#cats of cavite
carrottttttttt · 1 year
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a good mama meow
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hellsitegenetics · 5 months
did someone say profess my love for an organism? I love mantis shrimp. and I think they're super underrated despite how popular they are, because no one ever gets why they're so cool! did you know that the mantis shrimp can actually see less colors than humans? this is because they process the information directly in their eyes, so they can't see colors like magenta (which only exist because our brain processes them like that).
you know what they CAN see though? cancer. see, mantis shrimp can see polarized light and thus, the way light waves reflect off surfaces. and healthy cells reflect light differently than cancer cells! this means they can detect cancer years before symptoms appear, and scientists are perfecting a camera that mimics this ability so cancer can be detected and removed with precision! mantis shrimp could literally save lives!!
and their punches. ohhh their punches. mantis shrimp come in two kinds, spearers and crushers. crushers can deliver a punch with the acceleration up to 51mph in an INSTANT, with a force of 15,000 newtons. but what's really cool is the cavitation bubbles. see, the punch moves so fast it creates a little pocket of air, and when that bubble pops it creates IMMENSE pressure and heat. the us navy used a similar effect in pistol shrimp to their advantage in world war 2, positioning submarines inside colonies of pistol shrimp as acoustic cover, because the powerful force would disrupt sonar.
there's SO many cool things about the mantis shrimp that I didn't even touch on, please go learn about these amazing animals for yourself!
String identified:
a a ga? at . a t t' at t a t a, ca gt t' c! tat t at ca acta c ta a? t ca t c t at ct t , t ca't c agta (c t ca a c t tat).
at t CA tg? cac. , at ca a gt a t, t a gt a ct ac. a at c ct gt t ta cac c! t a t ca tct cac a t aa, a ctt a ctg a caa tat c t at cac ca tct a t c! at c ta a !!
a t c. t c. at c t , a a c. c ca a c t t accat t 51 a TAT, t a c 15,000 t. t at' a c t catat . , t c at t cat a tt ct a, a tat t cat a at. t a a a ct t t t aatag a 2, tg a c t a actc c, ca t c t a.
t' a c tg at t at tat 't tc , a g a at t aag aa !
Closest match: Lacanobia oleracea genome assembly, chromosome: 4 Common name: Bright-line brown-eye
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lisbetadair · 2 months
The Cat's In The Cradle
Soap survives his gun shot wound to the head, but the thing about the convoluted grey lump inside your head is that it's integral to making you you, and whilst the passage of a bullet through the frontal lobes is survivable, this is a wound that absolutely and fundamentally changes you.
It takes time, but Soap regains conciousness, and with a lot of physiotherapy, is able to regain a significant amount of control over his body to make it out of hospital. The seizures can be held at bay with medication, as can the pain.
But it's quite clear that the cavitating path of the shot has burned out the cheerful optimism, the happy-go-lucky charm, all the things that made Johnny, Johnny.
He's grumpy now, irritable and quick to anger. His brush with death has changed him, forever tainted his way of seeing the world. He thinks the worst now, of everything. Prefers his own cold-hearted company.
And after another afternoon of his sullen companionship, Ghost thinks back to the time when things began to change between the two of them, to the crazed mess of their night in Las Almas, the stupid jokes to cover their real fear and desperation as he coached Johnny through the twisted, blood-slicked streets and the moment he heard him say.
Good advice, L.T. I wanna be like you when I grow up
Ghost watches Johnny prepare to leave, pulling his hat down far over his face to cover his scars, and he realises that he has done exactly that.
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squishysoftmonsters · 9 months
💚About the cute alien who likes you from the Twisted Disneyland story!
Their race called Kattens come in many colors,covered in soft down with black speckles and stripes that shed like a snake's skin. They have large ears that fold when they sleep or hear loud noise. The facial structure is part human and part feline. Like their hairy ancestors,Kattens are nocturnal and sleep most of the day in a human bed on on a windowsill. They will either loaf or be in a ball.
Kattens have two sets of eyes,dominant ones close when asleep. The extra ones stay open and alert. Half of the brain responsible for autonomic functions is at rest while the half for voluntary,in a sense sleepwalking while aware of their surroundings,objects and actions.
They have four toes and four long fingers with soft bean like pads that absorb shock when jumping,landing or running. They have a very long forked tongue for tasting and cleaning themselves. Unlike cats,Kattens possess collarbones but have the ability to rotate their head to reach their backs. Their stomach is larger than a human,allowing them to survive on one large meal if they choose. The second stomach and second fur is not in use,but rather dormant in warm weather. This second stomach stores water infused with electrolytes to prepare for winter and is covered in fat to nourish their bodies until they find food and water.
Their digestion is normal in warm weather. In winter it slows down,so they can feel fuller for an extended period after they've eaten. Bathroom habits remain the same.
Their second skin that grows as fur is thick and insulated to keep them warm in the harshest of cold. Also the skin of the beans on their hands and feet become coarse and thick to endure it.
Kattens are sociable creatures and get along well with humans and coexist with other species peacefully.
They observe potential mates,and confront them when ready,with kind interactions such as one would see in dating.
Katten mating is similar to cetaceans in a log form. In this form,they are the most comfortable,and primarily mate in hiding. The penis and vaginal areas on Kattens shift in colors. A tell for readiness is vivid pink. Their penises retract when they are finished,and female's vaginal cavities end the mating phase and close.
