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They/She19Multi-fandom accountMinors DNI please(If I see a minor interacting, you will be blocked)
Last active 3 hours ago
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mossplot · 3 months ago
whats your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I would definitely have to go with either strawberry or pumpkin! If you'd like to comment yours, I'd love to hear it!
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Maybe a good/better ending AU? 🥹
What about a set of headcanon designs of formal/evening attire for the Tulpar Crew? May or may not include Jimmy, and Curly's condition is up to you. :3
Mouthwashing Better AU+
Formal Attire!
TW: Mentions of R*pe
-I like to believe in this better AU, when Anya tells Curly about what Jimmy has done to her, he immediately confronts him and pulls NO punches.
-Curly wants to believe it's some sick joke for his own sanity, but he knows Jimmy and what he's capable of (being somebody's friend for twenty-some-odd years does that.)
~"Hey man, what's up?"
~"Anya told me. Jimmy, man...what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you serious?"
-Doesn't bother contacting cooperate before deciding to put their cryogenic chamber to good use protecting Anya (not without heavy resistance on Jimmy's end, kicking and scratching trying to avoid being confined.)
-The rest of the haul went rather smoothly with maybe a few very minor bumps and scraps here and there.
-There's plenty of team bonding like game nights. Daisuke always wins much to everyone's dismay, but it's fairly funny watching Anya get pissed off and claim he's cheating at an "un-cheatable' game.
-Without Jimmy around, no one feels that they have to walk on eggshells anymore (this especially applies to Anya.)
-When they finally make it back to Earth, they're all so relieved yet saddened.
-Even though they are ecstatic to get back to their regular lives, they had grown to be a family over the past year.
-Lots of hugs and tears (mostly from Daisuke) and promises to meet up as often as all of them can!
-Jimmy is unfrozen and put on trial, being convicted of rape and thrown in prison. He gets counseling and progresses into a much better person but remains in prison for a long time ultimately deciding that when he gets out, he won't contact anyone on the Pony Express team. (He fades from their memories over time and they have no idea what became of him.)
-Daisuke goes home and reconnects with his parents and sister after being gone for a year, blabbering about everything that occurred and about how much fun he had interning for Swansea (who he calls every so often to keep in touch.)
-After a couple months or so, he finally decides to apply to Maryland Institute College of Art and gets accepted! (His parents are just happy he's finally applying himself.)
-Swansea already had a preestablished family prior to joining the Tulpar, a family in which he was so grateful to see again when he got back and vice versa.
-He took a very deserved period of self TLC before going back to work the auto-body shop he and his daughters ran!
-Curly had the most eventful time after leaving the Tulpar as he wasn't sure he wanted to be a captain anymore after that trip.
-He takes some time, job hopping from being a commercial airlines pilot, a line service technician, and finally settling on a less glamourous yet much more significant title, Professor Curly at Purdue University.
-Speaking of college, Anya decides to go back to school in an attempt to get her master's in Nursing and after several setbacks, she manages to graduate with a 3.56 making her the dean's list!
-It's her very graduation that has the crew (minus Jimmy of course) reuniting after several years!
-Graduations are an important event, especially college ones! This is exactly why each member comes dressed in what they view as "formal attire."
-While all of the men dawn suits of various colors, Anya wares a beautiful plum colored ankle length gown fitted with three golden star pins that corset the back under her ceremonial garb. On her feet are tasteful golden, shimmery flats that serves to complement the pins as well as allowing her to move as needed. (AKA she cannot walk in heels for the life of her.) Chooses to steer away from any Jewlery and leaves her hair as is naturally. Usually wearing very minimal makeup, Anya decides to go all out for this special occasion!
-Daisuke is clade in a salmon-colored suit (the same color as his Hawaiian shirt he wore in his days in the Tulpar) that is adorned by golden fixings on the cuffs. While his hair, now grown slightly longer, is pulled back into a neat ponytail, he decides against a tie or bow, rather leaving the top button undone and open showing off two layered necklaces. One a locket of his family and the other a simplistic, thin chain. He wears red dress shoes that do not compliment his attire at all, but as long as he liked it who cares? He too decides to wear a bit of makeup to enhance his features. Despite his time in college, Daisuke remains as cheerful and free-spirited as he was in the past!
-Curly's attire consists of a very plane navy blue suit to compliment his eyes. The suit is similar to Daisuke's in style and cut, but instead of gold fittings his are silver! The only one in the bunch to wear a belt and he makes sure it's black to match his shoes and tie! His curly hair is slicked back with a few left dangling as framing pieces.
