feathermark-blog · 7 years
Jikook Fic Rec!
Okay so this is a long time coming, I’ve been slowly collecting a bunch of Jikook fics so I could share my favorites. This is going to be a long ass post so beware. (There might not be a lot of strictly fluff stuff in here because who are we kidding? I’m a sin.) Also I’m half asleep while typing this so sorry for any mistakes, Sorry if I didn’t explain them well enough, I got tired. 
One Shots
Slitherpuff relationships are the best  : 
okay this is a series of three one shots and can I just say that it melted my heart? I love Harry Potter au so much, and this one is all fluffy and cute. Basically Jimin is a Hufflepuff and he’s Jungkook’s number one fan. Jungkook is the seeker for the Slytherin quiditch team. If you’re a soft this is your kind of fic, if you’re not a soft stan you’ll enjoy it anyway. 
When You Loved Me : 
I don’t really want to explain this one shot because it’s something that’s a whole lot better when going in blind. I will tell you that it’s angsty as fuck, and if you hate crying DO NOT read this one. But all of that aside I think everyone should at least try to read this because it really is absolute art. To this day, this is one of THE BEST one shots I’ve ever read in my life. 
home :
This is a really short One shot but I thought it was really sweet. It’s a lot of cuddling and some of that semi-in-denial-about-his-love-for-Jimin-Jungkook that we all love. 
You Read Me Like a Book :
Man oh Man I love this one shot. What is better than a short Jimin who is having trouble reaching for his book and a tall handsome Jungkook who is more than happy to help him with it? Nothing I really don’t think there is. This is fluff fluff fluffy so enjoy. 
Expensive Lips :
This is fucking DARLING. I really enjoyed this one. Basically Jungkook is sent to Sephora by his cousin(I think it’s his cousin), Jimin helps a clueless Jungkook out, and Jungkook becomes infatuated. There is also some quality smut at the end for you pervs ;)
Him :
Holy macaroni what a one shot. It features everything I love, photography major Jungkook, dance major Jimin, a fucking thick ass plot. If you haven’t read this first of all, Why? and secondly DO IT NOW. Jungkook is looking for a muse and he just so happens to meet a certain Park Jimin at his friend Hoseok’s dance recital. 
Park Jimin: Achievement of Desire :
I actually forgot about this one till I saw it in my bookmarks. It’s really sweet and the idea is so unique. Jungkook writes a book about how he fell in love with Jimin, there’s fluff and smut at the end because I know that’s what you are here for. 
Purr :
I love this with all my heart, seriously so so good. Jungkook thinks Jimin makes kitten sounds during sex so he gives him a cute little nickname. Except it’s not all fun and games when he accidentally slips up in public. READ THIS.
You’re My Genie, Lamborghini (You’re my Teeny Weeny Meenie) :
Okay so this one is hazy, I can’t exactly remember if I liked it or not. BUT! It did seem interesting enough when I skimmed through. It’s social media au. Jimin is a workout channel on YouTube and Jungkook makes dance videos. 
Starstruck :
Yeah so this is complete and utter filth. Jungkook is an idol, Jimin is on his staff, he ends up in Jungkook’s hotel room and they fuck. Plot wise it’s not the best but you know porn, it’s all about the sex… 
Phase One :
Filth once again. Jungkook is a dog hybrid and Jimin is his owner/boyfriend. You know the drill, Jungkook has a rut and they fuck a lot. I honestly hate myself for enjoying these kinds of stories. 
teeth over skin :
I don’t have an excuse for this one… Jungkook was Jimin’s “imaginary” best friend. Jungkook comes back years later to claim what’s his. This one is real kinky so you might not want to read it if shit like that bothers you. They have sex multiple times, the other members are involved a few times in a dream Jimin has… yeah it’s filth so enjoy. 
Like The Tide :
THIS ONE SHOT. It’s not all the way there in writing skill, but it is raw and super enjoyable. The shit head Jungkook AND Jimin is real, the fluff is real, the smut is pretty good. There is also side Yoonjoon or Namgi? Wth is Yoongi and Nomjoon’s ship name? 
Hook :
MY GOD. This is a series of eight one shots. I adore this to death, it’s so well written. The fluff is real, domestic Jikook is real, the sex is hot. Please read this that’s all I have to say. 
baby i like your style :
THIS IS SMUT!!! Camboy au, Jimin is a camboy… he meets Jungkook. They fuck. yeah… read the actual description because I’m not explaining this well. 
