#cathy pillar
parokka · 5 months
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missy morphosis
i feel like i should make the first drawing's head bigger
her name came from one of the initial rejected name suggestions for cathy
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alaskacoolkid1 · 7 months
Happy Cathy :>
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Cathy Pillar, to Lammy: I finished all your blood tests and I'm happy to see you're perfectly fine. Cathy Pillar: Now I hope this finally convinces you that I'm not a bad doctor! Cathy Pillar: *holds up two buckets* Anyway, here's your blood back.
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parachutingkitten · 5 months
Happy Mother's Day to the BEST Mom in all Ninjago:
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milkcanslam · 2 months
Cathy Pillar x Teriyaki Yoko? I love bug yuri
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americanhoney913 · 1 month
Can you please explain why you think each animal in your daemon post represents each character’s personality?
These are just my thoughts on why each daemon was chosen. Thank you for asking about them!
Kate's kestrel- I really wanted to give Kate a bird and I think she would have one that can be found in OK. Especially since she is so tied to where she comes from. And her kestrel represents freedom for Kate, the ability to sense and ride the wind. She's also opportunistic, patient, and precise in action. Which is something a kestrel represents. She's observant and able to predict/sense patterns in the wind. But I didn't want a big bird of prey, so I chose a kestrel.
Tyler's Redbone Coonhound- Tyler's got a strong will and will follow his instincts. He's reliable, strong, and loyal to those he loves. He's also really enthusiastic about what he loves. When you've learned his loyalty, he'll stop at nothing to protect you. I think a coonhound fits him and I went with a redbone because, well, Tyler's really associated with red in the movie, so it fits.
Javi's raccoon- Javi's adaptability helped me pick out a raccoon for him. Yes, they're trash pandas, which I think fits Javi's snacking habit. They're not always trustworthy but I think they're courageous and can represent change. Because Javi changes a lot during the movie, which I love for his character arc.
Boone's hyena- I really chose Boone's hyena because of how much he loves life and how bright his laughter is. I can see him and his daemon sharing a laugh because of everything. He's the one who's going to tell people to lighten up, relax, and take life a little easier. But he can also be serious and extremely protective of who he considers his family. And he works really well in a group, which hyenas are known to do.
Lily's Great Eared Nightjar- The Great Eared Nightjar feels very much like it would be a great companion for Lily. She, like, Kate, seems to be drawn more towards the sky than the ground. In a different way than Tyler or the other Wranglers. Nightjars can represent intuition and remembering to be aware. I also think it's perfect for Lily because she would have a daemon that's really unique. People nicknamed it the Dragon Bird and if anyone's going to have a cool daemon, it's Lily.
Dani's opossum- It was hard to come up with daemons for characters that don't have their backstory or character fleshed out too much throughout the film. However, thanks to those in the Twisters discord, we were able to figure out which daemon to give to Dani. Opossums are opportunistic, resourceful, and considered strategists. Dani just gives me the same kind of vibe.
Dexter's bearded dragon- Dexter is another character that doesn't get too much backstory/character fleshing out as a tertiary character. And, again, Twisters discord coming to my rescue. They're adaptable and resilient. I think Dexter very much gives off a "dad of the group" vibe which fits the wise teacher representation of a bearded dragon.
Ben's hedgehog- I thought it would be really cute if Ben had something small enough to fit in his pocket. Small and prickly but also meant to represent protective, introverted, and cautious. Which fits Ben very well. Although he seems to change at the end of the movie, his daemon would have Settled long before he decided to write about American storm chasers.
Cathy's Tobiano American Paint- Cathy's horse represents just how tied she is to where she lives. Horses can mean strength and freedom but they can also mean guidance and forward movement. A pillar of strength for Kate, even if Kate wouldn't accept it. Courage and dedication, which Cathy is. She's loyal to Kate and her friends and her farm. I wanted her to have a beautiful horse and an American Paint is perfect.