-Lastly, Swansea comes in a regular black suit and tie with his favorite sneakers from his collection on. He has a silver tie clip snapped on to ensure it stays on straight (you cannot convince me he does not have one of those) that match his cuff buttons! His greying hair is combed back into that neat style that older gentlemen wear, courtesy of his wife! He originally just wanted to go in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but his wife scolded him into changing on the condition he could still wear the sneakers.
-The graduation goes flawlessly, and emotions run high as they all crowed into cars heading to the nearest restaurant for good food and even better company.
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Sometimes I’ll look over and see curly’s man tits and be like holy shit.. not in a gay way.
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Whats your favorite song from the beatles
That’s really tough, I would definitely have to say it’s a tie between yellow submarine, I am the walrus, and strawberry fields forever (Lucy in the sky is close too.) if you want to comment, I’d love to know yours too! Thanks for the ask!<3
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Guys, PRETTY PLEEEEEEASE send me asks. I’ll kiss ya😼😼
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Y/n: I don't have enough money for rent... *unbuttons shirt*
Jimmy: That's okay. I accept other payments. *unzips pants*
Everyone else on the Tulpar playing Monopoly with them:
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Can I request a story of how captain curly met the reader? Something like that:
Curly decides to spend some time during winter enjoying some winter sports, like snowboarding or skiing. One evening, while coming back to his house or hotel, he meets a woman sitting alone crying. Curly being an absolute sweetheart comes to her to ask if she's alright and he learns that the woman was ditched by her friends with whom she was supposed to spend the winter break together. He takes liking to her, so he decides to spend the remaining of her winter break together. He could even teach her how to ski.
Sorry if the request is weird and too specific (And most likely full of errors since English is not my first language xd). Anyway I wish you a good day or a night ❤️
OMG YES, I LIVE FOR THIS ASK!!! it’s such a cute idea! I hope I do your idea justice and hope you love it! Thank you so much for asking! Please do remember that this is a newer account, and I am trying my best!
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To Have Met You
In Curly’s eyes, no season compared to winter. The air was crisp, the bugs were blissfully absent, and you didn’t break into a sweat just by standing outside. Best of all, his world was blanketed in snow—soft, endless, and promising all the fun that could be had. Curly had always had a knack for athletics, playing hockey in middle and high school and continuing his passion for sports (especially snowy ones) well beyond his school years.
It was his love for sports that had brought him here—at the bottom of a ski slope, chest heaving as he wiped snow off his goggles. Tugging the tinted eyewear off, he shoved them into his pocket and bent to undo the straps of his snowboard. Pulling the board up and tucking it securely under his arm, he began trudging through the snow back to one of the many lodges in the area. Heavy footfalls kick up snow behind him as he tries to avoid getting in the way of others. The sun beat down with unrelenting intensity, its angry rays glaring off the snow, blinding anyone who tried to see. This proved unfortunate for Curly, as, just when he thought he was in the clear, his foot caught on something, sending him sprawling face-first into the snow.
“I-oh gosh, I’m so sorry!”
A small, shaky voice broke through his disorientation. In his attempt to push himself up and spit out the snow in his mouth, he stumbled and felt hands grab at his shoulder and arm, trying to hoist him to a steady position.
“I didn’t mean to be in the way! Oh my gosh!”
Still disoriented, Curly used his gloved hands to wipe the obstructing snow from his eyes, not waiting to see before trying to offer a comforting reply.
“It’s no trouble-I should've been watching where I was walkin’, after all.”
His reply is cut short as his eyes adjust to the light and meet those of a woman. Your hands are quick to brush the snow off his shoulders and chest, but it wasn’t that in which caught his attention so suddenly, it was the crestfallen look you held.
"No, no. In hindsight it was a bad decision to...well, mope where I did..."
You chuckle bitterly, letting your hands drop back to your sides and dangle limply as your posture wilted. Your sour tone was not lost on Curly but how he should response was. On one hand, there was an obviously saddened stranger in front of him...on the other there was an obviously saddened stranger in front of him. He shifts from foot to foot for a moment, weighing his options before clicking his tongue against his teeth and eyeing you.
"Maybe you're right, mopin' at the bottom of a ski slope where ya could get hurt isn't the best idea...but perhaps ya'd rather mope on a walk to my lodge with me?"