Sometimes young male Kattens will wake up "broken". This meaning the penis has unsheathed overnight and will constantly secrete,causing what humans would call bed wetting while asleep. Young female Kattens vaginal cavites remain open in the mating phase,causing identical problems. Reasons behind this are unknown,so the young Kattens are given training pants to prevent unwanted infection and to stop betwetting. The problem corrects as a teenager onward.
Kattens are rarely born with sex organs of both genders and are left alone,as their reproductive systems and urinary tracts remain unharmed and unchanged during these rare births.
If a Katten is forcibly assaulted,the entrances have fine keratin hairs that become stiff to cut an aggressor during forcible penetration.
They adjust well to clothing with holes in the pants for the double tails,but in the wild,Kattens are naked and usually hunt on all fours. The purpose of their two tails is to warn other Kattens with certain tail signs for danger or shelter.
Kattens fight one another if they are attracted to the same female. The loser must watch the female in mating with the winner.
Kattens hiss when agitated and deject a blinding solution from a pit under their tongue to disable predators when cornered. They lack fingernails but have retractable claws for defense and are adept at using weaponry. 💚
💚Think thats about all on the cat boy.💚
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musubiki · 4 months
Depending on how much "real sCiEnCy" you want it to be, it could be a normal anime teleport, or it could be that wherever she just left leaves behind a vacuum, which collapses on itself immediately similarly to cavitation bubbles, releasing a shock wave and blast of air, heat, and light, essentially creating more DRAMA because: what if she can only teleport herself and not carry others with her, but they're trapped in a small confined space, and she has to teleport away in order to save the day, but a normal teleport on the street blows the glass windows on the houses nearby and shakes the branches on the trees, there's no telling just hoe much damage the guys in close proximity would sustain. And since it's cause and effect of physics, there's no magic-res.
But besides that, a (normal) teleporting Mochi + acrobatic fight choreographies during battle sounds amazing.
OOOOH INTERESTING..........I DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT A POSSIBLE PHYSICS EXPLANATION!!!!!!! given that a human cant actually teleport though, i imagine it would still fall under magic,...
but i DO love the idea of the teleport leaving behind a little warp cavity.....something the m34th could probably take advantage of, like in that movie jumper where normal people could ALSO jump by using some fancy tech shit on the rift left behind after a jump..,,..
(on a side note mochi is very cat-like so in theory she should be very acrobatic and flexible...,,....imagine the guild sees her doing double backflips and splits mid-air and theyre like "how long have you been able to do that--")
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sujiwonhao · 10 months
Someone New (Part I)
read the prologue here
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Upon the quick exchange of names, I took it upon myself to finish the conversation. I can already feel the heat creeping its way to my cheeks.
"I found a book I'm interested in, I'll get going. See you around, Santi."
"Sav, wait!" I heard him call for me as I was about to leave the aisle that I'm in.
"I know this is very straightforward of me but would you like to grab coffee? It's on me." He smiled sheepishly.
I can't help but giggle at his gesture. I'm not an impulsive person but something about Santi oozes calm & safety.
A quick coffee date won't hurt.
"I was about to go to the cafe after this anyway, I don't mind. You're not a serial killer, right?" I joked.
"Oh no, not at all! I just think that you look really lovely and don't want to pass on the chance of getting to know you." He answered, his eyes looking at the tiled floor, he was almost out of breath with how fast he talked.
He's so cute. Fuck.
"Hey, I was just kidding! You look way too good to be a killer. So, which cafe?"
"Wildflour. You good with that, Sav?"
I love how my name rolls off his tongue…
"Sounds good to me."
As we were lined up at the cashier waiting for our turn to pay for the books we found interesting, Santi grabbed the ones I was holding and paid for it with his card.
I offered to have what he spent transferred to his bank account but he declined.
"Just consider this a 'thank you' gift since you agreed to have coffee with me."
"But you're going to pay for our coffee date already." I whined, feeling kind of embarrassed that he's spoiling me this early.
"Okay, okay." He put his arms up, as if it's like he's surrendering."How about you pay for our next coffee date, hm?" He tilted his head to the side making him look like a cute fox.
"Fine. Next date is on me." I replied, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach.
Santi was so smooth with it, he was able to secure a second date and we haven't even started the first one.
As we were about to enter the cafe, he opened the door for me and held my waist to guide me inside.
I was electrified at the touch. But I tried to keep my cool, holding his toned arm as we walked to our table.
Talking to Santi felt like a breath of fresh air, he was invested and also shares a part of him into the conversation. I've only known the guy for more than a hour but I already feel safe with him.
We got to know each other better — he's 27 and works at a law firm in Makati. He has a cat named Pepper and has been with him after he graduated from law school. His family lives overseas so he lives alone (but technically with his cat), since he decided that it's a better idea to just continue his blooming career in his homeland than to start from scratch.
In return, I told him that I teach literature at a nearby university and had only been doing so for more than a year. I also told him that I live alone but without any pets since my landlord won't let me. When he asked me about my family, I simply told him that they're in Cavite and that I don't have a close relationship with them given that I'm an illegitimate child.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry." He looked at me with apologetic eyes.
"It's fine, I don't mind sharing this fact with other people. It is what it is." I shrugged.
I can already tell that he's a man of depth and character. Santi, despite being soft-spoken, emits confidence just with the way he talks —he's straightforward, knows what to say, and gets his own way. He's a lawyer after all. I wonder what he thinks about me...
