CSC Rare Pulp
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The Center for Sex & Culture Library presents the Rare Pulp Collection, another community cataloging project. The Center for Sex and Culture Library and Archive was born from, and is sustained by, donated collections of books, magazines, journals, zines, comics, dissertations, works of art, videos, memorabilia, and the personal papers of key members of the community. It is being cataloged by a team of dedicated volunteers and interns.
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cscpulp · 9 years ago
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Anonymous
Publisher: Brandon House : No. Hollywood, Calif., 1969.
Series: Brandon House Library Edition, 6058.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 159 p. ; 18 cm.
Prostitution — Fiction.
Erotic fiction.
"The young whores of Paris--loose, desirable, and carefree. The sexual freedom of the capital city of sin had given them morals that were at best unfettered. They were ready for anything--any perversion, any combination, any pastime that would give vent to their demented sexual cravings. And their customers, both young and old, were more than willing to participate in the bizarre lusts of these unusual girls of the street. They found in them a passionate outlet for their own desires, an abandoned menagerie of sin and pleasure that left them weak--and demanding more..."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Chad Stuart
Publisher: Arena Publications : No. Hollywood, Calif., 1978.
Series: Golden Boy Books, GB-111.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 159 p.  ; 17 cm.
Gay men — Sexual behavior — Fiction.
Gay erotic literature.
"If, as the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR: PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, AND MENTAL HEALTH says, '...males become involved in homosexual behavior...where they are in close contact with members of their own sex..' then is it any wonder that men brought together in those jobs which have long been considered bastions of male exclusiveness should find themselves indulging in--or at least tempted to indulge in--homosexual activity?
What, for instance, makes so many people believe that jobs like fire-fighting, where men are required by work schedules to remain in constant contact with each other on a round-the-clock, twenty-four-hour basis, do not include men who are attracted to each other? Is it really because of the misconception held within the straight society that homosexuals are too visibly unmasculine to make the grade in such masculine professions? Yes, possibly this is one of the major reasons, since too many people, even today, assume that all homosexuals are the limp-wristed little fairies who invariably end up in one or more of the stereotype 'gay' professions.
The following, then, is the story of homosexual firemen--two in particular: Dan Traig, who is cognizant enough of his own sexuality to at least realize his own preferences and not delude himself into believing otherwise. Adlar Lane, who, while having his deep-rooted suspicions of his dominant sexual needs, has managed--like so many others in society--to brainwash himself into believing that his desires lie elsewhere; namely, in heterosexuality.
This is also the story of yet another homosexual: not a fire-fighter, but one who starts fires in order to feel--as states THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA in its discussion of pyromania--the '...relief and pleasurable sensations...' achieved from watching the flames."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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ELEVATOR SHAFT Author: Rod Drown Publisher: Publisher's Consultants : South Laguna, Calif., 1978. Series: Back Door Books, BDB-1029. Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 158 p. ; 17 cm. Subjects:
Erotic stories, American.
Pulp literature, American.
Notes: Publisher's advertisements at end. Contents:
"Springy, with lights dancing in her blue-grey eyes, Patricia Callahan slid her lithe, sinuous, girlish figure into the new uniform she was to wear as an elevator operator.
The bottom of the uniform was the briefest of mini-skirts, with a matching pair of panties. Everything fitted a bit snugly, emphasizing the delicious roundness of Pat's already shapely form. She combed her fluffy black hair while looking in the mirror. Then she put on the box-shaped little cap that went with the uniform and she was ready. Leaving the ladies' room on the main floor, she went to the little storage room and hung her clothing in the tiny closet, inside. Now she was ready to go to work."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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HOT, HORNY THIGHS Author: Rod Strong Publisher: American Art Enterprises : No. Hollywood, Calif., 1989. Series: SEX-132. Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 192 p. ; 18 cm. Subjects:
Erotic stories, American.
Pulp literature, American.
Notes: Originally published: Stag Books : Chatsworth, Calif., 1976. Contents:
"On Wednesday, June was at the ballfield, helping the boys with their practice, improving them, making them play together instead of as individuals. For the first time since it had been put together, the team looked as if it might shape up.
While she showed the boys what to do and how to do it, June kept her eyes on them, and decided there were more than a few likely candidates she would have loved to fuck her. But with the realization came the fact that she didn't have the nerve to actually approach them.
Circumstances sometimes have a way of working out without one doing anything to provoke them. And that was what happened with June."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Greta Franklin
Publisher: Star Distributors : New York, N.Y., 1983.
Series: Transvestia, TV-127.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 170 p. ; 17 cm.
Prostitution — Fiction.
Transgenderism — Fiction.
Cover title.
Personal swinger ads at end.
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
"Bobbi looked the john full in the face as he held her back from going down on his cock. Her false eyelashes brushed her cheeks as she blinked rapidly.