He offers casually with a genuine smile, hoping to break the tension. Being kind was second nature to Curly, always willing to extend a hand to anyone in need, but he recognizes how-just maybe you, a young women-wouldn't want to accompany a stranger to his lodge spilling your woes to him (especially not after tripping him.). He sees you freeze, mulling over his offer before finally sighing and raising a hand to wipe your nose, eyes finally meeting his.
"Are...are you sure you don't mind? I really wouldn't want to bother you, especially after making you eat snow."
A deep laugh grumbles from his chest as he shakes his head.
"I really don't mind; I wouldn't offer if I did."
His words do reassure you slightly and his chuckle was fairly enticing. A small smile perches itself on your lips as you laugh softly along with him.
"Well, if you insist. please, lead the way."
He sends you a smile, blue eyes crinkling in extension, and turns slowly beginning to make his way to the distant lodges. You're fast to follow behind him, not really wanting to be alone in the cold right now. A stranger, it seemed, was better than nobody.
"So," He begins after a beat of silence, his voice light, "My name's Grant Curly, but ya can just call me Curly if ya'd like. Who do I owe the pleasure of tripping over?"
He throws you a playful grin, trying to lift your spirits as you two slowly trudge through the dense snow. A grin appears on your once saddened face and Curly can't help but feel slightly proud of himself for the shift in your mood.
He repeats after you, drawing out your name as if seeing how it rolls off his tongue.
"Well, Y/N, if you'd be willin' to share, I'd like to know what ya had so upset."
Another sour laugh escapes your throat at the remembrance of the events that occurred prior. The weight of it seemed to settle in your chest. Taking in a deep breath and letting the nipping air fill your lungs, you sigh.
"It's all so silly and embarrassing, really. I was here with a group of friends and we were all having a good time-I mean, I thought we were...but I guess I'm just a slow learner."
He quirks a brow and hums in curiosity, wanting to further understand.
"Slow learner?"
"Yeah." Your face flushes red slightly as you push through. "I can't ski. They were supposed to teach me, but-like I said-I'm just too slow of a learner I suppose. Not much fun to be around someone who can't ski at a ski resort."
You all but grumble the last part, mostly to yourself in all honesty.
"I take it they didn't stick around long enough?"
He asks gruffly, brows furrowing in contemplation.
Your disheartened sigh was all that filled the air, followed by a brief loll. Curly could feel the weight of your disappointment. He didn't like the idea of anyone being alone unwillingly during break, especially not someone who seemed as kind as you. In that moment, he made a split-second decision that he would be so thankful for in years to come. Suddenly, his voice rings out with an "on the whim" offer that has you rubbing the back of your neck, the cool air feeling like a savior against your flushed skin.
"Eh, forget about 'em. I'll teach ya, if you're still interested in learning."
"Oh! You really don't have to do that! I wouldn't want to impose on your trip. Plus, you're probably here with friends, family-maybe a partner."
This time, it was his turn to be embarrassed as he let out a chuckle, stopping in his tracks turning to face you. Crossing his arms over his chest with a gentle smile gracing his lips, he shrugged.
"Nope, I'm here all alone. You truly wouldn't be imposin' on anything. I'd rather enjoy the company...especially if it means I can show off my skiin' skills to a pretty girl."
Wide eyed, you sputter slightly before hiding your face behind your hand and scoffing shyly.
"Well, then I'm glad have met you...I'd love to, if you'd have me."
A triumphant look plasters across his face as he holds his elbow out for you to take like the gentleman he is.
"It would be my pleasure."
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mossplot · 3 months ago
curly and jimmy relationship headcannons right fucking MEOWWWW (sfw and nsfw?)
YIPPIE ANOTHER ASK!!! So as I’ve stated on this account I don’t do Jimmy x Curly but I can do a less romanticized version of how a relationship like that would look like!
-Jimmy and Curly have a very unhealthy codependency. (Less on Curly’s side and more on Jimmys)
-ever since middle school Jimmy has relied on Curly to even function, this in turn makes Curly feel responsible for Jimmy and his actions almost like a parent would a child.
-Jimmy has scared off friends and lovers leaving Curly dependent on him with the belief that no one cares for him like he does.
-anytime Curly is succeeding in ANYTHING, whether it be in the gym, in a job, schooling, or even just having a good day, Jimmy feels the need to knock him down a peg or two.
~”What’s got you so happy? You passed a really hard quiz? *scoff* A 73? Thats not really an accomplishment…”
-Curly has scrambled to pick up the broken pieces of Jimmy, convinced that somewhere in there he’s a good person.