As we finished our food and downed our coffee, we decided to go for a walk to burn some calories. He was carrying the paper bag filled with books with his left hand while I was holding onto his right arm. I didn't even notice how comfortable I've gotten with him since I'm not really a touchy person but something in me just wanted to be closer to him.
It was now 7 PM when we decided to call it a day, he offered me a ride to my apartment which I accepted. Santi opened the door of the passenger seat and guarded my head with his hand as I entered his car. He then went to the other side of the car to start the engine.
Being in an enclosed space with Santi is making me feel nauseous. I did say that I'm comfortable with his presence but this is different. Especially when he tried to buckle my seatbelt for me, his face inches away from mine.
And that's when I decided to take the risk instead of losing the chance.
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naonums · 3 months
People: Environmental Portrait
Place: Cavite City
Date: May 6, 2023
This is a picture of my boyfriend and his cat named Kit. We let kit stroll around the vast grass for the day.
Kit and him 🩷
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Roses are red ,
Violets are blue,
I'm so lucky to have you♡
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September 5, 2023
SM City Bacoor
This portrait of him i took when we are strolling at the 3rd floor of SM after class , the ambiance was quite funky and vibrant.
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My blue 💙
Venice Grand Canal Mall
November 11,2023
This is a picture i took when we are at the venice to celebrate our 4th months and my birthday. The place had tall buildings and not like other mall , they have indoor water that circles the mall as you can see at the background.
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ramonabulaklak · 1 year
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Cavite Cat
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chang-enh · 1 year
15 questions for 5 mutuals
Rule: You have to answer truthfully and you have to tag 5 mutuals in your post.
tagged by: @undercaffeinatedsoul [thanks, yo!]
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried? Why?
2-3 weeks ago, post-adrenaline blues
3. Do you believe in Soulmates?
4. Do you drink liquor?
5. What do you usually daydream about?
too personal to share :)
6. First thing you notice about other people?
7. What's your favorite quote from a TV show/ movie/book?
"We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop in a far away city somewhere and we could give it another shot."
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
8. Some of your pet peeves?
apolo10, irrational, cruel to animals
9. Where's the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
10. Where were you born?
Cavite City
11. What are your hobbies?
feeding stray animals, fan-girling
12. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
from students: anong tawag sa maliit na pusit? sst!
sobrang pagod ako that time, ta's nung binanggit uan ng student mas lalo akong napagod haha de, ang galing kasi ng pagkakadeliver kaya it's a yes for me haha
13. What's your love language?
act of service, quality time
14. Topics you never get tired of to talk about?
animals, biology, chismis
15. What would be the title if your life were a movie?
if cats were humans
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hi Cat!! Please could you give some alternative suggestions to Ben Barnes, someone with similar vibes. Thank you ❤️
Raza Jaffrey (1975) Indian / English.
Mark Ghanimé (1977) Lebanese / Unspecified Canadian.
Tom Ellis (1978)
Daniel Brühl (1978)
Ian Anthony Dale (1978) Japanese, possibly one quarter Portuguese / English, German, French-Canadian.
David Giuntoli (1980)
Ben Whishaw (1980) - is gay.
Adan Canto (1981) Mexican.
Ricky Whittle (1981) Afro-Jamaican / English.
Fawad Khan (1981) Pakistani.
Tahar Rahim (1981) Algerian.
Berk Oktay (1982) Turkish.
Mahesh Jadu (1982) Indo-Mauritian [Bihari, Gorakhpuri and Kashmiri].
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / Irish, German.
Brett Dalton (1983)
Iko Uwais (1983) Betawi.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican.
Aaron Tveit (1983)
Aidan Turner (1983)
Marwan Kenzari (1983) Tunisian.
Berk Cankat (1984) Turkish.
Charles Michael Davis (1984) African-American / Filipino.
John David Washington (1984) African-American.
François Arnaud (1985) - is bisexual.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican and Filipino.
Cooper Andrews (1985) Samoan / Hungarian Jewish.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon, Eyak, Irish and German.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican and Filipino.
Michael Trevino (1985) Mexican.
Penn Badgley (1986)
Christopher Abbott (1986)
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (1986) African-American / Unspecified West Indian.
Hale Appleman (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, English - is queer.
Cavit Çetin Güner (1986) Turkish.
Here you go!
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6.25.24. Tuesday
2:42 am
Uncle Jun is watching something on his phone and he is on speaker... Weird! Crazy behaviour...
8:30 am
Still,have windblow...
Well, someone called me about that Maya of 35000 loaned but I didn't loan from Maya.... Using my details... Weird group wherever they are...
8:41 am
Harvey is sweeping the garage coz his gang will be arriving this am or on the way home here...
Uncle DD's main gangers..
8:47 am
The main gangers leader is here??? Uncle DD and Aunt Karen...
9:21 am
Still,having windblow...
I'm really thinking how to pay my creditz and my job....
Why,am I "block listed"??? I'm a college graduate...
Credit Peso suddenly calm this morning...
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9:35 am
My red stripe short is missing here, same like this but pinkish or red stripe...
I want to have stuff that only me or 5 people can have...My original entity...
Even the blue plain is missing I have 2. I don't have a twin!.
If I didn't give it return it to me! I don't want a twin!
I don't want a twin! If I didn't give it return it to me! I don't like a copy cat here!
I don't want Marcose's group kid! I don't like them even Manalo's!
They made me poor they got my personality! I don't like them here!!
The poor kids copy me and made me poorish for 17 years!
