I Need A Life
183 posts
Theres too many ocs so i stuck them all here
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
Sorry ive been gone!
Life has been crazy and my confidence in my art has been wavering for a long long time, but im here for at least a little while! If anyone wants to talk my ocs im here to jam!! I honestly miss it quite a bit
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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o hey also heres a doodle dump
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
which oc(s) end up having their mental health totally WRECKED
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
Which OC is the quickest to cry
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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OC-tober- day 5: Marius Wicket
Name: William Wells
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5′8″
Species: Human(Mage)
Backstory: Marius was the first born son of Agetha Wicket- a powerful of the magical council. He was treated well by his mother till he was a young boy starting his training to be a witch. 
Now traditionally witches were all woman, so the woman of witch families were always more valued, but it wasn’t impossible for men to train in witchcraft and be just as proficient. unfortunately, Marius was not as gifted at the craft as his mother would have liked. Not only was he a young boy, but he also struggled greatly with witchcraft. 
How he was treated by his mother only grew worse and worse as his half sister Falon grew older. Shes a lively young redheaded freckled girl who picked up witchcraft with ease. Marius from then on was nothing more then a worker to Agetha. 
Despite this he tried his best to please his mother till he met Lost when he was 8. Lost met him while he was running errands for his mother and thought she should help him since he looked like he was struggling carrying everything. 
From then on their friendship grew and she started sneaking him out along with his sister to go on adventures. The only time Marius ever really spoke to his sister was when he was out with Lost. His mother wouldn’t let him speak to her so he wouldn’t ‘corrupt her’.
He was happy going out on adventures with Lost, William, and Falon till one day William stopped being able to join them and later after that Lost disappeared without word.
Being left without any freedom from then on caused him to grow bitter. He now runs his mother’s magic shop and remains stuck with her till she eventually dies. He would kill her himself, but he is honestly too scared to try.
Personality: Marius is like a pie filled with nails. A nice tempting crust, but when you bite into it, you only get a mouthful of regret. Regret and nails. 
Marius has a hard time trusting people. He often lies about his feelings and acts with a ‘Customer Service’ like personality towards strangers, clients, or potential clients. He believes since he does it day to day, that other people are just as ingenuine as himself. If they aren’t ingenuine, then they’re naive and bound to be hurt or taken advantage of.
Marius lives as a constant bundle of stress. He generally has two stages of stress. The first stage is where hes just bitter and spiteful as always. Complaining about the work while hes doing it and getting on with life. The second stage is when he realizes actually has too much work and needs a miracle to make deadline, so he shuts himself away and doesn’t sleep or eat probably. When he is out in the open where he can be seen, his composure is out the window. His shirt is half buttoned and his hair is sticking out in ways that should be impossible. Hes falling apart.
Once he his work gets done, the cycle starts back over again with the bitterness and spite. Its an extremely rare day that he is free of stress and anxiety.
Only when he is close to someone does he allow himself to relax. He drops his customer service act and doesn’t act out towards whoever he is with. He prefers quiet. He won’t try to force himself into a conversation. If the other person would like to talk, then by all means let them talk. He won’t try to force some halfhearted reply.
Even when he is close to someone, hes never been good with saying 'thank you’ genuinely. Instead, he will give gifts or quietly give thanks though action. He will help with chores, or go on a walk with whoever, or do something in return. If there really is nothing to physically do in return, then he’ll try to give thanks through trying his hardest to act more genuine. Poke less fun, tease less, show that he does appreciate whatever they had done for him.
On the other hand, when he does something for someone, he doesn’t expect anything in return. Sure if its just an acquaintance then he would definitely like at least a 'thank you’, but he won’t pester them over it.
Marius is a being filled with repressed emotions, Anxiety due to repressed emotions, and lack trust in anyone around him. He would prefer being completely alone for the rest of time over giving his trust to someone only for them to betrayal him.
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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OC-tober- day 4: William Wells
Name: William Wells
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6′2″
Species: Human
Backstory: William is the several times great nephew of Elizabeth Wells. Unlike Lizzy, he never found he had some amazing secret powers. He wasn’t born blind and had to learn to work around it. He isn’t especially strong or skilled in sword fighting or wanting to get in a fight.