-that belief is dying-fast.
-inviting Jimmy to work on the Tulpar was his last Hail Mary to show Jimmy (and himself) that he was a competent adult.
-we know how that turned out…
-as previously mentioned, I firmly believe that Jimmy would have a fantasy in which he dominates Curly.
-Curly once caught Jimmy jerking off to a picture of them in college but decided to never address it. Due to this, he has no idea that these fantasies exist in Jimmy’s mind.
-wants to prove to everyone (Curly included) that he isn’t half the man he thinks he is.
-in his fantasy, he wouldn’t mind if crew members of the Tulpar, past lovers and friends of Curly, and even sometimes his family accidentally witnessed Curly withering underneath him, eyes rolled back and mouth hung open in a silent plea for relief that only Jimmy could give him.
-in Jimmys eyes, that’s who Curly was, where he belonged. A subservient dog to only him.
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mossplot · 3 months ago
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Literally Swansea talking to Daisuke
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mossplot · 3 months ago
[in an alternate universe]
Y/n: Oh my god he’s on fire! Help him guys! *quickly pulling Curly’s clothes off*
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mossplot · 3 months ago
What turns them on? (As well as some general sexual headcannons):
TW: NSFW, Jimmy’s part is aggressive
-Curly is a gentleman!
-BUT he absolutely goes dumb at the sight of boobs.
-ever in an argument? Flash him. He’s too focused to even remember what you were arguing about.
-tight shirts pulled snuggly over them (meeeow!)
-he lives to please you, and with that being said he’s a switch. (leaning more towards soft/hard dom.)
-another thing: thick tummies and thighs!
-you cannot tell me Curly wouldn’t enjoy a bigger S/O.
-will enjoy groping and pawing at your flesh, feeling the soft on his fingers.
~”How much do ya weigh, darl’? Needa do somethin…”
-don’t take this question personally! You will find him in the gym the next day hip thrusting your weight. (and he’ll make sure he’s able to do it no matter your weight)
-really enjoys hearing you call him captain. It’s his title-everyone does, but the way it comes out of your mouth sounds different to him.
-I’ve always viewed Anya as a pillow princess. (maybe I’m just a munch)
-she’s basically bending over backwards for everyone all day as a nurse, let her have this.
-nothing turns her on more than hands ghosting her skin and whispered promises to be buried between her plush thighs.
-doing acts of service for her like washing her hair or cooking for her makes the pit of her stomach HOT!
-I think she’d like to receive it gentle, but give it a little more roughly as she’s mostly focused on herself before you.
-as I’ve already said, I think she’s bi with a heavy lean towards women.
-like Curly, also loves chubby people!
-I feel like her main type though is a tall, buff woman who could easily manhandle her but would NEVER.
-oh my god this guy is constantly horny.
-it makes sense since he just escaped puberty!
-he absolutely loses it at the sight of tight, revealing clothes. Doesn’t care what you look like but if you’re in a tight, short skirt/shorts with an under bust shirt on he’s foaming at the mouth.
-really big into teasing! He loves an individual who can say what they want without ACTUALLY saying what they want.
~”See Daisuke, I’ve got this itch in my throat…”
-he’s pulling you into the nearest private room, clumsily undoing the buttons on his pants.
-100% a switch. A desperate and pathetic one at that.
-fucks you like he’s in heat, full strokes to the hilt begging you to take it.
-really enjoys when you peg him.
-has tried to fuck you to cbat at least once to see if it actually works.
-it doesn’t.
-definitely the most vanilla of the group.
-his biggest turn on about a person is their legs.
-grew up in a time after poster girls, but when he was a teenager you could find him hunched over in his bed cock in hand ogling the expanse of their legs.
-missionary KING, loves watching your face as he’s pounding into you.
-he also really enjoys you riding him, he lasts longer that way too.
-like Daisuke, likes when you peg him but would never be the one to ask for it and hesitates to say yes when you ask
-views it as demasculinizing.
-one time pulled a leg muscle fucking you and had to call it a day.
-has a lessened libido due to age, but you can 100% understand why he has so many kids.
-I don’t even think I could write about half of the things he’s into…
-definitely steals the crews dirty underwear to sniff and jerk off into.
-the things that turn him on the most are: being a women that shows any ounce of skin, or acting in ways he deems “whoreish.”
-is NOT a bottom in anyway shape or form and will never be one.
-he is a mean top though, calling you names and degrading you.
