#catnip sticks for cats
eurydicees · 2 months
me: i'm normal about oikawa from haikyuu
me, as soon as season 1 episode 22: evolution starts playing:
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busyboyfloyd · 1 year
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Friday the 13th really must be bad luck, because I did NOT authorize public use of this photo, on #jellybellyfriday or otherwise! How do I sue my photographer?
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acealistair · 1 year
finally caught a video sample of one of Yato's Moods. he does this kind of yelling and running around multiple times a day, he's so stupid and i love him so much
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tanjildigital · 6 months
Best Selling Cat Exercise Toys for Indoor Cats
Indoor cats often face challenges in staying active and engaged. The sedentary lifestyle can lead to health issues and boredom. In this article, we'll explore the world of cat exercise toys, helping you choose the best options for your feline friends.
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pteryx-pets · 1 year
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Huh, I wonder where my cat is
(the bed is lumpy bc I put the blanket over a couple pillows to make a daybed for her)(usually she is on TOP of the blanket though)
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kuipiedekat · 2 years
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NEON Whut!?! 👀
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theosjunkdrawer · 2 years
used a random wrong name for the newcomer at the event tonight 1 wounded trillions dead 500 embarrassed
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zorosbeau33 · 2 months
They get turned into a cat~ Luffy x reader headcanon
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❖ One Piece, Luffy x Gender Neutral reader
❖ Headcanon, series?, fluff, comedy
❖ No warnings today~
❖ wc: 422
❖ @tojiseviltwin @kimnamshiks ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Hope you all enjoy~
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Luffy got hit by that devil fruit users ability and now your boyfriend is a very fluffy, gangly, skinny powerhouse of a cat
He was already averse to water but cat Luffy? Oh god talk about fluffed and hissing, poor Zoro got an arm full of claws as he wrapped himself tight around the swordsman’s bicep
You probably find it cute but Nami thinks he looks disheveled as his short har somehow refuses to lie completely flat There is always one part that is just sticking up
Everyone's hands are full when he gets hungry because how do you keep out to world's nimblest creature with the added ability of a gumgum fruit?
Please try the cat temperament test he dangles very well in your grip and swings side to side then suddenly his but and back legs are on the ground as his body oddly stretches, it's hilarious
Extremely cuddly, he realized the sun felt amazing but even better if he could toast his fur and toe beans while lying in your lap. You will be stuck there for several hours 
Luffy once the laughs are over and he is no longer amused at himself is hissing and growling and fluffed demanding to go find and fight the user to get his normal body back
This realization probably came when he couldn’t kiss you, or when his hat became a prison as he was too small to fit and it was the same as covering him in a box
Choppers test of catnip on him was adorable at first, watching him roll over and over and how he purred up a storm
Then Nami was screaming and Franky had to build a quick cat tower because Cat Luffy was high on life and wanted to zoom and climb like a possessed demon of the night
All in all, it was an amusing time and he was also very amused by it again once back to normal 
I hope you are strong enough as Luffy wants to try the cat temperament test again now that he is back to normal
Please tell him he’s cuter the normal way because secretly he’s worried for a moment or two that you’d be disappointed to have lost your kitty cat
Once he understands it was nice but you prefer him he’s bouncing and sunny again, please pay no mind to his babbled plans to get you guys a kitty to play with at the next island…or maybe pay attention to them because he means it
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hollowtakami · 4 months
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CONTENT: NSFW IMAGINES, MDNI! Keigo has a cat quirk, sub!keigo, dom!reader, gn!reader, anatomy referred to as cock but can be interpreted as a strap.
AUTHOR NOTE: catboy kei has been living in my brain and he wouldn’t leave so i wrote this:33
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Kitty!Keigo, purring every time he nuzzles against you, his nose deep in the crook of your neck and a sweet smile on his face. Poor kitty’s in heat, needs you so bad. Humping your thigh and whispering in your ear, begging for you to just touch him. His tail rubs against your skin, soft but intentional. He’s going to regret teasing you.
Kitty!Keigo, who knows how to use his claws when he’s scratching your back as you pound his tight ass. Skin slaps against skin as your hips meet and he sings for you, his tail wavering and hips faltering, ears flattening out as his eyes roll back. Your cock fills him so good and he’s drunk on the feeling, his tongue lolling out.
Kitty!Keigo, mewling and whimpering when you're kissing his prostate with your tip and stretching him out just how he likes it, he’s such a good kitty when he takes it so well, in your lap. You’re holding the plush of his sides as he rides you, bouncing up and down on your length. He’s fucking himself on it like you aren’t even there, like you aren’t the reason why he’s stuffed so perfectly full of cock.
He’s no king of the jungle, he’s a domesticated kitty and trained so well, following every command you give him with a whiny “nyaaa-” and a fucked-out expression. Kitty!Keigo fucks like it’s all he knows, he’s such an obedient pet. You order him to cum, and there’ll be ropes of white creaming from his tip, red and sensitive.
When he’s not being fucked senseless, Kitty!Keigo is on his knees, his eyes wide and brimming with lust, tail swishing and ears pricked with anticipation as you stuff his mouth with your cock. He drools all over it, his own personal catnip. He throatfucks himself on it without you having to move an inch, he’s a good kitty who knows how to put on a show for his owner. He’ll swallow all of your cum, not before sticking out his tongue and showing his master his dirty prize.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Kittens in Space
The first rule of keeping cats aboard a spaceship is don’t lose the cats on the spaceship. I know this. I know it better than the rest of the crew! I’m the Earthling here, the animal expert with actual veterinarian training, and I’m the one who brought them onboard. I told the captain with confidence that I could keep track of them.
Well, guess what I just did.
The problem was immediately obvious when I woke up. Every morning for the last few days had started with cutesy kitten pounces and thumps as they batted toys about the room. Sometimes I’d get a tail in my face; other times I’d hear a crash as they discovered how to reach another yet high shelf. Not once had I woken to silence.
Today I did. And as soon as I realized it, I sat up with a jerk to scan the room, my heartbeat loud in my ears.
Catnip mice and foam balls were everywhere. My shoes were still on the coat hooks; they hadn’t managed to knock them down yet. Nothing was swatted off the shelves. And no kittens lay on the floor dead after eating alien food, so at least there was that. But where were they?
I moved my feet toward the floor, disturbing a lump that meowed sleepily. Tapestry the mom cat was curled up on my bed; I hadn’t seen her. And now that I wasn’t jostling the blankets anymore, she curled back up for some hard-earned rest.
But no kittens. I stroked her tabby fur and looked for smaller balls of fluff, but found none. She didn’t seem worried. Hopefully that was a good sign. I stood and hurried to the bathroom.
My quarters were small, basically just the two rooms, since I spent most of my time with the rest of the crew. There really shouldn’t have been any good hiding spots that I hadn’t already blocked off. The bed didn’t even have space underneath it; that’s where my clothes drawers were. And I’d made sure the little fluffbrains couldn’t open those on their own, much less close them again.
They weren’t in the bathroom. Not in the closed-lid toilet, or the space-age shower stall, or the cabinet of supplies. Not in the trash can (again). They hadn’t gotten closed up in the foldable sink; I always left it sticking out of the wall. Where were they?
They couldn’t have gotten out into the hallway. No. Just not possible. I would have heard if someone inexplicably opened the door to my quarters without knocking, not that anyone would. Especially while I was asleep.