Addy's clouded leopard- I picked Addy's daemon based on the fact that clouded leopards are extremely good climbers. Which is harsh because Addy can't climb up the ledge. But, looking further into what a clouded leopard can represent, it really does fit her. They're inquisitive and love to explore. Less cautious as well, which is what we see with Addy vs Praveen in the car before the storm. This is another character that obviously doesn't get much screen time but I'm working with what little we're given.
Praveen's burrowing owl- Like Addy and Jeb, we don't get much in the way of knowing this character before the end of the first scene. But, I believe that he would have a burrowing owl because they represent being grounded, which also helps when we learn Praveen got struck by lightning. He's resilient for that but is cautious in the face of the storm, like a burrowing owl.
Jeb's black bear- I think Jeb is probably really protective of his friends. He seems to balance Kate, to ground the rest of the group in the little time we get to know him. He probably has a great deal of patience. Jeb seems to like sleep but isn't lazy. He's also got quick thinking and problem solving.
Scott's asp viper- Scott seems like a slippery snake so we in the Twisters discord group thought an asp would be good. Snakes can be seen as protectors but also be deceitful. And I think Scott falls in line with the latter.
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Happy, happy birthday, @hey-august! As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two. Kidding! Wish you aaaaall the best! Thank you for your support, our talks and jokes! A-a-and look who came to congratulate you!!
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"I don't want, Cathie-pie!"
"Come on!" Catherine dragged Buggy up the stairs by the hand.
"Why should I do this? I wanna go home. Let's go home and lie on the couch! I swear I won't pester you if we leave right now!" Buggy looked at Catherine with a pleading smile.
"Believe me, clown, nothing will happen today anyway." Catherine rolled her eyes and pulled him by the hand. "God, you're so heavy!" She groaned. "Let's go! We have to do this! Every time you go to prison, she's nice to you. And to me. Though, I think there's sympathy in her eyes because a smart girl messed with you. Come on!" Catherine grabbed Buggy by the pants and pulled him toward the door.
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Buggy giggled. "Your hands on my pants. Fuck!"
"Shut up, idiot! I told you, don't count on anything! You're punished for three days!"
"But why?"
"For what you did to me yesterday, blue-haired pervert. You didn't have to separate your hand while I was in the shower. God, I'm embarrassed to even remember that." Catherine reddened.
"You didn't complain, cotton candy." Buggy started imitating her voice. "More, Buggy. Don't stop, Buggy. Music to my ears."
"I hate you!" Catherine punched him in his shoulder. "Shush! We're here." Catherine walked into the bright room with shelves. "Hello, Miss August!" She waved to a brown-eyed skinny girl with blue and pink hair, who was sitting at the table at the police station, sipping her coffee.
"Miss Catherine? What? What happened? He's in the cell again? Strange. I haven't seen him. Let me check." Miss August flipped through the list of inmates. "He's not here, Miss Catherine."
"No, no! He's with me! Right here!" Catherine saw Miss August's questioning look and looked around. There was no one behind her. "What the fuck? Buggy?! Where are you?"
She heard.. silence.
"I'll be back in a minute." Catherine smiled and disappeared behind a pillar. "Come here right now!" She whispered through her teeth.
"I don't want to! Why do I have to do this?" Buggy whispered back.
"I already told you. Let's go! Now!"
"Geeez! Shit! How are you doing this, little shit? Why did I give in to you again?"
Catherine and Buggy appeared from behind the column again and walked towards Miss August. Catherine grabbed Buggy by the pants from behind so that he wouldn't run away.
"Miss August, I heard that today is your birthday! I really wanted to congratulate you for your kind attitude towards me and Buggy. Our wish for you on your birthday is that you are, and will always be happy. Please enjoy your special day and accept this gift from us." Catherine pointed at Buggy theatrically, who was standing motionless. "Give her the gift! Now!" Catherine whispered.
Buggy became red as his nose and took out a bouquet of yellow lilies and a rose velvet cake from behind his back.
"And the second part of the gift?!" Catherine looked behind him.
Buggy rolled his eyes, took out two boxes and put them on the table.
"Happy birthday, Miss August." He mumbled.
"The gifts? For me? You didn't have to worry about, Miss." Miss August sniffed the flowers. "So beautiful! Thanks!"