Stop Playing “Hard” to Get :
This is actually hilarious. A soulmate au in which everyone has something unique happen to them when they are near their soulmate. Jimin finds out that when he gets close to his mysterious soul mate he gets a boner. You can already guess that there is smut, but there is also a nice plot and some fluff too. 
your things next to mine :
This is a series of two one shots. Jikook are living together and this is basically just their domestic sex lives. It’s sexy and fluffy and I love it. 
Body Heat :
At this point there are so many of these I don’t know what to write anymore. Jungkook is a warrior who is freezing in the mountains. Jimin is a fire mage who takes him in. I don’t remember what happens but there is smut. 
What If? :
This shit got me in the feels. It takes place after they record WDTA and I just… Read it. Also there is smut so there’s that. Well it’s cute smut 
Damn okay that’s the end of the one shots, I really wasn’t expecting for there to be that many. Now time for the good shit, the chaptered fics. 
Chaptered fics: 
Riptide :
This is an 18 chapter fic. Jungkook is a trainee in Seoul where he meets Jimin. This is so fucking soft I can’t. There is angst but not so much that it’s unbearable. If you are a fanfic enthusiast I’m sure you’ve read this one before. 
Just Breath :
What is it with me and fics where Jungkook is a photography major and Jimin is a dance major or vise versa? I don’t know but I live for this shit. Jungkook see’s Jimin dancing one day and becomes infatuated. He needs to photograph based on a theme. That just so happens to be Jimin’s beauty. (14 chapters)
The Park Sibling :
OH MY, I’ve read this one twice if that tells you anything about it. Jungkook is new to school and he befriends Park JiHyun. They end up hanging out at Jihyun’s house a lot, and maybe it’s because Jungkook has developed a little bit of a crush on his brother Jimin. This shit is good, there’s smut, and fluff, and angst, and GOD I just love it. (9 chapters)
Butterfly :
FUCK, this fic is SO GOOD. I really can’t describe this because it’s something that you just have to read but damn if it doesn’t get me in the feels just by looking at the title. I do want to say that there are heavy mentions of past sexual abuse and past sex slavery. The angst in this is also pretty heavy. This is so fucking good though so please don’t pass on it. (35 chapters)
Sugar Daddy :
Don’t judge me for this one. It is really good though. Basically Jungkook loves shopping but he’s broke and he jokingly goes on a sugar daddy website. Long story short his super hot, way too young, professor happens to be looking for a sugar baby. There is smut in this, and it’s really good. (12 chapters)
Surviving Jeon Jungkook :
This is so fucking cute. Jimin is a sweet little angel who gets sat next to Jeon Jungkook, someone everyone is afraid of. Despite his reputation, Jimin finds it hard not to fall for Jungkook. (2 chapters) 
Wish You Were Here :
Have I ever said that there should be more online relationship AUs? Because there should be. Jungkook and Jimin meet on a dating app (booty call app) when Jimin is visiting America. Unfortunately Jimin has to go back to Korea before they can meet in person. This doesn’t stop them from developing a relationship over text. This has smut and fluff and basically everything I love. (7 chapters)
The Bet :
Okay if you haven’t read this where have you been?? But in all seriousness this fic is a classic. Jungkook and Taehyung make a bet that Jungkook would/wouldn’t be able to get into Jimin’s pants (who is notoriously single) by the end of the semester. There is slight angst and lots of fluff, also pinning. Jeonlous makes an appearance as well. READ IT. (11 Chapters)
Relax, Don’t Do It :
It’s been so long since I read this, but it’s still really good. Basically Jungkook loves to party and one day he goes too far and decides he will quit sex and partying, but then he meets Jimin. There is smut in this, there is some fluff. An overall great read. (4 chapters) 
More Than Your Body :
Yes I know, yet another fic where Jungkook is a film/photography major and wants to shoot Jimin for his project I KNOW I HAVE A PROBLEM. No but seriously this is so sweet and cute and just ugh. Read it, appreciate my weird fixation with this AU thank you  (5 chapters) 
Don’t Think, Don’t Speak, Just Smile For Me :
Fuck Ragi for being such a great writer seriously. Okay this is one of my favorites. Jimin is broken and his life sucks, but he finds hope in Jeon Jungkook’s music, it’s the only thing that keeps him alive. There are mentions of child abuse in this as well as mental trauma. The angst real and I kinda love it. READ THIS NOW! (27 chapters) 