I told myself that there was no way they could be wandering the ship and getting stuck in the engine room. Mimi would notice animals hiding among his engine parts. Heck, the entire ship was bound to have someone around, ready to spot the furry little troublemakers, no matter how stealthy they were. I was pretty sure they resembled food on at least one homeworld. My crewmates weren’t the sort to hurt them, though; everyone knew full well that I had them here. The kittens wouldn’t be mistaken for pests.
I really don’t want to announce to everyone that I’ve lost them, I thought, leaving the bathroom. They’ve got to be in here somewhere. What am I missing?
I surveyed the toy-covered room, trying for the umpteenth time to see catproofing opportunities that I hadn’t addressed.
Bed, bookshelf, other shelves. Bedside table with the lamp bolted down. Desk and chair. The litterbox was in the bathroom, with the food and water dishes along the wall beside me. There were no curtains to climb, and hardly any decorations, just the digital window with its chunky gold frame — someone’s secondhand idea of class — and the fake plants on the shelves. The bite marks on those weren’t new.
But the positioning was.  
I stepped closer, staring and second-guessing, and yes they were definitely pushed out of place. And now that I thought about it, the digital frame was slightly crooked too. That spectacular alien sunset with the planetary rings in the background was out of alignment with the corner of the room.
Like someone stepped on it. Now where would they—
I froze in place, feeling stupid. Ah. Right.
Ever look at something so often that you stop noticing it? I may have mentioned that this was a spaceship. Metal walls, plasticky floors, no real windows.
A ceiling covered in twisty pipes.
I hadn’t considered catproofing the ceiling; it was too high to reach (ha), and surely not the kind of place that kittens would hide.
But as I stepped onto the bed and brought my face up close to the lowest curve, I realized that the faint engine sounds I’d long gotten used to sounded an awful lot like purring.
There they were. All five of the fuzzy little bastards were snuggled into a happy pile among the pipes without a care in the world. They meeped sleepily when I stuck a hand in.
“I can’t believe you,” I murmured. They ignored me.
The air was warm but not hot, and the pipes were vibrating faintly. While Captain Sunlight had assured me that there was no radiation to worry about, I figured it couldn’t hurt to double-check. Sleeping on top of the things could easily be a different prospect from sleeping in a bed below.
“All right, down for now,” I told them, scooping up the kittens despite their protests and setting them on the bed. “Be good little fluffbrains and sleep here while I — no? No, of course not.” They were already tumbling to the floor with strident mews for food. Tapestry stretched and jumped down as well.
I sighed and got out the cat food. If I was quick about it, I could get out the door before they tried to follow me. That net I’d tried to rig up as a baby gate hadn’t stopped them crawling under.
“Good kitties,” I said, tugging my shoes on as they ate. “You behave yourselves. I’m just going to make sure your favorite new hiding place isn’t going to give you extra eyeballs or something. Maybe I’ll set up a new shelf there so you don’t fall on my face during the night.”
I slipped out the door just as the first kitten finished eating — appropriately enough, it was the gray shorthair who Mimi had insisted I name after him. There weren’t any green cats in the litter, so gray was close enough.
“Meeeeee,” declared Mimi-the-kitten as the door closed.
“Yup,” I agreed.
Once I was sure the latch wasn’t about to pop loose, I took long strides toward the engine room. My heartbeat was totally calm and normal; why do you ask?
The ongoing backstory of the main character from this book. More to come!
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wyrmmaster · 8 months
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Blaze the Cat Train, Rosmontis the Cat Car. The Doctor is a catnip-laced bundle of sticks, fit to be carried by any size of feline.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 days
A completely unrelated note, since the queen mother and PIF are big cats in your verse(PIF being half), would catnip effect them?
Big cats can be effected by catnip and there are some cats that develop a tolerance to it. Catnip was discovered around the late 1600s and surprisingly is in the mint family. And on contrary to dogs it brings calmness and relaxation.
So for the queen mother, I imagine Erlang brings back this nice looking bunch of flowers that were near wild mint that relaxed Quan to the celestial realm. Jade Emperor saw it and asked Erlang if he has some more bc the flowers look nice and thought it'd make a nice bouquet to send to his wife. Unfortunately once it was presented to her she face planted on the catnip. She has developed a tolerance so it wouldn't be used against her.
PIF accidentally stumbled upon catnip by accident during DBK’s imprisonment and ended up rolling around it eventually developing a tolerance to it to ease her depression during the time.
What about Redson, Nezha, Bai He and other cat related characters in the AUs?
Ref. Yes!
Catnip and Catmint are in the mint family, and are related to Snapdragons - something more obvious when it's in bloom. Some cats are more affected than others, my own elderly house cat doesn't care for it but loves silvervine.
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Other plants that cause a similar reaction in cats are Valerian (Honeysuckle family) and Silvervine/Matatabi (kiwi family). Hilariously, all are used frequently in traditional Chinese medicine, Catnip for cough medicine, Valerian as a sedative, and Silvervine to prevent hypertension. Silvervine sticks are also sold as teething aids for cats.
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I love the imagery of Erlang grabbing some catnip cus Quan seems to like it (catnip calms dogs down), and the Jade Emperor asking for some as decoration in a bouquet for his dear Tiger Lily.
The Queen Mother looks at her husband's bouquet, and after an adoring smile, shoves her entire face into the flowers whilst purring loudly. The Emperor at first thought he just did really well when his wife then proceeded to pounce on him hungrily. One lesser known side effect of catnip - makes larger cats randy. XD
Xiwangmu embarrassed by her reaction, at first thought it was an attempted poisoning or seduction. Li Shou, the goddess of cats, overheard the incident and was there to defend Erlang from punishment.
Li Shou: "Mao Bo He! It's a breed of mint beloved by my subjects! It blooms very briefly and the oils help keep biting insects away." Xiwangmu: "But what of my... undignified reaction?" Li Shou, giggling: "Oh thats normal! In order to spread its pollen, the plant causes a euphoric reaction in cats, and since the oil of the plant is released when bruised - it encourages you to rub into it." Xiwangmu: "Goodness! However, if it's meant for your subjects, why am I affected?" Li Shou: "It seems Mao Bo He is indiscriminate which type of cats it affects." (*the two look over to where Erlang and some of the celestial agents are watching Azure Lion rolling in the remaining flowers.*) Li Shou, laughing: "No matter the size!"
The Queen Mother doesn't want the plant used against her in the future, so she secretly has it planted in her Jade Pond garden so that she can develop a passive resistance. The first couple of years were a little awkward though - it appears half her daughters are affected too!
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Funnily enough, catnip oil has been used as an insect repellent for cattle since ancient times - so it's not out of the realm of possibly for DBK to have some on hand. Imagine slapping on some sunscreen and your gf start rubbing all over you. DBK wouldn't be 100% upset by PIF's reaction, but he'd make sure to switch to citronella or similar so he doesn't accidentally dose her in future. PIF appreciates his consideration, but keeps some around for fun. >:3
PIF canonically "hits the bottle" in Jttw when her marriage is on the rocks, so I could see her "hitting the 'nip" as well to deal with the pain of losing DBK during his imprisonment. She's managed to wean herself off of it, and bars Red Son from having any out of fear of him developing a similar reliance.
Red Son accidentally gets exposed to catnip when he joins Mei and MK on one of their snack runs. He passes by the pet section and gets entranced by a catnip toy. He buys it for himself, and while his reaction isn't as strong as his mothers, it brings him calm. He gets grounded when his mother sniffs it on him.