"No, we wanted to congratulate you. You're always so kind to me and my clown. Remember recently you gave Buggy a phone so that he could call me from his cell while you were being checked in prison. You said that there were some not very good people here. And thanks to you, I managed to get Buggy out while some Flinegan was wandering around here."
"Magellan, Miss Catherine." Miss August chuckled.
"Meh, whatever." Catherine waved her hand.
"Always glad to help you. Thank you!" Miss August opened the boxes. "Oh, a new coffee mug, a candle, a handcuff keychain with a picture of your bones, Mr. Buggy. A little ball for my dog. Aaaw, thank you! And tickets.. to the circus?"
"Yes, there's a great show tomorrow. Here are tickets for you, your boyfriend, and your parents. I hope you enjoy it!" Catherine clenched her fists in glee and let out a little squeal. "Thank you for being so patient with my troublemaker." Catherine stroked Buggy's back.
"He's a nice guy, Miss Catherine and I love chatting with him from time to time. He must be fun to live with." Miss August looked at the mug and smiled back at Catherine.
"Yep." She giggled. "Every day is like a fucking carnival."
"Thank you so much, Miss Catherine! You know, I'm going to make myself some coffee and eat this wonderful cake now." Miss August opened the box with cake. "Oh! Would you like to join me?"
"Sorry, we have plans." Buggy took a step back, but Catherine had a firm grip on his pants.
"We'd love to join you!" Catherine grinned.
"But cotton candy..."
"I said that we would join, Buggy." Catherine hissed quietly.
"I have some booze, too." Miss August shrugged.
"You know, plans can wait." Buggy rubbed his hands together happily. "Let's celebrate your birthday, Augie!!"
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Quickly, While They Still Have Horses
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Quickly, While They Still Have Horses: Stories by Jan Carson
i am really getting into this little microgenre of connected surreal short stories/vignettes/narratives. Craft was so excellent, and Rakesfall broke my brain in great ways, and Tauhou was so dreamlike and encompassing. Quickly falls right into this tiny category for me, more on the short story end of things than the others but still feeling like it's creating a world that looks like some part of ours, with just the smallest unreal quirks.
the connective tissue here is the political and social landscape of Northern Ireland, and the shadow of the Troubles across stories that span time, borders, boundaries, and peace lines. the emotional logic of the surreal elements—a severed hand that keeps reappearing in a fridge in Ulster, a Catholic ghost haunting a used car bought by Protestants, miracle healing offered and joked about and achieved—hits just right in a setting haunted by violence and division and getting on with life in spite of those things. if a bomb could go off anywhere, any moment, and a fenced wall divides that sort's neighborhood from this sort's, then why couldn't a pillar of heatless fire and smoke be a mental health support device? even the stories that aren't explicitly surreal deal little electric shocks of surprise, highlighting grief or numbness or resilience or love within the mundane everyday.
for half a minute i thought about picking a favorite story to highlight in this review, but looking through them i don't think i can! each one was so sparkling and funny and breathtaking like a punch in the chest. i have endearing love for a woman who admires her lesbian sisters-in-law and does her best to support her soft-spoken husband. i laughed so hard at the adolescent impulsivity and shitheadedness of kids who threw a burning baby doll over the peace wall. i can't stop thinking about the boy who chooses to believe his blind friend when he says he's been healed and wants to learn to drive, and the girl who spends all summer working for a space of her own and is denied by a father who must be recontextualized in that moment between childhood and growing up. what a treasure trove of jewels.
the deets
how i read it: another e-galley from NetGalley, i'm still playing catch-up! but i'm definitely going to buy this one when i have the chance.
try this if you: are delighted by dialects written out, are into surreality, enjoy stellar and quick character development, or dig getting dropped into the day-to-day culture of a place.
some lines i really liked: gosh the prose is just so beautiful
At high tide the seaweed swims with me. Its smooth tongues lap my arms and legs. I think about Jonah in the belly of the whale, all those slick intestines sliding against his skin. I feel small in myself and held.
In a way, it's good to be kept busy. It wears the howl out of her. She wonders if it is the same for Dad. By the day's end, there's no talk left in either of them.