Run Into Sin :
This is defiantly a high recommendation. Jungkook and Jimin are roommates though they aren’t that close. They are struggling with rent big time, until Jungkook finds an ad for a homemade porn contest that pays quite a bit of money. If you couldn’t tell already there is some juicy as fuck smut in this one. There is also fluff and angst. It’s really good, really fucking good. (6 Chapters) 
Thirst :
Okay this is a vampire AU and hot damn! It takes place in canon, except for the obvious fact that Jungkook is a vampire. The only one who knows about his secret is management and their leader Namjoon. Jungkook is good at taking care of himself and functions normally, but there is something about Jimin’s scent that absolutely drives him insane. This shit is so good. (3 Chapters) 
After Hours :
There isn’t much to say about this except that it’s a fluffy af coffee shop au. Jimin is a barista and his best friend Tae always visits to see Jimin’s boss Yoongi. Jungkook tags along one day and meets Jimin, things ensue. I don’t remember much about this one, but I did enjoy it. (17 chapters)
See Through (If You Will) :
Okay hear me out for this one. I absolutely hate Mpreg fics, like with a passion. But, I read this and I actually really enjoyed it. If you ever saw the movie Juno it gives off that kind of vibe. Basically Jungkook and Jimin get frisky while hanging out (as friends) and then Jungkook gets pregnant. There is a very small amount of angst. Trust me I was reluctant too, but I was happily surprised by what I read so I guess don’t knock it till you try it. (2 chapters)
Dream Maker :
Oh boy here we go. If you know Jikook fan fiction you know this fic right here. This has got to be my all time favorite. ITS SO FUCKING GOOD. I have seriously read this three times which is a lot for a fan fiction. This is seriously one of the best fics I’ve ever read and I can’t begin to describe how I feel about it. It focuses on Jimin and Jungkook living in a shit apartment, but getting through it with just the pure love they have for each other. God it’s so pretty and fluffy and there is this amazing dynamic between the two. There is also super domestic smut in here which I live for. READ THIS! (12 chapters)
Rubies for a King :
Okay YES. I didn’t even know that dragon AUs where a thing?? But I read this and it’s my new favorite thing. Lot’s of fluff and cuteness. There is smut too of course. (2 chapters) 
Picture (Not) Perfect :
Should I even describe this one? I’m now realising the extent of my issues. Jungkook is (guess what) a photography major and he’s shooting who for a project?! you guessed it DANCER JIMIN! I have serious issues. This one is a little different though, because Jungkook actually hates Jimin! wow angst! anyway this is actually good so you should read it. And I should find help for my problem. (12 chapters) 
Perfect Square :
YES YES YES! Domestic jikook for the fucking win. This is seriously just a bunch of domestic stories about Jikook living together. it’s so cute I want to cry. READ THIS (3 chapters) 
Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin :
Well Jimin presents as an omega which he really did not want. He didn’t have any omegas to give him advice so he has to go through this journey with no instruction. Honestly Jimin is super salty in this fic but it’s still good. Jungkook is an Alpha. ABO dynamics. (6 chapters) 
I got secrets that nobody, nobody, nobody knows :
I’m actually ashamed that this had made the list, and that I actually read this. Basically Jungkook discovers his pain kink… I’ll leave this here, moving on. (3 chapters) 
The Light Between Oceans :
DUDE, read this right now. basically Jimin is a fisherman who catches the eye of pirate captain Yoongi. When he is kidnapped and forced onto their crew, Jungkook is the only one that is nice to him. They form an attachment to each other. THIS IS GOOD. angst and fluff and smut. (7 chapters) 
Officially yours :
Okay I really don’t remember reading this but it was on my list so… the description sounds good so go check it out! Office au. (16 chapters) 
Pink Lemonades, Tattoos, and I love yous :
All I have to say is READ THIS. Good God please read this. There is lots of angst at some points but it’s so satisfying. Jimin is visiting his grandmother for the summer and her friends grandson is a complete asshole (nice going Jeon). Jimin hangs out with him anyway though becuase he doesn’t have any other friends. The character development in this is top notch. (25 chapters) 
Switch It :