Nezha is more snake-like in his lineage, so catnip just smells nice like how lavender does to humans. He does however, have a stronger reaction to valerian - he took some to help with insomnia and he was out of it for the rest of the day. He chalks it up to a weird drug side effect.
Azure Lion has the most intense reaction to the 'nip - male lions especially become big kitty cats when exposed to it. He got introduced to it in the celestial realm on accident when Erlang brought it in. And you know he sneaking into the Empress's garden to roll around in it when no one's looking. The rest of the Brotherhood found out about this reaction when DBK had put on some insect repellent, and Azure got a little silly. It became a bit of a prank to leave catnip in Azure's armour for a bit to humble him. He hasn't been exposed to it in a long time, so if he happened to find a even a tiny cat toy he'd be out for the count. No plans for universe domination, leader of the rebellion too high rn.
Bai He is part cat-demon in the TMKATI au, so she's involved in all his catnip talk. Kittens actually don't get effected by catnip like the adults do till they're teenagers, so Bai He likely doesn't have a reaction until one day her parents find her face buried in Sandy's cat toys. The adults agree to keep catnip out of the house and the restaurant, but they keep some Silvervine sticks to help Bai He with her teething adult fangs.
And ofc Mo is a kitty-kitty cat and just rolls around in the nip like a cat do.
ty for sending this in! I'm a plant nerd at heart (horticulture course ftw) and this was fun to do a deep dive into!
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xiaoscarasimp · 11 months
Cat Boi: H Patch
CW: AFAB! Reader, Cat boi, Scaramouche is his own warning, you call Scara good boy like twice and basically aphrodisiacs
What do we get when someone loves Scara cat boi and has hormones that are out of control because reasons? Good old fashion 2.6k words of smutterino. First time writing smut *hides*
This takes place prob between cat boi 1 and 3 ish (not canon canon but H Patch ^^)
One day, you decided to play a bit of a joke on your cat boy, Scaramouche, by bringing home some catnip. You had read that it has some calming properties for actual cats, so why not try it on your rowdy cat boy? At the pet store, you decided on getting both the dried and the live grass to see which would work better, although you had higher bets on the live. 
You arrive at your house with the cat nip and Scaramouche greets you at the door. Sometimes you swear he's more of a dog boy than cat boy. The cat boy sniffs the bag, and has a puzzled look on his face.
"What is that weird smell?" His nose wrinkles in disgust. "Did you get me some shitty medicine again?" 
"No, no," you laugh. "This is catnip. Apparently, it calms cats down and makes them enter a state similar to when a person gets high, so I was wondering if it'd work on you." 
"Sooo, you're attempting to drug me?" His tail flicked angrily, his eyes had a look of betrayal in them. How dare his precious human attempt to drug him?! 
You shake your head. "I got these in case you wanted to try them. I'm not gonna slip this stuff into the food you know." You ruffle his hair in between the cat ears. 
As you put down the bags from your shopping trip, Scaramouche peaks into the bag with the living catnip in it, and takes another whiff of it, nose still wrinkled in semi disgust, but even though it smells weird, the cat boy almost can't stop sniffing it. It feels like his brain is going to mush; he couldn't stop purring and giggling like a school girl.
"Scara, are you ok in there?" You call from the kitchen as you were prepping tonight's dinner.  "I hear you laughing, and one thing I know about you is when you're laughing, it's never a good sign." 
Scaramouche slinks into the kitchen, face red with blush and eyes glazed over. "Hey, y/n, has anyone ever told you that you hot when you cook?" He slurs out. "Or that you smell really nice? Almost like Citrus. Lemon of course." 
"Well, yeah. I cook fish a lot so I gotta get that smell out somehow. Are you ok?" You start pan frying the steak in seasoned butter and start boiling the water for the rice. Tonight's menu was steak with rice and green beans: simple, easy and effective. 
The cat boy starts giggling again, stumbling through the kitchen to try and hug you while you're cooking. Once he did hug you, you notice that he is radiating body heat like someone who has a fever. 
"Scara, look at me. Are you sure you're ok?" He stares at you, eyes dilated, blush on his face, and tail and ears twitching. His tail starts to make its way to your wrist but you pull away before the cat boy can wrap his tail around your wrist. You make the mistake of looking down and notice a slight bulge in his pants, causing both of you to blush even harder. "So, uh, this is awkward. Did the catnip make you, uh, like…this?" You stammer out, not sure of what to make of the situation. 
"I'm not sure, but all I know right now is that down there hurts and it's tight." Scaramouche shifts his legs, almost trying to help soothe his acting nether regions. 
What would even be the morality of helping your cat boy with the sudden arousal? You got yourself (and him) into this mess, so what's the safest, most ethical way out? The cat boy was easy enough on the eyes, soft dark purple hair which was currently sticking to his forehead, purple eyes that reflected galaxies, and the twitching cat ears which were pressed against his head in embarrassment. 
"Scaramouche Balladeer the Sixth: I want you to be honest with me. Can you willingly consent to possible sexual acts? Will you be ok with me helping you with your problem?" You have a serious look on your face, trying to make sure that you were not taking advantage of him. Using his full name managed to snap him out of his daze for a few moments.
"I don't care what you do, just help me with my damn problem." He snaps back. "You can fuck my brains out for all I care. Just be careful of the tail, it's sensitive."
You chuckle. "Let's eat and clean up first. No, I'm not the meal." You hear a tongue click at that notion.
As you guys eat, you start questioning the cat boy about what he knows, although you can tell his mind is elsewhere, legs rubbing together for any type of relief. Eventually, he says that he wants to try and let his instincts and you guide him through the relief process.
After dinner, while you were cleaning up, you noticed Scaramouche had gone back over to the catnip plant, deeply inhaling its scent; apparently the smell was super addictive. The blush on his face somehow increased further and his tail swished back and forth impatiently. Needless to say, Scaramouche was eager for relief. 
"Scara," you call out. "I'm heading upstairs." As if he was under a spell, he followed you in a daze, sniffing the air. His ears and tail flicked nervously in anticipation. 
Once you two got to the bed room, Scaramouche tackled you onto the bed, rubbing his head on your chest, inhaling your scent. Somehow, it was more addictive than the scent of catnip. The cat boy, lost in his instincts, started rutting against your leg, eager for relief for the warmth in his lower abdomen. 
"Scara, let's get these clothes off, shall we?" You chuckle and Scaramouche looks up at you, eyes demanding why did you stop his release. You start by slipping his black shirt over his head and planting a chaste kiss on his lips. Scaramouche attempts to stick his tongue out at you, but you grab it with your own Tongue, battling for dominance in his mouth. As fate would have it though, you nicked your tongue against his sharp teeth and you pulled back from your assault, both of you panting from the battle. 
“Ha, for someone who has ‘experience’ you sure did fuck up,” the cat boy teased. 
“Hey, it’s not my fault you have sharp teeth,” you scowled. “Now, if you want to try that again be my– mmmfph.” You were cut off by a passionate kiss, this time though, the battle was in your mouth. Tongues swirling around in your mouth had you moaning and heat pooling at your core. Scaramouche was no better, moaning your name in your mouth. 
You cup his face with one hand and roll his nipple between your fingers with the other, causing him to moan even louder. Scaramouche started grinding against your leg again, this time faster, chasing his own pleasure. His tail wrapped itself around the arm that was cupping his face while his hands went to your waist. When you felt like he was getting close to his relief, you push him off. 
“Hey! I was almost there,” The cat boy hisses. 
