#caudal posts
lecaudal · 5 months
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whiskeysmulti · 3 months
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.Whiskey. So forgive the long post and the large images, but I want to bring some awareness to this because most people don't even know July is Disability Pride.
I am a disabled writer, and you probably wouldn't have even guessed that if I didn't say anything just now. Because most people don't. And it's because people seem to have a stereotype on disability, and I've noticed on here most people seem to only talk about mental disabilities like autism for example. There's a lot of physical ones too like mine, caudal regression syndrome is a rare spine deformity that occurs at a rate of 1 in 60,000 to 100,000 as I mentioned in previous posts. Basically what it means is my spinal column didn't develop all the way and it caused other complications like nerve damage to my bladder and muscle weakness in my legs and I have only 1 kidney which is actually really common with caudal regression. It's often mistaken for Cerebral Palsy or Spina Bifida which I've mentioned before, but it's not the same thing as my brain and spinal cord were not affected, it was the bones and muscles themselves and some of the nerves in my spine.
My spine ends at the Lumbar region.
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Which means I'm missing that fused plate, the sacrum, and the coccyx or tailbone.
And the other main thing it messed with is the muscle tone in my legs and some of the nerves, I don't have as much feeling in my legs and feet as most people do, but this is just my case. There's a lot of different forms of it and different severity levels, and mine is around a level 3 or so.
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maple-leaf-in-autumn · 10 months
bitches out here being polytocous
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manusuchus · 1 year
A speculative arboreal crocodylian
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A year ago I began my research on the Mekosuchians, especially around the genus Mekosuchus and my already very strong skepticism at that time about the claims that they were tree-dwelling crocodiles (Something extremely improbable and which I may comment on another occasion. For now you can read in depth about Mekosuchus in this post by Armin).
At that point I wondered ; what would an arboreal crocodile really look like if it existed? 
I decided that it would be a derived member of the subfamily Caimaninae, specifically belonging to the Jacarea clade (which includes all species of the genus Caiman and Melanosuchus). 
The body has evolved in a convergentely with squamates such as Varanus salvator, being thinner and more elongated than that of any other crocodylian, following the same process the tail : Once the motor that propelled it underwater, is now becoming something similar to a whip that allows it to maintain balance on the branches, losing the characteristic single and double caudal crest whorls, to the point of almost disappearing.
The dorsal osteoderms are shrinking, but are still visible and play an important role in the ecology of the animal, helping it to thermoregulate. 
The limbs have been considerably widened and strengthened, an adaptation very visible in the metatarsals of the hind legs, which, together with the sharp, curved claws they have developed, help the animal to cling effectively to trees. 
The skull is the most distinctive part of all, as it has not only become shorter and more robust as a whole (Males have even developed an anteorbital crest similar to that of some members of the genus Crocodylus such as C. acutus or the extinct C. checchiai ; very likely some kind of sexual dimorphism), but it is developing unique characteristics such as binocular vision, zyphodont dentition and laterodorsally positioned nostrils, all of these attributes usually associated with terrestrial hunters (although there is not a necessary relationship in all cases), thus moving away from the semi-aquatic lifestyle.
Despite this, these crocodiles are still dependent on water to a certain extent, always inhabiting the forests near the rivers and being able to swim perfectly well if necessary, just like the extant iguanas and monitor lizards.
If I had to add some kind of worldbuilding that allows the existence of this animal, it would probably be located millions of years in the future : After a cataclysmic event related to climate change, South America has suffered a process of desertification in which large bodies of water have dried up, forcing the very abundant babas (Caiman crocodilus) to move into the remaining forests and jungles, adapting to a more terrestrial lifestyle. As an isolated population of these caimans chose the birds and monkeys as their preferred prey, they would gradually follow them to the treetops.
After a few more million years, the land has recovered, and large rivers and lakes are once again flooding South America, favoring the emergence of large tropical jungles again, opening a new world for these tree-dwelling caimans. Will they manage to adapt to the new climatic conditions or will they become extinct as a consequence of this and other factors such as the emergence of new species of placental predators that threaten to occupy their niche?  Well, that is uncertain.
The illustration was made in gouache and watercolors during September 2022 . I scupted a small-basic figure made in clay to in order to facilitate the understanding of the lights and shadows.