After Rob, I lost the sea. I let Malcolm have it. I did not want it anymore.
The pair of them are always getting on like this. Smiling. Touching. Kissing each other in unusual places such as shoulders and earlobes. They are stupid happy. I wouldn't want to be a lesbian myself, but I envy Cathy all the same.
You start being honest with each other, and it's like opening what's-her-name's box. You never know what'll come slinking out.
pub date: July 9, 2024! go get it and read it!!
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joshuadunshua · 1 year
Actually what if I made a post that’s just a thread of suggestions for expanding your understanding of feminist theory? Feel free to add!
I’m a scholar, admittedly, so my contributions are all either books or essays, and they range pretty widely in terms of ease-of-reading. I’ll highlight the ones that are less dense and less incredibly academic in language.
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center — bell hooks (book)
Feminism Is For Everybody — bell hooks (book)
The Will to Change — bell hooks (book)
if you struggle to or just don’t want to read works that use textbook/academic language, I can’t recommend bell hooks enough. Her work is intentionally written for people not already familiar with feminist scholarship, it’s written for the common person not eyeball deep in The Literature™ because you should not have to be in order to learn more about visionary feminism & why it’s important for everyone.
Multiracial Feminism: Recasting the Chronology of Second Wave Feminism — Becky Thompson (article)
Feminism in ‘Waves’: Useful Metaphor or Not? — Linda Nicholson (article)
Unlearn mainstream feminist history! ^
The Combahee River Collective Statement
The Transfeminist Manifesto & Postscript — Emi Koyama
The Transunitist Manifesto — Luke B.
Required reading imo. ^ none of these are very long!
The rest just come very strongly recommended:
Black Feminist Thought — Patricia Hill Collins (book)
Re-Thinking Intersectionality — Jennifer C. Nash (article)
Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics? — Cathy J. Cohen (article)
Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy: Rethinking Women of Color Organizing — Andrea Smith (article)
The Social Organization of Masculinity — Raewyn Connell (article)
And if I had to pick two things that aren’t available for me to link you to online, it would be:
Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions (2nd ed.) — Lisa Wade & Myra Marx Ferree (textbook)
Bananas, Beaches, and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics (2nd ed.) — Cynthia Enloe (book)
Technically that first one is an academic book but it is well written and, especially for a textbook on such a complex topic, rather easy to read.
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parokka · 3 months
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11 minutes left!
this was very experimental but eh
im trying to limit myself to finish doodles and not take more than 3 hours just to put out stuff once in a while lol
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok we are SO back 1 hour yet again let's get these redeads
EWWWW the weird tree from before is like...birthing them. so gross
ZELDA?????????????? omg evil zelda time!!!
lol how buliara in these voiced cutscenes just grunts. cmon just dont have her here
i saw something flying that looked like a giant dragonfly? but it had limbs? glowing eyes????
and im like: no way. no way no way no way. but i shot it down. killed it with fire. gibdo bones. THEY HAVE INSECT WINGS AND THEY FLYYYYYY
cathy did say "wait for it" when i asked if they were scary. kill it WITH FIRE those bitches are NOT gonna get the jump on me i'm a seasoned veteran
oh wow. theyre called gibdo HIVES. whats worse than redeads? making them BUGS!!!
oooh am i gonna build town defenses...that's really cool
ok. ive prepped!!!! im nervous!!! but we are doing it!!!!!!!!!
absolutely WICKED thunder and lightning happening outside rn. totally rainless. the ambience.......
that was really. really scary
lol and immediately a blood moon. rip.
awww barta let me fire the canon and got scolded lol
EWWWW gibdo WING!!! gross loot
oh man going thru the sand shroud and getting beset upon by redeads...bad. they were shambling slowly and i got em fast but i don't like not being able to see them from a distance
oh my god this light puzzle 🥺 it really IS like the spirit temple...i LOVE that throwback weh
um.......idk what to do at this second pillar lol. do i like turn it? hit it?
sidetracked by a shrine. monsters around it, quicksand, the works. walking in quicksand is CRAZY i just noticed how fast it drains your stamina......
found a travel korok lol. sorry buddy you're gonna have to wait. i cannot see shit
i'm just gonna look up this pillar thing. rip.
