junellako · 3 months
Becoming a Teacher
Literary Journal
Many connections in the structure of dreams that affect our lives are as strong and durable as our ambition to become teachers. The great importance of that dream in my own life is attested to by this literary journal. Teachers guided me, showed me my way, and encouraged me to follow the great career of education.
I might face the difficult task of becoming a teacher, the thin line that must be drawn between developing compassion and distributing wisdom, between increasing mind and shaping character However my goals started to take structure and grow with each academic year that passed, inspired by my belief that education could transcend limitations, unite branches, and change people's lives. That dream was driven by the strong belief that every child should have the opportunity to fly high to reach for the stars and realize all of the opportunities that await them. The dream of becoming a teacher is one of the most extraordinary dreams.
It is a dream that exists beyond time and place, influencing our lives, affecting our paths, and spreading its brilliant light onto everyone in the way. I hope that this literary journal will stand as an example of the life-changing impact of education, the strength of human beings, and the ability of dreams to influence people's lives and the world
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junellako · 3 months
Facial Recognition
He's like a masterpiece his presence exudes confidence. At first glance, his physical appearance is striking, with his eyes deep and expressive. His lips curve into a captivating grin, revealing perfectly aligned teeth that add to his charm.
He's like a magnet that can make everyone draw eyes towards him, but it is not all about his appearance, it's also about the way he carries himself, whether dressed in casual or suit attire. His handsome exterior may catch the eye, but it is his inner strength and kindness that leave a lasting impression, he may have some imperfection like he is not that tall he also has an assymetrical face however his imperfections make him more human, His name is John Joerel Tarca, my best friend like his name he's perfect with those imperfections
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junellako · 3 months
Our Beloved Amie
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Amie Almine beloved wife mother, aunt, sister, and friend passed away because of a heart attack on March 13 2024 surrounded by her children. Amie lived a life filled with compassion, kindness, and joy.
Amie was like a home full of love and comfort to all who knew her. Her warm smile and laugh that like a disease that affects others and brightens their day. She'd make everyone feel valued and loved.
Amie's legacy of love and compassion will live on in the hearts of all who knew her . Though she may no longer be with us in body,her spirit will continue to inspire and guide us every day. Rest in peace our loving Aunt Amie,your love and light will shine on forever in our hearts
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junellako · 3 months
Spending my childhood with my mom, life was hard yet full of profound moments that shaped who I am today. Memories flood back of my childhood afternoons spent exploring the streets with my friends. the street food we ate as we played after school, and the air we breathed in that was so fresh, like a cool dry drink.
It might have been my happiest moment, but there were also struggles. My mother faced hardships because, after my parent's separation, my father didn't provide for our needs, which tested our resilience and caused financial difficulties even through it. There was hope for my mother to provide for our needs, and she is working so hard that we barely see her.
One particular memory stands out, The day I was playing outside in a sunny and noisy place with my brother, then Suddenly, a tricycle stopped by, and we saw our grandma. We suddenly felt a fear, and then it happened like a flash or a camera. We were in the tricycle with our grandma, and I was worried because our mother didn't even know days had passed. We were going to Manila to live with our father, we didn't have contact with her, we didn't know where or how she was, and when I started to go to school, no one was really looking after me because my father was always busy. so I needed to be on my own. Years later, as I reflect on my childhood days, I'm filled with gratitude for the lessons I've learned and our bonds. I have with others. I didn't grow up with my parents by my side, and that made me more dependent and brave to overcome the challenges I encountered
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junellako · 3 months
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Boracay is a tropical paradise, with its clean and fresh white sand beaches stretching. The palm trees sway gently in the warm breeze. In the month of August. when my family went to Boracay, it made us excited because we all knew the fun that was waiting for us there.
At first, I was the most excited, as it was my first time riding an airplane. Then, when we land, I can see those trees, those people, and the crowd full of enjoyment. At night, we just decided to swim in the pool and walk outside with those stores. lights, and people. It's like paradise. We did water activities like banana boating, which was really fun because some of us fell. However, after that, our eyes hurt because of the water, but it's fine because we all enjoy it.
On the second day, me and my two nieces and nephews, who are the same age as me, decided to go to those bars. We had so much fun with the music like it was a drum banging in our eardrums and hyped us, and we also met new friends and became really close to me, like we'd talk for four months. It was all fun remembering those 5 days we spent there having fun and, of course, getting those famous henas and walking even though it was a bright day. It was the place I won't forget, as it makes me feel as if I were in paradise with those beautiful sunsets.
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junellako · 3 months
Best Decision?
Reflection Essay
In my 18 years of life in this world, I've experienced a lot of things that changed my life. Everything was an adventure for me, but the most adventurous thing that happened to me that really changed my life was when I chose to live with my aunt.
At 8 years old, I was living with my dad and my stepmother, who's been really great. However, things changed when they started having a family. That's when I knew that both of my parents were happy with their own new family, but they didn't think of us, their children, who have to suffer and grow without the proper guidance of their parents. I resented the fact that I would be having younger siblings because when my parents were still together, I was the youngest, so it's like her arrival felt like a heavy rain cloud looming over my sunny day, as she never stopped crying.
