#catnip man
pirate-kitties · 2 years
I think everybody needs to see this hilarious little thing that was posted to the official Puss in Boots tiktok. It's a parody of that one Old Spice commercial.
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wallissa · 3 months
One thing I love about Hughie is that he’s the main character, but in such a “y/n” way. Completely unremarkable, ordinary loser who gets dragged into a life of crime and adventure by accident and whom everyone falls in love with upon meeting him, most of the time for absolutely no reason. Butcher wants to be his manic pixie dream psycho so bad, but then also breaks his own back to protect him. Frenchie and MM would kill Butcher if it weren’t for the fact that it’d make Hughie sad. Annie is a 10000/10 and wants to spend the rest of her life singing cringy teen music with him and and easing her way into pegging him. A-Train ended up with his life hopelessly tangled with Hughie’s and can’t seem to let it go. Victoria spent her breaks sharing snacks with him, knowing he’s murdering Supes — and never stopped trusting him, to the point where she came to him when she had every reason to believe he’d want her dead. Soldier Boy literally escaped endless torture and spent 90% of his newly won freedom trying to impress Hughie by putting on a little macho man show for him. The only person who’s truly immune to Hughie and his “putting his hair in a messy bun before getting sold to 1D” charm is Homelander, who genuinely just hates him. Fascinating character design, all in all.
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ashleyeveerson · 6 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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meirimerens · 5 months
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same old piece, new puzzle / my kingdom and your kingdom and the 5 years wide distance between the ruins/between us.
melody so kindly transcribed for me months ago by. multiple followers of mine who I'm so sorry i forgot who you were. if you're reading this absolutely insane ear and almost miraculous talent to me.
very likely distorted beyond readability and playability in the process but nonetheless from this:
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yeah so i'm falling for @weevmo's Guys... they're so neat! i dig their vibes and can't wait to see what Corduroy Stew is all about <3
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airlocksandaviaries · 10 months
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you have GOT to be kidding me
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0hwonderboy · 5 months
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erm… sorry, rolan
(art by the fucking guy ever @bonjeacon-peakdeak // @/bonjeacon on twt! giving you a bazillion sloppy smooches on your mouth lips)
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
hmmmm. i'm thinking abt the fact that we've never seen c!alan apologize for what happened when he first met the CG again. do you think he still thinks about it but just isn't sure how to bring it up. do you think he sometimes just remembers it when he sees the others flinch when he gets angry. do you think about it. i do
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poi-rinch-lover · 3 months
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This man!!! 🔥😋🔥😋
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druizard · 3 months
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He broke Rolan's tail.
George, I can't believe you've done this? XD
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turnipoddity · 9 months
Accidentally suggested a community label for your heartbeat comic because my Wifi failed and I was tapping the screen so furiously to get it back……
maybe there should be a community label of “catnip for gays”
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No wonder Armand wants to rail this old man.
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demonwebs · 4 days
"why does everyone keep thinking i'm a vampire damn it!" grumbles the suspiciously pale 'elf' with red eyes and fangs u just recruited
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unfortunatelyevent · 1 month
an anoyances to reluctant allies to friends to lovers ship was everything I needed to be completely sold on this podcast
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ratatatastic · 6 days
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this started off as a joke but folks i dont think im gonna have enough space and we are only (looks at calendar) 4 days into the new season
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possamble · 6 months
realizing im kind of a weirdo about laios and marcille
#possramble#ignore this im just babbling but#the thing is that like. i don't ship laios and marcille together. their relationship is so so important to me in that laios comphets himsel#and THINKS that he might be in love with her but he isn't and that's my insane obsession#platonic soulmates for real but they're so sweet together that i fully expect them to be shipped together#like i get it. that's almost the appeal for me. if dungeon meshi were any other series there'd be an epilogue where they get married#convention dictates that they're meant to be together as the male protagonist and his beloved female deuteragonist#but dungeon meshi DOESNT do that and i love it so fucking much they're the comphet besties ever for my strange little brain#like if i ever did an arranged marriage au it would absolutely be laios and marcille having a platonic political marriage and then just#the most insane mutual pining with marcille and falin while laios and marcille struggle their way into becoming best friends#the imagery of the king and his beautiful court mage being tender to each other and everyone thinking they're in love is like catnip to me#like yeah they'd be like that and have no idea people think they should be together and the subversion makes me so obsessed#the more people ship them romantically. the more i enjoy their platonic dynamic it's like some sort of weird comphet fetishism idk#people think they're in love and im outside the window like YES... YES!!!#but also the second i see stuff of them kissing on the mouth or fucking im like oh god no i went too deep in here i gotta get out#don't wanna see that. i'll go feral over the idea of laios and marcille being arm-in-arm like king and queen but they would not fuck.#i want marcille to be his default comphet beard and dance partner/plus one at official royal events but they're not kissing.#she's there on his arm because he's scared of the other noble women tryna get him and being a baby about it#and people see them muttering to each other and laughing and generally being very sweet and think that they're dating but they're not.#she's actually covered in hickies from falin underneath her dress and is gonna get dragon dicked right after the party is over#like she's in her bedroom and falin's helping her take her ridiculous dress off while listening to her complain about politics#and falin is the person she goes home to the person she falls asleep to and wakes up with#they're a triad of utter devotion to each other but only farcille's side of the triangle is romantic#it's almost like an open secret because they're not trying to hide it at all but people assume and are surprised to find out#like people are so right about her relationship with the toudens but with the siblings' roles switched#love of her life & irreplaceable life companion. does anyone get it#anyway. i don't know what's wrong with me#it bothers me that they're not the undisputed most popular het ship for marcille on ao3#it's unnatural. marcille being paired with any other man should be a fringe case.
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