~”Yeah, you would like this wouldn’t ya, bitch.”
~”Stop bitching and suck me off or I’ll find someone who’ll finish the job.” (He’s not bluffing.)
-loves the idea of free use and actively practices it with little to no regard to his partners feelings.
-I’m going to preface this by saying I do not ship Curly and Jimmy!
-Jimmy, since high school, has grown to resent Curly for being his stupidly perfect self.
-with that being said, Jimmy has this weird sexual desire to dominate Curly. To show everyone that big Ol’ captain Grant Curly is beneath him.
-He sometimes thinks of Curly when he’s fucking you. You can always tell when he is too because his already harsh thrusts grow impossibly rougher and his name tumbles from his lips in deep growls.
-Curly actually caught him once in college jerking off to a photo of the two of them but just decided against addressing it.
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Can you do Daisuke relationship headcanons? Just any relationship headcanons in general, I’m not picky
Totally!! Thank you for being an ask! I hope you like it! <3 :D
Daisuke Relationship head Cannons:
-this man ADORES you.
-I imagine he acts a lot with you like he does his little sister. (insert previous post)
-you want something? You got it. You want to go somewhere? He’s taking you.
-will follow you around like a puppy 24/7.
-has a lot of niche interests and hobbies that he would love to introduce you too!
-tries to make sure he leaves a good impression on your family. (After all, he plans on it being his family too!)
~”Did they say anything about me?” “Do you think they liked me?”
-LIVES for your validation.
-telling him how good he’s doing (in any context) and how much you love him has him melting in a puddle on the floor. 
-has a little page in the notes app on his phone dedicated to you and what you like. This is particularly helpful when getting and/or making you gifts!
-makes you playlists titled “MY POOKIE”, “MY SCHNOOKIUMS”, and (his favorite) “MY GUMDROP LOVEBUG SWEETHEART LIGHT OF MY LIFE APPLE OF MY EYE-“(you get the gist) with songs that remind him of you that he shares with you. 
-despite enjoying going on adventures with you and having your usual funky hijinxs, one of his favorite things is when you two are just coexisting doing your separate things.
-just being able to look over at you and think “wow, I’m so lucky…” and you looking over like “what are you looking at???” Makes his heart race.
-your dates are super planned out and personal
-he just really, really loves you and wants you to know it
-is not an arguer. In fact, the very opposite.
-one time, he had a dream you were mad at him and he woke you up crying.
-will always listen to you if you have issues and will set aside the humor and goofiness for a genuine, heart to heart conversation.
-doesn’t want you to find better, wants to be better for you.
-isn’t a particularly jealous person, but if he does notice someone getting too close to you, he will bring it up in a light hearted way that leaves you knowing he is bothered.
~”Hey! I know you’re a total babe, but remember you’re MY total babe!”
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mossplot · 3 months ago
Mouth washing character headcannons: :D
-has a CRIPPLING fear of letting people down.
-runs left and right and up and down, all over trying to please everyone.
-due to this, he gets burnt out fast.
-gives amazing advice to others, but (stereotypically) cannot follow the advice himself.
~”He said WHAT to you? You absolutely do not deserve that!”
~”Okay, yes. Jimmy did say that to me, but that’s different!”
-we all know Aussie Curly.😏
-i believe his accent would only be think and noticeable when showing a lot of emotion in his voice.
-he seems to be the pinnacle of health with all his weightlifting and snow sport hobbies!
-with that being said, I believe this man 100% lectures the other crew members about their health, eating habits, exercise regimens, ect…(yes, even Anya🙄)
-he does this out care! He’s not trying to be a stickler.
-100% smells of sweat and cheep yet fairly good smelling cologne. Working at Pony Express can’t afford you brand name things.
-Anya 100% enjoyes mint ice cream.
-also oddly specific, but I get the vibe that she’d enjoy peanuts but dislike peanut butter, claiming “it tastes totally different!”
-we already know she’s a try hard at board games, but don’t even get her started at team games like charades or Pictionary.
-I also feel like she’s an Ambivert, it all just depends on the situation and who she’s around.
-also isn’t a huge fan of physical touch unless she’s close with the person. If she is, she’s constantly touching them in some way 24/7.
-a gentle hand on their shoulder, feet touching as they lay at opposite ends of the couch, holding hands.
-she just really loves her friends.
-a huge girls girl.
-bi, with a huge leaning towards women, to be precise.
-gets overwhelmed very easily.
-has a very distinct laugh, a laugh that when you hear it-it is funnier than the joke that was told.