They can open any lock doors? Did Mitch tell them to do this??? Did Mitch tell them to do this???
Uncle DD is having a mysterious eyes, they should sell their faker black car! I don't like them here!
Asshole DD better sell that fakers stealers black car! DD is the waiter boy!
They are getting my styles and they are switching me to be poorish one angels!
Even my pink Bench halter is missing, I don't want a twin who just stole at my back since 2007 for the attention?
Dd is the waiter boy!
I don't like them here!!!
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I don't like kids of Marcos'es even Manaloz, they planned to tandem against me???
11:06 am
Not pin-poiting but my brother RV didn't owe anything to be Marcose's kids!
But did Mitch tell them to do these for 17 years???
A letter from Security bank that he owed 20k? For what???
Return my red stripe short and my halter Bench Pink... Probably a bad soul is wearing it .
Did Mitch order to this, to stress me since 2007?
I don't want Mitch to go up without me! Being a doctore is not a ticket to be on magazine!
I will go live probably after lunch...
I fed Neko yesterday and she was getting better but this am they got again the dog food... But fakers love on Neko! I wanna buy Neko from that gangers DD!
I don't want anyone to wear my stuff that I didn't give... It is getting my persona.
Where is Mitch? Did she order this getting stuff from me? For what???
11:45 am
I hate them for having the family tandem... Weird... Aunt Teresa and DD, I don't like them for having the harmony! I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!!
Mitch can't escape this linking... I should see her again...
11:57 am
It is ugly that that the waiter boy is the main faker lifter of this clan here.... They are all in unity!!!
This Uncle Jun became the office man here in Cavite but puling me down ,I guess...
Am I the sacrifice for their success??? My Gosh!
12:15 noon
I feel bitter here... It is a big deal for me not a shallow thing,not even a shallow attitude on doing that getting my stuff even one piece coz it is a sacred act for me when someone is wearing my stuff...
I love my friends but getting stuff is not a good act without my knowledge.....
That stripe red short I didn't give that on anyone...
Janna is my raw sister in law, I gave her branded leggings maong just like mine amounting 1000 pesoses, the Girbaud back-pack I gave to her I know it is Girbaud. It was from the past years. I also gave her the french paris soft jacket somehow cardigans amounting 3k colour peach or yellow. I also gave one on the old vet of John, pink cardigans soft cloth.
1:05 pm
I just wannna see Mitch and whoever saw Mitch bring her to me, in time....
Still,have windblow...
I feel bitterish... I hate being a supporter and why am I block listed to get a job here in the Philippines...
2:32 pm
Holden becoming my friend here in lazadah delivery...
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2:51 pm
Ohkay naman but of course we are aiming for better brand next time... All are plastics the material... The number 3 is 3 but on the genuiene asahi it is much more powerful but it is fine if there is no enough budget for higher brands...
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3:31 pm
I'm thinking of money.... I wanna have a car as well... Where is my red stripe short? I don't have plans to be a supporter...
Whoever got that red stripe shorts of mine without my consent, I feel bad... I feel bad if that someone is a bad soul...
4:48 pm
Sorry, I know it is my negligence...
7:01 pm
Still,have windblow...
Later I will post my friends here that I wanna see and only my friends!
7:11 pm
Still,have windblow...
Still,chubby angels... I need protein and gym and coach... I want a supportive bf who is cute just like cousin white, I dream of his face these days whenever I masturbated...
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9:01 pm
Still,have windblow...
I don't like a fake friendship... What is a fake friendship? Someone who can access all doors,even if it is locked but the main agenda is to check out my stuff and to get some stuff without my consent...
We are having a tight budgeting and I don't like people who will just check-out my stuff to compete me, to apply my personality on their crew or group to compete me or just to steal...
I don't like a crew or new people who are just wanting to be my friend but their things are higher than my things... Except if I know that someone is really raised as wealthy like for example KC Concepcion and she is a star on screen....
I don't want fakers who are not really raised as middle-class but observing me since 2007 and trying to portray me and able to steal my personality...
9:20 pm
Still,have windblow
Trying to recall list of names as I considered my best-friends!!!
1. Diana "Apple" Cuizon-- My childhood bestfriend here since I was 9 years old. She is now a teacher in Cavsu. She is very sensitive and very,very,and very kind to me. Introverted but sometimes outgoing compared to me. She tells me everything as in everything. She is also a choir member but in Baptiste or the "Church of England". Very true to me and intelligent friend or intelligent person not only on academics but on being having a strong mind.
2. Michelle "Mitchang" San Juan-- My bestfriend/gf or best buddy during college in De La Salle University. We were together for straight 3 years, probably became US but weird. I can say we can be "bisexual". A yoga addict, she told me that her family lines will be fat as they grow old or if they are already married. She is having a scoliosis and continuosly doing her treatment for that... She is a member of mounteneering group in De La Salle, sometimes she is telling me that she is having a sudden headache coz they went to a mountain... She is very concious on the size of her waist-line. She is somehow a thicked-face in a cute way, when the time she had a bf before we became closer. She told me that they had a drinking session with some classmates and her exes bf's like Geof and Jim. She told me that she was heavily drunk and vomited on the chest of Geof. I was just smiling at her.... She said it was ohkay Phychang.... Now,she is a doctor and I'm scared of her devilish crown.