“I know, but first we have got to get these shorts off you. Maybe you can help me undress as well?” You wink at him. At the mention of undressing you, he immediately starts by lifting your shirt, revealing a black, lacey, pushup bra that makes your chest look even more divine than it usually does. Scaramouche blushes at seeing you nearly topless like this. Sure, he has seen you topless after getting out of the shower or getting dressed in the morning, but this was the first time he’s seen you topless as a woman, and not purely as his master.
“You like what you see?” Your sultry voice made him blush and his dilate even further. The indigo haired cat boy quickly looked away, nose almost bleeding from sheer stimulation. “I’m going to take your shorts off now,” you tell him, and kiss his forehead and Scaramouche nods in agreement, eager to strip everything off to be even closer to you.
As you slide his shorts and underwear over his knees, you can’t help but to notice how hard he actually was, tip flaming red and dripping precum. Even his pants slipping past his cock was enough to make him whimper and almost cum on the spot.  
"Oh, look at you," you croon as you massage the tip between your fingers. You push him back onto the bed, trapping him underneath you. "My fierce, sassy cat boy reduced down to a mewling kit. Tell me: how badly do you want me?" 
It was at this point Scaramouche decided to take his chance and wrap his tail around your hips and pull down your bra to suck on your nipple.
 "Ah-ah-ah," you tut, smacking his hands away from your chest. "Only good cat boys get to play with my breast. Have you been a good boy?" His ear flatten against his head, equal parts shame at becoming noticeably aroused when you called him a good boy and equal parts excitement. 
"I don't care about that shit. Just help me relieve this throbbing pain." He attempts to command you, but it just comes out as a whimper. 
You cock an eyebrow at him and he immediately knew he messed up. Scaramouche, the proud arrogant cat boy with a sword for a tongue, started one thing you never expected him to do: beg 
"I'm sorry y/n. I'll be a good boy. Please relieve this pain. Please-please-please. I need you," He starts babbling, words and prayers spilling over his lips. Poor cat boy was already pussy drunk and he hadn't so much as touched it directly. 
You strip your pants and underwear off and that almost sends Scaramouche over the edge. Unhooking your bra, you allow him to squeeze your breasts gently, causing you to moan a bit louder. As you straddle him again, you lean down and gently nibble his sensitive, furry ears, sending jolts up the cat boy's spine. The wet sounds in his ears were just so exquisite, gasping and moaning even louder. 
"Scaramouche Balladeer the Sixth," you whisper in his ear. "Are you sure you want to have sex with me? We can stop now if you want." The catnip had to be wearing off soon, but Scaramouche was still very much in the mood. He nods, almost unable to get the words out. "Scara, I'm going to need you to use your words, otherwise I will not continue."
"Y-yes master," Scaramouche whines. "Pl-please do something about my leaking cock." 
You lift yourself up slightly and align his weeping cock with your needy hole and lower yourself down gently. Upon entering your folds, the cat boy almost cums on the spot; the stimulation was too much. Scaramouche moans and bites your neck to try and quiet himself, but you lift his face up and crash your lips into his and suck on his bottom lip.
"I'm going to move now," you say into his mouth, to which Scaramouche nods vigorously. As you start grinding on his dick, you feel it throb inside of you, pulsating with anticipation. Your walls tighten and loosen around Scaramouche's cock as you kiss him, throwing both of you into a passionate fury. 
"I-I'm close," you moan. "S-scara it's ok to c-cum inside." You can barely speak through the intense pleasure. As you babble on, you can feel his dick twitch before finally exploding inside you. His tail wraps even tighter around you when the release happens. It wasn't long after you crest the peak of your own orgasm, leaving you both sweaty and panting. Scaramouche's ears were twitching happily, face relaxed like you've never seen it before, and generally at peace with himself. 
"Was that fun?" You ask, still on top of him, dick still inside of you. He sluggishly nods, smiling like he's in a dream. You ruffle his ears and hair and unwrap his tail from around you. As you get off him, the cat boy tries to give you a hug to pull you back down, but Scaramouche's energy was spent, so his hug had no pull. 
You quickly locate the tissues and hand them off to Scaramouche and tell him if he needs help cleaning up to let you know if he wants to take the lazy route, otherwise a shower is the best option.  The cat boy rushes to the shower, cum dripping down his leg. As you clean yourself up, you debate joining him in the shower to wash up before bed. Scaramouche pokes his head out of the bathroom, demanding that you help clean him in the shower.
For some reason, you two can never agree on water temperature. You prefer it to be scolding hot whereas he prefers it to be warm but not hot, which feels cold to your skin. Eventually, you settle on a decent shower temperature, and you start washing his hair.
"Mind the ears," He grumps. Scaramouche is back to his old uptight self again. "Also, don't be so rough; I'm delicate you know."
"Yes, yes, my big strong cat boy and his delicate ears," you muse. "OK, body wash time." You start putting the soap on the wash cloth and as you start scrubbing him down, he yowls.
"Gentle, I said. Gentle!! What part of that don't you understand?!" He was so cute when he scowled, but you weren't going to let him know that. 
"Exfoliation Scara. It's good for the skin. Also, did not think I was that rough." The cat boy glared at you in response. "Good news is, you're clean now." You rinse off the suds and Scaramouche shook his head, almost like a dog, to get the water out of his hair. "H-hey now!" 
The cat boy stuck his tongue out at you and nimbly hopped out of the shower. "Now you can have your hot as hell water to fuck up your skin with." 
Even though Scaramouche was clean, he still hung out in the bathroom, watching you shower with an intense gaze. His ears twitched excitedly. The way the soap slid off your breasts, the way your hands went through your hair when you washed it was all so alluring. He considered himself lucky to have had the experience he did tonight, even if it was fueled by catnip.
After you were done scrubbing yourself, you put on your pajamas. Scaramouche was laying in the bed and had already put on his signature black sleeping shorts and an oversized t-shirt with a cat on it, which you got purely for the irony. 
You head over to the bed and get in under the covers and could just feel Scaramouche's body heat radiating through the blankets. 
"So, amuse me,"you cock your head in wonder. "Does catnip affect every cat boy like an aphrodisiac or only some? Also, I didn't take advantage of you did I?"
"So, it does have aphrodisiac-like properties on certain cat boys or girls but I was still very much in control. I was not expecting to be hit that hard by it, but I've been wanting to experience you for a long, long time. So, it's  win-win. You got to play a small 'joke' on me and I got to experience your body. Now tell me," He smirks.  "When can we do stuff like that again? And next time: I want to be in control." Scaramouche kisses you before turning away. 
"Ok fine, but remember: I'm the master in all other areas in life." You whisper in his ear, causing it to flick from the simple stimulation of your breath. You pull him in close to cuddle him like a stuffed animal and as much as he tries to say he hates being little spoon-he really does enjoy it.  
The two you drift off to sleep, dreams of each other's bodies racing through your mind, wanting to experience the whole act again.
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gothic-puppyboy · 11 months
Hello! Could I ask for some activities and maybe snacks for a domestic catkin?
Ooo! What a fun one! You want some snacks? I got you covered my feline friend!
Activities for domestic cats:
Play with cat toys! (string, balls, etc.)
Keep up with your nails! Keep them nice and sharp
Do some cat themed make up
Take a nap in a sunny window
Wear cat ears and a tail
Take short "cat naps"
Sit and observe something
If you have pet fish/birds or squirrels outside, watch them closeley and notice all of their little movements
Practice your best purring and meowing sounds
If you have nails, scratch something with them
Knead a pillow with your hands before you use it
Wear toasty and warm clothes (especially ones with faux fur!)