-originally wanted to be an astronomer and stayed up late looking out her bedroom windows connecting the stars in new constellations.
-closest to Daisuke.
-smells good, like lavender and rosemary-very earthy but it’s faint and not pungent.
-finds lint in his bellybutton 24/7.
-would lay in his recliner at home and not like what was playing in tv, but would also be too lazy to get the remote and change it, subsequently falling asleep instead.
-It’s obvious that he’s not great at expressing his love, this is shown by his interactions with Daisuke. This extends to his family too.
-was never able to offer more than a loose arm around the shoulder of his daughters or wife and a “Cheer up, it could always be worse.”
-despite this, the gifts (very personal and thought out I may add) he comes home with for them prove his love to them.
-used to be incredibly fit.
-secretly thinks Curly is a pushover and dislikes him for how he lets Jimmy treat him.
~”Now a REAL man woulda socked him something good!”
~”Please, Swansea. I can’t go assaulting my own crew!” (Ironic)
-his daughters and/or wife would periodically wake up to him stomping through the house, coughing, burping, farting, pissing loudly…basically all the things dads do.
-would always only walk around in underwear and shirt. (Not in a weird way)
-daughters would be MORTIFIED when they had friends over and they see Swansea waking up from his midday nap walking past scratching his ass in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear.
-is one of those old fashioned dads who threatens his daughters boyfriends.
-absolutely LOVES asparagus.
-one time “accidentally” hit Jimmy in the nuts pretending to swat a bug away.
-also doesn’t smell bad: a little like tabaco (I believe he smokes) and alcohol, but also a lot like motor oil and old spice.
-also a huge girls girl!
-100% has nipple piercings and you CANNOT convince me otherwise.
-had an Emo phase in middle school.
-is incredibly lucky at only board games. Anything else? Absolutely the worst luck ever.
-was generally liked throughout his schools due to his easy going and goofy nature.
-his guilty pleasure is Southpark and huddles away on the ship to watch it on his game boy (somehow).
-has jailbroken all his phones only to need to buy new ones to AGAIN jail break those ones.
-has a speed run channel on YouTube where he is actually really good and holds several records.
-did gymnastics as a kid and is incredibly flexible.
-loves playing board games with Anya just to see her get pissed off.
-will sit in medbay yapping to her for hours on end, switching from topic to topic with really no direction.
-draws little characters of all the crew members and hides them on the ship. Anya and Curly thought it was endearing, Swansea would never admit it but he did too, and Jimmy did NOT like Yimpy.
-loves watching asmr, especially scalp and hair play and jumps at the opportunities where Anya offers to play with and/or do his hair.
-despite being goofy and easygoing, he’s not stupid. He had decent grades in high school and continues to in college and can be serious when need be.
-I head cannon him as a big brother, who absolutely adores his little sister.
-oh! She wants this? He’ll buy it! She wants to go here? He’ll come with! Someone’s picking on her? He’s already taking care of it. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her.
-this man smells of sweetener. He must’ve rolled in a pile of of it because he reeks of it.
-100% has and still does jerk off to photos of Curly WHO SAID THAT?!
-had an okay childhood to a single father.
-has a tramp stamp curly convinced him to get when he (Jimmy) was drunk back in college.
-also weight lifts with Curly.
-has UNNECESSARILY hairy feet. Like, all over him is hairy, but his feet are just big bushes.
-actually fairly agile.
-is obviously a Brony (duh). Curly needed to borrow his laptop one time in high school and…never again.
-his best class in high school was art! Can do fairly decent sketches and enjoys it a lot.
-really, really likes newports.
-snores loudly. To the point it will wake up people on the ship and they’ll come complaining to him. He obviously doesn’t give a shit.
-ran a Reddit account back in high school posting r/im14andthisisdeep.
-regularly tried to steal or drive away Curly’s girlfriends in high school and college, claiming he knew what was best for Curly and they were taking advantage of him.
-takes a little less care of himself than the other members, so he smells a little worse. As an aroma of musk and sweat, along with Curly’s cologne because he can’t be bothered to buy his own. (sharing is caring, right?)
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mossplot · 3 months ago
New account after being off Tumblr for some time. Used to be HUGE into writing fanfic and only now getting back to it.
I write for a few different fandoms, mainly Mouthwashing right now so I can start out slow.
Take a chance and send me an ask!
I will write:
Pretty mush anything that’s not in the “I don’t write.”
I don’t write:
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