No, William grew up fairy average compared to Lizzy. Sure his family is somewhat closed off so he grew up with a lot of pressure and without a lot of friends, but he wasn’t exactly running for his life from day to day and burning down churches like the great Elizabeth Wells. 
William met Lost when he was 7 years old. When Lost learned Lizzy still had living family, her curiosity got the better of her and she had to investigate. Of course she wasn’t expecting a family deep into magic knowing what Lizzy told her about her parents, but she at least wanted to see who they were and she ended up sticking around William and spending time with him without his parents knowing. 
As William got older he learned more and more about who Lost actually is. It was hard to believe, but he was young enough that he didn’t question too much. Also she had already shown him magic so hes inclined to believe her.
He met Marius and Falon through Lost as well. Two other kids around his age, but from a magic family. Falon was energetic and wild while Marius was gentle and kind. William liked spending time with them both as much as he liked spending time with Lost. 
William enjoyed Lost’s stories and loved learning about magic. He liked being treated so respectfully and having all these friends to talk to that care about him, and he cared about them in return. They felt like his second secret family, till one day Marius and Falon stopped showing up. Lost would say they were busy and couldn’t come anymore, but she’ll be here as long as he’d like and they can go on adventures every night and now its just the two of them so she could give him one on one magic practice. 
For awhile, he was ok with this. He missed Falon and Marius, but he understood. He saw Lost every night now. She seemed extra energetic and enthusiastic and it was fun! They’d go further out of town and do more things till one day they went too far out and Lost got in over her head.
William was seriously injured by ghouls living in a cave out in the forest, and that made him realize out big and scary the world can be. Lost never told him about these things, but its unrealistic for the magical world to be some perfect never dangerous place.
From then on, he started seeing Lost less and less. He was honestly scared. Nearly dying at 13 years old is scary. Eventually he just stopped going to see Lost. He told her he wanted to focus on his work at home and didn’t feel like playing anymore. 
He hasn’t seen her since. He spent his time studying. He discovered he likes tinkering with clocks and since then went into clock making and repair. He now owns his own shop in town that sits just under his apartment. Its a modest little place, but hes content with it. He likes his safe little shop a lot more then the big scary unknown.
Personality: William is very cautious, gentle, and and clumsy. He has a lot of anxiety and likes to just stay in his comfortable quiet shop. Hes an incredibly kind person and really just a huge softy. He can’t stand seeing people sad whether he knows them personally or not. 
William is also what the kids call a ‘huge dork’. He gets flustered vary easily, fumbles things around and has a slight stutter when hes nervous, and also would honestly be the kind of person that’d just give his coat to someone who needs one off his back without issue. William is just a very anxious and loving dork. Giant teddy bear. 
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
OC-tober day 3: Elizabeth Wells Facts!
Bonus facts about Lizzy for OC-tober!
She doesn’t like being called Elizabeth
All of her clothing is stolen
Lizzy can see aura
She doesn’t know how to read or write(because shes never been able see words as a child. Even now if something was written with magic she still wouldn’t understand what it says because she never learned)
After Lizzy left, her parents later had two more children who were treated much kinder then herself. 
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
OC-tober day 2: Magalure facts!
Bonus facts about Magalure for OC-tober!
Their full name as a human was Alliard Alexis Allure
They were very close to his grandfather whos name was Magnus
Magalure made his current name by mixing their grandfather’s name “Magnus’ with their last name “Allure’ 
Magalure has a soft spot for kids
They don’t need to sleep(but that doesn’t mean they won’t when they’re bored)
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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OC-tober- day 3: Elizabeth Wells
Name: Elizabeth Wells
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 5′6″
Species: Human(sorcerer)
Backstory: Elizabeth lived in a large town as the only child in a wealthy family. She was often mistreated by her parents having been an unwanted birth as well as born blind. Her parents kept her for the sake of keeping their reptuation clear, but treated her like a maid when no one was watching.
When she wasn’t working, she often spent her time playing pretend by herself. She’d act as the hero in a fairy tale swinging a sword and casting spells to save the village or some princess.
