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“If you don’t know, don’t worry about it. Have a seat.” He started going the motions of making a pot of coffee. There was a more than even chance this was going to be a multi-pot conversation. “Just tell me what you do know, and we’ll figure it out. There’s really only three options, here. You’re either from this world, in the future; from another parallel world where things turned out differently--perhaps in small ways, perhaps in larger ones; or the future of a parallel world.”
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“Home, huh? That’s a nice thing to have. You’d be from the future, then. Are you still from this universe? I’m asking, because it can get a little tricky. Anything to drink? Coffee, tea? Water?”
He had to find out how and why she was here in the first place. Maybe there was a reason behind it.
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“Oh, my. Songs and meal plans; that sounds serious! We should get to the bottom of this mystery immediately--wait, no. I already solved it. He’s happy, Terry. I suggest you let him be happy.” He’ll probably shoot himself in the foot soon enough. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
Oh, damn.
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“…I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”
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               “He’s singing show tunes and cooking edible food.”
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“Something I can help you with...?”
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Gotham? I’ve never heard of ‘Gotham’. ...He’d worry about that later. Now let’s see why you’re following me--
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Whoops. Wasn’t paying attention. Maybe she didn’t see me--
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“Well, this is a surprise. No games today?”
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If I have doubled up on a greeter, I don’t mind doing both. If I accidentally skipped you and you want one PLEASE TELL ME (or you just didn’t like/couldn’t work with what you got/lost and want another).
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“Home, huh? That’s a nice thing to have. You’d be from the future, then. Are you still from this universe? I’m asking, because it can get a little tricky. Anything to drink? Coffee, tea? Water?”
He had to find out how and why she was here in the first place. Maybe there was a reason behind it.
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“Well, that depends; are you asking about methods, morals, or emotions, here?” In any of those cases, this probably wasn’t a conversation to have on the sidewalk. “Why don’t you come inside.”
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Tagged by: @shutupimdeadpool
Birthday:  March 5th Gender: Male Relationship Status:  ‘Blank Space’ by Taylor Swift Zodiac sign: [brb] Siblings: yes Fav. color: Purple Animal companions: Luncheon meat Fav artists: O vO;; I don’t have that kind of time Wake up and sleep time: ...That would be a pretty awesome superpower. Type of phone: As of this second, between phones. Lust or love: ow Lemonade or iced tea: Iced tea, but fucking real iced tea, not herbal tea with ice in it Cats or dogs: Why aren’t meat noodles and birbs on here A few bffs or a few regular friends: Come to me I will be your friend. 8D Television or internet: Why not both? Coke or pepsi: Don’t do drugs kids Coca-Cola Text or phone calls: yes but I never really know when to stop talking Makeup or natural: Just do you. Met a celeb: I might have been adjacent to Vin Diesel before Last song you listened to: I COULD LIE BUT YOU CAUGHT ME AT A TERRIBLE TIME AND I SHALL BE HONEST BECAUSE IT IS FUNNY AND I CAN ALSO LAUGH AT MYSELF Popular from the musical Wicked
Tagging: @rebellionred @twelve-for-twelve @turnmercforwhat @amagicspellandglasses
I don’t fucking know, do it if you want???
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He grunted, but kept the gun trained on him. If he had to shoot, it would be through the eye; with that plated skull, the bullet would bounce around and do even more damage than it would to a skull that could fracture. “You and I have very different ideas of fun, I think.” You didn’t come in shooting, Bullseye. What are you up to?
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“I don’t go down easy, Bullseye.”
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“…I’m probably the wrong person to ask. But it seemed pretty child-appropriate to me.”
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“Bondage? Pretty sure we were talking about duct tape. And it has nothing to do with either. The point I was making was if I give in to you on one thing, you’ll just ask for something else.”
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               “ …She always surprises me how clever she             is. She’s all, ‘dad, I’m eight, I don’t need help             brushing my teeth ! ’ – kids grow up so fast              these days, heh. How’s Hope, by the way ?               We should, like, have a father-daughter day             together or something. Just the four of us. ”
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“I hope your healing factor still works.”
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“I don’t go down easy, Bullseye.”
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Bullseye looks like a psychotic turtle.
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“No, I live here. Besides, I bet I could do worse. Like the fact a moldy prune is more attractive than Bey Arthur.”
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the dark | fire | open water (sea/ocean) | deep water | being alone | crowded/enclosed spaces (agoraphobia) | confined spaces (claustrophobia) | change | failure | war | being controlled/lack of free will | imprisonment | blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | natural animals (any kind) |supernatural monster/animals (any kind) | heights | death/dying | intimacy |rejection | abandonment | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | talking to new people | poverty | loud noises | being touched | powerlessness | angry people | unrequited love
multiple triggers ///
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