#spj airplay
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tachyonblu · 4 months ago
"I felt Christina Hoff Sommers was trying to place GamerGate within a broader social context, and they didn't seem to want to listen. But I felt it was actually quite important to do that in order to understand the buildup to it." Inside GamerGate author, James "Grim" Desborough, felt vindicated by SPJ Airplay, warned people about Milo.
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gamer2002 · 7 years ago
So it’s fascinating that Schreier is publicly insulting some of his fellow journalists – and they don’t even understand the insult.
It’s also weird that he thinks GamerGate “created” the Kunkels or “demanded” I do it. Especially since he’s never talked to me or Ferrendi. You’d think an award-winning journalist would do that before publishing stuff.
Schreier’s odd outburst has brought me back three years. I can now reflect on an irony: I got involved with GamerGate to teach journalism to assholes, but GamerGate taught me about journalists being assholes…
Michael Koretzky of SPJ writes about the recent Kunkel awards drama.
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givemeyourtired · 8 years ago
Sometimes I take a gander at the Gamergate page on Wikipedia just to see how writers of the article have shaped up the events. And yeah...it still is written with a strong STRONG bias in favour of the “victims”, Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkesian, Brianna Wu, Kotaku, ArsTechnica, Tim Schaefer, et al. 
Like the whole page only reads as “so Gamergate did tons of harassment and got these media sites shut down or under fire, but there was no substantial evidence for them to do that and GG is in the wrong here, this is a case for the history books of an age where misogyny and sexism ran rampant in social media because gamers and the alt-right”. Seriously, they accredited GG with the alt-right at the end of the page, like...do you actually know any gamers? Oh, I see...your references for that sentence are 2 articles from The Guardian and 1 article from the Washington Post, yes totally unbiased news sources. 
For the record, most GGers are actually quite liberal, we uphold values of individual freedoms of all walks of life: class, race, sex, etc, we do want diversity but only if it is befitting to a story or game and not to be done as pandering for social advocates who likely don’t even play said games, we see people for their character and actions as opposed to their identity as the sole arbiter for how we should judge them, and that no matter someone’s innate identity, they deserve basic human rights. 
What is strongly shocking is that nowhere, NOWHERE in that article is the mention of SPJ Airplay and the verdict/judgement deigned upon GG by the Society of Professional Journalists. For those who don’t know, SPJ is the longest running journalism society in America and focuses on defining what is and is not ethical journalistic practices. They investigate cases where journalistic ethics have been called into question and deem if the published stories are indeed ethical in reporting said stories. For the record, SPJ, after reviewing the whole GG controversy, did indeed find multiple cases of ethics violations in journalistic coverage of GG. SPJ found that GG was not being interviewed or reported on in a fair manner, often times people reporting negatively about GG never once having interviewed actual GG proponents. SPJ also found that GG was largely strong-armed by multiple media companies (e.g. Kotaku, Polygon, Vox, ArsTechnica, The Mary Sue, Buzzfeed, Jezebel (mainly any media company run by Gawker Media)) reporting on GG in strongly biased and antagonistic fashions without having fact checked their information or statements. In fact, the only mention of SPJ on the whole Wiki article about GG is a reference note, the reference itself talking about how bomb threats were sent to the SPJ conference with GG. So...why is the Wiki article not actually reporting the harassment GG clearly faced there and in other venues/events? I think we know why.
So once again, the GG page is clearly written by anti-GG people who clearly and blantantly show their unethical practices of excluding vital information and purposefully leading readers to conclude the authors’ biased ideas. These writers simply just want to lump everything about GG in with everything else they crusade against (the alt-right, Trump, sexism, misogyny, transphobia), despite little to no connections whatsoever. It’s sad to me because Wikipedia is such a potential for good by contributing to the invaluable sharing of knowledge in the world. I’ll continue to use it for sure, but I won’t trust any of its articles about political happenings whatsoever, that much is clear after seeing blatant biased article writers weaving their own echo-chambered webs about sociopolitical events. Why does this keep getting ignored?