It was while she was playing she first learned about her abilities as a sorcerer. She was acting out another scene alone in her room when she needed to cast a spell or ward off some monster, and when she did, the flame she thought of in her head was cast in reality. She knew because she could feel it. She could see it even. She’d never seen anything before that moment
From that moment forward she practiced magic in secret. The town she lived in would have her killed if they found out. Her parents would have her killed if they found out.
Time went on and she taught herself many things. She didn’t fully understand how magic works, but she understood what worked for her. She could create fire and move rocks on the floor. She learned if she used magic on something then she could see the glow around it.
Eventually things became too rough in her home. Her parents were unkind and violent, she was overworked and tired, she wanted nothing more then to run away.
In the past the thought of running away was impossible. How would she survive without sight or any way to defend herself? Now though with her newfound trained powers she was willing to take the risk.
And so she ran away from home at the age of 13.
She spent a year on her own further honing her powers. She stole her meals and hid in the trees to sleep till one day she ran into Lost.
Lost was without any companions besides Magalure at the time. Lost noticed Lizzy’s abilities and started talking to her about them. From then on, Lizzy and Lost stuck together. Lost would teach her about magic and how to better focus her powers and Lizzy would provide good company and add some excitement into Lost and Magalure’s lives.
Personality: Lizzy is energetic, confident, and brave. She acts without thinking and rolls with the punches. Shes honest- almost to the point of being blunt about things. She likes the thrill of a good fight and enjoys the freedom of travel.
Elizabeth Wells is loyal to a fault and will risk her life for the people she loves. Her newfound family means the world to her and she loves them dearly even if she and Magalure bicker to no end.
Lizzy wants to be the hero of her own storybook. She trains day and night to be strong physically and with her magic to protect those important to her and save the day when needed, even though often the reason anyone needs saving is because of her own reckless actions.
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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OC-tober- day 2: Magalure
Name: Magalure
Age: older then Lost
Gender: Agender(she/he/they. They don’t care)
Height: 8′ - 9′(they’re stretchy)
Species: Demon(cursed human)
Backstory: Magalure was once a human like many others. The largest difference between them and the hundreds of other humans in their town was their wealth. Magalure was the only child of a wealthy business man, and they lead a fairly easy life given the time period.
They weren’t ever especially close with their mother and father, but they had no reason to dislike them. Life was simple. All they needed to do was stay on top of their studies and everything they could ever want or need will be handed to them. 
Time went on and their parents grew older and eventually passed when they were 15. The family’s wealth was passed onto them, and they could do whatever they wanted with it. Not only were they now very wealthy, but they weren’t without good looks either. 
Woman would try to charm them, but they had no real interest in any of them. They’d just shoo them off without a second glance- slowly becoming more and more tired of their advances till one day a beautiful young woman made herself known to him. They had no real interest in her like all the others, but they were interested in her family’s money and control over a good portion of the area’s land. 
They married the woman and played long. They acted as a caring partner till her parents passed and the family’s money and land were passed down to them. They soon left the woman they married and took the family’s wealth with them. 
The woman was hurt by this, having thought they really cared about her. Little did Magalure know; the woman they had married was a powerful witch from a long line of magic users.
The woman crafted the most powerful curse she could manage and cast it upon Magalure and turned them into the demon they are now.
Magalure left the town angry with what she had done to them. They searched for ways to break the spell for years and years before eventually meeting Lost. Lost knew many things about magic. Much more then Magalure. 
Magalure offered Lost protection if she would help them search for a way to break the curse in return. Lost accepted since she has been struggling with protecting herself not being exactly the strongest physically.
As time went on, Magalure and Lost grew closer and closer and eventually became great friends. Lost never was able to find a way to break the curse, but the more time Magalure spent like this, the less they minded. They’re simply enjoying the company. 
Personality: When they were a human they were intelligent, vain, greedy, and manipulative. They didn’t think of other people as people. They had no interest in other’s feelings or thoughts, they only cared about what they could get from them. 
Nowadays since they’ve spent time with Lost and was taught to open up and forced to try to understand others needs, they have mellowed out as a person. They are levelheaded, realistic, though still very intelligent even if they don’t flaunt it. 