3. Willa but I forgot her surname coz we were just classmates in Biology class on Professor Torres and schoolmate in De La Salle... She looks like a japanese girl though we didn't get along that much but we were having this "mutual thing" like ohkay girl we are cool and chill with each other. She has this super smooth milky skin like me before coz I was pampered and had my own ac in my room and I had yaya or we had maids here. Me and Willa sometimes are having the same style of clothing. We both love "skechers"... We always automatically smile on each other whenever we bump in the hallway or any part of De La Salle. She is sweetish and full of smiles during college and babyish like me. But in a lil while I saw her having a bf ( having a dark-skinned guy ). I was just smiling at her when the time she was already had have? a bf with her. I know we both finished B.S. Biology and I guess she didn't pursue to be in medicine school.
4. Roshena Isaac--I met her ever since we were in our elementary days there in Salitran Elementary School. We were classmates but having a different circles during elementary but during high school we became closer friends and on the same circle. She is naturally sexy though she loves to eat so much and she told me that she is just dancing or shaking her waistline to lose weight. She is the "tissue girl" in our group during high school. She always wanted to use a lot of tissues and I was not angry at her that was really my deep inside even if she used almost all of my box of tissues during our high school days. She is very talkative and she will really laugh out loud.
5. Noreen Caparas --- I met her in De La Salle on our religion class and her brother was in the same circle of JP Alintanahin ( which became my bf2x) even after college and Robin Chester Cantimbuhan. I just realized that Noreen knew JP. I was innocent on a bf thingy during college but I remember we talked about this handkerchief waving... I was just laughing and we were laughing coz we used to sit on the rotunda... I was in their class coz I was an irregular student coz I was transferee student and I don't know I just mixed my schedules on different class and course. We called each other "Pritz" coz she believes that we are "Pretty Girls" with Ems and Chariz. She is a tall girl and always conscious on her body that she doesn't want to gain fats on her waist line. She always had have a primer and lipgloss on her face. She is pretty... I know as far as I can remember I called her a "Pond's Girl" coz she can be a model of any Ponds products.
6. EMS -- Forgot her surname but with Noreen and Chariz during our college days. She is matured coz she always had a mature bf... I mean she is actually matured, I guess even on sexual act but we were adult and I was just left behind on that maturity... Ems got a pretty face and smile and she always had a bf with a car... I was with them and seeing her having 2 different bf's after another....Her bf always had a car... Noreen told me that Ems got a bf with a car. We just hanged out in Tagaytay... Stuff like that... We just ate sometimes...
7. Chariz--I forgot her surname but we were together with Ems and Noreen. She is having a pretty face as well and beautiful eyes and eyelashes.... She is nice and sweet but she accidentally impregnated by her bf during college and she stopped going to university coz of that... We visited her once in their house, I guess somewhere in Paranaque as far as I can remember. I wasn't that matured that time, if I was matured that time, I will tell her to attend class even if she is pregnant coz we were already adult... She is nice,quiet and always flowing with us her friends.
8. JP Alintanahin--- My laguna boy... We met in De La Salle coz of something, I accidentally punched his younger brother and his friend for following me and Mitch in the parking lot. I actually didn't mean to punch his younger brother. I was mad coz they won't stop chasing us... Then, we met in the disciplinary office in De La Salle. Then, after awhile there were threats on me on the car that I'm using... hahah... That's the time that I asked help from JP coz someone was stalking at me.... As far as I can remember he talked to the guy, I forgot coz it's been almost 3 decades and more years ago.... hahah The start of our cute love affair during college. I received a death threat on the car, hahaha I asked JP to help me and he was a cute chinito ( chinky ) guy during our college years... I just figured out that the guy that I punched is his younger brother. JP was white and having a smooth skin during college years. JP is one of the head leaders, pajero boy! He is good on boxing I heard during college. Some told me that JP was a playboy and always active in disciplinary office.
9. Brien Neil Cantimbuhan-- We met during 2nd year high school, having the same circle of friends until 4th year. We had this cutie2x love team during high school but after college we became us but it didn't last coz I was tired of him and I guess I wasn't that happy... But as friends it was fine... But now, if he is one of the people who are controllig my life, I will kill him. We are better off as friends.
10. Antonieto Saberon-- We met in high school we became friends during 3rd year high school. He is tall,dark and handsome. They are calling him our Richard Gomez. He was a basketball varsity and now a successful seaman. I haven't seen him again after we visited Sugar. I find him handsome but as a bf, I didn't think it that way coz we are just friends.But of course if I need help then why not asking him to be my bf but not to the point that I will marry him right away... If worst comes to worst...
11. Monette Lladoc--She is my high school buddy since 2nd year. She was smart but lazy and very talkative. She is somehow the "Tita Fermin" of the group. Full of naughty things on her mind like the "Scorpion Nights" that they made a recording of their voice acting of their moan as if someone had sexed with someone. She was actually smart... She asked me to moan and record it and I was just laughing.
11:21 pm
To be continued these list by tomorrow... I'm thinking of money and job and how to pay my creditz....
11:26 pm
I feel bad on my cousin white....I hate it when he is already married... I wanna see snow and he is really cute though my cousin but I don't care but he is married!
I feel bullshit!
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timeoverload · 2 months
I am having a bad mental health day but I have been trying not to show it to anyone. I feel like I'm running a never-ending marathon and I don't want to keep going. I am so tired.