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apgnation · 9 years ago
#SavePoint - Gamergate Gets a Panel at SXSW
[OP] #SavePoint - #GamerGate Get a Panel at @SXSW#
Image courtesy of The Open Gaming Society
I have to admit I was a little surprised when I saw that the #SavePoint panel had been confirmed. Gamergate, even for the internet’s bogeyman, doesn’t have it easy when it comes to organising discussions—just look at what happened at SPJ Airplay in Miami this August. Bomb threats galore.
If you are unfamiliar, which is nearly impossible if you use the…
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honeybadgerradio · 9 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRnihy_I24M) 
Director’s Cut of “Badgers Investigate SPJ Airplay!”   
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deadgamerstalking-blog · 10 years ago
Dead Gamers Talking 8/20: SPJ AirPlay/Youtube Ethics/RE2 Remake + more
Welcome to the 8/20 edition of the Dead Gamers Talking show!  For ease of use, I embedded the panel discussions and aftermath videos in the show notes so everyone can have access to them in one place if they so desire.  Hope everyone enjoys this weeks show!         Streamed live on Aug…
Dead Gamers Talking 8/20: SPJ AirPlay/Youtube Ethics/RE2 Remake + more was originally published on Dead Gamers Talking
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tachyonblu · 6 months ago
In this unexpected dual topic video, @silverwolfcc and I discuss games journalism, SPJ Airplay and her thoughts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
An excerpt: "Yes, extremely, extremely [pro-Ukraine]. I actually had been following Ukraine, and one of the reasons I got into really linking so much journalism and focusing on journalism ethics was because I was following it back when they first had the Orange Revolution. So, I have been in it since Yushchenko and Yanukovych.
I actually even compared some of the Trump stuff to, like, he's just pulling a Yanukovych here. And I know that my friends who were with me back then—which was a very long time ago because it was before GamerGate—were aware of this. That was actually another reason I was following GamerGate, because I had been following the Yanukovych era. I was already kind of anti-journalism in the US because of how poorly they handled the Orange Revolution. Also, because it was post-Occupy Wall Street, and they were kind of worried this is what that's going to be like, and I was kind of more like, 'This is exactly how it's going to play out here, and everyone needs to pay attention.' I kind of felt let down that most journalists were not paying attention, so I had gotten very used to trying to find alternative sources on news or on-the-ground footage when it came to Ukraine.
So yes, I'm also extremely pro-Ukrainian because I had to make literal friends who spoke English in Ukraine so I could get information. I was like, "I need better sources than what I'm getting in the States." I was liking other people too and helping journalists find it, and that was well before Trump and before Putin even went into Crimea. I was covering that when it happened, actually—I think I have it still up on my Dreamwidth and whatever, some of it." -CC
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gamer2002 · 8 years ago
Either way, I’ve been asked why the Kunkels are offering such an inflammatory award. It’s not like most gaming journalists respect us in the first place. Won’t this just make it worse?
Maybe. But the Kunkel Awards seek to improve gaming journalism by teaching both readers and reporters what’s excellent. That’s why we insist on blunt judges’ comments.
Sometimes, though, you learn best by knowing what not to do.
The goal here isn’t humiliation. It’s education. So this is the only Kunkel Award that comes with a prize: A free year of SPJ membership.
Let the jokes about that begin.
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satiricaljusticewarrior · 10 years ago
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Update for Aug 15-21
Satirical cartoon about SPJAirplay, and about it’s true importance.
Bomb threats are irrelevant. Relevant is, that there was a debate. 
Not with Ben Kuchera, who is willing to become a hypocrite to ridicule any opposition (http://gamer2002.tumblr.com/post/126613089171/ben-kuchera-speaks-against-those-who-want-to-tell) or goes straight to people’s employers over quoting his own articles, because he is angry over something he misinterprets  (https://archive.is/IpGZ9#selection-3727.0-3733.0)
Not with Leigh Alexander that used stereotype of autistic children in her venomous text (https://archive.is/nWG2P#selection-1619.256-1614.7), not to mention refers to people in such mature manner as shitshlingers, and sends her followers on a guy who asked for a free discussion (https://archive.is/hITeX).