YES ok theres a pushing wheel thingy i missed bc of the shroud. ok
tbh thank fuck for my sandboots i could never do this with having to walk slowly
AAAAAA i found more redeads. a trail of arrows stuck in the sand leading up to them...spooky
this puzzle being a triangle <3 triforce iconography
it's fake zelda........................................
i gotta admit, it's less shocking once you know she's really flying around up in the sky lol
oh my god oh my god oh my god THIS IS ITTTTT this is the thing from the trailer!!!!
oh. gibdo hives bad
lightning temple! i knew it would be lightning
weh the music.
my god it's HUGE...i guess i just have to get to the top?
remind me of the pyramid from alttp lol. like The one yk
every time i think i'm at the top i find more layers!! am i even doing this right? if there's a cool way to do it i don't want to miss that...
i made it, but nothing up here...there must be a way inside i'm missing
omg you can blow away sand with tulin's ability lol
ok i went back down and...nothing. i guess i gotta look it up :/
ok, maybe i did it wrong
What The Fuck Is That.
i don't have this desert armor upgraded like at all <3 i'm getting my ass beat <3
lol and now i'm supposed to get to the roof from INSIDE...girl i already did that from OUTSIDE
i wanna see the temple tho so i'm going
oh wow this is AMAZING...this feels like a proper dungeon
there's bones in the hole below this bridge. like, gibdo bones. like loots. feels like a trap
only one way to find out i guess
and a keese wing. no trap. that's so weird has someone been fighting here or something
eugh a redead in this room. as creepy as it is when they shamble just watching them lie there is somehow worse
this bobby trap just scared the SHIT out of me. wtf
just checked my map. this shit has SEVEN FLOORS and a basement??? no wonder the climb took so long.......truly a proper dungeon...........................
A TRAP!!!!! there was a hive in a hole and TREASURE in the hole but i couldn't attack the hive until i got the treasure!!! when i was in the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, im getting ym ass kicked. gotta change back into real armor. much as i love dressing to match the set
this construct did scare the shit out of me btw
OHHHH the mirrors :( just like the spirit temple...
ok, i made it to the temple proper. gotta quit here bc i have an early morning, rip :( i cant waaaait to sink my teeth into this one!!!
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Lammy: *looking at Cathy Pillar's medical degree* "Hardvard"? Cathy Pillar: Yeah, it's a hard school. That's why they call it Hardvard.
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tachyonblu · 5 months
Had a great discussion with Mercoffdaperc, we went over much of the history of GamerGate in detail. We also discuss the more recent Sweet Baby Inc controversy and the ALT+F4 conference. Details over what we go over below!
We discussed Doritosgate, the Cole Nasrallah and Zoe Quinn incident, the Wizardchan incident, online harassment, The Zoe Post , ethics in games journalism, the burgersandfries IRC channel run by Thidran, Gamers Are Dead articles, GameJournoPros, Brianna Wu's involvement with #GamerGate, DeepFreeze, ChangeTheCover & SaveTheCover, the Pillars of Eternity tombstone controversy and the Lionhead Studios cleavage day controversy.
Plus SPJ Airplay with Ashe Short, Cathy Young, Christina Hoff, Michael Koretzky, Ren LaForme, Derek Smart and @libertarianblue. Plus SavePoint at SXSW with @pixelmetalgames, my panels at Arch Anime and Natsucon. The cancellation of my panel at ArchonSTL, the Honey Badgers being banned from @calgaryexpo.
Plus CometCon canceling the debate with Kukuruyo and our thoughts on Brian Martinez's position. Progressive Victory, including Counterpoints and WhickTV embracing disclosure and greater transparency. The ZachAttack incident involving Mombot. My 2018 GamerGate debate in Saint Louis.