Here are some pictures of the process:
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dragonthunders01 · 1 year
Spectember D5: Sexual Selection
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Through the different timelines, there is an alternative world that witnessed a deep ice age in the Permian caused by a prominent shift of the continent crust moving Pangea down into the south pole and blocking ocean currents, worsening the life conditions and turning most of the continent in a tundra, in the aftermath when the position of Pangea returned to something like its original position life was changed greatly, as unlike in our timeline earth was not suffocated in fire but got cold so a new variety of animals developed and survived.
In the oceans, Holocephali had a resurgence post Permian mega ice age, as their groups did not suffer horrible, things like Petalodontiforms, Eugeneodontids and other did not perish, but then there were other more varied forms evolving too, some sample are within Chimaeriforms which they in a better spot now that they aren’t relegated to the deep ocean but as diverse surface dwellers, some groups started to exploit their clasper structure in ways that would make them look almost unfitting for survival, this as a response of sexual selection. From there, a new group evolved, the Clasperantlers (Delirocephalia)
They are short body forms, small caudal fins but with large pectoral fins, these have the peculiarity that male claspers now have become these super elaborated ornamental structures that works mostly for exhibition or fight, depending of the species. They derive from ornamental structures around the orbits and the whole dorsal fin spine that developed into an articulated claw-like structure, something resembling the ornamental spines of Symmoriiformes but capable of movement.
The most common species is the Pentanichecephale monstruorum, small in size, about 30 cm in length, females look pretty much average to a chimaera with short tail, with a small dorsal fin, but the male in the other hand possess an ostentatious arrangement of 5 long horn-like structures, being 2 pairs growing around the orbit, with the middle 5th one the derived dorsal fin. They tend to be moderate in size but when mating season approaches, they start to grow in size, being covered in layers of dead tissue and useful against other males, they can break and regenerate, males often have to stand multiple fights before mating with a female which can hold with the 5th horn.
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ildarotyrannus · 2 months
I apologize for such a long delay. I couldn't find the motivation to keep posting here. But, as I promised in my last post, here are three more drawings made for last year's scientific conference. :)
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Front half of Dakosaurus andiniensis, massive metriorhynchid from Late Jurassic of Argentina. As with Cricosaurus, I based this reconstruction on metriorhynchid specimens with skin. Note the presence of speculative skin parasites, whose marks were founds in fossil skin. Also, there are salt glands in antorbital fenestra. This feature is based on this study: https://anatomypubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ar.24678 BTW, some recons portray Dakosaurus with crocodile-like facial integument and some recons even have "lips"! I decided to diversify from these both options and did it with smooth streamlined skin.
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Prognathodon sp. reconstruction based on purportedly juvenile specimen with soft tissue outlines from Late Cretaceous of Jordan. This small individual was described in this paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms3423 Preserved skin impressions include silhouettes of the skin fringes of the flippers and the caudal fin. The caudal fin is quite small, but in adults it could be proportionally larger. This finding confirmed that mosasaurs converged with ichthyosaurs and metriorhynchids to develop a fish-like caudal fin.
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And finally, Seeleyosaurus guilelmiimperatoris (formerly species of Plesiosaurus), a microcleidid plesiosaur from Early Jurassic of Germany. Holotype of this species is almost complete specimens with some skin impressions including rhomboidal skin flap. Perhaps all plesiosaurs had caudal fins of one form or another. However, their orientation is controversial: many paleontologists are of the opinion that the fin was vertical, but others think it was horizontal.The arguments in favor of the second point of view are the rigidity of the chest, the flat and wide shape of the tail in the proximal part and the absence of bending in the distal part of the tail: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339423536_Peculiarities_of_the_Structure_and_Locomotor_Function_of_the_Tail_in_Sauropterygia I decided to choose this version for reconstruction. Which of the scientists is closer to the truth, new findings will show. All of these drawings were done with black gel ink pen and black colored pencil with small additions of white gouache.
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mh-dreamscape · 4 months
Fun fact brought to you by a marine biologist/marine affairs major!
Part 3: Creature from the Black Lagoon Edition!
Sooooo I ended up getting her and when I finally got to look at her details up close, I got inspired to do another one of these! Now that I’m graduated, I’ll most likely be taking her out of the box at some point! This will also be a little bit of a review too!
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In my previous post, I rated her a 9.7/10 because I was confused by some design choices, like the harpoons in her heels. I feel that would’ve looked better with some type of shoe unless her feet are supposed to be like boots? Anyways, I’ll be going from head to feet with aquatic biology and my feedback!