I have also been up since 3:30 because the foxes were screaming and they didn't shut up for over an hour. I couldn't go back to sleep and I was so mad. There are so many foxes in the neighborhood now and I see them all the time during the day. I'm not sure if I mentioned last week that I saw the black and white cat and the fox fighting in the neighbor's yard again. The fox actually swatted at the cat and I had to go out there. I know the dogs aren't a fan of them either because they are barking at them a lot. I'm pretty sure the foxes have eaten most of the rabbits which is sad. My neighbors up the street used to have chickens but I think they gave up on trying to keep them because the foxes kept attacking them. I think it's really cool to see them since there weren't any living in this area when I was a kid but they are also driving me crazy. I suppose I will have to learn to live with it.
I thought the past 2 days were going to be easy like Monday was but I was wrong. I have probably wrapped about 60 total pans and I've had to load and unload a lot of autoclaves. My back is killing me.
I was getting irritated this morning because we had a ton of total pans to get wrapped and I was the only one working. The morning team lead was there and he was just watching me work while he talked about firearms. He is incapable of talking and working simultaneously. Once more people started showing up, they did the same thing he was doing. I guess I just get frustrated when I'm the only person showing any initiative. I would describe myself as a self-starter and i just want to get shit done. I don't need to wait for anyone to tell me what to do most of the time.
This afternoon we had to change the decontamination process for the eye pans again. We are trying to speed up the process by removing instruments from the pans that don't get used all the time so there is less to wash. We are going to have to wrap all of the items that we are taking out separately so they can open them as needed. I am going to be wrapping a lot of extra shit now. That can be a lot more tedious on busy days. I also have to modify all of the baskets that the instruments go in so that they can be placed directly into the ultrasonic without removing the mats. The rubber mats can interfere with the cavitation process in the ultrasonic so we have to cut them into small sections and attach them with zip ties. It's kind of hard to explain the whole process. We wouldn't have to go through all of that work if they would buy special pans for the eye instruments. I know that wouldn't be cheap but I know that they can afford to considering how many surgeries we do a year. We do more eye surgeries than anything else but they don't seem to want to invest in it.
We don't have enough instruments for all of the surgeries we do and that puts a lot of pressure on us. I'm tired of people getting frustrated with us for not having stuff done in time. There have also been a lot of priority turn-overs the past couple days since we have been busy.
I also think it's stupid to have 2 separate surgery centers in one building too. We have to send instruments back and forth because neither facility has enough stuff and things get lost constantly. I have been doing a lot more work for them lately so I feel like I am getting used. I'm basically employed by 2 different facilities now. I wish they had never moved in because things were so much better before that happened.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. I am going to have to drag myself out of bed. I have 32 cases and I'm dreading it but I hope it won't be as bad as I expect. The eye coordinator was nice enough to help me with some stuff today and she said she would tomorrow too so that makes me feel a little better. I'm still glad that she and I are getting along much better than we used to since she used to hate me. I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells so much anymore and we were joking around so that's good. I should have a couple other people there that can help too so I think it will be ok. I probably should stop thinking about that now.
I haven't heard anything else from my mom so I have no idea what is going on with her. I think the main reason she contacted me at all was because she was trying to find someone to send her $40 for a carton of cigarettes. She says she misses her kids but she doesn't really give a shit about anyone but herself. I understand that she is sick but she wasn't really there for me as much as she should have been when I was little either. I remember staying up late at night waiting for her to get home from the bar so I could say goodnight to her when she got home. She was usually out late and would come home super drunk. I didn't understand what was going on at the time so it was hard for me. I'm glad my dad stayed home with me a lot. I don't know why I started thinking about that today. I just wish things were different.
I don't feel like doing anything the rest of the night as usual. I should probably try to conserve my energy. I had to go to bed at 9:30 last night even though I wanted to watch tv. I didn't sleep very well. I wonder how much better I would feel if I wasn't sleeping on this shitty bed. I suppose I should be grateful I even have a bed and I will get a new one eventually. I don't really have a lot of positive things to say right now. I'm sorry for being such a crab today. I think I need to go get ready for bed soon and relax. Hopefully that will help me feel better. I will try to have a good day tomorrow.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow too! :) 💖💖💖
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junellako · 3 months
She's Strong
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Her beautiful name is Shannen Bethany Eriquez. She was called Shane. She was born on May 19, 2006, and she's turning 18 this year, which really makes her excited, but at the same time, she's nervous about what events she might encounter now that she's of legal age. She was from a broken family, and she has an older sister, Sophia, who has become the guardian of Shane while her mother is away. She also has two siblings with her mother's new partner, Zandrei and Maria, and a stepbrother, Zhac. As her father's new partner, she has two brothers, Teban and Tiago. She's currently living in Ms. 3 Lancaster, Cavite, with her mother, away from her older sister, who is currently living with her dad in Makati City as a college student.
She's currently a senior high school student at Saint Edward School, taking the strand stem as it will lead to her dream job, which is to become a doctor specializing in obstetrics (OB). She's like a perfect person because she's beautiful and good at academics, which is why she's always an honor student. She can sing well, dance, and play three sports, which are volleyball (she's the captain of their volleyball varsity), badminton, and a little bit of soccer. She can also play piano and guitar.She likes dogs as her pet, but not cats, as she has a history of being bitten by cats. She loves anything that is matcha and likes carbonara more than spaghetti.
At her young age, she never experienced having a mom for her school activities, as her mom was still working in Qatar and her father was always busy. That is why she's lucky to have an older sister and a grandmother. Sometimes she's questioning herself because, lately, even though she's an honor student, her mother hasn't even greeted or congratulated her. Even at dinner, her grandmother brought up her being an honor student. Her mother didn't show any happiness about her, but that didn't make her have a hatred for her. She still thinks that someday she's going to show them that they make her emotionally strong in order to overcome problems she might encounter.