We also discussed Vivian James, GamerGate meetups, @timsoret being unfairly attacked, the Alec Holowka incident, the Sweet Baby Inc controversy, Kabrutus misrepresenting Yiyi Zhang's video, how Destiny inspiring me to become a streamer, the Bianca Devon incident, the allegations that Adin Ross's community engaged in harassment against Destiny. Plus the upcoming ALT+F4 conference hosted by LTU.
Watch here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=s0TFuo7m31Y
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market-news-24 · 5 months
If you're on the lookout for the next big thing in the cryptocurrency world, Ark Invest's Cathie Wood might just have the answer for you! Known for her forward-thinking investment strategies, Cathie has pinpointed one top cryptocurrency that is poised for explosive growth. Before it soars to a staggering $1 trillion valuation, discover which digital asset could transform your portfolio. Don't miss out on this potential game-changer in the crypto arena. Stay tuned to find out which cryptocurrency is making waves and why it deserves a spot in your investment strategy. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Ethereum, the renowned cryptocurrency, is on the brink of an unprecedented leap in value, potentially tripling its worth to hit a staggering $1 trillion Market cap in the coming decade. This prospective growth spurt in Ethereum's Market value has stirred excitement and speculation among investors and crypto enthusiasts alike. The conversation around Ethereum's future has been fueled by predictions from high-profile figures in the investment world, such as Cathie Wood of Ark Invest. Wood, recognized for her bold forecasts in the crypto space, including a significant $1 million price prediction for Bitcoin, has turned the spotlight onto Ethereum with her optimistic outlook. She suggests that Ethereum could not only outperform Bitcoin but could also witness a colossal increase in value, positioning it as a $20 trillion asset by 2030. Ethereum's potential growth is rooted in its foundational role in the creation of a decentralized financial system. This system is built on the pillars of smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and the broader blockchain technology, collectively known as DeFi (decentralized finance). Ethereum's dominance in the DeFi space is evident, with nearly 60% of all DeFi activity globally running on its blockchain. The bullish investment thesis for Ethereum hinges on its disruptive potential in transforming the traditional financial ecosystem. It promises to lower transaction costs, spawn new revenue opportunities for financial service providers, drive financial innovation, and broaden economic participation beyond the affluent circles. According to Ark Invest's "Big Ideas" report, this disruption presents a $20 trillion Market opportunity. However, for some, the math behind these astronomical numbers might raise eyebrows. With Ethereum's current price hovering around $3,000 and a total supply of 122 million tokens, achieving a $20 trillion Market cap implies a price of roughly $165,000 per Ethereum token. This represents a more than 5,000% increase from its current valuation, dwarfing its previous all-time high of $4,892. Such valuation would not only see Ethereum potentially eclipsing Bitcoin in Market value but also suggest a combined crypto Market cap comparable to the S&P 500's current total value. While some may find Cathie Wood's extreme bullishness on Ethereum a bit far-fetched, even a more conservative growth estimate could see Ethereum achieving a $1 trillion Market cap, which underscores its potential as a significant investment opportunity.
Investors and crypto enthusiasts pondering on whether to buy Ethereum now should consider this $1 trillion Market cap as a plausible future metric. Embracing Ethereum at this juncture might be a strategic move, especially for those betting on blockchain technology's capacity to revolutionize the global financial system. If Ethereum reaches its full potential, it could indeed ascend to the lofty heights of a $20 trillion asset, as predicted by Wood, placing it among the giants of the tech industry in terms of valuation. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] Sure, here are five FAQ-style questions and answers regarding the top cryptocurrency to buy before it hits a $1 trillion valuation, following insights from Cathie Wood: 1. What is Cathie Wood's top cryptocurrency pick expected to reach a $1 trillion valuation? Cathie Wood is a big believer in Bitcoin. She has predicted that Bitcoin could hit a $1 trillion valuation in the future because of its increasing adoption and potential as a digital gold. 2. Why does Cathie Wood think this cryptocurrency will hit a $1 trillion valuation? Cathie Wood mentions several reasons, including its growing acceptance by institutions, its limited supply which could drive demand, and its potential to become a global digital currency and a store of value which could make its value skyrocket. 3. How long does Cathie Wood expect it to take for this cryptocurrency to reach a $1 trillion valuation? While she hasn't specified an exact timeframe, Cathie Wood's outlook is quite bullish, suggesting she believes it could happen within the next few years depending on Market trends, regulatory developments, and advancements in technology. 4. Where is the best place to buy this cryptocurrency according to experts? Experts often recommend buying cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, from well-established, secure, and reputable exchanges. It's important to do your own research to find an exchange that fits your needs in terms of fees, security, and user interface. 5. What should investors do to prepare for investing in this cryptocurrency? Investors should firstly educate themselves about cryptocurrency markets and the specific risks associated with investing in Bitcoin. Setting up a secure wallet for storing their Bitcoin, understanding the volatility of the Market, and deciding on a long-term investment strategy rather than looking for quick profits are important steps to prepare for investing in Bitcoin. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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liz-is-thinking · 8 months
Online Citizenship
An individual who acquires the competence to make responsible and efficient use of digital resources is known as a digital citizen (Future Learn 2021). Good digital citizenship entails being able to use technology responsibly and safely, as well as to participate in online communities in a positive and considerate manner. 