The Fin Headpiece:
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Most fins have multiple lines or filaments like that and tend to start with either a darker color or color that matches their body on the inside. That color starts to fade out the further on the fin we go because the material is a lot thinner. They can appear to have a sheen look sometimes because they can be shiny and reflect light a little!
The Face:
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Probably the most informative part, the face has many qualities to it! Makeup? Iconic. Flawless. The only thing I might change about it is maybe a not-as-bright lip color, but I think I feel that way about many designs and might just be a personal preference so I’ll let it slide. Aquatic factors? To. The. MAX!
Unless a fish has a protruding lower jaw, they don’t typically have an upturned smile. Body shape and mouth position can be linked together too. Bottom feeders, like catfish and sturgeon, are usually wider and flatter with an inferior mouth or a mouth that’s toward the bottom of their face or completely under it. Fish with superior mouth types (“a” in the picture and towards the top of the body) and terminal (“b” and towards the middle). As you can see, either way, the fish will have a downturned mouth and I just love that quality on this doll. This follows with her nose as well! Her nose does stick out like a normal monster high doll. It’s flattened a bit and has wider nostril sides which goes along with the snout on fish.
Now, I know most of her design is literally based on the Creature of the Black Lagoon so I’m probably just listing facts about him too, but let’s talk about the sides of her face, the part I highlighted the most in this 3/4 perspective!
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Probably the most prominent features on her head sculpt: Gills! They generally follow the rules of anatomy having the the arches and filaments, but she is missing an operculum, which is a protective covering for the gills made by a series of bones. This doesn’t mean she’s entirely inaccurate though as only bony fish have operculums!
The Hands:
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While it isn’t related to fish much, I wanted to admire her hands too! On Mattel’s page for her, they mentioned amphibious a couple of times so I thought I should show that. This is a comparison to frogs hind leg and foot (I couldn’t find a good picture of a “hand” or front leg).
The Body/Clothes:
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As mentioned above, this piece was called “Pearlescent amphibious body armor” and while it does resemble a frog-like skeleton a bit, I felt it looked more like a fish! The top part that rests on her shoulder reminds me of the head portion of the skeleton.
Now, let’s take a look at her tail/fin which I believe is made of some type of tulle, but please correct me if I’m wrong! I don’t know much about fabrics.
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The way the tulle sticks out in the first set of body pictures (middle one) reminds me of a caudal peduncle which as described in the picture above, connects the main body and the caudal (tail). The way the tulle is spread, it looks like it would be a truncate tail. Tail shapes are connected to the maneuverability and speed of a fish and each in the third picture shows how they could work. I know it probably doesn’t lay that way when she’s taken out of the box, but it was a cool design choice!
The Feet/Shoes:
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I haven’t taken her out of the box yet, meaning I don’t have any good pictures of her feet or the stand so I’m using the stock photos from Mattel’s site. The fins follow fish biology with them being a lighter or different color and the tops and bottom of her feet/shoes resemble a more amphibious or reptilian nature. Taking a closer look at it, I can now see that the harpoon is attached to a rope that wraps around her ankles! I wish they colored it differently so we could distinguish that (or maybe I was the only one who thought they just stuck harpoons in her heels lol). After finding that out, I don’t have much complaints. I think it’s kind of cool they made the feet into boots!
The Stand:
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I adore the stand! I love when stands can add a bit of background or a pop of color to the doll! The kelp/seaweed was a great idea to hold her up and there’s detail on the sea floor as well! My only tiff is that I don’t quite know how stable this will be. With the usual stands, the clamp in the back holds their waist up while the bottom gives their feet something to rest on. It makes it stable in general posing of dolls. These pictures show her feet barely resting on it and I’m sure you could probably stretch her one foot out to land on the higher part of the terrain, but it wouldn’t quite look as good as the stock.
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I tried making a quick edit of another way to keep the pose. I originally wanted it to be a harpoon and harpoon gun but I felt that was sort of off brand with Mattel and Monster High so I instead lifted that anchor from the terrain, colored it differently to look like it was covered in algae, and rested it in the seagrass! The only drawback would be that it requires a bit more plastic for each stand and may make it a little more clunky. Like I said, I haven’t taken her out of the box yet so I don’t quite know how stable the original stand is, so this is more so brainstorming!