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3cssndr3 · 4 months
The Vitamin C
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She went to Pasig Elementary School and Malagasang I-G Elementary School for her Elementary education, and Gen. Tomas Mascardo Nation High School for her High School education. She is the Hermione Granger of the family with her brain and hard work to reach her goals and to maintain it in such a young age.
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Her name is Celine Bianca De Leon, a girl who already live for fifteen years in this vast stage. She came in this world on the twenty-eight day of the first of the twelve chapters of the book, year of two thousand and nine. She entered the door of this world at the City of Quezon.  Her parents are Cecilia De Leon as her mother and Bobby De Leon as her father. She also have an older sibling whose name is Bea Cassandra De Leon.
In the past, she used to be a dwarf. A small height and a deep brown skin. She used to have curly bushes and a small neck. She used to adore wearing tight clothes and shirts that have short sleeves, and she used to cling to his father. But now, she evolved to a kind-of tall teenager, long silk hair, and a skin of light brown. She’s still on the chubbier side, but that just adds to her charms. She now wears clothes that fit to her and clothes that is considered as fashionable for this generation.
Celine had a nice childhood. With a loving family, enough food to eat, and toys to play with. Her parents regards her as their lucky charm. As when she was born, wealth began to pour into their household, thus, she was treated with a golden spoon in her mouth. But despite that, she led a humble and nice life.
Celine, her name, like the vitamin, gave energy to her family, specially to her older sibling. Even though they fight like cats and dogs, they love each other even if they sometimes act like it was disgusting to express their love to each other.
Celine was never fond of books and rather prefer music and movies than the abundant amount of texts in a piece of paper. She loves Taylor Swift and Blackpink, she may even have an obsession at this point. Her favorite color now is violet, just like her one of favorite desserts which is Ube.
Corn, corn, corn, that’s what she always think of. One of her favorite foods is corn. She liked it with butter and cheese, simply boiled with salt, or as binatog. Any kinds and forms of corns will be devoured by her when she sees one. Her favorite dish is sinigang as it sang its song in her taste buds. And her favourite dessert is a cookies and cream ice cream, as she feels ae if  she’s gliding on a mountain whenever her tongue touches the cold treat.
Celine used to live in Pasig when she was young. There, she was a spoiled kid, getting what she wants, throwing a tantrum if that is not the case. Her mother spoiled her rotten, buying any toys that the girl wants, any clothes that she grabs, and any food that her mouth desires. That’s why, some of her peers and her older sibling thinks she is a spoiled kid who does not know self restraints. This continue, until her father decided that it was enough.
When she was a thirteen year old, her father always stopped her mother from buying things that Celine will not need. Hence, she saw her father as the villain in her movie, always the man who hinder her to her happiness, the man who have a steel of a fist, and a man who is hard to persuade.
However, as years passed, she understood why the villain did that. The villain wanted her to learn how hard it is to earn and save money, how unnecessary it is to keep buying toys that she does not need any longer. So, the villain in her movie became a teacher, a teacher who sometimes is violent, but taught many valuable and important lessons to her.
Now, she lives in Cavite and is already in ninth grade of her education, she is a student who is active in her club, an academic achiever ready to reach the stars, and a daughter who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of her own family.
She is the main character in her own movie that just started her own story.
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untamedrion-blog · 7 months
Calling 2023 the best year would be an understatement.
I took the courage to face this year without any hesitation and I know that deep in my soul, I was wishing to have a good year. Boy! I was right. God didn’t just provide. He gave me memories, He gave me things that I never knew I wanted and needed.
His grace settled my heart in peace this year.
I got to visit Tagaytay-Cavite and Ilocos this 2023. It was awesome! I was reminded that every beautiful things were created via love. His love. To see parts of the Philippines was one gorgeous ride.
I hoped for an out-of-country trip and I was given two!! Got to see Hongkong last March and Japan this November. Imagine?!? Japan was one of my dream country to visit! It all still feels like a dream. To be able to travel and have money to shoulder all the expenses.
Had the chance to watch Hamilton PH too! Despite the difficulties with securing the tickets (Which aren’t cheap, By the way) and the trip going to Solaire, we were able to see the show with the announced cast! (Found out that Rachel Ann Go, David, and Jason didn’t perform for some shows)
I’m also a fur parent now! I adopted a cat and he’s the sweetest (minus the scratching when I bathe him 😋)
And the biggest and the most beautiful thing that I am grateful for? It’s Mike. To love and be loved by him. To have someone you can dream with is a feeling that I don’t want to exchange with anything in this world. I have never been this happy and it’s because of his love, his comfort, his patience, and his care. I entered 2023 praying for someone else to come back and be with me. I remember that I pestered God by constantly praying, “Please. Give that person to me. I want him.” But God replied, “I don’t like the person you’re praying for. Wait for my plans.”
And I did wait.
I changed my prayers to, “Lord, whoever it is that you want for me I accept.” Then He lead me to Mike. He gave me my Michael. He showed the path to get to know my boyfriend.