They prefer to sit and listen, think before acting, and understand how and why things happen and move accordingly. 
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
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Happy OC-tober folks! Time to try this again and see if i can hang in and not fall out of it
OC-tober- day 1: Lost
Name: Lost
Age: 600+
Gender: Female
Height: 4′9″
Species: Unstable Fire Elemental
Backstory: Lost was born in a violent time for violent purposes. The necromancers that created her intended to make a man made fire elemental to aid them in fighting the losing battle against mages. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, the spell went wrong and things blended improperly.
Lost was born from this mistake and was set to be killed later that day since generally her type don’t live long, if at all. It was sheer luck that the elemental aspects of her body were kept to her limbs rather then anything internal which is the only reason she managed to survive being made.
She escaped from the necromancers and ran as long as she could before her body gave out from under her. She blacked out on the gravel path, only to later be found by an older mage man. He took her in and made her enchanted gloves and socks to cover her arms and legs. He raised her for many years of her life. He taught her how to read and write, about magic and the magical creatures of the world, and treated her as his own for 14 years of her life before she decided she wanted to travel and see the world herself.
For hundreds of years she traveled and learned. Shes made friends and lost friends through her life and has seen many things, but continues to keep moving forward.
Personality: She is a kindhearted, polite, and intelligent girl. She has a good heart and means well, but is prone to being in denial about how dangerous the world is and how many awful things there are in it. Her overly optimistic outlook gets her and anyone with her into a lot of trouble.
Lost craves attention and validation to feel self worth. Having lived so long and made as many mistakes as she has, she finds it hard to like herself. This leads to a cycle of loosing another friend weather it be by old age, illness, or her own mistakes; falling into depression and isolating herself, but then eventually running into someone and growing too attached. Unfortunately it’s often children she ends up wowing with her knowledge and stories and it’s the children who come out worse for it.
In the end she still means well and she loves every friend she makes with all her heart. She just blinds herself to the dangers of the world and grows careless. Then when the time comes to act, more often then not her cowardly nature shines through.
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
OC-tober day 1: Lost facts!
Bonus facts about Lost for OC-tober!
Her favorite food is double chocolate cake
She really enjoys singing and is pretty darn good at it
She is transgender
She was in a small traveling circus at one point(against her will)
She is fluent in three languages(latin, english, and german)
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
OC Outfit Doodle Asks
Send one of the following symbols and one of my OC’s names and I’ll doodle:
👀 OC in their typical underwear 💤 OC in their sleep attire 🔞 OC in something sexy 🏄 OC in what they would wear to the beach/pool 👔 OC in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding) ☠ OC in what they would wear to a funeral 👖 OC in what they would wear to a casual event (such as a birthday party) 👑 OC dressed as royalty 🚪 OC in what they wear when lounging around at home 💕 OC in what they would wear on a first date ❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear 🎃 OC in a costume they’d wear for Halloween 🎄 OC in an ugly Christmas sweater 🚓 OC in a prison uniform 🚲 OC in athletic gear  🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal ❄ OC in what they’d wear on a very cold day 🔥 OC in what they’d wear on a very hot day 👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it (think Zazzle) 🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire 📦 OC wearing something that isn’t clothes (such as a fig leaf, a barrel, etc.) 👻 OC in a really bad disguise 📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup 🙎 OC in something embarrassing 👗 OC in something from the 50’s 💀 OC in goth/emo/scene attire 💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes 🌁 OC in a hoodie 🌋 OC in camping or adventuring gear ♠️ OC in their armor (or in some sort of fantasy armor if not applicable to their story) 🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit  🏨 OC in a maid outfit 🏥 OC in a nurse uniform 🐑 OC in farmer wear 👍 OC in a crop top
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
Heres the names i need last names for!
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 8 years ago
I literally made 5 new ocs since the last time i’ve updated this blog. I need to update the character list
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 9 years ago
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also i tried to paint???
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fen-has-too-many-ocs · 9 years ago
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during my last stream someone brought up drawing crying kids, but i never got around to it while the stream was running.
Heres some crying kids!!
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