Making this post made me glad I got her and appreciate her design more. I got her about a month before graduating and it seemed fitting for my final doll delivered at college to be one that’s similar to my major (er I guess I should start saying degree now huh 😅)! I know this was such a long post and I’m sorry for it but I figured combining my “Fun Fact” series and an observational review of her in-person would be great! Her rating still stands at a 9.7/10!
What do you guys think? Do you like her design? What’s your favorite or least favorite part? What would you change about her? Should I keep doing this series??
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anomalocaris-here · 8 months
ok so like many people on here i'm very autistic abt fish (and other animals) so i'm gonna just start posting my notes app infodumps on the fish autism website
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Definitely one of the goofiest sharks out there, i've gone on record as claiming the pelagic thresher (Alopias pelagicus) as my favorite shark. Threshers are known for their extremely long tail, which is used to help catch prey. The thresher uses its tail like a whip to stun groups of small fish. Points for creativity!
The pelagic thresher can be identified by dark patches of skin around the base of its fins and smaller eyes than its relatives. Perosnally, I would describe the species as looking like its mom just left it in line at the cash register to go grab something she forgot. Delightful lil guys!
Sources/further reading:
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So for dynamics in merfolk pods: are the Stardust Crusaders still a group? Do they start out as enemies at first before becoming friends and working together against Dio's henchmen (henchmermen?)
Yes! They’re still a pod, Kakyoin just started out as Siren-sung by Dio, but got broken out of it by the gang. Post Dio fight, the Crusaders soft-disband — Kakyoin is basically crippled due to his stomach injury from Dio, Avdol needs extensive help in feeding himself due to his hands having been bitten almost clean off, and Polnareff needs to be supported when swimming due to his caudal fin being ripped in half. Jotaro and Joseph both move on to Morioh’s coasts to meet Josuke, but rejoin the Crusader’s where they’ve settled in with Holly.
For explanation on Siren songs:
Siren songs can be broken down into 2 — sometimes 3 — groups.
Healing Songs — These songs pull from a Siren’s stamina, usually resulting in their colours becoming duller as the Song progresses. Your average siren can manage to Sing for about an hour, exceptional sirens managing to hold a Song for 6 hours and then there’s sirens like Josuke who can Sing over the course of 24 hours and still feel okay.
Coaxing Songs — These ones are the Songs of myth. Most sirens know at least a little bit of a Coaxing Song by heart, but only the most competent in them can fully wipe the mind of other individuals. Weaker Coaxing Songs are only able to lightly implant suggestions in the recipient’s mind while stronger ones are able to form full on cults.
Breaking Songs — These songs are usually only learned by particularly sadistic sirens (Ciocolatta). Breaking Songs can completely ruin someone’s mental state, making them attack themselves of those around them with fervor — with the right tweaks, a siren can make the Song’ed individual tear themselves apart.
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Fossil Friday: Mamenchisaurus
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A fairly well known sauropod, Mamenchisaurus was discovered in 1952 in a highway construction site in China. It was named Mamenchisaurus constructus by C.C. Young. This holotype specimen consisted of five dorsal vertebrae, 30 caudal vertebrae, rib fragments, dorsal neural spines, and chevrons. Fourteen cervicals were preserved but none were complete. There were also chunks of a femur, a complete tibia, fibula, astralagus, metatarsals, phalanges, and claws.
A second species, M. houchuanensis, was described in 1972. Locals had first discovered the animal during the Chinese Revolution but ultimately they were abandoned and excavation didn't occur until 1957. It became the holotype of this species and it had an almost complete and articulated vertebral column including 19 elongated cervicals, 12 dorsals, four sacral, and 35 caudals.
A third species, M. sinocanadorum was found in 1987 in a different formation and basin from the other two. This specimen consisted of a left mandible, a right dentary, a vomer, a right pterygoid, a possible ectopterygoid, a right quadrate, parts of the second through fourth cervicals, and an intact left cervical rib. This was the first time a skull for the genus was found.
A fourth species M. youngi was described in 1996. This was a very complete holotype preserving all vertebrae from the head down to the 8th tail vertebra, the pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and material from all four limbs. A rare feat for a sauropod.
Finally, a fifth species M. jingyanensis, was described in 1998. The type specimen includes a partial scapula, a complete coracoid, forelimb material, a complete ischium, a relatively complete skull, and a hyoid bone.
