about fired at the alde-de-camp without hitting him, however.
Two Cretan military policemen who were acting as an escort to the King dashed at Schinas and pinioned his arms before he could fire again.
When Lieut. Col. Francoudis saw that the assassin had been arrested he turned to King George, who he supposed had escaped unscathed, but was terrified to find his Majesty stretched on the roadway.
Lieut-Col. Frangoudis raised the stricken monarch's head from the pavement, but King George by then had become unconscious and he never spoke again.
No Motive Given. Some soldiers who had been attracted to the spot by the shots lifted the King from the ground and carried him to the hospital but he had expired before he reached the place.
When questioned by the police, Schinas truculently replied:
"You have courts. I will speak there."
Pressed to say who he was and what was the motive of his crime he replied:
"Take me to the police station so that the crowd shall not maltreat me. I will speak there."
On reaching the police station he give his name and a few particulars about himself.
Official Statement Issued. ---- Special Cable to The Star. Athens, Greece, March 19. - The Council of Ministers issued its official statement early to-day upon the assassination of King George yesterday.
It reads: "Overwhelmed with grief, the Council of Ministers announces to the people the death of his beloved Majesty King George I., at the hands of criminals. A madman assassinated the King at Salonika, throwing the whole nation into deep mourning in these days of rejoicing at the accomplishment of our national desires. The outrage was committed at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon while his Majesty was out walking. The weapon used was a revolver. The Council hastens to communicate the sad news. at once to his Majesty King Constantine."
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"King Constantine, His Queen, and the Palace," Toronto Star. March 20, 1913. Page 3.
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ynwa-chiesa · 1 year
Damn kostas is hungry for that goal
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glasnosutim · 3 months
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King of wrath..
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carica-ficus · 2 years
"Narcisoidni ljudi više se vole hvaliti time koga ševe nego to činiti. Jer, kad se nađu u krevetu, možda će morati uspostaviti odnos s tom drugom osobom."
- Alice Hoffman, Kralj Rijeke
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ok so let me preface this by saying that i am chinese and am not trying to argue china bad, but i guess like, why is tibetan independence considered Balkan-zing china? Like this isn't some case of like old ass territory that was conquored by china a long time ago and now they've integrated with the rest of china, The PRC literally annexed Tibet in 1951. Shouldn't it be considered a good thing for Tibet to get independence? I'm not trying to gotcha you or anything i just don't understand why
Before Tibet was liberated by the PRC Tibet was a feudal theocracy run by monk kings and manor lords who would chop the hands of their tenants for owing debt. Almost all Tibetans in the Tibetan Autonomous Region speak their own language, go to classes taught in their language, continue their distinct cultural practices as one of the officially recognized ethnic groups of China, and have been lifted out of extreme poverty by the PRC's socialist development. The Dalai Lama is literally a hereditary feudal ruler (and p*do) who once owned child slaves whose entire purpose is to be a CIA-supported mascot for the supposed "peaceful, tranquil" independent Tibet that most credulous Westerners who are not familiar with the region's history have in their minds. The only reason you'd want Tibet to be "independent" is if you've casually swallowed State Dept. narratives about "China oppressing Tibet" your whole life, which I don't mean as an insult since that's the situation most people in the West (including me until a few years ago) find themselves in. And the reason why the US and its allies want Tibet to become "independent" along with Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan is precisely to weaken China and separate it into smaller states it can dominate through neocolonialism. In terms of comparing it to Palestine, you may notice the difference in that China hasn't built a giant wall around Tibet that it keeps Tibetans locked inside.
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