Not with Arthur Chu who is capable only of going on fuck you rampages (http://gamer2002.tumblr.com/post/103202071066/recently-ive-reblogged-and-archived-arthur-chu)
And not with anybody else who can only sit in own ivory tower and look down at other people.
But with actual, professional journalists. Even if there were disagreement with some (khem khem Koretzky khem khem), GamerGate being given a chance to speak and be listened cannot be denied.
That is important.
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lunararchivist · 10 years ago
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hellonheelys · 10 years ago
What the flaming fuck did I Just witness
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disposable-ninja · 10 years ago
I stopped watching SPJ Airplay
Fucking hell, this Koretzky guy is insufferable.
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tachyonblu · 2 months ago
"Just moderate the debate—don’t jump off the ledge. You’re supposed to be the moderator, and that’s where you should have been at the time. But I understand how he was. I was crazy back then. He probably was stressed as well." Leon GunSteel gives his take on SPJ Airplay and says Derek Smart had to "pull Koretzky back" from the ledge.
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gamer2002 · 8 years ago
Not going away. Last year’s inaugural Kunkel Awards didn’t exactly grab the gaming world by the throat.
Many gaming journalists purposefully ignored the Kunkels. They were suspicious of SPJ AirPlay, the 2015 live-streamed debate about the ethics of the gaming press. Onstage were several GamerGate proponents. (GamerGate opponents refused to attend.)
Then there were the gamers who called the Kunkel Awards a hot mess and complete shit.
Still, we’re encouraged…
Distrust and loathing are far better than apathy and ignorance.
For all the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, we still got nearly 300 entries last year.
The original reason for the Kunkel Awards hasn’t changed.
So today, we open nominations for the second time. Tomorrow, we’ll start explaining our two new categories. One of them is sure to be really hated.
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askcherrypie · 10 years ago
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[SECOND UPDATE]: The event moderator just gave some details - the threat specifically claimed a detonation time of 2:45pm, and called it directly into the police AND the Miami Herald.  Some reports are saying as many as TEN threats were made.
[THIRD UPDATE]: The evacuation is being extended to the entire neighborhood.  People are being moved out of their homes.
[FOURTH UPDATE]: It has been confirmed a total of FIVE bomb threats were sent in.  Police and fire department considered these to be credible.  The “all clear” has been sounded and everything is now wrapping up. 
(Apologies, I was writing on the ongoing “Airplay” event being held by the Society for Professional Journalists, and the moderator just reported on a bomb threat.)
The SPJ is one of the primary organizations in the United States for the development and promulgation of journalistic ethics. Outfits like the New York Times swear by the SPJ's Code of Ethics, and reporters throughout the mainstream news industry are likewise held to its standards. Some are even fired, from time to time, for breaching it.
...and so far, they are strongly agreeing with #GamerGate's positions.
Of six panelists at the "SPJ Airplay" event now going on, one is a formal member of the SPJ Ethics Board --- and she is a very strong figure in that regard, having actually written part of the Code. Lynn Walsh has been knocking it out of the park for #GamerGate all morning, with Regional Director Michael Koretzky serving up fastballs for her as moderator. Koretzky is a no-nonsense type who takes an adversarial role versus #GamerGate, but Walsh regardless has been unflinchingly critical of the media narrative which has led to GG being called everything from "misogynist" to a "terrorist group". ...I have to stop here, as the afternoon session has just started, and Koretzky has reported a bomb threat has been called in to try and stop the forum from proceeding. SPJ is proceeding with the forum regardless. 
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pochahontasphoenix · 10 years ago
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Getting pissed off cause SPJAirplay isn’t going the way you want.
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