Cuddle up near a fireplace
Buy or make paw gloves/mittens!
Pounce on pillows
Go for a walk outside
Get a cozy beverage
Snack ideas for a cat therian:
Canned tuna'
Snacks topped with mint leaves (catnip is related to mint plants!)
Fish sticks
Gold fish
Dry cereal (kibble esq?)
Ham and other deli meat sandwiches
164 notes · View notes
homesickn · 1 year
Isn't bite also touch?
Chapter one! (Weekly updates)
(Loki x Female demon!reader, eventual smut!)
Check chapter two here!
SUMMARY: Loki was saved by a demon and now the demon girl is attached to him like a cat is attached to catnip.
Is this trickery? Is this Devil lying to Loki to gift him punishment?
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Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (future chapters), angst, mentions of trauma, emotional manipulation, demonic creatures.
Tags: Hurt Loki, protective Loki, protective reader, grumpy Loki, fluff and angst, Grumpy/Sunshine, hurt/comfort, soft Loki at times (he's touch-starved but emotionally unstable), bubbly reader, (future) demon-sex.
Note: Hello! This is my first time writing for Loki and sharing a story of mine, English is not my first language so please be kind.
Everything has been made with lots of love, and I'll see if I add more tags as the story goes. If you like it, please let me know your thoughts!
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“We caught him. We got Loki.” Steve Rogers bragged, spreading the news to the team through the tiny speaker the headphones had.
Some sighed relieved, others—specifically Tony, accompanied by Natasha, hurried to examine the cell he was going to stay at, temporarily, before being sent to receive Asgardian punishment.
Loki didn't seem even slightly defeated at the concept of staying in the cell once again, it's almost as if he's planned it, and with Loki, you could never know. He still had the smugness in his expression, but he lacked his army and scepter, so the Avengers couldn't help but be overly suspicious of his unbothered behavior.
The cell was intrinsically made to protect the external side from whatever— or whoever— was inside, a stronger, hopefully more long-lasting copy of the first that was destroyed before the official New York attack. The concept was created by S.H.I.E.L.D with the support of Stark to provide safety to everyone whenever Hulk decided to come out, and Loki knew it was still that way, but at the moment those were the special occasions in which it can be lent to any dangerous individual. 
But seeing as they had to strengthen the new cell, based on what happened to the first, Loki didn't know what the improvements of this one were.
Anyhow, none of the Avengers expected that a being was rushing to the same spot some of them were, at the same time. You hurried sneakily hoping not to be found, hiding in the shadows to find the local you were informed of.
The shadows moved with you whenever you walked, in the literal sense, and morphing to whatever shape you desired. The silence that your footsteps provided was unfamiliar to human (or enhanced humans, or alien) ears. 
When you arrived at the cell responsible for locking Loki — recently having discovered his name — you hesitated coming closer, seeing that Stark and Romanoff were there first. You chose the option of sticking to your shadows by the corner. 
“Second time you come here, and this time Banner is well-protected and miles away. Should you have a plan for this, we'll lock you again so you can see that you will always lose no matter what you try next.” Tony's voice was loud and clear, giving no room to thinking otherwise, that's what he always sounded like.
His confident tone did not manage to afflict Loki's expression, so if he did feel the impact or had a change of emotions, it was unknown to the two watching his every move.
Natasha kept a serious glare at him, one that'd inspire others to shiver until they even dare question the temperature of the room. She waited patiently to see if Loki would snap and try some escapade at any given moment.
He didn't. 
“I always have a plan, Stark. By now, you should know that. It would make our little encounters way simpler.” His velvety voice was surprisingly smooth and showed a contrast to the silence of the room, impacting them with the sophisticated and kept-together tone. Almost managing to make them shiver. 
At least Tony, not Natasha (she didn't seem to be easily intimidated). Or you, the one that's still in the shadows.
“Well, then you can calculate your plan for as long as you'd like, for as many days as it takes, 'cause you're not getting yourself out of this prison. We made sure of it.” Natasha stated, and Tony quickly nodded in response, glancing at Romanoff and having his eyes come back to Loki.
After that, you watched them leave. 
You could sense every moving thing in the huge room, your powers presented to you the incessant—and quite loud— heartbeat that was coming from Loki's chest. Blame it on yourself for being able to detect that but you silently wondered how they didn't notice.
After some more time spent in silence, you could sense Loki's nervousness increasing, it was palpable, and honestly, the atmosphere was becoming kind of pleasant to you, who decided to wait and analyze the way his emotions were changing.
Fear. Although he seemed to not want to demonstrate that, perhaps also afraid someone might be watching through the cameras.
Was nobody really going to come? 
You realized with disdain that maybe his plan involved counting on a third-party. This time he couldn't possibly understand the patterns of the cell beforehand, he also couldn't appeal to the team's distaste for each other, so a fight like the other time wouldn't be able to be induced.
Maybe he thought Thanos would come for him, seeing as he led the army of Chitauri. Maybe he thought he'd be tracked and they'd come for him again, to finish the mission.
You knew this, you knew everything that involved vulnerability. Humans were somehow unique in this matter, but Gods always carried something special within and most of the times it is related to their godlike trait of specialty. 
You get Zeus as an example: the leader of the Gods on Olympus, will always be scared of failure and being inferior, and when found in situations he sees as disrespectful his anger will always be human-like, his punishments will be tainted by an emotional and human anger. 
This is something special about the Gods we can live with, this is what makes them and their stories interesting to humans, the feelings and flaws. Semblance to humanity.
Their flaws are deeper and carry more pain than humans could possibly experience. The God of Mischief, Tricks and Lies carried a long-time pain and years of trauma for being betrayed and lied to. It was interesting to watch life be ironic and to see the flashback coming to life behind their eyes. 
To be frank, you weren't expecting him to depend on someone else to escape, it's supposed to be common nature for him by now. The distrust, the tricks any time, to be wise in the nature of misleading and manipulation. 
But anyhow, you decided to wait and check if any other noise or heartbeat would make a sound in the room.
It didn't, still just Loki. 
So you approached, still covered, protected from view by your shape-shifting shadows. 
The atmosphere was colder than you had expected once you were in front of the cell, your hands touched the armored glass. Invisible now, abandoning your shadows. You didn't know if the cold was coming from him or if they just kept the air that way. Probably both.
Loki was in the middle of the cell now, facing his bed for the night. 
His thoughts kept betraying his facial expressions, being louder than he allowed his face to show, they were a constant mess of scheming and planning different ways out, a bunch of diverse techniques for trickery with the intent of finding his freedom.
Honestly you were getting a bit of a headache, but you realized he clearly didn't know that to do. You could sense his restricted powers moving through his veins.
You touched the glass with your fingertips first, then, with your fingernails, applying a slight pressure to it. Making Loki violently flinch and turn his body back to the entrance expecting to see one of the Avengers there to taunt him. 
He saw nothing and immediately frowned due to that. Then relaxed, noticing there was nobody there and thinking it might have been something else. You wondered if he could sense you or if he thought it was an illusion.
You decided to make use of the fact he still kept his front to the entrance—where you secretly were— and once again slowly scratched the glass he was being kept in.
Loki visibly flinched once again. 
“Fine, I thought it was nothing at first but I can definitely feel someone here now. Who is it? Who's there?!” He asked out loud to the empty room.