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The responsibility of the digital citizen in order to improve community health and welfare is based on four pillars(media smarts. 2022). 
Empathy and Community: One of the primary aspects is to respect the emotions of others, build a caring online community, and understand and honour different points of view (Riccio 2022).
Positive Technology Use: An online citizen uses technology appropriately, not becoming overly absorbed or spending too much time in front of displays. This not only promotes overall health but also helps to combat issues such as internet addiction. Fostering a pleasant digital environment entails encouraging the use of technology for learning, creativity, and social connection, among other beneficial purposes (LinkedIn2023).
Sharing Information: Everyone who uses the internet should be cautious about what personal information they make public. This includes ensuring that information is accurate before sharing it, refraining from distributing misleading information and protecting people's privacy (Media Smarts. 2022).
Ethics and Privacy: Ethical decision-making in the digital domain necessitates familiarity and commitment to digital ethics. Digital ethics entails making ethical decisions in the online world. This includes respecting people, maintaining integrity, and contemplating the ethical consequences of online conduct (Oxley 2010).
Future Learn. “What Is Digital Citizenship? | the Basics for Teachers.” FutureLearn, 3 Sept. 2021, www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship-teacher-guide#:~:text=A%20digital%20citizen%20is%20a.
LinkedIn. “Importance of Digital Citizenship.” Www.linkedin.com, 2023, www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-digital-citizenship-ritika-maurya.
media smarts. “What Is Digital Citizenship?” MediaSmarts, 8 Aug. 2022, mediasmarts.ca/digital-media-literacy/general-information/digital-media-literacy-fundamentals/what-digital-citizenship.
Oxley, Cathy. Diversity Challenge Resilience: School Libraries in Action Proceedings of the 12 Th Biennial School Library Association of Queensland, the 39 Th International Association of School Librarianship Annual Conference Incorporating the 14 Th International Forum on Research in School Librarianship. 2010.
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bookoformon · 1 year
Alma Chapter 43, Part 1. "Unto Bloodshed."
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Alma and his sons preach the word—The Zoramites and other Nephite dissenters become Lamanites—The Lamanites come against the Nephites in war—Moroni arms the Nephites with defensive armor—The Lord reveals to Alma the strategy of the Lamanites—The Nephites defend their homes, liberties, families, and religion—The armies of Moroni and Lehi surround the Lamanites. About 74 B.C. "Insolence" continues.
There is open rebellion against the New Commandments Alma gives the people. The Zoramites, who showed some potential become Lamanites, as they are unwilling to embrace the truth their paper words are woefully inaccurate. Woefully!
Moroni = Moron + i.
A Moron is "almost enlightened but not quite" and i means "responds to supplication" in Hebrew.
The Nephites are in trouble. so God sends a partially enlightening spirit to help them survive the doubly reinforced Lamanites "dullnesses."
1 And now it came to pass that the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them. And Alma, also, himself, could not rest, and he also went forth.
2 Now we shall say no more concerning their preaching, except that they preached the word, and the truth, according to the spirit of prophecy and revelation; and they preached after the holy order of God by which they were called.