Had he changed his mind?
But the man's blue eyes were smiling back at her as he stroked her big tits.
'Remember?' he asked her. 'I want you to open your pants, too, baby doll...'
Bobbi felt pampered as he began to unzip her jeans.
She felt sexy -- he made her feel so damned sexy!
But she didn't have to tell him that, in words.
The hot, hard length of her cock, seeping a little pre-come at the tip, told him just how hot she was feeling."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Anonymous
Publisher: Star Distributors : New York, N.Y., 1979.
Series: Maitresse Series, MS-104.
Physical Description: Paperback. Fine. 180 p. ; 18 cm.
Sexual dominance and submission — Fiction.
Sadomasochism — Fiction.
Pictured advertisements for:
Dildo Masturbating Deck--"They deal from the bottom with their sticky fingers!"
Bizarre Deck--"Bound and beaten beauties beg you to play with them"
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
"She had never seen this before. It really was unlike anything which she had ever imagined.
Five beautiful young ladies were lined up along the wall and they were each bound in a different manner. And each of them bore the signs of some unique form of infliction upon their naked bodies.
And in front of them stood the Mistress, the woman whom the Southern girl had thought of only as her employer up to now. Jacqueline was wearing a chain mail outfit which revealed her firm, uplifted, abundant breasts and her vast, dark public bush. And she was holding a cat-of-nine-tails in her left hand which she was beating against the palm of her other hand."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Anonymous
Publisher: Star Distributors : New York, N.Y., 1980.
Series: Submission and Mastery, SUB-123.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 180 p. ; 18cm.
Sexual dominance and submission -- Fiction.
Sadomasochism -- Fiction.
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
"I was trapped in an alley. That's how it started. I started screaming and cowering against a building as they came at me.
They whipped me, whipped me with their leather belts. All six of them, big boys, all muscular and smelling of car grease and beers.
Then they raped me. It was my first time. Since then, it's been the same always. I must be whipped. I like it. I love it. I love being slashed until my whole body's burning. Then I love being taken, being fucked and taken!"
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Warren Jameson
Publisher: American Art Enterprises : No. Hollywood, Calif., 1989.
Series: GAY-168.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 186 p. ; 18cm.
Gay men — Sexual behavior — Fiction.
Gay erotic literature.
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
Originally published by Surrey House : San Diego, 1973.
"Seeing the bulging basket on the kid in his classroom day after day almost drove him out of his mind...especially when he would turn away, or bend over, flashing the most irresistible ass on campus.
Little wonder all his thoughts involved that one unattainable body...the one vibrant boyman who lusted so patiently for his teacher."
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Lew Hollings
Publisher: Greenleaf Classics : San Diego, Calif., 1975.
Series: Adonis Classic, AC103.
Physical Description: Paperback. Near mint. 190 p. ; 18cm.
Gay men — Sexual behavior — Fiction.
Gay erotic literature.
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
Contents: Mural painter. Two-fisted peter. White globs. Greased with hair cream, face cream, Vaseline, or KY. Various emollients. Pulled muscles. Frustrated desire to taste his own flesh. Salt-sweet nectar of his own loins. Big basket. Body shirt. Tight knit slacks. Sole beneficiary. Cum-drained studs. Always cruising. Undiminished rigidity. Rapid, staccato explosions. The gas man. The electric man. Dude who'll be installing the telephone. The pool-service man.
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: Lynn Savage
Publisher: American Art Enterprises : Sun Valley, Calif., 1991.
Series: GAY-197.
Physical Description: Paperback. Very fine. 186 p. ; 18cm.
Gay men — Sexual behavior — Fiction.
Gay erotic literature.
Originally published: San Diego : Surrey House, Inc., 1974.
Publisher’s advertisements at end.
Contents: Sonny and Thomas. Ways of the ranch and the prairies. Black pubic hairs. White undershorts. Young, naked bodies just inches apart. Mutual grasping of cocks. Firm, milking motions. Tongue tip searching. Glistening smears of hot manfuck juice. Cowboy love.
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cscpulp · 11 years ago
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Author: David Rank
Publisher: Surey Books : New York, N.Y., 1988.
Series: Adam's Gay Readers, AGR175.
Physical Description: Paperback. Near mint. 153 p. ; 17 cm.
Gay men -- Sexual behavior -- Fiction.
Gay erotic literature.
Gay police officers -- Fiction.
Cover title.
"A Bonus Chapter from Gay Brothers III"--P. 136.
Publisher's advertisements at end.
Bend Over, Pig
Take my Cock, Pig
Sit on a Big One, Pig
Beat Off, Pig
Suck on This, Pig
Convict Cock for a Pig
Pig with a Butt Full
Pig with a Mouth Full
Lick Out my Ass, Pig
Wanna Party, Pig?
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