You waited in silence, seeing his fear was quite the spectacle. It's humanly cruel to admit but the fear that comes from Gods are a treat to be felt and experienced. To you. 
You were slightly shocked he could feel your presence there, although it did answer the doubt you had before to know if he could feel your presence or not.
You were tempted to scare him further, so mischievously as you decided to be, you closed your hand to a fist and knocked on the glass. Different areas, at the same time.
He looked around dramatically quick, closed his expression after noticing this was possibly a trick. He got back in place and his eyes dared to look forward— frighteningly exactly where you are—, and crossed his arms, presenting a —also—dramatic stance.
“Very funny, really adorable. I don't enjoy playing with witches, especially ones that won't show themselves, I'll let you know. Take off the spell.”
Really? I thought he liked tricks. You guess fear changes people, you could laugh at his scaredy cat behavior some other time. 
You took off the spell and showed your human form to him, making a mental note of how he seemed to gasp when you appeared out of nowhere. You noticed the cell seemed to restrict his powers although it seemed not to erase it completely, which is a capable downfall for the team of humans, they should've checked this before.
You presented yourself in a full black uniform with a long matching cape covering your shoulders, and your hair was kept down and loosen. The most noticeable detail was the metal mask you kept covering your nose and mouth. Allowing him to stare only at your eyes, not being able to see your full face.
“Loki, Loki of Asgard.” Your voice broke the silence, your eyes seemed to shine a little brighter after pronouncing the words.
He stared at you, his eyes questioning and doubtful, multiple questions running through his mind.
“And who are you? One more of the freaks coming to teach me how to behave in midgardian society? How do you know who I am?”
“Let's humbly say that I'm here to…save you,” he couldn't help but laugh at that.
“And what's that supposed to mean? You were in silence just then for a while, you clearly want something from me, and I want to know what it is. And I wish to know who you are, or maybe…who you're probably working for.”
“One of Thanos' children?” he thought, you don't care enough to ask what it means. 
You gave him a strange look he could not decipher.
“I work for no one, only myself. You can think of me as an angel, if you want, or if you need it. But I want to help you. Your powers have drawn me to you.”
“No angel would ever assume they feel drawn to greatness or power, I can only believe you may be a witch,” he eyed you up and down again, you noticed he seemed to do it a lot. Like he was constantly trying to understand things about you.
“No, I'm no witch. But I do admire them,” you let your head down a bit, then stare at him. Allowing your hands to try and reach the glass once again.
His eyes widened even before you managed to complete the touch. He thought you were going to scratch it again.
“No, no, don't do that! Stop scratching the glass!”
“Don't worry, I'm merely touching it this time.” you reached the glass and analyzed it, your hands glowing a black flowing matter, your powers, attempting to understand what it was made of and what could be its weakness. “Someone really doesn't want you to come out, it seems. The cell is reinforced by an invisibility spell that's hiding a layer of Adamantium.” 
“I don't know what that is, but the cell wasn't built for me that's for sure.” 
“It's a special metal, possibly the second strongest metal on Earth. Maybe it was built for you, or maybe not. I could sense your powers from miles away. You're more powerful than you think you are, with more experience you could turn a prison of Adamantium into multiple pieces.” 
He seemed to get angrier at what you said. Immediately scowling at you.
“Are you claiming I'm not experienced with magic? What would you know?! I'm over a thousand years of magic experience, I'm pretty sure I can handle anything by now.”
“Then break the cage yourself.” you simply stated. “Do it then.” 
“I can't, you dim-witted creature. As you can see, my magic is restricted.” He gesticulated to the cell around him, crossed his arms and looked at you.
“I know you carry more power than the supreme sorcerer in person. Again, if you had more faith in yourself mayhaps you'd be able to break it and find your way out on your own.” Your eyes wandered to the ground, making it seem like you didn't even care much, turning around slightly as if to go away. 
“And you…you can break it?” he asked after some seconds, lowering his voice. 
You turned back, looking over the whole glass. Your body leaned a bit backwards with you, showing a bit of drama through your movements. 
Then you placed yourself exactly where you were, and straightened your posture to speak to him.
“Yes, yes I can break it for you. I'll help you.” You decided. He seemed overly suspicious of every movement you made.
Placing your hand on the glass you let yourself feel all the tingly numbness that comes with allowing your powers to overcome, then you feel the glass start shattering under your fingertips. The strength of the material was stronger than anything you were used to physically handle daily.
Surprisingly, Loki's hand started glowing a light green color and his eyes closed as if putting the same effort as you into attempting to break the glass, less than he usually would be able to but still trying. His body got closer to the glass, not actually daring to touch it yet.
Your powers together managed to crack the top of his glass cell, this was when the loud warning noise came along, ringing in your ears and making you flinch. 
Loki grew alarmed and his magic was visibly weakening as the noise took over all the place. Seeing as these were extreme measures, you started putting double the effort to break it faster.
“It would be incredibly great if you could just help me again. It was good before, it was working.” You told him to make him pay attention to you once again. “You shouldn't let your emotions get in the way like that, I can sense your desperation from here, it's distracting!” 
He looked at her in disbelief but he put his hands in front of himself again, his powers grew strongly green and the glass cracked more and more. 
“You talk about desperation but I'm not the one that's raising my voice…” He muttered in the middle of everything.
“If you helped me I wouldn't need to!”
“Didn't you say you could do everything by yourself?” 
“I'm just saying in a matter of hurry to get you out, it would be great to have your powers help me break the second most powerful metal on Earth!”
“You should thank the gods that I-”
“Well I don't! I simply DON'T thank the gods,” you said louder than before. He seemed surprised but quickly recomposed himself. “And stop attempting a threat, should the humans arrive I can let myself out easily. Be more grateful.”
“As if! For all I know you must be a witch planning on kidnapping me… But seeing as being with the midgardian costume-show is worse, I don't mind the entertainment of being kidnapped by a…“ He took a pause to look at you, and you raised an eyebrow at him, slightly tilting your head. “Uh…insane, scary witch.” 
You could feel the heat increase and the announcement that there was an escape plan happening kept ringing loudly into the ears of both you. It would be a matter of time until the Avengers could track you and come back to the room. You both turned your heads to the entrance door that was right behind you, nothing yet.
Loki watched as your eyes seemed to go completely black in an instant, hands were getting shakier both yours and Loki's, then in the blink of an eye, the glass smashed in tiny little pieces. 
Loki put his arms in front of his face due to the impact but you didn't, your hands were still glowing with darkness and gray speckles of light as the magic slowly dissolved. One of the multiple pieces of glass crossed your forehead marking a small bleeding cut, that's when you noticed you probably should have had the reaction to protect your body to the glass. You noticed a few tinier pieces made contact with your mask, making a quiet but obvious sound of ripping steel, only a little, but what a shame.
You didn't want Loki to get too suspicious of you so you didn't make it heal faster, you let it bleed a little and it's close to your left eye. 
You watch it with interest, you quite like blood, you like the reminder you can bleed.
Putting your hand to the light wound and taking a bit of the blood on your skin, you let it taint your fingers a little red.
“We should go then.” You stated as a final decision.
You noticed that the moment the glass was destroyed, Loki's eyes seemed to get a bright blue shade for an instant, they even seemed a bit lost, then they went back to the green-grayish tone. 
“Wait, we could–”
You teleported both of your ways out of there, right before the Avengers arrived. 
You realized your plan carried no real structure and it upset you immensely. Now you were stuck in an isolated mossed area with an alien God that appeared to be in deep distress.