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The most exceptional part of the this genus lies in its neck of which almost half their total body length comes from. They have between 18 and 19 cervical vertebrae (for reference, humans only have 7 and a Diplodocus only had 15.) This makes it the animal with the longest neck. In fact, even though elasmosaurs (very long-necked plesiosaurs) had up to 76 cervicals in some cases, those cervicals were short and overall body length was only 39ft (11.88m) while Mamenchisaurus's neck alone was 31ft (9.3m) long.
Well, it has been a blast discussing sauropods this month. Next month, I will be out in the field so I will not be posting to this blog. However, if you want to keep up with me I will be doing livestreams on TikTok to show what paleontologists do out in the field. It's a treat that most people never get to experience so I do hope you come to see. I will try to film between 8 and 9am MST everyday so keep an eye out. Here is the link to my profile so you can check it out!
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akeleyselephants · 11 months
Hello World!
This is my first tumblr post! Did you know that the part of the fish right after the anal fin and right before the tail fin is called the caudal peduncle? It's a very silly sounding part of fish anatomy and it brings me great joy!
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lecaudal · 5 months
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all my kids are gay furries
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Redoing the first post I ever did on this blog: Trying to assign a shark to CFO🦈
The first time i did this I was honestly very nervous about putting my stupid takes out into the fandom, but I'm ready now, and I have stronger CFO shark opinions. I'm linking to all the sharks' Wikipedia pages, for those interested in sharks!!
I gotta be honest, this is about Charles, but mostly this post is me sharing fun shark facts. I hope you guys are chill with that.
Same as the last time, I still have some honorable mentions.
(ALSO i tagged this post under some shark tags, this is the guy we're talking about, btw, I'd love for you guys to vote in the poll at the bottom of the post)
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I considered something like the Basking Shark. However, they're quite large, and I think Charles looks harmless, so the Basking shark was out. Additionally, despite they're large size, they're pretty docile. They're one of the three species of sharks that eat plankton! But, I envisioned a slightly more slender, swift hunter type of shark.
I also considered a type of Thresher Shark, as I liked their unique appearance, but ultimately I couldn't decide on a species. I think I wanted Charles to be one just because they have cool caudal fins.
I very briefly considered The Great White, because to most people that's the shark. But I just wasn't feeling it. They're cute, but I don't see Charles being one.
In the original post I listed The Silky Shark, but I'm taking this back, because now that I think about it, I just wanted Charles to be a Silky Shark because they're my favorite....
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Moving on to the real choices now.
Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
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The Bull Shark is one of my favorite sharks. It's in the family Carcharhinidae, which makes it a Requiem Shark! (which is also where I get my tumblr name from) I didn't do this on purpose, but all the sharks in this list are actually Requiem Sharks. Requiem sharks are known for being very fast and efficient hunters, and of course the Bull Shark is no exception. Bull Sharks are known to be aggressive towards people, alongside the Great White and the Tiger shark (though don't let a certain awesome 1975 movie fool you, you're odds of being attacked by sharks are very slim, these bad boys are just know for doing it the most) Bull sharks are euryhaline, meaning they can adapt to water of varying salinity, meaning they can do just fine in freshwater. This sort of adaptability reminds me of Charles, and tbh, I think Bull Sharks just kind of look like him some how.
Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)
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The Blue Shark looks like a goober. You can find them fucking everywhere, check out this map from Wikipedia. They're one of the most wide-spread shark species!
The Blue Shark's name isn't a stretch, they really are blue! Curious, and not typically aggressive, they've been known to approach divers. They're also known to be more social than other sharks, and sometimes travel in schools separated by sex, at least as juveniles. It's slender, streamlined appearance makes me think of Charles, in the sense that somehow the Blue shark looks like it'd wear a suit, but maybe more like a silly colored suit. Like blue! The long pectoral fins also remind me of him, for some reason. I don't know why, it's not like he has long arms?
If you're familiar with the BLÅHAJ, you may know the blue shark! The common name for Prionace glauca in both Swedish and Dutch is blåhaj, which just means Blue Shark!
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Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
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A shark with a very good design, look at that aesthetically pleasing coloring and the rounded fins? This is someone's OC shark, i swear. The Oceanic Whitetip is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. They cannot pump water through their gills, so they're one of the shark species that has to always be moving! They're more leisurely while swimming, and have been known to breach the water.
Honestly, I think this is a good candidate for Charles shark because I just love the way these sharks look!
