#kingdom of romania
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dreamconsumer · 5 months ago
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Basarab I of Wallachia (c. 1270-1351/52).
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telogreika · 1 year ago
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the most uncomfortable picture
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roehenstart · 1 year ago
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Ștefan cel Mare (or Stefan III the Great of Moldavia; 1433-1504).
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years ago
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“BOY PRINCE AND HIS AIDES - Crown Prince Michael lost the throne of Rumania when his father, prodigal King Carol, returned from exile. But he still has a "court" of his own, composed of young fellow cadets. This picture shows him surrounded by his military-looking, even if youthful, staff. The boy prince, who once ruled his native country as king, still usually attends important state ceremonies.
- from the Hamilton Spectator. December 20, 1930. Page 7.
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rwpohl · 1 year ago
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louis ferdinand, prince of prussia
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roehenstart · 10 months ago
The family of Nicholas of Romania.
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leoqrz · 10 months ago
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askcardsuits · 1 year ago
does romania (and/or bulgaria) have any connection to the late king of clubs, moldova?
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lindonwald · 2 years ago
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strange look on his face / pauses, then he says / „you’re my best friend“ / and you knew what it was / he is in love
(sequel to this where ro finally gets to show off his playlist and it’s not subtle at all)
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paperori0 · 5 months ago
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Read it here: https://www.wattpad.com/1437272733-countryhumans-demon-slayer-au
Manga/Graphic Novel: coming soon
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dreamconsumer · 4 months ago
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King Ferdinand I of Romania (1865-1927).
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thepastisalreadywritten · 9 months ago
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Europe lost the beauty of its monarchies after World War I.
Here's a look at all the kings and queens of Europe during the Great War:🧵
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roehenstart · 20 hours ago
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Alexander II Mavrocordatos Firaris, Prince of Moldavia (1754-1819). Unknown artist.
He was Hospodar of Moldavia from January 1785 to December 1786.
During the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–1792 he sided with the Russian Empire, which began to pose as a protector of Christians in the Balkans. At the end of the war he fled to Russia, whence his nickname ("firari" meaning "fugitive" in Turkish). He obtained the title of Russian Prince and died in Moscow on February 8, 1819.
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arthurdrakoni · 1 year ago
Flag of the Kingdom of Mongolia
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This is the flag of the Kingdom of Mongolia.  It comes from a world where China successfully repelled the Mongols early on.  As a result, the Mongol Empire never came to be.  The Mongols continued to be pushed farther and farther west until they arrived in Eastern Europe.  Eventually, they settled around where Romania and southern Poland are in our world.  Thus, the Kingdom of Mongolia was born.  The Mongols were frequently visited by Byzantine missionaries, and the Mongolian Orthodox Church is the official state religion.  The Byzantine Empire also remains a major trading partner for Mongolia.  In more peculiar alliances, Mongolia is also a major ally of the tiny mountainous nation of Neo Hellas, the final remnant of pagan Greece.  
The coming of the Mongols altered the migration patterns of several other peoples.  For example, the Bulgars settled in Russia, establishing the Czardom of Bulgaria.  Meanwhile, several Germanic tribes invaded Greece, and Byzantium is currently ruled by a Germanic dynasty.  Islam was still founded, but it never expanded beyond the Arabian Peninsula.  
In terms of bad relations, Mongolia has always had a very tense relationship with the Franco-Saxon Kingdom.  Throughout the years the Franco-Saxons have repeatedly attempted to conquer the Mongolians.  Even after all these years, Mongolia remains bitter about the Franco-Saxon invasion that occurred during the Second Great Patriotic War.  Despite this, in more recent times there has been increasing emphasis on moving on and letting go of the past.  Younger generations in particular are more likely to support reconciliation between the two nations.  
Mongolia takes pride in its dual mature of East Asian heritage and Eastern European culture.  The flag reflects this dual heritage.  The blue recalls both the cloak of the Virgin Mary and the eternal blue sky of the Tengrism.  The horse symbolizes the nomadic past of the Mongolian people, before they settled in Eastern Europe.  The cross represents the Mongolian Orthodox Church, with the flame representing the flames of Pentecost.  The interlocking circles halves represent the dual nature of the Mongolian people.  The golden bands represent the hope that the Mongolian people will always prosper no matter what life throws at them.  They also help to offset the blue on the main body of the flag.  
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salvo-love · 10 months ago
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Per la Pace e la Giustizia nel mondo intero, per tutti i defunti, per tutti i sofferenti e indigenti del mondo, per tutti coloro che chiedono preghiere, per tutti gli ammalati, per i giovani, per Putin affinché abbracci la vera Fede in Dio e con questa metta fine alla guerra di aggressione. Per la mia famiglia, per la guarigione di tutti gli ammalati, per la diffusione della Fede Cristiana messa in difficoltà da certi buonismi e buonisti, perché la gente capisca che alcune ideologie buoniste e falso filantrope che vogliono cancellare i simboli e le tradizioni Cristiane per fare posto a culture, tradizioni e religioni che non ci appartengono, in nome di una falsa integrazione mascherata da sottomissione a dette culture. Per tutti i miei cari vivi e defunti. Per tutte le persone che mi chiedono preghiere. Per tutte le persone che hanno avuto un lutto. Per le mie intenzioni. Per tutti i giovani. Per la pace nel mondo. Per le anime del purgatorio. Per tutte le Suore vive e defunte. Per tutti i Seminaristi. Per tutti i Sacerdoti vivi e defunti e i loro familiari. Per tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno i poveri palestinesi e i poveri ucraini e tutti i popoli in guerra. Ti affido, Dio Padre onnipotente ed eterno, le mie preghiere. Ti prego ascoltami e benedici le mie tre figlie, il mio piccolo Paolo che è salito alla casa del Padre a gennaio 1994 a soli tre mesi e mezzo di vita e senza essere stato battezzato e mia moglie Maria . Dona loro salute, guarigione, serenità, gioia e lunga vita con me.
Amen amen amen.
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princewilliamsblog · 4 months ago
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