During my vacation, my father asked if I wanted to spend my vacation at my aunt's house, where my niece lives, whom I play with every time we have family gatherings. I did spend my vacation there, but then my aunt started asking me if I would like to live there, my feelings at that time were so overwhelming that I didn't think enough about my decision. I just agreed because I was so happy that my niece was there, who's become my playmate. That decision changed my life forever, as I needed to be independent and brave. I have to take care of myself, but I am still thankful that I have my aunt, who still fulfills the love of my parents.
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junellako · 3 months
A mother always knows best
Reaction paper on Ayalis Navidad's Personal Narrative
Reading the personal narrative of Ayalis entitled A Mother Always Knows Best makes me realize that no mother wants their children to suffer and get hurt. It also makes me think of my mother, who I would describe as a mother who is helpful as a battery because every time I am down, my mother is the only person who will not judge me but comfort me with her presence.
The paper makes me more comfortable opening up about problems to my mother, whom sometimes I keep on my own however, reading this personal narrative gives me comfort that the one person I would gladly trust with all of my problems is my mother, who has been there for me, and as far as I know, my mother never did a thing that would hurt me.
Reading the personal narrative did teach me that sometimes to overcome those struggles, we need a person who has been there since day one of our lives, the person who experienced those struggles, the person who would gladly comfort you and nag you because she knows she knows what's best for me because she's my mother.
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junellako · 3 months
Personal Narrative
Being brave is when you have a strong will to do things that you imagine not doing. I am Junella Ko, and I experienced being brave in April when we celebrated the birthday of my niece on Aqua Planet, which is full of water activities and slides that are some of the most scary.
After we got into that water park, we started doing those fun activities, and after lunch, my family rested while me and Shane, my niece, who's the same age as me, explored the Aqua Planet, which is so big and so fun because of the big slides.
After we experienced those big slides, I saw this capsule slide they called, which is really scary because it is a single rider loaded into a launch chamber where I stand with my hands across my chest. After a countdown, a trapdoor opens, and I immediately drop inside a near-vertical slide. I don't really recall why I didn't shout at that time. I think it's because I'm speechless and thinking I'm going to die, and what is most terrifying happened to me is that I got stuck before I slid into that vertical because I didn't slide at the same time as the pressure of the water, but I really wanted to experience it fully, so as soon as I got up, I braced myself and went up and rode the capsule slide, which I really think is so brave because even though it's really terrifying and I think I might because of it, I still chose to be brave and experience that activity fully.
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junellako · 3 months
She's Strong
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Her beautiful name is Shannen Bethany Eriquez. She was called Shane. She was born on May 19, 2006, and she's turning 18 this year, which really makes her excited, but at the same time, she's nervous about what events she might encounter now that she's of legal age. She was from a broken family, and she has an older sister, Sophia, who has become the guardian of Shane while her mother is away. She also has two siblings with her mother's new partner, Zandrei and Maria, and a stepbrother, Zhac. As her father's new partner, she has two brothers, Teban and Tiago. She's currently living in Ms. 3 Lancaster, Cavite, with her mother, away from her older sister, who is currently living with her dad in Makati City as a college student.
She's currently a senior high school student at Saint Edward School, taking the strand stem as it will lead to her dream job, which is to become a doctor specializing in obstetrics (OB). She's like a perfect person because she's beautiful and good at academics, which is why she's always an honor student. She can sing well, dance, and play three sports, which are volleyball (she's the captain of their volleyball varsity), badminton, and a little bit of soccer. She can also play piano and guitar.She likes dogs as her pet, but not cats, as she has a history of being bitten by cats. She loves anything that is matcha and likes carbonara more than spaghetti.
At her young age, she never experienced having a mom for her school activities, as her mom was still working in Qatar and her father was always busy. That is why she's lucky to have an older sister and a grandmother. Sometimes she's questioning herself because, lately, even though she's an honor student, her mother hasn't even greeted or congratulated her. Even at dinner, her grandmother brought up her being an honor student. Her mother didn't show any happiness about her, but that didn't make her have a hatred for her. She still thinks that someday she's going to show them that they make her emotionally strong in order to overcome problems she might encounter.
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junellako · 3 months
My Life
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Junella Cervantes Ko is my full name. I am 19 years old. My birth date is December 8, 2004, I was born at Pasig Medical Center but raised in Makati with my aunt. My mother's name is Julia and my father is Joseph. I am currently a grade 12 student at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School (GPGSHS) and taking the academic track in the strand of humanities and social sciences (HUMSS) in Cavite Since I was 8 years old, I've been living and raised by my aunt, who has been a mother and a father to me.
`Before that, I used to live in Masbate Province with my mom, but ever since my parents separated, I lived and continued my third and fourth grades at my father's place in Bulacan. In my fifth grade, my aunt asked if I wanted to live with her, and that was where I started my fifth grade until my twelfth grade.
My childhood was simple, just like others. I have friends, too. I used to play with her and do anything together, like going to school and playing until our class ended. But the pandemic started when I was in eighth grade, and then I didn't have time to bond with my friends, but thanks to the media, we were able to contact each other as I graduated from junior high school. I got an award, which is the With Honor, but sadly, because my parents couldn't be there and my aunt had a trip, that is why my cousin put my medal up on the stage.
As for my likes and dislikes, I like going on a trip and eating ramen. As for my dislikes, I wouldn't say I like being left alone, as it makes me remember what happened before when my parents separated, and I also dislike the smell of cigarettes, as it makes me sneeze a lot. At this time, I was doing my best to graduate from senior high school so that I would be able to go to college to become a teacher at the right time.
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