My God this is such a good fic. It’s not finished though! I know I know I hate uncompleted fics but this is too good to pass up. I love fuck buddy AU so much. This is sexy and domestic and angsty and literally everything a good fic should be. all I have to say is READ THIS! (13/? chapters) 
On Patrol :
I think you all knew this would be on here. Once again fuck Ragi for being such a good writer. Do I really need to explain this one? Amazing Police officer AU. So many ships! So really it’s not only Jikook. Taehyung is Namjoon’s kid which is fucking adorable. There is angst and fluff and beauty everywhere. READ IT! (22 chapters) 
When God Blinks :
I honestly don’t remember much about this fic other than I liked it a lot. So go explore, see for yourself if you think it’s good. (12 chapters) 
I know I Can’t Have Him (But I Want Him Anyways) :
This is literary porn. Jimin is a sex addict, he fucks Taehyung in his car sometimes. He gets Jungkook to tutor him and he gets turned on so easily by everything Jungkook does. But Jungkook is a little virgin baby bean so Jimin has to real himself in. (4 chapters) 
Hold on to me, please :
Jungkook is a cute as fuck bunny hybrid that is shy and shorter than Jimin. Jimin finds him alone and scared and takes him in. Honestly the angst in this frustrated me a bit, but it’s still such a good fic. Also I’ve never read cuter smut than this so… (25 chapters) 
Be My First, Be My Last :
This fic right here has a special place in my heart. This was the first jikook fan fiction I ever read. I couldn’t leave it off this list. Jikook are neighbors, Jimin is a kindergarten teacher and his ex boyfriend Yoongi broke up with him right after Jimin had proposed. READ IT. I also just realized it’s a oneshot!? Anyway, it’s still good. (One chapter) 
Alright well that’s it for this jikook fic rec. Hopefully some of these appeal to you, and I’ve introduced good fics to people who have never read them :)
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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The car was filled with laughs as it drove to their destination. Hoseok was telling a story about how Taehyung broke his own foot by tripping over himself and how he screamed so much in the emergency room that they thought he was giving birth. Hoseok and Jimin were laughing their ass off while Taehyung was pouting at his boyfriend. Never noticing a vibrating phone. 10 minutes before their arrival, the van suddenly went to a complete stop. Making the three of them fall off their seats. "What the fuck happened?!" asked Taehyung. "Some lunatic suddenly went ahead and blocked me!" yelled the driver. Jimin got up and sat back to his chair. When he took a glimpse to see what happened, his face lost all its colors. "Jungkook" whispered Jimin. "What?" said Taehyung. Taehyung and Hoseok looked at the yellow lamborghini. They then saw Jungkook get off of the car and walk towards the door. "Tae, Hoseok hyung, i'm really sorry for this" Jimin quickly said as he gather his things. "Open this goddamn door!" yelled Jungkook from outside after he punched the car door. "Don't open the door" said Taehyung. "Taehyung please. Open the door, please" said Jimin as he was in the verge of crying. "JIMIN!" yelled Jungkook. "I am not letting you go out and be with that kind of person!" said Taehyung. "Please. Please. I'm the only one who can calm him down" said Jimin. "No! Do you know how crazy that sounds? Jimin, i'm not letting you out. Let's go Kyle" said Taehyung. "Taehyung please. He won't stop until I leave with him. Just please open the door" said Jimin as tears started streaming down his face. "PARK JIMIN!" yelled Jungkook then Jimin faced him. "Baby, i'll get out. I'll get out" said Jimin then he looked at Taehyung. "I'll explain everything tomorrow. I promise. Just please open the door" said Jimin. Taehyung was confused. He wanted to protect Jimin from Jungkook but Jungkook's actions kept getting worse as he kept punching the car door. "Please" said Jimin. Taehyung looks at Hoseok. Hoseok then bit his bottom lip and nodded. Taehyung then sighed and looked at the driver. "Open the door" said Taehyung. Jimin smiled at Taehyung. "Thank you, Tae" said Jimin as Jungkook opened the car door. Jungkook then grabbed Jimin and pulled him out of the van. "Jungkook, Jungkook" said Jimin as he placed his hands on Jungkook's cheeks, trying to calm his down. Jungkook then pushed Jimin to his car as Jimin continued to calm him down. "You broke the rules" said Jungkook as he gripped on Jimin's waist. Jimin groaned in pain as he continued to stroke Jungkook's cheeks. "I know. I know. I'm so sorry, baby" said Jimin then he kissed Jungkook, stroking him to calm him down. Jungkook hungrily kisses him as he place his rage into his kisses while he grips Jimin's waist tighter. Taehyung and Hoseok was watching as Jimin tried to calm Jungkook down. They want to help but with the act that Jungkook was displaying, Jimin was the only one who can calm him down. "Let's go" said Taehyung then the driver put the van in reverse and drove away. "I won't leave again, baby. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" said Jimin as more tears streamed down his cheeks. Jungkook was breathing heavily as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist. "I promise I won't do it again, baby. I swear. I love you" said Jimin then he kissed Jungkook's cheeks. "I love you, I love you, I love you" said Jimin as he pecks Jungkook's forehead, nose and lips. Jungkook then looked down and smiled. Jimin smiled after he saw Jungkook's smile. Jungkook then looked up and smirked at Jimin. "You're gonna come home with me" said Jungkook then Jimin stopped and looked at him, in fear. Jimin then looked at where Taehyung's van was located and saw that they we're already gone. Jimin then looked at Jungkook and nodded. "Okay" said Jimin. Jungkook's smirk got bigger. He opened the car door and shoved Jimin inside it. He then went in and drove off. Love and Stockholm - Jungkook is a racer and Jimin is a college student. 4/_
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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There was a part we didn’t see </3 Poor Jiminie, no one really accepts true romance anymore except Jungkook.
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
Any sub!Jungkook fics?
Take Care of Me | Consequences | Of One Sided Crushes | Not-so-innocent Innocence | Lil’ Bunny Cotton Tail 
change your mind | Noge Do Poda | Late Night Play Date 
like everybody else | Noge u Zrak | stronger than love (more dangerous than infatuation) | Bitter taking | “Dance With Me, Hyung” Pt 2 
Touch | You Have 15 Minutes 
good boy | My Master | Addict | Mark Me to Prove you Love Me  | Put Me on a Collar | Bad Boy | Teach me a lesson, Hyung | honey bun, sugar plum | Cologne | a little death 
heat | I’ve Been Waiting For Your Touch | May you find some comfort here. | taste the rainbow 
(Be My) Good Boy. | game changer | Hyungs’ Revenge | good boys get rewarded | Naughty Readings For Naughty Readers 
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Love and Stockholm - Jungkook is a racer and Jimin is a college student 3/_
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
Love and Stockholm
Part 1 Part 2
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
Whats the summary of your new au?
I think the whole story will just end up with a sad ending. But maybe it won't be. Let's see.
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
What be this?? Love and Stockholm?? I NEED ANSWERS. I NEED MORE. BLESS YOUR SOUL. ♡
It's about a racer who fell in love with Jimin. Jungkook is a high school drop out but was no stranger to Jimin. They went to the same high school and that's when Kook fell. That's all for now. I can't reveal too much, it'll spoil everything hahaha!!!
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Love and Stockholm - Jungkook is a racer and Jimin is a college student
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Love and Stockholm - Jungkook is a racer and Jimin is a college student.
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Expectation vs Reality: Blood, Sweat & Tears (video)
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Army Challenge - (2/4) favorite pairings                                                                                    ↳Jin x Jungkook 
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
Lmaooo! I cant with your au! "its not like im gonna sleep with him hyung" *proceeds to sleep with him* could u also number the posts cuz then i can know if ive missed any parts?
Oh yeah sure. I'm sorry for that hahaha!!!
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
Love love LOVE your AU 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you!
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
I'm so confused with jikook au Obsessed. Can you please label or update your masterlist please and thank you?
Oh yeah, sure. I'm very sorry. It's just that I update the au through my phone so that's why it's like that but don't worry, I'll update it. Thanks.
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Obsessed - Jungkook is the CEO if Jeon Corporation and Jimin is his assistant.
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feathermark-blog · 7 years
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Obsessed - Jungkook is the CEO of the Jeon Company and Jimin is his new assistant.
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