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
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This silly guy is the Sandbar shark, one of the largest costal sharks in the world! They're known for their brownish coloring (another common name for them is the brown shark) and their tall dorsal fin. They also have rather large pectoral fins. They are listed as endangered, as they are hunted for their fins. I chose this shark honestly because it's brown, and the aforementioned tall dorsal fin. I was mostly choosing the sharks based on looks, and this one easily looks the most like Charles to me.
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Anyways, thanks for reading my silly shark post! When I did this like, three months ago, I was working on this AU thingy, but I'd got totally sidetracked trying to assign a damn shark to Charles. The original idea was he was gonna be like... y'know, a mermaid or something, but I never got around to working on it, mostly because of the sharks. If you have any interest in it, I could do Dethklok/any one else from MTL as sharks. Honestly, i'd love an excuse to combine my interests.
Oh also.
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oyasufeng · 1 year
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playing the milkshake cas challenge by @saruin! this is actually my first time using a non-human skin tone as i'm not too fond of abnormal skin tones, but it turned out amazing! this is an entirely new sim, so i randomly named him jiang yu (江鱼) — "jiang" for river while "yu" for fish lol.
did you know in chinese media based on chinese mythology, people sometimes like to think that merfolks are related to dragons? it may be because of the azure dragon/qinglong (青龍), one of the four guardians; or perhaps the word "jiao" appears in both jiaolong (蛟龙, an aquatic dragon) and merfolk/jiaoren (蛟人). perhaps jiang yu is one of them hehe...
i just noticed that his tattoo (on p1, for his 2nd skin colour) looks yellow instead of green, this is caused by the reshade i used. this tattoo also doesn't appear in his mermaid form even after i had attempted to edit the tattoo to be visible for all occults on s4s... at least the fish scales in his mermaid form gave justice to it...
btw the tail cc i used is longer than usual, so the caudal fin has been blocked by the floor. what you can see are his anal fins. you can see the entire tail in this screenie post!
birthday: green first name (based on my english name): green last name (based on my english name): purple fav fruit: blueberry/white fav drink: tea/red toppings: chocolate shavings/retro (i failed) extra — fav flavour: chocolate/horns
reshade boho dreams by @neecxle
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ebbpettier · 1 year
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@wellbelesbian (i love your url holy shit?) and @blackberrysummerblog thank you very much for the tags!
it is WEDNESDAY my dudes! and i have the first chapter of my mermaid fic almost ready to post. i'm in dire need of a beta reader at the moment, but if luck holds i will have that in order pretty shortly
here's a little snippet of chapter two!
♩♪ COME ON BABY BASIL, DO THE LOCOMOTION ♫♩ Locomotion came next, and it was far less intuitive than I’d been hoping. Water is a very forgiving thing to live in, so long as you’re gentle with your turns, and careful with your momentum. In the water, an object in motion stays in motion even when you’re not putting force behind it. One stroke of my caudal-fin would be more than enough to span half the strand, with a mild back-current pushing me along. I was expecting the physics of it all to remain largely the same.
As it happens, my first act as a human being was to throw myself bodily forward in the sand and plant my face in it.
@artsyunderstudy @stitchy-queer @ivelovedhimthroughworse @shrekgogurt and anybody else reading this TAG YOU'RE IT
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golden-saintt · 1 year
Me etiquetó @acept-arte en el jueguito de poner una canción según cada letra de la url.
No la tuve nada fácil, y adicionalmente no pude hacerlo como el suyo porque no están todos los temitas para tumblr :c
G. Getting off - Korn
A. Avísales - Chystemc
T. The kids aren't alright - The offspring
O. One lova - Guerreros del Bajo
A. A pesar de todo - Golpebalabeso
L. La banda sonora del duro de volar - Deviolencia
I. It ain't easy - 2pac
E. En 8 loops - Marea
N. No funciono con nosotrxs - Niñx debacle
I. (I) cut u in - Jerry Cantrell
G. Generación pérdida - Negroman
E. Every breath you take - The police
N. No hay manera - Portavoz
A. Armate - La lira libertaria
Ahora etiquetar más gente, ojalá se animen jasjajs (dejo el enlace de su post en los comentarios por si quieren hacerlo como el suyo uwu)
@a-qu-a-ri-a @pxrcelain @esafina-esencia @natx0o @melisatoronjil @caudal-derio
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