“You know this is great, where in the all the Nine even are we?” He looked around at that, checking the varied tree species the place had. And turned to look at you in disbelief.
“Are we still in the United States?!” He questioned loudly once again and started walking straight ahead.
“If there wasn't such pressure on us I could have teleported us somewhere nicer. I couldn't let them be too close,” with that you followed right behind him, managing to keep your footsteps steadier to make it seem as if you know what you're doing.
“If you had waited a little before teleporting us I could have gotten the Tesseract back! If we had the Tesseract I'd manage to find somewhere to hide, very far from here… You didn't let me dictate our plan and now look where we are,”
“The Tesseract?” You asked a bit confused, then you slowly nodded as you just remembered seeing something about that. “The bright blue cube the Avengers carried with them? Is it important?” You were curious now.
“Yes, it is property of Asgard. And it should be with me. They took it from me.” He started going faster and you hurried to match his steps. 
“First of all, why? Second of all,” you paused as you tripped on the rocks. “Ugh. Second of all- I definitely should be the one on the front. Let me lead the way.” 
You certainly didn't appreciate feeling inferior.
You ran a little to go and stay in front of him, turning your back to Loki and proceeding to walk first.
The Asgardian behind you was confused by the suddenness of your actions, and stomped his foot seemingly taking your choice as insolence.
“Where are we?! What the Hel is going on?!” 
“I told you I was going to save you. I did, I took you out of that god forsaken cell, I freed you.”
“Freedom would be a solid belief if I could be by myself right now.” 
“Hey. I have been nothing but nice,” you don't know why you were defensive. “And you have yet to mention why the Tesseract should be with you. I said I can do anything, if you convince me, maybe I can bring it to you,” you said firmly and stared right at him.
That made him pause his steps for a while, you were almost near a tunnel. You paused as well.
He blinked, and looked at you before speaking.
“It's the space stone, a stone that allows you to teleport anywhere you want at any given moment. It controls space in time, and I was using it to my benefit for my plans.”
You looked down to the floor deep in thought with that. Keeping quiet for a little.
“You don't need that, you have me.”
He stared at you quietly too, you almost didn't notice how his eyes shined a little greener after your words, looking… lively, or honest.
 “You'd…move us whenever we needed?”
“Yes, of course,” you exclaimed bubbly.
Everything seemed warmer to you, noticing the Tesseract wasn't going to ruin your plans if you lacked it, your powers are useful enough for that. 
He looked at you oddly, then kept walking. Indicating with his hands that you should walk as well, silently not caring anymore if you're first. 
“I wish you would tell me who you are. The only thing I can see other than your eyes is the mask.”
“You wish for me to take off the mask?” You smiled sardonically. “Are you this curious?”
“You did call yourself an angel,” he began. Your eyes turned slightly darker at the mention, but you were looking at the floor, you kept smiling under the mask.
“I did, yes. I am one, somehow,” you lied. 
You know he can see through your lies, he chose not to comment.
The tunnel was right in front of you two now, you both kept walking. It brought nothing but humid ground with water puddles that kept announcing you in the dark, sometime or another you could hear the small noise of a bug.
Overall, it was quite cold. You thought the cold in the cell had been due to keeping the atmosphere that way, but Loki's presence felt as cold as the air around you, literally.
“Are you cold?” You asked. 
“Hm?” He was distracted analyzing his whereabouts. “No, why? Is it cold? I didn't notice.”
You hummed, you were kind of sensitive to the cold so you weren't sure if you were the one on the wrong. Maybe it was just the tunnel.
Either way, you opened your hands spreading all your fingers, absorbing as much warmth as the place could have.
You noticed Loki's fingertips growing immediately the green it gets when he uses his powers, and…oh.
He conjured you a blanket. A dark green one, that looked very soft.
“I'm a gentleman, I can't let you go cold.” he looked at you and waited for you to take it.
Still, you kept your hands growing warmer and warmer, you got both of them together and huddled a tiny speckle of… fire.
You were satisfied with that, but made it a bit bigger. Now you carried a small flame in the air among your fingers, and your entire hands were glowing red. You felt warm enough, the pyrokinesis required the warmth of your entire body. 
You didn't notice Loki's admiration right beside you, his eyes sparkling with the movements of your fingers through the air.
“You can control fire? Impressive,” he said in awe. 
“It's nothing,” your cheeks felt just as warm as your hands, you supposed you could blame it on the pyrokinesis effect. “You can still give me the blanket, put it around me or something,” you moved your shoulders trying to demonstrate.
So he did, he placed it around your shoulders. It wasn't exactly long, good because it wouldn't touch the dirty ground. Or come close to it.
As you two walked the rest of the tunnel, now feeling less cold than before, a green light flowed by your side again. Loki's hand grew a green light to help us see the dark way in front of us, the fire helped already but it's nice that he thought to add to it.
You just assumed he liked feeling useful as much as you.
Maybe you were a creature cursed to desiring greatness for eternity, however, his powers did draw you to him even further. Your eyes brighten as you look at the green surrounding his fingertips. 
He looks at you curiously, eyes changing from his hands to your face back and forth.
Both of you don't say anything. 
The 'Avengers' as they have recently been named, decided the world was under a giant threat again seeing as Loki had not only escaped but he did so with the help of an unknown person.
This opened possibilities for a thousand different theories. Maybe the God of Mischief had fans, but it'd be really quick enough for them to plan and manage to save him?
Plus, they knew the 'person' was powerful when checking the cameras, seeing the woman appear out of nowhere, and seeing they teleported together. At first they thought Loki was the responsible one for that, but what if he wasn't? It mainly worried them the fact that humans —if it was what saved him— do not simply have superpowers like that.
It became a S.H.I.E.L.D case the second they discovered.
“What if he has more aliens he brainwashed?” Clint asked at the table. “I don't wanna deal with these aliens any more for today, I've had enough.”
“Considering the fact you were just brainwashed by the guy, I can give you that,” Natasha answered, putting a hand on his shoulder. She looked at him more caringly afterwards when the others weren't paying attention to them. Saying quietly: “Are you okay? Don't you think it's better if you rest for now?”
“I'll have enough time to rest after we get that serial killer slash crazy alien back to the cells. Or better yet, out of this planet.” With that, he looked at the other teammates.
Tony was checking the securities and zooming in on the screens, recording to save every detail of the presented outfit, mask, all the angles of this person, anything he could get.
Thor was relentless, demanding to know any information the humans could grant him with. He didn't understand how it wasn't quicker to locate him.
For him it seemed more like a family missing thing than a mass murderer villain missing, they guessed that after all, Loki was still his brother and Thor still had such a big heart.
“If this being is more powerful than my brother is, I don't think we'll find them in these…” Thor turned and gesticulated to the cameras Stark was studying the scenes from. “What are these again?” He mumbled in a hurry, just wanting to get his point across.
“Cameras.” Steve replied.
“Cameras! Of course,” Thor said again making a dramatic case with his booming voice, “I need to check in Asgard to see if he's not there, maybe the Asgardians even know something…I don't know, I'm not sure.” He kept looking around nervously, and picking on his hands as he spoke.
“Thor, relax. We're going to find him, it's our main mission to get a hold of this freak.” Bruce replied now. “If there's one thing about our group of very strange individuals is that we don't like to fail, we're too arrogant for that.”
“Speak for yourself, I'm far from arrogant.” Tony replied clicking on another screen and bringing it closer to him, the technology making the images clearer.