It’s beautiful, you know? To have someone talk about God the way Michael does. To have someone get so many rejections and heartaches but still able to say, “I don’t know what to do but I trust His plans.” To have someone with a pure heart he’s not even aware he has one. I remember a quote from TATBILB when Lara Jean said that love is scary because the more people that you let into your life, the more that can just walk right out. I used to be like her. Shtless scared to fall in love, to let myself drown with my feelings because I don’t want to give someone the authority to break my heart but now, thinking of it again. I would let Mike break my heart a thousand times for the reason that I know he’s worth it. I love him to bits and I would sacrifice my heart and gain pain as long as his heart gets to be happy.
If you ask my 2022 self if I expected all of this, I would answer, “No.” I never knew I could get to this place. To this state. To this serenity. I am able to breathe now thanks to the blessings that God has given me.
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spellucci · 11 months
The CAT Ferry
Sunday, August 13, 2023
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Today we are taking the CAT ferry from Yarmouth, NS to Bar Harbor, ME. The morning ferry leaves at 9:00 am. The email from the ferry company says to arrive between 7:00 and 8:30, with a warning that arrivals after 8:30 are not guaranteed to be able to board. We shoot for arriving between 7:00 and 7:30.
We had set our alarms the night before for 6:00 am. Margaret is extremely efficient about packing up her tent, and we are on the road by 7:00 for the 10-minute drive from the campground through the thick fog to the ferry.
The ferry email message links to a very detailed page of what fruits and vegetables we are and are not permitted to carry into the U.S. Jeanne makes a detailed list with the provenance of each item. Our plan is to make breakfast in the parking lot, pack what we need for lunch in our backpacks, and be ready to declare or discard any remaining produce at Customs in Bar Harbor.
Our plans are dashed by the CAT Ferry employee who proceeds to discard all of our produce, allowed or not, including the eggs we were going to have for breakfast. None of this was mentioned in the email. We suspect this is to facilitate U.S. customs on the other side so that the vehicles get through customs quicker. Sigh.
We park, have cereal for breakfast, and walk Dora. We will not be permitted to remain with the vehicle during the crossing so we pack our backpacks and watch as other vehicles fill the parking lot.
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Soon it is time to board. We drive into the ferry, park, grab our backpacks and puppy, and exit the vehicle only to find that Dora, cute as she is, is not allowed on deck. We have never left her alone for 3 hours before, but we have no choice. Sigh.
We climb to the passenger deck. Comfy seats abound by the huge picture windows at the bow of the boat.
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We settle in, and notice a small music stage right in the middle of the row of windows. We expect it will not be quiet for long. We find out from the staff that indeed the bow end of the deck will host a band, the large middle part will host a movie, and the aft end will host a trivia contest. We go outside to escape the enforced "entertainment." On a nicer day it might be good to get away from the crowd, but it is drizzling, cold, and the engines are loud. We go back inside and listen in on the trivia contest. Sigh.
An announcement comes over the loudspeaker that the crew is hosting a tour of the boat. Jeanne and Tim join in. The tour guide provides some interesting facts and information about the ferry and the class of boats she is part of. It is a real catamaran, crossing the ocean at high speed on two pontoons. We learn that the bridge crew is trained in spotting, avoiding, and especially identifying the marine mammals of the Gulf of Maine. They provide local authorities a reliable source of the animals' movement. Orcas do not generally live in this gulf, but an orca named Old Thom has been seen swimming with the dolphins here and in the Bay of Fundy in the last two weeks.
Then the captain shows up. Bearded and uniformed, young and handsome, he is as salty as one could want in a captain. He hosts a Q&A about the boat. Q:"How fast does it go?" A: “51 MPH”. Q:"What happens when the engines ingest a lobster trap?" A: “It makes the engine cavitate, and you have to run the engine slowly in reverse to push it back out.” Q:"How fast can the boat stop?" A: “In one and a half boat lengths. The bridge crew are all wearing seatbelts, but all the passengers wind up in the bar.” Q:"Oh, you trained at Mass Maritime? I lived near there," says Jeanne. A: “I apologize for the vandalism to your house at Halloween.”
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Then, a wonderful surprise: he takes the entire tour group, maybe 20 in all, up to the bridge. It is a hushed environment, with huge radar screens and other displays at each of several consoles. We get introduced to most of the 8 crew on watch. There is an engineering watch and a navigation watch. The intensity of the work and the mutual respect is palpable. The captain introduces himself last. "I'm the email pusher."
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Tour over, we go outside again to find the Porcupine island chain announcing the approach to Bar Harbor. Jeanne bought Tim a So'wester hat on board, just like the one Libby let him try on at her house.
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When the boat docks, we go back down to the vehicle deck and reunite with Dora. The deck hands help us do a three point turn inside the vehicle deck so we are going in the right direction to go up the ramp onto the shore. The 24' motorhome next to us is not so lucky and has to back off the boat. Customs is efficient, but it takes the better part of two hours for all the vehicles to get through.
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It is good to have done the ferry once to find out about it. Counting the loading time, transit time, and customs wait on the other end, taking the ferry only cuts about an hour off the trip from Libby's to Bar Harbor. Given the cost and the hassles, it is unlikely we will take the CAT ferry again.
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Suddenly we are in Bar Harbor. It is a new experience to pop out in the middle of town without any driving. We head immediately for the campground 3 miles away. Dora is happy to relieve herself. We pick ourselves a shady spot near where we had camped last year. Then a trip to Hannafords to replenish our food supplies.
And finally a discussion about lobster, and especially which is better Maine or Nova Scotia lobster. Only one way to find out. We pick up three lobster bake meals (lobster, mussels, corn, and butter) from C-Rays down the street and feast. Welcome back to the U.S. of A.
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