3 And now I return to an account of the wars between the Nephites and the Lamanites, in the eighteenth year of the reign of the judges.= the Temporal Plates.
4 For behold, it came to pass that the Zoramites became Lamanites; therefore, in the commencement of the eighteenth year the people of the Nephites saw that the Lamanites were coming upon them; therefore they made preparations for war; yea, they gathered together their armies in the land of Jershon.
The 18th Year concludes a sequence that started with the 16th.
16= the mini refuge of peace
17= therefore
War, in Judaism is an analytical discussion, so this means the confrontation between the Nephites and the Lamanites over the New Commandments will produce substantive arguments as to why they are appropriate.
5 And it came to pass that the Lamanites came with their thousands; and they came into the land of Antionum, which is the land of the Zoramites; and a man by the name of Zerahemnah was their leader.
Thousands of Lamanites are 3043, גאֶפֶסדג, gapesdag, "an abhorrent overabundance".
Antionum=exchanging the Pillar of the Sun of the people
Zerahemnah= "Rising support of the brotherhood."
=Idolatry during a time of intense apostasty. This guy Zerahemna is the sun rising in the wrong window and he is breeding more Lamanites to take to war.
6 And now, as the Amalekites were of a more wicked and murderous disposition than the Lamanites were, in and of themselves, therefore, Zerahemnah appointed chief captains over the Lamanites, and they were all Amalekites and Zoramites.
Amelakites are gossipers, evil chatty Nancy Cathies so it makes their leader put them in charge of the side of the army of the apostates. Captains, on the other hand, are according to the Torah supposed to lead the charge out of Egypt, not rally support for it:
"And it was on that very day that all the hosts of G‑d [in Hebrew, "tzivot Havaya"] - left the land of Egypt." (Ex 12:41). The following verse explains:
7 Now this he did that he might preserve their hatred towards the Nephites, that he might bring them into subjection to the accomplishment of his designs.
8 For behold, his designs were to stir up the Lamanites to anger against the Nephites; this he did that he might usurp great power over them, and also that he might gain power over the Nephites by bringing them into bondage.
9 And now the design of the Nephites was to support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children, that they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies; and also that they might preserve their rights and their privileges, yea, and also their liberty, that they might worship God according to their desires.
10 For they knew that if they should fall into the hands of the Lamanites, that whosoever should worship God in spirit and in truth, the true and the living God, the Lamanites would destroy.
11 Yea, and they also knew the extreme hatred of the Lamanites towards their brethren, who were the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, who were called the people of Ammon—and they would not take up arms, yea, they had entered into a covenant and they would not break it—therefore, if they should fall into the hands of the Lamanites they would be destroyed.
Recall the Anti-Nephi-Lehi who traded up to the belief that minting or use of weapons was not of God.
12 And the Nephites would not suffer that they should be destroyed; therefore they gave them lands for their inheritance.
13 And the people of Ammon "disciples" did give unto the Nephites a large portion of their substance to support their armies; and thus the Nephites were compelled, alone, to withstand against the Lamanites, who were a compound of Laman and Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael, and all those who had dissented from the Nephites, who were Amalekites and Zoramites, and the descendants of the priests of Noah.
14 Now those descendants were as numerous, nearly, as were the Nephites; and thus the Nephites were obliged to contend with their brethren, even unto bloodshed.
The compound of Laman and Lemuel= the dreams of insanity produced when Ishmaelites, who hear, respond and obey to gossip and heresy as a result of once upon a time listening to an evil King Noah who taught violence towards the prophets instead of obeisance was how things were done.
Bloodshed is the loss of time and happiness caused when noble persons have to once again deal with the bullshit of ultra-religious people whose desecendants were lost in time.
We do this in America every day, we have been doing it for centuries, this constant struggling between the slavers, the religious folks and our modern system of reforms and civil rights. Who knows when it is going to stop. Try as some of us might, the fighting never seems to lose its appeal.
Even still, we are going to add "do not mint or use weapons" to the list of Commandments found on the Plates.
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