Steve tries to hide a snort, and Natasha can't help but actually laugh. “Come on now, it's not time for jokes.”
“Yeah, don't make us laugh,” she says.
“Is this amusing to you, Steve?” Tony said. Looking away from the screen. “If you think I'm too arrogant-”
“I have no time for this.” Thor turned around, picking Mjolnir with extreme ease and turning it in the air. “I'll be out for a while. If you find news about my brother don't forget to look up to the sky and scream very loudly the name 'HEIMDALL', please.” He made sure to give a quiet scream to interpretate them screaming to Heimdall.
“And who's that Heimdall guy again?” Clint asked.
“The man that sees it all. The guardian of Asgard. I asked him for news regarding Loki's location, but he seems to find absolutely nothing, it's unbelievable. He said there's strong magic protecting his surroundings, or him in itself.”
“If Loki is on Asgard, make sure to send us a letter or a text message to warn us and proceed be sure to keep him there, forever, no need to bring him back.” Tony said dismissively. “We've got enough trouble as it is.”
“Well, now you're just being rude. I bet Loki didn't mean any real harm with his actions. He wasn't like that before.” Thor replied once again, and then turned to the exit to go outside. “Again, if you find anything of him, make sure to yell to the sky!”
The moment Thor left and they saw the rainbow appear through the window and make quite a loud opening, Natasha looked at them and said:
“So who's going to be the one to take the role of insane and yell at the sky?” She asked with a smile.
“Hopefully no one, his brother might be having a blast with Asgardians chicks in a pool, if they have those there. And everything will go back to normal, we'll have no need to worry,” Tony said.
“Just because that's what you'd been doing if you escaped prison doesn't mean that that's what Loki's doing right now.” Steve argued.
“Who let the popsicle speak again? I don't know about you, but other people are familiar with the concept of having sex-”
“Is this conversation really necessary, Tony?” Steve argued back.
“Well, hopefully Tony's right about not needing to worry and-”
Mary Hill entered the room before Bruce could finish the sentence, “Am I interrupting? I apologize, I hate to be the bringer of bad news…actually, no, I'm alright with that.” She said menancingly. After that, she put a laptop on the table they were meeting at.
Also, putting next to it a bunch of information resources, such as multiple other tablets and laptops containing images that are some blurry and others in perfect quality. One of them even contained an image of a woman, seemingly an ID, but they weren't sure.
“Fury was in contact with other agents that could know anything about the characteristics the unknown person had. They studied the height, the weight, the length of their hair, and other things. We tried to study the precise gender this person has but aren't so sure, so we call it Being, they weren't even sure it's human. Still, they checked the powers, the speed in which the glass was broken, everything they could through the images. Changed the angles and studied for news about it, checking specifically also the mask she wore.”
While she narrated every step of the professionals she opened one of the screens and displayed it to another device to share Fury's screen. That's when he began to talk to them, to tell the story through his side as well.
“The creature, we were looking first for witches or any enhanced human beings such as other possible soldiers like Rogers. We were both relieved and worried to see it wasn't the case, our work couldn't be granted with much, but what we found of it should be enough for now to know what we're working with.”
Hill presented a specific image on screen, one that seemed like the one on the ID, the 'woman' had her eyes wide open seeing as she had to look directly at the camera for the important exam.
The image was black and white, of course. But she had her eyes completely empty, the document was inked with white the part where her eyes should be.
“They checked for occurrences and similar characteristics on other people surrounding the same places. What we found complicated is that the situations in which people disappeared like that and appeared out of nowhere were brought up by different people in different parts of the world.” The images kept moving to present women, men and children, not much, probably just up to eight identities that they could collect from around the whole world. “But what's most interesting is that, none of these people actually exist.”
Fury stated and caused the silence of the room to grow instantly tense. They immediately found that frightening.
“Has Loki really been planning the attack on New York for that long? This must be related to him somehow. When, how-” Clint began and was interrupted by Fury again.
“These people would appear on a certain day and disappear at any moment. It was uncertain, it has no pattern, we're in doubt of our process because we can't seem to be sure just one person could be responsible for this. And we're unsure of Loki's relation to this being, at least any relation before today.”
The pictures presented could vary from news where there would be people morphing out of shadows or coming out of something slimy to become human. They weren't sure these things were related to one another but they carried similarities with the pattern of power presented in the cell earlier.
There were videos of men, women, even animals, morphing into something else. And mainly all of them had to be related to the shadows one time or another, that's all they had, they had to stick to it.
“We believe we're dealing with a shapeshifter, and even worse… We believe it's a demon.”
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
Random ghoul Headcanon 2
Dew hates sleeping alone. Ever since he was summoned he’s hated it and he doesn’t know why. He normally ends up snuggled up with aether in his nest but he has been known to fall asleep on mountains chest like a little cat.
Mountain is like them big dogs that think they’re really small. He doesn’t even realise how big he is and you will end up with a lap full of giant ghoul.
All ghouls can see in the dark. They have the same reflective eyes as cats do.
Copia once got the ghouls catnip as a sort of prank/joke present. It was less of a joke when the ghouls went absolutely feral over it. He’s getting them all some more for Christmas.
Swiss and aether go absolutely ham in ikea. They’re not allowed to go unsupervised anymore.
Cumulus licks the incense sticks they use for rituals. Nobody knows she does this.
Aether has an impressive collection of awful dad shirts. And they really are ugly. He tries to get on from each country they’ve visited. Mountain and Swiss steal them sometimes.
Rain eats salt right out the tub. Sometime he’ll pour it into a bowl and add water to make saltwater cereal.
When dew was first summoned he was really scared, especially of sleeping, so copia gave him a plushie. It was one of the ikea rats that someone gave him as a joke and he half expected dew to toss it aside like he had done but dew became really protective over the little thing. He slept with every night. If it ever went missing he’d flip out. He still sleeps with it sometimes. Copia did the same with sunshine when she was first summoned but with a blanket. She still sleeps with wrapped around her.
Candles are banned from the ghouls den because Swiss was caught drinking the melted wax. He got cumulus to join him but she never got caught.
Copia very quickly learnt that the ghouls loved laser pens. They have no idea where the little red light comes from and will chase it around for hours. He once put a disco ball up in the den thinking it would work the same. It was even better. He walked into the den to see all the ghouls spinning in circles trying to chase a specific reflection while crashing into each other. It was a mess. No chores got done that day.
Ghouls can’t get drunk on regular human alcohol so mountain makes it for them. It’s strong enough to get even the biggest ghoul off their face. He also grows weed.
Aether always keeps a hair tie in his wrist for dew. He knows his hair gets in his face sometimes and bothers him but he never had a hair tie with him so aether keeps one for him.
Cirrus and dew both have their nipples pierced. Cirrus has bars and dew has rings. They’ve gotten them stuck together more then once. Mountain laughed so hard trying to untangle them he had to get rain to help him. Rain was no help.
Mountain is terrified of rabbits. He runs to cirrus for comfort whenever he sees one.
Swiss loves working in the nursery. He loves babies and thinks human babies are fascinating. The feeling is mutual the babies love him just as much.
Mountain currently reading twilight to dew upon dew’s request. They’ve made it into new moon. Dew got so mad that “Edward would leave Bella to a dog” he nearly set the book on fire. They’re both team Edward.
Most of the ghouls are early riser's, often rising with the sun. Except rain and cumulus. They can both sleep forever if you’d let them.they’re often found still curled up together asleep at midday. They’re often the last ones to leave the bed or the nest.
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